#Buddy McSnarly
sam-da-sloth · 2 years
I just finished Earthspark and OH MY GOSHGFHHBBNNHH. I loved it. I require more. Give me my precious content, or there will be problems.
My honest review of Earthspark.
Things I loved:
Steve Blum.
Megatron calling Twitch ‘Little Bird’ absolutely melted my heart because, next to him, she is sooooooo tiny! It’s adorable.
Buddy McSnarly. Buddy envisions everything I aim for in life.
Dot and Megatron’s dynamic was beautiful. They were so cool together. I love the fact that even though Dot is a human he laughs with her and treats her like a friend. If I don’t get a whole lot more of them in the next season there will be problems.
The fact that they only draw attention to Dot’s prosthetic once and it’s when she’s telling the bad guy that she was harmed by the war too, is awesome. It shows her not letting it get in the way of her day-to-day life. She fights giant alien robots like a badass. We need more characters like her in modern media, people with disabilities that have normal lives. I love the way she was portrayed.
Swindle was awesome. I loved tfa swindle and I think tfe Swindle is my second favorite portrayal of him.
Twitch’s swords were awesome.
Nightshade. REPRESENTATION BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. FUCK. YEAH. I have wanted a non-binary transformer since I first got into transformers and my wish was finally granted. I love Nightshade and they better have an important roll or I will throw hands.
The fact that Megatron seemed to have better morals then Optimus, intrigued me.
Steve Blum. (part 2: electric boogaloo)
Lazerbeak was adorable and I want to hug him.
Soundwave looked awesome. (Flat Fuck Friday)
The main cast of humans wasn’t just white with a black person thrown in so they could say they have a diverse cast.
Hashtag calling herself Sparkplug and then saying they want revenge on Skywarp because and i quote: “We used to be roommates (insert picture of Hashtag and Skywarp on a bunk bed) in the bad guy academy (insert picture of them staring into each other’s eyes blushing and holding each other.) The fact that Skywarp uses she/her pronouns makes this even better because it means: Imaginary Lesbian Relationship.
Episode III: Return of the Blum
Things I disliked:
The fact that the smoke and fire were 2d while everything else was 3d bugged me immensely.
Mo’s head and eyes seemed like they were twice as big as everyone else’s was kinda weird but that’s probably just me nitpicking.
Starscream showed up for less than 10 seconds. For 5 seconds he was just a silhouette and it lit him up, he did and evil laugh and then the episode was over. W H Y. WHY MUST THEY TORTURE US WITH FALSE HOPE. I NEED STARSCREAM CONTENT. AHHHHHHHH- (in all seriousness I can’t wait for more Steve Blum as Starscream. He did an amazing job in tfp and I can’t wait to see what he does now.)
All-in-all Earthspark was awesome and I can’t wait for more content.
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