#Bucky ladyboner barnes
empyreandarkling · 7 years
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I was going to do this yesterday but I was getting my hair done today so I figured, I should probably wait until the opportune moment~
I was tagged by the ever gorgeous @multi-purpose-tool-guy to post my lockscreen, homescreen, current tunes (IAMX ROCKS MY WORLD!), and a selfie from today, so there you go, in all my Queenie-coloured glory!
Also, my phone is dead in a ditch somewhere because we are estranged from eachother (Yes, I am a phoneless heathen. Fight me.). Screenshots are from my Ipad because that’s the shit I use when I’m not laptopping it.
I tag: @adelaiderain, @forshadowedchaos, @only-1-a, @perceptions3key, @trust-me-im-satan, @linddzz and @frostisass
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