#Bucky Barnes x mutant reader
sebsgirl71479 · 2 years
Remember Me
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Bucky Barnes X Mutant Female Reader!Latina
A/N: This story is something that is near my heart. Not only is it a part of my culture but a character in the story is based on someone I lost many years ago. If there are any words that are in Spanish I will translate them. I really hope you enjoy this story. Also credit to Nix on Instagram for the Bucky edit. 
Warnings: Tiny bit of sadness, fluff galore
Being a part of the avengers has been a dream of yours since you were a teenager. Ever since you developed special powers at the age of 13. You've always sensed that you had a connection with animals, when you turned 13 all of a sudden when you woke up one morning with your dog CJ staring at you with a tilted head like he was waiting for something. 
You ruffled his ears and through your mind you could hear him say “i like when you do that, thank you y/n.” then you said “you’re welcome buddy.” That's when you freaked out and fell off your bed just staring at your dog. From then on you learned on your own to hone your powers and find a way to be recruited by the avengers. By the time you were 25 you caught the eye of Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. Someone had filmed you out in the forests of northern New York helping a wolf that was injured, fitting that the wolf had white fur. 
They couldn't believe what they saw, you approached the wolf with no fear looking at his leg that was injured and reaching for your backpack and taking out med supplies to clean his wound and wrap it up. Before the wolf walked away he came up to you and bowed his head to touch yours as a thank you for saving him and he turned to walk away and howled. Telling the other packs that she was a helper and to trust her. 
They had to find out more about you, they tracked you down a few days later walking the same forest but this time you had an animal walking with you like he was your pet. They didn't approach you too quickly so as to not scare you or your pet which was a beautiful reddish brown wolf. You could sense them and once they were in your peripheral vision looking forward you spoke to them. “ It's ok, Apollo won't bite unless I tell him to.” That's when they came out from behind a tree and introduced themselves. Apollo sat next to you as they came towards you to introduce themselves. You locked eyes with Bucky and it's like you could feel a pull towards him, but shook your head to put that in the back of your mind for another time. They asked you how you were able to take care of that wolf and if you had any fighting skills. You demonstrated by bending down and looking Apollo in the eyes and speaking to him through your mind to have him go up to Sam and put his paws on his chest and lick his face. The look on his face was one of horror then amazement. You told them you have the power of animal manipulation and empathy, also you took jiu jitsu for several years and are a black belt. They asked you to come be a part of the avengers from that day on. That was 2 years ago and you couldn't be happier, forming a great friendship with Sam and Bucky as well as Clint when he wasn’t back home with his family. 
You are a proud latina and love showing the guys your culture, but one you have kept to yourself. Around Halloween you started getting a few deliveries to the compound, and Bucky was very curious about them. He thought they may be Halloween decorations but when you got a flower delivery, that piqued his interests. He didn't think you had a boyfriend otherwise you would have said something, but these were not regular flowers for a girlfriend they were small orange flowers. He didn't want to impose so he watched from afar, while you took them into your room. Halloween came and went and no decorations so 2 days after that he knocked on your door to find out what was up. 
You had been held up in your room all morning making sure your ofrenda was perfect. You had about 5 famed pictures and all your offerings set up in front of them. Flower pedals from your marigolds all over and a few in vases, candles were lit and your rosary laid out front. As you were finishing up you heard a knock at your door, you stood up and opened your door to find Bucky standing there looking a little sheepish with a crooked little smile. 
“Hi Bucky, what can I do for you?”  
“Well the other day I saw you were getting a few deliveries and wanted to know what you had gotten? I thought they were decorations but you didn't put any out and then the flowers confused me.”
You look at him with a sweet smile and think to yourself, might as well show him.
“Come on in buck and I’ll show you.” He passed by you and when he looked to his right he saw something he had never seen before.
“You guys know how I'm Mexican-American and love showing you guys all that entails? Well this is one I've kind of kept from you guys but I think it's time to show you.”
“What is this and who are… is that Tony and Natasha?”
“This Is called an ofrenda, in my culture november 2nd is Dia de los Muertos (day of the dead) you make an altar with marigolds and framed photos of those in your family or friends who have passed on and place their favorite things on it as an offering.”
He takes everything in as he looks at it. You have some frozen blueberries in front of Tony's picture, and somehow you found some of Natasha's widow bites as well. 
“Who are these people?” “That is my nana and tata and abuelo and abuelita (grandparents)”
“And the little boy?”
Front and center is a picture of a 2 year old boy with sparkling brown eyes and a smile that could rival Bucky's. With a shaky breath and small tear falling down your cheek, you tell him.
“That's my son. I lost him when he was 2 years old. He was the light of my life.”
Bucky turned to you and engulfed you in a big hug. You cried silent tears as did Bucky. While still holding you Bucky spoke. 
“Why didn't you say you had a son?”
“It's still hard to talk about him, but when I do I can't shut up about him.” You giggle a little at that.
“Well if you're willing to, I'd like to know about him?”
That's how you went on an hour long talk with Bucky about your son, when something popped into your head.
“Can I ask you something? If it's too personal just let me know, okay?” “Sure anything for you.” You blushed a little bit. 
“Do you know where your family is buried?” He looks off like he's about to shut down, but looks back at you with fondness in his eyes.
“Yeah, they are in Brooklyn, but i haven't gone to see them yet. Why do you ask?”
“Only if you would like to, since i can't be at my son's burial i’d like to visit your family and celebrate this day with them, only if you're okay with that?” 
Biting your bottom lip in anticipation of a hard no, he stands up and extends his hand out to you. “Is there anything we have to do before we go there?” With a smile on both your faces, you take his hand and head out. But not before you blow out the candles on the ofrenda. Don't want to start a fire. You asked Bucky what his mom, dad and sister liked, while gathering some of your flowers to place on their graves. He said his dad liked cheap cigars, his mom loved to bake and all he can remember from his sister Rebecca is that she used to carry around a teddy bear when she was little. As you headed to the garage, Bucky went straight for his motorcycle. 
“Is it okay if we take the bike?” “Hell yeah, as long as we have a place to put our stuff?” With a wink and a smile he had you put on a helmet and then he got on the bike. He patted the back and you swung over your leg and sat down. 
“Make sure to hold on tight, don't want you falling off angel.” 
He revved the engine a bit and that's when you snaked your arms around him and laid your head on his back. He grabbed your hand and gave it a small squeeze and off he was. Feeling the wind on your face and holding on to Bucky gave you a sense of peace. Weaving in and out of lanes you both head into Brooklyn. Your first stop is a small bodega near the cemetery. To your luck you were able to find what you came for, even a small bear with a blue bow around its neck to match Bucky's eyes. When he picked up the bear he had a sad look on his face. 
“Are you sure you're okay with this? We can head back home if this is too much?”
“No no it's ok, it's just I didn't realize how much I missed my sister.” You give him a hug from behind and hold him tight. You turn to face him and give him a smile, which he returns. After paying for your items, you ride the next few blocks to the cemetery. When you arrive you are pleasantly surprised to see several families gathered around various graves. It makes your heart swell knowing that you can do this Bucky. “Do you know where they are and are they all together?” “Yeah they are just over in the direction.” You pass by a few families on your way, and greet them as you pass by. Once you pass a big oak tree Bucky stops, there in front of you is George & Winifred Barnes as well as next to them is Rebecca buried with her husband. As Bucky stands there you get to work. You start laying the marigolds all around the headstones and once they are perfect you place a few candles and start lighting them. Next you grab the bag from the bodega and place a box of 3 cigars, a small pie and the teddy bear. After you made sure everything was in its place you kneeled there just admiring it. You look over your shoulder and look up at Bucky, you left up your hand for him to take and he kneels next to you. 
“This is your family so if you want some time alone I can just stand a few feet away.” Before you get up he stops you and gives you a hug, “No please stay, I want to introduce you.” “I would love that.”
“Hey ma, dad i know i should have visited sooner but better late than never. I want to introduce you to someone, this is y/n she's an avenger like me and she can talk to animals and they understand her.” 
“Hi Mr & Mrs Barnes it's an honor to meet the people responsible for raising such an amazing man.” You both look at each other like you're the only 2 around. After a few more seconds he looks to his right at Rebecca's headstone.  “Hey Becca, you have no idea how much I miss you little sister.” As he is trying to compose himself you rub his back reassuring him you are there for him. Taking a shaky breath he starts to speak to her again. “Becca this is y/n, I think you two would have gotten along really well.” “Hey Becca, it's great to meet you. I bet you have some great stories about your brother.” With a mischievous smile you both start to laugh a little bit. 
“If you don't mind, I'd like to say a little prayer for them? Are you alright with that?”
“Sure, go ahead.” You take out your rosary and begin a simple prayer.
“Descanso eterno, concédeles, oh señor, y brille para ellos la luz perpetua. Que las almas de todos los fieles difuntos, por la misericordia de Dios, descansen en paz Amén.” (Eternal rest, grant unto them, oh lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace Amen.) As you spoke the prayer, Bucky couldn't keep his eyes off you. You spoke so beautifully, all he could think of that moment is how much he wanted to kiss you. “What did you just say? It sounded so beautiful?” Bowing your head , you told him. “Basically I was praying that your family find their light and find a peaceful and eternal rest.”  You turned to look at him and he had this look in his eyes, like he found his own peace right here with you. He moves closer to you holding your face in his hands. He wipes a tear you don't notice falling, and looks at your lips and then back to your eyes. You do the same, as that magnet starts pulling you both closer. It's stronger than ever and finally your lips collide in a soft but passionate kiss. You bring your hands up to hold on to his shoulders to ground yourself. Bucky moves his hands down your arms and to your back and brings your bodies closer. He licks your bottom lip and you moan giving him permission for his tongue to enter. The kiss get hungrier and you bring your hands to his hair and scratch his scalp and he moans into the kiss. You smile into the kiss knowing you did that to him. You both break from the kiss each holding the other's face, two goofy smiles then a bit of laughter. 
“I never thought our first kiss would be in a cemetery in front of my parents headstones” You both laugh again. “Me either but here we are. Sometimes when the time is right you just know.” “Come on angel, let's gather this stuff up and I’ll take you dinner, how does that sound?” “Oh definitely, I'm starving.” 
After a dinner of burgers and fries at a local diner, you make your way back to the compound. It seems to take a little longer this time, you notice he's taking the long way home thinking he doesn't want the night to end just yet. Once you see the buildings in the distance your day is coming to an end. You don't want to let go once he parks his motorcycle in the garage. You both just sit on the bike for another 5 minutes just keeping him in your embrace. He turns his head to look at you and you lock eyes ending up in a kiss that takes your breath away. His left hand is in your hair wanting you to be closer to him. You are able to swing your left leg in front of him and straddle him on the front of the bike. He takes the helmet off, never breaking the kiss. After several minutes of your hot motorcycle make out session. You pull away, lips swollen, chests heaving, both of you have lust blown eyes. You break the silence first. “Wow!” 
“Yeah, I've never kissed on a motorcycle before. We should do that more often, that was hot” You put your head on his chest and start laughing. All of a sudden you hear Apollo howl. “Well that's my cue, he needs to be let out to take his run.” “Well I better not keep his momma any longer.” He gets off the bike first then helps you slide off next. Walking hand in hand to elevators you head up to the living quarters. Just as the elevators open you spot Apollo licking Sam within an inch of his life. You walk over to them laughing. “Apollo, what have I told you about slobbering all over Sam?” You speak to him through your powers and let him know what not to do and apologize for not being home sooner. When you're done you head back to the elevators to let him run around the grounds. You pass Bucky and give him a chaste kiss on the lips. 
“I'll be back in 15 mins, want to cuddle and watch tv in the living room when i get back?” “That sounds fantastic, meet you back here in 20 then.” “Okay.” While you head down to the front lawn, Sam comes up to Bucky with wide eyes. “Where do you guys go and what was that kiss about?”
“I finally went to see my family at the cemetery and y/n opened my eyes to a whole new world of her culture I don't know how to describe.” 
“Really how did that happen?”
“I think that's something you're gonna have to ask her but tomorrow, i want to spend more time with her tonight.”
After letting Apollo run around with a local wolf pack in the area, you head back inside to change into comfy clothes and meet Bucky in the living room. You both end up cuddled under a blanket watching tv and just talking until 3 in the morning. You both fall asleep in each other's arms and it's the best sleep you both have had in a while. 
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buckyalpine · 9 months
Hi!!!! I love your work and talent, you are so amazing!💗 I was wondering if you could do a light angst fic. Like bucky is a player who is just running through women, and the avenger reader has a big crush on him . She has to watch him string girls through the tower all the time and it makes her sad. Bucky's type is dark,red lip, baddie but reader is the mom of the friend group and wears pink and is super sweet and a little awkward, she is also a mutant who has like earth powers. So whenever she's happy or laughing flowers will bloom in her hair. She's so cute. Kinda like the trope: she fell first but he fell harder. And like bucky realizes that he's madly in love with our sweet baby angel reader. And the FLUFF!! 💗💗💗
Thank you, love Binks 💖
Yes. Yesyesyes. I hope you're all ready cause I sat with this piece for weeks. Jealously, Misunderstandings, love sick Bucky, idiots in love, SO MUCH ANGST AND FLUFF . Protective best friend Steve and dash of smut cause I can't help myself, its so sweet and soft and I love these two, put myself in my feelings with their spicy and sweet loving.
"See you later Sargent" A gorgeous woman walked by the kitchen on her way out or the tower, winking over her shoulder and blowing a kiss to the soldier who smirked at her in response. Her lipstick hadn't budged even after a night of who knows what with Bucky, her perfectly curved hips swaying along with the click of her heels.
You were busy with making breakfast, dustings of flour covering your nose and cheeks, still in your baby pink pj's, looking the total opposite of the gorgeous girl Bucky spent the night with.
"Damn Barnes" Tony whistled after the she had left, clapping a hand on his shoulder, "Where do you find em'-Ow!" Tony yelped when Nat gave his ear a flick, cocking her eyebrow up in amusement.
"I'll let Pepper know you're curious-
"Nope. No. I was just admiring Terminators taste" Tony threw his hands up, swiping a hot pancake from the stack you were plating making you giggle, tiny daisies blooming around your hair "These are delicious Petal. I'll never get tired of seeing that" Tony smiled, looking at the fresh little flowers that reflected your mood, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before returning to the lab.
"Sure, admiring taste" Nat snorted while Bucky snickered, taking a seat at the kitchen island; his fluffy hair still messy from bed. You set down a plate in front of him, adding butter and some fresh strawberries on the side just the way he liked.
"Here you go Sargent" You smiled softly before getting started on cutting up more fruit for Steve and Sam who would be returning from their run soon.
"These are amazing" Bucky hummed, reaching for more; he'd never get tired of your cooking. You tried to bite back a smile while vines of baby pink roses weaved their way through your hair, matching the fuzzy feeling the soldier made you feel. The flowers were not missed by Bucky who watched you continue to flit about the kitchen like a little garden fairy, making sure everyone would have something for breakfast. He couldn't help but chuckle at the way you crawled up onto the counters like a cat to reach the highest shelves, a few knotty tendrils sneaking their way through your hair indicating your frustrations when you nearly dropped a cup.
"Do you have different flowers for different moods?" Bucky continued to watch you while you slinked off the counter, starting on a smoothie.
"Sort of? Yeah I guess" You thought to yourself, noting you'd often have yellow ones when you'd laugh, or purple ones when you were excited. You only ever got pink ones around Bucky; the only person to make you feel warm and shy and soft. You were caught off guard the first time you saw the tiny pink buds in your hair the same day you met him when you joined the team. No one else seemed to notice, too busy admiring the fact that gorgeous petals decorated your hair.
Everyone except Bucky.
The soldier was trained to notice everything.
He'd seen every type of flower adorn your hair but these ones were just around him.
"What do the little pink roses mean you're feeling?" Bucky asked, cocking his head when you looked at him like a deer in headlights.
"It-I-happy! It means I'm happy" You stuttered out unconvincingly while Bucky hummed, cleaning off his plate before heading down to the gym, taking one last glance over his shoulder before rounding the corner.
Those tiny pink roses suited you perfectly; the human embodiment of a little fairy.
Ever since you'd joined the team, they were blessed with a full breakfast almost every morning, sometimes even dinner. Outside of your role as an Avenger, you took on a nurturing role within the team and of course that was just who you were, being so in tune with nature and naturally caring for those around you. Still, it was evident you went above and beyond just instinct when it came to taking care of others; you were very much the mom of the group. Initially Bucky found it confusing, wondering why you were so nice to everyone, always checking on their needs and being prepared for just about anything. He was so used to functioning on his own, he found it jarring when you were looking out for him too; didn't you know who he was? Why were you being nice to him?
He didn't even have it in him to give you the cold shoulder like he did with everyone else. What kind of person would he be if he was rude to the sweetest person he'd ever met. You were just so precious and sweet and you always smelled like fresh flowers and sunshine, he would've basked under your light for hours on end if you let him-
Bucky shook his head, breaking away from the train of thoughts he was having about you yet again. You didn't make sense. More specifically, him thinking of you didn't make sense. He was rough, rugged, made of muscle and metal, didn't like most people and the last time he'd been nurturing was back when he'd nurse Steve back to health more than 70 years ago.
You on the other hand were literally made of flowers, combined with soft sweetness, shy smiles and giggles. You were cute. Too cute. He had no business thinking about you, ignoring the fluttery jitter in his heart as he tossed a wink to a SHIELD agent who was training at the weights. She had joined recently, typically taking on missions which required her to go under cover in skin tight dresses and bodysuits; it was perfect for her given her tall and toned build. The woman smirked in response, biting her dark red painted lip before making her way over to him by the punching bags.
"Hey Sarge" she purred, bringing her hand up to toy with his dogtags, tugging at them suggestively, "Busy tonight?"
"We're having a movie thing" Bucky shrugged, not suggesting they had to do anything else after but if that's where the night led then-
"Hmm, I'll see you later then" She batted her lashes at him before going back to her set.
This made sense.
Casual. Sexy. Flirty.
Everything Bucky was good at and comfortable with. No feelings, no attachments. No deep, undying love he felt for a certain sweet girl on his team that he'd give his life for.
This made perfect sense.
You were the last to make it down to movie night after spending most of the evening prepping drinks and snacks for others. Movie nights were rare and it was even more rare for everyone to be present. You made sure there was something for each member of the team, from sour candy to chocolate, chips, cookies, tiny sandwiches and an array of drinks you'd set up on the coffee table.
You stood at the edge of the living room dressed in your warm oversized sweater and mismatched fluffy socks, nervously peering around the room for an empty space; usually you'd curl up on the two seater sofa with a thick fuzzy blanket draped over you but-
Your heart sank seeing yet another beautiful girl cuddled up next to Bucky, taking up all the space on the couch. A part of you contemplated on going back to your room; the sinking feeling in your stomach worsened seeing the new agent adjust herself until she was pressed right against the soldier. Why did you have to fall for for the person who wouldn't look at you twice. You were dressed in clothes too big and soft, a stark contrast to the matching silk lounge set she was wearing, leaving no doubt over how absolutely perfect her body was.
"Hey Petal, c'mere" Steve noticed you looking for a spot, patting he seat beside him, shifting over so you could join. You smiled at the Captain, quietly shuffling through the room, hiding into the cushions as the movie started. Your heart dropped further each time you heard the girl Bucky was with giggle, slinking around his lap while he gave her his flirty smirk. There were occasional times where flowers wouldn't bloom in your hair and this was one of them.
Steve noticed your less than enthusiastic demeanor, catching you glancing over at the brunette super soldier and his friend for the night, internally rolling his eyes at what an idiot his best friend was. He threw his arm around you, pulling you in to snuggle with him, whispering his own commentary as the movie progressed, hoping to lighten your mood.
You giggled, a few yellow flowers blossoming in your hair making Steve grin. Bucky watched carefully, a new emotion flaring in his chest as he watched bright petals fall onto your lap each time you laughed. He didn't like the new feeling that started off as warm to blazing hot, what was it he was even feeling-
Irritation? Sure a bit.
Confusion? Most certainly but not quite.
That's what he was feeling. He wanted to be the one who caused gorgeous tendrils of flowers to bloom, the one to make you giggle and laugh, the one who got to snuggle up with you. He was envious over how lucky Steve was, getting to cuddle up with such a soft bunny, his jealously momentarily interrupted when he took a moment to look at what you were wearing.
You looked so comfy with your warm sweater, your feet nice and toasty with your favorite socks. Bucky remembered you talking to him about them once, reading socks you'd called them.
"They're super soft and warm!" you grinned, clutching them to your chest after a trip to a book store. "I've been wanting a pair for ages. I finally caved and got them, I can't wait to put them on"
Bucky remembered chuckling to himself over how excited you'd gotten over a pair of socks, a few buds of lavender poking through your hair from how relaxed and calm they made you feel.
You looked so soft to cuddle up with like a little bear he'd hold to his chest, one that would protect him and keep him warm and safe. He wished he had a spot beside him because you would've sat where you always do and it would be him with his arm around you instead of Steve. He didn't want anything else. He shifted uncomfortably, trying to create some distance between himself and the agent, her close proximity suddenly feelings much to hot. She frowned, feeling him pull back, scooting over till she was cuddled up with him again.
"Did you want me to grab you something?" Steve asked you as he reached over for some chips, popping a few into his mouth. Before you could respond, you saw the woman whisper something in Bucky's ear, winking playfully before sitting up and taking his hand, the both of them leaving the movie half way. You felt like throwing up knowing he was taking her to his bedroom though you knew you had no right to be upset. He wasn't yours and he was welcome to do as he pleased though that didn't make the pain go away.
Bucky's POV
"How about it Sarge" She moved her hand up his thigh, giving it a squeeze, not bothering to wait for the movie to finish. Bucky stared at her like a deer in headlights while she cocked her head waiting for a response. Bucky glanced over to you, his heart breaking seeing your face fall. "Bucky? Are you listening to me?"
Bucky blinked realizing he was paying attention to you, mumbling an apology before turning to the agent. He didn't know who he was fooling but it was getting embarrassing, especially when he knew Steve was glaring at him from across the room. Neither of them had to open their mouths to understand the silent conversation they were having through their eyes alone.
"You're an idiot"
"Shut up"
"You know you like her"
"I-I don't..."
"Then why do you keep glaring at me like I stole your girl punk"
"Don't worry about it"
"You better figure it out before you hurt her more"
"She likes me?"
"You're an idiot"
That did it. Bucky couldn't' last another second seeing your petals fall, the flowers Steve brought all retreating away and he couldn't sworn he saw you blink back tears. He couldn't keep doing this.
"Um, yeah sure" Bucky nodded, leading the woman away, walking past the elevators and towards the compound exist instead. As soon as he'd told the new agent he just couldn't do it he ran back to the living room in hopes of finding you only to find your spot empty.
You did your best to bite down on your trembling lip but it didn't work. As soon as the first whimper slipped out, Steve hugged you softly, telling you to to go to your room. You looked at him through wet lashes, his soft blue eyes filled with understanding. You rushed straight to your room, zooming right past Bucky's hoping you wouldn't have to hear anything, curling up into a ball in your bed where you wept under the covers.
Why did you fall for him?
Bucky looked over to Steve who nodded towards the elevators that took you to your floor, the super soldier wasting no time pressing the button to the 4th floor. He was at your door as soon as the elevator dinged open, softly knocking while his stomach continued to churn.
What would you think of him.
Why didn't he just accept his feelings the second he fell in love with those pretty little pink roses?
God you probably hated him now.
Bucky nervously chewed his lip,
"Petal?" Bucky called for you, hoping you'd open the door, his his heart hammering against his chest hearing soft sniffles from the other side of the door. "Petal, can you open the door sweets?"
He heard you continue to softly cry, his body working before his mind could catch up as he let himself into your room. He hated the sight of the little ball buried under a pile of blankets, hiding away from the world with a broken heart because of him. He made his way to your bed, sitting on the edge, petting the blanket gently to let you know he was there.
"Bucky?" You shuffled some of the blanket off, surprised to see him there, what was he doing in your room? Wasn't he spending the night with the girl he'd brought? Why did he look so distraught? You sat up with concern, looking him over to see if he was hurt because why was he here with you when he should be with her?
"Did-did you need something, is everything okay?" You tried to keep you voice steady, quickly wiping away your tears and forcing a smile that didn't quite meet your eyes.
"No sweet girl, everything isn't okay" Bucky whispered, smiling at your confused pout, his hand coming up to brush some of the strands of hair that were near your forehead. He let his hand linger on your cheek, wiping away your wet cheeks with his thumb before sitting closer to you. "Why were you crying"
You averted your eyes as soon as he asked the question, staring at your lap instead, playing with your fingers. Your voice was caught in your throat, shrugging as if you didn't know the answer. Bucky was surprised with himself, equally shy to actually say anything even though he wanted to pour his heart out. With others the smooth talking, the flirting, the boyish smirks came easy.
Not with you.
Not with his little fairy.
"Y/n, please" He tilted your chin to meet his puppy like eyes, hoping you'd understand how he felt without saying anything. His innocent gaze caused your cheeks to heat up, feeling his rough calloused hands touching you so softly. You bit your lip as your hair betrayed you, pink petals starting to decorate your hair.
"What do the little pink roses mean?" He whispered with hope in his voice, his heart aching with need seeing your shy smile, "Please tell me pretty girl. I- I only see them when I'm around you"
"It-it means-" you hesitated, scared this would all come crashing and burning if you told him the truth. Maybe he was just being nice, pausing his date to check on you. Or maybe-Just maybe? "I like you"
Had he not had super hearing Bucky would've missed your near silent whisper. The blush on his cheeks matched the flowers in your hair as he reached out for you, pulling you to his chest.
"C'mere my precious little petal" Bucky cooed, scooping you in his arms. You squeaked in surprised before giggling into his chest, the sound making Bucky's heart swell. "There she is" He smiled against your hair seeing little buds blooming again, the tiny pink roses he loved so much sprouting to life.
"Don't you have a date" You asked hesitantly while Bucky shook his head, holding onto you tighter.
"You should've been my date petal, m'sorry for not telling you how I felt about you earlier. I was scared"
"Scared?" You cupped his scruffy cheek, letting your thumb stroke his beard while he nodded, leaning into your touch.
"Scared I wasn't right for you. It didn't feel right falling in love with someone so precious when you're the complete opposite of me" His confession caused stray tears to slip down your cheeks while Bucky kissed them away. "But I promise, if you'd let me have you, I'd take care of you and love you with my whole heart. I promise I'd never hurt you sweets, I've fallen so hard for you, there's no one else I'd rather be with"
You couldn't help yourself, pulling him down for a kiss, giggling at the surprised squeak he let out before groaning and melting into your sweetness.
"I'm yours Jamie"
Stop here if the fluff was enough. Cause next is their sweet love making.
I know it's not part of the ask but imagine their first night together where Bucky doesn't want to over step so he doesn't make a move. He notices you being more cuddly and shy, burrowing into him when you're in his room and that's when he sees gorgeous deep red roses blooming in your hair. He knows by now how to read your mood based on your flowers but he hadn't seen this before.
"What is it Buck" You look at him with wide doe eyes, hoping he doesn't feel the the heat you feel radiating through your body. You need him. It's more than just physical; you need him as close as possible in the most intimate way because you adore him so much.
"Your hair sweet girl" He runs his fingers through your hair, stroking the velvety petals making you whine from sensitivity, immediately silencing yourself from embarrassment. "What do you need love, you can tell me"
"Need you closer" You whispered, nuzzling your face into his neck where you could breathe in his cologne and a scent that was distinctly him.
"Closer how baby, you're-" It takes a moment for the pieces to click for Bucky to figure out just how much closer you need him, moving his hands to your hips, rubbing them up and down. "oh. OH. Is that all baby? Need me extra close?"
You nodded with another whine while Bucky moved you to lay against his pillows before slowly undressing you until you were both bare with nothing separating you.
"Bucky please, just-just want you" On any other night, you'd allow him to tease and toy with your body but you needed him so badly, your body throbbing, feeling more empty than ever.
"Shhh, m'here baby, it's okay, breathe for me petal, okay?" He stroked your hair while rubbing his weeping tip through your folds gathering your slick before pressing his cockhead against your entrance, "m'right here"
You both gasped at the feeling of him pushing his length inside, his movements slow until he was buried to the hilt. Your pussy quivered trying to pull him in deeper, tears welling along your lash line as he started to move, hardly pulling out, keeping his cock deep inside you.
"Look at these pretty roses" Bucky whispered against your lips as he rocked his hips, his hands laced with yours while more flowers bloomed, your legs moving to wrap tightly around his waist.
"All-all just for you Bucky" You hiccupped with pleasure between moans feeling a different level of satisfaction with him inside you. You finally felt complete as he moved faster, clinging onto him so you'd feel his full body weight lay on you. "More-I-I need more"
You'd never felt like this before, your powers starting to manifest throughout the room as you grew closer and closer to your orgasm. Dark green stems crawled up the bed posts as he fucked you harder, your gorgeous floral scent sending Bucky into over drive. He was the only one who'd make you feel like this, the only person to ever get to see those dark red petals strewn across his bed.
There was something so intimate knowing no one else would ever get to see you like this, no one else would smell how sweet you were when he drove you mad with pleasure.
All the dark red roses full of love and lust just for him.
"I'll give you more pretty girl" Bucky growled, his own high licking down his spine feeling your pussy tighten around him, begging for him to keep going.
"Don't-please don't stop" you begged, clawing at his back, "I-I'm gonna-"
"Cum baby, cum for me petal, give it to me" He pleaded right back, sweat beading at his forehead, his pace growing sloppy. Your back arched off the bed as he reached to rub your sensitive bud sending your nerves into over drive. "OH BUCKY"
As soon as he felt your pussy clamp around his cock as you cried out in pleasure Bucky moaned loudly, tucking his face into your neck as he spilled into you.
"Take it love, t-take it" He stuttered, trembling as the last of his orgasm dribbled into you. He watched in awe as the deep red petals that previously covered the room disappeared into thin hair, his classic favorite little pink roses decorating your hair once more. Bucky pulled the sheets over you both, holding you to his chest while kissing your forehead at you closed your eyes.
"Sleep tight, petal"
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moonpascal · 8 months
Something Stupid
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𝗌𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒: 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗌𝖾𝗅𝗒 𝖻𝖺𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖥𝗋𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝖲𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗋𝖺 𝗌𝗈𝗇𝗀 “𝖲𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇’ 𝖲𝗍𝗎𝗉𝗂𝖽”
credit gifs on pinterest*
warnings: angst, hurt/no comfort
logan howlett x mutant!fem reader
✰ a/n: all work is mine and i do not give permission for it to be translated or published anywhere else, thank you! ✰
 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐 𝘨𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘭 𝘣𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶
It was late, and all the students were either in bed or studying. Wandering to the kitchen, you see Logan already nursing a beer. You couldn’t help but chuckle at him always sneaking alcohol into the school. Despite Charles always finding them and throwing them away. 
Shuffling to Logan, you gently wrap your arms around him, laying your head on his shoulder. “How were your classes today?" Your voice muffled pressing light kisses. 
“They were fine, same shit different day” he grumbled, taking another swig. He seemed tensed—well more tense than usual. You gently massage his shoulders, gliding your hands with your power. Relieving any sore muscles from training. You can see him relaxing, which always makes you feel better about your powers. 
"Bub, you just know how to make me feel good” he smiled. Oh how you love to make him smile. To ease his pain, may it be to project something else during his nightmares or take out simple knots in his back. You would do anything to make him feel better. 
“All for you Logan, I love you” you breathed out, hardly containing a smile. You couldn’t help it. Logan brings you so much joy and what better way to express it?
You walk to the other side of the island, what feels like an eternity. Glancing at Logan waiting for him to do anything. It didn’t even look like he was breathing, the beer bottle in hand long forgotten.
"Logan, please say something” hell pleading for some sort of relief from the pain brewing inside. 
"Kid, I think we should stop seeing each other,” he mumbled. His fist clenched, “This shouldn’t have gone on as it has.”
Tears threatening to fall, you couldn’t help but scoff. “Are you serious right now?”
“Yes, I'm serious! I told you in the beginning and you ignored it! I’ve lost too many people, you knew I didn’t want anything serious!” He shouted.
“I thought things changed, I thought we could move past this! You won’t lose me,” you choked back a sob. You could feel your power slipping, trying to breathe struggling to catch your breath.
“You don’t know anything,” he grumbled, “you’re just a naive kid. What we had was just benefits. But you kept pushing to be more and I can’t!” He knew what to say, to push you, to get rid of you.
“Fuck you Logan, hope you enjoy finally being alone. Because no one is going to be there for you like I was.”
You pushed past Logan, the air feeling tight.
Once out of sight, you teleport to who knows where. Sitting in an empty field you let go. The pain erupts out of you. You can’t grasp what’s happening around you, all you see is blue. The only thing, the constant thing that is plaguing your mind is Logan.
As Logan grabs another beer, he hears a faint whisper in his head. “Goodbye Logan.”
So this was the absolute first thing I've ever written and posted. I don't know how to feel about it. I've just kinda had this idea and it's been nagging at me for weeks.
I have written since middle school, so I'm extremely behind on what feels like everything. I'm also terrible at being descriptive. But I hope it was at least enjoyable!
thank you for taking the time to read this! <3
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buckrecs · 2 years
2023 𝙗𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙮 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 1
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masterlist | ✨- fav fics | status - complete
All of them are COMPLETE Series.
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1. hurts like hell by @extremelyblackandwhite
Bucky x Maximoff!Reader
she loses him at the battle of wakanda and grows into a morally grey witch trying to gain him back.
2. Broken by @soulgazingwithbucky
Bucky x Reader
You built the bridge between you and Bucky Barnes, but he only knows how to watch things burn.
3. Blood Petals by @picassho-18
Mob!Bucky x Assassin!Reader
When the famous death hungry assassin, the Blood Mistress, and the charismatic mob boss of Brooklyn city, James Barnes meet, heads will most definitely roll.
4. It’s A Match by @ofstarsandvibranium
Chubby!Bucky x Reader
You’re back home for Spring Break and you’re swiping through Tinder in the middle of the night. You come across the profile of your high school history teacher that you may or may not have had a slight crush on. Throwing impulse control out the window, you swipe right. Lo and behold, you’re shocked to find that you matched.
5. Ruin by @sinner-as-saint
Mob!Bucky x Reader
You work at a café owned by your family, close to your uni. And most of your days are pretty laid back and calm, but that is until you catch the eye of the mob boss. Your cute skirts and soft sweaters make him weak. Your innocence captivates him. And he wants you, badly. He wants you in his bed, wants his hand under those cute little skirts… he wants to ruin you. 
6. A Taste for Older Men by @seventven
DBF!Bucky x Reader
y/n is moving back in with her parents after breaking up with her college boyfriend. due to an emergency at work, y/n’s dad is unable to pick her up and sends his friend bucky in his stead. to bucky’s surprise, y/n is no longer the innocent girl he remembers from years back.
7. Always by @jadedvibes
Best Friend!Bucky x Reader
Bucky realizes he's in love with you right before graduation, but you accepted a job offer across the country. Fortunately, nothing, not even distance can hinder the way you feel about one another.
8. Running From the Past by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
Bucky x Mutant!Reader
Reader is a mutant who was experimented on by HYDRA. Due to her unique powers, she escapes without being seen when the Avengers attack the Hydra compound she’s been kept in for the last 5 years of her life. Her mutations and Hydra experiments allow her to blend in with her surroundings and change her appearance in minor ways, though the changes are only temporary. She’s now on the run, avoiding both Hydra and SHIELD.
9. Operation: Faking It…? by @povlvr
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
Surely faking a relationship to improve the public opinion of one beefy super solider known as Bucky Barnes would be the easiest of mission for two well seasoned Avengers? Tony Stark seems to think so & decides to task you with 'Operation: Faking it', but what happens when you realise there might be less faking needed than originally planned?
10. Misconceptions by @firefly-in-darkness
Bucky x Reader
Bucky Barnes overhears a conversation that he shouldn’t have…
11. Bucky & the Beast by @thejamesoldier
Assistant!Bucky x Boss!Reader
“You were an asshole back in high school but now you’re my boss.”
12. Buckyvision by @fictionalmemories ✨
Bucky x Reader
While fighting Wanda with you, Bucky gets hit with her power and wakes up to a reality that’s not his own.
13. Best. Date. Ever | Best. Proposal. Ever by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Bucky x Reader
This wasn’t quite what you had in mind.
14. Just Like You by @ladyfallonavenger
Dad!Bucky x Mom!Reader
The Reader loses Bucky in the snap and life presents a whole new challenge.
15. Heart of Steal by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Knight!Bucky x Princess!Reader
Sir James is known throughout the lands as the most fearsome and honorable warrior. Ballads have been written about him. Men fear him. He is the most trusted knight of the King Henry. So why has he given up the glories of war and pledged his loyalty to Princess Y/N? 
16. will you love me tomorrow? by @buckys-darling
Bucky x Reader
You and Bucky are friends who fuck and nothing more. That’s what you’ll keep telling yourself, at least.
17. I Needed You by @ofheroesandvillains ✨
Bucky x Reader
Reader tries to make sense of her feelings, it doesn’t really go too well, especially when Bucky already has a girl. 
18. sweet by @noceurous
FWB!Bucky x Reader
it was something cliche but your fuck buddy fell for you nonetheless, even though you swore you would never do relationships again. But rules are meant to be broken.
19. Hope Of It All by @bethdutten ✨
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
set between WS and CW; after saving Steve and breaking from Hydra, Bucky remembers you from the helicarrier. He doesn’t know where else to go.
20. Season Of The Witch by @msmarvelwrites
Bucky x Enhanced!Reader
Your witchy abilities get you in quite a bit of trouble from time to time… But this time you don’t mind so much. 
21. The Last Word by @thefallenbibliophilequote
Bucky x Reader
you and Bucky never get along, it’s not that you hate him- it’s just that he always finds ways to get on your nerves. You’ve had enough of it.
22. Super Mom by @marvelous-imagining
Bucky x Single Mom!Reader
23. Take Me Out by @shamevillain
Assassin!Bucky x Assassin!Reader
You and Bucky are both professionally trained assassins. Both contracted to kill the other. Both completely unaware.
24. Like I Want You by @tmpestuous
College!Bucky x Reader
you and bucky have been best friends your entire life and it’s never been anything but platonic. so why do things get so bad when he gets a new girlfriend?
25. Overthinking by @galaxy-siren
Bucky x Assistant!Reader
Tony and Bruce’s lab assistant, Y/N, is harboring feelings for Bucky. When she accidentally texts him that he’s cute, she overthinks the whole situation. It might just take the meddling of the other Avengers to work this out.
26. So This Is Love by @ofstarsandvibranium
Chubby!College!Bucky x Reader
friend and roommate, Bucky, is a bit of an annoying fuckboy. He sleeps around as well as tries to be as annoying to you as possible. But here’s the thing: you don’t mind any of it.
27. Some Alpha by @/ofstarsandvibranium
Alpha!Bucky x Reader
Bucky is an Alpha, but can never seem to find someone who wants him to be their Alpha. Until he finds you, a Beta, who’s as firey as an Alpha, yet also tender-hearted like an Omega.
28. The Favors by @bbyboybucket
Virgin!Bucky x Reader
Reader assumes that Bucky is experienced due to him being a ladies man in the 40s, however, she finds out that he’s never been touched and decides to help him out.
29. take my breath away by @buckycuddlebuddy ✨
Dilf!Neighbor!Pornstar!Bucky x Reader
who knew that your silent, very good-looking neighbor with the cutest kid was such a devil under his grumpy and quiet behavior... 
30. Capital Letters by @sinner-as-saint
Writer!Bucky x Assistant!Reader
James Buchanan Barnes, one of the best, most admired and affluent authors of your time turns out to be nothing but a heartless man... or so you thought. 
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matthewmurdockswife · 9 months
Texts with Bf!Chris sturniolo
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212 notes · View notes
thewritergremlin-rae · 4 months
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Finding Your Forever Home
Part 1 - Home
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Mutant!Reader (a little slice of Steve/Sam) Characters: Bucky, Reader, OFC, Steve, Sam Rating: E Words: 2,815 Content: 2nd person, omegaverse au, mute reader, AFAB reader, dirty talk, oral (f receiving), heat sex, unprotected sex (p in v), knotting Summary: Your heat is on its way so you take off to visit the only other member of your pack. Your Alpha, James.
Neither of you know what fate is getting ready to throw at you. Ao3: HERE Notes: Omegaverse AU. Post Winter Soldier - Bucky is running around keeping his distance and trying to remember himself.
The Avengers are a pack. This includes - A!Steve, A!Tony, BSam, B!Natasha, B!Clint, O!Bruce, Thor and Loki. Thor and Loki are not exactly omegaverse dynamics but we'll get into that in a later part.
Reader had their vocal chords removed but does not remember howhow/why/any of it.
I have so much world building I want to word vomit but this is it for now.
Banners by cafekitsune
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You waved to grab Miss Jones’ attention as the kids filed out of their last class on a Friday afternoon, heading to the common area or their rooms for the free time they had before dinner. 
She smiled, looking happy but with an edge of exhaustion, like she was ready for the weekend. Even if she still had to help watch the kids, you knew from experience that weekend duty was easier than weekday teaching. “Do you need something, dear?” Miss Jones asked, soft voice carrying as she paused her tidying to give you her full attention. 
You typed out the words on your phone before showing her the note; ‘I’m heading to a friend’s place for the next few days, do you need anything?’
Miss Jones continued to smile, considering the question. “Hmmm, no, I think we’re set for the weekend. Are you going to be ok, though? Your heat is coming up.” 
Living in, essentially,  a mutant boarding school, the teachers needed to know when everyone’s heats and ruts fell, as far as possible, to avoid any accidental triggering of each other or dubious consent going on between teenagers. You had to admit, the teachers had a hell of a job in just doing that, never mind having to try to keep everyone’s powers under reasonable control and teach them all.
You nodded, face heating a little. Oh, your ‘friend’ would definitely help you with that. Kind of hard to explain, though, that you’d found an Alpha from your pack who didn’t want any paper trails leading back to him. 
Lacking the ability to physically speak was the least of your problems in explaining that one.
Miss Jones pinned you with a steady gaze, the moments ticking by before she chuckled softly. “Sometimes, I forget how all grown up you are now. But just keep us updated, alright?” You nodded and gave her a brief hug before grabbing your bag from the back of the class and heading towards the garage. 
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Soon on your motorbike, you hit the road, enjoying the freedom of the ride. You parked in a familiar city car park, ducking into a bathroom to change out of your leathers. Still another 10 minutes to go until you reached James' place, winding through alleyways and shortcuts, avoiding main streets and their CCTV to reach the back of an apartment building. The fire exit loomed high above, but instead you directed the wind around you to lift you to James’ window. 
You knocked using the pattern you’d decided on during the last visit. The slight twitch of a curtain was the only indication of life in the apartment before James’ fingers unlocked the window and slid it open. You floated in, hearing him close and lock the window once more as you took your boots off and carefully set your socked feet on the thin carpet. 
You released a breath you’d been holding before James’ scent hit you and he wrapped you up in his arms - your feet leaving the floor again. 
You wrapped your arms around him, relaxing in his hold and tangling your fingers in his hair, stroking gently.
He buried his nose in your neck and breathed in deeply, a quiet groan escaping him. “Omega- You’re close,” he huffed, concern coming across gruff as he nipped your shoulder. 
You squirmed in his arms, knowing that his close proximity  had your heat speeding up. You pinched his shoulder and he carefully put you down. ‘Tomorrow’, you signed at him. He didn’t look entirely convinced but relented, crossing to the fridge. “Good thing I stocked up on food.” 
But his face twisted into disappointment when he glanced across at his poor excuse for a bed. You’d never complained about it, knowing the thin mattress stemmed from his inability to deal with anything too soft.. Already half a step ahead of him, you emerged from the cupboard with an armful of a blanket, a spare pillow, and some of his shirts. 
He chuckled softly. “Those were in the laundry basket for a reason, doll.” 
You shrugged, looking perfectly happy; that just meant they smelt more like him. You dumped them on the mattress and started to arrange them into a comfortable pile, nuzzling into them and drowning yourself in his scent. 
James watched from behind the kitchen island as he prepared snacks, food, and drink bottles. but mostly just watched you relax and get lost in your own preparation. Your scent became more relaxed and content with each passing moment. 
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You sat down in your nest, wearing only underwear and a stolen Henley, tugging James’ pant leg and patting a space next to you. “I can come in?” You nodded and tugged on his metal hand. James shirked off his clothes until he was down to his boxers and joined you on the mattress. 
You crawled into his lap, sighing contentedly as his broad arms wrapped around you - one significantly warmer than the other. “How’s everything at the school, doll?” James murmured into your hair, nuzzling and inhaling your scent. 
‘Fine, just got a couple of new kids arrived, one with telekinesis and one who can make ice-cream. She eats in class a lot.’ A few short breaths escaped you, laughing after showing him the notes app on your phone. 
“Some mutants have interesting powers, huh?” James asked. Not all mutant powers were necessarily useful. “But that must be great for a kid.” 
‘So long as she doesn’t make herself sick with it.’ You typed. ‘Or all the other kids.’ James’ warm hand settled on your back, rubbing warm, slow circles. 
“Yeah, she’ll be popular at parties, that’s for sure. Any kid would wanna invite a kid who can make ice-cream.” You nodded and put your phone away before beginning to push and tug at him. Always he easiest way to manipulate his body into what you wanted and you knew you could only do it because he allowed it. You laid on top of him and nuzzled into him, stomach fluttering with pleasure. 
Your heat was close, phantom pains warning of the cramps due to set in, but being buried in his scent after the absence of it was driving you insane. 
James’ hands drifted up and down your sides, squeezing and stroking as he buried his nose back against you. “Missed you,” he whispered, words barely audible despite the silence of the room. You nodded into his chest. Missed you too, you wanted to say, but all you could do was show him with your actions. You placed a delicate kiss over his heart, nuzzling and settling there. 
His arms squeezed gently as you buried yourself in your little bubble that smelt of James and home. 
You woke with a groan at the ache that had settled in your gut. James’ hand felt warm, already stroking absently, though you felt pretty sure he was still asleep. You tugged a blanket closer, nuzzling into the soft texture and breathing deeply.
Your mouth opened on a silent yelp as James dragged you closer. “Morning, omega.” he rumbled sleepily, nuzzling into your neck and kissing lightly along the gnarl of scars that served as the only hint of your muteness. He pawed at your stomach, rubbing soothing circles that eased the cramps and lit your nerves on fire.
Your breaths left you in heavy pants, James familiar with all the minute changes in your body. You never knew quite how, but he seemed to hear every hitch of breath no matter how silent, notice every change in temperature when your body burned for him. And, most frustratingly, knew right when you teetered on the cliff edge of an orgasm. 
But in your heats, he showed you mercy and took orgasm after orgasm until you were too exhausted to keep even one eye open. 
“Take these off, doll, you’re not gonna need them til your heat is over,” he breathed , plucking at the waistbands that already hung low on your hips. You wriggled out of them as fast as possible, the feel of the fabric only irritating the heat beneath your skin.
James caught your wrist before you tossed everything aside and dragged your clothes up to his nose. You shuddered at the deep rumble that made its way through his chest. “Fuck, doll-” He tore your clothes from your hand and tossed them aside before your back hit the mattress. He knelt on the bed, dragging you closer, your hips settling in his lap before he tugged your legs over his shoulders.
He ducked down, his warm mouth sealing hot over your clit, sucking and teasing with his tongue as his strong hands clamped over your thighs to hold you against him. Your mouth fell open in pleasure while he ravished you, sucking on your clit before his tongue licked slow paths from your cunt back to the sensitive bundle of nerves.
You squirmed to no effect but your breath hitched and caught on each desperate gulp of air to fill your lungs as your brain only grew fuzzier with pleasure. 
Your fists clenched, eyes snapping open as pleasure suddenly consumed you and your first orgasm washed over you, James’ moans vibrating through your core as you soaked him with your orgasm and the extra slick your body would need for the heat. 
Something between a groan and a growl escaped James as he licked you into a second orgasm that had you squirming and sensitive, pinching his thigh when it became too much. 
“Need to be inside you, doll.” He eased your lower half down and pushed you onto your front. You started to lift your ass, trying to get your knees beneath you but a warm hand settled on your lower back. “Not yet, jus-just stay like this-” James pushed your thighs a little wider before the heat of him engulfed your back and you could feel his thick cock filling you up. 
Home, home, home. The voice in your head chanted as he nuzzled into the back of your neck, sniffing and scenting enough to have your pussy clenching around him. You tapped the bed with your hand in a sequence that was the equivalent to a long, whiny ‘Alphaaaa’ before you signed ‘home’. 
James growled and rolled his hips, grunting and groaning into your ear. “Yeah, omega, home. Fuck- you feel so good. Almost forget how good every time.” He nipped the back of your neck, claiming you with a few harder thrusts that had your body shaking again in desperation. “Dunno how I let this sweet pussy go every time.” 
You were having similar thoughts about his cock and the knot you could feel just teasing at the entrance of your pussy. If you could just tilt your hips a little… Your eyes practically rolled back as the angle brought him deeper, James grunting and groaning above you until you felt the pressure of his knot and the relief when it pushed past your muscles.
Your body squeezed hard and desperate as you were pushed over the knife edge of pleasure, his cock hitting the perfect spot with each rut as he soon emptied himself inside you. Hot, thick ropes of cum filled you up and you couldn’t tell if you came again or if the last one had just continued for  that long. 
A heavy breath escaped as you sunk into the mattress, not caring about his weight on top of you. It felt perfect and his hands rubbed along your arms, twining your fingers with his. James didn’t always talk much but you didn’t need it when you could feel him, could hear him snuffling and kissing any skin he could reach.
It would take a while for his knot to go down but his cock stayed hard inside you. You’d never had anyone to ask about that; an Alpha’s knot was supposed to keep you two locked together but James always remained hard. He let you rest and calm a little before he whined and started rocking his hips again. 
Then he got more talkative and filthy. He nipped at your ear, claiming your attention, as if anyone else could right now. “So hot, so pretty, ‘mega. Wanna - hnn - stay inside you all heat. Fill you so much you can see it.” 
You shuddered hard as he moved, trying to move with him, but he hushed you gently. “Shh, shh, just relax. Just relax, I got ya.” His knees slid below the two of you, his hands finding your hips, claiming a few vigorous pumps of his cock before his hands found your soft belly. 
Pleasure lit up your spine like a highway, a huffed groan slipping past James’ lips as your delicious walls squeezed around his fat cock. “Gonna give you all my cum, omega. Will that make you happy?” You nodded furiously, managing to rock back a little to pull him deeper; even if there was no deeper to go, you needed it. 
James rolled his hips, starting a slow but steady pace. He held you tightly, pinning you, to claim and touch all those sensitive places inside you he’d already claimed once. He groaned out a curse, hips slapping harder against your skin as neediness and desperation claimed his actions once more. Soft growls and snarls echoing above you as he chased that second release and filled you up once more with his seed. 
He settled that time, placing gentle, loving touches to every part of you he could reach. He could smell your satisfaction, for now, and let that warm the both of you as his cock softened but his knot kept you firmly connected. 
You knew once it started to deflate that you’d be desperate for him but for now you could enjoy the satisfaction just a little longer.
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You returned to the school with a bounce in your step. Sure, it would be another week or so before you could see James again, but he’d left you feeling so warmed and cared for that you still floated on cloud nine. 
You circled an unfamiliar car in the garage, not seeing anything untoward, before heading inside. You padded through the building, looking around for Miss Jones to let her know you’d made it home. A light shone beneath her office door so you knocked and waited. The soft sound of conversation stopped and the door opened, Miss Jones peering out.
“Oh good, you made it home ok!” She gave you a quick hug before raising an eyebrow. “Friend, hmm?” Miss Jones teased and you flushed but she only continued to smile. “Make sure you have something to eat before you go to bed. We have a couple of guests here for some lectures. I’ll introduce you in the morning.” 
Curious about the guests, food and cleanliness called your name far more insistently, so you gave a nod and a wave goodbye and drifted off.
Miss Jones watched you go before closing the office door again. “Sorry about that, gentlemen! So your room will be in this area of the school, this area is for omegas only - there are signs on the door so don’t worry about accidentally wandering in.” 
“Sure, thanks!” Sam smiled at her but turned to Steve, who hadn’t said anything. He seemed lost in thought, staring at the closed office door. Or more like trying to look right through it. Laser vision was not a super soldier power, right? “Hey. Steve?” 
He jumped a little when Sam’s waving hand tore him from his head, the room coming back into focus. Good thing Steve knew how to be mindlessly polite. “Yeah, great, thank you.” 
Miss Jones was kind enough not to say anything as she led them from her office over to the room they’d be staying in until they headed back to the States. 
Sam said goodbye to her, Steve clearly just going through the motions. “What’s going on with you?” he finally asked when the door had clicked shut and the two were left to their own devices. 
“The omega that knocked on the door…” Steve murmured. There had been something familiar about the scent. He hadn’t been able to tell if it was the omega or someone else's scent on them but it tugged desperately at something he couldn’t place. “Their scent was kind of familiar but I…” Steve shook his head and sank down onto the bed. “I don’t know, I’m probably just tired.” 
Sam nodded and squeezed his shoulder. “It sounds like they live here so we’ll get a chance to meet them, might jog that old memory of yours.” He gave Steve’s head a nudge, and got a gentle hit on his leg in reply. “And we’ll find Barnes,” Sam assured him, cupping his cheek. 
Steve pressed into the touch and breathed in Sam’s calming scent. “Yeah.” Some day. 
He hoped.
Want to be tagged in future parts or future Bucky or Steve or Sam fic? Go here
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missvelvetsstuff · 7 months
With Friends Like You, Who Needs Enemies?
Steve Rogers x Reader, Steve Rogers x Natasha, Reader x ????
Reader is a mutant with the ability to turn sound into light who was 'adopted' aka stolen as a child by Baron Von Strucker to use for experimentation. She was given a form of the Super soldier serum so in addition to her mutant abilities she also has super strength, enhanced senses and healing. When he starts experimenting on his volunteers, the Maximoff twins, she tries to convince them to escape with her but they tell the Baron that she's planning to escape so he doubles her cell security. Steve and reader met when the team recovered Loki's scepter from Strucker.
She falls in love with Steve and becomes good friends with Nat but they aren't the friends she thinks they are.
This story is canon adjacent except that Thanos never happened.
Chapter 1
After Y/N had slept for almost 24 hours and eaten enough to fill her up, Nat approached her in the kitchen.
"Tony is having a party tonite, to celebrate finding Loki's scepter. He gave me his credit card so do you want to go get a dress for tonite? And maybe some clothes so you aren't stuck in Avengers sweats all the time? We can have lunch and get our hair and nails done as well." She smirked "We can find a blue dress for you, it's Steve's favorite color."
Y/N felt her face flush "Why would I be worried about what Steve likes?"
Nat grinned "I'm a spy, I know how to read people and both of you are giving off some serious vibes. Trust me, he's into you too."
Y/N shrugged "I don't know what you're talking about but I do need some clothes and I've never had a real haircut. I just chop it off when it gets too long." She thought for a minute "Sure, sounds like fun."
They left the tower in one of Tony's cars that Nat borrowed. Driving around Manhattan Y/N felt overwhelmed but something was familiar as well.
"This is all so much. I haven't even left the facility where you found me in years."
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it pretty quickly" Nat told her as they pulled into a parking garage on 5th Ave. "Having access to Starks credit and cars definitely helps." She parked and they got out of the car and walked into Saks.
Nat headed straight for evening wear and started looking through the racks when a sales person approached them.
"Ms Romanoff, it's so good to have you here again. I see you've brought a friend" she looked Y/N up and down, sneering slightly at her attire. "I can see she needs our help. What are you looking for today?"
Nat glared at her "We're looking for someone who won't be a bitch because of how we look. Do you have anyone here like that?"
The sales girl, her tag said her name was Sophia, blanched "I'm so sorry, Ms Romanoff, I was just caught off guard. Of course I'm happy to help you in whatever way you need.
Are you looking for a cocktail dress?"
Nat smirked "Yes, Tony is having a party tonite and my friend needs an appropriate dress. Something blue."
Sophia stuttered "Tony Stark? How exciting. Why don't you and Miss...."
"Y/L/N, I'm Y/N Y/L/N"
"Of course. What size do you usually wear Miss Y/L/N?"
Y/N flushed "I don't know, I haven't gotten myself new clothes in ages"
Sophia pulled out a tape measure "Well lets see..." And quickly took her measurements. "A size 7 should fit nicely. I have some dresses that would be perfect for you. Please have a seat and I'll have them brought over.
Can I get you something to drink? Coffee, water, tea, soda, champagne?"
Nat nodded "Some champagne would be nice. And none of the cheap stuff."
They spent an hour looking at dresses until they narrowed it down to 3. All shades of blue. Y/N tried them all on and was overwhelmed when she saw herself in the mirror, she felt like a princess.
"I can't choose, they're all so pretty. What do you think, Nat?"
"I agree, it's too hard to choose so we'll get all three. Tony loves throwing parties so you can never be too prepared." Nat replied
Y/N shook her head "I couldn't, that's too much"
Nat laughed "too much should be Tony's middle name. Don't worry about it." She turned to Sophia "what about accessories?"
4 hours later they had all 3 dresses and accessories for each one, plus enough everyday and business style clothes to last a year. And shoes and lingerie. Nat gave Sophia a stern order to make sure it was all delivered to the tower before 4pm. Then they went for hair, makeup and mani-pedi's.
Y/N didn't know how to process everything that was happening. Less than 72 hours ago she was in her cell with no inkling that her life would change so drastically.
"Thank you so much, Nat. I just...."
Nat smirked "Don't worry about it. I have a feeling you're going to feel right at home before too long."
They went back to the tower after a late lunch and finished getting ready. At 9pm they took the elevator to the penthouse where the party was already going full swing.
Nat led her to the bar and poured a glass of champagne for both of them.
Y/N just looked around, watching people, unsure of how to interact.
Steve and Sam were playing pool when Sam noticed Steve was staring at something by the bar.
"You checking out Nat again? I thought that was over."
Steve shook his head "It never really was on, just occasional stress relief. Besides she has something going on with Bruce. Look next to her, in the blue dress. That's Y/N, we found her at the base where we found Loki's scepter. She's a mutant, turns sound into light. She was humming the other night and had this glow around her like a mist of colors. It was beautiful" he sighed.
Sam laughed "You sound smitten. Why don't you go talk to her?"
Steve blushed "I wouldn't know what to say."
"How about hey Y/N you look beautiful, wanna have my babies" Sam offered
Steve snorted "Give me a break.
It looks like Nat is busy with Bruce so I should go be a good host. Don't want to leave her alone with all these strangers. She's been a prisoner since she was a kid so might not be good socially."
Sam laughed as Steve walked away.
Y/N was looking out the window when Steve approached her. She turned and looked at him.
"It's a beautiful view"
Steve was staring at her and agreed "Yeah, it's gorgeous"
She saw he was looking at her and felt her face heat up. "So Nat said Tony throws parties like this all the time"
Steve nodded "This is actually pretty tame compared to some. Before he became Iron Man I think partying was his priority. It's still a favorite past time.
You must be overwhelmed with all this if Strucker kept you prisoner since you were 10. You'll get used to it. We are mostly a happy family." He smiled softly at her.
After the party died down the team sat around drinking and chatting. Most of them tried to pick up Thor's hammer and failed. Only Steve moved it at all but he still couldn't pick it up.
Then Ultron showed up and made a mess of everything. Y/N tried to use her powers to help fight him but was thrown against a wall and knocked out. After Ultron was gone, she came to and heard arguing. Steve helped her up and kept his hand on her back to help comfort her. Once the team decided on their course of action he took her to her room.
"I need you to stay here for now, ok? We'll be back as soon as we can" he told her gently.
Y/N shook her head "I can help. I could come with you and-"
"No" he told her firmly "We need to evaluate your abilities and work together before you get into any fights with us. I don't want you to get hurt so please be a good girl and wait here for me"
She felt a funny tingle when he called her a good girl but pushed it back "Ok. I'll wait here. Please come back safely."
"I promise, sweetheart" he kissed her softly on the lips and made sure she was safe in her room before he left.
While the team went to Africa to stop Ultron, Y/N was having dreams about Steve but with her lack of experience couldn't figure them out. The only sex she had was when Strucker forced himself on her and she thought she would never actually enjoy sex but her dreams said otherwise.
In the morning she saw what happened on the news and knew that it was Wanda messing with the Hulk. If she had been there she could have broken Wandas hex and prevented all that destruction and death.
She jumped when Jarvis spoke to her "Miss Y/N? You have a phone call from Captain Rogers."
"Umm ok how do I take the call?"
"I'll put him thru"
Steve's voice came thru the speakers in her room.
"Hey sweetheart, how are you? Did you get some sleep?"
"Hi Steve, I slept a little. I had strange dreams. My life has turned upside down.
Are you ok? I saw the news. Wanda was there wasn't she? If you had let me come I could have prevented-"
Steve cut her off "No. You don't even know if you could have helped Hulk. You aren't going on any missions any time soon.
I just wanted to let you know that we will be gone for awhile. After that mess we have to lay low. Just be a good girl and make sure you eat and sleep. I'll be back as soon as I can."
Y/N felt so helpless as she saw the teams adventures on the news. They went from Africa to Korea. She was frustrated and wanted to help but couldn't so waited for them, for Steve, to return.
When Tony and Bruce returned they barely noticed her and rushed into the lab to work on something.
Steve came to check on her and gave her a sweet kiss before she noticed the twins were with him.
Wanda looked at her "Hello Y/N. Nice to see you again"
Y/N was confused "Steve why are they here? They are nothing but trouble and can't be trusted."
Wanda cringed "I know we have done awful things to you in the past but we didn't realize how bad Strucker was, too caught up in our own rage and grief. I promise we won't hurt you. We want to help stop Ultron."
Y/N looked at Steve "If you are taking them then I should be able to go too. I can help."
Steve chuckled "I know you want to help honey but I don't think a light show will do any good."
She pouted "I can make lasers too. I hate staying here while you risk yourself. Please, Steve." She begged
Her begging did something to Steve but not something that would help in a fight. He was about to tell her no again when Clint walked by
"She's not wrong Cap we could use all the help we can get."
Steve gave in "Promise me you'll be careful. I'd hate to see you hurt."
Y/N didn't do too badly considering the circumstances. She even took out a few robots on her own, including the one that tried to get Pietro and a young boy he was protecting.
Sokovia was still destroyed but most of the people were saved. Sometimes you have to accept how things turn out.
After a few days rest Y/N, Sam, Wanda and Pietro started training to become official Avengers.
Y/N and Steve started dating, taking things very slow since she was inexperienced and in no rush.
Nat was devastated that Bruce had disappeared and started spending a lot of time with Steve and Y/N. Every night he would walk Y/N to her room, kiss her good night and leave her on her own.
After a few weeks she noticed Steve and Nat seemed really close and she asked him about it.
Steve shook his head "You have nothing to worry about sweetheart. Nat and I are just friends. We've been thru some tough situations together but there's no romantic feelings. She's just lonely because she misses Bruce."
She nodded trusting him.
They went on like this for awhile until General Ross brought up the Sokovia Accords. She took Steve's side but he didn't want her involved in the fight so she made her way to the quinjet and waited for Steve and Bucky. She saw what Zemo did and the fight that came after but couldn't bring herself to hurt Tony so found herself waiting on the jet again.
Y/N went with them to Wakanda and then on the run with Steve and Sam. After months dating, Steve told her he loved her and then told her he had to leave for a couple of days to meet up with Nat for cash and intel. They met up every few weeks and he always came back in a lighter mood.
One time when he returned he asked Y/N for a favor
"I don't want to be separated but Shuri figured out how to remove Bucky's brainwashing and I want you to go help him. Just be a friend. He really likes you and I think it would be good for both of you. You're the only one I can ask, he has bad history with Sam and Nat. I promise I'll come visit when I can."
She looked at him sadly, not wanting to leave the man she had fallen in love with but wanting to make him happy and be his good girl so she went to Wakanda.
Y/N and Bucky became close friends. She didn't mind if he didn't want to talk and they would just be together. If he did want to talk she listened without judgement and she was there for his nightmares. She helped him tend his goats and thought she could have fallen for him if she hadn't met Steve first.
A couple of times a week Steve would call to check up on her but it was always brief because Nat always called him away after a few minutes. He kept promising he would come visit but something always came up.
One day, Shuri showed up at Bucky's hut where Bucky and Y/N were playing chess."I have news, Captain Rogers contacted me and told me to tell you, Thor and Hulk have returned. Asgard was destroyed and all of the Asgardians that survived are here, setting up a home in Norway. New Asgard.
That's not all, the Captain and Tony Stark have worked things out with Gen Ross and Sargeant Barnes is being pardoned. You can go home soon, back to the states but there will be a celebration in New Asgard in a month.
Y/N wondered why Steve didn't call her and went thru Shuri instead but she was trusting and believed he just had too much to do.
Y/N and Bucky spent the next month as they had spent time in the past, strengthening their friendship, enjoying nature and herding goats. They both expected Steve to show up at any time but he never did. He only called once and explained that he was very busy helping Thor and Valkyrie set the new town up. Y/N told him they could help but Steve insisted they stay in Wakanda.
Finally it was time to leave, both of them were excited at being reunited with Steve but also nervous at meeting a whole new group of people.
Steve came in the quinjet to pick them up and after a quick hug and kiss on the cheek he spent the rest of the flight talking to Bucky. Y/N realized they were best friends but she had hoped for a better reunion with her love. She sat alone trying to talk herself down from the anxiety that was building up.
When they arrived in New Asgard the whole team was there to greet them. Nat and Bruce were wrapped around each other while Wanda and Vision were holding hands. Steve was suddenly in a bad mood right after they landed and left saying he just needed to work it off. Nat disappeared shortly after.
Thor gave Y/N a fond greeting and introduced her to Val. They took her and Bucky to a dressmaker to create Asgardian style robes for the celebration the next night. Steve didn't come to see her at all so she figured he was still busy helping and she stayed up talking to Bucky until they were both exhausted and fell asleep in the early hours of the morning.
Chapter 2
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lizamango · 4 months
Cruel World 3/? (Brainwashed HYDRA!Reader x Steve Rogers)
summary: A war between SHIELD and HYDRA rages on in the shadows of the world. You live for the kill as a Black Widow until you discover Steve Rogers, the weapon for the opposing side who makes you question the side you’ve been fighting for. (inspired by Underworld, just go with the lore on this fic pls)
Part 1 ~ Part 2
warnings: smut later, canon typical violence
word count: 2564
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“This is the camp where I was trained,” Steve states as he lands the quinjet.
“Has it changed much?”
“A little,” he murmurs. I look at him as his tone changes. His eyes are distant, jaw clenched. He’s reminiscing.
“It must be tough,” I start and he looks at me to continue. “Being alive when everyone you know is gone.”
“You would know about that, wouldn’t you?” he responds with the words I used earlier.
“I guess so. One fell swoop.” A silence falls upon us and I pace through the base. An American base. I never thought I’d come here of all places, out of my own free will. “Once Dreykov wakes, he’ll set everything right.”
“You have so much faith in him,” Steve states but it was more of a question. He’s asking why.
“Wouldn’t you? If someone saved you from certain death, wouldn’t you believe in them? He has treated me like his own,” I defend.
“You say that the cycle has never been broken before. What will happen to you once all this is over?”
“I’ll be judged before our council,” I hold back.
“And then?” Steve raises a brow, sensing there was more.
“I’ll probably be executed.”
His heart drops, I can practically hear it. He turns sharply and stalks towards me. “What the fuck are you talking about?” he asks incredulously.
I shrug indifferently. “Those are our rules.”
He starts breathing heavily, shaking his head. “You can’t be okay with this? How can you just accept that? I won’t allow it-“
I chuckle. “Steve, you have no authority. This is the life I’ve chosen.”
“You haven’t chosen anything. They’ve indoctrinated you into a program, used you, all the Widows as their weapons. As if you’re not even people, just a means to their ends.” He puts his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look into his eyes.
“You’re making grave conclusions for someone who doesn’t know our ways.”
“I don’t need a fucking handbook, I’ve seen and heard enough.”
“You’re being ignorant, Steve. Don’t forget that we are not on the same side.”
“No,” we’re not, I expect him to say. “You’re being naive.”
I roll my eyes. “If you think so terribly of our ways then-“
“I’m not going to leave.” This man just loves to interrupt.
“Why not? I don’t need you anymore, Steve. My memories have enough evidence that you are alive. I need only to wait for Dreykov’s awakening and then we can take down Schmidt.”
He says my name in an almost defeated tone. “You need me,” he says simply. “I’m the only one who has your back in all of this. Not your sisters, not your Dreykov. Not even yourself.”
I cross my arms. “And how is that?”
“There’s a knife in your back and you don’t want to pull it out. You don’t even know it’s there.” His words cut deep but I try to shrug them off. He knows nothing. I look back at him and see his eyes have shifted to something behind me. He has a frown on his face though different to the one he was sporting when he was lecturing me.
“Army regulations forbid storing ammunition within five hundred yards of the barracks,” he states. He walks towards a building and breaks open the lock. “This building is in the wrong place.”
We walk inside, my gun drawn. I spot the insignia painted on the wall. “This is SHIELD,” I accuse and point the gun at him. “You took me to a SHIELD facility?”
“I didn’t know, I promise you.”
“I knew not to trust you.”
“I am the only one you can trust right now,” he exclaims. “I am the only one who hasn’t lied to your face. So go ahead. Shoot me.” He steps closer so that the gun is resting right between his eyes. “If you don’t trust me, fucking shoot me. Get rid of the only person who’s trying to help you while everyone else is trying to kill you.”
I examine him.
“Kill me or believe me, that’s your choice.”
I withdraw my gun. “You’re so dramatic.”
“It worked, didn’t it?” he answers.
I clench my jaw.
We enter a room with three portraits. Heads of SHIELD, I assume.
“That’s Howard Stark,” Steve says.
“Stark Industries,” I comment. “I’ve seen that logo on weapons HYDRA uses.”
Steve frowns. “That makes no sense, Howard wouldn’t work for HYDRA.”
Are you so sure, Captain? I think to myself. “Who’s the girl?”
“Nobody,” he replies too quickly. He turns away from me and walks down the room, spotting a bookshelf. His eyes scan through each shelf. “If you’re already working in a secret office, why do you need to hide the elevator?” He pushes a shelf and they part to reveal elevator doors.
“After you,” I state.
We both descend to the only floor available and turn the lights on to find a room full of old computers.
Somehow the computers jump to life. Must all be connected to the power.
“Captain Steve Rogers,” a voice calls out.
“Who’s there?” I respond, gun drawn.
“Calm yourself, Widow.” A face appears on the screens of the computers.
“Arnim Zola,” Steve states.
“You know him?” I ask.
“Scientist who worked under Schmidt.”
“How do I not know you?” I question.
“There is much you do not know, Dreykov’s experiment.”
“And yet you know me.”
“HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom. What we did not realize, was that if you try to take that freedom, they resist. The war taught us much. Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly. For seventy years HYDRA has been secretly feeding crisis, reaping war. And when history did not cooperate, history was changed.” Flashes of past news headlines and TV footage are shown on the screens as Zola speaks. Assassinations carried out by Assets or Widows. Facilities burning. “HYDRA created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its security. Once the purification process is complete, HYDRA's new world order will arise. We won, Captain. You work with one of HYDRA’s most formidable Widows, your death for naught.” Steve punches the computer screen only for Zola to appear on another. “Alas, your affiliation with Dreykov’s experiment has made her a liability, no longer to be trusted.”
I frown. Excommunication? “Why do you keep calling me that?”
Zola states my full name as he did with Steve. “Family slaughtered in Odessa, adopted by Dreykov into the Black Widow program to serve this war. You who are so special that he kept you and your abilities a secret. He read that your DNA had the key to a serum stronger than that of Erskine’s. The power to activate a dormant gene in homo superiors, millennia’s worth of evolution, cut down to mere hours.”
“That is not true.”
“I think I would know if I was experimented on. I’ve never healed as fast as Steve until…”
“The serum gave you abilities while your x-gene remained dormant, until a gross traumatic injury which otherwise would have killed you activated this mutation. It’s epigenetics, Widow.”
The gunshot wound.
“Why are you telling us all of this?” Steve asks.
“Because I’m stalling.”
The ground begins to rumble and all the computer screens shut down. Steve and I look at each other. I access the quinjet’s sentry mode through my communicator which detects a person. An Asset. My blood runs cold. Fuck.
“We have to get out of here.”
Steve finds an opening in the ground and we escape from under the building. I spot the Asset as he aims for us. Steve pushes us to the ground.
“Who is that?” he grunts. I hand him a gun.
“Get to the quinjet,” I say to him. I look back and squeeze my trigger. “It’s armed with machine guns. Shoot to kill.”
I hear Steve say my name but I ignore his calls as I run towards our enemy. Once upon a time I would have seen him as my ally.
I dodge the spray of bullets and jump up on a humvee, kicking him from the chin. He stumbles back as I land, pulling a knife out of one of my holsters. I slash at him but he counters my moves, blocking them with his metal arm then flinging the knife away. I used to be glad to have that metal arm on my side. His steel fingers grasp my throat and push me until my back hits the humvee but I grab another knife and stab it into his thick thighs with enough force to penetrate his reinforced combat trousers. I hear him grunt behind his mask but I slip from under him, rolling under the humvee. As I run towards the quinjet which is now in the air I hear him kick the humvee out of his way. Fuck. A spray of bullets forms a wall between the Asset and I as I climb up the ramp of the jet but not before I shoot my handgun, the bullet ricochets from the bulletproof lens of his mask. I enter the cockpit to see the Asset remove his mask.
“Steve you have a clear shot,” I say but he stares at the Asset, now with his mask off.
The Asset points his grenade launcher at us.
“Steve if you won’t take the shot, I will.” I walk towards the trigger but Steve pulls the jet up so I stumble and the Asset misses. “What are you doing?!” I exclaim.
“We’re not killing him,” Steve says with finality. He flies the jet away from the base.
“He’ll catch up to us,” I shake my head as I sit down. “He’ll find us and he’ll kill us, Steve you don’t know him-“
“I do.”
“What do you mean?” I notice he puts the jet on autopilot.
“I’ve known him all my life,” he turns his seat around and looks up at me. How could he possibly…
“James,” I realise. I scoff at how convenient and absurd this all is. “Schmidt takes your best friend and turns him into our most formidable Asset. This is bullshit.” I start to pace. “So there’s no way you’ll kill him but he won’t stop until he kills us. Isn’t that just perfect?” I feel like I’m losing my fucking mind.
“I thought I lost him… But I’ll get him back.”
“It’s not that simple,” I tell him.
“Why? He probably just didn’t see me. Once he does, he’ll stop coming after us.”
I shake my head desperately. “No, Steve. He won’t know who you are.” I sit in the chair next to him. “Assets… have no memory of their past lives. They’re not like Widows, they come from a different kind of clean slate.”
I expect to see him looking at me with disgust. How could I be okay with this happening to people around me? But he doesn’t. Steve only looks determined. “Then we’ll find a way to get his memories back.”
“Odessa,” I say. Before explaining, I enter the coordinates . “There’s an abandoned HYDRA facility, a scientist specialising in cerebral reprogramming-“
“Brainwashing,” Steve corrects.
I nod. “Brainwashing- he was based there until SHIELD came and tried to take him away. He was labelled a traitor so he was executed. That’s our only clue.”
“How do you know about this?” Steve questions.
“Dreykov trusted me with everything… A Widow defected from us, she was the one to try to take the scientist.”
Steve frowns. “A Widow?”
“Natalia Romanova. She tried to kill Dreykov.” The thought leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Just imagining Dreykov dead along with my family… I would never have survived that night without him.
“How do… how do you know that Dreykov doesn’t have something to do with all this?”
I turn sharply to face him. “Don’t. There’s no way.”
“I’m just saying-“
“Steve, he saved my life. He took me in. He didn’t have to do that but he did.” He saved me in more ways than I can count.
“I’m not saying these things are related-“
“I’m not gonna listen to this, Steve.”
“Like you didn’t listen to me about HYDRA?”
I close my eyes and exhale shakily. “Steve, I mean it.”
“You’re only fighting me because you have doubts now too! Just face it, Dreykov is HYDRA, HYDRA feeds crises, reaps war, takes away freedom! I mean look at you!” he exclaims. “You had blind faith in this organisation, you and your Widow Sisters! They’ve got you all buying into the lie that they care about you while they send you on missions to kill innocent people all while not giving a shit about you when you’re no longer useful to them!” He stalks closer towards me.
“You’re. Wrong.” I glare at him and if looks could kill…
“I need you to face reality.” He looks at me so sincerely that my eyes sting. Why does he have to look like he cares so much? Why couldn’t he just be what I’ve been led to believe SHIELD is? It would be so much easier to hate him. I sense hesitation in his expression as tears threaten to expose how hurt I feel. He’s turned my whole world upside down in a matter of days… “I need you to…” he trails off, his eyes flickering from mine down my face to my shuddering lips.
I bite them to control the trembling but I hear Steve sigh.
“Need me to what?”
“I need you to open your mouth.” His voice is somehow deeper.
I gulp before doing as he says. His lips crash onto mine, his tongue exploring my mouth, almost fighting with mine. Our lips move in tandem, as if we didn’t even need to think about it. One of Steve’s hands rests on my cheek and I hear him inhale deeply as if taking me in. As if to devour me. I would let him.
His other hand is on my waist but it slowly snakes to the dip in my back and he presses me closer to his body. So close that I feel a hardness against my belly. I gasp and slowly pull away in surprise at the growing bulge and he sucks on my tongue as we part. The tear that had been slowly building finally fell down my cheek but he brushes it off with his thumb. He rests his forehead on mine.
“I’m sor-“
It’s my turn to interrupt him as I stop his apology with a tug on his blonde messy hair. I pull his head back with it to expose his neck and I place a gentle kiss on his pulse point. Steve sighs. I feel his heartbeat on my lips, his scent musky with sweat and smoke fills my senses. He’s all around me and all over me. He’s in me. I give his neck a long teasing lick, ending up at his ear. I tug on his lobe with my teeth and he chuckles.
“Have you ever fucked someone on a jet before?” I whisper into his ear, I just know that my voice travelled through him, gracing parts of him I could never physically touch.
He shakes his head at my question. “But I’m about to.”
smut in the next chapter ✨

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lovebugspots · 1 year
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How crazy can one man be?
For preface, the reader has the ability over nature. So things like plants, water, growth, healing, light are her powers. Think of a Fairy, and how Maleficent has that like golden dust.
It was normal to be chased out by a crazed man because of being a mutant, mostly… But what was not normal, was getting chased by two super soldiers, widow, and a bird-like human? No idea.
The not-so young mutant saw them, and sprinted off when the group of heroes started chasing her, little did they know, they got the wrong mutant.
11:26 AM. June 13th.
Y/n was trying to have a somewhat nice day. Just trying to get her weekly shopping done, getting groceries, some new books, new cleaning products and laundry. But before she even got into the local grocery store she heard loud footsteps.
She turned around and saw the group of men and one woman all staring at her. Bucky Barnes, Steve Rodgers, Sam Wilson, and Natasha Romanoff. “Earths Mightiest Heroes”.
Y/n knew better then to run, usually.
But this wasn’t the case, Barnes started chasing her so quickly she ran and she heard his rough voice bark out.
“Get back here!”
“I’ll pass!”
She screamed back and started running as fast as she could, adrenaline pumping through her blood as her heart beat quickens.
She pumped her arms and her legs as she dodged the poor men and woman just trying to shop.
“Sorry! Oh shit! Sorry kid!”
She yelled apologetically as she body slammed a kid on accident…She looked back and saw that all of them started chasing her while The Falcon was sin the sky. So, in the heat of the moment she created a bomb out of her magic golden glitter, and threw it up.
“What the fuck?!”
Sam yelled as he descended from the sky, slamming down on the top of the building. He definitely now had a few broken ribs.
Y/n kept running, and unsurprisingly, the only person left running was Bucky. He still yelled for her to stop, but she didn’t. The adrenaline was starting to wear off as she got tired, her lungs hurting and sweat stuck to her skin. Her clothes now felt sticky, and gross.
Bucky to advantage of that and ran up to her and jumped on her, pinning her to the ground.
“Ma’am you are arrested for- oh shit.”
His beautiful steel blue eyes, they now were filled of regret. His pupils small and he got off of her.
“Oh my god…I-I am so, so, sorry. We thought you were…someone else…”
He professed, he got off of her, he helped her up. Y/n…wasn’t happy…
“Excuse me?”
Y/e/c was filled with unadulterated rage, he thinks that he can just say ‘I’m sorry for chasing you even though you aren’t the right person’ and she would accept?
“Did you say ‘wrong person?’”
She spat out and puts her hands on her hips. He grimaced and nodded, he wasn’t happy either, he was ashamed.
“I-I did-“
She cut him off quickly, and seethed out bitterly.
“So are the Avengers after mutants as well?”
She rolled her eyes and scoffed and she backed away from him, but her shakes his head and said softly.
“No not at all! I-I though, I mean, we, thought you were Mystique…”
Y/n’s eyes soften at that name, an old friend of hers, Raven.
“Yes! You know her?”
“Of course…her death was impacting to all.”
Bucky’s eyes widen, his lips parted but he stammered out…
“Death..? She…died?”
Y/n nodded, she walked up to him and said.
“1992, Jean killed her.”
All Bucky could do was nod, he bit his lip and looked up at her. She sighed and asked delicately.
“Why are you after her?”
Bucky sighed, it was private S.H.E.I.L.D information. But she deserved to know.
“There have been reports about a shapeshifter, and the only person we could point to was her…”
He paused then continues softly.
“But her death isn’t in the system?”
Y/n nodded and answered.
“Xavier said nothing, so mutants wouldn’t get more hate then we already do…”
Bucky sighed and nodded, understanding her words. He stood up fully and puts his flesh hand (his right) out to shake with hers.
“I’m sorry about that. But I’m James, James Buchanan Barnes. But call me Bucky.”
He expressed, giving a beautiful smile…a smile that gave Y/n butterflies. She shakes the feeling off and puts her hand in his.
“Y/n Máxima, just call me Y/n.”
She smiles softly, shaking his hand.
Little did she know, he had the butterflies too. Except it was the ones where he wanted to puke from how harsh they were.
“What a beautiful name…”
He mumbled softly and takes his hand away, and he added softly.
“Hopefully I see you in the near future, Mrs. Máxima…”
She immediately missed his warm, and calloused hand. But all she did was smile and said.
“You will, I assure you of it.”
She looked around and when she looked back at him…he was gone.
Hii this is my first work, not the best, but it was on my phone and I am way better with a computer. I will definitely make a part two when I’m not busy <3
And I will take requests, and such. I can do other MCU characters but I am in the process on working on my blog. So please be patient. :)
Much love-
Ry 🩵
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Old Skool #2
Summary: steve introduces bucky to a girl he’s sure they’ll both like
Warnings: dark themes, non-con/dub-con elements, mentions of drug use, reader deals/struggles with mental health, dealings with trauma, single parenthood, single mother reader (has a genius 4 year old), slow burn (kinda), blackmail, stockholm syndrome, angst, more tags to be added…
(2) Tell Me Something I Don’t Know
“Bucky?” the concern could be heard for miles, the sharp clap of a car door meeting its seal. You look to your left, surprised to see Steve looking around the damaged vehicle.
“In here,” you shudder at the feel of eyes on you. You force yourself to brush it off as you walk away from the sergeant. “Uh, hi Steve.” you naw on your bottom lip, anxiously teetering on your toes as you meet him just past the garage opening.
His blue eyes soften as he looks at you, pale cheeks reddening in embarrassment. The earlier anger you saw when he walked up shocked you, reminding you of the last class. His going to say something, but the other man speaks. “Thanks for answering my text, glad to know you’d still pick me up.”
The ire in James tone has you turning. You look between the two super soldiers. The tension palpable between the two. “We’re not doing this here,” The whisper spoken so personally, it felt like you were intruding.
“Mommy?” You face is pinched as you turn to your daughter. She’s eyeing you skeptically, and you honestly return a look of confusion. You’re by her side within a moment, shaken that there were witnesses to your swiftness.
“Hey baby, I need you to go to your room, go get your blueberry. wait for me.” The secret was conveyed perfectly. You watch her, you pay close attention to her eyes.
You kiss her on the top of her head. The tiny hairs on your back raise sharply. It’s too quiet as you watch her disappear down the hall, but you know they’re there, watching.
When you turn to face them your muscles are taught. You vision sharpens as you pay close attention to them both. “I’m not going to pretend like this was some accident,” You roll your shoulders, “So what do you want?”
“Y/n,” Steve starts, eyes startled, alarmed in a way that makes you watch him closer. His hands are held up placatingly, your eyes dart to James. He’s taught himself. “Please calm down, we just want to talk-“
“Get to the point Steve,” your tone is harsher than you wanted it to be, evident at his stricken expression. The silence is tense, you’re hearing sharp, listening out for your kid.
“It’s really not what you think doll,” The stoic soldier speaks up, his voice raspy from its momentary absence. You narrow your leer at him taking in his entirety. He looms in front of your tool shelf. The blue of his eyes are conflicting, dark and yet dangerously inviting. There was a hunger in his stance, like a predator stalking its prey… further unnerving you.
“Bucky, stand down.” Steve pleads softly. “I don’t want you to scare her, she’s-“ He cuts himself off. A grimace on his face as he looks back at you, ashamed, bashful. “Just stand down-“
“You gonna stop me Stevie?” Bucky’s tone was further unsettling now. Joyful and murderous. A creak in the floorboards throws you into over drive.
You’re behind the door connecting your house and garage in a moment, locking the door and shifting alarmingly fast to your daughter. As the door kicks in your already in your room, slinging your duffle along your body as you cling tightly to Nineve.
“Mom-“ she whimpers but you shake your head hard, silencing her fears. She’s burying her face in your shoulder as you silently slip through the window, closing it behind you with delicate diligence.
Your senses feel like live wire, your body electrified as you speed around the back of the house as you hear the two super soldiers argue and cause a rampage through your small quaint home.
“Buck stop!” Steve sharply reprimands. “She’s not supposed to be like the others, she’s different.”
A dark chuckle shakes the frames of the house as you sneaky into your car. “Then why’d you wait so long to introduce us, mhm punk?” There’s a pregnant pause. “You know I don’t like you holding out on me. Otherwise, I’ll start looking for myself,”
“They’ll kill you if you did. If they found out-“
“You’re gonna tell them?” Another pregnant pause, “Because if you do, you have to tell them what you did too.” Two heavy steps forward.
You clutch Nineve and quickly cover her mouth before she begins to cry. Just a moment baby, Please, you beg with your eyes as you listen to the bickering men.
“You know I wouldn’t do that, but Buck,” There’s further commotion, more rampage. “Buck-“
“Where the fuck is she?” James angrily snarls, “Come out doll.” He taunts.
“Bucky,” Steve hisses sharply. A few powerful thuds and bangs makes Nineve shake violently. Your hand is drenched in tears. Your heart begins to race but you stifle your breathing, calming your self. You’re sympathetic to her senses, but you can’t chance them catching you too soon.
The air becomes densely silent. You turn the key and shift gears, pulling out the garage in seconds. As you’re in the street, shifting gears and pulling off you see the both of them charge after you. Scrambling over themselves to get in their car.
But the head start was all you need. You’re whipping through traffic unnaturally fast as you make your way to the interstate.
Nineve clambers out of your hold, crying and screaming. “What was that?! Momma what was that! Why were they here?”
“Nonny please, stop screaming-“
“Mommy!” She squeals.
“Nineve stop yelling at me.” You reprimand sharply. Her cries quiet immediately. She hiccups and wraps her arms around herself. “I’m sorry.” you immediately apologize.
She’s quieter than normal. “I know that was scary. And I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry you had to hear that.” You let out a shaky breath. “And… and I’m sorry for snapping at you. I shouldn’t have, but I needed you to stop screaming.”
Nineve hiccups, but scoots into your side, clicking the seatbelt over her small lap. She snuggles closer as she wipes her tears. “I’m scared too. And the last thing I need are the bad men coming after us and the superhero’s getting involved.”
“B-but mommy,” She asks, voice shaky with tears. “I was scared of the superhero’s.” her small hands squeeze your side as she tries to hide beside you.
You rest a trembling hand on top of her head, doing your best to sooth her as you turn sharply off the interstate into the forest line. Honking horns and screeching tires the least of your worries. “I know baby, me too.”
When Nineve wakes up, you stop for gas in some fairway station, in the middle of somewhere Minnesota. She rubs her puffy eyes, taking in her surroundings. The area ear achingly silent as you turn off the vehicle. “Where are we mommy?”
“Minnesota, somewhere.” You tell her unsure. You reach to the glove box and grab the envelope. You thumb out enough money to fill the tank. You get out with the key, locking the door as you walk around your car to the pump.
You tense as you pump the gas, looking over your shoulder repeatedly, alert and ready to make a mad dash.
How has life managed to catch up with you so suddenly? You know you can’t keep running forever, but super soldiers? How did they even find out?
Your heart drops to your stomach. It was right in front of you. Steve was in your class, and despite your disregard of titles and accolades, you should’ve been more aware of the circumstances. But still, you felt blindsided. Why? Why target you? And why come after you now? And why was he so unsuspecting at first?
Your thoughts are interrupted but the shift in the silence. It’s impossible for them to have found you, or even caught up to you. Quickly you shake the nozzle and put it away. You close the gas tank opening and hurry to climb into your car. Nineve is dozing again, she’s tightly clutching her stuffed charmander. No doubt her mind is replaying the recent events. Softly your reach out to her as you pull off sharply. “Nonny,” you murmur, you shake her lightly to wake her.
“Yes mommy?” she whispers and rubs her eyes. “Your dreams, they’re scary aren’t they?” you ask carefully.
“Yes.” She says with a weep. You slow the car down to a crawl before turning off into the woods again. You stop when you’re far away enough from the road. You turn to Nineve in the dark of the early morning.
“Listen closely Nineve.” You tell her softly, “I won’t ever let the bad men get to you ever again.” She weeps more and you pull her close, holding her in your arms and cradling her. “I promise, I’ll keep you safe. We’ll never go back to the bad place ever again. Never, ever again.”
“But mommy-“
“No one is ever taking us again. I’ll keep you safe.”
“We should be close.”
“She could be anywhere,” The voices alert you, they’re dangerously close. You look down at Nineve, carefully laying her on the floor of the car. You cover her with the blanket you keep in the back, hiding her and keeping her warm from the chill outside.
You make a rash decision. Locking the car manually so not to alert them of your location. You listen to their feet crunching on the twigs and fallen leaves. Easily sneaking up behind them, watching them and listening from afar.
“You shouldn’t have gone to her house.” Steve grumbles. James scoffs. “I wanted to see her for myself. You got to see her, it was my turn.”
“You were going to grab her. The fuck is wrong with you Buck?”
James stood and turns to look at Steve. He gets in his face, “You know as good as me what it’s like now. How far removed we are from the world around us. And how the horrors we face have gotten to us,” James is sneering now, “Don’t you go cursing at me, you think you’re better than me? Huh? You think because they all trusted you and your heroism that that makes you better than me Steve?”
“I didn’t mean it like that Bucky.” Steve acquiesces. James takes a pause, “I’m the only one who actually knows you Steve Rogers.”
You shudder at the intensity in which they stand. James words eerie as he speaks them with a chill. “Don’t you ever forget that.”
You step back, unaware of your steps. The crunch of leaves and twigs makes them sharply turn. James cheshire grin makes your cheeks got hot, Steve’s blue eyes fill with relief.
James is the first to move, but Steve is close on your heels. “Don’t come any closer.” you step back two feet for the several steps they took.
“I’m sorry we scared you doll, that was my mistake-“
“Save it.” You defensively snap. “Who sent you?” You ask them sharply, gaze shifting between them rapidly. They pause. Confusion as clear as day on their faces.
You’re stunned. Their reactions weren’t at all what you were expecting. “We came here on our own,” Steve speaks up. “I’m sorry, I should’ve went about this a completely different way.” Steve begins to plead, James rolls his eyes.
“Just spit it out Steve.” James agonizingly encourages. “Spare her the bullshit, clearly she can handle it. Right sweet face?”
You give him a pinched look, but nod anyway. His grins darkens. Steve stalls, eyes remorseful. “I- I don’t even know where to be-“
“We’ve been watching you doll.” James says proudly. “Stalking you is the right word. Stevie here has a stuffy for you,” He dramatically stops and leers suggestively, eyeing you up and down, up and down, patiently slow. “And I have to say, I have one for you too. You look great after the kid.” He winks.
You feel raw, unprepared for this kind of confession, you’re completely at a loss of words. Suddenly exposed in a completely light. This couldn’t really be happening.
“No fucking way.” You utter and drop your defensive stance. “You show up to my home, unannounced, ready to what?-“ You look at them incredulously, “Kidnap me?! Terrify the fuck out of my child, because you want to get your dicks wet?”
James chuckles, Steve at least has the decency to look ashamed. James clears his throat, “You’re a smart girl. You’re right Steve,” he hums, “I like her.”
“You’re not serious.” Your blood boils beneath your skin. You feel the heat rise off you rapidly. “No no, you can’t be serious” You repeat sinisterly.
“Y/n,” Steve says your name softly. You level him with a dark glare, your vision tunnels, a red ring firing behind your irises. “Y/n,” He says your name softly again, “Where’s your daughter?”
The questions puts out your flame of fury immediately. Again displaying your hidden strengths your to her within the blink of an eye. She’s waiting patiently as you walk up to the door. You unlock the door and smile at her. She smiles back. “I knew you would come back.”
“Of course I would.” You reassure her. You run your finger over her cheek, catching a stray tear. “Mommy, you were really angry just now?” She asks slowly.
You look over your shoulder, “Yes, I was.” You look back to her, “I need you to get back down okay, stay there until I come back to get you.”
“Are we safe mommy?” She asks worriedly. You nod quickly. “We are, we’re just being followed by idiots” You admonish the two genetically manipulated men. “I’ll be back.”
And surely within the moment, you stop them mid trek in your direction. “Shit doll, don’t scare us like that.” James laughs lightheartedly.
“Is she okay?” Steve asks gently, blue eyes searching your dark ones. He’s intent in trying to gauge your reaction. “She’s fine, she’s safe.” You assure him.
“I’m sorry for scaring you both.” He apologizes. “I- I’m just sorry.”
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.” You tell him softly. You look between him and James. The later standing against the trunk of a tree, amusement in his eyes.
“Who are you running from if you don’t mind me asking sweet face.” James asks with a dark grin. He stands straight and walks carefully to you. You allow him to get close, and he towers over you. “Why? Don’t you know?”
“Humor me.” He challenges playfully, the mirth in his eyes contrasting the danger rolling off his shoulders. “Buck.”
“Cmon Stevie, she’s a big strong girl.” James is captivating as he speaks, but you don’t miss the way Steve comes around you, the both of them sandwiching you. You shudder, becoming overwhelmed with them so close. “Right doll?” James eyes become so soft, melting you on the spot.
You nod slowly, finally finding your words when he repeats his question. Completely hypnotized by his gaze, you don’t shy away when Steve presses himself to your back, hands firm on your arms. “Tell us babydoll.” Steve murmurs against you, lips at the top of your head.
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No Wonder (Part I)
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No Wonder
Avengers AU. Steve Rogers x Mutant!Reader “Serenity”. Tony Stark x Mutant!Reader “Serenity”. Bucky Barnes x Mutant!Reader “Serenity”.
Wordcount: 2487
You're in a situationship with Tony, Steve and Bucky. Things become too much when Tony finds out about Bucky's involvement with his parents death. Sending your world into chaos. The world is on fire, I'm so fucking tired And equally wired, so Am I to blame for my sick, frantic brain?
Warnings: 18+ Only MDNI
Angst and Feels, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Smut
Hello Heathens, I was originally going to post this as a single part, but the flow just was not working. So I have decided to make it two parts and post what is already set. I am hoping this will reinvigorate my muse to finish this story out the way I have envisioned it. I am really happy with this part and I hope you enjoy it as well. Quick not about the reader(you) just for context: This a Found Family story. Reader is mutant and a former addict. She Used to use to help suppress her empathic powers, turning her emotions into forms of the elements. She was found by Clint and Nat and they are very protective. Happy Reading 🖤 *Heavily inspired by the song Antsy by UPSAHL
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No one on the compound is unaware of the situationships I’m entangled in. I didn’t ask for this, but I’m not denying any of them either. Steve and Tony need me to feed something missing inside of them and I’m weak to deny them that.   
Steve, ever the fixer, feels drawn to the broken parts of me. Wanting to be the one to hold me and piece me back together.   
Tony connects with my destructive parts. No stranger to that darkness himself. I became his own personal addiction. Seeking out my body for the dopamine rush of pulling orgasms out of me.   
Then there’s Bucky. Full of such rage and sadness my powers are intrinsically drawn to him. He may look stoic on the surface but he’s an array of emotions on the inside. I can’t explain why it feels as if we were made for each other. But I’ve learned not to go against my instincts.   
I know he feels undeserving of me. Even though he keeps me close. Especially at night when the nightmares and flash backs are the worst.
I take the pain away.   
We work it all out in the training room. Then end the night tangled in the sheets, surrounded by wildflowers. Proof of our time spent together.  
I’m afraid to acknowledge what I know deep down in the core of me. I’m in love with him. My feelings for Steve and Tony are nowhere near as complex. I know I’m more of a place holder in their lives than they seem to realize. I knew from the start that love was not on the table for me. Most certainly not with them. This love for Bucky threw me for a godamn loop.  
Then Bucky’s past under Hydra’s control comes back to bite him in the ass and sends my world into chaos. The anger and guilt floating around was enough to suffocate me. My body stuck in a cycle of fire and ice. I couldn’t take it anymore. So, I did what I do best.  
I ran.   
I got the hell out of that compound and went to the one place I knew I could deal with all of this safely. 
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Clint’s farm is my sanctuary. With open spaces and a small little cottage built a safe distance from the world just for me. No need to call ahead. I let them know I’m there by lighting the largest fire in my fireplace that I can. The smoke from the chimney signaling my arrival. Laura will show up eventually with a meal and ear to listen to my bullshit. But before I can let my guard down I need to reach out to Dr. Cho and see if she can prescribe me something to help deal with all these emotions. A relapse feels imminent if I’m left to my own devices.  
They way Tony was spitting so much vitriol to Bucky and Steve was just too much to bear. I felt like I was going to combust before suddenly feeling like I was plunged into the artic waters of Antarctica when the feeling of shame and guilt overwhelmed me. The drastic change of hot to cold over and over was a torture I never experienced before.   
I vaguely remember shouting as I grasped my stomach in pain. “FUCK! At least wait until I’m out of the room before you rip further into each other! My body can only take so much!”   
I didn’t wait for a response. My pain barely registered to Steve and Tony. Both too self-absorbed in their convictions, to care what this was doing to me. But Bucky turned to me with sadness and an apology in his eyes as he watched me slowly make my way out of the room.   
I don’t blame him for what went down. I don’t even blame Tony or Steve. Emotions are a wild beast and even the calmest individual can fall prey to their whims. I can wield them to my will and yet I can still fall victim to their toxic ways. That’s why I prefer to be numb. If I can’t feel. Then nothing can hurt me.   
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Tony is the first to reach out. Hacking into my phone to unblock himself so that he could text me.  
T: I understand things got out of control. But you of all people understand the grip anger can have on you. Steve and Bucky have left. Come back home. It feels empty around here without your sunlight and flowers decorating the halls. We can lose ourselves in each other. I’ll even do that thing you like with my tongue that makes daisies sprout in your hair.   S: I’m perfectly content and safe where I am. I need to recover from the damage done to my body and soul. This wasn’t just some regular fight Tony. That shit was toxic on so many levels. How could I return and go back to being your little emotional sex doll, when my physical pain didn’t even register to you as you spit your hate at them. I’m sorry T, but I’m not coming home. Not until all this shit is resolved.    T: Babygirl, don’t do this to me. I need you. Come home.  
Having already said all that I needed to say, I didn’t respond. Instead I just turned my phone off and tossed it in a drawer. I wasn’t in the mood to play emotional phone tag with someone who clearly only sees me as a body to ease their troubles in.  
Damn therapy giving me self-respect at a time like this. Or is it just the influence of having Bucky in my life as of late? A man who feels so undeserving of the things I give him.   
“ Doll, you don’t have to sleep in here every night. You have others who want you in theirs. It’s okay. I’ve dealt with them for years. I can handle them.”  
“But you don’t have to anymore. And honestly, your bed is so much comfier than mine. And don’t get me started on that rock of a mattress that Steve sleeps on. And Tony never stays in bed long enough to actually sleep. He gets more sleep with his head resting on his lab desk than his California King. I am happy right where I am. Stop trying to send me away.”  
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Steve and Bucky show up on my doorstep a few days later. Steve is upset that I chose to leave the way I did and that I asked Cho for drugs to numb myself. Thanks Nat.    
“You’ve come so far. How could you so easily want to fall back into that darkness?”  
“Easy Steve. I was tired of feeling. Not to mention the physical beating those emotions were taking on my body. If you have a better way to deal with it, please let me know. But that would be hard to do, seeing as how you are one of the main causes of that pain. How long did it take for you to realize I was gone? Before you left the compound? Or after everything settled and you needed something else to focus on?”  
“That’s not fair Serenity. I was taking care of my best friend. He needed me.”  
“And I didn’t?” I sneer.
“It’s not like that. Please, come on. You know I love you. I’ve told you this before. I wouldn’t abandon you like that.”  
“And yet, you did. It didn’t even take Tony 24 hours to reach out and ask me to come home. So he can ‘lose himself’ in me and begin to heal. I refused to of course. Not until all this toxicity is dealt with. It’s been almost a week since the incident, and you finally showed up. Good for you Steven.”  
“We were trying to figure out where it was safe to go for Bucky. Traveling under the radar is not easy. We got here as soon we could.”  
“I call bullshit. And here’s why. If you cared to listen to me speak about things other than my dark past you would know that I have a place here on Clint’s farm. That it is my safe haven and where I go when I need a reset. You would also know that this place is safe for any of us. It would have been your first stop. But it wasn’t. So who told you I was here. Nat? Sam?”  
“Me.” Bucky deadpans. “I told him we could find you here. Just as you said. I knew you would be here. We took a week because I was waiting for his emotions to even out before we put you through any more pain. I never want to see you go through what you did that day ever again.”  
“Bucky, I…” I can feel my body responding to his honesty. “I’m at a loss for words other than thank you.”   
“Your eyes.” Bucky points out.  
“What about them?”  
“They’re amber. Almost glowing like the flames of a campfire. They’ve never done that before. Are you angry?”  
“N-No. I’m definitely feeling something. But it’s not anger.”  
“Than what could it be?”  
“Love.” Steve pipes in. “She’s in love with you Buck. Love is as fiery as anger but it’s more subtle. Hence the changing of her eyes instead of flames along her fingertips.”  
“Huh. That’s a new one.” I surmise.  
“Y-you love me?” Bucky whispers.  
I fidget with my hands. “Yeah. I think I have for a while now but was just too scared to address it. Didn’t want to overwhelm you. I know you think you don’t deserve love because I feel the same way. But I do. I love you.”  
“Fuck. I thought it was just me.”  
“Wait, what?”  
“I’ve been love with you from the moment after you soothed me from a nightmare the first time. But I knew you also had something with Steve and Tony and they are so much more deserving of you than me so I just never said anything. Tried everything in my power to hide it down deep so you wouldn’t be influenced by it.”  
I start to laugh. “This is like some romance novel shit. Two idiots in love. Scared to tell other because of their fucked-up pasts.”   
“Those tend to conclude with a happy ending. Our mess is far too complicated for that.”  
“I’m a mutant James who can weaponize their emotions. I’ve never known uncomplicated. I can handle messy. I’m great at messy. I can deflect and suppress and then use it to my advantage in battle. But you and I aren’t that, are we? Tony, Steve and I are a complex puzzle of complications. While you and I have always been easy. I’ve tried to deny it, push it away. Because I knew you thought of it as complication to the life you were trying to live under the radar. So I happily soaked up whatever piece of you you’d give me.”  
“You really are self-destructive, aren’t you? Denying yourself what you truly wanted while feeding off of the scraps you were given. Either by men who only wanted you for what you could do for them or the man who felt undeserving to be in your presence.”  
“When you put it that way.” I shrug. “Feeling sucks. This is why I preferred to numb all those pesky emotions with whatever substance would help me float away. I stopped doing that and well look where it got me. Chasing that high between the bedsheets of men who’s hearts belong to another while secretly hoping the one you truly want comes to his senses.”  
“I’m sorry.” Bucky whispers.  
“No need to apologize. You did nothing wrong. You’re allowed to feel broken and take all the time you need to heal. Just like Steve is allowed to try and fool himself into thinking he could truly love someone other than Peggy. Or Tony with Pep. I don’t fault any of you for your actions. I know better than anyone that emotions are chaos. That’s why I did what was best for me and came here. Protecting the little peace I have left.”  
“And you wonder why I felt undeserving to love you. Even now you’re thinking of everyone else. Making them feel better about their actions. But I’m not okay with what happened. Especially because I was the catalyst for what resulted in physical pain to the woman I love.”  
“It couldn’t be helped Buck. There will always be something out there to cause me harm.”  
“But it shouldn’t be because of me!” He grits out. The pain evident in his voice.  
On instinct, I step forward and wrap my arms around him. As if my embrace gave him permission to surrender, Bucky’s shoulders sag and he heaves a heavy sigh. Wrapping his arms around me tightly. Tucking his face into my neck and inhaling my scent as if it were a calming balm.  
“I’m going let you guys work this out alone. I’ll be up at the main house when you need me.” Steve declares.  
“You don’t have to go Steve.”  
“Actually I do. I have some things I need to think and work out myself in regard to our relationships. This has been eye opening in a way I can’t ignore.”  
“I never wanted to hurt you, Steve.”  
“You didn’t, doll. Don’t worry about me right now. I’ll be okay. Buck needs you.”  
With a soft smile he walks out the door. Leaving Bucky and I to the quiet of my cabin.  
“How do we fix this? How do I make it right? We can’t go back to the compound. Not with how mad Tony is.” Bucky rambles.  
“Shh. You have to try and not spiral into panic. Everything will sort itself out in due time.” I begin to rock us back and forth. “We can stay here as long as we need to. Clint will keep us safe. No one will get to you that isn’t allowed access.”  
He nods his head against my collarbone. “Okay.”  
I feel the lightest touch as he places his lips to base of my throat and leaves a featherlight kiss.  
I weave the fingers of my left hand through his brunette locks. Pulling his head back and placing my right hand against the scruff lining his jaw. I then lose myself to the icy blue depths of his soulful eyes.  
“Your eyes are shining amber again.”  
“Seems I can’t control it yet. Looks like they’ll be giving me away every time I look at you for more than a moment.”  
“I like it.”  
“Great for the ego, I’m sure.”   
“Fuck my ego. Makes my chest feel all warm knowing that I’m the only one who has ever made them do that.”  
The only appropriate response my body can give is to lean down and kiss his stupid handsome face.
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pauloonig · 1 year
Looking for a Steve Rogers Fic
Hey! Basically the plot is Steve has this enemy (main character) and she has powers (electricity) and when she uses them she turns blue and cant be recognized from her human form. Somehow she loses her memory (human form) and steve feels guilty and takes care of her because he believes her mutant form will come after her. after a while she wanders into a thunderstorm and gets her powers and memories back, but she keeps this from steve... it was a pretty long fic so I wont get too much into details... he turns her in at some point.
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buckrecs · 2 years
2022 Bucky Barnes Fic Rec Wrap Up 2
part 1 | masterlist
favorite fics from 2022 series fic recs
All of them are COMPLETE Series.
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1. Fatal Attraction by @gayouijaboard
Bucky x Assassin!Reader
Bucky’s quite the flirt, even when you’re in the middle of trying to murder him
2. Lost Without You by @angrythingstarlight
Mob!Dad!Bucky x Reader
Soft Mob Bucky Series
3. should’ve been you by @classylo
Bucky x Reader, past Steve x Reader
a Stark gala, a cheating boyfriend, an upset reader, and her boyfriend’s best friend...let’s begin shall we?
4. kisses, cookies and such | candlelight & cuddles by @stevebabey
Neighbor!Bucky x Reader
Something had... shifted. Yet somehow, nothing had changed. You can’t put your finger on it, but sometime between then and now, there’s a difference. Well, that much was obvious — a lot of things had changed since Bucky and you became friends.
5. Something More by @tellmealovestory
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
After a bad breakup you ask your best friend to take your virginity. It’s just friends with benefits. What could possibly go wrong?
6. The Contingency Plan by @dilemmaontwolegs
Bucky x WOC!Reader
Bucky had promised he would find you after the war ended but you were planning on keeping your own promises to him, for better or for worse, so you were heading to Italy and to the front lines. Life in the war was fast, it was living moment to moment because you didn’t know how much time you had together. Then Bucky went missing and for a moment you had him back, all thanks to Steve, and despite your pleas Bucky went straight back into the fray of the war never to be seen again. When Bucky got his mind and body back in the 21st century he finds your name on a memorial for women who lost their lives or were missing in action during the war. He never had any idea you were still waiting for him.
7. Something Domestic by @fandoms-writings
Ex-military amputee!Bucky x Reader
Needing an escape from the loud and busy city life, Bucky comes to stay with you on your little farm. He didn’t expect you, a hardworking and beautiful woman with struggles of your own, to take his breath away and make life a little less dreary.
8. we’re fools. by @achillieus
Bucky x Reader College AU
for all bucky barnes knows, he hates clichés. and this thing between you two, happens to be the biggest one.
9. The Bienville by @indyluckycharlie
CEO!Bucky x Reader
Bucky is the young CEO of his family’s publishing house. A year into the role and working his ass off, he’s finally taking a much needed vacation (upon the advice of his well-meaning family and friends).
10. Greatest Hits by @lunarbuck
Bucky x Reader
You work at your family's record store, and Bucky lives next door. He comes into your store and asks you for some music recommendations. You soon realize that he has a lot to learn and make it your personal mission to show him the world he missed out on through music.
11. Obey by @waiting4inspiration
Bucky x Hydra!Reader
An assassin is brought in by Fury because he thinks she has a connection to HYDRA. Bucky recognizes her and knows how to handle the programming installed in her mind (much like his Winter Soldier programming). Things become challenging now that he is her new Commander and has the responsibility to look after and protect her from HYDRA.
12. Playing With Fire by @beccaanne814
Fireman!Bucky x Reader
What happens when two people who have nothing in common suddenly have to pretend to be in a relationship? Will the sparks between them ignite into something more, or is this romance doomed to crash and burn?
13. Strange Times by @/beccaanne814
Bucky x Reader
You have a certain type - smart, charming, and handsome as sin. For years you’ve been in love with the only man you thought possessed all of those traits, but a chance encounter with a Strange individual sends you and a certain ex-assassin on a journey of self-discovery. As you try to find a way back home, will you also be able to uncover the perfect man hidden beneath layers of guilt and self-loathing.
14. Invisible String by @oitommothetease
Mob!Bucky x Reader
James Buchanan Barnes, the owner of the most expensive-looking club in town and your new apartment. He was a dick and you hated him. What could possibly go wrong when you, the new girl in town, start bartending at his club to pursue your dreams?
15. A Weapon No More by @empyreanwritings
Bucky x Mutant!Reader
You made a promise to retire from the life of being used as a weapon after you escaped the Facility, but what’s one more mission? You wanted revenge on the doctor that created and tortured you for all those years, and S.H.I.E.L.D was giving you the opportunity to do so. Would it be worth breaking that promise?
16. Scars by @tokoyamisstuff
Bucky x Reader
Based on the Soulmate Prompt where whatever you write on your skin, it appears on your Soulmate’s.
17. Stepping Up by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
Bucky x Reader
When Steve can’t go with you to your cousin’s wedding, he sends Bucky in his place. What happens when more than one person assume you’re dating?
18. Bucky’s Bistro Dates by @wonderlandmind4
Bucky x Reader
A Bistro owner is witness to Bucky Barnes bad dates.
19. Better by @captainscanadian
Doctor!Bucky x Doctor!Reader
Dr. James Barnes has it all: a loving family, caring best friends, and a successful career as one of the best heart surgeons in New York. He has everything he ever wanted his whole life… well, almost everything. One thing he never thought he could ever have was Y/N Y/L/N. She may have been a lot of things, but he loved her because she made him better.
20. Under Pastel Skies by @redgillan
Writer!Bucky x Artist!Reader
Bucky doesn’t need anyone, especially not a sugar baby. He isn’t that desperate... but she smiles so sweetly and she's endearingly awkward, and he’s so lonely. She’s an artist, a painter, the type of person who always puts others before herself. Throwing caution to the wind Bucky offers her a place to live, a place where she can finally paint whatever her heart desires. He doesn’t need much in return; a friend, a muse.
21. Save Me by @espinosaurusrexex
Bucky x Reader College AU
Bucky Barnes has never had it easy, which ultimately turned him into a caveman-like introvert with no desire to see the positive side of life. But what happens when the clumsily charming art student, Y/N, stumbles to his rescue, determined to show Bucky how truly wonderful the world is?
22. Summer Plans by @notimetoblog
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Planning a trip with Bucky takes a turn when someone new comes into his life. Will it all change or can you still manage to have the perfect summer you planned?
23. i hate you but by @buckybarnesthehotshot
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
bucky and y/n can’t stand each other, but y/n needs help with her sister’s kids (enemies to lovers au)
24. Hello and Goodbye, by @sweetascanbee
Bucky x Adopted Wilson!Reader
You are Sam's adopted little sister, and he brings home a mysterious friend.
25. Dreaming of Better Days by @wizardofrozz
40s!Bucky x Reader
Steve always manages to find a fight no matter where he goes and Bucky is always ready to defend his best friend, until one day someone beats him to it. Bucky isn’t prepared to find you standing up for his best friend and he definitely wasn’t prepared to be so swept up by you. But most of all, he didn’t expect you to have such an important place in his future. 
26. Grease Lightning by @language-rxgers
Bucky x Reader
You’re on the hair & makeup team for your school’s production of Grease, and Nat has signed you up to do the makeup for the lead role of Danny Zuko- played by none other than Bucky Barnes. 
27. Snow by @delaber
Bucky x Agent!Reader
Tired of your constant bickering, Sam sends you and Bucky on a mission alone. When the worst possible outcome happens and you’re forced to spend several days together in a small cabin, you finally get to see a different, more pleasurable side to the man whose flesh you’ve always had a thorn in.
28. How to Make Small Talk in Five Simple Steps | How to Make the Right Decision in Five Simple Steps by @certifiedskywalker
Bucky x Reader
When people meet, they often use small talk as a means to negotiate and define the start of a new relationship. When you and Bucky meet, you both struggle to find the right words.
29. Next to Me by @sgtjbuccky
Bodyguard!Bucky x Reader
After an attempt on you and your identical twin’s life, your father calls in the Avengers for protection. Bucky soon realizes your father’s goal is solely to keep you sister safe, and decides that the times of doing the bidding of others are long gone, and takes your protection into his own hands.
30. Money, Power, Glory by @sergeantxrogers
Criminal!Bucky x Informant!Reader
James “Bucky” Barnes, New York state’s most infamous organized crime leader since the 1980s. With Bucky weaving through the fingers of local police and the federal government for far too long, they decide to go with plan B: you. Your job? Simple. Relay inside information back to the FBI, slipping through the cracks of Bucky’s fortress of a crime ring as an unknown imposter. The Bureau, however, has no idea you and Bucky are much more acquainted than you let on.
31. Blue by @softlybarnes
Bucky x Reader
James and Y/N take a road tip across the country to help Bucky’s recovery process. A question Y/N asks at the beginning of the trip sets Bucky searching his memories for an answer, one he finds he needs if he can move forward.
32. It’s All Fun and Games by @yikeswtfmate
Bucky x Reader MCU AU
A glimpse into Bucky and Y/N’s relationship, where they’re not together, but every single one of their friends would beg to differ.
33. A love that never leaves by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Bucky x Enhanced!Reader
Sometimes when you go looking for the past, you find things you never expected. When an accident brings him face to face with something he never knew he lost, Bucky Barnes begins to understand an age old truth – it’s so easy, sometimes, to love the things that destroy us.
34. Heart to a Gunfight by @lailannajacobs
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
You didn’t want to help Bucky Barnes make it through the party by pretending to be his fake girlfriend, after all, you had just met him. You also didn’t plan on the charade lasting as long as it did.
35. Café Crema by @wonderlandmind4
Bucky x Reader
The first time was an accident. The second time was coincidence. The third time is just unlucky. The fourth time is getting out of hand and the fifth may or may not be with intent. Otherwise known as The One Where He Spills Her Coffee.
36. If Only You Were Mine… by @bbgem329
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
You’ve been in love with Bucky Barnes since the moment you laid eyes on him. That was five years ago, when your older sister brought him home for a Sunday lunch and introduced him as her boyfriend.
37. желание by @sebbytrash
Bucky x Agent!Reader
Steve had drafted Bucky in to help with your training, not knowing you had feelings for him. Feelings? Ok, you were attracted to the man. Insanely so. And he hated you. Or at least that’s what you think, but is there more going on than you realise?
38. Awake My Soul by @foreverindreamlandd
Bucky x Reader Zombie Apocalypse AU
It's been five years since zombies first started walking the Earth, destroying anything and everything in their wake. Now, in this apocalyptic world, fighting for survival comes as naturally as breathing. The one thing you've learned ever since they arrived, though, is that the living can be so much more dangerous than the undead. When you stumble across two young, scared boys lost in the woods and being chased by walkers, you go against your better judgment and help them to safety. Little did you know that helping them would lead you to Bucky - an angry, grumpy, distrusting member of the camp Shield. Bucky has zero interest in having you enter his life. He's been hurt before and lost too many people to risk experiencing that kind of pain again, and he knows that there are secrets you aren't telling the group. Yet, when push comes to shove, and you're put at risk, he'll stop at nothing to keep you safe.
39. Fatality by @moonlight-prose
Bucky x Reader
After being dusted for five years he was back, except so were the memories he never had a hold of before. No longer did they sit dormant in his mind, but instead they attacked him day in and day out. Moments in time he didn’t believe were him. Until one returns to him and brings with it a piece of himself he thought he’d lost for good.
40. pretty woman, this is me trying by @captainsimagines
Bucky x Sex Worker!Reader
Bucky Barnes does not like to be touched. He’s completely ready to live a distant life and give up when the time is right. Until Stark hires him his own personal pretty woman. Over time, Bucky Barnes begins to learn how to touch again. How to feel again. How to love himself again.
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Spread You Wings Pt. 15: Déjávu
Summary: Reader is a HYDRA experiment (like the Maximoffs, but not voluntary) who grows wings (like Angel from X-Men). She escapes, and is now trying to rescue and prevent further kidnappings and experiments.
Word Count: 3011
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of violence… honestly, I’m not even sure anymore
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Surreal didn’t begin to describe landing on that clifftop in Siberia.  
As you’d flown in, you’d filled in as much of your building plan as you could. It looked like they had left the structure alone for the most part, adding security and cameras, but not altering the layout much. 
It was clearly another set up; the entire building was full of what looked like completely empty, useless rooms that locked from the outside. Rooms meant to draw attention, and trap anyone who investigated. 
You didn’t look around much as you jogged from the jet you and Clint had flown in across the snow towards the team. Just the sound of your footsteps crunching in the snow had memories tapping at the back of your mind, but you forced them back. You followed Clint into the other jet and stood just inside the door. Once the two of you stepped on board, the cloaking was reengaged, keeping the jet invisible to the outside, but allowing the occupants to see out. You kept your back to the interior wall, but stood so that you had a line of sight to the outside as well. 
When asked, you had HERMES and FRIDAY project your augmented map into the space in front of the team. 
“If I had to guess, Bucky would be somewhere in this level,” you said, indicating a level that the AIs highlighted. “It’s the most secure.” If they were to attempt to reprogram Bucky, their equipment would likely have been brought there.
The team immediately began talking strategy, but each strategy had at least one major flaw. If it wasn’t the fact that they would be completely mobbed by guards, it was that they were going to get the building locked down, or possibly blown up while they were all inside. It was all you could do to point these flaws out without pulling your hair out, but you kept your composure, until you couldn’t anymore.
All this talking, it was taking too much time; time that you were fairly sure Bucky didn’t have. For all you knew, Bucky could have already been removed from the compound. Or he could be strapped into whatever torture devices HYDRA had stored in this shithole. Or-
Nope. You were done. 
As slowly as possible, you edged your way out of the team’s line of sight. You kept your movements small and slow until you were around the back of the jet, then you broke into a sprint.The door to the compound was open from where the team had entered before, so it was quick and easy to slip in. At the elevator shaft you stopped.
“HERMES, what floor is the lift on?” you asked quietly.
“It seems to be on the bottom of the shaft mistress.”
“Cut the power to it.”
Using both your arms and your legs, you were able to pry the doors apart just enough to edge your body through. You released your wings and just as your feet stepped into the open shaft, spread them as wide as you could to hold a hover at the platform, making sure the doors shut behind you, keeping anyone from sneaking up behind.
Slowly and carefully, you lowered yourself through the shaft, counting the floors as they passed, until you were at the correct level. There was a tiny ledge between the doors and where the elevator would have stopped, but it wasn’t wide enough to do more than rest your toes on. You kept pumping your wings as you pried the doors apart again, they were much harder to open from this side, and holding a hover while doing so had sweat pouring down your back, but you managed. As you slipped between the open doors and into the hallway beyond, the doors closed themselves faster than you were anticipating and caught your wings.
The fine bones in your wings were stronger than birds wings, but you could feel the sharp pains signaling near breaks, and hairline fractures. You drew them in as quickly as you could, berating yourself for not being more careful.
As you stepped fully into the hallway, you froze. This… this was the floor you’d lived on. 19 steps away exactly was the door to your testing cell. Through the door at the back of that room, and 10 steps further down another hallway was the door to the room in which you’d spent the majority of your life, trapped. So many memories of your time with HYDRA had taken place within the confines of this floor. How many times had you been dragged, half-conscious, down this hallway? You shivered.
“HERMES, scan for thermal signatures,” you thought to the AI, no longer daring to speak out loud.
“None on this floor mistress. There are, however, several in a room to the left and above you,” he replied.
“Air vents,” you began searching for the access vent. Of course, the nearest access you could find was just above your head. Typical. Digging into the pockets of your tactical pants, you pulled out the swiss army knife you’d tucked there. Air vents, even in evil lairs, were attached with screws. And a screwdriver was always useful even if there were no screws; they made perfectly serviceable stabbing tools.
You jumped and grabbed the grate covering the vent. Holding yourself that way for a moment before releasing your wings again. You used them to provide the occasional boost as you released the vent cover, letting the vent grate drop to the floor as you levered your body up into the space that was just a bit too small for comfort. A person would fit there, barely, but a person with wings? Not so much. It took a moment to get yourself into a stable position while hiding your wings again and sliding fully into the vent. 
“Movies make this look a lot easier than it is,” you thought as you army-crawled along the very small tunnel. It was almost funny how you had to twist and contort your body into the vertical shaft. It would have been hilarious to watch and you would have laughed in any other situation. Finally standing, you pressed your forearms and lower legs into the walls of the shaft and slowly inched your way up. It would have been a breeze if you could have used your wings, but the space was far too tight, so inchworm it was.
“Y/N, where the hell are you?”
“HERMES, please inform Captain America that I am currently crawling through an air vent and cannot speak at the moment,” even your thoughts sounded snippy. Oh well. 
You reached a junction and crawled into the horizontal shaft, following the amalgamated map you had asked HERMES to project for you of your memories, and his heat reading.
“Son of a bitch! We need a plan first Y/N!”
“Bit busy at the moment, whine at me later.” Apparently HERMES took it upon himself to convey your thought because laughter and more curses followed.
“Where am I in relation to the heat signatures now?” HERMES informed you that you were now just above them. You slid along the shaft until you hit the next vent. “How many heat signatures are in the room below me right now?”
“One Mistress.”
You attempted to be quiet while removing the grate, but with no access to the screw heads, your best bet was to slip your fingers through the venting and hold on to it while you hit it sharply from the inside. You managed to keep the grate from hitting the floor, and when no shouts followed your pounding, you maneuvered the grate up into the shaft with you and cautiously peaked your head out of the hole you’d made.
HERMES was right, there was only one person in the room. And that person wasn’t going to be stopping you cause they were strapped into the weirdest looking chair you’d ever seen. 
You were not incredibly graceful clambering out of the vent, but since the person in the chair had a bag over their head and seemed to be unconscious, there was no need to worry about appearances. You looked around the room and found the door. You had nothing to block it with, so you had to hope no one would attempt to come in, or that they at least didn’t bring too many friends along with them.
There was nothing in the room aside from the chair. No two way mirror, no torture devices, nothing. Just the person, a man, strapped into the freaky chair. Finally looking back at the person in the chair, you peeked under the bag and swore. Bucky. 
“Tell the others I’ve found him, and transmit images,” you thought as you looked for some way to release the straps.
“Careful, Y/N. If they’ve done what I think they have, he may not wake up the same person he was,” Steve’s voice was restrained, but you knew this was probably killing him.
“Mistress, two heat signatures are approaching the door” HERMES’ calm voice announced.
“Shit.” There was nowhere to hide in the room so you slid quickly to the wall with the door and positioned yourself so the door would swing in front of you, blocking you from view for a moment. 
The two people approaching were clearly unafraid of Bucky, restrained as he was, but only one of them came into the room. The other remained outside, guarding the door. Good news for you, if you could keep the struggle quiet and quick you would only have to take one at a time.
The man who entered the room didn't swing the door all the way open, but it came within an inch of the toes of your boots before it began to swing closed again. It looked like the man was wearing a lab coat; so he was either an observer or a tester, neither was a good option. Fortunately he wouldn't be a problem much longer.
Not pausing to draw a knife, you pushed off the wall and launched yourself at the man standing in front of Bucky. Upon reaching him, you immediately put as much of your weight as you could into pressing down on the top of his head, compressing his spine before you grabbed his chin and violently jerked his chin to the side. The dry popping sound seemed insanely loud in the room, but you managed to catch the body before it hit the ground, and the guard at the door made no move to enter.
Now, the question was, should you try to remove Bucky from the torture chair now, or wait until the other guard came in?
"We aren't killers, Y/N.” You'd forgotten the others were watching. and Steve's gruff chiding was unwelcome.
You didn't go out of your way to kill, but right then you had few weapons, no restraints available, and any noise could have drawn the guard’s notice. If Steve wanted to judge your actions, so be it; he wasn't there with you.
"You can bitch me out later," you thought, knowing HERMES would translate, "but I am here, and I'm gonna get Bucky out. Help, or shut up!" 
“There's only one guard outside, right?" Natasha spoke up. You gave her the affirmative. "You can handle them if necessary, but I'd suggest moving Barnes while you can"
"Easier said than done," you thought ruefully.
As quietly as possible, you moved the body so that it blocked the door. No, It wouldn't stop anyone determined to get in, but it would slow them down. 
Bucky hadn't made a sound, and his head was tilted slightly, making him appear asleep, but you approached cautiously. You pulled the cover off his head and inhaled sharply. Cuts & bruises covered his face, clearly HYDRA wasn't concerned about the condition of their Soldier, so long as he was back under their care.
A litany of curses, in multiple languages, ran through your mind as you quickly scanned the chair Bucky was strapped to. It was mechanical, but you couldn't see an obvious power source, or a way to release the chair's occupant.
"HERMES, override?"
"Searching, Mistress."
You circled the chair seeing very few exposed wires, you could pull them, but since you were unsure what sort of reaction that would cause, you left that as a last resort.
"Ideas?" you asked the group.
"Working on it," Natasha replied.
"I've never seen the thing myself, Buck's told me about it, but he was never lucid enough when they used it to tell me much about how it works." Steve sounded calm, but you could imagine the frustration this must be causing him.
On your second pass. you found what looked like a control panel, but of course, none of the damn switches were labeled.
"Override located.”
"Thank Fuck." There was no way you were going to test any of those switches.
Following HERMES' instructions, you had the restraints popping open in moments, but Bucky was still unconscious. You looked up at the ventilation shaft you'd climbed through to get in. That was the safest route out, but how in the fuck would you get an unconscious super soldier wth a metal arm up there? The chair could boost you a bit, but not enough. 
Taking a deep breath, you released your wings again, wincing at the no longer negligible you felt from the still healing wounds, and the new possible fractures from the elevator. You pushed yourself into a hover just above the floor. "This is gonna suck." Beating your tender wings had pain rippling over your back and tears pricking your eyes, but you did it. 
Gripping Bucky at the waist, you pushed past the pain, and forced your body to rise until your head brushed the ceiling. Slowly & clumsily you maneuvered Bucky's lower body into the vent shaft, orienting his body in the direction opposite your destination so you could drag him along instead of trying to push him ahead of you. 
His shoulders had just passed into the vent, finally allowing you to grab hold of the opening and let your wings to drop, when the guard knocked on the door and called inside. 
Forcing your wings to recede had you biting back a scream. Your arms shook violently as you pulled your body into the shaft as quickly as possible. Tears were pouring down your face and a scream was rapped in your throat, but there was no time for you to even catch your breath.
"We're out of time," you alerted the team as you contorted your body to grab ahold of Bucky's outstretched arms. You'd shifted Bucky's body beyond the opening by the time you heard the guard force open the door. He was not quiet in his discovery of his downed colleague, immediately calling a lockdown. He apparently did not notice, or bother wondering exactly how their prize prisoner had managed to escape, but it didn't matter, the whole complex would be shut down.
When you'd been kept in the compound before, you had only attempted to use the vents once; you’d chosen the wrong route on that attempt and had been caught quickly. There was no telling whether or not HYDRA had bothered to put any protections in their vent system since then, but you had no choice but to continue to pull Bucky along the shaft with you. 
A map showing the route you had taken to find Bucky appeared over your field of vision. 
You were sweating and shaking by the time you closed in on your exit; it had taken way longer to leave than it had to break in. Not only were you dragging a very heavy supersoldier along with you, but you kept having to freeze in place whenever you heard activity around you, unsure if the guards would be able to hear you. You'd had HERMES project the location of your exit from the vents to the rest of the team during your inchworm journey out, and you let them know you were approaching the drop. 
In order to get out of the shaft, you would have to move your body past the opening, drop your legs down, and then drop into the vertical shaft, pulling Bucky down with you. The shaft was too narrow to try a controlled slide with two people, and the sharp metal lips where the vent sections joined together would slice your back to ribbons. And it was too tall for anyone to be able to reach up and grab Bucky from below. If you hadn't had Bucky with you. you would have climbed down, but it was way too tight to manage a climb carrying someone, let alone an unconscious someone. 
You slid yourself into position, legs dangling in the opening, and waited for your signal. You could hear shouts and weapons firing below you, so you knew a fight was raging, but you had no way to help without leaving Bucky unprotected. Adrenaline made it hard to regulate your breathing, but you made an effort.
Several, if not most, of the sharp joins caught you as you fell, ripping into your clothing and skin. When your feet hit the floor, a jarring wave of pain shot up your legs, but it wasn't nearly as bad as when all of Bucky's considerable weight crashed down on top of you moments later. The others provided cover fire as you rolled slightly and shifted Bucky off of you. 
Tears still coursing down your cheeks, you braced one hand and one knee on the ground as you pushed through the now agonizing pain and released your wings. Something was definitely broken now, but you forced them wide. Looking down the hall, you spotted the avengers slowly pulling back to your position. As they slid back, Sam kicked one of the fallen enemy’s guns to you, you snapped it up and aimed at the shadowy figures ducking in and out of doorways.
Perma Tags (Open): @17marvelousfreak , @melconnor2007 , @writingwithadinosaur , @whenallsaidanddone , @hello-sweetie-get-the-salt , @umwhatandrea , @pineapplebooboo , @thefridgeismybestie , @xlemon-limex , @sammysgirl1997 , @4theluvofall , @geeksareunique @madcheshire89 , @shakzer00 , @mummy-woves-you , @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for​, @strangersstranger , @dreams-of-feysand
Avengers Perma Tags (Open): @ldyhawkeye , @gonnadiereading
Bucky/Sebastian Tags (Open): @smileybear17, @not-sebastian-stan , @chubby-dumplinWINGS
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thewritergremlin-rae · 2 months
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Finding Your Forever Home
Part 2 - Under the Stars
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Mutant!Reader Alpha!Steve x Omega!Mutant!Reader Beta!Sam x Omega!Mutant!Reader Characters: Bucky, Reader, Miss Jones, Steve, Sam Rating: T Words: 3,456 Content: 2nd person, omegaverse au, mute reader, AFAB reader, polyamory, some angst from Bucky, talk of Loki being genderfluid and both Thor and Loki having fluid secondary genders Summary: You meet the Alpha and Beta visiting the school and quickly find out why they've been so desperate to meet you. Ao3: HERE Notes: PART 1 IS HERE Part 2!!! Finally got it finished - got most of the way done before I realised I needed Bucky to have a scene with omega this chapter. Urgh but anyway, thankfully only took me an extra day!
Hope you guys enjoy the next part
Banners by cafekitsune
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You didn’t come down the next day, needing the time to decompress and adjust back to being at the school. It always felt like a shock no matter how many times you transitioned between the two. 
You’d wondered about just staying with James. Plunging head first into whatever world he lived in. The one that meant he had a burner phone, a mattress for a bed and, you were pretty sure, no rental contract.
But he was warm, and home, and easy to communicate with. He didn’t ask a lot of questions, which meant you didn’t have to type a lot. Something your fingers always appreciated. 
The school wasn’t bad! Comfortable enough but, no pack. It just couldn’t be the same as spending time with James.
The morning you made your way down for breakfast, most of the kids already done and you delighted in the quiet. You gathered your favourite breakfast items and had begun to prepare when something tickled at your nose. 
Familiar, but a little different. The loud noise of the kitchen door almost busting off its hinges had you grabbing the sharpest knife on hand to defend yourself. 
An alpha stood in the doorway, blonde hair shining in the morning light. He was tall, broad shouldered - all more than James, who was the tallest and broadest man you’d ever met. His knuckles turned white holding himself back from you. “Omega?”
His voice sounded deep but not growling, not angry or intimidating. Begging, almost. You’d even go so far as to say whining, so you set down the knife.
You breathed in more deeply and realised what scent had tickled your nose. Home. Different to James, the undertones smelt different for this Alpha - clean - but it gave the same satisfaction. The same safety of home. His scent drew you closer until you stood just before him and you could see the vibrations as he held himself back. You smoothed your palm up and over his bulging bicep before observing his face. 
His expression was soft, watching your every movement, his eyes scanning your face. Silently begging for an answer. You nodded and he burst forward, arms wrapping desperately around you and picking you up off the ground.
Your arms wrapped around his neck to give yourself a sense of security as he buried into your neck. He took a deep inhale and a shudder ran through you, his nose pressed against your skin.
“Steve?” A voice called to the man holding you, you assumed, and you looked over Steve’s shoulder to see a man helplessly shaking his head. 
Steve’s arms tightened and a huff escaped him. You just waved at the new guy, who smiled and waved back. “Hey, sorry about him. Serum heightened his senses, he’s extra sensitive to scents and all of that. I’m Sam Wilson, beta, same pack as this guy.” 
You nodded a little and held out a hand to shake. The two of you shook hands before you patted your neck to try and explain why you hadn’t said anything. “It’s alright, Miss Jones told us. Guessing your phone is in ya pocket?” 
You gave him a thumbs up and Sam’s attention turned to the alpha, still holding you off the ground. “Come on Steve, time to let go.” Sam’s hand eased gentle circles over Steve’s back and eventually he set you back on the ground. 
“Hey,” Steve greeted, expression sheepish as he shoved his hands in his pockets. You suspected to stop himself from touching you again. 
Now that you could take the time to look at him, your eyebrows furrowed and you squinted at him. Steve coughed awkwardly and held out his hand. “Steve Rogers, pleased to meet you.” 
You took his hand to shake before the name dawned on you. You were behind, to say the least, on more modern news but you felt like you hadn't studied any subject more than you had World War II. So of course you knew the name and you looked him over again. 
The muscles made sense now. You grabbed out your phone and wrote out your pleasantries, though it seemed like they had heard about you already. 
You heard quick footsteps and Miss Jones appeared at the door. “Are you alright, Captain Rogers? The kids are ready for your talk.” 
“Oh!” He gave her a sheepish smile and nodded. “Sorry, I, right,” Steve turned back to you, his smile turning shy. “Can we talk at lunch? We’ll be eating at 2 - after the students.” 
You nodded in agreement and watched his arm flex like he wanted to do something, but he quickly turned away. “Classroom 2, right, ma’am?” 
Miss Jones gave him a nod and watched him leave. She looked at you, Sam, and then where Steve had stood. She shook her head with a soft laugh, adding; “Well, I suppose I’ll find out later. Mr Wilson, your time with the kids will be in an hour.” 
“Sure thing, Miss Jones.” She headed off - probably to help out in classroom 2 - and you took a seat, gesturing for Sam to join you. He pulled one out and sat himself down, pouring a glass of water from the jug on the table. “So, guessing the penny just dropped on who Steve is?” 
You nodded and tapped out a reply; ‘We study WWII a lot here. You’re an Avenger too, right?’
Sam smiled. “Yeah, Falcon. All of us back at the tower are a pack. I had no idea we were missing someone, but I think the Alphas are more sensitive to that. Well, you just met Steve, Tony Stark is the other alpha. They used to butt heads a lot more but they seem to have mostly straightened things out. So, I know your name and I know you used to be a student here - so you must be a mutant, right?” 
In reply, you whipped some air around the jug to take it off the table and up a few feet before carefully bringing it back down. 
“Wow,” Sam breathed and you felt heat rushing to your cheeks. You could count on one hand the number of people that had witnessed your mutation and expressed wonder at it. Besides teachers, but that was kind of their job - to be encouraging. 
A shrug moved your shoulders and your gaze slipped to your breakfast at the smile Sam gave you, not seeing the way it softened. He gently touched your hand, fingers stroking over your warm skin. “I bet you could fly using that power, sucks if you’re afraid of heights, though.” 
You met his gaze and managed a small smile as you shook your head no. ‘I’m not scared of heights but I haven’t tried flying - not high up anyway.’
“Well hey, we have a whole room we could fill with crash mats back at the tower if you wanna give it a try. If you wanna come see the tower and providing Steve learns to put you down for more than five seconds.” Sam watched as you laughed, brushing his thumb gently over the back of your hand. “So, where’d you grow up?”
The two of you talked and the hour before Sam’s class ticked by way too fast for your liking. Steve would have a different group of kids, so that left you some time before lunch to turn everything over in your mind. 
After all, a whole pack was almost overwhelming to think about. 
You grabbed lunch from the kitchen and joined Steve and Sam at the table, glad to know you shouldn’t be interrupted by anyone. Steve gave you a bright smile, pulling out your chair for you as you took a seat and tucking you back in. Huh… You could get used to that. 
“So, we’re gonna be at the school until the end of the week doing classes with the kids and stuff but maybe we could take you out on a date or two?” 
Heat rose in your cheeks at the idea of a date. You and James always stayed at his place, which was fine given communicating was hard enough - never mind in a crowded area - but a date… You’d never been on one before.
You nodded, giving them both a shy smile, Sam smiling back and Steve giving you one of relief.
You’d spent the time before lunch looking up the other Avengers and what was public about the pack. Sam had mentioned Tony Stark, then you’d found two more Betas in the group - Black Widow and Hawkeye. The last human of the group was a little confusing but from what you could grasp it seemed like Bruce himself was an omega. Until he turned into the Hulk and no-one quite knew what the Hulk was. 
Which had led to Thor and him not being human and nobody making up their mind if he was an Alpha or a Beta. Then there had been rumours about Loki - whether he was part of the pack or simply at the tower to pay penance. 
‘I read Thor and Loki are in the tower, they’re aliens. Are they different?’
“Yeah and you don’t need to be worried about Loki - he won’t be able to hurt you.” You nodded a little, though a small voice wondered what would completely stop him from doing so. Steve smiled gently. “Their second gender isn’t as rigid as ours, it’s… flowy.” 
They exchanged a look and Sam nodded, as though encouraging Steve to keep talking. “Loki spans the whole spectrum, but Thor… I’ve only ever seen Alpha- or Beta-like behaviour from him.” 
“To be fair with Loki, all his genders are fluid, So pretty much Loki is, well, Loki.” You nodded in a vague sort of understanding. It was new to you but not exactly stranger than you being able to control air. 
“Not put off yet?” Sam teased with a smile and you gave him one back, shaking your head. He brightened and squeezed your hand, keeping a hold of it as he relaxed back. 
Steve’s sigh of relief sounded more explosive but maybe this sort of thing worried Alphas the most. They were in charge of any pack arguments or issues, you guessed. A blush dusted the top of his cheeks as he gave you a soft smile. “I know it’s a lot to take in. I imagine even when you’re used to people having powers, superheros being on TV, and aliens being real. All the new scents too. I, well, it was pretty overwhelming for me so I kind of imagine it would be the same for you.” 
You gave a thoughtful nod, Steve was likely right as Alphas and Omegas were most sensitive to smells and scents, though Steve had the complication of the serum. 
“But don’t worry~” Sam hummed, tossing his arm over your shoulders and drawing you into him. His smell filled you with warmth and you automatically nuzzled close to him. “As you can see, Steve here is a real big softie and Stark isn’t that different once you get used to his smart mouth.”
Steve smiled but it was fond as he watched the two of you warmly. You nodded, cuddling up to Sam’s side as he rubbed your shoulder. “And hey, now that Steve learned to put you down, maybe you could come with us to the tower?” He looked over at Steve with a grin and you followed his gaze, laughing softly at Steve’s huffed embarrassment. Sam chuckled. 
“You don’t have to answer right now, obviously,” Steve insisted, patting your hand. “Take your time.” 
You nodded, touched by his patience. Yeah, maybe, you could get used to this. 
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James paced the living room. He didn’t like that you had asked to come over suddenly but you had something you insisted you wanted to discuss. It would be by text either way, so why did you feel the need to be in the apartment?
He huffed, aware his scent was probably turning sour with worry. He didn’t want to make you feel defensive as soon as you got here. So James slid the window open, that way it could be ready for you. 
You were surprised to find the window open, so you slipped straight in, glad to spot him immediately. You hated the wary look in his expression but you typed quickly and stepped closer to show James. 
‘An Alpha and a Beta came to the school. They’re in my pack. Our pack.’ 
James’ brow furrowed and he stared at the screen for a long moment. His gaze dropped away to his feet and you could feel the tension brewing. 
He reached up, hands shaking as they cupped your cheeks. He stroked a thumb over your cheekbone, looking lost. “Another Alpha?” You nodded; although you’d showered before coming over, maybe he could still smell Steve. 
‘And a Beta but there are more in New York.’ You weren’t sure why you hesitated but it was a moment before you wrote your next sentence. ‘James, our pack is the Avengers.’ 
He stilled and it felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room. You gave him a concerned look but he just gave you a smile, something hopeless in the expression before he buried into your hair again. “Did they ask you to go with them?” James whispered, stilling when you gave a small nod. 
He felt you tap furiously before trying to shove the screen in his face. James lifted his head, cradling your hand so he could read more easily. ‘They asked if I want to visit but I didn’t say yes or no yet.’
James breathed out in relief, turning his attention back to you. “Do… you want to?” he whispered. 
You paused. Of course, you wanted to go see what it was like… But you couldn’t leave James behind, certainly not forever. ‘Can’t you come too?’ 
He looked away from you but tugged you in for a hug. “I… can’t, omega. Not right away.” You could smell the fear on him and you whined, forgetting no noise would come out. “Sorry, sorry.” James whispered as he sunk to the floor and took you with him, pulling you close and into his lap.
He kissed your forehead and tried to calm himself. You, meanwhile, couldn’t understand why James seemed so scared.
“If you go… promise you’ll come back after, omega.” You nodded furiously and hooked your pinky finger in his as a silent promise. No matter what, you would come back to see him, to tell him what it was like. 
‘I promise. I’ll tell you all about it.’ You wanted him to come too, but… maybe he couldn’t leave the country… ‘Do you want me to not mention you?’ 
James sighed, finger tipping your chin up as he stared into your eyes for a long, silent moment. “Just… do like you do at the school, yeah?”
You nodded and held him tight until his scent soothed again.
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Returning to the school grounds, you found some shade to sit in and watch the last of the afternoon class that involved lots of running around, screaming, and yelling. Yeah, you were quite happy to stay here.
“The weather’s supposed to be clear and dry tonight,” Miss Jones hummed as she came over to join you. “Why don’t you take Steve and Sam up onto the roof? I bet they don’t get much stargazing in the middle of New York.” You nodded and she sat down with you.
‘Could we have dinner up there?’ You asked, the kids were great and all but seemed pretty enamoured with the two superheroes suddenly in their midst. Steve and Sam would probably enjoy a break.
“Sure, you can get the staff to put some aside for you to take up later.” Miss Jones let the silence pass comfortably for a moment. “I was worried you’d be wary of them but I never expected this.” 
You looked over at her but she was still staring ahead. You smiled and dropped your head onto her shoulder, cuddling into her. ‘They’re my pack.’ You typed on your phone, not hesitating to show her. 
“Wha-That’s-!” you could hear the excitement in her voice but she cleared her throat a moment later. “And how do you feel about that?” She asked, more neutrally but you could still feel her excitement. 
‘I’m surprised but good. My friend… he’s a little worried but I’ll come back and tell him what it’s like.’ 
“Why didn’t you say he was part of your pack? He could come here or, well, you don’t have to stay here, you could move in with him! You’ve lost enough of your life already, dear.”
You smiled and shook your head. It was complicated, too complicated to explain, and you felt sure you didn’t know everything either. ‘His job keeps him away from home a lot.’ You lied.
“That’s a shame, and now he’ll have to think about moving! Well, you too.” She squeezed your hand. “But no need to rush just yet, we still have you for at least the rest of the week.” 
You squeezed back and nodded. No rush at all…
Soft padding, blankets, and pillows later, you’d created a suitable nest on the roof with dinner and hot drinks ready now that the sun had set, leaving a chill in the air. “Hey,” Sam greeted, sliding up to your side with an arm around your waist and a kiss to your temple. “This looks perfect, honey.” 
You leaned happily into him, satisfaction purring in your chest. Hell yeah, you made good nests. Sam gave your hip a squeeze as he went to take a seat before you suddenly found your feet in the air. 
Warm, strong arms wrapped around your middle, carrying you over to the blanket. You laughed, body shaking from it as you were pulled into Steve’s lap in the pile. 
“I take it back, he still just can’t put you down.” Sam laughed. “She has legs, man.”
Steve laughed with Sam, despite embarrassment creeping up his spine. “Yeah, I know.” He cradled your wrist, thumb brushing the soft, tender skin. “Can I?” Steve breathed, leaning his head against yours. Waiting. 
You nodded. His head ducked, lifting your wrist as he scented your warm skin. Steve’s hum was deep and satisfied, nuzzling desperately. Home, that was the scent he’d caught that night. The one you’d let him greedily indulge in this morning but he needed more. 
He tore himself away from your wrist and offered his neck to you. Steve wasn’t worried now he knew you belonged but he’d played it cautious for you. It was impossible not to notice the scars on your necks and he knew mutants had it rough.
You pressed into him, confirming the scent of home, the clean, slightly flowery smell of Steve as it relaxed every part of you into him. You reached for Sam, greedily rubbing your nose along his wrist and differentiating the undertones of him, autumn leaves, against the strong hit of home. 
The three of you flopped back on the pile, stars bright above you all as you snuggled between them. 
“I haven’t seen stars this clear in a long time,” Steve hummed softly. 
“Better get comfy, baby, Grandpa Steve is setting up for an old folks story~” 
Steve snorted and an arm crossed your vision to push at Sam. “Shut up,” he huffed. “Ok, fine, yes. The last time I saw stars this clear was during the war.” 
“Ha! I knew it!” Sam laughed and you couldn’t help but join him. 
Steve grumbled about ‘youngsters these days’ and ‘damn pollution’ but you caught the smirk on his lips as he curled around you, nuzzling your hair. Steve gave Sam a tug and they shared a chaste kiss above you. 
“I keep telling you if you’d just take a couple of days off and come down my way, you’d be able to see plenty of stars. He doesn’t know how to relax,” Sam added to you in a conspiratorial tone, matching your smile. You patted him on the chest in commiseration, blinking at how firm he felt and starting to run your fingers back and forth. 
Sam ducked down and caught your lips, warm fingers cupping your cheek. He hummed happily, groan deep and warm against your chest. His tongue teased your lips, slipping between them and getting his first proper taste of you. 
He pulled you close, away from the warmth of Steve along your back, who growled playfully as he followed and pressed gentle kisses to your neck. His warm breath had you shuddering in their hold, stars and all worries forgotten for now.
Want to be tagged in future parts or future Bucky or Steve or Sam fic? Go here
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missvelvetsstuff · 7 months
With friends like you....
Steve Rogers x Reader, Steve x Nat, Reader x Bruce, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Chapter 2
Y/N woke up early and went for a morning walk with Bucky, like they had every day in Wakanda. After a shower and breakfast, she tried to call Steve but he didn't answer. They went to the marketplace to look around on the way to the dressmaker to pick up their clothes for the party and had lunch.
She spent the rest of the day trying to get her hair and makeup just right while trying to push her anxiety down. She felt like something was off with Steve but she didn't know what or how to help him fix it. Or if he even wanted her help. She knew he was Captain America and had many responsibilities but she felt like she was no longer a priority to him. Bucky tried to reassure her but he didn't know Steve that well anymore and many things had changed.
When Steve still didn't answer or return her calls and didn't show up to escort her to the celebration, Y/N went on Bucky's arm. She looked beautiful in her Asgardian robes and the only thing Bucky could think of when he first saw her was how lucky Steve was.
The entire town was lit up and alive with people and music. There were multiple bonfires to stave off the cold, people singing and dancing, little plays honoring Thor, Loki and Valkyrie who saved them from Hela and groups huddled around story tellers. Y/N looked through the crowds until she finally found Steve arguing with Nat. She couldn't hear what they said and Nat left as soon as she walked up.
Steve looked angry until he saw her "Sweetheart, there you are. I've missed you" he pulled her into a hug.
She looked at him concerned "Is everything alright? You and Nat looked pretty heated"
"What? Oh Nat? That was nothing, she just left to find Bruce." He waved it off and led her to a tavern that was serving Asgardian mead and punch, getting 3 cups, 2 of the mead for him and Bucky and a cup of punch for her.
Steve held her hand as they walked around, looking at the dancers and plays. Y/N saw a group of couples dancing and wanted to dance too but was afraid to ask Steve as he still seemed a little off. While they stopped to watch the dancers she tried to imitate their steps and a soft colorful mist surrounded her.
Bucky was entranced. She was beautiful on her own but with the music and light surrounding her while she danced was mesmerizing. At least in Bucky's eyes, Steve was annoyed by her.
"Why are you doing that here? You don't know if everyone here is trustworthy and you look ridiculous, like a little kid trying to act like the adults. It's embarrassing"
Steve snapped at her.
Y/N looked at Steve with tears in her eyes "I'm so sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. It just happens when I'm happy and have music around"
He looked down at her "And now you're going to cry like a baby. Grow up, Y/N."
She sniffled and tried to rein in her tears "I'm sorry. I'll be more careful"
Steve smiled at her but it didn't reach his eyes "I know sweetheart, we just have to be careful with so many people around" he kissed her on the cheek and looked past her "I have to take care of something, I'll be back in a while. Keep Buck company." And quickly walked away.
Bucky smiled at her shyly "I like the lights and colors, they're, I mean you're beautiful. We could dance if you like"
He took her to the center of the dancers and they both tried to follow along, with some help, and the mist of light returned as she smiled and danced with Bucky. He knew he was falling for her but kept reminding himself she was Steve's girl, even if he wasn't being a good boyfriend right now.
Y/N was feeling something for Bucky as well. She could feel herself starting to fall for him but stopped herself. He was her boyfriends best friend and she loved Steve. She would never hurt him like that, even if he was kind of a jerk sometimes.
When they were worn out from dancing they started walking around and meeting all kinds of people. They met a man named Peter and his pet raccoon along with a blue woman, a green woman and a walking tree.
The tree introduced himself, at least thats what she thought he was doing when he told her "I am Groot!"
She smiled at him "I am Y/N and he is Bucky"
The raccoon was checking out Bucky's arm "How much for the arm?"
Bucky looked surprised that it spoke to him "What do you mean? You can't have my arm"
Rocket pushed "No seriously, I'll pay you for that arm"
Bucky shook his head "You're crazy. I'm not selling my arm to you."
Rocket sneered "You gotta sleep sometime."
Y/N was concerned about their disagreement so grabbed Bucky's other arm and led him away.
They ran into Bruce standing alone staring into one of the bonfires. She gently touched his arm "Hey Bruce. Are you ok? I thought you'd be catching up on time with Nat"
Bruce shook himself out of his daze and looked at her, he smiled "Hi Y/N. I've been spending time with Nat since last night. She had something to talk to Steve about. Those two never seem to be able to take a break from Avenger business."
She nodded "They always seem to have business to handle. Steve went off awhile ago so I've just been keeping Bucky company."
Thor came up to them "Ah, Lady Y/N. You look lovely, like a goddess of Asgard but where is your captain? How could he leave you looking like that"
She giggled "Thank you Thor. I love these robes so beautiful and comfortable. It even has pockets.
Steve is off working on Avenger business with Nat or Tony or something. I don't know, he's always busy.
Bucky and I are enjoying the celebration. You Asgardians sure know how to party"
Thor laughed "You've not seen anything yet my lady. If you see your captain please tell him I'm looking for him."
"Of course"
They spent hours walking around, eating, drinking and dancing. They watched a play about Hela destroying Asgard, ate a local dessert with meringue and vanilla layered cake that had a name she couldn't pronounce.
When midnight passed Y/N started getting tired from all the activity. She turned to Bucky "I'm getting tired. Maybe we should find Steve before I go to bed."
Bucky's face fell, he was having such a wonderful time with her. The light aura that she made without even thinking was so soothing to him, her scent and laugh calmed him, he didn't want the night to end. Bucky knew it was wrong to think about Steve's girl like that but Steve wasn't even here appreciating what he had.
Bucky was annoyed at how Steve had reprimanded her for her lights and treated her like a child. He didn't think it was right but it wasn't his place to say anything.
"Of course doll, it's getting late. Let's go find that punk"
They headed towards the buildings where everyone was sleeping, looking all over for Steve. They found Bruce, who was looking for Nat and searched together.
As they reached the buildings they stopped to decide where to look next and Bucky heard moaning, like someone was in pain.
"Stop! I hear something like someone is hurt."
Y/N stopped and focused, she could hear it too. "I hope it's nothing serious"
They followed the sound, hoping to help whoever was hurt when they heard a shout "Fuck! Captain, more, harder! m'so close."
"Yeah, Widow? That pretty pussy gonna cum all over my fat cock? Want me to fill you up with my cum? Are you my dirty cumslut? Say it, bitch!"
"Yes Steve! Fuck sorry, yes Captain fill my whore cunt. I'm your dirty cumslut! I need your cum! Please! YES!Fuck!! Aaahhhhhhh!"
"That's right you nasty whore! She'll never be as good as you. I don't care about her or him or anyone else, I'm not giving this pussy up for anything. I'll never stop fucking you."
Y/N felt her eyes filling with tears. She looked at Bucky "Is that? No, it can't be. Steve wouldn't-"
She was interrupted by a growl next to her and turned to look at Bruce, seeing bits of green around his face.
He roared "Natasha? What did you do?"
Bucky looked at them, panicked "How do we prevent a scene?"
Y/N wiped her tears and looked at Bruce again "Bruce? It's ok. Please stay calm"
Bruce looked at her with anger and tears in his eyes "Stay calm? How can I stay calm" as his clothes started to rip.
Y/N started to sing. A lullabye that she didn't even remember knowing but the words just came out, as did a gentle kaleidoscope of colors around her. Her voice started out tremulous but became stronger as she remembered the song. She took Bruce's hands and looked in his eyes.
It worked, Bruce calmed down until the two of them were on the ground, holding each other and crying.
Bucky went into the building to give Steve a piece of his mind. He saw Nat getting up to fix her clothes and Steve putting himself away. He looked up "Hey Buck. What's up?"
Bucky growled "Are you kidding me? What's up? How about you're fucking Nat while I'm keeping your girlfriend entertained"
Steve shook his head "It's no big deal. Just sex."
Bucky hit him in the face and knocked him down. "Seriously? You know she heard. Her and Bruce are outside crying on each other's shoulders. How could you do this to her?"
Steve stood up and wiped himself off. "It's fine. I'll just talk to her." And went outside.
Y/N and Bruce had calmed their tears and there was quite a crowd built up. Bruce helped her up and hugged her.
Steve strode up to them. "Alright Banner, hands off my girl" and tried to pull her away.
Y/N jerked away from him "Don't touch me after you just fucked her"
"Language sweetheart" he reprimanded
She glared at him "Are you fucking kidding me? You were having sex with another woman and you're gonna talk about my language. What about your language with her?"
Steve laughed it off "That was heat of the moment sweetheart."
"How could you do this to me? And to Bruce? You said you loved me"
"I do love you but you're not ready for sex and I have needs. It's just sex, just a release. I don't love her." He tried to explain.
"But you spend every spare minute with her" She was shaking with rage and her beautiful light mist turned ugly, with harsh colors.
"How long?"
"I told you it doesn't matter. It doesn't mean anything."
The colors turned darker "HOW LONG! Tell me how long this has been going on!"
Steve sighed "Since before I met you. Nat and I have always used each other for stress relief. That's all it is. You're making a scene for nothing. Stop those lights, you're drawing attention."
"Fuck you, Steve! Some golden boy you are. I wonder what your fans would think of how you use people and lie. I can't believe I ever thought I loved you."
She paused, breathing heavily until something occurred to her "That's why you sent me to be with Bucky, isn't it? To get me out of the way so you could be with her? Isn't it?"
Steve looked down and his lack of response told him everything she needed to know.
"Why even court me when you had her? Was it some kind of game? Did you have a bet on when I would put out? Did you cuddle and laugh about the stupid mutant girl and how you fooled her into believing you loved her?" She ranted.
Steve looked up "But sweetheart, I do lo-"
She interrupted "Don't you dare say that. You've spent more time away from me, constantly coming up with excuses for why you couldn't see me. Most of the time we do spend together you act like you're embarrassed of me and what I am. I guess I was easier to control than she was"
She turned to Nat "I thought you were my friend, Romanoff. Like sisters, remember? You helped push us together and you've been fucking him behind my back all this time? Some friend you are"
Nat opened her mouth to speak but Y/N held her hand up. "There's nothing you can say or do that would make this any better. I can't believe I ever trusted you." She looked at Steve "I hope you both enjoyed playing the stupid mutant girl that Strucker destroyed." And ran away crying.
Nat tried to get to Bruce but he pushed her away "Leave me alone Natasha. I don't want Steve's leftovers, you're too damaged." Nat just stood there , her eyes filling up with tears, watching him walk away in the same direction as Y/N.
Bucky wanted to kick Steves ass but decided that could wait "We're not done here" he spat at him "but I'm more concerned about Y/N right now" and bolted after her and Bruce.
Y/N ran until her lungs ached and then just dropped to the ground and cried. When Steve and Nat saved her she thought they must be angels. She had lived in Struckers cell longer than she had lived out of it and had resigned herself to a life in chains. Then she saw those blue eyes and he saved her, took her in and started helping repair the damage that had been done. He helped her believe she could have a real life, love and family but it was all a lie.
Chapter 3
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