#Bucky Barnes winter soldier
buckyalpine · 4 months
Throwing an idea out for the future: beauty and the beast with winter soldier bucky. Imagine you plead for him to let your father go, willing to take his place instead. Imagine your softness breaks him out of prison his mind is held in.
It doesn’t happen instantly but the soldier slowly learns to care of the soft, sweet thing that is now his captive.
Imagine the way he’d grow protective over you over time.
Imagine how sweet he’d be if he went from speaking roughly in Russian to his soft Brooklyn drawl the day he snaps out of the mind control.
You’re not sure what’s happening.
“Soldat?” You whisper, hesitantly bringing your hand to his scruffy cheek.
“цветок” (flower) he whispers back, that precious name he’d given just for you, “it’s me, flower”
All the kisses.
A need.
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ptolomia · 2 months
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he’s me
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roseyreveries · 10 days
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Part One <— click!
Summary: After waking up in the infirmary from your run-in with the Winter Soldier, you go to check in on Bucky despite what Fury tells you.
CW: Injury, Angst
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I slowly came to, the faint hum of hospital equipment and the sterile scent of antiseptic filling my senses. My head was pounding, and my body felt like it had been through a grinder. I blinked against the bright light, trying to make sense of my surroundings.
Nick Fury stood by my bedside, his gaze fixed on me with a blend of concern and determination. As I registered his presence, panic surged through me.
“Where’s Bucky?” I croaked, my voice barely a whisper. My heart raced, my thoughts spinning out of control. “Where is he? What happened?”
Fury’s expression remained unreadable, but there was a brief flicker of hesitation in his eye. “You need to calm down,” he said firmly, his voice steady but carrying an edge. “You’ve been out for a while. You need to rest.”
“No!” I protested weakly, trying to push myself up despite the sharp pain that shot through my side. “I need to know—”
“Rest,” Fury cut me off, his tone brokering no argument. “We’re dealing with it. But right now, you need to focus on getting better.”
My panic was mounting, but Fury’s authoritative presence and the weight of exhaustion made it hard to fight him. I collapsed back onto the bed, my breaths coming in shallow gasps. Fury’s hand gently but firmly pushed me back down, his gaze softening slightly.
“Please,” he said, his voice softening but still commanding. “Just rest. We’ll talk about it later. I promise.”
Reluctantly, I closed my eyes, trying to steady my breathing. My mind raced with worry, but I knew I didn’t have the strength to argue further. I’ll just wait for him to leave and then find out myself.
Once Fury finally left, a heavy silence settled over the room. I could barely contain my anxiety, the need to know where Bucky was gnawing at me. Summoning every ounce of strength I had, I turned my head toward the small, discreet speaker mounted on the wall.
“Jarvis,” I whispered, my voice trembling. “How far away is Fury?”
There was a brief pause before Jarvis’s calm, reassuring voice responded. “Director Fury is currently in a debriefing meeting on another floor. You have a small window of time to move if you wish.”
My heart pounded in my chest. I needed to find Bucky. Struggling, I pushed through the pain, forcing myself to sit up. The room spun slightly, but I gritted my teeth and reached for the crutches propped beside the bed. My hands shook as I grabbed them and used them to slowly pull myself to a standing position.
With a labored breath, I took a step toward the door. “Jarvis,” I said, my voice barely more than a whisper, “where is Bucky?”
“He is currently being held in one of the containment cells,” Jarvis replied. “The cells are reinforced glass, designed to prevent any unauthorized access or escape.”
My eyes widened, and a cold shiver ran down my spine. “Glass cells?”
“Yes,” Jarvis confirmed. “They are located in the secure holding area of the facility.”
My heart dropped at the thought of Bucky being confined like that. With a deep breath, I forced myself to move, using the crutches for support as I made my way out of the room. Every step felt like an eternity, but my resolve to see Bucky and understand what was happening pushed me forward.
Using the crutches to steady myself, I navigated the hallways with a sense of urgency. The hospital staff and agents were busy with their own tasks, and I managed to slip past them unnoticed, my badge tucked securely in my hand.
When I reached the entrance to the secure holding area, I took a deep breath. The heavy metal door loomed before me, and I fumbled for my badge. Fortunately, my top-level security access made this part easy. I swiped the badge through the reader, and the door clicked open with a heavy, metallic groan.
I pushed through the door, the cool air of the holding area hitting me like a gust of wind. The room was stark and cold, with several reinforced glass cells lined up against the wall. I moved as quickly as I could, my crutches clacking on the polished floor, until I spotted Bucky’s cell.
There he was, restrained inside a glass enclosure, his face hidden in shadows. The sight of him— isolated and vulnerable— made my chest tighten with a mixture of relief and anguish. I approached the cell, my hands trembling as I reached the transparent barrier.
I hurried to the control panel beside Bucky’s cell, my crutches clacking loudly against the floor. I swiped my badge through the reader, and the lock mechanism hummed before the glass door slid open with a metallic whoosh.
Grimacing against the pain, I hobbled into the cell, each step a jolt of discomfort. Bucky remained seated on the floor, his back rigid and his gaze fixed on the ground, as if he were trying to shut out the world around him.
“Bucky,” I said softly, trying to keep my voice steady. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
He flinched slightly at the sound of my voice but didn’t look up. I approached him slowly, careful not to make any sudden movements that might startle him.
“Please, look at me,” I pleaded, kneeling beside him with my crutches propped against the wall.
Bucky finally raised his eyes, his expression a mix of pain and confusion. I could see the conflict in his gaze, the remnants of the battle he had fought against whatever had controlled him. My heart ached seeing him like this.
“Hey, I’m here,” I said gently, reaching out to touch his arm, “you’re okay. You’re safe now.”
Bucky’s eyes softened, but he remained silent, his body still tense. I could sense the weight of his guilt and fear, and it only deepened my resolve to help him. I looked around the cell, searching for any signs of what might have caused his distress, but there was nothing visible.
Desperation clawed at me. I gently placed my hands on Bucky’s shoulders, trying to steady him. “It’s going to be okay,” I said softly, my voice trembling with emotion. Without waiting for a response, I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. His body was tense against mine, but I pressed his head into my chest, holding him close.
I could feel his breath against my neck, shallow and uneven. The sound of his heartbeat was a harsh reminder of how much we both needed this moment. I crouched down painfully, my crutches clattering to the floor as I positioned myself so I could hold his face in my hands.
With gentle fingers, I lifted his chin and looked into his eyes, trying to offer him as much reassurance as I could. “Look at me,” I said softly. “I’m right here. Everyone is okay.”
Bucky’s eyes were filled with a mix of relief and residual fear. He seemed to relax slightly, the tension in his shoulders easing as he took in my presence. I brushed a thumb across his cheek, trying to convey every ounce of my reassurance and support.
For a moment, he allowed himself to lean into the comfort, his body slightly trembling as he fought against the remnants of whatever control had gripped him. The connection between us was a fragile but vital lifeline, and I held onto it with everything I had.
As I held Bucky close, trying to offer him comfort, he looked up at me with a confused, pained expression. “On the highway,” he murmured, his voice raw and uncertain. “You said you loved me.”
The words hit me like a wave, and my heart ached at the vulnerability in his voice. I gently cupped his face, my fingers brushing away the stray tears that had started to fall. “I did,” I said softly, my voice trembling. “I meant every word.”
Bucky’s eyes searched mine, his confusion giving way to a glimmer of understanding. “But… why?” he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper. “After everything that’s happened, how can you still…”
“Because I care about you,” I answered, my voice steady despite the overwhelming emotions. “No matter what’s happened or what you’ve been through, that hasn’t changed. You’re important to me, and I’m not going to abandon you now.”
Bucky seemed to struggle with his thoughts, the conflict still evident in his eyes. I could see him trying to reconcile the actions he’d been forced to commit with the person he truly was. “I… I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, his voice cracking with the weight of his remorse.
Moved by the depth of his confusion and the strength of my feelings, I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. The kiss was tender at first but quickly became a desperate, passionate exchange. Bucky responded with equal fervor, his kiss a mix of longing and regret. Despite the intensity, he was careful not to touch me too forcefully, his movements gentle and restrained.
The connection between us was raw and emotional, a silent conversation of love and pain. When we finally broke apart, Bucky’s eyes were filled with a tumult of emotions— fear, sorrow, and deep remorse.
“No,” he said, shaking his head as if trying to clear his thoughts. “I can’t. I’ll hurt you again. You should go.”
My heart sank at his words, but I could see the sincerity and fear in his eyes. “Bucky, no,” I said, trying to hold onto him despite the pain in his voice. “I’m not leaving you. I want to help you through this.”
He looked at me with a mix of frustration and tenderness, the internal battle evident on his face. “It’s not safe for you here,” he insisted, his voice breaking. “Look at what I did to you.”
Tears welled up in my eyes, but I shook my head firmly. “I’m not afraid,” I said, my voice steady despite the tears. “I’m here because I care about you, and I’m going to stay by your side until we get through this. Please don’t push me away.”
Bucky’s shoulders slumped slightly, his expression a mix of relief and resignation. He seemed to accept the truth in my words, though the fear of causing harm remained in his eyes. “I just don’t want you to get hurt. Especially not by me,” he whispered, his voice filled with vulnerability.
As the tension between us softened, a fragile silence settled over the cell. The emotional weight of the moment seemed to draw us closer, and I could feel the intensity of our connection. Without breaking eye contact, I leaned in again, closing the distance between us.
Bucky met me halfway, his lips capturing mine in a kiss that was both urgent and tender. The kiss was a mixture of passion and relief, a silent affirmation of our feelings amid the chaos. Bucky’s touch was gentle, his movements careful as he held me close, trying not to hurt me despite the intensity of his emotions.
I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer as our kiss deepened. The world outside the cell seemed to vanish, leaving just the two of us in this moment of raw intimacy. Every touch, every brush of our lips conveyed the depth of our connection and the desperation to hold onto each other.
Eventually, we pulled away, both of us breathless and a little disoriented. Bucky’s eyes were soft and full of unspoken words, but the fear and guilt were still evident. I could see the struggle within him, the desire to protect me clashing with his own pain and remorse.
“I’m not going anywhere,” I repeated softly, my voice a gentle promise.
Bucky’s gaze remained locked on mine, a mixture of hope and despair in his eyes. For now, the kiss had reaffirmed our bond and given us both a moment of solace amid the uncertainty. We had a long road ahead, but the strength of our connection would help us face whatever came next.
Just as the tension between us began to settle, a soft but pointed cough broke through the silence. I startled, pulling back from Bucky to see Natasha standing in the corner of the cell area, arms crossed and a bemused look on her face. She looked completely healed and composed, as if she hadn’t been injured at all during the attack.
“Well, isn’t this a cozy moment,” Natasha remarked, raising an eyebrow. “Hate to interrupt, but we’ve got some things to discuss.”
My heart sank as reality came crashing back in. I glanced back at Bucky, who had already pulled away, his expression hardening again as he stared at the floor. Reluctantly, I stood up, grabbing my crutches and giving his hand a final squeeze before turning towards Natasha.
“I’ll be back,” I whispered to Bucky, my voice soft but filled with determination.
I stepped out of the cell with my crutches, feeling the sting of leaving him behind. With a heavy heart, I closed the glass door, hearing the lock click back into place. Bucky’s eyes followed me, and the separation felt like a fresh wound.
Natasha watched silently as I secured the cell, her expression unreadable. She gestured for me to follow her, and I nodded, trying to shake off the lingering emotions from my time with Bucky.
As we walked down the hallway, Natasha glanced over at me, her face softening slightly. “He’s going to be alright, you know,” she said, her voice quieter, more reassuring. “We’ll figure this out. But right now, the team needs you.”
I nodded, swallowing hard as I forced myself to focus on the task ahead. “I know,” I said, my voice steadier than I felt. “Let’s go.”
We made our way through the sterile corridors of the facility, leaving Bucky behind in the holding area. My mind was racing with a mix of fear, hope, and determination, but I knew that whatever happened next, I wasn’t giving up on him.
Natasha guided me through the maze of corridors until we reached a large conference room. Inside, Clint was leaning against the wall, arms crossed and his expression tense. A few other top SHIELD agents were gathered around the table, deep in discussion. They all looked up when we entered, their faces a mix of concern and focus.
“Glad you could join us,” Clint said, giving me a nod. His tone was light, but I could sense the underlying seriousness.
I took a seat at the table, my body still aching from the earlier struggle. Natasha sat beside me, and I glanced around at the agents present. The room was filled with a palpable tension; everyone knew that the stakes had been raised significantly with Hydra’s infiltration.
“We were just going over what we know about Hydra’s infiltration,” Natasha began, addressing the group. “They’ve been embedded in SHIELD for a long time, playing the long game and positioning their agents in key roles. But something changed recently— something that led them to act now.”
An older agent across the table nodded, pulling up a display on the screen in front of us. It showed a web of connections, names, and faces, all tied back to Hydra. “They’ve been making moves to destabilize SHIELD from the inside,” the agent explained. “But the most concerning part is their focus on the Winter Soldier. It seems their primary objective was to weaponize him against us— specifically against you,” he said, looking directly at me.
“Why me?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. The thought of being specifically targeted sent a chill down my spine.
“We think it’s because of your connection to Bucky,” Clint said, leaning forward. “Hydra knew how important you were to him. They set you as his primary target because they wanted to destabilize him emotionally and ensure his compliance. It’s classic psychological warfare— they use what matters most to control their assets.”
My stomach tightened at his words, the weight of it settling heavily on my shoulders. The idea that I was the key to manipulating Bucky, that Hydra had used me as leverage to turn him into a weapon, was almost too much to bear.
“They wanted to isolate him,” Natasha added, her voice calm but edged with anger. “To make him feel like he couldn’t trust anyone— even himself. By targeting you, they hoped to push him over the edge and keep him under their control.”
I clenched my fists, frustration and fear mingling in my chest. “We have to stop them,” I said, my voice firm. “We have to find out who’s pulling the strings and end this.”
Natasha nodded. “We’re already working on it. But we need to be careful— they’re deeply embedded, and we can’t trust anyone outside this room.”
Clint looked at me, his expression softening slightly. “We’ve got your back,” he said. “And Bucky’s. We’re going to get through this, but we need to play it smart.”
I nodded, feeling the determination in the room bolster my resolve. Hydra might have infiltrated SHIELD, but they hadn’t broken us. And as long as we stood together, we had a chance to fight back.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .
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shamrockqueen · 14 days
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Predator in the desert
Chapter 3
Pairing : Winter soldier x reader (post apocalyptic AU)
Warnings : Desperation, starving behavior, references to war, duality of the mind, emotionless man
Word count : 2020
Chapter 1
Bucky MasterList
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You stopped breathing, the ghost of an echo bouncing through your ears after he’d yelled at you.
Your eyes snapped from his cutting and cold gaze, further down to the glimmer of his fearsome metal fingers as they closed around the old brass knob on the door. The only opening to the room, the only way out, and you wouldn’t be able to reach it, let alone slip past his solid stonelike frame.
You weren’t ‘calm’ by any means, but he had your attention, and even as you continued to shiver, it was all he really needed.
“Are you hungry?”
You flinched as he spoke; his voice edged only with a lack of patience as it reached out to you with heavy hands to shake you from your reeling thoughts.
You didn’t answer just yet, feeling your pulse thrum along your skin wildly. You just laid there, stunned as you stared at those metal fingers tightening around the knob of the door and trying to ease your own breathing before it made you feel numb.
“I asked if you were hungry.” He was much more stern, and even a little louder this time, watching with equal disinterest as you gasped back and struggled to answer.
“Y-yes… I‘m hungry.”
You spoke weakly, your lips shaking and your eyes welling with a wet dribble of tears. Like a small break in the smallest of bones as you gave in to the absurdity.
Of course you were hungry. You’ve been hungry since you were a screaming infant, just as everyone doomed to a life in the wasteland had been. Food in any amount was a luxury, whether it’s warm meat and grains or smashed bugs you find crawling along the floor by your bedroll.
This promise of food without a single bat of his eye should have felt like a dream come true, but something in your stomach felt heavy before clenching with a sharp cramp. That familiar pang of hunger pains morphing viscerally into obvious fear as your guts knotted together.
This was the only moment in your miserable life that you didn’t crave food, as you were consumed only with dread.
You didn’t want to take anything from this unholy amalgamation of man and metal. It was like cowering beneath the boogeyman, a monster of jagged teeth and twisted limbs that could steal your last shred of innocence, only to find an unreadable being that looked no different from yourself. He didn’t wear enough of his lethality on his skin, leaving you to spiral at the possibilities of what these chains binding you to his lair really meant for your near future.
It was no better than being a rabbit caught in a cage. There is the offer of water and now food, but the danger of your captivity, just as the chain around your leg, was a staunch reminder that none of this would be out of kindness. There is no good reason that you are here—none that could be conceived as all the terrible reasons swarm your aching head.
His expression never seemed to change as he took in every reaction you gave him, seeming to read it like new data to further his own strange purpose. When he was finished searching your jumbled tomes, whether having found his needed information or losing interest, he dragged that door open and disappeared through it before shutting you back inside that room. Only this time, you were alone with the crushing silence he had once held above you.
A silence quickly broken by the hard clack of a lock turning shut in the flimsy wooden barrier this soldier had placed between you two.
He fit the stories from old fantasies of war. An old story long left covered in dust, detailing how both sides ate away at one another until the bones were bare and empty of their marrow. He bore the red star, the mark of a demon of irradiated sands. One head severed from its ranks meant two would splinter out in its place, biting and gnashing its way through the wasteland.
The great hydra was supposed to be dead, a final rest assured long before your own birth. How wrong they all were apparently, and as you recounted those scary fairy tales, your stomach twisted harder and harder.
You tried to steady your breathing, letting it stutter and shake before it finally met an even rhythm.
‘You really did need to calm down’ The traitorous thought was the last fly to buzz through your brain before you let the muscles in your shoulders fall loose to hit the floor.
Your ankle still felt heavy with its new iron cuff, and you struggled back onto your elbows and further onto your feet, the sound of the chain dragging along the wood the only noise left to taunt you.
Your eyes narrow at the brassy knob, a small spark of defiance finally igniting in your chest only to fall short of catching a flame.
You were frustrated at best, hot tears stinging your eyes before spilling out over your dirty cheeks.
‘Why me? For fucks sake, why?”
How were you significant enough to be stolen? Did he pity you, thinking that keeping you would be better for your well-being, like a lost kitten climbing among the rocks he had scooped up?
Why would a monster want to help you? Why would he bother to care for you when he could do what any other villain would do to others who strayed too far from home?
But, this room didn’t look like a pen to keep his livestock. It had a small window at its other end, barred on the outside of the glass for your protection. The bed wasn’t shabby, only worn, and with actual blankets and pillows.
If you were to be kept, you suppose he chose to keep you well.
You turned back to the door, its knob within reach, but you didn’t jump to futilely pull or tear at it. You reach forward, a shriveled shard of hope still tearing at your heavy heart as you slide your fingers around it.
You know it was locked; you heard it happen, but you still clung to the possibility of this being a terribly real nightmare instead. Maybe your mind would let you open the door, but as you twisted the handle, it of course did not budge.
You stood closer, your head falling to your chest as you pressed your fingers to the wood. Your mouth opened with a shaking exhale of an empty scream, and new tears flooded over to wash the rest of your grimy face.
You did not expect the door to push forward on its own, nearly smacking you in the face as it knocked you back. You land on the floor unceremoniously. Still so weak and unsteady, you weren’t even a suitable match for an old door.
The man was back, standing over you with a plate in his human hand. He sighed before setting the platter of promised food on the bed, stepping over you in the process.
He spoke evenly, saying, “I didn’t mean to hit you,” but his voice didn’t carry any ounce of guilt for knocking you back on your ass. Would this have been the first time he’d knocked you down, or was it simply the only time he hadn’t meant to do so?
“Are you alright?” he asked as he leaned over your crumbled form, reaching towards your reddened cheek where the wood had initially smacked you.
You immediately shied away from his touch but didn’t fight to scramble backward.
He leaned away but offered you his less harrowing hand to help you off the floor instead of leaving you to do so by yourself again.
You never answered his last question, but as he didn’t press further, it was possible that he wasn't really interested either way.
He gestured to the plate of food he’d set on the bed and said flatly, “Eat.”
You looked over at the plate still perched on a pile of blankets. A slab of cooked meat, diced cubes of root vegetables, and a mush of something boiled, green, and leafy. It was the best thing you’d ever seen.
Actual meat the size of your hand coupled with real vegetables possibly rich with those vitamins and mineral-things the doctor used to talk about. Whatever it was, it made your tongue wet as you swept it over your cracked lips.
A small part of you still wanted to be cautious, as another balled its fists in frustration from being kept away from a beautiful plate of healthy food.
You opened your mouth, only to choke back on the words with a wet cough. You sputtered again, crying like a sad child for him to witness before finally speaking.
“Are you going to drug me?”
"No,” he answered quickly and with little care.
You watched for any signs of a farce, a twitch of an eyebrow, a quirk of a lip, anything. His eyes held their dull, disinterested blue as he waited for you to make up your mind.
You ventured closer to the plate, pressing a dirty finger against the still hot morsel of meat. It was light in color, like white meat off a rabbit, but you needed to be certain before going past this thin line you had drawn for yourself.
Your lips stuck together as you nearly whispered a squeak of a few words, “Is it people?”
The ‘P’ was sputtered by the drop of collected tears, making the sound more pronounced as it left your lips.
You looked back at him at the subtle change in his voice. With one word, one syllable, it was oddly unmistakable. He sounded a little offended, and yet he didn’t lift a finger against you.
That last ‘no’ was all you needed before throwing yourself at the plate, scooping at the wet potatoes and greens with your fingers to wipe the tasteless sludge over your tongue in ecstasy.
You tore at the meat with your bare teeth like a hungry dog in a frenzy of unending starvation.
You weren’t human anymore; no longer yourself. It was shameful how you felt. In this moment, as you tore at a lump of fat with your back molar, you wanted this more than ever.
You wanted to be a pet if it meant the promise of this minimal care. You wanted to be kept; you wanted the fresh water and food; damned be the consequences.
You weren’t thinking clearly, not until you licked the last stain of grease and green vegetable smudge off the plate with your desperate little tongue. You hadn’t realized you were panting, gasping at the air, and holding the plate with white knuckles and numb fingers as if he could fly off and never return.
His expression had shifted for only a second. A split moment where his eyes widened a single centimeter before returning to their natural steely state. His shoulders stayed stiff with new concern. It was all a subtle change you had missed during your indulgence.
“Do you want more?” He asked, his voice still tainted with that unspoken concern.
You swear you could nearly feel your heart stop at just hearing those words. You were still desperate, and you nodded frantically.
He reached carefully towards you for the plate, giving you his metal fingers instead of the soft fleshy digits of his other hand. Possibly anticipating being bitten when pulling away the saucer. You let him take it from you, watching as he repeated his earlier actions of leaving and locking you inside the room.
There was a burn of shame somewhere in your stomach, but it was greatly overshadowed by a deep desire for sustenance. And, this man, what should be a monster in your eyes, was unbothered to fulfill such a desire.
You stood in place, not reaching for the door like the captive you are, not waiting on the bed like a puppy missing its master. But, by god, you wanted that fucking food.
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Chapter 4
More post apocalyptic AU
Tags : @itsswritten @cjand10 @dear-lolita @took-a-wr0ng-turn @scott-loki-barnes @ihavetwoholesforareason @potatothots @toozmanykids @wintrsoldrluvr @heletsmelovehim
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imdonnalynn · 1 year
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I just want to point out that Captain America: The Winter Soldier was, always has been (except for a short time before I got my sanity back. I used to briefly think Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings was better, but not) and still is to date the best MCU movie and it's centered around Bucky Barnes, the man himself who I hope will have a much brighter future in the MCU. How he's been treated since being put on ice at the end of Civil War in Wakanda (Black Panther) has been pretty cruddy. Ever since it feels like he's just been used for background characterization, filler, like a pawn on the chessboard to push other characters stories and I don't like it.
Give my Bucky some better love MCU!
p.s. I know it's super hard on Sebastian to get in Bucky shape from Civil War but damn did he look his fucking best.
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ronearoundblindly · 11 months
Sneak Peek!!!
excerpt from Part II: Reasons (see previous or series) a Steve Rogers x villain!Reader tale
Summary: Steve's convinced your first (and only) move will be ordering Bucky to kill your enemy. He has no clue...
Warnings for mentions of injury (minor) and brainwashing/manipulation (technically). WC ~400
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Steve rests his head on the chilly glass and pinches his eyes shut. He’ll take a minute, review the money trail, and then interview the doctor. It seems a miracle that man was able to go home to his wife and sleep, even with security inside the room, down every hall, surrounding the house…Steve wouldn’t do it; he can’t even keep his eyes closed long enough for the dry sting to subside.
How could he be so stupid?
You weren’t staring at him from across the room; you were watching your mark, waiting for an opening. Sadly, it occurs to Steve that if he’d just let you inject Avani, his friend would be fine, here by his side, and safe.
You are the threat, not Bucky, but that’s a hard distinction. If anyone else sees James Barnes—who is the stealth assassin Winter Soldier, as far as they know—they’ll shoot. No questions. Steve has to find him first. He has to get to you first.
Bucky is compromised, but Steve won’t let it come to that. He can’t let Buck kill for you.
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“Feel better?” You twirl in the chair as soon as the motel bathroom door opens, steam billowing out.
Winter’s face is shadowed, pointed to the floor.
“Or…at least, okay? Here—“ you offer the seat next to you at the tiny table “—sit. Eat. Let me—I’ve got bandages for your knuckles.”
“Will heal,” he grunts, sitting easily but with stiff posture, “fast.”
You let out a heavy breath, muttering, “makes one of us.”
The soldier reaches out for the file in front of you, but your hand pins it down.
“No. Food first, and palm up here.” You wait for him to flip open the takeout container then blot antiseptic on the split skin. “Does that hurt?”
He shakes his head, focus on the meal before him. His mission is very simple, but he’s thorough. You knew he would be.
Several months ago, an article was published about Bucky Barnes’ affinity for this one particular deli in Brooklyn, a third-generation shop. It listed his usual order.
You’ve made sure the bread isn’t soggy. You kept the spicy mustard on the side.
He makes a strange face, looking around for your portion.
“Not hungry,” you assure him, “I’m rarely hungry.” You secure the bandage like boxing wraps and spin the file around.
“Eat your food—” The command is soft, encouraging “—while I tell you about your mission.”
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a/n: Hope you guys still give a hoot about this tale, but I'm determined to complete in-progress fics probably for the rest of the calendar year... Sooooooooo much has to fit into this chapter that it's taking me forever to work it all out. I don't want it to be a play-by-play and boring explanation of her plan, but it can't be confusing either. The balance is getting there though. Thank you for your patience!
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @fallinallinmendes @deandreamernp @marvelmenwhore @happinessinthebeing @before-we-get-started @sjsmith56 @esposadomd
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sarahrogersevans · 1 year
Do We Really Hate Each Other? Bucky Barnes Avenger! xreader Rivals To Lovers fan fic
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Summary: Bucky and Y/N get paired up on a mission & they can’t stand each other and are really competitive against each other but then Bucky gets wounded on the mission and things change for the both of them
Warnings: angsty, fluff, mentions of arguments, mentions of being injured and injuries, soft moments, some language and mentions of flashbacks, Let me know if I miss anything
~Bucky’s POV~
I finally got called to help fight in another mission though I was on my way to see Tony Stark because I was told I was getting a new partner to be paired up with and usually I partner up with Sam and I really hope I don’t get paired up with a newbie. I saw agent Y/N and Mr. Stark in the common room in the compound and I walked up to them and I rolled my eyes when I stood by her and Tony said “oh Mr. Barnes good you’re here meet your new partner for this mission.” He pointed to Y/N and I was pissed. “Stark cone on you can’t be serious, Y/N? Our skills and fighting techniques don’t match plus she’ll just be a distraction.” Y/N scoffed and teasingly said “what’s wrong Barnes? You worried you won’t be able to focus if you keep an eye on me?” I smirked and said “doll don’t flatter yourself plus I won’t be watching what you’re doing and I could care less.”
Tony interrupted us and said “I’m sorry to break up this happy reunion between the both of you but we have a mission to go save the world again so you two better figure out how to get along.” I groaned walking up the quinjet and said “whatever, just stay out of my way Y/N.” She shrugged and said “fine Bucky after this is over we don’t have to speak again.” A part of me hated her but when she said that I kinda got upset by those words and I could tell I was upsetting Y/N and maybe I should go a bit easier on her but I wasn’t about to completely go soft on her but I did worry about her during missions and I do feel protective of her. It’s a weird feeling of hating someone and wanting to kiss them at the same time.
We got to where we needed to be and we all split off with our teams and while Y/N and I covering ground and fighting enemies I started saying “Hey Y/N, doll look there’s something I wanted to say-“ before I could continue I got hit in the leg pretty bad and Y/N screamed saying “no! Bucky hang on I’m coming!” She came over to help me up and I limped while we hid in a different area and I looked at my wound and said “go on without me doll.” She shook her head and said “absolutely not!.. I can’t leave you don’t be a hero Bucky.” She helped me get patched up and we met up with everyone and got back on the quinjet to head home.
~Y/N’s POV~
I was so upset when Bucky got injured I felt like it was my fault, I kept thinking I didn’t look around enough but I remember shooting every enemy I could see. A few days after Bucky was taken to to recover I went to go see him. I felt really nervous thinking he might not wanna see me but as soon as he saw me in the doorway he smiled waving me in and said “hey doll come in, I’m not gonna bite.” I pulled up a chair to sit by him and I saw he had a crutch by him and a cast on his leg and I got upset flashing back to when he got hurt and I said “Bucky I- I’m so sorry you got hurt, this was my fault.. you were right.” Bucky shook his head and sat up quick saying “Y/N no I wasn’t right I was an ass to you before the mission doll and I can explain if you let me?” Bucky sounded so genuine so I nodded smiling and he wanted to get up and I saw he was in pain so I quickly got up to help him and he said “no Y/N i can do this it’s ok doll.” I ignored him and I had him put his arm around me so he could grab some water and I helped him sit back down and he tried denying mu help again but I helped him get comfortable and I whispered “just let me, please?” He nodded and said “thank you doll for being here helping me.” I smiled knowing he appreciated me being around, I was just relieved he was gonna be alright.
The next few days I would visit Bucky in his room and I’d help him get around and one day we were playing cards and I could tell he was reliving the moment he got injured and he said “hey doll would it be ok if I hugged you?” I was surprised to hear him say that but I went right over to give him a hug and wrapped my arms around his neck holding him close and I could feel him holding on to me tight and we didn’t even say much the next few minutes but we knew we didn’t need to. Bucky pulled away to look at me moving some of my hair away from my face and I smiled feeling a bit shy and I said “Bucky.. do we really hate each other?..” I was scared to hear his answer. Bucky looked at me shaking his head no and said “Y/N I gotta be honest a part of me hates that you drive me crazy but the other part of me has fallen hard for you and why I was such an ass to you was because I was scared of letting you in and if anything happened and I lost you doll..” I cupped his face in my hands and I said “Bucky hey I’m right here and I am not going anywhere I promise. I feel the same way about you, I love you Bucky. I was scared I was gonna lose you out there..” Bucky caught me off guard and pulled me closer and kissed me but I smiled and didn’t hesitate to kiss him back.
Bucky smiled at me and jokingly said “I still hate you.” I laughed and said “I love you too Barnes.” He kissed me again pulling me into his embrace and whispered “thank you for saving my life doll I love you always have.” I hugged him and looked into his eyes and said “Bucky I love you and I will save your life over and over and I know you’d do the same for me. Bucky kissed my forehead and leaned his forehead against mine and said “in a heartbeat my love.”
Hi lovelies!! So I was hoping to get this one out and posted sooner but thankfully it’s finally done 😌 I hope everyone will enjoy, I apologize it’s a bit short 😅xx ♥️
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hottpinkpenguin · 2 years
Hi, lovely! I'd like to request a one-shot if that's okay! I was thinking accidental kiss with Bucky x fem!reader, very fluffy <3 Thank youuuuuuuu
A/n: yayyyy my second Bucky fic of the weekend! having a lot of fun writing for him right now. hope it's fluffy enough for you anon! <3
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Heights: Bucky Barnes X Fem!Reader
Warnings: none (not proofread) Word Count: 3434
You took a sip of the champagne the waiter handed you, immediately noting how expensive it tasted. 
“Really, Tony?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him and gesturing emphatically with your champagne flute. He gave you a comically sarcastic expression, feigning offense.
“What, like you’d expect anything less,” he jibed back, giving you an infuriating wink. You slapped him on the arm, but you weren’t able to keep from chuckling. He was right: it was exactly what you expected for a Tony Stark New Year’s Eve party. Decadent, lavish, effortlessly classy, and with the most star-studded guest list you could imagine. 
“Play nice with my guests, y/n/n. Miss Potts seems to need my assistance at the bar.” Your eyes followed Tony’s across the room to where his assistant, Pepper, stood behind the bar, pouring a generous glass of whiskey for Thor as he shamelessly flirted with her. Pepper certainly didn’t seem to need any form of assistance, but you knew Tony was a jealous man, and you couldn’t blame him. Thor had traded his normally out-of-place Asgardian armor for a handsomely tailored gray suit. Even though he still didn’t quite pass as human, he wasn’t as godly-looking, and you didn’t doubt that Pepper was enjoying the view, much like you. 
“Go get ‘em, tiger,” you replied playfully as you watched Tony vanish into the celebrating crowd, weaving through the admirers straight towards Pepper. You smiled softly as a surge of happiness for your friends flooded your body. You’d grown up with Tony, literally: your parents had babysat Tony whenever his parents were out of town, which, given their lavish lifestyle and Tony’s dad’s work for S.H.I.E.L.D., was quite often. And you were the one who had insisted that Tony hire Pepper. You saw in her the right combination of grounded, spunky, and bitingly intelligent that would tame Tony. And, you thought with a bit of smugness, you’d been right. Tony was saddled up and tamed, and Pepper hadn’t even broken a sweat doing it. She was an incredible woman and the perfect partner for your best friend.
“That champagne must be good,” a familiar voice said from behind you. Startled out of your daydream, you turned, smiling demurely when your eyes locked with Bucky’s. His hair, which was normally deliciously unkempt, had been smoothed somewhat for the occasion. Similar to Thor, you weren’t used to seeing Bucky without his fighting armor. He’d opted for a more understated look compared to the Asgardian, donning a dark blue suit jacket over a crisp white button down and jeans. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone, and your mouth went dry as you caught sight of the notch at the top of his sternum. 
Desperate to distract yourself, you furrowed a brow quizzically at Bucky. “What?” you replied, sounding somewhat dumb. He chuckled as he came to stand next to you, clinking his own flute with yours. 
“Haven’t seen you smile like that in a long time,” he explained, any note of teasing dropped from his voice as his brown eyes drank you in. You felt a blush spread over your cheeks and down your neck. You dropped your eyes from his, unable to take the heat you felt from his gaze. 
“You watch me smile a lot, do you then, Bucky?” you replied, your words a lot bolder than you felt. You took another generous sip of your champagne, grateful that Tony had shelled out for top-of-the-line booze. Seemed you would need all the liquid courage you could get. 
“Not nearly as much as I’d like to,” Bucky replied, his voice dropping low and taking on a note of tenderness that made your toes curl. You tried to hold his gaze, but that damn blush was deepening, embarrassment pulling your eyes away. You began running a finger absentmindedly around the edge of your flute. 
Sensing your nervousness, Bucky cocked his head somewhat, dipping down to meet your eyes. 
“It’s warm in here, don’t you think?” he asked seriously. You nodded, swallowing thickly. He gave you a reassuring half-smile, jerking his head in the direction of Tony Stark’s penthouse balcony. “Let’s get some fresh air.” 
Your heart tied up in knots at his suggestion. You were terrified of heights and you made it a point not to find yourself high up. Standing on a glass-bottomed balcony almost fifty floors above the New York City streets certainly wasn’t going to do anything but send you into a panic attack. You opened your mouth to say as much, but then you caught Bucky’s expression. He was gazing at you like you were the only person in the room, his eyes alight with happiness and hope. You’d had a soft spot for Bucky ever since you’d first met, and the feeling had only deepened the more time you spent with him. You suspected the feeling was mutual based on how often Steve Rogers casually tried to arrange alone time for the two of you, although there was almost always some sort of unexpected obstacle that prevented you and Bucky from being able to address your feelings head on. But now, you could see a forceful determination in Bucky’s expression that told you there wouldn’t be anymore running. How could you say no?
You nodded, your eyes wide in a mix of terror and nerves. Bucky’s face broke into a wide smile as he reached out and took your free hand, turning away from you and leading you towards the large, open windows that overlooked Tony’s balcony. 
It was an unseasonably warm evening for December in New York, although the air still had a chill to it. When you stepped into the darkness, the sounds of the party dying behind you, your bare arms immediately puckered into goose pimples. 
Bucky noticed immediately, stripping off his dark blue suit jacket and wrapping it around your shoulders as he led you closer to the edge of the balcony. You let him tuck the warm fabric over your bare shoulders, trying to force yourself to keep breathing and not look down. You could feel your heartbeat in your ears, your chest tightening slowly. 
“Beautiful view, don’t you think?” Bucky asked aimlessly, although his eyes never left your face. You couldn’t bring yourself to look out towards the city, so you turned your gaze back towards the party. You were beginning to feel faint as your terror was increasing. You wished you had just told Bucky you were afraid of heights. Now that you were out here on the balcony, you didn’t know if you’d be able to get back inside. Your legs were beginning to lock up underneath you. All you could focus on - aside from the handsome man in front of you, completely unaware of your panic - was the feel of your high heels against the glass floor of Tony’s balcony. 
“Y/n, are alright?” The note of concern in Bucky’s question told you that he’d caught on to your rising fear. 
He squeezed your hand to mirror the question he’d asked you, the smile melting off his face as flirtatious happiness turned to worry. 
“Bucky… I’m sorry, I think- I need to go… back inside,” you managed to pant out as your vision started to blur. In the next instant, your legs went to jelly and you felt yourself crumple. Your mind went blank halfway down, your consciousness hovering somewhere between awake and asleep for a few moments…
The first thing that came back to you was the feel of warm, strong hands running along your forehead and your cheeks. Next came the sound of concerned whispers all around you. Then, a voice you knew well, distant but growing louder: “Y/n? Y/n, talk to me. Are you ok?” There was a note of fear in that voice that ran through your body like a jolt.
Your consciousness fell back into your body quickly, your mind coming out of the fog of fainting. Your eyes flew open as your head jerked up instinctively. Had your reflexes been faster, you would have registered that Bucky’s face was mere inches above yours as he brushed your mussed hair away from your face. But in the confusion of surfacing from passing out, your instincts took over. As your head lifted up from the couch you’d found yourself on, your face almost collided with Bucky’s. You were barely a hair’s width from slamming teeth with him when your jittery body gained control of itself and you froze.
In the next instant, you felt one of Bucky’s hands gently cup the base of your head, closing the distance between the two of you and connecting your lips. 
Still flustered and fuzzy from passing out, you didn’t know how to react. Your heart felt like it was about to climb out of your chest, and you couldn’t tell if the adrenaline surge in your blood was the lingering effects of the panic that had taken you over on the balcony or the result of Bucky’s kiss. 
His lips were soft and warm against yours, but you didn’t notice that fast enough. He held his lips against yours for a little more than a heartbeat, as if testing you. With your mind moving in a million directions, you didn’t register the question in his gesture fast enough. He pulled back from you, your lips separating and his eyes ducking down in embarrassment as you heard Tony’s voice break the crowd. 
“Where is she? Y/n, are you alright? What happened?” You were on the edge of reaching out to grab Bucky and pull him back towards you when Tony jostled Bucky out of the way. Tony was like a bull in a china shop, and you doubted that he even noticed what had just transpired between you and the Winter Soldier. He barreled in between you, Bucky’s hands sliding off of you and leaving you yearning for his touch as he slipped into the crowd. Tony ran a hand over your forehead, mussing over you like a protective mother.
“You’re clammy, Y/n. What the hell happened?” The all-consuming nature of Tony’s presence tore your mind reluctantly away from Bucky as your focus settled on Tony’s question. 
“The balcony… I went out on the balcony,” you mumbled sheepishly as Tony waved away the onlookers with frustration. From across the room, you heard the four piece band Tony had hired for the occasion strike up. With the music beckoning people back to their merriment, the crowd of worried bystanders began to dissolve around you, the sound of idle chatter and tinkling glasses rising back to a comfortable volume. 
“The balcony?” Tony was looking at you incredulously. He knew of your fear of heights. He’d been there the day you’d first developed your fear at the age of 6, stuck high up in a tree with a quaking, cracking branch threatening to give out under your weight. 
“What on earth brought you out there…” Tony’s question trailed off as his eyes snapped to the jacket still wrapped around your shoulders. Bucky’s jacket.
Tony’s face went dark in an instant, the protective best friend contorting his features as his eyes combed the crowd, looking for the Winter Soldier. Ever since Tony had learned of Bucky’s role in his parents’ death, his normal goodwill had dissolved into raw, vengeful rage. It had only been for your and Steve’s sake that Tony had made a very tenuous, strained peace with Bucky. 
“Tony, please don’t,” you begged, putting a hand on his arm and squeezing, forcing Tony’s eyes back to you. “He didn’t know, Tony. And I didn’t tell him.”
Tony looked at you intensely, his nostrils flaring as he tried to regain control of his anger.
“Tony, please don’t do this,” you continued, your voice growing stronger as your mind came back to clarity. The last remnants of your panic-induced pass out were fading, and now all you were left with was burning humiliation and a dying desire to find Bucky. But first, you had to talk Tony off the edge.
“For me.” You winked at Tony as you said it, shooting him a knowing smile. 
Most people who knew Tony Stark wouldn’t dare tease him when he was in a rage, but you and Pepper were the only ones who knew exactly how to pierce his defenses. It was the comfort that comes with a lifelong friendship that emboldened you to turn an otherwise serious moment into a jest. Part of you wondered if it would backfire on you, but when Tony snorted and let his shoulders relax, shaking his head softly, you knew your comment had hit its mark. 
“You’re a lovesick puppy, you know that,” he replied, the edges of his words still hot with fading anger but the danger passed. 
“I know,” you agreed, relieved that you hadn’t unintentionally incited a fight at Tony’s party. 
“You better go track him down,” Tony instructed as he stood up, holding out a hand for you. You took it gratefully, letting Tony help you up off the couch that Bucky must have put you down on. As you considered how you’d wound up moving from the balcony to the couch towards the back of Tony’s penthouse, you realized that Bucky must have carried you there. The thought increased your restless need to find him. 
You nodded in vague agreement with Tony as your eyes ran over the crowd, trying to find Bucky in the sea of faces. 
“He went that way,” Tony mumbled, pointing towards a dimly lit hallway that led back to Tony’s lab. Bruce and Natalie were leaning against the wall next to the hallway, serving as casual guards who would intercept any unwitting guests who tried to stumble in that direction. They’d let you pass, just like they’d let Bucky pass, since you were both members of the Avengers. 
Without a second thought, you let your feet carry you towards the hall. Behind you, you heard Tony scoff slightly and say something smart, but your mind was too focused to let his comment stick. You waved vaguely behind you as if to swipe his retort aside, earning a louder “Thank me later!” from your friend. 
As you marched past Bruce and Natalie, you caught the former’s eye as you quirked an eyebrow at him. Bruce nodded, already sensing your question. You breezed past him and Natalie, idly noting how close they stood together, their heads bowed together as they whispered conspiratorially and with a hint of flirtatiousness. The sight made you happy for Nat and Bruce, and it increased your itch to find Bucky. 
The party noise faded behind you as you walked down the hallway. 
“Bucky?” you called out hesitantly as you entered Tony’s lab, closing the door quietly behind you. With the door shut, you were enveloped in quiet. You hadn’t noticed how loud the party was until you noted the faint buzzing in your ears. 
Tony’s lab was dim, but you could see a faint glow from the floor below towards where the guest rooms were. Many of the Avengers called Tony’s penthouse home from time to time, thanks to a well-appointed guest wing, complete with a spacious sitting room. Tony’s lab opened onto that sitting room from the second floor. You let your feet carry you towards the light, conscious of how noisy your steps were.
“Bucky?” you called out again, wondering for the first time since you’d decided to try and find him if maybe he didn’t want to be found. 
“Here.” Bucky’s reply was neutral; neither warm and inviting nor irritable and defensive. 
“Are you alright?” you asked cautiously as you climbed down the small set of stairs that connected Tony’s lab to the common area. Bucky was sitting on a couch, a reading lamp turned on beside him, his back to you. His hair looked messier than it had at the party: he’d been running his hands through it, you realized, a tic you’d noticed in him when he was nervous. 
In reply, he scoffed, almost bitterly. “Am I alright? Y/n, I should be the one asking you that.” He turned to face you, rising from the couch as he did. The relaxed, happy smile he’d worn at the party had vanished, leaving his face contorted into something that looked almost like pain. 
You were so distracted by his expression that you barely processed his words. 
“I’m fine, it’s no big thing,” you reassured him quickly, faltering now that you were within reach of him. You wanted to rush to him, bury yourself in his arms, and let him kiss you for real this time, not the accidental mess that had happened a few minutes prior. But you couldn’t get a read on how he’d respond, his body tense and his lips pursed. 
“I should have remembered you’re afraid of heights, I never should have asked you to go out on the balcony, that was incredibly selfish and stupid of me.” His words started coming fast and furious, each syllable seeming to screw him up into a tighter state of discomfort. It took you a moment to read his emotions, but when you realized he was angry at himself, you reacted on instinct. 
Letting out a shaky exhale, you stepped towards him, grasping his hands in yours and running your thumbs on the back of his palms. 
Bucky’s words died on his lips as your eyes met. You smiled gently at him, hoping he could read in your expression that you weren’t interested in an apology. 
“We kissed. Back there,” you managed to stammer out. It wasn’t very graceful, and you felt a little childish saying it, but between the smell of Bucky’s cologne and the way the lamplight cast half his handsome face in mysterious shadow, it was the best you could manage. 
“Well… yeah, I guess we did,” he admitted sheepishly. Your smile deepened when you heard the same nervousness in his voice that you felt. You shouldn’t have been so surprised to see confirmation of his feelings for you, but it felt good and calmed your fears of rejection nonetheless. For the first time since you two had started this dance, you were about to name everything that had gone unsaid between you.
“It’s not exactly what I’d dreamed of for our first kiss, but at least it’s a good story.” You waited for Bucky to respond, wondering if he’d take the bait. He seemed frozen, chewing on his lower lip and trying to hold your gaze. Both of you breathed a little harder in the silence that followed. You moved a half step closer to him, close enough now to feel his breath on your cheeks. He was watching you, wide eyed, as if trying to pinch himself awake from a dream.
“Why don’t we try it again, Mr. Barnes?” you asked quietly, using a pet name you’d taken to calling him when you two were alone. 
Something about the nickname broke whatever dam had been holding him back. Bucky’s hands tangled in your hair quickly and needily, his mouth closing the space between you. This time, when his lips met yours, you were ready. You returned his kiss, matching the rhythm and pressure easily, you two falling into a well-choreographed embrace as if you’d done this a thousand times before. 
You couldn’t say how long you stayed like that, lips connected, enjoying the moment that both of you had skirted around for so many months. You let your hands roam up his arms and twine around his shoulders as he gripped your lower back, pulling your bodies flush against one another while his tongue teased at your lips. There was a deeper heat beginning to take root in both your minds, but for the moment, the kiss was enough. There would be plenty of time for the rest later. 
You were certain that neither of you were prepared to stop, but the sound of someone clearing their throat from the lab broke your moment. You pulled your faces away just enough to turn towards the sound, neither of you willing to break apart from how your bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. 
Steve was leaning against the wall framing Tony’s lab, a smug, self-gratified smile on his lips. 
“I told you the balcony was a good idea,” Steve said, winking at his friend before he turned back towards the party, leaving you and Bucky to ring in the New Year by yourselves…
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multifandom-worlds · 1 year
Letter from New York
My doll, Oh, how I miss you when you're so far away. I wish you were here, sleeping in my arms like you should be, not hundreds of kilometres away. I can't sleep without you.
Nothing in this world compares to the warmth you bring everywhere you go, and I am so lost without you. You are my safe space, doll, my home. With you, I am able to be me. I am able to take the mask off and truly be who I am, not who others want me to be. You allow me to break; you help me to feel all it is I need to feel. You never think twice about helping me through a panic attack or a nightmare. With you, I am truly safe.
I know I don't tell you enough how much I am utterly in love with you, but the truth is, I can never find the words to fully express how complex and encompassing my love for you is. I love you today just as hard as I loved you back in the '40s. You are my one and only, and I could not ask for a better spouse. I am so proud of you, doll. I see how hard you work every single day, wearing that beautiful heart of yours on your sleeve. It does not matter the number of times you've been knocked down; you always get right back up with a smile on your face. I will always be by your side, picking you up when you stumble or pushing you ahead when you fall back. Thank you for choosing me again. I never forgot you, and I never will. Just as I was yours then, I am yours now and forever more. Bucky
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@simplyholl @buckyalpine @winterslove1917
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maxriderg · 4 months
To quote Vincent Martella as Phineas Flynn of Phineas and Ferb, once again as usual (but in my very own way): Fellers, I know what I just can't wait to share for Ray Chase's upcoming 37th Birthday by next Monday, complete with these and well, HAVE A VERY HAPPY EARLY 37TH BIRTHDAY TO the one and only, RAY CHASE (1987-present), Ladies and Gentlemen! ;)
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goldensunflowe-r · 2 years
Winter Soldier Imagines
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buckyalpine · 3 months
Chicken nuggies.
Crack thought with all the fluff. ALL the fluff. Maybe a tiny dash of angst at the start but it's to set the plot.
Everything that could have possibly gone wrong went sideways as soon as the mission started. The team was ambushed. Bucky was separated from everyone else. His trigger words blared through the speakers and there was nothing anyone could do to stop the soldier from awakening.
Worst of all, you were badly injured. Steve groaned in pain, struggling to pull himself up when he saw the solider lock his eyes on your limp form, taking long strides towards you with purpose.
That wasn't good.
"Tony-I-I need back up, y/n is-what the hell"
Steve blinked watching his friend pick you up with the utmost care, holding you securely in his arms. A hydra agent attempted to order him, only to be silenced with a knife thrown to the throat. The soldier made his way towards the exit with you along with a limping Steve trailing behind him.
"Быстрее" [move] he ordered, carrying you close to his chest and sitting in his designated on the spot on the jet. He didn't say a word as the others filed in, growling when Tony didn't start the engine up fast enough. No one dared look in your direction, not wanting to make the wrong move and happy that Bucky had busied himself with looking over your injuries, mumbling in Russian while letting his hand brush over your cheek.
As soon as the jet touched the ground, he was on his feet and carrying you over to the medbay, refusing to set you down until he saw a doctor ready to help. While it wasn't exactly protocol to have him in the operating room while the doctors worked, no one was interested in arguing back with him when he placed himself in a corner, watching intently. His blue eyes which were normally filled with warmth and softness were now stone cold, eyeing every single movement of what was being done to you, his gaze relaxing when the surgeon gave him a shaky thumbs up.
He sat by your side the entire time, gear still strapped to his body, watching the steady beep of your heart monitor while you slept, the rest of the team quietly waiting outside. Sam peered in, quickly retreating back when Bucky glowered at him, getting up and closing the door so you could rest. He and Steve continued to peep through the little glass window, immediately ducking when they could feel steel blue eyes watching him.
"Do we try and help or-
"I don't want to die yet, also based on what I'm seeing, y/n in the safest place she could be"
You sighed happily as you blinked awake, feeling hazy as if you were floating upon the softest of clouds. The room was bright and clean, you could have been in heaven for all you knew.
Or you were just high as a kite from all the pain killers.
Then you saw him beside you.
Such a gorgeous man.
One who gave you butterflies with shy smiles.
"Soldat" You giggled, reaching over to stroke his scruffy cheek, brushing your thumb over the scowl on his lips, "Hi" You admired his sharp jaw, idly tracing over his features while his mouth twitched into something of a smile, all his muscles finally relaxing seeing you awake.
You yawned, stretching yourself out like a kitten out before rolling over with a flop to face the very pretty man who was sitting at your bedside. Your admiration was cut short with the rumble of your tummy.
There was only one thing you wanted now.
"Soldat, I want chicken nuggies" You demanded, the growl of your stomach solidifying your request. He simply nodded, getting up and out of his seat, making his way over to the one place he knew you'd want your "nuggies" from.
"H-how may I h-help you" The Mc Donald's cashier stared at the numerous guns and knifes strapped to the infamous soldier, his metal arm pointing to a kids meal combo that came with a 6 piece nugget.
A little red box was placed in front of him at lightening speed but that wasn't good enough. He peered into the bag, frowning when he saw a toy that you already had. He grabbed it and placed it back onto the counter, staring at the trembling employee while they rummaged to find a new one, grabbing fistfuls and stuffing into the bag instead. The soldier nodded when he was given one you didn't have before, making his way back to ensure you were fed.
It didn't take long for the news outlets to catch on that the Winter Soldier was out buying Happy Meals.
*Tony's suit, Thors hammer, Steve's now broken shield and some gentle deprogramming later*
"Still want more nuggies" You murmured against Bucky's chest, still a little hazy while he chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
"I'll always get you chicken nuggies, doll"
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ptolomia · 2 months
Dream a little dream of me
Summary: You have an unfinished dream of Bucky
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Wet dream, Choking, Mating Press, Unsafe Sex.
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You jolted awake, unaware of what time it was as the sweat set into your skin, a dull ache forming between your legs. You took a minute to take in your surroundings and the second body cradled you gently, the cold steel of his arm stretched around your waist, warmth pooling in your core.
You grind against him in the hope that he senses your need "Buck…" You whine low, the moan that meets your ear in response was enticing.  
He twitched against your ass, holding you closer and grinding against you. His arm slowly slid between your legs, relieving the pain. "Had a good dream baby?" His voice was coated in a soft rasp the words settled warmly against your ear. "No! It ended before the good part." You whined, melting from the friction.
"Can't have that now can we baby?” He teased, sucking at the pulse point of your neck making you sleepily keen.
His head lowers to rub his chin at the juxtapex of your cheekbone and ear and gives a shallow breath into the shell of your ear. "How do you want it, doll?" He licks at your earlobe and takes it in his mouth to give you a small nibble. His hips grinding against you again made you mewl as he braced himself on his elbows on the bed.
Fully pressed into you, he could feel the short, shuddering breaths that leave you in anticipation of what he was going to do seeing as you can't move currently under him.
“Please-" You tried to plead as your hips rubbed back against him. Loving the way his cock was slotted between your ass cheeks so perfectly. Pressing him to where your heat was. "Baby please!"
He growled as he inched your hips higher, grabbing a pillow, tucking it under your hips to get you at the perfect angle.
His right hand ran up your hips. The flimsy sleep shorts easily stretched as his hand dipped to grab your ass. His fingers slowly traced your upper thigh snaking a finger down to circle your clit. His hips bucking into you as he groaned.
"You're always so wet for me baby. Is that what you want? Want me to cum so deep inside you? Fill you up?"
You moan hard as his fingers sped up. A particularly hard jut of his hip made you both moan. "Fuck- I need you so bad baby. Always so good for me." He groaned "You're so ready for me. So obedient, always wanting my cock." He continued as he grinded.
"Please just fuck me Buck! I can't take it anymore!" He pulled his fingers away, pulling the hem of his sweatpants down to take out his cock. He slapped the head against your core "Patience is a virtue, doll"
He finally eased your agony slipping into you with ease. "So beautiful." He whispers nibbling on your earlobe, "G’morning, baby." You say back, barely coherent through your bliss.
He sped up, relishing in the way your plush walls tensed around his cock. He could feel your heartbeat through your pleasure. "God you're so fucking wet for me."
“Buck!" Your fingers grip his shoulders as his cock dug into you. Heat building in your stomach as you he rammed into you. 
"Being such a good little slut for me baby," He said between thrusts that made you keen and tense around his cock. "Is that good baby? Are you close f’me?" he says, his accent as sweet as honey. “O-Oh God! Yes baby!” you scream, your mind going blank.
His metal hand snaked around your throat, pushing you closer to the edge. Your nails dug into his back leaving tiny red crescents in their wake.
"Such a good girl- fuck!" Your walls tensed around him, warmth growing in your stomach as you squeezed around him. He growled in your ear, “Oh God baby, you’re squeezing me so tight. I’m so fucking close. Where do you want it baby?” He said, his thrusts never ceasing. You whined, relishing in the way his cock twitched inside you. "Fuck! Inside me-“
“I wouldn’t want it anywhere else, doll.” He groaned, pulling your legs to his shoulders and pressing into you as he came. "Fuck baby…" He panted, pulling out of you. He slowly removed the pillow beneath your hips, shifting to the side you made room for him to cradle you. “So, did I make up for your bad dream, baby?” He breathed softly, a light chuckle falling out as the words dropped off his tongue. A good morning, indeed.
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buckybarnesfanfiction · 2 months
Hydra Trash Party
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vavoomed-for-crowley · 7 months
Heard it's Fanfiction Friday
So here I am, promoting my works from different fandoms:
Living With(out) You (Good Omens) on AO3
Aziraphale x Crowley x Reader
Aziraphale went back to heaven and Crowley suffers from the loss, trying to drown out his emotions by ineffable drinking. But he forgot that he left an impression on the people around him that actually care and try to be there for him. When he finally accepts to let them closer, he begins to work out a life without his angel. At least until a certain point.
Story Notes:
This is my most recent work and still ongoing. I gotta admit that writing it is a slow process because there's so much to do in my life right now. And I find it certainly hard to add an extra character to the ineffable husbands but the idea is stuck in my brain. It's fun to be back in the game.
The focus of my story is on Crowley's way to recover. For him to learn how to live without his angel and what life can be like when you let people in. There's no unnecessary drama. It's a grown up story about themes all of us can relate to. (Also, this is my first story where I try to keep the reader gender neutral as to involve all genders. Like I said: trying. Don't know if I am doing it right).
A Feeling Of Normality (Marvel Cinematic Universe on Wattpad
Bucky Barnes × Female Reader
Who can understand the pain you had to go through better than someone who went through the same pain? The worlds of Bucky and Reader collide very soon. They develop a strong bond without needing many words but whilst the Reader learns to love Bucky's broken soul, he's still struggling to move on.
Story notes:
The story takes place in the Infinity Stone Saga between Civil War and Endgame. I tried to add the Reader without changing too much about the original story. I think my favorite detail is that I spent so much time watching different scenes to stay as close to the characters behavior and thoughts as possible.
Some Comments:
"Such an amazing story! Gave me amazing nightly reads."
"It's truly perfect. The way you describe the feelings of everyone made me fall in love with this. I also cried at many moments. [...] It was one of the best stories I read on Wattpad."
"I've loved the journey you took us on."
"This was fantastic and I loved every single moment of it!"
An Unknown Bond (Seven Deadly Sins) on Wattpad
Zeldris x female OC
The kingdom is freed from Hendrickson, when the OC named Yami feels a very strong power. The Holy War is not over. And the only way to avert the danger is for Yami to find Meliodas and fight against Zeldris and The Ten Commandments. There's just one problem: Thousands of years back, both brothers meant a lot to her and now it's time to choose a side.
Story Notes:
I'm particularly proud of this one, even though it has some writing errors. It was my first time writing an English fanfiction after a break of several years. But I hadn't finished the manga, the end of the final season hadn't been out yet and I was surprised at how close my story came to the actual storyline, even though an Own Character was added. So let's just say if you've finished Seven Deadly Sins, our endings were very similar!
Some comments:
"Been so long since I've read a wonderful book"
"I'm actually crying, thank you so much for writing this."
"Best book ever."
"I loved this book. The best fanfic ever read."
"Loved this story so much. It gave me the ignition I needed to keep writing stories, and I'm very thankful for it. So sad to see it end but so grateful to have found and read this book."
"This was great. I love the difference in the story. Not many can completely change a part of a story and not ruin it. You've changed the story so much but it's still a masterpiece. Thanks for the ride."
"Thank you for making this book. This is the type of story that can drive empty people on [...]. It was fun reading and definitely worth the time."
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c-writes-sometimes · 1 year
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New chapter now available!
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