#Btw this is D/Darling asking
theoneandonly-darling · 6 months
Uhm, does anyone know why infected (or Kasper??? Idk why people are calling them that since I only saw her being called infected, and before he got confused at being called that) is talking differently?? And she said he didn't remember the pie, it was only yesterday though, I'm confused. It's not lining up for me. Hopefully nothing bads happening, like they're being replaced or something. Or is it a late April fools joke???
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demon-mochi · 1 year
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Grayscale Welcome Home AU from: @sweetest-honeybee
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lovesickeros · 2 years
Darling: you hate me, it's written all over your face
Reader's resting b*tch face: what?
darling says it just to annoy you lbr. bc no matter how bad your resting bitch face is, the tsaritsa's is worse. darling has had years to learn how to discern the tsaritsa's mood when shes as reactive as a statue.
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
✨🌈☀️send this to the ten people you’re happy to see every time they pop up on your dash/notif and wish them a good day🌟🌈💥
AWWWW, thank you so much!! right back at you, love!! <333 🌟🌈💥 🥰
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namjooningera · 3 months
Hi, first timer here. May I humbly request for a drabble with Yandere Nanami wherein his darling gets sick and tries to avoid Nanami, but fails and gets coddled in return
You absolutely may!
Yandere JJK react to you being sick
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Characters: Nanami, gojo, geto, Toji
Tw: sickness, forced physical touch, poisoning (?) 👀
AN: I decided to go with all the characters cuz I actually like this prompt! However nanamis will be longer since you asked for him specifically :D btw y’all I’m thinking of adding Choso! Tell me what y’all think ;)
You cough and shake, body trembling. Nanami’s at work, you know that because he isn’t on his side of bed. His watch and phone have been picked off the nightstand, the windows were sealed shut again, and the clock on the night stand buzzed with the numbers
11:23 am.
It’s late. Well, sort of. It’s the late where you don’t usually wake up. Sure you don’t wake up as early as Nanami does, but you at least wake up before the afternoon.
Before, you’d wake up as early as possible, well, when you had a life, that is.
But your sniffling, your nose is clogged and your body aches. Your throat, restricted. You can barely swallow down that dry saliva because dammit your throat aches. You need some water to smooth your sore throat, but you find the glass at the night stand completely empty.
You slowly crawl out of bed, on all fours, body weak and mind empty. You’re tired, you feel dirty, and you feel like you could pass out.
You basically limp to the kitchen with your glass in your hand, at any point knowing you could drop it. It’s just so heavy in your weak hand, and it fucking slips.
It slips onto the floor and shatters. You sigh, staring at the broken glass on the floor. No worries! Right? You’ll pick up a broom and clean it up later.
That’s a future you problem
Amongst all the other problems you have. You get another glass from the cabinet, filling up your cup and downing the water. It hurts so bad, like a shards going down your throat but the slight relief it gives, helps.
But you can’t stand for long, your bottom hitting the kitchen counter, hands grabbing the edges for support. You stumble into it, trying to move, but your eyes get blurry.
Your body is weaker, your vision is weak, eyes droopy and legs starting to give out.
It’s fine- you’re fine. Is what you tell yourself. You can’t let Nanami know about this. He’ll take care of you- then his ego will boost ten fold. He’ll probably get more clingy and desperate, protective. He won’t let you go for a second then after your no longer sick, he’ll think he has some control over you know. That you owe him. That’s what you think anyway. Not that he actually cares about you (oh he certainly does), but you’d like to keep it in your head that he’s being fake, that he’s a bad man. Because you know as soon as you realize his actions are purely out of love, that he loves you, perhaps you’ll actually start to gain empathy for him. Feel emotions.. you shouldn’t.
He was your favorite coworker, best friend. You grew up with him, or at least from high school. He’s taken care of you before, but now you just don’t trust it.
Your back, starts to slide down the kitchen counter, and you hazily sit against the kitchen cabinet. You look at the time.
“11:46 am”
Ok great, he won’t be back until 7 right? That’s how it normally is if he has some out of city mission.
But your eyes get droopy, your dizzy, your vision is blurred, mouth dry and oh-
Your head is heavy and falls over onto the floor. You’re on your side, shivering. It’s hot but your also shivering, you can’t tell if your freezing or if your heating up. Your mind starts to shut down and so does your body- the sweat that drools down your forhead, the body heat that illuminates your skin.
You lay unconscious on the kitchen floor.
Nanami’s excited.
He’s able to come home early today. Around 3pm? He was so glad. It turns out this out of city mission was actually a lot simpler then told- or maybe it was gojo beating them before he could even arrive. Turns out gojo finished them off quick so he could have a chance to eat out in another city with Nanami. Nanami rolls his eyes at the thought. Luckily he was able to escape after a while of entertaining Gojo Satoru for that long. He could come home early to his darling and he was excited.
Excited to spend the mid-day with you too. He opened the door excitedly, a sliver of a smile adoring his face as he opened the door, bakery sweets in hand (he had to buy some to cope with Satorus constant crude comments).
“Sweetheart! I’m home!”
He says cheerfully, but his smile drops just a tad when you don’t come to the door to greet him. He just shrugs anyway, going off to the room to find you and tell you about his insufferable day, but feed you sweets and tell you, you make it all better.
But as he passes the kitchen, he immediately stops, his head is thrown in your direction and he sees you. On the floor.
You’re on the floor. Why are you on the floor? Why’s there broken glass? Did you hurt yourself? Purposely? On accident? He runs over, his feet sliding over the glass, he winces but ignored it, dropping on his knees, looking at your sweaty cold body. He was confused at the glass, his aching feet, your cold but heated body passed out on the floor.
“D-dear? My love?” He whispered. His voice lingered with panic, major panic actually, he was terrified.
“Dear please!” He raised his voice for the first time ever, breaking one of his own rules he had for himself.
Your ears are ringing, but your eyes finally start top open and you look up at him.
“N-Nanami..” even though your angry at him, furious, you look up at him, and you know the fear in his eyes are genuine.
And you see your best friend.
Your high school best friend. The sweet man from high school. Patient, kind, caring, quiet, your lovely best friend. The one that you.. had more then just friendly feelings for. I mean how could you not? He was so sweet and perfect. Always spoiling you, taking care of you, making sure you ate and we’re always well kept. He made you laugh too, unintentionally most of the time but still hilariously. And oh was he handsome. He’s always been, and it always made you wonder why he never dated. Never say anyone or had something as simple as a crush. You always thought it was probably because he was too busy, the jujutsu sorcerer life isn’t easy, it’s time consuming and utterly dangerous, no fit for a relationship.
You look up at Nanami. He’s your best friend. A year rolls down your eye, dropping to the floor.
“Sweetheart? Don’t cry? My love, what happened?” His voice was shaking, he was scared.
You haven’t seen him like this before.
Hah, no that’s a lie. You have. And it was.. quite.. violent.
And right before you got kidnapped.
You get it now.
He did do this, kidnapped you and all, for your own safety. To make sure he’d always have you his palms, his hands, so that you’d never break.
But look at you. Even now. Even though your in the safety of his home, his surveillance, your still ill and wounded.
Your shaky breaths leave your mouth and your lidded eyes look up at him. He swallows hard. He considers taking you to the hospital- but no. They’d take you away from him. But he’d also rather have you completely safe and hurt free. If letting you’d go meant you’d be better, then so be it.
But his hands shook as he went to touch you. He didn’t want you to leave. Once he lets you go you’ll be gone forever.
His hand caressed your cheek, a tear bubbling in his eyes, and that’s when you know. When you know what’s in his mind, what he’s thinking.
“I-I’m fine..” Your voice incredibly shaky and desperate.
Just get away. You think. Leave me alone. Fuck. You want him gone, you want this asshole- the idiot who betrayed you- who kidnapped you who hurt you- you want him gone and off your back.
“You’re not fine. Your not! Sweetheart I- what happened?”
“C-could be uh-“ you cough, “food poisoning?” Perhaps, but you’re unsure. You’re both unsure.
He picks you up. His arms shaking and feet stinging from the small shards of glass that stick up his heels. He carries you to your room, placing you softly on the bed with a shaky exhale leaving his lips.
His face is pale and sweaty, he looks more sick then you.
“I’ll call you an ambulance okay?” Shaky tears leave his eyes. He holds your hand tightly, towering over your spread body.
He sighs, a sad smile on his lips.
“I-if that’s what I have to do.. to.. stop this.”
You think. You could get away, have that chance. But you also think it isn’t worth it.
Looking up at your best friend, the tears leaving his eyes, that soft smile he’s looked at you with before. Fuck. You know there’s something deeper to this, he didn’t do all of this on purpose. His obsession, obsession with protecting you and shadowing you and god just his constant paranoia and possessiveness until he kidnapped you- it had to be at a fault not from him right?
And looking up at the man you called your alley, your best friend, your crush. You had to save him. Maybe then, once you do, you two could be normal again? You could learn to forgive him, he’d let you go, and heal. And once he healed.. perhaps you two could be something more? More than a forced relationship.
Your hand tightens over his. Barely, but he feels it.
His eyes widened and he looks down at you. “Honey? What?”
“D-don’t wanna go Kay? Can take care of m’self.”
He grumbled at that. “Absolutely not. Your body is heated to hell and your shivering. You look terrible.”
You huff. “Rude.”
“Dear please let me take you to a hospital? Or to get checked out at least, please?” He’s so desperate, it’d be sweet if it wasn’t for the situation you were in, with a lovesick yandere. But you knew he wouldn’t let you go until someone could heal and take care of you. You sighed to yourself.
“Just go buy some medicine? Will be fine…” you mumbled.
“Do you have to be so thick headed? I know you’re in pain. At least let me take care of you.”
“Just leave me alone!”
Your scream threw him back, stepping back from you. “I…I understand.”
He left the room, his eyebrows bunched up and his mouth in a scowl. You felt disgusting, but hoped some nap could help. A nap that would wake you up from this horrid shit, perhaps this was all a dream.
Alas, you wake up. And it’s not a dream. And you feel even worse, actually. Your throat is completely closed, you can’t speak for fucks sake, your entire body is covered in a thick inch of sweat and you feel sticky. Your clothes are too tight and your hair feels wet, sticking onto your forehead. Your stomach is empty but still feels twisted, and god your body is so weak. So weak you can’t get up, so weak you don’t think you can even move your hand to grab the glass of water on your nightstand.
Everything hurts. You can’t avoid Nanami now, you need him.
“N-Nanam…” your realize your voice is basically gone to dust, you can’t speak and you can’t call out for him, and that’s when the panic starts to set in.
What if he left the house and won’t be back until late night? What if he doesn’t come check on you? What if he’s so upset for you avoiding him and pushing him away so he doesn’t help you?
But as your thinking all these thoughts, the door slowly starts to crack open, you see some blonde hair peeking out and an eye.
“Nan…nana..mi..” his eyes widens and he ran over to you.
“You need me?”
It’s like he was waiting out there for you to call him, right outside the door until you wake up and asked for him. You push that thought to the back of your head.
“Sweetheart- your burning up even worse then before. Please, please let me take care of you at least. I’m begging you, my love.”
You grumbled, looking up at him from your pillow. The soft expensive fucking sheets that nobody should be allowed to buy, clutched and balled up in your sweaty hands.
“F-fine.” You mumbled.
He smiled, but not one out of happiness but out of relief. “I’ll be the best care taker you’ve ever seen, my love. You’ll be better in no time.”
Satoru is possible the worst man you could be sick around. He gets fucking clingy and won’t leave you alone for a second. Treating you like some newborn baby who needs the utmost care at every waking moment.
That’s why, when you feel a oh so familiar cough rise in your throat, a chill in your spine and a just lovely heat illuminating from your forehead, you don’t tell him.
You pretend like it’s not even there. You think it’ll pass anyway. It’s probably some cold, some small bug that you’ll get over in a few days.
But it’s not that easy, especially when the medicine cabinet is locked and Satoru barely leaves you alone.
“What was that?”
“What was what?” Your try to play off the fast you just chocked on your own disgusting heavy cough, as if you weren’t just about to puke from how gross and vile that cough felt.
You cleared your throat and continued to watch the TV. Satoru put on some lame show and you decided you had nothing better to do, so you plopped down on the sofa to watch, too. Well, plopped down on the entire other side of the sofa.
It’s funny though, he thinks you don’t see the way he slowly scoots over closer to you every second. It’s pathetic, really. But if you didn’t hate him so much you’d actually find it kind of endearing.
“Hey, uhh. You have any pain killers? Or just.. medicine.”
He looks at you suspiciously. “Why?”
“Just.. have a headache. You know..”
He raises his eyebrow at you but nods. “Follow me..”
He leads you out of the living and to the kitchen. Where he unlocks a cabinet with a key that he pulled out of who knows where.
He grabs some pain killers for your so called “headache” and while he’s taking a pill out, you sneak behind him and try to grab some cold cough medicine.
And obviously, you get caught immediately because who wouldn’t.
“I knew it! You are sick!”
“No! I just uhh..”
“You just uhh.” he mocks you. “You’re sick- I can see it all over your face. Can’t fool me.” He snickers, grabbing the cold couch medicine, and you, by the arm, and drags you to the living room where he forces you to situate yourself on the sofa while he stands.
“How long have you been sick?”
You shrug.
He scoffs. “Fine. You know what? Your not getting these,” he waves around the cough medicine, “until I get a hug. A hug for every pill you want.” He huffs and strikes his chin upwards, acting all mad and pouty.
“What? Your kidding. Satoru this isn’t funny.”
“It’s really not.” He answers.
“Fine. I’ll cough all over you and get you sick too.”
He huffed and bonked your head a few times. “Hey! You want the cough medicine or not? Don’t you wanna get better?” He teased with a very annoying smile on his face.
But your desperate, and you can feel your throat start to clog and a cough starting to gear up, you know what you have to.
“-ugh fine!”
It’s a few hours later.
Satoru was fucking elated. Floating on cloud nine, while you, were stuck in his arms. He had been clinging onto for who knows how long. As soon as you gave in and gave him those hugs, he wouldn’t let go.
Yes, he gave you those pills, yes you feel relieved and less sick, but god was it really worth it? Worth your dignity and sanity?
“One more episode pleaseeeee.” He whined, knowing damn well that he could just force you to watch with him anyway, but it was as if he wanted that reassurance that you wanted to watch with him too.
Which you didn’t.
“No satoru. I’m sleepy, okay? I’m tired.”
He mumbled something incoherent and grumbled, but then a smile appeared on his face.
“Oh no problem! Let’s just go to bed then!”
You didn’t realize what he meant until he grabbed you off the couch, carrying you off into your room giddily and jumped into bed with you.
He cuddled up to your side and sniffed into your neck, inhaling your scent and almost rubbing himself into your nape.
“S-satoru move..”
He chuckled and just squeezed closer to you. “But you’re sick sweetie.” He said with a faux pout, the kind where you know he was taunting you. “I need to be with you at all times to check your temperature and make sure my girl doesn’t get worse~”
Suguru geto is a weird man.
He goes off everyday to his cult, his huge estate that wraps around his cult.
You don’t know it all started, what lead him to kill the leader and take over. No, you do know. You just wish you knew why. You wish you could’ve stopped him before his corruption. But alas, here you are.
But this time, Suguru is upset with you. Before he left to “work”, you had called him names and yelled at him. Told him to get away from you and that you hate him. You don’t know why you suddenly blew up, you’ve been eerily calm these past few days, but your upset. He’s been forcing himself on you, not sexually, but he’s been trapping you two together.
Following you everywhere you went, acting all calm when you got upset as if he wasn’t the problem. At one point he tried to get into the bathroom while you were showering, yes that was the last straw.
In your robe you yelled at him and called him out, and at one point it got out of hand, you started saying things that didn’t even have to do with why you were mad.
He left upset, he didn’t say anything. Just silent as he listened to your screams then left silent, too. And that was the scariest of them all.
But the truth is, you weren’t really upset about the fact he was trying to barge in when you were showering. Sure that would’ve been annoying and outright perverted, but you were mad for a different reason.
The way he almost found out that you were in fact, not showering.
But instead, using the showers loud water noise to cover up the fact that we’re puking.
When you saw the door handle start to turn as you coughed into the toilet, you quickly threw on a robe over your pajamas and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand.
You were angry because he almost caught you. The truth is, you’ve been sick for a while now. You know it’s some stomach bug, you get every now and then but you don’t want Suguru to know.
Because once he knows, it’ll just be another reason to control you. To coddle you and guilt you into staying with him.
But honestly the look on his face before he left- god did it make you feel guilty. You almost bit your inner cheek off seeing that. After all you still had.. unsolved feelings. He’s your best friend for fucks sake- no. He used to be your best friend. Before his corruption.
But you can’t help to think that perhaps- the Suguru you know is still there somewhere. He had to be right? That’s why he still loves and cares for you like he used to. Just now, it’s unwanted and forceful.
He comes home late tonight. You know why but you don’t say anything, you don’t comment on it. You’ve been reading, laying on your bed. Normally suguru comes in, lays on the bed and acts like he’s your husband who came home. Telling to you about his day, and asking about yours, as if he didn’t know.
But today, he doesn’t.
And you’re confused, but you don’t comment on it. And you don’t go to find him either because honestly you could care less.
But the thought lingers in the back of your mind, that uneasy feeling in your chest, heavy. You try to ignore it and read your book. But you can’t, your distracted and you can’t focus .
You decide you need some water, you get up and put your book on your nightstand. But as you walk to the door, about to pull the handle, Suguru comes storming in.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” He said angrily, basically threw the door open almost hitting you on the way, grabbing you by your mid arms.
Your confused. He doesn’t have cameras in the bathroom how could he know- oh.
You remember your slip up. The slip up you forgot.
When going to the kitchen to grab a glass of water after puking your guts out in the bathroom, desperately wanting to get that disgusting taste out your mouth and throat.
But then as you made your way to the kitchen for some water, you choke and feel yourself gagging. You throw up into the kitchen sink, coughing your guts out.
You thought that the cameras weren’t in the kitchen- and if so you forgot anyway. To focused on trying not to sob as that disgusting mass left your throat and emptied out your stomach.
“I don’t know what your talking bout Suguru..” you mumbled, trying to act stupid.
Obviously that doesn’t fly with Suguru and he just holds your arms tighter. “I saw you, don’t lie to me. Why didn’t you just tell me?” His voice was angry until it broke at his last words.
“Do you just not trust me anymore?” And god the desperation and sadness in his eyes actually hurt you for a second, the guilt in you starting to bubble up. But you push that aside and shrug your shoulders at him.
He grinds his teeth and pulls you into him. “I’ll earn back your trust, my dear. Or I’ll force it into you.”
Your eyes widen at the last part and you look up at him. He has to be joking, right?
“Excuse me?”
“Your going to bed rest for the rest of the week. I’ll be home the entire time.”
And you realize all your private time away from him has been taken away for the entire damn week, locked in a room, a bedroom, in bed, with Suguru. Fuck. But still, you did feel a twinge of guilt, so even though you heavily didn’t want to stay locked in a room with him, you unhappily agreed, but agreed either way.
Suguru just smiles at you. He doesn’t mean to be harsh, he cares. And he’s smart enough to know what your allergic to and what gets your stomach upset.
It’s just so weird how a curse managed to make it into y’all’s home, undetected by the both of you, and somehow infected you unknowingly.
Oh well.
What you don’t know can’t hurt you right?
He’s overprotective and you know that.
That’s why, before you even know your sick, he’s all over you and checking you. He things it’s subtle (spoiler; it’s not) and he coddles you to death.
“I’m gonna take a day off today.” He’s doing it because of you and not one of his stupid excuses. And he says it, while his one arm is around your neck, the other around your belly, trapping to against his chest, your back to him, in bed.
“C-could you let go? I’m over heating..”
He groans and cuddles into you closer. “Few mo’ minutes, doll.” He mumbled into the back of your neck.
“I’m not sick I told you! Get off!”
Except it’s like your extreme refusal that your sick, the refusing his help and refusing him, just ends up in you sick.
You lay on the bed in front of him, while he pulled a chair up to you and spoon fed you soup. You can tell he enjoys it, a sly tug at his lips saying ‘I told you so’, he doesn’t have to say it out loud you just know.
You whine and tell him to go away, you don’t need him to baby you or stay home from work. That you’re perfectly fine taking care of yourself.
“Yeah? You refused me tryna’ help you and ya think you can take care of yourself fine?” He says, basically angry.
You huff and let him push a spoonful of hot soup into your mouth. “
“Why don’t ya just shut your mouth and let me take care of you. So damn bratty.”
You sigh and clutch at your blanket. You have nothing better to do then surrender to his touch because you feel so damn weak.
He slightly smiled at you, seeing you finally quiet down and let him feed you without a fight.
What a smart girl. He thinks.
It’s like you know the antidote is in the soup.
So that was crazy guys. Anyways! Should I add choso and Sukuna? I love them sm 😋 (tbh kinda scared to write Sukuna cuz he’s insane)
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rosescarlette · 3 months
-> Zhongli with a strong s/o.
Being the geo archon has its price. Both disadvantages and advantages at his hands. He didn't mind much. Every quality he had he would treasure them equally.
That was until you came along.
Mortals in his eyes are quite fragile. You let them go once, they're gone forever. So he cares for every mortal equally.
Nevertheless his strength was indomitable. Surpassing mortals by A LOT. He doesn't mind much.
When he stepped down and later met you. That's when he started being proud of his indomitable strength.
"Li can you help me carry these?"
Hearing you ask for help, he'll always be happy. Proud that he's stronger than you. In a silly way of course. Even to just renovate things you'd ask him for help.
It doesn't bother him much really. He quite likes having to lift.. nothing. So yes large objects are nothing to him. So he would happily do the things you've asked. It also gives him quite the advantage that he could always lift you up with ease.
But one day good knows how busy he was. Work didn't quite help it. And at home you need to move a few things around but he wasn't there. He isn't home yet because he's busy at work. So you decided to do it yourself.
Immediately rushing the work and completed he would immediately try to reach home. That's always going to be his number one priority. Reach home and see you.
But today was different. When he came home.. he was shocked.
Shocked to find you lifting a heavy object all by yourself. No help needed or anything. You were too focused to hear him come in anyways.
As you heard the voice, you immediately looked at the direction and your face brightened immediately.
"Oh hello!!"
"What are.. you.. doing exactly..?
"Just moving some stuff around why?"
He was stunned. Stunned you were able to lift up that thing with ease.
"You.. don't feel anything?"
"Other than a bit heavy not really.. why?"
Still stunned that his beloved was able to move stuff around easily.
However he felt a bit hurt. That he wouldn't be able to get all the compliments now, that he wouldn't be able to feel his ego boost up again.
"And.. you.. never asked for help?"
"Eh no why?"
That was the final straw for him. Later that night poor zhongli was sad that his s/o won't ever ask his help for anything. Well it took you a lot of effort to comfort him and say it was okay and that you'll need his help later.
But zhongli just wanted to help you and not let you do any work.. :(
-> Note :
Am so sorry for not posting for a while😭😭 my mental health was currently not good and neither is my physical health right now.. academics doesn't make it any easier for me :( But am really glad you were all patient for me :D I really want to thank you guys.
Also sorry if this was trash btw I am having writer's block along with art block rip. Again thank you again all!! Have a great day :D
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ryzl · 1 year
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imagine a yandere! florist 🌷
yandere! florist who is tired of his every day life. it is a never ending cycle
that is until . . . . . he saw YOU ♡
yandere! florist who, at first, doesn't care. he just saw you as a normal person (with unreal beauty, might i add) who just happens to always visit the bookstore in front of the flower shop he works on
yandere! florist who starts to see you frequently, and couldn't help but get curious as to why you always visit the bookstore in front of the shop.
i mean, could you at least go to HIS shop? pretty please? 😩
yandere! florist who couldn't help but feel overjoyed when you actually went to his shop. hooray for him
saying you ordered for a bouquet of ROSES. hmmm red?
i wonder who is it for ? your lover maybe? oh no that shouldn't be possible. you are his.
so when yandere! florist asked who's it for, you should answer honestly, alright? SO WHO'S IT FOR?
oh? what you've ordered was wrong? whew, you almost gave him a heart attack darling :3
it's actually WHITE ROSES, for a family member ig???
yandere! florist who prepared the bouquet for you (lmao expect his number on a seperate card inside the bouquet)
yandere! florist who told you to come anytime :> you are always welcome here 🥳
yandere! florist who starts to stalk you on the daily. :))
no problem with that right??? yeah, thought so too.
yandere! florist who figured out where you live !!!!
you can expect random flowers that are associated with "romantic love" by your door step :> you're welcome, my dearest.
oh love, it's very fun seeing you look around for whoever the flowers are from. you look so cute :3 he wanna squish you :>
yandere! florist who (finally) mustered up enough courage to actually give the flowers to you. FACE TO FACE 🙀
like omg can this even get any more creepier ROMANTIC?
yandere! florist who did his very best to pour all his affection to you :>
in short, he's proving to you that he's hubby material 🥰🥰🥰
yandere! florist who has vendetta against the librarian
yes he considers that librarian his rival when it comes to winning your love ♡
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to anyone who wants to add anything in here, feel free to do so :>
yeah this is so rushed >:D anyways, i would like to thank everyone for supporting my mini writings :3 (love lots)
and btw mga dude, there will be a yandere! librarian next. ay na'spill. keme keme keme :3 see you next time guys
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harmonysanreads · 6 months
Hi Harmony! I just noticed that your requests are open and I decided to drop by with a small request I thought about for weeks.
I was thinking about Arlecchino for a while, and it made me ponder of the concept of Arlecchino with a darling on a reincarnation AU. Maybe Arlecchino has met her darling at such an inconvenient time, and every time that it has happened, only she remembers their past lives.
It probably goes to the point that Arlecchino starts devising ways to be able to keep her darling safe, because each time they would meet, her darling gets into an accident... And it would seem that each time she tried, then it would simply fail. And it would push to a point where she resorts to one of the more not so morally good methods.
I don't know if this counts as a req. or a brainrot, but I offer you this idea because I think it could be interesting to think about sometimes. You're free to deny it btw if its typical, hard, or overall you can't write it <3 I completely understand if that's the case.
(p.s.: this is the one running @yxstxrdrxxm BAHAHAHAHAHA I'm sorry if I haven't replied to your message during OLC, I dont know how to talk to you w/o sounding really awkward </3 also!! hydration check! Anyways thats all, have fun with the idea + I hope you have a great day Harmony :D)
Pantomime Of The Night
yandere!arlecchino x reader
cw(s) : yandere, vampire!arlecchino, mentions of blood, murder, slight gore, non-consensual touching, unbalanced power dynamics
wc : 2.1k
a/n: omg hiii! would you believe me if I said I was just thinking about you before getting this ask? also please don't worry about my message! i had a hunch that you might be in a situation of sorts. thank you so so much for requesting arlecchino because i've been itching to write for her for a long time! i decided to go with vampire!arlecchino for this because i thought it'd suit the reincarnation theme well. i hope you enjoy it<3
lovely illustration based on this fic by a lovely person <3 (spoiler alert!)
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At the deepest hours of the night, even the innocent crackles of hearthfire sound as clamorous as gun-shots.
You're dazed by the flame's continuous dance until the aroma of freshly brewed tea reaches your senses and the servants have left. A sharp clank from Arlecchino's glass and the weight of her gaze prompt you to meet her eyes. The light from the fireplace casts shadows on the other half of her fair face, she seemed to have foregone her usual taught posture in favor of a relaxed one. One of her hands supports her cheek while the other holds the wine glass, the beverage within sloshes as the claw-like accessories on her fingers curl around the object.
Your side of the table is far more decorated, desserts that you've never even seen in your impoverished mortal life and that tea you've grown fond of over the course of your stay in her mansion sit appetizingly. All beckon you to feast, all seek to fan the flames of voracity and you offer but a thoughtless stare in return.
The master of the house seems to have noticed your lack of appetite as she finally breaks the stretched out silence, “These are all confectioneries of the highest quality from the town and as I recall, all of your favorites. But you give them no more than a blank stare... you've also not taken a sip from the tea. May I inquire why?”
The raspy tone of her observation has your arms covered in gooseflesh, though, you note she does not sound as confused as her words suggest. You can feel her onyx eyes gloss over every part of your person, inspecting and dissecting each and every visible clue. You swallow dryly, “It’s just that it's way too late in the night,”
“Yet you look as ready as ever to head out. Tell me, have you been anticipating my return, dearest?”
Arlecchino stares pointedly at your attire, likely referring to the traveling clothes you have on instead of the silk nightwear that she had gifted. Your shoulders tense unconsciously, there's something about the way she speaks at this instance that has your heartbeat crescendoing. The silver haired woman gives you a few more beats of anxiety, her talons scrape against the dainty glass.
“I’ve been informed that you have not eaten anything since yesterday.”
The words escape her painted lips easily, but they don't fail to send a jolt through your system. Throughout your stay, she'd never spoken to you like this, like you were one of her children who did not know better and decided to cross a line. That realization renders you further puzzled, you did nothing wrong to begin with, but her tone made you feel as though you were on the verge of doing so. You clear your parched throat and gather yourself to meet her eyes. This time, you do not allow yourself to wilt at the force of her burning stare.
“Arlecchino, I have something to tell you.”
The addressed woman straightens up at your sudden serious tone, her hand abandons the wine glass on the table and you inhale involuntarily at the scratches that now decorate the object, “I’m all ears, dearest.”
Your brows crease, as usual, Arlecchino is courteous, too courteous for someone who makes it obvious she's informed of something that she wasn't supposed to know. She's been like this ever since you and your travel-partner stepped foot in her ambiguous estate. Initially, you were touched by the hospitality she and her adopted children had shown you. Your greed lulled any arising suspicions, you neither questioned why she'd been so generous to a commoner with nothing more than fifty mora to their name nor did you bother to think about how she was affording all those gifts. You naïvely wished to believe in her kindness and that nothing was wrong about this house. But of course, self-woven deceptions last so long.
“Before you mistake me for being ungrateful, I did plan to inform you before leaving. Me and my friend are extremely thankful for the care your house has shown us, but we cannot stay in one place forever.”
“Why not?” you halt at her abrupt question but she follows up before you could even part your lips, “Have we lacked in any area to provide you with the adequate comfort? Have any of my children said something? If it's the latter, I'll apologize in their stead, they can be quite playful at times, I'm sure you understand.”
You stare dumbfounded at the sudden turn this conversation has taken, she wasn't supposed to behave like this. Why is she searching for a reason to make you stay when she should've been happy that a burden was about to be lifted off of her shoulders? Are all nobles this pushy?
“I—” you cut yourself off as the silver-haired woman leans in without warning, her shadow envelopes the delicacies laid out on the small table.
“Or… have you seen something?” she drawled.
You cannot hold back a flinch this time. A curse echoes in your mind at your stupidity, this was no ‘conversation’ to begin with ; this was yet another trap and you'd willingly played right into the palm of Arlecchino's hand. If there's one thing you've learned about this mysterious noblewoman, it is that she enjoys the process of dragging answers out of everyone. From the very beginning, she was aware of your scheme but, she chose to wear that mask of courtesy one more time and lured you out in the open, unguarded. If only your friend arrived to fetch you from your room at the right time, you wouldn't be in this messy situation.
Your eyes dart from her unblinking expression to the sharp accessories that adorn her gloved fingers and something about them forces you to reply quickly.
“No! I mean, you know that I'm a traveler, do you not? It's already been six months since we came to your estate, me and my friend were starting to.. crave that adventurous thrill—yes! We were starting to miss being on the road and decided to depart in the early morning.”
Once upon a time, your late mother had told you that some people in this world are like spiders. They're always at the centerpiece of their lair, leaving intricate translucent webs for unassuming prey to get tangled upon. Although the croaked warnings of your bedridden mother did not make much sense to the younger you, you understood now exactly what she meant.
“Incorrect. You were planning to escape with that friend of yours, weren't you?”
The hearthfire burns bright, shrouding Arlecchino's expression in shadows. The chilling octave of her voice defeats the warmth of the fireplace and has every muscle in your body stiffened. Escape? Her word choice never ceased to baffle you throughout this faux tea-party. She speaks as though you were her prisoner instead of a guest. She tilts her head and has the audacity to look betrayed as though you were a possession she held dear, and not a random human she decided to take pity upon.
Arlecchino runs a hand through her silvery hair with a sigh that actually indicates ennui and you bite back a scowl, “Honestly, I do not understand why you even befriended that thing. He's an obnoxious blabbermouth with a nose bigger than his brain. And he's loud, too. You've always preferred to mingle with level headed people with a sufficient intellectual capacity in the past and here you are, glaring at me as though—”
“Don’t speak like you know me!”
You pant after the force of that outburst, your voice ricochets across the walls of her room and further beyond. You open your mouth to continue but stop when you notice a strange flicker in the silver-haired woman's eyes. It's gone in a blink and is replaced with irritation just as quickly however.
“Oh, but I do know you. I know you better than you know yourself, in fact. I know that there are exactly 11 moles throughout your body, I know all your preferences and fears. Don't believe me? Did you really never stop to question how I managed to give you things that catered to your tastes? How I knew what you desired even before you did? Or were you so mesmerized by the words of that friend of yours to pay minimum attention?”
If the tone of a person's voice could kill, you'd be rotting in a ditch by now. You would've never believed someone could sound this malicious while not even raising their voice. You want nothing more than to shrink away but the adrenaline accumulated through your anger pushes you to keep digging your grave.
“And so what if that's exactly how it is? You have no right to have a say in who I choose to be ‘mesmerized’ by!”
A ‘ha!’ laden with disbelief escapes Arlecchino's lips. Fine silvery strands bounce at the mocking tilt of her head, “So what will you do now? Walk out of the gates with that waste of space like nothing happened?”
“Oh, you bet I will!” you fume, rising from the chair and turning on your heels. You barely take one step away from the table until the full weight of Arlecchino's malice crashes down on you and you remember something important.
“Arlecchino, where is my friend?”
The silver haired woman leisurely raises her wine glass at your stilted words, “In my glass.”
You swivel towards her, blinking several times as if to confirm you didn't mishear.
“Well, here and… probably in the stomachs of my pet vultures, excluding the carcass, that is. I'll admit, the taste is subpar compared to the trouble I went through. That thing kept on screaming until one of the vultures tore its heart out. Ugh, my ears are still ringing.”
Your wide eyes tremble towards the glass in her hand, the deep red liquid within sloshes to the direction of Arlecchino's hand ; paired with her words, your friend’s destiny becomes a no-brainer. All your wits abandon you in that instance and in a moment of sheer panic, you take a step back. Arlecchino promptly interferes with your plans, the door and windows close with no little sound and the table and your chair disappear without a trace—all in the snap of her fingers.
“What are you?”
You would've screamed if you didn't forget how to use your lungs. But then again, you doubt anyone would come to save you from her clutches even if you did. Your eyes connect to her onyx ones and in that moment, she appeared far less human than she'd been this whole encounter. Her pupils flash as two red xs and you feel an invisible pull tugging you to her side. The temptation dominates any coherent thoughts until you find yourself an arms length away from her seated self. Her claws dig into the flesh of your arm and yank you to her lap.
Free from the haze of that strange sensation, the first thing that permeates your senses is how cold Arlecchino's proximity is. Your palm meets her chest in a feeble attempt to push her away but all it does is stun you when you notice the absence of a heartbeat. You feel the sting of something sharp on your chin and waist, your eyes glance back and forth between the sources—dread pools in your stomach. Because of your closeness and the light from the fireplace, you're able to see that the sharp objects you'd mistaken for accessories are actually her nails and the gloves, her real skin.
Perhaps your trembling was so pitiful that Arlecchino could not help but soften her gaze, “Do you truly not recall?”
You look up at her, thoroughly perplexed. There's that previous glint in her eyes again but you've already accepted that understanding this woman was beyond you. One moment she accuses you as though you've been unfaithful, then she vividly describes how she murdered an innocent man and the next she looks almost… hurt?
“Recall what?”
The silver-haired woman’s red lips part and you gulp as unnaturally sharp fangs sneer at you. Albeit, she does not answer you and you wonder if you should get accustomed to playing mental gymnastics with her just to get a simple answer. Her talons let go of your waist and drag their up to your collarbone, creating a deliberate and irrepairable tear on your clothes. Her nails drum against your skin for three seconds before they latch onto your throat.
“Although, that'll no longer be an issue.”
She forces you to make eye-contact with a sharp tug on your chin, the color drains from your face as her cool breath washes against your skin. You open your mouth to say something, anything, but are quickly shushed as you feel her fangs sink into your lower lip.
“Because, we'll have ample time to get acquainted with each other starting from today.”
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sammiesallow · 2 years
Sebastian Sallow headcanons
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summary- dating headcanons with Sebastian. a/n- all my personal opinion! cw's- mentions of violence/blood, use of crucio, angry Sebastian
the jealous type. we all know this.
he gets so jealous when you spend time with Garreth, but then you reassure him it's ok :)
"I could never replace you with anyone else seb, you're my pretty boy"
melts at that btw.
nicknames galore!! he wants to call you everything and he expects it back from you too
'angel, darling, honey, sweetheart, pretty boy.
"you think I'm pretty? really?" "of course I do, Seb."
he gives you the most blinding smile you have ever seen. absolutely adorable
y'all are so loving?? he is definitely a lover of pda, doesn't mind holding hands, a hand on the thigh(not in an intimate way, just for some physical touch :D), a kiss on the cheek, etc.
Sebastian is always touch-starved and craves attention from you. even a look in his direction or a "Hi Darling!" as you're passing him in the hallway will have him smiling like an idiot for the rest of the day
more intimate moments are shared in private, however, like in the undercroft.
Merlin knows those paintings, gargoyles, suits of armor, even the floo flames lady will eavesdrop on y'all and tattletale to a professor if you do anything more than share a kiss on the cheek.
Sebastian loves you with all his heart. he couldn't bear the thought of you getting hurt or worse
every time you leave the castle, please send him an owl. it lets him know where you're going and it tells him you're safe.
he's worried sick if you come back with even the slightest scratch.
"Merlin's beard! darling, are you alright? are you hurt anywhere? do you want me to kiss it better???" he says as you come into the undercroft with one scratch on your face LOLL
it's all fun and games until someone hurts you. let's say you're on a quest together, somewhere in a cave and you two get ambushed. it would probably go like this:
"Diffindo!" an Ashwinder threw out the spell in your direction, hitting your abdomen and leaving a large gash in its wake. Sebastian yelped, not having noticed your state, and threw a quick "arresto momentum!" in the enemy's way to stall their time. "merlin! are you alright-" Sebastian stopped all movement when he saw you- you were hunched over in pain, groaning as you tried to stop the bleeding coming from the gash on your side. At that moment, he felt nothing but pure and unbridled rage. "you BASTARD!" Sebastian turned to the Ashwinder, (who was quite literally about to cast Avada kedavra on him) and cast crucio. nobody touches his girlfriend.
that's definitely one of his red flags.. he has anger issues, and won't hesitate to hurt someone if they hurt you. it's kinda endearing though
speaking of red flags- I'm not gonna ignore them? we all love him but he does have negative traits that will show through in y'alls relationship.
He's overly possessive and gets super upset when another boy tries to flirt with you. if you don't say something to the guy- sebastian will; and i dont think you want that.
he's not very in-touch with his emotions. he has a hard time expressing his feelings because of a) his insecurities and b) his ego.
but on a more positive note, you help him through these things!
meeting ominis and becoming friends with him gave you the opportunity to ask another person about sebastians troubles, and you can confide in him for advice when you need it!
you're sebastian's sunshine- quite literally. you help him through his tough times, and on a regular day, you brighten his mood imensely.
if he's tired he becomes 100% more affectionate- which means cuddles in the undercroft, his head on your shoulder in class, a hand on your under the table at dinner, etc.
Sebastian isn't the brightest, but if he has a class with you, he'll listen to anything you have to say.
he adores your smarts- whether or not you're actually smart is up to you, but it's not like he'll care. you could be the dumbest mf in the world and he'll still be proud of you!
he's your cheerleader! in crossed wands, the broom race against imelda, summoner's court, even an arm wrestling contest, he's there to cheer you on
it's because he never had someone to do that for him- losing his parents at such a young age, he didnt have cheerleaders to be proud of him through his achievments, so he does it for you!
in return, you take him on cute little dates!
little picnics in the vivarium are his favorite. he loves the feeling of laying of the grass and cloudgazing with you.
you know he needs to relax- so it becomes a regular thing for you two to sneak off to the room of requirement.
the undercroft is still a regular hang-out, usually used for absolute tomfoolery.
i mean, you sebastian and ominis will have stupid competitions all the time.
"let's see who can cast confringo the farthest!!" "Sebastian no!!" "Sebastian yes!"
chaos trio.
more importantly, chaos duo.
you enable his stupid ideas and make sure that he does them safely.
unless it's something stupidly unsafe- then you'll have to lure him back to the undercroft with cuddles and kisses. <3
A/N- MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!! pls send me ideas!! :)
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𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ♡
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See my other Welcome Home work here!
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Requested by @mugmaya19
Request: If you are taking in requests could you do one where we just randomly grab their face and kiss them around their face’s before we just walk away like nothing happened? Again if you aren’t doing that then feel free to use this as a way of creative thinking! Have a good day
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Omg I had so much fun the writing of this!! I love them so much! 😭❤
I think the chosed scenario was adorable and I absolutely loved it!
I hope you'll have the same fun with the reading of this!
Btw sorry for the picture of Sally :")
(You don't know how much I loved writing Poppy's part- 😭❤)
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×❢ About my work ❢×
no proofread, it can have spelling mistakes, look, idk if they can blush or even have a heart, but now they do, okay? lol, no smut, just sweet fluff, no pronouns used for the reader, petnames like darling, love, hon.
Fandom: Welcome Home horror project by Clown
Character(s): Wally Darling, Barnaby B. Beagle, Eddie Dear, Julie Joyful, Frank Frankly, Howdy Pillar, Sally Starlet, Poppy Partridge, The Reader|You| (Y/N) |Neighbour
Ship(s): The characters x The Reader|You| (Y/N) |Neighbour
Form: Headcanons
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Wally Darling
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"Wally, come here, I want to show you something!" 
• after you placed his face into your hands 
• You started kissing him around
• cheeks, lips, nose
• gosh he felt like heaven between your kisses
• he just sat there still as he accepted his fate
• not like he would want to disagree :D
• after some time, he even leaned forward a bit to have more
• he decided that it was his turn to give you kisses
• he was planning to give a "mwah" to you
• but you turned away and left him
• (a.n: *dramatic gasp* how dare you?! >:c) 
• he was just sitting there and confusedly watched as you left
• "Where are you going, neighbour?"
• dw, if you're not getting his smooch now, you'll get it later, I can promise that! 😌✨
Sally Starlet
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"Sally, can you come here for a minute?"
• she was practicing, so at first she wasn't too happy that you disturbed her
• "Yeah, yeah, I'm almost finished (Y/N)!" 
• after a few minutes she were already in front of you with a furious look
• (a.n: how dare you disturb her? >:( /jk) 
• "What do you want, (Y/N)?" she asked impatiently. 
• but you just stood up and gave a small kiss on her lips without an answer
• she was too surprised to react anything, so you continued
• her face was between your soft hands, while you gave an another kiss on her forehead
• she didn't fight too much about it
• she even leaned into your touch
• after you were done, you thought that you can just simply walk away
• well, *chuckle* no. 
• you DISTURBED her practice, then made her heart skip a beat and fall in love with you AGAIN, and after all this, you wanna just WALK AWAY like nothing happened?! 
• she quickly catched you by your wrist with a unsatisfied look and a smirk on her face
• "No, I think not, (Y/N). We need to talk."
Frank Frankly
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"Frank, can you come here?"
• first he just approached you innocently, but he could feel that you were planning something
• he didn't know what specifically, but the aura around you could tell that you're on something
• but he still walked up to you and asked 
• "What do you need, darling?"
• you gently put your hands on his face 
• and give one kiss to his forehead 
• an another to his lips
• and an another one to his right cheek
• "What are you doing, darling?" he asked as he softly pulled you closer to him by your hips. 
• you just kept kissing him, didn't bring yourself to answer
• you didn't let him to give back the kisses, but he could catch one and return it
• he even hummed from the enjoyment of your affection
• he could stay like this forever and ever
• but you let go from him
• the moment that he realised that you're planning to go away, he quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him
• "Where do you think you're going, love?" 
Barnaby B. Beagle
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"Come here, Barnaby!" 
• he feels like heaven between your hands
• he immediately leaned into the touch as you started kissing him around his face
• gosh your rubs feels so good! 
• I can imagine that he gently starts biting your hands in an affectionately way
• he even closed his eyes from your sweet kisses
• but as soon as he stopped feeling your touch, he quickly opened his eyes confusedly
• in the last minutes, he still hoped that you'll turn back
• but you didn't :(
• "Uhh... (Y/N)? Buddy? Where are you going?" 
Howdy Pillar
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"Howdy, can you help me, please?" 
• he came up to you obliviously
• "What is it, hon?" 
• he's always ready to help you, when you need him
• you asked him to come closer and he did as you requested from him
• you softly grabbed his face and started placing sweet kisses on his face
• he softly chuckled at the first ones
• he's more like a kiss giver than receiver, but although he enjoys it
• when you wanted to leave, he just simply whined
• "No, don't go, (Y/N)!" 
Poppy Partridge
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• Today Poppy seemed like she was pretty frustrated. Her wings were shaking, making the binding more difficult to her. You decided to check on her and give her a little comfort. 
"Wa- Wait, Poppy, let me help you!" 
• you made her to let go the sweater that she was working on and after her attention was on you, you've finally could help
• you gently started to caress her wings, attend to not to crease her feathers
• and gave soft kisses around her beak
• but she's just got more frustrated and flushed
• when you were about to leave, you actually changed your mind
• she didn't say anything 'cause she was too nervous and shy to say it out loud, but her eyes were literally begged for your affection
• please give her more, she deserves it! ♡
• (btw the sweater which was she working on, it's actually for)
Julie Joyful
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"Hey, Julie, come here!" 
• she approached you happily and smiley, like she always does
• what she didn't know that you were planning to make her heart jump out of her chest
• ( i mean, in a metaphoric way)
• "What is it, (Y/N)?" 
• you didn't pay attention to answer, instead you just grabbed her face and started kissing her around
• i can imagine that she giggles while you kissing her 
• she actually leans forward to make your work easier
• when you walked away, Julie just simply started to follow you with a disappointed look
• "Aww, where are you going, (Y/N)?" "Don't leave me here!" "But (Y/N)!" 
• she will keep ask more until you actually give the kisses to her
Eddie Dear
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"Eddie, can you come here for a second?"
• I can assure that you kept kissing him much longer than just a second lol
• he was there in seconds
• just like always, he's ready to help you in anything
• "Is there something wrong, hon?" 
• at first, he wanted to return the kisses when you started to give them to him
• but later he finally catch up that it was you what will give the kisses
• so he just leaned into your touch and enjoyed your soft kisses
• as he got more comfortable in your touch eventually he closed his eyes
• he was just about to get too comfy, when you stood up and walked away
• He calls after you worriedly. 
"(Y/N)? Did I do something wrong?"
• he's more worried than confused, 'cause he's afraid that he did something wrong to you
• please give him more kisses to make sure that he's loved and he did nothing wrong (and that he doesn't cry) 
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rickysvxr · 6 months
nsfw a to z - ricky
warning - just smut, ricky x f!reader
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a - aftercare
ricky's the sweetest when it comes to aftercare. he would immediately turn into lovelicky :(( he would ask you if you're alright and if he didn't hurt you too much. he would definitely clean you both and make some food. if you prefer sleeping - he would cuddle you to sleep and sing for you.
b - boobs
ricky's a boob guy - you can't tell me otherwise. when he sleeps he's cuddled into your boobs. he really likes squeezing them. while you ride him he likes sucking on your nipples and leave some hickeys.
c - cum
he would cum into your pussy unless you don't want him to. ricky wants you to be comfortable with anything he's doing. also he's really into cumming into your mouth or on your face.
d - daddy kink
he will definitely make you call him daddy. or maybe sir??? he'd be so into roleplay. he'd call you his little kitten or something. call him daddy and he'd immediately get hard.
e - experience
you both weren't really experienced but ricky knew what to do to make you feel the best. he's open to trying new things.
f - fingering
he'd finger you while you're visiting your family.. he's such a bitch and he knows that. he's also into fingering you when you're studying/working. he really needs your attention :((
g - gagging
he knows you can't take his whole dick to your mouth so he won't force you to anything and he would try not to hurt you. if he would - he'd do it unintentionally.
h - hickeys
for him - he likes leaving them on your boobs or tights so places that only him (and you) can see. you like giving him hickeys on his neck (right on his tattoo 🙈).
i - intimacy
when it comes to real sex he'd like to do it in your bedroom so you both have that private place. but he would also fuck you in the backseat of his car.
j - jerk off
he would definitely send you videos of him jerking off. he would tie a little ribbon on his dick :((
k - kinks
overstimulation, praise kink, daddy kink, pet names (idk if it counts), scratching, roleplay.
l - locations
bedroom, his car, couch, floor.
m - making out
ricky likes to make out late at night when he wakes you up just to make out with you :(( you'd be so sleepy but he loves it so much.
n - no's
he definitely wouldn't force you to anything. ricky wouldn't like to make you cry :( but besides that he's open to anything that you want to try.
o - orgasms
ricky would cum A LOT. it doesn't matter how you make him do that - he would cum a lot. he does at least 3 or 4 rounds (it's minimum for him btw).
p - pet names
baby, darling, sweetheart, my kitten, good girl, princess, sweetie, cutie, slut.
q - quickie
he'd be so into quickies. like before his performance? he would really love it. but still he likes to take his time with you.
r - relationship
in the bedroom - he's really wild and hot. he'd be the bitchest bitch to ever bitch. still he would give you whatever you want (he likes teasing a lot tho).
outside the bedroom - he turns into lovelicky. he's the sweetest person on the earth and you want him to know that! you both love when you're babying him. just give this man some attention and he'd be the happiest person in the world.
s - stamina
as i said before - ricky would do 3 or 4 rounds with you and it's his minimum! he would literally fuck you all day if you both could 😭 he still makes sure he's not hurting you or something. he always asks you if you want to go for an another round.
t - toys
vibrator and that's it. he doesn't like when something other than him is making you feel good. and he lets you know that.
u - unfair
he would make you cum every time. he doesn't like leaving you unsatisfied - it just hurts him. he's into teasing but he'd definitely make you cum before he's done.
v - volume
he likes when you moan so loud - it's music to his ears. he would groan and sometimes even moan. but don't expect it from him unless you're on top.
w - i can't think of any, sorry 😭
x - x-ray
he's BIG. and he knows that. (still he fits perfectly into your pussy).
y - i can't think of any!!!
z - zzz...
he won't fall asleep before you. he always makes sure that you're sleeping, then he would go to sleep. (he's so sweet i can't 😭).
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wolviensabes · 1 month
NSFW Alphabet: Mane!Sabretooth
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RQ: 'Can I request the NSFW Alphabet for Victor Creed/Sabertooth? Specifically Tyler Mane's version? Love your work btw! 💕' - @im-his-druidess
Warnings: Neutral as possible, the terms of good boy/girl are used and mentions of feminine/masculine bodies are used. Tried to include both while maintaining an open look so anyone of any identity can enjoy, but made it as vague as possible. Also uhh general sex talk, mentions of BDSM and stuff like that lol. Ignore grammar mistakes ty.
A/N: Yess you absolutely can. I did a SFW/NSFW Sabretooth on my other blog, but I sort of left the Sabretooth up for whatever the reader wanted to imagine. For Mane specifically, this will be fun! Mane is my favorite, has been since I saw X-Men 2000. Sooo thrilled to see him again in D&W, even if just for a moment. He looked so good and yummy. I did keep one or two things off my previous list. I hope you enjoy <3
Minors DNI below the cut. 18+
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex):
I see him as being pretty smug, he likes seeing you disheveled and breathless. He lets you lay on his larger body, he relaxes while you splay out completely spent.
He might ask you to get him a beer, even if you're exhausted, a slap to the ass as you wobble to grab one from the fridge. But when you come back he pulls you close and licks your neck. "Good boy/girl...you know how to make me happy...~" he purrs.
While by definition, he doesn't understand the full extent of what aftercare is, he sees that you need it, so he grumbles and bites his tongue, doing it regardless of his own opinion on it.
"Upsy daisy..." he grunts, lifting your exhausted body up, watching you whine. He smirks, knowing he's reduced you to a shaky form, "Ya look like a lamb tryin' to walk for the first time..." he chuckled.
He does try after seeing how badly he fucks you up. He's a big dude so...he really throws you around and you have wounds from his teeth and claws. He can't have his darling lamb all messed up...
He licks your wounds, his saliva has an antiseptic enzyme so it disinfects the wound, however you still insist on using peroxide. "Hold still...gotta clean ya."
He's not the best at it at first, but he will learn what you like and accommodate.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s):
Primal dude is insane about your body. Whether you are more feminine or masculine, he goes nuts for a good ass. He grabs and kneads and squeezes.
If you are more masculine, he likes feeling your chest and trails down your sides, feeling your narrower body.
If you have TS scars, he is gentle with them. He rubs his rough thumbpads over the scars and how they trail over your chest. He's obsessed with them. He thinks you look great, and he licks them a lot, gently and mindfully if you let him. He won't touch them if this bothers you though.
If you are more feminine, he loves your breasts and plush hips. He grips you firmly a lot and loves to see how your skin pools around his big hands and claws.
He also really likes necks, he bites there a lot so be prepared to always have his teeth somewhere on your neck.
Victor is also egotistical as hell, he thinks every inch of himself is perfect. He's proud of his lion's mane and cock size for sure, but also prides himself in his stature.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically):
Victor has an insane amount of cum inside his body, you genuinely don't know how he produces so much. He is like a faucet, just oozing it into you.
He cums like a horse and his amounts are crazy. You are full to the brim and he's still shooting the load, it comes out of you there's so much of it. He jokes about turning you into a twinkie.
He gets so pent up and he snarls a lot, he growls and groans, then when he pounds you and you feel him swell more than usual, you know he's about to release a ton.
It also gets everywhere so...you should always have sheets on standby. You can't count how many times you've lost fancy sheets because his load stains them. You don't bother buying silken bedding anymore.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs):
He doesn't keep a lot from you, simply because he has no shame.
But, he does like scents and smells a lot. He often smells your body in the morning or when you're the most natural. He memorizes it, keeps it in his memory.
He leans down and before he licks or sucks, he inhales deep breaths of your sex. Just the scent alone makes him horny as hell.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?):
He's had his way around, so he's fairly experienced. I don't think anything would surprise him or catch him off guard as 'new.'
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying):
Victor pins you down and uses his strength to fuck you. He likes looking down at you completely helpless while he thrusts his thick cock in and out of whatever hole his dick finds.
Any position where he has you on your belly with your ass in the air for him, he is all over. He likes to bite your neck and hold you down, and he gets to really thrust into you from behind.
He also likes mating press, watching you cry out as he drills the deepest parts of you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.):
His dirty talk can be funny, or sometimes he will say something out of the blue that just makes you smile because it wasn't expected from him. But otherwise, he's not a goofball. Just the quip every so often.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.):
This guy has a lot of hair. He's insanely hairy, and come on, he's a primal. So, obviously.
He takes great pride in his hair too, he grooms himself a lot. He licks himself mostly, until you push him to a shower and he uses unscented things. He doesn't like to hide his musk.
He has a hairy chest and a happy trail leading down to his pubic hair. He's pretty hairy below too, but he does try to groom a little shorter because he notices you pull out random hairs after sucking him off.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect):
Romantic isn't really his thing. He's not used to being 'romantic' at all. He's more...let me kill something for you and bring you its corpse.
He won't change for anyone. If you can accept his...brutish love habits, then he will attempt to be...less sometimes. On a hunt he drops an animal carcass and hands you a bloody wildflower he ripped from the ground, roots and dirt still attached.
That's as good as it gets. But for him, that's a pretty big gesture.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon):
Yikes. With those claws?
I don't think he does. Not often anyway. He'd rather have you help him out when he needs something.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks):
Sabretooth is pretty damn kinky, he isn't ashamed about any of his sexual desires and is open with you about them.
He obviously loves predator/prey dynamics, he likes to pretend to hunt you in the woods and when he catches you, he fucks you into the mossy ground. It gets his instincts going and he feels like his cock is on fire when he's hunting you. Plus the sex that comes from 'hunting' you is honestly some of the best you've had. Prey pet names for sure.
Breeding is a huge kink for him. He likes making a mess, but he prefers to bury himself into you and fill you up, regardless if you can get pregnant or not. He will pound multiple loads into you and won't stop until you are squirting it out around his cock. This is also applicable if you are male, he doesn't care. As long as he buries himself into you and fills you full.
BDSM is something that's interesting to him, though not every aspect of it. He's a pretty big sadist, so his claws and teeth will definitely mark you up all bloody and you'll be bruised from his hard grip on you thanks to his strength. He'd probably be into impact play, so he'd like to spank you while he's fucking you. He prefers to let himself do the marking rather than a toy. It's more intimate to him.
I think he might find bondage fun just because you'd be completely helpless and it can tie into the whole predator/prey play too. Like a little bunny caught in a snare and he stumbles upon you, helpless to the hungry big cat.
I think he probably would have a thing for housewife type of behavior, things that aren't inherently sexual but can turn him on. So cleaning and cooking, bringing him beer or food while he sits back, I don't know I just have a weird feeling he would be into that.
I also think he'd be interested in CNC. It's something that you'd have to talk heavily about, but I think it would be something he would want to try.
Size difference!! Mane irl is 6'9, so I give Sabretooth a few more inches. Over 7' tall anyway, and he towers over you. Not to mention he's bulked out. Looking down at you, he loves how helpless and vulnerable you are compared to him.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do):
Victor will fuck you anywhere, it doesn't really matter to him.
He likes to do it in his bedroom, his scent gets rubbed into you when you're being thrown around the bed and roll on his bed. Plus, he gets to take his time and fuck the room full of the smell of sex.
He also likes to fuck in the woods. It satisfies his primal desires to take you against the moss in the middle of a thick trail.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going):
As mentioned, typical housewife behavior would turn him on. Cooking and cleaning for him, bringing him a beer while he is sitting down, or even fussing over his clothes would get him going. Seeing you in an apron and nothing else would make him completely feral.
Any kind of submissive behavior would catch his attention. He instinctively looks for anyone who submits, his need and desire to be the dominant person in every situation controls him. So if you are submissive to him, even with simple gestures like obeying an order or just lowering your head around him, it definitely gets him interested.
Submission isn't always sexual, but of course submitting in that way also gets him going.
As written on my previous list, purposefully making yourself vulnerable gets his attention. Cats expose their bellies when they trust you, so rolling on your back and showing him your belly is a big deal. Say you're on the couch and you just lay back, he is intrigued and likes this gesture a lot.
Also any kind of gesture that exposes your neck to him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs):
Despite being fucking brutal, he wouldn't want to cause any serious harm to you. You'll definitely be wearing claw and bite marks, but nothing that will have lasting damage.
He also won't be interested in 'making love.' He will fuck you, and he'll fuck you good. He's a primal mutant so when he is intimate he goes hard.
Anyone who would try to dominate him would piss him off, and it would trigger his aggression. He would not be receptive to anything like that, especially with his natural instinct to dominate.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.):
Luckily, his tongue isn't covered in sharp spines like usual cat tongues, otherwise that would suck.
He is good with his tongue, he cleans himself all the time so naturally he can move his tongue around in all sorts of ways.
He is somewhat selfish, preferring to receive than give. But when he gives, you feel so much pleasure. "His tongue laps and he sucks so good. "Good...let me hear you." he growls against you.
He lovesss seeing you choke on his cock too. "Good boy/girl, choke on it. Is it too big...? Too big for your sweet mouth?" he teases, taking pride in seeing you choke and gag. It just turns him on more.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.):
Best way to describe it is a feral man climbing on you and fucking you until your legs can't hold you up. You literally can't walk when he's done with you, and he fucking loves it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.):
He'd rather not, just because he likes taking his precious time with you. He likes watching you unwind, watching his thick cock bury into your hole, your wide watery eyes as you cry out and mewl for him.
"That's it little lamb...watch me split you open..." he says deeply, grinning wildly as you fall apart below.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.):
Victor is chill enough to try anything once, as long as he's not the bottom or the one taking it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?):
Forever. Victor's stamina is crazy high, he can go multiple times without stopping. Even when your body is worn and exhausted to the point of not being able to move, he could fuck you to sleep.
He lasts for a long time, though he can cum many times in one session and not soften.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?):
He doesn't own any for himself. But he has things to use on you for when you want to get more adventurous. Things for BDSM or toys to pleasure you. But he has nothing for his own pleasure.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease):
Victor will tease you until you are crying and begging. He loves to see you desperate, screaming and mewling below him while he whispers in your ear how he could make you cum right now, but he doesn't.
The damn man also gets you so so close...then stops, watching you fall apart and cry. "Shush, I will let you when I am ready...now, let's see how close we can get you..."
"More tears? Now, don't cry pretty thing...maybe if you ask nicely I will let you..."
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.):
Victor is a dirty talker. He is a growler.
He is either snarling and grunting against you, or dirty talking you to your orgasm or so desperate you don't even know what to do. His words are so crude and filthy, you can't help but react. He just has a way with you and knows exactly what you like to hear.
That 'scream for me' that he whispers, UGH. He def whispers in a calm, low voice while he's toying with you.
And when he snarls in your ear, growling in pleasure that you are providing for him, ugh you could cum right then and there.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character):
Victor 100% drinks warm milk, and he usually does after fucking you and you've fallen asleep. He doesn't want to hear your teasing.
Also goes without saying that he purrs.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes):
Victor is a BIG dude. So, obviously his dick is gonna be big. He's definitely a shower, but he grows a bit when erect.
Flaccid, his bulge is already large af, so it can look intimidating before you even get his pants off. His ego always flares up when he sees how you look at his crotch.
Erect he looks near impossible to put into you, but somehow he fits. He's anywhere between 7.5-9 inches. He is girthy too, which is really what you feel when he fucks you.
The first time you saw him erect you were so nervous, in which he found amusing. "Don't worry, sweet little lamb, I'll make it fit."
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?):
He can literally fuck anytime. His drive is super high, especially when he hunts and kills. Those feelings go hand in hand, and since he hunts daily, his sex drive spikes up.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards):
He knocks out pretty quick. A cigar and beer, then he is out. It's like warm milk.
Victor will clean up a little, just enough not to be gross and sticky. Then he sits back and demands asks you to grab him a beer. He downs it, then knocks out.
If you are wounded, aka clawed up, he will watch you while you sleep for a bit and then he will fall asleep. You usually bare new wounds, he honestly can't help it with those damn things, and he watches you limp to grab him a drink, though he will clean and tend to you as a silent apology.
His bed is very soft, it's adorned with furs, pelts, and a thin quilt as the comforter, so you tend to fall asleep fast after cleaning up. Your body needs to recover, and you are throbbing between your legs with soreness.
If you lay on him after, he will run his claws along your back lazily, making you shiver. Knowing those claws to maim and mutilate, but they only graze your skin. It's a strangely gentle gesture that you never reject.
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Thanks for reading <3
Dividers by @/strangergraphics
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yourheart-inmyhands · 4 months
hiii! I’m currently crying because I really like the Tsaritsa but there’s no content of her! Like anywhere!! I know that you are very busy but please bear with me😅 I’m sorry if I’m bothering you btw 😢
what if Yandere!Tsaritsa has a lover who loves to cause trouble/hates the Fatui. It’s to the point she can’t maintain them, do you think she’ll ask her harbingers for help? Like have the 9th bribe them with money in order to keep them away from going on with their evil villain schemes 😈(just that they’re trapped in the middle of nowhere and don’t have much freedom..) or just have a harbinger check up on the Tsaritsa s’ s/o each once in a while
by the way, I feel like I may come here a lot (I normally do, but I don’t request) so can I be 👛 anon? 🙏🙏 thank you for reading, I know this was trashy (it’s my first time requesting 😭)
Hi i'm sorry it took a bit to get to this, i was worried about not being able to do good enough and wanted to make sure i could do your request justice! if you're still interested in being an anon for my blog i would love to have you :D
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including delusional behavior, implied being held against ones will, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
While she isn’t against asking the Harbingers to get you under control, she prefers to handle you herself. The Tsaritsa knew what kind of responsibilities she’d be taking on when deciding she wanted you, and thus she tries to avoid relying on them. At first, she tried to mitigate any negative feelings between you and her Harbingers by having you attend meetings with her, Fatui-related events, and other such things, but she has quickly learned it’s better to leave you in your shared bedroom and deal with any attitude when she returns home. 
During times when she has to be away from Zapolyarny palace or outside of Snezhnaya and can’t bring you, she’ll task one of her dear Harbingers with your care. It’s usually Pantalone or Capitano, Pierro is generally too busy, Pucinella is too easy on you, and the others have quirks of their own that she doesn’t hold high faith in. 
Long, slim fingers brush through the strands of your hair, tucking back any loose pieces and fixing the parting as she mulls over a thought in her mind. The Tsaritsa knows she has only another hour or so with you before she has to set off again, leaving you in the capable hands of her dear Harbinger Capitano. She hasn’t yet broken the news to you, knowing you’ll pitch a fit that is better dealt with by giving you space to lash out. She’d chosen Capitano this time specifically because you’d been extra testy lately, plotting escapes and trying to fight some of the lower-ranked guards posted outside your door. The large man could take quite a beating and she was hoping he’d be up for the challenge of your care. “My sweet Snowball, I’ve neglected to inform you until this point, but I have to leave Snezhnaya for some time. A minor god has appeared in a nearby nation and sparked trouble, Celestia has requested I step in to assist in handling them.” Her fingers pause in your hair for a moment before pulling away, allowing you a moment to process what she has told you. 
As much as she hates to do it, she often lies to you about where she’s going or why she has to be out of Snezhnaya. The Tsaritsa knows of your dislike for the Fatui and their motives, but she cannot simply halt her plan because you are heartbroken over it. Thus, she often will tell you false information, playing the part of the darling Archon that Celestia expects of her, but only in front of you.
Really, she rarely leaves Snezhnaya, often traveling to different parts of her nation to handle difficult tasks that the calloused hands of her Harbingers are not capable of. She has on occasion ventured out of the controlled walls of her nation, daring to visit neighboring ones in search of valuable items or materials, but she prefers to stay in Snezhnaya. While she may be powerful and well capable of defending herself, she sleeps easier at night knowing that you are within the same nation as her.
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tongue-like-a-razor · 8 months
For the celebration (congrats btw!!) could we see the first time that it came up in conversation that Jake had a crush on a mystery girl? However you pictured it happening! Unless it’s too early to reveal it or if you have other plans for it! You can completely ignore this!!
I love your work!!
Aww thank you so much, darling! I love love love this request! I imagine this conversation happening between part 6 and 7 :D Hope you like it!
5k Weekend Bash Drabbles
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Brother's Best Friend - Off Limits
Jake Seresin x Reader
“What’s the matter with you?”
Jake looks up from his drink, a little dazed. “What do you mean?”
Bradley gives him a pointed look. “Well, you didn’t even notice the two chicks we passed on the patio on our way in. Twins. You let me crush you at Mortal Kombat. Twice. You’ve barely touched your beer. And I’m pretty sure you weren’t listening to my rant about the pickles.”
“The pickles?” Jake cocks his head in confusion.
Bradley nods. “Mm-hm, the pickles that are supposed to be on this burger.” He gestures at his half-eaten meal.
Jake stares at Bradley for a moment. “Can’t believe I almost missed that.”
Bradley purses his lips sourly and returns his attention to his food. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re distracted.”
Jake looks down at his own plate and mutely picks up a fry.
Bradley, who’s about to take a bite, slowly lowers his burger, watching Jake zone out again as he chews. Bradley smirks, setting his burger down. “Spill,” he demands.
Jake cringes. “There’s nothing to spill.”
Bradley starts chortling. “Who is she?”
Jake sighs uneasily and finally meets Bradley’s gaze. “Uh, you don’t know her.”
“You bang her yet?”
Jake tries not to wince. “No. She… doesn’t know.”
“Doesn’t know what?” But after two seconds of contemplation, Bradley leans into the table excitedly. “Are you telling me you’re hung up on a chick who has no clue that you’re into her?”
Jake swallows uncomfortably. “Looks like it,” he responds miserably.
“Why haven’t you asked her out?”
Jake glances up at his friend, doing his best not to appear overly guilty. “She’s bad news.”
Bradley’s grin broadens. “I like the sound of that.”
Jake suppresses a groan. “No, it’s not what you think.”
“What do I think?”
Jake grimaces, staring into his fizzing beer. “I just mean… she’s not an option.”
“Because?” Bradley raises his eyebrows expectantly.
Jake shifts in his seat and looks back up warily. The truth is, he wouldn’t mind talking about you at all. In fact, he’s dying to tell his best friend about the emotional turmoil he’s been contending with since he realized he had feelings for you. But, as luck would have it, Bradley is actually the root of the problem, and consequently the last person Jake should be sharing with. Still, Jake really can’t resist talking about you, given how much he’s lately been keeping to himself. “Because she’s” – off limits – “taken.”
Bradley nods sympathetically. “Been there.”
Jake grips his beer stein and lifts it off the table. “Her boyfriend is a real piece of work, too.”
“So, show her that you’re better. Easy.”
Jake sets his beer back down without taking a drink. “Am I?”
Bradley leans back in his seat with a chuckle. “Oh no,” he says.
“You fucking like her, dude.”
“I told you, I like her.”
“No.” Bradley shakes his head. “No, no. You don’t just like her, man. You like her.”
Jake is watching Bradley impassively. “Are you fucking glitching?”
Bradley laughs. “Admit it!”
Jake opens his mouth to protest that he already has, but then closes it again because obviously Bradley is right. “Yes, I fucking like her, Bradshaw. I like her enough to know that she shouldn’t be with me.”
Bradley’s obnoxious cackle has fizzled to a merry chuckle now and he shakes his head with a loud, theatrical sigh. “My boy is growing up!”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“I’m so proud of you, man.”
“I said, shut the fuck up, Bradshaw.”
Bradley raises his hands in surrender. “Okay,” he says giddily. “So, tell me about her.”
5k Celly
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stxneflxwers · 23 days
between just you & me.
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⋯⁂ summary. this is a birthday fic~
⋯⁂ a/n. as said in summary, this is a birthday fic. well, a belated birthday fic. for me. teehee. my birthday was on the 26th but whatever i can be late to my own birthday :D. btw i refuse to proof-read this. lol rip. this fic feels like an utter mess but whatever. this took forever to coherently come up with anyway. lol, lmao...
⋯⁂ characters. aventurine. gn reader.
⋯⁂ cw. all lowercase. fluffy-ish, teensy bit of hurt/comfort. eating (milkshakes and fries bc YUM). physical affection. reader heavily based on me cuz...it's...my birthday? don't like don't read ig. reader takes unspecified type(s) of medications. aventurine and reader struggling with disordered eating and/or small appetites.
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"happy, happy birthday~"
you heard a familiar chirp in your ear as you were still resting in bed. sure, you're sleeping in, but there's nothing wrong with that on your own birthday, right?
it's your boyfriend. he leans over you, all with a huge yet genuine grin on his handsome face. and, of course, holding a bag of your usual meal choice and your favorite milkshake from a delightful little old-fashioned restaurant that you hold in high regard.
you're about to scold him for breaking in again, and then you remember just in time that you had recently given him a spare key to your apartment. you sigh softly, relieved to know he didn't break in.
"...birthday?" you then ask, your bleary eyes and sleepy mind not quite there just yet.
yes, you very much forgot that it's your birthday. but, in your defense, you just woke up.
"yes, darling dearest, it's your birthday. i figured i'd get you a little treat to start off the day just right," aventurine coos as he takes a seat on the edge of your plush bed, right next to you. "want me to feed you~?" he teases.
"oh my god, no–" you fluster, a pout forming on your bottom lip and in your brows.
"heh," the sly gambler chuckles breathily, "alright, alright. you can feed yourself. i trust you're capable?" he laughs heartily when you (very weakly) punch his bicep.
"what a way to start my day – getting sassed by my own darling boyfriend first thing." you playfully roll your eyes, a wry smirk on your lips.
you slowly sit up against the headboard of your bed, letting your limbs stretch far and wide as you yawn. he thinks you look like an adorable kitty like this, and he's quickly overcome with the desire to cover your face in little kisses. but, almost out of instinct, he holds back on his affections. for now.
he hands over your bag of food and over-the-top milkshake, tenderly smiling at how your eyes light up at the sight.
"thank you so much, vasha," you murmur and lean over to press a chaste kiss to his cheek, he nearly blushes, "it really is a great way to start my morning, regardless of your sassing." you smirk, sounding far more confident when you give him a verbal jab to his side.
"no problem. i'm more than happy to indulge your cravings whenever." he hesitates, his hand stuttering mid-air, but he ultimately rubs your head a little.
"hmhm, good boy," you grin when he blushes faintly at the praise, "...do you want some?" you offer, picking out a french fry and holding it out to him.
he hesitates. almost visibly tensing up at the offer.
before he can reject the offer, you comfort him, "i don't mind, really. besides... i can hardly eat all of this myself. not to mention, did you even eat this morning–"
"did you take your meds last night?" he immediately retorts, interjecting. he loves you, but damn, he's concerned too, you know?
he had noticed that you missed your yesterday's evening medications as he passed through the bedroom to deliver your meal. he sighed when he noticed.
"i–" you sputter, "...is that why i'm feeling so weird right now?" you stare down at the crispy fry in your hand, eyes narrowing.
he snorts lightly, "probably." he jumps up to his feet, walking over to your desk to grab the circular medication container that's ordered by each day of the week. how convenient!
once you take your meds, you tentatively munch on your delightful food and milkshake. you wish you could share with him without him getting so evasive, even though you can strongly relate to his...aversions.
when he notices your slow, small bites, he frowns a little, "...you alright, sweetheart?"
you're quiet for a long moment. you two can barely lie to each other's faces. you know each other too well because you both experience similar emotions and thoughts – practically two peas in a pod.
"uhm..." you fluster, "oh, you know me... it's hard eating around others..." you sigh.
"do you want me to leave–"
"no! please, stay," you pout, grabbing his sleeve before he can leave, "you don't have to eat any, but please don't leave me alone too much today...?" you whisper, eyes darting away from his knowing stare.
"i promise i won't leave you today. at all." he quickly sits down next to you, allowing a tender smile that's reserved only for you to form on his face.
"thank you." you sigh in relief.
you two continue to chat, the subjects of conversation varying greatly – bouncing from topic to topic. at some point, he holds out his hand to request a fry, even though the tremble is obvious.
he wants to try as many times as possible, all for you.
and you'll gladly support him each step of the way.
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can you write relationship headcanons for hyugo please? he's so underrated oh my god- btw love your blog, i'm so happy there's more people in the tkatb fandom <33 thank you for your service!!
My Exaltation (Hyugo x MC/Reader - Relationship HCs)
Thank you for the ask, Anon! And especially thank you for the kind words! :D
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer Exaltation: a feeling or state of extreme happiness. Trigger Warnings: NSFW and sexual mentions (nothing too crazy though).
A/N: (Check down the bottom for more info: but here's the server skeleton I've made: Link: TKATB Server).
I see Hyugo as somebody very affectionate, like a puppy. (He literally gives puppy-dog eyes like c’mon). Also is capable of becoming as feral as one.
Definitely will be the type to walk up to you randomly and beg on his knees request to do something, considering I feel like part of the reason he has so much on his plate is due to the fact he can't stand having the same routine day after day. He needs spice. And you'll happily oblige.
Also very protective. Hell, this guy killed someone(s), so he’d be more than willing to defend you if it comes to that. Owns weapons 110%. Is also very capable at using them.
Hides all his suspicious activity from you. Not because he doesn't trust you, but mostly due to the fact he doesn't want you to get involved.
When If you move in together, he will make sure to enroll you in self-defense/weapon training classes (or he'll teach you himself, who cares about the law he's committed about 56 crimes in the span of a month /jkjk).
Is alarmingly strong, for someone of his stature and build, he often ensures to work out, because, well, he never knows when someone will come after him now does he?
Is paranoid about your safety 25/8, he's alert and vigil every waking moment. Ever since the cinema incident, he's been freaking out internally. (What if they find out about you? What if you go missing too?). Will hide it though, he can't afford you to be scared of him, now can he?
Crime hustles aside, Hyugo is genuinely a very loving and #goldenretriever boyfriend. Will use petnames as much as humanely possible, usually the flirty ones like 'darling'.
If you are a clothesnapper, expect him to start stealing back, eventually both your wardrobes will be swapped. You both don't care though, because both your horny asses will be relishing in the smell of each other in secret teehee.
Will be pulling the biggest 'Aww you look so adorable!!!!!' face known to man the first time you stole his clothes (probs a sweater or overshirt). Will tease you about it.
Makes puns 24/7, actually a master at them, it's kind of unnerving.
If you're ticklish, do not, under ANY circumstance, let him find out. You will be on the verge of dying each time he tickles you.
Hyugo's heart melts if you wanna watch his favourite movies with him: "Uh...Oh my God! MC! The new *insert movie title* came out...wanna watch it together this Sunday?" *insert massive puppy dog eyes, a cutesy little pout and two slender hands clasped together in a praying motion*
You agree, because...of fucking course you will.
Doesn't care enough to cook most of the time, but will try for you. :]
If you're cooking (or baking desserts), he'll spawn right behind you and hug you.
Will make you game with him, you don't have a choice, this guy needs action in his life (totally not like he doesn't already have any right-)
He's the little spoon, loves being smushed into your tits/pecs pressed against your torso, it means he can hear your heartbeat. It means he can fall asleep knowing you're safe.
NSFW (I am aware these may seem short. But. uh. I'm rusty cut me some slack).
I see Hyugo as a power bottom, or even a switch. (Emphasis on the 'power' part, this guy is strong).
Is capable of serving cunt/cock scarily well. Like you have no clue how he got this good.
Don't pull his hair too hard, a bit'll make him whine groan, but he doesn't seem the type to be into hair pulling unlike Sol and Crowe teehee
More funny during sex imo, depending on how intimate it is. If it's a sudden need then he'll be silent as the grave and going all out on dishing his horniness out, but if you're both chill and happy then he's much more jovial.
Masterful at aftercare, will murmur praises for how good you were, how much he loves you, etc. into your collarbone.
You are everything to him, his lover, his vehement source of peace, and his exaltation.
A/N: So, @hayooni mentioned that we should probably have a Discord server or something, so I made one. It's pretty mid so far, and I'm definitely going to hand off admins to other people who're superior when it comes to Discord server making, but hell, how about we make sure this community is as nontoxic and interconnected as possible. We're the OGs and veterans of this fandom; we might as well make it a fucking good one.
Link: TKATB Server
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