racerchix21 · 1 year
Two Black Cadillacs Driving In a Slow Parade
Relationship: Wheeler Yuta/Bryan Danielson, Daniel Garcia/Bryan Danielson
Summary: What happens when your boyfriend finds out you’ve been lying to him for oh so long? When you’ve been cheating and now both of you know about the other? Bryan Danielson is about to find out the hard way
Tagging: @sarahcakes613 @sheinthatfandom @midniterose @rosabellebelieve
Warnings: Murder and cheating
A/N: I blame both Sarah and Loren for this trainwreck. One for putting the song out there and the other for throwing out the pairings 🙃
Work Text:
Present Day
It’s snowing and has been since the night before when Wheeler had met up one last time with Danny. He’s certain he should feel some sort of sadness for the man laying in that casket but he can’t bring himself to care. Not after what Bryan did for so long.
He feels someone squeeze his shoulder and he glances over to see Chuck standing there. “Wheeler, I’m sorry man. I know you loved him and that he loved you in return. If you need anything you know Orange, Kris and I are here.”
It takes everything in him to not laugh at the absurdity of Bryan truly loving him as much as all of his friends believe. They wouldn’t think that if they knew what Bryan had been doing for at least the last year.
6 months ago
Bryan’s phone had been going off constantly since he’d gotten home from work an hour earlier. Wheeler had about had it so the next time it rang he grabbed it to see who had been blowing his boyfriends phone up. Seeing the nickname of Dragon Slayer, he answers it and growls out a “Who is this and why have you been calling my boyfriend nonstop?”
“What do you mean boyfriend? I’m his boyfriend Danny,” and the sound of the other man’s voice stops him short.
“Well apparently Bryan has been lying to us both for awhile then. But what exactly did you need from Bryan that was so important?”
“He was supposed to have dinner with me tonight and when he didn’t show up I got worried. Look I’m sorry if I’d realized I’d have never gone out with him in the first place.”
He wasn’t surprised that there was someone else, he’d had his suspicions for a few months but hearing someone say it finally confirmed it. He wasn’t gonna cry or confront Bryan he was gonna get even. When Bryan comes back into the bedroom he acts like there’s absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. When Bryan asks why is phones moved he just plugged it in to charge.
After Bryan kisses him good night, Wheeler starts plotting how to get even as he feels the other man getting comfortable and he’s pulled back against Bryan’s chest. He wants to pull away but he can’t without making his boyfriend suspicious. He lays there and listens to him breathe already counting down the days he has to live with this lying, cheating scumbag man he’d loved once upon a time.
Present Day
Nigel wipes a tear off his cheek as he takes his place next to Wheeler. He knows that Bryan thought the world of his boyfriend and he thinks it’s only right that he be there to comfort him. Honestly he had a feeling Bryan was doing something shady but he never imagined it would get his best friend killed not in the way he died. Not getting hit by a car and having the driver flee the scene.
He knows his best friend was a son of a bitch sometimes but no one deserves to die and no one on any planet deserves losing their boyfriend that way. As the preacher talks about the man that Bryan was and Nigel has to say he’s not too far off because he could be a great man when he wanted to be. He could also be a good friend when the mood struck him and he’s almost positive that Bryan was a good boyfriend too.
2 months ago
Wheeler put Danny’s number in his phone not long after finding out about his relationship with Bryan. They’d talked on and off for the last 4 months and tonight was the the night he was finally gonna meet the man that had gotten Bryan’s attention and his affections. He just hoped that the other man would be as receptive to getting even with Bryan in the way Wheeler was. If he wasn’t he’d have to figure something else out because Bryan wasn’t gonna get away with it and he sure as hell wasn’t gonna do it to anyone else.
From the first conversation after they found out about each other, they’d agreed to keep the charade going until they could meet face to face to discuss their shared issue.
Walking into the little Italian restaurant Danny had texted him, he goes over the details of his plan one last time before sitting down in front of his future accomplice. The other man is polite enough to allow Wheeler the time to explain everything before asking if he’s absolutely positive he wants to take Bryan out like that and to express his uncertainty about convincing their boyfriend to go to that particular diner for a late dinner.
When Wheeler tells him he’s certain, they shared a quick smile and handshake and leave it at that.
Present Day
Stepping up to say his own piece about the man who’d meant so much for so long Nigel can’t help but wipe away a few more tears before he takes his place next to Wheeler as they lower Bryan’s coffin deep grave. He’s half tempted to offer Wheeler a hug as they listen to the preacher reading the end of passage he’s chosen but he’s not sure it’d be welcomed. Instead he gets a quiet thank you and a pat on the shoulder from Wheeler as Bryan’s family proceed to drop dirt into the grave. When Wheeler steps up to drop a rose he struggles to stop himself from laughing at the smirk that Danny shoots him from the opposite side of the grave.
Together they walk away to the Cadillacs waiting for them on the gravel path. Danny stops before climbing into his own and they share one last devious smile. Together they drive away from the man they’d both loved who’d used them both.
A week and a half earlier
“Are up you absolutely positive you wanna do it this way,” Danny asks looking at Wheeler over the rim of his wineglass.
“It’s the easiest way. Any other method can be tied back to one of us and Bryan isn’t worth either of us sitting in prison for. Just make sure you aren’t in the crosswalk and I’ll do the rest,” Wheeler reassures before a sip of his own wine. “To being almost through with the lying cheating scumbag we both loved.”
Present Day
The driver asks where he wants to go and Wheeler can’t help but think of the irony of going to the same Italian restaurant where this whole plan started. The Cadillac takes a left and when Wheeler glances back he can see Danny’s own making the same turn. He thinks great minds must truly think alike and without realizing it Bryan introduced Wheeler to a new great friend.
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