brunomoon1 · 4 years
Chapter 2 Love summer camp
Leah's POV:
 I woke up to the sound of my sister knocking on my door
"🎶Sleepyhead, sleepy head wake your ass up🎶" she sang to me like always when I was late for something
It started getting annoying after a while so I would always say shut up to her but now was not the time since today was the first day of summer camp
I already told my friends that I had to back down on the summer plans and they understood why so they said that they weren't going to do anything without me
I got out of bed still not fully awake and went inside my bathroom I took a shower and straightened my hair
"Ow shit," I said to the fact that I burned myself with the flat iron
I looked at my neck and there was a huge burn mark there
"Ugh at least that woke me up"
I put my flat iron in my luggage when I was finished using it and walked outside
I saw Taylor on her Nintendo switch in the living room and I went to the kitchen to fix myself something for breakfast
"Hey, where's mom and dad?" I asked Taylor
"Oh they left earlier this morning, they said that they were in a hurry since grandma was in the hospital so you have to drive there"
"Wait I get to drive the car, fuck yes"
"Oh and mom put the address to the camp in the GPS and she gave us some money just in case we got hungry on the way"
I stopped what I was making which was some toast and threw it in the garbage
"Well who wants some fast food," I said with a smile on my face
Taylor's face lit up and she jumped off the couch
"Let's get outta here before we're too late for breakfast"
I smiled at her and picked up the car keys from the counter
"Summer camp here we come"
Three hours later
"Turn right then you will be at your destination"
I turned right and I could see what my dad was talking about how this could a be good summer camp, the cabins looked pretty nice and it looked like it had some pretty good activities here
I parked the car and we got out with our McDonald bags still in our hands I could see some kids and adults standing outside so we went up to them
When we got there I could see all the cute boys already and all the mean popular girls that just like to come to summer camp to pick on people
"Alright so imma say it again all the kids that are 8-15 go with this lady right here"
Taylor looked at me with sadness in her eyes
"It's alright Taylor I'm still here, I'll try to find you when this is over," I said trying to cheer her up
"And all the teenagers that are 16-18 come with me"
I hugged Taylor and we went our separate ways
When I was walking up to the guy I was on my phone texting my mom to tell her that we were there
"Uhm your probably new here or just came but they're no phones allowed," the guy said
"Yeah, I'm just texting my mom to tell her that I made it he-
When I looked up to see who was talking to me I saw the guy that I was standing right in front of me
I didn't know what to say he looked so handsome and HANDSOME
"So you probably are new here my name is Peter but you can call me Bruno I work here, but like I was saying you have to put your phone in that basket," he said while smiling and  pointing his thumb over to the basket on the chair next to him
I nodded my head and shut my phone off then put it in the basket
Bruno then walked off to see if anyone else had their phones on them
"Holy shit those man's eyes looked like it was born from a hazelnut with the sun shining in his eyes, and his smile how can someone have a cute ass smile," I said to myself
Bruno then came back to the front
"Alright guys we will start to put you into your cabins, and yes only two people will share it so it's like have your own dorms"
I was so lost in his eyes and the way he talked that I didn't even hear him call my name
"Lizah are you here, raise your hand if your here"
I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and rose my hand then he smiled at me which made my heart skip a million beats
"Alright, Lizah you'll be sharing a room with… Jessica, Jessica you're here this summer too?"
"Yep sure am Bruno," she said walking up to the front with what I could see was a fake ass smile
Her as a person looked fake and I already didn't want to share a cabin with her
She looked over at me and her whole smile faded and she looked me up and down with disgusted  
"Why does it feel like I'm in a Disney movie right now with how she's is acting with me," I said to myself
I looked away and focused my eyes back on Bruno and when he was finished calling the cabin buddies we all got together to find our cabins
Our cabin number was 15 and when I got inside I put my luggage on my bed and went back outside to try and find Taylor I went to try and find the lady that took her and then I finally spotted her out talking to Bruno
She was a nice looking girl that looked like she was in her early 20s maybe 22 or 24
While I was walking up to her Bruno saw me and gave me a smile
"What's up with him giving me smiles and shit he wants me to have a heart attack," I said to myself
I finally got up to them and tapped the girl on her shoulder
"Hi I just wanted to ask where my little sister was"
"Oh, you must be Taylor's sister she was tearing up when she came to me and said that she wanted to see her sister"
"Wait how do you know that she's my sister..."
"You guys look so alike so it's really not hard and the kids should be over in the kid's cabin I think her number is 20"
I nodded my head and thanked her I looked to my side and saw that Bruno was staring at me with a certain look in his eyes which I didn't know how to explain all it made me do was blush
I quickly turned around and went up to the kid's area which looked so much cuter than the teen's area
But even though it was cuter, there was a tone of mosquitos in this area and I was wearing shorts and short sleeves since it was hot af
I got up to her cabin and all I could hear was laughing I knocked on her door and I could hear a girl on the other side she didn't sound like my sister so I knew it was someone else
"Who is it?" the other girl said
"Uhm my name is Lizah I'm Taylor's sister"
I could hear the girl talk to Taylor asking her if she had a sister then she opened the door
"Hi my name is Chelsea"
"Hi Chelsea, I just wanted to check up on my sister to see if she is alright"
Taylor then came out of nowhere
"Hi Lizah I'm alright, and I think I made a new friend"
"That's good to hear, so that would mean that I have to make some friends then"
"You should try and become friends with your roommate," Taylor said
"Yeah I probably should," I thought back about how Jessica acted towards me
"Alright you guys be safe and have fun"
They said by and closed the door I walked off while looking down but then I bumped into somebody
"What the fuck look where you're going"
I looked up and saw my roommate standing in front of me with coffee spilled all over her
"I am in a fucking Disney movie," I said to myself
"I'm so sorry about that, but at the same time you should have looked where you were going too if you saw me looking down plus you shouldn't even be walking around with coffee in your hand if your this clumsy to not look in your surroundings"
She was speechless with what I said probably hoping that this would have ended off in a Disney movie way with me getting napkins for her or her telling me off
I walked away and saw that there was a Cafeteria on my way back to the dorm so I walked inside just to see what was happening
"Hey there gorgeous," said some random guy
I turned around and saw this Fairley good looking but wasn't my type of guy
"What are you doing around here"
"Uhm I came because it's none of your business"
"Ohh tuff girl I see well my name is Isaac what's your name"
"I don't feel like telling you my name"
"Aw come on, all I wanna know is your name and that's it"
I rolled my eyes at him and walked away
"Hey come on don't do me like that"
"Dude please shut the fuck up before I call out for harassment"
"Damn I like you," he said giving off his smile
I walked inside the cafeteria and of course, again I walked into somebody again
"Woah you gotta watch where you're going there"
The voice sounded familiar and when I looked up I saw no other than Bruno
"Uhh I'm sorry about that yeah I need to watch where I'm going, this is the second time I bumped into someone"
We then started to stare at each other but then somebody called for Bruno which made us come back to reality
"Sorry about that" Bruno said
He bit his bottom lip and walked away
"Why was that such a turn on when he did that"
End of Chapter 2
So how is it so far, tell me in the comments, also follow for more ❤
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districtmona · 7 years
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I just posted "Chapter 1" for my story "Now or Never". http://my.w.tt/UiNb/0oviKjXe6F
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Drive Me Crazy Readers
My gosh, I think its been a few years.... Well just to let you all know, I have NOT stopped writing!!! I have actually finished this fanfic and am almost done a completely different one (which in my opinion, is even better than this one). Ive been busy with life and raising children & a puppy and all that jazz but I have some time on my hands these days. Hope there’s still some readers out there!
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Chapter One
           She stood at the end of the pier and took a deep breath. Her mind was flooded with thoughts and fears of the future. The world has so much more to offer than just Hawaii, but leaving her friends and family behind would be hard. She sighed and looked down at the clear water. I still have time to decide, she thought. It was true, she had one year to decide which path to take after high school.  
“June?” She turned around to see her mother with a concerning look on her face. She realized she must have been out at the pier longer than she thought had been. “I was just looking out at the water. Sorry mom, I must have lost track of time.” Her mother laughed and walked towards her. “Oh June, it’s not a big deal. But just remember, Bruno and his family are coming over in a few hours.” Her mother put her arms around her and kissed her forehead. “I know you’re stressing about the future, but just remember I will always love you, no matter what you decide.” “I love you too mom.” The two looked out and took in the natural beauty around them. A few minutes went by of silence before her mother unwrapped her arms. “Come on June, let’s go back to the house.” She slowly followed her mother back to their home.
*1 Hour Later*
           She looked in the mirror one more time to make sure she looked okay before heading downstairs to see her family. She french braided her long, silky jet-black hair, and put a small red flower behind her ear. Alright, hair looks good. Her makeup was done in her usual way: a little mascara, a little eyeliner, and red lipstick. She never had to worry much about wearing coverup since her skin was almost always flawless, with the occasional breakout being the exception. Makeup still looks good. She twirled around and was satisfied with her red sundress with gold sandals. She took a deep breath and walked downstairs.
           “Oh June, you look nice.” She smiled at her mom and said thank you. She started helping her mother bring out plates to set the table. “Are you nervous for Bruno and his family to come over?” She sighed, “It’s not that I’m nervous. I just have a lot on my mind right now.” Her mother frowned, “I know you do. But try to have a good time tonight. I like Bruno. He’s nice, he’s never done anything to hurt you, and I think it’s adorable that he used to call you Junebug” She chuckled, “Mom, he hasn’t called me Junebug since we were kids.” Her mother laughed and nodded.
           After the food was put on the table, ready to serve, and the table was set, she looked at the clock. 5:30 PM. They should be here any minute. Her mother walked out in a new outfit, and her hair was done put up into a bun. “Alright, I told you how you looked earlier, now how do I look?” She laughed but took note of the change. Her mother put on a nice light black chiffon material skirt with a simple yet elegant light blue top, paired with silver heels. She noticed her mother had also put on a little bit of makeup as well, almost identical to what she had put on herself. The only difference between their makeup, was that her mother put on coverup to help hide the small fine lines on her forehead. “You look great mom. A little dressy but that’s not a bad thing.” Her mother smiled and hugged her daughter. “I love you June.” “I love you too mom.”
           The two had small talk until there was a knock on the door. Bruno Hernandez and his family had arrived.
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I wanna start making fan fics again so bad, or at least finish my old fan fic "Lets Play A Sex Game" now that I think about it, that fan fic was crazy as a bitch lol 😂
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ilovemesomebruno256 · 11 years
Chapter 5
Sorry it's short I'm falling asleep I will post a new one tomorrow <3
Bruno's POV
It's been two days and Kiara hasn't said a word. She's just been sitting on the couch. Getting her to eat was a struggle Angie had to basically force feed her. The only movement she made was going to the bathroom and laying back down whether it was on my bed or the couch. 
Me and Angie have been working on fixing her room. Angie has been sleeping over helping me take care of her. Well actually not sleeping because Kiara's had nightmares. She wakes up in the middle of the night screaming and she would start to shake. I was terrified to leave her alone so I took a few days off from the studio and Angie took days off from the club. 
I missed Andrea but I couldn't leave Kiki. Her and Angie are very important to me. I need to take care of Kiara. I explained that to her and she was very understanding. 
"Kiki you wanna watch a movie with me?" I asked kneeling beside her.
She shook her head no. It broke my heart to see her like that.
"Come on, we'll watch Beetle Juice, you know you love Beetle Juice." 
"Ok." she said softly.
"You speak!" I said surprised.
She offered me a weak smile and I kissed her forehead as to put the movie on Netflix.
The door bell rang.
"Angie there's twenty bucks on the table can you get the pizza." I yelled as I sat down next to Kiara.
Angela came to the living room and we watched the movie and ate our pizza.
I was surprised Kiki ate 3 slices. She was laughing and everything. I think she was finally feeling better. 
"Babe Kiara isn't feeling that well she just wants to be with me and Angie." I said into the phone. It had been a few days and Andrea was getting impatient.
"I miss you baby. It's been a week since I last saw you." she said crying.
"I miss you too babe, it's just-"
"She's more important than me."
"Andrea baby don't do this. She's like my sister I need to take care of her."
"Fine but can we at least hang out tomorrow."
I hesitated because I was broke and I didn't want to bring her here because I'm afraid Kiara will freak out again. 
"I'll go to your house tomorrow." she said excited.
"Ok baby, you got my address right?" I asked crashing my palm on my forehead.
"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow pookie!" she said hanging up.
"UGGHHHHHHHHH!" I fell back on my bed.
"I got it!" I said nervously getting up and opening the door.
Kiara's POV
"What the hell?" I asked confused. Bruno seemed really nervous. 
Angie just shrugged her shoulders.
"Uh guys, I want you to meet some one."
We got up and I saw a beautiful girl standing with Bruno. Fuck is this the girl?
"Guys this is Andrea. Andrea these are my two best friends Angela and Kiara." 
I stood there silent observing her. 
"Nice to meet you." she said smiling.
Don't cry Kiara, don't cry, no llores. (Don't cry.) 
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brunomoon1 · 4 years
Chapter 1
(Bruno Mars FanFic)
Love Summer Camp
Lizah's POV
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I was coming back from the last day of high school I was so fucking happy that I was now going onto college but I wanted to spend this summer vacation with my friends I got off the bus and walked the block to my house
I took my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door, when I walked inside my parents were in the kitchen talking it looked like something important so I didn't want to get in their way, my little sister was in the living room watching TV when she saw me her whole face lit up
Me and my sister are best friends we can tell each other anything and we never let each other down well only if she uses one of my belongings then I would be angry at her, but other than that we love each other to death
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"Lizah come here" Taylor said to me
I walked over to her and then sat down on the couch
"What do you need?"
"I just wanted to tell you something but I don't wanna do it here" Taylor said talking about the fact that our parents are basically arguing at each other
"How about we go in your room"
"...We have to be quick since I'll be going out with my friends soon"
She nodded her head and got up from the floor and I got up from the couch
We both went upstairs and went inside her room I closed the door and sat on her bed
"So what do you wanna tell me-
"Mom and dad are going to make us go to summer camp" Taylor said cutting me off
"Before you came home they were talking about bringing us to camp because they're they needed to do something with grandma"
"Wait why do I have to go"
"Something about you needing to look after me when we're there"
I didn't know what to say to that I never wanted to go to a summer camp in my life I hate the idea of even getting mud on me
"..Fuck why this summer of all summers"
Taylor looked at me then looked back at her work
"I'm gonna come back stay here"
"Wait Lizah they didn't want you to know since they knew that you'd be mad"
"Well they thought right"
I opened the door and went downstairs I got to the kitchen and stood right in front of them when they noticed me they stopped talking then my mom turned to face me
"Oh, hi honey how was school"
"No hi honey nothing, i'm not sweet right now i'm actually pretty pissed why didn't you tell me that I had to go to summer camp before the fact that I was going to spend the summer with my friends before college!"
"Hey don't yell at your mother like that"
I looked over at my dad with anger still in my eyes and when he saw how I looked his face calmed down
"Look we didn't want to make that decision for you it's just that your grandma isn't doing so well and you know she lives all the way in Florida so we had to take that chance and leave for the summer"
I started to calm down a little and took a deep breath
"You still could have told be before I made those plans with my friends, now I have to cancel all of that just to go on a fucking field trip to summer camp"
"Hey language, and we know we definitely shouldn't have told you but things came out of the blue and we don't want your sister to be alone at a summer camp and we know that you girls are basically best friends so we needed you to go with her"
I took another deep breath
"Alright I'll go, but only because I have to and for grandma and just know that I'll hate this summer camp no matter what"
"That means a lot to us Lizah now you should go pack since you guys are leaving tomorrow"
"WAIT tomorrow holy shit alright, this better be a good summer camp" I said running off
"HEY I said no cursing and yes I saw that it was a pretty good summer camp" my dad yelled to me
End of chapter one
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districtmona · 7 years
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These two are going to KILL ME 😩😭 #UsAndThem #BrunoMarsFanFic #BrunoAndBrooklyn
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ilovemesomebruno256 · 11 years
Chapter 3
This chapter contains sexual content! YOU'VE WARNED!
Short chapter because I'm falling asleep. I might post another tomorrow <3
Kiara's POV
"Bruno." I moaned as he continued his slow but deep strokes. I dug my nails in his back as he hit my spot perfectly.
"You like that baby? Huh?" He whispered harshly in my ear.
I moaned loud in response. By this point I couldn't even a say a coherent sentence. 
"Oh god, right there Bru." I moaned. "I'm so close." I said in almost a whisper. I let out a muffled moaned against his neck as I released.
He sat up and spread my legs even more as I felt him go deeper inside me, filling me completely.
"You feel so good, god damn Kiara." he groaned as his thrusts became more rapid.
"Bruno I've been wanting this for so long. I've never felt so good."
"That's because you're being loved and taken care of." he responded."You just want to be loved baby."
"You love me?" I asked crying in pleasure.
"I love you Kiara, but not the way you love me." he said kissing my cheek. 
"You need to wake up baby, wake up." he whispered in my ear.
"No Bruno if this is a dream I don't want it to end." I pulled him down to kiss him.
"Wake up baby, wake up." he said over and over again and kept thrusting. 
"Bruno!" I said sitting up. I opened my eyes to see pitch black darkness. "It was just a dream." I fell back on my bed crying.
"Good morning!" Bruno said wrapping his arms around my neck hugging me from behind.
"Good morning Bru." I said trying not to make eye contact.
"I made some bangin ass poptarts , you want?" he said 
"Nah I'm good Bru." I said looking down.
"You ok?"
"Yeah Bru I'm fine." I fake smiled.
"Kiara come on, I know you like the back of my hand. What's wrong sweetie?" he asked. 
"Nothing Bru I promise." I faked a smile but he didn't look convinced.
"Mhmm. When your ready to talk about it let me know. Now come eat something so we can get Angie and hang out at the studio." he said taking a bite of his poptart.
"I have to work today." 
"I know , I'll drop you off after."
(1 week later)
Bruno's POV
"I had a great time Bruno." said Andrea.
"Me too sweetie." I kissed her lightly on the lips. "Dre I wanna ask you something." 
Fuck I'm scared shitless what if she says no.
"Yeah?" she asked with a sweet smile.
"We've been going out for a while and I just wanted to ask you, if you would be my girlfriend." I said shyly. 
I was surprised when she kissed me.
"I'd love to be your girlfriend Bruno." 
"Really?" I smile. She nodded and I hugged her tight.
Damn she said yes, I've been wanting to ask her to be my girlfriend for weeks. I really think I'm falling for her. She's so beautiful, smart,and funny.
"You wanna come inside." she seductively opening the door to her apartment. 
I raised my eyebrows and walked in.
She pushed me on her couch and started kissing me. She took my jacket off and started unbuttoning my shirt. I slid my hand up her shirt and played with the clasp on her bra. Before I knew it we were having sex on her couch.
Kiara's POV
"How are things with Bruno? Angie asked. 
I asked her to come over so that we could have a girl's night.
"I don't know Angie he's been so sweet lately. I think he's even flirted with me. We went to dinner and then took a long walk on the beach yesterday. It was amazing." I sighed and fell back on the couch biting my lip.
"Ah shit, I TOLD YOU! This is your chance Kiki you and Bruno are totally gonna end up together."
"You think so!" I got so excited at the idea of Bruno and I being together.
"I know so. So he probably stopped seeing that girl Andrea." Angie said relieved.
This caused me to shoot up back in my seat.
"WHAT?Who the fuck is Andrea?" I asked angry.
"Some girl he was-"
We heard the door closed. In came a happy Bruno biting his lips like a teenage girl who just got kissed for the first time.
"Angie she said YES!" he came in excited as hell.
"Said yes to what?" she asked nervously.
"WOAH WOAH WOAH WHO THE FUCK IS ANDREA?" I yelled I was fucking livid.
Angela just looked at me scared.
"She's my girlfriend, I asked her out today and she said yes!" he said putting his hands up in victory.
"WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T I KNOW ABOUT THIS?!" I asked getting the popcorn bowl and smashing it on the floor.
"Kiara calm down." Angie said grabbing me.
"Kiki I thought you'd be happy for me." Bruno said confused.
"Kiara what the fuck? Why are you mad?"
"No fucking reason Bruno just fucking forget it." I said running to my room closing the door behind me.
Bruno's POV
"What the fuck was that Angie?" I was beyond confused.
"Don't put me in this just let me talk to her."
"No hold the fuck up?" I said storming to her room.
Kiara's POV
"YOU'RE A FUCKING ASSHOLE BRUNO." I screamed tackling him and punching him.
"WHAT THE FUCK KIARA STOP!" he said flipping us over, pinning me to the floor. 
I've never seen him so mad he looked like he was gonna hit me but I didn't care. I was too mad to care.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HUH?" he screamed in my face.
"Get off me!" I pushed him. "Leave me the fuck alone just get out!" I screamed. I felt light headed and dizzy. "Go fuck your bitch!"
Bruno's POV
"YOUR A BITCH!" I yelled.
All of a sudden she got really pale and was panting.
"Kiara what's wrong?" I asked getting closer.
I saw her eyes roll back as she started to fall.
I caught her before she collapsed.
"Kiara? Kiara? Baby wake up!" I said shaking her a bit.
Fuck what did I just do?
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ilovemesomebruno256 · 11 years
Chapter 2
This chapter contains sexual content. YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!
Please give feed back and enjoy (;
Kiara’s POV
"Bruno! I love you!" I said jumping on him giving a hug.
"I knew you’d be happy." he hugged me back.
"I love carnivals, I haven’t been to one in years. I used to go all the time with my mom, I used to get sick from eating so many funnel cakes." I chuckled.
"FOUR?" he asked surprised. “Kiki you’re like this big!" he said lifting up his pinky laughing.
"Shut up I was a chubby kid." I punched him playfully on the shoulder.
"Aha!" he said sticking out his tongue.
"Shut up Bruno Sammartino! You were chunky as hell when you were little. So aha!" I responded mimicking him.
"Listen here girl, you’ve gone too far, your funnel cake eating ass is causing me pain and I’m gonna get you for that."
"BRUNO! You stay away from me!" I said knowing he was gone run after me.
"You better run!" he said chasing me.
"NO! Bruno!" he caught me in no time. He tickled me and can feel people staring at us. “BRUNO! Haha stop!"
"Say you’re sorry."
"Say Bruno you’re awesome and you’re the bravest Hawaiian lion ever!"
"What?" I started laughing uncontrollably. “NO!"
"Ok, ok!" I said what he wanted and he stopped tickling me. “You asshole!" I laughed hitting his shoulder.
"I love you." he said hugging me and laughing.
That gave me uncontrollable butterflies. Every time he said that something shot through my body. But it all goes away because I know he doesn’t mean it the way I want him to. I didn’t respond I just hugged him tight.
"Lets go on the Ferris wheel!" he said grabbing my hand. He bought tickets and we went on the ride.
After many rides later we walked to the peer and sat down.
"Kiki what do you wanna do for a living?"
"I have no clue, I barely graduated, so I’ll probably be a stripper for the rest of my life."
"Kiara I’m serious, I hate when you do that. Why are you always selling yourself short like that? You’re smarter than you think, if you’d just put your mind to something you could do anything."
"Bruno face it I’ll probably be living with my father until I can afford my own place, I just have to suck it up and-"
"STOP! Kiara are listening to yourself? I hate the idea of you living with that asshole, I hate that you work at a strip club and that you have to deal with drunk assholes trying to touch you. You and Angela are my best friends and I hate the fact that you in particular think that you can’t do better."
He was making me so angry but I knew inside that he was right.
"Bruno it’s my fucking life I’ll whatever I need to do to take care of myself." I said as tears started to fall from my eyes.
"Kiara I’m sorry I-. What’s the that?" he asked looking at me weird.
"It’s eye liner it’s because I’m crying."
"That ain’t no damn liner!" he said moving my hand. He rubbed off the make up revealing my bruised eye. “That’s it come on!" he said angrily.
"Bruno no please just let it go."
"COME ON!" his voice raised. He was scaring me, he never talks to me like that. I followed him to his car. “What happened?" he asked not taking his eyes off the road.
"Tell me now."
I started crying remembering this morning’s events.
"He screamed my name and I got scared. I grabbed my stuff and climbed out of my window but he was waiting for me outside. He pulled in the house and punched me saying that I wasn’t there to take care of him. Then he got crazy and he said that I was gonna pay, he was gonna-" I choked up.
"He was gonna what? Baby finish."
"He was gonna rape me Bruno." I said feeling gross, breaking my words apart.
"That son of bitch!" he said stopping the car. He got out went to my side and sat me on his lap. “Did he touch you?" he said examining me.
"No I hit him with a vase before he could get to me."
Bruno let out a sigh of relief.
"Baby everything is gonna be ok. But you’re coming with me, you can’t live any more."
"But Bruno-"
"No! you’re coming with me. Were going to your house and getting your things out of there."
I stayed silent as we drove to my house. I fear that when we get to my house Bruno’s gonna fight. He kicked my dad’s ass last time but I still worry that he’s going to get hurt. I would die if something happened to the love of my life.
We pulled up to the house and Bruno knocked harshly on the door.
"KIARA I’M GONNA FUCK YOU UP, YOU BITCH!" I heard my dad scream.
I cried scared of what was gonna happen.
"GUESS WHAT MOTHER FUCKER!" Bruno punched my dad causing him to collapse on the floor. “The only one getting fucked up is you!" he said through his teeth punching my dad.
"Bruno stop, you’re gonna kill him!" I cried seeing blood all over my dad’s face.
"You’re not hurting her anymore, I’m taking her with me you son of a bitch. Your abuse towards her stops today." he punched him again.
"Bruno please." I said trying to pull him off of my father.
"Go get your stuff Kiara." Bruno said getting up.
"Kiara you walk out that door and I’ll make your life a living hell." my dad threatened.
I looked back scared.
"Kiara don’t listen to him baby, go get your stuff." Bruno reassured me.
I walked upstairs and got all of my clothes. I put them in suitcases. I called Angie and told her to bring some boxes.
I walked down stairs and saw Angie walking inside with the boxes she dropped them angrily and walked up to my dad slapping him.
"You disgusting piece of shit! She’s your daughter and you were gonna rape her!" she yelled as Bruno pulled her back. “I should kill you!" she screamed trying to get out of Bruno’s grip.
"He’s not worth it Angela." I yelled coming to her. “Come on help me get the rest of my stuff." She gave him a death stare and walked up stairs with the boxes. We started packing.
Bruno’s POV
"Why the interest in my piece of shit daughter?" Cesear asked.
"I’m not gonna stand by anymore and watch you take advantage of her. Don’t you ever call her a piece of shit cuz the only piece of shit in here is you." I can’t believe how vile and disgusting he is.
"You know you’re not a bad looking guy, why are you wasting your time with a slut like that."
I walked up to him and started punching him again.
"Bruno stop,enough, I’m ready lets go." Kiara said pulling me out of the house.
Kiara’s POV
I took one last look at the house that my mother and I shared the best moments of my life.
"Better watch your back bitch." said my dad giving my a devilish grin.
I gulped and closed the door behind me. I was leaving the house that had all my happiest memories. But it was also the hell hole that I had to live in after my mother passed away.
"This is your room mama." Bruno said showing me inside.
It was little but enough for me.
"Thank you Bruno I owe you." I said hugging him.
"You don’t owe me anything, you’re like my little sister."
My smiled dropped as those words came out of his mouth. I pulled away and gave a fake smile.
"You need any help unpacking?" he asked.
"No you’ve done enough, Angie will help me."
"Ok, I’ll order pizza then." he smiled and walked out of the room.
I sat down my bed trying to not to cry.
"Kiki don’t cry this is your chance!" she said excited closing the door.
"What are you talking about Angela?" I asked genuinely confused.
"Now that you live here you can win over Bruno. You guys will be going out in a week."
"Wait! Just hear me out. You live together so you start flirting with him and shit and maybe even let him see you naked a few times, he’ll be putty in your hands."
My jaw dropped hearing her ways of getting Bruno to like me.
"Angela what the hell is wrong with you? I would like him to have the same feelings as me one day, I don’t to be his whore."
"Do you have a better idea?"
"Yes how about we just stay as friends because he doesn’t like me that way. Didn’t you hear him, he said I was like his little sister."
"Kiki, you guys are gonna end up together I know it."
"Angela just stop ok, It’s not gonna happen. Let’s fix my room." I got up
and walked up to start getting things out of a box.
I heard Angie sigh and say “Ok." under her breath.
I heard a knock on my door as I got out of the shower.
"Kiki." Bruno poked his head in.
"Hey Bru what’s up?" I asked clutching my towel.
He came in wearing nothing but boxers. He looked so sexy, his hair was dripping wet and curly. I felt my self getting aroused watching little beads of water make their way down his neck and vanishing into his chest.
"I was just coming to see if you were comfortable. If there’s anything you want me to change in here just tell me." he said getting closer until he was a few inches away from me.
"No it’s uh great, d-don’t worry it about me, I’ll be fine." I said nervously
"You sure? You seem tense." he said coming closer.
"B-Bruno I need to get dressed." I said stepping away a little.
"Do I make you nervous baby?" he said pulling me closer to his body.
I closed my eyes before I answered.
"Yes." I said quietly.
"Why? Do you like me?" he asked looking right into my eyes.
"I- I love you." I said barely above a whisper. I caressed his cheek feeling how soft and gentle it was.
"Do you want me as much as I want you baby?" he said as I felt him tugging at my towel.
My eyes widened in shock.
"Bru what… what are you doing?" I asked as I felt him placing sweet kisses down my neck.
"I’m about to make love to you sweetie." he said coming up looking into my eyes.
"Shhh, just kiss me, I know you want this just as bad as I do." he said placing his soft lips on mine.
I kissed back with all the love and hunger I had bottled up inside for years. I felt him part my lips thrusting his sweet tongue into my welcoming mouth. I moaned at the feeling of my towel dropping. He gently walked me back to the bed and I felt my self slowly descend backwards with him on top of me.
"You’re mine from now on Kiara." he said grinding his erection against my center.
"Bruno, baby please. I want you to make me yours, please baby." I begged.
He slipped out of his boxers and slowly entered me.
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ilovemesomebruno256 · 11 years
Chapter 26
(Two weeks later)
Bruno's POV
Today I was finally going to Califronia to perform. It's been a month since I've talked to Maria. I wonder how she's gonna react when she sees me.
It was 2:00 a.m. when I got home. I slowly opened the front door hearing geronimo run to me barking. 
"Shhh boy." I said bending down petting him. "Hey buddy did you miss me?" 
I walked to the babys room and saw Jayden sound asleep in his crib.
"Hi baby, I missed you, you've grown since I last saw you." I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek as he shifted a little in his sleep. All of sudden I heard the door opening. I turn around to see Maria wearing a really short baby doll nighty and her hair down. She looked amazing I wanted make love to her so bad.
"Hi Bruno." she said quietly.
"Hi baby."
She walked out of the room. I turned off the light in the baby's room and caught up to her, holding her from behind.
"Bruno, stop." she said trying to push me away.
"We need to talk just let me explain."
"What is there to explain, what are you gonna say? I'm sorry I fucked some bitch AGAIN?"
"Maria, baby please that happened before Jayden was born." I got out quickly as she tried to escape my grasp.
"I knew you were cheating on me that day you bastard." I heard her cry, giving up.
"Baby I'm sorry please don't do this." I said turning her around. "Maria I love you, I really don't want to lose you again. I love you so much just please give me one more chance."
"Bruno can we talk about this tomorrow?" she said after releasing a soft sigh.
"No, baby I can't take this anymore I need you."
"Bruno come on let me go to bed."
"Maria I'm not letting you until you talk to me."
"Fine." she let out a fustrated sigh. "Can we talk in the room so we don't wake up the baby."
"Ok." I said following her to our room.
"Alright Peter I'm listening and you have to be completely honest with me. If I find out that you're lying to me in the slightest not only will I not give you another chance but so help me I will chop off your friend."
"Believe me I'll let you." I said with a chuckle. I told her everything that happened with Lyla.
"Are sure you're telling me the truth?"
"I'm positive baby, I swear I'm telling you the truth."
"Alright Peter I will give you one more chance. But you are going to have to win back my love. I'm trusting you one last time please don't let me down."
"Thank you so much! Baby I promise I won't screw up. Oh and babe, please call me Bruno." she laughed a little.
"Fine but only because it feels weird calling you by your real name. Now can I sleep tonight Bruno?"
"Yes." I gave her kiss on her forehead.
"Good morning babe." I said walking into the kitchen. 
"Good morning Bru." she said standing by the stove.
I walked up to her and hugged her from behind. I moved her hair from her shoulder and kissed it.
"Bruno stop." she said softly.
"I'm just hugging you, I missed you." I said resting my head on her shoulder.
I smiled as I felt her rubbing my hands with her thumbs.
"I missed you too Bruno." she said softly.
I turned her head to look at me and gently kissed her as her hand found it's way to my cheek. We kissed until we heard crying.
"Jayden's awake." she said coming out of my embrace.
"Wait I got him."
I went upstairs and picked up the baby.
"Hey, baby you're hungry aren't you." I said. "Lets go downstairs and feed you." I said kissing his forehead. 
No feeling could compare to what felt when I had my son in my arms. God has blessed me with a beautiful baby and a great girlfriend. Soon be fiance if things go the way I plan. 
I went to the kitchen and she handed me his bottle. I went to the living room and sat down and fed the baby. 
We were sitting in the living room watching The House At The End Of The Street. I love Jennifer Lawrence she's beautiful. We sat far apart from each other like you do on an awkward first date. Maria had said that we needed to start over again and that I had to win back her love, and I was determined to do so even if it killed me. I don't want to lose her so I'll do anything to make her forgive me. Even if it meant I couldn't touch her. 
"Bruno what are thinking about?" she asked bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Nothing it's not important. Umm babe I know we're starting over again but can we not sit so far away from each other, it's akward." I scrathed the back of my head.
"Ok but if you try anything funny I'm going to smack you." she said with a smirk.
"No balls." I said with a smirk.
"Wanna bet?"
"Yes I do, come here." she sat next to me and I placed my hand on her lap.
"Bruno, you're gonna get slapped." she warned me.
"I don't think you have the guts Ortiz."
"Okay Hernandez." she said looking back at the tv. I slid my hand up her leg and just when I was going to reach her center, she slapped me.
"OW! Maria!" I whined rubbing my face.
"I warned you that was gonna happen, but you didn't listen."
"That's it Ortiz you're gonna get it." I said turning off the TV.
She tried to make a run for it but I caught her and tackled her to the floor. We started wrestling and I don't know how but she had me yelling uncle. 
"I told you I was gonna kick your ass Bruno but you like a challenge." she said sitting on back twisting my arm.
"Ok Ok! Let go of my arm! OW ok baby I'm sorry!"
"Good boy." she said getting off me only to be pulled back down. We disolved in laughter and before I knew it our faces were inches apart. Without hesitation I kissed her lips gently and surprisingly she kissed back.
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ilovemesomebruno256 · 11 years
Chapter 25
Bruno's POV
"Lyla I'm not doing this anymore, I have a child now."
"No Lyla I can't hurt Chesca anymore. To be honest I'm falling more and more in love with her and what I was doing with you was horrible and I feel really guilty."
"Bruno I understand."
"Huh?" What the fuck is she serious?
"Bruno we just had a friends with benefits thing going on, no strings attached remember?" she responded.
"I feel like there's a catch." I said not trusting her.
"No catch Bruno, I'm not Monica some physco bitch that's gonna stalk you. I'm actually happy that my little Brunito is growing up and making good choices."
"Wow seriously?"
"Bruno me and you are friends we've always just been friends. What happened was that we wanted to experiment so we became friends with benefits."
"Lyla I love you but as a friend. I never should've done this I feel horrible."
"I love you too Bru. Word of advice I would tell her but only when the time is right. You have to be honest with her or it'll bother you for the rest your relationship." she said.
"I know I have to tell her but I'm scared. She gave one more chance and I don't want to loose her. I love her Lyla, I can't explain it." 
"Bruno you have to take that risk, if she still wants to be with you, you hold on that girl because she loves so much that she's willing to forgive yet another one of your mistakes. But if she leaves you, you have to let her be happy. If you love somebody you'll them go, if they come back you know their yours." She finished. She stood up and headed for the door.
"Mahalo." I said giving her a hug.
"He mea iki" she answered.
She left and I finally finished putting on my clothes. I call Chesca again, it was like 11:00 p.m. so it should about 8 p.m. over there.
"Hi sweetie." Even hearing her voice makes me smile.
"Hey Bru I thought you were going to sleep." she said confused.
"I need to talk to you first babe."
"What's up?"
Fuck how am I gonna tell her this? Fuck you're gonna have to man up Bruno.
"Baby first of all I want you to know that I love you and Jayden more than anything."
"You're scaring me."
"Baby I'm an idiot I'm so sorry." I said my voice. After a long pause just when I was about to speak.
"Who was it Bruno." she said. She was crying and I broke my heart, knowing I cause her so much pain.
"What?" I asked nervously.
"I slept with Lyla but please me explain." I said desperately, a few tear escaping me eyes.
"I don't want to hear it Bruno, I just don't."
"Maria please let me-"
"I need to think Bruno I just need a day, I'll call you when I'm ready to talk to you."
"Ok." I said defeated. "Baby I love you I'm so sorry."
"Goodbye Peter." she hung up.
I'm a fucking idiot! I through my into the wall causing it to break into pieces, and threw myself on the bed.
(One week later)
"Hi babe, I know you said not to call you, I got a new phone and got a new number so you can save it." I let a long has sad sigh as the tears started to fall. "Baby I- I'm sorry, I know I've fucked up alot of times but." I sniffled. "I love you and Jayden so much, I promise I'll never hurt you again. Just please let me explain." I wiped my tears. "Babe call me back whenever you get the chance."  I hung up the phone. 
She said she needed a day to think and it's been a week. It's FUCKING killing me, I've never felt like that before not even when I was with Monica and believe me Monica was a slut.
Chesca's POV
"Babe call me back whenever you get the chance." I heard him cry into the phone, making me cry as well. 
"Maria, sweetie you should call and at least let him explain." Mama said picking up Jayden.
"I don't know mama, I just need time."
"Baby you're miserable and so is he, that boy cried to his mother yesterday." 
"He did?"
"Yes Bernie's really worried about him."
"I need to think mama. I know I said I needed a day but I'm just not ready yet."
"Cause my heart can't take it anymore." sang as tears fell from my eyes, each symbolizing my feelings pouring out of me.
Things were so much better when me and Bruno started dating. We were both in love, the feeling was mutual, now I don't even know how I feel. He's a liar he doesn't love me and I don't understand why he wants to keep me alone. Does he loves breaking my heart? Is he some physco that gets joy from making me suffer?
"Oooh baby I don't wanna know, If you're playin me keep it on the low , Cause my heart can't take it anymore." I curled up in a ball listening to the heart breaking lyrics that similar to my situation except the girl is heart broken in this case.
Bruno's POV
"For all we know." sang downing my second glass of whisky. 
I missed her, she won't answer my calls or my texts. I was utterly miserable and nobody not even my mother could make me feel better. I need to hear her sweet angelic voice. I need to hear say that she loves as much as I love her.
"Peter why is it that you fuck up everything good that happens to you. She's such a great girl and I'm gonna loose her because I was an idiot." I cried. "I don't deserve her."
"Bruno stop beating yourself up." I heard Phil say coming in the room.
"I miss her man." I said sniffling and wiping a tear away.
"She misses you too, I've been speaking to mama and she says she miserable." he let out a long sigh. "She won't even talk to me."
"So love me, Love tonight, tomorrow was made for some, tomorrow may never come." I sang quietly. 
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ilovemesomebruno256 · 11 years
Chapter 24
Chesca's POV
The day that I never wanted to come was here. Bruno had to leave and tour. Part of me always hated this part about his career, when he left I felt like I was never going to see him again. I could never get rid of the fear of him leaving me for someone better. But this time it was even harder, now that we have Jayden things will be even harder. Bruno will be gone for almost a whole month touring around the country. He's coming back but it will only be for a week and he has to perform most of the time. 
"Baby what are you thinking about?" he asked looking at me from the mirror as he buttoned his shirt, snapping me out of my trance.
"Nothing, I'm just... I'm gonna miss you." I answered. He made his way to the edge of the bed kneeling in between my legs.
"Baby it's only a month, I'll be back before you know it... okay?"
I leaned down and gave him a long passionate kiss. He ran his hands up my bare thighs as the kiss intensified. He parted my lips and slipped his tongue in my mouth making me release a soft moan. I pulled away out of breathe still cupping his face with my hands.
"Just promise me that you'll come back to me. I don't want to loose you again. I don't want anything coming between us anymore." I pleaded.
"I'll be good I promise. I don't want to hurt you again baby. I don't want to loose you either, I can't loose you." he answered.
"Thank you." I leaned down and kissed him again.
"I wish I could make love to you before I leave." he said in between kisses.
"Me too, but the doctor said we have to wait six weeks." I answered in between kisses.
His phone started to ring causing us to pull away from the kiss.
"Alright I'll be down in a minute." he hung up. "I have to go."
"Okay." I said as we both stood up.
"Bye Jayden I'll see you later, I love you." he said kissing the baby's cheek.
I walked him to the door.
"Bye baby." he said kissing me softly.
"I'll see you in a month, take care."
"You too and take good care the baby, I love you." he said giving me hug and kissing me one last time.
I watched him get on the van and a tear escaped my eye. He waved one last time before the door closed. The van soon disappeared in the distance.
Bruno's POV
the plane ride to New York wasn't as long as I thought. I slept and even started writing some lyrics. I guess my memory is starting to come back because I've had quite a few flash backs in the past couple weeks. I remember a lot of things about me and Chesca. I'm falling hard for that girl and that's what makes this tour harder. I haven't even made love to her yet and I don't know how I'm gonna cope.
"Alright guys I'm gonna call it a night I'm tired." I said walking into my hotel room. 
"Later Bru." I heard Phil say as he went into his own room.
As soon as I went in I plopped on the bed and called Chesca.
"Hi baby!" she answered.
"Hey baby, what's up?"
"Nothing much just here with your son that doesn't want to go to sleep." she answered.
"Jayden I haven't been gone a day and you're already being a little trouble maker." I chuckled.
"Baby I miss you already." she said sadly.
"I miss you too babe, so much more."
"How was the flight?"
"It was okay, it went by pretty quickly. But I'm beat." I answered.
"Aw baby go to sleep I'll talk to you tomorrow, it's night time of there."
"Yeah, I just wanna take a shower and go to sleep." 
"Alright Ima let you go then, Jayden finally fell asleep."
"Haha Give him a kiss for me. I love you." I said kissing the speaker.
"I love you too, goodnight Bru." she said blowing a kiss back. 
After hanging up I went to take a quick shower and when I came back out I saw Lyla sitting on my bed.
"Lyla? What the fuck are you doing here? How did you even get in?"
"I have my ways. Did you miss me baby?" she said kissing me.
I immediately pulled her off.
"Lyla you need to leave, I'm not doing this anymore."
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ilovemesomebruno256 · 11 years
Chapter 23
Bruno's POV
I walked in the room where maria was and saw she was sound asleep. She looked like an angel, things have been hard lately but I'm falling in love with this girl. I sat next to her on the bed and pecked her lips gently. She shuffled a little in her sleep and slowly opened her eyes. 
"Hi baby." she said offering me a weak smile. 
"Hi beautiful." I kissed her softly.
"Where's the baby?" she said looking around the room.
"The doctors had to check him."
"WHY? Did something happen?"
"No baby, it's just a check up to make sure everything's ok. The baby's fine." I chuckled. She sighed in relief.
"I wanna see him so bad I'm so excited!" 
"Yeah I held him for a little while and he's perfect. Thank you." I kissed her again.
"For what?" she smiled.
"For everything, you've given me love, happiness, and hope. I love so much and now that you've given me my first baby it  makes me love you even more."
"I love you too baby." she said as tears welled up in her eyes.
"Don't cry or you'll me started babe." I chuckled. "Baby I want to talk to you about something."
"What is it baby?" she wiped her tears away. 
"I think I remembered something."
"Really? What was it Bru?"
"We were fighting about something and you started getting really bad pains. I carried you to the car and was rushing you too the hospital. On the way there I was trying to calm you down like I did today. I'm guessing that's why I remembered that."
"That amazing Bruno." she smiled. "That happened when I had just turned six months pregnant. Do you remember anything else?"
"I remember carrying you to the hospital and the nurses looking at me like I was an alien or something. I remember waiting for the doctor to tell how you were. She came and pulled me into her office and we talked about how you and the baby were fine. She told me Jayden was a boy and then that's it I can't remember what happened after that."
"Ms. Ortiz it's time for little Jayden to eat." the nurse came in with the baby.
 Chesca's POV
I smiled as she handed me my baby boy. I went on and breast fed him.
"Nurse when will I be able to go home?" 
"Tomorrow, the doctor says that you've  done beautifully but you still need to stay for a day.." she smiled.
"Thank you so much." I smiled.
"Daddy make sure mommy gets lots of rest." she said to Bruno.
"Don't worry I'll make sure she gets as much rest as she needs." He answered. The nurse left.
"Baby did I ever say how much I love you?" I leaned in and kissed him softly.
"About a million times, but I missed it so you can keep saying it as much as you want." I pecked him on the lips. He smiled and kissed Jayden's cheek.
After I finished feeding Jayden I handed him to Bruno and he played with him. I thought it was adorable, he looked so excited about being a father. It makes me happy. I also felt guilty because I was going to deprive him of his happiness. I know what it's like to grow up without a father and I would never want that for my baby. I was so caught up with thinking about all of this that I started tearing. 
"Baby? What's wrong sweetie why are you crying?"
"It's nothing baby, I'm fine." I wiped my tears away.
He gently placed the baby in the little crib, he had fallen asleep in Bruno's arms. He came to me and gently sat me on his lap.
"Baby what's wrong?" He said holding me as I cried harder. "Tell me." he said with sadness in his eyes.
"It's just I never met my father. I never knew what it felt like to have someone hold me and tell me I'm their little girl. It was always me and my mom."
I couldn't stop I was so emotional right now I needed to let out everything I had bottled up for years. 
"When my mom died my whole world fell apart. I miss her so much Bruno, she would be so happy knowing that she's a grandma."
Bruno cried with me.
"I'm so sorry, I'm throwing all of this on you." I wiped his tears. 
"Baby don't apologize. You can talk to me about anything." He kissed me softly. "Have you ever said any of this to anybody?" 
I shook my head no.
"How long have you felt this way?"
"Since my mom died." I said with my head down.
"Baby, look at me." he said lifting my head up. "Let it all out, you can talk to me."
"Baby just hold me, that's all want you to do right now." 
He held me in his arms until I fell asleep.
Bruno's POV
I just held her in my arms stroking her hair. I never knew how fragile she was. She had a tough exterior but inside was a girl just wanting to be loved. I want to be here for her, protect her... just love her. I feel horrible for what I've been doing these past few weeks. I gotta talk to Lyla, I gotta get my shit together, not only for her but for Jayden.
Chesca shuffled in her sleep and whimpered. I held her tighter rubbing her back. 
"Everything is gonna be ok baby, don't worry." 
Chesca's POV
Time for me to finally go home with the baby. I'm still in pain but it's not as bad as yesterday. I just can't wait to be home and rest. It's going to be really hard in a few weeks when Bruno goes off to tour. I feel like he's gonna miss so much with Jayden. 
"Ready to go baby?" he asked 
"Yeah I'm ready Bru." I kissed him softly and he helped me walk while my grandma and Bernie held the baby in the his seat. 
Bruno stopped behind them. 
"Baby are you ok?" he asked.
"Yeah it hurts but I'm ok."
"No babe I wasn't talking about that. I'm mean mood wise, are you sad, emotional? Because you can talk to me anytime."
"Baby I'm ok, don't worry about me." I answered and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly.
"I love you and I want you to be ok." he said in between kisses.
"I love you more." I pulled away and hugged him. "Thank you." he smiled.
"Come on lets go home."
We drove off and went home. When we got there I picked up the baby and showed him around the house. 
"Baby this is your room, this is your crib- BARK!" I giggled at Geronimo barking. "And this is Geronimo, our other baby." 
"What's up guys, how's the tour going?" Bruno poked his head in. 
"And now mommy's tired so daddy's gonna hold you and keep showing you the house." I said handing him the baby. I kissed him in the cheek and walked to our room to get ready for bed I was exhausted.
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ilovemesomebruno256 · 11 years
Chapter 22 (Part 2)
Bruno's POV
Chesca was locked in our room for a while now and I didn't want to make things worse so I just let her be. I've been laying on this couch since I came out of the shower. So many things were going through my mind right now. I wish my memory would come back, I want more than anything to have all those beautiful memories of me and Maria back. 
I heard our bedroom door open and looked up. I saw Maria as she made her way to the baby's room. All of a sudden I heard Geronimo howl.
"What's wrong boy?" I asked petting him.
As soon as he saw Maria he followed her to the baby's room. 
"Oh come on G, not you too!" I whined and frowned. He looked back at me and continued to the room. "Trader." I said under my breathe.
Chesca's POV
"Hi baby." I bent down to pet Geronimo. "What do you think? Animal wall stickers or moon and stars?" I held up one of the giraffe wall stickers to the baby blue wall. "I think I'm gonna go with animals." Geronimo barked and I smiled. "I knew you'd like it baby." he laid down and I started putting a few wall stickers by the crib. 
It got my mind off Bruno, I don't know what to do. This is why I was afraid to move back in with him. I just know that he's gonna break my heart. I few tears escaped my eyes and quickly wiped them away and I continued putting up everything.
Bruno's POV
I slowly walked upstairs and peeked my head in the baby's room. I smiled looking at my baby's room. It was adorable there were cute animals everywhere, I love it. I feel bad because I didn't help do a single thing for the baby's arrival. 
I knocked softly on the door. Maria looked back at me and I offered her a weak smile. 
"Can I help with anything?"
"No I think this is the last thing I'm putting up, but thanks." she said putting up a painting of a baby giraffe. "I just need to clean up these boxes."
"Let me do it, you've done enough and you should be resting."
"Bruno it's fine I can do it."
"Baby please, go rest, you decorated this whole room at least let me clean up." I said picking up a couple boxes from the floor.
"Ok B." she sighed.
"Thank you." I said kissing her cheek. She smiled and walked out.
Chesca's POV
"Come on G lets go lay down." I walked to the bedroom and started to feel a little bit of back pain. That's normal though I suppose it's the weight of the baby. But as soon as I opened the door to our room I felt a ton of water come down my legs. "Oh shit." I breathe out as the pains started to intensify. "Bruno." I called and got no answer. "BRUNOOOOO!" I screamed.
He came rushing out of the room.
"Baby? What's wrong? Oh shit!" he said as he spotted the puddle I was standing in.
"Bruno my water broke." I said wincing in pain. He stood there in shock just looking at the water on the floor. "PETER!" I yelled feeling the pain coming back. "Get me to a hospital right now!" I yelled he quickly carried me down stairs and ran out the door with me. "Wait...wait the bag we need the baby's bag!" I said as he carefully put me in the passenger's seat.
"Ok I'll be right back." he said running in the house again.
I took deep breathes the pain wasn't so bad. It went away for a while, but when it came back it was NOT pleasant. Bruno hurried us to the hospital. "Ahhhhhh! OH MY GOD IT HURTS." I screamed making Bruno jump. He had one hand on the steering wheel and one on my belly.
"Baby it's gonna be ok... we're almost there... just breathe."
He started taking deep breathes with me and I do the same for a couple minutes.
"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! BRUNOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
"OH SHIT! Babe ok we're here."
He opened the door and ran to my side. 
"It's gonna be ok baby, I'm right here with you." he said looking right in my eyes.
Bruno's POV
"Promise?" she whimpered.
"I swear, I'm not going anywhere." I kissed her head as I carefully sat her down in the wheel chair.
"Follow me Mr.Hernandez." the nurse motioned for me to take her to the room.
We hurried and the doctor moved his stethoscope around her belly. They check her a whole bunch of times and said that she dilated 6 centimeters. And that we had to wait for her contractions to be more frequent. She layed in a bed and was crying in pain. I felt horrible because this is my fault, I sort of did this to her. I held her hand and she squeezed mine tightly.
"B-Bruno it's hurts." she whimpered.
"I'm right here with you baby." I kissing her hands. "It's gonna be ok, I promise. Today's the day we get to hold our baby boy in our arms." she smiled weakly. "I love you." I said kissing her forehead. I meant it too, she was the girl that was having my baby and to me she was like my hero.
"How long do I have to wait?" she winced in pain.
"The doctor said that we should take you for a walk." I answered.  
"Are you sure?" she asked confused.
"Yes." the nurse answered "Come on honey." We helped Chesca up and started walking through the hallways. We saw my whole family, all my production team, Phil, Ryan, and her grandmother. 
"AHHH!!!!" she screamed squeezing my hand.
"OWWW babe."
"Mija you're going to break his hand. Can I take it from hear nurse." the nurse nodded and she took Maria's other hand.
Chesca's POV
"Mama I knew this was going to hurt but I didn't know how much." I cried.
"Mija it'll all be worth it in the end. Mi vida va nacer tu hijo! (Your baby will be born today.)"
"What?" Bruno asked confused.
"Bruno I need to teach you Spanish!" 
"Sorry mama." he responded,
"I said that the baby will be born today so you guys should be happy." she answered.
"I'm happy." Bruno said defensively.
"AND I'M IN PAIN! HOLY FUCK!" I screamed.
"Baby stop cursing." Bruno said.
"No baby let her curse. She has an excuse this time, she can curse as much as she wants." Bruno nodded.
"Thank YOU!!!!." I have screamed.
After like an hour of walking and waiting around. The were finally giving me drills on how to push. I was done I couldn't take it anymore. The pain was excruciating I needed to get this baby out of me.
"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as I finally gave my first real push. Bruno held my hand tightly. 
"Baby it's gonna be ok, it'll be over soon." he said rubbing my hand with his thumb.
"Alright sweetie PUSH!" the doctor said. I did as I was told.
"Baby breathe." he said taking short breathes. I breathed and pushed again.
"AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I pushed. I pushed five or six more times.
"Ok sweetie I see the head give a big push."
"Ok baby 1-2-3." said Bruno I pushed.
"ONE LAST TIME!" the doctor said.
"OH MY GODDDDDD AHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed.
And then all of a sudden I hear a baby crying, it was the sweetest thing I had ever heard in my life. Bruno looked up in aw as the doctor held up our baby boy.
"Baby you did it!" Bruno smiled at me and kissed me. I smiled through the kiss happily. "I love you and I'm so proud of you." he look me right in the eyes, tears of joy escaping.
After they cut the umbilical chord and clean up the baby they handed him to Bruno.
Bruno's POV
"Hi baby." I said holding my son in my arms. He had really curly hair just like me and his mommy. His eyes were closed. I sat next to Chesca on the bed and handed her the baby.
"Hola mi amor." she said placing a gentle kiss on the baby's forehead. "You don't know how long I've wanted you in my arms. You're so beautiful." she said as tears fell from my eyes. "You look just like your daddy." I chuckled.
"What would you like to name the baby?" the nurse asked.
I looked at Maria and smiled. "Jayden, J-a-y-d-e-n Hernandez." I answered proudly. She smiled and wrote it down. 
"Maria you've made me the happiest man alive. I love you." I kissed her lightly on the lips. Every one came in the room and looked at us in amazement. Me and this girl were finally parents.
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ilovemesomebruno256 · 11 years
Chapter 22
(Part 1)
Chesca's POV
It's been a month since I moved back to LA with Bruno and everyhting was great. He was very excited about being a daddy, while I was scared shitless. I was going to be a mother and I didn't have a clue on how to do that. But luckily I won't be alone I have my grandma who moved in with Phil for a while and Bernie had agreed to stay in LA to help with the baby for a few months. Things with Bruno were good for the most part but he still hadn't remembered everything about us and sometimes it makes him akward and distant with me. Even when we kiss it feels like he's forcing it some times, it doesn't feel natural, but I guess it'll just take something getting used to. 
I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I could hear the tv down stairs and Geronimo barking. Bruno was most likely getting ready to go to the studio. This was a whole nother monster Bruno would be at the studio or at rehersals almost all day almost everyday of the week, it bothered the shit out of me but I didn't say anything because I know that he has alot on his plate. He has to memorize songs, chereography, and prepare himself to sing in front of thousands of fans that he didn't even remember he had. 
I walked down stairs and found Bruno sitting on a couch flipping absentmindedly through channels.
"Goodmorning." he smiled at me pulling me onto his lap.
"Goodmorning baby." I said kissing him softly."What are you doing today?"
"I have to go to rehersal and then I'm all yours, I promise." he kissed my cheek.
"Yay!!" I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Hey! How about I got to rehersal with you today. I want to see you guys."
"YOU CAN'T!" he said nervously. "Umm I mean no babe it's gonna take for ever and I don't want you to be uncomfortable. I want you to rest your stomach, but maybe another day when it's shorter." he said. "Plus it's supposed to be a surprise."
"Oh ok." I said with my head down a little disappointed.
"Hey." he said softly pulling up chin up with his thumb and index finger. "After rehersal I'm all yours ok?" I nodded smiling a little. "I have to go babe."
I got up off his lap and sat on the couch.
"Bye babies." he said kissing me on the lips and then kissing my tummy. He waved one last time before he disappeared.
I walked back upstairs to take a shower and got dressed. I wore a floral dress with a jean vest and scandals.
   Dresses were all that fit me at this point I was eight and a half months pregnant and I was big! Since Bruno wasn't going to back for a good two hours I decided to go visit my grandma. I fed G and left.
Bruno's POV
I walked up the stairs and rang her doorbell. 
"Hey babe." she said throwing her arms around my neck kissing me. 
"Hey beautiful did you miss me?"
"How could I not, no one can do me like you can. So how's Maria?" she asked.
"Lyla, baby you know I don't like talking about Maria when I'm with you. Let's just have fun."
"Ok baby I'm sorry. Come with me I got a surprise for you." she said seductively leading me to her room. "Sit tight I'll be right back." she said going in her bathroom. 
Lyla was an old friend from Hawaii. I used to mess around with her before I started dating Monica. We were friends with benefits just like we are now. I felt really guilty because I was doing this to Maria, I know all the pain and stress I've caused her. But I have needs and this is just until the baby is born.
"What do you think baby?" she came out with red lace lingerie.
"That looks so sexy." I said licking my lips. What Maria doesn't know won't hurt her right?
Chesca's POV
"Bye mama I'll see you tomorrow." I said hugging my grandmother.
"Bye mija cuidate." ( take care) she said.
I walked to the car and drove home Bruno should be getting out of rehearsal soon.
When I got there I decided to take a nap until he came home.
Bruno's POV
I sat there while Lyla gave me a lap dance to 'Money make her smile.' I drunkenly sang the lyrics while she started kissing my neck. "Oh shit Maria!" I slurred my words pushing Lyla off my lap. 
"Baby no stay here with me." she said tackling me to the bed again. We both laughed hard and started making out.
Chesca's POV
I woke and it was 7:00 p.m.. "Oh shit Bruno!" I got up and went down stairs.
"Baby? Are you home?"
I got no answer. 
"Bruno? Hm he's not home yet G?" I said feeling sad. "He promised me." I said as a tear ran down my face. I went to get my phone and dialed his number, but all I got was the voice mail. "Bruno where are you?" 
Another hour had passed and I still got no answer. So I called a couple more times with no success he wouldn't pick up his phone. I ended up crying myself to sleep.
Bruno's POV
(The next morning)
I woke up with the meanest hangover. "Fuck! Lyla move over babe." I turned the other way and hugged my pillow close. "OH SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT MARIA!" I yelled and caused Lyla to fall the bed. "Ughhhh I'm such and asshole." I said putting my head in my hands.
"My bad Bru I forgot you weren't supposed to be drinking. Hurry up and go to her." she said handing me my clothes.
I never understood why she like Maria, but I felt far too guilty for stand Maria up to question it.
"Bye Lyla." I ran to my car.
"Good luck."
When I got home I found Chesca curled up in a ball holding her cell phone. 
"Aw my poor baby." I said feeling even more guilty. I turned on my cellphone and saw that had many messages from Chesca. I walked over to her and kissed her cheek. I picked her up but she opened her eyes. 
"Bruno?" she said in a sleepy voice. She looked like she had been crying.
"Shh baby go back to sleep."
"Where were you?" she asked her eyes fully opened. "Put me down!" she said angrily so I did. "Bruno you smell like pure alcohol! Where were you?" she asked her eyes tearing up. "You were with monica weren't you?"
"No baby. I ended up going to a party and slept over at Ryans house because I got drunk."
"Are you sure you lost your memory because you used to do the same shit before!" she yelled walking up the stairs.
"Maria I'm trying." 
"I know, I know Bruno it's just-" she sniffles and started to cry. She sat on a step holding her head in her hands. "You promised me-" she cried.
"I'm so sorry baby." I said hugging her and rubbing her belly. "Please don't cry it's not good for the baby."
"Bruno you got to rehearsals or the studio 24/7. Would it kill you to spend an hour, just ONE hour with me?" she cried.
"I promise I'll-"
"NO! Don't make promises you can't keep." she got up and walked up stairs to our room and slammed the door. 
"I'm a fucking idiot." I feel so guilty I can't keep doing this shit to her she doesn't deserve it.
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