butter3drainbows · 4 years
Ughhh I’ve felt really emotionally drained recently, so is it ok if I request some hcs of Bruno, Caesar, or Lisa Lisa trying to help a neurodivergent/stressed/tired s/o calm down and relax? Sorry for the oddly specific ask lol you don’t have to answer if it’s too niche lolol
I don't usually accept requests but the inbox is empty and you managed to spark inspiration so Imma write you some anon ❤️ I hope they manage to make your day/night a little better 🥺🌃💖
Bruno will immediately pick up on your demeanor but won't say anything at first
I know fandom usually depicts him as this smooth, romantic gentleman who knows exactly what his S/O will need or want given a situation but canon Bruno hasn't exactly been surrounded by loved ones for most of his life since he joined Passione so I imagine him being more clumsy in his efforts to make his S/O feel better.
Dealing with an S/O he truly loves and cares about when they're feeling down is admittedly a challenge for him. It takes a little more delicacy and warmth, not like how he would usually go about it when one of his teammates is feeling bummed out where a few encouraging words and a firm grip on their shoulders will do
He will worry if the efforts he's exerting are enough to cheer you up and will constantly be assessing your mood every few minutes
He would take you out for a walk around the city and offer to buy you whatever catches your eye
You've been eyeing that cute stuffed toy behind the glass windows? He'll usher you in the shop and while you browse the items in the store, he will already have purchase the stuffed animal and present it to you.
"For you, amore...O-oh do you not like it? Don't worry! I can get you another one. I'll let you choose this time. You like it? Oh, that's a relief but I can still get you another one of your choosing if you like."
The relief on his face will be evident when he sees you smile genuinely for the first time after a few of his purchasing blunders.
Will feel his stomach flutter when he manages to make you laugh.
He managed to make you smile tonight. He guessed he's doing something right after all.
Will notice the droop of your shoulders and the less than bright look on your face right away.
No matter how much you hide your true feelings from Caesar, he will without fail, manage to coax out your grievances to him.
He will coo at you and ask you what's wrong and generally make your own personal bubble his own as he pulls you onto his lap or just holds you close while he rubs his thumbs over your cheeks.
If you don't feel like going out he will offer to make you dinner at home. This man knows how to cook! He can't be the designated cassanova of the series and not know how.
He will announce to his staff that he will be cooking for you and himself tonight but will leave them the responsibility of prepping a table by the gazebo outside his large home.
He knows you are feeling a little better if you hover somewhere beside him while he cooks. He offers you small spoonfuls of the food he will serve and run a thumb at the corners of your lips with every morsel he feeds you.
The light in your eyes when you get a taste of his cooking will have his heart constricting. How can you be this cute!?
"Does it need anything? More salt? Pepper? Perhaps more sugar? Oh, Would you like for me to administer it through a kiss? Haha I'm only teasing, mio cuore. Hmm finally, you're smiling."
After dinner, he invites you to go for a little evening stroll. He will try to bring up a conversation but if he feels like you need more peace and quiet, will indulge you and simply hold you close while you walk.
If he sees you starting to show signs of being sleepy, he will sweep you off your feet and carry you back to the mansion, shushing your protests with kisses if there are any.
You deserve everything that he could offer and more and he will willingly lay all the earthly treasures he can afford at your feet if it means getting to see you smile.
Lisa Lisa
If you made the mistake of letting your stress/tiredness show in front of LL, prepare to explain everything to her.
One look with a soft "Tell me what's wrong, dove." while she tips your chin up will be all it takes to have your thoughts spilling.
I like to think that Lisa Lisa will directly solve your problems for you if the source of your problems are coming from a situation that she can somehow pull some strings on.
You would beg her not to and insist to just let you deal with it on your own and help you relax because that's all you need right now. She would acquiesce with a frown but will agree to help you forget about your worries with activities that will help you relax.
She will either take you out for a relaxing day at the spa or a shopping spree in your chosen stores (clothes, books, pets, plants, hardware you name it, she'll get it for you)
She will keep on bringing up her offer to "pull the problem by the root" while she holds you by the hips while you walk, but you insist that it's unnecessary and that spending time with her is enough.
"The offer still stands, my sweet. There are little things that I am unwilling to do for you, you know that."
Despite your protests, she will do as she pleases anyway and passively clip the thorn/s that have been bothering you.
She imagines that you would tell her how it was really unnecessary for her to do the things she did behind the scenes but it wouldn't have sit well with her knowing you had these kinds of troublesome situations that she knows she has the solutions for.
She just wants you to live comfortably and be happy and she will let you know that she will try her hardest to keep you that way, consequences be damned.
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