#Brought Back by Fortuneteller Baba! (Baba's Champion verse)
Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
{Character Development Questions: Hard Mode || Open and Accepting!}
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I haven’t written him having nightmares much either in RPs here, the past, or in my fics. But if I were to, the themes would tie to inadequacy, failure to do something important that could have lead to a better outcome etc. Basically things he keeps himself too preoccupied in his conscious moments to dwell on.
His personal Hell/the effect Hell had on his mind (in his Hell verse) forced him to constantly remember things he didn’t want to think about while living. Making him question himself and how he viewed his life, but not in the ways they would have wanted him to. The purpose of his suffering in Hell was to make him want to repent and accept reincarnation to become someone else. Someone morally “better.” However, Nappa doesn’t want to forget himself. Even when forced to think about all his mistakes, he’d still believe he’s not evil or deserving to be in Hell. So he outright refuses to move on. Even if nobody else will remember him, or think he’s worth remembering, he’d prefer existing as Nappa in Hell rather than try to become someone else. In Hell he would be angry that people like Vegeta (and by Super continuity, EVEN FRIEZA) get a chance to continue living after doing something “redeemable” yet he was never given that chance. 
Sooo...that’s why his Fortuneteller Baba Champion verse that links with his Conton City verse exists! (After he proved he could be more troublesome being kept in Hell by finding ways to escape like how he got Raditz to escape into Otherworld and because in some bizarre way doing that for Raditz cleansed his soul a bit of some of his bad karma. Something that would still puzzle the characters who rule the afterlife and look over such things.) 
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{Send ‘Trick or Treat!  🎃’ to my inbox for a treat! || Open and Accepting in October!} your 
@indomitablepride Your treat will tug at your feels! It’s a moodboard of our  thread, Awkward Reunion, where Nappa and Vegeta meet again after Vegeta’s betrayal because of Baba bringing him back to life to fight as one of her champions. ENJOY YOUR TEARS AND HEARTACHE FRIEND! ♥
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Bulma and Nappa were two very important people in Vegeta’s life - presently and in the past, respectively. Yet neither of them had ever met in person until now. Bulma had seen the bald brute via the news broadcast and Fortuneteller Baba’s crystal ball that fateful day the Saiyans arrived on Earth for the dragon balls. But that was at least more than a decade ago.
Coincidentally, Nappa has also has seen Bulma before through the giant crystal ball Hell had for some reason. He only knew bits and pieces about her, and her relationship with Vegeta. Nothing substantial, and yet on his good days in Hell, he felt grateful she was there for the prince in his stead. On his bad days, he felt angry that his stupid mistakes, and Vegeta’s cruel decision made it so they could never meet. 
Yet here they were staring at each other in awkward silence. Vegeta was nowhere to be found at the moment, so unless he told her about his presence, Nappa might have looked like an uninvited ghost from the unpleasant part of the past. Didn’t help that he had the halo over his head that indicated that he was still a spirit, even though he had a physical form.
Did she even know who he was?
She’s one of Kakarrot’s friends, so...she must have heard something, maybe?
There’s no way Vegeta ever told her about him. Ever explained who he was, how long he had been involved in the prince’s life. That would mean that he was more than a tool to him. He knew that wasn’t true.
He needed to say something, anything at this point to break the silence. 
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Clearing his throat, he mumbled, “Vegeta invited me in...”  The statement was delivered with a strange amount of timidness for a man of his stature and build. Especially considering his despicable actions when he was alive.
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NappainAnotherDimension’s Verses {For Mobile Users}
Hell Verse
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Open Starter
Tag: #Wearing a Halo but ain't no Angel (Hell verse canon)
Setting: After his death in Dragonball Z's Saiyan Saga, in Hell based on what is shown in the series that is influenced by Japanese and Chinese folklore.
Nappa's Motivation: To explore Hell, look for opponents to fight, get stronger, or learn how to get out of Hell. Will settle for good company though.
Intended Audience: Muses who can visit Hell, will eventually go there for one reason or another, or anyone who wants to interact with the ghost of Nappa.
Space Escapades Verse
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Tag: #Fond Memories of Past Exploits (Space Escapades verse Canon)
Setting: Before the Saiyan Saga in Dragonball Z, and after the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Sometimes I may also specify that this is after their successful takeover of Shikk, when Nappa got so mad at Frieza he charged at him with aggressive intent. Where it takes place can be anywhere in space. Be it within his own galaxy or in the galaxy of another muse.
Nappa's Motivation: Nappa is still loyal to serving Vegeta, and is still a mid-level soldier in Frieza’s Planet Trade Organization. Which means he’s still assigned to purge planets in his galaxy. So he’ll still be pretty aggressive. If this is after the mission on Shikk, then Nappa could be taking some unofficial vacation time, and be less hostile towards other planets and people.
Intended Audience: Muses who are from other sci-fi series or play alien characters.
What If Nappa Lived Verse
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Canon Divergent AU
Tag: #If Things Were Different (What if Nappa Lived verse Canon)
Setting: Set anytime after the Saiyan saga, but is typically after the events on Namek. Usually on the planet Earth, but can also be on other planets and in space in his own galaxy or in the galaxy of another muse.
Nappa's Motivation: After the events on Namek, Nappa now lives on Earth and is an ally of the main characters of Dragonball Z. This is perhaps the most canon-divergent of the verses in terms of Nappa’s character. He no longer feels as destructive as he used to be, and he’s much calmer than before. When he does feel bored, he will venture out into space with a Capsule Corp. ship made for him.
Intended Audience: Canon and OC muses who wouldn’t otherwise get to interact with him because of his death in the Saiyan saga. Also works well with any humans or other muses who stay on Earth. Of course this can also still work for other sci-fi and alien muses who would rather interact with Nappa after he’s moved on from his life in the Planet Trade Organization.
WINL Verse Space Escapades
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Sub-verse for If Nappa Lived verse
Tag: #Livin' the Dream (WINL Space Escapades)
Setting: This is a verse within the What if Nappa Lived verse. Set anytime after the Namek saga, or after the Cell Saga. Usually Nappa is traveling out into space visiting distant planets from Earth.
Nappa's Motivation: When Nappa is restless on Earth and there’s no big bad to fight, he likes to go out into space. Depending on what time a thread takes place in the DBZ timeline will dictate how “good” Nappa is. After the Namek Saga, he still has a mean streak going on, but after the Cell Saga, he’s mostly "good."
Intended Audience: Muses who are from other sci-fi series or play alien characters who want to interact. Also good for fellow DBZ canon and OC muses who want a thread with a sci-fi setting.
Xenoverse 2 Mentor Verse
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A Time For Change Intro
Directly tied to the Hell verse
Tag: #A Saiyan Outta Time (Conton City Verse)
Setting: Conton City and wherever else the Time Patrollers are allowed to go for training.
Nappa's Motivation: Nappa’s taken out of the original timeline and Hell to be available as a mentor for Time Patrollers. So his motivation is to help other characters to continue living in Conton City. This verse is my take on a redemption arc for Nappa that picks up from DBZ canon.
Intended Audience: For Xenoverse 1 and 2's cast and for the many OCs created for this setting.
FighterZ Verse
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More Info Post
Directly tied to the Hell verse
Tag: #Out of the Hellfire and Into The Baking Pan (FighterZ verse Canon)
Setting: On Earth set after the events of Dragonball Z and after the Universe 6 Saga of Dragonball Super.
Nappa's Motivation: Nappa is going to be a Super Salty Saiyan™ because of what happened to him in the Saiyan saga. He may be begrudgingly working for Frieza and be an ally with the Z warriors, but what he really wants is to finally have his revenge against Vegeta. That is his end goal unless a redemption arc is being worked on in the thread. He may also be willing to work together with Android 21 if the alliance seems beneficial.
Intended Audience: Open to muses who are featured in the game and who would be on Earth at the time of this game’s story arc. This includes Player Soul muses. If you have an OC, Dragonball canon muse who wasn’t involved in this game’s story, or a muse from another fandom etc. talk with me before sending a starter and we can discuss an AU for your muse to make sense of why they’re there.
Legends Verse
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This verse follows Dragonball Super continuity 
Tag: #Cultivating Another Legend (Legends Verse Canon)
Setting: Takes place during the Tournament of Time, which is after the Tournament of Power in Dragonball Super. However, this version of Nappa was taken out of his time before Raditz came to Earth in Dragonball Z.  Nappa’s Motivation: While he and Vegeta are working together during the Tournament of Time, Lord Beerus commands Vegeta to train Shallot, Zahha, and Gohan so they could defeat Raditz. After becoming impressed by Shallot through a misunderstanding of his words, Nappa happily decides to train and mentor them all with a particular fondness for Shallot for what he perceived as him admiring how powerful he was. (I still need to finish watching more of Alejandro Saab’s playthrough of the game, so I’ll fill in more details as I become more familiar with what happens after)
Intended Audience: Open to muses who are featured in the game and any OCs who might also be taking part in the Tournament of Time. 
Baba's Champion Verse
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Directly tied to the Hell & Xenoverse 2 verses
Tag: #Brought Back by Fortuneteller Baba! (Baba's Champion verse)
Setting: On Earth either at Baba's palace our out exploring Earth if nobody's around.
Nappa's Motivation: He is resurrected for a day to fight as one of her champions. So his job is to fight anyone who wants a free fortune reading from Baba after they defeat the other four champions she has lined up for challengers. He may also get bored and explore Earth on his own.
Intended Audience: A fairly niche verse made to interact with DBZ canon muses who Nappa still has unfinished business with. Open to other muses who would be on Earth and might want to get a free reading from Fortuneteller Baba.
Planet Vegeta AU
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Canon divergent AU
More Info Post coming soon
Warning: Heavy with Saiyan Politics
Tag: #Home Sweet Home (Planet Vegeta AU)
Setting: Any point after the Saiyan-Tuffle War on Planet Vegeta (formerly known as Planet Plant) in an alternate universe where Frieza never destroyed the planet, and the Saiyans successfully found a way to overthrow his rule over them. The Planet Trade Organization’s technology, armor, etc have remained in their use and is part of their cultural identity.
Nappa's Motivation: Without the Arcosians ruling over them, the Saiyans pretty much continue to plunder and purge other planets to benefit their own empire. They also form alliances with other planets, trading goods with them and/or send their warriors to settle their wars for them. Nappa serves King Vegeta as the top General of the Saiyan Army, and is the bodyguard and partner to the prince, Vegeta. He has lovers and children in this AU. Nappa has even more accomplishments to add to his laurels in this AU, and has a stronger sense of honor about his actions since everything he does benefits his family and his people. Therefore, he has a more commanding presence, is militantly serious, and straight-laced. Nappa still has a kinder disposition towards Saiyans compared to other species of aliens. Unless those Saiyans are traitors, or disrespectful towards him and the royal family.
Intended Audience: Muses who are Saiyan characters (canon or OCs) who would like to participate in this AU. Also any sci-fi muses who might like to deal with the Saiyans as a political power that is either a threat or ally to their own planet and people. Keep in mind Nappa’s much more political-minded in this verse than he is in others.
Tenchi Muyo! Verse
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Sub-verse to Space Escapades verses
Crossover for Tenchi Muyo! muses
More information post coming soon
Tag: #Leaving All but the Future Far Behind (Tenchi Muyo! verse Canon)
Setting: Set within the side of Space where Jurai rules and the Galaxy Police enforces the various laws of their galaxy.
Nappa's Motivation: After being insulted by Frieza for taking 3 days to conquer Shikk, Nappa decides to go AWOL when he realizes he lost his desire to kill and destroy for the tyrant he and his comrades work for. Upon being accosted by Galaxy Police Detective Mihoshi Kuramitsu, he decides to play along with getting arrested. After helping her solve a cold case, Nappa comes to Earth with Mihoshi to meet the Masaki family. (Though really it's just to keep an eye on a dangerous visitor.)
Intended Audience: A niche crossover for Tenchi Muyo! canon muses to interact with Nappa since I roleplay with a few of them in a connected narrative since we all know each other through our mutual love for the series. Also open to other muses who are from any of the Tenchi series.
Star Wars Verse
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Sub-verse to Space Escapades verse
Crossover for Star Wars muses
Tag: #Visiting a Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars AU canon verse)
Setting: Takes place before the events of Saiyan Saga. Either in the Star Wars or DBZ setting. Depends on the partner and the plot of the thread.
Nappa's Motivation: Nappa is still a soldier from the Planet Trade Organization and will take on jobs for anyone Frieza is working with.
Intended Audience: A niche crossover for the occasional Star Wars canon or OC character.
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