#Bromo Adventure
lostsoulsparadise · 2 years
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Mount Bromo, Indonesia | manueldietrichphotography |Lost Souls Paradise | Instagram
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juanda-tour-bromo · 4 months
Juanda Tour Bromo: Menyatu dengan Keindahan Alam
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Bayangkan betapa menakjubkannya saat matahari terbit perlahan-lahan di cakrawala, memberikan cahaya emas yang memantul indah di lautan pasir Bromo. Udara segar pegunungan menyambut setiap napas kita, seakan menyihir untuk terus mengagumi keindahan ciptaan Tuhan. Inilah pesona Gunung Bromo, destinasi wisata yang selalu memikat hati, memanggil jiwa-jiwa petualang dari seluruh penjuru dunia.
Perjalanan dari Bandara Juanda menuju Bromo adalah petualangan tersendiri. Dari hiruk-pikuk kota Surabaya, kita akan memasuki suasana yang lebih tenang dan alami. Citronoyo Travel siap menjadi sahabat setia perjalanan Anda. Dengan layanan taksi dan travel kami, Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang kenyamanan dan keamanan. Kami memastikan setiap perjalanan Anda penuh dengan kenangan manis yang tak terlupakan.
Saat memulai perjalanan, perasaan antusias dan penasaran akan menyelimuti. Jalan berliku yang ditempuh memberikan sensasi tersendiri, membawa kita melewati pemandangan hijau yang memanjakan mata. Rasa letih seolah terbayar lunas ketika kita tiba di kawasan Bromo yang magis. Udara sejuk pegunungan langsung menyegarkan pikiran, seakan menghapus segala penat dan lelah.
Tidak ada yang bisa menandingi perasaan saat berdiri di bibir kawah Bromo. Melihat asap putih yang mengepul dari dalam kawah, mendengar gemuruh halus dari dalam perut bumi, membuat kita sadar betapa kecilnya manusia di hadapan kebesaran alam. Melangkah di lautan pasir yang luas, kita seakan berada di dunia lain, dunia yang penuh keajaiban dan misteri.
Menikmati matahari terbit di Penanjakan adalah momen yang selalu dinanti. Cahaya pertama yang muncul di ufuk timur memberikan harapan baru, energi positif yang mengalir ke dalam jiwa. Pemandangan ini bukan hanya memanjakan mata, tetapi juga menyentuh hati, memberikan kesan yang akan selalu dikenang.
Dengan Citronoyo Travel, perjalanan dari Juanda ke Bromo menjadi lebih mudah dan menyenangkan. Kami menawarkan berbagai pilihan kendaraan yang nyaman, sopir berpengalaman yang ramah, dan pelayanan terbaik yang akan membuat Anda merasa seperti keluarga. Setiap perjalanan adalah cerita baru, petualangan baru, dan kami ada di sana untuk menemani setiap langkah Anda.
Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Rasakan keajaiban Gunung Bromo bersama Citronoyo Travel. Mari ciptakan kenangan indah yang tak terlupakan, menyatu dengan keindahan alam yang mempesona. Perjalanan ini bukan hanya tentang destinasi, tetapi juga tentang pengalaman, emosi, dan kebahagiaan yang akan Anda bawa pulang.
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khatulistiwaadventure · 11 months
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Paket Fun Offroad Jeep Wisata, Hub 0819-4343-1484
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Hub 0819-4343-1484, Gemilang Tour melayani Outbound Team Building Gathering, Paket Outbound Rafting Malang, Vendor Outbound Rafting Batu Malang, EO Outing Sekolah Batu Malang, Paket Outbond Bromo.
Hubungi kami via Whatsapp atau Klik https://wa.me/6281943431484
Paket Fun Offroad Jeep Wisata
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Paket Fun Offroad Jeep Wisata adalah solusi yang sempurna bagi pecinta petualangan dan kegiatan offroad. Melalui paket ini, Anda akan diajak untuk menjelajahi medan yang menantang di Malang dengan menggunakan jeep yang tangguh dan bertenaga.
Selama perjalanan, Anda akan merasakan sensasi mengemudi di medan yang berat seperti pegunungan, hutan, atau sungai. Jeep yang kuat akan melibas berbagai rintangan dan memastikan Anda dapat menikmati keindahan alam Malang dengan cara yang unik.
Paket ini mencakup pemandu yang berpengalaman yang akan memandu Anda melalui rute yang menarik dan penuh tantangan. Mereka akan memberikan informasi tentang setiap tempat yang dikunjungi dan memastikan keselamatan Anda selama perjalanan.
Keyword yang sering dicari tentang kami adalah : Event Organizer Untuk Gathering Kantor, Arung Jeram Adventure, Eo Gathering Perusahaan, Eo Outing Kantor, Jasa Team Building, Tour Ke Bromo Dari Batu Malang, Jasa Outbound, Tempat Outbound Di Jawa Timur, Paket Outing Kantor.
Info dan Reservasi :
Gemilang Tour
WA 0819-4343-1484
WA 0819-4343-1484
WA 0819-4343-1484
Link Whatsapp
#OutboundTeamBuildingGathering, #PaketOutboundRaftingMalang, #VendorOutboundRaftingBatuMalang, #EOOutingSekolahBatuMalang, #PaketOutbondBromo
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rentalmobilmlg · 11 months
Nikmati Keindahan Alam!, WA 0822-2894-0815, Paket City Tour Kota Malang Sunrise Bromo
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"Selamat datang di Kota Malang, di mana petualangan tak terbatas menanti Anda! Dengan Paket City Tour kami, Anda akan menjelajahi sejarah, alam, dan budaya kota ini.
🏰 Kunjungi tempat bersejarah.
🏞️ Nikmati keindahan alam di seluruh Malang
🛍️ Belanja oleh-oleh dan lezatnya kuliner Malang.
🏨 Akomodasi nyaman selama perjalanan.
Info selengkapnya bisa melalui nomer dibawah ini :
📲 WhatsApp : 0822-2894-0815
Jadikan perjalanan Anda ke Kota Malang tak terlupakan dengan kami. Hubungi kami segera untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan. Selamat menikmati petualangan di Kota Malang!"
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iwan-fadila · 1 year
Yamaha WR 155 R Terbukti Tangguh di Gelaran bLU cRU Adventure Ride
motogokil.com – Assalamu’alaikum wa rochmatullohi wa barokatuh, semoga kita semua selamat di perjalanan sampai ke tujuan. Pembuktian WR 155 R sebagai motor Dual Purpose terbaik untuk mendukung hobi berpetualang para pecinta off road tanah air, kali ini kembali ditunjukan melalui kegiatan Trabas yang bertajuk bLU cRU Adventure Ride. Mengambil momen hari kemerdakaan Indonesia pada tanggal 17 – 18…
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greenthestral · 1 year
Indonesia: A Global Tourism Destination
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Indonesia, a Southeast Asian country comprising thousands of volcanic islands, is rapidly emerging as a global tourism destination. With its diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality, Indonesia offers a unique and unforgettable travel experience. From pristine beaches to lush rainforests, ancient temples to vibrant markets, this archipelago has something for every traveler. In this article, we will explore the reasons why Indonesia has become a must-visit destination for tourists from all over the world.
Natural Wonders and Breathtaking Landscapes
Indonesia's natural beauty is a mesmerizing tapestry of stunning landscapes that never fails to captivate travelers from around the world. This Southeast Asian gem is blessed with an abundance of natural wonders that leave visitors in awe of their sheer magnificence.
One of the iconic natural attractions in Indonesia is the world-famous rice terraces of Bali. These terraced fields, meticulously carved into the hillsides, present a breathtaking sight. The emerald-green paddies cascading down the slopes create a harmonious blend with the surrounding landscapes, offering a picturesque backdrop for photographs and a serene ambiance for those who wish to immerse themselves in nature's embrace.
Another majestic wonder that showcases Indonesia's natural grandeur is Mount Bromo, situated in East Java. This active volcano is a sight to behold, with its ethereal landscapes and dramatic sunrises. Trekking up the mountain before dawn rewards adventurers with a breathtaking view as the rising sun paints the sky in hues of pink and orange, casting a golden glow on the volcanic peaks and the sea of clouds below.
Indonesia is also renowned for its pristine beaches that beckon sun-seeking travelers from far and wide. Bali, with its postcard-perfect shorelines, is a paradise for beach lovers. The famous Kuta Beach offers a vibrant atmosphere with its bustling beach clubs and energetic surf scene, while the nearby Seminyak Beach is known for its luxurious resorts and upscale dining options. Lombok, an island located east of Bali, boasts stunning white sand beaches like Selong Belanak and Tanjung Aan, which offer a tranquil escape from the crowds. The Gili Islands, a trio of small islands off the coast of Lombok, are renowned for their crystal-clear turquoise waters and thriving coral reefs, making them a haven for snorkelers and scuba divers.
For wildlife enthusiasts, a visit to the world-renowned Komodo National Park is a must. This UNESCO World Heritage site is home to the legendary Komodo dragons, the largest lizards on Earth. These prehistoric creatures, with their menacing appearance and impressive size, roam freely on the islands of Komodo and Rinca within the national park. Observing these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat is a thrilling experience that offers a glimpse into the ancient past.
But Indonesia's natural beauty extends far beyond its rice terraces, volcanoes, beaches, and Komodo dragons. The country is also blessed with lush rainforests that teem with biodiversity. The jungles of Sumatra and Borneo are home to remarkable wildlife, including orangutans, tigers, elephants, and a myriad of exotic bird species. Exploring these dense forests, either on foot or by taking river cruises, provides an opportunity to witness the wonders of the natural world up close and personal.
Additionally, Indonesia boasts numerous stunning waterfalls, each with its own unique charm. Tegenungan Waterfall in Bali cascades gracefully into a natural pool, inviting visitors to take a refreshing dip amidst the lush greenery. Meanwhile, Madakaripura Waterfall in East Java is a hidden gem nestled in a narrow canyon, surrounded by towering cliffs that create a magical and mystical atmosphere.
Indonesia's natural beauty is a true testament to the awe-inspiring wonders of our planet. From the captivating rice terraces of Bali to the majestic peaks of Mount Bromo, from the pristine beaches of Lombok and the Gili Islands to the prehistoric Komodo dragons of Komodo National Park, this country offers a diverse array of natural attractions that leave travelers speechless. Exploring the remarkable landscapes, encountering unique wildlife, and witnessing the power and tranquility of Indonesia's natural wonders is an experience that will undoubtedly create lasting memories for anyone fortunate enough to visit this global tourism destination.
Rich Cultural Heritage
Indonesia is a melting pot of diverse cultures and traditions. The country's cultural heritage is deeply rooted in its history and is reflected in its architecture, arts, music, and festivals. The ancient temples of Borobudur and Prambanan in Central Java showcase the impressive architectural and artistic achievements of Indonesia's past. The traditional dance performances, such as the Balinese Legong and the Javanese Ramayana Ballet, provide a glimpse into the country's vibrant artistic traditions. Travelers can also immerse themselves in local customs and traditions by participating in traditional ceremonies or visiting local villages, offering a truly authentic cultural experience.
Adventure and Outdoor Activities
For adrenaline junkies and outdoor enthusiasts, Indonesia offers a wide range of thrilling activities. The country's diverse landscapes provide the perfect backdrop for adventure sports such as surfing, diving, hiking, and white-water rafting. Bali, known as the "Island of the Gods," is a surfer's paradise, attracting wave riders from all over the world. The pristine waters surrounding the islands of Komodo and Raja Ampat offer incredible diving and snorkeling opportunities, allowing visitors to explore vibrant coral reefs and encounter a rich diversity of marine life. The challenging hikes to Mount Rinjani in Lombok or Mount Ijen in East Java reward trekkers with breathtaking views and unforgettable experiences.
Culinary Delights
Indonesia's culinary scene is a gastronomic delight for food lovers. The country's cuisine is a fusion of diverse influences, including Malay, Chinese, Indian, and European flavors. From the famous rendang (a slow-cooked meat dish) to the spicy sambal (a chili-based condiment), Indonesian cuisine tantalizes taste buds with its rich and aromatic flavors. Exploring the local food markets, such as the bustling Pasar Baru in Jakarta or the vibrant Ubud Market in Bali, is an excellent way to sample a variety of traditional dishes. Indonesian street food, with its affordable prices and mouth watering flavors, is also a favorite among both locals and tourists.
Warm Hospitality
Indonesians are known for their warm and welcoming nature. The genuine hospitality and friendliness of the locals leave a lasting impression on visitors. From the moment you step foot in Indonesia, you are greeted with smiles and open arms. The local people are always willing to help and share their culture, making tourists feel at home in this tropical paradise. Whether it's a homestay in a traditional village or a luxury resort on a secluded island, Indonesian hospitality ensures that every traveler's needs are met and their experiences are memorable.
Indonesia has established itself as a global tourism destination due to its natural wonders, rich cultural heritage, adventure opportunities, culinary delights, and warm hospitality. The country's diverse landscapes, from pristine beaches to lush rainforests, offer endless possibilities for exploration and relaxation. The vibrant culture and traditions provide a unique and immersive experience for travelers seeking authenticity. Whether you're an adventure enthusiast, a culture lover, or a foodie, Indonesia has something to offer everyone. So, pack your bags and embark on a journey to discover the beauty and wonders of Indonesia, a destination that will leave you with memories to cherish for a lifetime.
#Discover the natural wonders of Indonesia#Explore Indonesia's stunning landscapes#Unveiling the beauty of Indonesia's rice terraces#Mount Bromo: Indonesia's majestic volcano#Indonesia's pristine beaches: A sun-seeker's paradise#Komodo National Park: Encounter the legendary dragons#Immerse in Indonesia's rich wildlife and biodiversity#Indonesia's hidden gems: Waterfalls that will leave you in awe#Indonesia: A haven for adventure and outdoor activities#Indonesia's cultural heritage: A journey through traditions#Indonesian cuisine: A gastronomic delight#Indonesia's warm hospitality: Feel at home in paradise#Unforgettable experiences in Indonesia's natural wonders#Why Indonesia is a must-visit destination for nature lovers#Experience the allure of Indonesia's diverse landscapes#Indonesia: Where natural beauty meets cultural richness#Planning your dream vacation in Indonesia#Indonesia's off-the-beaten-path destinations: Explore the unknown#Indonesia's wildlife encounters: A photographer's dream#Indonesia's hidden treasures: Beyond the tourist hotspots#The allure of Indonesia's island life#Indonesia's captivating waterfalls: Nature's masterpieces#Indonesia's adventure travel: Thrills in paradise#Indonesia's vibrant festivals: A celebration of culture#Indonesia's unique blend of tradition and modernity#The magic of Indonesia's sunsets: A photographer's paradise#Exploring the untouched beauty of Indonesia's rainforests#Indonesia's culinary journey: From street food to fine dining#Indonesia: A cultural melting pot in Southeast Asia#Indonesia's diverse landscapes: From beaches to volcanoes
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outbounddst · 2 years
Hubungi, 0821-1777-7699, Layanan, Outbound, Malang, Layanan, Outbound, Batu, Layanan, Outbound, Batu, Malang, Outbound, Training, Outbound, Training, Malang, Outbound, Training, Batu, Outbound, Training, Malang, Batu, Paket, Outbound, Training, Paket, Outbound, Training, Malang, Paket, Outbound, Training, Batu, Paket, Outbound, Training, Malang, Batu, Lembaga, Outbound, Training, Lembaga, Outbound, Training, Malang
Outbound Dutasukses Layanan Penyedia Outing Kantor & Outbound Fun Games di Area Malang Batu
Dengan Trainer Outbound yang Profesional, Berpengalaman lebih dari 6 Tahun dan sudah melayani berbagai instansi, sekolah, puskesmas, pemerintahan, dll.
Outbound DutaSukses, Outbound With Qur'an, Outbound Training, Outbound Adventure, Outbound Gathering, Open Trip Bromo, Outing Kantor.
Konsultasi & Booking Jadwal Outbound DutaSukses TELP/WA 08211-7777-699 klik https://wa.me/6282117777699 website : https://dutasukses.com/outing-kantor-malang-batu/
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biggerthancalli13 · 2 years
Part 2: National Park and Secret Edelweiss Garden
Part 1 | The full list
Ah, yes. I think for me, so far, this is my favourite part.
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Adventure
Three days ago, my Mom booked a tour guide with a Jeep at Gubuk Ndeso. Yeah, you could book a Jeep there.
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is a national park (duh) in East Java, Indonesia. Bromo is the name of a mountain and the crater, Tengger is a local tribe that lives around the national park, and Semeru is the name of a mountain. It's a very popular place for Indonesian, people who loves to watch sunrise, photographer, etc. Some Indonesian movies also takes place in this national park, because of the gorgeous mountains and hills.
It's Sunday, 01:30 in the morning and we woke up because the Jeep will arrived at Gubuk Ndeso at 2 am. This is the adventure plan:
Watching the sunrise at King Kong Hill
Went to the savana and take some photos
Went to Teletubbies Hill and having some snacks and taking photos
Take a few photos at Whispering Sand
And it turns out the guide's car wasn't a Jeep, but a FJ40 Land Cruiser. In the darkness of a very early morning, our guide took us through windy & quite bumpy streets, making us stay awake inside the Land Cruiser. On the way, the guide explained about he choosed King Kong Hill and the reason why. "Actually there's a lot of points where you can watch sunrise, and next to us right now, it's called Bukit Cinta (Love Hill), but it's too popular and it can get crowd, so I will take you to Bukit King Kong (King Kong Hill), which is quite crowdy, actually, but not as crowd as Love Hill."
The guide also explained about the cold, "If you came at dry season, it'll be colder because the wind is stronger. And what makes it cold is the wind, not the temperature. The temperature's not that cold, it's just the wind being so strong."
After 1 hour drives, which felt so short, the driver parked the car on the roadside, and said "I'll wait here, you can just walk a bit uphill for a few meters and you can wait while drinking hot drinks at the local stalls there. There's a street that leads to the watching point, it's super easy to spot. I'll be in the car, when you're done, just get back to the car."
So with thick jacket, gloves, and a beanie, we walked through the small street that our guide told us. There's a lot of scarfs, beanies and gloves seller, offering us their products. And a thing that quite surprised me is that some stall rent jackets. It's just new to me.
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It was very cold, so we get into a stall and ordered four hot sweet teas. And they're surprisingly very good. The tea taste different than any other teas that I've ever drinked. I don't know what kind of tea is this because I'm not the type of person who drinks tea everyday or a tea lover, but it's very good. All the time, I hold my glass to warmed my hand😅
There's a lot of edelweiss flower sellers, but fyi, edelweiss is a rare flower and in Indonesia it was illegal to pluck it. I don't know why there's so much edelweiss seller there. I just don't want to buy it. I think if I buy it, it's like supporting the sellers to commit illegal activity and killing more edelweiss.
There, we walked to the sunrise watching point after doing Fajr prayer. The road was quite dark, but it's not very dark. But just in case, you could bring a flashlight.
When we arrived at the watching point, it was still dark. It's crowded, but not very crowd. After waiting for a few minutes, shivering all the time, the sun rises, finally. And I swear, it was so f-ing beautiful.
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That completely, definitely worth the cold.
After pleasing our eyes, we get back to the car. Our guide was there, he took us to the wide savana through I'm not being dramatic here, but good Lord, it was beautiful. I'll put the photos on a different post because I have plenty of photos.
Just like the plans, we went to Teletubbies Hill and Whispering Sand. Here's the photos.
And with that, the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park has ended. Our friendly guide drive us back to Gubuk Ndeso. There, we have a simple breakfast, fried rice with sunny side up and some papaya, pack up that surprised me because it took a lot of time, then my father drive us to Bawangan Resto & Hotel for lunch.
Bawangan Bromo Resto & Hotel
Quick info, we didn't stay at the hotel in Bawangan Bromo Resto & Hotel, we just went there for lunch. We stay at Bromo Permai Resort, and I'll get to it later.
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It was a nice, not too big, traditional-themed restaurant, and I had a good time there. We ordered their grilled chicken, rice, and deep-fried eel. Yup, eel. Unfortunately I didn't take photos because I'm so hungry😅 We ordered cold orange juice, and one unique drink. Cold saffron-colored rice. In Indonesia, people usually make traditional herbal drink called jamu with saffron-colored rice. It tasted really good. The taste wasn't as intense as I thought, tho. The grilled chicken was very good, but it was a bit too hot for my 8 yo brother.
Bromo Permai: Hotel & Restaurant
After taking some lunch at Bawangan Resto, my father drive us to Bromo Permai Hotel, a hotel which is actually bungalow's that sticks to each other with a very nice little garden in the middle.
The room was nice, it was simple but clean. It's a really nice place if you're searching a nice but cheap hotel to sleep because you want to go to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Unfortunately, it was so cold for my family and I at night. We cannot sleep comfortably because of the coldness. Maybe if we're going to stay there next time, we would've bring a heater.
And with that, the second day has ended. Thank you so much for reading this!
All the love, -R-
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gabluwaelah · 2 years
Mount Bromo and Tumpak Sewu Waterfall Tour 3 Days
Thanks for coming and join us Ms. Zabrina #bromotumpaksewuwaterfalltour from Surabaya 3 Days 2 Night
trip on 15-17 Nov 2022
Itinerary and price click here : https://tripwisatabromo.com/tours/mount-bromo-tumpak-sewu-waterfall/
Contact us : +6281336276475 / +6281252370780
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Bromo 1 Hari dari Surabaya
Terimakasih untuk Mas Andre sudah percayakan #tourbromo dari #Surabaya 15 November 2022 kepada travel agent kami.
More info : https://bit.ly/3RBfdWc
Whatsapp : +6281336276475 / +6281252370780
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mangotalkies · 1 year
nostalgia, to me, is not the emotion that follows a longing for something you lost, or for something you never had to begin with, or that never really existed at all. it's not even, not really, the feeling that arises when you realize that you missed out on a chance to see something, to know someone, to be a part of some adventure or enterprise or milieu that will never come again. nostalgia, most truly and most meaningfully, is the emotional experience—always momentary, always fragile—of having what you lost or never had, of seeing what you missed seeing, of meeting the people you missed knowing, of sipping coffee in the storied cafés that are now hot-yoga studios. It’s the feeling that overcomes you when some minor vanished beauty of the world is momentarily restored, whether summoned by art or by the accidental enchantment of a painted advertisement for sen-sen, say, or bromo-seltzer, hidden for decades, then suddenly revealed on a brick wall when a neighbouring building is torn down. In that moment, you are connected; you have placed a phone call directly into the past and heard an answering voice.
- the true meaning of nostalgia, michael chabon
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juanda-tour-bromo · 4 months
Paket Wisata Gunung Bromo
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Berapa Biaya Paket Wisata Gunung Bromo?
Mengunjungi Gunung Bromo adalah pengalaman yang luar biasa dan kami menawarkan berbagai paket wisata Gunung Bromo yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan anggaran Anda. Biaya untuk paket wisata ini bervariasi tergantung pada fasilitas yang Anda pilih dan durasi perjalanan.
Paket Standar: Paket ini mencakup transportasi pulang-pergi dari Surabaya atau Malang, tiket masuk Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru, dan pemandu wisata berpengalaman. Harga mulai dari Rp 450.000 per orang.
Paket Lengkap: Selain fasilitas yang ada di paket standar, paket ini juga mencakup penginapan semalam di hotel berbintang di dekat Gunung Bromo, makan malam dan sarapan. Harga mulai dari Rp 1.500.000 per orang.
Paket VIP: Untuk Anda yang menginginkan kenyamanan ekstra, kami menyediakan paket VIP yang mencakup semua fasilitas di paket lengkap ditambah dengan transportasi privat dengan kendaraan mewah, makanan mewah, dan pemandu wisata pribadi. Harga mulai dari Rp 3.000.000 per orang.
Dengan berbagai pilihan paket ini, Anda dapat menyesuaikan perjalanan Anda sesuai dengan preferensi dan anggaran. Kami memastikan setiap wisatawan mendapatkan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan di Gunung Bromo.
Apakah Gunung Bromo Layak Dikunjungi?
Jawabannya adalah YA. Gunung Bromo menawarkan pemandangan yang menakjubkan dan pengalaman yang tidak akan terlupakan. Dari panorama matahari terbit di puncak Penanjakan, kawah berasap yang misterius, hingga lautan pasir yang luas, setiap sudut Gunung Bromo menyajikan keindahan yang memukau.
Keindahan Alam: Gunung Bromo terkenal dengan panorama matahari terbitnya yang memukau. Ketika matahari mulai muncul dari balik pegunungan, pemandangan yang disajikan sungguh spektakuler. Pemandangan ini sangat populer di kalangan fotografer dan pecinta alam.
Budaya dan Tradisi: Selain keindahan alamnya, Gunung Bromo juga memiliki nilai budaya yang tinggi. Suku Tengger yang mendiami kawasan ini memiliki berbagai tradisi unik, seperti upacara Kasada, di mana mereka mempersembahkan sesajen ke kawah Bromo.
Aktivitas Menarik: Di sekitar Gunung Bromo, Anda dapat melakukan berbagai aktivitas menarik seperti berkuda di lautan pasir, mendaki ke kawah Bromo, atau mengunjungi Bukit Teletubbies yang hijau. Setiap aktivitas menawarkan pengalaman yang unik dan menarik.
Gunung Bromo tidak hanya menawarkan pemandangan yang indah tetapi juga pengalaman budaya dan petualangan yang berharga. Oleh karena itu, tempat ini sangat layak untuk dikunjungi.
Berapa Lama Perjalanan dari Surabaya ke Gunung Bromo?
Perjalanan dari Surabaya ke Gunung Bromo biasanya memakan waktu sekitar 3 hingga 4 jam, tergantung pada kondisi lalu lintas dan rute yang diambil. Kami merekomendasikan beberapa rute yang umum digunakan:
Rute Melalui Probolinggo: Rute ini adalah rute yang paling umum dan paling mudah diakses. Anda dapat mengambil jalan tol dari Surabaya ke Probolinggo, kemudian melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Cemoro Lawang, pintu masuk utama ke Gunung Bromo. Perjalanan ini memakan waktu sekitar 3 jam.
Rute Melalui Malang: Alternatif lain adalah melalui Malang. Rute ini lebih panjang dan berkelok, tetapi pemandangannya sangat indah. Perjalanan dari Surabaya ke Malang memakan waktu sekitar 2 jam, kemudian dilanjutkan ke Tumpang dan akhirnya ke Gunung Bromo. Total waktu perjalanan sekitar 4 jam.
Kami menyediakan transportasi yang nyaman dan aman untuk memastikan Anda tiba di Gunung Bromo dengan tenang dan siap untuk menikmati keindahannya.
Kapan Waktu Terbaik untuk Mengunjungi Gunung Bromo?
Waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi Gunung Bromo adalah antara bulan Mei hingga September, di mana cuaca cenderung lebih kering dan langit lebih cerah. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa periode ini ideal:
Cuaca Cerah: Selama musim kemarau, kemungkinan besar Anda akan mendapatkan pemandangan yang jelas dan indah, terutama saat matahari terbit. Langit yang cerah memberikan latar belakang yang sempurna untuk foto-foto menakjubkan.
Keadaan Jalan: Musim kemarau juga berarti kondisi jalan lebih baik dan lebih aman, karena tidak ada genangan air atau lumpur yang dapat menghambat perjalanan Anda menuju Gunung Bromo.
Acara dan Festival: Bulan Juni dan Juli biasanya diadakan Festival Yadnya Kasada oleh Suku Tengger, di mana mereka melakukan upacara tradisional yang unik dan menarik untuk disaksikan.
Namun, jika Anda tidak dapat mengunjungi selama musim kemarau, Gunung Bromo tetap dapat dikunjungi sepanjang tahun. Hanya saja, perlu diingat bahwa musim hujan (November hingga Maret) dapat membawa tantangan tambahan seperti jalanan yang licin dan visibilitas yang terbatas.
Untuk pengalaman yang optimal, pastikan untuk merencanakan kunjungan Anda dengan baik dan memilih waktu yang tepat sesuai dengan preferensi dan kenyamanan Anda.
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Nikmati keindahan Gunung Bromo saat matahari terbit, sebuah momen terbaik saat berkunjung Bromo. Tuju juga destinasi-destinasi menarik di kawasan Gunung Bromo, superti kawah Bromo, Pasir Berbisik dan Savana Bromo.
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Paket Outbound Rafting di Pujon Malang, Hub 0819-4343-1484
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Hub 0819-4343-1484, Gemilang Tour melayani EO Outbound Rafting di Pujon Batu Malang, EO Outbound LDKS di Batu Malang, Jasa Outbound Team Building Paintball di Batu Malang, Jasa Paket Gathering Karyawan di Batu Malang Bromo, Vendor Training Motivasi Karyawan.
Hubungi kami via Whatsapp atau Klik https://wa.me/6281943431484
Paket Outbond Flying Fox
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Paket outbond flying fox adalah pilihan yang menarik untuk menciptakan pengalaman petualangan yang mengasyikkan bagi tim Anda. Dalam paket ini, Anda akan menjalani serangkaian kegiatan yang melibatkan flying fox, serta kegiatan lainnya yang dirancang untuk memperkuat kerjasama tim.
Kegiatan flying fox akan memberikan kesempatan kepada anggota tim Anda untuk merasakan sensasi terbang dan menguji keberanian mereka. Selain itu, paket outbond flying fox juga bisa mencakup permainan tim, tantangan fisik, dan sesi refleksi. Dengan mengikuti paket ini, tim Anda akan dapat mencapai tujuan tim building sambil juga mengalami petualangan yang menyenangkan.
Keyword yang sering dicari tentang kami adalah : Event Organizer Untuk Gathering Kantor, Arung Jeram Adventure, Eo Gathering Perusahaan, Eo Outing Kantor, Jasa Team Building, Tour Ke Bromo Dari Batu Malang, Jasa Outbound, Tempat Outbound Di Jawa Timur, Paket Outing Kantor.
Info dan Reservasi :
Gemilang Tour
WA 0819-4343-1484
WA 0819-4343-1484
WA 0819-4343-1484
Link Whatsapp
#EOOutboundRaftingdiPujonBatuMalang, #EOOutboundLDKSdiBatuMalang, #JasaOutboundTeamBuildingPaintballdiBatuMalang, #JasaPaketGatheringKaryawandiBatuMalangBromo, #VendorTrainingMotivasiKaryawan
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bromoecotourism · 6 months
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The Adventure explores tourism in Java
The Beauty of Tumpak Sewu waterfall
The eco-journey package covers visits to Mount Bromo's crater, Ijen Crater, Tumpak Sewu waterfall, etc all while promoting local culture.
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