whatwouldbeenough · 5 years
Hamilton insta just announced Miguel is going to Broadway. Oof Miguel and Jimmie on Broadway. It’s about to go down!!!!
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whatwouldbeenough · 5 years
do we know who the new bway eliza is??
Not that I’ve seen. I’m too busy rn to be constantly checking Instagram though so someone else might know.
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whatwouldbeenough · 5 years
There’s a new Hamilton, Eliza, Peggy/Maria, and Laurens/Philip that Broadway is getting:)
I know I’m excited I just hope they’re actually new.
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whatwouldbeenough · 5 years
Am I the only one that wants new blood for the Broadway company? I really want a new Angelica and Peggy!?
I just want new blood in general. Broadway has turned in to a lot of pulling people from other companies which I totally get but unless we’re pulling Miguel to play Hamilton I’m kind of done with it not because those actors aren’t good but because I’m selfish and I like new people.
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whatwouldbeenough · 5 years
So Feb 2020: Miguel is going to Broadway
wait where what I need a ticket
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whatwouldbeenough · 5 years
Ryan Vasquez is playing Hamilton until 1/20. I guess Bryan Terrel Clark is Washington?
Yeah I have no idea what’s going on anymore and like tbh broadway still be out here tied as my least fav cast so I’m just hoping that means they’re giving miguel a break to move from chicago lol
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whatwouldbeenough · 5 years
So Bryan Terrell Clark is the new Hamilton!!!!!!! For Broadway
I’m in to it honestly.
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whatwouldbeenough · 5 years
I think the new Hamilton is Ryan V, and it's okay, bringing Miguel to Broadway would be a lot. Almost 4 years of principal, it is good to have new people as principal
I guess I’d be fine with that but between the two I’d rather have Miguel. He probably needs a break though after everything that’s happened recently so I wouldn’t blame him for not. 
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whatwouldbeenough · 5 years
We need a Raven Thomas Eliza audio from Broadway;(((
I’d like to hear her just to see if there’s been any growth. 
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whatwouldbeenough · 5 years
i think jennie is the other bway peglizica now because i went to see hamilton on tour and she isnt listed as a universal swing anymore but im pretty sure she is still in the show in NY
who even knowwssss with this f-ing show at this point. 
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whatwouldbeenough · 5 years
Is Bway ever going to hire another Peglizica standby?? Or is Raven just never going to go on vacation or get sick
Broadway hiring another s/b would make way too much sense. Maybe with every other company having 3 covers for them now, they’re thinking they’ll just utilize Jennie if needed. 
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whatwouldbeenough · 5 years
who's replacing elizabeth? do you think it'll be someone from another cast (maybe dorcas?) or someone new?
Not sure yet, I definitely thought maybe Dorcas too!
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whatwouldbeenough · 6 years
Do you think Shoba is going to Broadway? I mean, I do not think the Denée contract lasts a long time.
Not right now. No way Denée’s contract is up for at LEAST until April. I’m sure she at least has a year though. 
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whatwouldbeenough · 6 years
Let is say a prayer and hope that denee's wig will be half as beautiful as her natural hair 🙏🏿🙏🏾🙏🏽🙏🏼🙏🙏🏻
I’m keeping my hopes up. I’ve really only seen like two bad wigs out of the whole batch so we’ve got good chances
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whatwouldbeenough · 6 years
Who is Hamilton in the boot of JH?
When she’s Eliza it’s Michael. 
I can’t tell who it is in the one of her as Angelica. 
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whatwouldbeenough · 5 years
elizabeth judd is leaving?? did she post something?
Yesterday was her last day
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