#Broad Street post Eagles victory
aci25 · 2 years
Broad Street post Eagles victory
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anarchistnewsdaily · 7 years
News Highlights: January 22 2018 - January 28 2018
In case you didn’t see, hear, or do it yourself these are some events that took place or were reported during the last week. 
Santiago, Chile: Incendiary Attack Against the Mother of Divine Providence Parish During the Visit of the Pope
“Anonymous attackers managed to break the padlock of the perimeter fence of the religious temple, then set the Vatican and Chilean flags on fire at the the feet of a sculpture of the Virgin, as well as throwing incendiary devices at the doors of the Parish. The fire began to spread both at the door and inside the Parish before being discovered by priests and security guards who extinguished it. At the scene they would have found anarchist leaflets which were not mentioned by the media, but would have contained slogans against religion and the Pope’s visit to Chile.“
Report Back from the Eagles Riots: A Chance for Solidarity, but More Importantly, a Chance for Joy | anarchistnews.org
“On January 21st, we took the opportunity to take part in the temporary autonomous spaces created by the post victory fervor of thousands of football fans. Realizing that the soon to be victory of the Eagles was an ample time for us to strike back against the domination of civilization, the police, and the prison walls built by our own deteriorating mental, we met up with friends outside of Lincoln Financial field with the intention of freeing ourselves, albeit temporarily. We joined up with fellow members of the continuous class war in their celebration, singing, chanting, lighting fires, and using this opportunity to attack ATMs and throw a little bit of art on the dismal walls of south Philadelphia. We moved down broad street with a roving party that the Philly PD just couldn’t seem to shut down.“
Earth Liberation
FERC Grants Request to Begin Tree Cutting for Atlantic Coast Pipeline | Earth First! Newswire
“The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has granted a request by the Dominion Energy-led Atlantic Coast Pipeline to begin cutting down trees along parts of the 600-mile pipeline route in West Virginia and Virginia, despite the fact that the project still lacks some regulatory approvals.“
Menominee Tribe Files Lawsuit Over Back Forty Mine Clean Water Act Wetlands Permit | Earth First! Newswire
“Today the Menominee Tribe of Wisconsin filed a lawsuit in federal court against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The Tribe asserts that the agencies have failed to take primary responsibility for a wetland permit that is key to the future of the controversial Back Forty Mine proposal.“
Protesters March Against Snowbowl, Snowmaking
“Just the day before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a vehement group against the expansion of Arizona Snowbowl and snowmaking on Dook’o’ooslííd, marched across downtown Flagstaff, urging the city council to end the city’s contract with the ski resort.“
Estonia: Logging Threatens Endangered Species, Sacred Sites | Earth First! Newswire
“Thousands of ancient sites are at risk of logging because the government will not pay to have them mapped, according to Tiit Kaasik, board member of the country’s Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Estonia’s FSC is prepared to recommend to international headquarters that auditor Nepcon be stripped of its certification rights, he told Climate Home News, if pagan traditions are not respected.“
Hambacher Forest, Germany: Barricade-eviction, and the ‘Hambi 9’ « Contra Info
“9 activists in pre-trial detention, after being arrested during a barricade-eviction in the occupied Hambach Forest, Germany. The activists are accused of ‘obstructing the work of police officers’, during the barricade eviction on Monday the 22. of January. Arriving early in the morning, the cops were met with activists occupying blockading-infrastructure, including 2 tripods, 3 monopods, a skypod, and a 3 meter deep tunnel. The cutting of the Hambacher Forest was officially stopped early this season, on a court-decision, postponing cutting until October 1st 2018, however the risk of eviction of the occupation is as great as ever.
Canada: Kwakwaka'wakw Leaders Hand Eviction Notice to B.C. Fish Farm | Earth First! Newswire
“Setting out from Port Hardy on Vancouver Island, members of at least six B.C. First Nations took to the sea Monday to deliver an eviction notice to a fish farm operated by Marine Harvest: one of Canada’s largest producers of farmed Atlantic salmon.”
South Dakota: Oglala Lakota People Denounce State's Approval of Gold Mining | Earth First! Newswire
“At a hearing on Jan. 18, Oglala Lakota tribal members and others took issue with state officials for approving a permit transfer that moves Canadian prospectors one step closer to their goal of large-scale Black Hills gold mining.”
Animal Liberation
First Wolf in a Hundred Years Recorded in Belgium | Earth First! Newswire
“The first recorded wolf on Belgian soil for at least 100 years has made her bloody mark. Farmers in north-east Flanders have been put on high alert after evidence emerged that Naya, a female originally from eastern Germany that has been making a pioneering trek across Europe, had killed two sheep and injured a third near the Belgian town of Meerhout.“
Mutual Aid
San Diego, CA: Report on Autonomous Activity Over Last Week - It's Going Down
“Food Not Bombs of San Diego/Drop the Ban held one of several actions defying El Cajon’s new law against feeding houseless people in public on MLK Day. Earlier in the day, reportedly a blue lives matter flag was captured from a local business in an increasingly gentrified, hip part of town, and the words “I CAN’T BREATHE,” were seen painted onto the side of the building.“
“Meanwhile, signs have been put up in all of the popular panhandling spots with the words “DON’T SUPPORT PAN HANDLING. CONTRIBUTE TO THE SOLUTION…” Suggesting people donate to other services online instead. These signs are promptly being vandalized. Lastly, on January 20th, in solidarity with the J20 defendants and increasing border struggles a very large banner was dropped over the busy I-15. The banner read: “WE ARE STILL HERE DROP J20 SMASH THE WALL!” A bold three arrows on one side and a circle A on the other.“
Banner Drop
Minneapolis, MN: Banner Drop in Solidarity with #J20 - It's Going Down
“Solidarity from comrades in the Twin Cities IWW/GDC! The banner reads: Drop The Charges #Defendj20!“
Chicago: Solidarity with #J20 Defendees Coordinated Banner Drop - It's Going Down
“On the one year anniversary of the J20, partisans in Chicago coordinated a series of banner drops in support of the 59 remaining arrestees. We will continue to organize and fight with our comrades until each and every one of them is free from the state’s repression.“
Narrm / Melbourne, So-Called Australia: Banner Action for Invasion Day 2018
“Banner drop. West Gate freeway. Melbourne. Solidarity with our Indigenous brothers and sisters.”
Narrm / Melbourne, So-Called Australia: Banner & Poster Action for #7DaysOfResistance
“Anti-colonial poster & banner action for #7DaysOfResistance on occupied territory of the Boon Wurrung, Kulin Nations. South Eastern suburbs of so-called-Melbourne, ‘Australia‘.
Banners (L-R): Australia Is A Crime Scene, Stop The Genocide, Abolish Aus Day
Posters: Sovereignty Never Ceded! No Pride In Genocide, Queers Against Colonialism
Abolish Australia Day, Solidarity with the Aboriginal Resistance, Burn the Butcher’s Rag.”
Armidale, NSW, So-Called Australia: Banner Drops for Invasion Day 2018
“In the early hours of January 26th, 2018, banners were hung around so-called Armidale, NSW, with one facing out onto the parklands where Australia Day Festivities would be held later that day, reading “NO PRIDE IN GENOCIDE – JAN 26 = INVASION DAY”. This action was taken by non-Indigenous people as a minimal act of solidarity with the ongoing struggles of First Nations peoples.”
An Anarchist Survey of Amazon: Day Two | anarchistnews.org
“Security was very lose and we entered without issue or incident. This laxness was due in large part to the fact that Jeff Bezos was not going to be there. Our first observation was that the majority of Amazon employees in Seattle are between the ages of 25 and 35, many of whom wore Romanesque laurels around their heads. The only major exceptions were immigrant tech employees on H1B visas who were mostly in their 40s and early 50s. Our first stop was the silent dancing area where two hundred employees danced to music over specialty headphones provided for the occasion. It was eerily reminiscent of the celibate loner cult depicted in the film The Lobster who danced silently to their headphones in the middle of a forest. “
Union Activity
Portland, OR: Burgerville Workers Union Pickets and Expands Into More Stores - It's Going Down
“Our first picket of the year kicked off 2018 right: faced with yet another strong picket, Burgerville CLOSED THE STORE for the duration of the action for a suspicious “maintenance inspection.” This is the power of workers and the community coming together to show that we can and will continue to shut union-busters down!“
Neo-Nazi Virginia Tech Employee Mark Neuhoff Continues Online Rants Against African-Americans and Jews - It's Going Down
“This following report from New River Against Fascism, details the ongoing exploits of Graduate Assistant Mark Neuhoff, a current employee of Virginia Tech University.”
We Don't Forget J20: Action Report Back from the Greater Seattle IWW General Defense Committee - It's Going Down
“local musicians performed and the DJ blasted songs throughout the square. Not much later began a rousing march through the campus and down the University Avenue main thoroughfare.“
J20 Solidarity Demonstration in Grand Rapids, MI - It's Going Down
“On January 20, about 30 people held an event in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan in solidarity with the remaining J20 defendants. There was a short rally with speakers about the J20 case, ongoing struggles, and the importance of fighting back. Following the speakers, the crowd burned an American flag and a Trump banner before setting off on a march through the center of the city. There were numerous people masked up, anarchist flags were flying, and anti-fascist chants were plentiful.“
Berkeley, CA: Antifa Patrol Turns Up Zero Alt-Right Posters - It's Going Down
“Along the way, we were able to put several anti-fascist stickers up on campus and the surrounding area. So in the end, what was to be a 4chan propaganda night ended up becoming yet another opportunity to make it known that Berkeley is an antifa zone!“
Albany, NY: Anarchists & Radicals Stand in Solidarity with J20 Defendants at Benefit - It's Going Down
“The Albany anarchist and radical community came out en mass to celebrate and support J20 defendants at a benefit show thrown at community education space The Albany Free School in the city’s Mansion District. The event put on by “friendly neighborhood anarchists,” featured over a dozen bands from around the capital region, vegan pizza sourced and catered by Albany Food Not Bombs, and a raffle with anarchist themed prizes donated by groups such as It’s Going Down and AK Press.”
Phoenix, AZ: #MyBordersMyChoice Neo-Nazi Propaganda Efforts Foiled by Antifascists - It's Going Down
“Around 50 fliers were found in total, a large increase in prior instances, and it was determined that at least two people were involved, with the comparison of fliers, and techniques used to post them. After we were confident that we had rounded up the significant majority of fascist materials, we moved to a nearby park and disposed of them by fire.“
Stand With Tariq Khan As Alt-Right Outrage Machine Inspires Death Threats - It's Going Down
“It is questionable whether Khan and his partner will be able to continue their studies uninterrupted, putting their dreams on hold until racists can stop making harassment their pet cause.  This is disgusting, and it is not something we are going to stand by and just let happen.  Khan is a respected academic and scholar, a celebrated educator, a committed student, and an amazing father and husband.  We will not allow college campuses to be the killing fields for Alt Right terror, and we stand with Khan and anyone else who has been victimized by this kind of threat.”
Knoxville, TN: Neo-Nazis outnumbered 700 to 1 at Knoxville Women’s March - It's Going Down
“Less than two hours after they arrived at their barricaded protest area, the Traditionalist Worker Party members were escorted back to their vehicles in a nearby parking garage by several police officers in riot gear. A crowd of antifa and anti-racist activists followed them, shouting, “Go home Nazi.”
Kolkata, India: International Anarchist Solidarity Action with Villawood Hunger Strikers
“Our solidarity action involved displaying a banner, reading; “Solidarity with Villawood Hunger Strikers! Burn down the concentration camps! Boycott Australian Tourism, End Exploitation of South Asian Students!”. We also distributed 200 plus flyers to passers-by and students attending the Indian State sponsored Australian Education Fair,”
#NoDAPL Water Protector 'Rattler' Takes Non-Cooperating Plea - UNICORN RIOT
“The Water Protector Legal Collectiveannounced that attorneys for water protector Michael Markus, known as Rattler, had reached a non-cooperating plea agreement with federal prosecutors. In the deal, Rattler agreed to plead guilty to one charge of Civil Disorder in exchange for a recommended prison sentence of three years. He had been scheduled to go to trial on two charges of Civil Disorder and Use of Fire to Commit a Federal Felony Offense, which carried a minimum sentence of ten years in prison and a possible sentence of up to fifteen years.“ 
Chile: Prison Officer Michelle Barahona, Responsible for the Harassment & Mistreatment of Anarchist Comrade Tamara Sol (Eng/Esp)
“Tamara Sol has been punished in a severe and inhuman manner. The last incident was provoked when two common prisoners, instructed by the gendarmarie, threatened Tamara and she defended herself. Tamara and two comrades who came to her aid, were brutally beaten, locked in ‘La Jaula’ (punishment cell) and shackled, with their hands and feet bound.“
Third Black Cville Resident Arrested in Wake of 'Unite the Right' - It's Going Down
“Mr. Blakney is the third counter-protester to be arrested and charged arising out of the events in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017. Corey Long and DeAndre Harris are both also facing criminal charges. All three are Black men and local residents who were attacked that day.“
Italy – The Italian government’s politics in Libya |
“With the shameless pretext of the ‘struggle against human traffickers’, the Italian State is lavishly financing war lords, guards and militias (those clumsily defined as the ‘Libyan government’) for the control and mass internment of the poor in flight. Patrols and refusal of entry along the Mediterranean coast, the detention of about six hundred thousand people in the Libyan concentration camps, the erection of a wall in the desert along theborders with Niger, Chad and Mali.“
The Heat is On: Update on Week 1 of #OperationPUSH - It's Going Down
“Prison organizers who correspond with these groups are being targeted for having their “security threat level” increased–a practice that translates into greater isolation and harsher conditions of confinement. One prisoner was told point blank, “As long as you communicate with these people you’re always going to be labelled a security threat and you’re always going to be put under investigation. ”Communication has been curtailed so severely that it’s hard to know how much of an economic impact the strike has had so far; we do know that in some cases scab labor has been brought in to keep facilities running.“
BREAKING: Rashid Johnson Tortured by Florida DOC - It's Going Down
“Kevin “Rashid” Johnson is being tortured at the Florida State Prison according to an “emergency note” Rashid’s lawyers received from him yesterday dated 1/19. It is suspected the torture began sometime between 1/12 and 1/19 since there was no mention of it in his 1/12 communication. No other details are available at this time but we will post updates here once we have them. This comes immediately after news that Rashid faces an “inciting a riot” charge for merely reporting on #OperationPUSH. You can read Rashid’s original reporting on Operation PUSH and the conditions in Florida prisons on IWOC’s site here. Rashid is the Minister of Defense of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party (Prison Chapter) and a prolific organizer, author, and artist.
Albany, NY: Support for Dawedo from Capital Region Anti-Repression Committee - It's Going Down
“Here in Albany, a community member is being targeted by ICE. Dawedo Sanon was taken and is being held in an immigration facility in Buffalo, NY. She is facing court dates, and her family is navigating how to keep her home. They’re raising funds to get her out of the facility. Her family has set up a fundraiser, which you can donate to here.“
Kurdish Fighters Defend Afrin From Turkish Military Invasion in Northern Syria - UNICORN RIOT
“Turkish Armed Forces launched “Operation Olive Branch” which amounted to a full-scale military invasion of northwestern Kurdish-controlled Syria. The Turkish Armed Forces rank second to the United States, as the largest military force within the NATO alliance. In the last few days, the Turkish military along with an estimated 25,000 Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebels, have fired extensive artillery barrages into multiple villages near Afrin, dropped hundreds of bombs with F-16’s, and driven ground forces into Syria that include armored tank brigades and heavy infantry.”
“On January 17th, 2018, our compañera and community member of Cherán, Guadalupe Companur, was found dead in the area known as Irapio, in the Municipality of Chilchota, Michoacán.  We want to clarify that her assassination did not occur inside the community, nor in the territory of Cherán.  In spite of the measures of community security we have developed in our community, the region continues suffering from problems of insecurity and violence.“
Arrests and Injuries as Mexicali Resiste Defends Blockade Against Police Attack - It's Going Down
“For more than one year, residents of Mexicali have been organizing against the construction of a brewery and aqueduct by the U.S. company Constellation Brands. If completed, the facility would produce beer for export to the U.S. and consume seven to thirty million cubic meters of water annually. (A city of one million uses around 20 million cubic meters.) Earlier this month, members of Mexicali Resiste began blockading aqueduct construction. On January 16, state and local police forces attacked the blockade and an hours-long confrontation ensued. While the blockade was successfully defended, at least five were arrested and ten injured. Below is a translation of the statement released later that day by Mexicali Resiste.“
Italy – Updates on the deported Sardinian anarchist prisoner Davide Delogu |
“From a telegram we received on 15/01/2018 we learn that the censorship office has been accumulating books sent in over 8 months, which they are not giving him. He has only received two bulletins. He sends hugs to all comrades who unconditionally struggle with dignity on both sides of the walls.“
Senate Approves Extended Surveillance Powers For Trump - UNICORN RIOT
“The US Senate voted to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA – the legal underpinning for global mass surveillance carried out by the National Security Agency (NSA). The Senate passed the bill last Thursday after the US House of Representatives approved the same legislation a week earlier on January 11. President Trump signed the bill into law on Friday, January 19. The bill would extend unaccountable surveillance authorities for another seven years, at which point FISA will again be up for congressional reauthorization.“
Humanitarian Arrested After Group Releases Report Implicating US Border Patrol - UNICORN RIOT
“Hours after the release of a report titled ‘Interference with Humanitarian Aid: Death and ​Disappearance on the US-Mexico Border‘, which exposes the US Border Patrol’s efforts to destroy water, food, and blankets left by humanitarian aid workers, agents arrested an aid provider and two others receiving aid near Ajo, Arizona on January 17, 2018.
The aid provider arrested by Border Patrol was Scott Warren, who since 2013 has been working with the organization No More Deaths to provide “direct humanitarian aid in an effort to end death and suffering along the US-Mexico border.”
Judge Accepts Red Fawn Fallis Plea Agreement - UNICORN RIOT
“Red Fawn Fallis’s plea agreement was accepted by North Dakota Chief Judge Hovland. The agreement, made between her defense team and federal prosecutors, dropped the most serious charge of “discharge of a firearm in relation to a felony crime of violence.” Fallis pled guilty to the remaining charges of  ‘Civil Disorder and ‘Possession of a Firearm and Ammunition by a Convicted Felon.’ Red Fawn Fallis is expected to have a sentencing hearing sometime in May.”
Social Center Burned Down by Nazis & Nationalists in Thessaloniki, Greece - UNICORN RIOT
“Using the cover of a large nationalist rally over Macedonia naming rights, Nazis and nationalists attacked two social centers (burning one to the ground), vandalized a Holocaust Memorial and tore down a sign promoting religious tolerance. Although dozens of police were present, no arrests were reported in either of the attacks on the social centers, ‘The School’ and ‘Libertatia Squat’.“
Water Supply at the Ramsey Unit, Texas, May be Contaminated Like the Rest of the State - It's Going Down
“Jason Renard Walker is Deputy Minister of Labor for the New Afrikan Black Panther Party and one of the contributors to the Fire Inside zine. He writes here about possible water contamination in Texas prisons, as it has been revealed that across Texas, many people are drinking water polluted with radium.“
Cops, Cameras, and Condos: Bloomington Is Getting Worse - It's Going Down
“Bloomington is not an unaffordable, tightly-packed, constantly-surveilled dystopia yet. There are more condos, cameras, and cops now than in the recent past, and there will be even more of all three in the future. This piece is not meant to produce a feeling of hopelessness, but rather point out to those who are threatened by these new developments how the situation here is changing, so we can adapt. The forces of order are still not omnipotent, not even close.”
Cambodia: Environmental Activists Jailed For Photographing Boat | Earth First! Newswire
“Dem and Hun were arrested on September 12, 2017 while at sea after filming boats suspected of being involved in the transportation of illegally dredged silica sand. The two environmental activists have been held in pre-trial detention since their arrest.”
Class War Scotland member on trial for displaying a poster on his window | anarchistnews.org
”Eventually David was arrested for ’threatening or abusive behaviour’ under Section 38, The Criminal Justice and Licencing (Scotland) Act 2012 and for ‘failure to give details as a witness’ under the Court Section 13–14, The Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995. However, initially David wasn’t even charged: instead, he was taken to the police station, where he was made to wait for 9 hours, and was subjected to anal cavity search. David is a member of Class War Scotland. He says that ‘It was done to humiliate me, because they were obviously aware of my political standing which is anarchist’. David’s trial took place mid- January at Glasgow Sheriff Court and the case has been adjourned till June. “
Rest In Power
Ursula K. Le Guin, Acclaimed for Her Fantasy Fiction, Is Dead at 88
“Ursula K. Le Guin, the immensely popular author who brought literary depth and a tough-minded feminine sensibility to science fiction and fantasy with books like “The Left Hand of Darkness” and the Earthsea series, died on Monday at her home in Portland, Ore. She was 88.“
For further news check out: Anarchist News Daily
For anarchist podcasts, lectures, and audiobooks check out: F Yeah Anarchist Audio
For anarchist videos check out: F Yeah Anarchist Video
Current news sites include: itsgoingdown.org insurrectionnewsworldwide.com earthfirstjournal.org unicornriot.ninja anarchistnews.org contrainfo.espiv.net actforfree.nostate.net
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riiroo · 5 years
What To Teach Your Kids This July 2019
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Summer is officially here and it’s now time to dust off everything summery, get out there and have some fun!!
This is the time when staying in the house just isn’t an option and gives you every excuse to spend as much time outside enjoying the sun as possible.
I really can’t believe a month has passed already since our last post.
Each month at RiiRoo we focus on different interesting topics to teach your kids in addition to what they would normally learn at school.
If you missed last month’s May article - What To Teach Your Kids This June 2019 then you can read it here.
Last month (June) we looked at World environment day, Anniversary of D-Day, World Oceans Day, Juneteenth/Freedom Day, Summer Solstice, Meteor Day.
This month we’re going look at, International Joke Day, Independence Day, Battle of the Boyne, First Boeing 707, Apollo 11, Disneyland Opening, Amelia Earhart Day, National Cheesecake Day. 
July 1st - International Joke Day
Now before you start Googling to see if this is an actual day. I can assure you it is. Even I wasn’t that sure when I started researching this infamous day ;)
This day is quite fitting really since we are at the start of summer and everyone has that “feel good feeling.” Since this is the case, why not share a few jokes on the first day of the month? After all, laughter is universal isn’t it and is actually a good tonic for life!
International Joke Day is perfect for telling your very best jokes and even play a few practical jokes.
Thought to have originated in the United States, jokes have been around for millennia and it’s not clear when this day was made into a “thing.” 
If you don’t know any jokes and want to share some great ones with family and friends, then check these links out:
Hilarious Jokes for Your Kids
Jokes to Quack You Up
Funny Clean Jokes For Kids
4th July - Independence Day
Independence Day is probably one of the most famous of the special days on this list.
What is it?
Independence Day is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence of the United States on July 4, 1776. 
In essence, this day was declared by the then thirteen American colonies that they were no longer subject or under rule from Britain.
The Story of the Fourth of July
The History of the Fourth of July
18 Interesting Facts About American Independence Day
12th July - Battle of the Boyne
The Battle of the Boyne was a battle in 1690 between the forces of the deposed King James VII and II of Scotland. 
The battle took place across the River Boyne close to the town of Drogheda in the Kingdom of Ireland, modern-day Republic of Ireland, and resulted in a victory for William. 
So every year on 12th July the Battle of the Boyne is commemorated by Orange Men walking through the streets of Northern Ireland.
What was the Battle of the Boyne? Everything you need to know
10 Facts About the Battle of the Boyne
Battle of the Boyne
15th July - First Boeing 707
We kind of take large passenger planes for granted these days, don’t we? However, they haven’t been around as long as you might think. 
On the 15th July 1954 the new “Jet Age” began in the city of Seattle with their maiden flight of Dash-80 from Boeing Field. This was Boeing's prototype for the commercial airliner Boeing 707.
The 707 was the first jet transport to win broad public and commercial acceptance. This significant event kicked off the commercial airline industry we see today.
July 15th, 1954: Boeing 707 Makes First Flight
Boeing 707 Jetliner
Boeing 707 Makes First Flight
16th July - Apollo 11
One of the most significant events that happened in the month of July was the Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first two people on the Moon. More specifically, it landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:17. 
Since there weren’t millions of TV channels around at the time, the vast majority of the western population were huddled around a TV to see this astonishing event. 
It was a case of “do you remember where you were when they landed on the moon.” 
This is truly an event that you would want to teach your kids about. With the number of technological devices, we have around the home these days you could be forgiven for forgetting just how significant this event was. 
In fact, the Nintendo devices your kids play on is far more powerful than the computers that were onboard the Apollo 11.
Here are a few resources for you:
Apollo 11 Flight Log
50th anniversary of Apollo 11 - NASA
Apollo 11 Mission Overview | NASA
17th July - Disneyland Opens In 1955
One of the most iconic theme parks in the world was originally opened on July 17, 1955. Yes, you read right, “1955.”
Did you know it is the only park that was designed, built and supervised by the late Walt Disney? 
Mr. Disney came up with the concept of the park after visiting various other amusement parks with his daughters in the 1930s and 1940s. 
He originally thought of building the attraction adjacent to the famous studios in Burbank, but soon realised that the proposed site would be too small.
He then decided to hire a consultant to help decide where to build the now famous attraction. So he decided on a new 160-acre site near Anaheim. 
Construction began in 1954 and the park was unveiled to a fanfare which was even televised by ABC Television Network on 17th July 1955. 
The history of Disneyland in pictures – from 1955 to today
Disneyland's History
Disneyland History (2)
24th July Amelia Earhart Day
Amelia Mary Earhart who was born 24th July 1897 and disappeared 2nd July 1937 was an American superwoman. She was basically an aviation pioneer and author who was at the forefront of liberalising female empowerment. 
Amelia was the first female to fly solo across the Atlantic ocean. For this fantastic achievement, she received the United States Distinguished Flying Cross.
She set so many records and led such a fulfilled life, she decided to write best selling books about her achievements. She was also a member of the National Woman's Party and an early supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart - HISTORY
Amelia Earhart | Biography, Disappearance, & Facts
30th July - National Cheesecake Day 
This one is just for fun really and is probably geared more to our American cousins really. However, who doesn’t like cheesecake?
National Cheesecake Day is celebrated every 30th July and you are probably wondering how you celebrate it?
With a BIG slice of cheesecake of course. Feel free to add some fruits if you want to be healthy. You can either bake your own cheesecake from home or buy one from the store.
The good thing is, there are plenty of different variations to choose from now.
Here’s a few a brief history and recipe ideas:
The Rich History of a Favorite Dessert
The History of Cheesecake and Cream Cheese 
Cheesecake recipes | BBC Good Food
25 Best Cheesecake Recipes
So that’s it for another month. If you would like more interesting information like this, please sign up for the RiiRoo newsletter.
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junker-town · 7 years
Eagles parade 2018: Start time, TV schedule for Philadelphia's Super Bowl celebration
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Here’s how you can celebrate with the Eagles in spirit, if not in person.
Donovan McNabb couldn’t do it. Neither could Ron Jaworski. Randall Cunningham never even got that close. In the end, it was prodigal son Nick Foles who delivered the Philadelphia Eagles their first Super Bowl win.
The former backup, playing in MVP candidate Carson Wentz’s place, returned to his Pro Bowl roots in an eye-opening performance in the biggest game of his career. Foles threw for 373 yards and three touchdowns while catching a touchdown pass of his own to upset the New England Patriots and bring home the franchise’s first NFL title since 1960.
Now, he’ll get to soak in the adulation from a starved fanbase that finally knows how it feels to hoist the Lombardi Trophy. The Eagles’ Super Bowl 52 victory parade, set to begin at 11 a.m. ET and viewable on NBC in Philadelphia or NFL Network nationally, will give supporters the chance to celebrate the team that finally broke through after pressing up against a “good, not great” ceiling throughout the 2000s. The victory lap will cover some of the city’s most recognizable landmarks. It starts on Broad Street before heading north to City Hall, and reaching its terminus at the Rocky Steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum.
The parade is expected to bring upwards of two million fans to downtown Philadelphia. City schools have even canceled classes in order to give their students a chance to show some civic pride (and avoid the embarrassment of dealing with an 80 percent absence rate). They won’t be able to take advantage of one of Thursday’s biggest perks, however. Yards Brewing Company will be handing out free beers to patrons 21 and over at their Philadelphia tap room.
We might not be able to get everyone a beer but we can try. ;) Fans get a free #PhillyPaleAle on us Thursday 2/8 in the taproom while we celebrate our championship team. #GoBirds #YARDS #BrewUntoOthers pic.twitter.com/2KFTNp9Nan
— Yards Brewing Co. (@yardsbrew) February 7, 2018
That will be a step up from 2017’s championship parade, which saw a shirtless Rob Gronkowski pound cans of Bud Light from atop a duck boat on the streets of Boston.
Here’s the full route, if you’re in the eastern Pennsylvania and want to see fans climb some light posts in person:
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What time is the Eagles’ victory parade, and how can I watch?
Date: February 8, 2018
Time: 11 a.m. ET
Location: Downtown Philadelphia
TV: NFL Network, NBC10 (Local)
Online Streaming: PhiladelphiaEagles.com, as well as the Eagles’ Twitter or Facebook pages, NBC10, NBC Sports Philadelphia
Eagles fans celebrate after the Super Bowl
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flauntpage · 6 years
Super Bowl 53 “Who to Root For” Guide for Apathetic Eagles Fans
If you’re like me, you probably don’t give a shit about the Super Bowl. My interest level is maybe a 0.3 out of 10, because it’s the Patriots versus the Rams.
I know some people are cheering for the Patriots because they want the Eagles’ 2018 victory to stand out a little bit more. It’s the idea of, “well, the Eagles did what the Falcons, Seahawks, and Rams couldn’t do.” People believe that Super Bowl 52 means more if the Birds’ win isn’t diluted by other teams accomplishing the same feat.
Personally, I’d like to see the Pats get annihilated, because they’re disgusting cheaters. That’s the other way to approach this game from a neutral standpoint. And if the Rams win, Eagles fans can say their team beat the Super Bowl champions in their home stadium.
Here’s your brief Super Bowl 53 rooting guide.
Cheer for:
James Develin
Jimmy D is a Montgomery County native and Boyertown High School graduate who lived right down the street from me. He played defense at Brown University and found a way into the NFL via the Florida Tuskers and Oklahoma City Yard Dawgz.
It’s a great underdog story and Jimmy is truly one of us, a hard-working, blue collar Montco guy.
John Johnson III
He mocked the Saints after picking off Drew Brees in overtime during the NFC Championship Game because he didn’t like New Orleans trash talking the Birds. He’s a P.G. County Maryland guy and is friends with a number of Eagles players.
Duron Harmon, Sebastian Joseph-Day, and the McCourty twins
Rutgers dudes.
Bryce Hager
A former Nick Foles teammate who also went to Westlake High School in Austin. His dad, Britt Hager, was an Eagles linebacker in the late 80s and early 90s.
Joe Judge
The Pats’ special teams coordinator grew up here and went to Lansdale Catholic.
Wade Phillips
Buddy Ryan’s defensive coordinator back in the day.
Do not cheer for:
Tom Brady
A known cheater who participated in the Deflategate scandal. Also a whiner and complainer.
Bill Belichick
A known cheater who spied on opponents.
Stephen Belichick
Bill’s son, he’s guilty by association.
Julian Edelman
A known cheater who was suspended for PEDs.
Josh McDaniels
While in Denver, his video coordinator broke the rules by filming a 49ers walkthrough practice. McDaniels was not involved, but he failed to immediately inform the league office, therefore he is a rule breaker.
Aaron Donald
A University of Pittsburgh alumnus.
Ndamukong Suh
Cheap shots and dirty hits.
Sean McVay
He’s the hottest coach in America, or whatever, yet he’s lost twice on his home field to Super Bowl champion Doug Pederson.
Just kind of a dumb guy, also threw that dirty hit on Tre’Davious White:
Preferred outcome:
Jimmy Develin runs for 75 yards and 3 touchdowns while pancaking Aaron Donald and Ndamukong Suh into nothingness. John Johnson III intercepts Tom Brady 4 times and runs each one into the endzone. Jared Goff finishes 16-38 with three picks.
Rams win 28 to 21.
The post Super Bowl 53 “Who to Root For” Guide for Apathetic Eagles Fans appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Super Bowl 53 “Who to Root For” Guide for Apathetic Eagles Fans published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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mystlnewsonline · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/eagles-philly-fans-get-catharsis-through-super-bowl-parade/82920/
Eagles, Philly fans get catharsis through Super Bowl parade
PHILADELPHIA /February 08, 2018(AP)(STL.News) — Philadelphia‘s first Super Bowl parade provided catharsis Thursday for hundreds of thousands of Eagles fans, deliriously joyful after decades without a title and relishing the national spotlight on a team that few outside the city thought could win it all.
Fans clad in Eagles green jammed the streets from dawn near the stadium to an afternoon rally at the city’s famed “Rocky” steps, lining up 20 deep in spots to catch a glimpse of the champs. The Eagles rode in open-top double decker buses to the art museum that Sylvester Stallone made famous for a rally nearly 60 years in the making.
Center Jason Kelce gave voice to every frustrated Philly fan with a remarkable, impassioned and profane speech that had him defending the general manager, the coach and a litany of players who supposedly weren’t smart enough, big enough or talented enough to win a championship.
“We were a bunch of underdogs,” shouted Kelce, channeling Rocky himself. “Bottom line is we wanted it more!” And so did football-crazed Philly — desperately.
Until Sunday’s 41-33 victory over the favored New England Patriots, the Eagles remained the only team in their division without a Super Bowl title — an ongoing humiliation that gave Philly an inferiority complex and made Eagles fans an easy target for fans of other teams, especially the rival Dallas Cowboys and New York Giants.
“This Super Bowl championship is for you,” Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie told the vast crowd. “You are the most passionate and deserving sports fans on the planet. We couldn’t have done it without you.”
Added Super Bowl MVP quarterback Nick Foles: “We finally did it. We’re Super Bowl champs!” The parade began at the Eagles’ stadium complex and slowly made its way up Broad Street past the cheering throngs. Carrying the Lombardi Trophy, coach Doug Pederson walked part of the route — allowing fans to touch the gleaming hardware — while Lurie held a sign saying “THANK YOU FANS” as he stood next to the team’s three quarterbacks:
Foles, injured starter Carson Wentz and third-stringer Nate Sudfeld. Dan Tarvin, 29, was pumped after getting to high-five Pederson and GM Howie Roseman, who was instrumental in putting together a squad expected to compete for championships for years to come.
“They are more than heroes. They’re legends. They’re immortal in this city, forever,” Tarvin said. Corey Carter, 32, of West Philadelphia, clutched a woodcut of an Eagle that he dubbed the “Lombirdy Trophy.” “This is the greatest day!” Carter said. “Besides God, my kids and my wife, it’s Eagles. That’s all there is. My family and then Eagles, and this is the greatest day of my life, ever.”
Schools, museums, courts, government offices and even the Philadelphia Zoo were shut down so the city could fete an underdog Eagles team that few outside Philadelphia thought had a prayer of beating the mighty Patriots led by superstar quarterback Tom Brady and coach Bill Belichick.
Organizers prepared for as many as 2 million people, though city officials didn’t release a crowd estimate. Terry Gallen, a fan from Glen Mills, in the Philadelphia suburbs, said he “broke down like a baby and cried” when the Eagles won the Super Bowl.
“It means everything,” Gallen said. “We’re loving it.” At the rally, Lurie, Pederson and a slew of players all took the microphone and dedicated Sunday’s victory to the fans. But it was the crowd-pleasing Kelce who best channeled the gruff but ultimately good-hearted “attytood” for which Philadelphians are famous. Wearing an outlandishly sequined Mummers getup — a nod to Philadelphia’s raucous New Year’s Day parade —
Kelce declared that “no one wanted us. No analyst liked to see us win the Super Bowl. And nobody likes our fans.”
He then led the crowd in a jolly — and filthy — chant set to the tune of “My Darling Clementine”: “No one likes us, no one likes us, no one likes us, we don’t care!” The big-bearded lineman uttered at least two profanities that made it onto live TV, recalling Chase Utley’s similarly profane speech at the Phillies’ World Series parade 10 years ago.
Police investigated at least two stabbings on parade day, including one man stabbed inside a mall just off the route. No details about his condition were released. A second man was taken to a hospital with a stab wound, and police said they were trying to piece together what happened. City officials said they wouldn’t have arrest numbers until Friday.
The parade was overwhelmingly peaceful, though, giving fans an emotional release after decades of disappointment. For lots of fans, the parade was a reminder of the Phillies’ victory lap after a 28-year World Series title drought. For others, it took on spiritual shades of the pope’s visit in 2015.
“It is like a religion,” said Kevin Fry, 37, of Prospect Park in suburban Philadelphia, a press operator at the Inquirer and Daily News who helped print 700,000 copies of the Super Bowl edition that proclaimed “At Last!” And for Natasha Curley, 31, a janitor from Trenton, New Jersey, the Super Bowl title means that rival fans can stop their yapping — at least till next season.
“This stops all the hate,” Curley said. “They got nothing to say now.” ___ Associated Press reporter Kristen De Groot in Philadelphia and Michael Rubinkam in northeastern Pennsylvania contributed to this report.
By Associated Press, published on STL.NEWS by St. Louis Media, LLC (R.A) ___
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Disgusting Moment Eagles Fan Eats Horse Excrement
This is the disgusting moment an Eagles fan ate horse excrement as wild Super Bowl celebrations descended into chaos in Philadelphia.
Grim footage shows a man in an Eagles jersey and scarf stooping down in the street to eat a mouthful of the dung as jubilant supporters cheered him on.
The vile clip was posted online as wild celebrations threatened to spiral out of control in the city in the wake of the Eagles’ dramatic victory over the Patriots.
Grim footage captured the disgusting moment an Eagles fan ate horse excrement as wild Super Bowl celebrations descended into chaos in Philadelphia
Onlookers filmed on their phones and cheered the unnamed man as he performed his grotesque stunt.
It was part of the mayhem that gripped Philadelphia on Sunday night as the city descended into chaos.
Passionate supporters lit fires, clambered on top of trucks and up traffic poles after their team defeated the New England Patriots 41-33 in dramatic fashion at US Bank Field in Minneapolis.
At one point a hotel awning at the city’s Ritz-Carlton collapsed under the weight of fans while the windows at the Macy’s near City Hall and a T-Mobile were smashed as celebrations threatened to get out of hand.
Police, some on horseback, were called in as huge crowds descended on the streets.
The vile clip was posted online as wild celebrations threatened to spiral out of control in the city in the wake of the Eagles’ dramatic victory over the Patriots
Fans piled into the streets across the City of Brotherly Love, from Center City to Northeast Philly – marching, jumping and screaming in utter chaos.
And despite police greasing up the poles across the city with hydraulic fluid, fans have still been able to climb them.
Philadelphia police officers stood guard as revelers poured into the streets in unprecedented numbers.
They retweeted a message from Boston police saying: ‘From the men and women of @bostonpolice to our brother and sister officers of @PhillyPolice: “Congratulations to you and your city. Please be safe out there”‘.
In South Philadelphia, fans started chanting ‘Free Bud Light,’ after the beer manufacturer made a bet with Lane Johnson that if the Eagles win the Super Bowl, according to CBS Philly.
The streets of the city were also filled with Eagles fans chanting ‘F**k Tom Brady’ in reference to the Patriots quarterback and ‘Big d**k Nick’ in honor of Philly quarterback Nick Foles.
A video made the rounds on social media of a man perched atop a Ritz-Carlton hotel awning and falling into the crowd from a height, trusting he would be caught (left and right)
A fan jumped down from the awning of the Ritz-Carlton hotel trusting that others would catch him
Philadelphia has never celebrated a Super Bowl crown, so fans were quick to flood the city’s downtown area after the win
Before the games, officers who declined to give their names told the Philadelphia Inquirer that about 100 poles up and down Broad Street were being greased to deter revelers from climbing them.
They dubbed themselves the ‘Pole Patrol’ rather than the earlier ‘Crisco Cops’ that applied shortening that failed to stop some fans after the NFC championship victory.
However, the measure seems to have fallen short as several Philadelphians were seen climbing the poles following the victory.
‘F**k that grease,’ the fans reportedly chanted as the daredevils climbed.
Many of them were seen chugging beers as they got to the top. At one point the fans got so out of control they pulled down a light pole.
Destruction seemed to follow fans wherever they went. Fans also took to lighting up scraps of metal in the streets on fire.
‘F**k that grease,’ the fans reportedly chanted as the daredevils climbed the light poles in downtown Philadelphi
A Philadelphia Eagles fan celebrates the team’s victory in the NFL Super Bowl LII
A man climbs a traffic pole as Philadelphia Eagles fans celebrate victory in Super Bowl LII against the New England Patriots
However, more concerning than the small bonfires were the trust falls that sprung up around the city.
A video made the rounds on social media a man perched atop a Ritz-Carlton hotel awning falling into the crowd from a height, trusting he would be caught.
In another video, fans scaled the same awning of the Ritz-Carlton hotel only to have it collapse under them due to their combined weight.
Mayor Jim Kenney declared in a statement that it was a day the city has ‘dreamed of’.
‘For so many who have called themselves Eagles fans for a generation, this is the day, the game, the season, and the team we’ve dreamed of,’ he said in part.
‘The 2017-18 Philadelphia Eagles are Super Bowl Champions, and they’ve brought tremendous joy to hundreds of thousands throughout the City and region. They consistently wowed us with their dynamic play and relentless pursuit of victory.
‘Their ‘Next Man Up’ mentality when injuries arose was inspiring to anyone who has ever faced a setback, as was their willingness to embrace the role of underdogs. They looked another storied football franchise in the eyes, and never blinked.’
If you know someone who might like this, please click “Share!”
Disgusting Moment Eagles Fan Eats Horse Excrement was originally published on Austin Daily Globe
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anarchistnewsdaily · 7 years
“On January 21st, we took the opportunity to take part in the temporary autonomous spaces created by the post victory fervor of thousands of football fans. Realizing that the soon to be victory of the Eagles was an ample time for us to strike back against the domination of civilization, the police, and the prison walls built by our own deteriorating mental, we met up with friends outside of Lincoln Financial field with the intention of freeing ourselves, albeit temporarily. We joined up with fellow members of the continuous class war in their celebration, singing, chanting, lighting fires, and using this opportunity to attack ATMs and throw a little bit of art on the dismal walls of south Philadelphia. We moved down broad street with a roving party that the Philly PD just couldn’t seem to shut down.“
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junker-town · 7 years
What it was like in Philadelphia the night we won the Super Bowl
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It is right around 10 p.m. on Sunday and for some reason I cannot remove myself from the hardwood on my friend’s floor. I am glued to it. My face is wet. And I have no memory of how I got here. Two minutes before I was standing and yelling and staring as the Eagles won it all. Now I’m in a puddle on the ground.
I cannot tell you what you will do with your body when your team finally wins a Super Bowl. I can assure you that I have lost control of mine. I have lost the ability to stop tears from pouring down my face. I have lost the capacity to care about the will or desire of another person’s team. I only have control of the present moment, which belongs to Philadelphia and our victory — a God’s Dream residents like me have imagined for generations.
A few people still in the house suggest we run to Broad Street, the agreed meeting place for pandemonium and championship shenanigans. We rip several shots of alcohol and bolt for the elevator. Fireworks and gunshots were already exploding into the night.
Outside you just saw people running. Boys running in Kevin Kolb jerseys, a reminder of the impotent franchise that used to live here. Women laughing after long pulls from green flasks. It was as much of a purge as it was a carnival for the football demented. If there was any law to be respected tonight, it was surely forgotten.
Hundreds became thousands in minutes walking on Broad Street and Fairmount Avenue. Then, a phenomena many shared began happening for blocks. Classmates who hadn’t seen each other in years embraced in the middle of intersections. Fans cried together with strangers over the thought of something this magical happening in front of them. There were waves of emotion on every side of every street and every one was understood.
In front of City Hall, beautiful black boys playfully chided Tom Brady with police officers. There was even a crew of us, through giggles, forcing one officer to say “Free Meek,” a nod to the imprisoned North Philly rapper whose “Dreams & Nightmares” intro, if it already wasn’t, catapulted to Philly’s “If I Ruled The World.”
“Say Free Meek, bro!,” one said.
“Say it Bro!,” another said.
“I’ll give you two dollas!,” said a third.
“FREE MEEK!,” the officer blurted out. And everyone lost it.
In this moment, I looked at everything and everyone, taking in the commotion. There were people hanging from street signs and lamps mounted on poles. Fans climbed the gates of City Hall and probably had a party inside. Kids were moon-diving off hotel awnings at the Ritz-Carlton. A gentleman ate literal horse shit. A woman got engaged with a 40 of OE in her hand. Several people just decided, randomly, to get naked. Many yelled “Big Dick Nick” on Chestnut Street honoring Nick Foles for his ballsy performance. Dozens sat atop dump trucks while others wrote “Fuck Tom B” on the front to record the night in history, or at least until the truck gets clean.
I can’t tell you anything about how post-championship parties happen, who is exalted and protected during them, why the majority are allowed to act this way compared to other, more important, riotous occasions regarding American life and the outpour of disgust that follows when you compare the two. All I can tell you is: if you weren’t there, you do not fully know.
You do not fully know what it is like to weep with the people who have shared the pain fandom can offer to a fan base for 60 years. I cannot describe the euphoria that occurs standing next to throngs of folks, once dejected, now heralded as champions. It is impossible to give weight to watching middle-aged white people rap numerous, non-slurred, bars of a city’s Rap Champion because he is a figure of triumph from underdog status this city, this fan base, this team has always known or leaned into.
All I can tell you is that there was love in Philadelphia that night. It was in the people there and the stories they told, the passion they spoke with. It was not the unrequited love we sometimes pour into our work, our families or our teams. It was the real-life interaction we only see firsthand, that is reciprocated, that is mighty but also unique to our lives when it is peaking. It was a fondness of the same struggle, background and collectiveness that Philly has always known yet doesn’t always show. It was our soul, our pathos, streaking — a bright moment in our pained history.
Around 1 a.m. that Monday, as we were still in the streets near Broad and Catherine, a man approached my group with a boombox. Of course, he was playing “Dreams & Nightmares” because by this point of the night, I had seen teenagers twerk on SUVs to the song, so it was expected. He, I and a few dozen spent three minutes going bar for bar. Each word another flourish, every crescendo a non-stop flurry of hype and drama drawn from redemption.
Boombox Man went to leave after laughing and saying “I ain’t never seen shit like this before. We really won this shit.” To which I nodded and laughed with him, a nervous one because this still didn’t seem real.
Honestly, Philly probably wouldn’t have it any other way. A team full of the doubted for a city full of the hesitant, the counted-out, the unruly. Eventually, I found my way home as the celebrations died down. A friend called and both of our voices were gone, both of us recognized each other in Eagles gear and both just bawled. I opened my phone and scrolled on Twitter and saw more of the same: fathers and sons embracing, couples kissing, people honoring the moment for themselves and their families who didn’t live to see the day.
It was refreshing. For the entire night — like most of my time overzealously devoting myself to this city and its team — it was clear as day: I was not alone. Philly lived and breathed together in championship ecstasy.
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flauntpage · 6 years
Super Bowl 53 “Who to Root For” Guide for Apathetic Eagles Fans
If you’re like me, you probably don’t give a shit about the Super Bowl. My interest level is maybe a 0.3 out of 10, because it’s the Patriots versus the Rams.
I know some people are cheering for the Patriots because they want the Eagles’ 2018 victory to stand out a little bit more. It’s the idea of, “well, the Eagles did what the Falcons, Seahawks, and Rams couldn’t do.” People believe that Super Bowl 52 means more if the Birds’ win isn’t diluted by other teams accomplishing the same feat.
Personally, I’d like to see the Pats get annihilated, because they’re disgusting cheaters. That’s the other way to approach this game from a neutral standpoint. And if the Rams win, Eagles fans can say their team beat the Super Bowl champions in their home stadium.
Here’s your brief Super Bowl 53 rooting guide.
Cheer for:
James Develin
Jimmy D is a Montgomery County native and Boyertown High School graduate who lived right down the street from me. He played defense at Brown University and found a way into the NFL via the Florida Tuskers and Oklahoma City Yard Dawgz.
It’s a great underdog story and Jimmy is truly one of us, a hard-working, blue collar Montco guy.
John Johnson III
He mocked the Saints after picking off Drew Brees in overtime during the NFC Championship Game because he didn’t like New Orleans trash talking the Birds. He’s a P.G. County Maryland guy and is friends with a number of Eagles players.
Duron Harmon, Sebastian Joseph-Day, and the McCourty twins
Rutgers dudes.
Bryce Hager
A former Nick Foles teammate who also went to Westlake High School in Austin. His dad, Britt Hager, was an Eagles linebacker in the late 80s and early 90s.
Joe Judge
The Pats’ special teams coordinator grew up here and went to Lansdale Catholic.
Wade Phillips
Buddy Ryan’s defensive coordinator back in the day.
Do not cheer for:
Tom Brady
A known cheater who participated in the Deflategate scandal. Also a whiner and complainer.
Bill Belichick
A known cheater who spied on opponents.
Stephen Belichick
Bill’s son, he’s guilty by association.
Julian Edelman
A known cheater who was suspended for PEDs.
Josh McDaniels
While in Denver, his video coordinator broke the rules by filming a 49ers walkthrough practice. McDaniels was not involved, but he failed to immediately inform the league office, therefore he is a rule breaker.
Aaron Donald
A University of Pittsburgh alumnus.
Ndamukong Suh
Cheap shots and dirty hits.
Sean McVay
He’s the hottest coach in America, or whatever, yet he’s lost twice on his home field to Super Bowl champion Doug Pederson.
Just kind of a dumb guy, also threw that dirty hit on Tre’Davious White:
Preferred outcome:
Jimmy Develin runs for 75 yards and 3 touchdowns while pancaking Aaron Donald and Ndamukong Suh into nothingness. John Johnson III intercepts Tom Brady 4 times and runs each one into the endzone. Jared Goff finishes 16-38 with three picks.
Rams win 28 to 21.
The post Super Bowl 53 “Who to Root For” Guide for Apathetic Eagles Fans appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Super Bowl 53 “Who to Root For” Guide for Apathetic Eagles Fans published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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flauntpage · 6 years
Your Friday Morning Roundup
So the Sixers looked how we wanted them to look on Tuesday: dominant.
Ben Simmons recorded a triple-double with two and a half minutes left in the third quarter while Joel Embiid racked up 30 points in a 127-108 win over the Chicago Bulls in their home opener.
The Bulls put up a good fight in the first half, but the team went on a 17-0 run in the third quarter to run away with the victory. Embiid and Dario Saric (however you pronounce his name) recorded double-doubles in the win, while rookie Landry Shamet scored 12 points on 4-for-7 shooting, all from three.
But the biggest story of the night was probably Markelle Fultz. He scored 12 points, which was good, but on 5-of-15 shooting. It was mainly garbage time, but the Sixers fans gave him so much confidence in the game. He also hit his first 3:
nothin' but net.@MarkelleF | #HereTheyCome pic.twitter.com/cmg0GdQNI3
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) October 19, 2018
Maybe that will help later in the season. The form does look better, but maybe more reps will mean a much more improved Fultz.
Up next is a Saturday night tilt against the Magic at home. Tip-off is at 7:30 PM on NBC Sports Philadelphia.
In other Sixers news, the team will plan to discuss T.J. McConnell’s future at the end of the season.
With the announcement of the G-League’s alternative for one-and-done guys, the 2021 Miami first round draft pick has already lost value.
The team is also continuing the free Frosty promotion, but with new tiers as well
NBC Sports Philadelphia is also launching a new Sixers show.
The Roundup:
The Flyers also played last night, but lost to the Columbus Blue Jackets 6-3. Travis Konecny, Sean Couturier, and Oskar Lindblom were the Flyers goal scorers.
The team led 2-1 after one, but the Blue Jackets went on a three-goal outburst, including two from Cam Atkinson, to pretty much seal the deal.
Anthony Duclair may have provided us with an early goal of the year nominee in the first period:
WARNING: This goal is 𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘺#CBJ pic.twitter.com/xtJiTpEUxZ
— Columbus Blue Jackets (@BlueJacketsNHL) October 18, 2018
Later on in the game, Christian Folin couldn’t skate.
No words. pic.twitter.com/W1ZCj4xStg
— Broad Street Hockey (@BroadStHockey) October 19, 2018
They’re back in action Saturday afternoon against the New Jersey Devils at 1 PM on NBC Sports Philadelphia.
As Sunday comes closer, the Eagles are getting a little healthier on the injury front:
#Eagles Thursday Injury Report
DNP: LB Alexander (quadricep), CB Douglas (not injury related), LB Gerry (ankle, knee), S Graham (hamstring), CB Jones (hamstring), RB Sproles (hamstring)
Limited: T Johnson (ankle), CB Mills (hamstring), DT Ngata (calf)
— Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) October 18, 2018
Full: DE Barnett (shoulder), T Peters (biceps), QB Wentz (back)
— Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) October 18, 2018
As I mentioned in yesterday’s Roundup, Douglas lost his grandmother but should be good to go for Sunday.
Isaac Seumalo is starting to settle in as a starter.
“I think it was one of the best things that could have happened,” Seumalo said this week. “Sometimes, [in order to] kinda really get better, you have to lose a lot. … [getting benched] kind of changed my mentality, how I played, and it kind of set me on the path where I am today —  having a lot more fun, playing a lot looser, letting the game come to me. Really just taking it one play at a time. I know it’s cheesy and corny, but …. You’ve got to be in the moment.
“Game day is not a time to think. You’ve just got to go out and play.”
How is the team’s salary cap situation for 2019?
In other sports news, the Boston Red Sox are going to the World Series after beating the Houston Astros in Game 5 of the ALCS.
Cowboys wide receiver Terrance Williams was suspended three games for substance abuse.
Von Miller and the Broncos kicked the Cardinals’ ass last night.
The popular high school and college basketball site “City of Basketball Love” ended after six years of operations in a tweet sent out on Tuesday.
Here are 50 hot takes for the Philly sports fan.
In the news, tonight’s Mega Millions jackpot is at $970 million.
The Electric Factory is now called the Franklin Music Hall. It’ll always be the Electric Factory.
The post Your Friday Morning Roundup appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Your Friday Morning Roundup published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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flauntpage · 6 years
Your Friday Morning Roundup
So the Sixers looked how we wanted them to look on Tuesday: dominant.
Ben Simmons recorded a triple-double with two and a half minutes left in the third quarter while Joel Embiid racked up 30 points in a 127-108 win over the Chicago Bulls in their home opener.
The Bulls put up a good fight in the first half, but the team went on a 17-0 run in the third quarter to run away with the victory. Embiid and Dario Saric (however you pronounce his name) recorded double-doubles in the win, while rookie Landry Shamet scored 12 points on 4-for-7 shooting, all from three.
But the biggest story of the night was probably Markelle Fultz. He scored 12 points, which was good, but on 5-of-15 shooting. It was mainly garbage time, but the Sixers fans gave him so much confidence in the game. He also hit his first 3:
nothin' but net.@MarkelleF | #HereTheyCome pic.twitter.com/cmg0GdQNI3
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) October 19, 2018
Maybe that will help later in the season. The form does look better, but maybe more reps will mean a much more improved Fultz.
Up next is a Saturday night tilt against the Magic at home. Tip-off is at 7:30 PM on NBC Sports Philadelphia.
In other Sixers news, the team will plan to discuss T.J. McConnell’s future at the end of the season.
With the announcement of the G-League’s alternative for one-and-done guys, the 2021 Miami first round draft pick has already lost value.
The team is also continuing the free Frosty promotion, but with new tiers as well
NBC Sports Philadelphia is also launching a new Sixers show.
The Roundup:
The Flyers also played last night, but lost to the Columbus Blue Jackets 6-3. Travis Konecny, Sean Couturier, and Oskar Lindblom were the Flyers goal scorers.
The team led 2-1 after one, but the Blue Jackets went on a three-goal outburst, including two from Cam Atkinson, to pretty much seal the deal.
Anthony Duclair may have provided us with an early goal of the year nominee in the first period:
WARNING: This goal is 𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘺#CBJ pic.twitter.com/xtJiTpEUxZ
— Columbus Blue Jackets (@BlueJacketsNHL) October 18, 2018
Later on in the game, Christian Folin couldn’t skate.
No words. pic.twitter.com/W1ZCj4xStg
— Broad Street Hockey (@BroadStHockey) October 19, 2018
They’re back in action Saturday afternoon against the New Jersey Devils at 1 PM on NBC Sports Philadelphia.
As Sunday comes closer, the Eagles are getting a little healthier on the injury front:
#Eagles Thursday Injury Report
DNP: LB Alexander (quadricep), CB Douglas (not injury related), LB Gerry (ankle, knee), S Graham (hamstring), CB Jones (hamstring), RB Sproles (hamstring)
Limited: T Johnson (ankle), CB Mills (hamstring), DT Ngata (calf)
— Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) October 18, 2018
Full: DE Barnett (shoulder), T Peters (biceps), QB Wentz (back)
— Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) October 18, 2018
As I mentioned in yesterday’s Roundup, Douglas lost his grandmother but should be good to go for Sunday.
Isaac Seumalo is starting to settle in as a starter.
“I think it was one of the best things that could have happened,” Seumalo said this week. “Sometimes, [in order to] kinda really get better, you have to lose a lot. … [getting benched] kind of changed my mentality, how I played, and it kind of set me on the path where I am today —  having a lot more fun, playing a lot looser, letting the game come to me. Really just taking it one play at a time. I know it’s cheesy and corny, but …. You’ve got to be in the moment.
“Game day is not a time to think. You’ve just got to go out and play.”
How is the team’s salary cap situation for 2019?
In other sports news, the Boston Red Sox are going to the World Series after beating the Houston Astros in Game 5 of the ALCS.
Cowboys wide receiver Terrance Williams was suspended three games for substance abuse.
Von Miller and the Broncos kicked the Cardinals’ ass last night.
The popular high school and college basketball site “City of Basketball Love” ended after six years of operations in a tweet sent out on Tuesday.
Here are 50 hot takes for the Philly sports fan.
In the news, tonight’s Mega Millions jackpot is at $970 million.
The Electric Factory is now called the Franklin Music Hall. It’ll always be the Electric Factory.
The post Your Friday Morning Roundup appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Your Friday Morning Roundup published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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flauntpage · 6 years
Your Friday Morning Roundup
So the Sixers looked how we wanted them to look on Tuesday: dominant.
Ben Simmons recorded a triple-double with two and a half minutes left in the third quarter while Joel Embiid racked up 30 points in a 127-108 win over the Chicago Bulls in their home opener.
The Bulls put up a good fight in the first half, but the team went on a 17-0 run in the third quarter to run away with the victory. Embiid and Dario Saric (however you pronounce his name) recorded double-doubles in the win, while rookie Landry Shamet scored 12 points on 4-for-7 shooting, all from three.
But the biggest story of the night was probably Markelle Fultz. He scored 12 points, which was good, but on 5-of-15 shooting. It was mainly garbage time, but the Sixers fans gave him so much confidence in the game. He also hit his first 3:
nothin' but net.@MarkelleF | #HereTheyCome pic.twitter.com/cmg0GdQNI3
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) October 19, 2018
Maybe that will help later in the season. The form does look better, but maybe more reps will mean a much more improved Fultz.
Up next is a Saturday night tilt against the Magic at home. Tip-off is at 7:30 PM on NBC Sports Philadelphia.
In other Sixers news, the team will plan to discuss T.J. McConnell’s future at the end of the season.
With the announcement of the G-League’s alternative for one-and-done guys, the 2021 Miami first round draft pick has already lost value.
The team is also continuing the free Frosty promotion, but with new tiers as well
NBC Sports Philadelphia is also launching a new Sixers show.
The Roundup:
The Flyers also played last night, but lost to the Columbus Blue Jackets 6-3. Travis Konecny, Sean Couturier, and Oskar Lindblom were the Flyers goal scorers.
The team led 2-1 after one, but the Blue Jackets went on a three-goal outburst, including two from Cam Atkinson, to pretty much seal the deal.
Anthony Duclair may have provided us with an early goal of the year nominee in the first period:
WARNING: This goal is 𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘺#CBJ pic.twitter.com/xtJiTpEUxZ
— Columbus Blue Jackets (@BlueJacketsNHL) October 18, 2018
Later on in the game, Christian Folin couldn’t skate.
No words. pic.twitter.com/W1ZCj4xStg
— Broad Street Hockey (@BroadStHockey) October 19, 2018
They’re back in action Saturday afternoon against the New Jersey Devils at 1 PM on NBC Sports Philadelphia.
As Sunday comes closer, the Eagles are getting a little healthier on the injury front:
#Eagles Thursday Injury Report
DNP: LB Alexander (quadricep), CB Douglas (not injury related), LB Gerry (ankle, knee), S Graham (hamstring), CB Jones (hamstring), RB Sproles (hamstring)
Limited: T Johnson (ankle), CB Mills (hamstring), DT Ngata (calf)
— Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) October 18, 2018
Full: DE Barnett (shoulder), T Peters (biceps), QB Wentz (back)
— Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) October 18, 2018
As I mentioned in yesterday’s Roundup, Douglas lost his grandmother but should be good to go for Sunday.
Isaac Seumalo is starting to settle in as a starter.
“I think it was one of the best things that could have happened,” Seumalo said this week. “Sometimes, [in order to] kinda really get better, you have to lose a lot. … [getting benched] kind of changed my mentality, how I played, and it kind of set me on the path where I am today —  having a lot more fun, playing a lot looser, letting the game come to me. Really just taking it one play at a time. I know it’s cheesy and corny, but …. You’ve got to be in the moment.
“Game day is not a time to think. You’ve just got to go out and play.”
How is the team’s salary cap situation for 2019?
In other sports news, the Boston Red Sox are going to the World Series after beating the Houston Astros in Game 5 of the ALCS.
Cowboys wide receiver Terrance Williams was suspended three games for substance abuse.
Von Miller and the Broncos kicked the Cardinals’ ass last night.
The popular high school and college basketball site “City of Basketball Love” ended after six years of operations in a tweet sent out on Tuesday.
Here are 50 hot takes for the Philly sports fan.
In the news, tonight’s Mega Millions jackpot is at $970 million.
The Electric Factory is now called the Franklin Music Hall. It’ll always be the Electric Factory.
The post Your Friday Morning Roundup appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Your Friday Morning Roundup published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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mystlnewsonline · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/eagles-get-heros-welcome-winning-1st-super-bowl-title/80923/
Eagles get hero's welcome after winning 1st Super Bowl title
PHILADELPHIA /February 05, 2018(AP)(STL.News)— Fresh off their first Super Bowl title, the Philadelphia Eagles arrived home to a hero’s welcome Monday afternoon, hours after overjoyed fans mobbed the streets in a sometimes unruly victory celebration nearly 60 years in the making.
Hundreds of fans greeted the team’s plane at Philadelphia International Airport, cheering wildly and singing “Fly Eagles Fly” as Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie emerged with the Lombardi Trophy.
After getting off the plane, Lurie, Coach Doug Pederson and stars like tight end Zach Ertz and running back LeGarrette Blount approached the chain-link fence separating the team from the fans, smiling, pumping their arms and shooting video with their phones. Fans stood on cars and news trucks to catch a glimpse.
“It’s been a long journey to redemption,” said John Hall, 49, who works at Philadelphia’s public transit agency. “We don’t have to hear the negative anymore, that we don’t have a ring. It’s official now.”
Dan Mazzoli, 53, a disabled construction worker and die-hard fan from New Jersey, shared the moment with his 12-year-old son and 11-year-old daughter.
“We’ve been waiting for this all our lives,” he said.
Super Bowl MVP Nick Foles, the unassuming backup quarterback who took over for injured star Carson Wentz and played brilliantly throughout the playoffs, wasn’t on the team plane. Foles headed — where else? — to Disney World, riding a float at the Orlando resort and fist-bumping Mickey Mouse amid a shower of green confetti.
“It’s all right to yell,” he told the cheering crowd. “We’re world champs! We did it! We did it!” The underdog Eagles won their first NFL championship since 1960 on Sunday night with a surprise 41-33 victory over the New England Patriots, ending a drought that had long tormented the city’s football-crazed fans. Philly was the only team in the Northeast Corridor to have never won a Super Bowl.
The city scheduled a victory parade for Thursday along a 5-mile route that will stretch from the Eagles stadium complex to the steps of the Philadelphia art museum, whose steps Sylvester Stallone ran up during “Rocky.” It’s a fitting ending point for a team that Stallone had cheered on throughout the playoffs.
Revelers along the parade route will be able to indulge in free Bud Light at two dozen bars, thanks to a promise the beer maker made to Eagles offensive tackle Lane Johnson before the season.
Philly had some cleaning up to do Monday after pockets of Eagles fans turned unruly overnight, with rowdies smashing department store windows, looting a gas station convenience store and toppling a number of the city’s famously greased light poles. The police commissioner said he and other officers were hit with bottles.
The vast majority of revelers celebrated peacefully, and police made only three arrests, said Ajeenah Amir, a spokeswoman for Mayor Jim Kenney.
“Tens of thousands came out and celebrated this amazing victory, and but for a handful of bad actors, the celebration was peaceful and jubilant,” Amir said. She lauded police for “their assistance in getting the crowds dispersed and people home safely.”
Just as Foles and the Eagles clinched victory in Minneapolis, the scene more than 1,000 miles away in Philly was one of jubilation and pandemonium.
Revelers shot off fireworks, drivers beeped their horns and Philadelphians young and old descended on Broad Street, the main thoroughfare that last hosted a major championship parade in 2008 for the Phillies’ World Series win.
“The city deserved it,” said 66-year-old Lou Potel, who threw a party at his home just off Broad before joining a much bigger party outside. “It’s a great city, and now we have a Super Bowl to go along with it.”
Fans clambered atop the awning at the swanky Ritz Carlton Hotel near City Hall, jumping off into the crowd in what one Twitter post called “Ritz Carlton Skydiving.” The awning later collapsed with a large group of people on top of it. It wasn’t clear if anyone was injured.
Nearby, windows were smashed at a Macy’s department store and at an Old Navy clothing store.
And apparently no amount of grease in the world can keep some drunken Eagles fans from climbing poles in celebration. A few managed to shimmy up traffic lights and street sign poles.
Amir said there were reports of some injuries from falls near light poles but precise numbers weren’t available.
Vandals were seen having an apparent food fight inside a gas station’s convenience store, yelling “Everything is free!” and overturning a car outside a hotel. After 1 a.m., the only people allowed inside the 24-hour Wawa convenience store near City Hall were police officers.
By ANTHONY IZAGUIRRE  by Associated Press, published on STL.NEWS by St. Louis Media, LLC (US)
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mystlnewsonline · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/philly-cops-use-hydraulic-fluid-poles-deter-climbers/79985/
Philly cops use hydraulic fluid on poles to deter climbers
PHILADELPHIA /February 04, 2018(AP)(STL.News)— While Philadelphia Eagles fans prepare for the Super Bowl, police are working to keep any victory celebrations firmly on the ground.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that police officers were out Sunday afternoon rolling hydraulic fluid onto light poles to keep celebrating fans from climbing them in case of an Eagles victory.
Officers who declined to give their names reported greasing about 100 poles up and down Broad Street.
They dubbed themselves the “Pole Patrol” rather than the earlier “Crisco Cops” that applied shortening that failed to stop some fans after the NFC championship victory.
Philadelphia’s police commissioner earlier vowed a safe but effective alternative before the big game. He said police had to assure the safety of fans “as well as the people who they could fall down on.”
By Associated Press, published on STL.NEWS by St. Louis Media, LLC (US)
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flauntpage · 7 years
Your Friday Morning Roundup
The Sixers had an 18-point lead. They blew it.
The Trail Blazers used a 19-0 run early in the fourth quarter for a 114-110 come-from-behind victory in Portland. It was awful to watch. Portland also didn’t have Damian Lillard and outscored the Sixers 42-25 in the final frame.
Despite Joel Embiid scoring 29 points and hitting six three-pointers, CJ McCollum went off for 34 points. Shabazz Napier had 23 points and a really sick assist, and Jusuf Nurkic put up 21 points and 12 rebounds despite having five fouls in the fourth quarter. Amazingly, the refs never called a foul on him in the fourth.
But don’t blame the refs, it was another bad Sixers collapse.
That's the third 16+ point second-half lead that the Sixers have blown in nine days. That's gotta stop.
— Rich Hofmann (@rich_hofmann) December 29, 2017
How does this happen again? Games that look like the Sixers have a grasp of gets out of hand quickly, and results in a major collapse.
And it happened on a night where Dario Saric scored 25 points on 10-of-12 shooting. A great night of shooting went to waste because of a god awful collapse.
Let’s bring up the Brett Brown hot seat question. If this continues, his status should be closely examined.
Finally, let me explain how bad Jerryd Bayless was. We were already screwed with Reggie Miller on the call. Bayless made it worse. He had two rebounds, a steal, a turnover, two fouls, a late three-pointer that didn’t count, and a -20 in 19:59 of playing time.
I am a:
Male Female Sixers fan
Male Female A way to get Jerryd Bayless off this team
— Chris Jastrzembski (@CFJastrzembski) December 29, 2017
The Sixers take on the Nuggets in Denver Saturday night at 9 PM. They’ll play the Phoenix Suns the following night at 8 PM. Joel probably won’t play in one of those games.
One injury note: Robert Covington left for the second straight game after injuring his left middle finger.
The Roundup:
The Flyers also returned to action for the first time in five days. And they picked up where they left off, a loss. They fell to the Florida Panthers 3-2, and couldn’t get anything going on offense until the 12:28 mark of the third period. Scott Laughton and Shayne Gostisbehere had the two Flyers goals, and Brian Elliott made 24 saves on 27 shots.
Gostisbehere has a close relationship with the Panthers organization when he played for their Junior Panthers team:
“The Panthers did a great job of instilling hockey in Florida. It’s not a hockey state per se. but as the game grew they offered kids my age a chance to play it. All my best friends are still playing hockey. And I’m here. It’s cool. It’s very unique. People ask me where I’m from, whether I’m from Canada. And I say I’m from Florida and you get a look.’’
He was the first player from South Florida to play an NHL game. A few have trickled in since, but it has done little to spike prolonged interest in the Panthers, who just three seasons ago finished  first in the Atlantic Division with 103 points. That year, the Panthers finished ahead of just six teams in average attendance.
Tampa Bay, by contrast, has finished in the top 10 over the last four seasons, even when the team failed to reach the playoffs last season.
“I mean, Florida has been a bandwagon state for a while,’’ Gostisbehere said. “Especially down south. I’m pretty sure if you go to Miami Heat games right now they’re not going to be packed. But a couple of years ago they were.’’
The Flyers play tonight in Tampa Bay against the Lightning at 7:30 PM. With Michal Neuvirth off IR, could he get the start in goal?
The Eagles had a walk-through practice yesterday, but Brandon Graham did not participate. On Tuesday, Doug Pederson said his injury was “day-to-day.” Wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t play Sunday.
Kevin Kinkead delves into Alshon Jeffery’s bad Monday night and if he and Nick Foles need to build more chemistry.
Remember when Patrick Robinson looked awful in training camp? Well now he’s one of the more important pieces on defense:
The slot takes a much bigger toll on your body than playing outside, particularly when you’re in your eighth pro season like Robinson.
“It’s just a matter of being consistent with your body,’’ he said. “Sometimes guys, they start out pretty good. Cold tub every day. Then, as the year goes along, they start to slack off. You start to get a little lazy.
“When I was younger, I didn’t really need to do any of that, to be honest. Now I try to go in the training room and do the cold tub. Do my stretching. And get a lot of rest. I try to get as much rest as I can.’’
Dannell Ellerbe is starting to feel comfortable after his first game with the Eagles after weeks of practice.
Frank Fitzpatrick profiles Carson Wentz’s surgeon, James Bradley.
An interesting post on how important home field advantage is to the Eagles without Wentz.
Jimmy Kempski ranks the playoff teams he would want to face, from most to least desirable:
5) Atlanta Falcons
The Falcons didn’t just get hot during the playoffs last year. They were really good all season long and rode their success to a near Super Bowl win. Matt Ryan was the NFL’s MVP in 2016, and the Falcons had outstanding skill position players around him in Julio Jones and Devonta Freeman. That set of triplets is still there, and this remains a dangerous team with big-time weapons.
However, when comparing this year’s team to last year’s, for whatever reason, the Falcons have not been as potent offensively. In 2016, they led the NFL with 540 points scored. In 2017, they have 331 points scored with one game to play. That’s 10th in the NFC, behind the Redskins. That is a drastic difference.
Divisional playoff tickets will go on sale Thursday morning at 10 AM. They’ll only be available through Ticketmaster, and there’s a limit of four per household.
Here’s some fun Eagles videos for you. Happy Friday:
.@LG_Blount was cheering for his @Eagles teammates on the sidelines… Literally. #SoundFX #FlyEaglesFly http://pic.twitter.com/x1xq5xUFdz
— NFL (@NFL) December 28, 2017
Fletcher Cox, Wolf of Broad Street#FlyEaglesFly http://pic.twitter.com/ZltcYp56Gb
— Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) December 28, 2017
In college hoops, Temple opened up AAC play with an 85-75 home loss to Tulane. Quinton Rose and Shizz Alston Jr. each led the Owls with 17 points. It’s their third loss in the last four games.
Today, Penn hosts Toledo at 4 PM at The Palestra. On Saturday, La Salle hosts Saint Louis in their A 10 opener, Drexel plays Elon on the road in their CAA opener, top-ranked Villanova plays guest to Butler, St. Joe’s faces off against George Washington in their A 10 opener, and Temple is at Houston.
In other sports news, James Harden committed two offensive fouls late as the Houston Rockets blew a 26-point lead to the Boston Celtics. He ripped the refs afterwards.
The New York Giants brought back Dave Gettleman as their new general manager after spending four years as GM of the Carolina Panthers. One decision he’ll have to make involves Brandon Marshall, who missed the final 11 games of the season with an ankle injury that required surgery.
A photographer who took pictures of the Minnesota Twins says she was sexually assaulted by third baseman Miguel Sano.
In the World Juniors, Slovakia upset the US 3-2 thanks to a late goal by Samuel Bucek. But Casey Mittelstadt may of had the goal of the tournament:
Absurdly filthy goal from Casey Mittelstadt to tie Slovakia late #WJC18 http://pic.twitter.com/o0VesFyL9Y
— CJ Fogler (@cjzero) December 29, 2017
The Americans play Canada today at 3 PM at New Era Field, the home of the Buffalo Bills.
It was also a bad day for this guy:
Not a good day to be this guy. #WJC2018 http://pic.twitter.com/5zanqDHnoS
— Alex Nunn (@aj_ranger) December 28, 2017
The Miami Marlins are now listening to offers for Christian Yelich and J.T. Realmuto.
In the news, despite the extreme cold, the Mummers Parade is still on.
At least 12 people died in an apartment fire in the Bronx.
Apple apologized for slowing down iPhones and is offering battery replacements for $29.
Your Friday Morning Roundup published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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