#Britannia Hospital
tedloganshairclips · 5 months
happy 4/20 to these bitches
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year
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Britannia Hospital (1982) Lindsay Anderson
July 2nd 2023
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dadsinsuits · 2 years
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Leonard Rossiter
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thejohnfleming · 1 year
The UK’s National Health Service – 75 years old and senility has now set in…
Britain’s NHS was 75 years old yesterday. That is even older than I am. And dementia has now arrived… …for the NHS. I am only slightly behind, I fear… In September last year, I received a letter from the NHS which arranged that I would have a video consultation with a kidney specialist at 1245 on 9th March this year. In February this year, I got a follow-up letter from the NHS saying my…
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samurailogic · 2 years
I need to watch the Mick Travis trilogy….
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manderley · 9 months
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Mark Hamill in
Britannia Hospital (1982)
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Lelouch's relentless search for purpose in life
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I've previously talked to you about Lelouch's trauma through the enneagram to explain why Lelouch refuses to open up and trust others and insists on doing everything alone to feel self-sufficient and strong. I've also used the enneagram to explain that Lelouch has locked himself into a protective shell and is uncomfortable feeling vulnerable because of his trauma and his upbringing in Darwinian values ​​in Britannia. However, I haven't talked to you directly about one thing that is very important and perhaps because it is so obvious I have overlooked it until I stumbled upon a small thread on Twitter.
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In the last conversation Lelouch has with his father, Charles nullifies the meaning and value of his existence by telling him: "But you're dead. You've always been dead, from the moment you were born. Who gave you the fine clothes you wear, a comfortable home, the food you eat, and your own life? I gave you all of that. You are nothing to me because you have never existed." At that moment, Charles kills Lelouch in symbolic terms, causing him enormous psychological and emotional damage from which he never recovers.
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We have this flashback in episode 7 of the first season and later Lelouch threatens CC with suicide if she does not let him go to face his sister, Cornelia: "Until I met you, I was dead. A corpse that existed behind a false appearance of life, a life in which I did nothing real. I experienced the emotions of living day to day as if I were a zombie, with the feeling that I was dying little by little. And if I have to go back to that, then I prefer… [And he places his finger on the trigger of the gun]." The series connects those two scenes through a Dutch shot focused on Lelouch's gaze. The Dutch shot is a steep horizontal tilt shot that is used to indicate instability or danger or that something is not right. In this case, it warns us, on a superficial level, that Lelouch has felt dead since his last meeting with his father and that he has been fighting against that (unfounded) belief and these negative feelings and, on a deeper level, that this is a wrong and harmful belief of Lelouch's that has been poisoning his mental health ever since.
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(It's sad to compare the two shots. Little Lelouch's eyes show deep pain. As the Bart and Lisa Simpson meme says: it's the exact frame in which his heart broke. Teenage Lelouch's eyes, on the other hand, are empty. A dead look.)
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There are several moments in the story that give us an idea of ​​the young prince's struggle. For example, in the first Audio Drama, "The Uninvited Prince," a young Suzaku rescues Lelouch from some children who are beating him and reproaches him for not standing up for himself and disregarding the hospitality his home provides him and his sister, to which the child Lelouch replies, "I am here and I will live. If I live by my own strength, then I will never be dead again." Little Suzaku, of course, finds Lelouch's statement absurd and just thinks he is a strange child. But this response reflects the boy's insane desire to be self-sufficient (to the point of rejecting the help of others) in order to feel that he is alive (remember that Charles told him that he is alive because he has given him everything he has).
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We also have a Picture Drama (I'm sorry I don't remember or have the exact number of the PD, but if it's part of the alternate universe, we can ignore it because they are different universes that shouldn't be mixed) with a monologue by a teenage Lelouch: "I've made a vow to use the strength I have to save Nunnally. That will be the proof that I exist in this world."
These words evoke in me a part of Lelouch's song "Back to Zero" (for the fantastic Code Black album in Ashford) in which our hero sings: "Oh! Can you hear me? This fight is how I know I'm alive."
That is, Lelouch tries to prove his father wrong by looking for a purpose to live that reaffirms his existence and, in principle, Lelouch finds it in Zero and the rebellion since they are the means he has to destroy Britannia and create a kind world for Nunnally. And that's why later on he abandons Ashford Academy, the Zero mask and his friends and gives in to depression (in the future, I'll talk about this moment in more depth in another analysis). Then his goals change and his motivations are reconsidered for a series of reasons and events that I won't stop to explain here, but I will point out that I find it interesting and moving how Lelouch goes from clinging to a purpose in life to giving up on it and dying, in order to fulfill his new goals, obtain results and atone for his sins (the magic of a powerful script and a narrative arc, Larry).
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Also, all of this explains why Lelouch lost his temper in the season 1 finale when Suzaku yelled at him that his existence was a mistake and that he needed to be wiped off the face of the Earth. Not only did it bring back memories of Vietnam for Lelouch, it was another important person to him who was denying his existence. Suzaku's words hurt him because, as President Snow said in the Hunger Games trilogy, "the people we love the most are the ones who destroy us." I'm not sure if Suzaku knew what Charles told his friend since Lelouch never reveals his secrets to anyone (people around him, including his loved ones, find out on their own), but Suzaku certainly hit a sensitive button that mentally unsettled Lelouch.
Poor Lelouch. He just wanted his existence validated.
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hungnitan · 3 months
As the story itself nearly same as Code Geass anime, I only write the different scene than anime from other character PoV (it include other franchise but never get animated)
all "status" below came only until part 15 so it's not final and story about some character below from chapter 1 and 1.5 can be seen from here
Schnee and Red
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Character from Code Geass : Lancelot and Guren manga, those two served KoR Suzaku under Schneizel's order. In chapter 2 what they're doing mostly support Suzaku on battlefield. Their last scene is joined Second Tokyo Settlement war
Status : Alive but nothing heard after he cut his loyalty on Suzaku after FLEIJA explosion since he was thought Suzaku is a man of integrity + FLEIJA killed Red (Schnee) & Die in FLEIJA explosion while searching info on Suzaku (Red)
Benio & Savitri
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Same Lancelot and Guren manga, Benio served under Kallen's zero squad, she contribute a lot at China Federation war with her new KMF. Savitri work under Lakhsata and friend of Benio, she's the one keep in check on Benio and Disel's KMF so yeah those three always had some small convo when meets.
After assault (genoside) at Geass Cult, witnessing the incident and having withdraw order from Kinoshita, Benio resolve wavered and want to talk about that incident to Savitri eventhough it should be a secret to others. They noticed by Rolo and almost get killed if Lelouch isn't come. So to save them (as he won't let Shirley incident happen again), he decided to make them forget all about Black Knight by putting geass on them
In chapter 15, it shows Benio guide someone (Guilford) to Cornelia hospital room
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Status : Alive but can't remember anything being Black Knight member and live as normal commoner at Horai island (Benio) and back to her loner Black Knight enginner (Savitri)
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Original character from Lost Stories, leader of Blue Barons, groups who hunt Black Knight at chapter 1.5. As she failed capture Black Knight, she resigned herself from Blue Barons and work under her close friend, Guilford. She mostly appear anywhere Guilford there (as his personal mental support maybe lol) but after keep meets a mysterious knightmare at every war and kill anyone on sight (Kali), she focused on searching the pilot and found the culpit along with kidnapped Disel (that's Tokyo Settlement war time)
While around Area 11 last battle, she and Claudio keep arranging things in Tokyo settlement and receive a letter from Disel. It written about Joanna (Kali secretary) location but when they go there, she's already dead by suicide.
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Status : alive and good, after saving Disel she's helping administration after Tokyo Settlement war and still same
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Yeah, you're not read this wrong (lol) this man have more role on Lost Stories. At chapter 1, he helped Disel entered Britannian military while different than anime version, at chapter 2 he joined Sapphire on mysterious knightmare hunting
Status : Same as Sapphire
Marrybell mel Britannia
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Character from Oz the Reflection, leader of Glinda Knight, at chapter 2 she had little appearance and just an aftermath released from her geass. She appear before second Tokyo Settlement war with her knight, Oldrin and Glinda Knight member who want to leave her after things happened at area 24.
Status : Alive and join Emperor Lelouch forces willingly as she's the only one who didn't affected by his geass and her past nearly similar to him.
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Marybell former knight, after depart from her, she and Glinda Knight joined under knight of nine Nonette. Her new Glinda Knight contribute in second Tokyo Settlement war by locating and destroy Gefjun distruber there.
Status : Alive, now joining forces with Nonette and other Glinda Knight as Schneizel forces
Disel PoV (include Claris, Kali, Anone)
As anyone read ENG version know, they're joined Black Knight at first only to become Britannian spy later. At chapter 2 part 1, without having any memories erase she cameback to Ashford academy only to be shocked seeing everything there changed. Even Lelouch live happily ever after (lol) with his fake brother Rolo. Knowing something weird, they followed Lelouch and Rolo to Babel Tower, only to meet CC and Kallen & Lelouch memories comeback along with Disel knowing a snipet of geass (they never know it's geass, just a supernatural power)
PS : after that Disel never comeback there, not even once for now...
Knowing Disel still work at army, Lelouch asked them to become his spy again which is the result of Black Knight member jail release a success.
During attack on Nunnally, Disel join the battle as Britannian forces along with Schee Red. At middle of war, usual mysterious knightmare suddenly appear and battling against Disel again which resulting them being MIA.
Using MIA status, they gathered info about that mysterious knightmare and found out it's their aunt, Kali. Hearing her reasons and found out they had a sister yups in the end it's yandere sisterly things lol, they comeback as Black Knight member again to get revenge on her and Britania. They contribute at Chinese Federation war with new knightmare along with Benio.
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Disel new knightmare
It's kinda scary how flat Disel emotion here, they didn't show any emotion when hearing Darlton and Shirley died. Darlton basically their senior while they feels pretty close with Shirley (if I remember they just said "oh I see..." wow bro lol)
The mysterious knightmare appear again at Geass Cult war, resulting Disel kidnapped by her. In there, they found their mother body (yups Kali preserve her body...) and know she would do the same to them. So it's Disel vs Kali again with Sapphire Claudio help resulting Kali get arrested and Disel brought to infirmary.
Claris meet them and shocked knowing they still alive. Those two explain their current situation (FLEIJA war and Kali) and tell her that they need to help their friend (Lelouch). Bid their farewell, Claris gave her team knightmare creation Pendulum to her.
Disel help Lelouch Rolo running away from Black Knight after Zero reveal.
After get arrested, unknown how Kali run away and killed 50 military men + Claris
While Lelouch come across with Charles, Disel fight Bismarck Monica on knightmare battle and ended with a stalemate.
When Charles activate geass all over the world, Disel connected with C's world and meet Anone for first time. They noted that Anone looks similar with Hina (girl from Shinjuku Ghetto) and Rina (Disel's sister). She said only using a face they want to see and that place are for not living one which shocked them knowing Rina already gone.
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now onto scary part Anone said their family killed by Kali and eat Vaniella (their mother) and Rina's heart yeah literally. So Disel saw the actual scene get traumatized and forgot all about it (really, can't blame them for this...)
It turn out Disel having a survivor guilt and keep blaming themself. So Anone, having Hina Rina memories tells them "it's okay, we're happy having you before dying so don't blame yourself" and finally having a peace
Knowing all that, they decide to make world a better tomorrow for anyone and join forces with Emperor Lelouch.
Right after Disel make their exit from C's world, there's indication Claris could made her appearance on Anone but she refuse (which is indication that she's already dead...)
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Not long after Lelouch killed Charles, Disel know Claris situation and vow to get their revenge on Kali. They even mentioned that they will abandon their post if she came searching them.
There's so many small event after emperor Lelouch ascend to before KoR assault. One of them is Suzaku using white Vincent to clean up some rebels since Albion still not done at that time.
Then KoR members became Schneizel subordinate, Nonette is tasked to guard him which explain her group isn't there on KoR battle with Suzaku. Nonette and Glinda knight are stuck between can't agreeing with the way Lelouch dethrone Charles and Schneizel genocide war with fleija so Glinda knight kinda slack off like letting Sayoko get away (lol)
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Marybell join Lelouch Britannian forces willingly. Her new costume kinda scary to my liking (royal family + soldier costume) and yeah she still alive for now
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And (I'm suprise) Marika is still alive. She's one of four Bradley's knight which swiftly killed by Kallen on Tokyo settlement battle. Now she's joining Nonette's Glinda Knight (if you can't remember her, she's the only one knight getting a lewd card for this game lol)
Oldrin and Glinda Knight save Nunnally and Sayoko from FLEIJA explosion and know FLEIJA threat firsthandly which is the reason they didn't really agreeing on Schneizel ways
Kali join Area 11 last battle as standalone forces.
(From here its chapter 15 which just release today)
Kali flashback, telling some useful info like she's ex Britannian knight under Charles main forces and Marianne's friend. After telling her about her sister keep lying to her, Marianne telling her Charles immortal plan and the world without any lies then ask her to join their causes. After Marianne died, she move around area 11 as Charles personal unit to find ancient relics for their plan. The reasons she kill Vaniella and Rina is it doesn't matter if the immortal world plan came true (same like Charles Marianne)
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Disel vs Kali. In the end Disel kill her, opened her hatch then shoot her with gun (feels like Roze anime style). After Lelouch announce his victory, Disel suddenly gone and last part closed with Disel comeback to school.
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In the end of credits, there's kind of an afterlife scene with CC voices. I think it telling about the possibility Lelouch of Ressurection movie later.
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Status : Disel won against Kali in one on one battle (Disel & Kali) Dead (Claris)
I'll keep update till finish here~
PS : If anyone asked me how I, someone live outside Japan know Oz Reflection and Lancelot Guren manga stories, the answer is Code Geass Wiki (lol) ! They're pretty up to date, even they're already covering some part of lost stories and roze anime too~
I kinda like Roze anime but the conclusion feels too forced to me. Too bad they killed Ash, that scene indirectly tells there's something can't be avoided even with "live" geass but it doesn't feels right to compare Ash with Suzaku. In first place their KMF spec already different (lol)
And there's info ENG version will close for good at Aug 28 so yeah my bad on them. ENG players won't taste damocles KMF 42 cost~
(And me too since I don't read any event stories on JP)
My conclusion : Most new character insert are good here but Kali join force with Charles gimmick feels too forced for me and in the end we never knew anything about Joanna.
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ilovemarkhamill · 8 months
What's your favorite non-Star Wars Mark movie?
I’ve only seen Corvette Summer so probably that one! I enjoyed watching it haha 😆. I’d like to see “The Night The Lights Went Out in Georgia” , “The Big Red One”, & “Black Magic Woman”. I’ve seen the clip of him in “Britannia Hospital” though & he only gets like 5 seconds of screen time but he was really attractive in it. 😊🥰😅
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aimeedaisies · 1 year
✨ 15 days of Princess Anne ✨
August is Princess Anne’s birth month and her 73rd birthday is on the 15th so until then we will look at her fascinating life, one photo for every year!
The nineties
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1990 Princess Anne, Peter Phillips and Zara Phillips meeting members of the Scotland team before kick off at the Five Nations match between Scotland and England at Murrayfield on 17th March 1990.
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1991 Princess Anne and Luciano Pavarotti at a horse trial in Modena, Italy on 16th September 1991.
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1992 Just one photo wouldn’t do 1992 justice!
1. A very happy, newly divorced Princess Anne, toasting with Champagne a day after her divorce, aboard Pride of Teesside yacht, Southhampton, on 22nd April 1992.
2. Princess Anne and Commander Tim Laurence’s first public appearance as a couple, just a few days after her divorce was finalised from Phillips, dancing at the Caledonian Ball, on 8th May 1992.
3 & 4. Princess Anne and her new husband Commander Tim Laurence at their low-key wedding at Crathie Kirk Church in Balmoral on 12th December 1992.
5. A not so pleased looking Princess Anne on her way into her first engagement (three days) after her wedding to Commander Laurence at Church House to visit the National Association of Victims Support, on 15th December 1992.
6. Princess Anne and her new husband Tim Laurence at St Mary Magdalene Church to attend Christmas morning service on 25th December 1992.
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1993 Princess Anne and Timothy Laurence visiting Mongolia, their first royal trip as a married couple in July 1993.
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1994 Princess Anne firing the starting pistol to begin the first race after opening the Velodrome National Cycling Centre in Manchester in September 1994 (what a reaction pic lol)
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1995 Princess Anne, Tim Laurence, Peter and Zara Phillips at the Jackie Stewart Celebrity Challenge at Gleneagles, Scotland on 1st July 1995.
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1996 Princess Anne and Tim Laurence watch Peter Phillips playing in a Scottish Schools rugby match in Bridgend, South Wales on 5th January 1996.
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1997 Princess Anne wiping away a tear after the decommissioning ceremony for The Royal Yacht Britannia in Portsmouth on 11th December 1997.
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1998 Princess Anne greeting an elderly woman at the ICRC hospital in Lokichokio, Kenya on 29th September 1998.
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1999 Princess Anne as Colonel of the Blues And Royals, riding for the first time in the Trooping of the Colour procession on 12th June 1999.
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I’m in the minority in that I think tours are overrated. Kate and William try their best but the interactions always come across as forced and it’s very easy to get it wrong. I’m not the kind of person to get offended easily but the Caribbean tour ride on top of the Jeep did look very colonizer-esque. I would much rather they do the boring bread and butter events across the UK where they have some kind of relationship to the event organizers. They appear a lot more relaxed and genuine in their Britannia element (like another anon called it). Meeting their actual citizens would do a hell of a lot more to boost their brand than flying across the globe in what to outsiders looks like a dream vacation.
I like tours, but I’m also a huge fan of bread and butter ribbon cutting. If they spent the next two years opening up hospitals and bridges I’d be happy. That NHS hospital opening was one of the bests events in the past few years, imo.
But the tours are important for the royals and for the country. That’s why countries do so many diplomatic visits that, sadly, get little coverage. The UK is lucky in that it essentially has a permanent cadre of celebrity diplomats.
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brookstonalmanac · 5 days
Holidays 9.23
Al-Yaom Al-Watany (Saudi Arabia)
Asian Corpsetwt Day [Every 23rd]
Asteroid Day
Autumn Stroll Day
Barbara Gordon Day
Batman Day (DC Comics)
Bi Visibility Day (UK)
Bonn Phchum Ben (Ancestors’ Day; Cambodia)
Celebrate Bisexuality Day (a.k.a. Bisexual Pride & Bi Visibility Day)
Checkers Day
Chuuk Liberation Day (Micronesia)
Day of the Genocide of Lithuania's Jews (Lithuania)
Dogs in Politics Day
Education Technology Day
Flashbulb Day
Gray Cat Day
Grito de Lares (Puerto Rico)
Haryana Veer and Shahidi Divas (Haryana, India)
Holocaust Memorial Day (Lithuania)
I Have Not Yet Begun To Fight Day
Innergize Day [Day after Equinox]
International Bi Visibility Day
International Day Against Sexual Exploitation & Trafficking of Women & Children
International Day of Sign Languages
International Hospitality Women’s Day
International Restless Legs Syndrome Day
International Za’atar Day
King’s Birthday (Western Australia)
Kyrgyz Language Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Landscape-Nursery Day
Learn to Code Day
Martyrs Day (Haryana, India)
National AFM Day (a.k.a. Acute Flaccid Myelitis Day)
National Acute Flaccid Myelitis Day
National Checkers Day
National Day of School Failure Prevention
National Day of Women’s Political Rights (Argentina)
National Field Marketer’s Day
National Fitness Day (Ireland)
National Go With Your Gut Day
National Maritime Day
National Property Manager’s Day
National Redhead Appreciation Day
National Singles Day
National Teletext Day (UK)
National Temperature Control Day
National Volleyball Day
Neptune Day
New Year's Day (Constantinople)
Nintendo Day
Pancake Queen Memorial Day
Puffy Shirt Day (Seinfeld)
Restless Legs Awareness Day
Saffron Day (French Republic)
Speed Racer Day
Sügise Algus (a.k.a. Sügisene Pööripäev; Estonia, Finland, Sweden)
Teachers’ Day (Brunei)
Thrue Bab (Blessed Rainy Day; Bhutan)
Teal Talk Day
That'll Be the Day Day
West Nordic Day
World Adopted Dog Day
World Maritime Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chewing Gum Day
Gastronomy Day (France)
Great American Pot Pie Day
Hummerpremiär (Lobster Festival; Sweden)
National Apple Cider Vinegar Day
National Bacon Butty Day (UK)
National Baker Day
National Snack Stick Day
Za’atar Day
Independence & Related Days
Duchy of Prussian Britannia (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Unification Day (Saudi Arabia)
4th Monday in September
American Indian Day (Tennessee) [4th Monday]
Canterbury South Province Day (New Zealand) [4th Monday]
CASAColumbia Family Day [4th Monday]
Dominion Day (New Zealand) [4th Monday]
Family Day — A Day To Eat Dinner With Your Children [4th Monday]
Meditation Monday [Every Monday]
Mellow Monday [4th Monday of Each Month]
Monday Musings [Every Monday]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
Mushroom Monday [4th Monday of Each Month]
National Eat Dinner with Your Family Day [4th Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning September 23 (4th Full Week of September)
Falls Prevention Awareness Week (thru 9.27)
Global Week of Student Prayer (thru 9.27)
International Happiness at Work Week (thru 9.27)
International Week of the Deaf (thru 9.29) [M-Sun including Last Sunday]
Festivals Beginning September 23, 2024
Mayberry Days (Mt. Airy, North Carolina) [thru 9.29]
Feast Days
Adomnán (Christian; Saint)
Augustalia (Ancient Rome)
Bunster Winding (Shamanism)
Carl-Henning Pedersen (Artology)
Cicciolina Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Cissa of Crowland (or of Northumbria; Christian; Saint)
Citua (Feast to the Moon; Ancient Inca)
Corneille (Positivist; Saint)
Emmuska Orczy (Writerism)
Feast of Chukem (Deity of Footraces; Colombia)
Feast of the Ingathering (a.k.a. Harvest Home, Kirn or Mell-Supper; UK)
Festival of Papa, Wife of Rangi (Maori; New Zealand)
Festival of the Goddess Ninkasi (Sumerian Goddess of Brewing)
František Kupka (Artology)
James Carroll Beckwith (Artology)
Libra zodiac sign begins (Pagan)
Linus, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Louise Nevelson (Artology)
Manolo and Carlo Flamingo (Muppetism)
Matthew Pratt (Artology)
Paul Delvaux (Artology)
Padre Pio (a.k.a. Pio of Pietreclcina; Christian; Saint)
Pekka Halonen (Artology)
Sossius (Christian; Saint)
Stan Lynde (Artolgy)
Suzanne Valadon (Artology)
Thecla (Roman Catholic Church)
Walk the Plank Day (Pastafarian)
Wesley Chu (Writerism)
Xanthippe and Polyxena (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [39 of 53]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [45 of 60]
Abraxas, by Carlos Santana (Album; 1970)
Aja, by Steely Dan (Album; 1977)
Arsenic and Old Lace (Film; 1944)
Baa Baa Black Sheep (TV Series; 1976)
The Blacklist (TV Series; 2013)
Blonde (Film; 2022)
Brave Little Tailor (Disney Cartoon; 1938)
Bridges to Babylon, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1997)
Bunker Hill Bunny (WB MM Cartoon; 1950)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Film; 1969)
Capture the Saint, by Burt Barer (Novel; 1997) [Saint #52]
Corpse Bride (Animated Film; 2005)
The Count of Monte Cristo (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Special; 1973)
Crazy House (Andy Panda Cartoon; 1940)
Daffy’s in Trouble (WB LT Cartoon; 1961)
Difficult Loves, by Italo Calvino (Novel; 1970)
Dolphin Tale (Film; 2011)
Educating Rita (Film; 1983)
Enola Holmes (Film; 2020)
Girls with Balls (Film; 2018)
The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt (Novel; 2013)
Goofy Gymnastics (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
The Greatest Beer Run Ever (Film; 2022)
Heroes, by David Bowie (Song; 1977)
Highway Hecklers (Chilly WIlly Cartoon; 1968)
I’ve Got to Sing a Torch Song (WB MM Cartoon; 1933)
JAG (TV Series; 1995)
Jeepers Creepers (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
The Jetsons (Animated TV Series; 1962)
Light of the Midnight Fun (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Mad About You (TV Series; 1992)
Moneyball (Film; 2011)
Modern Family (TV Series; 2009)
Mom (TV Series; 2013)
Mutiny Ain’t Nice (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
NCIS (TV Series; 2003)
Night of the Living Duck (WB LT Cartoon; 1988)
North, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2003)
The Nylon Curtain, by Billy Joel (Album; 1982)
One Tree Hill (TV Series; 2003)
Only When I Laugh (Film; 1981)
Oo-oo Birds of a Feather (George of the Jungle Cartoon; 1967) [#3]
Parallel Lines, by Blondie (Album; 1978)
People Are Strange, by The Doors (Song; 1967)
Phantom of the Opera, by Gaston Leroux (Novel; 1909)
Pink Pull (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1978)
Pink Suds (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1978)
The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran (Prose Poetry; 1923)
Rodent to Stardom (WB LT Cartoon; 1967)
Round Trip to Mars (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1957)
Scooby-Doo! And the Goblin King (WB Animated Film; 2008)
The Shawshank Redemption (Film; 1994)
Sicque! Sicque! Sicque! (The Inspector Cartoon; 1966)
Sky Scrapper (Ub Iwerks Disney Cartoon; 1928)
Sledge Hammer! (TV Series; 1987)
Slouching Towards Bethlehem, by Joan Didion (Essays; 1968)
Storks (Animated Film; 2016)
Up a Tree (Disney Cartoon; 1955)
The Veldt, by Ray Bradbury (Short Story; 1950)
When I Was Cruel, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2002)
Whose Line Is It Anyway? (UK Improv Series; 1988)
Wild Ralph Hiccup (Super Chicken Cartoon; 1967) [#3]
The Wolf’s Side of the Story (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
Today’s Name Days
Gerhild, Helene, Linus, Thekla (Austria)
Elizabeta, Lino, Pijo, Tekla, Zaharija (Croatia)
Berta (Czech Republic)
Linus (Denmark)
Diana, Dolores, Tekla (Estonia)
Mielikki, Miisa, Minja (Finland)
Constant, Faustine (France)
Linus, Gerhild, Thekla (Germany)
Iris, Polixeni, Rais, Xanthippe, Xanthippi (Greece)
Tekla (Hungary)
Lino, Pio, Rebecca (Italy)
Ivanda, Omula, Vanda, Veneranda (Latvia)
Galintas, Galintė, Linas, Teklė (Lithuania)
Snefrid, Snorre (Norway)
Boguchwała, Bogusław, Libert, Minodora, Tekla (Poland)
Zdenka (Slovakia)
Constancio, Lino, Pío, Tecla (Spain)
Tea, Tekla (Sweden)
Autumn, Linnet, Linnette, Lynette, Lynn, Lynne (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 267 of 2024; 99 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 39 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guy-You), Day 21 (Geng-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 20 Elul 5784
Islamic: 19 Rabi I 1446
J Cal: 27 Gold; Sixday [27 of 30]
Julian: 10 September 2024
Moon: 61%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 15 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Almarcon]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Autumn or Fall (Day 2 of 90)
Week: 4th Full Week of September
Zodiac: Libra (Day 1 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Libra (Balance) begins [Zodiac Sign 7; thru 10.22]
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philibetexcerpts · 1 year
On 16 April 1953, the Queen, accompanied by Prince Philip, launched HMY Britannia.
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“Britannia had actually been conceived back in 1939, when bids were first invited to build a £900,000 replacement for the nineteenth-century Victoria and Albert. The war and post-war austerity put that on hold. However, the King���s 1947 trip to South Africa, in the battleship Vanguard, had highlighted the need for something both regal and seaworthy for royal visits to the new-look Commonwealth (the elderly Victoria and Albert was limited to short coastal hops). It was actually a Labour prime minister, Clement Attlee, who announced plans for a new royal yacht in October 1951. His defeat at the general election, just days later, meant that it was Winston Churchill who would deliver it. The plan was for a medium-sized hospital ship with a dual role as a royal yacht in peacetime. Glasgow shipbuilders John Brown & Co were told to move fast, as the ship was also supposed to be a tonic for the ailing King.
To speed things up, the design would follow existing plans for a cross-Channel ferry – but with a more elegant bow. The Duke of Edinburgh would take a very close interest in all aspects of what was codenamed Ship Number 691, including a colour scheme copied from his Dragon-class sailing boat, Bluebottle – dark blue, with a red stripe and a thin gold band. King George VI would not live to see his yacht take shape. It was the Queen who came to name Ship 691 (with a bottle of Empire wine, not champagne) at her launch on the Clyde, in April 1953. The name Britannia had been top secret until the moment the Queen announced it. The cheer was so loud that many failed to hear what she had said.”
Queen of Our Times by Robert Hardman
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scotianostra · 4 months
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On June 6th 1987 we lost a great Scottish actor, when Fulton Mackay passed away.
Fulton Mackay was born on 12 August 1922 in Paisley, he was trained as a quantity surveyor and, during World War II served with the Black Watch. When he was demobbed, he decided to become an actor and trained at RADA, from 1949 he was a member of the Citizens Theatre Company where he worked with Duncan Macrae and Stanley Baxter.
He can be seen in many old British movies and had guest roles in many famous British television shows, becoming one of Scotland’s most versatile and best-loved character actors.
His best known role, of course, was as his namesake, Senior Prison Officer Mackay in Porridge, his break into the nation’s consciousness however, might have been very different. He was seriously considered for the role of the fourth Doctor Who after Jon Pertwee’s departure. The role eventually taken by Tom Baker.
With Porridge it is well documented that Fulton could be quite irritating to the other cast members as he was such a perfectionist. He was constantly wanting to try scenes again and again. It has to be said, however, that this fine attention to detail paid dividends, as his performances were always flawless.
Mackay developed a movie career post-Porridge appearing in Britannia Hospital, Local Hero and Defense of the Realm . On the small screen other roles included Z Cars, returning over several shows, but as three differing characters, he played Keir Hardie in a 70’s mini series called Shoulder to Shoulder, Special Branch, Crown Court and two Scottish series, The Master of Ballantrae and Rob Roy. Many of you younger ones out there might recall Fulton Mackay as Captain, in our own version of Fraggle Rock.
On this day 1987 Fulton Mackay lost his fight against stomach cancer, he was 64.
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clearly-squishy · 5 months
Finally getting around to posting my fics here!
Word Count: 49,475 words (across 14 chapters)
Rating: Teen and Up
Relationships: Kururugi Suzaku & Lelouch Lamperouge (Lelouch vi Britannia), Rivalz Cardemonde & Lelouch Lamperouge (Lelouch vi Britannia), Ashford Academy Student Council Ensemble & Lelouch Lamperouge (Lelouch vi Britannia), Rivalz Cardemonde & Kururugi Suzaku
Characters: Lelouch Lamperouge (Lelouch vi Britannia), Kururugi Suzaku, Milly Ashford, Rivalz Cardemonde, Shirley Fenette, C.C., Nunnally vi Britannia, Ashford Academy Student Council Ensemble
Tags: Sickfic, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Vomiting, Hiding Medical Issues, Fainting, Needles, Medical, Hospitals, Worry, Friendship, Mild Blood, Surgery, Recovery, Reunions, Crying, Panic, Angst, Panic Attacks, Nightmares, Apologies, Anxiety, Set in Season 1, No Spoilers, Hospitalization, Complete
Summary: A nagging pain in Lelouch's abdomen has ruined a rare opportunity to take advantage of a weekend alone. Now forced to go to a student council meeting and see his friends, he can only hope that he can keep it together long enough for none of them to notice.
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plastic-tulips · 1 year
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@achapnamedtom tagged me to list 6 comfort films, it's also ages since I did one of these and I love listing anything so here we go!
Brief Encounter: what list of comfort films would be complete without a sad film to put on when you're feeling a bit fragile and want to enjoy a beautifully shot doomed romance amongst all the bits and bobs of a bygone era (the steam trains! the repressed emotions! the hats!)
We are the Best!: incredibly sweet and quietly realistic story about a trio of teenage punks in 1980s Stockholm. Wonderful naturalistic performances from the young cast makes me almost (almost!) nostalgic for my own early teens
Fantastic Mr Fox: I find the intentionally creaky handmade-ness of this film inherently comforting, especially the way the puppets' fur moves around like the 1930s King Kong. This was also the first thing I ever saw Jarvis Cocker in, so it's close to my heart for that reason too.
When Harry met Sally: yes the central tenet of this film clearly comes from a very different time but it's nonetheless an absolute treat, from the beautiful shots of autumn in New York to the believability of the relationship between the main characters. It's always on telly and I can never not watch it
Romantics Anonymous: what could possibly be more 'comfort film' than a story of two shy chocolate makers who are meant for each other but too afraid to say how they feel? It does that charming Gallic move of having a little musical number in the middle even though the film isn't really a musical, which I always find irresistible.
The Wicker Man: it's just so 70s and low-budget and unerringly odd that I can't help but be charmed by it. Even Christopher Lee's voice as he's sentencing Edward Woodward to get burned alive sounds soothing. I always give it a watch around springtime (May Day if possible) so it ties in with the general sense of renewal and optimism I think a lot of us feel around that time. RIP to Neil Howie but i'm different.
HONORARY MENTION goes to The Muppet Christmas Carol, not a comfort film in that I can stick it on at any old time of year but that little frog dressed as Tiny Tim makes me believe in the magic of Christmas every single year. Look at him.
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whew this ended up being a lot longer than I planned but anyway I tag @rock-n-rollin-bitch @snookicoin @tautittology @britannia-hospital @iwatch-thebees and @veradune
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