#BringBackOurGirls ChibokGirls Nigeria
adeleange · 5 years
Hace cinco años el mundo se vió conmocionado por la noticia del secuestro de 276 niñas de entre 12 y 16 años en Chibok, Nigeria. Eso ocurrió el 14 de abril de 2014 y hoy se cumplen 5 años de esta tragedia de la que nadie parece acordarse.
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Volviendo la vista atrás recuerdo que los periódicos y noticiarios no dejaban de hablar de esto, pero bastó un poco de tiempo para que la gente se fuera olvidando del tema como si hubiera quedado resuelto. Cinco años después 112 niñas aún no han regresado a casa, cinco años después sus familias siguen pidiendo justicia con la esperanza de volver a verlas. Pero parece que su esfuerzo es en vano, pues todas las medidas que iban a poner en marcha los distintos gobiernos y países del mundo no llegaron a término. 
No es por dramatizar, pero si ocurriese una situación parecida (ojalá que no se repita jamás) en algún país “occidental” estoy segura de que la respuesta de los gobiernos llegaría de una forma más inmediata. No hay más que ver lo que ocurre con los atentados terroristas en los últimos años, todo lo que pasa en “occidente” (Europa o EEUU) tiene más cobertura, más repercusión y más impacto social. Sin embargo ocurren muy a menudo en países como Siria, Libia, Irak, Líbano, Afganistán, Egipto o Yemen y no parece tener la misma importancia. Eso es porque los países vistos desde un punto de vista económico no son tan importantes ni ocupan los puestos más altos, pero creo que derechos como los Derechos Humanos deberían estar vigentes en todos los países y cumplirse de igual manera en todos pues son universales.
Por mi parte sólo puedo estar informada de hechos como estos y contarlos para que los conozcáis de primera mano. Decir que sólo he encontrado una página en la que se habla de esto hoy que se cumplen cinco años (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/04/nigeria-chibok-school-girls-years-112-missing-190413192517739.html). Para más información consultad la wikipedia (https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secuestro_de_Chibok).
Un abrazo muy fuerte para todas las familias y que la lucha no para hasta que las 112 que faltan vuelvan a casa #BringBackOurGirls #ChibokGirls #Nigeria 
    Se cumplen 5 años del secuestro de las niñas en Chibok (Nigeria) Hace cinco años el mundo se vió conmocionado por la noticia del secuestro de 276 niñas de entre 12 y 16 años en Chibok, Nigeria.
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yasniger · 4 years
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“The trouble with Nigeria is simply and squarely a failure of leadership. There is nothing basically wrong with the Nigerian character. There is nothing wrong with the Nigerian land or climate or water or air or anything else. The Nigerian problem is the unwillingness or inability of its leaders to rise to the responsibility, to the challenge of personal example which are the hallmarks of true…
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pedrotorresm · 7 years
#Repost @refugees (@get_repost) ・・・ Big Mustapha helps little Mustapha. . Little Mustapha is one of 100s of orphans & vulnerable Nigerian children helped back to school by our Nansen Award winner. . Meet our amazing 2017 Nansen Award winner Zannah, a lawyer and founder of a school that's changing lives and returning hope to communities affected by the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria. His school welcomes all children including those whose parents were killed by Boko Haram and whose parents were members of the terrorist group. . His efforts to bring peace to the region include being the main negotiator responsible for releasing some of the kidnapped Chibok girls. . Over the next few weeks we'll be telling you more about our amazing winner ahead of the Nansen Award ceremony on 2 October. Google "Nansen Award" to find out more. . #NansenAward #refugees #refugeeswelcome #hero #nigeria #bringbackourgirls #chibokgirls #education #educaterefugees
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goodblacknews · 7 years
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(via Nigerian Government Negotiates Release of 82 Chibok Girls From Boko Haram)
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sabirimages-j101 · 7 years
#Repost @refugees (@get_repost) ・・・ Big Mustapha helps little Mustapha. . Little Mustapha is one of 100s of orphans & vulnerable Nigerian children helped back to school by our Nansen Award winner. . Meet our amazing 2017 Nansen Award winner Zannah, a lawyer and founder of a school that's changing lives and returning hope to communities affected by the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria. His school welcomes all children including those whose parents were killed by Boko Haram and whose parents were members of the terrorist group. . His efforts to bring peace to the region include being the main negotiator responsible for releasing some of the kidnapped Chibok girls. . Over the next few weeks we'll be telling you more about our amazing winner ahead of the Nansen Award ceremony on 2 October. Google "Nansen Award" to find out more. . #NansenAward #refugees #refugeeswelcome #hero #nigeria #bringbackourgirls #chibokgirls #education #educaterefugees #human #mystory #humble (at Los Angeles, California)
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FG invites BBOG in the search of Chibok girls in Sambisa
FG invites BBOG in the search of Chibok girls in Sambisa
The group says government must apologize to them first
The Federal Government has invited the advocacy group, BringBackOurGirls (BBOG) group as it intensifies efforts to find the remaining missing Chibok girls.
It has invited the campaigners to be part of a mission to Sambisa Forest in Borno State, where the terror sect, Boko Haram once held sway.
The group, led by former Education Minister, Oby…
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adeleange · 7 years
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Más info en @bringbackourgirls @BBOG_Nigeria (Twitter) y bringbackourgirls.ng #bringbackourgirls #bringbackourgirlsnow #bringbackourgirlsalive QUE ESTO NO SE OLVIDE!! Etiqueta, comparte, captura, da like, pero sobre todo RECUERDA. #nigeria #chibokgirls #chibokgirlsclock #chibokschoolgirls #chiboknigeria
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yasniger · 5 years
1. The Boko Haram kidnapped girls and forced them to change their religion.
While Islam says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion…..”
(Qur’an 2:256)
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2. The Boko Haram have forcefully married off girls.
While Islam says: “…..Do not inherit women against their will…..”
(Qur’an 4:19)
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3. The Boko Haram are aggressive towards those who do not follow their beliefs.
While Islam says: “IF IT HAD…
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nihuwellness · 7 years
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'Educate a girl, Change the world" On February 19, 2018, 110 schoolgirls wee kidnapped Government Girls Technical College, Dapchi, Yobe State, Nigeria. On the night of April 14-15, 2014, 276 schoolgirls were taken from Government Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State, Nigeria. ---- An adbucted schoolgirl is a representation of the threatening power of an educated girl. For those more fortuante, let us continue to #empowerwomen to learn, to create and to grow. #bringbackourgirls #chibokgirls #dapchigirls #internationalwomensmonth
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instafashionfix · 7 years
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MC Breaking News: We are very happy to learn the news of the release of 82 school girls from Chibok, Nigeria that were kidnapped by terrorist group Boko Haram 3 years ago. But there are still more than 100 girls in Boko Haram's hand. We support the pledge to Nigerian government and world leaders to urge the act to release them. Here is the image of our report from 2015. #breakingnews #bringbackourgirls #chibokgirls #nigerian #marieclaireindonesia #globalissue #savethegirls
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Saa, one of the #ChibokGirls
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skylerpunnett · 7 years
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It has been 3 years since 276 #chibokgirls were abducted in Nigeria by Boko Haram terrorists. 196 of them still remain captive. #3years2long1demand : #bringbackourgirls
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Bring back our girls! As the mother of a young daughter, I would be heartbroken to lose my child. #3years2long1Demand
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#BringBackOurGirls #3Years2Long
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#3Years2Long #HopeEndures
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