#Bring down the government as thom Yorke our Lord and saviour once said
pacifymebby · 3 years
Hope it’s okay to just kinda rant a little here but UGH so sick of seeing middle aged men especially who back in the day say they had a house at like 23 or something bc they knew what they wanted to do and ‘worked hard’ and they ‘contribute’ to do it like I know I sound pathetic but as someone who struggled w anxiety around a lot of people in my teens and I mean, I still do to an extent in stressful situations I had legit breakdowns a lot when in retail situations so I wouldn’t like pursue that anymore and then I had no idea what to do until like last year so idk i also had like stress eat or not eat and feel super faint or something when in those situations and idk I am just so exhausted hearing people say like ohhh yeah well I knew so everyone should go ahead and do it jsjsjsjdj
NO FOR REAL THOUGH Im glad someone ranted about this!!!!!
I honestly fucking hate how people make out its as simple as working hard.
First of all, do they know even one thing about the exploitative capitalist system we currently live in? 0 hour, minimum wage culture means people can't ever save enough money to leave their shitty jobs, they have no leverage at all, some companies litterally make it impossible to unionise. Working hard no longer = climbing the social ladder.
It didn't really mean it in the 90s but it meant it far more than it does now.
There are jobs which require doctorates which only pay £19,000 a year.
The thing that gets me most about this is that in the 90s when my parents saved for their first house, my mum had no a levels, hadn't been to uni, my dad barely had gcse's. To do my mums job in 2022 you need a good degree. To do my dad's job ur looking at a poorly paid apprenticeship (I've seen apprenticeships pay like £3 an hour these days).
Their combined income was like £40,000 a year. The deposit they had to put down on their house was £3000.
Now, in 2022 I'm more qualified than both my parents but I can't get a job that isn't minimum wage paid hourly. B has been looking at salaried jobs, he has a masters degree, hes looking at a £19,000 a year salary.
I am on roughly £13,000 a year.
If we want to put a deposit down on a flat (A FLAT) it will be like £8,000 - 10,000.
I'm not much of a maths person but I know for a fact that proves me and B who work really fucking hard, are far worse off than my parents were in the 90s.
The average income in the UK is somet between 20 and 25k a year. The cost of living is rising sharply, taxes are rising sharply (but our public services are shrinking drastically), house prices are going up, the economy is supposedly growing, but wages are stagnating. Its getting harder and harder to rent, landlords are parasites, it's impossible to save for a house when youre renting but most people have to move out their parents homes because their parents now live in inustryless husks where there are no jobs thanks to, guess who, you got it, thatcher and every tory that's ever looked up to her since.
1 in 5 people in the UK live in poverty. Most of those people are in what we call working poverty. That means they are WORKING but they still can't afford to live. Teachers, nurses, social care workers are reliant in food banks.
Anyone and I mean anyone who tries to tell me that all you need to do these days to buy a house is work hard.
I work really fucking hard thank you very fucking much.
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