#BrickLink Stud.Io
mugbearerscorner · 6 months
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Gathered Friends, Listen Again To Our Legend of the BIONICLE
Decided to go an extra mile and recreate the good ol' BIONICLE Toa Mata poster. Really pleased how this came out.
Toa Mata Index
Tahu | Gali | Lewa | Kopaka | Onua & Pohatu
Please support me and my hubby:
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bionicminifig · 3 months
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Here we have my take on Takanuva, a very important character in the Bionicle franchise. I thought the metal blue would be cool.
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arzeron · 2 months
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What if Axonn but palette swap with Brutaka?
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Granvir by The Mugbearer Via Flickr: Lately I've been playing the demo for a little game called Granvir. It's a very cool low-poly graphics mecha game where you build your Granvir from various parts you buy or collect during missions. I highly recommend checking it out and wishlisting the full version: store.steampowered.com/app/2954810/Granvir_Demo/ The demo is basically a full-feature game containing a full campaign (out of many more possible in the future) and a wide arsenal or weapons and Granvir components!
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thehydromancer · 1 year
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J03 Hunter Class destroyer & F16A Marathon class Heavy Cruiser, scaled for playing Mobile Frame Zero: Intercept Orbit. Inspired by the MCRN Donnager battleship from The Expanse.
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The J03 Hunter Class destroyer, designed and built by the First Great Expansion megacorp Northern Sky, was a dedicated seek and destroy platform designed to overrun targets with a single minded ferocity. The class often performed picket duties or acted as forward deployed scouts, but it truly shined when it was able to engage in one sided fights, chasing wounded and/or isolated prey, and was known for pack hunting, multi-dimensional pincer attacks that drove a target into a vector for one of the destroyers to ram for a killing blow.
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Its primary weapons were two side mounted dual railgun chase armaments, a capable enough system to damage enemy light to mid armor while being relatively easy to maintain. In lieu of thick hull plating which would have slowed the class, a multi-layered defense of PDGs and defensive missile turrets (capable of firing anti-missile missiles as well as chaff/dazzlers) allowed the destroyer to capitalize on its speed for both aggressive as well as defensive maneuvering. The forward section of the class was also heavily reinforced for ramming, and was painted to evoke the grinning maw of an apex predator like aircraft nose art of old.
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The F16A Marathon class heavy cruiser on the other hand was a dramatic scaling up of the venerable Hunter class, albeit with a much different mission in mind. This heavy cruiser was intended for extended solo operations such as deep space exploration, strategically hidden emergency reinforcements, or advanced system scouting; as such it needed the legs to operate on its own, carrying enough bullets, beans, fuel, and propellant to maintain happy and fully operational battle stations. Its massive armored bulk was supported by no less than eight engines, the primary four of which were over engineered for safety's safe; a catastrophic failure when the ship was millions or billions of miles from the nearest safe harbor or ally was a serious concern. Its primary weapons were two 3-barrel cannon launch missile turrets with exceptional firing arcs, that offered an impressive range of initial firing arcs. By forgoing traditional VLS cells or launch tubes, the Hunter class sacrificed volley mass and refire rate for exceptional accuracy and engagement ranges. The Marathon also mounted the same model PDGs and defensive missile turrets the Hunter class did, though with double the number of both included (later 'B' and 'C' variants instead tripled the number of missile turrets as instability throughout human and Ijad space began leading to large scale space fleet combat).
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A Marathon could also easily have served as a flagship for a military or megacorp fleet, although the newer 'B' (improved C&C facilities and outsized comms arrays) and 'C' (mobile frame hangar and catapult) hulls were better suited for modern mobile frame centric combat. Despite its age, the original Marathons were still powerful forces to be reckon with, should an organization have had the resources and manning to support one. Unfortunately, as space combat transitioned from one-sided curb stomp beatdowns between well funded militaries and upstart colonists with more bravado than brains (not to mention the occasional megacorp skirmish over resources) to full on interspecies warfare between the human goverments and the Ijad forces with Free Colony Cells not only popping up more frequently every day, but also increasingly better trained and better geared, the heavy cruiser saw the end of its heyday. While the purpose built combat ship was ton for ton superior to most converted civilian vessels used by free colonists, as well as the oddly alien designs the Ijad introduced, the increase of space based mobile frame companies closed the gap enough that many militaries decided that the class just wasn't worth the manning and logistics to field any longer, in favor of smaller, more modern light cruisers, battle cruisers, and carriers that came to dominate The Second Great Expansion.
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toa-kohutti · 1 year
it's 8/10nicle day officially, time to advertise
download your 8/10 celebration Stud.io parts from @valtarshol, Galva_Nize, Rothanak, @nattarthetimedragon, OhluCG, and SomeoneKiri here!
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Happy Bionicle Day, and happy building!
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angryraptor13 · 4 months
Hi, a friend of mine is just starting off creating mocs on Stud.io and was wondering how you color your pieces different colors in the program
From directly in Stud.io, first you click the part you want to color, then you select a new color from the menu in the top left right corner of the screen. You can pick either from a list of colors already in your model, or you can go slightly above that spot & choose from any color that Stud.io can render.
The little parts organizer below the color picker will show a yellow exclamation mark if the part you chose doesn't come in that color; this is not always accurate if you're using custom parts.
You can also create a custom palette of parts in multiple colors by exporting a Wish List from BrickLink & then importing it into Stud.io. I find this option useful if I want to make sure the parts I choose exist in the colors I want.
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aged-string · 1 year
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Some more Stud.io models
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valherja · 2 years
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NT-999 Woðinz
Neo Muha Faction heavy mobile warrior, limited production during First Space War
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 1 year
Wait no hang on.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I remember hearing somewhere that Studio's "Photoreal" renderer is based on Blender Cycles.
Does that mean it's possible to convert Blender materials into Studio colours?
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fourbrickstall · 2 years
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Some more crops I made in BrickLink Stud.io for my Stardew Valley Farmhouse MOC
Love SDV? Vote for my model here to help it become an official LEGO set:
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mugbearerscorner · 1 year
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"Pilot, prepare for Titanfall"
This trio of MOCs was inspired by original Titanfall's three more prominent Titan models: the Atlas, the Ogre and the Strider. I was also inspired by Miracle of Sound's song "Man and Machine" (listen here).
I am attempting something here by using mass upload program (PostyBirb) to re-post a bunch of my old MOC images. P sure not everyone who follows me today saw them back in the day, so it's a bunch of treats for y'all!
Posted using PostyBirb
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bionicminifig · 3 months
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I'm new to this tumblr thing, so mind as well start off by sharing my Lego selfMOC. I call him Haruto.
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arzeron · 2 months
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What if Rahaga Norik resembled his Toa form a little bit more?
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xxatlasxx · 1 month
It is finished:
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Details below the cut
-48 16x16 art plates (black)
-12288 round 1x1 tiles (multicolors)
-225 technic pins (black)
Total piece count: 12561
Time: unknown, probably a total of like 3 days.
Original photo: (mine)
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Program used to create and generate pieces: bricklink stud.io
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keitrinkomfloukru · 5 months
I've discovered a free program called Bricklink Stud.io that lets you play with virtual legos and I have spent the last two days in 1980 being 7 years old again.
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only with an unlimited budget.
Space stuff was THE Lego stuff in 1979-80. By the time Lego started making its town and castle stuff in the mid-80s I had moved on to an Erector set. I was an adult by the time they began doing media license tie-ins.
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(That rocket's putting a satellite up. It's not a nuke I swear)
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That's supposed to be a fuel trailer. One thing this program does NOT do well is flexible parts. It took me over an hour to align those two fuel hoses.
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A cargo train of my own design:
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With the help of some Technic pins I made a big cargo launcher with booster rockets:
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