#Branden Wolfe Biography
imran16829 · 4 years
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Who is Branden Wolfe Wiki, Bio, Age, Net Worth, Instagram, Twitter & More Facts Branden Wolfe Wiki - Branden Wolfe Biography Branden Wolfe has been charged in the arson of the 3rd Precinct in Minneapolis, according to a press release from the Department of Justice.
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ironforgedrp · 5 years
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↳ details; male, 37. (b. 469AC) ↳ status; pansexual, unmarried, bastard twins evalin & lyanna snow (b.495AC) ↳ faceclaim; viggo mortensen. ↳ hails from; winterfell, the north. ↳ loyalty; house stark, his family.
↳ title; lord of winterfell, warden of the north. ↳ religion; the old gods of the forest. ↳ magical ability; confident greenseer. ↳ spoken languages; the common tongue, a few insults in bastard valyrian ↳ reason in sunspear; after his fathers death he has taken the mantle as head of house stark
↳ type; the architect ↳ alignment; lawful neutral ↳ star sign; capricorn. ↳ positives; strategist, loyal, protective, determined, fierce, formidable. ↳ negatives; stubborn, temperamental, narrow-sighted, proud, vengeful, often taciturn.
↳ family lineage.
when lord rickken and lady alysandra stark announced the birth of their first child, a healthy dark-haired son, it should have been a joyous occasion for all starks and for the northen bannermen ━   but it was overshadowed by the poison of a blood feud. the then babe branden, named in honour of the legendary founder of house stark, would find out as he grew that a horrid fight of jealousy and bitterness of lineage had split his family in two, but he soon learned that his uncle edderion was an unreasonable and bitter man who was simply angry that he was born second.  branden didn’t lament the lack of his uncle, he was never there anyway.  whilst often taciturn and appearing lost in his own thoughts, the eldest stark was a sponge for all things offered to him; fighting skills, tutoring with the maesters, lessons from his mother on the spiritual aspects of her house, reed, and his fathers house, stark. he never truly understood why as a younger boy, but curious events and visions and other unexplainable things had happen to branden by the time he was ten, and it was around this time that his mother explained to branden that what he truly was, was a greenseer.
rare, but not completely unheard of, branden had been ‘gifted’, as his mother called it, with abilities of foresight. whilst the last known true greenseer had been noted in the history books as a man of house reed - his mothers house, there was also the notion of the three-eyed-raven brandon stark of more than two centuries ago. holed up in his room, the young branden poured over the stories to understand what this would mean for him and his future. when alysandra took branden to see his father, and explained what had come to pass with their eldest ━  it simply bolstered lord rickken pride and favouritism of his eldest. he became obsessed with having branden write down every dream the moment he woke and as branden often muttered and mumbled in his sleep, lord rickken would have the maester or the septa sit over him at night and make note of anything that branden would utter in his sleep. it was on one of these nights that the fates turned the wheel in a way that no one would have expected.  in a dream that he wrote about when he woke up, the vague imagery of a living statue carving down branches of an ancient weirwood tree and as each branch fell he described hearing a scream of a name. the names, however, he could not say for the memory was too hazy. he wrote of wolves, two wolves who were not quite twins - one larger, howling at the moon, and a smaller one following suit  as the thunk of branches of the godswood became louder and louder.  and then, it was a roar of a beast, a gnashing of bloodied fangs and a crown made of snow and ice resting upon each of the wolves heads. he’d woken in a cold sweat, and the journaling of the dream was taken away as the others had been. branden, a young boy who was not sure of the consequences, never took much note of that night ━  of course, he never knew of what he’d muttered while he was dreaming. his father did, though - or he thought he did, and took it as a prophecy that only he was able to fulfil. his son would rule as king in the north, and all would bow to the wolf again as long as he was able to father another child blessed with the gifts of the old gods as branden had been.
this came to pass in another son, brandens younger brother who was born when branden was ten. the sweet-faced young boy named harrion was the last trueborn stark boy that was born and it was clear from early on that he was a boy with gifts like branden. though not a greenseer, as their rarity was high, but a warg; the little stark wolf-boy branden had dubbed him, and rickken was elated. in his mind, his future was set in the lineage and gifts of two of his sons. in truth, branden had been all but blind to his fathers favouritism, but rickken was never cruel to his other children so branden perhaps never noticed. the winterfell heir always had a strong bond with his mother, who when he was older, had revealed that his maternal grandmother was gifted with foresight, not a greenseer as branden was, but a woman of house reed with greensight. they kept that secret between the two, and no one aside from the maester, his parents and the eldest septa knew of branden’s greenseer ability. keeping it hidden for years, he became a master of being able to cope with any side effects; his body would tell him if a vision was to come and he could excuse himself. branden never took much notice of his fathers obsession of any dreams or visions his eldest had, and though they were not as  frequent as his childhood, he accepted that  his father was simply fascinated by the rarity of his gifts. branden was humbled by it, and he became very spiritual about the old gods and the old ways as a way to thank them.
down the line, a marriage deal was made for harrion with a targaryen girl of a similar age who hailed from dragonstone -  the niece of the reigning king maegor targaryen. lord rickken and lady alysandra were quite happy with the match, and though branden only met the young targaryen a handful of times, his brother seemed quite smitten as youngsters often did. branden was into his twenties when all this was coming together, wedding scheduled and plans made - lord rickken elated in thinking that brandens vision from his youth would now come to pass.  it was in 494AC, tragedy struck and rattled the bones of house stark when the young lord harrion was up on the turrets of winterfell,  looking out to to the sprawling godswood when a violent wind swept from behind him, causing him to tumble to his death, having only turned fifteen years old in the recent days. the layer of grief that settled over winterfell was as thick as a blanket of torrential snow. the funeral, branden could hardly remember, he only remembered his mothers broken-hearted wailing cry and the ache of his lost brother. it was nearly a full year later when another curve ball was thrown to house stark; their perfect heir returned from winter town with two pale, yellow-haired babes... his daughters by a wildling woman, who had abandoned them with a note that simply said the babes were his, she was returning beyond the wall and had no plans to return nor did she wish branden to search for her.  he would not let his own flesh and blood starve. joining house stark were the young girls evalin & lyanna snow who grew up raised by the septas and doted on by their father.
growing up in the blood feud between his uncle and father, being a greenseer, the relentless drive of his fathers obsessive ambition and the untimely death of his brother was enough strain on branden. however, come the invitation to the capital for the celebration of the lannister prince, lord rickken’s health took a negative turn and branden attended in his stead. attending the capital for the celebration of the birth of the lannister prince proved to be horrible and the most challenging event of branden’s life as the northern heir. his uncle revealed as traitor to not only his own family but to the iron throne and all of westeros, branden felt the eyes of the entire kingdom turn to him with suspicion and distrust.  it was not something he was very fond of, but as a logical man he knew why - it wasn’t though the north had a pleasant history house lannister, but that was one of the reasons why branden approached the lannister king and volunteered as the crowns champion to have his uncle executed for his crimes; the winterfell heir was more than happy to have been the one to condemn him to death.  he was fairly certain that his father would scream at him til he was hoarse for entering a trial by combat without formally asking permission, but he had not failed in his duty.
returning home to deliver the news of what had had happened, branden found his lord father’s health had deteriorated rapidly and he was weak, pale, and his mother explained that lord rickken had been in the godswood by winterfell when he was attacked by the guards of his late brothers widow in a failed attempt to retaliate for branden’s victory over her husbands champion. though rickken had made it back to winterfell, he was barely alive. the lord of winterfell died within the week, leaving branden as the new warden of the north. bubbling with rage, he wrote to the crown and informed them of what had happened, and informed them that his lord father had been attacked by the widow of barrowton and, as the warden of the north, he formally requested the crown hold the barrowton widow responsible for her crimes. she was executed by that years end and the branch of the barrowton starks exiled; barrow hall handed to house stout of goldgrass to be castellan over.
branden spent the next months pouring over records, plans and histories applicable to the north - including correspondence with the ruling lord mormont regarding magical bloodlines, which has lead him to wonder if house mormont also holds some power from the old gods. branden is comfortable with the north still loyal to the iron throne, and until given reason otherwise he has no plans to rescind from the iron throne.
↳ personality.
he is nothing if not a proud stark, he is proud of his namesake and of his lineage. he is proud of his father and mother, and proud of himself. though always short spoken branden has a great amount of affection for his siblings and half-siblings, even if he doesn’t say so often. his pride often leads to his anger, or arguments, or even debates over jugs of ale. 
he’s a strategist, and a master of slipping by people ━  a habit born of his secrecy in his greenseeing. he wants to bring honour back to the north as his father had always aimed to but his visions for the north are somewhat different now that he has been in the middle of literal political upheaval and chaos. being a father made him softer and more serious, his pride in his house and lands has sanded the edges of branden, the rambunctious young man, into a northern heir worthy of the name.
↳ splitting of the kingdoms.
as most starks do, he held and still does hold a great and many dubious opinions on house lannister, and definitely believes that he would have made a finer ruler should the queens late father had chosen him.  however, he cannot honestly say that the north would be better rescinding from the iron throne so eagerly as the other kingdoms have… everything must have a strategy, and a second plan if the original were to fail and that is what his feelings are in regards to the summit. in time, maybe.
he is glad to be the one as the spearhead of the northern party, but he also can’t deny that the north has not suffered under the iron throne and having the crown’s belief in him and his house, despite his uncles treason.
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wikifoxnews · 3 years
Who is Jayana Tanae Webb ( Pennsylvania woman, 21, facing murder, DUI charges in crash ) Wiki, Bio, Age, Crime, Arrest, Incident details, Investigations and More Facts
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Jayana Tanae Webb Biography              Jayana Tanae Webb Wiki
Pennsylvania State Police announced charges Monday 18 against a 21-year-old driver suspected of hitting and killing two state police and a pedestrian, including three counts of third degree murder, three counts of manslaughter while driving under the influence of alcohol and two counts of second degree manslaughter of a law enforcement officer. The two soldiers, Branden T. Sisca, 29, and Martin F. Mack III, 33, were witnessing a pedestrian walking in the left lane of I-95 South just before 1:00 am. m. Monday when they were hit. The two soldiers and the pedestrian, Reyes Rivera Oliveras, 28, died in the impact.
Jayana Tanae Webb, 21, was arrested on the spot. On Tuesday afternoon she was taken out of the State Police barracks, tied with the handcuffs of the deceased soldiers. BREAKING: in dead trooper’s handcuffs, Jayana Tanae Webb,21, Eagleville woman now charged as the driver who hit&killed two @PAStatePolice troopers & Allentown man who was walking on I-95, as troopers were putting him into their police SUV 1/2 @FOX29philly pic.twitter.com/uZcVuHF0N1 — Steve Keeley (@KeeleyFox29) March 22, 2022 Just before Webb hit the three people, her car was stopped, but officers had to stop to answer the pedestrian walking on the freeway, Fox 29 Philadelphia reports. It is unclear if Webb was driving her when she was first arrested. Sisca joined the Pennsylvania State Police last year and also served as the fire chief for Trappe Fire Company No. 1 in Montgomery County. Martin joined the Pennsylvania State Police in November 2014. Both Mack and Sisca were organ donors, potentially saving eight lives and helping more than 100 people, according to the Gift of Life Donor program. "Heroes in life and in death, they were both registered organ and tissue donors. Their legacy of helping others survives through donation," said Rick Hasz, president of the Gift of Life program. in a press release. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolfe ordered the flags to fly at half mast, calling it "a heartbreaking tragedy that occurred while these soldiers were protecting and serving." "This sad incident is a clear reminder of the risks and sacrifices our law enforcement officers make every day to keep us safe," Wolfe said Monday. Read the full article
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