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Healingwithsree Spiritual awakening is a term given to describe a subjective experience in which an individual's ego transcends their ordinary, finite sense of self to encompass a wider, infinite sense of truth or reality. I am glad that I witnessed this with my client. It was not only a divine experience for her but for me too. Her detailed encounter as written by her is in my story. For the first time the entire story is written by my client. I merely experienced it first hand with her and I'm grateful for this. www.healingwithsree.com #hypnotherapist #hypnotherapyworks #hypnosisworks #brainfog #brainfogremedies #brainfogisreal #sprituality #spiritualawakening #spritual https://www.instagram.com/p/CppTKmgNimA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Stayed up really late last night with my bestie and let me tell you that once you start nearing your mid 30s, you cannot, I repeat: CANNOT, stay up late without feeling like you have a hangover.
We weren't even drinking.
#mymouthisdry #poundingheadache #ohgodmyeyes #bodynotworking #brainfogisreal #i'llprobablycrytoday
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I had the honor of being on my friend Jessie’s podcast called UnChronically. UnChronically is for people who struggle with chronic pain/illness, those who care for people who struggle with it, and people who just want to learn more about it. This episode is about the struggles of dealing with brain fog, what it’s like, where it comes from, etc. I’ve dealt with brain fog, likely due to chronic pain and PMDD, so I got to be a guest and weigh in on the subject. Check it out and feel free to share your thoughts on the topic! Episode: https://anchor.fm/unchronically/episodes/Living-with-Brain-Fog---with-Laura-and-Nikki-e1dtnuc?fbclid=IwAR0iuCswuZshkDYuYLllYYkS8lKAWP4CYtb3z0MmMJq2bVmw-Rch3v5rwP8 Podcast: UnChronically / https://m.facebook.com/Unchronically/ Host: @jessielmb Guests: @nikkiserenityartist and @lauraborealisimagery Jessie’s photo by: @dan_elliot_photo Platform: @anchor.fm / @spotifypodcasts / @applepodcasts #chronicfatiguesyndrome #chronic #brainfogger #chronicillnesscommunity #chronicpainrelief #brainfogisreal #chronicillnesslife #chronicpainlife #brainfogfix #pmsproblems #pms #pmddawareness #pmdd #anchorfm #podcastlife #podcasts #podcast #chronicillnessmemes #chronicpainsucks #brainfogproblems #chronicillnesswarrior #chronicpainwarrior #brainfogbegone #chronicillnessawareness #chronicpainawareness #brainfogsucks #brainfog #chronicillness #chronicpain @chronic.pain.journey @readingwithbrainfog @braainfog @brainfog.surreal @the.chronicpain.lifestyle @chronic.pain @chronicpaincastle @chronicpainadvocate @chronicpainisabitch @chronicillnesshotline @chronicillnesstribe @simplyspoonie @chronicillnessloyal @spoonsplease @how.u.feeling @chronicillnessmemes @thebrainfog @chronicpaincomedy @chronicpain @chronicpainwarrior @activelyautoimmune @chronicillnesshumor @chronicpainjokes (at St. Louis, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZriIhYOSPa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Commenting on Fan Fiction
A friend of mine received this comment today on AO3: “Clexa has turned into bizzaro upside down world. Why can't I have one story with the Character I love? R.I.P original recipe Lexa. No other fandom works as hard as this one does to erase a strong female warrior from existence. Turning the Commander of the twelve clans into a weak weepy damsel in distress is disgraceful. But the constant trend of making Clarke and the Delinquents into super badasses seems to be a huge factor.” This is going to be my reply: (sorry for the essay!) Let me first start by saying your comments are somewhat correct. Yes this fandom does like to portray Lexa in a different light to that of The 100 TV show although there are a huge amount of stories where she is not. On the other side of that there are a huge amount of stories where Clarke is the "weak weepy damsel in distress" and as far as The 100 goes Clarke isn't that either. The 100 writers have never written either of these fictional characters as such. They have been written as equals both with strengths and weaknesses but within different but overlapping circumstances. However this is a fan FICTION site. People have loved these characters so much that it has INSPIRED them to write all types of VARIATIONS of these 2 FICTIONAL people. They have let their imaginations run wild and turn these characters into a multitude of wonderful different versions of themselves. After a very quick look at the quantity of The 100 stories I estimate there to be well over 50,000 Clarke & Lexa works. That doesn't include the Bellarke, Ranya, Linctavia etc. etc. etc. fandoms in which both Clarke and Lexa are included.
How boring would it be if we had 50,000 stories all of similar themes? All telling, in essence, the same story. The other thing you haven't considered is the effort, time, and love these talented people have put in to these stories for us. Yes that “us” includes you. I'm sure they all enjoy writing their fictions, and they can be a labour of love at times, but they don't write these things just for themselves. They write them for others to enjoy too. Do you think that that means they want to be criticised for an idea that they've put down on proverbial paper? Do you think that the few sentences you've written here aren't hurtful or insulting? You may not be blaming this author, or others directly, but you accuse none the less. What would this world be like if we all conformed to what one person thinks? To what THEY WANT? (Do any dictators spring to mind? Because they should!) Scary thought isn't it? Yes I understand that you are entitled to your opinion, as am I, but perhaps before you share that opinion you should consider how your words may effect the people reading them. I did a search and noticed that you haven’t written anything on AO3? Perhaps you should consider writing a Clexa story and see what response you get? Then perhaps YOU can "have one story with the character you love" in it.
I for one am grateful for these people who spend precious time out of their days writing so that WE may get to laugh, cry, get horny, scream, get anxious along with all the other emotions, feelings and thoughts that these stories may induce in us. All for free I might add! I may not always like the way characters are portrayed or how the story is written but I still appreciate these people and the effort they make for anyone who wishes to read what they have written. Perhaps you should pause before commenting next time and think about what it is you want to say and ask yourself is it appropriate?
P.S. Maybe it might be worth you doing a better search on AO3 for the fics you are obviously going to enjoy. Their search tools are pretty good and I’m sure you can find enough to occupy yourself with, without feeling the need to make unnecessary comments on those stories that you won’t. Oh and just a thought... perhaps other fandoms haven’t diversified their characters so much because they aren’t as passionate about, or maybe obsessed with or as infatuated as we Clexa/Bellarke/The 100 fans are? Just something to ponder on... P.P.S. Yes I know I have replied anonymously but I have some input in to some stories (which I do not write, only help out with) and my name is linked to them and I will not have anyone upset, angered or discouraged because people choose to comment without thinking about the consequences of their actions.
Thoughts anyone?
Am I being over the top? Am I being unnecessarily harsh? Was it a necessary comment on a fic loosely based on Agents of Shield? Feel free to put me right if I’m way off the mark with this reply. Thanking you all muchly
#CriticismCanBeConstructive MoaningForTheSakeOfItPissesMeOff#ICan'tFigureOutHowTheseHashTagsWork#BrainFogIsReal
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