#Braddock's Defeat
tricornonthecob · 4 months
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I am inordinately proud of this expression.
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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The Daredevils Vol.1 #11 cover by artist Alan Davis (1983).
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pittsburghbeautiful · 4 months
Battle of the Monongahela
Battle of the Monongahela The Battle of Monongahela, a pivotal engagement during the French and Indian War, served as a crucible for military evolution. On July 9, 1755, British and colonial troops faced off against French and Native American forces in a clash that would have profound reverberations. The outcome of this battle not only shaped the course of the war but also had lasting…
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geekycitizen · 1 year
Something I found interesting about Across the Spider-Verse is how it loosely adapts the original Spider-Verse event and redistributes some of the "roles" of certain characters.
First off, the Spot has Morlun's role. He's a multiverse travelling maniac with a petty grudge against the main Spider of the story.
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Miguel O'Hara has Otto's role. He's arguably the most ruthless Spider, has a blunt approach to leadership, is based in a futuristic New York, and often talks to his snarky AI assistant. He even stole another man's identity just like Otto.
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Miles and Gwen share parts of Peter's original role.
Like Peter, Gwen is the main Spider who opposes Miguel, the Otto stand-in.
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Meanwhile, Miles is considered an anomaly, much like how Peter is an anomaly for being the only Spider to have defeated an Inheritor twice.
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Lastly, there's Hobie, who acts as a stand-in for Billy Braddock. Aside from obviously being British, he's the Spider responsible for giving the main team their means of multiversal travel. He's also the closest with Pavitr.
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floridaboiler · 2 years
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On This Day in History > 
July 3, 1775:George Washington takes command of Continental Army"
George Washington rides out in front of the American troops gathered at Cambridge common in Massachusetts and draws his sword, formally taking command of the Continental Army. Washington, a prominent Virginia planter and veteran of the French and Indian War, had been appointed commander in chief by the Continental Congress two weeks before. In agreeing to serve the American colonies in their war for independence, he declined to accept payment for his services beyond reimbursement of future expenses.
George Washington was born in 1732 to a farm family in Westmoreland County, Virginia. His first direct military experience came as a lieutenant colonel in the Virginia colonial militia in 1754, when he led a small expedition against the French in the Ohio River Valley on behalf of the governor of Virginia, beginning a fight that resulted in disastrous defeat for first Washington and then British General Edward Braddock. This launched the Seven Years War, but Washington resigned from his military post and returned to a planter’s life in Virginia, later taking a seat in Virginia’s House of Burgesses. During the next two decades, Washington openly opposed escalating British taxation and repression of the American colonies. In 1774, he represented Virginia at the Continental Congress.
After the American Revolution erupted in 1775, Washington was nominated to be commander in chief of the newly established Continental Army. Some in the Continental Congress opposed his appointment, thinking other candidates were better equipped for the post, but he was ultimately chosen because, as a Virginian, his leadership helped bind the southern colonies more closely to the rebellion in New England. Despite his inexperienced and poorly equipped army of civilian soldiers, General Washington led an effective war of harassment against British forces in America, while encouraging the intervention of the French into the conflict on behalf of the colonists. On October 19, 1781, with the surrender of British General Charles Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia, General Washington defeated one of the most powerful nations on earth.
After the war, the victorious general retired to his estate at Mount Vernon, but, in 1787, he heeded his nation’s call and agreed to preside over the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The drafters created the office of president with him in mind, and, in February 1789, Washington was unanimously elected the first president of the United States. As president, Washington sought to unite the nation and protect the interests of the new republic at home and abroad. Of his presidency, he said, “I walk on untrodden ground. There is scarcely any part of my conduct which may not hereafter be drawn in precedent.” He successfully implemented executive authority, making good use of brilliant politicians such as Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson in his cabinet, and quieted fears of presidential tyranny. In 1792, he was unanimously reelected but, four years later, refused a third term. He died in 1799."
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
July 21st - Rachel Grey Summers
Rachel Anne Summers comes from the alternate future of Earth-811. In this reality, the assassination of Senator Kelly provoked the ratification of the Mutant Registration Act, ultimately leading to a dystopian future where the Mutant-hunting Sentinels rule all of North America. As a child, Rachel was abducted by operatives working for the villainous Ahab, who used drugs and hypnosis to turn Rachel into a ‘Hound.’  These hounds are psychic operatives who hunt down fellow Mutants).  
Rachel was eventually able to break free from Ahab’s thrall and was thus sent to the Mutant concentration camps.  There she befriended the surviving Mutant rebels and together they plotted a means of undoing the terrible events that had led to the world’s dire predicament.  
Utilizing her vast telepathic powers, Rachel sent Kitty Pryde’s consciousness into the past to inhabit her younger self so to prevent the assassination of Senator Kelly.  Kitty succeeded yet it did not change their present.  Rachel sent her astral form into the past to find out why and discovered that Kitty’s preventative actions had merely caused a divergence in the time-stream.  While in this astral realm, Rachel encountered the Phoenix Force.  The entity sensed that Rachel was the daughter of its former host, Jean Grey.  The Phoenix Force ultimately decided to send Rachel back in time to the reality of Earth 616.  There she met The X-Men and joined their ranks.   Now operating under the alias of ‘‘The Phoenix,’ Rachel would have numerous adventures alongside the X-Men whilst wielding a portion of the powers of The Phoenix Force.   She later helped Kitty and Nightcrawler form the initial iteration of the superhero team, Excalibur.   An adventure resulted in Rachel being sent thousand years into the future, to a world conquered by the villainous Mutant, Apocalypse.  Rachel would go on to become known as the ‘Mother Askari,’ leading a group of rebels fighting against Apocalypse’s tyranny.   A clone of Nathan Summers, known as Stryfe, ultimately destroyed Apocalypse, yet he ended up just as cruel and tyrannical as Apocalypse himself.  Rachel used her powers to bring the 616 versions of her parents (Scott Summer and Jean Grey) to this future so to tutor the original Nathan Summers in the use of his own powers.  Nathan became the hero known as Cable and eventually brought about the defeat of Stryfe.  With this future saved, Scott and Jean returned to their original places in the time-stream; and Cabke was later able to facilitate Rachel’s return as well.   With the Phoenix Force now fully gone from her, Rachel took up the new alias of ‘’Marvel Girl’ and rejoined the X-Men.  Not long thereafter, rogue agents of the Shi’ar Emoire targeted Rachel seeking revenge for the past destructions wrought by the Phoenix Force.  This ultimately resorted in Rachel embarking on adventures throughout the cosmos where she and a group of fellow X-Men joined the Starjsmmers and fought in the War of Kings/Realm of Kings events.
Ultimately returning to Earth, Rachel became an adjunct instructor a Wolverine’s new X-Men academy, The Jean Grey School for Gifted Youngsters. She changed her hero alias once again, this time taking on the moniker of ‘‘Prestige.’  More recently, Rachel has relocated to the Mutant nation of Krakoa and has joined Betsy Braddock’s new iteration of the team, Excalibur.  
Rachel first appeared in Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #141 (1981).  
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taiblogcomics · 9 months
All the Trappings, None of the Substance
Hey there, straight-edge Bigfoot. We're nearly done with Avengers Undercover, can you believe it? All signs point to "this wasn't worth it!", so let's just barrel ahead and get to today's review~
Here's the cover:
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Oh geez, this cover. Good god. Like, I guess Zemo looks okay, though personally I'd be pointing my sword towards the big giant face I was jumping at, not up. Also, I think his gun holster is empty. Zemo's fine. No, it's the big giant face of Giant Man that's truly horrifying. Like, it's a little too realistic for such a cartoony expression. Weirdly thin lips, giant squared-off teeth, mouth open too wide… Is he about to eat Zemo? I haven't seen Attack on Titan, but I'm pretty sure an Attack on Titan scene is about to happen. Also, there's no background, so this fight is just taking place in a white void. All that aside, the other problem with this cover? None of the teens this comic is supposedly about are on it~
So we open with the Avengers showing up outside Bagalia. Like, is it less of an international incident if they park their Helicarrier outside of the borders and fly in on their own than if they flew the whole vehicle over the border? I don't know how that works. And I say "Avengers", but we got Captain Britain and Meggan, who are part of Braddock Academy, and Hyperion, who is part of Squadron Supreme, and… Well, I guess Spider-Woman is an Avenger, so you got me there. Anyways, this dramatic action scene is undercut by a farmer yelling at them that they scared his goats.
Meanwhile, actually in Bagalia, we pick up from last issue with Anachronism fighting the mind-controlled Cullen Bloodstone (in his monster form). He's pretty worn out, to the point that his ancient Celtic warrior spirit has stopped offering advice. But Anachronism doesn't need advice, he's got guts. And his plan is basically "just don't stop fighting". He makes a poor taunt at Hellstrom, which is the cue for Hazmat to show up and roast Hellstrom. Apparently demonic fire < radiation, in case you were wondering.
Nico also shows up and punches Monster!Cullen, knocking him over and disabling Hellstrom's control. She then engages with Hellstrom while Alex Wilder watches all smirkily. Rather than keep fighting, though, Anachronism decides to use his words to defeat Cullen. He taunts the Cullen within the monster that he basically fell for the first pretty face to flash him a smile, when the smile belonged to a goon calling himself "Son of Satan" and prancing about in latex. Surprisingly, this works, and Cullen regains control of himself, stealing a kiss from Anachronism as thanks. I guess that resolves their plotline!
Nico and Hellstrom are still slugging it out, and both of them know that while she's doing good, he's still got the advantage. And that's when the Avengers literally drop into the scene. In addition to the four I mentioned earlier, we also have Giant Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Tigra. Hazmat and Anachronism marvel that the adults actually showed up for once. Only took them three months, didn't it~? To even those odds, the Young Masters also all get up and join Hellstrom. And then you get the big clash where both sides run at each other screaming.
So there's a big fight going on, and Baron Zemo himself casually strolls onto the battlefield, Madame Masque in tow. He sidles up to Hellstrom and gives him the word, and they spring their trap. All the Young Masters light up and vanish in a puff of flame. Alex gestures, and the entrance the Avengers just used seals up, cutting of Bad Guy Central from the remaining SHIELD troops. And then the teleport completes. All the heroes are stuck down there (now they're literally Avengers under some kind of cover, the title finally works!), while the bad guys have just teleported to the surface. Masque shoots the SHIELD man on the bridge, and the villains now control the Helicarrier.
While the Young Masters handle Maria Hill and her riffraff outside, Zemo, his main goons, and Deathlocket take the bridge. Deathlocket hacks into the Helicarrier's systems, giving them control, and apparently having no qualms about doing so. While they fly off to go make war or whatever Zemo's plan is, the comic ends by revealing Cammi is also on the Helicarrier somehow. And the caption boxes are all like "Oh, did you think she wouldn't escape jail? Nope, here she is!" You know, just in case you couldn't tell how rushed this ending is.
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I will be fair to this comic. The stuff with Anachronism beating Monster!Cullen by just talking to him was actually very good. That stuff's on point. The rest of the stuff is... maybe not the worst, but not great either. Middling at most. I think really the worst part (other than the cover, because good god, I'm still not over that) is just the very last panel, where they deus ex machina in Cammi and then hang a lampshade on it with the caption boxes. And yes, I get the fact that they were being cancelled and didn't have a lot of time or comic to wrap things up, so what else could they do? Answer: anything other than this~
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marvelousmrm · 11 months
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Captain Britain #13 (Friedrich/Trimpe, Jan 1977). Phew, okay, I’m buckled in for a hefty chunky of these 8-page serials. Braddock’s cleaning lady unwittingly defeats this foe by unplugging a computer.
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braddocklegacy · 2 years
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Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor #4
Betsy Braddock is able to defeat Sapphire Styx and, using the excess energy, rebuild her original body. Re-joining the fry to assist her teammates on the X-Men, Psylocke’s transformation from The Hand has been undone.
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twopartyopera · 1 year
Favorable Anecdotes
Two Party Opera comic 958 George Washington's reputation precedes him in "Favorable Anecdotes." John Adams could tell you some rumors. #americanhistory #politicalcartoon #presidents #webcomic #georgewashington #johnadams
The adventures through a letter from John Adams to Benjamin Rush, November 11, 1807, continues! Washington was proceeded by favourable Anecdotes. The English had used him ill, in the Expedition of Braddock. They had not done Justice to his Bravery and good Council. They had exaggerated and misrepresented his defeat and Capitulation: which interested the Pride as well as compassion of Americans in…
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tricornonthecob · 4 months
why does this feel Braddock Road coded. Like surely this convo happened between all the redcoats that ended up deployed to the woods of Pennsylhioginialand.
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porter-pumpkim · 1 year
Amphibia Owl house crossover AU,
Blights of Amphibia
so, an AU I came up with, not an original concept but eh I find it fun,
for some reason the box is on the boiling isles, maybe Leif thought both herself and the box would blend in better so she could hide the thing and it would just get lost in the magic artifacts.
later in the story the box is found by the blight siblings, most likely Edric and Emara rummaging around the night market, possibly even sold to them by Eda. (This comes from that scene in knock knock knockin on hootys door, where the calamity box makes a cameo appearance on one of Eda's shelves in the background right before the Luz and Amity boat ride)
Edric and Emara take the box home with them, showing their cool find to amity, most likely cause of the "cool gems" on it, meanwhile Amity protests on where they even got it, but the twins brush her off and open it, BOOM! cue intro!
Surprisingly our main character is Edric! who got the calamity gem of heart, and landed near Wartwood, shocked, frightened, and yet surprisingly free feeling, this lovable idiot wanders the woods accidentally horrifying frogs and damaging his self-esteem until one of his traps accidentally catches Sprig. Cue the first episode!
During the story of this AU Edric is adopted by the Plantars and quickly becomes Sprig and Pollys chaotic magical older brother, to Hop pops annoyance. most of the episodes are probably Edric causing problems on purpose, getting himself in trouble, and having to fix it.
Also, I'm pretty sure Edric is goanna be best friends with One eyed Wally.
As for Amity and Emara.
Amity landed near Toad tower. becoming the gem of strength, it took some serious effort on the toads end to try and capture her due to her abomination magic, which the toads had never seen before, and where quick to inform Captain Grime about. Grime was incredibly curious of Amity's power, and what Amity even was, questioning her on if any more like her where out there, and finding out there where when he found Edric's shoe near Wartwood, still amity is stubborn and won't admit any information on her siblings.
Similar to Sasha, Amity used her experience with social manipulation on the toads to put them on her side, although her approach included less sugarcoating and a bit more aggression in her tone and words, she wasn't as successful as Sasha, but she at least had Percy and Braddock on her side.
The day the herons' attacked amity was quick to fight them, scrounging any materials she could for some sloppily put together abomination goo. Amity's skills in combat, her power, and formerly shown ruthless and cunning nature impressed Captain grime, and he decided to convince Amity to help defeat the herons, and after the battle offered her a position as his lieutenant in the toad army, to rule over Frog valley with almost ultimate power, and of course, being raised in a household where power and rank are everything, amity agrees, and joins the toad army.
While in the toad army amity goes even further down the rabbit hole of living up to expectations she would rather not in the name of keeping her rank than she was in the series, as she's changed her success strategy from purely academic, to military, still using emotional manipulation and other tactics when needed, but also using her abominations to scare frogs and toads into submission.
Emara ended up in Newtopia as the gem of wit.
Emara was also very stunned and confused after opening the box and suddenly landing in what appeared to be some kingdom entirely different from the boiling isles, as everyone appeared to be weird demons as far as she was concerned, not a witch in sight.
something that stung even more was that as soon as the residence of Netopia saw her, they started screaming about her being a hideous monster. Emara tried to explain herself to those who found her, but now she sounded like a monster that hit its head too hard and was a little nuts. A representative of Newtopia, Lady Olivia, was sent to check up on the commotion caused by this strange newcomer, claiming the king wanted to see her, understandably, Emara was worried, but figured eh, why not? if things went wrong enough, she could just poof out with some illusions.
Emara and Andiras don't really have the same click as Andrias and Marcy, though Emaras sarcastic and whitty nature does slightly remind him of how Leif was before everything went wrong and she touched the box, leading him to still have a connection with her, although a different one, he is also interested in her power, as Emara probably set up some illusions during their meeting, no doubt a selling point Andrias used in convincing the core she could be useful to them if kept alive.
During Emaras stay she was excited by having what seemed to be true freedom for once, although not being a great bridge builder like Marcy, she probably took up any adventures and jobs that seemed exiting, most likely ending up on the war ship with General Yunnan, fighting the giant snake, and dealing with the creepy cult, possibly even getting her own variant of Joe Sparrow, completely unaware of Andrias's bigger plans for her, and her siblings when she finds them.
I do want to draw more of or make comics of this AU when i have time, but I really wanted to just talk about it first, I still have some arks to work out, such as if any of the siblings knew what the box would do, or some of the character arks, plus what happens when they go back to the boiling isles, especially when it comes to Edric trying to find a place for the Plantars without Odalia kicking them out.
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pittsburghbeautiful · 5 months
The Braddock Expedition
The military expedition known as the Braddock expedition, also referred to as Braddock’s campaign or Braddock’s Defeat, was launched by the British in an attempt to capture Fort Duquesne in the summer of 1755 during the French and Indian War. The British forces, led by General Edward Braddock, suffered defeat at the Battle of the Monongahela on July 9, 1755, leading to their retreat. The…
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c1uster · 1 year
i'm working on a proper about / bio that details canon divergences but i know that fantomex / cluster aren't like...the most known? characters? and i want to get my general sketch out so here we go! a tldr of my eventual bio (yes i realize a three paragraph tldr is wild but it's also like the background on the character that is most important to know)
TLDR ; a weapon created by weapon plus to kill mutants, fantomex is three brains within one body, each with their own sentience and personality - a contingency plan in case a head injury puts one brain out of commission or even kills it, the next can take over. after a brush with the x-men wherein this is discovered - but the fact fantomex doesn't want anything to do with hunting mutants - they continually bump into each other over the course of a few years, resulting in fantomex joining the x-force and helping kill apocalypse and then having to deal with the fallout from that. eventually fantomex is killed saving psylocke and is cloned into three separate bodies for each brain.
cluster gets the compassion, the mercy, and the capacity to love. fantomex gets the scoundrel, thief-bits. weapon xiii is what he sounds like. cluster and fantomex stick together for a while, pulling heists and both being in love with elizabeth braddock - it's a whole thing, and the three of them pull heists in paris for several months. both of their relationships with her come to a screeching halt when fantomex double crosses psylocke, letting her take the fall for a heist the three of them had planned. fantomex and cluster split ways after this, fantomex continuing his heists and cluster trying to figure out her place in the world, somewhat unsuccessfully.
later, cluster seeks out psylocke again in the midst of an x-force mission because fantomex had been kidnapped by weapon xiii in an attempt to lure psylocke to him. they team up again to find fantomex and defeat weapon xiii. cluster & psylocke are successful in saving fantomex and defeating weapon xiii, for a time. fantomex wants to reform into one body, but cluster refuses, instead deciding to continue traveling, sometimes stealing, and occasionally showing up at the jean grey school for mutants to teach a class or two.
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earth-18104 · 11 days
Since I started getting more into Marvel I made a bunch of Ocs for the media, and with time I created a whole universe to insert them in the stories. So I'm gonna start posting here my personal time-line.
These events include stories from the comics, a bit of the cartoons and the movies. Many events or characters have their backstories changed and I will include my ocs here.
It's just a project I do for fun (and has been taking my mind in the last years help). It's not complete. There's still a lot to work but I got the basics.
(This is a rewrite from my other blog :P)
B. C - Events
• Okkara and the Enriched
• Birth of Apocalypse
• Hela and the Asgardians
• The Clan Akkaba
A. C. - Events
• Fall of Strontia
• Thanos' birth
• Creation of the Ten Rings
• Fall of Titan
15th/ 16th / 17th Century - Events
• Odin brings the Tesseract to Earth
• Rise of Count Dracula
• Apocalypse and the Army of Darkness defeat Dracula
• Fall of Tenochtitlán
• Creation of Talokan and birth of K'uk'ultan
• Trial of Agatha Harkness
• Apocalypse is sealed by his subordinates
• Selene Essex becomes Lady Sinister
18th / 19th Century - Events
• Mystique's birth
• Victor Creed's birth
• Sanguinária's birth (OC)
• Logan's birth
• Howlett's Tragedy
• Irene Adler and Raven Darkholme meet
• Fall of Akkaba Clan
• Origins: Wolverine I
20th Century
1900 - 1930 - Events
• Origins: Wolverine II
• Wolrd War I
1940 - Events
• World War II
• Johann Schmist finds the Tesseract
• Steve Rogers becomes Captain America
• Bucky Barnes becomes his partner
• Phineas Horton creates the original Torch
• Sgt. Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos
• Foundation of Weapon X by Dr. Abraham Cornelius Truett
• Captain America dissappears and Bucky Barnes is taken by HYDRA
• Logan marries Itsu. Later she is murdered by the Winter Soldider and his son is taken
• Cain Marko and Charles Xavier become stepbrothers
• Wong starts his training in Kamar-Taj
• Howard Stak works for SHIELD
1950 - Events
• Cain Marko and Charles Xavier fight in the Korean War. Marko dissapears after finding the Temple of Cyttorak
• Max Eisenhardt marries Magda
• The original Torch dissapears / dies
• Logan meets Silverfox
• Magda and their daughter dies, Max Eisenhardt changes his name to Erik Lehnsherr
• 1950 Avengers
1960 - Events
• Charles Xavier meets Moira Mactaggert and Gabrielle Haller
• Sabretooth and Wolverine join Team X
• Adam Brashear becomes Blue Marvel
1970 - Events
• Professor X, Magneto, Mystique and Destiny create the first team of X-Men
• X-Men '72
1980 - Events
• Captain Marvel
• Ghost Rider
• The Incredible Hulk
• Iron Man
• Ant-Man and Wasp
• Hawkeye and Mockingbird
Age of Heroes - The first famous groups of heroes start to rise, the first conflicts earth went through after FF, the Avengers, the X-Men, the Decenders and the others formed.
1989 - Events
• The Fantastic Four
• Puppet Master
1990 - Events
• The Avengers
° (Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Wasp, Ant Man, Hulk, Mockingbird, Hawkeye)
1991 - Events
• Jessica Drew works for SHIELD as Arachne
• Logan adopts Amiko Kobayashi
• Matt Murdock debuts as Daredevil
1992 - Events
• The X-Men
° (Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Angel, Iceman and Beast)
° Time-line of the X-Men (1972-2001)
• The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
• X-Men VS Juggernaut
• Sam Wilson becomes the Falcon
1993 - Events
• Simon Williams joins the Masters of Evil as Wonder Man
• New Avengers
° (Black Panther, Hercules, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Hawkerye, Falcon)
• Jennifer Walters becomes She-Hulk
1994 - Events
• Sue Storm and Reed Richards Wending
• The Fantastic Four meets Black Panther
• Dane Withman becomes Black Knigt
• Z'Nox attack
• Wade Wilson becomes Deadpool
• Silver Sufer and Galactus
• Alex Summers becomes an X-Man
• Betsy Braddock becomes Captain Britain
1995 - Events
• Mesmero attacks Krakoa. Lorna Dane joins the X-Men as Polaris
• The X-Men and the Okkari
• Patsy Walker becomes Hellcat
• Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man
• Jessica Jones becomes Jewel
• Heroes for Hire (Luke Cage and Danny Rand)
• Norman Osborn becomes the Green Goblin
• Natasha Romanoff leaves the Red Room and joins SHIELD, working alongside Mockingbird and Hawkeye
• Frankie Raye joins the Fantastic Four as Photon.
• The Avengers battle against Ultron and Vision
• Among us stalk the Sentinels! Ororo Muroe and Sean Cassidy join the X-Men
• Frank Castle becomes the Punisher
• Jean Grey absorbed the power of the Phoenix
1996 - Events
• Hank McCoy joins the Avengers
• Greer Nelson becomes Tigra
• Secret Empire
• Avengers / Defenders War
• Flint Marko becomes Sandman
• Second Genesis.
• Hulk VS Wolverine
• Cyclops starts a new team of X-Men
° (Wolverine, Storm, Thunderbird, Colossus, Nightcrawler and Sunfire)
• X-Men VS Erik the Red and D'Ken
• Wanda Maximoff and the Darkhold
• Darren Cross becomes Yellow Jacket
• Wanda uses her magic to create her sons
• Mystique and Destiny start a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
• Kitty Pryde and Alison Blaire join Xavier's Institue
• Dark Phoenix and death of Jean Grey. Cyclops leaves the team
• Kree / Skrull War
1997 - Events
• Days of Future Past. Rachel Summers and Lucas Bishop join the X-Men
• Cyclops meets Madelyne Prior.
• Rogue absorves Carol Danvers powers
• Rhino VS Spider-Man
• The trial of Hank Pym
• X-Men VS the Brood
• She-Hulk joins the Avengers
• Wanda and Vision find out their sons are magic creations of the Darkhold
• Illyana Rasputin is captured and taken to the Limbo
• New Mutants
• The Morlocks
• Rogue joins the X-Men. Logan marries Mariko.
• Beta Ray Bill!
• Venom arrives at Earth
• Hawkeye creates the West Coast Avengers
• Forge joins the X-Men
• Curtis Connors becomes the Lizard
1998 - Events
• Jean Grey returns
• Nathan Summers is born
• Mutant Massacre
• Madelyne is corrupted by the demon N'Astirh, becoming the Goblin Queen
• Asteroid M
• Fall of the Mutants
• Franklin Richards is born
• The Punisher took over the Assassins' Guild, and later became a substitute teacher while investigating drug trafficking at a school
• Wolverine and Jubilee work together against the Hand
• Gambit joins the X-Men
• Genosha X-Tinction Agenda (November 1990)
• Legacy Virus
1999 - Events
• Kree/Shi'ar War
• X–Cutioner Song
• Rise of Midnight's Children
• Maximum Carnage
• Fatal Attractions
• Bloodties. Fabian Cortez kidnaps Luna Maximoff
• Sabretooth goes to the X-Men after he starts losing control of his feral side
• Cyclops and Marvel Girl marry
• Generation Next and Phalanx events. Emma Frosts takes the new mutants as her students. Blink dissapears.
• The Hellions die
• Peter Parker meets Olivia Octavius, who later becomes Dr. Octopus
• Sabretooth escapes. Angel loses his wings
• Ozyamndias comes to warn the X-Men about the return of Apocalypse
2000 - Events
• Jessica Drew joins the Heroes for Hire
• Graydon Creed's assassination
• Apocalypse returns with his Horsemen
• Okkara is revealed to the world
2001 - Events
• Mantis, the Celestial Madonna, creates Adam Warlock using the Mind Stone
• Gamora, Mantis, Drax, Groot, Adam and Rocket become the Guardians of Galaxy
• The Thunderbolts
2002 - Events
• Sepent Crown's arc. Lemuria and Talokan are revealed to the world
2003 - Events
• Jessica Drew returns as a heroes and joins the Heroes for Hire with Cage and Rand
2004 -
• The start of Infinity Gaulent arc.
° Earth's heroes lose the battle to Thanos. Half of the Universe dissapears.
• The X-Men split in Team Gold and Team Blue to defend the mutant kind
2005 -
2006 -
• Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson marry
2007 -
2008 -
2009 -
• Mayday Parker is born
• Power Pack debuts as a new group of children superheroes
° Jack (12) as Zero-G, Julie (10) as Lightspeed, Jack (8) as Mass Master, and Kate Powers (5) as Energizer.
2010 -
• The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Guardians of Galaxy and Denfenders join forces to fight Thanos once more
2011 -
• The Avengers rebuilt their base.
• Scott Lang joins the team as the new Ant-Man.
• Charles Xavier re-opens the Academy X
2012 -
• E is for Extinction
• Riot at Xavier's
• Runaways!
• Jean Grey dies fighting Xorn
• Gitfted / The Mutant Cure
2013 -
• X-23 (13) tries to assassinate Logan. She changes her name to Laura Kinney
• Secret Wars
• Winter Soldier returns
• The Gray family is killed by Death Commandos Shi'ar
• Vulcan leaves Earth, deciding to take revenge on D'ken for the death of his mother
• M-Day happens
• Academia X changes the X-Men program
• With the help of rebels, Vulcan escapes from prison and frees Deathbird
• Peter Quill joins the Guardians of Galaxy
2014 -
• The Young Avengers!
° Iron Lad (16), Kate Bishop (17/18), Wiccan, Speed (16), Patriot (16), Hulking (16), Sting (14), Jonas
• The New X-Men
• Hearing about Vulcan's escape, Prestige, Thunderbird, Warpath, Xavier, Darwin, Nightcrawler, Havok, Lorna and Petra leave Earth
° Korvus Rook'shir is freed; Lilandra Neramani loses the title of Empress
• D'Ken wakes up and takes his title and asks Vulcan and Dearthbird to stay by his side
• William Stryker and his Purifiers attacks Xavier's Institute
• Vulcan's royal marriage and coronation as Shi'ar Emperor
2015 -
• Civil War
• World War Hulk
• Birth of the Mutant Messiah
• Kang's Dinasty
° The Avengers and other heroes fight Kang.
° Sam Wilson becomes Captain America
2016 -
• The mutants move to the new Utopia
• War of Kings. Inhumans, X-Men, Starjammers and Guardians of Galaxy against Vulcan
° Lilandra dies during battle; Rachel Grey avenges her family; Black Bolt defeats Vulcan
° At Lilandra's funeral, Kallark becomes majestor
• Reed Richards founds the Future Foundation
° Alex Power (19), Dragon Man, Moloids Tong, Turg, Mik and Korr, Bentley 23 (10), Artie Maddicks (20), Leech (19), Julie Powers (17), Jack Powers (15), Kate Powers (12), Valéria Richards (9), Franklin Richards (13).
• The Skrull Invasion takes place on Earth
2017 -
• Dark Reign
• The Inner Circle attacks Genosha
• Hope returns as the Messiah
• Annihilators
• Hank Pym opens the Avengers Academy
• Young Avengers: Children's crusade
• Generation Hope
• Attack on the Mutant History Museum
• Sabretooth becomes the Invisible King of Asia
2018 -
• The Schism between the X-Men happens
• Fear Itself
° Thor becomes King of Asgard
• Apocalypse Solution
° Warren Worthington III becomes heir of Apocalypse
° Genesis, clone of Apocalypse, wakes from his chamber
• Logan opens the Jean Grey School For Higher Learning
• Miles Morales (13) becomes Spider-Man
• Sabretooth and his goons kidnaps Genesis
2019 -
• The Phoenix returns
° Hope Summers fixes the mistake made during M-Day, sacrificing herself. Rachel Grey becomes the new host of Phoenix.
• Rage of Ultron.
° Hank Pym sacrifices himself to defeat Ultron once for all
• Terrigenesis Mist Arc
2020 -
• Khamala Khan (16) becomes Ms. Marvel
• Jean Foster is diagnosed with cancer, later she becomes an Valkyrie
• Moon Girl (9), together with Devil Dinosaur, tries to become a superhero
• Riri Williams (15) debuts as IronHeart
• Robert Reyes debuts as the new Ghost Rider
2021 -
• Dead Man Logan
° Logan dies and is buried in a secret place in Canada. Storm becomes the new headmistress at JGS.
• Ms. Marvel, Nova and Spider-Man create the new Champions
2022 -
• Strange Academy
2023 -
• The Mutants create Krakoaland
• Empyre Event: Kree Alliance - Skrull
2024 -
• Mayday Parker becomes Spider-Girl.
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lboogie1906 · 2 months
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Joseph Louis Barrow (May 13, 1914 – April 12, 1981), known as Joe Louis, was the second African American heavyweight boxing champion in the 20th Century. He was born in Chambers County Alabama to sharecropper parents Monroe and Lilly Reese Barrow. He was the seventh of eight children, the family migrated to Detroit.
He began boxing at Brewster’s East Side Gymnasium in Detroit. He entered the Golden Gloves finals in 1933 as a light heavyweight and became the champion in his weight class. He turned professional in 1934. He won a remarkable 12 bouts in his first year as a professional. He became an icon for African Americans and a hero to many white Americans.
He won his first 27 fights—all but four by knockout. He defeated such heavyweight greats as Primo Carnera, Stanley Poreda, Natie Brown, and Max Baer. Known as the “Brown Bomber,” his most memorable encounters were his matches against German champion Max Schmeling. Schmeling knocked him out for the first time in his career.
He began a 12-year reign as heavyweight champion by knocking out James Braddock. A rematch with Schmeling occurred in June 1938 which, despite the wishes of the fighters, became a symbol of the growing political conflict between Germany and the US. He knocked Schmeling out in the first round and became a national hero.
During WWII, he enlisted in the Army. He served his country by participating in exhibition matches to raise money for the military and to boost soldier morale. He returned to the ring in 1946 and defended his title four times, including consecutive victories against “Jersey” Joe Walcott. He retired in 1949, as the undefeated heavyweight champ. In 1950, he attempted to recapture his title in a bout against Ezzard Charles, but he was handed a loss. He challenged the next champion, Rocky Marciano, and during the 8th round of the bout, Marciano knocked him through the ropes. This was his final time in the ring.
He was married four times, he had two biological children, and adopted three other children. President Ronald Reagan ordered the veteran buried in Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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