#Boothill's like their provider for physical weaknesses
lollipopmixclo9 · 3 months
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My favorite HSR team now 😂🙈
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Inspo from these 😂🙈
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unfortunatebrainfarts · 6 months
Cussing out anyone and everyone is fun until you get lasso'd out of bed to do it on behalf of your casual space cowboy co-worker who for some reason knows where you live
Boothill x f!reader
A/n: soort of part 2 to my previous work but can be read seperately‼️
"For the last time — let me go before I literally unscrew your dick off."
"Psh, as if ya got the balls for that lil' missy."
You don't even have to look at Boothill to know he was immensely enjoying himself right now — hell you couldn't even if you wanted to since you were currently getting dragged through the ice cold floors of wherever the hell you were, with a fucking lasso firmly binding your legs and arms.
"It's like 5 a.m. in the morning, what the hell could you even want at this god forsaken hour?!" You righteously grumble, but alas, you were met with nothing more than silence probably because you've asked similar questions before. Yes. This has happened before. Many times before.
For Boothill, tracking down enemies and pinning them down was great. Not being able to curse them out and instead calling them a 'cutie' and blessing their soul? Not so great. But that's where you come in! His lovely fellow galaxy ranger who's been with him long enough to know what he wants to say, and is far too weak(compared to this baby shark looking freak of a cyborg) to refute him. Physically that is — you always make sure that you complain his ear off to at least ensure some sort of mental damage.
"Hey! If you're going to take me somewhere could you at least not drag me all the way there? Ugh these floors are so cold I feel like I'm gonna get hypothermia. If I do and I sue you, don't you have to pay me compensation for that? I'm expecting at least a million credits or so cause I don't think Lan provides health insurance for the galaxy rangers—"
Your pitiable monologue was abrubtly cut short by Boothill firmly gripping the rope which binded you and roughly jerking it upwards so that your body would fall limp directly on his shoulder like a giant worm, your head just centimeters away from his.
Of course to which you responded with automatic aggressive squirming and wiggling only making you look more and more like a worm. But honestly who could blame you? I mean, who just DOES THAT and expects the other party to be calmly subdued?!
"Oh sugar honey iced tea, could ya quit strugglin' for just one moment—" A large, metalic hand was promptly placed around your waist and no amount of wiggling could even get it to so much as budge. "Now that y'r off the darn floor ain'it 'bout time ya shut yer trap? Heh... we're almost there."
Now that you were head to head with Boothill, although not in the most favorable position, you could see his face now — his face with probably the most shit eating grin you have ever seen on it. His sharp teeth making themselves apparent, and unwavering eyes focused on just whatever lied ahead.
And then his feet stood still.
"THERE," he shouted unrestraintedly like a madman, while pointing his free hand at... a random lady in purple?
Without warning, Boothill launched himself forward stopping only inches away from the woman who looked just as confused as you.
"Now, go tell 'er that she's a wonderful ray of sunshine that deserves absoloutely nothin' but the best. Oh Acheron, bless your soul ya lovely imposter, be prepared to go on a playdate and have some teatime with me soon! Until then, you should keep yourself safe."
The sheer passion that Boothill had in his tone made it clear that he had a message to get across. Though you don't think the other woman, or supposedly Acheron, understood a word he said. You exasperatedly sigh, you felt just as bad for this lady as you did for you yourself.
"Well?! What'cha waitin' for," the arm around you tightened just enough for a squeak to involuntarily come out of you and you knew you weren't getting out of this.
You mentally apologise for this poor lady before translating his thoughts into words, "Er... what he means to say is uhm, 'you're a disgusting piece of shit who deserves to die seven times over by my hand. Oh Acheron, you absoloute dumbass fucking imposter, be prepared to meet me and face me off in a showdown soon, but you might as well just kill yourself before that."
"...," Acheron's face remained unchanging and blank throughout the whole spiel, Boothill's however, was characteristicly smug and maniacal.
To others, the three of you looked as if you were frozen in time for at least a minute or so, until Acheron simply tilted her head and monotonously responded,
"Sorry, who are you?"
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krawlernyannyan · 5 months
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The v2.2 update livestream just ended and, as usual, here's everything they revealed in one tidy place. I will state up front that they did not detail any new forms for the Trailblazer (no kit analysis or the like) but they did draw attention to the hats they're wearing in the promotional image...
(Not picking apart the new trailer here, just mentioning things they talked about.)
The new Trailblaze Mission is titled The Fool Always Rings Twice.
Both Robin and Sunday return.
The Trailblazers will have to participate in a talent competition hosted by The Family in order to gain an invitation to the Charmony Festival itself.
Boothill has arrived to Penacony but been barred from checking in due to Acheron's arrival before him. He'll be seeking the help of the Astral Express and they bring up that Pom-Pom and Dan Heng are the only people on the train right now.
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Dreamflux Reef is a new area, a "reef that the dreamscape flows past." Entering this domain in the first place would take "ways and means", and we'll encounter some old friends here.
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The Festivity Auditions are a new area in the Moment of Scorchsand, where the talent show (hosted by SoulGlad) is being held. Trailblazers will have to prove themselves at each of the audition venues to earn the title of superstar and gain access to the Grand Theater.
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The Grand Theater is a third new map, and the place where the Charmony Festival will actually be taking place. Based on scenes in the version trailer it's also where the new boss will be fought (see below).
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Robin is a Physical/Harmony character whose Skill can boost the total damage inflicted by her team and whose Ultimate allows her to provide additional damage after each ally attack. The Ultimate also allows all allies to immediately take action on top of other buffs. Her Talent allows her to regenerate Energy each time an ally attacks, and her Technique can cause enemies in its radius to start following Robin without attacking her, and attacking enemies while in this entranced state gives Robin extra Energy at the start of the battle.
Robin's advanced Trace material is the Past Evils of the Borehole Planet Disaster (the Skaracabaz drop). Her Ascension materials are IPC Work Permits (see below)
Boothill is a Physical/Hunt character with a focus on single-target elimination. His Skill initiates a Duel with an enemy, taunting and giving him an enhanced Basic Attack. Both sides of the Duel take increased damage from each other. When he either defeats a Duel target or breaks their Weakness, he gains a stackable enhancement. His Ultimate inflicts Physical Weakness on the enemy and delays their action on top of dealing damage. His Technique allows him to additionally inflict Physical Weakness with his Skill after entering battle.
Boothill's advanced Trace material is the Lost Echo of the Shared Wish, and his Ascension materials are IPC Work Permits (see below for both).
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Several new enemies were shown in the v2.2 trailer but none of them were elaborated upon in the actual program, although they did call attention to the violinist and drink-server puppets in the Grand Theater. These two, along the cage-headed puppet, previously appeared in Sparkle's trailer "Monodrama".
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We also have our new boss, Harmonious Choir: The Great Septimus! Septimus is a three-phase with multiple summoned aids. These aids are the main source of its attacks, and breaking their Weaknesses in a timely manner to render them nonfunctional is a key element of the fight. During the second phase, they'll cast a shield on themselves to protect their Toughness and reduce the damage they take while boosting their damage given. Its third phase has attacks that ignore Defense and can deal massive damage. Breaking Septimus' Weakness gives a shield unto all allies.
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In the first half of v2.2, Robin will be joined by a returning Topaz. Four-stars accompanying their banners will be March 7th, Hanya, and Xueyi. Their respective Light Cone banners will feature Swordplay, Perfect Timing, and the new Nihility Light Cone Boundless Choreo.
In the second half, Boothill will be partnered with Fu Xuan, with Pela, Luka, and Hook as four-stars. On their Light Cone banners, the four-star Light Cones featured are A Secret Vow, Geniuses' Repose, and Landau's Choice.
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Clockie: Dreamjoy Memoir - A new combat-focused event where the Trailblazers will help Clock Studios repair the screen damaged by Acheron in v2.1 by helping direct and edit films. This includes a lot of additional mechanics to bestow buffs and special effects to the battles. These effects need to be allocated to meet audience demand, and you can unlock side stories through this event. Finishing the event nets a new text box style and new event-exclusive Harmony Light Cone, For Tomorrow's Journey.
The Legend of Galactic Baseballer - Giovanni of Aetherium Wars fame returns with a game based on the Trailblazer, focused around defeating as many enemies as possible to gain experience, level up their team, and unlocked special abilities.
All About Boothill - An assignment-focused event where you won't actually meet Boothill but you'll hear plenty of stories around him and his many deeds, gathering information for rewards.
Gift of Odyssey returns.
Planar Fissure (2x Planar Ornament drops) and Garden of Plenty (2x Calyx drops) are returning.
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After clearing the Trailblaze Mission, an Echo of War will appear to refight The Great Septimus. This contains Boothill's special Trace material, "Lost Echo of the Shared Wish". Notably, this Echo of War does not drop the usual Musketeer and Thief Relics that previous Echoes dropped, but instead rewards the Duke and Watchmaker sets. Possible Light Cone drops also appear to be adjusted.
A new Stagnant Shadow, Shape of Duty, will be arriving with the material needed to ascend both Robin and Boothill, IPC Work Permits.
A new Calyx, Bud of the Hunt, will be appearing in the Festivity Auditions supplying Boothill's Trace materials: Countertemporal Shot, Destined Expiration, and Meteoric Bullet.
A full album of in-character Robin songs, Inside, is being released on May 9th, which includes songs featured in-game and additional new songs.
Trailblazer profiles are getting new features to show off battle records.
The Friends List will show what your friends are up to in real time (like if they're in the Simulated Universe or Forgotten Hall).
In Forgotten Hall or Pure Fiction, you'll be able to see what lineups your friends used and display your own (this is optional and can be turned off).
Optimizations to team setup to more easily let you check up on your lineups.
The ability to favorite characters and ensure they stay at the top of your character list will be added.
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