#Bones of Rath
xbonecandyx · 2 years
I have a question about the nasty bastard. (Pls delete this if the question is no bueno)
Would Rath enjoy trying to feed off of someone who is sex repulsed? (Especially if it leads to a freeze reaction or disassociation) Or would they just get bored of the person being a limp fish and stop trying to engage?
I think they might feed off the fear the first time or two, but after that they would get a bit bored- though that's pretty true of almost any victim they gain an interest in
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chloe-skywalker · 11 months
Protection - Jaime Lannister
Jaime x fem!reader Stark
Warnings: GOT
Word count: 2,033
Summary: Reader is a Stark stuck in King's Landing after everything and including her fathers death. The only one that seems to care about her is shockingly Jaime Lannister.
Authors Note: I think after the changes Jaime’s character made from being held captive by the Stark’s and losing his hand plus his time with Brienne that he would be protective of the Stark girls. The oath he made to Catelyn he didn’t want to break, so I think that means something. Just like he couldn’t himself but he helped himself and Breinne by sending her to go look after and find Arya and Sansa. - I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to be romantic or him protecting her because she resembled what he thought a daughter of his own would be like or if he was honoring his promise to Catelyn. I tried to leave it open.
Game Of Thrones Masterlist
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Y/n didn’t understand what she had done in life to deserve this treatment. To have the recent events happen in her life. To watch her little brother almost die from a horrible fall, to then having to watch her father be executed, she didn’t know where her youngest sister was, she had to watch her other younger sister be tormented by a brat that was only going to become a awful king, and her older brother by a year had started a war to get them back with their mother by his side.
But how she had managed to have the Queen’s rath bestowed upon her in physical abuse. Y/n didn’t know how that happened and she knew for fact she hadn’t done anything to deserve it.
But Y/n had been in Kings Landing long enough to know that Cersei and Joffery didn’t need reasons to be cruel. It just seemed to be part of their personality.
Tyrion was the only kind one to Y/n and Sansa. Along with his friend Bronn and man servant Podrick. Y/n didn’t trust anyone else in the Red Keep.
Lately Y/n noticed Jaime, ever since he got back he had been trying to get close to her and Sansa. But neither Stark knew what to make of it. He really was trying to get closer to Y/n, but Y/n was worried that it was some kind of plan from Cersei.
It was a normal sunny day, Y/n actually thought it’d be a good day to go out and walk or ride but leaving her room? That didn’t feel like a good idea, given her appearance.
Suddenly in the incredibly quiet room there were sounds of knocking on her chamber doors. Y/n gave a soft ‘come in’, just loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear.
Upon seeing Jaime Lannister Y/n nervously started ringing her hands at what they might have planned for her now. “Ser Jaime. To what do I owe this visit to?”
Jaime shook his head. “I’m not here on any business.”
“Oh?” Y/n was curious but she still wanted to be cautious. So she kept her head down. For more than just that reason though.
Jaime noticed the way she was holding herself and it reminded him of a scared animal. So he raised his arms to show he didn’t mean her any harm. Her behavior made his eyes fill with concern. “Y/n, I’m not going to hurt you.”
Y/n realized that this could be very bad so she needed to back track. “Ser Jaime, I-I meant no o-offense.” She stuttered shaking her head but still keeping it down with her hair framing her face to cover her face from his view.
“You made none. No reason to apologize.” He quickly reassured.
As they stood there Jaime took more notice of things. Things that were making him more concerned by the second. So he took enough steps to be standing right in front of her.
“Y/n, look at me. Please.” Jaime asked, but when he noticed how she was so hesitant to do as he asked. Jaime slowly raised his hand to lift her chin, as gently as possible to not spook her. When she was finally looking him in the eye, face to face is when Jaime noticed. She has a bruised cheek bone which to him looked almost like it belonged to a fading black eye, and she had a cut on her eyebrow and her lip. No wonder she was hiding her face, he thought. “Who did this?”
“No one, Ser Jaime. I fell that’s all.” Y/n quickly tried to dismiss, hoping he’d let it go. If she said something and he was sent by Cersei, then it’d get worse. If he was genuinely concerned for her and she told him, he might not believe her. His twin sister did it after all.
“Please don’t lie to me, Lady Y/n.” He pleaded with her. His concern was growing more and more. But he also had his suspicions. “Who did this?”
Y/n cast her sight back down to the floor, not wanting to lie to his face. With how much genuine concern was in his eyes and actions, she felt bad lying to him. “No one, Ser.”
Jaime let out a sigh, he could clearly see she wasn’t going to verbalize her answer. Which inwardly gave him his answer anyway and he could feel anger bubbling up inside of him. He knew in his gut who did this, and he wasn’t going to let it go. “Can I see you later Milady?”
Y/n nodded, stepping back still not lifting her gaze. Of course she said he could. He seemed to be one of the only people who cared as of late, but also she didn’t really have a choice. Not in her situation. “If you so wish to, Ser Jaime.”
Her behavior honestly scared Jaime slightly. She didn’t seem like the same girl he met in Winterfell or the same one that was in Kings Landing when he lft and was captured.
Ever since that encounter Jaime had been visiting and spending a lot more time with Y/n Stark. No one would bother her with him at his side.
But Jaime had yet to have that talk with his sister. But today was the day, he had heard some concerning things from the handmaidens assigned to Y/n and he was fuming.
“Ah, brother. What is so urgent that you came barging into my chambers without knocking.” Cersei spoke sarcastically as he barged into her room.
“What did you do to Y/n Stark?” He asked, getting straight to the point, face red with anger.
“The little bitch. Well, what did she say?” Cersei scoffed at even turning to look at her brother.
“Nothing. She said nothing. I came here to you on my own.” Jaime wanted to yell, how could she be so cold.
“How do you know it was me? The girl is quite clumsy.” Cersei smirked, and Jaime wondered if Y/n’s excuse of falling was something she was told to say.
“Oh, I know your handy work when I see it.” He scoffed stating a fact that not even Cersei could argue with.
Cersei could tell he wasn’t gonna drop it once she looked at him, so she sighed and said. “I assure you she deserved it.”
“I can guarantee that she didn’t.” He countered. Jaime knew how petty his sister could be and revenge was something she enjoyed. She wasn’t going to fool him.
“You weren’t here.” She shook her head and growled out her words. Why was he even bringing this up?
“Doesn’t matter.” Jaime didn’t need to be there to know Y/n didn’t deserve his sister's warth.
“Why do you care for this girl?” Cersei asked with a furrowed brow.
“No. Why? Why do you care for her so much? After everything her family’s done to ours?!” She yelled at him getting up from her vanity table and stormed over to where he stood.
“She had no part in that!” He yelled back, done with trying to be social.
“Why do you protect her?!” Cersei spat with clear jealousy. Of course she noticed him protecting her but why was what she couldn’t figure out and that angered her more and more. Someone having her twin's attention other than her never sits well with the golden haired Queen.
“Don’t touch her again, Cersei. I mean it.” Jaime stated in a low voice. His expression and tone shocked Cersei. He’s never used either on her and deep down it did shake her a bit. He’s never been this mad at her, or this deeply apparently.
Jaime was going to make sure that Y/n was taken care of. No one would harm her ever again. That he’d promise her. Not even his sister. If Cersei did she’d regret it because he was done with her cruelness.
“And what will you do if I do decide to touch her again?” She questioned as he looked at her so seriously she honestly was starting to feel uncomfortable.
“You don’t want to find out.” He stated before turning to leave, as he opened the door Jaime felt pride in himself. He stood up to his sister for something he believed in.
“Is that a threat?” Cersei asked with narrowed eyes trained on her brother's back.
“Its a promise.” Jaime said before slamming her door behind him. He felt good and now he felt a weight lifted off of himself and Y/n. Sure he still had to watch their backs but Cersei wouldn’t do anything to go against him if she was as smart as she acts.
^     ^     ^
It had been a pretty normal day but Y/n just felt that they all blended together since so much had happened. Things had shockingly gotten better since Jaime and her had become close. But nothing good ever lasts is what she had learned being in King's Landing.
“Come in.” Y/n said upon hearing knocking at her room doors. She turned to face the door after hearing it open, seeing Jaime enter with caution. “Ser Jaime.”
“Lady Y/n.” He bowed his head with a soft smile on his lips, but as he looked around the room and noticed the uneaten food sitting on the table. Jaime’s concern came bubbling back up 10 fold. The handmaidens had told him she was skipping some meals and it worried him. But seeing it was worse. “The handmaidens said you haven’t eaten today.”
Y/n shrugged looking away from him. “Not very hungry.”
Jaime knew that part of it could be the stress of what's happened. It could also be her injuries that made it painful to chew, or it could be something Jaime really hoped it wasn’t. He didn’t even want to think about that idea.
Jaime stepped over to her, brushing her hair away from her face with his hand. Uncovering the still recovering injuries to her face. “Does it hurt?”
Of course it hurt still but he had been so kind to her she didn’t want to worry him. So she shook her head softly. “Not much anymore, Ser.”
“You don’t have to keep up the formalites with me, Y/n.” He smiled softly hoping to make her more comfortable around him. Show her he meant no harm.
“I shouldn’t-” She looked at him with wide scared eyes.
“I’m telling you you can. So you can.” Jaime stopped her calmly, looking her in the eyes. He could see how scared she was to do anything that might cause her to be harmed. Anything that might make it so she could be punished. “I won’t hurt you like my sister.”
“I-” Y/n’s eyes widened, just when he made her a little more comfortable again he say’s that. Y/n shook her head at him in fear. She didn’t tell him who did it so how did he know? Now that he knew what would happen to her? What would the Queen do to her now? Y/n was panicking on the inside.
“You didn’t have to tell me, and don’t worry I’ll protect you from Cersei.” Jaime told her, she had to know. But seeing her so panicked made his heart clench, so he started running his hand through her hair to comfort her and calm her nerves and mind. Jaime grimaced at her reaction for a second. This poor girl was terrified and it was all because of his family.
“How?” Y/n asked him while looking at him like he’s crazy. How could he, a knight, protect her from the Queen? Nobody could control Cersei.
“In any way I can, and I will. She will never harm you again. No one will. Not on my watch.” Jaime vowed to the poor girl that was stuck in this predicament. Not by her own choosing had any of this happened to her. And he was going to stop it and make her life better.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @misspendragonsworld
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
Ok, but like, imagine if nobody knew Wukong had a brother because Luzhen is always going off and exploring and stuff. He loves his best life, only ever having to step up as the Prince of Flower Fruit Mountain whenever Wukong is out or unable to be there. During the 500 years he was imprisoned, Luzhen had been protecting the island. Scared Erlang a bit because he had legit thought Wukong had escaped only to check the mountain and see the golden eyes monkey still there. Form there, he figures out Wukong must have a look a like or sibling. And decided that so long as Luzhen didn't cause trouble, it wasn't something he needed to bring to his uncle's attention. Surely, if they hadn't heard of him before, he must be tamer than his criminal brother! (Oh boy, was he wring when he finally got a chance to meet the two monkeys together)
Tripitaka learns about this when he has to visit the mountain, mainly because Luzhen wasn't going to let his older twin go back to that journey after he wa banished in the White Bone Demon arc and Ao Lie and Wujing ended up having to break Tripitaka out of whatever prison he was trapped in and drag his transmutation body to the mountain himself when Zu Baije was outright refused entry by what he thinks is a glamoured-to-hide-his-circlet Wukong (it was actually Luzhen with Wukong hiding in his room crying over how nobody had believed him) and had to go back to the Pilgrims like that
Now I'm imagining various demons, celestials, and mortals coming to FFM to take over/hunt only to see who they think is the *exact same* monkey they think has just been imprisoned!
In the first few years, Wukong gets a lot of people coming to the mountain to check if he's still under there. Eventually, most assume that he either left a hair clone on the island, or that he employed a doppelgänger to mess with people. Only people who knew him before the war know that Luzhen is Wukong's brother.
Luzhen is basically the Fred Claus of Monkey Kings. Technically he's the Prince of Flower Fruit Mountain, but occasionally he introduces himself as the "back-up king".
The brothers do reunite briefly after Wukong is freed from the mountain and promptly abandons Tripitaka to go home, but Wukong ultimately decides to go back and do the Journey anyway. And of course Guanyin adds in the circlet to stop Wukong from trying to strangle the monk every time he annoys him. Wukong just sort of forgets to mention that he has a younger brother since he doesn't know the other Pilgrims that well yet.
Cue the White Bone Spirit Arc; where Wukong is banished from the group and not believed when he rightly identified the White Bone Spirit as trying to trick them 3x over. Wukong flies home crying at the injustice of being falsely accused.
I love the imagery of Ao Lie and Wujing getting so frustrated at everything thats happened over the Yellow Robed Demon Arc that they bust tiger-transformed Tripitaka out, so that they can all apologise to Wukong in person.
So now imagine the Pilgrims' absolute confusion when they go to get their monkey back, when they see who they think is Wukong (just with blue eyes) shouting and tossing rotten fruit at them. They know he's upset, but the obscenities he's throwing are a bit unlike him.
Tripitaka: "Monkey! I can only offer my sincerest apologies for not believing you in that moment! I am deeply sorry!" Wukong?: "Tell that to my brother, you empty-headed fleabag! He's inside crying like an infant! You get targeted by bloodthirsty demons literally all the time - why would my brother lie about three consecutive attempts on your life!?" Tripitaka: "I... pardon??"
It takes some back and forth between the Pilgrims, Not-Wukong, and the Stalwarts before the realize that the monkey they're talking to isn't Wukong, but rather a nearly-unknown twin brother!
Zhu Bajie loudly calls the idea an absurb lie until Wukong himself walks outside to see what the commotion is about, golden-eyed and wearing the circlet. Luzhen looks rather smug at the pig's aghast reaction.
Zhu Bajie: "Wait, there's been two of you this whole time!? Even back in Heaven!?" Wukong, sighing: "Yes. I been telling people for centuries but no one believes it unless they see us in the same room." Sha Wujing: "That certainly explains all the conflicting stories of you being in two places at once!" Zhu Bajie: "Then who was the one who did the Havoc?" Wukong, sheepish: "Um, that was still me. I was still pretty mad at not being invited to the Queen's birthday banquet." Luzhen: "I was there too! He tapped out after a single cup of wine and left to go ask Lao Tzu for some painkillers. I stayed back at to party in the orchard with the rest of the Brotherhood." All the Pilgrims: (*having separate moments of realisation*) Zhu Bajie: "You telling me our monkey is the boring one!?"
Lots of compromises have to be made before Wukong agrees to come back to the Pilgrims; one major stipulation being that Tripitaka believe Wukong next time he says something is trying to kill him, and to not default to using the Headache sutra when he thinks he's being dishonest.
Luzhen: "And if you use that sutra again - I'mma personally squish your head like a gourd so you understand how it feels for him!" :) Tripitaka: (*gulps nervously*)
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slimeylee · 2 months
Toolshed's Improved Tools
characters : kyle broflovski ( human kite ) & stan marsh ( toolshed ) -- request for anon !!
" So if we beat up our past selves , does that mean we change the future ? "  " Maybe we split off into another timeline . "
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lee ! human kite , ler ! toolshed - south park tickle fic :3 WARNING : this fic includes the use of tools !
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In the lair of the Coon and Friends residing in Cartman's mom's basement , conversation was rather dead tonight . There weren't any of South Park's typical strange situations ... no fire in Kenny's house , no oil spills , no evil almighty dark lords . The group were superheroes all night , and typically they all did their own thing in the basement until an announcement was brought up . Just in case .
Professor Chaos sat quietly in his cage with Mysterion sat chatting with him . The Coon watched television and ate Cheesy Poofs , Fastpass and Tupperware talked at the table , Mintberry Crunch sat with Captain Diabetes in a far corner of the base . The Human Kite and Toolshed sat in a separate corner of the base as well . Toolshed had told Kite a bit ago that he had been working on some new , upgraded tools .
So that's just what they did . In the corner of the base , Toolshed and Human Kite sat and looked over Toolshed's tools . " I'm still kinda working on this one , but this is a hammer that can do permanent damage to even the strongest villain's bones ! " Toolshed exclaimed , picking up a sledgehammer that had bolts on either side from the bucket of finished and work-in-progress tools he was working on . " I don't know if I'm gonna add anything else yet , but I might add a mini shield or something to protect myself from the enemy . " He explained . He wasn't actually too sure how it would work in general ( in superhero terms ) , but he came up with stuff as he went on . " Cool ! " Kite exclaimed , a big grin on his face . He loved watching Toolshed be passionate about his works , even if it was just a game .
" Wanna see some of the ones I finished ? I've been waiting to show you them and I actually wanted to try a couple out with you , " Toolshed said . The Human Kite's expression became slightly worried , slightly concerned . " Don't worry , they won't actually hurt you -- they're not actually designed to hurt -- they're more meant to stun . " Toolshed explained . Kite loosened up a bit , " Oh , okay . Sure then . " He nodded , and Tool immediately smirked a bit ... that couldn't be good . Maybe he should've turned down the offer ? Too late now , he presumed .
" Let's do this one first , " Toolshed said , pulling up a screwdriver out of the bin . But it wasn't any ordinary screwdriver -- it had a ... feather , taped to the tip . " I don't have names for any of these yet . I'll show you how it works . We can spar , " Toolshed explained , and Kite stood from his spot on the floor . " Alright , sounds good . "
" Okay ... and , go ! " Stan started to somersault in different directions , rolling and jumping from one spot to another . Kite spread his arms , ' flying ' around and ' shooting ' with his laser eyes while making " Pew pew ! Pew ! " sound effects . Kite whooshed behind Stan , a wrong move , to which Stan took as an opportunity to tackle Kite to the floor . " Ah ! - Wait , I was - FLYing ! " The Human Kite immediately yelped .
Kyle had immediately broke character in that moment as the gentle feather of Toolshed's screwdriver fluffed under his chin . " Wait -- Toolshed ! Ahahahahah -- what the heheck ! " The Human Kite giggled and squirmed beneath Toolshed , turning his head away to try and escape the tingly sensation that the feather brought . " Effective , right ? " Shed asked . " T-Tohohoolshed stohop ! That tihickles ! " Kite whined with loud giggles as Toolshed skittered the feather over his chin , neck and ears .
From his belt , Toolshed grabbed out another screwdriver . This one was a normal screwdriver . It was one of those ones with the thin , straight tip rather than a pointed tip . Kite got the chance to catch his breath as the feather-tipped screwdriver was placed down , immediately breaking into laughter again as he felt gentle but quick pokes being peppered around his abdomen .
" FUHUhuck ! Tohohoolshed ! Gehet off ! " Kite made a desperate attempt to cover his stomach , but with Toolshed prodding in different areas , it made it hard to cover himself immediately . " Ihihit tihickles ! " Human Kite whined a second time. " That's kind of the point , dude , " Toolshed chuckled at Kite's current situation .
" Oh yeah , I had another one I wanted to show you . " Toolshed smirked . In a rush , he stood up and ran to the box of tools . Human Kite lay practically defenseless on the floor in a flurry of giggles and pants , making an attempt to stand up .
Unfortunately for him , Toolshed was quicker . He immediately straddled Kite's waist again . " Thought you could escape ? " He grinned , holding up the tool he had acquired in the short amount of time . It was a wrench -- A wrench that looked normal , til with the push of a small button it ' transformed ' . The top half of the wrench twirled up , and it was connected to a contraption that made the top half of it spin whenever Stan pushed down the button .
Human Kite panicked and began to thrash underneath Toolshed . " Waitwaitwaitwait -- let's tahahalk about this ! Please ! " Kite whined , looking at the tool with a look of anticipation and ( playful ) terror . Toolshed smirked , " It looks like your screws are a bit too tight ... that's usual -- let me loosen them for you , " He grinned , pushing down the button . It made the top half spin rapidly , which was apparently extremely scary to Kite , because he grabbed at Toolshed's hands , pushing him away and trying to squirm away himself .
" What's wrong , Kyle ? " Toolshed taunted , " I'm just trying to help you loosen up ! " Shed giggled , trying to pry his hands out of Kite's grasp . Human Kite was laughing madly out of anticipation -- pushing at Toolshed's wrists . " Woah -- fuck ! " Shed startled Kite by pulling his arms back , and Kite released his wrists . Letting out a mighty cackle .
" HAHA ! SHIHIT - STAHAN ! " Kite squealed out as Toolshed began to lightly drill the wrench into his stomach . He moved it along Kyle's stomach from one side to the other , adding in some scribbles to his side with his free hand . Kite thrashed , his laughter turning eventually into snorting and wheezing . His face was extremely red . Stan smiled and ... realised how adorable Kyle was just now . Wow . He's never beating the gay allegations
But , he noticed Kyle was definitely getting to his limit ... despite not lasting very long ... and eventually brought the tickling to a stop . He hopped off of Kite's waist , waiting by his side for him to calm down . While also admiring him in the process . Kite sighed loudly , covering his face with his hands . "Thahat was fucking horrible , " He whined .
Stan smirked . " They're good tools though , right ? " He asked , to which Kite gave him a playfully annoyed look . Stan held out a hand , and helped pull him up . Their little moment was interrupted by a yell from the other side of the base .
" What the fuck are you fags doing ? " from The Coon . Yeah ... everyone was looking at them .
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sillyfanatic · 9 months
Opposites attract
Hiiii everyone, happy holidays!!! For those of you who like castlevania, here's some smut <3 Minors DNI i dont want to see anyone under 18 interacting with this fic.
This fic is directly inspired by 'first sip of early spring' by tragic performer on AO3, read it here. (And read it before you read my little fic <3)
p.s; if you're not a part of this fandom and / or don't like smut, no need to interact with this :3
click here to read this fic on ao3!!!! ooooo
(wc; 6313)
Trevor had not been keen on Alucard’s invitation – it wasn’t the proposition itself, nor the person who offered it that uneased him, no, it was something else, it was, it was…
It was because they’d finished their mission, fulfilled their purpose – and was it not supposed to be over, now? Was this partnership – if you could call it that –finished?
Should they be parting ways? Shouldn’t they be?...
He wanted to. More than anything, he wanted to leave – there’d been an itch in his legs for months now, a pulling sensation in his chest that pleaded him to turn tail and run, to be the coward he’d always been.
God, he wanted to.
But now? Now, he felt closer to death than ever before. It was a dreary feeling; an aching in your bones, sharp pains accompanying your every breath. It was sore muscles and the inability to feel your limbs properly, and a question floating in the back of his mind; had living always felt this dreadful? He was not sure he could recall.
There was a dull sensation in his head that’d been there for a while now – an overwhelming tiredness, a mix of despair and exhaustion, the kind you only had the misfortune to feel in that moment after the near-death adrenaline wore off.
It’s why the sight of the guest bedroom was almost enough to make him weep (if he could remember how to do so; he might have let himself.)
There was a bed. It’s all he could focus on now. A bed. The kind of bed fit for a castle, for God’s sake.
“Belmont?” The voice besides him managed to captivate his attention again, and as he turned to his right, he was met with the face of an acquaintance. Those piercing eyes, the kind that lived a life so different from Trevor’s. It sent a chill down his spine – or perhaps, was that the result of all the blood he’d lost?
“Yes?” He found himself replying rathe dryly. Bed, bed, bed, bed. It was the only word spinning around in his mind, an undeniable desire that grew thicker as the seconds passed him by.
It was offered again. “You could stay the night, if you’d like.” The voice was far too quiet and faraway this time.
What happened to leaving? What happened to running away?
Those ideas were far, far away.
And so, he turned to look at the bed again, nodding quietly.
Please. He’d beg if his body allowed him to.
It wasn’t long before he found himself alone, alone in an unfamiliar room, with soft sheets and pillows plusher than he’d ever felt before. There was a small fire whispering in the hearth of the fireplace, and he certainly did not remember the last time he’d felt so warm.
He tumbled into unconsciousness in between blinks, succumbing to the fatigue that wore him down.
Trevor had always been aware of the size of Dracula’s castle, from distant childhood memories to stories spread from one village to another, each re-telling seemingly more dramatic than the last. Seeing it up close had put the stories and rumours to shame, for the castle was much more imposing than words could allow.
It’s black structure – a material he could not identify – extended for miles in every direction, stylistically slashing through the inky sky. Describing it as ‘imposing’ felt like an injustice to its menace. The thing looked alive, ready to swallow any who dared to trespass.
And that was from the outside; the interior was beyond ridiculous. The stylistic choices mirrored those of the outdoors, a black and grey colour scheme with the occasional pop or red and purple, if you looked close enough to find it.
It was pretentious, to say the least.
Much too large for the both of them, Trevor wondered how Dracula had managed to live by himself for so long without going insane (ignoring the fact that he very much did go insane, albeit from different circumstances.)
Empty hallways stretched for miles, forgotten rooms with forgotten functionalities plagued the castle. There were stairways leading to nowhere, and doors that faced a brick wall.
Trevor felt as though this worked in his favour, figured the odd architectural choices, and the sheer massiveness of the place were enough to keep the two of them apart. They wouldn’t have to see each other, and by morning he’d be gone, no goodbyes or lingering glances.
Just a cold exit – his favourite way to go.
It was a fine plan; he could maybe go so far as to say it was a good one. It worked in his favor, he didn’t want the dry conversation Alucard provided, did not care for it.
They weren’t friends. Conversations were for friends, pleasantries and stories were for friends. And they aren’t friends. Nor are they enemies – they are strangers that could no longer be so. Fate had decided to acquaint them, had decided to meddle in their personal lives, and now Trevor was trapped with an obnoxious vampire roaming around in his head when he should be focused on tomorrow, or on anything else, really.
It would come to surprise him, how quickly he’d given into his own exhaustion. It was unlike him to be unconscious in a stranger’s home. Trevor had found himself asleep in strange areas before; fields, dumps, random piles of hay, underneath a tree in the forest- but never in another’s home. He’d not allowed himself to be that vulnerable before.
Not only was he sleeping in someone else’s home tonight, but he was sleeping in fucking Dracula’s castle. He was a vampire’s guest.
If Trevor had not been so exhausted, he would’ve been far from this place. Now, he was unwilling to listen to the instincts that told him never to sleep in a vampire’s home – instincts that were most likely genetic as well as learnt, and ignoring them would surely disappoint his mother.
But she wasn’t here, was she?
And so, against all better judgment, the vampire hunter slept in the nest of the beast, wrapped in satin and surrounded by duck feathers. The smoky smell of the fire lulling the man into a deeper slumber than he’d had in months, or perhaps even years, at this point.
It was a dreamless sleep, the kind of sleep where your body melts into the mattress, where consciousness feels like a concept you’d only briefly known, a long, long, time ago.
And like all the good things in a Belmont’s life, it was over much too soon.
“You’re awake.” The remark was quiet.
He should’ve jumped, shouted, reacted in any alarming way, like a normal person would be. He should’ve been scared at the suddenness of the other’s presence – but he could not find it in himself to do so.
“Do you always watch your guests sleep?” He replied tiredly, opening his eyes to stare at the source of the disturbance in the room.
And there he was, in all his glory, leaning so effortlessly against the wall of the bedroom. Simply existing, and yet Trevor felt his blood beginning to boil as he rose from his sleeping form, letting the sheets tumble away from his bare chest.
He was unusually warm, he noted, though he only bore his trousers from the other day. A quick glance to the fireplace showed a bright flame dancing in the silence, one that had been nurtured in his sleep.
“Not always.” Alucard replied, unmoving. The hunter could not decipher if this was meant to be humour or not – it was rare that the half-vampire allowed his façade to slip enough to make pleasantries.
A silence settled between them as Trevor stood reluctantly, stretching the muscles that ached in the aftermath of yesterday’s combat, and of the weeks of travel preceding it.
And then he noted something truly odd – apart from the orange glow of the fire, the room was plunged in darkness, a moonless night staring down at him from upon the large windows.
And as if he could read minds (Trevor had yet to fact-check this about vampires), Adrian spoke again; “You were asleep for three days, you know?”
The man turned towards the other then, observing him with furrowed brows.
“What?” He questioned, feeling a sense of overwhelming disorganization flooding his mind.
Alucard was the opposite of this, calm as he spoke; “It’s been three days since we’ve last spoken.” It was said as though it was obvious, or common, to which it was neither. It didn’t feel like he slept for that long, given how tired he still was, and it sure as hell wasn’t a weekly occurrence. “You’ve slept for a long time.” The half-vampire remarked casually as he pushed himself off the wall, approaching his guest with soft steps.
There was a certain familiarity in this closeness they now shared, a warmth that the Belmont dismissed as something else entirely.
“Why did you let me stay?” He mumbled, crossing his arms against his bare chest. The gesture made Adrien’s eyes flicker downwards, a small smile appearing on his pale face.
“Now, now, you wouldn’t think of me as cruel, would you?” He spoke coyly, tilting his head to the side in a manner that was far too endearing.
“Hmph.” Trevor squinted, unamused.
Alucard simply huffed a small laugh, patting the other’s cheek with his hand.
“Come now, I’ve made dinner.” He spoke, turning on his heels to head outside of the door.
Trevor did not follow, eyeing the other man as he stood still.
He was supposed to be far away by now, getting drunk in the tavern of a nearby village and running his mouth off, not here, half naked, being invited to dine with someone he’d really rather never speak to again.
“What, not hungry?” Adrian teased from the open door, that sly smile sneaking itself onto his pale features once again. Trevor’s stomach felt fuzzy at the sight – perhaps he was beginning to feel dizziness from his hunger.
With a sigh, and against his better judgment, he relented. Not bothering to dress himself, he followed the other. The castle wasn’t any less confusing, in fact, it seemed a little more like a maze now that he had slept for much too long.
They walked in silence, the stone floor cooling against his feet – it helped ground him, if only slightly.
The hunter could almost hear the complaints of his ancestry, could practically feel the shame that paired well with his parent’s angry remarks and disappointed looks.
He ignored it.
It was fine – he’d been a disgrace to the family name for a long time now, what did having dinner with a vampire worsen?
He’d expected to be led to some sort of grand dining hall, the kind that has a table so long that you can barely discern the edge of it from one side to the next.
But Alucard did not bring him to such a place, instead, they found themselves in a small room lined with large windows, a round wooden table in its middle with two chairs to accompany it. There was a fireplace in this room too, one that had already been lit, its flames painting the room in a living light that waltzed ever so slowly.
There was a desk as well, and a small bookshelf, all wooden. There were paintings on the walls and a few empty pots where he imagined plants had once lived.
It all felt much too alive.
“My mother’s favourite place to eat breakfast. She despised the dining room, always spoke of how cold and lifeless it felt to her.” Trevor fought back against a snappy retort, something along the lines of ‘finally, someone in this family who makes sense’. It was best to leave it unspoken, to spare himself from the death glare that would’ve surely killed him, should he have given in. “She would eat here whenever it was possible for her to do so – I used to join her in the mornings.” Adrian spoke as he sat on one of the two chairs, moving a few plates around the table. He did not speak of his mother often, and when he did, his tone seemed so quiet, so soft. As if the memories were so fragile that speaking of them loudly might shatter them.
The half vampire shed his coat, revealing a simple white chemise underneath, one that billowed so ornately around him that Trevor had to fight the urge to roll his eyes at the sight. He bit his tongue again, sitting down on the free chair.
Wine was poured in their glasses, and Trevor was silently thanking the gods for the alcohol, taking a generous swig before replying to the other.
“Your mother had excellent taste in furniture.” He spoke, uncertain of what to say. Adrian simply nodded at this, handing him a plate of what looked like salad.
“Yes, now shut up and eat.” And there it was, a familiar tone. One of general annoyance, a feeling Trevor seemed to invoke a lot – which only made him wonder why he’d been invited to such a seemingly private thing.
Too hungry to object, Trevor put himself to use, devouring anything that seemed edible enough – and by God, it was a lot more than he’d thought. The spread was generous, from familiar meals to exciting new ones, each dish cooked to perfection. There were meats cooked in thick sauces, vegetables that were seemingly fried, and yet tasted so light it almost made him choke.
Dinner was spent in a quiet silence, one that wasn’t necessarily awkward, but not exactly welcomed either. Adrian poked at plates here and there, naturally less hungry than Trevor – one of them hadn’t eaten for over three days and it really showed.
With every plate, the wine seemed to taste sweeter, and before he knew it, the familiar buzz of alcohol had crept underneath his skin, rendering him fuzzy and content.
“I didn’t know you could cook.” Trevor spat out as he poked at some peas in his plate, too full to conceptualize eating any more.
“Is that your way of thanking me?” Alucard replied, his hands woven beneath his chin. He looked so calm here in the low light, his skin gaining a warmth in the orange glow of the fire.
“I suppose.” He mumbled, pouring himself another glass of wine.
“You’re welcome.” The vampire replied, pausing to take a small sip of wine. And then, a silence again, until Adrian decides to fill it; “You learn to cook when you’re alone for a while.” It’s accompanied by a little shrug of his shoulders, which makes the fabric of his blouse sway in a mesmerizing, yet very pretentious way.
Trevor almost laughs here, a smile cracking his wine-stained lips. “Not necessarily – I can’t cook for shit.” He confesses, leaning back in his chair. The heaviness of the meal and the sweetness of the wine was beginning to tire him, and despite the three days of uninterrupted sleep, he felt himself yawning.
“Hm. Why does that not surprise me?” The other retorts, a matching grin lining his features. It’s surely an insult, but he says it so elegantly that its rudeness is almost completely lost. Still, Trevor allows himself to roll his eyes at this, the fuzziness of the wine rendering him more content than he’d be comfortable with, should he be sober.
There’s no good retort here, he knows he’s lost the battle, and he accepts it. Alucard just cooked them both an excellent meal, where Trevor would’ve burnt himself trying to get a fire started.
“You’re welcomed to stay the night again, if you wish.” The man before him offers then, so casually, inconsequentially. As if they knew each other. As if one wasn’t a hunter, and the other wasn’t the prey. (If asked, they’d both claim to be the hunter.)
Trevor did not respond immediately, letting the sentence float in between them as he pondered it.
On one hand, he was three days overdue – he needed to be gone two nights ago, and yet he was still lingering.
On the other hand, perhaps it would be wise to stay. He was still exhausted, and he was now a little tipsy as well – those weren’t ideal conditions in setting out for a voyage, now, were they?
He did not wish to be here much longer, but here there was a bed, and a warm fire, and one more night wouldn’t be the end of him, would it?
He nodded curtly, an acceptance of the invitation that’d been so kindly extended upon him.
If he’d come to regret it, he was not sure, but he knew it fit him in the moment. He’d made the final decision, the consequences (should there be any) would be a problem for another day.
And so, their conversation fizzled out – before long, Trevor had finished his wine, and Adrian was beginning to gather up the dirty plates – he didn’t ask for help, and Trevor did not offer it either. They simply parted ways, wordlessly.
Like strangers.
For a second – technically fourth – time, the vampire hunter slept in the night creature’s home.
They had developed a slight routine. They ate together once a day, nothing as lavish as that first time, but equally as delicious. Trevor spent some of his time hunting for wildlife outside the castle grounds, bringing with him anything he’d caught. Adrian would usually cook whatever he had slain, and they ate it together by firelight.
Words were rarely exchanged, as if sound would rupture the odd system they had going for them.
Every night, Trevor would convince himself to leave for the next morning. He ran the plans in his head as he lay; he would head to the east, find the nearest town or village, not stopping his journey until he found it. From there it’d be odd jobs and favours, wandering semi-aimlessly until he found his purpose, or his purpose found him.
And yet, every night, the soft bed and the warm meals kept him around, kept him comfortable and warm, cared for in a way he’d never been.
In his empty moments, he would search the castle, unable to resist the vast knowledge at his fingertips – for centuries, his ancestors had longed to be in Dracula’s castle, dedicating lifetimes to locating it, and yet… And yet, here he was, so casually residing in it, with all the technology the Belmonts had sought to study, to destroy.
Who would’ve thought that it would end up like this? The last of generations, alienated and uneducated, trying his best to fulfill a destiny he did not belong to.
If he was going to stay here for a little while, might as well try to, right?
As he familiarized himself with the castle, there was one room he avoided like the plague, not daring to venture into it. It was Adrian’s bedroom, of which the door was always closed shut. He hadn’t gotten so much as a peak inside, and he was not planning to. It’s not like he was afraid of Adrian or anything of the sort, no, it was something different… it seemed as though it was not for any reason in particular, like he could not put his finger on it, on why the sheer thought of opening that door turned him away – but it did.
As the days passed him by, his sleep had returned to something akin to normalcy. ‘Normalcy’, in this case, meant that Trevor was back to no longer sleeping well – no matter the comfort of the bed. Still, it was considerably more sleep than he’d get out there, but it wasn’t good by any means or standards.
Tonight, it irked him in particular as he tossed and turned within the sheets, the sheets whose softness was becoming unreasonably unbearable, a pleasant sensation turned sour for no apparent reason. His sleepwear this night consisted of a pair of old shorts and nothing more, and yet, his body seemed to burn with an unknown heat, one that made him too restless to sleep.
The fire in his hearth had gone out long ago, and the sun was beginning to rise somewhere in the distance, but as much as his body ached for it, it could not find sleep, could not find relief.
Pent up, and warm beyond belief, Trevor huffed an annoyed sigh before giving up on trying to sleep. Annoyed, he stood, throwing on a random white chemise from the closet on the guest room – of his room.
Exhausted, he began walking, trying to entertain his body with something, anything. Perhaps walking would be enough to make his subconscious realize that he needed rest, not restlessness. As he roamed the castle, he found himself walking a familiar path around the home, down corridors and up a few flights of stairs, taking specific turns, movements that worked on muscle memory alone.
It wasn’t long before he found himself in the small dining nook, the most familiar room in the entire manor. (And perhaps, it was beginning to be his favourite, but he had yet to admit this to himself wuite yet.)
It was rare to see it in this setting; it was dim, the light of dawn softly illuminating it as the sun rose to greet them. It was a beautiful sight, but he was perhaps too drained to enjoy it. Instead, he went straight for the small cabinet where the wine was stored, hastily uncorking a bottle for himself. He stared at the uncorked bottle for a moment, the habit of drinking himself to sleep was pushing him to just do it, do drink it now.
Reluctantly, he put the bottle down, grabbing a glass from the desk and the other end of the room, a desk that had come to serve as more of a surface for Adrian’s wine glasses. Adrian, who was the reason Trevor grabbed himself a glass in the first place – he knew his host would be very displeased if he were to drink straight from the bottle. He’d done it a few times before and had earnt himself a few lectures because of it – a result he was not intent in re-living.
When had he come to know the other so well?
He didn’t care. All he could focus on was the exhaustion that clawed as his brain, the familiar feeling of despair that often clung to him on sleepless nights, on sleepless days.
The wine was quickly poured into the glass, where it did not stay for long. The alcohol was too sour for his taste, but he did not care enough to stop drinking, feeling the familiar burning sensation that had carried him through a thousand nights before this one.
Old habits died hard, and if he wasn’t the living proof, no one else was.
“Couldn’t sleep?” A voice behind him spoke, and he was far too used to the way Alucard appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. The sudden presence did not illicit a reaction, merely a soft sigh of acknowledgment on his part.
“How’d you ever guess.” He spoke tiredly, voice practically dripping in sarcasm as he lulled his head to observe the other. “Care for some?” He lifted the bottle as he spoke, and Adrian nodded, grabbing a glass and pulling his chair up to face the Belmont. His glass was quickly filled, and they were soon drinking in silence, a silence that had come to be very comfortable, too comfortable.
The man before him was wearing an odd outfit for this time of day; pleated black pants and a ruffled chemise that matched the colour of their drink, the colour of which made it seem like his skin glowed in the low light.
“You know, I have no fucking idea why I’m still here.” Trevor spoke with the honesty of someone who’d already had half the bottle. It’s not like he had anything to lose, anyway. “You know, I really hated you. I wanted to leave, as soon as I was done with everything.” But it wasn’t true, and he knew it. He’d never hated the other. He’d yearned to, felt obligated to, in a sense. “I really wanted to hate you.” He took a generous sip and topped his cup off – this was far stronger than the other red wines he’d gotten used to, and he could feel its effect a little too well.
“I never would’ve guessed; you only declared it every five minutes.” Alucard remarked, smiling from behind his wine glass. And Trevor huffed at this, too tired to muster a real laugh.
“Then why the fuck isn’t it true? Why can’t I hate you?” His heart was beating a little faster than usual, and confessions were slipping from his tongue much too easily. “Your ancestors killed mine and vice versa, and yet here I still am, getting hammered on your wine. It’s laughable.”
“I’m afraid I don’t know the answer.” Adrian crossed his legs, legs that were so long and slim in comparison to Trevor’s. Legs that were always hidden away beneath fabric, skin that was so hard to see.
They both took another sip as the man’s gaze squinted.
“The real question is, why haven’t you chased me out of here? The Alucard I met a few months ago would’ve never let a thing like me live within his walls for so long.” His words were beginning to drag on a bit, the alcohol heavy on his tongue.
Adrian shook his shoulders tiredly. “I’m not sure.” Another sip, and was it just Trevor, or did the other’s cheeks tint a bit rosier? It was hard to tell in this lighting. “Perhaps I’m lonelier than I’d like to admit.” A smile accompanied the sentence, but it was a small one, a sad one. Trevor could not muster the energy to ignore the flutter in his chest.
“Lonely, huh?” He threw back, downing the rest of his wine. “I have trouble seeing that.”
Alucard laughed at the statement; it was a rare sound, one so full of mirth that the Belmont could not help but smile at it.
“It’s that hard to believe?” The half-vampire asked then, leaning his chin in the palm of his hand.
“Yes, quite.” Trevor crossed his arms, a gesture meant to convey seriousness, that he was not joking. “Me, lonely, that’s logical. You? I think you’re lying.” He accused now, to which the half vampire feigned offense.
“Why is it so hard to believe, Belmont?” He pried, furrowing his eyebrows in what seemed to be an invitation.
And Trevor was drunk enough to say something very regrettable; “Because I believe that should you ask anybody; they would be glad to indulge you in anything.”
“Anybody, huh?” Down went the rest of the wine, his glass now discarded onto the table, besides Trevor’s.
“Anybody.” Trevor confirmed.
“Anything you desired.”
The half vampire ran a pale hand through his golden locks, letting a thick silence reign over them for a second or two. There was a tension in the air that hadn’t been there before – and why was Trevor’s heart beating so fast?
“You’re clueless, aren’t you?” Adrian spoke after a bit, tilting his head to the side in that way that drove Trevor insane.
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” He shook his shoulders, too lost in his contentment to think about the other’s statement.
The other, who stood so suddenly, tossing his chair aside. The other, who offered a hand, and when it was taken, guided the hunter. They walked away from the breakfast nook, from the open wine and the dirtied glassed, down an unfamiliar path – or perhaps it was recognizable, but not in the state Trevor was in.
He was so at ease, Adrian’s hand fit nicely around his; it was slimer, and colder, but it was comfortable in a strangely beautiful way. They went up a staircase, maintaining a fairly quick pace – they took a right into a hallway, and a few doors down to their destination.
Trevor was shoved into the room before he could begin to protest, or to realize where he was. He stood in a rather modest bedroom, an unfamiliar one – it was the only room in the castle he had not yet been to.
“This is-“
“My room.” He finished the sentence with impatience. The curtains were drawn and there was a dying fire in his hearth, but there was enough light to show the slight tint on Adrian’s, the flush of alcohol that rendered him so much more attractive than before and – when had Trevor come to think of the other as attractive?
“Why are we..?” He began to question, his head several steps behind.
“Because I’ve been trying to get you to fuck me since the day I invited you to stay, and I cannot go another second without it if you keep looking at me the way you do. You said I could get anyone to do as I desired? Well, I’m asking you now to indulge me so that I can finally sleep at night.” The words were spoken hastily, so hushed they could’ve almost been misheard.
Trevor could not deny the effect the confession had on him; he felt his blood rush south at the thought of it.
He’d expected a realization like this to feel like planets crashing, systems colliding inside his mind, but it didn’t. It was a gentle snap, two pieces of a puzzle clicking together in a manner that could only be described as gratifying. He felt warm as a smirk settled on his face. “I thought you’d never ask.” He did not linger then, unceremoniously joining their lips together in a kiss that tasted of aged berries and desperation.
And it made too much sense, the way his heart tried to beat its way out of its cage, the way his blood buzzed in something entirely different than the wine.
Alucard’s mouth was too eager to part for his as they stumbled upon the bed. The kiss was only momentarily interrupted as the half vampire let himself fall into the mattress’ embrace, Trevor in toe.
They weren’t apart for very long before Trevor was marking the other’s neck, biting and sucking anywhere he could reach, leaving traces dark enough to pierce through the dim lighting.
The hunter was soon unbuttoning the others’ blouse, stripping himself of his chemise as well. Fingers roamed across pale skin, eyes committing every juncture to memory.
The way the vampire was half propped up on his elbows, long hair cascading down bare shoulders – it drove him absolutely mad, a madness he was barely aware he’d been containing.
“Why on earth would you ever hide such a thing.” The Belmont spoke, mesmerized.
Adrian’s eyes were dark and half-lidded, and Trevor did not need much more to continue.
Trevor was speaking more than he usually did in situations like these, but he could not keep the words from falling off his tongue, sugary sweet confessions that surprised them both. “I tried to hate you; I had no idea it didn’t work because of this.” Pants came off very quickly after that, leaving them both unveiled, intoxicated not only by the wine that flowed through their veins, but from the tension that rose between them.
“Stop talking.” Adrian hissed, firmly grabbing the other’s chin to bring him down again, leaving hungry kisses on his lips.
In between heavy breaths, Trevor spoke; “Tell me what you want from me, and I will deliver it.” It was a promise, an oath to stop talking, should his mouth be put to good use. He sealed the words by leaving marks on the other’s jawline, relishing in the little hisses that came of it.
“I want you to be inside of me, I want you to fuck me until I can’t remember my own name.” A request he couldn’t wait to oblige. Before he could do so, however, he felt a soft hand on the back of his head, fisting his hair. His head was easily lifted then, eyes forced to meet the other’s. There was a hint of malice there, a dark glimmer in Adrian’s eyes he could not ignore. Everything about this was so wrong; he’d never been more turned on in his entire life. There was no kindness in the other’s eyes when he spoke again, instead, the words resounded in Trevor’s ears like a threat. “Do not make me beg.”
And the hunter could do nothing but oblige, putty in his prey’s gaze. He ran a thumb between his lover’s folds, gathering the wetness to cover his shaft. It was sinful, to use another’s arousal as lubrication for penetration, it was sinful and enticing, pulling him further down a path with no return.
There was no preparation beyond that, they were much too far gone for it.
As Trevor sheathed himself within the other, he made sure to be as gentle as possible, savouring every inch that was taken. “Fuck.” He groaned beneath his breath as the feeling of Adrian’s walls hugged him so tightly, he could barely hold onto logic anymore. Perhaps he’d be the one to forget his own name.
“Ah-“ It was a small intake of air, barely a moan, but it managed to make him even harder than he already was. The half vampire threw his head back as Trevor was fully situated, taking a few audible breaths before meeting his gaze again.
Slowly, he began to thrust, baring his cock to slide it in again as gently as possible. When his lover began to grow restless, he upped the tempo, setting a steady rhythm.
And by God, it felt damnable how wet Alucard was, the sound of his arousal resonating lewdly in their ears with every thrust.
“Jesus, I’ve wondered what was beneath all those layers for so long.” He grunted, setting the pace to something somewhat regular.
“Hm?” Came a small noise from the person below him, whose elbows were getting too weak to hold them up – and so they fell to the mattress, their back arching gracefully as they did so.
It was a sight to behold, smooth skin that seemed to run for miles, a lithe body that was moving for him, in response to him, and only for his eyes to see. He’d declare the scene heavenly if it weren’t for the raunchiness of it, because by God, Trevor had never laid eyes on anything as gorgeous as this.
A lifetime of travel could not reveal such beauty, it was only found here, in his lover’s dips and curves, in the way his eyes rolled back, in every shaky breath, every silent gasp.
“Too modest for someone as pretty- shit- as you.” He struggled to keep his sentences focused, words slurring in a mix of intoxication and lust.
Adrian keened at the compliment, and Trevor took it as a sign to pleasure him harder, better – he quickened the pace a little more, hooking Adrian’s left leg over the crease of his elbow, almost lifting his partner to give a deeper angle.
The other’s breaths quickened, his chest moving up and down quickly as he struggled to contain the pleasure that rang throughout him.
Such a beautiful sight, watching his cock get lost in the vampire’s folds again and again, its tip prodding his belly with every deep thrust – Trevor could not tear his gaze away if we wanted to.
“Aaah- Belmont, you-“ They could not be considered conscious any longer, no, they’d stumbled into another state of being at this point.
“What is it- mm- Adrian?” The mention of his name made him whimper, his body writhing in pleasure.
“More.” He demanded, and so Trevor obliged.
With his loose arm, the trained killer brough his hand to rub circles around the other’s clitoris. It was by no means elegant or methodical, but it made the vampire react in such a delightful way, his walls clenching tightly around the shaft that penetrated him.
“Hng-“ The moans were becoming more and more frequent, sweet sounds that his ears drank up so greedily, trying desperately to commit them to memory. They’d be all he’d think about for weeks, this, he was certain of.
“You’re, fuck, sofuckinghandsome” The words tumbled out of his mouth without rhyme or reason. He pushed harder, bending the body beneath him to better reach the inside of his lover, to nestle himself deeply, in a desire to never be anywhere else but here.
With a glistening chest and the firm squeeze of his eyes, Adrian’s body seized in the throes of pleasure, wave after wave of shock coursing through his sensitive nerves. It was done rather quietly, and yet it made the scene all-the-more ethereal, like having watched something so rare that it only came once in a lifetime – to those who were lucky enough to get it.
And lucky felt like an under-statement as Trevor relished in the feeling of his lover’s orgasm, coming undone in tandem with him. He felt the pleasure crawling up and down his spine, relishing in the sight of the bump he left in Adrian’s stomach.
They stayed still for a moment or two before Trevor decided to move, pulling out of the vampire, leaving a trail behind the action. Lazily, the hunter took his thumb to the opening, gathering any liquid that had escaped and pumping it back inside of him.
Adrian was back on his elbows now, observing the gesture and shivering in sensitivity.
The two locked eyes, the exhaustion and elation of love-making heavy in their gaze, unspoken sentences staying in their minds. It was that comfortable kind of quiet again, the one that meant a lot more to them now.
They weren’t really strangers anymore.
>happy holidays... i love queer people so much. thats all.
>if you like this work i am So sorry but i have published nothing similar LMAO i doubt anyone will read this since its so outside of my norm. sonadow fans ill write some good stuff for you guys now that i've finished this <333
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thorns-and-rosewings · 9 months
Wow... We've reached part 6 of this thing, the Reaper King AU 💀. I will be honest, this is the most I have written in years... Writing used to be the one thing I couldn't stop myself from doing... but... Somewhere along the lines I lost my passion for it. This is the first time in AGES I have had so much fun doing the thing that I love. And I gotta say I hope y'all are enjoying reading this half as much as I enjoy writing it :)
TW: As per usual, this touches on some darker topics. So you've been warned.
Part 6
-It takes KC a while to truly figure out how to use the App properly... But he gets the hang of it eventually.
-Although he does get a few more 'Old Man' jokes from Bloodmoon as he's figuring it out.
-The fact that he's a robot having trouble figuring out a dating app is not even acknowledged though.
-The conversations between KC and the Ranger, whose name is Harper (Yes, I have finally figured out their name and their a very tomboyish young woman in her early 30s with brown hair and emerald green eyes.) are very casual and friendly. Mostly talking about shared interests.
-The Friday the 13th movies are underrated along with the Nightmare on Elm St series. The original Jurassic Park movies are timeless. Godzilla movies are wonderful and best enjoyed in a large screen setting like with a projector or at a drive in.
-And to this day no one has a clue what the hell was up with Halloween 3.
KC: Honestly some of the B rated horror movies are better than the big budget movies nowadays... More entertaining.
Harper: Preaching to the choir, completely agree :)
Harper: I'm a dog person, I had a husky up until recently... Sadly she passed and I just haven't had the heart to get a new one yet. Not to mention my job; I would have to get a pretty well behaved dog to have it out here.
KC: I have one dog (Petting Muerte, the Moon Wolf alpha) but I take care of a lot of others... My eldest has a dog as well.
...he watches as Bloodmoon is having a full tug-of-war with a bone in his mouth with the two headed/deformed wolf that he has named HunterKiller...
KC: Completely reflects how he is as a person...
-As it turns out Harper has a love for legends, myths and all sorts of tall tales especially stories about cryptids. She's obviously extremely outdoorsy and would rather spend her life hiking the trails than sitting in front of a computer screen. The pay for working at the park she is currently working in is also really good... Probably because they can't seem to keep employees long term.
KC: Aren't you scared? There's a lot of disappearances in this area...
Harper: I am not gonna lie, I have... Seen some stuff. In the mists. I think... Eh, you probably won't believe me.
KC: You would be very surprised what I would believe.
Harper: I... I... think I encountered some of the forests cryptids once. I was out hiking and... Just these two forms amongst all that mist. I just froze... Then backed away and ran.
KC: I believe you. Strange things live out here... Were you afraid?
Harper: Well yeah... But... I always kinda had the theory that if you were respectful and left the cryptids alone... They'd leave you alone. I saw them, or at least thought I did, and I backed up and left the area. In kind of a hurry I admit... But I am not one of those people who go out looking for trouble. And judging by the fact that I am still alive, I think that theory might hold water.
KC: That's a good philosophy... I don't think it's completely accurate. But a very decent way of looking at things.
Harper: What's your theory?
KC: That it's nothing personal.
Harper: ?
KC: These cryptids hunt and kill indiscriminately. It's nothing personal to them. It's like a wolf hunting a deer... Maybe they have some scruples about what they hunt, but whatever they do kill... it's nothing personal. Respecting their domain won't always save you, but you'll probably live longer than most.
Harper: ...
KC: ?
Harper: And that is why I would rather deal with cryptids, monsters and legends than live in a concrete jungle amongst other humans any day.
-That one made Killcode smile.
KC: I have a big family, all adopted and brought together by odd circumstances... My eldest is a young adult. My second eldest is a young teenager and it shocks me how mature he is. As he's definitely more mature than his older brother. Then my first daughter, she's growing so fast. She's so protective of her siblings and even me. Then there's my twin boys, who are a pair of mischievous little gremlins. Then there my four year old, she's very shy. Clings to my eldest like glue, which is surprising because he can be abrasive. And then there's my youngest, only a few months old now. But I can already tell she's going to be an energetic little hellion when she gets older. I love them all so much ♥️
Harper: Wow
KC: Is there a problem?
Harper: No no, just... Are they okay with you dating? I know sometimes kids don't like their parents dating. I don't want to upset your family.
KC: Actually they set this account up for me.
Harper: Oh ok. But based on your description they sound wonderful
KC: Do you have any family?
Harper: ...not really, I was an only child. My parents passed away in a car accident. No aunt's, uncle's, cousins or anything. I'm just kinda here by myself. Some friends actually made this account for me as a joke about a month ago. And... You're the only person who has had any interest in talking to me here. I was thinking about deleting this thing just before you started talking with me.
KC: Funny how the world works.
Harper: Is it nice?
KC: What?
Harper: Having a big family like that?
KC: It's the greatest joy in my life. There are times we disagree and argue, yes. But being surrounded by the ones you love the most and who love you back... There's nothing comparable.
Harper: Sounds lovely
-They talk back and forth like this for a few weeks. Before they finally opt to meet and go on a date.
...the date...
Upon KC's suggestion they are going to go on a hike on one of the shorter, but still challenging trails. One of Harper's favorites. He states that he'll be bringing her a red rose, so she will know who he is. She stated he didn't need too, but KC insisted. Harper actually gets to the beginning of this trail a little early and is quite nervous... Will they get along well in person? Will he like her?
...she didn't notice the approach of the towering 9ft tall creature garbed in a cloak, with a large glowing red core upon his chest until he was standing right next to her... She turns to see Killcode right next to her, but before she can do anything at all-
He holds out a single red rose. 🌹
There was a moment where the proverbial hamster fell off the wheel in Harper's head... But after a long moment everything finally caught up with her and she realized exactly what was going on.
Harper: Oh um... Hi...K...C?
Killcode: (Awkward smile)
They begin that hike... At first things are a bit tense and more than a little awkward. But they do begin talking, KC assuring Harper this isn't a trick or trap or anything... Harper asks a few questions of her own. But things become less tense. After a bit, things gradually go from being tense to calm, to friendly... And about an hour into the hike they are conversing like friends.
By the time they reach the halfway point of the hike, the moon has risen into the sky and any lingering awkwardness has completely evaporated and they stop and just look at the nights sky.
Harper states this is the best date she's ever been on...
KC points out that this is the only date he's ever been on...
They both laugh. Although KC starts to turn his gaze towards the forest more and more as they continue on the second half of the trail... Until he finally stops and crosses his arms. Looking at something that Harper cannot see.
KC: Young lady... Is there a reason you're following us?
...wordlessly Wisp emerges from the forest, bathing the entire area in a soft blue glow. Harper cannot help but stare at the little girl that is made of flames before her. She floats up and sits in KC's arms, allowing him and Harper to see the thing on her neck.
Harper: Is that... Is that one of those little cameras people put on their cats?
KC: (Gets horrified) Bloodmoon did you put a cat spy camera on your little sister?!
(Elsewhere Bloodmoon and the others slam the laptop closed)
...It wasn't until just before sunrise, after Harper had finally finished cleaning up the station that it really dawned on her at that moment that she is now dating one of the most feared local cryptids.
Harper found the situation both adorable and hilarious... And she admittedly was trying to avoid laughing too hard at the sight. But Wisp looked Harper up and down before moving in close and whispering to her father.
Wisp: I like her. She has a kind heart.
The girl then disappeared back into the forests from whence she came... While KC muttered about how Bloodmoon was going to be in sooo much trouble when he got home.
Rather than their date simply ending at the end of the trail, Killcode actually accompanies Harper back to the Ranger Station... Which was beneficial because much to Harper's dismay, those racoons had returned and had promptly locked her out of the cabin again. And the sounds of chittering and ransacking of the fridge can be heard even from outside.
Harper: (Growls) Evil little trash pandas...
KC: Maybe I can be of some assistance here?
Harper: If you wanna try, but they're tricky little things... The last time they locked me out I had to sleep in my Jeep. This time I am just going to go get the ladder and get in through the upstairs window... Which I started to leave open delibrately to handle these raccoon invasions.
Killcode says nothing as he walks towards the door and actually phases through it... Everything grows eerily still for a moment, before the loud, booming voice of Killcode echoes through the area like cannon fire.
KC: GET OUT!!!!!!!
Immediately the door flies open and at least a dozen raccoons run out... With their high pitched and fearful chittering sounding far more human than Harper can recall hearing before... Hell she swore she heard something along the lines of 'How were we supposed to know she was the mate of the Reaper King?!'
...yeah she's thinking too far into it...
Still KC just calmly unlocked the front door and walked outside. Expressing that he had a wonderful time tonight and would love to do this again. Something Harper happily agrees too...
They make plans to meet up again in the coming days. Before KC bids her good night and he retreats back into the forest so quickly that he just seemed to vanish...
...and she is perfectly fine with it :)
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rathayibacter · 1 year
Pulling Rath's Teeth Bundle
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Hey yall! I'm getting knocked around by some medical costs right now, and could use some help getting back on my feet. I've managed to scrape together the cash I need to get dental surgery this Friday, but I'm gonna be pretty bone dry (badum tsh) after that.
So! With the help of some incredible friends of mine, I bring you the PULLING RATH'S TEETH BUNDLE! For $5 you can get every big project I've released thus far, or for $20 or more you can get a STAGGERING 56 GAMES AND SUPPLEMENTS, including a number of things exclusive to this bundle! Check it out, it's really something.
Thank you so much for your support, and thank you to all the lovely people who contributed their amazing work to the bundle. Love you all 💚
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Kaeya headcanons
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i'm speedrunning this before work while my breakfast is cooking so BEAR WITH ME, i have SO MANY thoughts on my bbgrl
current list of h/c's: - ice skater kaeya, i will die on this hill. will have a post abt that one day b/c there's so much to it that i want to scream abt and Thoughts (tm) to be had (like him getting flustered??? OUGH i need to restrain myself) - speaking of flustered, he's really good at keeping his cool (pun fully intended, fight me) and he typically is the one who CAUSES the flustering. smooth af and KNOWS it - he likes to cause chaos and mayhem. a bit of a gremlin. mischievous man. perhaps a tad prankster in his bones. playful teasing bastard and has a lot of fun w/ it. - cold hands. nothing more. - when push comes to shove, Kaeya's the guy w/ the plan. like genuinely he's incredibly strategic and has the main plan, and like two or three back up plans. it's not even like an anxiety thing he just wants to be prepared, and he makes them up pretty last minute. - he's kind of an assassin-style character, y'know? not as much of a main fighter as he is a sneaky backstabber. roguish and charming but can and will yeet u type deal right??? - LOYAL to a GODDAMN FAULT. i TRULY believe this man's loyalty is unshakeable. like he'd do anything to the people he cherishes the most. and if he perceives u as a threat??? a threat to the things he cares about?????? ur on the list now and there's no escape. - incredibly perceptive! like he's really good at getting information from people already, but i feel like that just makes it a lot easier for him to notice when Something Is Up. it's hard to catch him unawares. - kaeya's great and i love him but he doesn't love himself and i'm sorry this man definitely feels like he's got really bad self esteem. Like he KNOWS he can get shit done, but he has a hard time believing that anyone likes him and probably has trust issues b/c of it. - i also feel like he doesn't like the spotlight? like specifically Kaeya; if he needs to put on a persona for the spotlight, it doesn't phase him bc he's good at hiding behind a persona. but the moment Actual Kaeya gets spotlight he's like a bit of a mess and nervous and would just rathe people enjoy themselves. essentially just doesn't want the spotlight. - abandonment issues. i don't need to explain this one. - kaeya puts on the air of an anti-hero but he's a quiet paragon himself. literally helps people out of habit and while he jokes abt it he doesn't actually expect anything in return and literally forgets he helped ppl bc it's just so engrained in his brain. - epitome of "sorry i had feelings, i'll replace em w/ jokes right away" - not the best cook tbh? like he can make some GOOD snacks (chicken mushroom skewers, a fried egg, simple stuff like that) but ask him to cook actual meals and he's at a loss for food prep and has no idea how to time everything in the dish. - emotionally available but only for other ppl. cannot and will not express his own emotions bc of aforementioned anxieties; but u wanna talk to him abt shit? he's all ears and will comfort u like a bbgrl. - this is less of a h/c but actually canon, and that's just that Kaeya's lonely. i genuinely think he wants to be around ppl but he feels like they wouldn't like the real him :(( - on that note, i WILL say that, despite his playfulness, this man is a romantic at heart??? like he probably LOVES poetry and writing and music, and the only reason he makes light of it is b/c he thinks it's funny and also to make people underestimate him. he would probably die for the opera performances in Fontaine tbh. OKAY,,, i've gotta hurry up and wrap this post bc i have work soon but please here thank u this is my bbgrl kaeya i love him so much. he has been in my main party since day one and like i'm beyond attached to this lil shit, like PLEASE HIS VOICELINES ARE SO GOOD. i will talk more abt my kaelumi h/c's and explain how things go in my "canon", b/c i'm trying to go in order of how all the poly met each other. WHICH means that Zhongli's next!!! b/c ofc i'm going to scream abt him, my friend's playing his archon quest and letting me watch it again and i'm taking so many notes its not even FUNNY.
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wiltking · 1 year
been reading Point of Knives, the novella that takes place between Point of Hopes and Point of Dreams and goes into how Rathe and Eslingen's relationship gets started, and when i say i havent kicked my feet and covered my mouth and mentally giggled at an mm romance like this since..... well, probably ginn hale. like youre telling me these two have fucked a dozen times but cant be together because of the conflicting interests of their masters, but oh no! whats that? they have to work together again? and still have feelings for each other? and strike up a deal (complete with handshake) to be winter-lovers and make the best of it until they have to break if off again despite their feelings continuing to grow way out of hand? and one of them is too shy to ask the other his SUN SIGN even after having his bones rearranged? all this, while theres a double murder to be solved?
once again i genuinely cant believe how long it took me to find some of these really good older gay novels, how theyve managed to exist in the cracks completely removed from widespread word of mouth and recommendation blogs. i really cant wrap my head around it
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oceanflowerbird · 21 days
Hi, I hope you're enjoying your little vacation :) you always seem to give great book recommendations and I was wondering if you know of any good 'romantic' type novels?
Thanks, I definitely am! These are some of the best romances I’ve read this year (including historical and fantasy). Bit of a trigger warning for lots of spice and kink and controversy: Overall spice:
Credence - Penelope Douglas (already read her new book too and I was not impressed)
The Wild One - Daisy Jane 
All My Love - Daisy Jane 
Give Me More - Sara Cate
Overall plot:
Out on a Limb - Hannah Bonam-Young 
The Seven Year Slip - Ashley Poston
When A Scot Ties The Knot - Tessa Dare
Worthy mentions:
His Darkest Desire - Tiffany Roberts 
Tied - Carian Cole
Black Wings and Stolen Things - Kayleigh King
Lights Out - Navessa Allen
Sustained - Emma Chase
In A Jam - Kate Canterbary
Ignite - Melanie Harlow
Bride - Ali Hazelwood
Series I read and LOVED:
The Ravenels - Lisa Kleypas
The Hathaways - Lisa Kleypas
Mackenzies & McBrides - Jennifer Ashley
Deep Waters - Emma Hamm 
Fire & Desire - Chloe Chastaine
Castles Ever After - Tessa Dare
Second Sons - Emily Rath
Frozen Fate - Pam Godwin (the last book came out this past Monday!) 
Of Flesh & Bone - Harper L. Woods
The Alliance - S.J. Tilly
Authors I read multiple books of:
Daisy Jane
S.J. Tilly
Emma Hamm
Kate Canterbary
Tiffany Roberts
Sara Cate
Laurelin Paige
Elsie Silver
Melanie Harlow
C.M. Nascosta
Ashley Poston
Kathryn Moon
Lisa Kleypas
Lillian Lark
Lilith Vincent 
Katee Robert
Emily Rath
Kate Stewart
Sorcha Black
Tessa Dare
Jennifer Ashley
Kerrigan Byrne
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xbonecandyx · 2 years
Can we have a few facts about Rath? Because GODDAMN THEY'RE FINE-
ABSOLUTELY yes hehehe, I'm glad you're interested in them!!!!
Rath is an incubus, which means they get their energy from domming during sex, and they enjoy taking this to extremes when they get the chance. I haven't had the chance to draw it yet, but they do have two scars on their back where they used to have wings, but their wings were removed when they were ejected from their place in Hell due to crimes against someone that was supposed to be protected.
Nowadays they live their life on Earth! They don't really NEED human food to live, but they enjoy the taste and the experience of eating, so they eat quite a bit anyways.
They're able to choose and interchange their parts downstairs as easily as the rest of their gender presentation, but their true form has a tentacle-y sort of situation goin, with both sets of parts.
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tabbycatplushy · 11 months
Big Questions: Chapter Three
Featuring: Joule, Mocha, Paprika, Natalia, Lizzie
4.5k words. Full story: 18k words
Joule has just moved to the city, and now she finds herself living with two friendly, pretty, gay, attractive... roommates. When she suddenly shrinks down to five inches tall, will she be able to deal with the consequences while navigating her budding poly relationship?
[disability, shrinking, lesbian romance, anxiety, polyamory, furries]
“Hey, Kurt? It’s Joule. I won’t be able to come in for a while.” She grimaced through the call. Paprika offered her a thumbs-up from her spot on the couch.
The four of them had moved to the living room. Mocha sat with Paprika on the couch, sipping the coffee Paprika made her. Nat had parked her mobile chair next to Joule on the coffee table while the catgirl used her phone.
Kurt’s voice sounded tinny through the phone. “Joule? I was wondering where you were. You’re usually so punctual. So you’re not coming in?”
“Yeah, it’s a… health emergency. I don’t know how long it’s going to last.”
“Health emergency? Are you going to be okay?”
“Well, I’m not dying or anything. But it’s still pretty serious… I’ve gotta take some time off.”
“Well, shoot.”
“Yeah, sorry about this.”
“Don’t worry about it, just focus on recovering. Let me know when you think you’ll be able to come back. And take care.”
“Will do. Thank you. You too, Kurt.” She hung up, releasing a long-held breath. She gave the phone back to Nat, who tucked it away in her cleavage, skittered her mobile chair across the table, then hopped it across the gap onto her girlfriend’s lap. Paprika began massaging her tiny girlfriend’s back with her fingertips as Nat spoke.
“So,” began Nat as she relaxed into the massage. “Now comes a big question. What do you wanna do, Joule?”
Joule blanched, unprepared to answer such a question. “What do I want to do? I mean, what I want is to get big again.”
“Obviously. But that’s not an option right now, is it?”
Paprika said, “you’re sure you can’t grow anymore?”
The tiny cat shook her head. “Not since the elevator. Something broke.”
“Broke? Like, a bone?”
“No!” she assured. How do I explain it? “No, it was something… mental? I was keeping myself big with mental grounding, but then I felt something just… break. Then I was small again, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get bigger.”
Paprika made a ‘hmm’ sound, scratching her chin with her free paw.
“So, back to my first question. Joule, what do you want to do? Stay here? Move back in with your parents? Do you have a support system back home?”
Joule sat for a moment, staring into space. I want to stay here, but… there’s no way I can make that work without a ton of help from Mo and Pap. I can’t just ask them to rearrange their lives around me, can I? After living with them for all of a month? She opened her mouth to speak, but only a frustrated squeak came out.
Paprika spoke up first. “I just want to say, Joule, that we l-like having you here.” She grasped Mocha’s paw.
“Truly,” said Mocha. “You’re welcome to stay here if that’s what you want.”
They’re just being polite, she thought. You can’t impose on them like this. It’s too big an ask.
...no. I need to trust them. They haven’t let me down yet.
“In that case… Mo, Pap… I’d like to stay here. I understand if you’d rath—”
“Fuck yeah!”
“You guys…” A hearty purr rose up in Joule’s chest.
“I’m so happy for you gay weirdos. But like, now that we know Joule wants to stay here, we need a plan to make that happen.”
“Well, I could ask Bru to help us make some simple ramps on the furniture? For your bed, at least.”
“Joule, do you think ramps would help you get around?” Nat asked.
“Well, I could probably…”
“Honest answers only, honey. This is about what you need.”
“Well, then… if I’m being honest, I don’t like the idea of having to climb up a ramp every time I want to use my bed.” The pain made it excruciating to ever use the stairs, and she didn’t think she’d fare any better on a ramp.
Natalia nodded, satisfied to get an honest answer.
From there, with Natalia guiding the discussion, they formulated a plan. Other than her bed, Joule didn’t need to access any of the furniture in a situation where Mocha or Paprika wouldn’t also be there; in those cases, they could lift her themselves. In Joule’s room, they would set up a smaller bed and desk which she could easily access in her shrunken state.
As for tools and supplies, they would have to buy specialty microhuman versions of a few things; eating utensils, toothbrush and toothpaste, hair and fur products, and most importantly, a phone.
“That one will be a bit more out of my price range, at least right away. I’ll just have to use my big phone for a while until I can get some more cash coming in.”
“Don’t bother. I’ll get you one,” said Nat. “Do you need anything else? Laptop, PC..?”
“Nat, I couldn’t…” Joule started.
“It’s literally not a problem. MicroSec spokesperson, remember? I can get ‘em for free.”
“Oh. Right. Well, in that case… a gaming PC would be nice. But you’ve got to let me pay you back for all the clothes you bought me!”
“Hmm, do I, though?”
“Paprika, your girlfriend is being too generous!”
Natalia tittered. “As if! Pap won’t help you here. I’ve got her wrapped around my finger. Right, babe?”
“‘Fraid she’s right, Joule.” The tabby leaned down to peck Natalia’s little head. “I serve the whims of my tiny goddess.”
Joule couldn’t help but feel… envious as she watched the two of them interact. They had been physically affectionate ever since Natalia arrived with Joule. Every time Paprika held the shrimpgirl, or kissed her, or caressed her with such care and precision, Joule imagined herself in Nat’s position.
Joule returned from her envious thoughts and saw the two lovebirds had been staring into each other’s eyes for over a while. Paprika abruptly stood up and said, “we’re going to go. Hang out. For a minute.”
“For a few minutes,” Nat giggled as the tabby picked her up, chair and all, and made for the guest bedroom.
Joule was unable to keep the red from her face. I don’t even like sex! Why am I so…
Mocha, who had been smugly watching the procession while she sipped her coffee, broke the tension. She leaned over Joule and whispered, “that’s Pap. She’ll flirt with you till the cows come home, but when it actually comes time to act on all that braggadocio she can't even talk straight.” She turned to Joule. “How are you feeling?”
Joule considered giving the polite answer, but decided against it; Mocha didn’t want polite, she wanted the truth.
“Can I do anything to help you be less scared?”
Joule shook her head. "No, it’s not you. I don’t mean scared like I was last night, with Paprika… I just, all these big decisions are hard. I don’t know what’s going to happen…”
It was… most of the truth. But Joule wasn’t ready to share the rest of it yet.
Mocha said nothing, but raised one perfect eyebrow, clearly sensing there was more to it.
I’m in love with you and your girlfriend, Joule thought, and I’m scared to tell you and I’m scared to let you love me back. She struggled, under that knowing gaze, not to confess everything right there.
The cow relented, her stare transforming into an easy smile. “You win this round,” she said. “When you’re ready, I’d like to hear what’s troubling you.”
Relieved, Joule agreed, nodding her head because she didn’t trust herself to speak.
The two of them sipped their drinks. Joule felt full as if she had drunk a liter, but the level of her cocoa had barely even dropped.
A few minutes later, Paprika returned, Nat in her mobile chair perched on the tabby’s shoulder. The shrimp had pulled out a tiny flip mirror and was fixing her makeup.
Paprika had an extra pep in her step that wasn’t there before. She stopped near the coffee table to let Nat skitter down her arm. Once her girlfriend had safely disembarked, she said, “Joule, I was thinking of going down to see Lizzie, and then running some errands. I’ll update hir on the last couple of hours. Is there anything in particular you want me to mention?”
Suddenly, Joule remembered Lizzie’s words this morning. “Actually, can I come with?”
Paprika crouched down, clearly surprised. “You up for it?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I think I should talk to Lizzie in person. And I think it would be nice to get out of the house for a bit.”
Grinning, Paprika said, “wait here,” and hurried back down the hall.
A few minutes later she emerged once more, sporting a red flannel over her torn-up crop top. She held out her fist, and Joule bumped one knuckle with her own tiny paw. Then the tabby flipped her paw over, opening her palm. “Climb aboard, madame.”
Joule did just that, then crouched as Paprika carefully lifted her up to the flannel’s breast pocket. She climbed inside.
“Anyone else want to come?” Paprika said.
“Thanks babe, but I think I’ll rest here for a bit. Catch up with Mocha.”
“That sounds lovely, Natalia,” said Mocha. “And I think I may start on lunch as well. I’ll see you later love. You too, Joule!”
Paprika blew both of them a kiss as she stepped out the door, while Joule hid her blush behind the pocket’s lip.
From where she rested in Paprika’s breast pocket, Joule had a view almost as high as her old one. They were just now exiting the lobby of their building, onto the street beyond. Joule tried not to look too foolish as she watched the world go by. Everything is so big, now!
Everything looked the same, but the perspective shift felt like more than the angle. It all felt so much bigger than her. More threatening.
Joule must have been showing her anxiety, because Paprika reached up to scritch the top of her head with one huge finger. She closed her eyes, focusing on the intense pleasure it brought. All too soon, it stopped. “Was that alright?” Paprika asked.
“I don’t think anyone has pet me that well before!”
She chuckled. “Yeah, you were purring pretty hard there. But you should feel how Mocha does it.”
“That good, huh?”
“You have no idea.” She stopped in front of the wooden door to Lizzie’s shop, and pushed it open with all her strength.
The alchemist was at the counter with another customer. Hir eyes found Joule’s immediately. “My, you look much improved from this morning, little kitten.”
“Hey, Liz,” said Paprika. “There’ve been some… developments.”
“Hmm. One moment, girls.” Paprika leaned on a section of counter off to the side while Liz finished up with the customer.
“Hey, are you doing alright down there?”
Joule was not. She was dreading having to tell Liz about her foolish excursion. “...no,” she squeaked.
“What’s wrong?” Joule felt Paprika tense up.
“I just… I’m embarrassed. At what I did. I didn’t listen to what Lizzie said. Ze’re going to be angry with me.”
The tension melted from Paprika’s body. “Nah, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“But how do you know that?”
“‘Cause Lizzie doesn’t judge. Just watch. You’ve got this.”
Liz finished with the customer, and turned to the two of them. Joule saw that a raised walkway had been erected behind the counter for the shortened Lizzie to work from in hir goblin form. “Now,” ze whispered, “what news?”
Joule took a deep breath and told hir. Just as Paprika had predicted, Liz simply listened. When she was done, ze whispered, “How are you holding up, little kitten?”
“I’m… you’re not mad?”
“Mad? But why?” Lizzie shook hir head. “This is good news. It means my theory is correct, and you can grow again.”
“That’s great!” said Paprika.
“But I can’t now! I broke it!”
“Bah, temporary. You burned yourself out, is all.”
I… so this is just burnout?
“You’re going to be fine,” Lizzie said. “You’ve got a good body, you just need to stop pushing it so hard. Let yourself rest.”
Joule wanted to hide in Paprika’s pocket. “Isn’t it supposed to be good to push yourself?” she muttered.
“Not as far as this. Everyone has their limit. Push yourself, yes, but you have to listen to your body when it tells you it’s done. Have you been listening to the messages it’s sending you?”
Joule didn’t need to think hard to know the answer.
“Thanks, Lizzie. By the way, I got some hearing modulators, so you don’t have to whisper anymore."
“Good to hear, good to hear,” ze said. “Thank you for stopping by. I look forward to your gradual recovery.”
The two of them thanked Lizzie before leaving the shop. Paprika took them to the bus stop.
“Next up on the list is groceries, we need to grab something for dinner. How hungry are you?”
Joule rubbed her belly. “Very.”
“Good, we’ll have you pick it out then. You always pick better when you’re hungry.” A bus pulled up before them. “That’s us.”
Careful not to jostle Joule too much, Paprika climbed into the bus and found a seat near the front. “How are you doing so far?”
“It’s… surprisingly pleasant.”
“I’m not moving too fast? Or crushing you to death with my fat tits?”
Joule laughed. “Nope! Maybe if I was riding in *Mocha’s* shirt pocket, but…”
Joule worried she’d gone too far with that one, but Paprika laughed even harder, straining Joule’s hearing modulators.
“I’m not going to lie, it is extremely nice to ride around on those babies.”
“You say that like you’ve done it before.”
Paprika nodded. “Yep. I kind of… I like to play around with potions a lot. For… recreational purposes.” She seemed lost in thought for a second. “Anyway, this one time I took a potion that made me really small, and I got to hitch a ride in Mocha’s cleavage for the day.”
“Really? How small? Were you as small as me?”
“No, not quite that small. I was a little closer to Nat’s size.”
Joule was about to respond when the bus screeched to a stop, and she became weightless. The stop jolted Paprika forward, onto a collision course with the seat in front of them.
Joule saw this, and realized she was about to be crushed between Paprika and the forward seat. Her heart raced, her mind numbed with the realization that I am going to die.
She couldn’t finish the thought. Paprika had darted her paw protectively over Joule. She hunched over, checking the forward seat with her shoulder.
Joule was enveloped in warm darkness, her heart beating in her throat. After a stunned moment, she shifted as Paprika sat up from her hunched position. The hand that cupped Joule against her lifted, and she blinked, adjusting to the light.
Mania tinged the tabby’s voice. ”Are you okay!?” she asked, eyes wide.
Joule stared back, not comprehending, until her brain caught up with reality. She nodded, shaken. Paprika loosed a cry of relief.
She stood up and swiftly exited the bus. Her eyes held on the bus driver as she went, promising violent murder. When they stepped off onto the sidewalk, the tabby’s breathing normalized. “Fuck that driver,” was all she said.
Joule had no idea what to say to that. She didn’t know if there was anything to say. But she knew in her tiny, hummingbird heart that she trusted Paprika with her life. I’ll never fear her again, she thought.
Mocha chopped cucumber with the speed and precision of a professional chef, then tossed the slices into the great bowl with everything else. Next she began dicing a pair of tomatoes. Pepperoncini, spinach, croutons, shredded carrots and cheese; and some quartered pepperoni slices for Paprika.
As she was picking from her collection of sauces and dressings in the fridge, Nat said, “looks tasty. But like, I hope you don’t expect Joule to try and eat it.”
Mocha’s finger settled on a pale dressing. What was I thinking? She sighed. “To be honest, I had forgotten. Do you have any suggestions?”
“Take a piece of every ingredient, and use a sharp knife to make slices as small as you can. Put it on a tea plate, or a shot glass if you need to. But don't use too much dressing.”
Mocha followed her instructions. Because of the care she needed to make such small cuts, it took as long as the rest of the salad combined to make, but in the end there was a perfectly Joule-sized portion. Mocha finished it with the tiniest drop of dressing she could manage.
Natalia scuttled past, checking her work. “Looks good. You can let her mix it when she gets back.”
Mocha nodded, adding dressing to the big salad as well. She stretched her arms and neck, and leaned back on the counter.
Nat parked her chair across from Mocha on the island. With a smirk and a twitch of her red antennae, she said, “you’re in lesbians with her, aren’t you?”
Mocha froze. “Is it really that obvious?”
“You and Pap aren’t exactly being subtle about it! Honey, the only one who could possibly miss it is Joule. But even she’s starting to notice.”
Mocha perked up. “Has she mentioned..?”
“Girl, you know I’m not gonna tell you. You’ve gotta ask her yourself.”
“I know, I know. And here I thought I was the one who gives relationship advice.”
“Like, who do you think I learned it from?”
“Maybe I shouldn’t have. The suspense is killing me.”
“You’ll live.” Natalia’s face turned serious. “I wanted to ask you a big question, though.”
“You said you’re okay with her staying here, and I believe you. But are you willing to help take care of her? Even if like, she never ever gets bigger again?”
“Of course!”
“Just take a second, and really think about it. Are you absolutely sure? Can you do it for a year? Ten years? Through all that time, can you do everything to meet her needs?”
Mocha took a moment to think about it. It was not a long moment; she knew the answer. She stood up straight. “Yes. I will.”
Arms crossed, Natalia met her eyes, and nodded. “Good.”
Then she made an exaggerated, weary sigh. “Okay. Like, sorry to grill you like that. But I seriously needed to make sure you knew the responsibility you were taking on. I trust you to take good care of Pap, but this is a different thing entirely!”
“Of course. I know it won’t be easy,” said Mocha. “But I love her, and I want to take care of her. We both do.”
An awkward silence passed. “Sorry again for giving you the talk. I know you, and like I know you’re cool. But like, I’ve gotta look out for my fellow tinies.”
“I understand. I wouldn’t expect anything less.” She picked up the bowl. “Now, they should be back any minute—let’s get the table ready.”
The rest of the trip to the grocery store and back was uneventful. For dinner, Joule excitedly picked tortellini pasta; she had always thought a giant tortellini would taste incredible. Now that she was small, she thought to put her theory to the test.
They spent the trip home in silence, with Joule resting in her pocket while Paprika occasionally reached up to scratch her head.
It was… nice. For a little while, the outside world couldn’t reach her. The expectations, the clamor of everyday life was far away, and she was able to simply exist next to someone she loved. It was the most comfortable Joule had been since…
Well, she couldn’t remember.
Her leg pains weren’t bothering her, either. In fact, she had actually forgotten about them entirely—for a few minutes, at least. Not even pain, her constant companion, could reach her here.
As Paprika carried her closer to home, a knot of dread tied itself in her core, interrupting her rest more and more. She was coming up on something big, terrifying in its ability to rip her to pieces if it didn’t go well. But, scary as it was, she knew that just beyond it was something good and warm.
The only way she could get through to that warm place was through trust.
She barely heard the elevator ding! as she wrestled with her emotions. The walk down the hall to their apartment door went by in a flash.
Paprika unlocked the door and entered the apartment.
Mocha called out in greeting. “Welcome back, love!”
Joule heard Natalia scuttling close by as the shrimp said, “Hey babe! How was it? Where’s Joule?”
The catgirl in question poked her head out of the pocket, rubbing her eyes as they adjusted to the early afternoon light. “Hi, everyone.”
“We made lunch,” said Mocha. “Come eat!”
A few minutes later, they sat around the dining table once more. Mocha and Paprika sat side by side in the chairs, while Nat ate in her mobile chair upon the tabletop. Joule had acquired a small pillow upon which she sat criss-cross with the shot glass of salad balanced in her legs. The comfortable silence from before carried over into the meal.
The salad was delicious, and Joule ate every bite. Mocha was next to finish, and she stood up to take her bowl to the sink, reaching over to take Joule’s as well.
“W-wait…” she said.
Mocha stopped. “What is it?”
Joule cleared her throat and stood up, gripping her paws tightly. Her tail stood straight out. “I need to tell you something. You too, Paprika.”
Mocha sat back down. Everyone was looking at her now. Her eyes brushed past Natalia, who gave her a thumbs-up and a wide smile.
“I… heard you. When I was sneaking out, I heard you two talking in the kitchen.”
Both of her roommates immediately flushed, looking like they’d been caught with their paws in the cookie jar. Even unflappable Mocha was as red as Natalia’s legs.
Paprika was the first to sputter out a response. “H-how much d-did you hear?”
“A few things… but the truth is, they kind of scared me, a little.”
Mocha, finding her voice again, said, “Scared you how?”
“I just… I just don’t want to ruin this. And I don’t want to lose you, either of you, and, and…”
“Hey, hey…” Paprika reached out a paw, stopping a few inches from Joule. “It’s okay, I’m sorry we worried you so much…”
She and Mocha shared a silent look. “We’re not going anywhere,” Mocha said. “We’re here for you, whatever form that takes.”
“That’s right,” said Paprika. “We can stay friends if you want.”
“What? NO!” Joule shouted as loud as her tiny lungs could allow. She ran towards them, grabbing a finger of Paprika’s outstretched paw. “No, I like you guys too!”
They stopped as if slapped.
“Are you guys kidding me, really? I love you! You,” she pointed at Mocha. “Are so goddamned selfless, and wise, and cool, and you always make me so comfortable to be around!”
She pointed at Paprika. “And you! You’re so goofy and sincere, and wild, and ridiculously charming, and everything is so casual with you, like I’ve known you all my life! And then you’re always there to comfort me, and protect me!”
Joule finished her rant, leaving them all in stunned silence. She looked up, and saw tears in both of her roommates eyes.
Still holding Paprika’s finger, Joule extended her paw towards Mocha’s. The cowgirl stuck on finger out for her to grab.
Joule wrapped both fingers in a hug. “I love you,” she said. “I love you."
A noise from outside lifted Joule from her dream. She could feel her girlfriends on either side of her; Mocha was big spoon to Joule, who had her own arms wrapped around Paprika.
She opened her eyes and saw the tabby’s veil of red hair, and her sleeping face only inches from her own. The tip of one orange thumb pressed gently against her lips.
She kept herself from making adoring sounds, not wanting to wake Paprika from her perfect state. She reached over to her phone, opening the camera and taking a quick snap of the sleeping tabby.
The movement stirred Mocha, who murmured gently and pulled Joule closer. “Oh, I’ll never get used to this,” Mocha whispered.
“Good morning, gorgeous,” said Joule. “I’m going to go make some breakfast.”
The cow pulled her tighter. “Nope. You’re going to cuddle me, forever.”
Joule nestled into the embrace, content to give Mocha a few more minutes. When she was ready she didn’t wriggle out from Mocha’s grip; instead, she shrank.
Now that she knew what she was doing, it was quite a simple thing. Like moving an arm or blinking, she just did it. Now, shrinking and growing were as natural to her as breathing.
Joule brought herself to about five inches tall; this was her favorite height, and about as low as she could go. Mocha mumbled again as she felt Joule’s form disappear from her grasp. The tiny catgirl, now standing on the mattress, placed a kiss on the cowgirl’s forehead before padding to the foot of the bed. Once at the edge, she let herself grow again and stepped down onto the floor.
She looked back at her girlfriends. Mocha had pulled Paprika into her embrace now, and the tabby was sleeping soundly still in her arms.
Joule let herself stare for a moment. How did I fall so in love with them in just two months?
Satisfied, she slipped out of the master bedroom and walked to the kitchen. On the way, she sent the photo she had taken to Natalia.
natalia: omg!! =:03 so cuteeeeeee!! <3
natalia: so jelly, I love when she sucks her thummb
Joule placed a skillet on the stove, and began frying some eggs. She remembered the night last month when she had suddenly shrunk for the first time.
Back then, it had happened because she wouldn’t listen to the signals her body was sending. At the time she thought it was horrible. She winced in private embarrassment over her past actions. I’d been thinking about my shrinking as if it meant my life was basically over. As if it wasn’t worth living as a tiny. She could see now how ridiculous that was.
Now she knew that her body had locked her in that state to protect her. She had needed a rude awakening to show her just how much she had to change. And to rest.
The eggs were nearly done. Her ears twitched; she could hear her groggy girlfriends emerging from the bedroom. Joule moved the eggs onto three plates, turned off the stove, and ran out to the hall to meet them. She surprised them with a pounce, shrinking in mid-air, trusting them to catch her. Mocha plucked her right out of the air, swinging her around lifting her up between herself and Paprika.
All three of them embraced, laying kisses on each other's cheeks. Joule was right where she was meant to be.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Police in India arrested a man after doctors removed nearly 80 needles he allegedly inserted into a young woman’s head to treat her ill health.
The 19-year-old woman from India’s eastern Odisha state is under observation and authorities have ruled out psychological problems at the moment. An investigation is ongoing.
The teen was admitted on Thursday to the state’s Bhima Bhoi Medical College and Hospital with a severe headache. A CT scan revealed multiple needles embedded in her head.
Despite the initial removal of eight needles, her condition did not improve, prompting her referral to Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (VIMSAR), where an additional 70 needles were removed during two surgeries.
Director of the institute, Bhabagrahi Rath, was quoted as saying by the Press Trust of India: “So far, 77 needles have been retrieved from the girl’s head in two surgeries. Fortunately, the needles have not caused any bone injuries, but there are soft tissue injuries on her head.”
Mr Rath also said that the patient was under observation and would be checked for other issues for which she visited the quack doctor, identified as one Tejraj Rana.
Mr Rath also noted that it was premature to assume the problems were psychological.
Since her mother’s death four years ago, the teen had reportedly been frequently ill and sought help from the man in 2021, PTI reported.
The girl’s family stated that they visited Mr Rana when no treatment was providing her relief. The specifics of her illness were not disclosed.
The family said Mr Rana used to take her inside a room to provide “treatment”. They only recently discovered the needles when the girl began complaining of pain.
The Times of India reported that the reason behind the needles being inserted remains unclear at the moment.
Mr Rath told the outlet: “The surgery began around 2 am and lasted for one and a half hours.” He added that “thankfully, none of the needles pierced the skull”.
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shortpplfedup · 2 years
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Well that was fascinating and enlightening. I'm still not sold on the pacing of this thing, but the emotional throughline is solid and the characterisations are on point. The theme of this episode is 'escape', as Neung and Palm run away into a whole new emotional minefield. We also meet Palm's mother Mam, yet another woman who tells him to maybe try giving a shit about himself and also puts Neung to work, so I am inherently predisposed to like her despite her being a specific kind of nightmare fuel.
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I really wanted to meet Palm's mother to put all the pieces together and now that we have...oy vey. She seems like a fun lady but ain't a mothering bone in this one's body. It may be for the best that Mam didn't raise Palm, but she feels bad enough about it to at least offer him shelter, even if she makes him work for it. Mam's benign self-centred neglect is a stark contrast to Thanya's devotion, and honestly makes me want even more for Palm to be cared for and looked after. At least Mam is appalled by Chanon's use of Palm in this way.
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I have to say I'm impressed with Neung. Even totally out of his comfort zone, he manages to find a niche and make himself actually useful. I've never agreed with the takes that Neung is a spoiled brat; all his 'bratty' behaviour has been in reaction to Palm, in an attempt to navigate the now-clear-to-me monster crush he has on him. Neung is a skilled manipulator but Palm isn't really manipulable so to get his attention Neung does try stamping his feet a bit. Sometimes, Palm is annoyed, irritated, even angered by it. But sometimes, like this episode, he is endeared. When Neung calls him a fool again, in Mandarin this time, he can't help but give a small rueful smile.
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Because Palm is quickly coming to terms with rather a lot of things this ep. It seems like he's decided that as long as they have to be on the island, away from all the rules and restrictions placed on him by Chanon, he's going to allow himself to enjoy just being with Neung. He flirts with him, he holds his hand, he teases him into hugging him on the motorbike, he takes him on a little date. He never exactly crosses the line, in fact when Neung asks why he kissed him on the roof, he...well...lies. Or rather, he doesn't tell the whole truth. He wanted to make Neung feel better, that much is true. But he lies when he says it didn't come from his feelings about Neung. And when Neung scolds him for it, telling him not to do it again because a kiss is supposed to be meaningful, the look on Palm's face makes it clear that it was absolutely meaningful for him. He's having the time of his life...
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But he hasn't forgotten danger is lurking. He keeps telling Neung he's safe there, but that gun is constantly on him. He's trying to get Neung's mind off all the things he can't do anything about in Bangkok, but he brings up the spectre of Thanya himself. The way this episode isolates them completely by showing us nobody except them and Mam, you almost forget that they sped away from the scene of an attempted (?) hit! That they last saw their respective parents shot and bleeding and have no clue what happened and no way of finding out. They've both opted for distraction, and a little affaire de coeur is the best kind. Neung is a tad confused by Palm's new openness, and is trying hard not to read into it, but he can't help but be charmed.
Stray Bullets
Those loan sharks harassing Mam concern me. I don't think she'd sell her own son out to save her own ass, but I'm not sure she wouldn't.
All the cinematography in this episode is gorgeous. A big hand for the D.P. Rath Roongrueangtantisook.
The cowherd and the weaver girl get another mention. Once is notable, twice is foreshadowing.
Pond's body is CRAZY. Phuwin is no slouch, but Pond...chisos.
Neung declaring he wants to buy the beach so tourists can't ruin it...oh baby, you've not grasped certain things yet huh.
The way Neung was handling that gun made me nervous as hell.
I've noticed Jojo's use of English language music lately, first in The Warp Effect and now in this and it only strikes me because I don't usually get English language music in Thai dramas.
That scene where they change out of their uniforms stuck out like a sore thumb to me. Like...why is it there?
Seeing characters like a bus tout really make Thai dramas feel so homey to me. We're all more alike in the global south than you'd think.
Did Palm raise himself? Who the hell took care of this kid?
You can't tell me that Ai'Neung from Palm didn't thrill Neung down to his toes.
Palm curled up on the tiniest corner of the bed as far away from Neung as possible is so gay panic it's delicious.
Having Phuwin deliver that 'ben dan' pretty much straight to camera was a nice touch.
Looks like we'll be on the island for 3-4 eps, and I like giving them that time to breathe, but next week we check back in with the mess in Bangkok.
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tealfling · 18 days
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Excuse you, Bone Man. Scratch and Sniff (the owlbear cub) are EXCELLENT company.
The BEST company.
As for her companions, despite their best efforts to get in her bed, well, Honey Badgers are known to pick fights with larger predators so once Rath said there was an elf with the presence of a bear to be had-- no one else had a chance. Poor Halsin doesn't know he's the one that's been hunted since the Goblin Camp.
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badger-bear · 10 months
Hiiii, 3 and 12 for the book asks please? 😊📚
3. What were your top five books of the year?
Beasts of the Briar series by Elizabeth Helen
The series isn't completely done, in fact the third book came out today! It's a why choose fantasy beauty and the beast retelling and I'm obsessed with it.
The Right Move by Liz Tomforde
Ryan Shay is the ultimate cutie patootie book boyfriend. This book is a fake dating romance. It absolutely delighted me! There are two others connected with this one but they aren't necessary to read and this is the best one.
Corrupted By You by Marzy Opal
Arranged marriage mafia romance 😍🥵 need I say more??? I rated this book 5 stars. Zeno Gianni De La Croix is my mafia boss book husband and everyone better put some respect on his name. There is a religious element in the smut which I typically don't like but this book made it work. I know I have only talked about the sexiness of this book but I did like the plot as well lol
Master of Salt and Bones by Keri Lake
The entire time I read this book I couldn't tell if the main male character was actually bad/morally grey or not. The setting of this book felt like one of the characters. I don't remember all of the plot but I am including it on this list for the feelings alone.
The Librarian of Souls by Ash Raven
I went into this book thinking I was going to have a good time reading smutty scenarios with the sandman. But I finished the book in love with the characters, the world in which they live and the setting. The plot was a little easy to figure out in parts but I really, really enjoyed it. I genuinely think about this book every few days.
12. Any books that disappointed you?
Yes, I have a tiny list.
Pucking Around by Emily Rath. DNF'd because of normalizing abuse. I wanted to like it because why choose/hockey romance!!!!
The Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. DNF'd because it felt like a culmination of the most popular books in the mid2000s and not in a good way. I kept wanting to like it but I was bored and I pushed myself further than I normally do when I think I'm going to dnf a book. I wanted to like it because I like fantasy books.
Credence by Penelope Douglas. It's saying something when the worst part about a book isn't the incest. This book romanticized abuse, specifically domestic abuse. I love a good taboo romance but this wasn't it.
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