#Bond. I kept everything inside and even though I tried it all fell apart Gajeel & Aya
kurogane-redfox · 11 months
@atherissquamigera asked: Aya fussed with the hem of her top as she looked up at Gaj. "I know you jus' got home---but we gotta talk. Lily already said he'd look after Daiki while we talk but its important---"
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Having just taken his coat and boots off, he'd pause and loft a brow. Aya was acting odd, which was concerning to the Dragon. He'd lean down and scoop her up into his arms before walking to the couch where he'd rub her back and play with her hair to help her relax a bit. His travel bag lay near the entry to the house so he wasn't too worried about it, he could move it to the bedroom after they talked.
"What's wrong? Yer actin' kinda weird, Aya. Ya okay?"
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He asked her, his voice remaining low. He'd lean down and nuzzle her softly before kissing the top of her head, then her forehead and hum softly. If he needed to, he'd sing to her to help her relax so she could talk to him about whatever was bothering her.
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
@atherissquamigera asked: [ COMFORT ]  sender discovers receiver brooding and quietly approaches to carefully hug them from behind. 
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He did genuinely look like he was brooding, not too shocking when anyone thought of how the Dragon tended to keep to himself. He was quiet, often sitting alone in dark areas in the guildhall when he was there, among other things. However, Aya found him sitting on the roof of the guildhall this time, clearly deep in thought for one reason or another. He looked like he was contemplating something major.
As soon as her arms went around his torso he instinctively flinched though it was brief, and he'd relax as soon as her scent hit his nose. Her presence wasn't what caused him to flinch, nor had her touch. Perhaps it was to do with him having made himself scarce shortly after arriving at the guildhall on this particular day and having been left to his own thoughts for so long?
"Sorry 'bout flinchin' Aya, yer fine and thank ya for comin' and findin' me. Ain't sure I should be 'lone right now. My thoughts... they ain't... they ain't good ones."
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Whenever he was idle for long stretches of time, if he didn't do anything with his hands, dark thoughts tended to consume him. He'd spoken to her about them once but it was a long while ago now. A few years, at the very least. The Dragon would sigh.
"I need to find somethin' to do."
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
@atherissquamigera asked: "In my defense, i was left unsupervised"
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"...Yer the one tellin' Lily. He'll get mad at me if he thinks I'm the one who brought those 'lil guys home."
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The Dragon was referring to the box of kittens Aya had with her. It seemed that there were three or four kittens inside the box. While Lily would get upset with his Dragon partner, he wasn't going to get mad at Aya, since she wasn't aware of the 'rule'. It wasn't a REAL rule, but the Dragon had no intention of adopting any normal cats due to Lily.
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
@atherissquamigera asked: Aya shifted as she made herself comfortable, sitting behind the Iron Slayer and gently running her fingers through his hair. "Do y' ever wear your hair different than this?" She asked, purely curious. Though most of her focus was on her current task.
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He didn't react to her initial appearance. He was used to her and the 'odd' things she sometimes did that he didn't think were odd at all. At her question he'd loft a brow before chuckling.
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"Nah, I prefer it down. Though, I've worn it back once before it felt weird to me though so I ain't done it since,"
As her fingers slid through his hair he'd visibly relax and his eyes would close. He'd hum softly but it'd eventually turn into a very quiet purr. Likely something Aya had never heard coming from the rather quiet Dragon. He'd heard him hum before, but never purr. So depending on if she could hear it she'd likely have some sort of reaction, or perhaps, something to say about it.
"What made ya ask?"
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
@atherissquamigera asked: Aya crawled into the Iron slayers lap without a word, tucking her head under his chin and curling up into a ball.
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He didn't react, having smelt her long before she crawled onto his lap. He was used to her doing so, it was fairly common and it never bothered him. She got comfortable and he resumed what he'd been doing prior to her joining him. He knew since it was growing chillier out she'd sit on his lap, or near him, for warmth, and he didn't blame her. He disliked the cold too.
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"Comfortable, Aya?"
His voice was quiet, but that was because she was on his lap, and also because he didn't like to talk too loud. He'd adjust himself a bit, just to make sure they were both comfortable before fully resuming what he'd been doing prior.
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
@atherissquamigera asked: ‘ Squish! ‘
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He'd caught up to her, and he knew she'd know he was there before merely picking her up and SQUISHING her to his chest with a chuckle. He'd set her back down just as quickly though, mostly because he knew she wasn't too fond of being touched, hugged, or held without being the one who instigates it. Even then he's incredibly respectful to her.
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"Yer so squishable, Aya. Gihi, couldn't help myself, hope I didn't hurt ya. Ya ARE okay, right?"
Now the Dragon would be looking over her, making sure he didn't hurt her in some way. That was NOT what he'd been going for with the hug so he honestly hoped he'd not actually done so.
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
@atherissquamigera asked: ❝ i like when it rains, even if it’s loud and ruins plans. it’s a sign of renewal and growth. ❞
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"I love the fuckin' rain. I don't give a shit how loud it gets, it's the thunder that can give me a headache, not the rain itself,"
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Truthfully, he'd always loved the rain, even long before he ever met his best friend, Juvia who could literally MAKE it rain. He adored her, and he'd never once treated her like her rain was a hinderance. In fact, he told her multiple times that he loved it when it rained. He'd gotten to see her smile a couple times due to his words about the weather. Though, back in his Phantom Lord days smiling for anyone was a rarity, especially for the S-Class wizards.
"Not gonna lie, sometimes I fuckin' dance 'round in the rain, as weird as that might be for a guy like me, gihi."
He knew Aya wouldn't judge him, he was a Dragon, sure, but that didn't mean he didn't love how rain felt when it hit his warm skin.
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
@atherissquamigera asked: [ SHELTER ]  sender can’t sleep due to a loud thunderstorm so they come to receiver’s bedroom to stay in their bed with them. 
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Given that he'd smelt the rain coming as well as felt the electricity gathering in the air, he'd offered Aya a room at his place for the night. She knew where his room was located so it came as no surprise that as the thunder boomed outside, she'd find her way into the Dragons bedroom. Ruby eyes meet her face before he merely shakes his head and lifts the covers on the bed for her to slip beneath. He didn't mind helping comfort her in whatever way he could through the storm.
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Plus, his bedroom was quieter than most of the others in the house due to the various spells cast on it. He didn't often have guests. Though, he'd likely get some sort of sound muffling or soundproofing for the other rooms, especially those used by guests.
"Least we got here before it hit, huh?"
His voice was quiet, which was actually pretty typical of him in the privacy of his own home. Well, in general, for the most part. The Dragon wasn't one who LIKED needing to be loud. He preferred to keep his voice at a low tone. If nothing else, she might finally hear him sing if the thunder was still too loud for her.
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kurogane-redfox · 11 months
@atherissquamigera asked: ❛  you should smile more. you have such a nice smile.  ❜
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"Ya think I have a nice smile?"
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He didn't really smile that often, not real smiles, most of the time he was grinning, or scowling. A real, genuine, bonafide smile was so incredibly rare on the Dragon's visage that had anyone overheard Aya when she said it to him, they'd likely think she'd confused him with literally ANYONE else.
"I'll have to think 'bout it, I don't really have many reasons to smile but yer aware of that already. Thank ya all the same, Aya."
He'd reach a hand out and pet the top of her hair, rather than mussing it, he'd smooth it down a bit. Likely being slightly helpful, or at the very least, somewhat helpful.
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
@atherissquamigera asked: “ Dance with me! ”
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"Dancin' huh?"
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He'd chuckle and let her stand on his feet if she needed to, they were in his house, so dancing wasn't off the table. He was actually a really GOOD dancer too. The music wasn't anything too quick or slow, so the pace for their dancing was relatively normal. He'd probably spin her a few times, though, not repeatedly he didn't want to make her dizzy or sick.
"This okay or should we dance faster?"
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
@atherissquamigera asked: “ Catch me if you can! ”
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"Ya want me to seriously fuckin' chase ya, Aya?"
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He didn't THINK she did, but he could probably catch up to her even just walking if he wanted to. He didn't mind though, she was having fun so that's all that mattered right? She was his friend and seeing her happy was nice. She tended to be so quiet, but they were inside his house so she could likely find SOMEWHERE to hide if she really wanted to.
"If yer hungry later let me know and I can make ya somethin' to eat."
He didn't mind taking care of her, especially since he tended to make food for himself, so if she was hungry and wanted food she could tell him. He had no issues feeding her too. She knew that already.
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
@atherissquamigera asked: Aya sat beside the dragon, leaning heavily against him as she dragged a light blue ribbon between her fingers. Not looking up from it while she spoke. "Sometimes I wonder if fate sent me here for a reason or if it was just dumb luck----do you think anyone here would miss me if it sent me back?"
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Her query was both good, and sad. She had a point though. The Dragon knew the topic of her home wasn't something she usually discussed. Which was fine. She was due her own privacy after all.
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"I know I'd miss ya if ya got sent back and so would Natsu. Yer important to us, Aya, and that ain't gonna change anytime soon,"
Normally, the Dragon would try to ruffle her hair but he wasn't sure she was too keen on him touching her. Which was absolutely fine. He didn't mind. She could lean as heavily against him as she wanted OR needed to.
"I ain't sure how fate works myself, but I know yer loved here, Aya, Natsu adores ya and I'm really fond of ya too. We'd both be pretty sad if ya wound up goin' back home cause there's no fuckin' way we'd be able to forget ya."
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
@atherissquamigera asked: Dont mind her. Just a needy snake missing her friend climbing into Gajeels lap and going dead weight. A massive show of trust of one were to think about it---her back facing him with her face against his leg.
He'd chuckle a bit, he'd recognized her scent long before she went deadweight on his lap. He'd rest a hand on her briefly before moving it away and going back to whatever he'd been sketching upon her arrival. The Dragon didn't mind at all, she was one of the few people who could touch him without a violent reaction happening.
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"Nice to see ya too, Aya. Been a while, ya have fun travelin'?"
He wasn't entirely sure if that's what she'd been doing, but given that she was back at Fairy Tail meant she'd been SAFE and that was all that mattered to the Dragon.
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kurogane-redfox · 3 months
“ what the hell were you thinking?! you could’ve been killed! “
Shining Armor prompts
The Dragon heard her, of course, it was hard not to with how upset she was. He understood her worry, well, mostly. She knew he wasn't going to run off and get himself killed, not when he had a son to raise. She knew about his darker thoughts when he was younger. He'd not actively sought death in quite some time though, even prior to Daiki coming into his life.
"Aya, I ain't that reckless anymore, and it ain't my fault I got injured. Ya can thank the loud ass who caused a huge distraction,"
He'd shake his head as he resumed cleaning and bandaging himself prior to pulling his shirt back over his head. He didn't wince, nor was he bothered by any aches or pain as he did so. He was a tough bastard, she knew that already, but he knew she'd still worry about him because she cared. He still needed to get used to knowing someone genuinely cared about his ass, it was a process, and he was working on it.
"I told ya I'd come home, and I kept my word, I never said anythin' 'bout comin' home unscathed."
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She knew his job as a Wizard put him in danger pretty much every time he left Magnolia to go on a job. Most of the time he came home relatively uninjured but not this time.
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kurogane-redfox · 7 months
When was the last time you actually got some rest?
"If I knew the answer to that I'd tell ya, Aya,"
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The Dragon was pretty much hanging halfway off the couch in the living room. He probably looked horrible, though he didn't actually feel all that bad. He was bad when it came to his nightmares though. he didn't talk to ANYONE about them, not even those closest to him. He'd sigh, lifting a hand to his face and pinching the bridge of his nose briefly.
"Ya know ya don't gotta worry 'bout me. I'll be just fine. Even if I gotta drink a few gallons of coffee to manage. I'll probably wind up tryin' to get some sleep later."
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kurogane-redfox · 11 months
@atherissquamigera asked: “You’re literally a tree.”
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"Oi, I ain't THAT tall, Aya. Have ya SEEN some of the fuckin' trees 'round here?"
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He was tall, sure, but he wasn't a tree. Not literally, at least, compared to MOST of the people in Fairy Tail though he was on the taller end of the spectrum. Very few of the members were as tall, or taller than he was. The same held true for more wizards OUTSIDE of the guild as well. Not that the Dragon paid any real attention to his height when compared to others or anything. He knew he was above average but that was beside the point.
"The fact that ya think I'm a tree just cause ya can climb me like one is kinda funny, Aya."
He'd place a hand on her head and ruffle her hair, mussing it a bit more than likely, but he'd fix it afterward. Not that he likely needed to but he did so anyway because why wouldn't he? It was his fault since he'd mussed it in the first place and all.
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