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movietitlescollection · 2 years ago
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 years ago
Me, Myself & Irene (2000)
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I had low expectations when I began Me, Myself & Irene but I gave it the benefit of the doubt. This barren landscape of a comedy is a tough one to get through at nearly 2 hours.
Rhode Island state trooper Charlie Baileygates (Jim Carrey) has been stomped on and taken advantage of by everyone his whole life. His suppressed rage has caused him to develop a split personality, Hank. After a violent rampage, his coworkers are eager to get rid of Charlie and entrusts him to bring Irene Waters (Renée Zellweger) to the police in Massena, New York.
The idea of Jim Carrey playing a Jekyll & Hyde type of role is promising. The man's a natural when it comes to going all-out and he does it well. You just wish both of his characters weren't losers like they are. You expect the “evil” side to be able to throw punches, or street smart or something. That way the milquetoast regular guy could be the “straight man” to himself. Audiences welcome underdogs. Dual losers? not so much. He sucks in the way only a phony, manufactured, badly-written character in a lousy comedy can suck.
The Farrelly brothers are trying way too hard to be funny while having no idea what to do with their time. We’ve got jokes about sex toys, masturbation, cleft chins that look like anuses, and more juvenile material that feels like rejects from There’s Something About Mary and Dumb & Dumber. To be fair, there are some laughs here and there. The end credit's insistence on identifying every single person - including the extras - is amusing. Renée Zellweger as Irene is pretty good. Maybe it feels that way because she never does anything to irritate you.
Just thinking of Me, Myself & Irene is exhausting. It’s a comedy that isn’t funny. It’s got some romantic elements that aren’t sweet. There are no memorable characters or scenes that haven’t been done better somewhere else. I didn’t like it, I don’t recommend it, I don’t want to think about it anymore, or watch any of Me, Myself & Irene ever again. (On DVD, February 16, 2015)
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melissajoanhart · 6 years ago
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Two of my favorite people.... #BobbyFarrelly and #AndyMurray. 💯 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwxey7CBrke/?igshid=4wesbui87l0m
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twotrey23 · 2 years ago
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#movie screening today... #Champions @championsthefilm . #WoodyHarrelson @woodyharrelson #ErnieHudson @erniehudsonofficial #CheechMarin @cheechmarin #BobbyFarrelly #film #cinema #movies #films (at Wilshire Screening Room) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpV_-5dJGxz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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billybennight · 6 years ago
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Here’s my shot of the Farrelly Brothers or Bobby and Peter on the WGAW red carpet. @wgawest #snl #bobbyfarrelly #peterfarrelly #farrellybrothers #dumbanddumber #theressomethingaboutmary #wgaawards #wgaawards2019 #comedy #comedywriter #photography #photographer #photographerslife #losangeles #losangelesphotographer #losangelesphotography (at The Beverly Hilton) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuCoY22A6jx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1108zjbn8i4vd
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thatsmovietalk · 6 years ago
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Just Pinned to Movies on TMT: The Three Stooges (2012) Directed, Produced & Written by #BobbyFarrelly #PeterFarrelly Starring #SeanHayes #WillSasso #ChrisDiamantopoulos #JaneLynch #KirbyHeyborne #SofiaVergara #JenniferHudson #CraigBierko #StephenCollins #LarryDavid #TheThreeStooges #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #video #film #movie #cinema #epic #story #cine #films #theater #filming #opera #cinematic #flick #flicks #movies #moviemaking #movieposter #movielover #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #movieclips #moviemakers https://ift.tt/2YmWaqP
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thepeoplesmovies · 2 years ago
Woody Harrelson Jumping Through Hoops In Champions UK Trailer
Woody Harrelson Jumping Through Hoops In Champions UK Trailer #champions #bobbyfarrelly #woodyharrelson @universalpictures
Universal Pictures have released the UK Trailer for Bobby Farrelly‘s Champions starring Woody Harrelson. A film that sees Harrelson jumping through hoops in the name of redemption and Basketball. The comedy drama sees Farrelly reuniting with Harrelson. The pair worked on Kingpin (1996), now working together on this sporting comedy. A disgraced minor league basketball coach who is fired from his…
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 years ago
Dumb and Dumber To (2014)
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20 years have passed since 1994’s Dumb and Dumber and THIS is the sequel we get?! No one was even asking for this movie in the first place, not after that Dumb and Dumberer so what compelled those involved? This picture is so bad it made me question whether or not that first film was any good (don’t worry, it is).
20 years after the events of the first film, Harry (Jeff Daniels) and Lloyd (Jim Carrey) are on the road again, this time to find the daughter Harry didn't know he had until today. Without the kidney she can (hopefully) give him, he'll die. On the road, the two idiots have all kinds of comedic adventures.
You have certain expectations from a sequel made two decades after the first. As soon as Dumb and Dumber was a hit, the Farrelly brothers, and leads must've been approached by all kinds of executives to make a sequel, but they turned them down. I’m not going to say that I never laughed. Several jokes are well written and genuinely funny. They're crowded by plenty of old jokes that could've been in any comedy and have been thrown in here to fill pad the time. They don’t even have a good excuse for why it’s taken 20 years for this adventure to happen.
Even if you can look past the initial issue, the movie crumbles. The first movie works because the two protagonists are colossal morons, who despite everything manage ok for themselves. They've adapted to their idiocy but no one else has. Either your interactions with them have you walking away puzzled or accidentally defeated. This second crack at it crashlands in a fiery catastrophe. It simply isn’t funny when the duo passes through unbelievable scenarios, like Harry being asked to speak at a science exhibit. They're supposed to be the only stupid ones but the entire movie's I.Q. is so low it barely has the brains to be funny. Pouring a cold drink down someone’s pants? There’s no punchline there. It's not clever. When you have testicle jokes and the gag is that you SHOW the testicles, then you know you have hit rock-bottom. I don't know what attracted Kathleen Turner to this. If you're a fan of hers, just don't.
I went in with low expectations. That didn't stop me from giving it a chance. I really did. No one wants to sit and be miserable for 109 minutes. I wanted to laugh! Well, I chuckled a few times but mostly I sat there in silence until I had to pause the Dumb and Dumber To and scream inside a pillow to avoid disturbing everyone in the vicinity. If you make it past Lloyd's fantasy sequence, that's the lowest the film gets. It nearly broke me. If you can endure it, you might as well stay to the end where they do have a funny joke about the series' future. (On Blu-ray, March 13, 2015)
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melissajoanhart · 6 years ago
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My security patrol is on high alert at the airport over my new prized possession.... the #BigErn ball signed by #BillMurray and #Peterfarrelly and #BobbyFarrelly! #luckyball #luckygirl #YouReallyJarredSomethingLooseTiger #DontBeAMunson https://www.instagram.com/p/Bww6yCeBICt/?igshid=1boh0knlga77b
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elviramoreno · 10 years ago
On Cloud9 #Classic #JimCarrey #FloydChristmas #JeffDaniels #HoldenDunne #RachelMelvin #Penny #BobbyFarrelly #PeterFarrelly #DumbandDummerTo #PhotoGrid (at AMC Showplace Traders Point 12)
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theenthusiasticcinephile · 13 years ago
The Three Stooges
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1 hour 32 minutes
Rated PG (Slapstick Action Violence, Some Rude and Suggestive Humor Including Language)
Directed by Bobby Farrelly and Peter Farrelly
Starring Sean Hayes, Will Sasso, Chris Diamantopolous, Jane Lynch, Sofia Vergara, Jennifer Hudson, Craig Bierko, and Larry David
2.5 out of 4 stars
I grew up with The Three Stooges. Well, not really, because I wasn't around when they were around. When I was in third grade the AMC channel started airing episodes of the series. My dad jumped 50 feet in the air when he heard the news. He forced my mom, sister, and I to watch it. We watched one episode, and soon became die hard Three Stooges fans. Moe, Larry, and Curly are three of the funniest icons in the history of TV. It's not just the slapstick that made us laugh. It's how stupid the three men are. In 2009 my dad took me to the Stoogeum Museum in Spring City, PA (near Philly), which was created by Larry Fine's grandson-in-law, Gary Lassin. The place is like heaven to me (and it's free admission!!!!!!!!!!). Last year when the trailer for The Three Stooges movie debuted I was over the moon. At the same time I was worried. When I showed the trailer to friends of mine nearly every one of them went "Ugh. That looks so freakin' stupid. Why did they make that?" In order to enjoy the movie you have to be a fan of The Three Stooges. Period. If you don't like them then that implies that you're not a fan of over-the-top slapstick violence.
When the movie came out last April it got mediocre reviews so I skipped it. I watched it last week on DVD and enjoyed it and didn't enjoy it. It has an unbelievable amount of energy and a few laugh out loud moments, but the jokes are mostly just repeated over and over again. Larry, Curly, and Moe are played by Sean Hayes, Will Sasso, and Chris Diamantopolous. We all know Hayes from Will & Grace, but Sasso and Diamantopolous are excellent newcomers. The movie is cleverly constructed into three episodes, like the way the series was. In the first episode, babies Moe, Larry, and Curly are dropped off at the Sisters of Mary Orphanage, run by Mother Superior (Jane Lynch), Sister Rosemary (Jennifer Hudson), and Sister Mary-Mengele (Larry David. Yes. THE Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm). Years pass and the three still won't get adopted. The nuns want them out because all they've done is wreak havoc in the orphanage. One day the Catholic priest Monsignor Ratliffe (Brian Doyle-Murray) comes to the place and says that it will be closed down unless they raise $830,000 in thirty days. So in the second episode the three venture into the city and try to raise the money. They then come across a voluptuous woman, Lydia (Sofia Vergara), and her lover, Mac (Craig Bierko). Seeing that the guys are complete idiots she agrees to give them the money if they can kill her husband (Kirby Heyborne) so she can inherit his fortune for her and Mac. Screwball comedic bits happen one after the other and Moe ends up joining the cast of the Jersey Shore as "Dyna-Moe."
The Three Stooges had been on the shelf for a years before it finally got made. It was originally gonna be a biography of the comedians and at one point Sean Penn, Jim Carrey, and Benicio Del Toro were considered for the roles. I really like the Farrelly Brothers take on the movie. These guys are simple fans of the series and just want to make an entertaining comedy. That's totally fine, but I'd hoped they dived more into the bromance that the three have always had in the series. They do a little bit here, but then quickly forget it and go into slapstick violence. There's a lot of slapping, smacking with hammers and axes, eye-poking, and nyuk-nyuk-nyuk's, perhaps a little too much. In his review for Rolling Stone Peter Travers said that it's more fun to watch the Stooges' slapstick violence in fifteen minutes than ninety. Sadly, he has a point. I enjoyed the violence for the first thirty minutes of the movie but then got pretty tired of it. Much of it is very funny. To watch Snooki get eye-poked by Moe is pretty satisfying, but I think there's just too much of it here.
The impersonations of Hayes, Sasso, and Diamantopolous are PERFECT. Absolutely perfect. They're an absolute joy to watch. Jane Lynch and Jennifer Hudson are charming and Larry David is a total laugh-out-loud riot. Sofia Vergara is Sofia Vergara, so she's obviously great. There are also clever appearances from the Jersey Shore cast and Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton. I know I say this a lot, but The Three Stooges is that type of movie that's only fun to have on when you're doing something boring like homework or cooking. It's enjoyable and silly, but runs out of jokes pretty quickly.
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decinema-blog-blog · 13 years ago
30 april 2011 // 22u15
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theenthusiasticcinephile · 14 years ago
Hall Pass
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1 hour 45 minutes
Rated R (Crude and Sexual Humor Throughout, Language, Some Graphic Nudity and Drug Use)
Directed by Bobby Farrelly and Peter Farrelly
Starring Owen Wilson, Jason Sudeikis, Jenna Fischer, Richard Jenkins, and Christina Applegate
1.5 out of 4 stars
The protagonists of Hall Pass are two men that I simply couldn't give a rat's ass about. Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis are the guys and though I admire the guys in reality I just didn't really like them. They're married adults who are so obsessed with sex and bored with their wives that their wives (Jenna Fischer and Christina Applegate) put their foot down and decide to give them a hall pass (in other words, a week of no marriage). The entire movie consists of them attempting to get as many women into bed as possible but formulaically this won't work out well because then we wouldn't have a movie. The entire time I watched them try and get ladies I just laid my head back and said "Am I supposed to be rooting for these guys?"
It's shocking that a Farrelly Brothers movie features unlikable protagonists. I instantly fell in love with Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon in Fever Pitch. I instantly fell in love with Cameron Diaz in There's Something About Mary. I even instantly fell in love with those siamese twins Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear in Stuck on You. Well let's forget that then. Even if I didn't like the two characters why does Hall Pass's laugh meter feel so flat? There are a few outrageous moments that had me laughing, yes I admit it. I did lol when a drunk woman Sudeikis is trying to get with farts poop out of her butt into a shower when she thought she was gonna throw up instead. The amount of outrageous humor is perfect here in that it's not every second but where are the other laughs? Where's the dry humor and the simply jokes that make us admire the Farrelly Brothers so much?
And worst of all, where's the sweetness that we love about the brothers' movies so much? It's nowhere near Hall Pass.
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