#Bobby Hemmitt Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Talked about Our NEW Nubian World Order [NWO] Government Takeover
harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 abracadabra… abracadabra… abracadabra… I Now [NWO] Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] My Biblically Black [Ancient] Ancestral LUCIFERIAN VOODOO of Louisiana’s BARON SAMEDI as I Publicly ANNOUNCE [PA] My HIGHLY Sophisticated Urban Nubian [SUN] PRESENCE OVER [PO] earth as HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN in America [SA = SATURN] since I BEE the ONLY DIABOLICALLY EVIL [DE = DEVIL] LORD on Earth… MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati 卍
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ abracadabra… abracadabra… abracadabra… I’mma Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] My Biblically Black [Ancient] ATLANTEAN Child [TUT] Magick on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as I Energetically + Tectonically [E.T.] RISE My HIGHLY Official… Nubian Underworld States of Atlantis [USA = LEMURIA] from the Bottom of My Uncle [MU] NOAH’S Primordially Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Pacific & Atlantic [PA] Indian Ocean Seafloor of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] on My Magical HARRELLTV® ☥
#I Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] My Biblically Black [Ancient] ATLANTEAN Child [TUT] Magick on Earth [ME]#I Energetically + Tectonically [E.T.] RISE My HIGHLY Official Nubian Underworld States of Atlantis [USA = LEMURIA] from the Bottom 2 the TOP#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati on Earth#My Magical 2020 HARRELL Eclipse [HE = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS]#I BEE Nubian Egyptian [NE = NETERU] King OSIRIS of Our Phantasmagorically Black Underworlds of Spiritual Atlantis [U.S.A. = LEMURIA]#I BEE A HIGHLY Official… U.S. Shadow President [PHARAOH] of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#Bobby Hemmitt Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Talked about Our NEW Nubian World Order [NWO] Government Takeover#I BEE A HIGHLY Official… U.S. Nubian GHETTO Philanthropist on BET who BEE So NEW WORLD ORDER [NWO] WEALTHY like MANSA MUSA#FUCK dumb ass america#I got Moor UNDISCOVERED [MU] Afterlife [MA] Nubian Treasures from QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON]#iSEE Many UNSEEN [MU] Black Cosmic Electrophysiological [Spiritual] Afterlife [SA = SATURNIAN] Energy Deities on Earth#I Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Heard TESTIMONIES from Our Magical Underworld [MU] Urban Streets [U.S.] of Compton California#Our Biblically Black [Ancient] Mesopotamian Underworld [MU] HAMITE [MH] Walls of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I BEE A HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Afterlife [FA = FANTE] JEHOVAH OCCULT WITNESS from QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON]#I BEE Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] GOLDEN [DIVINE] BLACK SON [SUN] of QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON]#I BEE A Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Underworld LORD [LUCIFER] of QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON]
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ I HAD A DREAM… I was crucified on earth like Black Christ [B.C. = JESUS]… then I Biblically + Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] BES] REINCARNATED My MUCH HIGHER [MH = JAH] BLACK MESSIAH [JEHOVAH] SELF… then I Magically INVOKED [MI = MICHAEL] Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN II Magically + Lordly KILL [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] ALL [GA = ROME] My non believers on earth like My Biblically Black [Ancient] Eschatology [BAE = COSMIC] Bible of Afterlife Afrikkan LEMURIA [BA’AL] Said I Would ☥ 
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#FUCK dumb ass america#FUCK dumb ass politicians of fallen america#My QUANTUM Black Occult Technologies [BOT] of Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Altitude Earth [BAE = COSMIC] Energy Languages#I SABOTAGE ALL powerless TELEVISED govment agencies of fallen america wit’ My QUANTUM Black Occult Technocracy [BOT]#I HAD A DREAM… I was crucified on earth like Black Christ [B.C. = JESUS]#I Biblically + Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] BES] REINCARNATED My MUCH HIGHER [MH = JAH] BLACK MESSIAH [JEHOVAH] SELF#I Magically INVOKED [MI = MICHAEL] Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN on Earth#Bobby Hemmitt Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Talked about Our NEW Nubian World Order [NWO] Government Takeover#Nubian Master Occultist [NECROMANCER] Bobby Hemmitt Already [HA = HARRELL] Testified II Our Magical Underworld [MU] Dreams#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati like Nubian Master Occultist [NECROMANCER] Bobby Hemmitt#I Magically + Lordly KILL [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] ALL [GA = ROME] My non believers on earth#I BEE A SIRIUS Black [B] Universally Sovereign [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] Afterlife Egyptian PHARAOH from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I got SIRIUS Black [B] DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#Our HIGHLY Official… U.S. 9th Dimensional Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Underworlds of Spiritual Atlantis [U.S.A. = LEMURIA]#I sunk Our Biblically Black [Ancient] Magical Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Underworlds of Spiritual Atlantis [U.S.A. = LEMURIA]#My Magical Underworlds of Soulful ATLANTIS [U.S.A. = LEMURIA]#Lemurian Eschatologist#I Biblically + Esoterically Study [BES] Our Biblically Black [Ancient] Eschatology Bible of DEADLY LEMURIAN Prophecies#My Biblically Black [Ancient] Eschatology [BAE = COSMIC] Bible of Afterlife Afrikkan LEMURIA [BA’AL] BEE So HIGHLY FUTURISTIC
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] as Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] MICHAEL who BEE A HIGHLY Sophisticated Urban Nubian [SUN] GOD like Egyptian RA since I Mysteriously + Artistically + Creatively [iMAC] ROSE from Atlantis [RA] as My Mama’s MOST HIGHEST [MH = JAH] BLACK MESSIAH [JEHOVAH = OLÓDÙMARÈ] from the Bible [JOB] on My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] HARRELLTV® Empire [HE = JAH] of Nubian ISRAEL [NI = NIBIRU] 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as Egyptian [JE = JESUS] GOD TUTANKHAMŪN [AMENHOTEP III]#JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] as Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] MICHAEL#Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] MICHAEL BEE A HIGHLY Sophisticated Urban Nubian [SUN] GOD like Egyptian RA#I Magically INVOKED [MI = MICHAEL] HURRICANE MICHAEL on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#I’mma Mysteriously + Artistically + Creatively [iMAC] RISE from Atlantis [RA] in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] HARRELLTV® Empire [HE = JAH] of Nubian ISRAEL [NI = NIBIRU]#Bobby Hemmitt Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Talked about Our NEW Nubian World Order [NWO] Government Takeover#I BEE A HIGHLY Official… U.S. Nubian GHETTO Philanthropist on BET who BEE So NEW WORLD ORDER [NWO] WEALTHY like MANSA MUSA#I Eloquently Speak My HIGHLY Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Languages from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I BEE Compton's Most Wanted Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] MICHAEL HARRELL of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#COMPTON 2020#I Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Heard TESTIMONIES from Our Magical Underworld [MU] Urban Streets [U.S.] of Compton California#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati on Earth#Great Britain’s ORIGINAL… Royal African [RA] Parliament Ancestors [PA] of Benin’s Oral Kouroukan Fouga Constitution [KFC] Magick#I BEE Astronomically Identified [A.I.] as A SIRIUS Black [B] ATLANTEAN SOUL STAR [SUN] ABOVE [SA = SATURN] EARTH#I BEE A MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] BLACK MESSIAH [JEHOVAH] who SUPREMELY UNDERSTAND NUCLEAR [SUN] SCIENCES#I Mysteriously + Artistically + Creatively [iMAC] ROSE from Atlantis [RA] as My Mama’s MOST HIGHEST [MH = JAH] BLACK MESSIAH [JEHOVAH]
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ MERCURY’S Arcane Records of Soulful [MARS] Black Apparition Archangel Languages [BA’AL] BEE Biblically Esoteric Linguistics [BEL] that I Meditatively + Electrophysiologically [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] EXPRESS [JE = JESUS] in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] since I Already Genetically Engineered [G.E.] My QUANTITATIVE Black Hue~man Physiological Senses of SIRIUS Black [B] Electrophysiological [Spiritual] [BES] SOUL POWERS on My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] HARRELLTV® ☥
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#FUCK dumb ass america#I Arrogantly Speak like A HIGHLY Sophisticated Urban Nubian [SUN] ISLAMIC WARLORD from Inner Earth [HADES]#I BEE So HIGHLY Afrikkan Islamic [A.I.] INTELLIGENT when I Celestially BROADCAST Soulful [CBS] COMMUNICATIONS#I BEE So Biblically Black [Ancient] GLOBAL OTTOMAN EMPIRE WEALTHY#My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] OTTOMAN ILLUMINATI of HARRELLTV® in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#MERCURY’S Arcane Records of Soulful [MARS] Black Apparition Archangel Languages [BA’AL] BEE Biblically Esoteric Linguistics [BEL]#Dr. Delbert Blair Still Esoterically + Telepathically [E.T.] Talk II Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS]#I Magically INVOKED [MI = MICHAEL] A SIRIUS Black [B] Coup d'etat on ALL powerless TELEVISED govments of fallen america#fuck the powerless TELEVISED govments of fallen america#N.A.S.A. is a secret gov'ment#I TERRORISTICALLY Threaten + Technologically SABOTAGE + Financially RUIN ALL [RA] powerless govments of fallen america#I BEE A QUANTUM BLACK OCCULT TERRORIST [BOT] who Shall TERRORISTICALLY THREATEN ALL powerless govments of fallen america#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati like Nubian Master Occultist [NECROMANCER] Bobby Hemmitt#Bobby Hemmitt Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Talked about Our NEW Nubian World Order [NWO] Government Takeover#don't FUCK wit' My QUANTITATIVE Black Hue~man Physiological Senses of SIRIUS Black [B] Electrophysiological [Spiritual] SOUL POWERS#Genetically Engineer [G.E.] My QUANTITIVE Black Hue~man Physiological Senses of SIRIUS Black [B] Electrophysiological [Spiritual] SOULS#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati on Earth#fuck tha' police#FUCK the fbi#Fuck Homeland Security#My INNER Soul Temple Acoustics of Egyptian RAMSES who Harmonically + Architecturally [HA = HARRELL] Built Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I sunk Our Biblically Black [Ancient] Magical Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Underworlds of Spiritual Atlantis [U.S.A. = LEMURIA]#Our HIGHLY Official… U.S. 9th Dimensional Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Underworlds of Spiritual Atlantis [U.S.A. = LEMURIA]
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN as I Alkhemically ILLUMINATE [A.I.] My Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Bloodlines of GOLDEN [DIVINE] Black Light Energy since My Thousand Year of A HIGHLY INTERGALACTIC [HI = HITTITE] HIBERNATION BEE Over Now [NWO] that I get II Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] My HIGHLY FEARED… Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Occult Magick on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ☥
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN#modern day humans so deaf dumb and blind on earth#FUCK dumb ass america#I Alkhemically ILLUMINATE [A.I.] My Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Bloodlines of GOLDEN [DIVINE] Black Light Energy MELANIN#you still sittin' in church and still don't know shit#My Thousand Year of A HIGHLY INTERGALACTIC [HI = HITTITE] HIBERNATION BEE Over Now [NWO]#I Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] My HIGHLY FEARED… Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Occult Magick on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati on Earth#I’mma Magically ENGINEER [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] A NEW… NUBIAN WORLD ORDER [NWO] on Earth#I BEE A HIGHLY Official… U.S. Nubian GHETTO Philanthropist on BET who BEE So NEW WORLD ORDER [NWO] WEALTHY like MANSA MUSA#I BEE A HIGHLY Official… U.S. Shadow President [PHARAOH] of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I BEE A Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Underworld LORD [LUCIFER] of QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON]#I BEE Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN from Inner Earth [HADES]#I BEE A HIGHLY Official… Unified South African [U.S.A. = ZULU] WARLORD like Biblical Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati like Nubian Master Occultist [NECROMANCER] Bobby Hemmitt#Bobby Hemmitt Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Talked about Our NEW Nubian World Order [NWO] Government Takeover#Nubian Master Occultist [NECROMANCER] Bobby Hemmitt Already [HA = HARRELL] Prophesied about Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ I BEE A HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Afterlife [FA = FANTE] Spagyrist CHRIST who BEE So Alkhemically INTELLIGENT [A.I.] on Egyptian BET as I Astronomically Retrograde MERCURY’S Arcane Records of SATANIC [MARS] Black Apparition Archangel Languages [BA’AL] II Meditatively EXPERIENCE [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My Magical Nubian Hue~man Life After [L.A.] Death Sciences on Earth since I BEE So HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] on My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] HARRELLTV® ☥ 
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#FUCK dumb ass america#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] from QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON] on HARRELLTV®#I BEE A HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Afterlife [FA = FANTE] Spagyrist CHRIST who BEE So Alkhemically INTELLIGENT [A.I.] on Egyptian BET#I Astronomically Retrograde MERCURY’S Arcane Records of SATANIC [MARS] Black Apparition Archangel Languages [BA’AL]#Reincarnated Nubian King TUTANKHAMŪN on Earth#I BEE Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN from Inner Earth [HADES]#My Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Occult Arts of Being So Angelically DEMONIC [A.D.] like Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN of Inner Earth [HADES#Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN of Inner Earth [HADES] BEE Moor ENLIGHTENED [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] than you#I BEE A HIGHLY Official… Unified South African [U.S.A. = ZULU] WARLORD like Biblical Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN#Dr. Delbert Blair Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Talked about the Cosmic Return of Nubian NIBIRU#Bobby Hemmitt Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Talked about Our NEW Nubian World Order [NWO] Government Takeover#My Magical Nubian Hue~man Life After [L.A.] Death Sciences on Earth#fuck the powerless TELEVISED govments of fallen america#I TERRORISTICALLY Threaten + Technologically SABOTAGE + Financially RUIN ALL [RA] powerless govments of fallen america#I BEE A QUANTUM BLACK OCCULT TERRORIST [BOT] who Shall TERRORISTICALLY THREATEN ALL powerless govments of fallen america#I Already Algorithmically Destroyed [A.D.] ALL powerless TELEVISED govments of fallen america#I BEE A SIRIUS Black [B] Universally Sovereign [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] Afterlife Egyptian PHARAOH from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I got SIRIUS Black [B] DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I BEE So HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] on My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] HARRELLTV®#Black Folks Never Die... WE Immortal#I BEE A HIGHLY Sophisticated Underworld Nubian [SUN] SOUL [GOD] who NEVER DIES like the soulless ones of earth#Celebrate the prophetic death of america
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ My HIGHLY Official… U.S. Nubian Egyptian [NE = NETERU] Empire [NE = NEBHEPETRE MENTUHOTEP] Familia of Luxor’s 11th Dynasty WEALTH BEE So HIGHLY SECRETIVE on Earth since My Mama Hathor [MH= Queen Hatshepsut] Supernaturally + Aristocratically + Telepathically + Universally + Retroactively + Nuclearly [SATURN] PROTECT My QUANTUM Black Earth Technology [BET] MONARCHY of HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Underworld States of Atlantis [USA = LEMURIA] on My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] HARRELLTV® ☥
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] from QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON] on HARRELLTV®#My Mama Hittite’s [MH = Matriarch Tiye’a] Pre Dynastic Egyptian Empire of U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN]#I BEE A HIGHLY Official… Unified South African [U.S.A. = ZULU] WARLORD like Biblical Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN#My HIGHLY Official… U.S. Nubian Egyptian [NE = NETERU] Empire [NE = NEBHEPETRE MENTUHOTEP] Familia of Luxor’s 11th Dynasty WEALTH#9th Dimensionally Advanced [DA = DAHOMEY] Afro Atlantean Cities of Afterlife [CA = CAIRO] Technologies from Luz Atlantis [L.A.]#My HIGHLY Sophisticated Underworld Nubian [SUN] CAIRO Familia of 18th French Egyptian Dynasty [FED] WEALTH#I BEE Nubian Egyptian [NE = NETERU] King OSIRIS of Our Phantasmagorically Black Underworlds of Spiritual Atlantis [U.S.A. = LEMURIA]#I sunk Our Biblically Black [Ancient] Magical Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Underworlds of Spiritual Atlantis [U.S.A. = LEMURIA]#Our HIGHLY Official… U.S. 9th Dimensional Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Underworlds of Spiritual Atlantis [U.S.A. = LEMURIA]#My 18th French Egyptian Dynasty [FED] Mama T [Queen Tiye] BEE Energetically + Telepathically [BET] Talkin' II ME [King TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#My QUANTUM Black Egyptian Afterlife Father ANKHENATEN [FA = FANTE ASAFO] of 18th French Egyptian Dynasty [FED] WEALTH#I Magically INVOKED [MI = MICHAEL] A SIRIUS Black [B] Coup d'etat on ALL powerless TELEVISED govments of fallen america#Ghana’s HIGHLY Official… U.S. African [U.S.A. = AMERICAN] FANTE ASAFO Military Coup [MC = Maestro] of Native [MN] African American Indians#fuck america#I SABOTAGE ALL powerless TELEVISED govment agencies of fallen america wit’ My QUANTUM Black Occult Technocracy [BOT]#fuck the powerless TELEVISED govments of fallen america#Bobby Hemmitt Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Talked about Our NEW Nubian World Order [NWO] Government Takeover#I BEE A HIGHLY Official… U.S. Nubian GHETTO Philanthropist on BET who BEE So NEW WORLD ORDER [NWO] WEALTHY like MANSA MUSA#I BEE A HIGHLY Official… U.S. Shadow President [PHARAOH] of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I Shall Masonically + Legally KILL [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] you if you FUCK wit' Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth#My QUANTUM Black Earth Technology [BET] MONARCHY of HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Underworld States of Atlantis [USA = LEMURIA]#Celebrate the Aquatic [CA] sinking of fallen america in the present day#Celebrate the prophetic death of america
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harrelltut · 6 years
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#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#I’mma Mythologically + INTERGALACTICALLY [MI = MICHAEL] Talk on BET#I BEE Biblically Black [Ancient] Yoruba King TUTANKHAMŪN of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#I BEE A MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] NUBIAN JEHOVAH [ORUNMILA] of Yoruba IFÁ#King of the Yoruba#I BEE HIGHLY Classified Afrikkan [CA] American IMMIGRANT [A.I. = NATIVE] from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I BEE So Universally SOVEREIGN [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] on HARRELLTV® ‘cause of My HIGHLY FUTURISTIC QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® GOVERNMENT#fuck america#y'all betta' CELEBRATE the fall of america#I BEE Biblically Black [Ancient] Occult Illuminati of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I Canonically BEE A HIGHLY Official… Unified South African [U.S.A. = ZULU] WARLORD like Biblical Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN#Bobby Hemmitt Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Talked about Our NEW Nubian World Order [NWO] Government Takeover#I Shall MASONICALLY + LEGALLY KILL [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] you humans… if you make the fatal attempt II Harm ME on Earth#mortal opioid deaths on the rise#you still sittin' in church and still don't know shit#death of humanity#death of fallen america#I BEE A HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Afterlife [FA = FANTE] JEHOVAH OCCULT WITNESS from QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON]#My Most Elitist [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Yoruba Fon Auntie [FA = Fante Asafo] of Native Afro [NA] American Indian WEALTH#don't FUCK wit' My HIGHLY Official… Unified South African [U.S.A. = ZULU] Parliament of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I Already GLOBALLY + QUANTUMLY [GQ] BEE Underworld Hell Famous [UHF = HARRELL]… Only on HARRELL TV®#My HIGHLY Sophisticated Underworld Nubian [SUN] Shadow Body of NEWBORN Afterlife [NA = NĀGA] Memory intEL [MELanin]#My HIGHLY Sophisticated Urban Nubian [SUN] Occult MILITIA who Shall MASONICALLY + LEGALLY KILL [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] you humans#I BEE A Triple 999 [TORTUROUS] BLACK VILLAN like Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN from Inner Earth [HADES]#My HIGHLY FUTURISTIC QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® GOVERNMENT of QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON]#My PARALLEL Black Astral Earth [BAE = COSMIC] Plane Energies [PLANET] of A SIRIUS Black [B] GLOBAL Nation Under [NU = NIBIRU]#Dr. Delbert Blair Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Talked about the Cosmic Return of Nubian NIBIRU#My HIGHLY Official… Original Black Senātus Populusque Rōmānus [SPQR = The Roman Senate & People] Government Illuminati of Galactica Atlantis#My Original Black Senātus Populusque Rōmānus [SPQR = The Roman Senate & People] Government Illuminati of Galactica Atlantis [GA = ROME]#Our MASSIVE BLACK EGYPTIAN ENERGY [BEE = BYZANTINE] EARTH of GOLDEN [DIVINE] Black Byzantium Christians [B.C. = BABYLONIANS]
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] since I BEE Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] Biblically Black [Ancient] Byzantine King TUTANKHAMŪN of Egypt’s Biblically Black [Ancient] Roman Empire Technology [E.T.] Intelligences I ALREADY Meditatively Engineered [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] from Mesopotamia’s HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Akkadian [FA = FANTE] Underworld [FU = FUKUSHIMA] Earth Plane Energies [PLANET] of NIBIRU ☥
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ ♬♬♬ I’mma Musically Score A SOULFUL Black Harmonic Afterlife [HA = HARRELL] Occult DEATH Song about Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] ♬♬♬ since I BEE So Musically ILL [MI = MICHAEL] ♬♬♬ ‘cause it’s My NEW Nubian World Order [NWO] TAKIN’ OVER earth & I ain’t Stoppin’ til I Reach tha TOP and if you stand in My ILLUMINATED [MI = MICHAEL] Way ♬♬♬ I’mma ARROGANTLY Drop [A.D.] you into My ETernal [E.T.] HarrELL [HELL] ♬♬♬ ☥
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ I Biblically + Esoterically + Spiritually [BES = SOULFULLY] Write So Many of Our Biblically Black [Ancient] Egyptian Stories Online… I’mma Magically Envision [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Afterlife [FA = FANTE] VISIONS of Biblical NIBIRU on Cinematic W I D E S C R E E N since I Already BEE So Underworld Hell Famous [UHF = HARRELL] ALL [HA = HATTUŠA] UP [HU = HURRIAN] IN:side [HI = HITTITE] Mama’s Magical Utopian [MU] Gardens of GHETTO HEAVEN [Astronomical EDEN] ☥
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#I Biblically + Esoterically + Spiritually [BES = SOULFULLY] Write So Many of Our Biblically Black [Ancient] Egyptian Stories Online#I BEE Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] Biblically Black [Ancient] Byzantine King TUTANKHAMŪN#iSEE My HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Afterlife [FA = FANTE] VISONS of Biblical NIBIRU on Cinematic W I D E S C R E E N#death of fallen america#mortal deaths on the rise#JEHOVAH OCCULT WITNESS My Magical Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Life After [L.A.] Immortal Death [I.D.] on Earth#Fuck Homeland Security#I BEE Mama Hittite’s [MH = Matriarch Tiye’s] FIRST Biblically Black [Ancient] Egyptian SUN Child [Byzantine King TUTANKHAMŪN]#HARRELL ALL [HA = HATTUŠA] UP [HU = HURRIAN] IN:side [HI = HITTITE] Mama’s Magical Utopian [MU] Gardens of GHETTO HEAVEN [Astronomical EDEN]#QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [BABYLON] So HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] like Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS]#I Meditatively Freestyle My HIGHLY Sophisticated Urban Nubian [SUN] Raps from QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON]#I SUPREMELY UNDERSTAND NUCLEAR [SUN] SCIENCES from QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON]#HARRELLVISIONS®#QUANTUM BLACK TECHNOMAGICAL MEDIA of HARRELL [MH]#ALL INTELLECTUALLY CREATIVE PROPERTIES of HARRELL RESERVED#© COPYRIGHT MCMLXVIII BY HITTITE EMPIRE#Mama Hittite [MH = Matriarch Tiye] Energetically + Telepathically [E.T.] Talk II Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#QUANTUM BLACK TECHNOLOGY TAKEOVER#Bobby Hemmitt Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Talked about Our NEW Nubian World Order [NWO] Government Takeover
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ I Already JEHOVAH OCCULT WITNESSED My Magical Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Life After [L.A.] Immortal Death [I.D.] on Earth ☥
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] as I Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] ILLUMINATE My HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Nubian Egyptian [NE = NETERU] Afterlife [NA = NĀGA] Underworlds of Soulful Atlantis [U.S.A. = LEMURIA] since I BEE Astronomically Identified [A.I.] as A SIRIUS Black [B] ATLANTEAN SOUL STAR [SUN] ABOVE [SA = SATURN] EARTH… Hallelujah & AMEN [HA = HARRELL] ☥
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ My Biblically Black [Ancient] Egyptian Afterlife SPIRIT & SOUL Kingdoms of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] BEE So HIGHLY FUTURISTIC + So HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] like Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] ’cause I ALREADY VOODOO QUANTUM LEAPED II My Magical Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Millennium Afterlife Year [MAY] of 5000 Somethin’ since I BEE Moor INNOVATIVE [MI = MICHAEL] than everybody else on earth ☥
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harrelltut · 6 years
Bobby Hemmitt: Satan The Ultimate Darkside Power
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