#Bluetooth speaker dollar general
orangameelectronics · 9 months
Make your outdoor adventures hands-free and full of great beats with these top-notch 40W Bluetooth speakers! 🎶🌲 No more missed calls, just non-stop tunes!
Looking for a portable and powerful solution to stay connected and enjoy your favorite tunes while on the move? Look no further. In this article, we will introduce you to the top 40W Bluetooth speakers for outdoor calls and music. Whether you're embarking on a camping trip, hosting a backyard barbecue, or simply want to enjoy music by the pool, these Bluetooth speakers are designed to deliver crisp audio and strong connectivity. From rugged and waterproof options that can withstand any weather condition, to sleek, stylish speakers that seamlessly blend with your outdoor setup, we've curated a list of the best speakers on the market. Prepare to be blown away by their impressive sound quality, long-lasting battery life, and convenient features like built-in microphones for hands-free calling. Say goodbye to the limitations of wired speakers and experience the freedom of wireless technology. Stay connected on the go with our top picks for outdoor calls and music. Get ready to elevate your outdoor experience to a whole new level. 
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vinyl + turntable basic info / general tips
while i am by no means a real audiophile or vinyl expert here are some tips that have worked for me over my almost two decades of collecting!
turntables + speakers
do not buy suitcase players. i cannot overstate this enough. do not buy suitcase players. the all-in-one players are generally cheaper, but there isn't enough support from the platter because they are smaller than 12 inch LPs. this can lead to shitty sound quality, the needle can fall out of the groove, and you can actually break your records. save up and pay a little more and get a proper turntable
there is a lot of debate about belt vs. direct drive turntables (belt drive turntables use a belt to spin the turntable while direct drive turntables have the motor directly under the platter) and which is better. very generally speaking if you want better sound quality, belt drive is the way to go; if you want a player that's a little easier to use that's also a little more durable, direct drive is a better option (most DJ turntables are also direct drive, as a side note)
i currently have three turntables and they are all audio-technica, which is a well respected brand (especially for beginners)—i have an AT-LP60X ($149) which is a belt driven player, as well as two AT-LP120XUSB ($349 each) which i use for practicing DJing/selecting. i also have a stanton M.203 mixer (insane to me that it's listed for $350 on amazon, i paid eighty bucks for mine on ebay), audio-technica ATH-M20x headphones (they were a gift but are listed for $49 on amazon) and a set of edifier R1280DB bluetooth speakers ($149). the speakers are hooked up directly into my mixer, but because both the speakers and the AT-LP60X are bluetooth, i can also play records on that turntable too
change your needle! general rule of thumb is to replace your needle every thousand hours of listening; for the average person if you change it once a year you should be good, i'm on the cautious side and change them every six months
i really like my setup; it's on the cheaper side when it comes to "grownup" gear but true audiophiles would probably scoff at my basics. regardless of what you end up getting, a decent turntable that doesn't have the speakers built in that fits within your budget and a good set of speaker or headphones is all you need
buying records
any time that you can, i recommend buying vinyl directly from the artist! whether it's through bandcamp their website or at a show i think it's better to buy direct when you can (and often times it's cheaper than buying through a third party)
when you can, buy local. not only is it good to support independently owned shops, developing a relationship with local music people is great and if they're good they'll start to know you/your tastes. it also allows you to get good at crate digging, because you never know what you're going to find in a dollar section
utilize listening stations if the store has them! people can be pretty fast and loose with grading used records, so it's better to listen to it and see if the audio quality corresponds with the price (i don't always buy mint/nearly mint records and can tolerate a fair amount of noise but not if i'm being ripped off lmfao)
look things up on discogs to see if you're getting ripped off. not only is discogs great for keeping track of your collection (also you can friend me here!), the online marketplace is great for checking average sale prices for a given release. also handy for seeing how rare a release is!
buying records on discogs can be a crapshoot, ebay even more so. read seller's reviews; if there's feedback that they generally grade conservatively, that's a good thing
i have such a large collection that maintaining a record of what i have is really necessary; discogs is really fantastic for this. you can even scan barcodes on specific releases to find them through the discogs app! it's super handy for me as sometimes i forget that i have certain albums already and end up buying multiple copies and having to get rid of them (i need to get better at cataloguing immediately after i get new stuff, i currently have about forty five records i still need to add lmfao)
storing + maintaining records
keep your records clean! get a good cleaning kit and have microfiber cloths on hand to keep your vinyl as dust free as possible. also use those storage sleeves, it makes a different in keeping your records cleaner longer
a general rule of vinyl storage that i learned from the owner of the shop that i've been going to since i was nine years old is to store them in less than 70 degrees F environments with less than 70% humidity (funnily enough this is apparently the same rule for cigars)
i recommend those ikea square storage bookcases, as they're generally study, aren't too expensive, are pretty easy to put together, and hold a lot of records (do not store your records in milk crates long term)
actually listen to your records! there are very few releases i keep sealed for the sake of keeping them in mint condition. vinyl can be a very expensive habit (800+ records later i am living proof lol) but it's no fun to keep them sitting around. have fun collecting and play your music!
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verysmolnerd · 1 year
Double-shift Drowsiness
Drabble: You're ten minutes from closing and your former professor comes in asking for directions.
I think it’s blatantly obvious that I don’t like working minimum-wage jobs. Hell, my very first fic posted on the internet was because I was treated like shit at a retail store. Now, it’s a little better but that doesn’t mean I’m still not getting the butt end of a stick. This be a vent drable… my bad. 
Cw: Swearing
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God fucking dammit. 
You’re here again, for another summer, to take a ludicrous amount of bullshit from your coworkers just to shell in a few more dollars towards your college tuition. 
Normally, the shifts are bearable and you can come home fine, but when you’re there all day sunrise to sunset, it isn’t ideal coming home with so much grease on you. When you shower, you don’t even feel the water on you for a minute because of how much grease had gotten in your skin. 
As for the coworkers part, it’s mainly just one blonde bitch in particular. Specifically, a carhop that’s more entitled than the angry customers here and has the audacity to be a douche to anybody and everybody. When she speaks it always sounds like she cops some sort of attitude when she comes back into the kitchen. 
The only time -as of recently- when she isn’t acting like a punchable brat, is when the general manager of the kitchen staff is around. You had pointed out to them that she was only doing this to be in their good graces, and they agreed; explaining to you that they’ve already talked with her numerous times but she still refuses to listen. You could only hope that one day she’ll get the boot like someone that everyone else in the kitchen even refuses to talk about. 
It always feels like when one problem from the kitchen gets extinguished, three more pop up. With whom that shall not be named is gone, all the kitchen staff are comfortable with talking with each other and making jokes without someone coming in to ruin the mood or harass you. Now, the problem is the one carhop acting like the next cockroach of the damn place and new hires refusing to do work. May you be reminded that you’re only here for the summer and ONLY HERE TO MAKE MONEY FOR THE UPCOMING SCHOOL YEAR.
Why do you care so much? It’s just who you are, sadly. 
Now you’re here, still at the restaurant ten minutes to close. You were calmly wiping down the countertops while the general manager had some nostalgic slow songs from the 2000s playing on a Bluetooth speaker that somehow is still working after months of straight abuse and constant use. 
Your other coworkers in the kitchen -you guys just call each other comrades at this point with how tight you are with all the workers that have those strong skills back here- were sweeping and restocking the fridges for the deep fryer or grill. It’s peaceful, well, as peaceful as a food service kitchen could be. 
Everyone was just as tired as you were because it was really late and a long day for those who didn’t work a double shift like you. You needed the hours, what else could you say? Unfortunately, the amount of tiring work doesn’t dawn on you until you’re working over forty hours a week. 
You could see the silhouette of two cars pull in from the packing window, and you sighed. Late stragglers. Somehow, the most desperate people to get to a cheap chain restaurant are also the people who order half of the menu, it infuriates you to no end. 
One car pulled right up in the spot in front go the building, and the other pulled in at a farther spot. You close your eyes and exhale, this is a common thing to happen so you’re not surprised. You are, however, annoyed that everyone in the building is bitching about it. 
What you weren’t expecting, was the person who parked so close to the building to come inside. It’s not like you truly cared anyway, you were just upfront to refill your drink; you haven’t done so in hours and you were beyond parched. 
Your back was to the counter as you waited for the machine to finish pouring your drink, not expecting your name to be called. You turn around, thinking it’s some sort of coworker calling you….
But it was Otto. Your former professor of all people. Dressed in those turtlenecks that hug his figure with dress pants and completing shoes that shine under the restaurant lobby’s lights. 
You lock eyes with him and freeze, both of you staring at each other in shock. “What are you doing here?” You ask him, you’d never thought that you’d see him again…period. “I could say the same about you,” he responded, fumbling with his hands. 
You can feel a few of your coworkers peer through the small window to look at you and the front staff watch the conversations from the blind spots of the counter. You sighed, “This is my hometown. I work here in the summer.” Otto glanced over the counter and noticed the nosy staff, they quickly retreated to the backrooms when they were discovered. 
“I just came to ask for directions since my phone died.” Otto held up the dead device. You nodded, setting your cup down on the counter, “Where are you headed?.. Or where do you think you’re headed?” This isn’t a common thing when people want to go somewhere in this part of the state but end up getting lost, the maps are outdated when you’re this rural, so you’ve had to point a few people the right way. “A retreat where some of my colleagues are, it’s supposed to be more up north..” He paused, you know Otto very well; he hates making mistakes, to be seen as an idiot when he genuinely didn’t know something, “but I think I took a wrong turn- ” he told you the name of the camp with a few descriptors of the place, and you nodded. 
You walked up near the front of the store and picked up a pamphlet, “I think this is the camp you’re talking about,” You handed the advertisement to Otto. He smiled brightly, “Yes it is.” You can see the relief across his face. 
“Good news then. You’ve only got two more hours worth of driving on the main road.” Otto’s face fell, it seemed that the urban convenience he’d had his whole life might’ve been a stunt to his patience. Though you don’t blame him, night driving in the countryside can be quite nerve-wracking.  Deer are the most ruthless to people from the city. 
You let out an airy chuckle, “Is it bound to get dark soon,” You eyed the electronic clock, it displayed the time 9:00 pm, “Are you sure that you want to drive when it’s dark out?” Otto looked like he wanted to say yes, but he stopped himself. 
“You’ll crash at my place tonight.” Otto opened his mouth to protest, but the carhop of your nightmares entered the restaurant and walked right up to him. “Hi! How can I help ya?” You clenched your jaw at the sickly-sweet tone she uses. Otto waved her off, “Ah, no thanks I’m just asking for directions from a friend of mine.” Otto gestured to you with those huge hands of his. You felt yourself heat up with pride, he sees you as more than a student; well, you do have his number…
You can see that the source of your dismay clenched her teeth with a customer service smile before walking away. Otto cleared his throat, “About earlier-“ “Yeah, you can just follow my car home.” You gave him zero room to say no.
“Ah, just a sec,” You walked into the kitchen to see if it was okay, but the team lead already waved you off and said, “Go.” 
Well shit.. alright then..
You grabbed the stuff you brought with you and you clocked out on an outdated machine up front. You waved to Otto to follow you, to the parking lot. You got in your car, and he got into his, and now you’re leading him to your place. 
It wasn’t that far of a drive, the longest part was making a left turn from one of the main roads, there always seemed to be cars there when you wanted to make a turn.
You pulled into your driveway and were now getting your keys out to unlock the front door. You felt the warmth of your previous professor at your back fighting the chilly night air. It was about time that the nights got cooler again, it’s nearly September after all…
You open the front door and hold it for Otto, but he uses his height to keep it open; his hand is high above your head to keep the door open, “No, it’s fine you can go in first.” You thanked him and went inside.
You were in the process of putting your things away in their respective spots when the front door shut behind Otto, he was watching you move around your house with ease; like clockwork. “You keep yourself on quite the schedule.” He watched you move around your kitchen, but then you stopped to look at him after he said that. “Oh, don’t let me stop you.” He moved his hands in a manner to tell you to keep moving. “No, I was just wondering if you’ve already eaten dinner? I can whip something up if you’d like.” You explained yourself, Otto nodded and you swore his face was a bit pink, “I did, thank you for asking, but about staying here-“ You cut him off again, “What kind of person would I be if I didn’t let the person I care about stay here for the night,” You turned to shut off the kitchen lights and show him to your bedroom, but you stopped yourself to relay that information to him, “You can stay in my bedroom, what kind of host would I be if you’re not comfortable?” 
“I was just going to say that I can sleep on the couch,” Otto protested, but you weren’t having it. 
“No, I’ll be fine. I have tomorrow off, you need the rest so you can drive.” “You need the rest so you can have a nice day off.” Otto folded his arms.
“Let’s not-“ 
You both cut each other off in the argument..
You and Otto are now both dressed down in bed, looking at each other completely flushed and in partial shock from the stubbornness you both share. 
You click off the night, and Otto speaks, “Well, good night.” “Love you.” You automatically responded. You froze and Otto laughed. 
“Love you too.” 
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cauldronoflove · 1 year
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@formosusiniquis my reply got way too long so here we are but! that was like my number one issue with trying to research is there felt like no in-between from [absolute beginner] to [dave and his hi-fi set-up he's been curating for 35 years] my biggest recommendation would be to decide what exactly you want from your vinyl experience and go from there bc otherwise it becomes way too overwhelming. but the right table opens up so many avenues!! the debate on automatic vs manual is a long one and i dont pretend to be an expert but i can say personally i definitely went from super casual to a bit more involved after my upgrade much to my delight since i went from (semi)automatic to manual (though i still wouldnt consider myself an audiophile because i unabashedly love a bit of crackle in my vinyl.) i think the biggest difference is what kind of albums you're trying to play, which is most of what i mean when i say decide what you want from your vinyl experience.
automatics tend to be the right choice if you're playing brand new albums or really high quality vintage because the arm is fixed, so any scratching or slight warping is going to cause disruptions in playback whether it be skipping or catching since the pressure the needle is exerting over the grooves is constant and can't be amended. that can also wear out the needle much faster, which becomes a whole other can of worms. however a lot of people enjoy the hands-off parts of an automatic and appreciate the bluetooth capabilities you can find in a lot of them. they also tend to be a bit more compact which is great if you dont have a lot of room to dedicate.
a manual is good for all of the above as well as "lower" quality vintage, since the tone arm isn't fixed, meaning it can move with most changes in the vinyl, rise and fall with a slight warp without damaging your needle, and power through most superficial scratches with a tiny pop or some crackle but no skips/catches. there are definitely some albums in a condition that even a manual can't accommodate for and will still skip, but in my 300+ album collection and the case of 45s i have i can only think of a half dozen or so that don't play straight through where they would have been unlistenable on my old player. the ability to be able to adjust the counterweight on a manual is a lot of the reason i went that route, in addition to the fact that they can grow with the user (parts are much more easily swapped than on an automatic, which are usually pretty much hardwired, though i know some have the capability for swapping cartridges/etc), and because i prefer the more hands on approach of physically setting my needle/etc. though they tend to cost a bit more to start, you ultimately save money in the long run because you learn very quickly what kind of condition albums it can work with and so you have the option of grabbing a cheap vintage copy or a 35 dollar repress, depending on what you want and not what your table can handle
all in all i'm a huge advocate for physicial media and vinyl in general and i think it's a fantastic hobby for anyone, so i don't really judge how people interact with it, but my steadfast rules that i tell anyone that'll listen are
- do not get a table with built in speakers (commonly referred to as a suitcase player). combining the downsides of the fixed aspects of an automatic + the vibrations from the speakers moving up into your albums all at once is one of the most dismal sonic experiences and will more than likely fuck up your albums or needle or both
- and make sure you get one with a full platter, since the natural weight pulling against the outer reaches of the album that hangs over the side of smaller platters can cause warping and theres more room for potential debris to land
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wirelessfpx · 2 years
Best Bluetooth Speakers - Top 5 Bluetooth Speakers for Every Need
Bluetooth speakers are the latest innovation in wireless sound technology. While this technology is still in its nascent stages, it has already shown a lot of promise. If you own a Bluetooth-enabled phone, you've already seen this technology in action as it allows wireless transfer of data between two phones remotely. The same principles work with Bluetooth speakers. In this article, I will talk about some of the best Bluetooth speakers available and their salient features.
Bluetooth speakers are generally used as 'replacement' speakers. Currently, they do not have the power to replace a set of 5.1 surround sound systems, or enough bass to liven up a big house party. Nevertheless, what they lack in power, they more than make up for in portability. Because they are wireless and relatively small in size, you can carry them around anywhere. A lot of manufacturers make speakers designed specifically for use with laptops that you can just toss into your laptop bag.
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Some of the best Bluetooth speakers are made by major electronics manufacturers, namely Sony, FPX, Samsung, Philips, etc. Bose, Altec Lansing, and JBL - three important speaker manufacturers have an extensive lineup as well. Prices can range from less than 50 for a set of cheap, lightweight set to 400+ for a high-quality Bose speaker system.
The first step to picking the best Bluetooth speakers understands your own needs. If you just want a set of cheap, lightweight speakers you can use with your laptop, then an entry-level Samsung or Logitech set would serve you well. But if you want something that you can lug around in your car, on picnics, and which can also serve as a desktop speaker replacement, you will have to shell out a few hundred dollars.
Some of the best Bluetooth speakers available in the market today are:
1. Ace TG 113 
This is an entry-level offering from Ace that delivers 10 watts of stereo sound. It is small, lightweight, and great for use with iPods and mobile phones. Just don't expect it to bring down the house with its volume.
2. Altec Lansing inMotion SoundBlade Bluetooth A2DP Speaker
FPX Labs offering from Altec Lansing delivers clear, high-quality audio without compromising on portability. It connects automatically to your mobile phone or Bluetooth-enabled device. Small and lightweight, this mid-range Bluetooth speaker delivers great performance.
3. Sony SRS-BTM30
An entry-level offering from Sony, the SRS-BTM30 runs on 3 AA batteries and doesn't compromise on quality. The two speakers work on Bluetooth and weigh in at just 1.6 lbs.
4. Creative D100
This Creative offering weighs in at just 2.2 lbs and works on 4 AA batteries that can play non-stop for 25 hours straight. It is compatible with all Bluetooth-enabled devices. The sound quality is uniformly high.
5. Bose SoundDock 10 Digital Music System
This Bose system is probably the best set of Bluetooth speakers that you can buy. It is compatible with not just your Bluetooth-enabled devices, but also older iPod models. Like the various other offerings from Bose, this speaker system to offers an almost life-like sound. If you have extra cash and want a high-quality speaker set that will make guests green with envy, the SoundDock 10 is the system for you. The price, however, is a hefty 599, though it is worth every cent.
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lauretta675 · 2 years
Best Bluetooth Speakers - Top 5 Bluetooth Speakers for Every Need
Bluetooth speakers are the latest trend in wireless technology. While this technology is still in its infant stages, it has already shown a lot of promise. Most of us own a Bluetooth enabled phone, you've already seen this technology in action as it allows wireless transfer of data between two phones remotely. The same principles work with Bluetooth Speakers. In this article, I will talk about some of the Best Bluetooth Speakers available and their features. Gadget.Discount
Bluetooth speakers are generally used as 'portable' speakers. Currently, they do not have the power to replace a set of 5.1 Surround Sound System, or enough bass to liven up a big house party. Nevertheless, what they lack in power, they more than make up for in portability. Because they are wireless and relatively small in size, you can carry them around anywhere. In fact, a lot of manufacturers make speakers designed specifically for use with laptops that you can just toss into your laptop bag.
Some of the best Bluetooth speakers are made by major electronics manufacturers, namely Sony, Samsung, Philips, etc. Bose, Altec Lansing and JBL - three important speaker manufacturers have an extensive lineup as well. Prices can range from less than $50 for a set of cheap, lightweight set to $400+ for a high quality Bose speaker system.
The first step to picking the best Bluetooth speakers is understanding your own needs. If you just want a set of cheap, lightweight speakers you can use with your laptop, then an entry level Samsung or Logitech set would serve you well. But if you want something that you can lug around in your car, on picnics, and which can also serve as a desktop speaker replacement, you will have to shell out a few hundred dollars. 
Some of the best bluetooth speakers available on the market today are:
1. Soundcore Motion Boom Plus Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker 80W Booming Sound Portable with Strap
Charge Out, IP67 Rating and Aux in, Extreme Bass, Up to 20 Hours of Playtime, Super Powerful Stereo Sound. Prices start as low as $179 
2. Altec  Lansing Super Lifejacket Jolt Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker, Durable & Portable Speaker with Qi Wireless Charging and Customizable Lights
This offering from Altec Lansing delivers clear, high quality audio without compromising on portability. It connects automatically to your mobile phone or Bluetooth enabled device. Small and lightweight, this mid-range Bluetooth speaker delivers a great performance. Prices start at $199.
3. Bose Black SoundLink Flex Bluetooth Portable Speaker
Packed with state-of-the-art technology, the SoundLink Flex isn't just any ordinary Bluetooth speaker. Its innovative transducer ensures the clearest possible  sound (at any angle), meaning you hear distinct instruments, nuances in the vocals,  and balanced treble and bass. Prices start as low as $149.
4. JBL Flip 6
Two way drivers, a sub woofer and a tweeter, with a dual passive radiator that assists in delivering surprisingly impressive bass. An impressive speaker overall. Prices start at $129.
5. Tribit StormBox Micro 2
The Tribit StormBox Micro 2 has some serious bass and IP67 waterproof. It has an impressive 12 hours of playback time. Prices range from $69
Best Gadget Bluetooth Speaker
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askrolli · 2 years
Nvalt and concept maps
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Nvalt and concept maps upgrade#
Nvalt and concept maps pro#
Nvalt and concept maps Bluetooth#
It’s probably the best purchase I’ve made in years. Then the time came for a new computer purchase, and something possessed me to take a chance on one. It was sexy, but I thought there was no way I could get along without my 17″ screen and extra processor power. I had used 17″ MacBook Pros for years when the Air came out. In fact, since I started using it I haven’t had any wrist pain at all. The Magic Trackpad took the parts of the Magic Mouse that I liked, made it bigger, better and friendlier on my wrists. I jumped on the Magic Mouse when it came out, and loved the idea but didn’t get into the ergonomics. I settled on the MX Revolution for quite a while, but I started getting RSI and switched to a Kensington Expert trackball. I went through a few dozen mice and trackballs, too.
Nvalt and concept maps Bluetooth#
I actually skipped the aluminum keyboards for a long time because I was pretty sure that anything under $80 was going to be junk, and I skipped the Bluetooth keyboards because I swore I couldn’t live without a numpad. My keyboard and trackpad choice is the result of over a thousand dollars worth of “research” in input devices over the years. I like the dual large monitors, though, and that’s the thing I miss when I go Air-only for a while. I probably wouldn’t have one if it weren’t for that my Air is a superior computing machine for a lot of my needs. I also have an iPad 3 and an iPhone 4, an AeroPress, and a bizarre assortment of old X10 home automation stuff. A 5.1 Logitech desktop speaker system covers the bases when I’m just listening. Desktop monitors, decent headphones, a couple of guitars… enough to keep me entertained. I don’t do a lot of audio production these days, but still have an Oxygen 49 keyboard, M-Audio FastTrack, Blue Snowball and a condenser mic on a boom with a Blue Icicle. I have an array of musical equipment for dinking around with. On the rare occasions that I do deal with paper, I have an Epson Perfection 4490 Photo and the über-handy Doxie scanner. I use a PowerLink wifi antennae to get better results, but generally depend on Zyxel powerline networking. My office is in the basement (walk-out with a huge glass sliding door that overlooks the Mississippi River Valley), so I have some issues connecting to my Airport Extreme on occasion. I have a cheap Buffalo NAS that comes in quite handy. I have a Drobo with a 4TB capacity and a few more terabytes of external Firewire 800 drives hooked up. I boot it off of a 600GB Velociraptor HD, and have additional internal hard drives for multiple OS versions and extra storage.
Nvalt and concept maps upgrade#
It’s hooked up to 2 monitors (21″ and 23″, mismatched because I never get the timing right when I upgrade them). I use an Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and a Magic Trackpad on all of my desktop machines. I keep a couple of Mac minis around for testing (and nostalgia).
Nvalt and concept maps pro#
What is your current setup?Īt the core of my anti-minimalist setup are a Mac Pro (2.8 GHz Quad-Core Xeon) and a built-to-order 2011 13″ MacBook Air. By night I’m a Mac developer, working on Marked, nvALT and other mad science with Macs. I have a great day job as a remote worker for AOL Tech, building blogs like Engadget, TUAW and Joystiq. I’m married to a wonderful girl named Aditi who happens to be a Certified Pet Dog Trainer, and I live in a zoo (figuratively: a Pit Bull, a German Shepherd, three cats, a parrot and a 75-gallon aquarium… plus the dogs we take in through our Pit Bull rescue).
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orangameelectronics · 8 months
Dive into the Sound: How Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker Subwoofers Elevate Your Music Experience
Dive into a world of unparalleled audio bliss with the immersive power of waterproof Bluetooth speaker subwoofers. Experience your favorite music like never before as the deep, rich bass resonates through the water and elevates your senses. Brand Voice: Cutting-edge and sophisticated Immersive and captivating, these portable speakers allow you to take your music wherever your water adventures may lead. Whether you're relaxing by the pool, exploring the open waters, or having a beach party, these Subwoofers are designed to withstand the elements without compromising on sound quality. Brand Voice: Adventurous and youthful With their advanced waterproof technology, these speakers can be fully submerged, making them perfect companions for snorkeling, swimming, or even showering. Enjoy crystal-clear sound without worrying about water damage. The built-in Bluetooth connectivity lets you effortlessly pair your smartphone or any other Bluetooth-enabled device for seamless music streaming. Brand Voice: Innovative and tech-savvy Indulge in the ultimate audio experience, feeling every beat and pulse of your favorite tracks. With their powerful Subwoofers, these speakers deliver deep, resonant bass that brings your music to life. Whether you're a music aficionado or simply looking to enhance your outdoor activities, these waterproof Bluetooth speaker Subwoofers are a game-changer that will revolutionize the way you listen to music, wherever your adventures take you. 
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20dollarlolita · 4 years
I’ve been getting a million facebook and instagram advertisements for bias tape makers, like they’re a legendary new thing that just came out, and if you don’t buy it from THIS ONE SKETCHY SITE for $39.99 MARKED DOWN TO JUST TEN DOLLARS (plus $13.95 shipping) then you’ll NEVER HAVE BIAS TAPE AGAIN.
So I want to clarify some things:
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1, you can buy a bias tape maker at Joann. It’s in the quilt notions section (which may be different from the regular notions section).
2, the annoying part of making bias tape is cutting and joining the strips, which this tool (nor any tool except scissors or a rotary cutter) does not help you with. (you can skip the annoyance of joining with the continuous bias cut method, btw)
3, if you don’t like pressing your bias tape you can use the HK Hem Finish and just not do that (linked tutorial also includes instructions for continuous bias method.
And 4, I’m not saying EVERY website linked to you in your facebook or instagram advertisements is a scam that will charge you a lot for shipping, send you an inexpensive bluetooth speaker, and then tell you that they’ll give you only a 40% refund without shipping refunded unless you post the speaker all the way back to China, leaving you without your product but having paid $21 for a $5 bluetooth speaker, and I’m not saying EVERY product you see in these adverts is also available on Ebay or Amazon, thus allowing you to purchase it from a store that has return policies that protect the customer and not the scammer, but I AM saying that’s my experience.
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This took me less than one minute to find on ebay
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As a general rule, the second the Wheel of Deals pops up, you should close the tab and get on ebay. These people wanted $18 plus shipping for the same set that’s $7 + ships free on ebay.
Related: 20dollarlolita reviews the MAGIC EMBROIDERY PEN
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petersasteria · 4 years
Marriage? Pass. - Peter Parker
Pairing: Financial advisor!Peter x Museum curator!Reader
Requested? Nah.
PP Masterlist
* * * *
"Good morning, Pete." You yawned before slowly sitting up. You glanced at your boyfriend as he just hummed in reply. He wasn't a morning person, but he had a demanding job that he's going to be late to if he doesn't wake up now.
You give Peter a light nudge and told him to wake up or he'll be late if he didn't start his morning routine now. Peter grumbled and slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a few times as he adjusted to the light and sat up. He turned to you and kissed your cheek.
"Good morning. Thanks for waking me up." He smiled sleepily at you with his messy bed hair all over the place. You giggled, "You're welcome. Go shower and I'll make breakfast."
"I know, I know." Peter smiled and got out of bed to go to the shower. You got out of bed too and stretched before starting your morning routine. You've been doing it for as long as you can remember. At this point, your movements are all muscle memory.
Your routine went like this: while Peter is in the shower, you fix your shared bed and charge his phone because he always forgets. Then, you take both of your empty glasses from your night stands and head to the kitchen. When you get to the kitchen, you put the glasses in the sink and prepare breakfast.
Breakfast was a little tricky because Peter didn't like having the same food everyday. Same goes for lunch and dinner. Thankfully, you already knew this and you made a schedule for every meal. Every night before you went to bed, you write down options for Peter and he would choose the next day. The schedule was written on a 6.5" chalkboard and it's placed on top of the kitchen island.
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You grabbed the chalkboard and quickly went to the bathroom and knocked. You knew Peter wouldn't hear you, so you shouted.
"Pete? What do you want for breakfast? Egg and bacon sandwich with coffee, a bowl of cereal, pancakes with orange juice or waffles with hot chocolate?" You asked loudly.
"Can I have waffles, but with bacon on the side? Also, I want coffee with that. Not hot chocolate. Thanks, honey!" Peter shouted back as you quickly wrote it down on the chalkboard.
"Gotcha. Love you!"
"Love you too!"
You smiled to yourself and went back to the kitchen to start cooking Peter's request. What he has, you also have. You didn't mind that Peter mixed up the breakfast choices. In fact, his taste buds are pretty helpful in grocery shopping. If he doesn't like it, you don't buy it anymore. It's pretty simple.
After cooking breakfast and setting the table, you prepared Peter's lunch. Since it was a weekday and both of you had jobs, all you had to prepare for Peter's lunch was the dessert which was cut up fruits in a small tupperware. You cut up a few fruits, put them in a tupperware, and put them in the fridge.
Just as you finished, Peter walked in and sat down. You sat across from him and both of you began eating. Peter didn't like talking while eating breakfast and you learned that the hard way. To fill in the silence, you connected your phone to a bluetooth speaker and played classical music which always relaxed Peter.
He looked at you and gave you a close-lipped smile. After all these years of being together, you knew his smile meant 'thank you'.
After breakfast, it was Peter's turn to do his part. He washed the dishes as you quickly went to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. Peter knew you took your time in the bathroom that's why both of you wake up really early in the morning so both of you wouldn't be late.
After washing the dishes, Peter prepared your dessert for lunch. You didn't like fruits that much and you were allergic to a few of them, so Peter packed you chocolate pudding instead. After packing your dessert, Peter wiped the table clean, disconnected your phone from the bluetooth speaker, and went to your shared room to charge it.
After showering, you were still in a towel and you opened the bathroom door slightly for Peter to come in. Both of you brushed your teeth together and got dressed together. It was all fun and domestic and you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
When both of you are finished dressing up, you both unplug your phones and go to the kitchen to get the desserts you packed before going to the living room to get your bags and put your shoes on. After that, both of you share a kiss before getting in your respective cars and driving to work.
That was your routine everyday for seven years. You met Peter in college. You just turned twenty and your friends took you to a nice restaurant that you've always wanted to go to. Peter was there with his aunt and his aunt's boyfriend when he saw you. With all the courage he gathered, he walked to your table and asked you out. The rest was history.
"Good morning, Y/N!" Becca, your colleague, said with a playful smile on her face. You chuckled and said, "Good morning! What's got you so smiley and happy today?"
You signed in and put your things on your desk and sat down. Becca stood in front of your desk and grabbed a pen. "I hope you don't mind if I borrow your pen." Becca giggled and raised her left hand where the pen was.
You looked at the pen she was holding and did a double-take when you saw a pretty engagement ring on her finger.
"Oh my god." You said in shock. You stood up from your seat and grabbed her left hand. "Oh my god." You repeated.
"I know!" Becca shrieked. "I'm engaged!"
"You're engaged!" You squealed. "Yay! I'm so happy for you!" You pulled her in for a hug before looking at the ring again. It was so gorgeous.
"He proposed last night." Becca gushed. "I honestly still can't believe it."
"That's so amazing. I'm happy for both of you!" You exclaimed and sat down again. Becca took a seat in front of your desk and asked, "What about you and Peter? I thought you guys would get engaged first, to be honest. You've been together for so long. Meanwhile, Heath and I have been dating for only three years. You guys getting married soon?"
You knew it was an innocent question, but it was a touchy topic for you. It wasn't that you didn't want to get married. You did; you truly wanted to marry Peter and you were ready. You've been ready five years ago.
Peter was the problem. He didn't want to get married. He told you that one morning on your fourth anniversary when you both saw someone propose in public.
"Hey, Pete?"
"You ever thought of getting married?" You asked softly as both of you walked hand in hand in Central Park.
He looked at you for a second before looking ahead. He shrugged and said, "I'm not really into the whole marriage thing, y'know? Besides, why do people have to make such a big gesture to show people that they're going to be with one person for the rest of their life? Like, I'm really happy with what you and I have and I can see us lasting for a long time and we're official for four years now and we will be official for as long as we're together. So, why do we have to make things official again, but with a piece of paper this time?"
"Marriage has a lot of shit, babe. Trust me. There's a pre-nup thing and planning so many things that wouldn't matter in the end because who the fuck cares about centerpieces, anyway? It's literally a thing for each table with the table number on it. It'll just be looked at for, like, a second and then it wouldn't be paid attention to anymore. Plus, weddings are hella expensive. The national average cost of a wedding dress is about one thousand and six hundred something dollars and that includes alterations already. BUT- dress prices are based on a lot of factors and they generally range from five hundred dollars to four thousand dollars. And that's JUST the gown for the bride. What more if they add the venue, the decorations, the dresses for the bridesmaids, the tuxes for the dudes, the fuckin' flowers, and a whole lot of other shit?" Peter rambled.
You nodded. He made a few valid points, but to you, marriage is the life goal.
"Why'd you ask? You planning on marrying me?" Peter joked.
You smiled a bit and shook your head, "I just wanted to ask because someone proposed a while ago."
"Phew! I thought you were going to ask." Peter laughed. He put his arm around you and kissed the top of your head, "I'm happy with what we are now and I love you. I don't need to show other people that."
"I love you too, Pete." You said quietly.
You looked at Becca and said, "Me and Peter? Getting married? Um, no. I don't- I don't think so."
"What? Why not?" Becca furrowed her eyebrows. "Both of you have been together for so long! You guys should seal the deal now."
"Marriage isn't really Peter's thing." You explained.
"Is it your thing?" Becca asked and you sighed and nodded. "Then, tell him!"
"No way, Becca. He's just going to say the same shit he told me on our fourth anniversary." You said and fixed the papers on your desk.
"Maybe he changed his mind?" Becca suggested.
"Nope. I've known Peter for so long and one thing about him is that he never changes his mind, EVER. Once he says something, he just does it. His motto in life is literally 'practice what you preach'. Hence, not changing his mind." You let out an exasperated sigh.
"Look, Becca, I appreciate your concern and all, but it's not happening." You smiled sadly. "Don't worry about me and Peter, okay? Just worry about planning your wedding because that'll take up majority of your time."
For the rest of the day, you couldn't focus on curating at all. In fact, you nearly messed up some words. In truth, you haven't thought about marriage since your fourth anniversary and now that Becca's mentioned it, you couldn't get it out of your head.
It wasn't wise to contact Peter during his work hours because he dealt with clients who didn't know what to do with their money and stuff. He also didn't want to be bothered while he was at work. Besides, it gave you both something to talk about at dinner.
When you got home, you did your night routine. You went to your room and got dressed in comfortable clothing. Knowing Peter was on his way home, you took out your phone and called him.
"Hey, honey." Peter answered. "I'm glad you called! Listen, don't cook anything. Relax and watch tv or something. I bought dinner for us from the restaurant where we met."
"What? That's so out of budget, Peter. We only eat there once a year and that's for our anniversary." You said in worry.
"Yeah, I know, but we really shouldn't worry about spending. I'm literally a financial advisor." Peter chuckled. "Also, I just got a raise."
"Wow!" You smiled. "Tell me all about it when you get home, alright? I don't want you getting in a car accident or something."
"Will do. See ya later!" Peter hang up. You looked down at your phone and sighed. You took Peter's advice and relaxed while waiting for him. You drew yourself a bath and got in. About thirty minutes later, you heard the front door open and Peter shouted, "I'm home! I brought food!"
You got out of the bath and drained the water in the tub. You dried yourself and put on your bathrobe before meeting Peter in the kitchen. He was setting the table and he smiled at you, "Hey beautiful."
"Hey handsome." You chuckled. "Thanks for buying dinner. I appreciate it."
"You're welcome! It's no problem, really. It's a thank you for dealing with my shit and for cooking for me all the time. God knows I can't cook, so hopefully surprising you with food from the restaurant where we met is enough to make you happy." Peter said and walked up to you to pull you in for a hug.
You hugged back, "I do those things because I love you, Pete."
"I love you more." He kissed your forehead and urged you to sit down. Both of you sat down and Peter started talking about his raise and his client who didn't know what an insurance was. Everything was going swell, but you couldn't get the marriage thing off your mind.
"Becca's getting married." You blurted out. Peter stopped talking and looked at you. "She, uh, Heath asked her last night and she said yes."
Peter nodded and smiled, "Good for her! They've been together for so long now."
"Do you think we'd get married too?" You asked him.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Do you think we'd get married too?" You repeated. "We've been together for seven years now and I think it's time for us to get married and start a family. We're not getting any younger, Pete. We're 27 years old for fuck's sake."
"Y/N, you know where I stand in marriage, right?" Peter said. "I'm not into that kind of shit. I thought we were on the same page?"
"No and I'm sorry!" You sighed. "I want to get married and I want to get married to you. Otherwise, I won't get married at all. I want us to move out of this apartment and buy a house where our kids can run around and play."
"Then let's start a family!" Peter exclaimed.
"I want to do it right, Peter!" You argued. "I want us to get married first and then have as many kids as you fucking want. But first, I want to walk down the aisle and say my vows to you. I want that, Peter."
Peter looked at you and sighed, "Then maybe I'm not the guy that you're looking for. We obviously want different things and I can't give you what you want."
"Are you breaking up with me?" You asked in shock.
Peter nodded, "Yeah, I am. I can't be a husband and you deserve someone who can be. I'm sorry." With that, he stood up from his seat and went to your shared room to pack his things in a duffel bag. You stayed in the dining table with your head in your hands. You really didn't expect him to break up with you.
Peter walked out of your shared room and approached you. You looked at him and he bent down a bit to kiss you one last time before he left.
"I'm sorry things had to end this way." He mumbled. "I love you and I'll always love you for as long as I'll live. But I also want you to be happy and if getting married makes you happy, I'm willing to let you go just for that to happen."
"But I want to get married to YOU." You cried.
"In another life, I want to get married and I want to get married to you. But this is the life we have, okay? I'm still going to be here for you. So if you need me, I'll be staying at May's, alright?" He said sadly and kissed your forehead before leaving.
It had been three months since your split with Peter and everything has been going downhill for you. Becca was so into wedding planning and she kept asking you for help. As if things were not worse for you, your younger sister recently got engaged too. Some of your Facebook friends were either on their honeymoon, having their first baby, or walking down the aisle already. It frustrated you BIG TIME.
To top it all off, your mom (who wasn't in the picture since forever) came back because she heard that your little sister was getting married and your dad had a heart attack. Thankfully, he was okay. He's just resting now.
You were at your childhood home and you were having a stressful time. You were taking care of your dad and no one was helping you around. Your little sister was busy planning her wedding and her husband-to-be was a slacker and he doesn't clean up after himself at all. Your mom was staying in the guest room and she was so demanding and she was such a picky eater and she nagged to you about how you should settle down now. You were so stressed and you were on the verge of a breakdown and all of a sudden, the A/C stopped working.
That set you off.
You locked yourself in your old room and just cried. You cried until you fell asleep. When you woke up, it was already the next day and you heard commotion downstairs. You walked to where the noise was coming from and it was coming from the living room; where the A/C was broken.
You peeked in and you were surprised to see Peter fixing the A/C. Your mom saw you and said, "Y/N! Good morning, sweetie. This is Peter. He fixed the A/C and guess what? He's single! Maybe-"
"Mom, Y/N knows who he is." Your sister rolled her eyes.
Peter held on to the ladder and looked at you. He saw your puffy eyes that were still slightly red and he saw bags under your eyes. He also knew that you were really tired.
"Really? How do they know each other?" Your mom gushed.
"They dated for 7 years. Let's just leave them alone. They need to talk, anyway." Your little sister said and gave you a small smile. She and your mom left the living room and Peter got down the ladder and walked to you.
"I'm, uh, sorry for coming here. You probably didn't want to see me, but Y/S/N gave me a call about the A/C. She asked if I could fix it because I was into, and I quote, 'machines or whatever'. So I came by and I really didn't expect you to be here." Peter said, but you just stared at him.
He cleared his throat, "Also, all the dishes were just left in the sink. I washed them all, though. I hope it's less work for you. The A/C's fixed now, by the way. If it breaks again, I suggest you just buy a new one. There's this brand that-"
You cut him off by giving him a big hug and you just cried. You were so tired and Peter hugged back tightly and said, "You're alright. You'll be fine."
"I missed you." You cried. "I missed you being by my side and the apartment feel so empty now that you're gone. I just want you back. Life was super easy with you in it."
You pulled away and shook your head, "I don't care anymore. If you don't want to get married, I respect that. Let's just be partners for life, okay? I'll be fine with that just as long as I have you in my life; that's good enough for me."
"Okay." Peter nodded and smiled.
"Okay?" You asked.
"Okay." He chuckled lightly. "I love you."
"I love you too." You smiled and wiped your tears.
Peter's job was tiring. A few weeks after he had gotten back together with you, he was getting busier and busier. Today, his client asked him if they still had savings from when they got married. Peter was looking through the said client's files as the client kept talking.
"Why'd you get married?" Peter asked nonchalantly.
"If I'm being honest, I didn't want to get married." The client chuckled. "But life is funny. I met someone and for some reason, everything changed. Sure, we could've stayed as just long time partners, but being married takes it to a whole 'nother level, y'know?"
"In marriage, couples share things and they start a new chapter in their lives. Whereas if you're just living with your partner in an apartment, that's just it. It's hard to explain. It's similar to long time partners, but at the same time it's not." The client shrugged.
It was then and there that Peter understood marriage. He looked at the client and said, "I'll call you when I find your files, okay? I just remembered that I have to do something."
Peter got out of his seat and told the receptionist that was taking an early lunch break. He walked to his car and quickly unlocked the door and drove to the art museum where you worked.
When he got there, he parked his car and locked the door before running inside. He looked around and saw you curating a tour for grade school kids. He didn't want to bother you at work, but this was really urgent. So, he took a deep breath and walked right up to you.
"Y/N!" Peter said. You looked at him in shock. You turned to the kids and smiled, "Feel free to look at the painting, but don't touch anything."
You turned back to Peter and asked, "What are you doing here?"
"I change my mind." Peter blurted out.
"What're you talking about?" You were confused.
"The whole marriage thing. I change my mind." He said. "Yes, marriage has a lot of shit, but I'll have you for the rest of my life and that's so rewarding. We can get married, buy a house, start a family, you name it! We've been together for 7 years- I'm not counting the three-month break up because I know that I still loved you during that time. I love you more than anything in the world and I want to show you that I love you for the rest of my life. So-"
He knelt down and your eyes widened.
"Oh my god. What're you doing?" You whispered.
"I think I'm proposing." Peter said quietly and he grabbed your hands. "Y/N, will you marry me? I know I don't have a ring right now, but that can wait. I-"
"Yes." You tear up. "Yes, I will marry you!"
Peter smiled and stood up to kiss you. Everyone around you clapped and you both pulled away. You rested your forehead on his and he said, "I have to go now. I have to get back to work and I have to buy you a ring."
"I love you, Peter."
"I love you, Y/N."
* * * *
im back lmao sorry if it's shit
𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @blueleatherbag​ @harryismysunflower​​ @buckys-little-hoe​​ @sandystoriess​ @heeeyitskay​​ @slytherin-chaser​​ @quaksonhehe​​ @yaya4302​​ @lil-mellow-bunbun​​ @starlight-starks​​ @swiftmind​​ @alexx-stancati​​ @sovereignparker​​ @nerdyandproudofitsstuff​​ @pearce14​​ @xfirstfemale-marauderx​​ @cherthegoddess​​ @chewymoustachio​​ @cocoamoonmalfoy​​ @parkerlovebot​​ @supred12​​
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓:  @marvelousell​​​​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​​​​ @rubberducky-jrr​​​ @allyz​ @osterfieldnholland​​​​ @miraclesoflove​​​ @god-knows-what-am-i-doing​​ @perspectiveparker​​ @hollands-weasley​​ @itstaskeen​​  @call-me-baby-gir1​​ @the-panwitch​​ @iamaunicorn4704​​ @chloecreatesfictions​​ @holland-styles​​ @halfblood-princess-505​​ @spidey-reids-2003​​ @herbatkazmiloscia @whatthefuckimbisexual​​ @justanothermarvelmaniac​​ @unsaidholland​​ @musicalkeys​​ @lost-in-the-stars03​​ @hufflepuffprincess24​​ @hollanddolanfangirl​​ @parkerpeter24​​ @bellelittleoff​​ @agentnataliahofferson​​ @aqiise​
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packconfig · 3 years
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LOADOUT: Bullet Carry
Here’s a superbly organised collection of gear that Modchop uses for his everyday work carry, which includes his thoughts on the GORUCK 15L pack.
Starting with the pack itself; the pack is a GORUCK ‘Bullet 15’ (made in the USA) and has a capacity of 15 litres which has become my favoured capacity for general every day carry.
I’ve always taken a modular approach to loading my packs so that the load can be easily and quickly transferred to another pack if required and also so that the items can change according to need.
The pack itself is fairly simple in construction being quite plain on the outside except for three horizontal rows of PALS webbing (three rows by six columns) across the lower front and a front zippered pocket.
There is a substantial grab handle on the top and generously padded shoulder straps. Also on the front is a 2”x 3” Velcro panel for morale patches with a reversed American flag stitching detail.
Inside the pack it has a simple slip pocket on the back panel for a hydration bladder or documents. A pass-through for a hydration hose is directly below the grab handle and a simple D ring allows a bladder to be suspended if needed.
The pack opens full clamshell and on the inside of the front panel are two pockets; a small solid pouch at the top, handy for quick access items and a larger mesh pocket directly below. It should be noted that neither of these pockets have much volume of their own so are best suited to thin/slimmer items.
A quick note on the build quality of these packs; believe the hype! They are totally overbuilt and the materials, construction and attention to detail are pretty much flawless.
Moving to the contents starting top middle is a 5.11 UCR IFAK pouch the contents of which will cover most things from major trauma to a paper cut.
Top right is my Anker Soundcore 2 Bluetooth speaker in its travel case.
Directory below that is a black Multicam pouch made by @firefly15_hanks and holds a Victorinox Explorer Plus, antibacterial hand gel and wipes, a knife, fork & spoon set, spare batteries, reading glasses and usually a few snacks for the day.
The Velcro front panel is home to various morale patches that get switched out as and when.
Moving back to the centre and directly below the IFAK is a Muc Off Essentials case that holds a few basic tools including a Leatherman Wave and bit set, Maratac scissors and a small brass ruler.
Bottom left is a Vans pencil case that holds an Anker 10000 mah powerbank, Lightning lead and wall plug plus a couple of other leads, USB3/USB Micro etc.
Right of that is my ever faithful 20 Dollar Bandit ‘Micro Pouch’ wearing a rather nice Mudhorn patch.
It currently contains several plasters, some cash, AAA Streamlight, spare AAA battery, prybar, lighter and a Leatherman PS4 multitool.
Moving right again is a small MCB pouch, again made by Firefly15 Hanks which contains some wired Apple earphones.
Right of that is my long serving LED Lenser P7 which has given many years of reliable service to date.
Moving to the right once again is my Recycled Firefighter notebook cover which currently holds a standard Field Notes notebook (dot grid) with a Zebra stainless steel F-701.
Finally above the notebook are my Soundcore/Anker Liberty Air 2 ear pods in their wireless rechargeable case.
All of the above fits within the pack while still leaving space for an extra layer of clothing, one litre water bottle, snacks and a hat and sunglasses.
More loadouts on packconfig.com/loadouts
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prompt: buck hears eddie talking about him over the car's bluetooth speaker (or the other way around!)
sang so loud, sang so clear on AO3 (2.4k) 
It was safe to say that there was no part of his job that Eddie didn’t like. He loved being part of the community. He loved being able to make a positive change in the worst moments of someone’s life. Hell, he loved helping people in general, and that stretched far beyond the ‘call of duty’; so it was no surprise that when Bobby announced a series of fundraisers that the LAFD were participating in, Eddie was probably the only person who didn’t groan in defeat when Station 6 got to host a carnival while the 118 got stuck with a car wash.
He was excited because it was for charity. Not because it meant he got to have an entire weekend free from fire, free to spend some more time with his kid. That wasn’t it at all.
It also wasn’t because he got to spend some more time with Buck, outside of an assortment of burning buildings. That definitely wasn’t it—because despite what Carla said (and what Abuela said, and what Pepa said, and the looks that Hen shot him) he was an adult who had control over himself and had his...emotions regarding Buck under control.
It wasn’t a crush. He was fine. The fact that he had to go through the Starbucks line again after he got Buck’s order to get his own coffee was purely coincidental.
“Dad, can we play my music?”
“Sure, buddy.”
Eddie idly switched through the radio controls on his truck as he pulled onto the highway, smiling at his son in the rear view mirror as Chris pulled out his phone, working with the accessibility controls easily. The device was still pretty new, and Chris was still getting the hang of it, but after the tsunami Eddie would have bought him one phone for each hand if it meant he would know his son was safe at all times. Paranoia aside, Chris had been elated at cataloguing his life whenever he could—they already had digital albums full of Chris and his school friends, his family, and the things he got to do with Carla while Eddie was stuck at work.
Normally on days like today, Carla would have swung by and picked Chris up from the house, but it was easy enough to push that back an hour or so and have her pick Chris up right from the firehouse when he had all but begged to come in to the 118 and say hi to the team.
And hell, if Eddie got his kid to kick up the cuteness near their tip jar? Eddie wouldn’t complain about that, either.
One of Chris’ favorite albums had wrapped to a close when Eddie pulled off the highway, turning down the volume as they started to approach the 118. The morning was still pretty young, but it looked like they already had a pretty good turnout lined up—there were cars wrapped around the station building, in various stages of drying, with a line pretty steadily moving through the main engine bay. It looked like Bobby had moved the trucks out toward the street for added publicity, meaning the entire floor of the station was filled with cars, suds, and pop-ish music (no doubt, courtesy of Chim).
“Eddie, don’t tell me you actually expect us to wash your truck.” Chim snarked from the stairs, his LAFD tee shirt covered in colorful suds and sticking to his skin, and Eddie only smirked as he shoved a twenty into the donation jar. “Come on now, I’m a paying customer! Are you telling me that you’re gonna turn away someone for a charity drive?”
“No, he isn’t. Eddie, here, gimme the keys.” Eddie beamed as he heard Buck’s voice behind him, sticking his tongue out at Chim in a very mature, grown up way as he helped Chris out of the truck. Reaching back into the drivers seat, he pulled the second coffee out of the holder, the iced drink matching his own save for Buck’s added pumps of sugar—and almost keeled over when he turned around.
Look, if there was one thing that Eddie Diaz knew, it was that life was not fair.
His two tours weren’t fair. His son’s CP wasn’t fair. His marriage with Sharon hadn’t been fair.
But pulling up to the 118, stepping out of his truck, and coming face to face with Buck? Buck, who was clad only in his turnout pants and suspenders, who was dripping wet?
Well, that wasn’t just unfair, that was mean.
“See, Chim, this is why the Diaz’s are my favorite. You gotta step up, man, Eddie brought me my favorite coffee and my favorite Chris.”
Buck was thankfully oblivious as Eddie short circuited, bending down to high five Chris, his face brightening when he saw the second coffee in Eddie’s hands. He pulled the coffee and the keys out of Eddie’s shockingly limp grip, turning to Chim triumphantly as Eddie tried to gather his thoughts. His thoughts, which currently needed gathering, because they were tracing the path a drop of water made as it glided along Buck’s shoulder blades, trailed along to the edge of his torso, resting on a hip that Eddie would very much like to bite, thank you, and—
“Buck, I’ll be giving you an actual niece or nephew! That has to rank better than coffee!”
“Well, first of all, Maddie will be giving me an actual niece or nephew.  Second of all…”
Eddie pulled himself back to realist as Buck and Chim started to bicker, eyes suddenly desperate to look anywhere else before he got distracted again. “Hey, uh, I’m going to set Chris up upstairs, we’ll be down in a second.”
He wasn’t sure if he was more thankful for the easy out or for the distance that he got to put between himself and a half naked Buck, but Eddie was nothing if he wasn’t an idiot—so even as he helped Chris set up some papers around the table at the loft, he still found himself peeking over the railing whenever Buck laughed, or shouted, or did anything that could draw Eddie’s attention away from the here and now as he sipped his coffee.
One of his little dalliances must have taken a little longer than before, because he honestly couldn’t telly ou how much time had passed before he heard Chris speak up.
“Dad’s got a crush on Buck, Dad’s got a crush on Buck...”
Eddie felt his head snap up, his face instantly bright red as he almost choked on his iced coffee. He gasped as he saw Chris hiding behind his cell phone, immediately breaking out into giggles as he pointed his camera back and forth from Eddie to where Buck stood in the engine bay. He was quiet enough, thank fuck, so Eddie didn’t have to do any immediate damage control—just had to save face, doing so with an exaggerated flourish as he easily closed the space between he and Chris, picking his son up playfully with one arm as the other snagged his phone from his hand.
“The lies! The deceit! Betrayed by my own son!”
“Daddy, nooo!”
Eddie found himself laughing as he flopped down on to one of the overstuffed couches in the loft, grinning like a fool as Chris wriggled beside him, his phone still secure in Eddie��s hand, out of Chris’ reach.
“Dad’s got a crush on Buck, Dad’s got a crush on Buck...”
Eddie blinked, looking up as he heard Chris’ words repeated, eyes looking at the loop now playing on his phone. It was a Snapchat—one of the few social apps Eddie allowed on Chris’ phone, after Chris had more or less taught him how to use it (and had promised to send Eddie a few selfies throughout the day).
Chris had done the courtesy of zooming on Buck, bending over to scrub at the rims on Eddie’s truck, and then the camera swung back to Eddie, who... missed his own mouth with his straw, several times, trying to sip from his coffee.
Alright, maybe his crush wasn’t as under control as he thought it was.
“Dad’s got a crush on Buck, Dad’s got a crush on Buck...”
Eddie frowned as his ears twinged, suddenly aware that the sound wasn’t coming from Chris’ phone, the looping audio echoing up to the loft. He put his head next to the phone, trying to tell—were the speakers broken? Was something jammed in a port or whatever?
He turned the volume up, frowning, a little disappointed. He had told Chris how important it was to take care of this things, and if his phone had already been dropped or broken, he would have to—
—he would have to crawl into a hole and die, because that sound wasn’t coming from Chris’ phone, it was coming from Eddie’s truck. Eddie’s truck, which was powered on, and still connected to Chris’ phone from their music this morning.
Eddie’s truck, which thanks to his own idiocy had every speaker blasting, and had a bright red Buck bent over the hood—frozen, like Eddie seemed to be, his face unreadable as he stared up at Eddie in the loft up above the bay. Eddie felt his body go numb as Chris finally stole his phone back, the sound thankfully stopping as he locked his phone.
“Oh fuck.”
“Ooh, you owe a dollar to Carla’s swear jar.”
“There’s my number one guy! Chris, how’re you doing?”
Eddie managed to successfully avoid everyone for the better part of an hour—it was easy enough to do, considering they still had a line out the door of people waiting to get their cars scrubbed down by the 118. He felt a small moment of dread spike through his heart as Carla managed to seek them out—he would have a zero chance of hiding if he didn’t have his ‘son-shield’ up.
Eddie managed a small smile as Carla ruffled Chris’ hair, clearing his throat. “Hey, Carla, you brought your van today right?”
“Sure did, what’s up?”
“Oh, nothing. I just need to lie down behind your rear wheels so you can put me out of your misery before you leave.”
“... uh huh.” Carla rose her brow as Chris shoved his papers and markers into his backpack, looking at Eddie in a way that was almost pitying. “Daddy accidentally megaphoned his crush on Buck to the entire station, so he’s been hiding upstairs and helping me draw instead of helping with charities.”
Well, that was one way to put it, though Eddie would have preferred a way that made him feel less of a dick. He winced as he nodded his head, clearing his throat as Carla’s eyes widened. “And that’s why Daddy has to go throw himself into traffic.”
“Well, I would prefer it if you didn’t.” Eddie felt his entire body tense as he heard Buck behind him, only managing a weak wave as Carla whisked Chris off down the stairs—his protests of “but Carla, I wanna listen!” making Eddie go even redder.
At the very least, he wasn’t alone in that boat. Buck was an absolutely delightful shade of pink, and Eddie was fucking distraught to learn that Buck’s blush went all the way down to his chest, because for some reason the other man still hadn’t put on a shirt. Normally, Eddie would have been delighted to see that, but after having his feelings so publicly (even if intentionally) put on blast, all that he wanted was to be swallowed up by the floor.
“Don’t worry, I’d make sure Chim had to scrape me off the pavement, you wouldn’t have to worry about it.” Eddie said, his humor landing a little dark—Buck didn’t laugh, but his smile did grow, and Eddie counted that as a win as he sighed. “Look, Buck, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make things weird and I don’t want to—“
“Oh, Eddie, I’m not here to talk about that, I just wanted to get your help scrubbing on the floor.”
Oh. The car wash, right. Eddie felt his stomach drop as he swallowed, processing what Buck had said, nodding his head. Buck wanted to look past it, pretend it hadn’t happened. That was... fine. Eddie hitched a smile onto his face, nodding his head as he looked down the floor, finding the tie of his own boots fascinating. “Yeah, no, you’re right. Sorry I was putting it off, I’ll grab some towels and I can—“
“Actually, you should start washing up with me. I was thinking we could make a bet out of it.”
Eddie looked back up, curiosity outweighing all the weight in his stomach as he tilted his head, trying to get a read on Buck—even if all he could see was that delicious blush, trailing down Buck’s neck and fucking Christ, across his chest. “A bet? Buck, I don’t know if—”
“Whoever gets the most tips has to pay for dinner... tonight? After we’ve dried off?”
Eddie felt his jaw click shut as Buck cut him off again, his brain trying to work a mile a minute as he caught up with what Buck had said.
Because if he didn’t know any better, if sounded like Buck was asking him out on a date.
“Buck, you... you? Me, when... you really... when I...”
“Eddie, will you please just say yes? I was going to ask you an hour ago, but you’ve been hiding very unsuccessfully from me.”
Buck was asking him out to dinner. Buck was asking, him, Eddie Diaz, out to dinner, after Eddie all but humiliated himself. Buck had been waiting since that moment to ask Eddie out to dinner. Oh this, this he could certainly work with.
“So… dinner, huh? You’re on. But if you’re going to be working in just your turnouts, so am I.”
Yeah, he could work with that. And two could play at this game.
(If Carla was laughing when Eddie explained their little bet over the phone later, she was all but howling when Eddie admitted he won, asking if she could watch Chris for a few more hours and for recommendations as to where he could take Buck on their first date—even as Chris shouted “good luck, dad!” over the phone.)
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fxkthatdairy · 5 years
The Principal’s Office Part Three ~ Grayson Dolan
Overview: (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) was the new 5th grade history teacher at The Dolan’s Private academy in New Jersey. She moved from across the country to teach at the school. On the first day, an unexpected visitor stops by her classroom to check in on her. What happened when they fall head over heels for each other? Check out to see.
Warnings: Angst, slight mentions of alcoholism
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(Y/N) thought long and hard with her decision and finally responded:
Hey Grayson, of course I’d love to attend dinner with you this Saturday. I’d love to know more about you as well.
She laid in her bed waiting for his response like a high school girl who had just texted her crush that was on the football team. Her phone buzzed: One new message from Grayson Dolan.
Wonderful! I’ll pick you up around 7 Saturday night. I can’t wait, Goodnight (Y/N) see you tomorrow at work :).
(Y/N) plugged her phone in and placed it on the floor beside her bed, which reminded her that she desperately needed to go furniture and grocery shopping. She laid in her bed with her thoughts running rapidly through her head; Was this ethical? What would her mother think? What would her fellow employees think? She didn’t know what would happen but she shut off her thoughts when she finally managed to drift to sleep.
The rest of the week seemed to go by in a blur and now it was Friday afternoon and the school day had just ended. Her first week as a teacher had been beyond her expectations and she was in love with her new job and her students seemed to love her. She was packing everything that she needed to take home for the weekend which was a lot. She had the children take a quiz to see what they already knew and she had planned to take them home to grade them. So on top of her purse, she carried her suitcase that had her papers in. She shut her class door and locked it and when she turned around she care in contact with a sturdy chest.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there.” She apologized to Grayson who she had just accidentally ran into.
“It’s fine. Here let me help you to your car. It’s late and dark outside and I don’t trust some of the people that walk around here.” He said and took her suitcase from her hands and carried it out with her following behind him. He walked her to her car and she opened her trunk from her key fob. She didn’t realize how late it was until she checked her watch. It was 6:30 and school got out 2 hours ago. The sun had set and the parking lot was extremely dark and it seemed that Grayson and her self were the last two people there.
“Thank you so much for walking me out to my car and helping with my suitcase. Have a great night Grayson. I’ll see you tomorrow.” (Y/N) said with a smile as she got in her car. She waved at Grayson as she passed his truck in the parking lot. She got home and took a shower. She then sat up her computer on her island and began furniture shopping online. She purchased a leather “L” shaped couch, a recliner, a TV stand with a cabinet attached, she bought a dining room table with chairs, she also bought a TV stand for her room and some dressers and night stands. She knew the money wasn’t a problem, her father had left a shit ton of money in her name and that was the only god thing he ever did in her life. The man who was her father had left her mother shortly after (Y/N) was born entering periodically throughout (Y/N) life. He was an extreme alcoholic who beat his wife and disregarded his children. The bastard died last year after being shot by some man that her dad pissed off. Her father had left her brother, her sister, and her almost 5 million dollars,a piece, what he called an apology for his past mistakes. Nothing would ever make up for the trouble her father put her family through.
After (Y/N) ordered her furniture, she ordered a pizza to be delivered to her house for dinner. She also did a load of laundry and cleaned up her floors a little bit. The pizza man delivered the pizza and (Y/N) are it before taking a relaxing shower. She shaved her legs and washed her hair and body before getting out. She braided her hair, through on a silk teddy night gown and applied lotion to her legs. She plugged her phone in and laid down. She sat up her laptop and watched Dirty Dancing before falling asleep. She couldn’t wait until her TV stand came in and she could watch the actual TV.
(Y/N) woke up around 9:00 the next morning. It felt relaxing not having to get up at 5:30 to get ready for work. She got up and slid on a pair of sweatpants and a loose fitting t-shirt. She slide on a pair of white converses and grabbed her purse. She decided she was going to head to the store to finally get her some groceries so that her breakfast, lunch, and dinner wouldn’t have to come from a fast food restaurant. She got in her car and drove to the nearest market. She grabbed a variety of foods from vegetables, fruits, meats, breakfast foods, some ice creams, personal items such as tampons, pads, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, hair sprays, she also bought a new plant that was on clearance. It was a little cactus that reminded her of home. Once she paid and put the groceries in the car she headed to the Hearst Dunkin Donuts and got herself an iced coffee and a bag of sprinkled donut holes. She then headed home and unloaded her groceries, putting them in the correct place. By the time she was done putting away all of her groceries, it was only 12:00. She decided to take a quick hour nap, watch a few quick episodes of her favorite show and by the time she watched the last episode it was 5:00, so she decided to start getting ready for her dinner date. She plugged her phone in to charge and hooked up her phone to her Bluetooth speaker to listen to music as she got ready. She unbraided her hair and she styled it into a cute curly ponytail and hair sprayed it done. She did a little makeup not too much because she didn’t want to look fake on her date. The makeup she did wear was a very sheer foundation, she filled in her brows, highlighted her face, did a simple nude eyeshadow look, winged liner, mascara, and a pretty nude pink lip shade. She then searched her closet looking for the perfect outfit. She settled for a black off the shoulder top and a pair of dark jeans with a pair of black heel. She but on some simple jewelry and by the time she was done it was 6:45.
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She had 15 minutes left before Grayson said he was going to be here so she made sure she had her purse and phone. It was 6:55 when her door bell rang and she answered the door. Grayson stood there with a bouquet of a mixture of sunflowers and roses. They were her favorites. He was wearing a white button up with some dark jeans and a leather jacket.
“I brought you some flowers. I saw them in some of you pictures and assumed they were your favorites. I hope you like them.” He said and handed them to you.
“I absolutely love them. They remind me of home. Thank you so much. Let me put them in a vase real quick. Come on in. Sorry it’s still empty. I just bought some new furniture.” (Y/N) said and walked into her kitchen to grab a vase. She placed the flowers in the vase and added some water in the vase and placed them in the middle of the kitchen island.
“They look absolutely beautiful. Thank you again.” She said as she grabbed her purse.
“You’re welcome. Let’s head there do we can get our reservations.” He said and took her hand. She locked the door of her house before walking with Grayson to his car. His car was beautiful actually. It wasn’t the normal truck he drove around. It was a baby blue Porche. Grayson held her hand all the way to the car and he opened the door for her and waited for to get in and shut her door. He got in on the drivers side and buckled in and started the car. (Y/N) buckled in and placed her purse in the floor board and crossed her legs. In the background faintly played some Kid Cudi music.
“You’re a fan of Cudi too?” She asked as she looked out the window.
“Yeah, I’ve liked his music since I was a teen. I didn’t expect you to like Cudi.” He said with a smile. Damn his dream girl really was real.
“He’s one of the few artists of today’s music that I’ll listen too. Other than that it’s all 80’s music for me.” She said with a laugh and smile. She could picture hours worth of conversations between the two. She didn’t even realize that they had pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. Grayson parked the car and ran around to open the door for her. She got out and grabbed her purse. Grayson linked hands with her and walked into the restaurant.
“Welcome to Juliane’s, how can I help you.” The waitress asked as the two of them came in.
“Reservations for Dolan please.” Grayson said and the lady nodded and grabbed two menus and silverware and led us to the back where there was a nicely set up booth. (Y/N) sat on one side and Grayson sat on the other.
“May I get you two anything to drink?” She asked.
“Do you drink wine? If so what kind?” Grayson asked (Y/N) quickly.
“A little bit and red wine.” She said.
“Two glasses of your finest red wine please?” He asked and the lady nodded and went to get the drinks. (Y/N) looked through the menu and found what she wanted.
“So tell me more about yourself (Y/N). You have my undivided attention.” He said and sipped on his wine.
“Well I was born and raised in a small town in Oklahoma. I have an older sister named Jaclyn and an older brother named Trenton. I’m the baby of my family, when growing up it was just my mom, my sibling and I. As a child, I was always fascinated by history and had my mom make road trips through historical towns so that I could read and learn. I went to college at Oklahoma University on a full scholarship ride. I have two tattoos: one on my back and that’s a sunflower and I have a butterfly on my ribs. My favorite color is yellow and I have a fascination with everything 70’s,80’s, and 90’s. That’s about the general outline on myself. What about you Grayson?” She said with a smile.
“Well I was born and raised here in New Jersey. I have a twin brother named Ethan and an older sister named Cameron. My father and my mother raised us and my father passed away a few years ago to cancer and left my brother and I in charge of the schools. My brother took the high school and I took up the other. My sister has an art degree and sometimes comes and teaches at the school but she has her own studio downtown. My mother is a hair stylist. I’m allergic to almost every single animal except birds, fish, and some reptiles. I have too many tattoos to count and my favorite color is green. If you don’t mind me asking, where is your dad?” He said.
“I’m sorry about your dad. My dad was murdered last year but I didn’t know him very well. He wasn’t really in my life and when he was it was good.” She said. The lady came and took their orders and they continued looking.
“Are you in any relationship?” He asked curiously.
“Nope and never have been. It’s always been education with me.” She said and sipped on her wine.
“I haven’t been in one for a while. I told myself that I was going to wait till I found the perfect one for me.” He said. What she didn’t know was the Grayson thought that was her. The waitress brought there food back and they made small talk while eating. When it came time for them to get ready to leave (Y/N) began pulling out her wallet to pay. Before she could even get her card Grayson had already given the lady his card.
“Don’t worry about it (Y/n). It’s my treat.” He said with his breathtaking smile.
“Thank you so much tonight. I’ve really enjoyed this.” She said with a smile as the lady brought back Grayson’s card. (Y/N) and Grayson grabbed their things and got up and left. As they were sitting in the car Grayson asked, “Do you mind if I take you somewhere? It’s a surprise so you have to trust me.”
“I trust you Grayson. I have nothing else to do tonight, I’m all yours.” She said with a smile. Twenty minutes later they pulled into an empty parking lot near the beach. There was a long boardwalk with a gorgeous lighthouse at the end of the boardwalk. He opened the door for her and took her hand. By now the sun had set and the wind started picking up and she shivered. Grayson slipped off his jacket and placed it on her arms.
“Thank you.” She said and he took her hand and began waking down the boardwalk. The waves crashed against the shore and it sounded beautiful. The lights along the boardwalk were gorgeous. They walked to the end of the boardwalk and she leaned against the rail staring out into the ocean.
“It’s beautiful here.” She said with a smile.
“You’re even more beautiful.” Grayson said with a smile and turned her around to face him. His hands were rested gently on her waist and he leaned down and gently kissed her. Her heart and stomach exploded in butterflies. He pulled back and spoke, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over m-“ before he could finish his sentence she kissed him to shut him up.
“Don’t apologize Grayson. I enjoyed it. I enjoy you. You make me feel like I’m a new person.” She said with a smile and placed her hand on his chest.
“Good because I’m not letting you go. You’re my one I just know it.” He said with a smile and leaned down to kiss her again.
Grayson walked her back to his car and decided to take her home since it was now almost 10:00. He walked her up to her front door.
“I’ll see you when your furniture comes in so that I can help. I’ll also bring my brother so you can meet him and he can help. I enjoyed tonight (Y/N). I can’t wait till our next date out.” He said with a smile and leaned down and pecked her lips.
“Thank you for tonight Grayson. I enjoyed it too. I’ll text you tomorrow when the items get shipped in. Text me when you get home please so that I know you made it home safe please.” She said as he pulled away. She took off his jacket and handed it back so that he wasn’t cold. She pecked his lips one last time and shut the door. As soon as the door shut and he was in his car, she freaked out. Her boss was in love with her and she was in love with him. He KISSED her. She was so whipped over him it wasn’t funny. She hopes this doesn’t affect her job and that she isn’t going to be judged even though there are going to be those people she didn’t care at the moment. She walked to her bathroom and wiped her makeup off and washed her face as well as brushed her teeth. She changed into her pajamas and brushed out her hair. She laid down in bed and waited for Grayson to text her that he was home safe and then as soon as he texted her that she fell asleep reliving her night over and over in her head.
Here is part three 😊 I was able to write this today because I was trapped in a car for 8 hours and had time to write. I hope you guys enjoy and part four will be out in a few days 🙂 if you guys have any requests, concepts, or blurbs you are welcome to send them to me. Also if you would like to be added to the tag list let me know 😊💛
Tags: @pineappledols @frickin-bats @graysavant @sweet-dolans
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arshinquarantine · 4 years
online shopping
To be honest, I don't really care for online shopping. A million little neurons fire off in my brain when I give someone money and they give me an object instantly. Who I was with, how I looked when I first tried it on, what I felt when I first tasted it, how much of a bargain it was, the feel of seams on my fingers or the weight of deckled pages in my hands, the caution I threw to the winds or the impulse that I permitted to seize me all combine in a few seconds to inject one simple emotion into my simple brain: buying shit feels good. Until recently, online shopping was utterly devoid of any positive emotion for me. I don't like computers, and they particularly irk me when they ask me to punch my credit card number or (worse) save it. I don't like waiting for boxes to arrive or dealing with going to the post office to pick them up or the endless amounts of recycling I'm going to have to do. I also absolutely do not have the time or the will or the discipline to return roughly half of what I buy because I'm picky and women's sizing for anything is a hot mess, so piles of unwanted shit pile up in my tiny apartment taking up valuable real estate. So I generally go out of my way to avoid the whole business of it all. 
For the first few months of the quarantine, I lived like a purist, buying only what I absolutely needed to online. Unfortunately for me, I was living in an unfurnished apartment (the sum total of the furniture I owned was a mattress, a shitty dollar walmart desk, and a shittier dollar walmart chair) so I actually needed to buy a lot of stuff and I dragged my feet miserably through it all. It took me weeks to pick out basic white Crate & Barrel plates for my kitchen, another few months before I committed to a bookshelf that held only about a third of the books I own, and far too long to buy a bed frame. The worst crime of all was my sofa; when I think about how many months I lived with only my mattress or my floor to sit on, I genuinely wonder how far my propensity for masochism can truly go.  Ordering my groceries online was simply out of the question, I remained staunchly devoted to buying them in store even when I had to wait 40 minutes in line for my turn.
Soon, the early alarming but novel weeks of covid gave way to the later mundane, claustrophobic ones. After a few weeks of regularly working out, I realized that there was no world for me to emerge into with my newer, hotter body. The comfort I got from my group chats and zoom hangouts soon petered out, and I returned to cooking my usual 20 minute weeknight meals. Stuck in a new apartment, in a new city, without a car (I can't even drive so this is actually moot tbh) my world quietly shrunk to the 600 odd square feet of hastily, partially furnished space I could call my own (now shared with a sibling) and a few blocks in either direction. I wore the same clothes, called the same people, walked the same walk, shopped at the same Shoppers, made the same complaints and wallowed in the same worries, and then I woke up and I did it all over again.
And then I decided that it was time for something new, and I've been searching for newness ever since. A "resurfacing" night cream that promised to make my skin brighter. A houndstooth blazer from an online vintage store that fit like it was tailored for me. A monstera plant that unfurled leaf after leaf under my distracted care before I finally succeeded in killing it. A bluetooth speaker to fill my home with the sound of qawwalis my dad taught me to love. The boxes would arrive days, sometimes weeks after I make the actual purchase, feeling more like a gift from an unknown benefactor than something I furtively paid for. I used to dislike online shopping for its delayed gratification, but soon began to covet it for exactly that reason, like the steady cadence of a few minutes of excitement made me feel like I was accomplishing the impossible task of feeling an emotion. A cheap rug. An expensive sofa. Baking equipment. Painting equipment. Exercise equipment. Books about best friendship, books about love, about a dying earth and dying mothers, set in Syria and Detroit, Naples and Busan, some devoured, some discarded, all read in hot pursuit of staving off how utterly dead I felt on the inside. Each box that landed on my doorstep neatly filled a hole in my life, a void that never seemed to shrink.
It felt reckless and frivolous—childish even—to allow myself to keep getting things that would make me happy. It contradicted everything I wanted to believe about myself: that I was unaffected by anything money could buy, able to achieve complete inner peace by simply "thinking good thoughts", and minimalist to my core. How positively pathetic of me, I'd think, to need a "thing" or an "item" to be able to feel happiness. Even as I searched within myself for gratitude at my good fortune, my good health, I often came up empty, and the answers to all my questions seemed for lie, for however brief a moment, in whatever Instagram thought I should buy that week, silently delivered in recyclable packaging, with a return label and a promise of brief delight.
Most people my age, my peers haven't lived through an event as seismic as this. The idea that life being irreversibly changed even after this, that it already has changed feels alien to me, a square peg trying to jam itself into the round hold where my brain used to be. Life as it used to be feels right around the corner, just a week away, just a month away, just a season away, and soon, I tell myself, I will get back the normalcy of buying four americanos in three hours to keep my internet access at the cafe I've been working at, the fun in an afternoon spent mindlessly window shopping, the stupid joy in dancing the night away in a sweet and sticky club, the relief in resting my head against the shoulder of a friend, the discomfort of getting on the subway at rush hour, the ordeal of a 15 hour flight home to see my little sister.
I lost family members this year, and I spend my weekends flitting between my numb grief and a website that sells silk pyjama sets. Sometimes, I don't speak to my father for days, afraid that he might see right through my false cheer. Sending him pictures of the first snow, my meals and paintings seems enough to me. Lately I've been waking up from dreams that range from bad to fully qualified nightmares about my mom's health. I haven't seen her in nineteen months. I ruminate over where I want to live, if I want children, who I want them with, new questions that have cropped up and firmly planted themselves on my brain. I find myself rejecting the companionship of the friends on my phone. I want them here in Toronto, so we can laugh at the past, and marvel at the present, our warm bodies pressed against one another. And I crave the thrill of deep conversation with new people who remain interesting to me for only as long as I know nothing about them. Loneliness seems to run like a thread throughout everyone's twenties, I suppose, and I'm unable to tease out where the disorientation of being 24 ends and the isolation of living in a pandemic begins. But tangled up, they are stronger together and frighten me everyday, and I surround myself with boxes and yet more boxes to ward them off.
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bestsoftblog · 4 years
16 Best Gaming Laptop for 1500 USD for beginners & pro gamers
Are you looking for the best gaming laptop for 1500 USD with powerful features such as attractive displays, processors, 4GB graphics cards, USB 3.0 capabilities, high resolutions and a handful of others you can expect from gaming laptops under $1500.
At the price point of $1500 and with the growing laptop manufactures and brands in the market, you can find gaming laptops that are easily accessible and affordable for newbies and pro gamers.
Best Gaming Laptop for 1500 USD Dollars
If you’re in a hurry and still can’t figure out which gaming laptop is best for you, I’ve you covered.
Here are my pop picks and recommendation for the best gaming laptops under $1500 that is a perfect match for you.
Razer Blade Pro 17 — Best budget gaming laptop 2019 & 2020
HP OMEN 15 Gaming Laptop — Best gaming Laptop 2020
Dell G5 15 Gaming laptop 9th Gen Intel Core — Best gaming laptop under 1500 2020
Razer Blade 15 i7 GTX 1660 Ti — World’s Smallest Best Gaming Laptop under $1500 dollars 2019 & 2020
HP OMEN CB0070NR i7 RTX 2060 (6GB) 17-Inch Gaming Laptop — Best Gaming Laptop under $1500 2019 & 2020 (17-CB0070nr, shadow Black)
Acer Predator Helios 300 i7 GTX 1660 Ti Gaming laptop — Best Gaming Laptop Under $1500 Reddit Rated
ASUS ROG Strix Hero II gaming laptop — Best gaming laptops under 1500 USD dollars — Our Top Picks
Dell Inspiron 8th Gen Intel i7 — Best gaming laptop under $ 1000
ASUS ROG Strix GL531GT 15-Inch Gaming Laptop — Best Affordable gaming laptop under 1500 dollars
Dell G3 15 notebook laptop — Best gaming laptops under $1500
ASUS ROG Strix Scar III Gaming Laptop — Best Gaming laptop with the Best cooling system
ASUS ROG Zephyrus thin & light gaming laptop, 15.6 “i7 GTX 1080 — Best cheap laptops good for gaming
ASUS GL503VS-DH74ROG Strix 15.6” Scar Edition Gaming laptop
CUK MS GS63 Stealth Gamer Notebook Gaming Laptop Computer ($1,119.99)
Alienware AW15R3–5246SLV-PUS 15.6” Gaming laptop- Best gaming laptop for under $1500
Acer Aspire 5 slim laptop 15.6 inches FHD IPS display, 8th Gen Intel core i5–8265U, 8GB DDR4, 256GB SSD, fingerprint Reader, windows 10 Home A515–54–51DJ
What is The Best Gaming Laptop for 1500 USD?
I’ve hundreds of reviews for each of these laptops and have focused on gaming being a primary aspect for selection and modern requirement in a laptop as well.
1. Razer Blade Pro 17– Best budget gaming laptop 2019 & 2020
The Razer Blade Pro 17 offers beefy components in a slim chassis that is ideal for content creators and gamers.
Razer’s latest Blade Pro 17 provides a glimpse of blockbuster visuals into the future of gaming laptops.
The Razer Blade Pro 17 gaming laptops have a 17.3 inch 4k touch screen with a 120Hz up to 240Hz upgradable refresh rate, so you can play games with no screen tearing.
While the Razer Blade Pro 17 looks stunning with excellent performance, it also comes with different price points based on feature options you chose .
Ultra low profile mechanical keyboard
Bluetooth 5.0 wireless technology
THX certified mobile device for audio and immersive visual experience
32GB memory
Overclocked Quad core 7th gen Intel core i7 processor
17.3 inches 4k UHD G SYNC touchscreen display with 100 percent Adobe RGB color space coverage.
VR ready with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 graphics.
Ability to connect to Display port, USB, PCI Express and Thunderbolt devices.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 computer Desktop class graphics
4.6 GHz processor speed
Don’t Miss: Best Gaming Mouse for a Mac
Slim design
Sorted upgradable options
Excellent performance
High quality superior trackpad that is responsive
Great battery life
Strong HD gaming performance
144Hz display
Customizable per-key backlighting
Excellent heat management
Offers computer desktop-grade gaming performance in a portable package
Choose from available feature options at different price point
Lots of ports
Fantastic cooling
Good speakers
Delightful keyboard
Razer Blade Pro 17 is a gaming laptop for serious pro gamers
Runs on window 10 which is the biggest gaming platform
No core i9 options
2. HP OMEN 15 Gaming Laptop — Best gaming Laptop 2020
The HP OMEN 15 Gaming Laptop is the best high-end gaming laptops in the OMEN series of laptops that comes with newest RTX GPUs for great gaming performance experience.
It offers 240Hz refresh-rate display for a smooth gaming and buttery animations.
Its updated design can be configured with the newest 9th Gen Intel Core CPUs and Nvidia’s RTX GPUs.
This gaming laptop is powered by the latest Intel core i7–9750H chipset for excellent mainstream gaming performance and power efficiency.
What’s interesting for multitasking, the laptop comes with 16GB of RAM and 512 GB for storage for quick file transfer.
9th Generation Intel (R) Core (TM) i7–9750 i7–9750H Super-fast processor.
512 GB PCle(R) NVMe(TM) M.2 solid state drive chip set Intel HM 370 storage
Play the latest games including Fortnite, Overwatch, and PUBG
16GB DDR4–2666 SDRAM memory
Upgradable with 2 accessible memory slots
Cutting –edge gaming performance
OMEN command center with included software to control overclocking settings
15.6 inch diagonal FHD IPS anti-glare micro-edge WLED- backlit display (1920 x 1080) with 144 Hz refresh rate.
Hyper realistic graphics powered by NVIDIA (R) GeForce (R) RTX 2070 with Max — Q design
8GB GDDR6 dedicated
Up to 5 hours battery life
Windows 10 home 64 bit operating system
5. 1lbs weight
Check out: 4 Best Gaming Laptop for under 1000 USD Dollars in 2020
HP OMEN 15 gaming laptop provides excellent hardware with exceptional features.
It an ideal and perfect gaming laptop under $1500
240Hz refresh-rate display offers animations and gaming buttery performance and smoothness.
It can be configured with the newest Nvidia’s RTX GPUs and 9th Gen Intel Core CPUs.
HP Omen 15 gaming laptop can run fortnite games
Portable and punchy gaming machine.
Great starting prices
Superb 144Hz screen
Masses of outputs
Snazzy full-sized keyboard design
USB-Type C charging
Supreme gaming performance
Anti-ghosting support
Smooth gameplay
Well-built and handy gaming laptop for beginner and pro gamers
Decently loud stereo speakers
Webcam quality can be improved
Thermal performance low
3. Dell G5 15 Gaming laptop 9th Gen Intel Core — Best gaming laptop under 1500 2020
The Dell G5 15 9th Gen gaming laptop delivers excellent combo of in-game frame rates, great value, next-gen features and powerful battery life.
This gaming laptop is built with 15-inch screen with a 24mm design, powerful NVIDIA graphics and memory and 9th Gen Intel core, and a narrow bezel display.
The design has no aesthetic fancy but a mix of plastic and metal that feel extremely robust and durable.
The laptop comes with a solid chrome-backlit keyboard and is portable
If you’re a gamer that appreciates a premium — feeling device and a well built gaming laptops, then Dell G5 15 gaming laptop offers properly smooth frame rates at high settings for your latest games.
With a 10 hours powerful battery life makes this gaming G5 a useful computing device and transportable gaming notebook rig.
16 GB DDR4 2666MHZ RAM
Elegant sleek design
Dual-fan cooling system with advanced thermal design
9th Gen Intel core i7–9750h (12MB Cache, up to 4.5 GHz, 6 Cores)
15.6 inch FHD (1920 x 1080) Anti-Glare LED backlight Non-touch narrow border IPS display
Runs on windows 10 home operating system (OS)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 with 4GB GDDR5
Great battery life
Excellent gaming performance
The balanced feature set is perfectly standard
720p camera
8.6 pounds weight
5 GHz radio frequency wireless type
Graphics coprocessor: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
Chipset Brand: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
IPS panel cab be improved
4. Razer Blade 15 i7 GTX 1660 Ti — World’s Smallest Best Gaming Laptop under $1500 dollars 2019 & 2020
Razer Blade 15 i7 GTX 1660 Ti is the world’s smallest best gaming laptop that is super incredibly fast and provides pro gamers (users) a competitive advantage in high-FPS games
This fast gaming laptop features NVIDIA GeForce graphics, 9th Gen Intel core i7 processors, and up to 300Hz FHD matte display.
Based on feature options you select, its price ranges from $1599.99 to USD$3,299.99 with a base clock speed that can boost up to 4.5 GHz.
The Razer Blade 15 GTX 1660 Ti gaming laptop is faster than any other Blade 15 GTX laptop model and comes with excellent raw GPU horsepower to outperform the fastest Blade 15 Pascal configurations.
It offers strong gaming performance and long battery life in an attractive premium chassis.
The Razer Blade 15 has the following model styles to choose from at different price point
GTX 1660Ti | FHD 144Hz | 256 GB SSD + 1TB HDD
GTX 1660Ti | FHD 60Hz | 128GB SSD + 1TB HDD
RTX 2060 | FHD 144Hz | 512GB SSD
Biometric security for instant facial authentication and unlock with integral webcam & IR sensor
Excellent display for games play or work
144Hz refresh rate is perfect for intense gaming sessions and offers stunning visuals
Zero compromise powerhouse built for gaming
Customizable RGB lighting
USB connectivity technology
Future proof design supports dual-channel memory upgradeability
15.6” FHD 144Hz matte display, 16GB RAM 512GB SSD
Comes with lots of ports
Attractive aluminum chassis
Strong overall performance for intense gaming session
Impressive battery life
Then display bezels
Establishes dominance at high settings
Enables seamless multitasking and smooth game play
Its 256GB SDD & 1TB hard drive combine massive storage with rapid start-up time.
Runs on windows 10 operating system
Keyboard is single-zone RGB only
5. HP OMEN CB0070NR i7 RTX 2060 (6GB) 17-Inch Gaming Laptop — Best Gaming Laptop under $1500 2019 & 2020 (17-CB0070nr, shadow Black)
The HP Omen CB0070NR i7 RTX 2060 17-inch gaming laptop is a capable gaming laptop that comes with tons of performance at an affordable price under $1500 dollars.
The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 graphics card delivers fine-textured, realistic visuals on the 17.3 inch full HD display for excellent gaming.
Its 512GB SSD minimizes load times and is capable of delivery excellent battery performance of up to 5 hours and 30 minutes mixed usage. Interestingly, Omen by HP has a video play back battery life of up to 3 hours and 15 minutes with HP wide vision HD camera (webcam) with integrated dual array digital microphone.
Desktop–grade power in a portable laptop with realistic graphics
Super fast processor 9th generation Intel(r)
Tons of ports for headphone/microphone, combo, media card reader
Cutting-edge gaming performance enables you to play the latest games including overwatch, PUBG and fortnite.
Bios recovery and protection automatically checks and protects against unauthorized access, pc system health and recover itself & fix boot-up issues.
Omen command center software gives you great performance and control over CPU settings
Easy to upgrade storage and memory with 2 accessible memory slots and fast file transfer.
RTX graphics offer excellent performance boost
Decent keyboard
Strong CPU and gaming performance
Affordable price
Super clear and bright 144Hz display screen
Best gaming laptop at that reasonable price
Slimmer, sophisticated chassis and lightweight gaming laptop
Subpar battery life
No lighting per key
6. Acer Predator Helios 300 i7 GTX 1660 Ti Gaming laptop — Best Gaming Laptop Under $1500 Reddit Rated
The Acer Predator Helios 300 offers excellent gaming performance with its overclockable graphics chip and 144Hz display at a cheap price at the push of a button.
This laptop is built for a great gaming experience and for gamers on a budget.
The Helios 300 144Hz panel and 15.6 inch IPS display that resolve at 1920 x 1080 deliver excellent value without skimping on features or build quality. It remains a top pick among entry-level gaming laptops.
Up to 7 hours of battery life
9th generation Intel core i7 9750H6 core processor (up to 4.5 GHz)
Runs on Windows 10 home 64 bit
15.6 inches full HD (1920 x 1080) wide screen LED backlight IPS Display
16 GB DDR4 2666 MHz memory
Backlight keyboard
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Graphics with 6GB of dedicated GDDRG VRAM
Easy to upgrade
Strong performance at affordable price point
Two year warranty
Great price for a GTX 1660 Ti
Relatively long battery life
Powerful gaming notebook for a deal
Full keyboard with pad utilizing red backlighting & red WASD keys
Excellent touch pad
Display tends toward being on the dim side
7. ASUS ROG Strix Hero II gaming laptop — Best gaming laptops under 1500 USD dollars — Our Top Picks
ASUS ROG Strix Hero II gaming laptop is a great laptop with stylish and lightweight black chassis
It is powered by the 8th gen Intel core i7 processor and 144Hz 3ms 15.6”1220 x 1080 IPS Type display
It’s 15.6 inch full display with 144Hz refresh rate offers gamers a clear and vivid, bright display for gaming.
This laptop device is a perfect blend of great configuration for gaming and the graphics is powered by an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 graphics card with a dedicated 6 GB memory.
Its pro gamers and beginner most favorite gaming laptop in the $1500 price range.
ASUS ROG strix Hero II is a sleek gaming laptop that has robust power gaming with its sharp 144-Hz panel and intense speakers. It delivers excellent graphics, powerful overall performance and good battery life.
Weights: 5.2lbs
Up to 5 hours battery life
512GB PCle NVMe SSD storage
Display: 15.6 — inch full HD 144Hz 3ms refresh –rate IPS display with 1920 x 1080 screen resolution
Runs on windows 10 home 64 bit OS
Turbo up to 4.1 GHZ
Decent battery life
Sleek design and build is stylish
Solid speakers that are awesome
Excellent keyboard
Smooth vivid 144-Hz panel
Excellent performance and graphics
Decent webcam
Bottom may run hot at long hours gaming session
8. Dell Inspiron 8th Gen Intel i7 — Best gaming laptop under $ 1000
The Dell Inspiron 15 5000 laptop computer core i7–8550U, 128GB SSD + 1TB HOD, 8GB, RAM, Backlit keyboard is an excellent gaming laptop powered by (NVIDIA GeForce MX250) technology.
This Dell Inspiron gaming laptop features 15.6”screen display that provides full HD images.
It runs on windows 10 home and includes 8GB memory, a 1TB HDD and 128GB SSD.
Runs on windows 10 home
8th Generation Intel Core i7 8565 (6MB Cache, up to 4.6GHz)
15.6-inch F HD (1920 x 1080) LED IPS Backlight display
16GB DDR4 2666 MHz RAM
128GB M.2 PCle NVMe SSD + 1TB 5400 RPM HDD
Comes with built-in HD webcam that features a widescreen display & a dual digital microphone array
Wireless technology for cable-free networking
Bluetooth 4.1 wireless technology offers short-range wireless data transfers with speakers, printer and phones
Upgradable up to 32GB memory from 8GB memory available
Powered by 8th Gen providing confidence with multitasking.
Stores lot of games, videos and songs with its 1TB hardware
Attractive budget gaming laptop with excellent graphics performance.
Make video calls or record videos without external webcam
Offers smooth, versatile PC experience and gaming performance
Solid performance and affordable
Premium casing
Bland design and display could be improved
Subpar trackpad precision.
9. ASUS ROG Strix GL531GT 15-Inch Gaming Laptop — Best Affordable gaming laptop under 1500 dollars
ASUS ROG Strix GL531GT 15-inch gaming laptop is designed for reliable performance; premium look focuses on delivering multi-purpose features to handle graphics intensive games at affordable price.
The laptop has a 15.6 inch full HD IPS display and AURA sync system with customizable RGB lighting.
With 1TB of speedy solid state drive, ASUS gaming laptop provides huge storage space for all of your gaming files.
Its graphics is powered by the 4GB of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 graphics card.
5.2 lbs weight
16GB DDR4 2666MHz RAM
Up to 5 hours battery life
Windows 10 home 64 bit OS
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 4GB DDRS Graphics VRAM
15.6-inch full HD IPS display
Packed in a well power built chassis
Excellent thermal efficiency
Good battery life
ROG keystone is neat
Strong graphics and excellent performance
Smooth display
Decent speakers
Battery could be improved
10. Dell G3 15 Notebook Laptop — Best Gaming Laptops under $1500
The Dell G3 gaming laptop 15.6”FHD 8th Gen Intel i5 features high performance graphics, latest Intel processors and optimal cooling for intensive gameplay.
This budget gaming laptop delivers strong benchmarks and decent battery life, no flashing LED patterns and its 15.6inch IPS technology display boasts impressive design angles.
The notebook laptop comes with Chiclet style keyboard, trackpad, webcam, speakers and with a solid selection of ports.
If you want to save some money on your next gaming laptop, the Dell G3 15 offers you a gaming experience at affordable pricing.
Runs on windows 10 operating system
Up to 4.1 gigahertz w/Turbo Boost
8th Generation Intel Core i5 8300H processor
8 GB 2666 megahertz DDR4
15.6 inch FHD (1920 x 1080) IPS Anti Glare
LED Backlit Display
256GB (SSD)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Graphics Coprocessor
1 Lithium ion battery included.
Great performance & graphics
Great gaming software
Good battery life
Great spill-resistant
Keyboard with full size backlit
Decent audio
Stylish interior
Attractive design
Solid GTX 1050 Ti gaming visuals
Impressive CPU Performance for a budget
Flimsy build
Bland design
Poor and dull display
No gaming utilities
Sub 60fps frame rates for some graphically intense games
11. ASUS ROG Strix Scar III Gaming Laptop — Best Gaming laptop with the Best cooling system
The ASUS ROG Strix Scar III offers a smooth 240-Hz display, boasts of strong performance and excellent battery life for gaming sessions.
This gaming laptop is engineered to compete at top tier of windows 10 Pro gaming with an intelligent cooling system that unleashes the great power of the 9th Gen Intel core CPU & GeForce RTX graphics.
The ASUS ROG Strix Scar III gaming laptop is world’s fastest 240Hz/3ms laptop display that lets pro gamers & beginners play at the speed of pro gaming.
Rog intelligent coding thermal system in dual 12v fans & adjustable fan modes
Anti-dust technology
Triple radiators
Connectivity technology includes Ethernet, USB, Wi-Fi, HDMI and lot of number of ports
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 8 GB GDDR6.
16GB DDR4 2666MHz RAM
Runs on windows 10 home
Gigabit wave 2 wi-Fi 5 (802 IIAC)
9th Gen Intel Core i7–950h processor
1 Lithium Polymer Battery included
Weight 5.67 pounds
15.6 inches screen size
240Hz 15.6” 1920 x 1080 IPS type display
Runs old & new games excellently
Good repairs and maintenance options
Responsive & comfortable keyboard
Good battery life
ROG keystone is neat
Eye-catching RGB lighting
Shadow drive and keystone extremely cool
Smooth 240Hz refresh rate
Aggressive new design build
Supreme CPU speeds
Strong performance and graphics
Decent speakers
Thick chassis
Now webcam
No thunderbolt 3
Single channel RAM
12. ASUS ROG Zephyrus Thin & Light Gaming Laptop, 15.6“ i7 GTX 1080 — Best Cheap Laptops Good for Gaming
The ASUS ROG Zephyrus thin & light gaming laptop is a revolutionary gaming laptop engineered with innovation being thinner than precious ROG computer laptops.
It is designed to compete with high-end gaming computer desktops and comes powered with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 graphics with Max-Q design and a 7th Generation Intel core processor.
Its 120Hz wide-view display runs in windows 10 professional maintains a powerful cooling powered by a clever new air flow design active Aerodynamic system.
Fast SSD & RAM
120Hz high refresh rate from its wide new full HD display
Ultra-thin and Ultra-light gaming laptop with only 4.9lbs weight
7th generation Intel core i7 7700HQ 2.8 GHz processor.
Next generation gaming performance with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 8GB graphics
Pre-installed windows 10 professional OS
Cool and quiet ROG Active Aerodynamics system reduces temperatures
Crazy fast storage speeds
Ultimate super gaming performance
Supreme cooling performance
Seamless gameplay with 120 Hz display impeccable graphics visuals.
Excellent keyboard & trackpad
Slim & sleek with stylish Max Q design.
13. ASUS GL503VS — DH74 ROG Strix 15.6” Scar Edition Gaming Laptop
The ASUS ROG Strix Scar Edition GL503 VS-DH74 is built exclusively for the sharpest game shooters in the meanest gunfights and is optimized to have advantage in competitive FPS titles.
This laptop has all the firepower you’d need in a gaming laptop providing its greatest speed and performance as well as excellent audio sound.
It gets stylish cleaner design and high refresh rate screen and efficient cooling solution.
Special design for FPS gamers
Aura RGB lighting keyboard with 4 isolated hotkeys
1TB fire cuda SSHD for combination of high capacity storage and fast OS drive speed
7th generation Intel core i7–7700HQ quad-core 2.8GHz
Discrete GeForce GTX 1070 8GB graphics
Dual fan thermal design
Impressive 3D soundstage
All the gaming firepower available
Lots of game-centric customizations
Loud and punchy speakers
Easily serviceable
Unique 144Hz IPS screen with Gsyn
Runs cool and flawlessly dung intensive gaming session
Excellent trackpad and clickpad
Quality build and aesthetics
Powerful, compact, elegant and immersive gaming laptop for both beginner & pro gamers
Stunning 1080p screen
Limited battery life
Button & trackpad could be improved
14. CUK MS/GS63 Stealth Gamer Notebook Gaming Laptop Computer ($1,119.99)
The CUK MS GS63 Stealth Gamer Notebook Gaming Laptop is a portable gaming laptop on the go with both performance and portability delivered in a 4 pound laptop that can play the newest games with ultra-setting.
The CUK MS Gaming Laptop uses NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 to offer the portability with sturdy graphics and performance of a computer desktop replacement.
When it comes to portable form factor with great build quality, powerful GPU, external GPU compatibility and excellent keyboard, CUK MS GS63 stealth Gamer Notebook Gaming Laptop is the go to best gaming laptop under $1500.
3 year CUK Limited warranty
Steel series full-color backlight with Anti-ghost key silver long keyboard
Runs on windows 10 home x64 operating system
Display: 15.6“ full HD IPS — Level Display (1920 x 1080)
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GDDR5
Processor: Intel core i7–8750H six core processor
(9MB cache, 2.2GHz — 4.1 GHz) 45W
Hard drive: 1TB NVME solid state drive + 2TB 5400 rpm Hard Disk Drive
Attractive, slim chassis
Extremely comfortable keyboard
Great performance and good graphics
Excellent build quality and portable
Agile transfer speeds
Battery life needs improvement
May run hot at intensive gaming session of long hours.
15. Alienware AW15R3–5246SLV-PUS 15.6” Gaming laptop — Best gaming laptop for under $1500
The Alienware AW15R3–5246SLV-PUS 15.6” Gaming laptop offers a great gaming experience on a whole new level with NVIDIA GeForce GTX- 10 series GPU.
It delivers exceptional power with 100W graphics cards, 17k-series processors for 4k gaming and supports DDR4 memory with 8GB to 32GB capacities and 2400MHz to 2667MHz speeds range road map for upgrades.
Runs on windows 10 Home operating system
Notebook/Laptop type
3.50GHz processor speed
1TB Hard Drive Capacity
3 Ports USB Hub
15.6” FHD (1920 x 1080) Display
Intel Core i5–7300HQ Processor
8GB DDR4 at 2400MHz memory
Video Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
1TB 7200 RPM SATA 6Gb/s Hard drive
IPS Anti-Glare 300-nits Display W/G sync
Memory: 8GB DDR4 at 2133MHz (1 x 8GB); 32GB Maximum
Quad-core, 6MB Cache, up to 3.5GHz w/Turbo Boost
Excellent battery life
2133 MHz memory speed for fast file transfer
Great refresh rate at 60Hz
Great game performance runs smoothly
Built to impress keyboard
Higher maximum thermal power designed to keep cool
Sturdy high end build
Nice design and lighting
Fantastic 1080P gaming performance
Boatload of storage
Heavy for a 15 inch laptop
1080P resolution maximum
Pricey for more configuration
Alienware AW15R3–5246SLV-PUS 15.6” Gaming laptop VS Ready with NVIDIA GTX 1060 is well designed with power for smooth HP games at maximum settings.
16. Acer Aspire 5 Slim Laptop 15.6 Inches FHD IPS display, 8th Gen Intel Core i5–8265U, 8GB DDR4, 256GB SSD, Fingerprint Reader, Windows 10 Home A515–54–51DJ
The Acer Aspire 5 slim laptop is a powerful and portable gaming laptop that offers new heights with sharp, crisp visual showcased on the 15.6” full HD IPS Screen.
Its 8th Gen Intel core i5 CPU provides you with 9.5 hours of battery life to super charge your laptop for powerful processing, maximized visuals, power of sound and exceptional performance for gaming experience.
Acer Aspire 5 slim laptop is a 15.6 inch thin and lightweight laptop that delivers high performance and durability for your money with full-featured for any game play.
Acer Aspire 5 slim laptop 15.6 comes with an entry level graphics card.
8th Gen Intel core i5–8265U processor (up to 3.9 gHz)
Backlit keyboard
Up to 9.5 hours battery life
Fingerprint reader
15.6 inches full HD (1920 x 1080) wide screen LED-backlit IPS Display
Intel UHD Graphics 620
Slim, thin, lightweight at less than 4 pounds
Easy to upgrade memory and storage
Long Battery life is very impressive
Excellent performance for all gameplay
Great ports assortment
Bright 1080P display
Affordable & inexpensive
Fingerprint reader
So much mainstream productivity power
Quad-core performance
No memory card reader (no SD card slot)
Dim display & middling graphics
Questionable build quality in line with its budget price
What Gaming Laptop has the Best Cooling System?
Here are the gaming laptops that have the best cooling system that is effective.
ASUS ROG Zephyrus S ultra slim gaming laptop- best gaming laptop with best cooling system
Acer Predator Helios 300 gaming laptop 2nd best gaming laptop with effective cooling system
MSI P65 creator-1084 15.6”4k UHD Display, ultra-thin and light, RTX studio laptop-3rd most effective gaming laptop under $1500 with excellent cooling system
Omen GeForce RTX studio 2019 15-inch laptop — best gaming laptop with excellent cooling performance
ASUS TUF gaming laptop — best decent cooling system for a gaming laptop.
What is the Best Gaming Laptop 2020?
The best gaming laptop 2020 including the following laptops:
ASUS ROG Zephyrus S GX531 GX
ASUS Zephyrus G14
ASUS ROG Strix GL502
Alienware Area — 51m
Alienware m17 (2019)
ASUS ROG Zephyrus S GX701
Gigabyte Aorus 17G
MSI GS65 Stealth
Lenovo Legion Y740
Razer Blade
What Cheap Laptops are Good for Gaming?
The best cheap gaming laptops that are recommended are:
Lenovo Legion Y530 — Best cheap gaming
Lenovo Legion Y545 — Best overall cheap gaming laptop
Dell G3 15 — Great performance and helpful gaming software
HP Gaming Pavilion 15 — dk0046nr
MSI GF63 8RB — Great battery life on a budget for a cheap gaming laptop
Dell G7 15
Acer Nitro5
ASUS TUF Gaming FX705
To make our selection in the case of the best gaming laptop for 1500USD, we read hundreds of reviews, pros and cons from real customers, we also run a number of synthetic gaming benchmarks that rely on real world tests to come up with the best gaming laptops.
What is the Best Gaming Laptop for under $1500?
Here are my picks for the best gaming laptops under $1500 you can buy right now:
Culled from Bestsoft Nigeria: https://www.bestsoftnigeria.biz/blog/best-gaming-laptop-for-1500/#ixzz6YrYLHnYu
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etraytin · 4 years
Quarantine, Day 154
August 12
LOL my computer won't show me my pin login screen unless I press the soft boot keys first, that's not a bad sign, is it? 
Anyway, another day of entirely kittens! Three hour feeds means breakfast starts at 6am, bright and early! Second breakfast rolls out around 9, just in time for a nice lunch at noon. Second lunch is at 3pm, followed by early bird dinner at six. Fashionably late dinner (attended by all the same diners, of course) is at 9pm, then we all have a midnight snack that is in fact a full meal. A 3am top-up finishes the day's menu, and everybody gets one more nap before breakfast. Whew! In the middle of this, the weanlings also get fed on their own, slightly less rigid schedule consisting of "We have finished the food, human! What the hell are you playing at?" 
The good news is that eight daily feedings are paying off in terms of baby weight gain. All of the teenies are up by at least 20g over yesterday, which is an excellent daily gain equivalent to the weight of about four US quarters. Given that they were very underweight to start with, rapid gain and good suckling are very encouraging signs. Orphan kittens always have a tough row to hoe and things could go wrong, but it's a great start. They also have names nowI I ran the two sets of names by the coordinator and she okayed the Harper Hall set, woo-hoo! Without further ado (or photo editing to make these pics smaller because I am exhausted), meet the Harpers! 
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First off is Menolly, of course. She is white and black with a mostly white body and a white blaze on her face (her first given name for my notebook was "Stripe"). Menolly is the smallest of the kittens by just a few grams and earned her name by being the loudest and most energetic yeller by an order of magnitude. She always gets fed first, because she is apparently always STARVING. Menolly was also the first kitten to escape her bin; I found her snuggled up next to Audiva this morning and had to put binder clips on the towel cover. 
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Next is Audiva, the other female, and much less obvious of a naming choice. If she'd been bigger or louder she might have been Silvinia, but she's pretty laid back and mostly enjoys snuggling in with her stuffed puppy fake mama and sleeping on her back. (She was "Dot" to start with, because she has one black spot on her back and the white stripe on her face wraps around her ear to make the black spot a round dot.) 
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Sebell has facial markings that are not dissimilar from Menolly's, but where her body is mostly white, his is tuxie black. (He was "Blaze" to start with becausse of the white blaze up his face and chest.) Sebell just about gave me a goddamned heart attack this afternoon by not only slipping out of his bin but leaving the bins entirely and going a few feet away to a place where I could easily have stepped on him. I like to think I would've noticed him before I did, but luckily the kiddo was with me and quickly pointed out the wanderer. Yikes! There is such a thing as living up too much to your name, journeyman. 
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The final kitten is Robinton, the biggest and most distinguished of the kittens thanks to his handsome white mustache! (He was "Stashy" in the book for obvious reasons.) Robinton is possibly the most businesslike kitten I have ever encountered. When I pick him up he pees and usually poos as well, lets himself be wiped up, then latches onto the bottle like it's going out of style. He's gained 30g already and has a handsome portly tummy to go with his handsome face.
  The little kittens did well today, but Zuko lost some weight and I'm not sure why. I'm hoping the tick we pulled off him isn't making him sick a few days later. I penned him up with some food to make sure he'd get enough, but all he did was cry, so I pulled him out, snuggled him, and then syringe fed him meat mush through a luer lock with no tip in it. It was messy work, but he ate some! I'm going to keep on keeping an eye on him, but he's certainly been very active. The others are all gaining well and eating well. The kiddo has been spending a lot of time taking Aang into his room and playing with him whenever I say he can. It's probably just as well if these kittens depart this weekend; we cannot get another cat if we want to keep fostering and I don't want him to get his little heart broken when it's time to say goodbye. 
In non-heartbreaking news, I proved my Minecraft chops and general motherly acumen today when I fixed the kiddo's bugged game by successfully typing /gamemode creative into the text window in the very few seconds between respawn and death after the kiddo accidentally redrew the borders of the world to exclude the place where he was. He'd been getting a little wound up worrying about it but all's well that ends well, and I showed him how to back up his game to prevent future disasters from being ruinous. It's funny because I remember back when he was maybe two or three years old and my motion sickness wasn't so acute, he'd like to sit on the arm of my recliner and watch me play Minecraft. It was fun, but it added difficulty because he unconditionally refused to let me kill the cute animals for food or materials. Suffice it to say he has gotten over that qualm and is now a first rate hunter and farmer. 
The only other real thing of note today was our trip to the thrift store. The thrift store was closed for many months during the pandemic, and we've only been back a couple times since they opened despite it being one of my favorite places. Today's trip was ostensibly for the purpose of acquiring suitable fake mama animals for when the teenies inevitably pee or poop on the ones they have, but we found many other goodies as well. They put all their pet, garden and summer stuff on half price sale, so I got a Topsy Turvy planter for a buck, a couple of blue ice cooler packs for less than a dollar each, and a really startlingly nice crate-style cage for small animals for just three dollars. I am betting it was probably 40 at the store and it looked new, so I'm very pleased. We're always looking for crates for transfering kittens or friendly ferals without taking up our scarce box traps! I also got six or seven appropriately sized stuffed animals for the non-hypothetical kittens. 
The kiddo got into a bin of 50 cent electronics toys with no batteries, sold take-your-chances style, and got a little ray gun, two Perry the Platypus walkie-talkies, and a bluetooth speaker. Everything but the gun worked, so it was a heck of a good deal even though he did wind up getting his finger stuck in the ray gun while disassembling it and needing a good spritz of cooking spray to release him. My best find was probably the nonstick Pampered Chef two-handled skillet in great shape for five bucks. I couldn't find the exact pan online because it's probably older, but I don't think PC sells any pans for less than like 100 bucks, so I was quite pleased. It's a great size for omelettes, stir fry, eggs, whatever. Every time I move, I have to go through and get rid of most of my pans, and every time I settle down again, I rebuild my collection. It's the circle of life! 
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