#Blippin rants to the void
blippin · 2 years
I hate the phrase "trust the process" for the same reason I hate seeing middle age moms on Facebook say "it's in god's hands now." I see it so much in the art community and I think it does a disservice to everyone by taking attention away from the efforts of the individual and focusing on the end result. A person has spent years studying and honing their skills in order to put something out into the world, only for it to be reduced by a flippant "trust me bro, it'll be fine. Yeah I dunno how, but like, it will."
It perpetuates the stereotype that art is something mystical that only special people born with innate talent and creativity can hope to achieve, rather than something attainable by anyone with enough patience.
Instead of "trusting the process", why not trust your own abilities? Your time and efforts and everything that you have learned? Your past failures and balled up creations and the experienced gained from them. Everyone's artistic process is different, and they aren't always linear and they don't always work out as intended. So instead of that, why not just trust that you'll keep creating things despite all of that?
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