#Blind should ABSOLUTELY be a Zac Fanboy. Join the club of other Implicit Zac Fans from Gachi @ Mr. Drillhair sir.
crystalkleure · 3 years
🤝 :0
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Blind DeVoy and Zac the Sunshine!
[This hinges on the apparent fact that Blind can, to some degree, evidently see into the mind/soul of other people. He can like...read their essence or something, in enough detail to paint a picture of their bey avatar, presumably without ever having seen that avatar before. And since bey avatars are created by their bladers' minds, according to Gachi, they're more or less the visual/semi-physical manifestation of their blader's soul/subconscious.]
Oh boy. It's probably a very good thing -- for Zac -- that Blind and Zac never came even remotely close to interacting with eachother in canon, because Zac has so much to hide. And Blind would see it all immediately, every dirty detail.
Zac presents himself as a Sweet Dumb Blonde, but it's a stage persona [and a way to disarm potential threats to him and catch them off-guard]. Zac is fiercely protective of this public image of himself he meticulously maintains, and of his reputation/prestige. He's an idol and he's a great big attention whore who loves his job, so he kind of has to be. Especially because he is actually fucking savage and even dips into outright sadistic territory when someone crosses him and/or threatens him somehow. He gleefully drags other potential competitors through the mud to make himself look even better, and revels in Inciting Terror in them if they've actually managed to make him angry. Zac loves stomping on people. He's like...incredibly smug about it. These were the kind of expressions on his face throughout like 95% of his battle with Akira, for example, when he was On A Mission To Fucking Destroy That Little Pink Bitch Who Was Taunting Him And Encroaching On His Turf:
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In other words, Zac is incredibly fake because Zac is incredibly nasty lol. He puts on a sweet face for the paparazzi. I would actually genuinely be afraid of pissing this person off, he's too good at hurting you and then hiding it.
...So can you imagine what would happen if someone like Blind came along and just straight-up casually read his mind?
Zac would LOSE HIS FUCKING SHIT. He would be SO MAD. And none of his "terrify/mentally destroy the threat until they back off" tactics would work on Blind because Blind LOVES scary motherfuckers. Hell, he would probably fucking adore Zac. Blind would frustrate this man to tears.
However, Blind would not be interested in the Blackmailing Potential, as Zac would probably be expecting him to be. I just can't see him giving a shit about that. Blind just wants to watch the circus. Give him a front-row seat to Zac beating some ass and discreetly manipulating and traumatizing someone and he'd be Perfectly Content. Now, That's Entertainment!
[I dddon't think Blind would try to flirt with Zac the way he Blatantly Flirted With Delta, though. Because Zac is way too much older than him. Zac is an Adult Man and Blind is probably like 12-13 at this point. Blind would just have the time of his life watching Zac wreak some covert havoc. Oh, and that would probably piss Zac off, too, because Zac IS an Adult Man and Blind is a kid and yet I am pretty sure Blind is WAY TALLER than shrimpy-ass manlet Zac lmfao. Short!]
I don't think that Blind would be able to stick around physically close to Zac for long though, actually. So, that's the saving grace for poor Sparklefuck. Blind hates huge crowds of people. And Zac is Usually Surrounded By Huge Crowds Of People. Just being in a beyblade stadium for too long wigs Blind out, he would just fucking die at a loud-ass concert, or in close proximity to a mob of screaming fangirls. Blind's gonna have to settle for watching Zac stealthily mentally maul people on TV from the quiet, people-less comfort of his Huge Fucking Mansion In The Middle Of Exactly Nowhere, it seems.
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