#BlaireXBlank RP
blaireducroix · 7 years
Repairing relations. Part 1
((This RP is a mixture of some fill in as well as an awesome RP sessions with @demetrius-devereaux. Thanks for reading and enjoy, feel free to leave a comment or message me. That is all.))
Blaire walked into her apartment tired with a mixture of being light headed and having a slight headache forming as the effects of her nights drinking was starting to fade. Her walk from Duskwood back to the city was spent in quiet as she rode alone, thinking on the nights events. Running the situation through her mind over and over. Each time though she concluded…it ended better then she was expecting, much better. She moved to her fireplace placing a few split pieces of wood on top of the grate then lighting a batch of kindling beneath them.
While the fire grew, the newborn flames starting to catch hold of the dried wood above them, she changed from her armor into what she would consider a cross between her lounge wear and what she will most likely be sleeping in that night. Again, she ran the nights events through her mind for the last time, for good measure.
The walk through Duskwood on any normal night would be eerie at most, especially if you stuck to the path. The moment you strayed into the darkness off the beaten path, is when it gets haunting for those not of steel nerves or unstable minds. She looked around knowing what beasts lurked in the night. The wolves, spiders, feral worgen, bandits, thieves, undead…all of them, but she had one place in mind she was going and nothing would get in her way to reach that point.
She walked on the dew soaked grass, the night was calm save for a slight breeze that danced through the leaves in the night, casting shadows every which way. In one hand, she held a bottle of whiskey and was drinking from it frequently throughout her journey to the location she was heading. After weeks of asking around, and paying people, she finally learned the latest camp that Demetrius has been staying at recently since the trials. At this point in her journey to the location she was buzzed, but after weeks of near constant inebriation, her pace while walking even while intoxicated was normal, save for a slight wobble here and there. Alas, after what seemed like hours she saw the light of a campfire ahead of her that pierced the darkness of the night in the forest. Alone sat a figure on a log staring into the flames, his robes familiar, his black hair memorable, instantly her mind had flashbacks of her stay with Father Crow in his tower, and almost as fast voices filled her mind of his last words and comments. Her betrayal to him. She shook her head to clear her mind before taking another swig from the bottle and entering the light created by the blaze of the fire.
“Hard man to find these days Demetrius, since the trial at least. Graveyard not to your liking anymore?”
Her tone was a bit snide towards him, the alcohol having some effect on how she was speaking. For moments Demetrius Devereaux sat there atop the log just staring into the fire. His hands folded on his lap, a tome sat at his side. He looked peaceful sitting there…and to many who knew him, peace was not a word that was used to describe Demetrius in any way. He turned his attention towards Blaire quirking a brow before looking back to the flames.
“What do you require this time, minion of D’Angelo.”
Blaire hated that, she knew his feelings against her weren’t the highest at the moment, but she had a name.
“For you to use my name as proper…please. As for what I require? Been meaning to talk with you…Don’t know if Kohanna managed to get my request to you or not.”
She waited a good while before finally failing to resist temptation and uncorked her bottle and taking a long pull from the amber liquid inside. Demetrius only shrugged.
“What do you require Du’Croix?
Clearly her words didn’t fully sink in to him and fell upon deaf ears.
“Or do you wish to draw this out as always instead of getting straight to the point?”
Blaire again frowned as he still refused to call her by her name. At least he got the last name, it was progress…somewhat.
“What you said to me last we met…the words…did you mean them. If you remember them that is. Were your feelings…if they can be called that with you…” She took another drink letting the burn wash down her throat. “Were they true? Is what you said about me regarding YOU…true. I need to know. And don’t give me some bullshit answer thinkin’ it will get me to leave sooner. Bad or good…I want the truth. I want everything. Because frankly my life has been a wreck since that night and the meeting before that when I was Monisha when she came to see you. A self-caused wreck…but a wreck none the less.”
Blaire moved to a log on the opposite side of the fire watching his face trying to get anything from his facial features as the fire danced between them. She extended the bottle towards him.
“Want some?”
Demetrius focused on Blaire. Slowly he tilted his head to the side and he replied to her in a blunt fashion that she knew he was known for.
“Ah. So, this is about you and your feelings? Selfish. Refresh my memory. What was said? And what do you wish for me to elaborate on so that you can obtain some sort of peace of mind?
Blaire pulled the bottle back towards her and took many moments to think through her addled mind to that night weeks ago.
“The thing that hit me the most…was your confession that during my time with you…you eventually saw me as…desired me as a romantic partner. More than that, someone you could mold into great things.” Blaire grew silent a moment. “I want great things. I want to be something great…someone worth something. I ain’t worth shit to myself…and no matter how much I try I just walk back to the same people who treat me like a bug under their feet. Truthfully no matter how often they spout their words on how much they cared…you were truly the only one that I felt care. And I threw it away…”
Again, she took a pull from the bottle letting the burn wash down. A sudden spike of anger rippled through Demetrius, his face showed it. His gaze focused intensely on Blaire and it took everything he had to remain in his seat.
“Oh? NOW you wish to know? He tried his best to not bite his tongue. “My words that night were true. I did have an interest in you in such a way, I did wish to mold you in such a way, I did wish to help you in such a way.”
Blaire stood up from her seat pointing at him with bottle still in her hand. She raised her voice towards him.
“Of fuckin’ course I want to know Demetrius!” Her voice echoed in the still night. “Because truthfully aside from the bed we shared, I didn’t even know you had even the slightest hint of attraction towards me. Certainly not in the romantic way. Oh, I am aware you wanting to mold me into something better, I am aware of that, which is why I regret throwing it away…but romance…no you decide to reveal that shit to me in a damn graveyard months later!” She was yelling at this point. “I don’t know what the signs of that shit looks like…sure as hell can’t learn that from Monisha and Sybil…they are both fuckin’ whores looking for their next victim to milk poor for their own goals!”
The liquor had taken over at this point, she had no thought on what she was saying, just letting the words flow as they came to her mouth. She took a drink from the bottle again before she lowered her hand walking around the fire.
“And this…” She held the bottle between them. “Between THIS…drinking myself stupid over the course of the past few months trying to find out where you were hiding in these forsaken woods…Oh I have wanted to know…I have wanted to know since the night you revealed that shit to me and left it at that. No explanation. So, don’t put this on me. YOU dropped the ball…YOU didn’t follow through.
At this point she stood over him, the light of the fire dancing at her back creating a fiery aura about her silhouette, while casting a shadow over him as he sat. Demetrius just sat and watched Blaire with half lidded eyes. This wasn’t abnormal for him; In the past few weeks he had dealt with drunken women. He allowed Blaire to speak on and on, his gaze shifting only once to the liquor in her hand. His mind only thought “Fucking drunkard.” It was disappointing but amusing; a mixture. Sometimes women just weren’t capable of communicating without being drunk, he told himself. Words were foreign to men and women and it was strange how people could communicate with the help of an added substance. Then again, some people just turned into more oafish and crude orc-like-creatures. Demetrius stood slowly, brushing off his robes, leaving his tome on the wood next to where he sat. He looked her dead in the eyes, lips parting...
“I do not care for such conversations. But I’ll humor you. So, when I pushed you against the wall, told you that I wished to keep you forever, parted your thighs, and spoke to you about kind things, such as wishing to aid you. You didn’t think at least once that I held affections for you beyond that of a mere servant girl?” He shrugged. “Times are changing Du’Croix. There are many ways that such things happen. I am not one for relations though. At the time to merely keep you at my side, or even to have you visit me from time to time for a bit of talk and play; that was good enough for me and that was what I was content with.” He gestured to the bottle in her hand. “You say that such things are my fault? I could care less now. You tossed the opportunity aside yourself when you picked Monisha over me, one that you continue to crawl back to like an abused puppy. Because deep down you probably like the abuse.” He shrugged. “Perhaps I should have forced you against the wall and parted your thighs after covering your body in bruises. Probably then you would have stayed. That is typically how women like you work.
The shadow Blaire was casting over him meant nothing to him.
“The woman of this kingdom run based on fetishes. They look for something to fill the void. And it matters not the meaning behind the actions of others. If it merely doesn’t suit them then they will think nothing of it and merely go towards the best option. Such cruelty that even I do not choose. And people call ME the monster.” Again, he shrugged “Even though I am.”
Before Blaire had a chance to even respond his hand swiped out and snatched the bottle right out of her clutch. “I have no interest in dealing with Drunk women.”
(( @demetrius-devereaux @monishadangelo @golden-odyssey ))
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