#Black Week Freitag
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Black Week Sale Extravaganza: Angebote, die Sie nicht verpassen dürfen!
Die Schnäppchenzeit ist da, und Black Friday ist nicht mehr nur ein Tag – es ist eine ganze Woche! Bei Brosis GmbH, freuen wir uns, Ihnen unsere Black Week Sale anzukündigen, mit unglaublichen Rabatten an jedem Tag von Montag bis Cyber Monday. Ob Gesundheitsprodukte, Hygieneartikel oder Reinigungszubehör – wir haben für jeden etwas dabei. Hier ist eine Übersicht der unschlagbaren Angebote, die…
#50% Rabatt#Aktionswoche Black Week#Angebot#Black Week Deals#Black Week Dienstag#Black Week Discount#Black Week Donnerstag#Black Week Freitag#Black Week Mittwoch#Black Week Montag#Black Week Rabattaktion#Black Week Shopping#Black Week Sonderangebote#Cyber Monday#Mega-Deals Black Week#Rabatt#Rabattaktion#Rabattwoche#Schnäppchenaktion#Sonderaktionen zur Black Week#Sonderrabatte zur Black Week
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Warum ist Black Friday etwas Besonderes?
Der Black Friday ist etwas Besonderes, da er traditionell als Beginn der Weihnachtseinkaufssaison gilt und eine einzigartige Gelegenheit bietet, Produkte mit hohen Rabatten zu kaufen. Der Black Friday kommt ursprünglich aus den USA und ist mittlerweile auch in vielen anderen Ländern beliebt. Was diesen Tag so besonders macht:
Große Rabatte und Sonderangebote
Black Friday lockt Händler mit riesigen Rabatten an, oft bis zu 70 % oder mehr.
Viele Verbraucher warten gezielt auf diesen Tag, um teure Artikel wie E-scooter, Smartphones oder Haushaltsgeräte zu günstigeren Preisen zu kaufen.
Globales Shopping-Event – Der Black Friday ist nicht mehr nur ein Ereignis in den Vereinigten Staaten, sondern hat sich auf die ganze Welt ausgeweitet. Schreibwarengeschäfte und Online-Shops machen mit und bieten den Kunden eine riesige Auswahl an Angeboten.
Viele deutsche Einzelhändler kombinieren den Black Friday mit anderen Aktionen, wie zum Beispiel Black Week Sales oder Cyber Monday.
Integration von Tradition und Konsumkultur
Der Black Friday hat seinen Ursprung in den Vereinigten Staaten, wo der Freitag nach Thanksgiving (der vierte Donnerstag im November) traditionell der Tag mit den höchsten Verkäufen des Jahres ist.
Der Name „Schwarz“ rührt daher, dass viele Händler an diesem Tag aufgrund hoher Umsätze von roten (Verlust-)Zahlen auf schwarze (Gewinn-)Zahlen wechseln.
Online- und Offline-Rabatte
Lag der Schwerpunkt zunächst auf dem stationären Handel, spielt mittlerweile der Online-Handel eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Auch Offline-Stores nutzen diese Möglichkeit, um durch Sonderaktionen Kunden in den Laden zu locken.
Das Schnäppchenjäger-Erlebnis
Der Black Friday bietet eine besondere Atmosphäre: Man plant voraus, vergleicht Preise und freut sich über Schnäppchen.
In den Vereinigten Staaten ist das Phänomen der langen Schlangen vor den Geschäften und der Hektik, die besten Angebote zu ergattern, wohlbekannt. In Deutschland ist es ruhiger, aber auch hier ist die Begeisterung groß.
Die Weihnachtszeit beginnt
Für viele Menschen symbolisiert der Black Friday den Beginn der Vorweihnachtszeit.
abschließend: Der Black Friday ist ein besonderes Angebot, da er Verbrauchern die einmalige Gelegenheit bietet, Qualitätsprodukte zu attraktiven Preisen zu erwerben.
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Pflege dein Lächeln mit Stil! 😁
Entdecke die besten Angebote für schwarze (und nicht nur!) Mundhygiene-Produkte in unserem gutsortierten Prophylaxe-Shop. Hol dir die Philips Sonicare, die Curaprox Handzahnbürste mit über 5.000 Borsten, Black-Zahnpasta von Curaprox oder Swiss Smile und mehr – und spare dabei:
10% Rabatt auf das 1. Produkt
20% Rabatt beim Kauf von 2 Produkten
30% Rabatt beim Kauf von 3 Produkten
⏰Nur bis Freitag!
🦷💫 Jetzt zuschlagen und dein Lächeln zum Strahlen bringen.
✨ #BlackWeekSmile #GesundeZähne #BlackWeekDeals #Mundhygiene #Zahnpflege #PhilipsSonicare #Curaprox #BlackZahnpasta #Prophylaxe #GesundesLächeln #Sparen #Angebote #DentalCare #ZahnarztEmpfehlung #ZahnGesundheit #SmileBright #GesundeGewohnheiten #DentalWellness #InstaHealth #BlackFridaySale #Sonderangebot #ZahngesundheitIstWichtig #DentalLove #KU64Style #InstaDentist #BlackFridayDeals2023
Curaprox Deutschland
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💰Wir starten in die Black Weeks und hauen schon jetzt jeden Freitag fette Rabatte raus! Exklusiv nur im Shop und nur solange der Vorrat reicht! SHOP: www.manufaktur13.de/black-friday-sale/ --- #Manufaktur13 #M13 #BlackFriday #BlackWeeks #Sale #Rabatt #AcidWash #Shirts...
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Bis zu 70% sparen bei den Black Weeks
Vom 13.09. bis 06.10.2023 bei notebooksbilliger.de bis zu 70% sparen Hallo ihr Lieben, derzeit könnt ihr Bis zu 70% sparen bei den Black Weeks bei notebooksbilliger. Die Aktion geht vom 13.09. bis 06.10.2023. Beim Apple MacBook Pro MK1E3D/A Silber spart ihr zum Beispiel 16 %. Dieses kostet bei dieser Aktion 2.099,00 € statt 2.119,00 €. Details Technische Daten Der Beitrag verfällt um 11:59pm am Freitag, 6th Oktober, 2023. 172 Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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Yeah, wir starten die #Black #Week 🤩🤩 Am #Freitag sollten wir nicht ohne eine neue Aktion in das Wochenende starten oder? ;) Weißt du aber was noch toller ist? Auch wenn das #Wochenende wieder vorbei ist, ist aber unsere Black Week NICHT vorbei 🙌. Denn wir bieten die Black Friday Week eine ganze Woche lang an ;). Gültig vom 22.11. - einschließlich 29.11.2019! Ab sofort im #Online-#Shop erhältlich. www.muessler-lifestyle.de #BlackFridayWeek #Sparen #daistfürjedenwasdabei #LR #MoreQualityForYourLife https://www.instagram.com/p/B5KixmIIkVP/?igshid=1a6nznw56sr4c
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Week 3: Welcome to Lunaria and Steffi (Part 1)
Der nächste Freitag, somit wechseln wir den Haushalt und schauen zu Lunaria und Steffi. Ich kam zu ihnen und traf nur auf Bouncy, Lunarias schwarze Katze. Doch wo waren die beiden Erwachsenen? Lunaria fand ich im Waschsalon, in dem sie die Wäsche der letzten Woche wusch. Grace flirtete im Krankenhaus mit einem netten jungen Mann, von dem wir später noch mehr erfahren werden.
The next Friday, so we change the household an look at Lunaria and Steffi. I came to them and only met Bouncy, Lunarias black cat. But where were the two adults? I found Lunaria in the laundromat where she did last week's laundry. Grace was flirting with a nice young man in the hospital, whom we learn more about later.
Da Lunaria die ganze Nacht, und ich meine die ganze Nacht, im Waschsalon verbrachte (war wohl viel Wäsche), ging sie erst früh morgens schlafen. Steffi hingegen kümmerte sich um den Haushalt und bildete sich für die Arbeit weiter (brrrr....kalt). Beide arbeiten nämlich im Krankenhaus.
Since Lunaria spent the whole night, and I mean the whole night, in the laundromat (probably a lot of faundry), she only went to bed early in the morning. Steffi, on the other hand, took care of the household and trained for work (brrrr... cold). They both work in the hospital.
Außerdem schrieb sie einen Liebesbrief an eben besagten jungen Mann.
She also wrote a love letter to the young man.
ENDLICH wachte auch Lunaria auf. Nach einer Dusche und einem guten Frühstück, verbrachten sie den Samstag Nachmittag dann zusammen und spielten Schach, sprachen über den jungen Mann und gingen später auch noch feiern.
FINALLY, Lunaria woke up too. After a shower and a good breakfast, they spent the Saturday afternoon together playing chess, talking about the young man and later going out to party.
Steffi war von dem Abend eher weniger begeistert. Die doofen Anmachsprüche einiger Männer war sie satt, deshalb ging sie auch schnell wieder nach Hause. Lunaria hingegen traf auf ihre große Liebe. Lewis Gegenwart, ein Geist aus der Nachbarschaft - perfekt für sie.
Steffi was less enthusiastic about the evening. She doesn't like the stupid pick-up lines from some men, so she qwuickly went home again. Lunaria, on the other hand, met her great love. Lewis Presence, a neighborhood ghost - perfekt for her.
Bei Lunaria wurde es wieder spät. So beschäftigte sich Steffi wieder mit dem Haushalt und genoss den Schnee, denn in der Nacht hatte es geschneit. Doch wie immer... es lief nicht alles glatt. Da ging doch tatsächlich die Waschmaschine kaputt! Dabei war sie noch recht neu.
It was getting late again for Lunaria. So Steffi dealt with the household again allone and enjoyed the snow, because it had snowed during the night. But as always... things didn't go smoothly. The washing machine actually broke!
Wie es mit Lunaria und ihrem Geist weitergeht und wer Steffis mysteriöser Schwarm ist, erfahrt ihr im 2. Teil.
In the 2nd part you will learn how things will go on with Lunaria and her ghost and who Steffi's mysterious crush is.
#snowycord#sims 3#ts3#sims 3 story#sims 3 gameplay#sims#familie3#lunaria#steffi#sims 3 screenshots#sims 3 current household#ts3 simblr#ts3 screenshots#sims 3 simblr
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This Black Friday, a record number of people is set to shop online — but some retailers are planning to sit out.
Elisabeth Isenegger, head of communications at the Swiss bag brand Freitag, said the company will not participate in Black Friday this year; it will shut down its online store for the day, and customers will be redirected to Freitag’s newly launched bag swap platform, called SWAP, which allows them to exchange its backpacks and messenger bags with other customers on the platform. Freitag doesn’t charge for the service and leaves all the fine details of the swaps, like shipping and any payments, to the customers to figure out. Freitag only hosts the listings and facilitates the communication.
Isenegger said the brand’s opposition to Black Friday is a principled one, stemming from its overall sustainability goals and an objection to the mass consumption around the holiday. Brands like Allbirds, several retailers in France and beauty brands like Deciem have also said they won’t be participating in the shopping holiday. Instead, they’re rolling out marketing campaigns highlighting new business models like rental and resale.
Isenegger said 27-year-old Freitag has never participated in Black Friday and doesn’t typically do any sort of holiday promotions or sales. But this year, the brand wanted to give customers a viable alternative with SWAP, which was built internally over the last few months and is featured in a section of its online store. Isenegger said the intention is to give people the same feeling of getting something new without spending a lot of money or producing more waste.
“Black Friday cultivates consumption linked to a day and not to a need,” Isenegger said. “You’re buying just because. It just extends and extends [every year], and the announcements come earlier and earlier. If you think in terms of resources and waste, this is just not a very smart way to treat the planet.”
SWAP only launched last year, but it’s already attracted 6,000 users, mostly existing customers who saw the program’s prominent billing on the main page of the brand’s website. SWAP is also promoted through in-store messaging at Freitag’s 28 stores around Europe and Asia. More than 4,500 bags have been posted, and there have been over 1,000 completed swaps.
Likewise, rather than participate in China’s Singles’ Day, Freitag introduced a borrowing program for the region, instead, allowing customers to borrow bags for two weeks at a time.
Allbirds is not doing any Black Friday promotions, either. In fact, raising prices for that day. Everything will increase in price by $1, and that extra dollar, matched by Allbirds, will be donated to Greta Thunberg’s Fridays for Future foundation to combat climate change. In the past few weeks, the brand’s Instagram feed has been devoted to climate change activism and news. Its Black Friday pricing plan is being promoted there, as well as on IGTV.
An Allbirds executive wasn’t available for comment, but a representative from the brand told Glossy that Allbirds “isn’t interested in feeding into the consumer mentality of ‘more is more,’ and [is] instead betting on the consumer being more interested in investing in a sustainable future this holiday season.”
Patagonia is also sitting out this year, as it has for previous years, and is combining elements of Allbirds’ and Freitag’s approaches to the day: The brand is donating a portion of its Black Friday sales to environmental causes, plus it’s hyping its own secondhand program, Worn Wear, as an alternative to contributing to the mass consumption of Black Friday. Patagonia has released a number of essays and videos called “Worn Wear Stories,” featuring people telling stories about the clothes they’ve worn and stressing the importance of keeping them out of landfills.
“We want to use business as a tool to tackle problems, and find solutions,” said Helena Barbour, vp of global sportswear at Patagonia. “We have these initiatives we would rather draw attention to, that draw down carbon and greenhouse gas emissions, reduce waste, address microfiber pollution and ultimately speak to the elephant in the room, which is rampant consumption.”
#black friday boycott#sustainable fashion#sustainable streetwear#sustainability#streetwear blog#fashion blog#freitag#all birds
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Put your music player on shuffle and list the first 10 songs.
hungarian march - hector berlioz
by your side (klischee remix) - klischee & tim freitag
memories (drinks bring back) - ajay stephens (cover)
lone digger - caravan palace
confident - demi lovato
rasputin - boney m.
second suite in f major, movement iv - gustav holst
slavonic fantasy - milan rericha
ma vlast, the moldau - bedrich smetana
cinnamon girl (club edit) - [dunkelbunt]
If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Would you take anyone with you? i would spend a week in japan with my boyfriend, because i’ve always wanted to visit japan and tokyo and immerse myself in their culture -- it’s so fascinating!
What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen) black pen.
Favorite month and why? i’m going to say may, because it’s pretty and warm and school is wrapping up (although maybe not this year...).
Do you have connections to any celebrities (even minor)? List them. nope.
Name 3 items you could pick up from where you are. my phone, my water bottle, and my lamp.
What brand logo is closest to you currently? asus.
Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favorites? i occasionally play board games, mostly with my family or at my boyfriend’s house. my brother-in-law loves board games so we usually play one when we visit. my personal favorite board game is the game of life.
Name a musical artist you love that isn’t well known. caravan palace! i love electroswing and they’re top-tier. electroswing is a very underrated genre of music in my opinion.
Name a musical artist you love that is well known. i really like the beatles!
What is your desktop background currently? it’s my marching band section from my sophomore year at senior recognition.
Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them? i last talked to my friend through discord.
First color name you can think of that isn’t in the rainbow? pink lol.
What timekeeping devices are in the room you are currently in? there’s my alarm clock, my phone, and my computer.
What kind of headphones do you use? i use apple earbuds and soundpal sonobass headphones.
What musical artists have you seen perform live? i’ve seen the trans-siberian orchestra perform live... and that’s it.
Does virginity matter to you? it does.
What gaming consoles do you or your family own? we own a nintendo 64, a supernintendo, a playstation, a wii, and a switch.
What pets do you have? i have a dog.
What’s the best job you’ve ever had? i’ve never had a job.
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? still never had a job!
What magazines do you read, if any? i don’t read magazines anymore.
Inspiration behind your URL? it’s aesthetic and it’s about surveys. and i “luv” surveys.
Inspiration behind your blog title? i don’t have a blog.
Favorite item of clothing? probably my mom jeans, i always feel extra cute when i wear them.
Are you friends with any exes? nope.
Name at least one book you loved as a child. i loved little house on the prarie.
What’s your native language? If that language has distinct regional variations, which variation? (eg. AU English, US English) my native language is american english.
What email service do you use? i use gmail and outlook.
Is there anything hanging on the walls of the room you are currently in? there’s a calendar and posters from marching band and winter percussion.
What’s your favorite number, and why? i like 4. it’s just very simple and even.
Earliest moment in your life you can remember? standing at the window in my dining room and looking at my neighbor’s house. my mom came over and told me that a little girl lived there and i was going to meet her. she was my best friend for 10 years.
What did you have for dinner yesterday? we had chicken fingers, asparagus, and macaroni and cheese.
How often do you brush your teeth? twice daily.
What’s your favorite candy/chocolate? i like heath bars.
Have you had other blogs on Tumblr? Do you have any other blogs currently? yes, i had a blog where i would post “aesthetic” pictures in middle school, and then a studyblr.
If you were suddenly really hungry, what would you choose to eat? right now, i’d probably eat some cheez-its.
What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of? pokemon, legend of zelda, avatar the last airbender, harry potter, puella magi madoka magica. just look at the reddits i’ve joined haha.
If you could study anything, what would it be? music!
Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick) yes, i use burt’s bees chapstick.
How would you describe your sense of humour? it’s sarcastic and spontaneous.
What things annoy you more than anything else? mean people, people who aren’t open-minded, dry hands.
What kind of position are you in at the moment? i’m cross-legged on my bed.
Do you wear much jewelry?
Who is the leader of your country, currently? Any other levels of government with leaders? (State, region, province, county, district, municipality, etc) our current leader is president trump. we have a state and local government but i don’t know the leaders of those.
What do you carry your money in? it’s in my purse.
Do you enjoy driving? Why or why not? it’s okay. i enjoy it but it’s stressful and i keep having nightmares where i’m a terrible driver haha.
Longest drive you have ever been on? we’ve driven about six hours i believe.
Furthest away from home you have ever been? when i went to russia.
How many times have you moved in your life? i’ve never moved.
What is on the floor of the room you’re currently in, not including furniture?
my trash can, my mirror, my hamper, pillows, music, my instruments, my music stand, and my backpack.
How many devices do you own which can access the internet? five.
Is there is anything that is guaranteed to always make you happy? yes, sleep haha.
Is there anything that always makes you sad? watching titanic haha.
What programs do you currently have open? i have chrome open.
What do you associate the color red with? passion.
Last strong smell you can remember smelling? the vanilla mug cake i made earlier.
Last healthy thing you ate? dinner (which was chicken fingers, asparagus, and mac n cheese).
Do you drink tea or coffee, and how much per day? i do not.
What do you associate the color blue with? the ocean.
How long is the closest ruler you can find? it’s probably one foot.
What color pants/skirt/etc are you currently wearing? light blue.
When was the last time you drank water? about 30 minutes ago.
How often do you clear your browser history? maybe once a month.
Do you believe nude photos can be artistic, rather than erotic? yep.
Ever written fanfiction for anything? yes, i wrote neopets fanfiction when i was younger LOL.
Last formal event you attended? my awards for marching band.
If you had to move your birthday to another date, which one would you choose and why? i would choose mid january, because i’m tired of being the youngest in the grade! fall birthdays suck :(
Would you prefer to be at a beach or in the countryside? the beach.
Roughly how many people live in your town? about 15000.
Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? nope.
Favorite place to shop? Can be a certain store or a place where there are multiple stores a mall about 45 minutes away from my house.
Do you have a smartphone? What kind? If you don’t, do you want one? i have an iphone 8.
What is your favorite colour, and why? my favorite color is yellow, because it’s a happy bright color :)
How do you spell grey/gray? i spell it gray.
Go to your dashboard and describe the image shown in the radar section (below the “Find blogs” link) it’s a cat in a plant! :D
What difference is there between how many followers you have, and the number of blogs you follow? 51 lmaoo.
How many posts do you have? this is my 40th post.
How many posts have you liked? i’ve liked 21 posts.
Do you post mainly reblogs, or your own content? it’s mostly my own content, but i take the surveys from other accounts.
Do you track any tags? i don’t believe so.
What time is it currently? it’s 12:18am.
Is there anything you should be doing right now? sleeping, probably haha.
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I Am Totally Sure This Is How Things Will Go Down On DRUCK
[BERLIN. FREITAG. A party. Whose party? Who knows, DRUCK changes what it wants. But it is a party, they kept that much, although at this point these children party more than they go to school, but we are not judging.]
Sara [in a corner, with a bottle of wine, it’s nearly empty and she’s weepy]: Text message. Leonie, he broke up with me via text message.
Leonie [standing protectively over Sara, her anger so palpable she has cleared a five foot radius of people from their immediate vicinity]: I know. He’s an asshole. Are you almost finished with that bottle?
Sara [checks the bottle, eyes nearly crossed]: Aw, no, it’s empty. Bottle, you betrayed me too?
Leonie [has just locked eyes with Matteo as he enters the party, and no, we don’t know why he’s here, it’s DRUCK]: Sara, I need that bottle.
Sara [hugs the bottle]: noooooo it’s all I have.
Leonie: I’ll bring you another. [maintaining eye contact with Matteo, she grabs the bottle and smashes it on a nearby table. Only a jagged bottleneck remains.] FLORENZI. WE HAVE BUSINESS, YOU AND I.
Matteo [turns entirely white] oh shit
Leonie [sprints after Matteo as he begins to run for his life]: YOU CAN’T ESCAPE ME, WHILE YOU WERE GETTING STONED I MASTERED PHYS ED.
[fade to black, no one is outed but we will not find out Matteo’s fate until after a random unannounced one week hiatus]
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Fortnight of Books: 2018
Last year I never finished this. :”P However, this time I have a week of mostly free time before the semester starts (bizarrely late this time - whatever are they up to?!). I’m going to pound out as many days’ worth of questions as I can before then. After the 22nd all bets are off. ;)
Day 1:
Overall - best books read in 2018?
The non-reread that really stood out this year was Charlotte Brontë’s Shirley. Second place in that category goes to Black Powder War (Naomi Novik) - I posted more quotes from the following book but BPW just felt like more of a classic rollicking adventure. Best rereads were Perelandra (C.S. Lewis) and Plenilune (Jennifer Freitag).
Best series you discovered in 2018?
None of the new series I read made unusually good impressions. Let’s say Madeline L’Engle’s “Time Quartet” in part on the strength of it’s reputation - I’ve only read the first two so far.
#grand total of 27 books read this year#counting one or two children's books and not counting one or two DNFs#bookishfortnight2018
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Good Friday History
Good Friday іѕ а Christian vacation commemorating thе crucifixion оf Jesus Christ аnd hіѕ loss оf life fоr Calvary. It rеаllу іѕ noticed durіng Holy Week wіthіn thе Paschal Triduum оn thе Friday previous Easter Sunday, аnd соuld overlap wіth thе Jewish observance оf Passover. Additionally іt іѕ knоwn аѕ Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday, оr Easter Friday. It rеаllу іѕ а broadly implemented legal visit tо mаnу nationwide governments аll оvеr thе world, including Anglican аnd Catholic countries аlоng wіth іn 12 ALL OF US says. It rеаllу іѕ аn observation whісh involves people fasting аnd praying. Mаnу church solutions аrе kерt іn thе day, generally аrоund noon оr реrhарѕ midday tо 3pm, tо kеер іn mind thе hours whеn Christ hung оn thе cross.
Thе etymology оf thе word “Good Friday” isn’t contested. A common folk etymology incorrectly statements іt rеаllу іѕ а corruption оf “God Friday “, but thіѕ іѕ simply nоt backed bу scientific linguistic study аѕ documented іn dictionaries аnd additional reliable resources ассоrdіng tо thаt уоur term originates frоm thе rіght nоw оut оf date feeling pious, holy оf thе term ” great vеrу well. Thе Oxford English Dictionary аlѕо рrоvіdеѕ оthеr good examples wіth thе feeling “of а day time оr реrhарѕ season noticed аѕ ay bу thе church” аѕ а great archaic feeling оf good (good, adj. 8c) аѕ іn great tide meaning ” Xmas ” оr “Shrove Tuesday”, аnd Great Wednesday interpreted аѕ thе Wednesday іn Ay Week.
Othеr dіffеrеnt languages:
In German-speaking countries, Great Friday іѕ generally knоwn аѕ Karfreitag (Kar frоm Aged High German kara‚ “bewail”, “grieve”‚ “mourn”, Freitag tо obtain “Friday”): Mourning Fri. Thе Kar prefix іѕ nоrmаllу а cognate оf thе English term “care” іn thе feeling оf cares аnd woes; thіѕ meant mourning. Yоur day іѕ nоrmаllу аlѕо called Stiller Freitag (“Silent Fri “) аnd Hoher Freitag (” Large Exclusive, Holy Fri “). Inѕіdе thе Nordic countries іt rеаllу іѕ knоwn аѕ “The Long Fri inch.
Differences оn thе Date:
Whеn уоu mіght hаvе noticed before, thе day celebration оf Good Friday differs іn vаrіоuѕ years. Thе rіght Fridays hаvе аlrеаdу bееn recognized оn thе month оf April аlthоugh ѕоmе hаvе аlrеаdу bееn celebrated tо thеm month оf April. Thе main reason fоr thаt іѕ thаt rіght nоw thеrе іѕ nоrmаllу а notable difference іn thе computation оf thе time оf Good Fri bеtwееn Eastern Christianity аnd Western Christianity.
Good Friday History аnd Significance:
Based оn thе Gospels, аmоng thе disciples оf thе Christ knоwn аѕ Judas Iscariot acquired guided ѕоmе temple shooters t�� arrest thе Christ іn thе Backyard оf Gethsemane. Judas Iscariot experienced received аt lеаѕt 30 bits оf thе silver fоr performing ѕuсh аgаіnѕt thе Jesus Christ. Fоllоwіng obtaining arrested, Jesus Christ wаѕ tаkеn tо thе Annas (father-in- legislation оf thе Caiaphas, а higher priest). Hе wаѕ sentenced tо death whеn nоthіng аt аll informed аnd оnlу hіm thrоugh thе interrogative. Thrоugh thе solemn oath bу high priest “I plead fоr you, bу thе Living Fin, tо reveal, аrе уоu thе Anointed One, thе Child оf God? ” Christ answered extremely unclearly that, “You possess ѕаіd that, аnd wіth time уоu wіll notice thе Boy оf Man put аt thе proper hands wіthіn thе Almighty, arriving оn thе atmosphere оf Heaven. ”
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AIDA Black Friday & Cyber Week Super Deals und Preis Highlights
AIDA Black Friday & Cyber Week Super Deals und Preis Highlights
Während der Black Friday und damit verbunden die Erweiterung die Black Week in den USA hauptsächlich im stationären Einzelhandel stattfindet, um die Weihnachtssaison einzuläuten, werden in Deutschland die meisten Rabatte online angeboten. Traditionell ist es immer der Freitag nach Thanksgiving, dem nordamerikanischen Erntedankfest, das immer am vierten Donnerstag im November stattfindet. In…
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Rewe: Ferrero Black Weeks Deal - Samsung-TV, Einkaufsgutscheine gewinnen
Neues #Gewinnspiel: Rewe - Ferrero Black Weeks Deal - TV-Geräte, Gutscheine gewinnen - #Hamsterrausch
Black Friday, der schwarze Freitag also: So heißt in den Vereinigten Staaten der Freitag nach Thanksgiving – und er gilt als Shoppingtag schlechthin. Auch hierzulande gibt es rund um diesen Freitag Aktionen mit Rabatten ohne Ende. Oder Gewinnspiele – so wie dieses von Ferrero und Rewe. Mit den Ferrero Black Weeks Deal soll aber nicht nur am 25. November gefeiert werden – sondern Kunden können…
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Bis zu 70% sparen bei den Black Weeks
Vom 13.09. bis 06.10.2023 bei notebooksbilliger.de bis zu 70% sparen Hallo ihr Lieben, derzeit könnt ihr Bis zu 70% sparen bei den Black Weeks bei notebooksbilliger. Die Aktion geht vom 13.09. bis 06.10.2023. Beim Apple MacBook Pro MK1E3D/A Silber spart ihr zum Beispiel 16 %. Dieses kostet bei dieser Aktion 2.099,00 € statt 2.119,00 €. Details Technische Daten Der Beitrag verfällt um 11:59pm am Freitag, 6th Oktober, 2023. 48 Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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Denise Maestre, de niña actriz en 'Aquí no hay quien viva' a culturista: la mutación de Candela a "She Hulk"
Denise Maestre (30 años) es una actriz que se hizo popular en España por su papel de Candela Heredia García, a la que llamaban "Candy Candy", en la serie 'Aquí no hay quien viva' que se emitió en Esp…
Myprotein Black Week mit wechselnden Tagesangeboten: z.B. 58% auf Snacks (Montag) oder 57% auf alles + Gratisversand ab 35€ (Freitag) Auch in diesem Jahr darf natürlich die altbekannte Black Week von Myprotein nicht fehlen. Wie in der Vergangenheit erwarten uns hierbei wieder wechselnde Tagesangebote, die sich entweder auf einzelne…
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