#Black Ops 2
mallowmaenad · 10 months
Computer, simulate a 2010s bedroom of a depressed 22-year old transgender woman who lives off of social security and employment at Taco Bell, name all of her plushies and provide an xbox 360 with two controllers and a copy of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Turn off smell inhibitors.
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Okay everyone in the cod fandom thirsting over mw characters, it’s time to introduce u mfs to the black ops world cuz honestly I’m tired of the lack of appreciation and fanfics (mostly fanfics) these people get.
Lemme introduce you to some of the main baes
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This mf right here is a grade a ASSHOLE but it’s why we love him. Honestly if you love effed up relationships and angst you should read some of the bell x adler fics going on. Bell is YOU. It’s the customisable character in Cold War who Russell Adler brainwashed and it’s a whole thing and it’s toxic af to pair them but I fuggin loveeee itttt (second pic posted by @adlerboi)
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Alex Mason <3333 my wifey for lifey
He was brainwashed by the Soviet’s and he’s our fave lil mentally scarred old man. Seriously tho it’s criminal the lack of love this guy gets he is so handsome
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Ahhh mr frank Woods. Asshole but not in the same way Russell adler is. He’s the kinda guy who would act annoyed when you ask him to hold your drink but would protect that mf with his LIFE. Would treat you right but it’s a whole ‘dick to everyone else but sweet as pie to you’ kinda vibe yk?
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Miss Helen Park. Honestly we should hate her. She manipulated and brainwashed us alongside adler but would I kiss her on the lips? Maybe possibly yes. Nuff said
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The CRIMINALLY underrated navy seals commander david mason. Yes he’s alex masons son yes we keep it in the family here. He has some mental scars like his father but honestly who doesn’t?! Handsome as fuck, and so kind and respectful <3 I luv him
So please guys I beg you!! Play black ops 1, 2 and Cold War so we can get some love for these guys!!
If you like the sound of it please read this fic about adler x bell omg my heart
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bladesrunner · 1 month
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David "Section" Mason Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012) dev. Treyarch
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fredkinnie · 29 days
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pov: you turned on the power
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mockerycrow · 6 months
photos from my alex mason pinterest inspo board !
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russadler · 22 days
jus remembered the trauma of black ops 2 this morning like treyarch was truly sick and twisted for making that game??? like woods in that shipping container??? hudson revealing he has kids before getting brutally murdered??? the whole ‘woods raised david after accidentally killing his dad who also happened to be his best friend the same night he was permanently disabled’ plot point??? the story with menendez and his sister?? like what the fuck was that what were they on
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efingcod · 10 days
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Not that I ever left Black Ops mode, but it's all I see now 😅
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devileaterjaek · 3 months
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sparklight1242 · 10 months
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bonjourdraws · 1 year
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paradamaxima · 17 days
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Red mums mean “I love you”
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littlemissclandestine · 5 months
Why I think Russell Adler is going to make a comeback in COD 2024
WARNING⚠️: Contains spoilers for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
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Disclaimer: This is all just speculation on my behalf of course. I've just tried piecing stuff together for fun because Russ is one of my fave BO characters even though he's a bitch but i need more Adler content stat. <33
Let's get into it peeps. HEAR ME OUT.
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Buckle up. Gonna be one hell of a ride folks 🤪
We'll start off with some random/background info.
Russ was born on February 12th 1937 so that would make him 53/54 in the Gulf War era. This actually isn't that old because if you think about it, Woods was about to turn 51 in 1981 during the Cold War campaign. What's a few more years?
We last saw Adler in action post-campaign in Warzone 1.0 cinematics but we've been kept in the dark about Adler's whereabouts post-1984 (after being brainwashed and killing Stitch LOL).
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This meanie in a beanie wasn't forgotten about, oh no. He appears in the new cinematic intros on startup for both MWII (2022) and MWIII (2023). See below:
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He was also featured twice in the 20 year anniversary video for Call of Duty whereas COD Ghosts didn't even get an appearance (ouch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL_w5HmxsPI
I personally believe Adler was a great addition to the Black Ops roster and is essentially the new Black Ops 'cover boy' now. Would be such a shame and a missed opportunity not to include a character like him in the upcoming COD. One who is morally grey, does whatever he deems necessary to get the job done - a bit like Cpt. Price in MW. Got the COD fans riled up about him brainwashing and pulling the trigger on Bell too - he's already got the spotlight in both a good and bad way.
Now, let's explore my main reasoning as to why I think Mr Shades 2.0 is most likely coming back in late 2024...
🎖️First up: Gulf War mission list 🔫
Here are some of the campaign missions that will be featured in Black Ops Gulf War. Obviously, this is subject to change, however, going off what we have, look closely...
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Credit: @MWIIINTEL on Twitter/X
Safehouse guys...SAFEHOUSE. Takes you right back to Cold War, doesn't it? Ugh the potential.
🕵️ Next up: The campaign for COD 2024 will dive into the CIA's role/the Black Ops timeline 🕘
I took the following snippet from this official article.
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From this, we know there will be a huge focus on the CIA and who's a CIA clandestine special officer? Mhm, you guessed it - Russell Adler.
Now, according to the events of BO2, it's evident which characters have the possibility of returning out of our original BO trio - Jason Hudson, Frank Woods and Alex Mason.
💫 Alex is presumed dead after Frank shot him so he's out the picture in '90/91 until 2025 when they canonically meet again.
🪵 Woods would be in his 60s during this time too so I'll let you decide whether that's too old for him to be in GW.
Edit: Woods got SPAS-12'd in the kneecaps on Dec 20th 1989 by Raul Menendez so uh...yeah
🧊 Hudson died on Dec 20th 1989 at the hands of Raul Menendez.
Feel free to check out this website (Call of Duty Wiki) for an outline of the events after CW to remind yourself. Here's a link to the Black Ops timeline from there.
➡️ Gulf War being a direct sequel to Cold War and what that could mean 💉
That brings me onto the rest of the safehouse crew. Since GW is a direct sequel to CW, it would make sense for some characters to carry over if possible:
We, as the player/Bell, get to choose whether Park or Lazar die (or both lovebirds) in 'End of the Line'. It's highly unlikely they'll return unless the devs make one decision canon maybe.
There could be a chance we see Sims again given his bond with Adler (Da Nang etc.), his age (late 40s in GW) and his status (alive).
That leaves the man himself, Russ. Everything from his age to the fact he's CIA and was the deuteragonist in COD 2020's campaign just makes sense for him to have at least a lil cameo or even a larger role, don't you think?
📱Finally: Hints from official posts 🔎
This post from Call of duty's official Instagram account kind of sealed the deal for me.
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Oh lookie - they dropped syringe-lover's famous line in a zombies post. Why would COD just drop it so casually like that without a reason and years after CW came out? They could've said absolutely anything else but no, this was purposeful.
And that's all for this episode guys and gals!
Thank you for reading!! 🫂
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Do what you will with all this information but I have concluded in my silly little brain that scarface is coming back.
How he's only in one game is beyond me. Won't get a character like him ever again. Seems like a cliché war dude at first glance but dig a little deeper into the details of the CW campaign, peel back the layers and get into his psychology and WOWZERS.
Am I delusional? Most definitely.
But the possibility he might be returning...that little bit of hope is enough for me and i won't shut up about it.
This will age horribly if he isn't in GW. Forgive me for feeding your delusions too in that case. Please?
What are your thoughts? Feel free to share them! 😊
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joitiks · 5 months
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clarke-mason · 9 days
the day has come once again to post this
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Round 2 of facial hair...
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Couldn't include some more Zombies characters because of the stupid limit so include them in tags as well as anyone else from the BO series!
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mockerycrow · 6 months
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Frank Woods, David “Section” Mason, And Mike Harper — BLACK OPS II
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