#Black Maternity Office Pencil Skirt
Buy a Maternity Pencil Skirt from Marion Maternity
Looking for a maternity pencil skirt? This pencil skirt, made with luxury suiting fabric in flexible black or navy, will ensure your maternity office wear look stays effortlessly polished, giving you the perfect stylish and comfy look. Visit our website now
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Zosia Jacobs
Zosia Jacobs
Name: Zosia Jacobs
Gender: Female
Height: 3’4” (102 cm) [Child], 5’9” (175 cm) [Adult]
Birthday: December 7th
Residence: Baton Rouge, Louisiana 
Relatives: Adela Jacobs (Mother), Mr. Kesean Jacobs (Maternal Grandfather), Orlena Jacobs (Maternal Grandmother), Duc Nguyen (father), Bian Nguyen (step-mother), Giang Nguyen (Paternal Grandfather)
Occupation: Student (Child), Artist (Older)
Appearance: Zosia has medium-length kinky platinum blond hair and golden (or cyan) eyes. She has a ghostly pallor complexion. She has a black birthmark above her right eyebrow. When she becomes a successful artist, she has several tattoos on her arms, resembling flying hummingbirds on flowers, moving waterfalls, shining crystals, and a sleeping lioness. If she was not an experiment, she would have black hair, brown eyes, and a dark complexion. 
Baby: Zosia wears a pink onesie with her name imprinted in a white script.
Child: Zosia wears a magenta tent dress, a pair of pink and white sandals, and a pink charm bracelet. She also has a pair of gold earrings. Her hair is combed into pigtails. She occasionally wears a pink apron. 
Uniform: Zosia has two uniforms. The first one is a long sleeve white shirt, a navy blue pencil skirt, a pair of black stockings, and a pair of Mary Janes. The second one is a short sleeve cream summer blouse, a navy blue bubble skirt, a pair of white ankle-length socks, and a pair of black flats. She also has a navy jacket with a badge. She still wears the charm bracelet. 
Teenager: Zosia wears a fuchsia frill shirt, blue skirt, a pair of pink Converse shoes, and a sun hat. She still has the gold earrings and charm bracelet. She occasionally wears a blue apron. 
Young Adult: Zosia wears a magenta tank top with an oversized black unbuttoned shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of black boots. She still wears the charm bracelet along with several bracelets and earrings. When she is working on her art, she has two sets of clothes based on what materials she’s using. For painting, she wears a beige apron with pockets to hold her brushes, painting knives, and sponges. For spray painting, she wears a N95 mask, protective goggles, disposable gloves, hair cap, black hoodie, blue jeans, and sneakers.
Abilities: Hive Mind, Mind Control, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Super Intelligence, Art Manipulation (Artistic Replication, Retrocognitive Artistry, Paint Manipulation, Ink Manipulation, Art Generation), Tattoo Manipulation (Body Art Animation), Sculpting Mastery, Painting Mastery, Graffiti Mastery, Enhanced Creativity, Skating Mastery, Hair Color Manipulation, Nail Color Manipulation, Enhanced Flexibility, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Parkour
Personality: Zosia is cheerful, friendly, and creative. She is enlighten by the surrealism art as she sees it to be the perfect representation of how she fits into the world. She can be very innovative as she created an art movement and crafted new methods to create hyper-realistic drawings. As she loves her mother, she is very close to her grandmother, while is unusual among the Cuckoos. When she is with all of the other Cuckoos, Zosia’s mind goes into “sync” and joins their collective. She is more in tune with the hive mind and their shared abilities.
Key Moments:
Adela was sexually assaulted by Duc, causing a major media circus since he is the son of a prominent Vietnamese businessman and philanthropist, with Adela being 14 at the time. Giang then disowned Duc, along with spending him in prison in Vietnam, and gave the Jacobs family a major share of the company. 
Orlena gave Zosia her charm bracelet and would give her a charm on every birthday and Christmas since her seventh birthday. Zosia has been wearing it ever since as more charms have been added. 
After graduating high school, she has done art commissions for offices, waiting rooms, schools, and other clients. Her styles of art, which are lowbrow, street art, Afrofuturism, Afro-surrealism, and Expressionism. These artwork soon grab the attention of richer clients. 
She has pioneered her own art movement. It is called Enfant Divinism, meaning “Divine Child”. It depicts drawings of her, and the other Cuckoos, in religious iconography with a surreal background while others who are close to them, such as their mothers, close families, and lovers, have a golden aura around them. People who are not close to them are often drawn as rotten corpses or grotesque beings in pain. The drawing of the Cuckoos are highly realistic to where they can be mistaken as pictures. 
Zosia’s artwork is worth millions, earning her financial success. She only wants them in museums and public art collections as she does not want them in exclusive collections for rich people. 
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stevenbasic · 4 years
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”So, tell me how it went..!” Melissa asked, tucking her fit, bare legs underneath herself on the white leather couch in her new office, attentively turning to me as she sat up. She’d summoned me to her office to have our Friday coffee, and had made us each a cup. Dressed especially informal for our “casual Fridays” in a v-neck green tee and girlish black short-shorts, her figure was on particularly luscious display today and I’d already caught myself staring...twice. “I want to hear everything!”
She was, of course, talking about my long-overdue meeting with her friend Abby, a sales rep from Evolution, a local pharmaceutical company intent on getting my practice involved in a clinical trial of their new product. Melissa, since her start as our new Office Manager, had been unusually invested in setting up a meeting between the two of us; they’d been friends for years, I gathered, and this was a favor to Abby. Little did I know that this favor would quickly spiral into a whirlpool that would threaten to drag me under and drown not only me but...well, read on. 
I took a look into my “World’s Best Boss” mug - a gift from her. Far too much milk, I saw...but I think I was starting to like it that way. “Okay, uh,” I began, taking my first sip, “yesterday afternoon…”
…I had just escorted Mr. Kowalczyk to the desk, pushing him along in his wheelchair, helping him start to check out, when Aubrey had given me the message. 
“There’s a sales rep waiting for you in your office,” she told me, eyes sparkling. Aubrey - a slim, elegant brunette - had looked especially pretty yesterday, maybe done her hair differently. We were trying her out at her new position as front desk supervisor, and she already seemed to be taking to the job well. 
“The one from...uh...Melissa’s friend?” I asked, a bit confused, “Abby?” Mr Kowalczyk, hearing the name, asked about Melissa - as he had three times earlier. “She’s off today, she’s not here,” I reminded him, now for the fourth time today, as his wife appeared alongside us. Melissa had this Thursday off, apparently for some doctors’ appointments of her own. 
“Yes, Abby,” Aubrey answered, turning her attention, for the moment, to our patient’s wife, “Co-pay is ten dollars, Mrs Kawalski...”
“That’s Kowal-check,” the elderly woman corrected, narrowing her eyes and apparently none-too-pleased. 
“That wasn’t supposed to be until tomorrow,” I commented, immediately annoyed but feeling my pulse start to quicken, “I was going to sit down with her on Friday…”. I signed Mr. Kowalczyk’s prescription. 
“It got moved up,” Aubrey told me, taking a credit card from my patient’s wife, “she’s here now…”
Why was I so nervous?
“Thank you, Mrs. Kawasaki…”
“...yes, sorry, I should have told you myself,” Melissa apologized, biting her lower lip, after a sip of coffee, “but it was a last minute thing. And I was still at my appointment when I heard…”
“Well, yeah, it’s okay…” I replied, eyes dropping to her still-tan thighs as she brushed at them with well-manicured fingers, tips painted a mint green to match her top, “it was just a surprise, is al-“”
“Isn’t she so pretty..??” Melissa asked, and urged me to continue my story…
“Thank you sooooo much for meeting with me,” Abby had greeted, immediately standing up from the chair in front of my desk as I entered the room. She stepped to shake my hand, “I’m Abby, from Evolution Pharmaceuticals.”
“Sure, sure, no problem,” I replied, noticing the confidence in her grip and the dimples in her smile. I recognized her right away from a picture Melissa had sent, early on. Maybe in her early thirties, Abby was an attractive person; lots of sales reps are. My guard was up, as it always was in these sort of sales meetings, but something in the sparkle of her eyes struck me...and her figure was nothing to sneeze at, either. I found my attitude softening already. “Melissa’s friend, right?” She had medium-length, medium-brown hair, and a nice tan complexion. Nice hips.
I guess I could give her a few minutes.
“Yes!” she answered, as we both moved to take our seats. Abby was dressed smartly, in a grey pencil skirt and sharp white blouse. “She and I met at Evolution, at our clinic, earlier this year. She’s great, so fun...”
Wait what?
“I know you’re busy, so I won’t keep you,” Abby continued, tucking her skirt beneath herself as she sat, pulling some slick promotional material from the fashionable leather bag beside her, “but I just want to introduce our product, go over some of the opportunities with you…”
What followed was both the typical sales presentation I’d seen a hundred times from different reps and at the same time one of the weirdest things I’d ever heard. From the emails and propaganda with which the company had flooded me over the past weeks, I’d read - or at least skimmed through - lots of it before. They claimed to have developed a novel general-health supplement for women; the science was still sort of hush-hush and what they could reveal was frankly a bit baffling. Normally I wouldn’t touch this sort of crap with a ten-foot pole, it all sounded so fishy at first. They were touting ambiguous improvements in mentation, endurance, strength, a whole host of other things. But I didn’t want to disappoint Melissa and, well, while I knew that the “Lean In” grants we were scheduled to receive - and frankly were going to be dependent on - were tied to us supporting female-led businesses, it soon became clear to me in talking with Abby that, um...we almost didn’t have a choice. I was starting to get the feeling that if we didn’t start working with Evolution, there’d be no money from Lean In. And so, becoming nervous, I was slowly forced to pay a bit more attention as we sat across my desk from one another, ten minutes or so into it. I was beginning to realize...we actually needed them.
But I still definitely had my doubts, my reservations, a whole load of concerns. How safe was this going to be?  “And these patients,” I asked, “for the trial...the subjects. They would come from…?” It was a reasonable question. My practice was geriatric, and this was a product for younger women.
“We’d take care of that, we’d bring them in, we have a whole list of gir-...of women ready,” Abby assured me, her disarming smile doing its job, “We wouldn’t need to involve your current patients at all.” She watched me nodding, knowing she had made more than a bit of an inroad with me. “In fact, you wouldn’t even have to do much,” she continued, proceeding confidently, “we’d supply you with the new staff you’d need, we’d bring in all the supplies and equipment. We’d hook you up with our trial coordinator from corporate, she’ll organize everything. You’d just end up doing some video chats with her once in awhile.” At that Abby smiled strangely.  “Her name's Brenda, you’ll like her.”
“It all sounds, uh, umm…”
Sitting there, at my desk, part of me couldn’t believe I was even considering this, still even talking to this woman. That part of me, though, wasn’t seeing what another small part of me was seeing - that the power dynamic in this conversation, between Abby and I, had gradually shifted. It was her, now, who held the upper hand. She represented the money, she was the big player. I was really the small fish here.  The only thing that kept me from feeling like a nobody was knowing that my practice was somehow important to them, that they wanted me for some reason.
Why exactly was that?
“We’re a small company, but it’s not just money from Lean In that we come to the table with,” Abby continued, eyes sparkling, “we’d been bought a few years ago by a big, international group, so now we’re just ripe with resources. We can help you through tough times like you’ve been having, business down, income fading-.”
“Well, now,” I interjected, my pride rankled, “I wouldn’t say that…” I mean, I wouldn’t say it, but it was totally true. But how did she know all this?? Had she and Melissa been talking abou-
“Oh, shh, you don’t need to be embarrassed, it’s okay,” she said, “It’s nothing to be ashamed about, we understand. We know your practice is shrinking, but your needs are growing. And that’s why we’re growing too, so we can help nurture you, provide for you.”
This was humiliating as fuck but...why was I getting hard? Yes, Abby was attractive, blouse just a little too tight, chest just a little bigger than necessary. She was pretty, yes. No, actually...now with all the power in the room centered on her, with the strength she represented, she was downright hot. And the scenario she was laying out for me, this relationship I’d have with her big, female corporation? It felt positively...maternal. And, it was beginning to feel like a foregone conclusion, that I would be taken under their skirts. But again - why was I getting hard?
“Evolution will take good care of you,” Abby assured me, her voice growing subtly more tender, as if reading my thoughts, “and as we get bigger, and grow, we’ll carry you along with us. We can tuck you in to our...corporate structure. You’ll be safe, there, close to us.”
If I hadn’t noticed the outline of her bra beneath her blouse before, I was noticing it now. 
“Would you like that?” she asked, probingly. 
“We’d make sure you don’t get left behind, as the world changes,” she continued, “because the world is changing, Dr. J, and we think our product is going to help women succeed in it. Don’t you want to be there with us?”
Seeing my anxiety starting to get the better of me, Abby smiled disarmingly. “You probably need to talk to Melissa about it, before deciding on the trial,” she began again, “right?”
Oh my god I couldn’t believe it, how demeaning that was, but I knew it was my out - for now. ”yeah I guess I probably should…” I said, weakly…
“Of course you do…” Abby smiled. 
“So…<nnngh>...” Melissa all but groaned, inching closer to me on the couch, “you wanted my approval, first?” 
As I had recounted my story, described the meeting to her, Melissa had slowly, gradually, become visibly more excited, completely engaged. She’d asked me to repeat details, recount conversation, all the while gazing intently into my face and moving intimately closer to me on the soft leather couch in her office. Her curves, her larger body had me slowly retreating, backing up as best I could. An arm rested on the back of the couch behind me.
“w-well I, uh…” I stammered, eyes dropping again for a furtive glance at her thighs, hips, her tiny waist. I was, at this point, already overtaken by the scent of her perfume. “it’s uh-“ 
“It’s like you’re recognizing you need my help, isn’t it?” she asked, a strange huskiness in her voice, “Isn’t it?? That you have an easier time when I make the decisions for you??”
I couldn’t say anything, looking at her. I was tongue-tied realizing, in that moment, how assertive women now framed the borders of my life, affected my daily choices. And they were, if anything, all pushing me into the clutches of other powerful women. If I took this money, allowed this clinical trial to set root in my office, it would mean becoming dependent on both Evolution and Lean In. Lean In, I was learning, was a well-connected, obviously well-funded female empowerment organization, one that seemed determined to get women into places of influence and strengthen them while they’re there. And Evolution Pharmaceuticals was not just the rinky-dink pill pop-up that I’d assumed it was, but rather a small piece of some larger player...and maybe I’m just being paranoid, but probably also controlled by women. If I took this money, I felt like it would be sucking from the big collective teat of the country’s - and perhaps the world’s - most powerful alpha females.
“I, uh…” I began, forgetting where I was, “yeah…”
“Omigod I am SO happy with you right now..!!” she suddenly, finally gushed, sitting up taller, jumping towards me and abruptly throwing her arms around me. Strong hands behind my head now pulled my face to her chest. “You are such a good boss!”
Embracing me to her bosom, she squealed, and hugged me tighter. Soft breast squashed into my face, my head plastered to Melissa's big left boob. 
Oh my god what is she doing?!? I panicked, arms flailing helplessly as I heard her start to laugh. Despite my struggles, she held me firm - if anything, holding me even tighter still. 
“M-m-m-Mulithhah!” I tried, voice muffled by the mushy mass mashed into my mouth. 
“Shhhhh…!” she giggled, “I can’t help myself, I need to hug you!” Pressing herself into me, she moaned in delight. “Hug hug hug! I need to show you what a good boy you are!!”
The warmth, the softness of her breast was overwhelming, and as she held me firm I - despite myself - started to calm, give myself up to her massive tit. “mmmmf…” I tried again, this time my complaint sounding more like a little sigh. 
She looked down at me, quietening down herself. When she spoke again, her voice had softened. 
“That okay, sweetie?” she purred, cupping my head from behind with one palm as the other moved into my hair, “Can you breathe down there?”
I groaned something, something in assent and - god help me - rubbed my nose into her.
She giggled.
“There you go…” she cooed,  now petting my head, “all good now, all good. Just breathe...” 
I sighed again, every breath I took full of her perfume, the scent of her skin. I heard, through her chest, her cooing little praises.
“Good boy...good boy…” she lauded, enveloping me with affection. She was peering down at me, I knew, though my eyes had closed already. I felt her ready herself, and winced in shame even before she asked me the question that I knew was coming:
”So, with the trial…” she asked, “what have we decided?”
Thanks so much to the incomparably amazing Dani Doreen for the image. We're so proud to have her onboard as our resident "from the neck down" Melissa and can't wait to work with her some more. She's so awesome and I'd recommend everyone check out her GTS/SM content:
Dani Doreen’s OnlyFans
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A View To A Winchester (Part 7)
Series Page
Summary: Julie’s starting a new life after divorce in a home with a very nice view.
A Dean X OFC story. I got this idea staring out the view of my home office window and thinking how nice it would be to have Dean Winchester to ogle. Gotten pretty cute and fluffy, with some angst. I’m a few sections ahead now in my writing so the outline of the story is taking shape and smut is on the near horizon. This has been a fun escape during stay-at-home orders. Getting to know Dean through my heroine’s eyes has been a great writing exercise and therapeutic reduction in anxiety. There should be studies done on what staring at photos and video of Dean/Jensen does to the human body. (But the SPN fandom has probably done one already; if not, it could be the next big scientific breakthrough.)
Section Word Count:  3,385
Section Content: fluff, angst, R-rated language, drinking, Spice Girls references, Dean being Dean and turning ladies to puddles
Thank you to @deanwanddamons​ for reading some of the story so far. Appreciate it.
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Dean had not returned the next day. But Julie was apparently on his mind. He’d texted her that morning with an update. Another job had dropped into his lap. One too good to pass up. He wasn’t sure how long he’d be gone. But he was looking forward to seeing her when he got back.
That was on a Monday. She filled that day with decisions about what to make for her “girl power get together” scheduled for the end of the week. There was also the necessary recuperation from overdoing it with the wine. She hadn’t been that hungover in a while. Bingeing on caffeine and “The Office” helped.
By Tuesday, she’d become ancy. Staying home was not going to work. If her mind was going to run around in circles, there would need to be something else to occupy it. Rifling through options landed on a trip to a nearby state park. She’d decided on one with a bit of a challenging hike. Composed of winding hills and trails near the Brandywine River, the nature reserve filled her senses, balancing the whirlwind of emotions. She spent close to an hour sitting beside the riverbed. A turbulent spot chosen where the white water rushed over boulders and splashed into a slight descent. The river’s frantic pace cancelled out the chirping of busy birds. A gauge nearby displayed a healthy amount of rain had occurred over the past few weeks.  
Even the intrusion into her personal space by a talkative, friendly dog walker didn’t bother her that much. The petite raven-haired woman, whose age was hard to pinpoint, made some chit chat while Julie trekked back to her car. Her name was Ina and she was new to Delaware. Currently, she was in search of a server job at a high-end restaurant where the tips would make it worth her time. “Any recommendations for decent food markets? Best place to order take-out, Thai being my favorite?” Ina’s chocolate lab, Cocoa, sniffed at Julie’s sneakers with abandon as questions were tossed in her general direction. Julie pet Cocoa, dodging some inquiries and rambling off information about places near her home. Cocoa got a few good scratches behind an ear before she wished Ina well settling into Pike Creek.
Wednesday ticked by even slower. Her fingers itched to text Dean. The basement had been the lucky recipient of her time and attention. A large amount of progress was made unpacking boxes, sorting out donations, and finding permanent spots in the house for decorative items. She broke down and reached out to her brother and sister-in-law, Patty, and face timed with her nephews later that night. 
By Thursday, she went over her mom’s house. They ended up going to the mall and then shopping for the food Julie needed for her Friday night get together. She was reminded by her mother to feed the ladies well, with various cooking tips. Dean was also a large part of her mother’s focus. Julie feigned as much non-interest on the Winchester topic as possible. But her mother knew her well enough. She was reminded upon leaving to feed him the lasagna in the freezer soon.
Karen, Stacey, and Cat benefitted from a substantial number of Julie’s hours in the kitchen that Friday night. She’d attempted chicken parmesan, one of her mom’s signature dishes. Sauce had simmered on the stove for a couple hours - not as long as Brigida’s, but not bad. They were on the second bottle of red wine, having moved out of the dining room and into the living room. Cat, sensible and responsible as usual, was abstaining and had driven the other former college roommates over to Julie’s house.
Streaming radio played. They ended up singing along to “Holler” by The Spice Girls, sans Ginger. Julie had always been eager to take Posh’s lines, mainly because hers were few and far between. But, Karen, with her mocha colored skin, coiffed haircut, and pencil-thin skirt wrapping a pencil-thin body truly embodied the word posh. In spite of all that, Karen tapped away on her cell phone while covering Scary’s verses.
Julie had always admired Karen’s drive and dedication. She even hoped to get the divorce thing down as well as Karen. Her two teenage boys were spending the weekend at the Ex’s. She was heading up to New York by train to see her wealthy lawyer boyfriend Saturday morning. Karen made more money than “new man” did. She was a partner in a very successful law firm.  
Stacey always loved Baby Spice. She had the requisite long blonde hair and blue eyes and curvy figure. She also apparently loved babies, as she had birthed three of them in her fifteen years of wedded bliss. The youngest child was two and at home with the rest of the brood that night. Her somewhat sickeningly sweet hubby was great with the kids, she gushed. “He doesn’t think he’s babysitting when he spends time with them.” She nodded and pointed at all three women in succession. Her affinity for wine had not faltered either from their college days. Stacey’s lips are already way too loose when she’s sober. Her rouge stained mouth was downright slippery at present, wet with a good Cabernet Sauvignon.
“Lucky you.” Karen quipped. “My ex went to the mat to get shared custody. Yet, every time it’s ‘his’ weekend, there has to be an argument.” Karen’s love for air quotes hasn’t gone away. She smiled over at Cat. “You should have tried harder to seduce me, Kitty Kat. Would have saved me decades of dumb dick.”
Cat, who always seemed relegated to Sporty Spice by default, pushed black rimmed glasses up the bridge of her nose. Her blue eyes crinkled behind the frames. “It wouldn’t have stuck, Kar.” She dipped and sipped at her soda. Sharp angles of her brown bob curtained a pale face. Stubby fingers with short nails - that she probably still bites - flicked the hair back. “Besides, I wouldn’t be happily domesticated with Sheila now. And you hate dogs. I have two, remember? Big ones.” Cat turned to Julie. “What about you, Jules?”
Julie’s eyes widened behind her own glasses. “Are you offering to try and seduce me, Cat?”
Karen and Stacey laughed. Cat blushed. “No, smartass. Are you going to get a pet to keep you company?”
Julie shook her head. “Don’t think so.” She was taking it easier on the wine than the other two, still milking her second serving. There would be no hangover repeat.
“Well, a man, then?” Karen asked.
Stacey guffawed. “It’s only been a few months. Give the woman a chance to grieve.”
“Grieve over what? A shitload of baggage she never checked on the flight.” Karen shot back.
Cat rolled her eyes. “Here they go,” she mumbled.
Julie cleared her throat. All three turned to stare in her direction. “There is… someone.”
Karen slapped her thigh. “That’s my girl!”
“Already?” Stacey’s lids blinked in rapid succession.
Cat waved a hand at Stacey to hush, looking at Julie the whole time. “Details.”
Julie began the very lengthy tale that was Dean Winchester. When she was done, she was met with mixed reactions from the trio.
“He’s been stalking you?” Karen’s brow furrowed.
“He’s a bounty hunter?” Stacey added her concern.
“What’s his name again?” Cat pulled her tablet out of the huge purse by her feet. She was a communications manager at a large non-profit and social media was her specialty.
Julie shifted in her seat. “Dean Winchester.” Defense mode shot up. “To be fair, it’s not like I was innocent in the whole stalking thing, either.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t go much beyond some Googling, right? He got downright illegal in his activity.” Karen shook her head.
“Hm.” Cat frowned. “You said he’s around our age?”
Julie nodded. “43, he said.”
Stacey wagged a sluggish finger. “Hey, we’re 40. Don’t age us all prematurely. Nature’s doing a fine job of that without any additional assistance.” Stacey’s starting to slur. May have to cut her off soon.
Cat ignored Stacey, swiping and typing. “I’m not coming up with anyone around that age with that name. Weird.”
“Why’s that weird?” Stacey asked.
“Everyone has a digital footprint. Something can be found on anyone pretty quickly. Even if it’s the smallest, inconsequential bit of data. But, to find nothing…”
Julie shrugged. “Maybe he’s good at covering his tracks.”
“Even more reason to be wary of this guy, Jules.” Karen attempted a maternal look. “He sounds like the epitome of a bad boy. Come on, a vintage muscle car? You’re a sucker for that type. We were study partners working on our Minors in Psychology together, remember? Think about it. Ten years with a man you thought was a good partner and reliable, only to have that rug ripped out from under you? I’d be searching for the exact opposite, too, faster than you could say peanut butter sundae.” No wonder she makes the big bucks. She presents a damn good argument.
“Karen’s right.” Stacey tried to sound soothing. “You’re in a very vulnerable state right now. Hormones are probably all over the place. Any guy with ill intentions could take advantage of that.”
Julie raised a brow. “If you saw this man in person, Stace… trust me, you’d be all aboard the Dean Train. Remember Gavin Teller?” Julie leaned forward for emphasis.
“Yeah?” Stacey squeaked out the question. 
“Imagine Gavin having aged to perfection, like that fine wine you enjoy so much.” She pointed at Stacey’s glass. “Now, square that. You get Dean Winchester.”
“We all remember Gavin in his heyday.” Karen let out a low-key whistle. “Damn. I may have to reconsider my opening statement.” Her original career path of a prosecutor fell by the wayside midway through her college career. An enticing salary that could be earned helping clients buy and sell publicly traded companies won out.
Stacey shushed Karen. “College quarterbacks don’t turn into bounty hunters.”
Cat raised both hands in the air. “That is an opinion, not fact. And a totally ridiculous leap. Besides, Gavin Teller sells cars at his dad’s dealership now, is bald, and has a pot belly. His local TV spots are downright cringeworthy. Such a pain in the ass when his company sponsored one of our events. Wanted his cheesy grin inserted in so many media posts. How is that better than being a badass bounty hunter?”
Julie smiled at the tension and exchanged a knowing glance with Karen. They had long suspected there’d been some sexual experimentation between Cat and Stacey around college graduation. It had centered around a night of lemon drop body shots.  
Stacey tilted her nose up. “He was always nice to me.”
“That’s because he liked how you looked in that cheerleading skirt, Stace. I know I did. But, really, Julie… you should be careful.” Cat repeated the other’s concern.
The doorbell chimed. Stacey gasped and Karen’s posture stiffened. Cat returned the tablet to her purse. 
“Did you order more food?” Nervous laughter from the ladies followed Cat’s question.
Julie shook her head. She looked at her watch. It was not quite 7:30 pm. Seconds later her phone buzzed. She tapped at the screen to view the text.
Knock, knock
“Oh, shit.” Julie whispered.
“What?” Karen placed her wine glass atop a coaster on the coffee table. Even in high alert, the woman has good etiquette.
“It’s him.”
Stacey cupped a hand over her mouth.
“Dean Winchester?” Cat asked.
“Why’s he coming by unannounced?” Karen was in full-blown fact-finding mode.
Julie wrinkled up her nose. “I may have told him to stop by when he got back.”
“How desperate are you?” Stacey scolded.
“Stacey…” Julie sighed.
Karen raised two hands in the air with a smile on her face. “This is great.”
“Why?” Cat asked.
“So we can all get held hostage by Julie’s lady killer?” Stacey’s voice got higher with each word.
“We can vet him.”
“Vet him?” Julie groaned.
“Yep.” Julie had seen that stern nod from Karen countless times. “If he seems like a creep, you’re done with him. I’ll call in a favor to get a court order issued if need be.”
Stacey nodded. “Yeah. Between the three of us, we’ll be able to give you a decent character profile. And Cat’s not affected at all by men…”
Cat slapped both palms on her thighs.
Karen waved Julie to the door. “Hurry up and open it.”
“This is a horrible nightmare,” Julie mumbled. Her stomach was doing somersaults. What the hell will Dean think? What will the girls do?
“Your phone’s buzzing again.” Cat commented. “Anxious little bugger, isn’t he? What did you promise the man?”
Julie took a deep breath, her hand on the doorknob. The last rays of daylight sparkled through the etched glass. Maybe this is good. I may really need an objective opinion. After all, he’s probably not as irresistible as I’m making him out to be. Context.
When she opened the door, Dean greeted her with a full watt smile. “Hey there.” The two words slipped out slow. His hands held the cake box, fingers thrumming against the cardboard sides. “I was told to deliver this as soon as I got back.” His tongue darted out to the side for a quick lick of his bottom lip while he inspected her.
Damn. He was outfitted in a light grey, muscle-hugging t-shirt and faded blue jeans. Positively edible. Fuck context. She couldn’t stop the smile from spreading over her lips. This will be fun.
He stepped up into the entryway, not waiting for permission to enter. His hands offered Julie the box. She was careful to grab the box from the base. He glanced over her head and spotted the company in the living room. His eyes narrowed, tilting down to look into Julie’s eyes. “Sorry. Am I interrupting?” He whispered. “I saw the car parked out front when I drove into the neighborhood… didn’t recognize it…”
Julie arched a brow. “Were you worried for my safety? Or being nosy?”
He grinned. “A little of both.”
She nodded him into the living room. “Come meet some friends.”
He nodded in return and shuffled into the living room, hands stuffed in his pockets, shoulders back, a swirl of timid confidence. The ladies were all up from their seats. The tiny living room felt even smaller with the congregation and Dean’s frame occupying some of it. Julie’s slow steps gave her time to take in the reactions, hiding somewhat behind Dean’s impressive stature. In his wake, she picked apart his scent. The heady mix of leather, sweat, and grease was sharp and crazy intoxicating.
Stacey’s mouth hung open in slight disbelief. Karen fiddled with her hoop earrings and gave Dean the full top to bottom to top inspection. Cat’s eyes narrowed.
When Julie strolled up to Dean’s left, she saw his cautious smile preparing to melt the group. “Dean, these are some college friends of mine.” Julie rattled off their names in order. “Karen. Stacey. Catherine.”
Cat smiled over at Julie, appreciating the replacement of her nickname reserved only for select company.
And, then, Dean unleashed the smile that Julie was certain would topple their wall of uncertainty. He extended his hand and shook each one with the right amount of strength. “Pleasure to meet you, ladies. I didn’t think Julie had any friends.” He chuckled. “She doesn’t get many visitors.”
“And you’d know that because of all the spying you’ve been doing on our dear friend, I hear.” Karen was ready to knock him down a peg or two right out of the gate. But the look on her face betrayed the lackluster attempt at disapproval.
Dean’s eyes widened and he stared at Julie. “Have you been talking about me?”
Julie pursed her lips.
Dean shrugged, intense eyes still on Julie. “Well, if you appreciated beautiful ladies as much as I do, you’d understand.”
Stacey cleared her throat, Dean reddening her cheeks even more than the red wine had. She looked in desperate need of fanning. “Where’re you from, Dean?”
The question pulled his gaze from Julie. He smiled at Stacey again. “Kansas.”
Julie tilted her head, wondering if it was the truth.
“Long way from Kansas.” Cat added.
“Well, I’ve been all over the country.”
The three nodded in unison. Karen asked, “Have you gotten a tour of Julie’s house yet, Dean?”
Julie’s eyes zeroed in on Karen with laser focus.
Dean licked his top lip. Julie caught Stacey and Karen taking particular notice of that sexy tick of his. Not the only one at the mercy of those physical attributes, am I, Ladies?  “Um, no. This is the first time I’ve been allowed entrance into Julie’s compound, actually.” He pointed to the sliding door. “I’m usually relegated to outside chores.”
“Uh-” Julie started.
“We were getting ready to take a look around,” Stacey interjected. “Jules, why don’t we get the full narrated tour with Dean, here?”
Julie could feel her cheeks blushing.
“Oh, that’s…” He laughed, protesting with a shake of his head, “that’s okay. I’ll leave you ladies to your night. I was only dropping off this cake.” He pointed to the box Julie was still holding. “Still pretty damn tasty after a week.” He grinned at her. “I snuck another slice before bringing it back.” He rubbed a hand on his thigh. “It was nice meeting all of you.”
The three nodded again in unison. As Dean turned their gazes all dropped to stare at his ass. Julie stifled a giggle and pushed the box into Stacey’s hands. She met Dean at the door. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.
He bent close to her ear and whispered, “You’ll have to let me know if I passed the test later,” waited a beat, straightened his posture, then ended with, “Jules.”
The light spilling in through the front door glass lit up his eyes a crystal green. “You’ve already passed mine.” She whispered back.
“Good.” He grinned.
“What are you doing tomorrow night?” she asked.
His tongue peeked out only a sliver between his lips, revving up the grin even more. “Guess that depends on you.”
“Come over around 8:00.”
He tilted his head. “Is that a request or an order?”
She ignored the question. “Make sure you eat dinner ahead of time. Cause I’m not making any.”
Surprise mixed with amusement on his face. He glanced into the living room. The ladies were seated now, talking amongst themselves, but still staring at the pair. His gaze heated her back up when it returned. “Want me fueled up for any tasks in particular?” Julie shrugged in response. “Hm. Any other commands?”
“Just don’t disappear tomorrow.”
He nodded. “Yes, Ma’am.”
She sighed. “Don’t call me Ma’am.”
His eyes narrowed. “Kind of sexy when you’re bossy.”
She laughed, blushing again.
“And when you’re blushing.” He opened the door for himself, waved a hand to the women and then mouthed “See you tomorrow night” to Julie.
As soon as the door shut, Stacey called out, “I take back everything I said earlier.”
Karen added, “If you get kidnapped, give him my address so he can swing by and grab me, too.”
Julie giggled, walking over to the group. “Seriously, what did you think?”
Stacey’s eyes bugged out. “Oh my god! He’s gorgeous and knows how to use it. That’s dangerous on a ton of levels. But I don’t think he’s a crazy psycho.” Stacey fanned herself. “My husband’s in for it when I get home.”
Karen nodded. “Oh, he’s totally trouble and you’re in for an amazing ride. But, in this case, it’s not the destination but the journey. The journey all over that fine man, of which explicit details will be mandatory. Plus, he didn’t go for the bait to inspect your house. I think an under the radar creep would have been all for that.” She pointed at Julie. “But, we still get a tour as your oldies and besties.”
“Of course.” Julie turned to Cat. “What about you?”
Cat shrugged. “He seems alright. I still think he’s got stuff to hide, though. I’m going to do some serious digging.”
Julie frowned.
“Just looking out for you,” Cat added. “But he did have a really nice ass.”
Part 8
Series Page
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isitgintimeyet · 6 years
The Ties That Bind
Thank you for reading so far and all your likes, comments and reboots. It is much appreciated.
thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge for the beta and encouragement
Chapter 20: A Definite Proof
Sometimes I really think people ought to have to pass a proper exam before they're allowed to be parents. Not just the practical, I mean. - Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
“Dinna forget ye have the dentist today.” Jamie’s secretary stood in the doorway to his office.
Jamie looked up, bemused, from the Excel spreadsheet he was working on.
“Yer calendar, ye’ve blocked out the time this morning fer the dentist.”
“Aye, right, thanks fer the reminder. Best be thinkin’ about heading, then. And I’m no’ sure what time I’ll be back.”
Jamie saved the spreadsheet and powered down the computer. He had marked the appointment as dentist in his calendar to prevent any office gossip, which would probably come soon enough, especially if he took paternity leave. He wasn’t even sure if he was entitled to that. Yet another thing he would have to find out about.
The traffic as Jamie drove to the maternity hospital was diabolical as usual. Buses, taxis, roadworks, pedestrians and delivery vans all seemed determined to make him late for the appointment. He was concerned about seeing Geneva for the first time since she’d given him the news anyway, but if he was late, who knew how she might react. He wasn’t a coward, but the combination of Geneva and pregnancy hormones filled his very being with dread.
Frustrated as a refuse truck ground to a halt right in front of his car, Jamie wished he had listened to Claire this morning. She had warned him about the traffic around the hospital, but he hadn’t really been paying much attention to what she had to say. In all honesty, he had, at the time, been more focussed on the little vest top she was wearing. It was his favourite, the black one with extra large arm holes so that when she turned or stretched out her arms, Jamie got tantalising glimpses of creamy white side boob. And matched with the little black panties that revealed her luscious round arse every time she reached into a kitchen cupboard or bent over the dishwasher, the ability for coherent thought had totally abandoned him this morning. It had taken all his strength to tear himself away from her and head to work. But at least he was planning on meeting her for lunch before heading back to the office.
The traffic problems hadn’t ended once he entered the hospital site. It had taken two circuits of the car parks before he found a space, and then he had scrambled around in his pockets and the car for change for the meter. Next time, Jamie vowed, he would be better prepared.
He finally arrived, hot and bothered, in the Maternity ultrasound department with ten minutes to spare. Geneva was already there, looking immaculate as usual.
She stood up as Jamie approached. Her glossy curtain of black hair swung on her shoulders, not a hint of pregnancy spoiled the lines of her tight pencil skirt, her high heeled black patent shoes gave no concession to pregnancy comfort. Geneva turned her cheek for Jamie to kiss, which he obediently did.
“You’re very nearly late, Jamie.” Geneva complained.
“Och, we have plenty of time. These appointments always run late.”
They sat down in the waiting room. Jamie looked around. Plenty of men were waiting with their partners. None of them, he noticed, looked as awkward and uncomfortable as he felt. Was it clear to everyone, how reluctant he was about all this?
“How’ve ye been then?” He started the conversation.
“Fine, thanks. No problems at all.”
“Nae sickness, then? I remember when our Jenny was expecting Wee Jamie, she couldna keep anything down but toast and chicken broth…”
“You’ve told Brian and Jenny then? About us… the baby. How did they take it?”
“Aye, well, I canna say they werena shocked about it, but they’re supportive. And Claire too.” Jamie thought it wise to include Claire’s name in this discussion, especially after Geneva’s use of ‘us’ in her last question. He wanted it perfectly clear that in this Venn diagram of relationships, there would be no interlocking circles for him and Geneva.
Geneva gave a small sound of derision. “Hmm, Jenny being supportive. Right? I know she doesn’t like me, even though…”
“Geneva Dunsany. Room 2.” The message crackled in the still room.
Geneva stood up. “This’d better be quick. I’m not sure how much longer my bladder can hold out.”
Once inside room 2, they were greeted by a friendly sonographer who settled Geneva on the adjustable bed and pulled up a seat for Jamie.
“Hello there. My name’s Alison. I’m jes’ going to put some gel on yer tummy and then we can look fer yer little one. There’s no pain, jes’ may have tae prod a wee bit tae get tae the right position. From the measurements, we can gi’ ye a better due date. Are ye excited? So, let’s find your baby shall we, Geneva, dearie?” The sonographer asked in a friendly manner.
Geneva, not appreciating the over familiarity, just nodded and turned to the monitor. Jamie, as it seemed to be expected of him, fixed a smile on his face and nodded animatedly.
At the sonographer’s request, Geneva shimmied the skirt down past her hips and lifted her top, exposing her toned and tanned stomach. She rearranged the tissues that Alison had tucked into her clothing, only leaning back once she was satisfied that her clothes were totally protected. Geneva drew in a breath as the cold gel was applied to her abdomen.
Alison pressed the transducer against Geneva’s stomach and slid it around the skin, prodding with her other hand to encourage movement to a suitable position.
“Oh, er, wee one’s no’ cooperating… wait, aye, there it is.”
She stilled her hand. “Can ye see? The head and the limbs? And the flickering, there, that’s the heartbeat.”
Jamie’s smile was no longer faked. Despite all the turmoil of the last few weeks, he suddenly experienced a feeling of protectiveness towards that little heartbeat and even, yes, excitement. Instinctively, he took hold of Geneva’s hand. Geneva turned to him, her eyes bright with hope, but Jamie’s gaze was fixed on the image on the screen.
Alison coughed and the mood was broken. Jamie gently disentangled his hand from Geneva’s.
“Right, weel, I can let ye have a couple of copies of this, for a small donation. I have tae take a few more measurements and then we can have a better idea of yer due date.”
“What sex is the baby? Can you tell?” Geneva asked.
“Do ye really want tae know? Can it no’ be a surprise?” Jamie asked.
Alison looked from one to the other. “We canna tell from this scan. Yer one at twenty weeks will be able tae, but ye better discuss it first. Canna have one knowing and no’ the other, how would that work?” She laughed. “Right, from these images, it’s giving yer due date as 27 February. But gi’ or take two weeks… babies tend tae come when they’re ready, due date or no’.”
Jamie and Geneva stood awkwardly in the corridor outside the antenatal clinic.
“What are your plans now? Maybe we…” Geneva began.
“I said I’d meet Claire. Show her the picture.” He patted his pocket. “But I do think we need tae meet up regularly, every couple of weeks or so for a coffee, or some other more suitable beverage.”
“That’s fine. Yes. Actually, I’m meeting Isobel now. Going to do a bit of shopping. Although I can’t really do anything with the nursery yet. Still no harm in getting ideas. There’s a Sleigh Royale cot bed and dresser in textured washed oak I want to take a look at. And there was an interesting article in ‘Ideal Homes’, actually… so I’m thinking underwater mural on one wall, or maybe forest scene… but nothing Disney, urgh! Gosh, I’m desperate for the loo now. This full bladder thing is going to be the death of me. Goodbye, text me to arrange meeting.”
Jamie, hoping that his eyes hadn’t glazed over too much during Geneva’s monologue, hurriedly said goodbye and left as Geneva rushed to the Ladies.
The hospital building that housed the coffee shop was located between the maternity hospital and orthopaedics, so it was a convenient place for Claire and Jamie to meet. Claire arrived first and, unsure of how long it would take Jamie to arrive, ordered one coffee.
She sat down at a table near the door and waited. For some reason, she felt very nervous about seeing Jamie after this ultrasound. This was the first real proof that Geneva was telling the truth and that he would be a father. It wasn’t, she told herself, that she doubted Jamie or his love for her, but with Frank, she had become used to not being one of his priorities, being pushed further and further down the list. His academic research, his career aspirations, his attractive female ‘private tuition’ students, his personal family tree research, his family, all were before Claire.
As Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp, she had found herself disappearing from view, to be moulded into whatever convenient shape Frank wanted, willing to be placed in the little part of his life he allowed her to inhabit.
With the loss of her beloved uncle, her dependency on Frank grew. The need to be loved was so great she had allowed that to happen, allowed Frank to treat her so. Ignoring the concerned interventions from her friends, Geillis in particular, she clung to that relationship. Until Frank had made the decision, for both of them, that they would move to Oxford, for the sake of his career (and possibly a new crop of malleable students), ignoring her promising career at the hospital. Only then did she wake up and see the relationship as it really was. It wasn't a partnership, or a democracy. And so she had finally made the break and refused to leave Glasgow. Frank had been stunned at her refusal, convinced she would go running back to him rather than be on her own. Looking back, Claire found it amazing that she, such a strong woman at work, had become so passive with Frank.
Claire knew Jamie was not like Frank, and would never treat her in that way. And although she knew logically that she was not in competition with Geneva, a little extra reminder to Jamie would never hurt. That was why she wore his favourite vest top with little panties at breakfast this morning and judging by the reaction on his face, and elsewhere, it had been a very good idea.
She saw Jamie enter the coffee shop and waved. He made his way over to her table, bent down and kissed her warmly on the lips.
“Sassenach, let me show…”
A tap on his shoulder made Jamie spin round. “Isobel, hello…”
He gave Geneva’s sister a hug.
“Isobel, this is Claire, my girlfriend.”
A momentary look of confusion passed across Isobel’s face. “But, I thought, oh…” She quickly composed herself. “Hello, Claire, pleased to meet you.”
“Geneva said she was meeting ye tae go shopping. Christ, are ye meeting her here?  Claire, we should go, I ken ye need tae meet Geneva, but here’s no’ ideal. Sorry Isobel, will catch up wi’ ye another time.”
Claire stood up and gathered her bag. Jamie took her hand and squeezed it tightly.
“Too late,” he murmured out of the corner of his mouth.
Claire looked over to the door to see a woman walking towards them. To Claire, her whole being projected elegance and sophistication, from her sleek, black bob to her high heeled shoes. Unconsciously, Claire tried to smooth her curls, glancing at the flat, pink birkenstocks she chose to wear today. She felt Jamie tense.
“Jamie… Isobel… there you are. Hello.” Geneva turned to Claire and smiled. “I’m Geneva. You must be Claire. Lovely to meet you. Jamie and I, well, we have had such a good morning. It was amazing, wasn’t it? Hearing the heartbeat of our baby. Well, I'm sure he will tell you all about it. What a special moment for us.”
“Hi, nice to meet you too, Geneva.”
Isobel spoke to Geneva. “Gen, I’ve had a quick look here, there’s only toasties and sandwiches. I fancy something a bit more substantial. Let’s head out to John Lewis for lunch, then we can look at that nursery furniture you were talking about. Bye Jamie, bye Claire.”
With a flurry of ‘goodbye’, ‘see you soon’ and ‘take care’, Isobel and Geneva left the coffee shop.
“So, that was Geneva.”
“Aye, that was her.”
“Her sister seems very nice.”
“Oh, Isobel, she’s great, jes’ lovely. They’re like chalk and cheese. Ye wouldna ken they’re sisters.”
“Geneva's very glamorous, isn’t she?”
Jamie sighed. “I willna be able tae win, will I, Sassenach?  If I say she’s no’ glamorous, ye will accuse me of lying. But if I say she is glamorous, then ye can accuse me of wantin’ her. So, I will say this. When ye go tae a bookshop, ye see a book ye like the look of, so ye pull it off the shelf, open it and start tae read. There are some books ye put down straight away if ye don’t like the story and some ye try tae get on with, but canna, so ye put them down too, no matter what the cover looks like. Then there are some ye read and read and never want the story tae end. Guess which one Geneva is and which one ye are?”
“Are you comparing me to a book, James Fraser?” Claire teased.
“Aye, a book wi’ a beautiful cover and a great story, full of love and sex and laughter and fun and…” he moved closer and whispered in her ear. “...little panties clinging tae yer round arse.”
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vikinglanguage · 6 years
625 basic words in Danish
The words themselves are all from this blogpost, so feel free to make your own version in whatever language! (I also might’ve added in a few, ooops)
This post is very very long and will be under a cut. Please keep in mind that I am a human person and there might be some mistakes and typos.
Note: The abbreviations “fk.” and “itk.” indicate grammatical gender, common (fælleskøn, “en”) and neuter (intetkøn, “et”).
Animals dog – hund, fk. cat – kat, fk. fish – fisk, fk. bird – fugl, fk. cow – ko, fk. pig – gris, fk. mouse – mus, fk. horse – hest, fk. wing – vinge, fk. animal – dyr, itk.
Transportation train – tog, itk. plane – fly, itk. · flyvemaskine, fk. · flyver, fk. car – bil, fk. truck – lastbil, fk. bicycle – cykel, fk. bus – bus, fk. boat – båd, fk. ship – skib, itk. tire – hjul, itk. gasoline – benzin, fk. engine – motor, fk. ticket – billet, fk. transportation – transport, fk.
Location city – by, fk. · storby, fk. (lit. “big-city”) house – hus, itk. apartment/flat – lejlighed, fk. street/road – vej, fk. · gade, fk.  airport – lufthavn, fk. train station – togstation, fk. bridge – bro, fk. hotel – hotel, itk. restaurant – restaurant, fk. farm – gård, fk. · bondegård, fk. court (of law) – domstol, fk. · (lands-/by-)ret, fk. school – skole, fk. office – kontor, itk. room – værelse, itk. · rum, itk. town – by, fk. · landsby, fk. university – universitet, itk. club – klub, fk. · diskotek, itk. bar – bar, fk. park – park, fk. camp – lejr, fk. store/shop – butik, fk. · forretning, fk. theatre – teater, itk. library – bibliotek, itk. hospital – hospital, itk. · sygehus, itk. church – kirke, fk. market – marked, itk. country (USA, France, etc.) – land, itk. building – bygning, fk. ground – jord, fk. space (outer space) – rummet · det ydre rum bank – bank, fk. location – placering, fk. – lokation, fk.
Clothing hat – hat, fk. dress – kjole, fk. suit – jakkesæt, itk. skirt – nederdel, fk. shirt – skjorte, fk. T-shirt – t-shirt, fk. pants – bukser, fk. pl. (you can say “en buks” if you’re in the fashion industry or weird) shoe – sko, fk. pocket – lomme, fk. coat – frakke, fk. stain – plet, fk. clothing – tøj, itk. pl.
Colours red – rød green – grøn blue  – blå yellow – gul brown – brun pink – lyserød · pink orange – orange black – sort white – hvid gray – grå light – lys · lyse- (eg. lyseblå, lysegrøn) dark – mørk · mørke- (see above) colour – farve, fk.
People son – søn, fk. daughter – datter, fk. mother – mor, fk. · moder, fk. (mostly outdated) father – far, fk. – fader, fk. (mostly outdated) parent – forælder, fk. baby – baby, fk. · spædbarn, itk. man – mand, fk. woman – kvinde, fk. brother – bror, fk. · broder, fk. (mostly outdated) sister – søster, fk. sibling – søskende, fk. pl. family – familie, fk. grandfather – bedstefar, fk. · morfar, fk. (maternal grandpa) · farfar, fk. (paternal grandpa) grandmother – bedstemor, fk. · mormor, fk. · farmor, fk. husband – mand, fk. · ægtemand, fk. wife – hustru, fk. · ægtehustru, fk. · viv, fk. · kone, fk. spouse – ægtefælle, fk. king – konge, fk. queen – dronning, fk. president – præsident, fk. neighbour – nabo, fk. · næste, fk. (biblical) boy – dreng, fk. girl – pige, fk. child  – barn, itk. adult – voksen, fk. human – menneske, itk. friend – ven, fk. (gender neutral or male) · veninde, fk. (female) victim – offer, itk. player – spiller, fk. fan – fan, fk. crowd – menneskemængde, fk. · publikum, itk. (audience) person – person, fk.
Job teacher – lærer, fk. student – elev, fk. · studerende, fk. lawyer – advokat, fk. doctor – læge, fk. · doktor, fk. patient – patient, fk. waiter – tjener, fk. secretary – sekretær, fk. priest – præst, fk. police – politimand, fk. (male) · politikvinde, fk. (female) army – hær, fk. soldier – soldat, fk. artist – kunstner, fk. author – forfatter, fk. manager – manager, fk. reporter – journalist, fk. · reporter, fk. actor – skuespiller, fk. job – arbejde, itk. · job, itk.
Society religion – religion, fk. heaven – himmel, fk. · Himlen hell – helvede itk. · Helvede death – død, fk. · Døden medicine – medicin, fk. money – penge, pl. dollar – dollar, fk. bill – seddel, fk. · pengeseddel, fk. marriage – ægteskab, itk. wedding – bryllup, itk. team – hold, itk. · team, itk. race – race, fk. ethnicity – etnicitet, fk. sex (the act) – sex, fk. sex (gender)* – køn, itk. murder – mord, itk. prison – fængsel, itk. technology – teknologi, fk. energy – energi, fk. war – krig, fk. peace – fred, fk. attack – angreb, itk. election – valg, itk. magazine – magasin, itk. · blad, itk. newspaper – avis, fk. poison – gift, fk. gun – pistol, fk. sport – sport, fk. race (sport) – løb, itk. exercise – motion, fk. ball – bold, fk. game – spil, itk. · leg, fk. price – pris, fk. contract – kontrakt, fk. drug – stof, itk. sign – skilt, itk. (like a road sign) science – videnskab, fk. God – Gud *I want to make it clear that I do not believe that gender and sex are the same, however they are the same word in Danish
Art band – band, itk. · orkester, itk. (technically orchestra) song – sang, fk. instrument (musical) – instrument, itk. · musikinstrument, itk. music – musik, fk. movie – film, fk. art – kunst, fk.
Beverages coffee – kaffe, fk. tea – te, fk. · the, fk. (unofficial, but very common spelling) wine – vin, fk. beer – øl, fk. juice – juice, fk. · saft, fk. water – vand, itk. milk – mælk, fk. beverage – drik, fk. · drikkevare, fk.
Food egg – æg, itk. cheese – ost, fk. bread – brød, itk. soup – suppe, fk. cake – kage, fk. chicken – kylling, fk. pork – svin, itk. · svinekød, itk. beef – okse, itk. · oksekød, itk. apple – æble, itk. banana – banan, fk. orange – appelsin, fk. lemon – citron, fk. corn – majs, fk. rice – ris, itk. oil – olie, fk. seed – frø, itk. knife – kniv, fk. spoon – ske, fk. fork – gaffel, fk. plate – tallerken, fk. cup – glas, itk. · kop, fk. breakfast – morgenmad, fk. lunch – frokost, fk. dinner – aftensmad, fk. · middag, fk. sugar – sukker, itk. salt – salt, itk. bottle – flaske, fk. food – mad, fk.
Home table – bord, itk. chair – stol, fk. bed – seng, fk. dream – drøm, fk. window – vindue, itk. door – dør, fk. bedroom – soveværelse, itk. kitchen – køkken, itk. bathroom – badeværelse, itk. · toilet, itk. pencil – blyant, fk. pen – kuglepen, fk. · pen, fk. photograph – fotografi, itk. · foto, itk. · billede, itk. soap – sæbe, fk. book – bog, fk. page – side, fk. key – nøgle, fk. paint – maling, fk. letter – brev, itk. note – note, fk. wall – væg, fk. paper – papir, itk. floor – gulv, itk. ceiling – loft, itk. roof – tag, itk. pool – pool, fk. · swimmingpool, fk. · pøl, fk. · svømmepøl, fk. · bassin, itk · svømmebassin, itk. · badebassin, itk. (specifically and inflatable pool) lock – lås, fk. telephone – telefon, fk. garden – have, fk. yard – have, fk. needle – nål, fk. bag – taske, fk. · pose, fk. box – kasse, fk. · boks, fk. gift – gave, fk. card – kort, itk. ring – ring, fk. tool – værktøj, itk.
Electronics clock – ur, itk. lamp – lampe, fk. fan – ventilator, fk. cell phone – mobil, fk · mobiltelefon, fk. network – netværk, itk. computer – computer, fk. · EDB-maskine, fk. (use this if you’re like 80 years old) program (computer) – program, itk. · computerprogram, itk. laptop – bærbar, fk. · bærbar computer, fk. · laptop, fk. screen – skærm, fk. camera – kamera, itk. · fotografiapparat, itk. (again, great if you’re 80) television – fjernsyn, itk. · TV, itk. radio – radio, fk.
Body head – hoved, itk. neck – nakke, fk. · hals, fk, (technically “throat”, but if you’re talking THE ENTIRE neck area you should use hals) face – ansigt, itk. beard – skæg, itk. hair – hår, itk. eye – øje, itk. mouth – mund, fk. lip – læbe, fk. nose – næse, fk. tooth – tand, fk. ear – øre, itk. tear (drop) – tåre, fk. tongue – tunge, fk. back – ryg, fk. toe – tå, fk. finger – finger, fk. foot – food, fk. hand – hånd, fk. leg – ben, itk. arm – arm, fk. shoulder – skulder, fk. heart – hjerte, itk. blood – blod, itk. brain – hjerne, fk. knee – knæ, itk. sweat – sved, fk. disease – sygdom, fk. bone – knogle, fk. · ben, itk. voice – stemme, fk. skin – hud, fk. body – krop, fk.
Nature sea – hav, itk. ocean – hav, itk. · ocean, itk. river – flod, fk. mountain – bjerg, itk. rain – regn, fk. snow – sne, fk. tree – træ, itk. sun – sol, fk. moon – måne, fk. world – verden, fk. Earth – Jorden forest – skov, fk. sky – himmel, fk. plant – plante, fk. wind – vind, fk. soil/earth – jord, fk. flower – blomst, fk. valley – dal, fk. root – rod, fk. lake – sø, fk. star – stjerne, fk. grass – græs, itk. leaf – blad, itk. air – luft, fk. sand – sand, itk. beach – strand, fk. wave – bølge, fk. fire – ild, fk. · bål, itk. (like a bonfire) · brand, fk. (the kind that firefighters put out) ice – is, fk. island – ø, fk. hill – bakke, fk. · høj, fk. heat – varme, fk. · hede, fk. nature – natur, fk.
Materials glass – glas, itk. metal – metal, itk. plastic – plastik, fk. wood – træ, itk. stone – sten, fk. diamond – diamant, fk. clay – ler, itk. dust – støv, itk. gold – guld, itk. copper – kobber, itk. silver – sølv, itk. material – materiale, itk.
Math/Measurements meter – meter, fk. centimeter – centimeter, fk. kilogram – kilo, itk. · kilogram, itk. inch – tomme, fk. foot – fod, fk. pound – pund, itk. half – halv circle – cirkel, fk. square – firkant, fk. · kvadrat, itk. temperature – temperatur, fk. date – dato, fk. weight – vægt, fk. edge – kant, fk. corner – hjørne, itk.
Misc Nouns map – kort, itk. dot – prik, fk. · punktum, itk. (punctuation) consonant – konsonant, fk. vowel – vokal, fk. light – let (weight, adj.) · lys, itk. (illuminating, noun) sound – lyd, fk. yes – ja no – nej piece – stykke, itk. pain – smerte, fk. injury – skade, fk. hole – hul, itk. image – billede, itk. pattern – mønster, itk. noun – navneord, itk. · substantiv, itk. verb – udsagnsord, itk. · verbum, itk. adjective – tillægsord, itk. · adjektiv, itk.
Directions top – top, fk. bottom – bund, fk. side – side, fk. front – forside, fk. · foran back – bagside, fk. · bagved outside – udenfor · udendørs inside – indenfor · indendørs up – op down – ned left – venstre right – højre straight – ligeud · lige north – nord south – syd east – øst west – vest direction – retning
Seasons summer – sommer, fk. spring – forår, itk. winter – vinter, fk. fall – efterår, itk. season – årstid, fk. (of the year) · sæson, fk. (of a show)
Numbers 0 – nul 1 – en · et 2 – to 3 – tre 4 – fire 5 – fem 6 – seks 7 – syv 8 – otte 9 – ni 10 – ti 11 – elleve 12 – tolv 13 – tretten 14 – fjorten 15 – femten 16 – seksten 17 – sytten 18 – atten 19 – nitten 20 – tyve 21 – enogtyve (one-and-twenty) 22 – toogtyve 30 – tredive 31 – enogtredive 32 – toogtredive 40 – fyrre · fyrretyve (outdated**) · firti (only for cheques) 41 – enogfyrre 42 – toogfyrre 50 – halvtreds · halvtredsindstyve (outdated**) · femti (cheques) 51 – enoghalvtreds 52 – tooghalvtreds 60 – tres · tresindstyve (outdated**) · seksti (cheques) 61 – enogtres 62 – toogtres 70 – halvfjerds · halvfjerdsindstyve (outdated**) · syvti (cheques) 71 – enoghalvfjerds 72 – tooghalvfjerds 80 – firs · firsindstyve (outdated**) · otti (cheques) 81 – enogfirs 82 – toogfirs 90 – halvfems · halvfemsindstyve (outdated**) · niti (cheques) 91 – enoghalvfems 92 – tooghalvfems 100 – hundred · hundrede · et hundred(e) 101 – (et) hundred(e) og et  102 – hundred og to 110 – hundred og ti 111 – hundred og elleve 1000 – tusind · tusinde · et tusind(e) 1001 – (et) tusind(e) og en 10000 – ti tusind(e) 100000 – hundred(e) tusind(e) million – million, fk. billion – milliard, fk. 1st – første · 1. (yes, with the “.”) 2nd – anden · 2. 3rd – trejde · 3. 4th – fjerde · 4. 5th – femte · 5. 6th – sjette · 6. 7th – syvende · 7. 8th – ottende · 8. 9th – niende – 9. 10th – tiende – 10. 11th – ellevte – 11. 12th – tolvte – 12. 13th – trettende – 13. 20th – tyvende 21st – enogtyvende 30th – tredivte 40th – fyrrende · fyrretyvende** 50th – halvtresende · halvtresindstyvende** 60th – tresende · tresindstyvende** 70th – halvfjerdsende · halvfjerdsindstyvende* 80th – firsende · firsindstyvende** 90th – halvfemsende · halvfemsindstyvende** 100th – hundrende 1000th – tusinde dozen – dusin, itk. score – snes, fk. number – tal, itk. · nummer, itk. **Frankly, I’ve added a lot (19, oops) of kind of unnecessary ordinal numbers, but I promise they do serve a purpose. While it is outdated to use “fyrretyve” for the cardinal number, it is however not uncommon to use “fyrretyvende” for the ordinal number 40th. If you want to know why Danish numbers are so weird, here’s a post.
Months January – januar*** February – februar March – marts April – april May – maj June – juni July – juli August – august September – september October – oktober November – november December – december ***In Danish months aren’t capitalised. Also if you REALLY want to assign them a gender, all months are fælleskøn.
Days of the week Monday – mandag**** Tuesday – tirsdag Wednesday – onsdag Thursday – torsdag Friday – fredag Saturday – lørdag Sunday – søndag weekday (Monday-Friday) – hverdag, fk. weekend (Saturday-Sunday) – weekend, fk. ****Days aren’t capitalised either. Again, if you’re really into grammatical genders, the days of the week are fælleskøn.
Time year – år, itk. month – måned, fk. week – uge, fk. day – dag, fk. hour – time, fk. minute – minut, itk. second – sekond, itk. morning – morgen, fk. afternoon – eftermiddag, fk. evening – aften, fk. night – nat, fk. time – tid, fk.
Verbs work – arbejde play – spille (things like sports-ball)· lege (kids’ games) walk – gå · spadsere run – løbe · spæne drive – køre fly – flyve swim – svømme go – There’s no direct translation for “go” in Danish. The closest would be “gå”, but that’s not very accurate. stop – stoppe · standse · holde · holde op follow – følge · efterfølge / følge efter think – tænke (the act of thinking) · synes (having an opinion) speak – tale say – sige eat – spise drink – drikke kill – dræbe die – dø smile – smile laugh – grine · le cry – græde buy – købe pay – betale sell – sælge shoot – skyde learn – lære***** jump – hoppe smell – lugte · dufte hear (a sound) – høre listen (music) – høre · lytte til taste – smage touch – røre · berøre see (a bird) – se watch (TV) – se · kigge på kiss – kysse burn – brænde melt – smelte dig – grave explode – eksplodere sit – sidde · sætte sig (sit down) stand – stå · rejse sig (stand up) love – elske pass by – passere · forbipassere cut – skære · klippe (with scissors) fight – kæmpe · slås lie down – lægge sig · lægge sig ned dance – danse sleep – sove wake up – vågne · vågne op sing – sove count – tælle marry – gifte sig pray – bede win – vinde lose – tabe (a game) · miste (losing an object) mix – blande stir – røre · røre rundt · røre rundt i · røre i bend – bøje wash – vaske cook – lave mad · kokkerere open – åbne close – lukke write – skrive call – ringe til · kalde på turn – dreje build – bygge teach – lære***** grow – gro · vokse · dyrke (the act of growing a plant) draw – tegne · trække (like in a lottery) feed – fodre · made catch – gribe throw – kaste clean – gøre rent · rengøre find – finde fall – falde push – skubbe pull – trække carry – bære break – ødelægge (I break the vase) · gå i stykker (the vase breaks) wear – have på hang – hænge shake – ryste · trykke (shake hands) sign – gøre tegn · gøre tegn til · underskrive (with a pen) · skrive under på (with a pen) beat – slå · tæske lift – løfte *****Learn and teach are in fact the same word in Danish, which is why you will often hear Danes say “I will learn you abt. smth.”
Adjectives long – lang short (vs long) – kort tall – høj short (vs tall) – lav wide – bred narrow – smal big/large – stor small/little – lille slow – langsom fast – hurtig hot – varm cold – kold warm – varm cool – kold · kølig · cool (character trait) · sej (character trait) new – ny old – gammel young – ung good – god bad – dårlig · skidt wet – våd dry – tør sick – syg healthy – rask · sund loud – høj quiet – lav happy – glad sad – trist · ked af det beautiful – smuk ugly – grim deaf – døv blind – blind nice – venlig mean – ubehagelig · dum rich – rig poor – fattig thick – tyk thin – tynd expensive – dyr cheap – billig flat – flad curved – kurvet male – mandlig female – kvindelig tight – stram loose – løs high – høj low – lav soft – blød hard – hård deep – dyb shallow – lav · overfladisk · snæver clean – ren dirty – beskidt strong – stærk weak – svag dead – død alive – levende heavy – tung light (vs heavy) – let dark – mørk light (vs dark) – lys nuclear – nuklear famous – berømt · famøs
Pronouns I – jeg you (singular) – du he – han she – hun it – den · det we – vi you (plural) – I (capital i) they – de
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bellefineryus-blog · 6 years
There is not even an iota of doubt in the fact that pregnancy completely transforms a female. She not only undergoes the much obvious physical changes, but numerous mental and emotional changes as well.  During this phase, many women opt for loose fitting dresses or comfortable leggings.
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selina-kyle89 · 6 years
Hot For Teacher (Bucky x reader)
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: Oral sex (both receiving), smut, dirty talk, Bucky being insanely attractive.
You were furious. Some kid had pushed your precious little girl around at recess and you were not having it. As a matter of fact, he had been bothering her all year and this was the final straw. In a quickly, furiously and let’s be honest, probably misspelled email to your daughter’s teacher, Mr. Barnes, you demanded a one-on-one meeting for after school.
As you pulled into an empty parking spot, you steadied your nerves, taking deep calming breaths as you checked your makeup for any imperfections. You checked in at the office, saying hi to the familiar faces and made your way to the kindergarten section of the elementary school. You were nervous, Mr. Barnes was a replacement teacher for your daughter’s original teacher, who left on maternity leave before Christmas break and wouldn’t return so you had never actually met him face to face. Your daughter seemed to like him at least. You took one last deep breath and knocked firmly on the door.
“Come in!” a deep voice called out from within the classroom.
You swung open the door and entered the dimly lit room. He was seated behind a small desk in the corner of the room, a pile of papers in front of him and small glasses perched on the end of his nose. He glanced up as you entered the room and your mouth went dry as he stood up. He was wearing dark slacks that hugged thick thighs and a red button up that was rolled up to his elbows. He had long, dark hair that was pulled back into a bun, with a few pieces hanging loose in his face. You realized he was speaking to you and his hand was outstretched for a handshake as you stared at him like he was an art piece at a museum.
“I-I’m sorry. I’m Y/N, Olivia’s mom. Thank you for meeting with me.” You stuttered, attempting to regain some composure as he gestured for you to sit down at the chair across from his desk. You began explaining the situation, trying not to get distracted by the way his eyes swept your face as he listened intently to your story or the way his plump pink lips pursed when you told him how Olivia’s knees were skinned from being pushed down.
“Well, first off, I’d like to apologize for what happened. Another teacher took the class to recess because I didn’t get lunch. But I promise you I will speak to Duncan tomorrow and also send a letter home to his parents.” Mr. Barnes assured you, the deep timbre of his voice causing your thighs to clench slightly.
You cleared your throat and stood to leave, smoothing your hands down your pencil skirt; when did you get so sweaty?!
“Thank you, Mr. Barnes, I really appreciate your prompt attention to this, it’s very reassuring to have a teacher who’s so...on top of things.” As soon as the words left your mouth, the blush flooded your face and you immediately turned to open the door.
Finding it locked, you turned to ask Mr. Barnes to let you out, only to be met with a hard chest. Closing your eyes and trying to calm your racing heart, you peered up at his handsome face. He was wearing a smirk as he reached around you to wave his badge in front of the censor, effectively unlocking the door, and turning the handle.
“Thanks, Mr. Barnes.” You breathed, backing slowly out of the door.
He caught you around the waist, pulling you back into him and tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Please, Y/N, call me, Bucky.”
After that moment between you and Olivia’s very attractive, very off limits teacher, you couldn’t keep your mind off of him. Slow moments at work caught you day dreaming about being trapped under Mr. Barnes’ powerful body. Yeah, you had it bad. Friday afternoon rolled around and Olivia was spending the weekend at her father’s house, allowing you some alone time. Currently you were sprawled on your couch, binging Netflix and covered in Cheeto dust when your doorbell rang. You peeked through the peephole and almost passed out. Standing on your porch was Bucky. You couldn’t for the life of you fathom why he was at your house but damn it all if you weren’t about to find out.
“Mr. B-I mean Bucky. Hi, what a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure?” You asked, smiling sweetly.
He flashed you one of his own dazzling smiles as he leaned towards you against the door frame. “Sorry to show up unexpectedly, Olivia left her soccer cleats in her cubby and I didn’t want her to be without in case she needed them.”
He held up the cleats on two fingers and you grabbed them quickly.
“Thank you. She’s with her father this weekend and I think he has a spare pair. But that was very thoughtful.”
An awkward silence followed, until Bucky cleared his throat. “Well, I should probably go, I don’t want to bother you...” Bucky said, turning to leave.
“Would you like to come in and have a drink?” You all but shouted, not wanting to miss an opportunity.
He turned back toward you, smiling slightly. “I don’t wanna impose, Y/N.”
You shook your head, placing a hand on his arm. “Oh you’re not, trust me.” You said quickly, praying to every God that he said yes.
“Well ok then.” He accepted and followed you inside.
You shut the door after you were both inside and turned to find Bucky right in front of you, his blue eyes darkened slightly. You hesitated for half a second before capturing Bucky’s lips in a hard kiss. A groan rumbled low in his throat before he brought his hand up to tangle in your hair, deepening the kiss. There was no slowness in either of your movements, as you crashed around the house trying to find an even surface to rest upon.
“Bedroom, that way.” You panted, breaking the kiss and pointing towards the door that lead to your room.
Bucky all but sprinted towards your room, dropping you onto your bed once he got the door open. You crawled up your bed as you watched Bucky undo his belt and drop his pants, an impressive bulge in the front of his black boxer briefs making you practically drool. You squealed when he grabbed your ankle and pulled you down to him, his big hands skimming up your leg to the top of your yoga pants and began sliding them down your body, taking your panties with them. You hastily slipped your shirt off, your breasts falling free and Bucky licked his lips at the sight.
“No bra?” He questioned, one eyebrow quirked at you.
“Nope, not when I’m home.” You said, crawling on your knees until you were level with his waist, hooking your fingers in the waistband of his briefs and pushing them down.
His heavy cock sprang free and to say the man was blessed was an understatement. You leaned forward to taste the pre cum leaking from his tip, moaning at the salty taste, instantly craving more. You wrapped your lips around the head of Bucky’s cock, adding a little pressure as you began taking him further into your mouth. Bucky moaned, his hand landing on the back of your head, guiding you gently until he hit the back of your throat. You held him there for a few seconds before you began bobbing your head back and forth, causing him to hiss and throw his head back.
“Fuck baby, feels so fucking amazing. You’re so amazing, fuck.”
You pulled off his cock, pumping him a few times before he pushed you back onto the bed, pushing your thighs open, your wet pussy on full display for him. Bucky licked his lips, rubbing two fingers over your slit, spreading the wetness around.
“So fucking pretty baby. Can’t wait to feel you. You ready for me baby?” He purred, circling his fingers over your clit before slipping them into your heat.
You cried out as Bucky scissored his fingers, opening you up for him. He dipped his head down to your nipple, swirling his tongue around the bud until it hardened, turning his attention to the other. You moaned loudly at the attention Bucky was paying to your body, already on the brink of orgasm and he had barely touched you. You whimpered when he removed his fingers, making obscene noises as he licked them clean.
“Bucky! Stop teasing and get your perfect ass over here and fuck me already!” You groaned impatiently.
“Yes ma’am!” Bucky said, sliding up your body.
His lips found yours again, his kiss slowed and more passionate than the previous ones. You felt his cock pushing at your entrance, your pussy practically aching for it. You gripped him firmly, raising your hips as you guided him into your waiting pussy. The stretch was so exquisite you’re pretty sure you had died and gone to heaven. Bucky waited a minute before he pulled out slowly and thrust back in.
“Faster baby, I won’t break. Show me what you got.” You urged, digging your heels into his perfectly sculpted ass.
He didn’t need to be told twice, his thrusts coming hard and fast, punching the breath from your lungs. Bucky grabbed your hips so you were suspended in the air as he pounded into you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. You’re taking my cock so well baby, look at you. So fucking perfect for me.” Bucky grit out.
You gripped the sheets above your head, fast approaching your orgasm. “‘M almost there Buck, so close, make me cum baby.” You moaned, bringing your hand to rub your clit furiously.
Bucky slammed into you harder, feeling your walls clench around him as your orgasm washed over you. Your eyes slammed shut as you screamed out Bucky’s name. He continued fucking you through your release, chasing his own. After a few more long thrusts, Bucky emptied into your pulsing cunt, your name falling from his lips as his cock painted your walls.
Bucky collapsed beside you, chest heaving from exertion.
You sighed, feeling completely satisfied. “I’m so glad you came by. That was incredible.”
He chuckled, propping himself up on his elbow and looking down at you. “Honestly, I’m kinda a little grateful that Duncan and Olivia don’t get along because I probably wouldn’t have gotten to meet you.”
You playfully smacked his chest, secretly glad too. “Well, I’m glad Olivia has such an attentive teacher who makes house calls.”
Bucky smirked. “Well doll, you did say you liked a teacher who was on top of things so I couldn’t disappoint you.”
And Bucky spent the rest of the weekend showing you that he would never disappoint you.
Tags: @buckysoldierstories @221bshrlocked @papi-chulo-bucky @ballyhoobarnes @feelmyroarrrr @myattemptatfanfic @papi-chulo-seb @captainrogerss @mybarnesmyhero @buckybabybaby @bucky-plums-barnes @blackcaptainrogers
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Ok I’m sorry but these name surveys have turned out to be loadsa fun for me so let me just take another one lmaooooo. 
I honestly find it therapeutic since it allows me to reflect and look back on all of the people I’ve crossed paths with before, whether for better or for worse :) Sorry if I’ll repeat names/explanations, I’ll do my best to remember more stuff about them!
aaron: Already mentioned this in the last survey, but he’s a part of my high school friend group. He was one of my first guy friends ever and he was very nice to me from the very beginning; always made sure I felt like I belonged in a crowd. Also studies in UP and I think he is taking up sports science because he wants to go on to med school. abby/abbey: This is my mom’s name. She goes by the first spelling. I know an Abby from high school; she studies in La Salle now. adam: I don’t know him personally but there used to be a dude from WhatCulture Wrestling (a popular YouTube channel) named Adam – he was my favorite to watch until he got caught in a major fuck-up and was booted from the group. adel adrienne ajee
ajla alan: I have an uncle named Allan. He was part of my dad’s friend group in college; they met each other in their org. He was in every birthday party when I was a kid, but I don’t see him anymore now because his family already migrated somewhere else. alex: Broad comm student who plays the guitar and sings well; I haven’t talked to her. I also knew an Alex from 6th grade and she was just...not a very bright student. She had to move because I don’t think her grades reached the standard in my school, and now I think she lives in California. If not there, then somewhere else in the States. Alex is a fairly common name here, though, and I know I’ve missed out on a bunch of other Alexes.
alexa: Again, another girl from high school. Was a cool girl and a party girl from the very start. Like I said in my past survey, she lives in Australia now. alexis alexzandria alicia: My friend Alliyah’s boss, who she has a huge crush on, is named Alicia but she goes by Alice. alisa allie/ally: Gossiping fake loser from our rival journ org who does nothing but spread black propaganda about our org to keep people from joining ours – when she talks to us, though, she’s super nice. I’m so fucking happy she’s graduating because she has such a toxic personality :(  allison: Former prof in Comm 100. Wasn’t very good but I had a crush on her from the very first lecture. She had a serious car accident in the middle of the sem and had to wear like a nose brace thing for the rest of the sem. alycea/alycia alyssa: I rode the school bus with a girl named Alyssa but I was much closer to her older sister Alex. There’s also an Alyssa from broad comm and I was classmates with her in my political science, history, and broad comm classes for this semester. She’s the niiiiiiiicest girl and would always help me out if I have missing notes or whatever. amanda: Girl from my org who’s taking up engineering. I was her VP last semester, but she had personal problems and so she wasn’t able to work much under me. Whenever she did, though, she was always reliable. Quiet girl, a little socially awkward. amari amber andrew: I first met him at a rally/protest I attended in 2017. Hit it off well right from the start because I saw that he was wearing a wrestling shirt, so we bonded over WWE that day. He plays the guitar and has released his own EP, is a junior DJ at one of the hip radio stations in Manila, and has done his fair share of hosting gigs. He used to take up engineering but shifted to journalism as he likes it better. Is very adventurous and amiable but tends to get too friendly; some might find it tiring but I honestly think it’s just his personality. He was my groupmate in communication research and I thought he was decent. angela: My best friend’s name is Angela. We first met each other in Grade 1 when we were 7, and we became friends after I stabbed her palm with a newly-sharpened pencil. She still has the pencil mark today. anna: Anna is a popular secondary name in the Philippines, but no one actually uses it as their main name. anne: Same with Anne. annie: My grandma’s best friend who used to come over the house every Sunday. Like I said in the past survey, I’m honestly not sure if she’s still alive lol. She was already pretty old when I was still very young. anthony aasad ashley: I *think* I have a distant cousin named Ashley that I first met at a family reunion last year. But let’s be real, Filipino families are huge and I don’t even know if I remember her name correctly, if she’s even an Ashley. aubri: One of my closest friends in high school was Aubrey. We were very, very close in junior year until she dropped a bomb on me that her family was migrating to California by the time we start senior year. We don’t talk anymore because of the distance and the timezones, but I’ll always be there for her no matter what. Incredibly talented dancer and figure skater. She’s in UCLA right now and as far as I know she is killing it over there. austin autumn: I know an Autumn from my wrestling fandom days. I think she was a redhead, but I don’t remember anything else. barbara becca: A girl from broad comm. She was one of the principal actors in one of the productions we did for BC and she has a really cute laugh. Super elegant; she reminded me a little bit of Audrey Hepburn because she was really graceful. She’s the older sister of my orgmate Rita, who’s from psych. ben beth bethany betty: I have a friend-ish named Bettina. Betty’s kind of like a goofy nickname; she actually doesn’t use it but I think it still counts. I’ve known her since first grade; she peed her skirt in our first day of Grade 1 and I remember her crying a lot. She had a wild TV show phase starting from Grade 5 and she was into Nicole Kidman, Paula Abdul, Kara DioGuardi, Shania Twain, Celine Dion, Stana Katic, Kate Walsh, etc etc etc and a bunch of shows like Private Practice, Grey’s Anatomy, Castle, Suits etc etc etc. She was super shy, very awkward in person so I’m glad her love of TV shows and actresses sprung her into life for the most part. She’s in UP Manila and I think too busy to get into fandoms now. bijan bobby bram brandon brandy breanna/brianna: Brianna is my friend Pat’s middle name. I honestly used to be so envious of this name of hers because I thought it sounded really nice, but now I think it kinda sounds like a bratty name hahaha. brendan brian: I have an uncle named Bryan, but we aren’t related. He’s my mom’s cousin’s husband. He’s VERY shy and likes to keep to himself or his kids at family gatherings but turns really cool when he’s had a little to drink. brittany/brittney/brittni brock brooke bruce buck cameron camille: Nice girl from my childhood school bus. There’s an unofficial norm in private schools in that when you’re older, you get to be mean to the younger kids. Not her. She was always nice and include us second graders in her antics in the bus, even though she was several years older. I was bummed when I found out they moved to the States. candy carina: I used to ride the school bus with a Carina but she was much younger. I was already in high school when she was in kindergarten. She’s the younger sister of Carissa, who I always found to be pretty weird. Anyway, these girls were clearly rich and pampered; they had a nanny ride with us in the bus. carly: I had an Internet friend named Carley; she was my first online best friend. We met here on Tumblr in like 2012 and got close because we were both huge fans of Stephanie McMahon at the time haha. We would video-call EVERY afternoon when I would come home from school while she would get ready for school (she’s from Pennsylvania). Eventually she’d disappear off the face of the earth and stopped talking to me but resurfaced a few months later. She’d continue to do this like 10 other times until I got tired of getting my hopes up of having her back. She’s tried reconnecting with me again on DMs but I just ignored it cos I knew there was a good chance she’d just cut off our communication again. We’re still Facebook friends and she’d pop up on my news feed from time to time, but that’s it. carol: I have a great-aunt named Carol. But my grandma has so many sisters that I honestly do not remember which one she is. carrie cassandra: I had a batchmate named Kassandra, who went by Kasey. Really bright, sweet, intelligent girl. She moved to Singapore in 7th grade. She was very, very simple and very kind to everyone and you wouldn’t be able to tell that she’s crazy rich. Her dad’s a top exec for a famous food and drink company and she lives in the same village I do–their house is guarded 24/7. cassidy chantel charlotta chelsie: Chelsea’s part of our high school friend group and is also crazy rich. We always hung out at her place because her house is huge. She’s very maarte, which I cannot really translate to English...the closest term is probably high maintenance hahaha; but she’s very sweet and generous and kind too. cheryl chris: One of Gabie’s best friend is a Kris. Other than liking outdoorsy stuff like going to the beach and hiking which is all I know about her, I think she’s also half-American. christopher: I have an uncle with this name but like I said his nickname is Perry. He works abroad like my dad (his brother-in-law) and my dad’s sister (his sister-in-law). cienna clare: Guidance counselor for several grade school levels. Understandably, she is very maternal. I once had a nasty fight with another girl and we had to be sent to her office. clarissa: Went to school with a Clarisa. We first met in Grade 4 because she rode my school bus, and instantly clicked. She was very nice, very sweet; she was simple to the point that, like Kasey, you’d have no clue how rich she was. She lives in a huge mansion now but she lived in a huge house before that as well, it’s crazy. Really, really sweet and she would give the best hugs. I played table tennis a lot with her in high school too. She studies in Miriam now but I’m not so sure about her course. claudia: Already said a lot about her in the last survey. Popular girl her whole life. She still goes to a bunch of parties but she is so much nicer now than she was when we were younger. cody cole collin corey corinne: One of my former teachers named her daughter Corinne. I think she’s 8 this year. courtney crissy: Chrissy was one of my very best friends in preschool and grade school. She looked Chinese even though she had a Filipino-sounding surname, and I was never sure if she had Chinese blood or not. She was boyish so she was very rowdy, liked to play rough, and punched other girls if she got pissed; but other than that she was very quiet and shy. She was constantly on the basketball team too. Eventually her family moved to Canada. crystal dallas dan danielle danika: An orgmate that worked under my committee two semesters ago. She’s from business ad and was juggling another org so she wasn’t very active at all to begin with. Her performance just plummeted every month and she ended up ghosting my org last semester–never replied to anyone when we tried to check up on her. I was very mad at her until she restarted contact with us recently and explained how tumultuous stuff suddenly got in her personal life and mental health that she had to take care of herself for a while, which we all understood immediately. She’s coming back to the org this year and we’re more than ready to welcome her. She’s very charming, goofy, and kind. She has a very life-of-the-party personality haha. danny: I have a friend-ish named Dani that I met through Angela. We all sat at the same table during the senior ball at Ateneo in 2016 so we got to talk then. She played volleyball in high school and she studies in San Beda now. She wants to take up law school so I think her course is in political science.  darious david: Pat’s boyfriend from Serbia and Patrice’s boyfriend from economics HAHAHAHA. Also a sucky groupmate from my comm res class who did absolutely nothing to contribute in the final paper that Hannah and I worked our asses so hard for. dean deanglo derrick destiny devin dillon donna dwayne [Random survey-taker note: these are all very Western names...] emie emily eric: My godfather is an Eric. Like my Tito Allan, he also met my dad through their college org. He’s an exec in a bank now and is suuuuuuper rich. Has a daughter named Arya which he could’ve named after the GoT character but am not really sure about that. everette felicia gabby: Wildly popular name. 1) My girlfriend’s name is Gabie; 2) there was another Gaby in my high school batch. 3) I have a friend from the Tumblr wrestling fandom named Gabbie who was really good in Photoshop – we study in the same school but have never met each other. 4) I have a high school batchmate whose little sister is a Gaby, annnnnddd I also just remembered that 5) there was another Gabbi in the wrestling fandom who also made good edits at the time. gerald gina guliana gloria: Do last names count? Hahaha. Gloria is the surname of my instructor in my class in international relations just this past sem. He’s a new faculty member but is craaaazy good at teaching; clearly knows what he’s talking about. He was passionate about his subject and I always admired that about him. I was really sad when class had to end. grace: I have a great-aunt named Grace; he’s my late grandpa’s sister. She’s really...quite fabulous; she has connections with super prestigious people and has a fancy wardrobe. She’s the only Filipino grandmother I know who goes by ‘Nana’ to her grandkids, which I note because Nana is like a super Western thing afaik. She has drama queen tendencies though and can be sensitive to a lot of things lmao. gracie hannah: One of the close friends I’ve made in college so far! Our first meeting was when she and Macy moved from UP Los Banos to the Diliman campus (where I study) and the three of us enrolled in our classes together. I was closer to Macy first, but eventually me and Hannah got a stronger friendship. Best groupmate, workmate, and David Archuleta fan I know. Sings great and plays the piano great. An absolute angel. hasan hawa hayley: I only know a dog named Hailey lol. heather: Someone from my high school batch is a Heather! We were never in the same cliques but she is one of the friendliest people I know. She knows how to talk to anyone which I appreciated. We bonded over One Direction in high school and she also confided in me a few times about her relationship and how her parents forbade her from seeing her boyfriend because he was trans. She also studies in my school now, taking up business economics. We barely see each other but say hi whenever we do. holly hunter ibro isaac isaiah jack jackie: One of my aunts has a relative named Jackie and I literally only found this out earlier when we met up and caught up with each other. jacob jacquelin jaden: A kid of my mom’s best friend is a Jaden. He was named after Jaden Smith because he was born during the time the Karate Kid remake made big waves. jake: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I had a garbage instructor with this name. This dude was in charge of my weekly crying binges and panic attacks because I was never sure if I was gonna pass his class. He seemed to enjoy giving all of us failing marks too which made me hate his piece of shit ass more. He’s supposed to be really good at what he does but I guess knowledge just does not always translate well in the classroom. Ended up passing his class, but now I’m cursing his ass forever. james: I have a younger cousin named James. I’ve only met him twice; once when he was a newborn, and then when he celebrated Christmas 2018 with us. His family’s lived in New Zealand and Vietnam since 2008, which is why we never get to see him, and why he does not remember me at all. janai janveia jared jason jay: My uncle is a Jay; he’s my mom’s brother. I disowned him as my uncle many years ago. He’s a terrible drunk, a disgusting smoker, and an annoying freeloader. I tried giving him a chance before, but after I found out that he drunkenly punched a cat once, I ignored him forever. Sometimes my mom and grandmother would ask me to acknowledge him at family gatherings, so I’d have to begrudingly do so; but other than that he’s out of my life. jazmine: There was a Jasmin from my old school. She’d always been very artistic and she was into K-Pop very early on. She’s taking up linguistics in my school now. jeana jeanette jen: Girl from the now-ancient Tumblr wrestling fandom. She’s probably the biggest and most passionate wrestling fan I know as she would follow both the mainstream and indie promotions the last time I checked up on her. She was kinda vain and kept on taking selfies while captioning each one as ‘ugly.’ I remember that she has a dog she really loves, and that she lives in Boston. jeralyn jerry jesse jessica: Meh, annoying girl from high school. I’m sure she’s nice(?) but her personality just didn’t click with me. She was too vibrant and too friendly that it almost seemed fake; but what do I know, I never really made the effort to know her better other than bonding over 1D here and there. jim jocelyn jodi: I know a Jodee from my old school. Spoke straight English, is intelligent, but is a huge goofball and very mischievous/rebellious. She was a smartass and liked testing the teachers’ patience whenever she can, but she always did it in a very funny way I think. She was often called to the guidance counselor’s office for having relationships with other students (I went to a Catholic all-girls’ private school, so this was obviously not allowed) but she always stood her ground about it and was never afraid to fight back. She had a phase of unhooking our bras in like 5th grade. joey: My blockmate has a younger sister named Joey. I think she is also studying in UP. john: The cousin I’m closest to is named John, but it’s not his preferred name. jonathan jordan josh: I know two Joshes, but only because they are boyfriends of a couple of acquaintances. jossie julia julie junior justin: I went to school with a girl who initially went by Justinn, but like she all wanted to start calling her by her other name, Ria, as we grew older. I also briefly rode the school bus with a girl named Justine, but we didn’t talk much. kailyn kaitlyn kaleb: Chelsea’s brother is named Caleb. kali karrie karli kasey: Oh, I guess Kasey (under Cassandra) falls under this too lmao. kasahwn katarina: Not exact, but Katrina’s a fairly popular name where I live. My cousin’s boyfriend is named Katrina, my aunt is a Katrina (but she goes by Bianca), and I also went to school with a Katrina even though her nickname is Cheenie. kate: Already talked about this in the last name survey. I met Kate through my org; she’s a huge joker/goofball, is naturally very friendly, and has an awesome wardrobe. When she’s bored and we both aren’t doing anything, she puts makeup on me. Works very well but is also a huge partier HAHAHAHA. katie: This is my nickname for Kate, if that counts. kayla: There’s a Kayla in my college, but her course is in broad(cast) comm(unication). I remember her very well because she is the first person I EVER talked to when we had our freshman orientation in UP. We didn’t become close after that. She’s pretty, has nice clothes and hair, is part of the popular circle, and she’s part of streetdance which is like one of the cooler orgs on campus. kelli kent: I have a younger cousin who’s a Kent. We used to be close when we were both kids, but now we’re shy towards each other. He was obsessed with dinosaurs when he was younger, like 5 or 6. kerna kevin kiana: I have an orgmate named Kiana! SOOOOO pretty and has like the clearest skin. Very simple and down-to-earth. Is nice but can kick your ass because she has a black belt in taekwondo. She’s smart as hell and I’m pretty sure she’s graduating as magna cum laude, besides the fact that she’s going to UP Law right after. kiley kim: I also have an orgmate named Kim :) He’s the sweetest guy ever, and is just so easy to talk to. He has a really cute relationship with one of the org’s alumni. I didn’t get to bond with him much but am sad all the same that he’s graduating this year :( kimberly: Went to my old school with a Kimberly but she went by Kim. Was one of the rougher, lesser-behaved kids. She was a demon in grade school. Not quite sure how she’s doing now. She’s my friend on Facebook but can’t really care less about her life updates. kirsten kristy kyle: Kyelle is a kinda good friend of mine. He’s from the same circle, but we aren’t close in particular. He’s very nice though, very silly and likes to goof around. laila lain: I used to have an orgmate named Laine. She was our VP for External Affairs two years ago. She’s now in law school. leah: Cheenie’s mom is a Lea. She’s probably the best mom friend my mom made from my school hahaha; she’s known me since I was 4. lexi: I have a high school batchmate named Alexa but I think she goes by Lexi, judging from her Twitter name. Is naturally quiet but gets very friendly when you get her to open up. Easy to talk to. liam: Liam is my youngest cousin, I think. He was born in 2014 or 2015. I’ve never seen him, because he and his family lives in New York. I’ve only ever met his big sister. :( lilly: This girl I was classmates with for a journ elective. I found her to be verrrrry pretty and she had the biggest, most piercing eyes; until I found out that she was one of those die-hard Catholics who are vehemently pro-life. She once defended a fraternity whose members were confirmed to be misogynist, sexist, racist, homophobic and transphobic pieces of shit in a leaked groupchat simply because she believes in ‘forgiveness.’ She caused another ruckus two weeks ago when she made known her pro-life views well known. I wanna unfriend her ass so bad but she just keeps making all the wrong opinions that I just wanna stay and watch her get schooled by my less-than-thrilled college mates hahaha. lina liz: If I remember correctly, there was an Elizabeth from my wrestling fandom who went by Liz. She lives somewhere in the UK, had reddish hair, and was in love with John Cena lmao. She would sometimes make edits too. loren: Other than the Lauren I mentioned in the previous survey, I also had a friend named Lauren from the Tumblr wrestling community too. She was one of the first friends I made. She was two years older than me, fancied Andy Samberg earlier than anyone else, had a cool room, was obsessed with cats, and loved tie-dye stuff. lydia lyndsey lynnette macaila mack: JM’s dad goes by Mackey, if that counts hahahaha. He’s a lawyer and a college professor. mckenzi macey: I went to high school with a Macy and now she’s in college with me too. She used to study in UPLB but moved to Diliman after a year, since she always planned to take up journalism (she didn’t pass the cutoff initially, so she had to stay in LB for a year before she moved). I was very close with her throughout high school, but idk, she’s just never been in a good place mentally so our friendship is very up-down-up-down. I tried to reconnect when we were reunited in college, but she’s found her crowd now so I’m happy for her nonetheless.
There’s also a Macy in my org who worked under my committee for a year before she moved to finance. Quiet girl but was always nice to everyone. She’s also graduating this semester :( maddie madison margo: Went to elementary school with a Margo but she preferred to spell it as Margauxe lmao. We became close for a while because we rode the school bus together and she would lend me the other half of her earbuds so we can listen to Ashley Tisdale’s Headstong and Vanessa Hudgens’ V every day (this was when High School Musical was peak popular). She sort of had a tumultuous family life here until she moved to Hawaii a few years ago. I think she may have moved to California now too. maria: Again, this is like the base name for like half of all Filipina girls. It’s so common that it’s just simply shortened to ‘Ma.’ because everyone knows what it stands for. marina marisa: Kayla’s middle name is Marissa. marquis mary: Macy’s first name is Mary. mathew: I know a bunch of Matthews from both high school and college but they all go by Matt. The one I remember the most is Matthew from another high school friend group who was close with my group. Our group was invited to their Christmas party, and they had a gimmick that each member of their group was gonna be paired with someone from ours, and it was gonna be a costume party. I was paired up with Matthew (but they called him Cho), but I never went to the party so I never got to meet him. I’m sure he’s nice, though. matt: See Mathew. maura mechelle: I have an orgmate named Michelle. She’s clumsy, kinda awkward, but she does it in a very cute way and we all love her because she’s so funny haha. She passed the toughest med school program in the COUNTRY but chose journ in the end. Is the most Chinese Chinese-Filipino girl I know. megan: I know someone whose middle name is Megan but she goes by a different name. melissa: Hahahahaha. I knew a Melissa all right. Freeloader. meredith mersadies micah: I was classmates and friends with a Micah in grade school. My parents and hers were close, so we became close too. She was very smart but I remember her to be deathly afraid of walking on beams when we had to do it in PE. She moved schools in the fifth grade, and she studies in UST now. michael: His full name is Michael, but Mike is a guy I almost went out with in high school. Wasn’t really attracted to him, but he’s like super smart so it was a huge plus point for me lol. I also have an orgmate named Michael but we all call him Elis. He’s unreliable. miranda: If surnames count, Gabie’s best friend’s last name is this haha. molly monica: Some girl who went to my old school but transferred schools early on, like in 2nd or 3rd grade. She was Gabie’s childhood friend though so I still hear from her from time to time. She’s in UP now too, but I don’t know what course she’s taking. morgan nashid natasha: I went to high school with a girl named Natasha, but she goes by Tashie. Huge girl and a beast at softball. Can be a big softie but she has weird mood swings too (and when she’s mad, she’s quite violent) so I just tried not to piss her off while we were still in school together lol. nate: Yeah he’s in the same college as me but I know zilch about him other than he’s supposed to be really good in making films. nathan neema nichole: Annoying younger busmate who graduated high school this year. nick: Nick is the codename I gave to one of my first crushes. Obviously not his legit name so I don’t think this counts. nicholas olivia paige preasia preme prisilla: When I was still applying for AIESEC, Priscilla was assigned as one of my groupmates. I was originally iffy because she didn’t get online to work until like 11 PM, but when I did see her start working, she was a GODDAMN BEAST. Amazing. Did everything I assigned to her. When I met her in person the next day, she spoke very well and was very put-together. My respect for her soared even more after that. I dropped my application soon after for unrelated reasons but it was a pleasure working with her. Last I heard, she’s a councilor-elect in her local college’s student council. rachel: My math teacher in Grade 1 was a Rachel. I don’t remember her at all, except for the fact that when she found our class noisy one day, she completely stopped talking and mimed everything for the rest of the 45-minute period. raheim raven: Creepy, weird dude from my org who’s always looking for a dick to suck. I’m not even trying to insult him, he’s just perpetually thirsty and makes sure the whole world knows it for some reason. ray renee: Sweet, intelligent, hilarious girl from my high school. She’s very makwela, which in English means zany/funny. Her dad is a national basketball coach so it’s no surprise she followed in his footsteps. richard riley rita: Sweet, sweet girl from my org. We all just kinda naturally flock to protect her from bad influences or creepy people because she just has such a sweet soul. She’s my successor VP in my committee. robby: I have an Uncle Rob, but he doesn’t go by Robby. He’s the husband of my aunt (my mom’s cousin). He’s from New Zealand and has a Masters or a PhD in film theory, I don’t actually remember which. ryan: I used to see him a lot at a relative’s house until I was like 8. I’ve never seen him since and don’t actually know how he’s related to us or me lmfao. sabrina samantha: I have a younger cousin named Samantha. Sam was born and raised in New York but visited the Philippines last year and I was primarily in charge of taking care of her. She’s just the cutest darling I’ve seen and has the most perfect accent ahuhuhuhuhuhu. She likes My Little Pony. sara sarica sean: Someone from a lower batch in high school has this name. I never knew her but we follow each other on Twitter loooooool. secilia seliena: My older cousin’s first name is Selina but she goes by her second name, Bianca or Bia for short. We were inseperable as kids but we grew shyer as we grew older :( shannon shauna: Gabie’s orgmate. That’s all I know. She liked my tweets in the past but that’s the most contact we’ve made. shayna shelby sherry seirra skylar spencer steven stevey susan: I have an Aunt Susan. She took care of me my whole childhood; fed me, gave me baths, all that stuff when my mom was too busy with work. She got run over by a hit-and-run motorcycle when I was 9 and she was never the same after. She was crankier and had violent outbursts. tamara: I went to school with a Tamara; her nickname was Tammy. She was a gentle giant; like she was a naturally big girl but was very soft-spoken and SUPER shy. We got close for a while in 4th grade but her paths differed not long after. tashryha taylor tayshaun terrell tiffany: I had a batchmate named Tiffany. She was kinda mean in grade school but got nicer as we got older. I never really got the chance to know her well. tori trevor trisha: Another high school batchmate. All I remember was that she would cheat on tests by changing her wrong answers when the teachers would give our results back so they could correct it for her. Also a big Justin Bieber fan lol. trista tylik vanessa: There was a Vanessa in an older HS batch but she went by Via; she just graduated college yesterday but that’s all I know. There’s also a Vanessa in my sister’s HS batch; she’s half-German and that’s also all I know. victoria: Some girl I had a class with was named Victoria but it’s her middle name; we all called her Kristine. wally will wyatt zach: Another guy from the wrestling group I was in. He was one of the older dudes so I was more scared of him than the rest. zachary: Same answer as Zach. I think this was his whole name. zoey
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zayatinytots · 3 years
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You can look for online websites and local stores and choose the right fit that suits your budget.
They are an Ideal Choice for Maternity Use
Skirts are the most comfortable wear for a pregnant woman. You can choose a long skirt you can wear throughout the pregnancy, with an adjustable hemline.
You can wear a maxi skirt and perform your daily household activities comfortably.
Hence, if you want to make a safe choice while shopping, skirts should be your go-to option for all occasions.
0 notes
altarsburning · 6 years
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full name: harper lee sutton (née ainsworth) birthplace: perry, georgia birth date: october 3, 1984 marital status: divorced nicknames: harp, doll hair colour: brunette eye colour: blue height: 5′6″ weight: 114lbs identifying marks (scars, tattoos, etc): the name ‘beau’ tattooed in script along her right hip. scar on the back of left bicep from a car accident education: perry high school, perry, georgia, graduating class of 2002. three years of college at central georgia tech, majoring in business management, degree as of yet uncompleted.  criminal record: assault on a police officer, charges dropped
occupation: general manager at club alias family: paternal grandfather, emmett ainsworth, deceased. paternal grandmother, hannah ainsworth, deceased. maternal grandfather, edward pollard, deceased. maternal grandmother, elizabeth pollard, deceased. father, jack ainsworth, deceased. mother, maude ainsworth ( née pollard). oldest brother, callum ainsworth. second oldest brother, travis ainsworth. younger sister, millicent known affiliates: beau sutton, ex-husband. ty sutton, ex-brother-in-law
associated words: icy, controlling, rigid, uptight, punctual, judgmental, demanding, selective, stoic, cunning. also pleasing, loving, loyal, determined, ambitious, protective
preferred style of dress: pencil skirts, cardigans, silk blouses, skinny jeans, slim ankle-length pants in black, heels of four inches or over, knee-high boots, flats. brands include chanel, jimmy choo, christian louboutin, the gap, alice + olivia, free people, anthropolgie, burberry, celine, among others
car driven: mercedes s-class, black
property or properties owned: a house in baltimore, majority stockholder in the chain of liquor king stores, stockholder in heilman brewing company
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callistasole-blog · 6 years
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FULL NAME: Callista Sole
AGE: 28
DATE OF BIRTH: December 11, 1926
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius
SEXUALITY: bisexual
GENDER IDENTITY: bigender/genderfluid
PRONOUNS: she/her or he/him
FACE CLAIM: Stella Maeve, Blair Redford (metamorphmagus)
HEIGHT: 5′3″ or 5′11″
HAIR COLOR: medium to dark brown
EYE COLOR: brown
TATTOOS: ram’s skull on shoulder-blade, surrounded by flowers which change depending on the season; an oak tree on her thigh; a replica of one of Shikoba’s carvings of a rabbit on her ankle
SCARS: several small scars on the palms of her hands and her fingers from wandmaking and carving; twin scars on her knees from falling out of a tree as a kid
STYLE: button-down shirts, cuffed trousers -- usually in a houndstooth or plaid pattern though sometimes plain, the occasional pencil skirt, sleeves nearly always rolled up, dragon’s-leather loafers in jewel tones
PLACE OF BIRTH: Sweet Grass, Montana
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Baltimore, Maryland – she kept her apartment there after being transferred to the Eastern Squad and uses approved MACUSA commute points to apparate to New York for work
HERITAGE: Blackfoot and Cherokee (paternal), Irish (maternal)
HABITS/MANNERISMS: habitual eavesdropping, chewing on pens, touching people’s shoulders/arms when she talks to them, tapping the toes of her shoes together when she’s bored, getting up from her desk to walk around the office every 45 minutes or so when she’s stuck in the office, biting her lower lip when she’s thinking
ACCENT: standard American, with elements of an Upper Midwest/Canadian blend and a bit of an Irish lilt when she drinks
Father: Adam Sole (59)
Mother: Naoise O’Farrell Sole (56)
Siblings: Ken (37), Junior (35), Wyatt (32), Marcus (32), Paul (30)
Siblings in law: Marian (32), Christopher (35), Em (34)
Paternal Grandmother: Nana Sole (91)
Aunts and Uncles: Ken (67), Jonny (63), Naomi (56), Emily (68), Anna Lucia (54), Sam (55)
AMORTENTIA SCENTS: peat, cedar, pine needles, and burning wood
BOGGART: a hidebehind
WAND: Black Walnut, Jackalope Antler, 11″, sturdy, with carvings of a rabbit, a bear, a wolf, and a deer at the base
MAGICAL EDUCATION: Homeschooled by her parents, grandmother, and various aunts and uncles; formal apprenticeship in wandmaking under Shikoba Wolfe
AUROR ACADEMY: Salem Academy, starting in 1950
ENNEAGRAM PERSONALITY: Type Seven, the Enthusiast
HAVE THEY EVER BEEN IN LOVE? she doesn’t believe so, no -- she’s dated a few people but it’s never come to what she considers love
WHO ARE THEIR CLOSEST FRIENDS? her roommate Jai and his boyfriend/her ex-partner Ace; her best friend from the Academy, Ana; Moses; and more recently, Salem
WHAT/WHO IN THEIR LIFE WOULD BE HARD TO LIVE WITHOUT? fresh air, adventure, good company
DO THEY HAVE ANY PETS? she grew up with a sheepdog named Cailie, but hasn’t had any pets since living in her own
WHAT IS THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH THEIR FAMILY LIKE? Cal has always been very close with her family, and still is -- the only thing she dislikes about her life as it is is being so far from them, and she tries to get back to see them as often as she can. They’ve always been incredibly close-knit, supportive, and she’s never felt the need to keep a secret from them.
LENGTH OF THEIR LONGEST ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP: seven months, with a girlfriend she met while working on the Baltimore squad
COOKING SKILLS: passable -- she can make a decent meal for herself and others, but it’s never anything fancy or experimental, just the basics
FAVORITE FOODS: she likes hearty foods, wholegrain breads and stews, roasted root vegetables, and anything with maple syrup on it
FAVORITE DRINK: hot apple cider
FAVORITE PLACE: Glacier National Park
FAVORITE WORDS: abstractly: “echo,” “fluid”; in use: “naturally,” “so”
HOW THEY SPEND THEIR DAYS OFF: hiking, swimming, spending time outside
SLEEPING HABITS/POSITIONS: sleeps on her side, always facing away from the doorway; she needs to have a cup of something warm to drink before she can fall asleep but once she does she’s a heavy sleeper and can’t wake up without taking a shower
MORNING ROUTINE: takes a shower, makes a cup of tea or coffee, gets back into bed while drinking it -- sometimes with a book, sometimes with the crossword -- and then gets dressed, has some toast, and heads out for the day
FAVORITE MUSIC GENRE: depending on the mood, anything from doo-wop to Pasty Cline-esque mellow country music. her favorite band is a wixen doo-wop group called The Dancin’ Doxies
FAVORITE MOVIE/BOOK GENRE: she has always loved a good pulp mystery novel, and is quite a fan of film noir
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neganandblake · 7 years
If the apocalypse didn’t happen. How would Blake and Negan would have met. If that makes any sense.
Oooh great question. So this is how I think a Negan/Blake non-apocalypse AU! wouldgo…(it’s a long one!)
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Blake started a new job at a middle school, temping for a maternity-coverposition and doing basic admin work in the school office. The first day shegets there, dressed to the nines in a tight pencil skirt, black high heels,pale blue blouse, she goes to drive her beaten up old car into a parking spacein the lot just outside, when she suddenly gets cut-up by an asshole in a pick-uptruck, who gets into the space before her. She toots her horn, angry to see theasshole driver hop out of his truck on long legs, with dark hair and a salt andpepper beard. She glares at him as he sidles around to her window, a smug lookacross his face. He gives a shrug. “Too bad, Peaches,” he says in a low voice,eyeing her up and down. “That spot has been mine for the past ten years. So you’regonna have to get up a bit earlier in the mornin’ to take it from me.” And withthat, he walks away as Blake scowls after him.
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Later that morning after being shown around the interior ofthe school, Blake is shown to her desk overlooking the playing fields outside. And she barely has to look for very long to see ‘said’-asshole out thereblowing a whistle. He is, of course, the school sports coach.
And so the next morning, still a little pissed and ready toget one over on the asshole coach, Blake gets in to work a little earlier andparks up in ‘that’ spot. She gets out of her car on high heels, just in time tosee that same old truck pull upslowly and that same guy eye herbemusedly out of his window. But she just gives an easy shrug and wrinkles hernose, as she lingers near to his car door. “I guess you’re gonna need to startgetting up a bit earlier in the morning…” she says airily, hearing him let outa chuckle behind her as she walks away before he pulls into a space at the far endof the lot.
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That evening its raining really hard by the time Blake getsout of work and into her car. But turning the key in the ignition, the carrefuses to turn over. She tries again and again, but the car still won’t start. Suddenly a face appearsat her window and that same tall asshole leans in as she rolls down the windowshooting him a look. “Well, that’s karma for you, Sweetheart,” he murmurs in anarrogant tone, just as Blake’s engine finally splutters into life. But she justoffers him a simpering smile, shoving his hand from her door and narrowing hereyes at him. “Hmmmm, I don’t think so,“ she replies. before reversing her carand driving away, leaving the coach standing there in the rain grinning afterher.
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But Blake gets just two blocks away from her house, when allof her sudden her beaten up car dies on her again, forcing her to pull over onthe side of the road. “Come on you piece of crap,” she says, banging the steeringwheel. But after a few tries, she is forced to hop out in the driving rain, herpretty blouse getting soaked through almost instantly as she runs around to thebonnet, pulling it open with both hands, and staring hopelessly down at theengine. But right at that very moment, a pair of car headlights blind her alittle, as a large recognisable truck pulls up beside her and a familiar facehangs his head out of the driver’s side window.
“Need a ride, Peaches?”
Send me an ask if you’d like to hear more! I am so into this…:)
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the-nwah-embassy · 7 years
The Daedra as schoolmates
Azura: The ultimate mom friend, to the point of total annoyance. Always nagging you about doing homework and paying attention in school. Perfect grades, perfect attendance, and has no time for frivolities like relationships. Although she’s extraordinarily pretty and caring in a maternal way, she’s also extremely terrifying when angered. You’ve seen her rip apart lives piece by piece in a calculating and cruel manner because someone bumped her in the hallway and didn’t say “Excuse me”, and then blame their lack of manners for their suffering.
Sheogorath: The random and uncomfortably loud class clown. He spends more time laughing at his own jokes than he does anything else. While occasionally entertaining, he’s also very unpredictable. He once knocked a kid out because he said “Oh yeah, I’ve heard that one before” to one of his jokes. He was also suspended for a month for putting a cherry bomb in the principals desk, which caused a minor fire in the office and caused a school-wide evacuation. Because of his crazy antics, he doesn’t have many friends, and the friends he does have are just as nutty as he is. 
Namira: The girl with a greasy mop of hair who smells like mildew and body odor. You’re not entirely sure she even owns a shower. People avoid her in the halls, but she doesn’t seem to mind because she’s too busy picking her teeth with her fingernails and smelling it. During lunch, you can usually find her swirling all her food into a disgusting slop and putting it in people’s faces, or behind the school building picking up bugs playing with them. She usually wears the same two or three outfits every day, with the exception of her gym clothes, which you know for a fact haven’t been washed all year. 
Hircine: The kid who is constantly wearing camo for no apparent reason at all. Camo jackets, camo hats, he even has camo interior in his ridiculous truck. Like literally all camo, all the time, for no reason. He’s the kid who goes hunting every single weekend and brags about the giant deer antlers hung up in his living room that his dad killed a few years ago. Needless to say, he’s president of the archery club and an NRA fanatic. He’s always bringing his own lunch to school, which looks eerily similar to a pile of freshly cut meat. You’re fairly certain he has a collection of animal skulls and organs hidden away in his closet ‘for trophy purposes.’
Boethiah: The infamous two-faced backstabber. She acts sweet and kind to your face and then talks shit about you to her ‘friends’ when you walk away, and the same thing over again when they walk away. However, whenever you confront her, she somehow always convinces you that it never happened, or maybe you heard wrong, or perhaps the other people were lying. She always comes out looking innocent. And Divines forbid you date someone who she takes a liking to, because you’ll find yourself with a nasty breakup on your hands and shortly after, her on their arm. At least for a few weeks until she gets bored. Then she’ll come to you and say how sorry she is, and that she genuinely thought it was true love and how she never should have betrayed your friendship for him. And when you forgive her, and you always do, she’ll walk away smirking, planning her next bitch move.
Peryite: This kid is always sick. Seriously, it’s always something with this guy. He spends more time out of class than he does in it, which you can’t say you’re not grateful for, because he’s also disgusting. He constantly sneezes without covering his mouth, and in the direction of other people. He sniffles all the time which sounds more more like snoring, and it makes everyone gag. You’d feel bad for him, but you know he does it on purpose. He’s also weirdly obsessed with learning about plagues. At first, you thought it was because he was so sickly and might be worried about himself, but now you’re not so sure. 
Mephala: The school rumor spreader. You have no idea how, but this girl knows everyone and their business, and she has no shame twisting it to her pleasure. She’s ended relationships, friendships, and even scholarships. Somehow her tangled whispers find their way all over the school halls. For whatever reason, her word is taken as law, and she’s an authority on everyone else’s business. Maybe it’s because she’s cute, or maybe it’s because her skirts are a little too short, but whatever the reason, she has a way of convincing everyone else that her word is infallible. Most people try to make themselves invisible to her, but everyone finds their way into her web of lies eventually.
Mehrunes Dagon: Mehrunes is the quarterback of the school football team, but contrary to cliche, he’s very disliked, to say the least. Even the rest of the team can’t stand him because of his anger issues. While he has experience and ambition, he’s just an absolute jerk for no reason at all. Even the coach knows there’s something up with him, but won’t take him off the team because he’s so good at what he does. He’s fairly well known as a bully and an all around asshole throughout the school. Divine’s help if the school loses a game, because when they do, he ends up smashing in lockers and breaking sinks in the locker room. Seriously, this guy needs to be locked up because he can cause some real damage, and you have a sneaking suspicion he’ll be in jail less than a week after his 18th birthday.
Meridia: Meridia is the class president and voted most likely to succeed. She’s the perfect school princess who always does what she’s supposed to, and makes sure that others do too. You know that outfit you love that is just a tiny bit out of dress code? She’s the one that comes up and says “You know, that outfit doesn’t meet the dress requirements!” a little too loudly in front of a teacher, and then smiles and flounces off. She’s constantly making pointless, boring speeches at the school assemblies and deludes herself into thinking people she doesn’t know legitimately care about her plans for after college. The teachers roll their eyes when she’s around, and even the principal is tired of this chick. 
Jyggalag: This dude is OCD as hell. He arrives at school every day at exactly the same time, sharpens every single pencil he owns so they are the exact same length, and reorganizes his notes before class. Every. Single. Day. Every notebook he owns is color coded and even page numbered so that he could make an index, and his handwriting looks like a typewriter wrote it. He’s been hall monitor for like two years now even though the limit is 3 months. He also absolutely detests Sheogorath, so much so that a rumor is going around that he switched schools just to get away from him. 
Vaermina: Mean. Just mean. No rhyme, no reason, just mean. She never says a word to anyone, but everyone has a horror story involving this chick. New to the school? She’ll welcome you by tripping you in the hall. Have a new crush that you think is going to ask you out? Don’t worry, she’ll help you by making sure you sit in water in the class you share with them and don’t notice it until it’s too late. Having a bad day? That’s good, cause she’s going to make it worse, and she’ll enjoy every second of it. For real, this girl is a real nightmare. 
Nocturnal: The school goth girl. You’re entirely certain she doesn’t own any clothes that aren’t black, and she’s always got her headphones in listening to bands you’re fairly certain you’ve never even heard of. No one ever sees her arrive or leave the school, and no one can ever find her unless she’s attending a class. No one really even knows her name, even the teachers. She doesn’t have any friends, but she does have a weird occult following that obsesses over her. She doesn’t seem to notice or care. Strangely, things constantly seem to go missing when she’s around, but it couldn’t possibly be her because she hasn’t moved from her seat all period... Has she?
Hermaeus Mora: Ah, this guy. The know-it-all. Why does he even bother attending? He already knows everything. The teachers hate him because he’s constantly showing them up. His most used phrase is “Well, actually.” You know that kid who is constantly yelling out answers in class without being asked? Yep, that’s him. When he’s not in the library hoarding books like a dragon, you’ll find him stalking various students around the school who intrigue him, and referring to them as his “subjects.” You have a sneaking suspicion that he’s the one that has been using the lab supplies without permission and also the reason behind why the school banned animal dissection in science class. 
Malacath: This dude could use some help, like a therapy session or maybe a hug. He’s rude for no reason, but only because he assumes you’ll be rude to him first. He’s constantly trying to prove how tough he is by getting into fights over, well, everything. He and his group of friends are exclusive and reclusive, angrily calling themselves ‘misfits’ unironically, and will only accept you if they think you’re as outcasted as they are. The rest of the school either shuns or ignores them, so it’s understandable. Rumor has it that disputes in the group are settled via wrestling match in the parking lot after dark. 
Sanguine: The walking leather jacket. Girls fawn over this dude, and all the guys want to be like him. He comes to school late on a motorcycle smelling like cigarettes and drinks vodka out of a sprite bottle in history class. Don’t worry, he’s always down to share. He is the walking embodiment of “Screw you mom and dad, my band is definitely going to get big!” He’s sort of friends with everyone, and he can’t walk down a hallway without being a part of at least 8 or 9 separate conversations. Teachers can’t stand him, mainly because if he’s even a minute late to a class, he says ‘fuck it’ and hangs out on the bleachers until lunch, and he’s always late. His yearbook quote was “Life is too short for school, so screw it and drink it down and party it up.” He also has his own ‘bachelor pad’ and wants to move to New York and play guitar in the street after graduation.
Molag Bal: So, you know that guy that you’re absolutely terrified will shoot up the school one day? Yeah, that’s this guy. This guy is angry as all hell, and you swear he can literally smell weakness. If he ends up making it through school without ending up in jail, you’re fairly certain he’s going to become a serial killer. He just terrifies everyone. The people who have tried to get on his good side (you know, just in case) ended up making things worse, and they won’t talk about why or what happened. Chances are, he has a manifesto saved on his computer. He has this weird thing with Boethiah and you don’t know whether they dated or what, but those two really don’t like each other. Or they just really need to tension bang. 
Clavicus Vile: You know, you’re not sure this guy even goes here. He’s always hanging out in the parking lot with his dog that they don’t allow in the school. He calls himself ‘the hookup’  and seems pretty cool at first. He offers to get you discount cigarettes, beer, drugs, whatever you need for cheap. However, it’s probably better not to trust him. Maybe it’s just a feeling, or maybe it’s the fact that your friend said the weed he bought from him tasted funny and gave him a panic attack, or maybe it’s because the beer he brought to a house party once tasted strangely like the swill that bars throw out after closing. Either way, you don’t trust the guy. He’s just trying way too hard to get you to trust him. He tried to offer you a cigarette the other day, but why was the tobacco white and fuzzy?
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smutbangtan · 7 years
Office Files Part 1
Word Count: 3651
Summary: You are a lawyer at a major company. You’ve been given the responsibility to oversee an intern. 
Paring: Reader x Jimin x Namjoon x Jungkook
Genre: Smut
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"Good morning Miss 'Y/L/N"
"Morning.." You replied to the front receptionist with a nod. You walked your way passed the waiting room then cubicles and other main offices surrounded by glass with extravagant interior decoration. You could hear your own heels against the marble floor as you passed other departments of the building. Once you entered into your own department through double glass doors, the place was already alive. You could hear people talking on their phones, or workers having discussions about a case. Everyone was dressed in business attire as usual. You sighed to yourself knowing exactly what was waiting for you in your office on a Monday morning. A shit load of work.
Katy was your receptionist she was a lot younger than you were and was located a few meters outside of your office. She was 18 or 19, you weren't entirely sure. Her personality made you want to slap her sometimes cause she was sickly sweet and bubbly, completely opposite to what you were. But you hired her because she knows how to do her job and quite well actually. Today she decided to wear a baby pink blouse with a skater skirt and heels. Her brunette hair tied in a bun with a few curls loosely hanging of the side. Katy saw you enter into the department and stood up immediately with a sticky note between her fingers.
"Morning! Miss Y/N I have a few messages for you today. They called this morning" She said hurriedly as she walked by your side towards your office. You turned your head with a half hearted smile and reached out her hand, waiting for the note. Katy handed the note over to you and continued talking as both of you walked into your office.
"Salter & Lawyers called, asking to make a time to see them about a business deal that was mentioned over a dinner 2 weeks ago?" You hummed in response as you looked over the note and noticing the lack of information on it.
"Mr Kevin called from the department of Justice and requested for you to call him back" While Katy continued, you placed the note next to your keyboard and sat down into your leather chair and leaned back with a soft sigh after placing your bag down. Since you were the head of the department, you were given your own office. It was sleek in design with a major artwork behind you and a 90 degree view of the city. You also had a full view of the people working outside off your office since it was made entirely of glass, but of course with a flick of a switch the glass can be frosted. While she spoke, you took note of her attire, and quirked a brow. She always wore colour, while you almost always wore blacks or nudes, mixed with grays. That's how you liked it. Today you wore a grey pencil skirt with a silk white blouse that reached to your elbows.
"Thank you, but.." You point to the sticky note "This one says only two words 'Namjoon and Intern'?"
Katy nodded and stood in front of your desk. "Oh yes! I wrote that down on Friday since you left early. Mr Namjoon said he wanted to speak to you, but since you already went home he requested for you to call him first thing in the morning"
"Ah..I'll call him right away" You shifted your eyes to the right of your desk and saw 3 files. Although 3 files might not seem a lot of work, but the content and time that is required to complete the work is mentally exhausting.
"Thank you Katy" You smiled at her briefly then turned on your laptop, assuming she knew it was time for her to leave. Katy fiddled with her fingers and stood there for a few moments looking at you with hesitation. You paused noticing that she hasn't left yet and lifted your gaze at her again. You raised your brows, motioning her to talk.
"Um.. Miss Y/L, I almost missed my train this morning, and didn't have time to grab a coffee, is it okay if I go down and quickly grab one from across the road?"
You sighed in relief, thinking it was some bad news from another department. "Oh for God's sake Katy! You don't need permission to go and grab a coffee! shit!" You chuckled "And grab me one too!" you added.
You don't blame her for being anxious around you half the time. There was one time when another receptionist fucked up on passing information which landed you and the company in deep water and financial loss. You openly and quite rudely yelled and fired her in front of her colleagues. To be frank you weren't very popular with the female workers so you were out of the loop with 'office gossip' or never invited to a girls night out. There was one lady you would talk to and would consider as a friend, but she was from another department and was currently on maternity leave. You only had a handful of friends but they worked elsewhere.
The moment Katy left, you heard another pair for footsteps entering into your office. You were already glued onto the laptop screen. You didn't bother looking up because you knew exactly who it was just by the woody and musky scent of cologne.
"I was expecting your call.." said the male voice. He ran his fingers across your glass desk then took a seat across from you. You stopped typing and looked up at him with a blank look on your face.
"I was about to call you, I got your note" You added with a blunt tone. You decided not to react to his presence every time he entered your office anymore.
Namjoon nodded at your response approvingly then leaned back on his chair, crossing his legs and fixing his tie. You scanned his attire and noticed he went with a fresh look today. A patterned black suit with a navy blue tie which matched perfectly with his blonde hair that was combed in such a way it looked like wave. He looked incredibly sexy. You clenched your jaw, hating the way how you still found him attractive. You both dated last year for over 3 months. You were the talk of the town, and people wondering how someone uptight like you could end up dating one of the most attractive and smartest guys from other department. To be honest your relationship with him was nothing but lust. There was no depth, even though you both tried. In the end it was agreed to end things before it got too awkward for the both of you. You both remained friends thankfully.
"I have some good and bad news" said Namjoom. He watched you as he drummed his slender fingers on the arms of the leather chair.
"Oh?" You responded and crossed your arms over your chest, expecting it to be something interesting. He always had a habit of handing you news like it was a guessing game. Namjoon grinned at your body language and did the same, crossing his arms.
"The good news is that Jin, had his baby. A baby girl, she was born last night around 2am I think"
You smiled suddenly and loosened your arms a little at the good news. You quickly reached down to your bag to grab your phone. "That's fantastic news! I'm so happy for Jin and Juli. I'll send her a text right away. I knew the baby was due soon, but not so soon." You was genuinely happy for your friend Juli. A little pang of guilt crossed you for a moment, you hadn't contacted her in a while to see how her pregnancy was going. You've been so caught up in your work. You felt terrible. You quickly sent her a text of congratulations.
Namjoon quietly watched you text, admiring your fingers and the way you held yourself. He wasn't too sure if he still had feelings for you, but he sure as hell knew that you were the most attractive woman he's been with. Not knowing how to break the bad news to you because he would know how you would react, but he decided to just say it anyway.
"You're going to have to take in an intern" He said suddenly. Namjoom blinked and pursed his lips into a thin line, waiting for your response.
You set down your phone and gritted your teeth. Once you heard his words, you knew it wasn't his decision but from someone above. Sure, you were the manager of this department but you didn't call the shot. Not yet anyway.
"What the fuck! I'm not taking in an intern. What am I? A fuckin 1st year?" You spat out. You flicked your hand up in the air indicating the people around you outside "Ask someone else!" You then pinched your nose and closed your eyes not believing what you just heard. A great way to start a Monday you thought. Namjoom talked quietly not wanting to start another one of your angry fits.
"I know you hate this, and you haven't taken in an intern in years but, as you know Jin isn't here. He's responsible for the newcomers and interns. I'm just as pissed off. I'm taking an intern too. The orders are coming from above. I'm just passing the information. We only have 3 this year and one of them are placed in this department. I can't rely on Taehyung, and to be honest I don't know how he's still working here and Ella is already hung up in accounts and dealing with the department of justice." He sighed and continued as he stood and brushed off his suit.
"He's CV shows he's got a great background in finance and justice. A little older than the other interns but he seems perfect for this department. Besides, who's better to show him the ropes then you? You're the best we've got in all the departments combined. Without you, we'd be still at loss" Namjoon said truthfully.
You also stood from your seat and walked around your desk to look up at him. "Oh please, save me the flattery" You said annoyingly. You leaned back on your desk with your hands resting on the edge with a grip. "When does the intern start?" narrowing your eyes at him and pursing your lips at the thought of an intern hovering around you like a lost puppy.
Namjoon licked his lips, once you saw your full attire he had this sudden urge to bend you over and fuck you on your desk. But instead he smiled sheepishly, knowing you gave in to the intern request.
"He starts today actually" He smile widened showing those dimples that he was so famous for. He was loving how frustrated you looked. That was one thing he enjoyed being with you. You were hot one minute, then cold the next. He never knew what was going through your mind. Possibly one of the reasons why the relationship never worked.
Instantly your eyes widened "WHAT?!, Do you have any idea how much work I have today?! I can't fuckin believe this!" You scoffed, not believing what just came out of Namjoon's mouth. How can the HR allow this? clearly they have no sympathy.
"In fact he's on his way now.." Added Namjoom with a laugh then slipped his slender hands into his suit pants. You swallowed hard, now only thinking about the work that's been piled up on you. Those messages you need to return, finalizing the financial agreement, now a fucking intern that's probably dumb as shit and needing you to do everything. While your thoughts were running wild, you failed to notice a young gentlemen heading towards your office.
Earlier 8:00am
In the waiting area, there were three gentlemen sitting quite nervously in their seats, dressed in freshly dry cleaned business suits. All three of them not knowing each other, one of them decided to speak first.
"Hey, Im Hoseok. Are you guys starting your internship today?" He smiled, even thought it looked a little forced. The other two both looked up and nodded from their phones. The other one started talking, looking a little relaxed now that the silence was broken.
"Yeah I just found out a couple of days ago, I'm a little nervous to be honest. I'm Jungkook by the way" He replied with a small smile. The third leaned back on his chair and ran his hand through his hair, letting out a sigh then nodded to the rest of them.
"I'm Jimn" he smiled a little, creasing his eyes to half moons. There was silence for a few moments until Jungkook spoke. "Do you know which department you're in?" The others shook their heads.
"I'm a clueless as what I'm expected to do. I suppose we'll be shadowing someone and get shown the ropes?" Replied Jimin as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. Hoseok nodded in response then spoke.
"I just want to start doing the good stuff and start looking into cases" He grinned. Jungkook and Jimin also grinned, knowing exactly why they wanted to be here. They were the top of their class in college and also their previous jobs. To be accepted into an internship here meant you could work within the department of justice, a high profile lawyer or a broker dealing with millions of dollars. Their careers was set. Jungkook also leaned in with his elbows and lowered his voice before looking at the front receptionist to make sure no one was listening.
"I know we'd be shadowing some high profiles, but my friend said to watch out for a few people." Jimin looked over at Jungkook and arched a brow at him. "Who's your friend?" asked Jimin.
Jungkook flicked his hair off his eyes "Taehyung, he works in finance but, he keeps me posted on what happening inside. He told me girls here are super hot" Hoseok laughed and shook his head, not believing this guy is already talking about women in the morning.
"Oh yeah?" replied Jimin with a sheepish grin. "I can't wait."
"I think we should concentrate on doing our best?" said Hoseok with his arms crossed, hoping his words might change the subject. Jungkook ignored the last comment and continued to speak, mostly looking at Jimin now since he seemed to be more interested. "Yeah he also said some of the women are a bit uptight, and some guys are assholes. But overall it's a good place to work. Depending on the department, I have an idea where we might end up."
This caught Hoseok's attention again and listened in. "Oh?.." He looked a little surprised. Jungkook shifted his dark eyes back to Hoseok then Jimin. "Jin is his name, and he's in charge of interns. Taehyung said he's a relaxed guy and will give us great recommendations regardless. He's a softie." All three of them liked the idea of getting great references from this company. This is going to be a piece of cake they all thought. The guys bodies seem to have relaxed a little once Jungkook gave insight about what will happen. Jungkook continued "Look out for Y/N , Taehyung said she's the manager of the project department and is known as the Ice Queen"
Hoseok jumped in wanting to put at least some positive information into the gossip "I heard she's put in a lot of work in to the company, made it what it is today" Jimin looked over at Jungkook then Hoseok "I didn't know that.." Said Jimin as he leaned back on his seat, slipping his hands into his pockets. Jungkook looked a little annoyed being interrupted by Hoseok but continued "As I was saying, you don't want her as a boss." Hoseok looking uninterested again, he pulled out his phone and started going through social media. He didn't like the idea of bad mouthing someone without knowing them first, let alone in the same place as they worked. Once Jungkook stopped talking, all three of them waited quietly.
Katy looked through her emails and found one from Mr Namjoon which was sent a few moments ago. She lifted her eyes from her computer screen and looked into your office, watching you and Namjoom chatting away. The subject of the email read 'Urgent'. She clicked it open and read the email hurriedly, with a notepad on her side to take necessary notes if need be. The email read
Email: Miss Katy, at 8:30am could you please go to the waiting room and collect Miss Y/N's intern. I would like to introduce the intern before I leave Miss Y/N's office...
"Intern?" Whispered Katy to herself. Even though she's been here for little over a year, she knows you've haven't taken an intern for years. Katy quickly peeped over her computer screen again and looked into your office once more, watching Namjoom's body expressions then at yours. You looked pissed. She looked at the time on her computer screen and it said 8:27am "Shit" she said to herself. Reading the email one more time, she quickly wrote down the name of the intern and made her way to the main desk at the building.
Passing through the other departments and waving to a few of her friends she opened the main doors to the waiting room and three young men looked up at her. She was frozen for a moment, seeing these extremely attractive guys in front of her in suits. Their facial expressions showed they looked nervous or terrified like deer's in front of head lights. Immediately an image of your furious face flashed before her eyes, knowing you'd be pissed if she was even a minute late. Katy looked down at her sticky her note at the name of the person she was meant to collect, then remembered what Namjoom said in the email.
Email: don't forgot to tell them about Jin
She cleared her throat "Morning gentlemen. Congratulations in landing an internship with our company. Just to inform you, Jin who is in charge of interns is currently on parental leave, since his wife just had a baby. Last night actually!" she squeaked with happiness. Katy noticed how two of the men shot evil looks at one of them, the third looking dumb struck at the new information. Katy said out the name of the person on her sticky note and watched him stand up nervously and rub his hands on his thighs. She couldn't believe how attractive he was. She bit her lip nervously then talked as he approached her
"You'll be working with Y/N, and shadowing her" Katy smiled but couldn't help but noticed how his facial expressional changed just a slight bit before forcing a smile on his face. The other two remained in their seat and avoided eye contact. Was there some hidden joke that just occurred? She ignored it then smiled and said "Please follow me.."
"In fact he's on his way now.." Added Namjoom with a laugh then slipped his slender hands into his suit pants. You swallowed hard, now only thinking about the work that's been piled up on you. Those messages you need to return, finalizing the financial agreement, now a fucking intern that's probably dumb as shit and needing you to do everything. While your thoughts were running wild, you failed to notice a young gentlemen heading towards your office.
Katy slipped past your glass door then allowed the gentlemen to walk in.
Namjoom turned on his feet and clapped his hands once in delight, at the sight of the new intern.
"Ah perfect timing!" He said with a cheesy smile.
He nodded at Katy, indicating a thank you and allowing her to leave. Your gaze hadn't moved over at the door yet since your mind was buzzing with the list of things to complete until your name was mentioned.
"Y/N, please meet your new intern"
You turned your gaze from the window and leaned off the desk to stand upright to formally introduce yourself. The first thing you saw was his dark red hair, which quite surprisingly suited him. His attire fitted him perfectly, showing his muscular form. The man reached out his hand, expecting you to shake it. And you quickly did with a firm grip. You shook it once and nodded in greeting with a brief smile which didn't really scream out welcome.
"Good Morning Miss Y/N, I'm Jimin"
Namjoon walked over and patted the man on the shoulder "You're in safe hands now" he said with a chuckle. Technically that was meant to be a joke on his part, knowing exactly how you may treat him. He was hoping you got the joke too. Namjoon looked over his shoulder and gave you a quick wink before he left your office. You watched him leave, then shifted your eyes back to the guy standing in front of you.
When Jimin walked into your office, he was expecting some 50 year old woman stomping around and angrily talking on her phone. But that wasn't what he saw at all. Instead, she saw a woman in her later 20's dressed in sleek office wear and heels which shouted money. Your hair draped off one shoulder like silk curtains. He wasn't going to let your soft features fool him. From what he's heard, you're dangerous and not the person to cross over. He mentally prepared himself, and knew that if he really wanted a place in this company, he's going to work hard. Even harder, knowing now that you're his boss now. He had to ooze confidence and knowledge.
"Ice Queen" He thought.
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strangesmallbard · 7 years
fic | once upon a time, there was
pairing: swan queen rating: G warnings: none preview:
i may only have fragments but i know this. here, there is a chosen one, an evil queen, and a little prince. and they love each other.
| read on ao3 |
i have a story to tell. you know it. but i have to tell it, and i have to tell it right. i don’t know if i have the words in order. once upon a time there was a girl. she lived the life people wanted her to lead, and she wasn’t too unhappy. she spent her winters in the snow she was named for, bundled up for the weather. sometimes she wondered how the cold felt. she didn’t wonder too long. she got married, and she had another black haired, pale child, and then she died. except, once upon a time a woman moved into the castle. she took long strides and longer walks and outlined her eyes. she wanted to clearly see. she wanted to be seen. it was important that those she killed saw her. she was beautiful. and she hated the girl. hated her most. and the girl was jostled into a forest where her virtues were tested and tested and tried and true. we all know that story.
she dies. the woman. the queen. i don’t have to tell you that. you don’t have to mourn her. few have. sometimes she’s risen again from the grave, the dust untangled from her limp stringy hair, the look of horror on her face wiped clean, and her skin unmarred and her smile cruel. she’s the queen and then she’s named, brangomar, grimhilde, claudia, elspeth, clementianna, ravenna. but she always returns, and i think she knows. i don’t think she cares. i think she laughs at us. she casts her spells and her skirts billow out and maybe her lipstick runs, and maybe she doesn’t wear lipstick. i know she laughs at us. few will say it’s admirable. 3. once upon a time, the queen lived. her name is regina. it is important you know. this time her name means queen, and her own mother condemned her to this story. not that she knew. regina loves horses. it’s important that you know. the story took hold of both her arms, and she loved to ride horses. she saved the girl in this story. she didn’t ask for anything back. it wasn’t heroism so much as common sense. she loved a boy. or she loved an unwritten page. a pen (ballpoint, quill, no2. pencil) waiting for answer, for regina to open a barn door that would never be opened. she became the queen, and watched all the colors dim around her beautiful white dress. regina did not join the pages willingly. it is important that you know.
sometimes, the queen is a chill creeping up your spine and settling at the base of your neck. and sometimes the fire that rages, the smoke that coats the air in anger. she is every step in her burning shoes. and most of all, sometimes she is so alive. regina made people suffer. it was not indiscriminate. she exacted her judgement, her trial, and her execution in so few or so many words. it’s easier for some to think she went mad, that somewhere within her is a young girl who laughed into the wind and loved a boy and saved a girl without asking for anything back, screaming to be let free. that part is true. the queen is a fire, and she is a girl, and at the end of the day she takes off her eyeliner and her lipstick all by herself. she looks herself in the eye, vestiges and effigies dropped like bodies all around her. some will also say that she hates herself. it is easier for them to say that. you made me, she says to the mirror. you did this.
when she took her final revenge against the child who ruined her life, she moved them all to a small town in maine. and she was the only one to remember. that’s the true curse. being part of a different story. an open ended story. the forest is gone, the fields and the castles too, and only the queen is left in her own kingdom. the queen is not a mother. the story is very clear. whoever she is, she is not maternal or motherly or nurturing. she tries to eat the heart of the only daughter she’s ever known. she’s jealous of her. she blames her for everything. regina adopts a son, and she loves him.
once upon a time, snow white had a daughter and she lost her. prophecies are a story in and of themselves. we know about the chosen one. we know they’re meant to suffer. we know that they’re noble people at heart who are tested and tried and true. emma swan is angry. it is important that you know this. her heart is noble and her smile is hesitant and one day she’ll have a sword on her hip just like her father, (get into a white dress just like her mother). and she is angry. maybe i don’t need answers, maybe i need to punch you in the face, she says with her fists bared and her jaw locked tight. rumplestiltskin, like in every story, laughs at the women who bargain with him.
once upon a time there was a girl. she lived the life people wanted her to lead, and she wasn’t too unhappy. she spent her winters in the snow she was named for, bundled up for the weather. sometimes she wondered how the cold felt. she didn’t wonder too long. she got married, and she had a daughter named emma. princess emma was like no one expected. she rode horses and skinned her knees and people worried, but the queen laughed and said, she’ll come to understand herself. she’ll understand who she needs to be. princess emma sings in the forest in a pink dress or, princess emma lives in her skinned knees and brittle smile or, princess emma lives the life people wanted her to lead, and she wasn’t too unhappy. she sang about a prince in the forest that always bloomed, and she found him. he had an adequate amount of stubble, and he sang her away into a new old life, and snow white, the queen, dies peacefully as every day she lived. emma swan is not princess emma. snow white never stops hoping.
once upon a time, a girl lived in a house at the end of the lane. it is not her house, and she knows this. she knows it like the three freckles on the back of her hand, and the looped script of EMMA on her baby blanket. she doesn’t know why she was born, and she doesn’t have anyone to ask. she is shuffled from house to house and the families on television feel as real as the families she sits down to meals with. she watches peter pan twenty-four times, and thinks about someone taking her away.
she takes herself away. her favorite candy is starburst, but she won’t eat the orange ones. she gets a stick n poke of a swan on her shoulder when she’s seventeen, and the beak is a little too crooked. she cuts her own hair, and sometimes she just wants none of it all. she listens to loud music, and her jeans have holes in the knee. when she’s seventeen she tries striped skirts and lipstick, and meets a boy. he says they’ll go anywhere. start a blank page. emma swan is not a story, but she’s part of one. the boy leaves her to the story and a little pink plus sign. i’m sorry, she thinks to a grimy prison mirror and curls her fists, i’m sorry.
once upon a time, emma makes a wish.
she wishes not to be alone on her birthday. she doesn’t really believe in wishes, and many will understand why. she is the chosen one, and it is her turn to suffer, and she doesn’t know why yet. one day she will. and she will be angry. she will ask why her, a lost girl that was never found, and she’ll understand how these stories go. she will not fall on a sword, and she’ll throw it at a dragon instead. but tonight she asks something of the universe. something for her. something she won’t let herself cry for. she figures, maybe, once, it’ll listen. she gets her wish. 10. “you’re henry’s birth mother?” regina mills says, afraid of this moment like she has been for the last ten years. the queen was never a mother.
“hi,” emma swan says, because she never thought this moment would come. one day the chosen one will have a family and will have peace, but– “i found my real mom!” henry mills says, and runs upstairs clutching a very important book in his small fists aching to be noble like the princes before him. when emma sees regina, there are no more pages written in it. nothing new.
she sees a woman clutch one arm with the opposite’s hand and gather herself together in deep breaths that rise her shoulders and set something hard on her face. she will wonder why.
regina mills likes eighties exercise videos. the sweat on her brow is not from carrying a kingdom. every morning she still sits in front of her mirror and tries to recognize her reflection. the queen is still alive. it is important that you know. her son lives down the hall, and there are drawings of them up on his wall, regina a squiggle and a smile. a photo of them rests on her bedside table and there are long walks in the park with laughter and figuring out the best cookie recipe. spit-up, fevers, and math homework, regina scrubbing her favorite blue shirt with her heart hammering and her smile true. the queen has never been a mother before. and her story wasn’t over. when she sees the face she’s been searching for in the pages of his very important book, she feels her chest cave in. the barn door close. emma swan is not in the book. her red leather jacket nowhere to be found. and she won’t ever be part of it, if it’s the last thing regina ever does. but that’s not quite it.
“how the hell did you get like this?” emma asks, hands on her hips. the mayor’s office is so damn chilly, it’s a wonder how she gets any work done. oh right, with that cold cold heart of hers, haha. it’s not a chill she sees in regina’s eyes. maybe in the harsh set of her lips. maybe in the way she squeezes the chair’s fancy arms in a way she thinks emma won’t notice. there’s something there. a fire that scathes and a smoke that suffocates. something like that. emma will leave wondering.
you know the rest of this story. you know that henry falls to the poison apple like his grandmother and regina tells him she loves him and the room doesn’t believe her, but she does. love is not an issue of morality. when emma and regina join together to save their son, it is not the final battle this new story asked for. this small town in maine will have to wait for the evil queen to be defeated once and for all. it is only this: a little boy breathing, and two mothers holding their breath.
14. emma swan and regina mills fight. they were meant to fight, after-all, never see eye to eye. and yet, they did. and they found out that if they work together, they’re unstoppable. they can open a portal. they can move the moon. they can stop a town from being destroyed. in all the fighting, in all the next chapters, what they really wanted, all they ever wanted, is the other to know their name. emma swan moved from dinner table to dinner table, hoping someone would say it with love instead of contempt, and regina ate dinner with men and women who thought her worthless and don’t know they’ll die for it. emma’s praises are sung, and she watches regina sink into the background with her claws bared. emma doesn’t feel like a savior. emma doesn’t want to be part of the story, because with so many people smiling at her, she’s bound to disappoint someone. fail to save someone. when regina says, “let me die as regina,” emma stops wondering and she doesn’t want her to die. the truth is so stunning, visceral in the way she reaches out a hand, that–
at the end of the story, a prince sees snow white in her glass coffin and decides she is so beautiful and virtuous and good that he must have her. he orders his servants to carry her up to his castle so that he may look upon her forever, but they tripped on a rock and the coffin came tumbling down. the poison apple dislodged from her throat, and she agreed to be married to her noble rescuer.
they watched her die. i want you to know. they watched. that was the point.
at the end of the story, a prince happens upon a servant girl and decides she is so beautiful and virtuous and good that he must have her. she sings about him, a delicate tune. he saves her from her gilded coffin with a delicate kiss.
they don’t watch. the dwarves take care of that.
at the end of the story, there is a prince. i know this story. i used to touch my hand to my lips and wonder about a kiss that saves. he sees a girl in danger and pulls her out of the woods. in return, he marries her. we should want to be pulled from the forest, but wanting isn’t the only step. first we have to deserve it.
at the end of the story, there’s a man who wants something.
hook says to emma, when i win your heart, it’ll be because you want me.  
regina mills gives her heart for protection to robin hood, and we are to forget about maid marian and how regina most of all knows the ravages of destiny. as the story goes, she forgives destiny, this one final time for the sake of a happy ending.
this story has been told so many times, and i’m not going to tell it again.
i have another story to tell. you may know it. but i have to tell it, and i have to tell it right. i don’t know if i have the words in order. there’s no book in my hand, no script to follow. i can reach back in history and pull together the fragments, talk about all the women who told stories about a life they wished they could lead, about the life they are leading and what to do about it, the ones who responded, the ones who perpetuated, the ones with sharp smiles, the ones who sang their children to sleep, and never wanted any at all.
i may only have fragments but i know this. here, there is a chosen one, an evil queen, and a little prince. and they love each other.
once upon a time, emma saved regina from a fire and regina didn’t believe she would. you’re not going to come back for me, are you? was not a question.
once upon a time, emma saved her son with true love’s kiss.
once upon a time, regina held emma’s hand so very softly in hers and offered a happy ending for nothing in return. but that was later.
once upon a time, regina dreamed that emma came to storybooke to destroy her. she woke up terrified, after years of training herself to believe love was a weakness.
once upon a time, emma promised her a happy ending in a room full of untold stories.
once upon a time, regina broke her son’s curse with true love’s kiss.
once upon a time, henry calls them moms with happy crook of a smile and learns what it means to be a hero.
once upon a time, emma took on the darkness so that regina wouldn’t have to again. it’s not like she doesn’t know it herself. remember, emma swan is angry.
once upon a time, regina ventured into another story and found an almost world. she almost let her son destroy her in the hopes that emma would remember them.
once upon a time, emma swan chose to come home.
once upon a time, regina decided the evil queen must go, must be written out of this new story entirely, and emma asked are you sure about this? and was the only one to ask.
once upon a time–
“are you sure about this?” emma asks. they’re in the dim light of the living room, and emma is curled gently into the couch. she may be borrowing the robe and the mug with hot chocolate, but the grooves of the couch are familiar and the way regina tilts her head to consider the firelight feels like belonging.
regina’s heart is not two anymore. it beats like a heart only can when it knows the weight of one, torn out, turned to dust. it beats like before. except–
she holds a thumb to her throat like she expects to find the ring. her eyes flit up. “i wasn’t sure before.” she raises both brows and tilts her head again. “but you knew that.”
emma leans her head against a crooked elbow behind her. “i knew you were sure about a change. something wasn’t working.”
regina keeps looking at her, her eyes big and full of something. she laughs, a sardonic thing, and leans back against the couch. “you could say that.”
she looks back at the firelight and listens to her heart again. she listens for the inkling at the back of her neck, the rush down into her fingertips, and it’s there. it’s there. “it worked. i got to see the rage in her eyes and know the kind of terror she unleashed. and i pretended that,” she sucks in a breath and looks at emma like she’s afraid of what she’ll find. “i pretended that i didn’t understand her. the rage. anymore.”
emma chews the inside of her cheek. “when i was the dark one sometimes i’d look into the mirror and i don’t know…recognize myself? for the first time. not the hair.” she quirks a grin and regina smiles. she runs a hand through her hair and sighs out the evening. “but at the same time i knew i wasn’t supposed to exist. i was… the savior . my parents sacrificed a whole other kid just so i’d be good. and i messed that up. i didn’t know what to do with that.”
“emma,” regina says, voice crackling like the fire and waits until she looks back, but when she does, cannot find a single word to say. she reaches up and tucks a strand of hair away.
“i guess what i mean to say is. maybe we just beat destiny again. became something nobody could have expected, and maybe that’s okay.” she tilts her head.
“i…” she reaches out for her wine glass, but second guesses it. “i think you did.” she smiles, and emma knows it’s a real one, one she gives more and more in emma’s direction. “the evil queen couldn’t hurt anyone ever again on my watch, but i couldn’t…” devastation claws at the last syllable, and she keeps looking. “i looked into her eyes, and i realized that it wasn’t a clean cut down the middle. it couldn’t have been. she was me. and if there’s anything i know about the evil queen, it’s the desperate refusal to be anything other than herself. even with twenty five arrows pointed at her chest and her own father watching.”
emma’s hand is holding regina’s. neither are sure when she took it. emma runs a thumb across her knuckles, and watches regina gather herself in one deep breath. “and if there’s one thing i know about myself,” she says, quiet and firm, “it’s that i was terrified.” she lets go of emma’s hand and rubs her other arm. she picks up her wine glass and takes the last sip.
“i’m glad you didn’t kill the evil queen.”
regina rears back, eyes wide and hands untethered. “you don’t have to say that. “
“she– i hated you. at first. we hated each other.”
“no, it’s true. but you…henry…” she looks up the staircase, like he could be running down at any moment, asking for cookies and answers and space paranoids. but he’s fifteen now and he’s still kind and just a bit more sure, and sleeps in till noon now anyway. “you don’t need to love that she’s still around. it’s okay.”
“she’s a part of you,” emma says, swallowing. the truth is so stunning that she cannot keep the next words from tumbling out of her mouth.  “and i love you.”
regina’s hands go still. she watches emma, her face unflinchingly clear and smile earnestly tugging the corners of her lips up. “what?” she says, voice high.
“i love you,” emma says. she shrugs, though she is anything but hesitant. “i can’t be who i’m not, and neither can you. we’re in this thing together.”
“oh,” regina says, soft and heartbroken. she clears her throat, and laughs but it sounds kind of strangled. she shakes her head out of the moment, and reaches for the empty wine glass before realizing. she shakes her head again and musters enough energy to look back at her. “oh well, emma, yes. we are. i love you too.”
emma laughs, and the sound is startling as her smile, wide and creasing the lines by her eyes. she leans closer and places a hand by regina’s jaw, barely touching the beginnings of her neck with her fingertips. “for an evil queen that terrified realms across alternate dimensions, you’re kind of dense, madam mayor.”
regina allows herself to hope. it’s a thing that soars across her veins, now unburied from some tender crevice. “oh,” she says.
emma leans forward and regina leans forward and they meet in a mess of limbs tangled and awkward until regina reaches up to cup emma’s cheeks, and emma plays with the hairs at the back of regina’s neck, runs her hands down regina’s back to settle on her waist. they settle into the soft days ahead of them.
a familiar spark of magic courses through the room, the house, waking up their son because he thinks it’s an earthquake, and upon realizing thinks, finally , but neither of them notice.
that’s not the point.
once upon a time, the story we know wasn’t needed at all.
and i hope i’ve told it right.
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