friends-of-beetlejuice · 10 months
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A two-part sapphic romance novel by Ritsu Okano.
To the average reader, one who has not been introduced into our Nighttime Society, Rain in Vancouver appears to be your typical urban fantasy romance novel. While it is surprisingly well written (and a growing lesbian cult classic), there is very little about the novel to suggest anything out of the ordinary - It is a smutty wlw romance filled with cliché drama, sex and violence.
Nothing out of the ordinary, that is, unless you were a member of the Undead residing within Greater Vancouver.
Rain in Vancouver and A Heart Grown Red are placeholder titles I came up with for an in-game romance novel my Storyteller has been threatening us with since the beginning of our Vancouver VTM Chronicle. As such, some of the details here are subject to change as new canon is revealed. As of now, we only know the general plot (and some more defined humorous details), most likely because our ST wishes to create actual passages or chapter synopsis with the end goal of inflicting maximum psychic damage onto our characters. Because she is a monster (who we love dearly).
For you see, Rain in Vancouver and its second instalment are based on our VTM Chronicles, centred upon the worst kept secret in Greater Vancouver: The ‘forbidden’ romance between assassin Nico Okano and the Anarch baron Maria Majura. The names were all changed, of course – and instead of Vampires the characters were Sorcerers, Witches and Weird-Workers. But the events were kept mostly the same... with some artistic license and pizzazz injected in by Ritsu.
I am unsure as to who hired Nico (I suspect it might have been Maria herself) but what I do know is that on one rainy winter eve, a cargo ship docked at Centennial Terminal and from it two women departed. One was our unsuspecting protagonist – determined to quickly and effectively terminate the Anarch baron she had been contracted to kill - and the other was our soon to be author: Ritsu Okano.
Ritsu began her journey as a centuries old Ghoul and Nico’s assassin apprentice. As such, she was instructed to take notes while on the job, which she did. Especially while observing the secret meetings between her Master and their Vancouver contact.
I wonder who that could have been?
It wasn’t long before Nico was swept up in the charisma, beauty, and politics of Baron Majura, and the two secretly wed in mutual Blood Bond. This bond would be more precious than gold for our author. Maria and Nico, while truly in love with each other, often disagreed on philosophical matters – not necessarily on what needed to be done, but on how. Much of the humour in Book One was between these two women attempting to work around the bond and “argue” their positions.
The Drama came from Majura’s political ambitions and Nico’s lack there off. How do you lead a revolution with your Lover when you don’t actually care? How do you justify your moral compromises for ‘The Greater Good’ when you are only doing these things for her? Because you love her.
Eventually, of course, Majura succeeds. No longer was she the Anarch baron of Grandville Island, but instead the Camarilla Prince of Greater Vancouver. And Nico Okano: her reluctant Seneschal.
So ends Rain in Vancouver.
Oh, what fuckin joy Beetlejuice had reading Book One! A chance to embarrass her Seneschal? AND her Prince seemmed okay with BJ harassing her wife? Hell yeah! What could go wrong?
She had never felt so much ecstasy in all her many years. Sex had always been a weapon to [Nico], nothing more. But this? This was different. The way [Maria] moved under twilight moon. Her body like silk atop of-
“Oh! Seneschal, I didn’t see you there,” the horrible, adopted childe of Maria Majura purred. “Have you had a chance to read Ritsu’s book yet? Pretty spicy stuuuuuff~”
Beetlejuice sat in her Prince’s study with a signed copy of Rain in Vancouver and A Heart Grown Red in her hands, and an obnoxious mischievous smile plastered across her face. She had begun reading out loud as soon as Nico had entered the room. The Seneschal shifted uncomfortably, unsure how to react to her wife’s childe’s blatant attempt to embarrass. She locked eyes with Maria, who had been working quietly at her desk, and silently pleaded with the prince to put an end to this. Maria gave Nico a knowing smile and continued to work in silence.
This will be the only reaction Beetlejuice would get out of Nico from her evening readings. That is until...
They say the whole Tower heard BJ scream the night she read about “Autumn.”
A Heart Grown Red picks up where Rain in Vancouver ends: Maria is Prince, Nico is Seneschal, and a new threat emerges… But none of those things matter! Because that two faced bitch of a stepsister wrote Beetlejuice into her stupid garbage sex book!!!
“We can’t let her get away with this!” roared the Duskborn as she barged into her Prince’s Study, waving The Book around like a madwoman.
Maria did not stir. She simply continued to work in (now interrupted) silence. A barely visible smile slowly started to trickle in across her lips as her daughter ranted back and forth across the study.
“It’s – It’s fuckin filth! Fuckin lies! Your reputation –“
Beetlejuice froze in place. “Er- I’m sorry My Prince. It’s just-“
“You are upset with your sister’s writing. Yes, I gathered,” Maria put her pen down and turned her piercing gaze towards the Duskborn. “You are concerned that there maybe some… implications regarding my sexual partners, correct?”
Beetlejuice turned a deep red and averted her eyes, but otherwise did not respond. Maria continued the trap.
“And you believe that I should be concerned, and take what our public believes more seriously? Perhaps by limiting my amorous relations to more… traditionally acceptable parties?”
“Wha- No! That’s not-” the red in BJ’s face drains pale. “Anyone who would EVER fuckin’ judge you can go-!”
“Good, then we are in agreement,” Maria leans back, the smile complete across her face. “Besides, your sister’s novel would never have been published if were not first approved by Nico and I.”
“It was… you approved…”
“Yes, of course. Now, daughter, is there anything else you wish to discuss or are we done here?”
Beetlejuice left the study in a daze. The Book clutched against her chest with white knuckles. Her Prince Mother had known all along about the implied sexual relationship they supposedly had. There was nothing she could do. No way to stop the rumours from spreading, and they were indeed spreading. Rain in Vancouver and A Heart Grown Red were fast growing favourites of the Elysium Harpies, much to BJ's horror.
Beetlejuice was so distracted by her own personal hell, that she almost didn’t notice the Seneschal sitting in the parlour, with an open book in her hand. But she eventually did notice.
And the horrible, adopted childe of Maria Majura finally got a long-planned taste of her own medicine.
Autumn’s breasts heaved with anticipation as [Maria] slowly approached. The older woman’s exposed hand reached out inviting-
Another scream was heard that night as poor wretched Beetlejuice fled from her Seneschal’s justice.
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