paulamendez19 · 4 years
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So last year, I went into this store in the mall called Kitchen Collection looking for something for a gift and when I went to check out, there was a tray for these little bears. 
I thought they were SO #CUTE! But then when I saw the price, it made me reconsider: $3.... for a lip balm?? IDK. 
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I picked it up and put it back a few times and ultimately ended up buying it. 
My guy bestie helped me name him: #Sheldon (bestie had just been binging Big Bang Theory, I wasn’t ever personally a fan, no hard feelings just not my style). 
It started off more like a joke and has thus changed my whole life. 
When my siblings were younger, the school had them do a thing where they would carry around this paper doll called Flat Stanley and they had to take him everywhere. 
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So that gave me the idea to do the same with Sheldon. The old commercial for Travelocity with the traveling gnome also gave me the idea 
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So ever since September of 2019, Sheldon has been exploring and going on adventures and along the way he made some friends!
See them all here!  https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10156252272127307&type=3 Sheldon’s friends are:
Biscochitaita AKA Tita -  she is a silicone change purse I bought for myself back in 2017 and she had gotten packed up in moving and I recently found her again after acquiring Sheldon and they have been inseparable ever since!
Decia the pug - she was given to me for Christmas by my neighbor and even though I would like to think of her as their pet, she is bigger than Sheldon! Maybe she’s channeling the big red dog...  
Speedy the turlte - We didn’t find Speedy, he found us. In my parking lot of my complex, my friend and I were coming out of his car when we saw him. 
I squealed and immediately grabbed him knowing our little family had just expanded. 
And so for the last month or so, all 4 having been trekking around, exploring, going on adventures and making memories!
Can’t wait to see where else they’ll go in 2021!
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