#Birthday Party Zone in Model Town
fun7orbbit · 1 year
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weddingbanque · 1 year
Sunshine Marriage & Party Hall in Model Town, Delhi
Welcome to The Celebration Zone, where we unveil the magnificent Sunshine Marriage & Party Hall in Model Town, Delhi. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of festivities and discover the perfect venues that will make your celebrations truly remarkable. From elegant weddings to lively birthday parties and corporate events, these party halls in Model Town offer an enchanting ambiance and top-notch amenities.
Visit us:- https://weddingbanquets.in/sunshine-marriage-and-party-hall-model-town
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songofsaraneth · 3 years
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Another very busy but very fun couple weeks over here!!!! what a change of pace from the every-day-the-same-blur the last couple months have been.
My parents birthdays are in late June/early July so I went back to Chicago to visit for those + the 4th. It’s been well over a year since I was last at my childhood home and I always miss the lake I grew up on sooooo much. Got to have a nice time kayaking around (pic 1) and enjoying the water lillies and frogs :)))) Also visited my extended family in rural western IL, my uncle is one of the 3 people that make up the towns entire historical preservation society, and they just finished moving/restoring a cute cabin and some equipment from when the area was first settled, which was neat (pic 2). 
On the 3rd I went downtown to hang out with my childhood bffs + partners + my friend’s daughter on a beach on Lake Michigan (pic 3), and its the frist time i’ve been around so many people since 2020 and i’m definitely both rusty on the social skills as well as still feeling weirded out by groups now. It was a really hot day with cold water and good company and food though so while a shock to be back in such a weirdly “normal” setting I did still have a good time. And saw a couple of them again on the 4th at my house, and the neighbors across the lake set off a surprisingly good firework show (pic 4).
I also got to go visit @onionjuggler and her pups (pic 5 & 6 and oops forgot to take any of us together lmao)!!!!!! While this is not actually the first time we have met as we overlapped at the same college (and were both in the campus circus group no less), we reconnected on tumblr last summer bonding over Dragon Age & Mass Effect obsessions and it was soooooo nice to get to hang out irl as a follow up :))))) 
Anyway I spent less than a week back in New Mexico frantically catching up on working + prepping for my following trip this past weekend. Also got to do some baking for a labmate’s post-thesis-defense party, it’s the first time I’ve been able to bake for other people in???? SO long and I missed it. Made doughnut muffins (not pictured) which are delicious but not photogenic and then mini fruit tartlets (pic 7) which taste good and are also very visually show-off-y. Happy to say they were a hit!
Anyway then friday night I drove over to AZ where a photographer couple I’ve worked with a few times before/kept in touch with just moved a few months ago (all the way from New Hampshire). Their new house has a pool so we arranged to do both some figure-on-landscape and figure photography plus also some underwater work! It’s been since last March since my last modeling gig and FOREVER since I’ve gotten to do any mermaid portraits, so it was very exciting to be able to get back to both. Spent the weekend running around jumping on rocks in improbable places with full face makeup + giant lashes lmao (pic 8) and on very little sleep since we were doing sunrise shots as well. I style/advertise myself as an “adventure model” able to get to trickier locations and do harder shoots than the average model, and Jay (the photographer) has done several with me before, so we also went to a location he knew he’d probably not be able to get another model able to reach as it involved an uphill 5 mile technical mountain bike ride followed by a mile of hiking while carrying our giant backpacking bags of camera equipment + outfit/makeup changes + 3 liters of water, all in 95º weather in midday desert sun lmao. The shots turned out SO good though, and I even got to jump in an ephemeral waterfall pool for a bunch of them, and then the mountain bike ride back down was SO fun, though I still had to walk a few bits since no way was I doing some of those technical rocky corners while in a 25lb pack. Bikes & some gear featured in pic 9 :D
Pic 10 is the view from one of the locations we shot at! Involved a technical scramble up the back of a boulder, but looked like a totally sheer face from the front--it’s gonna be super impressive in the final pics. I was wearing a dress made from an old repurposed parashute, so the skirt hangs way down over the rocks and will billow if there’s any breeze, which we did have a bit of. You can see the giant adventure van we roamed around in under a tree in the foreground. I’m really glad I was able to go out and get those because I actually woke up with a migraine saturday night and my rescue meds give me super weird dreams/make me fairly woozy, but luckily the migraine was a fairly small one by my standards and the meds had worn off enough that I could do the climbing stuff safely. But it did mean I only got like 3 hours of sleep after only 2 hours of sleep on friday so I was fairly exhausted. greem.jpg.
And the underwater stuff in the afternoon went really well to!!!! It’s soooo hard to tell if anythings turning out in the moment since you can’t really see on the viewfinder if things are working, but we got some AMAZING stuff I’m super excited to share once he finishes editing. 
Drove home last night (sunday) however there was a HUGE monsoon stormfront. I’m glad becuase we need the rain desperately but for like an hour I had periods of almost no visibility (doing 40mph in a 75 zone with hazards on) and there was up to 2 inches of water on the road surface. So I stopped in a rest stop to nap for 2 hours until it cleared up. But I also hate naps and then slept weird once I got home at 3:30am so now I’m in a weird exhausted haze but also still kinda wired rip. But! Fun times and very much looking forward to a nice hot shower now that I’ve eaten and had an hour to just sit and breathe.
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Happy Birthday, omercilessmoon!
Happy Birthday, @omercilessmoon​! We hope you’ve got a wonderful day planned, and that you get exactly the presents you were hoping for! To start you special day off right, the lovely @mega-aulover​ has written a story just for you!
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PROMPT: modern enemies/rivals to lovers with one-sided pining? maybe they share a dance?
Title: Hate to Love You
A/N: This is part one of the story I’ve never really written: enemies to lovers with one sided pining - and I hope you enjoy and Happy BIrthday. Special Thanks to @norbertsmom for betaing and helping me through plot points, to @eiramrelyat for help with the drink and @mandelion82 for your generous help.  It takes a village to write a story.
Rated T - for mature themes
The annual office Labor Day outdoor party was filled with laughter, barely edible canapes that never filled anyone up, and drunken naughtiness in dark corners. It was Friday afternoon before the big weekend. The company made holiday decorations and it made most of its revenues between Labor Day and Christmas. 
Katniss Everdeen always skipped out on these social rituals. This year however she could not. Her boss, Haymitch Abernathy demanded she attend. Apparently the owner of the company, Coriolanus Snow, wanted everyone to show up for some grand announcement. The one thing Katniss hated about these parties, and hated about her job in particular was that upstart show off Peeta Mellark.
He was schmoozing with the assortment of models dressed as pumpkins, elves, and turkeys. He was just too perfect. Perfect height, natural ashen blond hair, straight white teeth and an ass that was slap worthy. Katniss closed her eyes. As much as she loathed Peeta, she was also wildly attracted to him. She wanted to strip that stupid smile off of his face all the while living la vida loca on a springy bed. Oh, she wanted him so much she’d taken to carrying an extra pair of underwear, his voice did things to her during meetings. She could just envision what he would sound like in the bedroom.
The canape she held in her hand crumbled and she came back to the present. This weakness is why she loathed Peeta Sexy-Ass Mellark so much. No man should be that freaking sexy. No man should make her crazy by just looking at her. Turning around, she stomped away to the drinks bar; the only way to survive this was to get buzzed.
The bartender was handing a drink to the person next to her. When they finished Katniss said, “Excuse me…”
The bartender ignored her and moved to the person next to her. 
Katniss shook her head. She often found herself in this position. She waited for the bartender to finish. She wasn’t that tall and naturally people looked right over her head at the taller person standing behind her or next to her.  She waited patiently and listened as the DJ’s switched two songs.
Katniss grimaced when she heard Peeta’s voice. He always mispronounced her name. Peeta Mellark did this to annoy her. He knew everyone's name, he knew birthdays and anniversaries but her name he always butchered, and somehow always forgot her birthday. She turned to face him. His eyes were dripping with frost, and she reciprocated the look. “Mellark.”
His frosty exterior melted the moment the bartender appeared. He turned into the Prince of charm and finesse. “Hello, may I have a suffering bastard.”
The bartender smiled and winked, “Sure.”
Katniss fumed; she’d been waiting for ten minutes. “REALLY!”
“What's the matter Everdeen, making enemies with the bartender?”
“NO! I’ve been waiting for ten minutes for a drink and you come up and of course they serve you first.”
He raised an eyebrow as if amused by her story. 
These were the things that annoyed her about him.”UGH!”
“It’s just you don’t look like the type of person who drinks.” His lips formed that mocking smile, that made her want to smack him. “You also don’t look old enough to drink.”
“I am old enough to drink, and when I do I like strawberry daiquiris.”  
“Strawberry daiquiris?” He sounded amused.
“Well it’s better than your, what are you drinking, a suffering…?” Katniss stopped as she realized what she was going to say.
“You can’t even say it, can you?”
His amusement at her inability to say the ‘b’ word frustrated her even further. “I can too.”
“Go ahead,” Peeta mocked.
Spurred by his dare she opened her mouth, but small choking sounds. She couldn’t curse, everyone in the company knew she had a problem with vulgar words. It was the fault of her 9th Grade English teacher Miss Trinket who would fail students for using vulgarities and incorrect diction. 
He chuckled dryly. "You're so pure."
His words were a backhanded compliment and it set her on fire. Katniss was a Pollyanna from a backwater town and he hailed from Capitol City, and it meant that she was simple and unsophisticated. It also meant inexperienced. And while some of it was true, he didn't know what she thought, orr how tempted she was to push him into a dark corner and have her way with him.
Her problem was she did not have the words to communicate with him. Words weren't her thing, she was more of a doer. It's why she made a great account manager for the business development managers. They sold and she was able to get the order shipped out on time for them.
She currently worked with Caesar Flickerman. He was flamboyant, and sweet, but he was demanding when it came to excellence. Looking at Peeta she was trying to formulate the words to insult him when the microphone screeched letting them know their attention was needed at the stage. 
Katniss took that moment to slip away from Peeta. She stood toward the back of the crowd where she was sure no one could bother her.
Their boss, Corilianus Snow took the stage. He began speaking about the company’s long history and Katniss wished she had her daiquiri. She hated these long drawn out speeches. On the other hand, after the big announcement she could quietly slip out. Katniss focused on Snow’s words. 
“As an effort to bring our company forward into this new era, we will be instituting new initiatives,” Snow said.  “We will be offering a prize of a profitable cash bonus at Christmastime and two extra days of paid time off.” Everyone applauded.
The money would be amazing. The days off though were the biggest prize. Katniss didn’t have many days left, and two extra days meant she could possibly spend Christmas with her family. Katniss hadn’t spent a holiday with them in so long. She missed her sister and her mother. 
Snow put his hands out to quiet the crowd before continuing, “In the spirit of competition and to bring new dynamics to the sales force we will be shaking things up internally by switching Account Managers and Business Development Managers. So if you go to that table where our lovely assistants are located you will find an envelope with your name on it and inside it will contain the name of the person you will be working with until December 23rd.”
The announcement took everyone out of their comfort zone, but the necessity to know who they were being paired with drove the staff to the tables like brides descending on Kleinfeld’s semi-annual sale.  It was chaotic and it overwhelmed Katniss; she hung back. 
There were gladdend faces and faces that reflected horror by the new partnership. Katniss looked around frightened by the prospect of having to work with someone new. She walked to the table and picked up her envelope.
When she opened it her vision went dark.
“Looks like we’re stuck with each other.”
Peeta’s voice contained the grim foreboding sentiment she felt. 
She tried to smile but she was sure she looked deranged. 
“Stop smiling, you're scaring people.”
Katniss wasn’t sure how to best show that this didn’t bother her. Of all of the people in the company she had to be stuck together with none other than Peeta-I-want-to-scratch-your-eyes-out-yet-ride-you-into-oblivion-Mellark. Life was not fair.
"Everyone please enjoy the food, the open bar, and enjoy a dance floor..." Snow said over the microphone.
The music started and Finnick and Annie who were secretly dating made their way to the dance floor. Katniss and Annie sat together during lunch at times and she had covered for Annie when she met Finnick in secret.  Several others who saw the way Snow tipped his glass toward Finnick went to the dance floor too. It was all a game to show Snow they were not affected by the changes. The music was upbeat and definitely not Katniss’ style.
“Come on, dance with me.”
“What?” She hissed.
“We need to show them we’re a team.”
“NO,” Katniss didn’t want to dance with him. She didn’t like to be touched.
“Snow is watching us, and we need to make a good impression. I have a feeling this is going to be more than just about numbers,” he whispered.
Katniss took a look at Corilanius Snow, who stood off to the side in his white suit inspecting everyone. The one thing Katniss knew for sure about Snow was he had keen eyes and he was able to perceive things about people just by observation. 
“Fine,” she said.
The band struck up a slow song. Peeta led her not to the center but off to the side which gave her some relief.
“I’m not a good this,” she whispered as his one hand found purchase on the small of her back and the other cradled her hand as if it was the most delicate flower.
Her heart rate increased as blood flowed south, as all at once she was surrounded by his heat and scent. He smelled warm and spicy like one of her mother's medicinal teas. She had fantasized what it would be like to be held close in his arms, and it was better than her imagination. Peeta was fit, his shirt was cut close to his physique, her underwear was going to get ruined. His arms were solid and she involuntarily pushed herself closer.
“Just follow my lead,” he said quietly.
Katniss nodded. She noticed the slight flecks of gold in his blue eyes. Katniss committed them to memory as he moved. Their bodies fit together perfectly and she was thankful for his graceful movements because she wasn’t sure of her steps. Dancing wasn’t something she participated in regularly. The last time she committed herself to a slow dance was back in middle school, and it ended up with her partner having a broken toe. 
“You need to relax your shoulders, you're too stiff,” he said.
His words ruined the moment for her.  “I told you I don’t do this.”
“Just close your eyes,”he said.
Katniss stared at him. 
“If we're going to work together you have to learn to trust me."
His words were a gauntlet thrust in her face. How dare he talk about trust when he didn't even know her. She shot back, "Then you're going to have to earn it...trust and respect are earned. And you don't trust me either and you certainly don't respect me."
"Look Evergreen,” Peeta said.
“FIrst off, it’s not Evergreen. It’s Ever-deen,” Katniss hissed. She knew this was a mistake. 
He raised that infernal eyebrow of his.
“If we are going to be working together you need to at least learn my name.” 
“Where’s the fun in that?”
His voice was beginning to grate on her nerves. 
“I have to go to the bathroom.” Katniss needed to get away, to compose herself before she did something stupid. Thankfully the slow music stopped. 
Peeta let go of her.  She walked away and sat down on a bench near the bathrooms. 
She heard women laughing. One of the women’s voices she recognized was Clove, the other she didn’t know, but this woman’s voice sounded breathy like a phone sex operator. 
“Did you see who Peeta Mellark was paired with?” The woman with the breathy voice asked.
They were just around the corner from where Katniss was sitting. They didn’t know she was listening.
"She’s the one person in this entire company who's not a team player.” Clove snickered.  “No one wanted to work with her and poor Caesar was stuck with her when Claudius retired. He tried to make her likeable in front of everyone, by saying she was a hard worker. All she ever does is scowl at anyone and everyone who approaches her cubicle. There’s a reason Peeta calls her Evergreen."
“Doesn’t his nickname mean Evermean?”
Both laughed.
“He’s so gorgeous. I heard from Glimmer that he’s good in bed.”
“I hate that bitch,” Clove said. 
“I also heard he’s been spending time with Cressida.”
“Really,” Clove replied. “told me she shot down Cato.”
“She’s so exotic, I think she was once a model.”
“Well at least we know he’ll never touch Everdeen, he’s too busy going after Cressida.” 
Clove's words hurt because she wasn’t a likeable person, even Haymitch said so, but she was a hard worker and she put her heart and soul into everything she did. She also knew the chances of someone like Peeta Mellark liking someone like her were slim to none. Getting up, she quickly walked away, not wanting to let them see her dilemma.
She walked right into Peeta. His arms went around her shoulder to keep her from falling.
“I was looking for you, come on,” he tugged her hand, dragging her back to the dance floor. “We need to keep up appearances.”
Katniss relented and walked with him to the dance floor. She wanted to escape and seek shelter from the ugliness of the world.  He pulled her closely and slowly they danced.
“Just one more dance and then we can go home.” 
Katniss looked away.
“I see the scowl is back.”  
Her face hardened, she didn’t want him to see the hurt in her eyes. Clove’s words were in her head, she was unlikeable. And now she was stuck with Peeta, a man she loathed but at the same time lusted after. Nothing good would come for this.
“Come on Evergreen,” Peeta whispered. 
Katniss' eyes narrowed.
“Maybe if you smiled more…”
 Saddened and angered by his actions and Clove’s words she lashed out, “Smile more, you mean like one of the empty headed bimbos that you frequent Sae’s with?”
“Have you been following me?”
“What, no?”
“Do you have a crush on me? Is that why you’re stalking me?” he taunted.
Katniss spotted Glimmer making moon eyes at him. “No, but your little friend over there would love a round two of Peeta’s greatest hits,” she hissed. She then spotted Cressida standing by Finnick and Annie. “Oh look, another one of your little fanclub.” 
He looked amused when he spun them around so that he could see who she meant. He chuckled, “You’re jealous.”
“You’re an idiot to think every woman wants to drop their drawers because you cast a look at them.”
“You’re pretty when your eyes flash, they look like daggers.”    
Frustrated she looked at him and said, "You disgust me." And she stomped her foot down on his before marching  away.
Even as she left she felt bad for striking his foot. He could go to HR because of that and she could be fired. 
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freehawaii · 3 years
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St. Helena Star - Jul 21, 2021 
With a $1 billion valuation, the home-sharing startup Pacaso is the business world’s newest unicorn.
But neighbors of Pacaso’s St. Helena houses say they’re the ones getting gored.
Scores of anti-Pacaso residents held a protest Saturday outside a newly built Pacaso house at Hillview Place and Vineyard Avenue. They held signs decrying “timeshares” and warned that a wave of fractionally owned homes could transform St. Helena’s residential neighborhoods.
“This will never be a home,” said Leslie Stanton, who lives near the Hillview house. “Our town is a community, and this is not helping our community at all. … I’d rather have a family there.”
Pacaso sets up a limited liability company (LLC) to hold the title to each home, and then allows up to eight parties to buy a stake in the LLC. Co-owners with a 1/8 share can stay for between 2 and 14 days at a time, for a maximum of 44 nights per year.
Pacaso sued the city in April over officials’ efforts to enforce St. Helena’s ban on timeshares. The company claims its home co-ownership model differs from a timeshare. City officials have declined to comment on the lawsuit other than to say that the City Council directed staff to defend the city against it.
As of Wednesday morning, 1,571 people had signed an online petition to "strongly oppose the incursion of 'time-shares' by any other name into our neighborhoods."
Residents who fear the worst point to a house on Valley View Street that neighbors say has had a reputation as a party house since before Pacaso acquired it.
According to a promotional article on Pacaso’s website, the “exquisite” house’s previous owners held a birthday party for 30 people. The next day, more than 100 people showed up for a house party at what Pacaso calls the “Poolhouse.”
Neighbors say the parties continued under Pacaso's management.
“They’ve had quite a few parties, with speakers blasting, that have gone until 1:30 in the morning,” neighbor Debbie Polverino told the Star recently. “Loud music, parties out by the pool — last weekend it was a birthday party with a bunch of families and kids. That’s what this house is for. It’s not a quiet vacation home.”
After three calls to the police about noise continuing past 10 p.m., Pacaso sent a representative to meet with Polverino and other neighbors of the Valley View house about loud music, drunken revelry, cars parked in front of neighbors’ houses, and other nuisances.
According to Polverino, the Pacaso representative agreed to send someone to measure the speakers’ decibel level and limit their maximum volume.
“After she showed up and talked to us, there was a party the following day,” Polverino said.
“They’re not our neighbors. All they are is a detriment to the neighborhood,” Jim Davis, who also lives near the Valley View home, told the City Council on May 11.
Neighbors of other Pacaso homes on Hillview ($418,000 for 1/8 ownership) and Madrona ($525,000) worry that the same thing will happen to their neighborhoods.
Mari Jansdotter was once a second homeowner herself, but over a year ago she bought a house near RLS Middle School and became a full-time resident. Thanks to a few Pacaso homes that are in the works nearby, “this is already not the neighborhood I bought my house in,” she said.
She has nothing against second homeowners, but she’s worried that if fractional owners can’t spend their allotted time at the house, they’ll either rent it out under the table or let someone else use it. (Pacaso prohibits rentals, but fractional owners may have guests.)
“Then you have commercial visitors in a residential neighborhood,” Jansdotter said. “That’s why we have residential zoning in the first place.”
A Pacaso spokesperson released a statement in response to Saturday’s protest.
“Discriminatory harassment and intimidation are violations of fair housing laws,” the statement said. “Real estate co-ownership is a legal right and common practice throughout the Napa Valley. It is also a powerful tool for lowering barriers for traditionally underrepresented groups to own real estate. In St. Helena, more than half of the active Pacaso owners are families of color or identify as LGBTQ+.”
“Community members have made derogatory comments against Pacaso owners, trespassed on Pacaso properties, and attempted to intimidate buyers. The image of exclusively white residents protesting against a business that opens the door for more diversity in the community is disconcerting.
“This behavior will not deter Pacaso from continuing to serve buyers who wish to co-own real estate together. Pacaso is reporting this behavior to fair housing groups.”
Anti-Pacaso neighbors reject the company’s argument that it promotes diversity.
“What kind of diversity are they bringing to town when they’re only bringing in people who can afford a quarter-of-a-million-dollar six-week-a-year vacation home?” said Ric Henry.
Saturday’s protest attracted some Napa residents who are concerned about Pacaso’s effects on their own city.
“Our communities need to support one another,” said Kathleen Stewart-Lightner, who said she lives in a close-knit Napa neighborhood. “We don’t want people there who are not invested in the community.”
A lot of her neighbors are elderly, and she’s worried about their homes being snapped up by Pacaso.
Fractional owners “don’t leave their personal items behind,” Stewart-Lightner said. “They don’t know the other people they share the home with. And they don’t know their neighbors.”
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caelcs · 5 years
felicity helena burgess is the twenty year old sophomore in professor ellison’s classics course. they are a capricorn, which is probably what makes them so creative and diligent. every time i see them, i can’t help but think of loose fitted turtle necks, the smell of your grandmother’s coco chanel, the sound of turning pages, no makeup but red lipstick, running barefoot in a graveyard past midnight, the smell of fresh coffee in the early morning, golden glitter stuck to your skin. 
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FULL NAME : felicity helena burgess
NICKNAME : effy/effie, flick (to family members only)
BIRTHDAY : january 9 1999
ZODIAC : capricorn sun, scorpio moon, capricorn rising 
NATIONALITY : american
RELIGION : roman catholic 
SEXUAL & ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : bisexual , biromantic
HOMETOWN : fairfield, connecticut & new york, new york
father: laurent (laurence) burgess 
mother: jacqueline black
full siblings: ambrose burgess, 28 & brother, 21-22 (wanted connection!)
half sibling: emile burgess, 42, from father’s first marriage
step sibling: step sister , 18-22, from father’s current marriage (wanted connection!)
ACCENT : posh, new england
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : english (germanic), french (romance), german (germanic), russian (slavic), mandarin (indic, eastern zone), greek (hellenic / literate, not fluent), arabic (indic / literate , not fluent)
MAJOR : english literature 
MINOR(S) : french and romance philology & greek
HOBBIES : reading, horseback riding, tennis, tarot card readings, collecting vinyl
AESTHETICS : loose fitted turtle necks, the smell of your grandmother’s coco chanel, the sound of turning pages, no makeup but red lipstick, running barefoot in a graveyard past midnight, the smell of fresh coffee in the early morning, golden glitter stuck to your skin + PINTEREST
CHARACTER PARALLELS :  camilla macaulay (the secret history), siobhan roy (succession), kitsey barbour (the goldfinch), amma crellin (sharp objects), alice charles (the politician)
FAMILY PARALLELS : roy family (succession) belfort family (wolf of wall street),  horowitz family (clueless), 
if you grew up in north america, you have probably heard of the burgess family. hell, even if you didn’t grow up in america, you have probably heard of the burgess family. 
though they pride themselves on “small town family values” and “keeping the business in the family,” the burgess family has no intention of actually relating to small town america, to trusted catholic traditions, to family run businesses. 
true, the leaders of the multibillion dollar media conglomerate known as VVIO are all close friends of the family, if not actually family members, but that’s about where the similarities between the burgesses and middle class america end. 
Vvio is one of the largest media conglomerates in north america. think similar to cbs/viacom, they have news, movies, television, late night shows, streaming platforms ! whew.. 
their father, laurent burgess, known better as laurence in an attempt to americanize himself after emigrating from france in the 1960′s, is the ceo and mastermind behind Vvio. coming from a poor family from the outskirts of paris, laurence moved to america’s real capital — new york city, not dc — with big dreams and even bigger ambitions. 
in the grand scheme of things, Vvio grew into the multibillion dollar corporation that it is today rather quickly. by the time laurence was in his early 30′s, he was a millionaire. at that point, he was married to a woman he’d known in france, his “first love,” who he’d flown out from their small town to be with him in new york at the first signs of success. 
he was a multi millionaire, a drug addict, an alcoholic, a serial cheater. he fell in love with a young french model in the 80′s, and is having an affair for an entire year before his wife finds out. though they try to reconcile, they ultimately end up getting a divorce, and he marries the french model not even a year later. 
that french model was jacqueline black, felicity’s mother. they would be married for nineteen years before ultimately getting a divorce, which both can be blamed for, but it was mostly laurence and his inability to stay faithful or sober
the burgesses grew up in fairfield, ct. each of the siblings attended private school in the city, a near two hour commute each way for the best education possible. 
THE SIBLINGS: growing up, everyone was constantly fighting for the attention of their father. the eldest son, ambrose was “the fuck up,” but he’s a rich fuck up, so did it really matter? very george bush-esque — always drunk, doing coke, fucking prostitutes, but did he still get into harvard with no merits because of his last name? you bet. emile was their father’s pride and joy. which wasn’t necessarily a good thing, when all his siblings had daggers in their eyes thinking that he was just as much a fuck up as ambrose. it was true, fortune favors the fuck ups. felicity’s other older brother (wc!!) would be the obvious choice to take over. sure, he can be wild, reckless, and impulsive — but he’s intelligent, fiercely competitive, and a people person through and through. everybody loves him. except for their father, who seems not to notice all the areas in which he excels. felicity is “daddy’s little girl” which was nice as a kid, she was favored and loved and one of the few children in which he shows affection toward — but it quickly grew old as she grew up. intelligent and well rounded, never one to drunkenly throw herself off a bridge like her, or snort so much cocaine they can’t move their legs, or get in a car accident that needs covering up like her brothers. but no matter what, she was the little girl. kept away from the business and the politics, a fragile mind like hers couldn’t “handle it.” she spends so much time trying to prove herself again and again to her father, that she was just as intelligent and capable as her brothers, only to churn out the same goddamn result. her relationship with her step sister (wc!!) isn’t a great one, seeing as they are the same age, and have been in competition with one another since they became sisters at thirteen. but she has it lucky — she will never feel the need to fight for laurence’s attention.
when felicity was three years old she wondered into the section of the house her father forbade the kids from going. included in that section was his library — an enormous room with high ceilings, covered ceiling to floor with bookshelves, lined with all sorts of books from academic papers to novels, first edition to signed copies, etc. she fell in love, and when her father found her in there, he decided to let her explore, expand her horizons instead of punishing her for breaking the rules (which probably would have happened had it been one of her brothers, rather than her)
it was the start of her love for all things language arts & literature. her father saw it early on, deciding to hone in on the skill, he allowed and encouraged her to pick one book from his library each week. while the jacqueline spoke to all their kids in french, laurence also decided it was best to hire tutors for felicity, who clearly had a knack for languages, and encouraged her to learn some of the world’s most important languages, as well as choose ones that she would like to learn based on interest alone (like greek, for example)
felicity is an academic through and through. not only does it come naturally to her, but she enjoys learning. unlike her brothers, going out and getting fucked up all weekend isn’t her idea of fun. she’s much more straight edge — enjoys sophisticated dinner parties with a glass of wine. if she’s hanging out with “the boys,” she’ll have a glass of scotch. she never drinks in excess, always seems very collected and poised, and is the first to call out her siblings for acting idiotically. not that they care, there never seems to be any repercussions in the burgess family, not legally at least — though their father’s disappointment tends to be one of the worst consequences imaginable. 
picking a weekly book from her father’s library continued until she moved to attend leopold university at eighteen. when she was thirteen, she came across a book on astrology, and was completely enamored by it. of course, she’d learned about zodiacs before, but never in depth, and it became a new project for her, learning everything about the signs and birth charts, planets and placements. by fourteen she was discovering her entire family’s birth charts, seeing how they each fit in and played a part. with one another. this eventually lead to other spiritual activities, such as tarot cards, which is now one of her biggest passions. she has a collection of different decks, but her favorite remains as the deck she’d bought for herself at seventeen, from a vintage, spiritual and healing store in the east village of new york. 
emile was the first of the burgess siblings to be accepted to leopold and handpicked by professor ellison, so that when felicity and the others decided to attend, he’d already had the burgesses on his radar. one of the most powerful families in north america, and even the world, it was no wonder that ellison had taken an interest in them. since joining the classics course last year, felicity has formed quite a special bond with their professor. her knack and knowledge of multiple languages has piqued his interest, and they often sit together in his office and discuss works of different origins and translations and compare the literatures together. professor ellison has been helping her in her quest to learn greek and also arabic, which so far she has almost mastered reading, but still needs to work on speaking. 
kind of has major daddy issues, thanks to spending her whole life competing for her father’s validation, which is where her strive for professor ellison’s validation comes from. she really seeks for his approval and favoritism, because it’s his validation that soothes the open wound that her father could never seem to fill with his empty promises and lack of approval 
has a big, fat orange cat named henri
drinks 3-4 cups of coffee every day, along with 2-3 cups of tea
has never received a grade lower than 97% 
wears a lot of gold jewelry, especially gold rings
wants to be a novelist, and yet hasn’t even started working on her first novel. does have a few published short stories and poems, though. 
has an entire drawer in her apartment full of crystals for different days, moods, seasons, health issues, etc. 
parisian girl at heart, spent many summer and winter vacations in paris and it’s her favorite place in the entire world. yes, she romanticizes the fuck out of it
that being said, she romanticizes the fuck out of everything and everyone. perhaps it has something to do with being a writer and a poet. you’re always sad and in love with something.
siblings! she has an older brother (21-22) and a step sister (18-22) that would work for this group! if you’d be interested in being a part of the burgess fam (the step sister would obviously have a different last name) then hmu 
cousins!!! this family is VERY family-centric, the whole company they own is family-centric, so even if they’re not actually close, they’re close. if that makes sense. this could be a cousin from his first marriage or second marriage (if through the mother’s side), or a cousin from the dad’s side in which case might cause some ~drama~ because felicity’s dad definitely slighted his siblings and doesn’t really talk to any of them (which would be that muse’s parents)
best friend: felicity spent most her life surrounded by boys (she’s the only daughter, minus her newer step sister), and has always found it easier to get along with them. so, mostly, she’s friends with boys, but i imagine her BEST best friend, the one she shares all her secrets with and really lets in, is a girl. 
close circle: effie is a capricorn which means she doesn’t let just anyone in. she’s never really liked the idea of having a lot of friends. a few, very close friends has always been the smarter decision in her mind. that way you don’t lose track of who you should and shouldn’t trust. and if someone misplaces your trust, you know exactly who to cut off. where their loyalties lie. anyway, like i said, she tends to mostly be friends with boys, just because it’s what she’s used to, and finds herself being fiercely competitive with most other girls, so this would be mostly made up of guys! with maybe an exception. 
roommate: could possibly be looped in with best friend / close circle, but i imagine they have a quaint, historical, and beautiful two bedroom apartment off campus. 
rival: if i get her step sister wc, that would be this, but if not, just someone in which a rivalry has sparked up since they both joined the classics course. perhaps they are both striving to be the professor’s favorite or something IDK
toxic, on-and-off rs: this could be m/f/nb since effie is biromantic/bisexual, but basically the two are just not right for each other. it’s equally toxic on both ends. on felicity’s end, she tends to be controlling and jealous, and very much a know-it-all that can often be hard to deal with. probably an rs that won’t last anyway because they truly are not meant to be but also it’s nice to see where the chemistry goes anyway lmao
bad influence: effie is v straight edge so someone get her dunk !!! she tends to pass  on most parties unless it’s like #dinnerparty so like i need a connection that drags her ass out to everything she says no to 
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techsciresearch · 3 years
Preference for indoor gaming options is driving the Saudi Arabia family entertainment centers market till 2026
Broad range of gaming options and large consumer base is expected to drive the demand for Saudi Arabia family entertainment centers market in forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Saudi Arabia Family Entertainment Centers Market By Application (Arcade Studios, VR Gaming Zones, Sports Arcades and Others) By Visitor Demographics (Young adults 19-25, Adults >25, Families with Children 0-9, Families with Children 9-12, and Teenagers) By Facility Size (10,000-20,000, >40,000 Sq Feet, <5000 Sq Feet, 5,000-10,000 Sq Feet, and 20,001-40,000 Sq Feet) By Revenue Source (Entry Fees & Ticket Sales, Advertising, Food & Beverages, and Merchandising) By Type (Children’s Entertainment Centers (CECs), Children’s Edutainment Centers (CEDCs), Adult Entertainment Centers (AECs), and Location-based VR Entertainment Centers (LBECs)), By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, Saudi Arabia family entertainment centers market is expected to witness steady growth in the next five years owing to upcoming infrastructure development plans in Saudi Arabia such as Vision 2030 and NEOM in which smart cities will be constructed is creating lucrative opportunities for the market growth for the Saudi Arabia family entertainment centers. Continuous upgradation in gaming technology is aiding the demand for family entertainment centers in Saudi Arabia. Family entertainment center refers to amusement parks or entertainment zones which offers a set of entertainment activities covering all age groups and are usually found in local communities around big and small cities in Saudi Arabia. These centers offer recreational activities for per person usually at a lower cost as compared to actual amusement parks. Gaming manufactures are mixing gaming technologies to create unique gaming experience such as AR & VR technology, 3-D modelling, among others. Family entertainment centers also holds corporate events and on-demand birthday parties to attract customers to avail their services. Demand of family entertainment centers is on rise due to the additional services it provides comprising of food & beverages, edutainment games, among others. To attract customers on a large scale these entertainment units engage in providing additional benefits gift cards, occasion discounts and vouchers.
However, initial high capital investment for establishing family entertainment centers may hamper the market growth for the forecast period.
Browse XXX Figures spread through XXX Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Saudi Arabia Family Entertainment Centers Market”
Saudi Arabia family entertainment centers market is segmented into application, visitor demographics, facility size, revenue source, type, region, and company. Based on application, market is further divided into arcade studios, VR gaming zones, sports arcades, and others. Arcade studios is expected to hold major market share in the forecast period due to huge demand for the games available in arcade studios which are majorly video games and are mostly known for challenging and addictive playing experience. Advents in technology of augmented reality and virtual reality is further aiding to increase the demand for the family entertainment centers in Saudi Arabia. Major players are coming up with new ways to attract more players and develop more exciting consumer experience by investing heavily in technologies to enhance gaming experience. Based on revenue source, market is categorised into entry fees & ticket sales, advertising, food & beverages, and merchandising. Food & beverages segment is expected to dominate the market in terms of revenue. Several choices available inside the malls and entertainment zones is influencing the market demand. Popular brands are also showing interest in opening their stores to increase the customer footfall inside the mall. Based on facility size, market is fragmented into 10,000-20,000, >40,000 sq feet, <5000 sq feet, 5,000-10,000 sq feet, and 20,001-40,000 sq feet. The 20,001-40,000 sq feet facility size entertainment zones dominated the market in historical years and is expected to hold its dominance for the forecast period, 2022-2026. This area is preferred over others as it can accommodate many customers at a time in the mall or entertainment zones and a wide number of zones can be established inside the mall.
Dave & Buster's Entertainment, Inc., CEC Entertainment, Inc., Smaaash Entertainment Private Limited, CAVU Designwerks Inc., KidZania Jeddah, Mantech Company Ltd. (Toy Town), Al Hokair Group, Abdullah Al Othaim Leisure Co., Landmark Group, Merlin Entertainments (Legolands) are the leading players operating in Saudi Arabia family entertainment centers market. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on research and development process to fuel higher growth in the market. To meet evolving customer demand with respect to better efficiency and durability, several family entertainment centers manufacturers are coming up with their technologically advanced offerings.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=7354
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“Increasing demand for paint-balls, miniature golf and other adventurous activities to spend their leisure time in good ambience with family members is driving the demand for entertainment centers in Saudi Arabia. Adverse weather conditions direct customers to shop and experience entertainment at a single place. Due to rise in expenditure capacity, many residents in Saudi Arabia are preferring to spend time in malls and entertainment centers which is fueling the construction of more malls and thereby fostering to demand for family entertainment centers in Saudi Arabia till 2026” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research-based Saudi Arabia management consulting firm.
“Saudi Arabia Family Entertainment Centers Market By Application (Arcade Studios, VR Gaming Zones, Sports Arcades and Others) By Visitor Demographics (Young adults 19-25, Adults >25, Families with Children 0-9, Families with Children 9-12, and Teenagers) By Facility Size (10,000-20,000, >40,000 Sq Feet, <5000 Sq Feet, 5,000-10,000 Sq Feet, and 20,001-40,000 Sq Feet) By Revenue Source (Entry Fees & Ticket Sales, Advertising, Food & Beverages, and Merchandising) By Type (Children’s Entertainment Centers (CECs), Children’s Edutainment Centers (CEDCs), Adult Entertainment Centers (AECs), and Location-based VR Entertainment Centers (LBECs)), By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of Saudi Arabia family entertainment centers market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the of Saudi Arabia family entertainment centers market.
Mr. Ken Mathews
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Web:   https://www.techsciresearch.com/
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fun7orbbit · 1 year
Birthday Party Zone in Model Town
Birthday parties at Fun Orbbit also include delicious and healthy food and drinks, ensuring that the children are well-nourished while having fun. The staff takes care of all the arrangements, from decorations to catering, leaving you free to enjoy the party with your child.
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crysj88 · 4 years
Phylax Part1 ch.1 Young
Three months later.
“You ready for this kid?” Tony’s voice rang through her earpiece. 
“Go big or go home, boss,” Bennett smiled, answering over her com. It was the grand opening of the Stark Expo and Tony planned on making it the event of the century. Even with 90 years left in this century.
“You sure this isn’t too extreme?” he questioned. 
"For anyone else, yeah. For you jumping out of a plane might be a bit lowkey,” the blonde pressed herself against the wall of the small changing room as another of the “dance team” girls bumped her. This one too was wearing next to nothing. That makes 5 in the last half hour. They might have been comfortable in the small changing room, stripping in front of each other but it was completely out of her comfort zone. 
Tony insisted they had to have a member of the security team in the room at all times as well as posted outside the doors. As there was only one female member of the security that job got handed to Bennett. “The twenty “Rockettes” running around me and stretching out before your big show, that might qualify as extreme."
“Not enjoying the show? I chose that job especially for you. We could trade spots.” Tony's voice held a touch of laughter in his tone. “Seriously not one of them is hot in your book?”
“Not the time, boss.”
“There is one?” He perked up. “We will compare notes after the show.”
“Just get ready to jump,” she said, checking the time. “Alright ladies. Showtime.”
Bennett, Pepper, and Happy stood backstage as the show started. Music blared and the girls began their routine. Tony touched down on the rotating platform with perfect timing. The suit started to remove itself piece by piece. By the time it finished a few rotations, Tony stood in a tux with his trademark smile as the girls struck their final pose. 
After Tony’s speech welcoming everyone to the Stark Expo people began to mix and mingle. Finally pushing through the press to his car with Happy’s help they made it outside. “So kid how was it?”
“Your speech?” He nodded. “It was great except that whole part about no one being man enough to go toe to toe with you. If I remember right last time we went toe to toe you ended up face down on the canvas with my knee in your spine.”
“Coming from anybody else, that might sound kinky,” Tony quirked an eyebrow, then let out an involuntary shutter. 
“Look what we got here, the new model,” Happy nodded toward the car with a too bright smile.
Tony looked the car over but also the woman leaning against it, “does she come with the car?”
“I certainly hope so. Hi,” Happy introduced himself. Tony followed immediately after, 
The woman was a U.S. Marshal and was there to make sure Tony was at his hearing the next morning. He had to be in D.C. by 9 a.m. 
“Happy you wanna take Tony or go brief Pepper?”  Bennett asked, preparing for a long night babysitting Tony. 
“No, no, no, you have to be at this club,” Tony pulled a business card from his jacket pocket, “in 45 minutes.” He reached in the back seat of the car. “Your Ducati is waiting for you at the south entrance.” He handed over her helmet, keys, t-shirt and leather jacket. “Some guy named Jax said he would meet you there?”
“Are you sure it was Jax?” Bennett asked. Tony gave a nod in reply. “Did he say why? Are you sure you don’t need me boss?” she flipped the visor on the helmet back and forth as she spoke. 
“Happy and Pepper can handle this one. Stop that, you’re gonna break it,” he swatted her hand to stop her fidgeting. “When I get back though we need some Tony and Benn hang time. I have something to show you in the lab.” He climbed in the car.
“Yes sir,” she gave a two finger salute before heading toward her bike.
“Benn?” He called and she turned, “be safe.”
She sent a “Stark smirk” back “always am. Drive safe.” With that he and Happy sped off. Why would  Jax want to meet her? They might still be friends but she wouldn’t expect it. After...
She made her way around the corner unbuttoning the stuffy white shirt and blazer, stripping down to the tank top underneath. She pulled on the t-shirt and the matching button up. After getting to the south entrance she threw on her jacket. Her bike was sitting in the closest parking spot, polished and gleaming. A custom Ducati, red with black and silver trim. A birthday present from Tony, which meant he had customized it even more than from the factory. She wadded up the shirt and blazer and shoved them in the storage compartment under the seat.  
The engine roared to life at the first kick. She revved the throttle a couple times, catching the attention of a brunette a couple cars down. Bennett slid on her helmet, giving the woman a shy smile before peeling out of the parking lot speeding up town to the club. 
The music pulsed and the lights flashed as she approached the entrance for the private club. She had to wait in line for a few minutes before she got to the bouncer at the door. “Party name?” He asked.
“Jaxon Hennings.” Bennet replied fidgeting with her helmet.
“Mr. Hennings,” the man gave a broad smile, “yes, a party of six. Your name?”
“Bennett Lancaster.” He gestured, her through directing her to one of the more private booths in the back. 
Bennett met Jaxon Hennings on their first day of college. Co-ed dorms. They had private rooms that unfortunately shared a bathroom. As might be expected when rooming two 18-year-olds of the opposite sex that close, the first thing he did was try to flirt. She tried to let him down easy by telling him he wasn’t her type. He didn’t take it as easy as she had hoped. A small fight over the shared space of the bathroom broke out the first weekend of their college experience. It quickly escalated to an all out war. 
The adversity between the two was palpable. He “accidently” walked in while she was in the shower so in return she taped the sink faucet to squirt him in the face. He put honey on the door knob. She superglued his toothbrush, toothpaste, razor and shaving cream to his drawer in the vanity. It only intensified when classes started and they shared most of their classes. Pranks became more vicious and spread to the others bedroom not just the shared space of the bathroom. A month into the school year found most of Bennett’s wardrobe shredded and Jaxon’s meals for a week laced with something. Melatonin was the nicest, laxatives were a given. 
Jaxon shuffled across the quad after Intro to Economics one afternoon at the beginning of October. It had been a hard class that day, he could feel the headache coming on.  The sound of giggling came from the steps in front of the cafe. He looked over to find Bennett talking to two other girls. Bennett wore a lopsided smile as they talked. Bennett focused most of her attention on her blonde companion rather than the brunette. The blonde reached out brushing the short bangs out of Benn’s face. Even though the locks were too short to actually fall in her face and her hair was gelled to perfection. She took long enough in the mornings. Especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays, when she had Latin class. 
He looked the girl over trying to remember the girl's name. It took a few minutes but he remembered, Alex, a senior. As they sat talking several people stopped to greet Bennett. She seemed to attract people without trying. She, however, was focused solely on Alex. Jaxon walked to their dorm with a plan, a plan that would be mutually beneficial.
That evening Bennett entered their dorm only to find Jaxon sitting on her bed a smug smile on his face. “So, not your type? What exactly is your type?”
“I don’t have time for your crap today, Jaxon. We take the same classes, don’t you have as much homework as I do?” she dropped her bag by the edge of the desk.
“Of course, that doesn’t mean I am going to do it,” he followed her sitting on the desk. “So how do you feel about redheads?” The blonde rolled her eyes and pulled out her psych book. Trying to block her roommate out. “Nah, I bet you are into blondes. Yeah blonde hair and green eyes.” He hopped down and walked a few paces back and forth behind the girl. “Shorter side, I think. Curls.” Bennett turned to face him. He looked like the cat that ate the canary. “Nice rack? Am I warm?”
“I...”She shot him a glare, “what’s it to you?”
“I have seen you talk to Alex several times but I wasn’t sure until today, upperclassmen nice.” He stopped as if distracted by a thought. “Is that why you took that class, more upperclassmen?”
“A basic concept of Latin roots can help you in several fields of study. All the medical fields, for instance. Bonus is that you don’t take it.” She turned back to the book on her desk.  
“But we both know you aren’t going into medical, you are getting a degree in general ed. And only because you have to, to stay in that security school,” he put his hand over the page she was reading. 
Bennett slammed the book closed on his hand, “Latin also tends to make you sound smart. Headed to Latin sounds a whole lot better than headed to burger flipping 101 or whatever you take.”
“Hey I was gonna help with your Alex problem but if that's how you're gonna be?” Shaking out his hands as he began walking toward the door.
“I don’t have a problem,” her voice came out soft. 
He took that as his invitation to start the conversation again. “Then why haven’t you asked her out?” When she didn’t respond he continued. “Scared? Don’t know how? She wants you too.” A devious smile crossed his face “I can help you.”
Bennett looked him up and down, “what’s it gonna cost me?”
“For some reason it’s starting the conversations that I have problems with, I have been told I come off as abrasive.”
“Can’t imagine why,” she rolled her eyes.
He shrugged as if it truly were a mystery. “But everyone seems to like you, so you teach me  your charm and I will teach you mine. Be my wingman, I’ll be yours. Truce.” He held out a hand.
Reluctantly she shook his hand, “Truce.” Within three days Bennett had a date with Alex and  she was helping Jaxon get rid of his first one night stand. 
From that point on Jaxon and Bennett were inseparable. They quickly became best friends. Their morals and opinions didn’t always line up but that was understandable. 
His parents were overjoyed when he told them he was bringing a girl home for Thanksgiving break their junior year. He thought it was fun to only refer to her as his best friend, to his parents, or Benn or Bennie. Never by a gender specific pronoun.
The drive, although short, was exhausting. Jaxon had been teasing her the whole time about this guy at school that could not take a hint. By the time they arrived she had had enough. As soon as he killed the car she tackled him, pushing him out his door. They rolled across the yard laughing and calling each other childish names. Throwing leaves in each other's faces and wrestling, until the girl finally locked in a chokehold making him tap. “Okay, Benn, you win.”
“Always do,” she held a hand out helping him up. As they dusted off their attention was drawn to the front door of the mansion, they had an audience. There on the front porch steps to the massive mansion stood Jax’s mother, father, and little sister, Emily.
Bennett made her way through the throng of people to the private tables toward the back of the club. Tucked the corner she found Jax, bleached blonde hair, purple button down shirt, silver tie. Over the top. How do I attract the eccentric types? She questioned herself. First Jax and now Tony. 
“Bennie," he practically jumped over the table. Picking her up in a bear hug. “I am so sorry, Benn. I know Emily. I should have seen the signs. I just really hoped she would be different with you.” 
“It’s not your fault, Jax. I missed all the signs too.” They shared a smile, “so still friends?”
“Are you kidding,” he smirked, “you can’t get rid of me if you tried.” He turned back to the table, pushing one of the other guys there out of his seat so she could sit.  
Of the four other people sitting at the table one was Jax’s wife, Jordan. She had wrapped Bennett in a warm hug, no words just a hug of understanding. As they hugged Bennett felt an influx of several hormones that were high, she searched her friend for a reason, finally finding it, a second heartbeat. 
Caleb, another of their friends from college, greeted her sitting directly to her left. Jax’s friend and business partner Martin occupied the next seat from him. 
The seat directly across from Bennett was occupied by a woman with dark hair and even darker eyes. She was attractive by anyone’s standards. She had smiled when Jaxon introduced them, a thousand watt smile. Mariam, the head of marketing for the software division of Advanced Idea Mechanics. She was interested to hear that Bennett worked closely with Tony Stark. 
Stories were shared around the table and Jax never let anyone’s glass sit empty. “So here we are, all just turned 21 at the strip club,” Jax continued the story. Bennett buried her face in her hands. “We all decide that Benn needs to experience more of life. She has refused to pay attention to any of the women there. Now as an older brother with her talking to my little sister I respect that. As her best friend I can’t let her leave without having some fun. So me and the other guys shell out a ton of money for Benn to have a private dance. They are back there for a solid 30 minutes so we are all glad that she is finally enjoying something. We watch the hall closely to see when she comes out. Benn and the stripper come out of the room, the stripper wearing Benn’s jacket. She leans in, gives Benn a hug before giving back the jacket and walking the other way. Benn gets back out to us and tells us they talked the entire time. We paid for a private dance and instead Benn spends 30 minutes making sure the woman is comfortable and discussing what this woman wants to do with her life and future.” 
“I will have you know, her name is Holly not “the stripper,” and she is currently studying to be a surgeon.” Bennett smiled as she took another sip of her drink. 
Martin left after a few hours claiming a business meeting in the morning to be the reason, not the busty blonde by the bar that he had been eyeing all night. Caleb went to the dance floor to try his luck with a group of college girls. 
When Mariam left to get a fresh drink Jaxon turned serious. “So Benn, Jordan and I wanted to tell you something,” She knew what was coming. “We’re pregnant.” Their faces were beaming. The sodas and waters Jordan had been drinking all night had solidified what she had felt earlier.  She was thrilled for them, even if it did sting a bit. 
If she were different, if Emily were different, if things had just worked out different; they would be hearing this news together and she would be looking forward to being an aunt. Now though she would just be “dad’s crazy friend,” if she even got to be there. 
“We still want you around. We want you to be involved in the baby’s life.” Jax continued almost as if he had read her mind. “You were my wingman and my best friend long before Emily screwed up. I saw you first.”
She let out a soft laugh, “I will be there as much as I can. I am so happy for you guys.”
He reached out grabbing Jordan’s hand giving it a gentle squeeze. 
Mariam came back to the table with a drink in hand for herself and a refill for Bennett. 
Jaxon and Jordan went to dance leaving Bennett and Mariam alone. 
“So how many of those do you need for me to convince you to dance?” Mariam’s smile was bewitching. 
Bennett could have easily been ensnared by the sight if not for her recent clash with reality. “I am afraid there isn’t enough alcohol in the world to convince me to dance.” Mariam’s shoulders fell and her smile faltered before she forced a fake in its place. “But I am open to some conversation and maybe a new friend.” 
She met Bennett’s eyes again, “a new friend might be nice.” Her smile diminished in size slightly but it was genuine again. “Especially if this new friend has connections to Tony Stark,” the playfulness in her tone made Bennett laugh.
“I refuse to be a part in any sort of espionage against my boss or his company.” 
Mariam joined in the laughter, “I guess I will just have to settle for friendly banter then and find another partner in crime against Stark.” 
Friendly banter was the course of the evening. A great deal of the night was spent with the four of them at the table talking and trying to embarrass one another. Periodically it would be just two at the table as the others went to dance. 
At last call Bennett found a taxi for Jaxon, Jordan, and Mariam. She made sure they were all loaded and the drivers had the correct addresses before cranking her bike to head back to Stark tower. 
The last three months had been hell. Today though had been a good day. She hadn’t lost everything with Emily. She wasn’t going through it all alone. She still had Jax, her best friend, and Tony. Everyone needs a Tony.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
My First Fashion Week Has Been Imperfect and Strangely Life-Affirming
My First Fashion Week Has Been Imperfect and Strangely Life-Affirming
This is my very first fashion week! I’m very excited and also nervous and oh my god what will I wear I hope I don’t fall over at some point. I love fashion as something to think about and observe in others, but I feel I’m very firmly not a “fashion person,” if that makes sense? I sort of feel like a band nerd at a jock party, but I have no doubt this week will be fun (if I don’t fall). This is also my first fashion week as a managing editor, so while we’ve had meetings and google docs and emails galore, 90% of my anxiety comes from a deep need to not mess this up. Below, a recording of my first few days — let me know whether you think I succeeded.
10 a.m.
I’m working from home today and have knocked out the work-from-home essentials: brush your teeth, wash your face, put on a bra and make a huge pot of coffee. I spend most of the morning doing normal non-fashion week things.
2 p.m
I make one of those weird work-from-home lunches that’s just a bowl of stuff from your fridge.
6:30 p.m.
I sign off to get ready for the DapperQ show at the Brooklyn Museum.
7 p.m.
I decide to walk because it’s finally not a million degrees out and immediately get rained on. I regret nothing as it is important to see the outside world for at least 20 minute on a work-from-home day.
7:30 p.m.
I meet up with my friend Naima and head in. It’s a full-on scene. Technically this is my very first fashion show, but it’s on what feels like my home turf. The general public can and is encouraged to buy tickets so it’s more of an event than anything else. There are pop-up boutiques, a gif booth, the world’s longest bar line and a station to get all of your measurements taken.
8:10 p.m.
The show starts and it’s actually 10 different labels showing: A/C Space, Audio Helkuik, Jag & Co, Kris Harring Apparel Group, Nicole Wilson, SALT, Stuzo clothing, The Phluid Project, TomboyX + Squirrel Vs. Coyote, and THÚY Custom Clothier. It’s a mix of incredibly tailored suits for all types of bodies and all types of gender expressions, flowy linen tunics and pants that feel like tropical menocore, ’90s inspired rave wear and a truly great bike short look. The models that are sent down the runway are all races, ages, sizes and orientations.
9:15 p.m.
That was a very long show, I fell in love at least three times and now I need to buy a suit. First fashion show down!
10:30 a.m.
I get into the office late because the Q was majorly delayed this morning and it was physically impossible to get on the first one that came. Haley, Simedar and I spend five minutes talking about how dumb New York is as an idea. Someone points out there’s a nutella cookie on the counter and I decide to treat my emotional wounds with too much sugar.
11 a.m.
The office is a ghost town, between people dashing in and out for shows, working remotely and squeezing in end-of-summer vacations. I get a lot of the task-based stuff done (pay freelancers, update our project management software, send some strongly worded emails). I think/hope we prepared well for fashion week this year. We had two meetings to try to get ahead of everything but also decided that this year everyone will be flexible within reason. There’s no need to stay up till midnight working on a post.
1 p.m.
Amelia turns around her Tory Burch post with lightning speed, Edith finds the photos and we turn it live! Nothing like the rush of timely content!!!
5 p.m.
Maybe it’s the sugar, maybe it’s the fashion week adrenaline, but it is 5 o’clock and we have lost our minds. We get on the topic of tattooing celebrities on our thighs, Haley has busted out her weird animal toys and I keep changing my hair. I’m going to Chromat in a few and feel like this is the day to just go for a fulllllll look. I’m wearing a purple jump suit and more makeup and jewelry than I ever do, but changing from a high bun to a messy low ponytail feels like a true leap into a fashion-forward existence. Haley loans me her incredible white coat and while every part of my always-underdressed soul is screaming for me to take it off, a small voice says, it’s fashion week.
5:50 p.m.
Eliz and I arrive at the Chromat show after a quick walk (that girl can walk). There’s a lot of street style hullabaloo and when a nice guy asks to take my photo I say YES. Fashion week has turned me into a whole new woman!! It was a weird process but whatever, I’m an old pro by the time we meet up with Simon and he snaps my photo for this here diary. We’re in line for about 30 minutes but it goes quickly because there is just so much to see, so many people to watch.
6:20 p.m.
After a somewhat confusing line situation and an elevator ride that set off my anxiety (made an iPhone note: “Play about fashion people stuck in an elevator???” I don’t think it’s a hit), we get into the space. In the rush to find our seats I see one Whoopi Goldberg and feel beyond blessed.
6:50 p.m.
The show is over and it was so fun! Once again we were blessed with a gorgeous mix of models including Ericka Hart, whose hair I’m copying immediately. Their swimsuits and sunglasses and beads almost made me sad that summer is over, but I now have some full looks to dream about for the next 10 months or so.
7:15 p.m.
Back in the office to send the final end-of-day editorial email and check in on some things before running off to surprise my friend who just got engaged!! Feeling very happy and grateful for this day.
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Very chill morning, made some breakfast, did some reading, wrote for myself, went to the gym, ate a second breakfast, took a shower and put my “look” together.
1-2 p.m.
Getting ready for the Christian Siriano show and am VERY excited. I got to talk to him ever-so-briefly earlier this year and love not only the stuff that he makes but the people he casts. Also hoping to see my tall sister Leslie Jones.
Feeling a bit of an emotional hangover from pushing myself outside of my comfort zone (amazing what the right coat can do), so I just threw on the Levi’s from this story, a black turtleneck and some dad sneakers. Feeling very much in my comfort zone, I left, giving myself 20 more minutes than Google maps told me I needed because of the raggedy-ass MTA.
2:15 p.m.
The Q isn’t coming for 17 minutes. The B isn’t running at all. I remember how much fun I had in Baltimore earlier this year and briefly imagine what Baltimore Nora is doing right at this very moment.
2:32 p.m.
The train is beyond crowded but I push myself on because I can’t be late. I hope that all of my I’ll-wait-for-the-next-one karma has been stored up for this very moment. Texting with Haley and Em to let them know I’ll be late-late. Because, oh, guess what? This late-ass Q is now running local instead of express. A 3-year-old-girl is pummeling her older brother while their dad plays a phone game. Her brother pushes her and she falls on my shoes, the dad finally looks up. I double check that I’ve registered to vote.
4:17 p.m.
I finally meet Emily outside in line. We have standing tickets and Haley has a seat so she already went in. We chat, see Tiffany Hadish walk in (she ready, I mumble enthusiastically to myself) and I think Carmen Electra? It is raining and the line is outside.
4:23 p.m.
No room at the inn! Someone tells one person at the front of the line that we all have to go home and it quickly becomes the world’s saddest/grouchiest game of telephone. Em and I are both a little bummed and decide to just head home rather than wait to see people exit. I get back on the Q train, it is running as it should.
I’m a little annoyed and frustrated and the high of last night’s New York magic has worn off. The afternoon was stressful, challenging, disappointing and no one likes to feel like they’re being left out. It felt like what I was nervous would happen (“mmm you’re not cool!”) happened and I know it’s not personal and I know it’s not an actual big deal but I’m just…over it.
5:20 p.m.
Grab some groceries on the walk home, come back to send a few emails, update a few headlines and check in on everyone else. My ticket for Pyer Moss is standing also and I’m feeling a little Eeyore-ish and think about skipping it. My friend Morgan’s birthday is tonight and so is my friend Michelle’s goodbye and I could use the extra energy/hours. But I ultimately decide against ditching. So I eat too much cheese, sigh and put on my shoes, and head out the door. Feel free to bookmark that as an inspirational quote.
6:30 p.m.
The show is in Brooklyn at the Weeksville Heritage Center so I splurge on a Lyft since it’s kind of close. I get there and just like that, I’m back in it. Roughly 98% of the people outside are black and there are some fantastic outfits. I bump into my new pal Simon who was smart enough to wear a rain poncho. We wait in line for a bit which gives me ample time to covet the Pyer Moss sweatshirts the staff and crew are wearing. There are also staff members with shirts that say “If You’re Just Hearing About Pyer Moss We Forgive You.” I’ll take two. I don’t know anyone but it’s fine, because I’m just happy to be there.
7 p.m.
I walk into the space and it’s amazing. It is full on raining so it’s a bit of a bummer that it’s outside but very much worth it. I wander over to the back where the historic houses are. Which, I feel like I should explain something here: I LOVE historic homes and historic house tours. Like 80% of my personality is loving historic homes. These particular historic homes are the Hunterfly Road Houses , built at the height of Weeksville’s time as a thriving free black community in the 19th and early 20th century. Okay. Back to fashion. Shaun Ross is here! I think MJ Rodriguez is here too! Karruche is for sure here!
7:15 p.m.
A jazz quartet walks out. They’re all dressed in white and posted up to the side of the houses: I’m about to witness some black excellence, I think to myself. I’m standing by the stage manager and hear her say “the choir is coming out now” into a headset. Which, okay, sorry to keep doing this — I LOVE choirs, and while we’re here on this historic black site about to watch a black designer send black models down the runway while a jazz quartet plays, I watch this choir come out and think about how much being in choir helped shaped my identity and community and realize that, at this moment, it feels a bit like a community, and I get in my feelings, just a little bit. What would it have been like to see this future for myself? What is it like to grow up now with all these infinite ways to be black and successful?
8ish p.m.
The show is over and it was incredible. Yellow pleather overalls, a yellow mesh dress that I would not be surprised to see on MR sometime in the future, gorgeous pleated pants, amazing graphic prints and a gospel choir that swag surf-ed. I would see a look and think of a black actor it would be perfect for, or a friend (I’m matchmaking Crystal and those pleather overalls for sure). It just felt special.
It’s been a rough couple of news days, so standing in that space in awe of all that we do and all that we create was the first time I truly felt what it means for fashion to transcend clothing or magazines or trends. To be at the heart of how fashion can be the start of a conversation or even a feeling.
There was a cookout, with Hennesy, duh, but I decided to leave on a high note. I turned around to look at the Hunterfly Houses all lit up as an amazing 90s R&B mix floated out from the party and I remember why I love New York. That all parts of myself are given a place to thrive, to be seen. That in three days you can see different pieces of what matter to you reflected back in all of the crazy glory of the city at its most insane. I’m signing off to celebrate a friend and say goodbye to another, to give thanks for this city and the people that fill it.
Feature photo by Simon Chetrit. 
0 notes
solidasaroc · 7 years
More Adventures in the Philippines... Exploring the Area’s History
Shortly after I posted my last post I left to go to an American bar called “Phillies.” The original owner was from Philadelphia and the decor reflected it.  I could not imagine  better place on the island to watch an Eagles victory. The other Americans there were older, as was expected, but also surprisingly friendly. If the Western presence in Angeles confuses you, please allow me to explain.
The Angeles City area was formerly the home to Clark Air Base, an overseas base of the US Air Force. Like so many other foreign towns with American military personnel, the outside area developed a burgeoning red light district. The Americans left Clark in 1990, but the pernicious effects of American imperialism still remain. Instead of seeing the streets filled with skeevy Airmen, the streets are now filled with skeevy retirees. The bar where I watched the Super Bowl was just outside of Sin City’s main drag, Walking Street.                    
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Though I have been to Angeles many times before, this was my first time being physically on Walking Street, although I have been driven past it. To clarify a situation that is anything but simple, I will further explain Walking Street. Angeles’s Walking Street is modeled on the Walking Street of Pattaya, Thailand. Like in Pattaya, prostitution is officially illegal, but tolerated in practice. 
From what I understand the prostitutes are not primarily from Pampanga, but from the Philippines’ poorest provinces in the southern portion of the country. I do not think soliciting prostitution is an immoral act in itself, provided it is a voluntary exchange between consenting adults. However, there is something decidedly disgusting about old men from developed countries taking advantage of young women who are only selling their bodies because of economic necessity. Furthermore, in situations like this, you never truly know if the woman is there on her own accord, or if she is a victim of human trafficking. So as a notice to any dirty man who should read this, please, keep your business in your own country!
In any event, aside from any moral judgement, it did feel right as a tourist to stop by the city’s main attraction.  I believe if you do not see a city’s main attraction, then you did not truly see anything at all. I encourage people visiting the area to see Walking Street, and even have yourself a few drinks. Just please, stop yourself there!
Tuesday started as another chill day at SM Clark, trying out foods and souvenir shopping.  Interestingly, I noticed many of the mall’s stores were preparing for the celebration of Chinese New Year.
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The Philippines is a primarily Catholic nation and, of course, the Lunar New Year is not a Christian holiday. To be fair, the Philippines has a substantial Chinese population, as do many places in Southeast Asia. Due to mixed ethnicity marriages, some estimate as much as 25% of the population has at least some Chinese heritage. Yet the fact remains that the Philippines is not China. I remember how upset a Filipina college classmate was when she was wished a happy Chinese New Year. This, of course, was understandable. In the US, “Asia” is often thought of as simply “China.” Americans can be rather ignorant of other cultures. Yet, in the Philippines, there are Filipinos celebrating this Chinese holiday that upset her so. of course, there are reasonable explanations for this. For one, there is the previously mentioned Chinese presence. Secondly, this could just be a “Hallmark Holiday,” another chance to capitalize on consumers’ impulses. Yet, in spite of these factors, I do find it odd that a sovereign nation would celebrate the holiday of a country with whom they have a major territorial dispute
My cousin’s birthday that brought me to the Philippines, and I enjoyed our first party in his honor on Tuesday evening. The food was delicious, as is nearly everything I’ve eaten here. The main course was lechon, a roast suckling pig that is enjoyed in many former Spanish colonial possessions. While the only other  lechon I’ve had was prepared by Cubans, I do have a hard time imagining any country roasting a pig better than the Philippines. 
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On Wednesday I toured the Clark Special Economic Zone, which occupies the site of the former Clark Air Base. The local government is doing a great job developing it into a clean and modern city, building nice residences and resorts. 
Afterwards, my cousins and I toured a neighborhood primarily inhabited by the Negritos, who can be thought of as the area’s indigenous people. Filipinos, as other Malayo-Polynesian Pacific Islanders, are believed to be descended from seafaring people who originally came from what is now Taiwan and who ultimately settled on islands across the Pacific and Indian Oceans. On the other hand, the Negritos, or Aeta, as they are also known, have resided in what is now the Philippines since before the Austronesian population arrived. While most Filipinos do look “Asian”, the Negrito population looks similar to some of Africa’s Pygmys. However, many anthropologists believe that the Negritos are most closely related to the Aboriginal Australians.
The Negrito village was very poor, even by Philippine standards. I could not help but related this to the struggles indigenous people face all around the globe. I was glad to have seen it, as seeing the living situations of less fortunate people is always a good reminder for people to be more appreciative of what they have, and also a reminder to help the needy. I should add that it seems the Negritos are integrating, as the neighborhood did have mixed-ethnicity couples between Negritos and Kapangpangans. The tour through the village was actually quite a thrill, as the roads were unpaved and the streets were narrow. I am very impressed with my driver’s skills, as I am sure that if I had to go down a similar street I would crash the car.
Wednesday evening, I enjoyed a live band at a local bar in Mabalacat. If you watch Anthony Bourdain or if you have heard a Philippine band on a cruise or resort, you know that the Philippines is famous for their cover bands. The band sang many English and Tagalog songs exceptionally well. However, I found their sense of humor most enjoyable. The band was composed of five baklas, which is the local term for gay men and male-to-female transgender individuals. Their performances were punctuated by very campy and flamboyant comedic bits, often including audience interaction. I thought it was a very unique experience, as it is one I have never had at home.
Thus brings me to the end of my week so far. I am sad to say that I will be returning to the US on Friday evening. In fact, my last blog might be written from my home in Illinois.  Before I leave you today, I’d like to thank my friends who contacted me upon their learning of Taiwan’s earthquakes. I am safe, as I am now in a different country, but I would likely have been safe even if I had spent this week in Taipei. The ones who really need thoughts and prayers are those in and around Hualien, Taiwan. Please remember them in the coming days.
On that note, I wish all reading this a great end to your week. Until next time, Paalam! 
0 notes
tube-thoughts-blog · 7 years
tube thoughts vol. 6
zero stars - terrible, 1/2 a star - dull, 1 star - folly, 1 1/2 stars - lacking, 2 stars - fair, 2 1/2 stars - decent, 3 stars - terrific
Joe Bob's SummerSchool edition of Monstervision with special guests a blonde Bride of Frankenstein and a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon plus the feature movie "The Surgeon" *The striking black and white intro flashback throws light on what this flick really is. It's a tribute to those 30s/40s/50s mad doctor horror shows, with quirky 1990s  sensibilities laced throughout.* 2 1/2 stars
Everything is Terrible: Summer Fun --------------
*Psalty: Dramatic kids hang out with a blue, scripture talking song book.*            2 stars
*Bike Safety Rap: Don't skin your knees or risk your life.* 1 star
*Central Florida Hell: Dump elderly dad down where Chi Chi Rodriguez dwells.* 2 1/2 stars
*2 Minute Boat Trip: Goober Pudding Jr. is not a COCKSUCKER! Horatio Sanz... who knows?* 2 stars
*3 Minute Heavy Metal Summer: Shock rockers, with a heart of gold, versus yuppy prejudice and slimeball business types at a camp/resort.* 3 stars
*Acting with Tom Hanks: Swimsuit models wanna make their silly dreams come true.* 2 stars
*Conceal and Carry: Speed, women, fanny pack!* 3 stars
*Kidz Conquer Mexico: Another culture exploited by brats.* 2 1/2 stars
*Message in a Cell Phone: Crack the code and get Chad's dad out of prison.*  3 stars
*Birthdays Faith First: Father Tim loves his birthday and Uncle Sam.*                 2 1/2 stars
*2 Minute Beach Fever: Kato Kaelin and Jacki Chan enjoy the fruits of rabor.*   2 1/2 stars
I'm Alan Partridge: I Know What Alan Did Last Summer *Dodging the tax man.* between 2 1/2 and 3 stars
"The Day After" --1983-- *"World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones."* 3 stars
The Twilight Zone: The Midnight Sun *Fever dream.* 3 stars
Heart She Holler: Klansgender Rights *We're all the same underneath a clean, white sheet.* 2 stars
Squidbillies: Granny Hot Foot *Happier than a pig, in shit, who just won the Daytona 500.* 2 1/2 stars
Adult Swim --infomercials-- In Search of the Miracle Man *Interviewing people on the street about their love for a yet to be seen super guru and asking them how often they masturbate, plus keeping a close watch on a sunbathing beauty, in case the guru shows up there. Add in a sing along, act unfunny along, self aware studio audience for even less laughs. A guy from Mighty Boosh and Snuff Box (Rich Fulcher) and a guy from Upright Citizens Brigade and Crossballs (Matt Besser), along with another recognizable face from the Sarah Silverman Show, can all do better and funnier in 12 minutes. Drunk History for example.* 1 star
Freddy's Nightmares: Rebel Without A Car -----
*A mullet-motor-head thinks a cursed muscle-car is his ticket out of Springwood, but maybe he should have taken his girl's advice and sought a smarter path.* 2 1/2 stars
*A girl, from the wrong side of the tracks, gets accepted to be a Cinderella slave for snobbish sorrority sisters, during hellish hazing, where they hope to put her on the road.Instead, she turns Carrie, on the cunts, and burns the house to the ground.* 2 1/2 stars
Swamp Thing: Falco *"Nature is a maniac!" That's pretty existential for a falcon unwillingly turned half human by the arrogant Arcane. Overly dramatic and unintentionally funny.*       3 stars
Jonny Quest: Treasure of the Temple *Masterfully animated Mayan adventure.* 3 stars
Kolchak, the Night Stalker: The Night Strangler *Gritty Civil War era alchemy, and a Victorian Era style Jack the Ripper killer, in the dark alleys and underground of a Pacific Northwest seaport town.* 3 stars
12:01 Beyond --Halloween special-- -2014- =====================
*The Victim's Family - Have A Nice Day (music video): Skeletal puppets kick your face in and tell you to enjoy your shitty job and life.* close to 3 stars
*Fulfilled, A Halloween Story: A modern Lovecraftian tragic figure refuses to join in on the pop culture / commercial celebrations of Halloween and instead chooses to spend All Hallow's Eve, and possibly eternity, in the Twilight Zone.* close to 3 stars
*Trailer for Dario Argento's "Creepers": 3 stars
*Vintage WXXA cHANNEL 23 - Halloween movie marathon commercial for their movie lineup including 'An American Werewolf in London', 'House', 'Videodrome', 'Psycho 3': 3 stars
*"Horror of the Zombies" 1973: A millionaire, a money hungry mercenary type, and an agency of modeling get involved in a publicity stunt that would leave some models stranded in a boat on the sea. However, they all wind up in some interdimensional fog and end up boarding a ghost-ship where the blind monks of Mestophilles roam.* 2 stars
*Monster Rally Movie: Advertisement for an old horror host Channel 4 show.*   3 stars
*Pumpkin Madness 2: Ordinary pumpkins let loose destructive behavior.*           2 1/2 stars
*Animation in the style of Superjail or the video for Paranoid Android by Mariola Brillowska.* 3 stars
*Phantasm's 'The Tall Man' promotes Fangoria magazine.* 2 1/2 stars
*Fleishcher Studios- Superman - The Mummy Strikes.* 3 stars
*A Republic Pictures serial - The Crimson Ghost - Atomic Peril: A criminal mastermimd is so determined to get his hands on a device that will bring the world's electrical will to its knees, that he's willing to prevent its use in bringing the Cold War to a close.* 2 1/2 stars
*Fight the monster of pay and or cable tv in an awesome retro anti-cable tv advertisement shown to a paying movie theater audience.* 3 stars
Star Wars Rebels: Rise of the Old Masters *A Sith inquisitor lures roam Jedi to their doom, using the bones of a Jedi Master.the Empire is putting out false distress signals saying that the master is alive and in need of a prison escape rescue.* 3 stars
TMNT: The Croaking *After watching Thundarr the Barbarian, Mikey spazzes out and destroys the farmhouse. When scolded, flees to the forest where he encounters Napoleon Bonafrog (voiced by Napoleon Dynamite) who happens to be the outcast of his own tree-frog human-hating society.* 3 stars
Everything is Terrible --Halloween Bonus-- --2012--   =========================
*Cosby Nightmarez: Bill takes a break from drugging women to have his own bad dream.* 3 stars
*Tim Curry Halloween Song: A crooning wizard makes the witches howl.* 3 stars
*Vincent Price: An elderly icon shills 3D film cameras.* 2 stars
*3 Minute Grandpa is a Vampire: Grandpa Munster hangs out with his radical 90s grandson and his grandson's friend while grandma tries to cheat on him and put a stake thru his old heart.* 2 1/2 stars
*Boogie Bonez: "Knick Knack Paddywhack"* 3 stars
*Death Spa: Don't let an exorcist hacker control your electronic gym, if you're a cheating ex and give memberships to jerk yuppies.* 3 stars
*Halloween Propaganda: "Every Halloween, children are dying."* 3 stars
*Lovely Little Monster: Anne Rice chick hip hop. Dance routine sign language. Rick James voodoo zombie. Bathsalt freakout Twilight romance.* 3 stars
*Pops Ghostly: A Casper family man vents on his family's hellcat home invasion frustration.* 2 1/2 stars
*Punkinman: The Bob Villa (this old house) / Bob Ross (happy clouds painter) of stickin' it in a pumpkin and getting the best out.* 2 1/2 stars
*Zombie Workout: Spunky Linnea Quigley criticizes the falling apart shape of the undead and has them working out their rotten flesh.* close to 3 stars
*3 Minute Ghosthouse: A Back to the Future Michael J. Fox wannabe look-a-like goes up against some zany frighteners.* 3 stars
Z Nation: Doctor of the Dead *Not much soap opera for a zombie series finale, mostly just zombie stuff. A shadowy scientist running around globally, pre zombie outbreak, conducting gruesome, and unknown for purposes, field experiments. Creepy CDC style medical lab, in Colorado, filled with zombie testing gone wrong. Tiny Asian chick is dying but comes back as a kung fu z with Alice from Resident Evil maneuvers (not a big fan of that). Cameo from the doomed lovers to show they'll be back next season (Oh, great... yawn). And a big finish cliffhanger with Murphy "shedding his skin" (could be creepy and great) and running off leaving everyone else, including Citizen Z at the North Pole, to stare dumbly at their impending demise which is nuclear missiles dropping in to say hi.* 3 stars
Scare Tactics -season 2 -episode 14 "My Guests Are Mannequins" ---------------
*Antonio, Tone Loc's cousin, volunteers to help park rangers clean the roadkill off of a bridge that a Chupacabra lives under.* between 2 1/2 and 3 stars
*A 'You Betcha' cocktail waitress serves cheeze and ritz crackers to a honky's stuffy mannequin party guests and is scared to refuse his offer to "Party Forever" with him.* 3 stars
*A crematorium trainee turns white as a ghost, and he was black to begin with, when he flips the flame switch and a woman's husband pops out still alive just crispy.* 3 stars
X Files: Conduit *Alien abductee or possible runaway of ill-refute and her baby brother who can read into the matrix.* 2 1/2 stars
Sam Raimi presents American Gothic: Pilot Episode *What if Sheriff Andy Taylor were a controlling psycho who'd go as far as framing his own deputy, Barney, for murder, and what if Opie had a William Faulkner and Ambrose Bierce childhood...?* between 2 1/2 and 3 stars
Monstervision with Joe Bob Briggs: "The Wraith" (Summer School Session - Driver's Education with the author of the NYC cab driver joke book) *It was inevitable that the spirit of the American Highway would be symbolized by a fiery car crash.* 3 stars
The Outer Limits: Caught in the Act *A college virgin, Alyssa Milano, gives the worst case of blue balls, until an alien parasite turns her into a raging nympho succubus.* 2 stars slipping towards      1 1/2 stars
Paranormal State -season 1 -episode 11 *A nice, retired, Queens NY lady needed the Penn State crew and a noted medium, in demons, to tell her to stop trying to contact the dead through the use of evp.* 2 stars
Bob and Margaret: The Burglary *The couple get a little too greedy, themselves, after their old stuff gets stolen and they have to replace it with all new stuff.* 3 stars
The Prisoner: A, B, and C *Number 6 continues to be defiant, even in his dreams. Dreams that The Village is now determined to surveillance.* 3 stars
Mike Tyson Mysteries: Is Magic Real? *Mike is the only non skeptic concerning Mexican leprechauns.* 3 stars
Town of the Living Dead: Dong of the Dead *Two words... butt auditions.* 3 stars
Ken Russell's "Crimes of Passion" *It's sleazy Charles Bukowski meets Russ Meyer. Kathleen Turner is a Gloria Steinem behind a glory hole. Anthony Perkins is like a Jerry Falwell who jerks off to crime scene photos of the Black Dahlia. And John Laughlin is Tim 'The Tool Man' Taylor who can't get his jackhammer plugged into a hot electrical outlet.* 3 stars
Hill Street Blues: Can World War 3 Be An Attitude? *"You're okay. I'm okay. We're okay. Okay?"* 3 stars
Max Headroom: Security Systems *A way ahead of its time investigative look at security organizations (*cough* the N.S.A. *cough*) and how complete access to so much information, personal and otherwise, can only lead to that kind of knowledge being abusively used.*   3 stars
South Park: Cock Magic *Magic the Gathering greater than girls volleyball.* 3 stars
American Horror Story -Freakshow- "Bloodbath" *From the head to the legs. From the body to the mind.* 2 stars
Monstervision with Joe Bob Briggs: "The Time Machine" 1960 *Joe Bob and Rusty the mail girl demonstrate worm hole theory using a dirty bedsheet and a bowling ball. Meanwhile, Rod Taylor zips from turn of the 20th century England to thousands of years in the future where angelic, naive youth live in a garden of eden paradise as cattle for cavern dwelling commie cannibals.* 3 stars
Farscape: Til the Blood Runs Clear *Being the 'big dog' with a pair of Beavis & Butthead moron bloodhound bounty hunters, and getting ripped off at a spacecraft repair shop ran by a Roseanne type.* 3 stars
Thundarr, the Barbarian: Wizard Wars *The cybernetic oversized head of a warlock Fred Flinstone uses hypnotized sandpeople as slaves to lay siege on another magician's desert stronghold.*     3 stars
Tosh.0 -Who Shot Black Santa? -2014 *The greatest Christmas present is hot cocoa served with love.* 2 1/2 stars
SyFy presents "End of the World" 2014 *Generic doomsday movie junkies, who work at a videostore, must break a scientist (Brad Dourif) out of the nuthouse so that he can help them save the world from being destroyed by a heliosphere.* 1 1/2 stars for aesthetics and special fx 2 stars for plot and characters and 2 1/2 stars for oddly humorous moments like hicks with guns getting in the way of nerds that are mankind's only hope, and randomly timed deaths
Tru Tv presents: World's Smartest Inventions 11 *Using robots for end of life care. No shame in hanging from a tree, on a hiking trail, and pooping, or standing on a sidewalk and pissing out the bottom of pant legs using a tube. Or having a doctor recommend to "ice the balls" in order to conceive, so a guy runs out and invents chilled underwear.* 2 1/2 stars
Everything is Terrible --Christmas Bonus-- 2012 --------------------------
*Snowdogs vs. Chillydogs: They're basically the same movie, give or take a few minor differences.* 2 1/2 stars
*Hanukkah Homeboy: "Don't noodge me."* 2 1/2 stars
*Celebrity Guide to X-Mas: Ed Begley Jr. can't relax his environmental beliefs in order to not ruin Christmas.* 2 1/2 stars
*Dr. Christmas: Artificial tree tips for a superficial Christmas.* 2 1/2 stars
*Gerbert Christmas Wish: A muppet's melancholy holiday.* 2 1/2 stars
*Holiday Showtime: Branson, Missouri is holiday purgatory.* 3 stars
*Jingle Cats: Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.* 3 stars
*Lawrence Welk Holiday Song: From now on our troubles will be miles awayayayaya.* 2 stars
*Natural Professional Tree: Step back and check for a natural appearance.*      2 stars
*Visit with Santa: Santa Q & A with dumb kids.* 3 stars
*Brent the Christmas Bear: Marvin Gaye gaiety.* 3 stars
*Glitter n Gold: A plea for puppet peace and relationship harmony.* 3 stars
*Kathy Lee Hip Hop: Horrid.* 1 star
*2 Minute Parental Guidance: Deck the halls and shake dat ass.* 3 stars
*Reggae Deck the Halls: Farmyard follalollalah.* 2 1/2 stars
*Santa with Muscles: Scrooge Ed Begley Jr. wants to close down the orphanage and exploit the kids as elf miners, but not if amnesiac, department store Santa Hulk Hogan has anything to say about it.* 2 1/2 stars
*X-Mas Nightmare 2012: Santa can't be asked to do the impossible, like alleviating the cynicism that comes with adulthood.* 2 1/2 stars
*Fuck Christmas: A humble shoemaker has had it up to here with the holidays, in this heartwarming tale.* 3 stars
*Chipper's X-Mas Adventure: A chipmunk goes crazy when his treehome is chopped down by joyous honkys.* 3 stars
*E.T. Porno: Smell E.T.'s finger.* 2 1/2 stars
Freddy's Nightmares: The Bride Wore Red *A groom's cold feet get raked over hot coals. Also, rappin' Freddy.* 2 stars *For the bride with daddy issues, divorce is a fate worse than death.* 3 stars
Tales from the Crypt: The Thing from the Grave *A lesson about not getting in between a no-nonsense, jealous boyfriend with a short-fuse (Miguel Ferrer) and his prized piece of cooze (Teri Garr). That is unless one has a charm necklace that can bring a vengeful corpse back from its shallow grave.* 3 stars
"Mirror Mirror" -1991- *A shy ugly duckling begins to flower when she embraces her dark reflection.*   3 stars
American Horror Story -Asylum- "I Am Anne Frank" *Auschwitz. Axe murder. Aversion therapy. Amputee monstrosity. Acceptance of guilt. Absentee motherhood. Alcoholic relapse. Alien abduction. Alma's alive!*  3 stars
Lars Von Trier's "Melancholia" *3 stars for gorgeously moody photography and score. 2 1/2 stars for symbolism (melancholia is here to stay). 2 stars for rogue planet collision apocalypse scenario. 1 1/2 stars for insufferable characters (mopey rich women). 1 star for pretentiousness 1/2 a star for snail pacing (2 hours felt like 5 hours). zero stars for jerky handheld camerwork
Gargoyles: Enter MacBeth *Another MacBeth who likes to do things on his own turf, and yet again all because of a lady.* 3 stars
Game of Thrones: -season 3 -episode 5 *"The birds have scales and the fish take wing."* 3 stars
Paranormal State: -season 1 -episode 12 *A psychic can't get her stories straight when it comes to a former schoolhouse's spirits. Credit to the Penn State crew for seeing through her b.s.* 2 stars
The Outer Limits: The Voyage Home *On the first manned mission to mars, a space bug is snagged, and one giant step for mankind turns into a suicidal leap.* 2 1/2 stars
Scare Tactics: The Chef Cooks a Human --------------
*Safe installation turns out to be a safe cracking burglary.* 2 1/2 stars
*Rear Window scenario where peeping at a neighbor who is an escort loses its thrill when she stabs an abusive client and informs her big heavy pimp that there are witnesses to the crime.* 2 1/2 stars
*Finding a ring in the hamburger meat and a bloody, armless dude in the freezer.* 3 stars
*Parents meet their teenage son's new girlfriend and find out she's already pregnant, but only it's from an alien, not the teenage son.* 2 1/2 stars
Russell Mulcahy's "The Shadow" -1994- *Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? Alec Baldwin knows.*   between 2 and 2 1/2 stars
Swamp Thing: From Beyond the Grave *"See the ship, hear it speak from deep down in the hold." Lyrics from a song sang by Jim's dead grandma. Words directing Jim, and his mom, to granny's last will and testament, hidden, in the swamp, so that Arcane can't take possession of her property and pollute and further exploit it.* 2 1/2 stars
Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital: -season 1 -episode 4 *Dream perchance debenture.* 2 1/2 stars
"Slipstream" *A loveable scoundrel (Bill Paxton) steals away a messiah-like android, from a hardline bountyhunter (Mark Hammil), on a journey across a windswept wasteland in a post-cataclysm story filled with hot air balloons, small airplanes, and eccentric nomads.* 2 1/2 stars
Christmas with Rifftrax: Santa's Village of Madness / K. Gordan Murray shorts *Never has the mythology of Saint Nick been more mucked with.*                      2 1/2 stars with riffing 1 star without
Jonny Quest: Werewolf of the Timberland *Gold smuggling lumberjacks in the French Canadian forest.* 3 stars
Bob and Margaret: Shopping *"Cheese of the week." The convenient inconvenience of supermarkets.*          3 stars
I'm Alan Partridge: Alan Wide Shut *"Hot floppy bread." Needless to say, Alan had the last laugh. Now, fuck off!.*     3 stars
True Life: I Want Respect For My Sect *A Juggalo bride's parents opt out of their daughter's Juggalo themed wedding. Pretentious vampires, in the pretentious Texas city of Austin, have a coming out party in order to gain new members and understanding. A cute 18 year old "furry" seems genuinely happy to have her parents acceptance at being able to attend her first convention.* 2 stars
Ghost Adventures: Dungeons & Demons *"Something just grabbed my ass!" The three bros travel to some of the world's most tainted holes.* 2 stars
Adventure Time: Holly Jolly Secrets *Deciphering the Ice King's weirdo home movies becomes a holiday tradition.*   2 stars
Farscape: Rhapsody in Blue *Madness is the mind's co-pilot.* between 2 and 2 1/2 stars
X Files: The Jersey Devil *Naked Neanderthals on the outskirts of Atlantic City.* 3 stars
12:01 Beyond: Kneel Before the Future ----------------------
*D.O.A. - Behind the Smile: Things are looking bright for election 2016.* 3 stars
*Commander Lobo trips and falls heading out to the wasteland.* 2 stars
*Ninja Force, the Mission: Bacon jitsu vs. cheese.* between 2 and 2 1/2 stars
*Silverball Heroes versus Video Invaders in Arcade Attack* 3 stars
*Lobo in the wasteland sponsored by...* 2 1/2 stars
*A vintage trailer for Terminal City Ricochet.* 3 stars
*-984- Prisoner of the Future: Detained to desolation.* 3 stars
*Lobo thirsts and pines in the wasteland.* 3 stars
*Intimate Secrets - Secrets that have to be told - 1 900 - adults only - $2.00 per minute* 3 stars
*iBraineater - Modern Man (music video)* 3 stars
*JacMac & RadBoy GO!: Wow, did Mike Judge rip this off?* 3 stars
*Commander Lobo finds ThunderDome covered in feces.* 3 stars
*Robotistory: A video history of robots in pop culture entertainment.* 2 1/2 stars
*Lobo wants to go back home to his bunker.* 2 stars
*Max Fleischer's Superman - The Mechanical Monsters* 3 stars
*Vintage 1990 Live Psychic Readings commercial that's in the style of the X-Files intro. Eerie nostalgia.* 3 stars
*Republic Pictures serial The Crimson Ghost - Chapter 2 - Thunderbolt: Death ray escape debacle.* 2 1/2 stars
*Tex Avery's Jerky Turkey: Skipped. already viewed and reviewed
*Lobo has a biohazard demise.* 2 stars
Tales from the Crypt: The Sacrifice *"Money, pussy, and bullshit." Also a few cussing parrots and a sleazy & kinky Michael Ironside.* 3 stars
"Howling 4, the Original Nightmare" *A novelist, with a vivid imagination, would rather chase the ghost of a nun, hangout with a lesbian ex-nun and search for clues to a legend of a werewolf church burning, and listen to howls on the wind in the night than have sex with her feathered-hair-do, five o'clock shadow bearded bohunk cheating husband.* 2 stars
American Horror Story -Freakshow- "Tupperware Party Massacre" *Avon culling. Chubby Chaser. Liquored lobster. Lingering Ethel. Privileged killer. Suicide letter. Shamelessly long pecker. Playing doctor. Tearjerker. Siamese threeway  offer rejection. Jimmy sober and smitten. Framejob bloody mitten.* 2 1/2 to 3 stars
Friday the 13th, the series: The Great Montarro *Sarcophagus artifice.* 3 stars
"Dragonslayer" 1981 *Not the sorcerer that we want right now, but the sorcerer that we need. The lottery where the winner gets spit-roasted by Smaug has to be the absolute worst. There may have never been more themes of gender inequality, social-political injustice, and the transition between Paganism and Christianity ever before in a Sword & Sorcery flick.* 3 stars
Paranormal State: -season 1 -episode 13 *Cursed and mice infested piano for free on Craigslist.* 2 to 1 1/2 stars
Bob and Margaret: Trick or Treat *"the misery of eternal non-existence"* 2 1/2 stars
"Loose Shoes" -1980- ---------------------------------------------------
*The Howard Huge Story: "His hobby was watching planes fuck."* 3 stars
*Skateboarders From Hell: "Lock up your sons and daughters."* 3 stars
*The Invasion of the Penis Snatchers: "Coming at you in 3-D!"* 3 stars
*Three Chairs For Lefty: Bill Murray on death row.* 3 stars
*The Sneaker: Woody Allen parody.* 2 1/2 stars
*The Magic and Mystery of the Gobi* 3 stars
*Buddy Hackett on behalf of this nation's bed-wetters* 3 stars
*Don't forget organic chocolate covered beanettes.* 2 1/2 stars
*Ditch your kids at the matinee.* 2 1/2 stars
*The Shaggy Studio Chief plus the Calf Who Thought She Was A Chicken*       2 stars
*The Bad News Bares in Getting Laid* 3 stars
*A Visit With Ma and Pa: Ma and Pa take a talking pig to New York City* 3 stars
*The Birth of a Nation, parody* 2 1/2 stars
*The Kid and the Yid. Charlie the bum was a hebrew commie jew* 3 stars
*The Ballerina Is Dead in "Scuffed Shoes"* 2 1/2 stars
*Just a Run in the Sun: Cynical and funny war tragedy story.* 3 stars
*Fistful of Something: Sid Haig in a Spaghetti Western spoof.* 3 stars
*Welcome to Bacon County: Hicksploitation hilarity.* 3 stars
*That's Sexploitation! Under 18 must sneak in.* 3 stars
*The Return of the Pom Pom Boys: Sex comedy with a twist. This time it's the guys who are getting exploited.* 3 stars
*Billy Jerk Goes To Oz: Sticking up for the little man.* 3 stars
*Darktown After Dark: The first all black musical.* 3 stars
*Star (of David) Wars* 2 1/2 stars
Scare Tactics: season 2 -episode 20 "Weirdo in the Haunted House" ----------
*Taking high school chemistry doesn't make one a chemist, especially evident when green goop, accidentally poured down the sink, by said non-chemist, comes gushing through the ceiling, doors, cracks, vents, and walls.* 3 stars
*Almost torched alive, in a van, by a psycho hitchhiker.* 3 stars
*Stripper audition interrupted by a jealous, meathead boyfriend who likes to throw guys out of windows.* 2 1/2 stars
*A closed down haunted house attraction, and former crime scene, has an uninvited guest who doesn't want to be disturbed.* 2 stars
"Phantasm 4, Oblivion" *On the other side of morning.* 3 stars
Max Headroom: War *Network 23's poodle and pony show has the advertising bulls and bears instead hitching up to the war hysteria for profit media wagon.* 3 stars
The Outer Limits: The New Breed *Nanobots don't know when to stop. They turn a terminally ill man into a Frankenstein's monster of evolution.* 3 stars
Freddy's Nightmares: Do Dreams Bleed? *The lingering trauma of having witnessed a brutal slaying.* 2 1/2 stars *Intimate personal closeness with a possible deranged killer can play foul with the mind.* 2 stars
"The Blair Witch Project" *"We're still alive because we got cigarettes, and we're smoking." Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians have a Deliverance weekend where they get choked in the shallow waters before they get too deep. The grunge era Autumn setting, lost in the woods paranoia, and low fi minimalist creative use of limited fx (stick figures and bundles of sticks with bloody body parts along with the noises and the spooky house) make up for the film students arguing in the middle of nowhere with a shaking camera nonsense that takes place for more than half of the film.* between 2 and 2 1/2 stars
X Files: Shadows *Mulder: *whispering* psycho-kinetic-manipulation / Scully: *amused* You mean like Carrie at the prom? --- Turns out it was a Ghost versus some terrorists and a jerk boss. Also, a missed opportunity to have Patrick Swayze as a guest star on the X Files.* 2 1/2 stars
"Alice Sweet Alice" -1977- *Impolite middle class Catholic society, cruel aunts, spoiled siblings, flamboyantly slobbish perverts, snap to judgement child psychologists, and pinch faced old church women with religious hangups are all worse than slightly odd and so called out of control tweens. Also, it's a shame that Brooke Shields' name is at the top of the movie's poster. She's barely in it, and the other little girl along with the rest of the cast are the soul of the movie.* 3 stars
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Girls Town *Scat and slang.* between 2 & 2 1/2 stars with riffing,                                between 1 1/2 & 2 stars without
Joe Bob's Hollywood Saturday Night: To The Limit *"Anna Nicole Smith gives retired, Texas strippers a bad name."                      Joe Bob Briggs* between 1 and 1 1/2 stars for this heavy edited softcore stinker
Weird Science: She's Alive *"a scathing indictment of a braindead, sexist MTV generation" 3 stars
Are You Afraid of the Dark: The Tale of the Phantom Cab *The Midnight Society start out by having a pair of lost Hansel & Hansel brothers putting a hole in a barrel out in the Canadian forest with a reject teacher from Hogwarts.* 3 stars
American Gothic: A Tree Grows In Trinity *Let Heaven and nature sting.* 3 stars
The Tom Green Show on Canadian television circa 1996(?) *"Who's the champ -NOW- champ?" Tom strangely bothers teachers on strike, concert goers, drugists, mall shoppers, poor fishermen, and former bowling league champions. He also  plays footsie with a dating service lady.* 2 stars
Kung Fu, the series: Pilot Episode *Sometimes one must cut off a finger in order to save a hand, and sometimes one must hang himself in order to get off. Inner strength incapacitates ignorance.* 3 stars
"Country Hooker" *In the tune of a CB radio listenin' truck drivin' country western croon, "Doin' what they damn well please..." That is until their demented Tennessee Ernie Ford -esque pimpdaddy finds out. There are some freaks in this flick, and I don't mean the tricks, it's the johns and the honky tonk patrons.* 2 1/2 stars
"Christmas Evil" aka "You Better Watch Out" *If it's not a Jolly Dream, it's not worth having.* 3 stars
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Village of the Giants *These days, kids are getting too big for their britches. Of course, I'm talking about a Mousketeer, Opie, the kid from The Rifleman, and Beau Bridges.*         3 stars with riffing or 2 stars without
Tales from the Crypt: For Cryin' Out Loud *A real high pitched squealer with a weasel, rock promoter whose clients like Iggy Pop and Donny Osmond get on his nerves, a seductress blackmailer Katey Sagal trying to reach in his pants to snatch half of a million smackers, and an angry voice of reason Sam Kinison screaming his tell tell heart out constantly.* between 2 and 2 1/2 stars
New World Pictures "Candy Stripe Nurses" 1974 *A socially conscious skin-flick with sophisticated modern women who are smarter than the bohunks they seduce, Gran Torino type bitter old men griping about the decline of their local neighborhoods, commentary on a flawed justice system for minorities, student athlete doping controversy, medical malpractice issuing of needless prescriptions scandal, sexually repressed and spoiled rockstar, seventees era streaking, existential conversations while flirting, and just enough hospital setting hanky panky.* 3 stars
American Horror Story --Coven-- "Bitchcraft" *The part where Darren walked in on Tabitha going down on Elvira while Melissa Joan Hart cut herself with a razor blade for attention and the cast of Designing Women boiled that poor black guy (Meshach Taylor) alive in a caldron... hocus whoa...cus* 2 1/2 stars
Doctor Who (fourth doctor) "Pyramid of Mars" *Imprisoned ancient gods are always showing up in the isolated British countryside and killing 3 or 4 old men in their plot to destroy the world. Thanks to the Doctor, nobody else in the world ever notices.* 2 1/2 stars
TMNT: Mazes & Mutants *A lonely live action roleplayer gasses the turtles so that he can play a game with them in the sewers.* 2 1/2 stars
He-Man & She-Ra, A Christmas Special *Horde Prime wishes to stop Orko and two adorable Earth children from bringing the gospel of Chris Cringle to Eternia. Special guests the Smurf Transformers, the Eternian Decepticons, the Little Mermaid, and Skeletor's heart grew 3 sizes that day.* 2 1/2 stars
Are You Afraid of the Dark: The Tale of the Pinball Wizard *Super-soaker, now that's playing with power. A compulsive free play gamer gets trapped in the mall, inside a pinball machine, with a princess in distress, and is Sixpence None the Richer for it.*  between 2 and 2 1/2 stars
Swamp Thing: The Shipment *Arcane corrupts the local law enforcement into mutant trafficking and the crooked Sheriff helps kidnap Jim, fake Jim's death, and ship Jim off to South America. We finally get to see Swamp Thing show some physical muscle in a brawl with a stunt man and it's revealed what had to be painfully obvious all along, that the town had to have a corrupt police force in order for Arcane to be doing so many vile things without it coming to legal light.* 3 stars
"Neon City" 1991 *A disgruntled, former lawman (Michael Ironside) begrudgingly runs protection for a RV stagecoach of ragtag wayfarers across the cursed earth.* 2 1/2 stars
The Outer Limits: The Message *Binary E.T. S.O.S. for a deaf woman with a defective ear implant and new mother depression along with voices in her head making the domestic partner daddy think she's schizoid because she runs off with a looney janitor / UFO believer.* 3 stars
Monstervision with Joe Bob Briggs: Warlock the Armageddon *Runes and Druids. Smalltown fear and hatred of devil worship. Two young should destined to be lovers who are kept apart by ignorance and circumstance. Parents of the picturesque smalltown trying to protect a dark secret. Some horribly dated CGI (forgivable). Nice and twistedly gruesome gore fx to make up for the bad CGI. A charismatic villain (Julian Sands) who is just as good as Marvel's Loki (Tom Hiddleston).* 2 1/2 stars
Paranormal State: season 1 -episode 14 *In a house that was once a part of the underground railroad, there's a clash of values between a modern inter-racial family and a strict religious spirit of a lady who was an abolitionist.* 2 stars
"Home for the Holidays" 1972 *"There's nothing more chilling than a warm family gathering." An And Then There Were None style story at a stormy, secluded setting where the more stable sibling is the most sinister.* between 2 1/2 and 3 stars
--- Freddy's Nightmares: The End of the World
*Hazy earliest memories are repressed because they involve accidentally killing mommy and crippling a childhood friend, but a girl discovers she can dream things differently and it will fix the present. But unfortunately, there's a butterfly effect.* 2 1/2 stars
*The same girl, from before, is now having prophetic dreams of a nuclear warhead going off on U.S. soil. The C.I.A. is extra curious as to how she got launch codes, and once they figure out she's not fooling or getting tipped off from the inside, well they want to exploit her in their cold war pursuits, while she just wants to make sure that a disturbed sleepwalking missile defense employee doesn't make his Christmas nightmares of melting his son's favorite cartoon character Gumby's face off along with his own son's innocent face as well come true.* 3 stars
"Class of 1984" *An irresponsible idiot subjects his pregnant wife to a brutal gang rape and torture all because he wants to be an inspirational music educator at one of those imaginary innercity hell highschools where he can't help but feud with the worst gang in a school that has its disciplinary hands tied with the usual red tape bullshit. This was way before zero tolerance. When teach has to turn vigilante just to earn 30k a year, a mild mannered biology professor (Roddy McDowall) has to hold a gun on his pupils just to get their focus on his lessons, and a timid tattle tell (Michael J. Fox) winds up shanked in the liver, just to name a few things, there might be good reason to move back to a smalltown or the suburbs and spare the rod.* 3 stars
Shaw Brothers: Fists of the White Lotus *White Lotus can't be touched because he fights hammer style. A lesson about a gentle approach and pinpointing the right pulse.* 3 stars
Scare Tactics: season 2 episode 22 "Mom's Crazy" -------------
*Little grey men nick around a ranch house near area 51.*                      between 1 1/2 and 2 stars
*Falling into a wanted by the government hacker's booby trap.* 2 1/2 stars
*Having a nice evening with a psycho park ranger.* 2 1/2 stars
*Mommie dearest keeps her abducted little girl in a cage.* 3 stars
"Ultra Flesh" 1980 *Sugar (cocaine?) is making the world's men impotent and the President of the United States pays a visit to a third world dictator (Jamie Gillis) whose people seem to have no problem snorting and screwing. Secretly, however, the dictator is a Mr. Freeze type alien who uses his dwarf henchmen to plot against the earth women. An intergalactic group of horny aliens send down Ultra Flesh, a vixen from Venus, to shoot laser beams out of her poonanny and help earth propagate again.* 3 stars
The Prisoner: Free For All *Who are you voting for? Which puppet candidate will it be? "You wouldn't deny the rite of proper procedure?"* 3 stars
New World Pictures presents Larry Cohen's "God Told Me To" --1976-- *Urban upheaval caused by a lot of gristle in the melting pot. The doggedly determined forced by personal convictions that are of soul tearing origins. The easily swayed are proned to random acts of violence. The new age fortunate are full of fallacy with their fancy notions. And the pitiful and holy are just as much victims as they inadvertently victimize others in their own inability to face up to the burden of consequences that come with cruel circumstance.* 3 stars
X Files: Ghost in the Machine *Interfacing Promethean resistively. The machine is dead. Long live the machine.* 2 1/2 stars
"Silent Night, Bloody Night" --1972-- *A season of violence come to bare its withered, ugly fruit. The sepia soaked orgy of murder by the mental patients along with the undertones of incest, then father assuming the identity of his dead daughter, whom he fathered a child with, is all rather haunting/disturbing.* close to 3 stars
Paranormal State: season 1 -episode 15 *The spirit of a war veteran still haunts the barn where he committed suicide after a alzheimer's diagnosis. So, the team brings in an army honor guard to have a memorial service where a piece of his skull was buried, by his wife, on the property. Also, a little boy, from before the middle of the 20th century, who died of the croop, on the property, is sensed as just a mischevious spirit by medium Chip Coffey.* 2 1/2 stars
American Horror Story --Murder House-- "Open House" *Squint and bite down. There will be no sale. These spirits won't be built over, smothered out, skull fucked, love requited, or made to polish their own silver again.* 2 1/2 stars
Monstervision with Joe Bob Briggs: Twilight Zone the movie *John Landis does okay thanks to the tragically killed Vic Morrow . Spielberg can only do schmaltzy Spielberg. Joe Dante puts some thrilling touches on a classic. Lithgow trumps Shatner in the freakout department, but none of these outings are as good as Rod Serling and the original.* 2 1/2 stars
Everything is Terrible --Holiday Special-- -2012- *"He sees you eat your pizza. He sees you eat your pizza."* 3 stars
Tales from the Crypt: Four-Sided Triangle *The sour couple from the Grant Wood American Gothic painting think they can hold captive a farmgirl to do all their chores. And Patricia Arquette is sure purty enough to make the crops grow. But the farmer's horny ignorance coupled with his wife's jealous mean streak are no match for the cow milking maiden's cleverness.* 3 stars
The Tom Green Show on Canadian television circa the late 1990s *Somewhere between Andy Kaufman and the geek who bites the heads off chickens at the county fair.* close to 2 1/2 stars
William Peter Blatty's "The Ninth Configuration" --1980-- *"Consider the lillies of the field."* 3 stars
Hill Street Blues: Double Jeopardy *"You figure that you're owed something for all the love and compassion that you carry in you..." A liberal cop comes face to face with the harsh reflection of reality in an oily mudpuddle on the other side of the rainbow. One of many storyline elements including Dan Hedaya as a dirty cop who turns out surprisingly to be easily deeply sympathetic for.* 3 stars
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Dead Talk Back *A model murdered by crossbow. Was it the amateur necromancer, the hip richboy, the confrontational preacher, the quiet abuser, the German pervert, or the nervous pornographer? If the dead girl can't tell us, we'll never know. Detective work depends on kooky science and no forensic nonsense.*             2 stars with riffing 1 star without
"The Conjuring" --2013-- *It's surprising to learn that famed demonologists The Warrens were actually selfless truthseekers and not the scam artists they were proven to be.*        close to 3 stars
Jonny Quest: The Dreadful Doll *Witchdoctor Beavis working for a mercenary Fred Flintstone.* 2 1/2 stars
"Phase IV" --1974-- *The perceived terror of a terrrestrial advancement not our own.* 3 stars
The Outer Limits: I Robot *What is the value of conceived worth? Adam Link, the first sentient robot, has an amount of quality, as relating to empathy, greater than most humans.*         3 stars
South Park: #Rehash *Commentary and clit rubbing, both by obnoxious social media celebrities, is the entertainment content of the future.* 3 stars
South Park: #Happy Holograms *The most ignorant Christas special ever is now trending.* 3 stars
Swamp Thing: Birth Marks *Kari Wuhrer joins the cast as a test tube teen, and Jim's older brother -Will- becomes the central character as ST's link to the human world.* 2 1/2 stars
"Rewind This" --2013-- *"Don't let your mom tell you that you can't make a monster movie." *quoting* a door to door monster movie salesman and the self proclaimed Ed Wood of the 21st century. That pretty much sums up the 30 plus year culture, that became a cult, of video.* 3 stars
"Forced Entry" --1974-- *One of the first movies to deal with post traumatic stress disorder also happens to be a gritty 1970s NYC serial killer study mixed with a sleazy 42nd street rough porno. This is when skin flicks tried to be film art and this one is bold enough to juxtapose a home invasion sicko's forced oral money shot with scenes of burning Vietnamese villages and crying villagers.*                       either zero stars or 2 1/2 stars
David Cronenberg's "Dead Ringers" *One never has to feel alone what with shared life experiences, sexual opponents, the psychic connection between siblings, or the prescribed lifeline of addiction.* 3 stars
Weird Science: Universal Remote *Skipping through the boring parts of life just to hurry up and get to second base with girls.* between 2 and 2 1/2 stars
Tim & Eric -Awesome Show- Great Job! ---Chrimbus Special--- -2010- *"The Winter Man wants you to eat a pound of hair per year."*                     close to 2 1/2 stars
Bob & Margaret: The Holiday *Hijacked hip hip hooray.* 3 stars
Thundarr the Barbarian: Battle of the Barbarians *Big barbarians in little Beijing.* 3 stars
Game of Thrones: season 3 -episode 6 *There's more than one way to kindle a fire, skin a rabbit, marry into an inbred family, serve a deity, shoot arrows, inflict torture, or climb an icy face of a wall.* 3 stars
Twin Peaks: Beyond Life and Death *Wow, Bob, Wow!* 3 stars
The Tom Green Show -Rogers Community TV- The Comedy Network --1998(?)-- *Tom Green seemed funny when I was around sixteen, now, sixteen years later, he seems more like a shithead.* either zero stars or 2 stars
Are You Afraid of the Dark: The Tale of the Nightly Neighbors *The people who just moved in next door are nocturnal freaks with fridges full of blood in their basement. A Nickelodeon version of Fright Night.* 2 stars
Friday the 13th, the series: Doctor Jack *The key to a disgraced surgeon's miracle surgeries is a scalpel that hungers for shadowy street murders.* 3 stars
Farscape: The Flax *Scavenging, self preservation, strategic chessgames, sweet romance, and sacrifice all at the flypaper snare strip in the pirate portion of the universe.*      3 stars
Max Headroom: The Blanks *The Blanks (anonymous), for highly justified political reasons of freeing unjustly imprisoned Blanks, hack into and threatened to shut down a technology dependent society ran by corrupt corporations and politicians.*       3 stars
X Files: Ice *Who goes there? Another tense, paranoid version of the classic sci fi story involving a parasitic alien in an arctic setting.* 3 stars
Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital: season 1 -episode 5 *Memorial shrine to regretful medical malpractice.* 3 stars
American Horror Story: Asylum --Origins of Monstrosity-- *Skin to skin. A mother's touch.* 3 stars --Dark Cousin-- *Summon the angel of death.* 3 stars --Unholy Night-- *Satan frees Santa from solitary.* 3 stars
Paranormal State: season 1 -episode 16 *A strange, and humorously titled, ghost communication device called "Frank's Box" is used to speak to spirits trapped by a demon inside an insane asylum with a dark history and many unmarked graves on its grounds.*               between 2 1/2 and 3 stars
"The Dark Secret of Harvest Home" *"What men may never know and what women may never tell." Townies from NYC accidentally take a wrong turn across a picturesque covered bridge into a frozen in colonial times New England village where the townfolk have strange customs involving corn and keeping to the old ways. The more the inquisitive sketch artist husband digs into the secrets surrounding a strange death, the more the mother and daughter get caught up in the cult nature of the many festivals. It turns out to be a fertility cult where the new blood wife is mounted and humped in front of the cuckold hubbie by a bohunk who is then beheaded. As tradition, the husband's eyes are then scratched out by the white robed pagan women for having witnessed the sacred act. See, this is why I fully throw my hat behind the patriarchy and not mother earth religions.* 3 stars
"Hot Summer in the City" ---sexploitation--- --1976-- *While a soundtrack of songs like AM radio gold classic "Everlasting Love" played as militant black power jive bruthas took turns on a scared Alice in Wonderland captive piece of "white pussy" and the group's cockeyed idiot gets brow beaten and bitch slapped for getting his "finger stuck in her asshole," I realized why this movie is self hating, w.a.s.p. hating, obvious subversive, ugly mongoloid looking Quentin Tarantino's favorite dirty movie.*                       either zero stars or close to 2 1/2 stars
American Horror Story --Coven-- "Boy Parts" *Extra piece of fried chicken. Frankenstein boyfriend. Ghetto hair extensions. 180 year old racist. Poisoned buckwheat. Alligator dung. Snake eggs. Stevie Nicks. Deep fried revenge. Poaching game. Minotaur Mandingo. Woman on top.* between 2 1/2 & 3 stars
King of the Nerds: Imaginary Realms *Cosplay challenge. The only cosplay that ever interested me was the scene from Revenge of the Nerds where there's spacesuit deception in order to get nookie from a cheerleader inside a moonwalk attraction at the fair.* 2 stars
Kung Fu, the series: King of the Mountain *Confrontation is not courageous, but it is indeed cool when it is combat, on the side of a cliff, between David Carradine and a cowboy bounty hunter John Saxon.* 3 stars
American Gothic: Eye of the Beholder *Faust Gump* 3 stars
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mediafocus-blog1 · 7 years
Wholesale of Automobiles slows in June because of stock liquidation by way of dealers
New Post has been published on https://mediafocus.biz/wholesale-of-automobiles-slows-in-june-because-of-stock-liquidation-by-way-of-dealers/
Wholesale of Automobiles slows in June because of stock liquidation by way of dealers
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The month of June has been one of the difficult months after March 2017. The implementation of GST has led many automakers like Toyota Kirloskar Motors to maintain lower back inventory to dealers so as to liquidate antique inventory first. As an end result, an increase in the first region has moved into the sluggish lane.
According to records released with the aid of industry frame SIAM, income of passenger cars dropped via eleven.21% to 198399 devices in June in comparison to 223454 devices within the identical month last yr. Commercial motors grew marginally with the aid of 1.4% of 56890 devices and two wheelers recorded a 4% boom to 1527049 units.
Sugato Sen, ‎Deputy Director General at SIAM said, “June changed into a transition month wherein businesses and dealers were trying to liquidate stocks. So June isn’t reflective of the first zone. Now the fee and pricing are recognized after GST, we will come out of this downturn quickly.”
Sales of passenger motors grew via 4.38 percent between April-June 2017 over the identical duration remaining year.
Within the PV segment, passenger motors and utility cars grew via 3.89 and seven.53% respectively all through Q1 2018 over the equal duration remaining year. Vans witnessed a drop in sales of 2.Ninety six percentage inside the same period.
Commercial motors which can be nevertheless improving from the pre-buying following the enforcement of the BS-IV emission norms endured saying no nine.08% inside the first zone of the economic 12 months 2017.
The unfavorable boom is mainly due to falling income of the MHCV phase which noticed a drop of 31.82 percent but on the identical time a rise in call for last mile connectivity and the rise in business in small towns has backed the increase of LCVs at 7.78 percent in the course of April-June 2017 over the identical duration ultimate 12 months.
Similarly, two-wheelers registered a boom of 7.Seventy eight percent in Q1 2018 compared to the identical duration last fiscal.
Also Read: Top 10 Passenger Vehicles offered in June 2017; Tata Tiago inches in the direction of Renault Kwid
In -wheelers, scooters grew via 20.06%, a tad better than bikes which grew three.66%. However, mopeds slipped with the aid of 10,92 percent in April-June 2017.
On the export front, universal automobile exports grew by way of thirteen.Seventy-four percent for the duration of Q1 2018.
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While passenger automobiles, three wheelers and wheelers registered a growth of 13.79 percentage, 24.Sixty-seven percentage and 14.75 respectively, commercial vehicle exports declined by using 34.02 percent in April-June 2017 over the equal duration remaining year.
Wholesale Car Auctions – When Buying Cars From Wholesale Auctions
Wholesale car auctions are a high-quality way to buy cars inexpensively. What most people do not understand is that those car dealerships really serve as intermediaries between you, the purchaser, and the auto corporation. They then hike up the charge to gain income. The prices for those cars are based totally on types of blue book, serving as a guide to how a good deal the rate for used vehicles may be. These books are the NADA Book and the Kelly Blue Book (KBB). The former is extra extensively used by dealers at automobile auctions in giving out wholesale values to the autos. The Kelly Blue Book, alternatively, assists the general public in figuring out the fee and to buy or promote used cars. Using these courses in buying motors via wholesale auctions will without a doubt assist.
Look for Listings of Public Auctions
These public auctions allow all people to go ahead and take part in the bidding. If you want to move in as a dealer and have a hobby in shopping for and promoting used vehicles, you may attain a supplier’s license to wait for these public activities. These kinds of activities are advertised in advance to trap as many humans as possible.
The provider auctions, however, offer decrease fees as compared to public ones so if you are searching out a greater cheap charge, it might be nice the attempt to gain a dealer’s license.
Consult Outside Information
You can acquire 1/3-celebration data to determine what the fair market fee may be for a particular automobile. An instance might be consulting the Kelly Blue Book (mentioned in advance). These books assist you through breaking down the sort, model, and options. It also can help estimate charge primarily based on the circumstance of the used car.
Be Keen and Attentive to Details
Since you will now not be allowed to check power the automobiles for the duration of the public sale, ensure to be thorough in inspecting it. Check its circumstance and the VIN. You can also take a look at the automobiles ownership records thru Carfax. This is important so that you can gauge how a lot the cost of the auto may be.
Car auctions may also range from one to some other, especially of their method of bidding. Some can also require you to check in and pay a price, while others may use the hand-raising method of bidding. Purchasing motors at wholesale car auctions might entail quite a few endurance, but it truly is worth it in particular if you may locate the precise car you have been seeking out.
Wholesale Car Auctions – When Buying Cars From Wholesale Auctions
Wholesale automobile auctions are an amazing manner to buy cars inexpensively. What the majority does not recognize is that those automobile dealerships sincerely function intermediaries among you, the client, and the automobile organization. They then hike up the rate to gain income. The expenses for those motors are based on two kinds of blue book, serving as a guide to how a great deal the fee for used automobiles will be. These two books are the NADA Book and the Kelly Blue Book (KBB). The former is greater widely used by sellers at car auctions in giving out wholesale values to the autos. The Kelly Blue Book, alternatively, assists the general public in figuring out the price and to buy or promote used motors. Using those publications in buying vehicles through wholesale auctions will simply help.
Look for Listings of Public Auctions
These public auctions permit anybody to move in advance and participate in the bidding. If you want to head in as a supplier and have the hobby in buying and promoting used motors, you may attain a dealer’s license to attend those public events. These sorts of events are marketed earlier to trap as many human beings as viable.
The provider auctions, but, provide lower expenses in comparison to public ones so if you are looking for a more affordable price, it is probably nicely the attempt to achieve a provider’s license.
Consult Outside Information
You can accumulate 0.33-birthday party information to decide what the honest market value could be for a particular vehicle. An instance might be consulting the Kelly Blue Book (stated earlier). These books help you by breaking down the sort, model, and alternatives. It can also assist estimate charge based on the condition of the used car.
Be Keen and Attentive to Details
Since you may now not be allowed to check drive the cars at some point of the public sale, make certain to be thorough in inspecting it. Check its circumstance and the VIN. You can also check the motors ownership records via Carfax. This is essential so you can gauge how much the fee of the auto will be.
Car auctions may additionally vary from one to another, especially of their approach of bidding. Some may additionally require you to sign up and pay a fee, while others may also use the hand-elevating method of bidding. Purchasing cars at wholesale vehicle auctions would possibly entail a number of patience, however, it certainly is well worth it in particular if you can discover the precise vehicle you have been searching out.
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Photography Busselton - The Ultimate Destination to Get Peaceful Pictures
It is a general obsession of worldwide tourists especially to get cheerful selfie when the location is exotic and exceptionally beautiful. But, over the casual selfie, Photography Busselton is still more popular due to its authentic services. Tourists always like to have the stunning pictures of the small coastal area and so, contact with the reputed photographers of Busselton. The coastal zone is highly beautiful yet does not have a huge crowd. So, eye-catching beautiful pictures you can easily prevail from the photographers which are much more stunning than the casual selfie.   Photography Busselton- perfect to get worthwhile pictures for every event It happens most of the time that desirable pictures would not come ultimately as you wishes. But, when you hire the renowned photographer for Photography Busselton, each and every snap would make you amazed. For all the different types of event and personal desires, Busselton is perfect where you get the superior photos. The events you can arrange here to get the perfect pictures are listed below briefly: •    For wedding photography, Busselton is absolutely the first choice of the couples all over the country. •   For the modelling assignments, and the ramp shows or conceptual photo shoots, Busselton beach is the bold and the beautiful choice. •    For any corporate party, private party or birthday party, the town is mind-blowing to capture the beautiful moments. •    Casual hangouts, group tour and family tour pictures always come beautifully here in Busselton. Thus, plan whatever the desire is and get the majestic pictures that make Busselton memorable for the future.
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kayduhyeahduh · 8 years
2016 comes to an end.
Because I enjoyed making the log I last year, I’ve done it again for this new year.
1/1/16 - Started the new year again at the countdown in LA with the light projection on City Hall with Daniel and Joanna
1/13-15/16 - Chicken Strip Road Trip was a reunion of Berkeley friends to go on an adventurous 3-day trip around SoCal
1/16/16 - Flew back up to Berkeley in order to tend to OASES Coord tasks + finally move into my first ever apartment
1/17-18/16 - OASES Coordinator Retreat at the Point Montara Lighthouse Hostel, bonding and understanding the responsibilities of being a coordinator
1/18-21/16 - New Year’s Resolution Training Camp for BDC; a series of workshops by talented dancers who were able to provide some of their wisdom and talent with me, was an awesome experience to step out of my comfort zone with!
1/19/16 - Start of classes for the Spring 2016 semester
1/20/16 - Celebrated Janice’s birthday with a surprise!
1/22-24/16 - CalSO Leader Launch Weekend; a 3-day retreat for those becoming CalSO Leaders. Was an exciting, nerve-wracking, and humbling experience to get to know all 40 people in the team including pouring my heart out to complete strangers
1/27/16 - Interview for my Retirement Office position for Work Study
1/28/16 - Received an email saying that they would like me for the position at the Retirement Office!
1/28/16 - AFX Spring 2016 Auditions
1/29/16 - Movement Spring 2016 Auditions
1/30/16 - Danceworx Spring 2016 Auditions
2/4/16 - Start of the first ASKII practice, a project team on AFX Spring 2016
2/6/16 - OASES Coord Social!
2/13/16 - Leave for Kendo Yuhihai Tournament in UCLA
2/14/16 - 2016 Yuhihai Intercollegiate Kendo Tournament where ASUC Team A wins 1st Place!
3/2/16 - Filled out paperwork with Timmy, Arno, and Yang for the new apartment lease for the next year
3/18/16 - Professional Photoshoot for CalSO
3/21-25/16 - Spring Break for UC Berkeley; spent a majority of it in town not adventuring out but more just enjoying the break and working whenever I could
3/27/16 - Celebrated Serena’s birthday with a surprise!
3/29/16 - “Tim n’ Frandz” Miniset first practice!
4/8/16 - Training session for my first ever Research Assistant position (short-term) with Haas School of Business focused on Marketing
4/9/16 - AFX ASKII Photoshoot
4/9/16 - CalSO/UC Berkeley Yield Event in Sacramento
4/13/16 - AFX Show and Tell
4/14/16 - AFX ASKII performed as the last team for the EAU Night Market
4/16/16 - Danceworx Spring 2016 Showcase; performed with Lost Kids and ASKII
4/22-23/16 - A night I can’t forget.
4/23/16 - AFX Showcase; performed with AFX ASKII
4/26/16 - Brief dinner with the housemates for the upcoming year
4/30/16 - OASES Budget Interviewing and Deliberations; they started around 8am and continued onto about 9pm....
5/1/16 - OASES VAD; had a hectic time being part of the committee organizing this banquet and learning the choreography, but it was definitely a learning experience
5/2/16 - OASES Open LC Meeting
5/3/16 - OASES LC Interview
5/3/16 - OASES CAD; nice relaxing meal for all of us coords
5/3/16 - AFX ASKII Banquet; rushed over to the 2nd half of the banquet after finishing up CAD
5/4/16 - Found out I was chosen to take on the LC role for OASES!
5/6/16 - Celebration Party at the Retirement Center to commemorate the time and hard work the graduating seniors had put in for the office
5/7/16 - Kendo Instructors Dinner at Ohgane for KBBQ to close the end of the practices for the school year; it was nice catching up with people from there as I hadn’t been going to practices really after Yuhihai
5/9-13/16 - Finals Week for Spring 2016
5/17/16 - Flight from OAK to LGB
5/18/16 - Daniel, Corliss, and I hung out for the short time I was in LA and enjoyed the day. Unfortunately, there was some complications on my part and I received a strongly worded voicemail from Janice’s dad..
5/20/16 - Flight from LGB to OAK
5/21/16 - CalSO Staff Move-In
5/22-30/16 - Camp CalSO; an intense week and a half of training by applying the theories and discussions we went over in the seminar course we all took in the Spring into more practical situations
6/1/16 - First OASES LC Meeting
6/2-3/16 - (1/14) Freshman Admit CalSO Program
6/6-7/16 - (2/14) Freshman Admit CalSO Program
6/9-10/16 - (3/14) Freshman Admit CalSO Program
6/13/16 - (4/14) Transfer Admit CalSO Program
6/14/16 - (5/14) Transfer Admit CalSO Program; this is when I first gave my FYE in front of hundreds of students and a large audience of parents/guests. It was such a humbling experience and it also made me cry in front of lots of parents/guests hahaha
6/16-17/16 - (6/14) Freshman Admit CalSO Program
6/18/16 - Movement [M]VP Auditions
6/20/16 - (7/14) Transfer Admit CalSO Program
6/21/16 - Summer Abba Auditions
6/22/16 - Got a call from Angie that I was selected to be in Summer Abba!
6/22-23/16 - (8/14) Freshman Admit CalSO Program
6/24/16 - (9/14) Transfer Admit CalSO Program; I ended my last ever Transfer program with having the opportunity to present my FYE again with students and then parents/guests. This time I didn’t cry! And it was similar yet very different from how my first time was.
6/25/16 - AFXsi Auditions
6/26/16 - GBE from LA to Berkeley with Tiffany; that was quite the experience...a 6-7 hour bus ride turned into 12 when our bus’ rear wheels popped and we were stuck on the side of the road for about 4 extra hours. Fortunately there was still some light AC and the spirits of the incoming freshmen and guests were still high which made the experience much less stressful
6/27/16 - Got a call from Christian that I was selected to be in AFXsi BAE!
6/27-28/16 - (10/14) Freshman Admit CalSO Program
6/30/16-7/1/16 - (11/14) Freshman Admit CalSO Program
7/7-8/16 - (12/14) Freshman Admit CalSO Program
7/11-12/16 - (13/14) Freshman Admit CalSO Program
7/14-15/16 - (14/14) Freshman Admit CalSO Program
7/15/16 - Around 2-3am, I had submitted my application to be next year’s orientation Student Coordinator, for what now will be called Golden Bear Orientation (GBO). I had hesitated the whole time since we got the email for the application until one of the interns had reached out to me privately and really recommended that I apply. Then I really decided to, on a whim, start my application at midnight and then turn it in the following 2-3 hours.
7/16/16 - CalSO Staff Banquet & Talent Show; the culmination of our hard work for the summer came to a close during this these two events as we enjoyed a nice meal and long list of performances. Of course, to end the night, we had prepared to say our goodbyes to one another, filling up the Ida Sproul Main Lounge with a mixture of chatter, laughter, hugging, and lots and lots of tears. Seeing how our move out time was by 10am the very next morning and not everyone was prepared for that literally or figuratively, Tiffany and I walked Roxi home and then I helped out in any way that I could, eventually knocking out around 4am
7/17/16 - Officially the move out date; I had already moved a majority of my stuff out beforehand and so I had one more trip to my apartment before I was finished. The twist is that I woke up an hour before our deadline and so I rushed to take a shower, move stuff out, and then try to help others within an hour. Even after that all, about a third of us still were going to be in Berkeley and we had brunch together before saying our goodbyes. I remember after this I had helped out Tiffany unpack and just reflect on our CalSO experience until she had to catch her flight back to SoCal.
7/19/16 - I had to accept the fact that Summer CalSO was over by going back to working at the Retirement Center. It was only once I got there did I realize that I forgot how to do a lot of the things I was taught...whoops
7/22/16 - Taking the next step to my ‘on-the-whim’ application process, I went in for my interview for the GBO Student Coordinator position. I saw all familiar faces of the Directors, Program Coordinator, Graduate Student Interns, and we had a nice time. Because I’ve been working with them for at least this past summer, I wasn’t nervous really and throughout the whole time I felt as if we were simply having a conversation (with me mostly talking about my answers of course). We shared smiles, lots of laughter, and reflection. I walked out thinking it was a great interview and left it up to the team to decide whether they liked my answers and/or if they saw me as a fit for their vision of the Student Coordinator team.
7/29/16 - Received a call from the Director of New Student Services telling me that she’d love to offer me the position as one of the Student Coordinators. Obviously I could not deny this opportunity!
8/11/16 - Heard back from Alta Bates Summit Medical Center that they have openings for shadowing an Occupational Therapist! Began the process to be a volunteer at this clinic.
8/11-14/16 - I took the small window of time I had before Fall responsibilities and went back home to LA. I didn’t really do much other than go to appointments and lay around home, but it was still nice to be back.
8/15-19/16 - Hot and disgusting; the two words I’ll describe my trip to Indiana, specifically Purdue University. As a Student Coordinator, the NSS department flew us all out to the midwest to observe and study Purdue’s orientation program as it mimics a model we want to transition into. I didn’t necessarily know what I was expecting from it, but it definitely blew my mind from the efficient way they dealt with 6,000+ students all at once. I ended the trip by getting back to Berkeley and making the Closing Ceremony of Makeup CalSO to see all my cherished leaders again (:
8/19/16 - Heard back from University Health Services, Tang Center, that they have an opening for volunteering under the Physical Therapy department! Began the process to be a volunteer at this clinic.
8/20-21/16 - Right after Indiana, OASES retreat was next. We went out an hour north of Berkeley for this. It was interesting being one of the facilitators for this retreat because for the most part, it was a lot of impromptu execution. But in the end, we were able to go through it all with a somewhat successful agenda.
8/24/16 - The first day of instruction for Fall 2016!
8/24/16 - My first ever interview for a Research Assistant at UC Berkeley! I thought I did okay...?
8/25/16 - I got an email saying that the LCD Lab at Berkeley wants me to be an RA at their lab! My first ever research position!!
8/27/16 - My first kendo practice after about half a year of break...wow it was weird being back. But I intend on being more active this semester!
8/28/16 - AFX Fall 2016 Auditions
8/30/16 - First All-Staff Meeting for GBO! All Coords got their office keys too and we all got the chance to go into the office ball pit!
9/5/16 - Got a call letting me know I got onto AFX Project: FTFO
9/7/16 - Went in for an interview to volunteer at Alta Bates Hospital under their Occupational Therapy department; everything went through with ease (:
9/13/16 - Went in for my first shift at UC Berkeley’s University Health Services Center: Tang Center, under their Physical Therapy department!
9/15/16 - Went in for my first shift at Alta Bates in Oakland under their Occupational Therapy department!
9/18/16 - Went in for the LCD Lab Orientation for new Research Assistants!....I remember being very sleepy that morning.
9/23/16 - NUFP Orientation and also GBO Coord + Pro Staff Retreat. I applied for the NUFP Mentorship on a whim because I wasn’t sure if Student Affairs is a career field I’d want to go into, but I figured I might as well expose myself a bit more just to broaden my perspective and decide from there. And for the retreat, we finally got a better understanding of what our position and the new model of orientation will entail! It was nice being back at the Alliance Redwoods campgrounds as a wave of nostalgia came by from CalSO Leader retreat. 
10/2/16 - Intersect Conference at UC Berkeley, a lowkey conference that emphasized the concept of intersectionality, diversity, and various forms of oppression. It was an interesting experience to say the least, getting put on the spot with pressure from some people once they found out Tanisha and I were Student Coords, but it was still informative nonetheless.
10/6/16 - Came back to Berkeley from Oakland to what I thought was a lunch with Serena, but I was incredibly oblivious that she actually set it up so that Scoop Squad can have an early birthday lunch for me at Great China. It was really nice to have this and my heart was definitely full. And later that day after practice....I got surprised again by them all caking me with whip cream. I remember seeing them in the corner of my eye when my whole team was already singing happy birthday to me and I just had to accept my fate )’:
10/7/16 - Tiffany surprised me (gross) with a birthday dinner picnic on the field next to Doe Library, prepping delicious food, music, and ambiance as we enjoyed an unofficial birthday date for the two of us.
10/8/16 - OASES Coord Social; gradually turned to a birthday celebration for me, but I also found out this night that I could fall asleep in a loud karaoke room
10/16/16 - GBO Mentor Non-CalSO Group Interviews!
10/31/16-11/4/16 - GBO Mentor Non-CalSO Individual Interviews!
11/5/16 - Movement Showcase with AFX FTFO!
11/6/16 - AFX FTFO Photoshoot at BAMPFA
11/9/16 - AFX Show and Tell
11/13/16 - GBO Mentor Reveal! Definitely a memorable night getting to see the group we’ll be supervising and having as role models for the Orientation Leaders (:
11/14/16 - Met up and had somewhat of a closure talk with Janice. It was a bittersweet talk we had, seeing someone I was so close to act and talk with such a distant tone. Updating me with little emotion attached to what was being said made me realize how far we grew apart to be.
11/19/16 - AFX Showcase with AFX FTFO!
11/20/16 - OASES CoRe (Coord Recruitment) Interviews and Deliberations; definitely went much better than last semester...LOL
11/21/16 - Sofia, Evan, and I met up to finally figure out groupings for the Coords to OMs! Excited to see how they bond together throughout this term.
11/22-27/16 - Started my Thanksgiving Break a bit early with Tiffany; spending my Thanksgiving away from family for the first time.
11/23/16 - Planned an entire day of adventuring around SF with Tiffany, starting off at the Embarcadero, walking through the city to Union Square, ice skating together, walking up and down treacherous hills to get to Little Italy for Sotto Mare, a delicious Italian seafood restaurant, and then ending the night with more incline up to Coit Tower where Tiff and I enjoyed a nice view of the Bay, and I (finally) asked her to be my girlfriend (she said yes!!). Without a doubt we were very tired and delusional (I also had a bad fever throughout the whole day but it’s fine) and I’m still surprised we were able to walk all the way back to the Embarcadero BART station to reach Berkeley and make it to my apartment.
11/24/16 - Cooked various sorts of dishes for our Thanksgiving meal for two. Oven baked biscuits, homemade mashed potatoes, oven roasted carrots, homemade gnocchi with string beans and alfredo pesto sauce, cornbread stuffing, pecan pie, and medium rare filet mignon (: Also some champagne, but we weren’t the biggest fan...
12/4/16 - OASES VAD, definitely gave me some feels. Was asked to come up with some choreography for the dance and it was fun being behind the scenes again and seeing everyone enjoying the celebration of the end of the semester.
12/5/16 - OASES LC Interviews and Deliberations!
12/6/16 - OASES CAD at Racha’s, delicious Thai food and great company with just the coord team. It was very heartwarming to end it all with gifts and speeches, probably the last OASES banquet I’ll attend. We ended the night with going to Iris’ apartment to drink and bond significantly more than we ever did anytime in the semester. It’s unfortunate that we only did here, but it definitely was a memorable night.
12/7/16 - OASES Last Coord Meeting of Fall 2016 :’(
12/12-16/16 - Fall 2016 Finals Week
12/17/16 - Went home with Daniel and his parents! Came in time to attend our high school friends annual Holiday Party (:
12/20/16 - In the morning, my parents and I went to court early for the hearing on filing a restraining order against my brother. Later that day, Katrina and I caught up and enjoyed each other’s company since the last time we were able to hang out.
12/22/16 - Daniel, Joanna, and I just relaxed and Daniel’s place with some of The Habit food and watched videos
12/24/16 - Biannual dentist check up in Torrance!
12/29/16 - Met up with Tiff and Christina in Torrance (: Started the day off with a late Christmas gift exchange. Tiff got me Orange + Dark Chocolate, FOUR POUND MILK CHOCOLATE, a portable phone charger, and A FREAKING HANDMADE DOG STUFFED ANIMAL LIKE WHAT THE HECK? And then she showed me around Torrance and Hermosa Beach. Then we ate at Din Tai Fung, well worth the wait (: Then we went on over to LA to see Downtown for a bit, enjoy the LA Zoo Lights, and then I took them over to the delicious Ave 26 Taco Stand. After all this was done, we called it a night and I drove them back to their car.
12/30/16 - Met up with Corliss; it’s been awhile since her and I have met up one on one, and it was nice! Satisfied craving for Hot Red Bus, Tpumps (Ptumps), and then we went on over to a mall in Arcadia to try Matcha Matcha (and look for joggers). Couldn’t find joggers that I liked so we then drove to Glendale Galleria and found joggers at Uniqlo. Went back to her place to enjoy some dinner and hours of some more existential talks about life. At some point it got way too cold and hazy, I needed to go back home
12/31/16-1/1/17 - What better way to end the year, than spending it in LA again for the third year in a row for the countdown? Tiff and Christina drove ALL THE WAY up to my house, so I had to show them around the Valley where I grew up and went to school/college and worked. From there, we went to K-Town to enjoy some filling Boiling Crab and continued to take the subway to Downtown to take them around on a tour around LA. It wasn’t long until the countdown came closer for us to find an ideal viewing spot and cheer on the remaining minutes of 2016.
And with all of that, 2016 has come to a close and 2017 will bring me new challenges and surely rise me up to new heights. I’ll be finishing up my undergraduate degree this year and prepping for another stage of my life. Can’t wait to see how 2017 will show to be.
It’s going to be an interesting year.
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fun7orbbit · 1 year
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Looking for a fun and safe place to host your child's birthday party?
Check out FUN ORBBIT, amazing birthday party zone in Model Town, Ashok Vihar and Shalimar Bagh with healthy meals in a hygienic cafeteria.
The environment of the cafeteria is hygienic, ensuring that your child can enjoy their meal in a clean and safe environment. The staff takes great care to maintain the cleanliness of the cafeteria, so parents can be assured that their child is eating in a healthy and safe environment.
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