alfafilly · 5 years
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Ok, so some of you might have seen this long chain of nonsense @arpeggio-the-parrot and I were posting a couple weeks ago. Most people I assume didn’t really get what it was about, but who really gets the two of us amirite?
Now, a short history: I’ve been a lover of the Sly series since the games were released because I am an ancient hare of the double decade-n-some and fondly remember crushing on our parrot asshole when I was 12 years old or so. Why? Dude, I don’t know. I’ve always loved him and the series, but there was a loooong period of my online existence where I shunned away all fandoms (since like 2009 or so) because I thought they were a “waste of time”. I am an artist with an array of original works, including a webcomic, and for years I thought it fruitless to indulge in fanart or fan communities because I could be spending that time on original content.
That all changed when I replayed the Sly series and fell back in love with the stupid asshole bird in 2017. Things changed in my mind, and I realized ya know what? Screw that noise. I’m gonna be a cringefest if I wanna be and I’m gonna draw some birb. In the process of doing so, I ran across the only existing (at the time) other lover of the obscure squawking turd: @arpeggio-the-parrot a.k.a. Peregrine.
Peregrine and I became instant friends because of our shared interest in tiny evil avians. In the year of our lord 2019 the stars aligned and Peregrine was gifted the opportunity to conveniently travel near to my location of existence and us two birdfuckers GOT TO MEET UP in real fucking life, dudes.
And thus, the stretch of posts documenting our short time together being bird loving idiots along with my partner StupidShepherd who tolerated our shenanigans and judged and kinkshamed us silently (and not-so-silently). It was GREAT. And we are already planning BirdWives Adventures #2 and #3 in which chaos will rain down from the heavens and children will scream.
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Anyway, so that happened. As I reflect on it, I become truly amazed at this world we live in now, where two people who are in love with a fictional parrot from a video game from the 2000′s who appeared for literally like idk 10 minutes total can actually come together in the physical plane and cause shenanigans. We played the game together and swooned over birbs. There is video proof. It’s there. Wow. We are ridiculous.
The Sly Cooper fandom has truly been amazing. I mean. It’s fully of weirdos like us but y’all have been exponentially supportive, along with my friends who aren’t in the fandom at all but support this bad romance. It’s become a jokey meme at this point, yes, but you’re still supportive and it makes me cry happy tears inside my crusty soul. You. Tolerate MY cringe. OUR cringe. I can’t believe it. The Tumblr community especially has embraced us BirdFuckers and tolerated our shenanigans. You are great and fantastic and I love all of you. Even those of you who hate Arpeggio because it’s okay, it just means more for us.
I just wanted to share this special event with you all. It was fantastic and wonderful and you all are fantastic and wonderful. And Peregrine is a great friend who is wonderful, even past the mutual desire to fuck a sexy bird man. I’m so happy to have met her and to be pals with her! I am also happy to be here and to bring you cringe content! There will be more.
Tired of Arpeggio? Too fuckin’ bad, bitch, this shit is only just beginning.
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