#Biohazard Spill Kits
ecosolutionsme · 5 months
The Vital Role Of Spill Kits In Managing Chemical Emergencies
The handling of hazardous substances is an important issue in the fields of environmental protection and occupational safety. Unexpected spills and accidents can seriously endanger property, the environment, and public health. Having the appropriate equipment and procedures in place is crucial in these kinds of situations, and the spill kit for chemical emergency is an essential piece of equipment for any safety precautionary action.
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Understanding Chemical Spills
Chemical spills can occur in various settings, including industrial facilities, laboratories, transportation routes, and even in everyday workplaces where hazardous substances are used or stored. These spills may result from equipment failure, human error, natural disasters, or unforeseen circumstances. Regardless of the cause, the immediate response to a chemical spill kit is crucial to mitigate its consequences and prevent further harm.
The Role of Spill Kits
A spill kit is a collection of specialized equipment and materials designed to contain, absorb, and clean up hazardous substances safely and efficiently. While the specific contents of a spill kit may vary depending on the nature of the chemicals handled and the potential risks involved, typical components often include:
Absorbents: Absorbent materials such as pads, oil absorbent socks, pillows, and granules are used to soak up spilled liquids and contain the spread of hazardous substances. These absorbents are selected based on their compatibility with the spilled chemicals to ensure effective containment and cleanup.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): PPE such as gloves, goggles, face shields, coveralls, and respirators are essential for protecting responders from exposure to hazardous materials during spill cleanup. Properly fitted and appropriate PPE is critical to minimize the risk of chemical exposure and related health effects.
Containment Tools: Items like barricades, barriers, and drain covers are used to prevent the further spread of spilled chemicals and to confine the contamination to a specific area. Containment tools help limit the scope of the spill and reduce the risk of environmental contamination or harm to nearby individuals.
Cleanup Supplies: Various supplies such as scoops, brushes, and disposable bags are included in spill kits to facilitate the proper collection and disposal of contaminated materials. Prompt and thorough cleanup is essential to prevent secondary exposure and environmental damage.
Instructional Materials: Emergency spill kits often contain instructions, guides, or reference materials detailing proper spill response procedures, safety precautions, and disposal protocols. Clear guidance ensures that responders can effectively utilize the spill kit and respond to spills in a safe and efficient manner.
Importance in Chemical Emergency Management
The significance of spill kits in managing chemical emergencies cannot be overstated. Here's why they are indispensable:
Rapid Response: Chemical spills require immediate attention to minimize their impact. Spill kits enable responders to quickly mobilize and initiate containment and cleanup efforts, reducing the duration and extent of exposure to hazardous substances.
Risk Mitigation: By providing the necessary tools and equipment, spill kits help mitigate the risks associated with chemical spills, including human health hazards, environmental contamination, property damage, and regulatory non-compliance.
Compliance: Many regulatory agencies and industry standards mandate the availability of spill response equipment, including spill kits, in facilities handling hazardous chemicals. Compliance with these requirements not only ensures legal adherence but also demonstrates a commitment to safety and environmental stewardship.
Versatility: Spill kits are versatile resources that can be customized to address specific hazards and operational needs. Whether dealing with acids, solvents, oils, or other hazardous substances, tailored spill kits can enhance the effectiveness of emergency response efforts.
Training and Preparedness: Incorporating spill kits into emergency response plans fosters preparedness and enhances the capacity of personnel to effectively respond to chemical incidents. Regular training and drills reinforce proper spill response procedures, ensuring readiness when emergencies arise.
In conclusion, spill kits play a vital role in the management of chemical emergencies by providing responders with the tools, equipment, and guidance needed to contain and mitigate spills effectively. By facilitating prompt and appropriate response actions, spill kits help safeguard human health, protect the environment, and minimize the potential consequences of chemical accidents. Investing in comprehensive spill response preparedness, including the procurement and maintenance of appropriate spill kits, is essential for organizations seeking to uphold safety standards, regulatory compliance, and environmental responsibility in their operations.
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sunshine-zenith · 8 months
For context, I work in healthcare
Due to Reasons, there was a small but very much identifiable puddle of blood on the sidewalk/street outside my clinic, and I and my coworker had no idea if this was an Our Problem thing or a Not Our Problem thing. It didn’t feel right just leaving it — on one hand, we’re in a city in an interesting location, and those streets have absolutely seen many a biohazard in its days. Plus it’s actually not the most noticeable thing in the world, being mostly on the street/edge of the sidewalk. On the other, I feel like if someone needs medical help, they’re probably very stressed out and if they happen to look in the wrong direction and see blood outside the medical building it probably won’t help that stress, ya know? So we turn to the slack chat our coworkers are in
We see one of the trainers who has been there forever start typing — she’s written literal rule books for us to follow and knows a bunch of Big Important Secret Laws off the top of her head, so we get excited. Her reply? “I think that is a question for facilities!” Exclamation mark and all. Who is facilities? Fuck if I know, thanks for the help. After this, I get a bunch of messages from my coworkers that are telling us to look for an “emergency spill kit” (sounds cool, but we couldn’t find it because of course it wouldn’t be there when we actually need it), to contact facilities (who and how???), or saying they have no idea if that’s even our job but like. Yeah that’s not a great look. Again, lotta exclamation points in the chat
My coworker finds facilities but since she was actually a float, she couldn’t submit a ticket with them. I try to refollow the steps she took and I think I submit the ticket successfully but I’m not sure. I’m seeing a screen marking my submission as High Priority (Biohazard), and I see there are at least five unfamiliar names looking at it, but I receive no confirmation or notification or word or anything
The puddle of blood, which is still very much liquid at this time, has been out there for like half an hour at this point
At this point, I decide just throw on some gloves, grab one of our chux pads, and at least soak it up a little. My coworker is realizing she’s not the biggest fan of the sight of blood. We still have no idea if this is even an Our Problem thing.
Dear reader, to truly appreciate the visual of this next part you need to understand that a “chux pad” is one of those blue and white puppy pee pads.
As I am out there in the street, wearing my work scrubs and jacket, holding a puppy pee pad to the concrete that is rabidly turning red, someone chooses this moment to walk down the street. I try to ignore them. According to my coworker, who is watching this from the clinic window, this poor soul is very much not ignoring me. They start walking faster and even swerve their steps to give me a very wide berth. They were reportedly giving me major side eye
We, naturally, tell all our coworkers in the slack chat. Everyone laughs at us Because Healthcare Workers
At this point, the Identifiable Blood Pool could pass for a ketchup stain or something. From now on if I see a possible ketchup stain on the sidewalk, I Will Have Doubts. Whatever, good enough
Aaaaand then it starts raining. Not hard but it’s definitely heavy. It last for like fifteen minutes but by the time it’s done, the “ketchup stain” is gone. Guess we wasted that chux pad, but what can ya do
We move on, the slack chat makes memes about the whole situation, all is well. We forget about it because we have patients and labs and such. Several hours later, right before I clock out, what do I get in my email? A short message from facilities telling me that any and all blood outside the building is in fact a Not Our Problem thing and to just not worry about it.
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criminal-sen · 2 years
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Totally wasn't having a conversation about cosplay before I decided to do this today. It is a COMPLETE coincidence that my problematic fave also has this color. Also I spilled the bleach kit all over my bathroom and had to do a full biohazard cleanup so that was a little extra treat:)
@thefearfulheart I am going STRAIGHT to bed, holy shit it is so late lmao
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mha-verdex · 1 month
Spill Kits - Verdex
Applications of Spill Kits
Industrial Facilities: Spill kits are essential in manufacturing plants, refineries, and warehouses where chemicals, oils, and hazardous materials are handled or stored. They protect personnel, equipment, and the environment from potential spills during production, storage, and transportation.
Laboratories and Research Facilities: In laboratories and research facilities, spill kits manage spills of hazardous chemicals, reagents, and laboratory waste. They safeguard laboratory personnel, prevent contamination, and ensure compliance with safety regulations.
Transportation and Logistics: Spill kits in transportation vehicles and loading docks manage spills of fuels, lubricants, and chemicals during transit or cargo handling. They mitigate risks associated with accidental spills and maintain safety in transit operations.
Healthcare and Medical Facilities: In healthcare settings, spill kits manage spills of medical fluids, biohazardous materials, and pharmaceuticals. They protect healthcare workers, patients, and visitors from exposure to infectious substances and ensure safe handling and disposal practices.
Educational Institutions: Spill kits in educational institutions manage spills of chemicals, acids, and laboratory reagents in science laboratories and classrooms. They promote student safety, environmental stewardship, and compliance with educational safety standards.
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Considerations for Choosing Spill Kits
When selecting spill kits for specific applications, consider the following factors:
Spill Volume and Frequency: Assess potential spill scenarios, including spill volumes and types of liquids or chemicals handled. Choose spill kits with absorbent capacities and containment capabilities suitable for anticipated spill sizes and frequencies.
Type of Hazardous Materials: Identify the types of hazardous materials present in your facility or environment. Select spill kits designed to handle specific substances, including oils, chemicals, acids, or unknown liquids requiring hazmat response.
Storage and Accessibility: Store spill kits in accessible locations near areas prone to spills, such as chemical storage areas, loading docks, or production floors. Ensure kits are easily visible, identified with signage, and readily available for immediate response.
Regulatory Compliance: Verify that spill kits comply with relevant environmental regulations, safety standards, and spill response requirements. Choose kits with components and absorbents suitable for handling hazardous materials safely and effectively.
Training and Maintenance: Provide spill response training to employees on proper use of spill kits, safety protocols, and disposal procedures. Establish regular inspections, maintenance checks, and restocking procedures to ensure spill kits are prepared and functional in emergencies.
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cleanersnewcastle · 1 year
What Does a Crime Scene Cleaner Do?
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A crime scene cleaner’s job is to thoroughly clean up contamination in a sensitive and compassionate manner. They may work in hospitals, police stations, or private homes. They must be trained to clean up hazardous materials and to understand how to properly sanitise environments.
The ice scourge has kept Newcastle’s forensic cleaning services busy, with one company receiving daily requests to test and clean up meth labs. Here are some of the other services they offer:
Crime Scene Cleanup
A crime scene cleaner is a specialised service provider who deals with the cleanup of blood and other bodily fluids. This is a process also known as biohazard remediation or forensic cleaning. Crime scene clean up is a highly demanding job and requires professional skills and knowledge. In addition to these skills, crime scene cleaners need to be compassionate and respectful.
Unlike many other cleaning professions, a career in crime scene cleaning is not for everyone. It is a difficult job that can be emotionally taxing, especially when it involves the death of a loved one. It can also be dangerous due to the risk of exposure to infectious diseases and other health hazards.
Those who are interested in becoming a crime scene cleaner should undergo extensive training and certification to ensure their safety. This includes completing courses on sharps removal and professional cleaning solutions. In addition to this, they should also have a good understanding of the NSI/IICRC S540 standard for Trauma and Crime Scene Remediation.
Blood Spill Cleanup
Blood, faeces and vomit pose major health risks and need to be cleaned up properly by trained forensic cleaners. Cleaning areas contaminated with these substances requires full personal protective equipment (PPE) and the use of specific biohazard cleanup products to remove them effectively.
First, containing the spill is essential. This is why it’s important to have PPE handy such as disposable gloves and gowns. Secondly, all surfaces should be disinfected. This is best done on dry surfaces as a wet surface can dilute the disinfectant and cause bacteria to grow.
The next step is to remove any objects contaminated with blood from the area and place them in a red plastic bag for disposal. Next, dampen a cloth towel and clean the area of the blood spill again. Finally, spray the area with a germicidal disposable wipe found in the kit. This will help ensure that the area is fully disinfected and safe for habitation.
Offensive Odour Removal
Offensive odours can be caused by a number of things including protein odours, decomposing bodies, cigarette smoke, spoiled food, garbage and hoarding. It’s important that the source of the odour is identified and that the proper forensic cleaning procedures are used to ensure that all contaminant residue has been completely removed from the property.
Odours from these contaminates seep into timbers, carpets and fabrics and are often extremely difficult to remove. For this reason, the services of a forensic cleaning expert are required.
A trauma cleaner’s job is to clean up crime scenes and other contaminated properties, ensuring that all biohazardous materials are removed and that the property can be safely re-occupied. They must have a high level of compassion and attention to detail, as well as being able to work under stressful conditions. They must also be able to identify potential health risks and be able to offer reassurance to family members. They must be able to use a variety of equipment and follow strict safety procedures.
Vehicle Decontamination
In the decontamination of vehicles, it is important that the work is done correctly. Otherwise, the risk of radioactive contamination of the vehicle will remain.
Our decontamination products have been developed to reduce these risks. These include the Erase Clay Bar and BlackJack – Tar & Glue Remover. The Erase Clay Bar aims to physically remove contaminants that have been embedded over time in the coating of your car. This drastically reduces the chances of these harmful contaminants remaining on your vehicle.
Forensic cleaning is the process of sanitising areas that have been contaminated with blood, vomit and/or urine. These areas are a health risk to anyone who comes in contact with them and must be cleaned by trained forensic cleaners. The BioHaz team are well practiced in the cleaning of crime scenes, unattended death and suicide clean ups, meth lab remediation and gross filth and hoarders clean ups in Newcastle and all regional NSW areas.
source https://cleanersnewcastle.wordpress.com/2023/05/13/what-does-a-crime-scene-cleaner-do/
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Protecting Your Employees During Blood Spill Cleanup
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Photo by Austin Diste on Unsplash 
Not everyone automatically knows the proper procedure for cleaning up blood spills, so educating yourself is in your best interests. If you are in management, you should have training in bloodborne pathogens. Naturally, the best way to protect yourself and your employees is by training your crew on what to do and who to call should the worst happen.
We're not talking about small amounts of blood, like when you scrape your knee or cut yourself while cooking. Although you do need to know basic first aid, we're talking about the scary kind of blood spills, where you know someone's seriously injured or deceased. Hopefully it never occurs in your workplace, but preparing is always wise. 
Also, employees are usually stunned and overwhelmed when there's a blood spill; it shakes everyone up, since it means someone is either severely injured or worse. How you handle the blood spill will speak volumes about your leadership skills and concern for your employees.
Because of the biohazards associated with bodily fluid spills, you may need specialized equipment to clean up and properly sanitize the area. We've all accidentally poked ourselves with scissors or sliced a finger when fixing a salad. Not all blood will be in large volumes. 
Most blood can be removed using the equipment recommended in OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogen Cleanup Kit:
Disposable gloves
Absorbent materials (e.g., kitty litter, sand, etc.)
Disinfecting towelettes
Biohazard bag with a zip tie
Protective cap
Eye protection
Protective gown
To dispose of biohazardous substances, the professional team will arrive with personal protective equipment and professional cleaning supplies, ready to remove spills from surfaces and carpeting. While there may be shortcuts, you should never compromise on safety. If the spill requires more than simple cleaning, you'll want to call a cleaning company to protect your employees. 
What should you know about blood spill cleanup? 
Some things to know:
Bloodborne pathogens can lead to hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV and other infectious diseases.
Ask your employer for training in infection control (if you haven't already received it).
Isolate the area. Do not allow employees access to the blood spill. 
Chances are if the blood spill is visible enough to get your attention, it's enough to warrant your careful attention. 
Eliciting the help of a biohazard cleanup company can assure you that the job will be done correctly, so you don't have to worry about repercussions down the road.
Remember, the fact that some people are not squeamish at the sight of blood does not qualify them to do a professional cleaning job. It takes more than that. It would be best if you treated the spill as a killer. Do not go near it; call a professional cleaning company, and vacate the immediate area while the cleaners do their job.
Looking out for the safety of your employees is your priority so your company can return to work confident that their workplace is secure.
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ecosolutionsme · 6 months
Navigating Environmental Concerns: The Role Of Oil And Chemical Absorbents
Environmental issues are very important in today's society as we deal with the fallout from industrialization and human activities. Of these worries, the unintentional discharge of oil and chemicals  into the environment is a serious risk to human health and ecosystems. Nonetheless, oil and chemical absorbents are an essential tool for reducing the harm that these kinds of accidents can inflict. Oil and chemical absorbents are specially designed materials used to contain, absorb, and remediate spills of hazardous substances. These absorbents come in various forms, including pads, booms, socks, granules, and mats, each tailored to different spill scenarios and environmental conditions.
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ecospill · 3 months
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senthemink · 3 years
Hey there y'all! If you see a trash can that's full of what looks to be kitty litter, DO NOT PUT TRASH IN IT! It's what the truck stop uses to clean up diesel spills when somebody leaves their pump while fueling. If there is trash in the way while the truck stop employee needs to clean up a spill, the diesel could easily make it's way into the groundwater because of how quickly it flows.
If diesel gets into the groundwater, it could destroy the local wildlife and contaminate the entire city's water supply. Putting trash in the spill kit is a fire hazard, a biohazard, and a general safety hazard. If you can't find the trash cans, ask an attendant. They will help you locate the correct place to put your trash.
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safetynigeria-blog · 5 years
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We offer a wide array of emergency rescue equipment and evacuation products, including Basket Stretcher Nigeria that is made for all eventualities, designed, developed and built to tackle the most demanding rescue. You can shop the best quality products at Industries Safety Nigeria.
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clareguilty · 5 years
Kinktober Prompt 6
Soldier 76 | Sex Pollen, Power Imbalance Word count: 2700 (look I know this is so fucking long) Rating: Explicit | No Warnings
"I don't think there's anything here," you sighed, turning to where Soldier 76 was patrolling the rows of abandoned, dust-covered desks. "Without power, we don't have access to anything that isn't on paper." You hadn't seen so much as a brochure since setting foot into the laboratory, so it was highly unlikely that there was any printed material in the building.
"We don't have access to anything on the drives; that's true." Soldier absently kicked a desk chair, watching it roll a few feet across the tile. "But it's not the end of the world that the power is out."
You cocked your head, trying to figure out what he meant. He was testing you. It had only been a few weeks since you started accompanying him out into the field, and he kept you on your toes, always quizzing you about procedure or strategy or whatnot.
The lab was abandoned and secluded, powered by a renewable grid that had gone out years ago. Atlas Research had been a leading scientific effort during the Omnic Crisis, but in the years following, they had slipped under the radar. Years of unreported research took place in a small, well-protected lab in Scandinavia. Until one day, everything went silent.
Athena had found the lab during a satellite scan and reported it to Winston; he had assigned Soldier to check it out and report back. Soldier had brought you along.
You looked around the room, trying to figure out what Soldier had noticed that you hadn't. It was a pretty standard research facility. Frosted glass panes let in the smallest amount of sunlight from outside. There wasn't much that stood out to you -- lab equipment and airlock chambers, a field of low desks across the main room, biometric locks… Biometric locks.
"The electronic locks are down," you turned to Soldier, a triumphant grin spreading across your face.
"Very good, agent." He nodded and pointed out the doors along the back wall. "Those are most likely specialized labs, we should check them out."
His praise made you flush, and you were thankful that the lab was so dark. You followed Soldier to one of the doors, waiting for his signal as he tested the knob. Sure enough, the lock was disengaged, and he carefully inched the door open.
The room was pitch dark. Soldier adjusted his visor -- probably switching to night vision -- and tentatively stepped inside.
"It's all clear," he called softly after a few seconds. "Do you have a light?"
You tugged a flashlight off your belt and switched it on. The white beam cut through the dust and the darkness as you swept it across the room. It was rather small, but you could see desks all along the walls as well as several cabinets. You began searching the desks while Soldier turned his attention towards the cabinets. You heard the squeak of a hinge and then the clatter of glass as what sounded like dozens of vials tumbled out of the cabinet.
You turned to see Soldier backing away from the countertop. Various solutions were already pooling across the laminate and dripping down to the floor.
"Get out of here," Soldier ordered. You obeyed without question. Who the hell knew what was in those vials.
He followed close behind you shutting the door behind him and dragging you several feet away. His hands were strong and insistent on your shoulders, and you longed for him to hold you longer.
"Nothing spilled on you?" He asked, looking you over.
"No, I'm fine. What about you?"
"I should be okay."
You turned back to the closed door. "What do you think was in those vials?"
"I didn't get the chance to see. They were leaning against the cabinet door, and when I opened it, they all fell out."
"We should find a mask and gloves," you suggested, "I could go check."
Soldier shook his head. “Whatever they were working with in there was chock full of biohazard labels. It isn’t worth the risk. We need to make sure we aren’t contaminated before we do anything else.”
“I’ll run and grab the medkits from the drop ship,” you offered. “We can run some field tests in a few minutes.”
Soldier nodded, and you jogged back through the facility. The drop ship was in a clearing about a half a mile east and you made it there and back in no time. All that conditioning Soldier put you through really paid off.
Backtracking through the corridors of the facility, you were surprised to find the door you had come from closed. When you tried to pushed it open, the handle turned, but something was blocking it from the other side. You knocked on it gently, “Soldier 76, Sir? Is everything alright in there?”
There was no immediate response, so you shoved against the door with your shoulder. It didn’t budge. “76?” you asked again, worry beginning to creep into your voice.
“Stay where you are, agent.” his voice sounded from the other side of the door.
“Are you alright? Do you need anything? What’s going on?” You pressed against the door again.
“I must have inhaled whatever was in those vials. I’ve been contaminated.” He sounded winded, breathy. His voice was lower and gruffer. “You need to stay out there.”
You took a step back. Contaminated? You didn’t even know what was in those vials.
“How are you feeling? Can you describe your symptoms?” You tore open the medkit, looking for any kind of detox materials.
There was no response from the other side of the door.
“Sir? Are you okay?” you shoved against the door again, throwing your whole weight into it.
“I said stay out there,” Soldier growled. He was closer now, just on the other side of the door.
“I want to help you,” you pleaded. 
The commander made a strangled sound.
“Please,” you begged, “Just let me help.” You were useless if you couldn’t get to him. There was nothing you could do with this damn door between you.
Another choked off sound, “It’s not safe.” 
“I don’t give a damn about my safety. It’s more important that I’m able to help you. I have the medkit right here. Whatever you need, I’ll be able to help.”
Soldier groaned. You banged your fist on the door. He could be dying in there, and you could do nothing to stop it. “Please…” you whimpered, “Just let me in.”
There was the sound of metal scraping on tile, and the door gave way against you. You clambered into the room, dragging the med kit with you.
Soldier was slumped against the wall. You kneeled at his side, reaching out for him. One of his hands snapped up to grab your wrist. He turned to look at you, and you gasped.
“Strike Commander Morrison?”
“You weren’t supposed to find out like this.”
“I don’t give a damn about that. Just let me help you.”
He had already unzipped his jacket, and you could see his broad chest heaving under his shirt. A deep flush reached up to his ears, forehead already beginning to shine with sweat. “What do you need? Does anything hurt?” You gently pressed your fingers into his neck. His pulse was rapid and strong. He grit his teeth and let out a hiss.
“I’m sorry,” you couldn’t resist brushing his silver hair back. In the past few months it had grown longer, and you liked the way it looked. “Let’s see what we have here.” You turned to the medkit. “Would a fever reducer help?” You scanned the labels on everything you could see.
Commander Morrison’s -- you couldn’t believe that the strike commander was still alive, much less that he was dying not a meter away from you -- breathing only grew more labored. Growing more frantic, you tried to tug his jacket over his shoulders and down his arms. The commander shoved you away, strong enough to send you flying backwards. Your head collided with a nearby desk and you whimpered in pain.
The commander’s eyes widened as he realized what he had done.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” He started towards you. You could see the conflict in his expression. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.”
“You didn’t mean to throw me into a desk?” you groaned. “Holy fuck are you strong…”
Whatever reservations the commander may have had vanished as he ran to your side. Against his better judgement, he pulled you into his arms. “Look at me,” he ordered, and you blinked up at him.
“I’m good,” you grinned. “How are you?”
“Not any better,” Soldier’s lips tightened into a thin line. “I think it’s best that you head back to the dropship. I’ll check in with you every 45 minutes.”
“No?” The commander blinked. God his eyes were gorgeous. “That’s a direct order, agent.”
“Fuck you,” you shrugged. “I’m not leaving here until I know you’re safe.”
Jack’s grip on you tightened. You unconsciously leaned into his chest, breathing in his scent. The room was starting to feel warm, and you wondered if you had gotten a concussion. Surely you hadn’t hit your head that hard?
You breathed in deeply again. Soldier smelled so good. You didn’t even have it in you to be embarrassed as you nuzzled against his chest. Your eyes fluttered shut.
“Stay with me, sweetheart,” the commander rumbled.
“‘M not sleepy,” you whined.
“Fuck,” Morrison swore under his breath. “I think it’s spreading.”
“What’s spreading?” You couldn’t keep your eyes open. Burying your face into Jack’s chest, you tried to ignore the heat building between your thighs and pooling in your stomach. Now was not the time.
The commander took your face in his hands. Even the leather of his gloves felt like sparks against your skin. “Whatever was in those vials, it’s in the air. You’ve been breathing it in too.”
“What is it?” you slurred. 
“Something strong. I haven’t been this affected by something in years. It’s more powerful than my enhancements, which means you don’t stand a chance.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” you grimaced.
“You should go,” Soldier said, but his voice didn’t have the same strength as before.
“I feel safer with you,” you grabbed at his shirt.
A growl ripped from Morrison’s throat. He moved faster than your foggy mind could keep up with, pressing you onto your back and pinning your wrists beneath his gloves. He loomed over you, blue eyes wild with something you had never seen before.
“That’s a bad call, sweetheart,” His scarred lips curled up in a grin before he buried his face in your neck. You gasped at the scrape of stubble against your collarbone. His lips found the curve of your jaw. A curse fell from your lips and your hips bucked upwards. Part of you couldn’t believe this was happening. Your commander would never do something like this.
But you never wanted it to end. Your body was on fire, craving his touch. Months of longing, months of yearning, he was finally touching you.
His lips found yours. You kissed him back with everything you had. He had to know how much you needed this, he had to know that you needed him. “Please, Sir,” you begged.
“I know,” he cooed. “I’m gonna take care of you.” Soldier ground his hips against yours and you felt his erection through his pants. Fuck. You needed it.
He released your hands and you instantly began tearing at your own clothes. Soldier did the same. You threw yourself at him, drowning him in hungry kisses as he shoved his pants off.
Your commander’s hands gripped your ass. You grinned against his neck as he squeezed the softness there. Pressing your chest to his, you scraped your teeth over his pulse. He groaned and pulled your hips to his.
“Sweetheart,” he gasped, “I need you.”
You rolled your hips against his. “It’s okay,” you breathed.
You found yourself on you back again, staring up into Soldier’s eyes as he sank into you. He watched your expression carefully as your lips parted and your eyes rolled back.
“Commander Morrison,” you moaned.
“Jack. Call me Jack.” He grunted as his hips met yours.
“Jack, please fuck me.” You dragged your nails over his shoulder. Your desperation had grown tenfold in a matter of minutes. Whatever was in the air worked fast and it worked well. You could only imagine what Jack was going through, he had been struggling with this far longer than you had.
The commander wasted no time. You were lost in a haze of pleasure and bliss as he began to move his hips. His cock felt so good, long and thick, everything you needed as your desire burned even brighter.
It was absurd, the commander fucking you on the floor of an abandoned lab. He was so forceful, so possessive as he buried himself in you again and again. One of his hands reached down to rub your clit and you cried out and arched your back as an orgasm washed over you all at once. It felt better than anything you had known before, but it did nothing to abate the heat that was coursing through your veins.
Jack seemed to be reaching a peak as well. He shuddered and moaned, teeth catching his bottom lip as he spilled inside you. However, his pace didn’t slow. If anything, his grip on your hip tightened. You dragged him down for a heated kiss, whispering against his lips as he continued to fuck you.
The lab grew darker, and still, you and Jack were insatiable. He threw you over one of the desks and buried his face between your legs. You returned the favor, moaning around his cock as he came down your throat,
It was the dead of night when you finally succumbed to exhaustion. Jack was right there, pulling you into his arms and burying his face in your neck as you drifted away.
When you woke, the barest hint of light was spilling into the room. You sat up, finding Jack’s jacket draped over your otherwise naked self.
Oh shit.
You had fucked the commander. You had fucked Strike Commander Morrison. You groaned as the realization of what had happened began to set in. Glancing around the room, he was nowhere to be found. The rest of his clothes were gone, and yours were folded neatly a few feet away.
You mustered the courage to get dressed and head back to the drop ship. Maybe you could just disappear into the forest, never to return?
You were pulling your shirt over your head when familiar boot steps sounded down the hall. Shame began to claw its way through your chest and you tried to fight back tears. There would be no use in crying.
Jack cleared his throat, he had stopped in the doorway. You turned to see that he didn’t have his visor on. You gripped your pants with white knuckles.
“Are you okay?” he asked, shuffling awkwardly.
“Yeah,” you stared at your feet. “I’m fine.” You choked on the last word though, so it was abundantly clear that you were not, in fact, fine.
He crossed the room in three steps, pulling you into his chest and smoothing your hair back. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
You stiffened in his embrace. “Why are you sorry?”
Jack turned you to meet his eyes. “You shouldn’t have had to go through that. I took advantage of you. I wanted things to be different.”
“You didn’t take advantage of me,” you countered. “We both got contaminated.”
“You’re upset,” he noted. “But not at me. Tell me what’s wrong.”
You sighed heavily, pushing away so you could put on your damn pants. “We can’t do that again.”
Jack frowned. “I don’t follow.”
“I want to do it again.” You stared him down. “Preferably without some kind of chemical interference.”
Jack smiled and pulled you in close again. You looked up at him in awe, and he kissed your forehead. “There are many things I want to do with you, sweetheart.”
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ecosolutionsme · 6 months
Ensuring Safety: Essential Components Of An Emergency Spill Kit
In both industrial and domestic settings, accidents happen. Spills of hazardous materials can occur unexpectedly, posing risks to health, safety, and the environment. Whether it's a chemical spill, oil leak, or any other hazardous substance, having an emergency spill kit readily available is crucial. These kits contain specialized tools and materials designed to contain, clean up, and mitigate the impact of spills effectively. Here, we'll delve into the essential components that make up an effective emergency spill kit.
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Container: The very first component of an emergency spill kit is the container itself. It should be sturdy, easy to carry, and clearly labeled for quick identification during emergencies. The container should also be appropriately sized to accommodate all the necessary components while remaining portable and accessible.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Safety always comes first. Personal protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, and protective clothing are vital to ensure the safety of individuals responding to a spill. PPE helps prevent direct contact with hazardous materials, reducing the risk of exposure and contamination.
Absorbents: Absorbent materials are essential for containing and cleaning up spills effectively. These can include absorbent pads, socks, pillows, and loose absorbents like clay or vermiculite. The type of absorbent used depends on the nature of the spilled substance, whether it's oil, chemicals, or other liquids.
Containment Devices: Spills need to be contained promptly to prevent them from spreading further. Containment devices such as barriers, booms, and dikes are crucial for confining spills, especially in larger-scale incidents. These devices help prevent the spread of contaminants and minimize environmental damage.
Neutralizing Agents: In the case of chemical spills, neutralizing agents are necessary to stabilize hazardous substances and reduce their harmful effects. Neutralizers like acids or bases can be included in spill kits to neutralize acids, bases, or other corrosive substances effectively.
Cleanup Tools: Various tools are needed to facilitate the cleanup process. This may include shovels, brooms, scoops, and disposal and oil spill kit bags for collecting and removing contaminated materials. Having the right tools on hand ensures efficient cleanup and minimizes the risk of further contamination.
Sealing and Repair Materials: Sometimes spills may occur from damaged containers or equipment. In such cases, sealing and repair materials like plugs, patches, and tapes are essential for quickly sealing leaks and preventing additional spillage.
Instruction Manual and Safety Guidelines: A comprehensive instruction manual outlining spill response procedures and safety guidelines should be included in every spill kit. This ensures that responders are properly trained and equipped to handle spill incidents safely and effectively.
Communication Devices: Effective communication is crucial during spill response efforts. Including communication devices such as radios or cell phones in the spill kit enables responders to coordinate their actions and seek assistance if needed.
Chemical Compatibility Chart: Given the variety of hazardous substances that could potentially be spilled, a chemical compatibility chart should be included in the biohazard spill kit. This chart helps responders identify which absorbents and neutralizing agents are suitable for specific chemicals, preventing adverse reactions and ensuring effective cleanup.
In conclusion, an emergency spill kit is a critical component of any safety preparedness plan. By ensuring that these essential components are included and properly maintained, organizations can effectively mitigate the risks associated with spills and protect both human health and the environment. Regular training and drills should also be conducted to familiarize personnel with spill response procedures and ensure a prompt and coordinated response to any emergency situation.
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phleb0tomist · 4 years
Request for kits please? Like spill kits and biohazard
yes, I’ve scheduled ur posts for 19th june!
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tradeenviro · 2 years
Trade environmental compliance solutions | Australia | For Best oil, chemical and biohazard spill kits, sorbents and spill control systems
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Knowing your state's rules regarding biohazard bags and labels is important. In some states having a biohazard label present on blood spill supplies is not accepted and is incorrect! In some states only certain license types are required to have the label while other license types are not allowed to. Example: In the state of Georgia cosmetology, esthetics, and Nail tech candidates are not allowed to have bio hazard labels on bags. Doing so would result in a complete point loss for that section of the exam Barbers however are required to have the label on their first aid supplies. These are details important to know and keep as many points as possible while testing We automatically bag and label your supplies correctly with your state's requirement when you order kits from SBP. #cosmetology #barber #nailtech #esthetician #cosmetologyschool #barberschool #nailschool #estheticianschool #futurecosmetologist #futurebarber #futurenailtech #futureesthetician #stateboard #stateboardkits #stateboardprofessor #stateboardtips #stateboardexam #naillife #estylife #graduation #stateboardkit #stateboardclass #stateboard #stateboardkit #allstates #alllicenses https://www.instagram.com/p/B4R085LB8Ya/?igshid=1k1hvgn97opo7
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Searching For My Stars
Inspired by: Margot Tenenbaum in The Royal Tenenbaums
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[GIF: Margot, adopted child of the Tenenbaum family, ponders about life in her bed]
“Etheline, I mean, mother, listen. Listen to me. It’s just a saliva collection kit for an ancestry test. It’s no big deal, this doesn’t change anything. Alright?”
“Honey, of course, yes, of course! I just wasn’t expecting this, that’s all. Don’t worry about me!” The pale-yellow light in our kitchen highlighted the water that was threatening to spill from her eyes.
“Alright, if you say so. But Etheline, I’m just curious about my heritage.” I leaned over and swept the small white packaged box sitting in front of Etheline, or well, my mother, off our rustic countertop. It was addressed “To: Margot T”.
I brought the box back up to my room. I slid into the gap on my bed that my well-loved stuffed animals freed up for me—the same bed that I’ve slept on since I was 10. I looked up at the glow-in-the-dark stars Etheline carefully stuck on my tangerine ceiling from when we first moved in.
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[Image: Glow in the dark star stickers on the ceiling]
I followed the instructions provided in the box as precisely as I could have. I registered my account. I assembled the funnel with the opening of the transparent tube and gathered my saliva into the little plastic, all the way up to the “Fill To” line. I then removed the funnel, screwed the cap of the tube back on, carefully placed it into the biohazard bag, and then into the box it came in. I sent it back to the lab, ‘23andMe,’ at the post office the next morning.
So, I waited.
And waited.
And wait—my phone screen lit up while I was chatting with Etheline over dinner. The notification momentarily illuminated the small vase décor beside my plate of spaghetti and meatballs. The 23andMe report was sitting in my email inbox. Etheline kept her eyes glued to my phone.
“Honey, why don’t you check that?” She pointed at my phone. She never lets me use my phone at the dinner table.
I picked it up and angled it slightly towards myself so that I could skim the results before sharing them.
“From school?” She pretended to ask but with a slip of the tongue, she added, “It’s just a saliva collection kit for an ancestry test. It’s no big deal, this doesn’t change anything. Right?” That line must have stuck with her.
“Ah! It says here that I’m,” I started reading the report, but I paused.
100% undefined.
I read the characters on the page over and over again, but it was so short that I could not have possibly read it wrong. What does this even mean? How could I be undefined? How could anyone be undefined? Am I some creature whom no one has ever seen before? There was no context on the page that would explain any of this either— is this what happens when you try to get your DNA analyzed by a private company? So, in that split second, I figured that I could just redo the test, or maybe get it done somewhere else, or something-- anything.
“Honey, what does it say?” She asked outright this time, with a smile on her face. That smile calmed me down. It was the one thing that held me back from slipping into an anxiety attack.
“Let me see… it says here that I’m… 100% human”, I smiled back and to my surprise, she didn’t press for anything else. She was okay with that response. And I realized that I was okay with that response too.
Maybe not knowing my heritage will eat away at me for the rest of my life, but I will always know what’s most important to me—the person who placed me amongst the stars.
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