jingszo · 1 year
Scientists have used a species of spore-forming bacterium called Bacillus subtilis to create a small-scale battery-like microbial fuel cell that potentially would still work after 100 years.
The energy from that reaction produced enough to power an LED, a digital thermometer or a small clock.
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13thpythagoras · 5 days
curious when physicists like this (below) will remember that the r squared law of electromagnetic propogation means you could basically have infinite electricity and still wouldn't be able to transport it much further than we already do because we lack superconductivity. Superconductivity would be the breakthru we need; fusion power strikes me as a fascist's wet dream but a losing defeat for the people (more monopolies) in a best case scenario
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article link that tumblr won't let me paste by itself for some reason but making more fancier nuclear reactors isn't even pretending to address our core problem. If you follow clean energy you know we have plenty more of it than we use, it's just a matter of collecting and storing that energy, whereas right now we only store energy in the form of unburnt fossil fuel and that is the killer monopoly that is ruining our future. I've been saying this for over 10 years, fusion, thororium, nuclear, it's all fascist bullshit. We could power our world off wind and solar but we would need the hemp-plastic-encased clean sugar batteries that are 10x as efficient as lithium ion, but capitalists need to pollute somehow.
I mean the solutions are sitting in front of us, I'm pretty busy with toxic family and whatnot so I can't get to this anytime soon but appreciative if anyone can. We can sidestep superconductivity with a good infrastructure system of clean battery distribution. Sugar batteries in trucks, on trains, in ships, and sugar batteries powering those trains, trucks, and ships. These sugar batteries are the key...all of this is easily researched and verified info.
tldr Literally just making hemp encased sugar batteries is more important than fusion power. We have more than plenty of clean energy we just haven't built the infrastructure to store and distribute that clean energy in a clean way
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aidonotknow · 11 months
That is a interesting theory! But my thoughts went in different directions.
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Considering the plots of the 98 and 23 animations, my theory/headcanon is that humans have indeed changed - becoming more and more biologically similar to plant, because this is the reason why plant were created.
If it is for unlimited energy, there is no reason for humans to create "humanoid" biobatteries and cause ethical problems. The reason why plant is in human form is because what those scientists originally wanted to creat was actually the "spare body", and it's the ageless body.
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We can see that they already got the technology for full-body prosthetics. As long as the rejection problem is overcome, humans can be directly transplanted into plant.
This is why the 23plant is considered "soulless", and every version of the plant remains dormant, because they are deliberately prevented from producing "life" or "consciousness". So plants have human appearances, good-looking faces, and are all female. The reason is the same as Jurassic Park (?
However, the problem of transplant rejection cannot be solved, so the by-product: the huge energy that keeps cells from aging, is instead used as a biological battery.
Therefore, as soon as Tesla, an Independent that is more similar to humans and can leave the life-sustaining light bulb, appears, scientists of SEED are eager to conduct radical experiments.
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As long as it's proven that the two organisms are compatible, it will be a major breakthrough for mankind. But there are obviously still obstacles. What happened to Tesla may be severe transplant rejection.
As the article quoted at the beginning said, the earth may have achieved some kind of balance or compromise. Even when the emotions were intense, Chronica did not attack Knives with her A. arm but with machinery. Maybe it's not that she avoided using plant's power attack, she just can't use it.
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23Dr. continued this plan with the consent of Knives (don't know why). They approached this from two aspects:
Eye of Michael: Modify human beings and adapt them to plant cells.
Elendira: A literal human-plant hybrid.
The MangaDr. has no obvious achievements in this regard, also his relationship with EOM is not very close. The specialized bodies of members of GHG may have been modified by him, such as Dominic's hypnotic eye, which is obviously From Transplant; The giantess carrying Legato's Coffin; Gauntlet and 9 Lives, etc.
MangaEl was very disdainful of EOM modified people, not sure if it was because she was born with plant cells.
Regarding Legato, because it is not certain when he was picked up by Knives, the inferences that can be made are limited:
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98L- Perhaps because the action of transplanting an arm is so strange, most people are not aware of something even more abnormal - that is a cross-species transplant, and it seems that not only did Legato not have any rejection reactions, he also adapted very well - That means that there is little biological difference between legato and plant/Independent.
(I felt... uncanny, when I thought that he and plant twins would have no problem donating blood to each other)
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23L- There may not be a transplant, but genetic modification or mutation, and NL's acquired environment caused him to directly evolve powers similar to those of a plant.
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MangaL- We know His physique is better than that of ordinary humans, his "thread" ability, he can sense Knives and he "will lose to Vash"... But none of them can be explained😅 Also we can say Dr. attaches great importance to him. After Legato had his limbs chopped off by Knives, he tried to save Legato even though Knives might be displeased, risked being fired by Vash's A. Arm, even if he couldn't lift Legato.
Taken together, I guess Legato is a new human being born accidentally, and it is also evidence that humans and plants will one day become the same species. This is not man-made, but it is a victory for mankind. 23Dr's human experiments are based on him as a model, and Dr. therefore claims that he "chose human"... If they are still human by then.
Legato existence also subverted Knives' biological determinism, but for some reason Knives did not kill Legato as soon as possible. Contrary to his words, his actions not only did not dislike the human-plant blend theory, but supported it. Again, I don't know why. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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elbiotipo · 2 years
Nuclear fusion isn't a big deal to me. Even if they have achieved nuclear fusion recently, it's still not a power source, it's still a prototype, there have been so many since the 50s and so many saying "fusion works now!" that this isn't convincing. ONE, one actually working nuclear fusion plant, assuming it even works, is estimated to cost tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars and requires all sorts of especialized machinery and crew (plus energy to maintain the reaction and the machinery going). And given the track record with nuclear plants, it would take at least a decade to build one. And it's not like it's much better than a regular nuclear plant or hydroelectric dam.
With all that cost, expense and manpower, you could build countless solar and wind plants, or nuclear plants (which are expensive and long to build, but they are proven technology), or invest it on cheaper, more practical renewable energy like biobatteries or tidal power. I'm going to be honest, I don't see fusion power EVER being a major energy source, if it ever takes off, it'll be only in big rich countries like USA or China. Not when renewables and regular nuclear power are much cheaper and easy to produce.
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A tiny biobattery that could still work after 100 years has been developed by researchers at Binghamton University, State University of New York.
Last fall, Binghamton University Professor Seokheun "Sean" Choi and his Bioelectronics and Microsystems Laboratory published their research into an ingestible biobattery activated by the Ph factor of the human intestine.
Now, he and PhD student Maryam Rezaie have taken what they learned and incorporated it into new ideas for use outside the body.
A new study in the journal Small, which covers nanotechnology, shares the results from using spore-forming bacteria similar to the previous ingestible version to create a device that potentially would still work after 100 years.
"The overall objective is to develop a microbial fuel cell that can be stored for a relatively long period without degradation of biocatalytic activity and also can be rapidly activated by absorbing moisture from the air," said Choi, a faculty member in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science.
Read more.
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rahulpande15 · 2 months
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auritracen · 6 months
The main reason behind my burning dislike for biomaterials (especially hydrogels and 'synthetic cells') is the fact that this subject is built upon a basis so unsteady that often data massaging (quoting a certain person here...) is necessary to make it appear workable.
Regarding how rampant data massaging is, I have four anecdotes:
Friend of mine, when she was starting out, the postdoc she was assigned with told her to replicate a set of experiments. She spent a month following the exact same protocol used but all data that came out were obviously not the same.
Said postdoc above once remarked to my friend: the error bars on your data are too large. You need to massage your data.
Same postdoc has a biobattery published on Nature in 2022. The idea and protocol used were exactly the same as a Nature paper in 2019. Obvious problems with innovation aside, he openly claimed on multiple occasions that the biobattery can last 30 minutes to 2 hours with an output of 1.9 V, but when he tried to replicate his own experiments in another lab, he failed hard and blamed the collaborator's microscope incubator for being faulty. Quoting the collaborator: "He says it can last for 30 minutes to 2 hours? More like 30 seconds."
Another person in said lab has a project where her assumptions were built on an earlier paper from the group. That paper deliberately didn't include lots of data that should've been there, and acknowledged "we have lots of unpublished data that supports our findings" in the text. Both me and my friend thinks this paper has been significantly massaged, and this unfortunate person spent 4 years trying to make her project work but it never did.
In practice there's indeed no way to figure out if the data has or hasn't been massaged just by looking the current-voltage figures they've put on the paper. One can easily take a system that has previously been established to be working, then adjust the input manually so that the output looks like what you want. One can also splice multiple different current-voltage traces together, something often done in dishonest Western blotting.
And I'm fucking glad I've left this field.
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energypowernews · 11 months
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Bacteria-Powered Biobattery Has 100-Year Shelf Life, Scientists Say
Bacteria-Powered Biobattery Has 100-Year Shelf Life, Scientists Say, Scientists have used a species of spore-forming bacterium called Bacillus subtilis to create a small-scale battery-like microbial fuel cell that potentially would still work after 100 years. The post Bacteria-Powered…, 2023-04-19 16:03:00, Server Error 403 You do not have permission to access this document. That’s what you can…
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Trends in Ecology and Evolution horizon scan
Trends in Ecology and Evolution horizon scan
This journal does an annual “horizon scan” of of emerging topics and issues. Here are a few that caught my eye: “bio-batteries” – “DNA-enabled biobattery technology uses a set of enzymes coupled to DNA to degrade organic compounds, releasing electrons and generating electricity…Such batteries could theoretically supply power densities in orders of magnitude greater than widely used lithium-ion…
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clunite · 7 years
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This Bio-Battery Could Charge Your Phone With Your Sweaty Underpants The stretchable fabric battery uses sweat-munching bacteria to produce electricity. http://crwd.fr/2yWjjmw #cool #underpants #battery #phone #charge #phonecharger #baterrycharger #cooltech #technology #tech #iphone #apple #android #mobile #device #iPhoneX #biobattery #phone (at Mississauga, Ontario)
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13thpythagoras · 3 years
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'Not only is the energy density of the sugar-powered battery significantly higher than that of the lithium-ion battery, but the sugar battery is also less costly than the li-ion, refillable, environmentally friendly, and nonflammable.'
"This nature-inspired biobattery is a type of enzymatic fuel cell (EFC) — an electrobiochemical device that converts chemical energy from fuels such as starch and glycogen into electricity. While EFCs operate under the same general principles as traditional fuel cells, they use enzymes instead of noble-metal catalysts to oxidize their fuel. Enzymes allow for the use of more-complex fuels (such as glucose), and these more-complex fuels are what give EFCs their superior energy density."
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wearewilynumbers · 3 years
Do you like butterfly pea flower tea Shadow man?
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He turns and leaves before returning a few minutes later with Triage under his arm.
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"These questions are more suited to someone who is not programed for war. So you will be the one to answer them. I have no interest in conversations more suited for humans."
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"Oh, um ... Yes I do enjoy butterfly pea flower tea with extra sugar since the added glucose fuels my backup biobattery."
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magnetiix · 3 years
((I've been talking with Lin about the Robot Masters eating and I have now fallen into a crisis
How does Metal drink through his mask
Also what does this mean for Magnet ._.
In all honesty, though, the ability of robots to eat/drink is something I find quite interesting. In the manga it's been shown that they can eat and drink but so far I've said they can't and now I feel like I'm eating my words sjfjsgjslgk
Arguably, food being used as fuel is certainly viable as it can be burned to sustain a biobattery (Lin's concept!!). Perhaps that "can't" that I used can be changed instead to a "don't." It's more flexible and stays consistent with canon in the sense that my robots can eat, they just choose not to.
...In hindsight, the fact that several Robot Masters mention food in their CD data like Shade Man with his tomato juice, I should have seen this coming))
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gregsrevolution · 6 years
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#ouraring #enlightenment #biohacking #hrv #heart #sleep #study #knowledge #bengreenfield #technology #tech #finland #active #fitbit #applewatch #biobattery #airplanemode (at Gregs Revolution Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br-InB-H_3a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10b4bzktessee
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chadmmc · 2 years
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