#Billy hargrove x fem!oc
annwrites · 4 months
you're stuck with me, baby.
— pairing: billy hargrove x fem!reader
— type: part of a series
— summary: billy treats you sweetly for once, but something is up. and then you have your absolute worst fight yet.
— tags: billy being a (manipulative) sweetheart. billy getting violent. billy being very sorry.
— tw: domestic violence
— word count: 3,105
— a/n: don't worry guys, i can fix him.
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By that night, you've nearly reached the Texas border. When you stop at a red light, Billy rolls his head back against the seat, looking at you, who's looking out the window, arms laid atop one another on the sill, taking in the neon lights all around you.
He reaches over then, sliding his large warm palm up your bare thigh.
Your head jerks in his direction. "What're you doing?"
He doesn't reply. Doesn't smirk or smile, or have so much as a twinkle in his eye. Instead, he just looks at you softly.
Your brows furrow, his hand sliding closer to your inner thigh, then stopping, thumb rubbing circles against your soft skin.
You look out the windshield. "The light's green."
You look back to him.
He just keeps looking at you.
And then the car behind you honks and he huffs, rolling his eyes, putting his hand back on the shifter as they lay on the horn yet again. "Yeah, yeah, I fuckin' heard you the first time."
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For dinner, Billy pulls into a small diner, and you both exit the car. He holds the door open for you and you pause, looking at him, surprised he didn't go ahead of you. "Thanks."
He gives you a small smile.
You feel like something is up, but don't want to ruin the moment—rather, him acting like an actual human being for once—so you say nothing of it.
You both take a booth by the window, looking over your menus after giving the waiter your drink orders—a lemonade for you and a Coke for him.
You begin perusing their dinner options when you feel Billy's foot brush against yours under the table, just like that afternoon.
You don't react. You're tired of taking the bait every single time. It was just that he knew exactly how to get to you somehow every time.
You set down your menu, knowing what you want, then look dreamily out the window. You smile to yourself and you don't notice it, but Billy is watching you with observant eyes.
You're too lost in your thoughts to take note of him. It's something about being on the road at night that makes you feel so hopeful and content.
All the neon lights, the cars on the road, the warm feel of the summer air on your skin as it washes over you through the open passenger-side window, music playing softly as other cars pass you, people walking along the sidewalks. It makes you feel less lonely. Like the world really can be a beautiful place sometimes.
"What're you thinkin' about, baby?"
You look at him then, shifting in your seat at his soft tone.
"Just how nice things are at night."
He leans back. "Oh, yeah? How so?"
Are you about to have an actual conversation again?
"You'll just tell me that I sound stupid."
"I won't," he replies, brushing his foot against yours.
"It's just pretty. All the lights and the cars and people. Don't you think so?"
He shrugs slightly. "I definitely think at least one thing is pretty."
Back to hitting on you again, then. Never one to give up, clearly.
Your waiter returns, then, to take your orders and Billy speaks. "It'll be one check." He then looks to you. "You want to order first, angel?"
That was a new one. 'Angel'.
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You get a salad and a small side, which consists of two pieces of fried chicken, while Billy gets two barbeque sandwiches. Before he even takes one bite of his dinner, though, he looks at you.
"You want to try a bite, sugar?"
You glance up to him from your salad. "I could always throw it on the floor after eating half of it."
He bites back a smirk. "Maybe that's why I got two."
You gingerly take the sandwich from him, taking a small bite, then handing it back.
You nod, chewing.
"You want the other one?"
You shake your head, swallowing. "No, thank you. And...thank you, for paying."
"You're welcome, darlin'."
Something was definitely going on. This wasn't him. But if he knew how to act like this all along, then why was he such an asshole all the time instead?
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Once the two of you have finished eating, Billy goes up to pay the check, you standing beside him. As you go to head outside, he holds the door for you again, hand pressed against the small of your back, and then even opens the car door for you as well.
"T-thanks," you say, sitting.
"Welcome," he replies, turning the key in the ignition. He then looks at you. "You want to find a place to stay for the night, or do you want me to drive around some more so you can enjoy the lights?"
You stare at him for a moment. He was asking what you wanted to do? You honestly don't know how to reply to that.
"What do you want to-"
He shakes his head. "I'm asking you, baby."
"I'm kind of tired, actually."
He nods. "I'll find us a motel, honey."
He does the speed limit the entire way to the nearby Days Inn, following the letter of the law to a T the whole way over. You find yourself impressed that it turns out he knows how to drive with common sense.
Once you've arrived, he goes inside, getting you both a room for the night, then comes back out to find you leaning against the trunk, waiting for him.
He throws the key to you and you catch it between your hands.
"One bed again. Think it being cheaper that way is going to be a common trend as we travel."
You nod and step to the side as he unlocks the trunk.
You reach down to grab your backpack first, until he gently grabs your hand in his, his silver ring glinting against the lights overtop the both of you. "I've got it, sweetheart. Let me get it for you."
You merely nod and watch as he loads all three bags onto himself and he follows you up the stairs to your room. Once you've unlocked the door, you let him go in first, then close it behind you.
This room is a near-duplicate of the last one, except for the color-scheme being different. Gaudy oranges and yellows litter the space, from the wallpaper, to the carpet, the curtains, even the bed-spread.
Billy lowers your bags onto the floor, then turns back to you. "You want to shower first?"
He's being very considerate tonight...
"Sure," you say, bending down to your bag, grabbing a pair of shorts and a tanktop, as well as clean undergarments, then stepping into the bathroom, softly shutting the door behind you.
You take your time bathing, trying to understand his sudden shift in mood. Maybe he finally felt guilty about how poorly he'd treated you so far? Maybe he was just tired. Maybe... You sighed. Maybe a lot of things. You didn't pretend to understand him, or the way he acted from one moment to the other.
When you step out of the bathroom, now clean and freshly shaved, you find him laid back against the headboard, flipping channels on the TV.
"You look nice," he says.
You put your hairbrush and razor away in your bag. "Oh, thanks."
He stands, grabbing a pair of briefs and sweatpants. He gives you a light tap under your chin as he goes to step past you, even kissing your cheek, which takes you by surprise. "Welcome, doll."
He shuts the bathroom door behind him this time and you sit down on the edge of the bed, head spinning.
If he'd been this guy from day one, you would've already returned his efforts in dating. How could he not understand that being an angry, vulgar ass was going to get him nowhere—not with you, at least. The 'bad boy' act would only get him so far with girls. But not very far in life, that was for certain.
You stand then, padding over to your bag, deciding to go ahead and pick out an outfit for tomorrow—something to occupy you for a moment, instead of dwelling on him and how he was now acting.
You even bother pulling a few things out, refolding them, then deciding to reorganize half the bag in general.
When Billy emerges from the bathroom, he comes up behind you, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your head. You spin around in surprise, bumping against the wall behind you. "Oh."
He steps closer to you, leaning down, wrapping one arm around your waist, while pressing the palm of his other hand against the wall. He begins planting hot wet kisses along your neck and your eyes go wide. He spears his tongue, licking gently, then kissing that same spot. The smell of Old Spice and spearmint invades your senses.
He pulls back, then leans forward again, pressing his lips to yours, softly, gently, his hand now moving to your waist, pushing your tanktop up.
You push lightly against his chest. "Billy, what're you doing?" You ask, voice laced with confusion and concern.
He gives you a small smirk. "Trying to kiss you, pretty girl."
He moves his lips back to your neck again, trailing kisses up to your ear, then whispers into it, "Don't worry, I have condoms."
You shove him away from you then.
"What was that for?" He asks, mildly irritated, erection already standing present.
"C-condoms? I told you earlier I-" You suddenly stop speaking, and then your eyes burn with unshed tears, hope that he was going to finally start being nicer to you shattering.
"That's why," you say tone defeated.
"Why what?" He spits.
You see the real him slowly returning.
"Why you've been so nice to me tonight. You found out I was a virgin and really thought it'd only take a couple hours of buttering me up for me to spread my legs for you. God, you're so pathetic."
His lips sneers. "Why do you have to be such a fuckin' cock tease all the time, huh? Everything I've done—driving your ass across how many state lines, buying you food, a room for the night, keeping you safe, and you don't think I deserve anything in return?"
He felt entitled to it? Sex? With you? You suddenly feel incredibly unsafe. Like you did back in that house with a father who ruled with fists and harsh words. How could you not have seen it before? They were two sides of the same coin.
"You're not entitled to anything. I never asked you for any of that. You practically fucking volunteered."
You angrily wipe tears from your eyes and he lets out a mocking laugh. "Here comes the fucking water-works. Every bitch's greatest trick. Well, guess what, cunt? They don't work on me."
You flinch at the vulgar name.
You watch as his hands tighten into fists at his sides and your heart begins to pound.
He steps closer to you. "I'm pathetic? Me? At least I was making fucking friends. People liked me. You lived in that goddamn town for how long and had nothing to show for it? I could've been king of that school and had any pussy I wanted. But, for whatever reason, you were the set of lips I chose to chase after. What a waste of my fuckin' time. I should've left your ass on the side of the road that night. Be one less problem on my fucking plate."
Your chin wobbles. "Fuck you. I would've been just fine without you. Better off, probably. You think you're so irresistible and different, don't you? Instead, you're just like your daddy."
He roars in anger then, and his fist lands inside the drywall directly next to your head.
You stare up at him in terror, silent tears slipping down your flushed cheeks.
He looks down at you, expression unreadable, his eyes flitting between both of yours.
"P-please don't hurt me," you say, voice small, somehow childlike, even.
His face falls, hurt flashing across his features. His fist loosens as he pulls it back, palm now-flat against the section of wall above the damage he'd just done.
You wrap your arms around yourself and he realizes that you think he's going to hit you next.
He staggers back, hands on his knees for just a moment before abruptly grabbing his bag and going in the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
You sink down to the floor, bringing your knees up to your chest and you lower your forehead to the top of them, rocking yourself gently as you sob in fear.
When Billy comes out of the bathroom, he's dressed in jeans and another button-up shirt, but you don't see him.
His stomach turns when he sees you curled into yourself, crying, shaking, whispering to yourself. "Please...no....don't hurt...."
He lets out a quiet swear, slipping on his boots and jacket, grabbing his car keys and wallet from the table. "I'm going out," he throws over his shoulder before closing the motel door behind him.
Once he's reached his car, he slams the driver's-side door and goes to stick the keys in the ignition, then falters for a moment. Was he really about to leave you all alone like that?
Images of you staring up at him with wide eyes full of fear—just like how his mom used to look at his dad—flash through his mind.
He turns the engine over. Yes, he was.
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Billy drives around town for two hours. At first, he'd wished he'd brought his bag with him. He could've just passed over into Texas on his own by now if he had. Instead, he was stuck in Oklahoma with you for the moment being.
Eventually, he parks in an empty lot somewhere, pressing his forehead against the steering wheel. He doesn't want to focus on the way he's treated you since day-one. Shitty. That's how.
With most girls, he only had to put in minimal effort to get them to give him what he wanted. He had his looks, the way he dressed, a nice smile, his thick head of hair, a cool car, and a devil-may-care attitude. None of them ever asked for more. Well, they did, but he didn't much care what they wanted. Once he got what he was after, he was satisfied.
He leans back against the seat, eyes closed, unable to get the fucking image of you out of his head.
You'd called him out on his behavior every time—read him like a goddamn book—and that was what really got under his skin. Most girls he came across were either doe-eyed idiots, or sluts. There wasn't an in-between. Not in his mind. But not you, clearly.
But, he supposes, growing up with an abusive father forces you to become adept at reading others to anticipate their future actions, or understanding why they are the way they are. Why they do the things they do.
"For fuck's sake," he says, turning around to finally head back to you, deciding he'd apologize for scaring you. But that was it. Even if it had been your fault. He didn't want to think about how it was really his. How he'd caused this entire damn mess in the first place.
He was about to ruin a good thing. Like always.
It was like he couldn't help himself. What was it his dad had once said about him? Self-destructive behavior? Yeah, well, what did that asshole know? He drove his mother away—his own wife.
He had no room to fucking judge him.
No one did.
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Billy slowly climbs the stairs to the room and finds the door thankfully unlocked when he turns the handle.
And when he steps inside, his stomach drops. You're gone, as well as both of your bags.
He steps over to the small table on the other side of the room and picks up the notepad set atop it and reads your delicate handwriting: Don't look for me.
"Fuck that," he says, throwing it down, heading back down to his car.
He tears out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell.
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The longer he drives, the worse his anxiety gets. It was almost midnight now. What if you were in some strange man's car, bound and gagged and—no, he can't think like that.
He searches for your face in every woman he passes, but doesn't find you.
Then, he remembers you telling him before about how, had he not come along, you would've 'thumbed a ride'.
"She's on the fucking interstate," he says, making an illegal u-turn, nearly hitting another car as he climbs over a median, racing to you.
He downshifts, RPMs climbing, nearly in the red, then backing off just as the needle hits it, then downshifts again as he jumps on the interstate on-ramp.
He flies past other cars, barely paying attention to the road ahead as he searches for you on the shoulder. Then, "Ha! Fucking found you!"
He pulls over, slamming on the brakes, then gets out, closing his door, coming back toward you.
You stare at him in fear, then turn around, walking quickly away.
"Stop!" He yells, but you of course don't listen.
"Goddamn it," he mutters to himself.
When he finally reaches you, his hand grabs your own, tugging you back in the direction of the car. "C'mon, I'm taking you back."
You turn around, yanking your hand back away from him, staring up at him with bloodshot eyes. "Leave me alone!"
"No way in hell," he says, going to grab you again, but you step back.
He lets out a low swear.
You step forward then and slam your palms against his chest. And then you do it again. And again. And again.
And he just lets you at it. He deserves this after...well, after everything.
Finally, he wraps his arms around you, one around the backpack behind you, his other hand cupping the back of your head.
You sob against his chest. "I fucking hate you."
He shooshes you. "I know."
"You're abusive."
"I know."
"I told you not to-"
"You really think I'd ever listen to that shit?" He pulls away, looking down at you, his hands cupping your cheeks, brushing tears away. "You're stuck with me, baby."
He continues. "Please come back with me. I can't do this without you." He pauses, then, "I don't want to be alone anymore."
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floredaqueen · 2 months
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Tease Pt. 2
Hargrove's Revenge
Please enjoy, lol
213 notes · View notes
sadhours · 4 months
stuck in the middle with you - chapter one
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billy hargrove x mayfield!oc
cw: 18+ minors dni, stepcest, pseudocest, smut, underage drinking, oral (f and m receiving), unprotected p in v
Family night. Pamela hates them just as much as Billy does. These weren’t a weekly occurrence before they moved to Hawkins but Neil and Susan are very determined to make this blended family feel like they’ve been together forever. Checking her manicured nails, Pamela isn’t exactly paying attention to the western flick on the TV but she is keenly aware of her step brother sitting next to her, smelling like he skipped showering after his workout. He’s still wearing the teeny basketball shorts and thin white muscle tee. Billy fidgets a lot, Pamela’s noticed. Like he truly can’t sit still for more than five minutes. He bounces his leg up and down and each time, his thigh brushes up against Pamela’s ankle which she’s partially sitting on. Max leans forward and glares at him but Billy’s lost in his head, eyes on the TV while he gnaws on his fingernail.
“Tell him to stop,” Max mumbles to Pamela and she heaves a small sigh, always playing middleman for these two. Billy argues with Max like he’s also thirteen and not seventeen.
Instead of verbally scolding Billy, Pamela moves her ankle and pokes her toes at his thigh. His eyes dart up to her face and she whispers, “Stop moving.”
Billy’s face screws up, lips in tight line before he opens his mouth to say something but it’s like he rethinks it. Instead clears his throat and then stretches his legs out, crosses his arms and brings his attention back to the Clint Eastwood movie. Pamela keeps looking at him for a beat but her stomach starts to twist in shame and she has to look at the TV, too. She hates Westerns but they’re Neil’s favorite so they’re usually what the family watches together. Except on the Family Nights that Neil and Susan go out but they insist the three kids still watch a movie together. Billy and Max are the majority vote, so it’s typically horror movies those nights. Pamela doesn’t really care, she’s used to watching them with Max but before Billy was around, Max would agree to the romance movies Pamela preferred. A lot has changed and Pamela knows that change is supposed to be good so she’s making a real tried and true effort to accept it.
The high school is fine, it’s much smaller so she was a shoo-in for the cheer team. She and Billy found it easy to fit in amongst the “popular” kids but Pamela isn’t too fond of the clique Billy hangs out with. They’re mean and rowdy, which is common for the popular crowd but these kids think they’re really cool but it’s easy to be cool in such a tiny town. There’s nothing to even do here besides climb the social ladder. So, really, the person she could find a special comradity in would be Billy but Pamela can barely look at him. Before Neil and Susan got married, Billy wasn’t shy about telling Pamela he had the hots for her. And now they’re legally related so the whole thing just has her feeling really uncomfortable. She’s in denial too, because she also finds him incredibly attractive.
The credits roll on the movie and Neil stretches, all exaggerated and loud. Slaps his hands on his knees before he stands from his recliner.
“Alright, kids,” Susan smiles at the three on the couch, “Time to get ready for bed.”
Everybody retreats into their rooms. The kids are absolutely silent while Susan blathers to Neil about the movie they just watched, fiending interest in something she would have complained about had it been Max and Pamela’s dad insisting they watch. Billy’s behind Pamela, stops outside his door and watches her descend down the hallway. Their eyes meet for a second but Pamela’s the one to break it, goes into her room and flicks the light on. Changes into her pajamas in front of her mirror, shamefully thinking about how she looks to Billy. Pulls her lacy pink nightgown on and smoothes her hands down her hips, turns slightly to look at the curve of her ass. He’s quiet most of the time, but she can’t help but recall a moment between them on the three day drive to Indiana. They were staying at a shitty motel in a truck stop of a town. Neil and Susan got their own room and the three teens shared another. While Max was in the shower, Billy said something to Pamela that stuck. Repeats in her head over and over.
“If my dad didn’t marry your mom, I’d have fucked you by now.”
She made sure Max slept in the middle of the bed that night. But it didn’t really matter because Billy stayed out on the balcony of the motel, chain smoking until she and Max passed out.
Pamela opens her bedroom door, steps into the hallway and hears another door close. She snaps her head to catch Billy standing just outside his door, in nothing but his underwear. Her eyes scan over his body, at least what she can see of it from the light coming from her bedroom. It’s not like this is the first time she’s seen him shirtless but before, she really wasn’t looking. Unable to keep her eyes on him for more than a second. But he’s caught her off guard and the whole long distance thing with her boyfriend has got her particularly wound up. Billy has abs. Defined yet soft. His hips stick out and his muscles curve down towards his…
She sighs and looks away, doesn’t even catch the way Billy’s looking back at her. He just chuckles, low and breathy. Motions his hand to the bathroom, “Ladies first.”
Pamela steps quickly into the bathroom, flicks the light on and shuts the door. Turns on the faucet as she grabs her toothbrush and closes her eyes, realizing she technically saw Billy’s pubes. Soft blonde curls above the waistband of his underwear, and god, they were kind of tight, weren’t they? Hugged his thighs, which were also covered in soft blonde hairs. Pamela bites her lip, sinks her hand into her underwear and presses a finger to her entrance, finding she’s pretty fucking wet. You are disgusting, she tells herself as she rips her hand away and grabs the toothpaste. Squeezes a dollop on her toothbrush and wets it, shoving it in her mouth and brushing furiously as she stares at her reflection. She can’t be attracted to Billy. He’s her step brother. Legal siblings. Their parents have sex, that should be enough to make him repulsive. Maybe she should call her boyfriend. It’s earlier in California. He’s probably finishing up dinner.
She spits into the sink, then moves on to washing her face. Uses cold water to calm the heat radiating all over her. But Billy’s still in the hallway when she opens the door, leaning against the wall. Eyes her up and down as she stands before him.
“You like that color a lot,” he mumbles, sure to be quiet so no one can hear them.
Pamela looks at him straight faced, blinks a few times before she looks into her bedroom. Decorated in the same color.
“Pink’s my favorite color,” she replies softly.
Billy smirks, glances down at his briefs and back to her, “Red’s mine.”
Her eyes follow his, sees that yeah, his briefs are red but also, there’s quite a lot going on in them. She rolls her eyes, pushes quickly past him and shuts her door. A little more forcefully than she meant. Hears Billy laugh and it frustrates her even more. She groans softly, reaching for her phone and dialing the familiar number. She’ll deal with Neil’s anger about long distance calls later.
“Sawyer?” she smiles once she hears him say hello.
“Pammy, hi,” his voice sounds all floaty. She knows he’s smiling.
“I miss you so much, it’s driving me crazy,” she complains.
“I miss you, too,” he says and then sighs, “Hey, listen, I got to go. The guys are here but I’ll call you tomorrow. Okay?”
He hangs up before Pamela gets a chance to respond.
Pamela smoothes her hands over her short red dress, eyeing her costume up and down to make sure she looks perfect before she steps outside. She adjusts the little devil horn headband on her head and then purses her lips, checking her bright red lipstick. There’s an abrupt knock on the door before it swings open. In the doorway stands a short Michael Myers. Pamela eyes her sister carefully, “What do you want, Max Myers?”
“Are you done yet? I’m gonna be late,” comes the muffled reply from the redhead.
“Yeah, let me just grab my purse,” Pam heaves a sigh and turns to grab the rest of her things. Ignores the judgmental eyes of her step father as she steps out into the living room.
“Billy!” Susan sings, “The girls are ready!”
She’s clutching the Polaroid camera in her hands, looking excitedly at the girls as they wait for Billy. His bedroom door opens, smoke and aquanet flooding out. A stench that makes Pamela a little nauseous. He should open a window, she thinks. Surprised he hasn’t burnt the house to the ground. He wears his jeans, boots and a black leather jacket— no shirt underneath.
“What are you supposed to be?” Pamela asks, a brow lifted. Upon seeing his son, Neil grumbles and retreats into the kitchen. Pamela catches it, but isn’t sure if anyone else did. Thinks she might’ve heard him mumble an insult, of the homophobic variety.
“Terminator,” Billy and Max recite in unison, like it was obvious. And maybe it should be. She just took Max to watch it two days ago. But really, it was boring and she fell asleep.
Susan motions her hand, “Alright, kids, get close.” She lifts the camera to her eye, smile peeking out underneath it, “Say cheese!”
Pamela’s the only one to say it, ignoring how Billy’s arm brushes against the small of her back. Susan takes another photo before letting them go. Max climbs into the backseat and Pamela into the front. Billy speeds off before any of them can get their seatbelts on. He drives so fast, ignoring the stop signs in their neighborhood.
“It’s Halloween, you need to slow down,” Pamela chastises him, “You're gonna run down some trick or treaters.”
Billy cackles, loud and manically. In the mirror, Pamela can see Max glaring at their step brother but she’s silent. Pamela doesn’t get an explanation. Billy just turns up the stereo and Pamela considers it a win when he actually follows most traffic laws. They drop Max off on a corner of a neighborhood none of them recognize.
“Be safe, okay? Make sure you’re home by ten like mom said,” Pamela tells her sister as she stands in the street, letting Max climb out of the back.
“Yeah, whatever, I will. Bye!” Max says, pulling her mask on before running down the sidewalk towards a group of boys dressed as The Ghostbusters.
“Good,” Pamela says when she gets back in the car, “She’s already made friends.”
“I don’t trust them,” Billy grumbles as he takes off towards Loch Nora.
Pamela makes a face, flips down the visor and checks her makeup in the mirror as she tells him, “You don’t trust anyone. Max has good judgment of character.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Billy rolls his eyes, lights up a cigarette and keeps his eyes on the road.
Once they get to Tina’s party, they separate… well kind of. They have somewhat of an overlapping friend group. Pamela hangs out with the cheerleaders and the cheerleaders hang out with the jocks. Therefore, Billy’s in close proximity the whole night.
Does this weird thing where whenever she’s talking to a member of the male species, he butts in and derails whatever conversation Pamela was in the middle of. Which he doesn’t need to do. Pamela isn’t interested in any of these boys, she’s in a committed relationship with Sawyer. And besides, it’s odd that Billy would suddenly care but once they got to Hawkins, he picked up this like protective older brother schtick. She crowds him after the tenth time of him doing it and confronts him.
“What are you doing?” She presses an accusatory finger against his bare chest, the alcohol coursing through her veins is to blame for the way his skin shoots heat throughout her and definitely not something else.
He smiles, cocky and heavy lidded. Billy’s fucking smashed, maybe drunker than she is. Perhaps she should drive home but she doesn’t feel like that’s a safe idea either. He slurs when he replies, “I don’t know. What am I doing?”
“You keep interrupting every time I’m talking to a man,” Pamela accuses, eyebrows raised.
“Well,” Billy hiccups, wavers a bit before he leans against the siding of Tina’s huge house, “you should hear what these fucks say about you. I’m doing you a favor.”
Pamela’s face screws up in anger, maybe a bit of confusion, “Okay and? It’s not like I’m trying to sleep with any of them. I have a boyfriend, remember?”
Billy blinks then looks smug as he replies, “Oh, that’s right, the one that’s thousands of miles away. How’s that going? You tell him you were going to a party tonight? Tell him how you’re dressed tonight?”
She gasps, face in utter shock, “What the fuck is your problem?”
“What?” he pulls a face, mock confusion. Pink lips parted with those glassy blue eyes wide, eyebrows raised. “You looked in the mirror before you left, why would you wear that if you didn’t want people looking?”
Pamela groans, “I hate you.”
She turns on her heel and stomps away, fuming at the way he thinks he can talk to her like that. She keeps walking, out onto the street. Looks both ways and realizes she has no idea where she is, or how to get home but she’s determined to walk the way there anyways. She picks a direction, wandering in the middle of the road with her arms wrapping around her torso. Ignores the cold air and the way her feet ache from these stupid heels. She doesn’t get very far before the Camaro is pulling up beside her. Billy’s got the window down and he’s laughing. Pamela turns her nose up and keeps walking, the blue car matching her pace.
“You’re walking the wrong way,” Billy says, all cheeky. “C’mon, I’m sorry. Get in the car, I’ll take you home.”
“No, you’re mean,” Pamela responds stiffly but stops walking. Turns around and faces the other way. This town is small but she still has no idea how to make it back home. All the houses in this neighborhood look the same.
Billy sighs, “I said I’m sorry. Just get in the fucking car, Pam.”
“Do not call me that!” she shouts, turning toward him and stomping her little high heel. Doesn’t miss the way Billy’s smiling at her. Like he’s entertained.
“Pamela, I’m sorry, Pamela. C’mon, it’s like thirty miles home, you can’t walk that,” he tells her.
Silently, she accepts defeat. Walks around the hood of the Camaro and gets in the front seat. Keeps her arms wrapped around herself as she sits and stares out the window. Billy whips the car around, driving slower than he usually does as he reaches for his pack of smokes and lights one up.
“You’re mean,” Pamela repeats again, wipes at her eyes and messes up her eyeliner. Smearing it all over her cheekbone.
“I said sorry. Guess I hit a nerve, though,” Billy muses, “Want a smoke?”
Shamefully, Pamela thinks that sounds really good so she nods her head. Takes the one he’d just lit and feels grossed out that it makes her lips tingle, thinking that his lips were just on the filter. Billy lights up another and glances at her.
“I didn’t mean to uh, hurt your feelings. You look really good tonight,” he mumbles. “That’s why I had to do what I did. Don’t want those guys taking advantage of you.”
“Such a good brother,” Pamela rolls her eyes, sucks on the filter and fills her lungs with smoke.
Billy winces at that— brother. She finds it curious but doesn’t push. Just keeps looking out the window as she smokes. Then she admits, “I mean, I guess thank you. I am pretty drunk. Could’ve made a bad decision.”
“Why are you even trying to make it work with that guy?” Billy asks, sounding genuinely curious.
“I love him,” she answers simply.
“Yeah but— long distance is like, not ever gonna work. What if one of you cheats?” Billy inquires, thumbs against the steering wheel.
He’s kind of swerving but it’s late. Pamela thinks maybe one or two in the morning. Hopefully the cops are all busy. There’s not many in this town, they probably aren’t hanging around in this rich neighborhood on Halloween.
“We won’t.”
“So why wear that?” Billy wonders, “I mean, it’s like a big invitation.”
“You’re so gross,” Pamela groans.
Billy laughs, “I’m a man. We’re all fucking gross. The things these fuckers say about you. Literally, the locker room is all these fucks talking about how they wanna screw you.”
“I can handle myself,” Pamela replies softly.
Billy shifts in his seat, hand moves down to adjust his jeans and he says under his breath, “I don’t know if I can.”
“What?” she asks, looking at him.
“Nothing,” he shrugs, “Not important.”
“No, I heard you,” she insists, “What do you mean by that?”
Billy sighs, a big heavy one and bites his lip. Gnaws on it before he finally answers, “I mean, you’re fucking hot as hell. Seeing you dressed like that makes it difficult to handle myself.”
“We’re related, Billy.”
“No—“ he laughs, “No the fuck we’re not.”
“Our parents are married,” she says, like she has to explain it.
Billy glances at her, “Yeah… and I really fucking wish they weren’t.”
“Me, too,” Pamela mumbles, but something tells her they have different reasons.
“I already told you… I would’ve—“ Billy stops, hands gripping the steering wheel tighter.
Pamela looks at him again, really looks. Can see his abs where his jacket is open. Lets her eyes go down further and sees his bulge in his jeans. Inviting for some reason, probably the alcohol. She licks her lips, “Fucked me by now.”
It has to be the alcohol, and the lack of attention from her boyfriend. But she tosses the cigarette out the window and drags her hand up her thigh, lifts her dress with it. Catches the way Billy’s eyes dance between her hand and the windshield. Smoothes her hands up and cups her breasts over the silky red dress. “Would’ve touched me like this?” she asks, teetering over the boundary.
“Fuck,” Billy huffs, tosses his cigarette out the window and then palms against his crotch, “Yeah.”
“You think I’d let you?” Pamela asks, teasingly as she pulls her dress down, exposes her breast and grazes her finger against her nipple.
He smirks, squeezes himself in his jeans and speeds up. Keeps glancing between Pamela and the windshield. “I think so.”
She grabs his wrist, peeling his hand from his crotch and brings it to her chest. The pair of them moan at the contact. Billy keeps his eyes trained on the road, pinches Pamela’s nipple and then grazes his thumb against the tip of it. She whines, spreads her legs because she can’t help herself. Completely acting on horny impulse and lack of inhibition. Mind too fuzzy to realize just how much she’ll regret this.
Billy pulls up to the house, lets go of her chest to park and then he’s turning toward her. Grabs her dress and lunges forward, crashing their lips together. It’s a battle of tongue and teeth. All too much and not enough. Pamela pushes him back. Fixes her dress and opens the car door. Stands up and looks at him expectantly, “You coming?”
He’s after her in seconds, hands on her hips and lips on her neck while Pamela tries to quietly unlock the front door. She kicks off her shoes while they’re outside. Leans down to pick them up and places them next to the pile inside. Billy kicks his boots off, closes the door quietly and locks it behind him. They trail to Billy’s bedroom, sharing haphazard and drunken kisses along the way. Once inside his bedroom, they don’t stay dressed for long. First is Billy’s jacket. Pamela’s hands feeling all over his muscular torso while Billy’s tug down the straps of her dress and move to cup her tits. Squeezes them in his hands, meeting his lips to hers. Licks into her mouth as she opens it in a silent moan. Backing her into his mattress, she falls easily and he peels the dress the rest of the way off. Then he hooks his fingers into the elastic of her thigh heels and begins peeling them off. Discards them with her dress and presses the heel of his palm against her core, over her panties. Pamela whimpers, brings her feet to the edge of his mattress. Arches her back and Billy looks down at her hungrily. All spread and exposed for him. He wraps his hand around her hips and pulls her down the bed, gets on his knees and noses against her thigh.
Pamela rolls her hips, hands groping her own chest as he mouths against her skin. Inching up and up until he gets his mouth on her pussy, underwear still playing as a barricade. He licks the thin fabric, makes out with it. Eyes up and on her. Pamela props herself up on her elbows and lets the arousal fuel her. Keeps playing with her tits while Billy eats her out over her underwear. His blue eyes look wild. Blown pupils. She whimpers as his tongue flicks against her stiff clit.
He pulls back and hooks his fingers in the elastic, peels them down and laughs.
“What?” Pamela looks at him panicked.
“Uh,” Billy laughs again, softer as he peers down at her cunt. “The hair… it’s red.”
Oh. Pamela rolls her eyes, “Yeah, I’m not a natural blonde. Why are you laughing?”
Billy shrugs, looks kind of sweet, “Just didn’t expect that.” He smooths his fingers against the tuft of hair and bites his lip, “I like it.”
She’s about to tell him to shut up but he beats her to it, his hot mouth on her pussy that makes her toes curl. Drags his tongue through her folds, circles at her entrance and meets back up at her clit. Pamela’s eyes flutter shut, rolling her nipples between her fingertips as she spreads her legs further to give Billy better access. He zeros in on her clit, flicking his tongue against it and sucking it between his lips. His fingers gripping her thighs tightly, flesh dipping in under his fingernails. Billy moves his head with the motions, moans into her heat like he really can’t himself. Like he’s starving and she’s the last meal he’ll ever have. Holds her still while he licks her out until she’s gripping the sheets beneath her. Biting her lip as to stay quiet.
“Billy,” she pants out, thighs shaking while the coil twists in her stomach. She’s not sure if it’s being so riled up, the dry spell she’s been under or Billy’s genuine skill but she’s reaching her climax quicker than she has before. Her body goes slack, freezing as he sucks particularly harshly on her clit. As her orgasm crashes through her she wails, unable to control herself and Billy basically folds her in half, mouth still on her cunt as he slaps his hand over her mouth to quiet her instantly. Her body seizes, aftershocks of her orgasm jolting through her as Billy continues licking at her. She has to push him off when it becomes too much.
He stands then, gloved hands unbuttoning his jeans and shoving them down his thighs. Pamela’s mind is even more clouded from the post orgasm bliss, sitting up and mouthing at his muscular stomach as she cups his bulge. Squeezes while she licks a line above the waistband of his briefs. She moans into it, fueled by the headiness of it all. Billy exhales shakily, hands snaking into Pamela’s messy hair and tugging at her roots. She glances up, catches his fucked expression and feels her ego inflate. Before she got with Sawyer, Pamela had a bit of a phase because she liked when men looked at her the way Billy is right now. And in this moment, she’s brought back to that person she used to be. Doesn’t care that it’s her fucking step brother that’s giving her the attention.
Pamela smiles against his skin, hooks her fingers in his underwear and tugs them to his thighs to meet his denim. Billy’s cock pops out, all proud and swollen. Pink head leaking precum, drooling down the veiny side and Pamela licks her lower lip. He’s big. Probably the biggest she’s seen. By far the prettiest. Proportional and not weirdly colored. Round head, not pointed like some she’s seen. It’s curved to the right but that’s par for the course and really, one this big, she can only expect is a chore to contain in tight Levi’s.
Her tongue meets the underside of his tip, circles around the sensitive skin and kitten licks at the little heart shaped part. Pamela’s manicured fingers wrap around the thick base of Billy’s cock and he grunts, body swaying forward from the pressure. Stirring a giggle from Pamela as she peers up at him. Billy meets her with a crooked smile, cockiness evaporating from him. She’s in total control here. Just how she likes it.
She drools down the side of his cock and uses her hand to smear it all around. Billy continues making these soft sounds of pleasure, hands still tangled in her bleached hair. Pamela wraps her lips around his tip, sucks softly while swiping her tongue along the edge as she works her hand up and down his shaft languidly. Has her back arched, sticking her ass up and puts on a total show for her step brother. Receding to a persona she’d thought she’d permanently forgotten. But this is too good, she feels incredibly attractive. Thinks for a second about how her boyfriend hasn’t looked at her like this since they first started dating. And maybe that should be enough to put an end to this but Pamela’s too drunk and her inhibitions are long gone. All that’s important to her is getting that validation.
“So good,” Billy breathes out, gathering her hair up in his hand and holding it like a ponytail. “You can take more, can’t you?”
She’s drunk on it, would pretty much agree to anything Billy asks. So she sinks his cock deeper into her mouth, until her knuckles meet her lips and blinks up at him. As if to ask, like this?
“Mmm,” Billy hums, “That’s a good girl.”
He then uses his grip on her hair to guide her, tugging her up and pushing her back down on his cock. Pamela has to blow air out of her nose so she doesn’t gag, eyes glazing over as Billy sets the pace. The praise does something to her. Completely sends her into a different headspace. Lets her know she is good.
She swallows around him, holds eye contact while Billy bobs her head up and down on his cock. Then he holds her still, hisses and closes his eyes.
“Fuck— I…”
“Don’t cum yet,” Pamela pulls off, eyes narrowing into angry slits. “I’m not done yet.”
Billy laughs, but it sounds whiny. He lets go of her hair and rubs his face with his hands, “I’m trying.”
“I need you inside me, Billy,” she tells him, eyebrows knit together in frustration.
“Saying shit like that isn’t helping your case,” Billy says, eyes screwed shut.
Pamela sighs, lets go of his cock and shuffles up on his bed. Billy’s eyes open from the lack of touch, watching as she lays back on his bed, eyes following her hands as they run up and down her exposed body. A hand landing on her tit while the other rubs through her folds, legs spread for him.
“You’re such a little bitch,” he grumbles and kicks his jeans and briefs completely off before crawling up on his bed, between her thighs. Grabs her hands and pins them above her head, crashing their lips together. “S’your fault for being so fucking hot,” he mumbles against her mouth.
Pamela giggles, hooks her ankle around his back and rolls up against him, “Yeah? Think your sisters just so fucking hot sucking your cock?”
Billy thrusts roughly against her, moaning into her mouth and grabbing onto her face, “Fuck, yeah. Look so sexy sucking my cock. Such a good little sister.”
She gasps, knitting her fingers in Billy’s hair and writhing against him, “Fuck me, please. Need it. Need you to stretch me out so bad.”
“Such a filthy little mouth,” Billy chastises her, pins her thigh back and then grabs hold of his cock. Presses the tip to her entrance, “Gonna beg for your big brother's cock?”
Billy’s a whole two months older than her and really, he’s her step brother. Emphasis on the step. But this is play. They’re horny beyond means and giving in to this stupid sexual tension that’s been building since he hit on her in the grocery store all those months ago.
“Please,” she babbles, “Pretty please. Fill me up, Billy. Please, please, please.”
Billy sinks inside her, holding her hip as he sheathes his way inside. Pamela gasps, clutching onto his back. Fuck, it feels so good. Stretch is beautiful, has her head spinning. She whimpers, “Oh, fuck….”
He snaps his hips forward, penetrating her to the hilt, balls snug against her ass. Her legs wrap around his waist, gaining him unobstructed access to her hole. Billy takes advantage, thrusting against her relentlessly. It’s animalistic, almost. Sweaty, slapping sounds filling the room, shifting the smell into filthy sex fumes instead of stale cigarettes and cheap hairspray. Pamela’s holding onto Billy’s hair, pair of them panting into open mouths as he drills into her. His hands are firm on her hips, pushing her deeper into the mattress while he fucks her so hard the bed begins to squeak. And they’re both way too far gone to care. The only attempt to cover sounds is their lips muffling each other's moans.
Suddenly, Billy is pulling out. Pamela elicits a sound of protest— a whine but Billy’s flipping her onto her stomach. Pulls her hips up, displaying her ass for him as she presses her cheek to the mattress and props her knees up. He sinks back inside and this position gives Pamela a whole new wave of euphoria. Her eyes roll back as Billy pummels her pussy from behind. The slapping sounds getting louder. His hand skates up her back and into the roots at the nape of her neck, uses the grip to pull her up. Her back and his chest flush while he continues thrusting into her at breakneck speed. Licks up her neck and then presses his lips against her ear.
“Taking my cock so fucking well,” he grunts out between moans. “Filthy little whore.”
“Fuck me…” she babbles, almost incoherent with the pleasure flooding her senses. From this angle, Billy’s cock is repeatedly pumping against her g-spot. He maneuvers his hand to her pussy, rubs her clit in messy, quick circles and in quick time, Pamela’s falling apart. Orgasm rushing though her. Another too loud moan falling from her lips and Billy pushes her down, mouth into his pillow as he thrusts his cock harder and faster. Pillow masking her shrill moans.
Billy pulls out, flips Pamela over and gets his hand back on his cock, jerks it quick and hard until he spills hot white spunk all over her stomach. He leans over and uses something— she thinks it might be a dirty shirt— to clean her up. Then everything kind of goes black.
Pamela awakens from the sound of a door slamming shut. Her eyes blink slowly and she’s met with… Billy’s room. She turns over, sees her step brother snoring peacefully beside her. Then she looks down, pulls the covers up and observes her worst fears have come true. She and Billy are both naked under the blankets.
“Fuck,” she curses, a sharp pain hitting the back of her head. She got way too drunk. This is not good. Not good at all. She jumps out of the bed, slips her red dress over her body and opens his bedroom door. Peeks out and sees no one. Looks towards the front door and sees that Neil’s shoes are gone. He’d just left for work. Pamela’s stomach curls something wicked so she rushes to the bathroom. Barely makes it to the toilet, lifting up the seat and hurling into it. Contents of last night's bad decisions filling the porcelain.
Pamela skips school that day, relieved that Billy doesn’t.
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dazedandconfused-15 · 25 days
Heaven's in your eyes (Part 4)
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From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who took the time to comment and reblog this story, I'm really glad you're sticking with me on this journey!!
If you're enjoying it, a reblog would mean a lot to me and really helps get this fanfic out there! 🫶
Summary: Life in Hawkins is dull and lonely, especially after your mom abandoned your family, leaving you even more isolated amidst school rumors. Already shy and with few friends, you find solace in your solitude—until Billy Hargrove, the intriguing new boy from California, comes into the picture. To your surprise, Billy seems to seek you out, finding ways to talk to you despite the odds. Never in a million years would you have imagined forming such an unexpected bond with someone.
Link to: Part 1 Part 2, and Part 3
@tatumrileyslover @littlenosoul @nocturnest @the-freak-cassie-313 @rainy-darling @nina-from-317
From then on, you become much more observant. Billy and you meet up after school to do homework, go for walks, grab some food or just hang out. You start noticing small details, like how sometimes his shirt is buttoned up a bit higher than usual, even in warm weather. Occasionally, you catch sight of a bruise on his skin. You refrain from bombarding him with questions, but it's challenging to stay silent when the wounds are obvious. Thankfully, it's never as severe as that night he showed up battered. You quickly understand that this topic is off-limits for him, so you let it go, hoping that someday, he'll feel comfortable enough to open up to you.
For the first time in what feels like ages, happiness seeps into your days. Suddenly, the world seems brighter, nights feel less daunting, and even the mundane surroundings regain a hint of color. But deep down, you know this fragile balance won't last. 
And just like that, everything shifts during a Wednesday afternoon gym class. You're deep into a basketball game. A teammate passes you the ball, and with quick reflexes, you snatch it and charge towards the basket. It all happens in a blur, catching you off guard, until a sharp pang shoots through your knees as they collide with the unforgiving, polished wood of the gym floor. Your heart races as you instinctively extend your arms, just in time to protect your face from the impact. Amid the chaos, the coach's whistle cuts through the noise, and through the fog of pain, a pair of trainers come into focus right before your eyes.
“What happened?” 
“She tripped, Coach,” says the voice belonging to the person in those shoes. Your gaze shifts upward, meeting the mocking eyes of Tina Williams. She stands with one hand on her hip, casually chewing her gum. A moment later, she steps aside as the coach kneels in front of you.
The contrast is stark—where there was once the commotion of squeaking shoes and shouts, there's now a hushed stillness. Half the class has gathered around, watching in silence.
"Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?" the coach asks you, resting his hand on your arm. 
deliberately tripped you, sending you crashing to the floor. The pain in your knees isn't unbearable, but your skin is clearly scraped. The sting from where they hit the ground and slid across the floor is still sharp.
"Oh man, we need to disinfect these," the coach remarks, examining your peeling, reddened knees where raw flesh is visible. "I'm taking you to the nurse's office."
"No, no. It's fine." you say, your voice slightly shaky as he helps you to your feet. "It's not that bad."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, yeah," you murmur, catching the faint snickers of Vicky Muller and Carol Perkins as they whisper to Tina, their voices low but filled with amusement.
The coach makes you sit on the benches for the rest of the hour. As the game continues, you become a spectator in every sense—watching the game and the entire situation unfold, feeling completely disconnected from your own body. Your mind drifts, detaching from everything around you. You’re certain Tina tripped you on purpose, but the reason eludes you. Anxiety gnaws at you, leaving a pit in your stomach. When the game finally ends, you follow your classmates into the locker room, keeping your eyes downcast, avoiding any confrontations. All you want is to leave, to escape this uncomfortable situation.
But as you open your locker, you hear footsteps approaching behind you. Reluctantly, you turn, only to find yourself face-to-face with Tina. Vicky stands beside her, arms crossed, with an expression that clearly shows she's anticipating some entertainment, barely able to contain her laughter.
Tina nods toward your knees. “How are your knees?”
You want to snap back, to demand what her problem is, but instead, you choose the path of least resistance. Maybe if you play along, this will all blow over.
“It’s nothing serious. It’ll pass,” you say, forcing a small smile before turning back to your locker.
Tina snorts, and there’s a brief, tense silence. “What’s your deal with Billy?”
Your hand freezes in mid-motion as everything suddenly clicks into place. Slowly, you turn back to her, realizing there’s no avoiding this conversation.
You decide to play dumb. “What do you mean?”
“Did I stutter?”
You swallow, taking in her mocking expression. The locker room falls silent as your classmates stop what they’re doing to watch the scene unfold. In the background, Carol wears a wicked smile.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I barely know him,” you say, trying to diffuse the situation, not wanting any trouble.
You know that Billy had gone out with Tina a few times not too long ago. It was supposedly nothing serious and ended as quickly as it began. Rumor has it that after they’d hooked up in his Camaro, he drove her home and never called her again.
“Please. You think we’re dumb?” Vicky chimes in. “We’ve seen you hanging with him.”
“Listen, honey,” Tina cuts you off, unfolding her arms and stepping toward you. Her tone is anything but sweet, almost aggressive. “I don’t care what the hell you’re up to. But stop it.”
“You really think he’d be interested in someone like you? Take a good look at yourself,” she sneers, her gaze sweeping over you, making you instantly self-conscious. “Make sure you’re not carrying fleas before you get near guys like Billy. God knows what’s lurking in that cesspool you call home.”
“Or STDs,” Carol chimes in with a smirk. “Like mother, like daughter.”
The comment hits you like a punch to the gut, the pain in your knees forgotten as a deeper ache settles in. The room is filled with your classmates, yet you’ve never felt so alone. Some stand in silent shock, others hold back amused grins, enjoying the spectacle.
“So yeah, stay away from him. Got it?” Tina snaps her bubble gum, her eyes daring you to respond.
They don’t wait for an answer, turning away and leaving you frozen in place. As you open your locker and reach for your clothes, you realize with a sinking feeling that they’re soaked. Water drips onto the floor, soaking your sneakers, and panic rises in your chest. You quickly grab your backpack, hoping it’s unharmed, but find it just as wet, the contents inside ruined.
Murmurs and giggles fill the room as Tina’s voice drifts over again, soft but cutting. “Sorry about that. Maybe next time you’ll know your place.”
You leave school wearing your damp clothes, shivering as the rain falls down on you. The thought of enduring two more hours of English literature is unbearable. Despite your efforts to dry your clothes and backpack, the dampness clings to you, making the weight of it all feel heavier. The mile-long walk home feels endless as your mind replays the scene in the gym and locker room. You wonder how you could have been so naive, so foolish to think you could find a bit of happiness without something going wrong. The cold air stings your wet cheeks, and you wipe them with the back of your hand, your eyes fixed on the ground. Your knees burn, but nothing compares to the deep, burning shame inside you.
When you finally reach home, you’re grateful your father is still at work, sparing you from having to explain why you’re home early or why you look so miserable. You retreat to the shower, letting the hot water pour over you until the steam is so thick you can’t even see the tiles. Later, you curl up on the couch under a blanket, staring blankly at the TV, your mind far away. The phone rings, breaking the silence, but you don’t have the energy to answer it. Whoever is calling is persistent, though, and the ringing continues.
Taking a deep breath, you finally pick up the receiver, trying to keep your voice from sounding hollow.
“It’s Billy.”
His warm voice is like a balm, soothing your frayed nerves, but it also brings back the harsh memories of the day. The ugly events replay in your mind, and guilt washes over you as you imagine him waiting by his Camaro, only to realize you wouldn’t be showing up.
“I’m sorry. Sorry about that,” you croak, clearing your throat. “I wasn’t feeling well.”
“What happened?”
“I’m just under the weather. That’s all. I think I’m getting sick.”
A heavy silence hangs between you as you twist the phone cord around your fingers, the tension in your grip turning your skin white. You can only hear your own breathing, and you hope desperately that he believes you, that he won’t push for more.
“You sure?” he asks after a moment.
“Yes, I promise. I just need to rest.”
“Alright,” he sighs. “See you tomorrow then.”
“Hey, Billy?” you blurt out, stopping yourself before your voice cracks. The knot in your throat tightens as you struggle with the urge to be honest with him. It doesn’t seem fair to lie, knowing this might be one of the last times you hear his voice. “Thanks for calling,” you manage to say once you’re sure your voice won’t break.
“Don’t mention it. Bye, sweetheart.”
You hang up before you can respond, the warmth of his endearment slicing through you, leaving you on the verge of tears. It’s not just him—it’s everything. The whole situation weighs on you. You glance at the picture of you and your mom on the hall shelf, taken when you were just two years old in her arms. Your dad still keeps it, a reminder of the past. Billy has managed to make your life easier, not by making you forget, but by showing you that happiness was still possible. But today, all those old wounds are reopened. The void left by her, and now by him, feels deeper than ever. That’s the risk of letting people into your life—they eventually leave, and all you’re left with is the emptiness they once filled.
You stay home for the next two days. On Friday, it still hasn’t stopped raining. The day drags on endless, each hour feeling like an eternity. You struggle to find the strength to peel yourself out of bed, your stomach tied in knots, rendering breakfast an impossible feat. As rain continues to patter against the window, casting a dreary backdrop, you find yourself lost in a numb trance, gazing blankly at the vivid greenery outside. Only in the afternoon does your hunger finally overpower the turmoil within, prompting you to rustle up a simple cheese toast to appease your growling stomach. Settling in front of the TV, you attempt to distract yourself from the weight of the day's events. By the late afternoon, as your dad arrives home, you force yourself to summon a facade of composure, determined not to burden him with worries. Then the doorbell rings, snapping you out of your trance, and you get up to see who's there. 
As you open the door, Billy is standing here, his hands on his leather jacket pockets, his gaze wandering off to the side, but turns to look immediately at you. He’s as pretty as the last time you saw him. His eyes lock with yours, making you weak in the knee. 
“Oh. Hey.” you softly say, completely taken off guard by his presence on your front door. 
“Uh, what are you doing here?” you ask, trying your best to not sound rude. You’re just confused. 
Billy shrugs. “You didn’t answer when I called. Figured I would come to you instead.” 
His response leaves you speechless. You’re struck by his persistence, amazed that he hasn’t grown tired of you, given his tendency to quickly lose interest in people. He says it so casually, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world, and it stirs something inside you that you can’t quite put into words.
Amusement flicks over his face. “You gonna let me in, or what?” 
You excuse yourself by straightening up from your position against the door, opening it wide to let him in. Billy wipes his shoes on the doormat before stepping in. A strange energy seems to be unleashed when your bodies are close to each other. It makes you feel electric. You’ve never believed in those things, but it’s almost like your auras are touching.
You look up at him, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you look at each other.
“Sorry, my dad’s here,” you say as you see him look up behind you toward the living room.
Although very subtle, you notice how his body tenses up when your father approaches him and you introduce Billy to him. “Nice to meet you, sir.”
Your dad shakes his hand, a warm smile on his face. “Ah, so you must be Billy. She keeps talking about you.”
Billy lets out a nervous chuckle, briefly glancing at you. You find yourself looking at the ground, cheeks flushed. "Hope she said good things."
“All I can say is that you’re good to her, son. Haven’t seen my daughter smiling this often in a long time. She never talks to me about her friends.” he rests his hand on your shoulder, squeezing it softly. 
“I’m glad to hear that.” you can feel Billy’s eyes on you, boring a hole through your skin. “She’s good to me too.”
Your dad gestures toward the kitchen. “Have you had dinner yet? We made some roasted chicken tonight, it’s delicious.”
Billy shakes his head. “Thank you, sir, I had dinner earlier.” 
“Come have a drink then.” your dad already walks backward to the kitchen. “What can I get you?”
“Dad…” you softly say at his enthusiasm. You never have people over. It’s been a long time since you had them. Not since…well. And you understand your dad lights up as a candle with joy. He’s getting too enthusiastic already.
“You look over eighteen. Beer? Some red wine?” 
Billy glances at you, his hand in his pockets, then slowly follows him to the kitchen. He looks like a wary animal taking in his surroundings.  “Beer is fine. Thank you, sir.”
You follow behind Billy, feeling suddenly so uneasy in your own house. Your eyes follow his broad back as he enters the kitchen, the air already smelling like leather. Like him. 
Your dad, with a casual wave of his hand, says, "Ah, don't bother with all those formalities around me.” 
Billy leans against the counter as your dad extends an uncapped bottle of beer, clinking it against his own. You notice how he stiffens slightly again when your dad mentions remembering his last name, knowing his father. His attitude becomes more reserved, and he answers with small sentences. Especially when your dad mentions how despite having talked to him only a few times at Melvald’s downtown and the bank, he looks like a tough guy. However, your dad is easygoing and his attitude warm, and slowly, throughout the conversation, Billy seems to ease up too. His shoulders relax, and a real laugh escapes him a time or two. You knew they shared some interests, but you didn’t expect them to talk about California for so long. Your dad recounts his younger years living in there, how he spent his days surfing and working in a garage for his own dad’s friend to get some money. Billy did the same back there. He tells your dad how you mentioned some of it to him, then how many more people there are since the 60s, how Will Rogers State Beach is now crowded with tourists. 
“You’re sure you don’t want anything to eat? Hell, there’s plenty of that chicken and it’s only the two of us.” you dad offers again. 
Billy settles the empty beer on the counter. “Oh, I’m fine. Thank you. I was hoping to take her on a ride, to get some fresh air if that’s alright with you.”
Your dad looks at you and you give him a small smile, though you didn’t expect or plan any of it. He nods in approval.
“Sure, kids. Be careful, yeah? It was nice to meet you Billy.”
“Same. Thank you for the beer.”
Your dad winks at him. “Anytime. You’re always welcome.”
At first, silence hangs between the two of you. Billy doesn’t mention it as he drives you toward downtown, and your mind is elsewhere. You’re there physically, but your thoughts are consumed by how wrong it feels to be in the car with him. Your plans to keep your distance have been shattered by his unexpected presence. His decision to come to you makes everything ten times harder. You’re unsure how you’ll find the right words to express yourself without offending him—or worse, hurting him. But then again, maybe you’re overthinking it. Perhaps he doesn’t feel as connected to you as you do to him. Chances are, you’ll be the one left hurting in the end.
Billy casually suggests getting a milkshake at the diner, then lapses back into silence, leaving you unsure whether to thank him or ask him to break the quiet. He doesn’t make it easy. When he parks in front of the diner, he opens the passenger door for you. Physical contact has become second nature between you two—small, almost unconscious gestures, especially on his part. But they always send your heart racing. This time, as he touches your back, gently guiding you inside while holding the diner door open, your heartbeat spikes dangerously.
You usually have a sweet tooth, and the milkshakes at Starlight Grill are delicious, but today, your thoughts have robbed you of your appetite. Billy insists you get something, and when you hesitate, he suggests sharing a milkshake.
When the waitress brings the milkshake along with the bill, Billy takes the first sip. You reach into your pocket for some coins.
“What are you doing?” 
“Just, paying.” You murmur absent-mindedly, counting the coins. Billy's hand appears in front of you, putting them aside.
“Put that away.”
You sigh, meeting his gaze. "Billy."
He casually slides the milkshake in front of you, his half-lidded eyes locked on yours, completely unfazed by your feeble attempts to resist. The purple lights of the diner cast a soft glow, highlighting his features and making his mustache stand out more than usual. You can't help but marvel at how effortlessly handsome he always looks. Meanwhile, you feel out of place in your loose jumper, with no makeup and your hair barely combed.
You notice that there is only one straw in the milkshake. “Oh, they didn’t bring another one.”
“It’s fine. Drink it,” his features shifting to an amused look.  “Unless it grosses you out.” 
“No, no! Of course not.” you hastily assure him before bringing the straw to your lips. The rich taste of chocolate floods your senses with a pleasant sensation, despite your lack of hunger. You resist the temptation to indulge in a bit of the whipped cream from the top of the milkshake.
“Feel better today?” he asks as he watches you, leaning back against the bench.
“Uh, yes. A bit better.” you lie, your eyes on the table. You’re unable to look at him.
You instinctively tighten your grip on the cold glass of the milkshake, startled by the sudden warmth of his palm on your forehead. 
“Yeah. No fever, anyway,” he says.
“How did you do on the test yesterday?” you ask instead, eager to change the topic.
Billy leans forward, resting his elbows on the table as he brings the milkshake closer to himself, shrugging nonchalantly.
"Eh, not bad. I think I passed," he replies before taking a sip from the straw. “Jesus, this shit is sweet as hell.” he mutters, peering down at the milkshake as if it personally wronged him.
You let out a soft laugh at his expression. When you sat down, he asked you what flavor you liked and ordered it without hesitation. You realize with a pang of guilt that you hadn't even bothered to ask him if he liked it. 
“Sorry… too much?”
“Nah, it’s fine. Just a bit sweet.” he pushes the milkshake toward you, your fingers brushing each other as you take the glass. “I’m more of a savory type of guy.”
"Oh," you sheepishly respond, brushing your thumb against the cold glass to clear away some moisture. “I’m more of a sweet type of girl.”
"You are," he says, his voice carrying a subtle warmth that catches your attention. 
You lift your gaze toward him, struck by the underlying tone in his words. Billy dips his pinky in the whipped cream and brings it to his mouth. Red lips suck around the skin, his tongue licking the whipped cream away. You take a sip of the milkshake to distract yourself from the stirring movement in your lower belly. 
“So what’s your favorite?” he then casually asks, as if he didn’t just do the most provocative thing ever. 
“My what?” you ask as if coming back to reality. 
“Your favorite dessert.”
“Oh uhm, I guess my mom’s tiramisu,” you stop to think about all the summers spent eating your mom’s tiramisu in the back of your house in the garden, the happy memory becoming bittersweet. “I didn’t like it when I was younger, I used to make all of those faces when I tasted the coffee.” Billy snorts a soft laugh as he looks at you. “She used to make it all the time when it was warm outside.” you say as you play with the straw.”
“You know how to make it?”
“Yes. She taught me.” 
“You’ll have to make me one, someday.” 
You meet his eyes, still intently on you, and you lower your gaze while stretching your lips into a small smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes. How you wish there was a chance to do this. 
“What’s yours?” you ask instead, ignoring how your heart is aching.
Billy hums thoughtfully, dragging the milkshake toward him. “I’d say the tacos from the Mexican joint in Mission Beach. Hands down.”
“What do they put in them?” 
Billy sucks on the straw before setting the glass aside. “Okay, so picture this,” he leans his elbows on the table. “They have this way of cooking the beef, it’s tender and juicy ‘cause they dip it in the stew, and it’s seasoned just right." 
A smile slowly spreads on your face without you realizing it as he gets enthusiastic about it.
“Then they sprinkle some lime on it.” he mimics the sprinkling, his eyes squinting a tiny bit. "And then there's the crunch of the shell, just crispy enough to contrast with the beef. Then they top it with cheese and jalapeños. Man,” you giggle as he lightly slaps his palm on the table. He turns his head to the side, momentarily lost in thought as he contemplates. “It’s something else.” 
“It sounds delicious.” you nod, a laugh escaping your lips.
As Billy looks back at you, his face is closer to yours as you leaned on the table too. His blue eyes bore into yours. “It’s five-star type of food, babe. Unmatched.” 
His voice is warm like dripping honey and your stomach flips, his half-lidded gaze trapping you there is both charming and dangerous. You’re scared of the things your body is feeling.
“I wish I could try it.” 
“You will. Told you I would take you there.”
He scans your face, catching each of your reactions from up close as your breath hitches in your throat. “I thought you were joking.” 
“I never was.”
You wonder what would happen if you just listened to your instincts right now. If only he lifted the sleeves of your sweater, he’d see the goosebumps on your arms. If he could press his ear to your chest, he’d hear your heart racing. But following your instincts feels too risky. A little voice inside reminds you that all this chemistry between you two might just be in your head. You're building castles in the air; your deluded heart is playing tricks on you. Tina’s voice chimes in too: “What would a guy like him want with someone like you?” So, you pull away, and as you do, your heartbeat slows down a little.
You clear your voice, grabbing the milkshake. “Anyway, I better get home soon. It’s almost ten.” 
With only a little milkshake left, you finish it without meeting his gaze, deciding to switch the topic to how you caught up with homework while staying at home. He doesn’t comment on it, biting into it and telling you about the history test on that Wednesday.
“Are you gonna tell me what’s going on?” he asks you once on the drive home.
He lowers the volume of the radio, Eagles’ ‘Take it Easy’ reduced to background noise. You hesitate. You don’t know how to tell him. You’ve never been good at cutting ties with people. You’ve never been ready. You never will be.
“I’m just not in a good place right now.”
"Yeah, I gathered that much," Billy responds, his voice low and steady. "But what's got you feeling this way?"
You figure that the best way is to be straightforward, though. 
“I know this might sound weird," you begin, already feeling a pang of regret for how you're about to phrase it. Your nails press into the palm of your hands as you twist them together, your eyes locked on the shifting scenery outside. “You’ll probably don’t understand it. But I think we have to stop seeing each other. Hanging around together.”  
At first, your words hang heavy in the air, met only with silence that feels like a weight on your chest. You can't help but replay what you just said in your mind, wondering if you came off too harshly. It's a familiar feeling, the aftermath of saying something you can't take back, and in this moment, it feels far too aggressive.
As you battle with yourself, searching desperately for the right words to soften the blow, you find that every script you rehearsed in your head falls short. Billy's silence only adds to your internal turmoil, leaving you mentally slapping yourself for the brutal way you phrased it.
Billy licks his lips. “If I did something wrong,” he starts.
“No, it’s not that.”
“...Or if I made you feel uncomfortable, you gotta tell me.”
“No. Billy, please don’t think that. You haven’t done anything wrong.” you interject quickly, reaching out to touch his arm in reassurance.
He glances at you briefly before returning his gaze to the road, his expression unreadable. The tension in the car is palpable as he waits for you to explain further.
“I just…” you begin, running a hand through your hair in a nervous gesture. “I don’t think it’s good for you to be around me."
"Huh," he responds, his tone indicating he finds your reasoning perplexing. "What does that mean?"
You begin cautiously, choosing your words carefully, "I'm just not... I'm not exactly the embodiment of happiness, you know? And I don't want to bring you down with me."
"You think you're gonna bring me down?" 
You nod slowly, unable to meet his gaze. "I just don't want to drag you into my mess," you admit quietly. “I have a lot to deal with myself. Please believe me when I say that it’s not a good idea.”
"That's it? That's why you think we should stop hanging out?" Billy's voice carries a blend of disbelief and skepticism as if he's attempting to peel back the layers of your explanation.
His response catches you off guard. Shouldn't your reason suffice? After all, it's what led to the end of friendships with Nancy and Claire. They understood and let you go. And deep down, you understand that too.
“No, it’s not just that…” you feel increasingly frustrated with the situation, it feels harder than you anticipated.
"Hey, if I'm not your cup of tea, or if I'm making you feel awkward, just say the word. No hard feelings. We can't all be everyone's favorite flavor. But let's keep it real, yeah?"
"No, it's not that at all, Billy!" you blurt out, your voice rising slightly with surprise. "I like you. I really do," you continue, your voice softening as shyness creeps in at the urgency of your confession. As you speak, Billy pulls the car to a stop in front of your place. "More than anyone else in this whole town."
Billy doesn’t talk for what seems like an eternity. You don’t dare to look at him. After almost a minute, he finally breaks the silence. “Okay, what is it, then?”
“It’s just…wrong.”
“Wrong?” he says. “Look, it’s not like I have a girlfriend and I’m ditching her to hang out with you or something.”
“Well, Tina doesn’t seem to be on the same page,” you mumble to yourself out of instinct. 
Billy frowns. “What?”
That’s when you realize you talked out loud. You sigh, looking out of the window. You really hoped to avoid this conversation. It just feels wrong to use a lame excuse. You don’t wanna do that. It’s not working, anyway. You figure the best way to put it without having to unravel the whole thing. 
“I don’t know what you guys are to each other-…”
“I fucked her once. That’s it.” 
You wince at his words, carrying on. “...but she made pretty clear that I should stay away from you.”
At first you’re met with silence, but then Billy's reaction is a mix of disbelief and irritation. He scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief. “She's nuts," he mutters, his tone laced with frustration. "Can't believe her. Jesus."
As you fidget with your hands in your lap, a sense of resignation washes over you. That doesn’t change things. You made up your mind already. They succeeded pretty well in making you see things for what they are. In a very sadistic way, that’s for sure. It is the reality nonetheless.
“Listen, don’t pay attention to her.”  
You let out a bitter chuckle. “It’s kinda hard, she’s really committed to making my life a living hell.”
Billy's expression shifts, his gaze now fixed on you with newfound seriousness. “What do you mean?” 
“Nothing, just…” you sigh. “It’s just what I said. Bottom line is, I’m not good for you, Billy. I’m messed up and I can’t give anything good. You should be spending time with people who are stable, who have something to offer.”
Billy turns his attention back to the trailer ahead. You can practically see the gears turning in his head as he pieces together the puzzle. Before you can prepare yourself, he's already connecting the dots.
He scratches his chin, then looks back at you. “Does it have to do with you ditching school for the past days?” his tone calm but unwavering.
Your answer is instinctive and almost too immediate. "No, that's..." you start, but Billy cuts you off with a knowing look.
“Don't lie to me.”
You know if there’s one thing he doesn’t like, it’s when people lie to him. He told you that before. There is no way out of this. If anything surprises you about Billy, it’s his emotional intelligence. His ability to understand what you feel just like that. How he easily and often picks up what’s on your mind. You explain everything that happened to him, noticing how his face hardens progressively as you recount the events that have weighed heavily on you. From that moment Tina deliberately tripped you up in gym class, sending you sprawling to the ground in front of everyone, to the tense confrontation in the locker room. You feel drained after talking, the weight of your words hanging heavy in the air. 
“Fuck those bitches.” he growls, his voice thick with anger. 
“They’re right though. We really are different.”
“Different in what? I’m a guy, you’re a girl. But then?” 
“It’s not about that,” you mumble, your eyes fixed on the window.
“Well, tell you what, I like spending time with you. That’s all I know,” you turn in surprise at how bluntly he said those words. “Did we ever argue or anything?”
You think back on all the times you've spent together. Whenever you were with him, it felt like everything else faded away, and it was just the two of you against the world. There was never any arguing or discord between you; instead, he had a knack for making you forget about any troubles or worries you had. Being with him was like finding a safe haven, a place where you could just be yourself and feel at peace.
“No,” you admit, feeling a knot form in your throat.
“Do you feel any different when it’s just you and me?”
“Are you ever bored when we hang out?”
“No, never.” you breathe out, shaking your head.
“Me neither. So it’s sorted.”
“Billy, I’m…I’m complicated. My life is complicated.” 
He shrugs, shifting in his seat. “I like complicated.” 
Billy's stubbornness despite the doors you're trying to close between you is overwhelming both in the best and worst way.
“I just don't think you really know what you're doing," you protest weakly, unable to shake the nagging doubts that linger in the back of your mind.
“Pretty sure I do.”
“Billy,” heat rises in your cheeks as shame gnaws at your insides, your heart weighing heavy. It's hard for you to acknowledge it, let alone put it into words. “Look at me,” you point at yourself, your throat burning.
Billy's eyes scan your face, a hint of amusement dancing in his features. “I am.”
You shake your head, your throat feels ready to burst from how much it hurts. “No. Look at you, then look at me. Look at this,” you gesture toward the darkened trailer.
“You serious?”
“I am. Trust me, you don’t want to…”
“Hey, hey. Sweetheart. Come on, now. Look at me.”
You realize Billy has leaned over the console as he gently grasps your chin. “I don’t care. All I know is that I like you, alright? I don’t give a shit about the rest.”
His words cut through you, threatening to shatter the fragile barrier holding your emotions at bay. His thumb delicately traces the curve of your chin as his piercing blue eyes search yours. Frozen in place, you dare not move or speak, afraid that the slightest exhale might betray the storm of emotions raging within you.
“You hear me?” he drops his head slightly, as he softly shakes your chin to get your attention, his eyes finding yours. “I don’t care.”
You content to nod, a tear breaking free and running down your cheek. Billy licks his lips, his face inching closer to yours. “C’mere.”
He leans in, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that feels as ancient as time itself, as though you've shared this in a thousand other lives. It's tender, lingering, filled with an unspoken longing that resonates deep within you. As you lose yourself in the kiss, his breath dances with yours, and you taste tobacco, mint and something distinctly him on his tongue, sending a wave of euphoria through you. Your hand instinctively rises, fingers curling gently around the fabric of his shirt, pulling him closer, yearning for more. Your heart is beating so fast you swear it’s going to explode. As you break the kiss first in search of oxygen, you’re vaguely aware of his mouth seeking yours, his face tilting forward, his half-open eyes unfocused. His fingers travel on the back of your neck, curling around it and pressing your lips more firmly against his. It’s so good that it doesn’t feel real, your body is the only thing you're aware of. It's ablaze, your heart thundering in your chest, your breath resonating in the car. But he’s here too, he’s real. Real as one can be when you feel his hot skin against your fingers where you’re holding his shirt, as his mustache tickles your mouth, then your cheek, your neck.
He’s certainly real when his voice comes as a muffled and open-mouthed whisper against your skin, buried between your neck and your hair between kisses. “God, baby.”
It’s a soft plead, a gentle need that swells your heart. Your fingers are tangled through his curls at the nape of his neck. They’re as soft as you imagined them. You could’ve never imagined one day your fingers would run through them. His mouth finds yours again, your senses filled with the scent of him and you can’t help yourself and rest your hand on his cheek, wanting to feel him more. Time is not something tangible anymore. You don’t know how long elapses. It may be minutes, it may be hours. You just can’t seem to get enough of each other to finally break apart. Nothing has ever made you feel so good in a long time. That’s why you don’t question your tongue tangling with his, his hand searching for skin as it ventures beneath your jacket and settles on your waist, warm and big. 
The loud thud of thunder outside makes you jump slightly on the seat, and with the realization that you must get inside, you slowly but finally break apart from him. 
“I have to go.” you manage to say as his lips kiss your cheek and the corner of your eye instead. 
His breath fans against your skin, a gentle caress that makes you shiver. Billy's eyes, still glazed with desire, slowly refocus as he registers your words. There's a flicker of disappointment, but he nods in understanding. 
“Yeah. Yeah, you better get inside,” he replies in a husky voice, his eyes roaming over your face. 
His lips are red and swollen with your kisses, you can’t help but steal another kiss which her eagerly accepts, planting a couple more against your mouth. They’re not as deep but full of meaning, resonating in the air. 
“Call me tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yes, I will,” you mumble, your cheek feeling red as you internally wish you could stay with the boy forever.  
As you leave the car, the cold rain immediately envelopes you, sending shivers down your spine. The rain soaked through your clothes as you navigated through the darkness. As you reach the door, you steal one last look at Billy's car, watching as he drives away into the night, the memory of his touch still lingering on your lips.
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buckysgrace · 10 days
1. Wicked Game
Now That We Don’t Talk
Billy Hargrove x Fem!Mayfield OC
CW: Stepcest, unprotected p n v sex, cheating
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She stared in the mirror, trying to see how else she could make herself look older as she looked at the way her hair was pinned up. Her face was still slightly round, too baby faced in her opinion. She was supposed to get married today. How was she supposed to do that when she still looked so young?
She brought her brush up again, trying to decide if her eyes needed a fresh coat of color when she listened to the door creaking open behind her. She straightened up a bit, biting down on her bottom lip as she followed the trail of the blonde boy behind her. 
His hair was tied out of his face, loose blonde curls drifting onto his forehead as he snaked his way up behind her. She squealed softly as he pressed her forward, hips digging into the counter as he rested his warm chest against her back. 
“You’re not supposed to see me.” Kim giggled, her face burning as Billy’s hands wandered across her curves. He leaned forward, chin falling into the crook of her neck as his lips curled into a smirk.
“You’re not in your dress yet,” He grinned mischievously as his hands gripped her tits. She whimpered as he palmed at her bra. It was simple. White, lacey and see through. It matched the pair of panties that she had on as well, “Just had to see you first.” He mumbled as his lips brushed against the crook of her neck.
“So impatient,” She bit her lip as she met his gaze in the mirror, “I want you.” She told him honestly, needing to feel his cock inside of her before things became official. Just before she was married. 
“One last time?” He asked her softly. She nodded her head, knowing it was too late for her to change her mind. She’d always give into him. 
He dragged his lips against the curve of her shoulders, making her sigh softly at the feeling. They were soft, but slightly rough at the same time. It felt nice as his large palms kneaded at her tits, squeezing softly as he began to rut his bulge against the curve of her ass.
She turned, arm moving behind his neck as she pressed her lips against his roughly. She moaned at the electricity that traveled through her veins, burning her as his lips dragged roughly against hers. 
He gripped her neck, squeezing her softly to keep her in place as he slid his tongue inside of her mouth. She moaned as she pressed her tongue against his, dragging slowly as she savored his taste on her tongue. 
She rubbed her fingers across his jawline softly, holding onto him as her tongue swirled around with his. She felt like she was floating, her mind hazy as he moved them onto their knees. She giggled against her mouth, sighing softly as he pushed her back onto the floor playfully.
“You look pretty,” He mumbled as he tugged at the straps of her bra, smirking before he removed her bra completely. She bit her bottom lip, dropping her eyes towards the floor. She still felt shy around him, especially when he looked at her so intensely, “Eyes up here.” He teased as he tapped his finger against her chin, making her follow his lead.
He traced his thumb lightly across the curve of her lips before he dropped his hands. His eyes stayed on hers, staring her down as he slid her panties aside. She chewed on her bottom lip, trying to keep her heart from hammering too roughly inside of her chest in case it decided to explode.
Her eyes drifted down his taut muscles, his golden skin as he pulled his pants down. She turned her gaze away from his eyes then, staring at his hardened cock as excitement pooled through her. She savored the curve of his cock, his thick girth as he gave himself a little squeeze. Then smirked all cocky, clearly knowing the effect that he had on her.
“What do you want?” He hummed softly as he drifted his tip through her pink folds, smearing his precum across her clit. She whimpered at the feeling, fingertips twitching as she remembered the feeling of the stretch of his cock. 
“You,” She breathed out at first, blinking roughly to keep her mind from fogging over. His gaze turned towards her in surprise, making her a little worried, “I want your cock.” She whispered softly, rolling her hips forward to make a point. His expression softened. Good save.
“I’ll treat you good,” He teased as he slid his tip against her hole, making her squirm as he slowly pushed himself inside of her, “That’s it, Red. Taking my cock like a good little whore.” He groaned as he filled himself to the brim, his balls pressing against her skin.
She shivered underneath him, trembling as he leaned over top of her. Her thighs fell against her chest, squishing her boobs as he crowded in on her. She moaned as the tip of his cock pressed against her bundle of nerves, making her croon as the pleasure toppled over her.
“Yeah?” He teased, mocking her as he used one hand to grip her chin. His warm air slid against her face, making her yearn for more as his minty taste tickled her features, “It feels that good?” He mocked, pouting out his bottom lip as he spoke all high of himself. But yeah. It really did.
“More,” She whimpered as she rocked her hips forward, her cunt squelching around his thick girth, “Please, Billy. Wanna feel more of you.” She begged him as she gripped a hold of his biceps.
He groaned as he dropped his head, just barely brushing his lips over hers as he began to build a steady pace. She sighed against his open mouth, clit throbbing in pleasure as her body burned from his motions. Her legs ached, chest felt heavy as he balanced his full weight on top of hers. 
Everything felt too intense as she writhed underneath him, trying to keep her eyes open as the lust spread through her body. Her veins were burning from the feeling of her skin on his, the feeling of her cunt wrapped tightly around his cock. LIke he belonged. It felt too perfect, almost too much. 
She tilted her head up, crashing her lips messily against his to keep her sounds at bay. She didn’t need anyone to become suspicious or curious. Her moans vibrated across his lips as he rutted his cock deep inside of her, making her head swirl and pleasure form deep inside of her chest. 
His tongue dove into her mouth, licking and sucking as his rough hands moved to her hips. He gripped her easily, rocking her up and down the curve of his cock like she weighed nothing. Each time his cock hit her g-spot, making her toes curl and fire spread deep within her. 
“Right there,” She cried out, holding her ankles up to her head as Billy rammed his cock in and out of her wet cunt, “Feels so good.” She whined loudly as her head fell against the hard floor. She felt like she was in a haze, the very best dream she could ever have. She didn’t want to wake up from this.  
He was so deep inside of her, the tip of his cock pressing against her bundle of nerves with each hard thrust. Her walls stretched across his girth, leaving her breathless as the sound of their bodies connecting filled the room. It was a dirty melody, filthy. But she loved it. 
“You’re so good for your big brother,” He groaned as he gripped the back of her thighs, squeezing roughly as he dragged his cock in and out of her slick pussy. Her mind felt hazy as she locked eyes with him, savoring the blissful look on his expression, “Fucking whore.” He hissed, sweat dripping onto his forehead as her back dragged against the floor. 
Her legs felt numb as her fingernails dug into her skin as he continued to rut his cock deep inside of her, sliding himself in even further than before. She could taste his breath as she inhaled; could feel his cock throbbing against her walls. 
Her thoughts became a blur as her muscles contracted, her walls breaking down as loud gasps left her mouth. He quickly shushed her, shoving his palm over her lips to muffle her sounds. Her eyes rolled back, body shook as she came around his cock.
He grunted roughly on top of her, skin sliding easily against hers as his movements became rough and choppy. He held onto her tightly, thrusting into her twice before he came to a halt deep inside of her.
“Fuck,” He cursed, eyebrows furrowing in pleasure as his jaw relaxed in awe, “Jesus.” He huffed, staring down at her with lust filled eyes as he came inside of her. Everything inside of her burned, desperately wishing she could tug him closer to her. She didn’t want to let go. 
He huffed as he gently sat up, letting her legs rest around him. She giggled softly at the feeling of the blood rushing to her feet, her body feeling heavy as he squeezed at her hips. His smile was warm for once, his hair resting over his forehead as she tried not to admire him too closely. But God was he handsome.
He hummed quietly as he pulled himself free, snagging a few tissues to clean himself up before he got himself dressed. He moved onto his knees, then onto his feet as he turned away from her. Signaling to her that it was really over. 
“I’ll see you out there?” She asked as she slowly dressed herself once again, flushing at the feeling of their mixture dripping from her cunt. Her thighs were trembling, but it felt nice. A reminder. 
“Uh, yeah,” He nodded his head, “I am a groomsman.” He laughed as he worked on buttoning his shirt, his eyes staying away from hers for the longest time. She gulped, desperately wanting him to look at her. 
“Yeah,” She rubbed the back of her neck, “Maybe-,” She trailed off, unsure of where she was going with her thought. He observed her, like he was waiting for her to speak the truth. But she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t face rejection from him, not again. He had made things clear a long time ago. This had been strictly pleasure. 
“It was nice for our last time,” He mumbled as he took a step closer, holding her chin softly, “See you around.” She savored the feeling of his skin against hers, desperately wishing for one last kiss. It didn’t even have to be a deep one, just a little peck.
She savored the freckles on his cheeks, the dark shape of his eyebrows and the curve of his mouth as he traced his thumb across her lips. She moved a little closer, only to have him pull away. He gave a stiff smile. That was it. That was all she got.
She watched him leave, sinking into her familiar hole of guilt and shame. It didn’t matter how many times this happened, she always felt disgusting afterwards. But it also made her want him that much more. She wished he felt the same.
Wrong. It was wrong. There would be no real relationship between them. It was all over now. It had to be. She reminded herself that as she dressed herself again, trying to bury any of her wrongdoings underneath layers of makeup. She could hide it away. Billy would want her to. 
Her dress wasn’t something that she had envisioned herself in before, but everyone insisted that it looked better than the poofy sleeves and ballroom silhouette that she wanted. They said that this one was timeless. It hugged her chest gently, the sleeves wide at her wrists as it softly billowed off of her body. A little too exposing for her comfort. 
“Look at you,” Susan smiled brightly, touching her hair gently once she was all zipped up, “You look so beautiful.” Her grin was far too wide as she inspected her, like she was trying to find any little imperfections. She had been doing quite a bit to impress the Hagan’s. So had Neil. Kim figured it had to do with their money and their own little power. 
“Thank you,” She replied shyly, bringing her eyes towards the floor as Neil waited behind her. There had been quite a bit of uproar from the two of them when she had firmly stated that her own father would be walking her down the aisle. Not Neil, “I’m scared.”
“There’s no reason to be,” Her mother insisted, “You’re going to be so happy with Tommy. He’ll take care of you.” Kim knew she didn’t mean it in a threatening way, but she knew that as long as she was with Tommy it meant that she could take care of them. Her happiness didn’t really matter. 
“Okay,” She breathed out deeply, “I’m ready.” The words felt odd on her tongue, heavy as she was unsure if that was the truth or not. Was she ready? It seemed odd, felt even more bizarre when she was whisked out and Billy was nowhere in sight. Where did he go? She wanted one last reassuring look from him, a promise that this was what he had really wanted. 
Compliments and music fell numbly to her ears, a simple buzz as she gripped the flowers tightly in between her fingers. Orchids. They weren’t her favorite, but they were pretty. Tommy’s mother had insisted that they would look better and she had been too timid to speak her own thoughts. It had been weeks later when she’d discovered that his mother had recommended them for fertility purposes.
Almost everything about the wedding had been done without her say. Everything was far too elegant for her, which was okay. She appreciated it, she really did. But many things she thought they could save money on had been bought and purchased proudly. Nothing was handmade, all bought from expensive shops. 
She knew that without a doubt that this was just the beginning of the rest of her life. His family would forever walk all over her, just like her mother and stepfather did. She’d be stuck, her words holding no means as everyone else made decisions around her. But no one really cared what she thought, so why should she get worried about it now? At least she’d be loved. 
She was out of place, being forced into a role that she wasn’t sure she could keep up. But she’d have to. It was too late to turn back, to get cold feet. If she left now, she’d have no one. 
“You know,” Sam added softly as he took her hands, “If you don’t want to do this, you don’t have to.” He whispered underneath his breath, keeping the conversation between the two of them. 
“What?” She asked breathlessly, eyes widening in disbelief. He had been the only one to suggest such a thing. Everyone else was adamant that Tommy would be good for her. He was good for her. 
“If you’re not ready,” He started slowly, “Or if it just doesn’t feel right. You don’t have to do this. We can call it off, I can do it for you.” He patted her hand gently, making her heart hammer roughly inside of her chest as a bead of sweat fell down the back of her neck.
She thought about it for far too long, pictured Billy the whole time as well. Could she live with herself if Sam helped her leave? She couldn’t leave Tommy at the altar, but perhaps that would save some hurt later down the road. But she reminded herself that there was no one else. Tommy was in love with her. The only person who had ever loved her in such a way. 
“Are you telling me this to support me or because you don’t like Tommy?” She asked him softly, trying to make the atmosphere less tense. She was close to breaking down, to taking his offer and running with it. She could get away. She didn’t have to do this.
“You’re nineteen,” He drew out softly, “You have your whole life in front of you. I just want to make sure this is what you want.” His brown eyes were soft, too gentle for her to look at for too long. 
The music changed, signaling her that it was time to begin walking. Her heart pounded rougher, so fast that she swore everyone else could hear it. She didn’t want to walk in front of everyone, she didn’t want to become some little doll for them to play with. But she was. That was her future. She had one more quick second to change her mind, to decide her own future.
“Kim?” Sam repeated, bringing her gaze back up towards him as her throat became dry. The doors were open, exposing them to everyone. Her knees felt weak, her tongue heavy as she stared. She couldn’t do it. Not with everyone staring. She needed to move. 
“I’m just nervous,” She said at last, feeling like she might vomit all over her shoes, “I’m okay.” She did her best to comfort him, gripping him tightly for support. She was sure that her father was no fool, he could feel her trembling against him. She could blame it on her shyness. That was it. She was just scared. She was being silly. 
She breathed in deeply, then exhaled roughly as her eyes scanned the church as Sam guided her inside. She felt like she was being dragged along, her feet in thick cement blocks as he pushed her further and further towards the front of the church.
Tommy stood with his hands crossed, his cheeks pink and a soft smile on his lips. She nodded as she tried to reassure herself that this was right. Her eyes continued to wander, searching for the spot Billy was supposed to be standing in. 
She looked at Sam in confusion, but had no time to ask questions before she was ushered forward. Her heart beat too roughly inside of her chest as Tommy took her hand, his palm slightly warm and clammy. 
She gave him a reassuring smile as everything drowned out underneath her pulse racing and veins vibrating. Her body was too loud as she tried to search in the crowd, looking for where Billy might be lingering.
He was going to stop the wedding. She was sure of it. This would be it. He’d finally tell her his true feelings. She knew that he would. That he had to.
But then the priest rushed through that part of the speech and then rings were exchanged with their little vows. Everything felt robotic, or like she was in some sort of trance. This wasn’t right. She knew that, so why wasn’t she stopping it.
“I do.” Tommy answered, making her gaze snap back towards him and away from where she kept looking at the door. She blinked, reminding herself that she shouldn’t be searching. She shouldn’t be distracted.
And she was again as the question turned towards her. Her mouth parted but no words came out as suddenly everything was quiet, far too silent as she suddenly couldn’t speak the words. She swallowed roughly, afraid of what else may come up if she forced the words up. 
She looked around the church once more, taking in the faces of friends and family members as she suddenly felt as if her heart weighed thousands of pounds. Like it had dropped through her body and now laid at her feet. Her hands trembled before she turned back to face Tommy. Her soon to be husband. But not the one that she wanted to marry, that she really wanted to be with.
She looked in his concerned brown eyes as she tried to get her tongue untangled, reminding herself that it was pointless to stand and wait. Billy was gone. He wasn’t going to stop the wedding, nor did he have any desire to marry her. She was just a plaything to him. He didn’t love her.
“I do,” She answered at last, breathing in deeply as she forced a smile up to her lips, “Of course I do.” She exhaled, knowing that the price had been paid. There was no going back now. 
Tags: @cassandracorvo
(if you wanna be added lemme know!!)
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strangerthingsbigbang · 2 months
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Title: Wonderstruck
Author: Buckysgrace Artist: @floredaqueen Beta: Sadhours Characters: Billy Hargrove, Original female character, Eleven/Jane Hopper, Neil Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Tommy H, Billy Hargroves Mother, Relationship(s): Billy Hargrove/Original Female Character, Billy Hargrove & Neil Hargrove, Billy Hargrove & Eddie Munson, Eleven| Jane Hopper and Billy Hargrove Warnings: Blood and Violence, mentions of drug use, Physical abuse Rating: Explicit Additional Tags: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Fae and Fairies, Billy Hargrove needs a hug, Alternate Universe, Blood and Violence, Forbidden Love Wordcount: 25,267 Summary:
Billy's village is gloomy, covered in thick black vines and full of prowling monsters. All because of them. The Fae. The Fae are supposed to be monsters; hideous creatures that are full of tricks and full of brutality. He learned a long time ago to kill them before they got too close. He's done it before, it's easy. So, he accepts the challenge of bringing a pair of interesting ears back; a souvenir. He has the perfect creature in mind too. Only to find out that the obstacle isn't quite as possible as what he once thought.
Wonderstruck by Buckysgrace
51 notes · View notes
hogwartsandhawkins · 5 months
Prove Me Wrong
Chapter 17: Winds of Change
If you need to catch up, here's the Masterlist
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Summary: Jess and the gang get kicked out
Word Count: 7.5k
Warnings: Fighting, mentions of blood, bruising, face injuries, of aged men hitting on under-aged girls 🤢, angst. As always let me know if I missed something!
AN: So I got a new laptop, and was super excited to write on it. And then when I uploaded my word doc, it crashed. 🤗 Long story short, after crying and being unmotivated to redo everything that I thought I lost, I fixed it.
The street was full of cars when Jess and Billy pulled up, causing them to park further down the street away from Tina’s. Billy pulled the parking brake and turned off the ignition, turning back to Jess. 
“So what the hell did he say?” Billy was staring at Jess, completely surprised that she had already admitted to Steve that they were a little more than just partners for an English project now.
“He suggested that we hold hands and skip through the football field.” Jess rolled her eyes as she heard the strong laugh leaving Billy’s body. 
“So is he pissed?”
“He’s not exactly thrilled…” 
“Yeah, well. Fuck it,” Billy shrugged unbuckling Jess’s seatbelt for her before taking the keys from the ignition, “Bout time he realized you’re your own person.” 
“He already does, Billy-“
“No he doesn’t. ‘’Cuz god forbid you decided to go to this party without him.” Before Jess could continue arguing, he opened his own door and stepped out, reminding her to “Stay right there,” as he left. When he opened the door for her, waiting for her to step out, he continued, “It’s like he wants you two attached to the hip…” He shook his head, looking as if he were annoying himself with the thought of Steve Harrington always around. 
Once Jess was out of the car, she began to take off the jacket, causing Billy to drop his current thought. “What’re you doin’, leave it on…” 
“I don’t wanna carry it all night when I have to take it off inside.” Before Jess had it all the way off, however, Billy quickly shed the one he was wearing, throwing it in the back and closing the passenger door. 
“There. Problem solved.”
“Geez, Jess, I thought you were supposed to be the smart one,” Billy teased, “When you don’t want it, I’ll take it alright? Just… keep it on. Least till we get in…”
“You just want it on me to piss off Steve.” They began walking away from the car, the sound of music becoming louder despite the already drowning sound of teenagers that littered her outdoor area. There were easily twice as many people at this party compared to the one Carol had, as Tina was never picky about who came, something Jess had always appreciated about her. 
“I didn’t even know we were seeing pretty boy tonight, alright. Can we lay off the subject now?” 
“Oooh, someone’s testy,” Jess’s smile was faint as she poked fun at him, but slowly faded when she looked up to realize he wasn’t smiling back. “Okay… sorry…”
“No, it’s just… You ever get tired of only thinking about Steve when you do something?” 
“I do not!” 
“Like two goddamn peas in a pod. You’re obsessed with him, he’s obsessed with you,” Billy sighed, slowing down their pace to further the conversation without anyone overhearing, ensuring this by looking around before he spoke again, “It just would be awesome if I could do shit for you without you thinking it’s all this weird thing to piss Harrington off.” 
“Right, because you weren’t trying to at the diner?”
“Jess,” Suddenly, Billy stopped walking entirely, turning his entire body to face her as he looked past her, focusing on his actions from earlier. “I wasn’t trying to piss him off. I was just… fuck…” His shoulders shrugged with frustration, tensing as they dropped again. He looked over toward the house, his jaw now as tense as his shoulders. “He needs to know that I’m not exactly going anywhere,” His head slowly inched back to her as he sucked in a final breath for courage before continuing, “That I’m here to stay.” His eyes flicked to another group walking past them, behind Jess, locking onto them until they were far enough for Billy’s liking.  “Look, I’m not asking for him to like me. I just want him to know that we at least got one thing in common.” 
“And what’s that?” Jess took a step in his direction as she watched him look around one last time. 
“That we both think you’re cool as shit,” He answered as if it were obvious, now walking toward the house at the same, slow pace they had previously. 
Jess followed closely, her arm only inches from his. “Oh yeah? I figured it would be something like how you’re both scarily obsessed with basketball or something.”
“No, Logan. See, thing is, there’s still a big difference between me and him when it comes to basketball. I’m actually good and your little boy toy sucks.”
“He does not suck.” 
“Oh, so that’s the part of the sentence you’re gonna correct?” 
“He does not suck.”
Billy let out an airy laugh as he shoved his hands in his pockets due to the cold, his breath visible when his chuckle dragged out. “Alright, so he’s not that bad.”
“He’s starting five.” 
“So am I.” 
“So there you go,” Jess countered, “You both don’t suck.” 
Billy shook his head in surrender as they reached the wide-open front door. They both looked past the entryway into the main living room, which was already packed, when Jess felt two hands on either side of her neck, patting her shoulders softly.  
“We goin’ in or what?” Jess turned around to see Steve, Jason, Chrissy, and Patrick standing behind her, the others that came with them squeezing past to get inside. Jess and Billy lead the rest of the group toward the kitchen, Steve staying close behind. The music was even louder than it usually was, possibly due to the fact that Tina’s party wasn’t the only social gathering happening on this street. There were never any noise complaints called in on New Year’s Eve, surprising in a small town like Hawkins, and even if there were, there was always a good chance that Hopper would ignore them for the holiday. 
As they made it to the crowded kitchen, Jess noticed a large group of boys she had never seen before stocking the fridge with an assortment of beers, liquor, and mixers. It wasn’t until Tina’s older brother, Christopher, joined them from the dining room that she realized why she’d never seen them before. 
“Hey, Chris.” Jess watched as Tina sauntered over with Nicole, Vickie, Katie, and Jane, who were all giggling, seemingly excited that Tina gave them automatic access to the only college boys at the party. Before Jess could continue listening in, one of Christopher’s friends took notice of her, giving her a look that quickly made her uncomfortable. She turned around to face Steve, causing him to stop. 
“You okay, kid?” 
“Yeah, yeah it’s just, the kitchen looks packed, you know…” Steve looked past her, shrugging his shoulders as he looked into what seemed to be the most open part of the house.
Billy, however, looked where Jess had earlier, taking notice of the older group by the fridge. “You want anything outta there, princess?” He asked without taking his eyes off the cluster of boys. The question made Steve’s eyes roll, but he didn’t interject, allowing Jess to place her request. When he walked past the kitchen island to retrieve a red cup, he caught the attention of Jane, who quickly left the now large group she was in to stride her way over to him. 
“Hey there, Hargrove.” Jane leaned into him slightly, eyeing the drink that he now had in his hand with amusement. “That for me? Because that’s definitely not for you.” 
Billy looked down at the cup as well before laughing coldly, the corners of his mouth pulling downwards. “And why not?” The sarcasm dripped from his question, causing Jane to lean away, not sure if this banter was the friendly kind. 
“Because I know what you actually want.” 
Billy picked up on her tone, clearly expressing she was no longer talking about beer. “Yeah, I doubt that,” He deadpanned, not breaking eye contact as he watched her expression change from confident to irritated in a matter of seconds. 
“Really? Because that’s not the impression I got before break.” She batted her lashes ironically, challenging him on his not-so-new attitude towards her. He finally broke the staring, walking himself to the fridge that was still being crowded around. He pushed past the boys, not troubling himself to ask them to move as he bumped shoulders with the one now chatting up Nicole. To his dismay, she had followed him. He turned around to see her crossing her arms over her chest, almost as if she was triumphantly looking at the can he now had. “What did I tell ya, knew exactly what you’d be going for.”
“Don’t you got some desperate college dude to bug?” He asked rather loudly, still unbothered by the fact that said college boys were gathered around behind him. Billy heard one of them mumble something behind his back but didn’t budge to look behind him, as he felt he’d made his point perfectly clear. 
Jane looked over at the group he came in with, scoffing when her eyes met the back of Steve’s head, watching who he was talking to. “I didn’t know you were friends with Steve Harrington now.” When Billy only rolled his eyes in response, about ready to walk away, she poked at him once more, successfully stopping him in his tracks. “So, what you’re saying is you’d rather hang with Harrington and his little prude all night than have some actual fun, Hargrove?”
Billy scrunched his nose in annoyance, his jaw clenching as he heard the nickname Jane spat out. He wanted to retaliate, possibly hurt her feelings to the point where it would have ruined the rest of her night. There were names that were already lined up in his mind that he could call her and could have probably justified even hours later after he possibly felt bad for his actions. But he stood there for a moment, chewing on his tongue behind his closed lips that were contorted into a sneer. He stared off into the crowd, not exactly fixating on one person, refusing to look back at her face which he was sure was now sporting a satisfied grin, knowing it would anger him further. Instead, he cleared his throat and relaxed his jaw before responding with a simple, “Just fuck off, Jane,” not even bothering to finish his sentence before he continued walking back to Jess and Steve. 
Jess listened to Steve talk about the upcoming tournament as she glanced over to Billy, who was now striding toward her with two drinks in hand. Behind him, Jane purposely caught her attention, waving with only her fingers as she eyed the outfit she was in. Jess watched as her eyes landed suddenly on Billy’s jacket, taking a moment before forcing herself to peel them away and walk back toward the rest of her friends. Jess broke into a small smile, causing Steve to stop mid-sentence. “What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing,” Jess quickly responded, her eyes finding their way back to Steve’s. 
“So, Harrington, you hangin’ with us all night?” Billy stood next to the both of them, taking a quick sip out of Jess’s drinking, ensuring it tasted right, before handing it over to her. Steve thought for a moment, looking over at the red cup Jess had in her hand and then to Billy, who was now taking a drink out of his own Beer. 
“You totally can, if you want. It’s no big deal really,” Jess interrupted his thoughts, not wanting him to think that he had to leave. 
“You know what,” He looked over his shoulder to look around the room, “I kinda owe Heather a dance.” He then straightened his neck back to look over Billy intently. He stood there for a moment longer, evidently recalling something from earlier as he stared at Jess’s cup once more, causing him to relax his shoulders slightly. “Don’t have too much fun without me…” He then gave Jess a friendly smile as he backed away, turning to disappear into the crowd. 
Jess continued to look in the direction that she last saw Steve. “Weird…” 
“What? Weird that pretty boy left?” He took another long drink out of his beer, pretending not to even notice his absence, though if he was being honest with himself, he also found it odd as well that Steve had just agreed to leave them alone. He had intended the question to be a joke, fully expecting Steve to follow Jess around all night, not allowing her a single moment alone with him. And again, if he were being honest, he couldn’t really blame him. 
“I mean, he did cancel Benny’s just to be here…”
“Eh, like he said. He owes some girl a dance.” He shrugged it off as he scanned the room, catching Hagen’s attention as he looked toward the back door. 
“Aye! B!” Jess surprisingly was able to hear Tommy shout over the speakers, watching him pull Carol by the hand through the crowd. 
“Jesus, Tommy, slow down…” Carol mumbled as they reached Billy and Jess, pulling her hand away once his grip loosened. “Hey, you two.” 
“Did I just see you with Harrington?” Tommy questioned, not yet greeting Jess. 
“Yeah, what was that all about…” Carol left Tommy’s side and joined Jess, looking back over at her before adding, “No offense,” to the end of her sentence. 
“Nothing important.” 
Carol looked over at Jess, giving her the same look Chrissy always did when it came to Billy. “Well, I think it’s cute that you’re getting along with him now… Anyways. Tommy’s wanting a rematch.”
“I can’t this time. Driving.” Billy then gestured with his can over to Jess, giving her a wink before further explaining. “Gotta take this one home.” 
“Dude, lame.” Tommy groaned, “Why don’t you both just crash here?” 
“Jess has a curfew, remember?” Carol poked fun at her, pinching her cheeks as if she was a child. “It’s fine, the girls will play a round. Does your goody-two-shoes friend drink, like, at all?”
“Chrissy, I mean… yeah… sometimes but-“
“Good, wave goodbye to the boys,” Carol then looped her arm with Jess’s, walking purposefully toward Jason, Chrissy, and Patrick. “Cunningham. Come on, you’re up at beer pong.” 
Chrissy quickly stood at Jess’s side as they made their way to the kitchen. “I’m not very good…” She said apologetically, causing Carol to giggle. 
“Good. You’re on Jess’s team then.”
“You’ll be fine, Chris. Carol’s not very good either.”
“Bite me.” Carol led them away from Jason and Patrick, who were now eyeing the three girls suspiciously, and began making her way to the kitchen, eyeing the group that was still by the fridge. 
“Please don’t ask Jane to play…” Jess groaned, now dragging her feet a bit. 
“Oh god no. She fucking hates you, you know that right? Why would I ask her to play?” 
“Yes, Carol. Thank you. I know.” 
“I wonder why…” Chrissy leaned in, laughing out loud as she watched the way Jane quickly snapped her head over her shoulder as she heard footsteps coming toward her. 
“Tina, let’s play.” Carol unlooped her arm from Jess’s and grabbed Tina’s hand, pulling rather aggressively, only allowing Tina to wave by to a couple of the girls before she was headed out of the kitchen. Jess and Chrissy followed closely behind them as they navigated their way around the maze of teenagers that crowded the living room. When they finally made it outside, Jess saw Tommy and Billy already waiting for them by the table, Billy quickly making his way to Jess to grab the cup out of her hand. 
“Hey! I’m not-“
“Yeah, you’re done with this.” Billy then downed the barely touched drink, crushing the cup when he was done, tossing it toward the opened black bag that was by the ping pong table. “Like I said, I’m not bringing you home completely sloshed.”
“Oh don’t worry, Billy, your girl’s gonna be plenty sloshed when we’re done with her.” Carol then high-fived Tina as they set up their side of the table. “Hurry up and get over here, Logan, I’m tryna win.” 
Billy shook his head, leaning in to whisper in Jess’s ear. “Don’t worry, Tina’s shot’s trash. Played against her on Halloween. Go kick their ass, princess.”
Jess walked over next to Chrissy, who was putting their cups together, occasionally looking up at Tina and Carol’s side to make sure she was doing it right. Out of the corner of her eye, Jess watched as Jason and Patrick joined them by the table, Chrissy giving her boyfriend a shy grin as she waved over to him.
Carol let Chrissy start the game, teasing them by stating how it didn’t matter, and how she and Tina were going to win anyway. Their game went on for what felt like forever, most of their shots bouncing out of cups or missing them completely. Eventually, Steve wandered into the backyard as well, stopping by the table to watch. Once a little over half of the cups were gone, Jess looked over at Chrissy, who was now continuously bumping into her, giggling uncontrollably as she apologized each time. 
“I think Chris might be done,” Jess mentioned, watching as her friend took her time to grasp the ball and aim. 
“No! I’m fine… I just don’t drink a lot,” she continued to giggle, looking over at Jason as he started walking over to her. 
“Don’t get too wasted now.” Jason was now over, counting the cups on her side of the table. “You still got boutta hour to midnight.” 
“Okay okay, fine.” She tossed the ball haphazardly to Jason, who quickly shot his hand up to catch it, not expecting the toss. “You play then.”
“Hey, that means we win.” Carol pointed out, counting how many cups each team had left. “Logan, if she quits, we win!”
“Okay, fine, Carol, you win.” Jess gave in, causing both Tina and Carol to cheer, once again high-fiving each other. 
“What happened to kicking their ass, Logan?” Billy teased, watching her walk back to the side of the table. 
“Yeah, well, Tina had a better shot than you said.”
“Hey!” Tina overheard, crossing her arms as she stared down Billy. 
Jason still held the small ball, bouncing it off the table and catching it with his opposite hand. “You wanna finish this out, Patrick?” 
When he agreed, Tommy jumped in as well, “I’ll take other side. C’mon, B, jump in. We only got like… six cups left.” 
Billy nodded his head slowly, counting the cups himself, convinced he’d only have to drink a couple of them before he and Hagen won. “I ain’t playin’ another one after.” He then threw his now empty beer can in the trash bag that lay on the grass, its contents spilled out around it. “Watch how it’s done, princess.” He walked to Tommy’s side, Steve now taking his place by Jess. 
“Watch how it’s done, princess,” Steve mocked quietly, earning him a punch in the arm. “Good thing you’re staying another three hours. Those guys are good.” He nodded his head to Jason and Patrick before continuing, “No way he’s not downing all three of his.”
“Yeah right… Jason and Patrick only have four left. No way.”
“Oh yeah, well so do Hargrove and Hagen now.” 
Jess shot her attention back to the game, realizing that both Jason and Patrick must have made it in one, Jason now aiming the ball again. When he sank his second shot in the cup nearest Billy, Tommy pounded on the table, watching his friend down his second beer already. “Shit, shit…” The game was over quickly, with Billy only making one shot before the other four cups on his side were gone. 
“What happened to showing me how it was done, Hargrove?” 
“How the hell could I have known that the lightweight’s boyfriend could actually pl- owww.”
“Don’t call her that!”
“You look over at her recently?” 
He nodded his head toward the ground where Chrissy was sitting, looking up at the stars. Jason walked over to her, helping her up as she finally fixed her eyes on him. “Did you win?” 
Jason only laughed at her, leading her back inside so she could sit on the couch. “This is why you don’t play beer pong, baby.” He sat her down on the right side of the living room couch, plopping down next to her as she leaned against the armrest. Billy and Jess followed, Steve close behind them as they entered the house, all three sitting on the loveseat opposite the couch. It was a slightly tight squeeze for the three of them, causing Jess to be partially on Billy’s lap, something he didn’t mind at all. The close proximity caused her to take off Billy’s jacket, which Billy quickly took from her, draping it over the leg she currently wasn’t sitting on. 
Tina, Tommy, and Carol soon entered through the backdoor as well, making Jason scoot closer to Chrissy as they too squeezed to sit on the couch, Carol sitting completely on top of Tommy. Unfortunately, with Tina now sitting with them, the rest of her friends came as well, the college boys following closely behind them. Jess quickly felt eyes on her, and this time, it wasn’t Jane’s stare that caused her to feel uncomfortable. 
Jess nodded back at Tina’s brother, who sat on the floor in front of his sister after wordlessly greeting her. That’s when Jess noticed the same boy from earlier in the kitchen, seemingly more confident now, whether it be from alcohol or from the fact that he realized his friend was acquaintances with Jess. He eyed her noticeably, going out of his way to sit on part of the floor closer to the loveseat, grinning at her once again before pretending to listen to a conversation that was taking place on the couch. On his third attempt of getting Jess’s attention, Billy noticed, causing him to grit his teeth before releasing his jaw again, not wanting his annoyance to be obvious. He then looked over at Jess, attempting to gauge her interest. When she looked as if she were about to crawl out of her skin, he threw his arm around the back of her shoulders, leaning back into the cushions as if trying to convince his body to relax. 
He squeezed her shoulder gently, reassuring her that he was there, to not worry about the creep that happened to be there. Billy didn’t care to know the dude, didn’t care to know his intentions. His longing looks at a high schooler were enough to profile him as a weirdo that he couldn’t wait to get Jess away from. Based on the amount of alcohol at this party, he assumed this man was at least legal drinking age, knowing his friend, Tina’s brother, was 21 as well. Billy leaned down to whisper in Jess’s ear, still not taking his eyes off the only non-teenagers there. 
“You want anything outta the kitchen, princess?”
“It’s okay…” Jess answered quietly, seemingly able to read his mind, “Don’t worry about it… I’m sure they’ll leave.” She traced Billy’s gaze to the same guy still looking over at her, making her quickly look away. It took every ounce of patience in Billy to not call it out, to not pull him up by his collar, hitting him continuously until he fell back down on the floor. But it was only a look, he kept telling himself. He couldn’t risk looking crazy in front of Jess, or worse, embarrassing her in front of their whole class due to just a look. After another ten minutes of attempting to be interested in conversation, however, he kept glancing down at the college boy, apparently named Dennis.
Stupid fucking name.
Dennis had also continued to do the same to both him and Jess, looking between the two of them before staring at Jess for an unwanted amount of time, his eyes appearing to forget that she, too, was a person. Against Billy’s better judgment, he looked over at Steve before looking back at Jess. 
“I need a drink,” He said before whispering in Jess’s ear, “Stay with Steve, I’ll be back in a bit with some water for you, yeah?” He then got up and left Jess’s side, making sure to leave his jacket by her, using it to claim his spot. Jess watched as he disappeared into the crowd, spotting the way he would turn his head back over in their direction occasionally, jaw clenching every time he did. When she could no longer see him, she scooted herself closer to Steve, hoping that would save her from Dennis wanting to socialize with her in any way. It seemed to work for a moment, but she began to grow nervous when Billy had yet to show back up after a few minutes away. Dennis obviously had taken notice as well, scrutinizing the leather jacket that was placed in his way. 
Jess stayed as small as she could, refusing to make eye contact with anyone, until someone within the crowd shouted, “TWO MINUTES TILL MIDNIGHT!” Everyone began cheering, most of the group that was sitting began to stand, awaiting the anticipated countdown. It looked as if Dennis was lost in the crowd, making Jess relax for a moment, only to become on edge again when she felt an unfamiliar hand grab her wrist. 
“Hey,” Jess turned around to see Dennis now standing in front of her, much too close for her liking. “So where you gonna be at midnight?” She could unmistakably smell vodka on his breath, which made her stomach churn, it smelling much less pleasant than the slight smell of hops Billy would have after he would drink. 
She tried pulling away softly, but when his grip didn’t loosen, she panicked, looking back at Steve for help. “Sorry, I’m just gonna hang out with some friends…” She responded, still looking over at Steve who quickly arrived next to her. 
“Hang out with me instead.” He retorted confidently, not caring who was currently next to her. 
“Uhm no I-“
“She’s not interested, bud,” Steve quickly butted in, now directing his attention toward Jess, pulling her arm away, “C’mon kid, let’s go.” 
Jess eagerly began following him away until she was again stopped by the same unfamiliar hand, Dennis’s other hand nudging Steve away. “How about she tell me she’s not interested.” Jess felt her blood run cold, looking at the difference in stature between her friend and the unwanted college boy, who stood taller and broader than Steve did. However, it didn’t deter Steve from pushing back, much harder than Dennis had pushed him. 
“Let go of her, or else.” Steve was now in Dennis’s face, causing Christopher to come over, trying to defuse the situation. 
“Come on, Den, let’s get outta here…” Tina’s brother attempted to whisper, trying to take his friend’s hand from around Jess’s wrist. Jess continued to watch the way the older boy’s eyes faded in and out, clearly intoxicated, and furious. She tried to free her arm once again, but was much weaker than the stocky brunette, when suddenly someone grabbed Christopher’s shirt, quickly pulling him away from Dennis, Billy now standing in his place. Jess then felt a slight pinch in her wrist, hurting only for a moment, realizing after that her hand was suddenly free from Dennis’s grasp and secured softly in Billy’s. He then let go slowly, pointing over to Steve without taking his eyes off Dennis. Jess did as she was wordlessly told, making her way back to Steve’s side. She had never seen him this inflamed, his eyes wide and wild, his jaw ticking with anger. Everyone else besides a select few had yet to notice what was going on around them, continuing to count down, which almost drowned out what Billy said next. 
“You wanna explain why you’re touching my girl?” 
She wasn’t sure if she had heard it correctly, or sure if she, or anyone besides Dennis, was meant to hear it, but she was sure she would have been blushing currently if it wasn’t for the situation they were in. 
She watched the way Billy was now shaking out his wrists, occasionally clenching and unclenching his hands into fists, stretching out his fingers when they were released. She’s seen this movement from him only once before, and it didn’t turn out so good for the other boy he was facing that night. 
Billy patiently waited for a response, Dennis coming up with one he wasn’t expecting. The older boy chuckled at him, looking back over at Jess before saying, “Didn’t seem like your girl when I was talkin’ to her.”
Billy’s expression slowly changed from enraged to feigned amusement, smiling maliciously before he chuckled back, scrunching up his nose as he did so. He continued to stare at him, nodding wordlessly before running his tongue along his top row of teeth. 
Steve seemed to recognize this look as well, taking a step forward to get ready to shield Jess if needed, but still not obstructing her view. She then watched as Billy took one last look over at her, the same smile still there, but his mouth now closed. However, his eyes had a different look, almost apologetic in a way, before he turned back his attention to the creep in front of him. 
“Yeah... Don’t worry though, I’ll make sure to show her a good ti-“
Dennis’s snide comment was quickly interrupted by a fist to the mouth, causing everyone in the vicinity to back away, some staring wide-eyed, others now cheering. Despite Dennis being slightly taller and wider than Billy, he didn’t seem to be able to stand up to the younger teen, who was relentlessly throwing punch after punch, not stopping until one of Dennis’s other friends jabbed Billy in the gut. Jess watched the way Billy winced in pain, now turning his attention to the other boy. When she saw Dennis standing up again, now squaring up to take an unfair punch, Jess almost screamed at Billy to turn around, but Steve stopped her as he pushed her back against the crowd softly. 
“Awe fuck,” Steve mumbled before quickly walking up to the other boy, grabbing his collar before shouting, “Hey!” He then swung his arm back, punching him so hard the boy’s cap flew off. Billy glanced over at Steve briefly, surprised at the sudden help. He then nodded at Steve before turning his attention back over to Dennis. Just when both Billy and Steve seemed to be holding their own, Steve taking on a few more punches than Billy, two other college boys stepped up, Christopher being one of them, who was now also swinging at Billy with Dennis. Jess could hardly keep track of the two boys she came with, watching helplessly as both of them disappeared in the middle of the four older ones. Jason and Patrick, however, emerged from the crowd, trying to pull the other boys off Steve and Billy. Jess watched as Jason grabbed for Christopher, who quickly turned and clocked Jason in the jaw, taking him aback only for a moment before he tackled Tina’s brother to the ground. The fighting went on for only moments more until Jess suddenly saw Billy grab for Dennis’s legs, swiftly lifting him and slamming him into Tina’s coffee table, the legs buckling and center cracking from the weight. 
“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!” Tina’s voice could be heard over everyone’s cheering, which quickly stopped once she screamed. “MY PARENTS ARE GONNA FREAK!!” Billy slowly rose from the top of Dennis, dusting his legs off before straightening back up, grimacing in pain as he did. Jason and Patrick both helped Steve off the floor who was now sporting a bloody nose. Billy simply stared at Dennis as he pitifully rolled off the now broken table onto his hands and knees, having a hard time getting back on his feet. Chrissy was now at Jess’s side, holding her hand in anticipation as she looked over at her boyfriend, who was also holding onto his own nose, blood dripping from his hand. However, Jess overlooked Jason’s or Patrick’s injuries, her worried gaze leaving Steve and now focusing on Billy, who now had a bruise forming on his cheek, his bottom lip cut. He had yet to look over at her, his eyes still fixed on the boy on the floor almost as if he was challenging him to get back up. He didn’t even flinch or look over when Tina began to yell again next to him. 
“All of you!” She then pointed at all the boys but her brother, “OUT!” 
Jason began trying to speak up, “C’mon Tina, they-“
“I said GET OUT!” 
Jason ran his hand over his face, flicking blood off, walking toward Chrissy, grabbing her hand with his unbloodied one, then nodding at Jess. “Let’s get out of here.” He then looked at the older boys in disgust as he led the girls to the front door, Patrick already out in the front yard. Billy swiped his jacket from the couch, looking back unsatisfied at Dennis one last time before turning and leaving as well, gesturing at Steve to follow him. Billy quickly caught up to Jess, staying close behind her. She could hear how rapidly he was breathing, making her look back at him, causing him to lock eyes with her before he placed his hand on the small of her back, telling her to keep moving. When they finally reached the concrete step that separated the communal sidewalk from the path leading up to Tina’s doorway, all four boys plopped down to sit, looking exhausted. Jess was the first to speak. 
“I’m so sorry guys I-“ 
“Don’t you dare fuckin’ apologize.” Billy stopped her, shaking his head as he stared blankly across the street. 
“Yeah, it’s not your fault, Jess.” Steve agreed, flashing her a sympathetic smile. “You alright?”
Before Jess could answer, however, Billy snapped his head in Jess’s direction, his eyes coming back into focus. “Let me see it,” he demanded, his voice lower in register.
“What?” Jess looked back at him now, confused at what exactly he was requesting. 
“Your wrist. Let me see it.” He held out his hand, figuring she would automatically comply, placing her hand into his, allowing him to examine it carefully as he intended. When she didn’t make a move to do so, his eyes darkened. “Jess…” 
The wrist in question was tucked securely under her blue sleeve, her fingers grasping the fabric against her palm tightly. She had yet to look at it either, but she was sure there was at least a red mark, based on how tight the older boy had ahold of it and how promptly Billy removed his grip when he saw it. She had just watched Billy calm down a bit, and she wasn’t too keen on seeing his rage spike back up. 
“You alright, kid?” Steve now reached for it, the wrist being closer to him than it was to Billy, but she moved it out of easy reach. 
“You guys are freaking out over nothing, it’s fine.” 
“Then let me see it,” Billy spoke again, his voice attempting to hold steady, not wanting Jess to mistake his anger as being directed at her.
“I’ll let you see it when we get out of here…” Jess softly responded, causing Billy to rise from his concrete seat next to Steve, his leather jacket still in hand. “Billy…” He said nothing in response, draping the jacket over Jess’s shoulders before gently reaching for her left wrist, raising it close to his chest before pushing her sleeve out of the way. Jess was surprised to see bruised lines forming in the shape of fingers. They were light, but certainly there. She then looked up at Billy, who was contorting his mouth in an angered frown, looking over her shoulder and then back at her wrist, as if trying to adjust his eyesight to ensure he was seeing this right. 
“Ga’damn,” Patrick now stood next to her, peering over to see the bruises. “That’s fucked, Logan.”
Jess’s eyes moved in his direction in annoyance, indicating he wasn’t helping any, Patrick throwing up his hands in response. Billy still had yet to say a thing, still adjusting his eyesight away from her wrist, only to find himself looking at it again, becoming more unwound with every glance. When he couldn’t keep looking at it, he turned to face Tina’s front door, his chest now heaving. 
“Billy no,” Jess said suddenly, not knowing whether he was thinking about going back in to find Dennis again or not. 
Steve must have felt the tension as well, also rising from the step, looking down at Jess’s wrist once, cringing at the sight of it. “C’mon man, let’s just leave.”
“And go where? Our rides are still inside.” Jason finally spoke up, still sitting as Chrissy stood over him, her hands secured in his, him not wanting to let go of her just yet. 
“You guys didn’t drive here?” Jess asked, looking over at Steve who typically always took his car. 
“Not this time.” 
“Awe shit…” Patrick cursed, sitting himself back down next to Jason.
“I can’t go back home now, my mom’s gonna flip if she sees blood all over me, gotta at least get this shit off me,” Jason groaned, Patrick quickly agreeing with him. 
“We could always go back to Benny’s like we planned?” Chrissy suggested, now trying to rub some of the blood off his cheeks. 
“With what car, babe?”
Jess gave Billy an inquiring look, practically asking permission before she mentioned his car out loud. 
“Can’t drive yet, princess… thought we’d be here for another two hours.”
“Steve’s sober,” she quickly responded.
He glanced over at Steve, now standing awkwardly next to the two of them, before shaking his head. “Hell no.”
“C’mon, Billy. You wanna sit here the rest of the night? Let’s go to Benny’s, you guys wash up, let the rest of your buzz go ‘way in the next couple hours.” When he didn’t budge, she added, “He’s a really good driver…” causing Billy to roll his eyes. 
Jason and Patrick looked up hopefully at Billy, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible as other classmates were now starting to come outside to ‘mingle’, making sure to continue to stare at the banished group. “There’s not ‘nuff seats, and the back’s small as shit.”
“It’s cool, Chris will sit on my lap, Jess and Pat can sit in the back with us, you get front since it’s your car. No big deal.”
Billy stood there for a moment, considering everything he heard before wordlessly tossing his keys to Steve. He then walked ahead of them, a little peeved this was how his night was ending, with a busted lip, a bruised ego, a ruined buzz, Steve fucking Harrington now driving his prized possession, and worst of all, it was his first real night out with Jess.
“Fuckin’ perfect,” He mumbled under his breath, “Just great.”
When they finally reached his car, he stood by the passenger door, eyeing Steve with warning. “If you put a single scratch on her, you’re dead.” He then threw the seat in the upright position, moving out of the way so Jess could squeeze in the middle. Steve did the same, Jason moving into the back seat behind the driver’s side, positioning himself before outstretching his hand to help Chrissy onto his lap. When Patrick began to enter behind Jess, Billy suddenly stopped him, grabbing him by the shirt and tugging backward before mumbling, “You take front.” 
Jess smiled when she saw Billy enter, pushing herself over into Jason more to try and make room for him. When he was semi-comfortable, he adjusted the seat back to allow Patrick to sit, leaning back after to try and relax. However, the tight fit made that difficult, not having much room for his legs. He stretched his left arm behind Jess, shifting every two seconds. “Ah shit…”
“Here, you want me to…” Jess then tried scooting her leg out of the way to allow Billy’s leg more room in the middle. 
After a few more failed attempts to sit comfortably, Billy grumbled in irritation. “Fuck it. C’mere.” He then grabbed Jess by the hips and effortlessly positioned her on his right leg, her back now facing the small triangle window. He placed his right arm in between her and the door, providing her back with more support, shifting lower so her head wasn’t rubbing against the ceiling. Her legs dangled in between Billy’s, which were now comfortably spread. “This alright?” He whispered in her ear. 
She began to nod when Steve entered the car, looking behind him. “You guys okay back th- … ere.” His eyes fixed on Jess and Billy, giving them both a disapproving stare. However, it only lasted for a moment before he turned back around, turning the ignition. He then readjusted the rearview mirror so Jess was able to see his eyes clearly. “Ready to go then? You guys… situated?”
“Ready when you are, Harrington,” Jason grinned, squeezing Chrissy’s thigh as he winked at her playfully. 
“Jess?” Steve questioned, glancing back at her through the mirror. 
“Uh y-up! Ready!” 
Steve nodded, appearing to relax as he accepted her response, again adjusting the mirror so he could see the road behind him.
“Let’s get the hell outta here then.”
Taglist: @nix-rose @fandom-princess-forevermore @ooo---hazelgrimm---ooo @axionn @defenslessheart-main @the-lost-are-ignored @ahoyyharrington @strawberrykittey
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heartbreak-sandwich · 9 months
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Billy Hargrove x Fem!OC
Summary: JJ would never turn down a free candy cane. When she runs into Billy and company on the street, he can't get her out of his head. A text exchange heats up between them, and when JJ decides to take things one step further with a steamy photo, Billy has no choice but to take a bathroom break for some sweet relief. Experience the gift that keeps on giving in the next 1.5k words✨ CW: light SMUT, masturbation (M solo), mentions of p/v sex, sexting A huge thank you to my beta reader and editor @lifesshort-imshorter for helping me bring this piece to life!!!
DAY TWO OF HOHOHOE WEEK Prompt: Candy cane Read Part 1 in this mini series here
“Thanks again, Joyce!” JJ waved her final goodbye to Joyce Byers as she exited Melvald’s General Store and started down the sidewalk back to her parked car. She excitedly unwrapped the long end of her candy cane, immediately popping it in between her lips and hollowing her cheeks around the minty treat. Peppermint was her favorite, and she was never known to decline a free candy cane.
The chime of laughter rang in her ears as JJ approached a trio of people coming the opposite way down the sidewalk. She swore she recognized them – two men and a woman – all bundled up in winter garb, joking amongst themselves and walking at a brisk pace.
As she got closer, a fire started in her belly at the sight of Billy Hargrove walking alongside two of her other former Hawkins classmates, Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins. They hadn’t noticed her yet, so she did her best to compose her posture and brighten the look in her eyes.
“Is that JJ Feron?!” Carol exclaimed, holding out her arms and quickening her pace. It took all of the energy JJ could muster not to roll her eyes. She and Carol had never really been friends, but she wasn’t about to bitch and moan in front of Billy, especially after last night.
JJ accepted the friendly hug from Carol and tuned out her giddy gushing as she snuck a glance at Billy who wore his usual smirk, his icy blue eyes shining against the crystalline backdrop of snow and gray sky.
“How are you guys?” JJ willed herself to smile at the trio in greeting which was returned by Tommy as Carol began droning on about how miserable her journey home to Hawkins had been. JJ continued to lavish licks on her candy cane while she feigned interest in Carol’s story. She was eternally grateful when Tommy checked his watch, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise.
“We’d better get going, babe. We’ll miss our movie. Great to see you, JJ. Let’s catch up later.” Tommy’s brisk remarks were music to JJ’s ears, and she unsheathed her candy cane from her mouth with a pop.
“Don’t miss your show. I’ll catch you guys later,” she replied contentedly.
“Later,” Billy agreed, his eye contact almost too intense for the moment. JJ couldn’t help but feel like Billy’s statement was more of a promise, and her suspicion was confirmed when she caught him stealing a glance at her over his shoulder as the three of them continued past where she stood on the sidewalk.
JJ made it back to her bedroom, closing the door behind her. She was removing her winter layers and hanging them up in the closet when her phone buzzed in the pocket of her jeans. She took it out, surveying the screen, and a devious smile bloomed on her cherry-red lips.
Billy: Someone’s looking delicious today.
She stifled the giggle that broke open in her chest, the urge to kick her feet like a schoolgirl almost getting the best of her. As much as she wanted to return the compliment and then some, she decided to rein herself in and play it cool just to see if he might give chase.
JJ: Not nearly as delicious as this candy cane.
She was still working away at the candy cane, making sure to savor it as she undressed and got ready for a shower. Not even a few minutes flew by before her phone was buzzing again.
Billy: What I wouldn’t give to be that candy cane right now…
JJ’s eyes rounded, her cheeks almost matching the shade of her lipstick at Billy’s daring comment. She grinned around her candy cane and laid back on her bed to reply. She had an idea that would bring Billy to his knees.
JJ: What? You mean you want to be inside of my warm, wet mouth…have my soft tongue licking you up and down…getting your sticky flavors all over my lips?
It only took Billy a few seconds to respond, and she knew she had him in the palm of her hand.
Billy: Jacqueline…you’re killing me… JJ: I was just clarifying ;) Billy: Sure you were. At this rate, I might have to take a trip to the bathroom just so I can focus on the movie. JJ: A trip to the bathroom? What for? Billy: Wouldn’t you like to know…
JJ let herself squeal and laugh alone in her room. Ravaging a bite out of the end of her candy cane, she decided to take things a step further. She opened her robe to reveal her white lace bra and settled her snack snug in between her cleavage, letting it drip sticky sweetness onto her warm skin. Positioning the phone camera high above herself, she snapped a photo and quickly sent it before she could change her mind.
She stared back at herself on the screen, her red lips and the stripes of her holiday treat standing out bright against the pure white of her bra and bedsheets. As soon as the picture made it through to the other side, Billy was typing. JJ’s breath shallowed in anticipation.
Billy: DAMN. Billy: If you could only see what you’re doing to me right now.
Billy tapped Tommy on the shoulder in the dark. “Bathroom,” he whispered simply. Tommy nodded in response, and his eyes returned to the giant movie screen. Billy sidestepped out of the aisle and hurried out into the lobby of the theater, almost jogging his way to the men’s restroom. JJ Feron was going to be the death of him, and he was a willing victim.
He burst into the room with way too much gusto for a public restroom visit and made sure he was alone before locking himself in the stall furthest away from the door. Pulling out his phone, he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans with a groan, finally able to relieve some of the pressure on his aching, rock-hard cock.
Unlocking his phone, Billy pulled up the picture JJ had just sent him. Hiding it from Tommy during the movie was difficult, but he had managed to sneak a look at it just long enough to drive himself totally wild. He couldn’t take just sitting there anymore. After his adventure with JJ the night before, all he could think about was seeing her again, and this was the next best thing.
Seeing the photo a second time made him bite his lower lip, his brows knitting together in despair, missing her in that moment, as he gripped his waistband. With his empty hand, he let his cock spring free, salty dewdrops already forming at the tip. Billy stared at JJ’s perky tits just barely covered by her white lace bra, a bitten off candy cane nestled between them, and he spat into his hand. If he didn’t feel like he was about to explode into a million pieces at just the sight of this girl, he would be embarrassed at how unglamorous the situation was.
Tracing his tongue along his lower lip, he began a steady rhythm fisting his cock over and over to the thoughts of everything else he wanted to do to Jacqueline June Feron. He thought of her auburn curls tangled around his fingers as her pussy sucked him in deeper each time he tried to pull out. He remembered the sound of the frame of Steve’s mirror rattling against the wall, and JJ’s tireless moans, and each moment of pleasure he recalled only pushed him closer and closer to his edge.
Billy’s phone vibrated again, and the words on the screen sent him reeling.
JJ: I wish I was doing more…being the good girl I am, sucking you like that candy cane until you burst in my mouth…
That was all he needed. He felt a surge of heat just before he painted his hand white with his own sticky release, unable to stifle the strained moans escaping his throat in between his heavy, labored breathing. Delirious, wrist stiff and aching, he slumped against the wall of the stall he was in, waiting to regain his vision and control of the rest of his body as the wave of pleasure ebbed.
He took one last glance at JJ’s photo before he responded shamelessly.
Billy: My hand doesn't clean up nearly as well as your mouth would. Can I see you again tonight? JJ: I'm a little busy, but I'll try to fit you in. Billy: Oh, I know you can ;) JJ: Pick me up at 10.
With JJ's agreement to meet again that night, Billy shoved his phone into his pocket and cleaned up the best he could in the bathroom before sauntering back into the theater. He glanced at Tommy and Carol who were like zombies, mindlessly shoveling handfuls of popcorn into their mouths, hypnotized by the giant screen in front of them, barely even noticing he had returned.
Billy smirked to himself, feeling almost filthy for the break he had to take, but he really couldn't help himself. He couldn't get JJ off his mind no matter how hard he tried to concentrate on the show, and if he was honest, she was all he really wanted to think about.
💕Tag list: @imyourdaninow @justsimonrileythings @b1tchy3lf @jozstankovich @darleenjade @peachyaliien @dananahenderson @strangerthing93 @yoyokiss97 @californiaboytoybilly
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So I had a surgery a few years back, and afterwards had written several thousand words for a Billy x Steve Harrington’s Sister Fanfiction (I blame pain meds lol) and for the longest time had forgotten about it. I did find it again in my phone, but had one problem. About a year or so ago, I saw a fanfiction on here that was a Billy x Steve Harrington’s sister one, no big deal there’s plenty, but they also used the same name for the said sister. Again, not a big deal, people think of similar names all the time. However, they also had her playing the same sport I put in mine.
My question is, should/could I finish/post mine without it looking like I copied someone else?
Now before anyone asks, here’s some answers to questions that you’d probably be wondering
“You think they stole your fanfic?” Absolutely NOT. People think of similar ideas all the time. No harm no foul there.
“Did you read their fic to see details?” I did not. I saw a brief description of the story and honestly the similarities kind of shocked me so I didn’t read it.
“Where can I read that story” I’m pretty sure it was here on tumblr but it could’ve also been on AO3. I don’t remember the person’s username as it was probably over a year ago by now.
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foreverinourfavor · 15 hours
Life was supposed to be simple: focus on tennis, take care of Dustin, and keep her personal life separate from her popularity. But for Lacy Henderson, nothing has ever been as easy as she makes it seem. Between Billy Hargrove crasing into her world - cocky smirk, dangerous edge, and a connection neither one can ignore - and her brother bringing home a creature from another dimension, Lacy's carefully crafted life starts to unravel at the seams.
As the Upside Down threatens everything Lacy holds dear, she'll have to decide what she's willing to risk to protect the people she loves.
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moonbeamoclock · 10 months
Hot take that shouldn’t be a hot take:
my biggest pet peeve is when people tag something as a x reader but it’s actually an oc…..i got to the last chapter of a fic only for the description of the ‘reader’ to be of a white person.
then the author got nasty with me after i called her out about it but that’s whatever
it takes an extra 2 mins to have a generic description of a person rather then give the details of their appearance but some of y’all are just too lazy to do even that
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annwrites · 4 months
fine, yeah, I'm fuckin' jealous!
— pairing: billy hargrove x fem!reader
— type: part of a series
— summary: you & billy get lunch & he nearly commits assault. he then steals your icecream cone.
— tags: billy getting violently jealous, billy getting a boner, billy being possessive
— tw: eating, drinking, slut-shaming, sexual harassment
— word count: 2,840
— a/n: i'm not gonna lie, writing for billy is sm fun. he's such an asshole & it's hilarious to me
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When you wake in the morning, it's with a muscled arm slung heavily over your waist, and something hard pressed into your backside.
So, he'd decided to join you under the convers at some point during the night, you think.
You turn, wishing to get him off of you, but jerk in surprise when you feel a patch of rough hair brush against the side of your thigh. He was not...
You shoot up in bed, his arm falling into your lap, and he doesn't even wake.
You very slowly pull back the comforter, and when you glance down you fill with rage. "Get up!"
Billy's eyes slowly open and a lazy smile forms on his lips. "Mornin', sunshine. You sleep good? I know I did."
You get out of bed, throwing the covers back, then immediately regret that decision, seeing someone—or, rather, something—also clearly 'awake'.
Billy doesn't so much as react. He just folds his hands behind his head, not even bothering to re-cover himself, knowing what God blessed him with.
You stare up at the ceiling. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
His eyes trail along your body, your messy hair. "I don't like sleeping in clothes. Get over it."
Your hands ball into fists at your sides. "You are such a dick."
He raises a brow, glancing down to his waist, shrugging, lightly nodding. "In a way, I guess you're rig-"
You quickly walk around to his side of the bed, grabbing his briefs, and throwing them in his face. "Get dressed."
He catches them, sighing. "You're so mean to me."
You grab your backpack, heading into the bathroom, firmly shutting the door behind you as you get ready for the day.
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When you come back into the room, Billy's now dressed—thankfully. A pair of jeans, his boots, and a plaid button-up...which is fairly unbuttoned at the top, showing off his chest, and leather jacket on.
He looks up to you, chewing on a piece of cold pizza. "Breakfast?" He asks, holding the half-eaten piece out toward you, mouth full.
You grab your other bag, settling the strap on your shoulder. "No, I lost my appetite," you say, making your way toward the door.
Just as you reach up on tiptoes to unlock the chain at the top, you feel him pinch your ass under your dress.
You swing around, backpack nearly slamming into him, which you then slip off of your shoulders, throwing it on the floor.
He raises his hands, laughing.
You raise an open palm toward him, his hand quickly grabbing your wrist, catching it before it even comes close to his face. You raise the other one—same thing. He pushes you back against the wall, holding you firmly in-place by your wrists, a smirk on his lips as you squirm to get free.
He places his lips directly beside your ear, his body now pressed-up against your own. "You want to take your frustrations out on me, baby? I can think of lots of funner ways to do it." He pulls back, looking into your eyes, face now utterly serious, eyes hard, his hands squeezing your wrists a bit more firmly.
"Don't ever do that again," he says, suddenly releasing you and grabbing his bag, throwing the door open, leaving you standing there seething.
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Once the two of you are checked out and back on the road, Billy seems to be in good spirits, despite your little tiff that morning...which you felt incredibly guilty about.
How could you have even thought of hitting him? Especially when you knew how much it hurt. And you knew that he did as well.
You reach forward, turning down AC/DC on the radio and turn toward him.
He looks at you with a curious expression. "You need somethin', baby?"
Always with the pet names...
"I'm sorry...for...for trying to slap you. I shouldn't have done that. You're right: it won't happen again."
He's silent for a moment, staring at the road ahead. Then, "Don't worry about it." He shrugs. "Just trying to get you to lighten up a little, sugar. You know, you are allowed to have fun."
You shake your head. "Could you please stop with the pet names?'
He smirks. "Not likely, honey." Then, "So, about that having fun-"
You turn the radio back up, Highway to Hell blasting through the speakers.
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A couple hours later, the two of you finally stop for lunch at a roadside stand that serves burgers, hotdogs, fries, and a few other items.
The two of you pay separately this time, you opting for cheese fries, and Billy a burger.
You sit at a picnic table with an umbrella overtop the both of you, and you watch as he opens his soda can, taking a sip.
You eat a couple fries, and feel a jean-clad leg brush against your own under the table.
You glance up to him from under your lashes, but he just continues eating.
And then you feel his boot knock against your ankle.
"Would you stop that?"
He looks up at you, swallowing. "Eating?"
You roll your eyes, lightly kicking him under the table.
"You want to play footsie, darlin'?"
You shake your head, ignoring his leg softly rubbing against your own. Every time you react, you're giving him exactly what he wants. He's just pissing you off to amuse himself.
A few moments later, his leg stills and you look up, seeing that his eyes are now trained elsewhere: on a pair of girls around your age perched atop a picnic table diagonal to where you sit, giggling and talking amongst themselves, glancing to him every few seconds. You turn back around to continue eating.
Billy shoots them a wink. "Hey, dolls," he calls flirtatiously.
You roll your eyes, but remain silent.
"Is that your car?" One asks, looking to his Camaro.
He grins—it always makes picking up chicks so much easier. "Sure is, sweetheart. You want me to take you for a spin?"
She goes quiet for a moment, you imagine she's debating it with her friend, then, "Can we both come?"
He stands. "Hell yeah you can, baby."
He doesn't bother looking down to you when he says quietly, "Be right back."
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You watch as his car speeds out of the parking lot, hoping he comes back simply because all of your things are in his trunk.
Once you've finished eating, you stand to throw your trash away, until a soft breeze blows one of your napkins away. You groan.
You plop your paper bowl on top of the table and crouch down on hand and knees, reaching underneath the table to grab it. You go to stand, then hear someone catcall you from behind, and you slam the top of your head against the bottom of the table.
You reach up, placing your palm over the spot you were sure would have a bump forming on it soon enough.
You look behind you, and a group of three guys are watching you. Two of them standing, talking to each other, glancing to you every few seconds with smirks, the third seated on the hood of what you assume is his Mustang.
You turn around, throwing your trash away, then you seat yourself at the table again, leaning back against it, watching for Billy's car, now feeling uncomfortable.
The one on the hood slides off, making his way over to you.
You ignore him, glancing around, pretending not to notice, hoping it'll discourage him from trying to talk to you. You don't get so lucky, however.
He comes to stand in front of you, forcing you to look up at his towering form. He's older, but still handsome. Mid-twenties, maybe? Short, dark hair that's slicked back, a goatee, and dark eyes. He sports a plain blue t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. "Sorry about that. My friends...they, uh," he looks to them and smiles, then back to you. "Can be real assholes."
You smile nervously. "It's ok, no harm done."
He cocks his head to the side. "Your boyfriend do that?"
You reach up, hand hovering over the side of your face, then lower it back into your lap. "No. It's...a long story."
"I've got time," he replies with a kind smile.
You remain silent, not exactly interested in giving a stranger your life-story.
He nods. "I get it; you're shy. That's cute," he says with a chuckle.
He glances down to your bare legs, then back up to your eyes. "You're pretty."
You swallow nervously, blushing. "Thank you," you say quietly.
"Sweet too, apparently."
Your heart starts to pound from nerves. You then begin to worry about how long Billy is going to be gone. A few minutes? A couple hours?
Suddenly, he leans down, planting his palms atop the table behind you, boxing you in as he leans down, his face mere inches from your own. "You like fast cars, cutie?"
God, they really are all the same, aren't they?
You clasp your hands together to keep them from trembling from nerves. "Not really. They...they kind of scare me."
He smirks briefly. "What if I promise to take things slow, just for you?"
You know he is most certainly not talking about cars now.
Before you can reply, you hear the rumble of a familiar engine pulling back into the lot, and as you go to turn your head in the direction of the sound, he presses a kiss to your cheek, causing you to jerk your head back in his direction.
He laughs lightly. "Not exactly where I was aiming for." Then, "So, what's your name? Mine's Tyler."
You hear a door being loudly slammed.
Suddenly, Tyler is being pulled away from you by the back of his shirt. Billy throws him on the pavement, the look on his face that of utter rage.
You glance to the Mustang, and see his two friends heading in your direction.
"Touch her again and I'll beat your fuckin' ass! You hear me, asshole?" He points down at him, his other hand in a tight fist.
Tyler goes to get up and Billy steps overtop of him, legs on either side of him. "Stay down, if you know what's fuckin' good for you."
"Hey!" You hear called from the parking lot and your eyes widen. His friends do not look happy.
You step over to Billy, gripping the leather of his jacket in your hands, pulling him toward you. "Billy, we have to go. Now."
He glares down at Tyler for just a moment longer, shoulders squared, rapidly rising and falling, jaw set, eyes hard, then steps away, grabbing your forearm, pulling you around to the passenger side. "Get in the fucking car," he orders, shoving you inside.
He quickly makes his way around the front of the car, turning the engine over and rapidly pulling away, leaving the three angry men in the rearview.
Billy swerves into traffic when he goes to merge, forcing the car in his lane to also swerve into the next one over, laying on their horn.
He just angrily switches gears, ignoring the now-angry driver, going faster.
You buckle yourself in, still shaking.
When you glance at him, he looks anything but pleased. Why was he so angry, anyway? Had the girls he'd given a quick ride to ticked him off? And thus made Tyler the target to take his anger out on?
"Did you not have fun, then?"
He looks at you with an irritated, but also confused look. "What?"
"With the girls from the food stand. Did they-"
He scoffs, shifting gears. "Are you fucking stupid, or something?"
Your hands ball into fists. "Excuse me?"
"Who even was that prick, huh? I leave you alone for five goddamn minutes and that's what I come back to? You letting him kiss you, and touch whatever-the-fuck-else while I wasn't there to-"
Angry tears sting your eyes. "I didn't let him touch anything! He came onto me! Maybe, if for once, you thought with the head on your shoulders, instead of the one in your pants, it wouldn't have happened in the first place!"
He picks up speed. "It's not my fuckin' job to babysit your ass. So, is that it, then? Huh? That you really are some easy slut who puts out for everyone except me?"
You're shaking you're so enraged now. "Fuck you! You-"
"Yeah, probably the only guy you haven't!" He throws at you with a mocking laugh.
He swerves into the next lane over as a poor excuse at merging.
"God, you are such an ass! What's your problem? I mean, how many girls have you slept with, anyway? I talk to one guy—one guy—and I'm a slut? Are you serious?"
He sneers. "None of your business how many I've had. Don't be such a fuckin' prude. Not like it meant anything, anyway. It's just sex. It doesn't mean shit."
"And that's exactly why I won't let you—any guy—so much as touch me: because that is what sex is to all of you. Thanks, but no thanks. I'll save myself for someone actually worthy of me."
He looks at you then, expression unreadable. "You're a fucking virgin?"
You clench your jaw.
He looks back to the road.
"Like you said: none of your business."
He leans back, dropping speeds, upshifting. "So you didn't let Harrington crawl up there after all, huh?"
You want to break something inside his car, but know for your own safety that you better not.
"Why? Are you jealous if I did?"
He looks at you. "Did he?" He asks, completely serious.
You shrug. "I don't know. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Sound awful jealous to me."
He downshifts again, anger climbing, along with the speedometer. "Answer the fuckin' question."
You stare out your open window, hair whipping around you.
"Fine, yeah, I'm fuckin' jealous! That what you wanted to hear? Huh? So, did you-"
"No, we didn't even hold hands because it wasn't a date, Billy! I'm not even attracted to him in the first place. Halfway through Nancy showed up, and they talked for the rest of the evening, while I sat with a girlfriend of hers chatting."
He grows quiet for only a second before saying "fuck this" and turning the radio on, blaring Black Sabbath.
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It's an hour later before either of you speak again, you breaking the silence. "I have to pee."
He rolls his eyes. "Why didn't you go back at the food stand? Oh, wait, nevermind. I know why. You were too busy-"
"Either you pull over soon or I'm going all over the seat."
He takes the next exit, and once he's parked outside of a McDonald's, you slam the door behind you.
"Fuckin' watch that shit!"
You ignore him as you go inside, in search of a restroom.
Once finished, you sit there a few extra minutes, trying to calm yourself down. You consider going back out and trying to calmly explain to him that there are other ways of expressing emotions than through violence and unabashed anger, but you know exactly how such a conversation will go—it won't. He'll put a stop to it before you can even start.
So, you instead wash your hands, then go and get yourself an ice-cream cone.
When you come back out to the car, Billy has a pair of sunglasses on, head leaned back against the seat, Led Zeppelin now playing.
You get inside, buckling yourself in with one hand, then take a lick of your ice-cream that's in the other.
He turns his head in your direction. "What, nothing for your chauffeur?"
You look at him, licking your lips. "You have two feet and a heartbeat, go get one."
He watches you lick a few more times, vanilla sliding down your tongue.
He doesn't even try to hide it when he reaches down, adjusting himself.
You ignore it, licking again.
"Let me have some."
You look at him, considering, then hold it toward him.
And he bites half the thing off, swallowing.
He then tosses the rest out the window, splattering against the pavement, rainbow sprinkles going everywhere.
"What'd you do that for?!" You yell.
He puts the car in reverse, backing out of his parking spot. "Don't need you making a mess in here, or distracting me while I'm driving."
"You just wasted thirty cents of my money!"
His hand circles the wheel, turning toward the exit of the parking lot. "More like fifteen once I was done with it." He looks at you again. "If you need somethin' else to lick, I know where you can put your tongue at, sweetheart."
"You're so disgusting."
He glances to you. "I think you like getting those perfect feathers ruffled."
He then revs the engine loud enough as he drives away that he doesn't catch the vulgar statement you throw his way.
He'd like to think you agreed with him.
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sadhours · 4 months
Pervy Billy please 🤤🤤🤤
okay okay, here’s a teaser of my upcoming series stuck in the middle with you
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billy hargrove x pamela oc!mayfield
cw: 18+ minors dni, perv!billy, stepcest, psuedocest, teasing, groping, dry humping and masturbation
It’s like the little bitch does it on purpose. Those shorts can barely be classified as such, they’re practically just underwear and she’s prancing around the house like she’s trying to get a rise out of Billy. It’s making him pretty damn bricked up, just trying to enjoy his fucking bowl of Wheaties.
They’re alone. Neil and Susan shopping, like they do most Saturday mornings and Billy’s got no idea where Max is nor does he care. Pamela is doing her chores, pale blonde hair bouncing whenever she reaches down to grab miscellaneous clutter. Thanks to the motion, he also notices she’s not wearing a bra; breasts swaying under her thin cotton shirt. God, her legs are long, he thinks as he skates his eyes up and down them.
Billy’s aware he’s staring. Part of him thinks Pamela wants him to. He shovels another spoonful of cereal in his mouth before dropping the bowl in the sink for Pamela to clean. It’s her chore after all.
He’s got his own chores. Lists them off in his head; fix the leaky faucet in the bathroom, organize the garage, mow the lawn, wack all the weeds and take out the garbage. They can wait, he decides as he keeps his place in the kitchen and watches as his step sister continues on with her chores. Chews on his lip as she uses the scrunchie on her wrist to tie her hair up in a bun. She starts by cleaning off the counters, putting everything back in its place before she takes her place at the sink. A smirk spreads across his lips and he crowds behind her, places his hands on the counter to cage her in.
Pamela tilts her head, doesn’t look at him but exposes her neck like she’s expecting something. Billy takes these movements slow and calculated. He doesn’t want to scare her off, but then again, he’s sure Pamela is playing the same game he is. He laughs, soft as he towers over her. His breath fans over her neck and Pamela’s skin pricks with goosebumps as she wets the sponge. Squirts dish liquid on it before she finally speaks up, “Can I help you?”
Billy purses his lips, closes the gap between Pamela’s ass and his crotch as he tells her, “Just making sure you’re doing a good job is all.”
She snorts but continues cleaning the dishes and maybe Billy’s imagining it but he thinks he feels her push her ass back against him. So he grabs her waist, holds her steady and presses his lips against her exposed neck. It’s not a kiss. Just to feel her warm skin. Rolls his hips slow, testing before moving his hands to feel up her sides. Swooping forward and cupping her breasts in his palms.
He kneads them in his hands, shamelessly rolling his hips and Pamela elicits the prettiest little sound. A moan if Billy’s not mistaken and it makes him greedy. Slams his hips forward, grinding against her ass in those tiny shorts while he gropes at her tits. Pamela drops the silverware and sponge, gripping onto the edge of the counter as she pants.
“See what you’re doing to me?” Billy asks against her ear, rocking his hips forward again. Making sure she can feel the way his cocks hard in his basketball shorts. “Walking around in that shit… dressed like a fucking slut,” he pants, “Tryna get my attention, huh?”
“Billy,” she gasps, a whine of a thing.
He pulls her top up, just enough to expose her tits and gets his hands back on them. Pinches her nipples, rutting against her like the pathetic little perv he is.
“Billy.. we— ah, we can’t,” he babbles out, but she’s still grinding back against him.
“We can’t what?” he grunts out, nose bushing against her temple.
“Do this,” Pamela replies, hands moving to reach for his wrists. “It’s wrong.”
Billy knows it’s wrong. That’s part of why he can’t stop thinking about her like this.
But she’s right. This was probably far enough. He pulls away, looks down at her as she turns. Her pretty face all flushed. And he acts kind of like a child, stomping away to his room and slamming his door. Just to lean against it and shove his shorts down, get his cock out and wrap his hand around it.
“Fuck,” he whines, closing his eyes and imagines his step sister on her knees in front of him. “Oh, you slut,” he whispers, lips twisting up as he plays out this fantasy. Fucks his fist hard and fast, cumming with her name on his lips.
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babeydollx · 9 months
The First Day of Kinkmas: Breeding | Billy Hargrove
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Warnings: cursing, smut, a little bit of fluff, sex, p in v, unprotected sex, daddy kink, breeding kink
Pairings: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader
Summary: In which Billy gets Y/N to try a new kink with him.
Author's Note: This fic is for the start of my 12 Days of Kinkmas!
12 Days of Kinkmas Masterlist
© Maybanks-Luver 2023, please do not steal, copy, modify, repost, or translate my work.
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"Come on baby, please?" Billy asked as he pulled you closer to himself. "I don't know, Billy.. it is kind of risky don't you think?" You asked as you looked up at him. "I mean, sex with no protection and you know that I am not taking the pill either." You said. He just smirked devilishly before speaking, "but the risk makes it more fun." You sighed. You couldn't lie that the thought of Billy pumping you full of his cum did turn you on but, you just didn't know if it was the best idea. You didn't want this to end with you getting pregnant.
"Plus, I can tell by the way you are clenching your legs right now that you like the idea of me cumming inside of you." He said with a smirk. You bit your lip softly while you thought about it. "Alright, fine." You said. "But, you need to promise that if anything goes wrong, that you won't leave me." You looked up at him. That was one of your biggest fears. That if you got pregnant soon that he'd leave you. You didn't know what you would do with yourself if he ever did leave you.
Billy looked down at you lovingly. "I promise that no matter what happens that I will never leave you, babe." He said with a soft smile. You smiled warmly before kissing him. The kiss started off soft but then it turned passionate and rough. He picked you up before taking you into your shared bedroom. He gently tossed you onto the bed causing you to giggle as he climbed on top of you. The two of you made out for awhile before he began to strip you out of your clothing.
You whimpered as you watched him strip you down until your body was bare. Billy stripped his clothes off before he spread your legs. He wasted no time to position himself between your legs before slowly pushing into you. You gasped as your back arched off of the bed. "Fuck." He sighed as he bottomed out of you. You wrapped your legs around his waist before he pinned your wrists above your head as he began to thrust into you. You threw your head back and moaned out as Billy had already set a fast pace.
"Fuck- I- daddy!" You moaned out as he thrusted into you even faster than he was before. Billy smirked at the name. "Fuck, say it again baby." He said as he groaned out. "Daddy!" You moaned out louder as he continued to plow his cock into you. You clenched around him as he continued to fuck into you. He leaned down and began to kiss your neck before gently biting it. You whimpered loudly when he did so before he slowly licked over the spot he bit and continued to lick up your neck until he reached you earlobe and began to gently nibble on your ear.
Your legs tightened around his waist and you clenched around him again. "Fuck, I love this pussy." Billy groaned in your ear as he continued to fuck you. You started to feel a familiar knot bunching up in your stomach and you knew that you were going to cum. "I- can I p- please cum, daddy?" You attempted to ask him as you moaned out. He pretended to think about it for a moment which caused you to whine. "Alright, cum for me baby." He said. Your eyes rolled back and your legs began to tremble as you gushed all over his cock.
He continued to fuck into your pussy for a few more minutes before he came as well, filling up your pussy with his cum. Billy pulled out of you as his cum began to drip out of your pussy. He took his fingers and scooped his cum back up before shoving it back into you again causing you to moan. "Well, let's see if you get all swelled up with my baby." Billy said with a smirk.
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Author's Note: tysm for reading!
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buckysgrace · 3 days
2. Eyes Without a Face
Billy Hargrove x Fem!OC/Tommy Hagan x Fem!OC
Now That We Don't Talk
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Three Years Later
He viewed Kim differently now. 
He still loved her in the same manner, perhaps even more in his opinion. Being married and having a child together had really changed his point of view. He wasn’t ever sure if he’d really be happy getting married. His eyes had a bad habit of wandering, of thinking that there could be more out there for him. 
Kim hadn’t given him an option to think about anyone else after their honeymoon. She had gotten pregnant right away, surprising him completely. They had always been safe. He didn’t see how it was possible, but he had been happy nonetheless. A baby was special. 
Sex was new between them, on the rare occasion that they had it. He used to be rough; enjoyed pulling her hair and smacking her skin. He no longer liked to do that. He supposed it was fairly plain, vanilla for sure. He just didn’t feel right being so brutal with the mother of his child. 
Nora was anything but a handful. With rosy cheeks, golden red hair and big blue eyes; a looker, just like her mother. She acted like Kim too. Always getting into things, eyes full of curiosity and a nose that was able to sniff out sweets for miles. Other than that, she didn’t do anything too chaotic. A little angel. 
He had made a deal with Kim, well, rather he had pleaded with her to take his suggestion. He worked and she stayed at home with Nora. It was easier that way. Kim was motherly, had no issue changing diapers and wiping runny noses. Tommy didn’t like any of it. Not the messy part. He could play with Nora for hours but once she got fussy or overheated, she went straight back to Kim. 
“Hi,” Kim waved from the kitchen, her hair pulled back into a ponytail as she held Nora against her left side. She stirred something in her right hand, nodding her head as Nora babbled off while she finished off a creamsicle, “How was work?”
“Good,” He replied, quickly kissing the side of her cheek and narrowly avoiding Nora’s sticky hands, “Uh, we’re going to have one more over for dinner.” He added, smiling as he tapped the top of Nora’s head.
“Oh?” She asked as she looked up, hazel eyes inquisitive as Nora mirrored her expression. Tommy still thought it was funny that Nora had ended up with blue eyes, instead of brown like theirs, “Who is it? It’s not Jason, is it? That guy is a creep.” She reminded him of her disdain, making him sigh deeply. 
“He’s not a creep,” Tommy defended him quickly, knowing he just got a bad reputation, “But no. It’s not Jason. It’s uh, someone you like.” He replied, hoping that was still the case. Kim stopped for a second, analyzing him for a long time. 
“Is there a reason you’re being secretive about it?” She questioned him sourly, nose scrunching up like she was scared about what his answer would be. He honestly wasn’t too sure about how she’d react. Neither of them had seen Billy in so long. 
“It’s your brother,” He introduced slowly as he pulled a smile on his face, “Yay! Uncle Billy is coming to town!” He cheered, clapping his hands as Nora began to bounce and giggle in Kim’s arms. Kim, on the other hand, looked less than pleased.
“What do you mean he’s coming to town?” She bore a pained expression as she pushed her pan of food off of the burner, quickly shutting the heat off before she placed Nora on the ground. The toddle whined, gripping a hold of her jeans with sticky fingers. 
“Well,” Tommy paused, “I guess he lost his job, had a little relapse incident, and then his girlfriend kicked him out. Ex girlfriend I guess.” He rubbed the back of his neck, deciding that he was going to keep a few more details out. He had a feeling she’d say no if she knew the full story.
But she already looked like she didn’t like his answer. She played with her hair, a little telltale sign that she was nervous. But he also knew that it likely meant that she’d give in anyways. She still didn’t like to say no, even if it made her uncomfortable. 
He knew that there was some well deserved hesitancy there. The last time either of them had seen Billy had been at the wedding. He had skipped the exchanging of the vows, but then showed up to the reception more drunk than Tommy had ever seen him. He had made a fool of himself. 
“You couldn’t ask me first?” She asked, dampening a paper towel before she began to scrub Nora’s face and hands clean. He watched, glad that he had stayed out of the toddler’s sticky path. 
“Oh come on, he’s your brother,” He said quickly, “And he’s all alone in Los Angeles. No wonder he has all the drug issues.” He gestured about with his hands, a little jealous that Billy had such wild stories to share. Tommy felt like he hadn’t really gotten to experience anything with getting married so young. And having a baby straight away. 
“He hates it here.” She mumbled, keeping her eyes focused on Nora as she continued to try and talk at the same time Tommy was. 
“That could change,” He shrugged his shoulders, “What happened between you two anyways?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he tried to recall the last time they’d spoken. In fairness, he hadn’t spoken to Billy in years either. But he and Kim had been raised together. 
“What?” She snapped her head towards him, eyes wide with worry. He shrugged his shoulders, not sure why she seemed so on edge. 
“I mean you guys don’t talk anymore,” He said slowly, “Surely something had to happen.” He pried a little deeper, wondering if there was something she was keeping from him. Surely not. 
“We just never got along, different interests,” She brushed his inquiries away as she began to make Nora’s plate with one hand, “And he’s not my brother.” She replied stiffly, smiling as Nora patted her shoulder in confusion. 
“No Uncle Biwwy?” Nora asked, eyes filled with sadness as she rested her wet cheek against Kim’s chest. Tommy winced, wondering how Kim could stand the mess. 
“Yeah,” He added as he rested his chin on his fingers and pouted his lips out, “No Uncle Biwwy? Because I promised him the spare room until he got on his feet. He should be here anytime. I uh, need to figure something out if he can’t stay here.” He replied awkwardly, balancing on the tips of his toes in hopes of changing her mind. 
“I didn’t say he couldn’t,” She sighed as she shifted Nora once again, pausing as she brought a damp towel up and began to wipe her face clean, “I wish you would’ve just asked. You never ask.” She reminded him, making him wish he could roll his eyes. He didn’t like how that was always the argument. He asked when he needed to. For important things. Most of the time. 
“I’m asking now.” He replied as he stood up a little straighter, feeling like he didn’t have to ask to have someone stay in his own home. The one that he had bought and was still paying for. 
“You’re telling me,” She clarified with a soft smile, “I’m not his maid though. He’s going to have to pick up after himself.” She nodded her head along, looking like she was determined to keep some ground rules for herself. 
“Cool,” Tommy replied as he nodded along, “Uh is it done, hun? Because I’m starving.” He glanced into the pot, desperately wanting something to eat. 
“Go ahead,” She responded as she walked away, holding Nora in one hand and her food in the other. He did as she requested, filling his plate full as she ensured that Nora’s tray wasn’t too hot. She always sat with Nora as she ate first, then made her own plate after, “I need to get the guest room ready, can you watch her?”
“Yeah, she’s my daughter.” He snorted, sometimes irritated with the way she thought he couldn’t handle things. He was perfectly capable of watching her eat.
“Tommy,” She said in exasperation, “I just need you to make sure she doesn’t choke on anything.” She replied, pushing her hair out of her face as Nora placed her spoon into her mouth.
“She’s going to be four, she should know what she’s doing. Right, Nora?” He tilted his head, smiling down at the little redhead.
“Wight.” She giggled as she nodded her head, smiling brightly up towards Kim. She sighed in agreement but didn’t look so reassured.
“I was just teasing,” He said as he noticed Kim staying near Nora, “I’ll watch her. Go clean up the room.” He felt a little bad, knowing that they didn’t always understand each other anymore. He didn’t think either of them were getting what they really wanted; but he supposed that was just marriage.
“It can wait,” She said, smiling and pretending to take a bite as Nora offered her a handful, “She’ll need a bath anyways.” 
He took his own shower while Kim used the other bathroom to bathe Nora, then prepare the guest room. Even though Tommy thought it was clean enough, she had her list already planned out. But it was the room where he had been storing most of his spare things.
“Can you watch her?” Kim asked as she peeked down into the living room, Nora hot on her trail. She clung to her everywhere she went.
“Uh, why?” He asked as he glanced towards the ball game, his beer already opened and ready for him. He wasn’t the least bit ashamed to admit that the quick view of the cheerleaders had done something to him.
“Because I still need to shower,” She responded in exasperation, “And she likes to try and play with the power outlets now.” She touched the top of Nora’s head gently, making her giggle.
“Sounds like a lesson to be learned, huh?” He mumbled underneath his breath, sure that his father would’ve let him mess around and find out.
“Five minutes,” Kim begged, “Please.” She begged softly, making him sigh and nod in defeat. He didn’t think their toddler was that helpless. She could be alone without burning the house down or harming herself. Especially for five quick minutes.
“You don’t need me to watch you, do you?” He asked her, whispering so Kim couldn’t hear from the bathroom.
“Uh uh.” She shook her head, red curls flying as she bounced back and forth between rocking two different baby dolls in her arms.
“You won’t tell mommy?” He asked her quickly, holding his palms together in a quick plea. She worked on bundling her babies up in a blanket before she answered.
“Suwe!” She giggled, giving her baby doll a little kiss before he was scurrying away. He wouldn’t be that long anyways. He’d been worked up for the past week.
He retreated to his room, shutting the door gently. He knew that he’d be able to hear the water shut off and hear if Nora got into anything from this distance.
He had just managed to shrug his pants off, his briefs around his thighs and his fingers wrapped around his cock when the doorbell sounded. Again. And again. It continually rang until he felt like his mind might explode.
“Can you get that?” He shouted out the door, keeping it closed so no one could see what he was trying to get up to.
“What?” Kim shouted, her voice muffled from the bathroom door.
“The door!” He shouted, “Can you get it?” He shut his eyes tightly, quietly begging for her to rush out and get it. 
“I’m in the shower!” She protested back, making him sigh deeply. He resisted the urge to slam his head against the door, irritated with the timing.
“Shit,” He huffed, tucking himself back inside and adjusting his pants. He gave his hands a quick wash before he was rushing down the stairs, “I hear you!”
The ringing continued as he rushed down the stairs, his eyes widening as he removed the toddler away from the back of the TV stand. That’s all he needed.
“It woud.” Nora commented with her hands over her ears as he placed her back on the couch. Nosey little thing.
“Get used to it,” He chuckled as he kissed the top of her head, “That’s your uncle Billy.” Her eyes widened in fear as she glanced around, her little legs moving quickly up the stairs as she retreated. She was apparently too shy to introduce herself. 
“Jesus Christ,” Billy grinned from ear to ear, “Took you long enough.” He stated, looking a little bored as his eyes fell towards Tommy. He looked a little skinnier, his hair shorter and bags underneath his eyes deep. But he was still Billy. 
“That was very annoying,” He scoffed as he popped the door open, “C’mon in.” He gestured inside at the almost annoyingly clean living room. It must’ve meant that his mother stopped by, that was the only time that it was truly spotless. 
“Holy fuck,” Billy spit out, “You did get a nice place.” He held his duffel bag over his shoulders as he peered around, stopping to briefly glance at the framed photos before he turned away again. 
“Yeah,” He chuckled, “You better put that out. Kim doesn’t want anyone smoking around Nora.” He pointed out, looking at the cigarette that was placed behind his ear. It was half smoked, like he’d been savoring it. 
“And you have a kid,” He laughed, like it was hilarious, “Who would’ve thought?” He shook his head, speaking the truth out loud. Tommy was still surprised each morning. 
“Not me,” He muttered in admittance as he gestured towards the living room, “Welcome in.” He clapped his hands together, unsure of what else to say as he watched Billy slowly glide around. 
He looked around intensely, like he was inspecting each little detail. Tommy could feel himself bouncing in excitement, wanting to know all about how LA was. How the partying was, the girls. Everything. 
“Billy,” Kim replied softly, her face flushed as she tugged on her damp hair as she took slow steps down from the stairs. She looked anywhere but him, following the same nervous tick she did anytime she met someone new, “Good to see you again.”
Tommy’s relationship with his own siblings wasn’t the best, but he didn’t know how he could ever just stop talking to them. Even if Billy and Kim both claimed they weren’t siblings, they were raised together. He just didn’t get it.
“Kim,” Billy nodded at her; features stoic as he looked around, “You guys have a nice place.” He said again, rubbing the back of his neck as he turned away. Apparently he didn’t know how to talk to her either. Or he was expecting a lecture.
“You were supposed to see it a long time ago.” Tommy pointed out, shoving at him playfully. Billy nodded along, shrugging his shoulders softly. 
“I was busy,” He replied with a smirk. Tommy did his best not to sigh, knowing that Billy had done things that he could only dream about. He supposed that was the issue with getting married young and having children at such an age too, “This must be Nova?”
“Nora,” Tommy corrected, smiling at the way she curled up into Kim’s side. She had the same shy nature about her, “This is Uncle Billy, remember?” He squatted down, hoping that she might become more comfortable. 
“Hi.” She said shyly, face half hidden as Billy joined Tommy on the floor. He looked kinder and Tommy suddenly remembered that he had spent a summer or two teaching kids her age how to swim. 
“Do you like dolls?” He asked, tilting his head as a gentle smile pulled onto his lips, “I have one for you. Your dad said you liked Barbies.” He dropped his bag slowly, looking proud at the way Nora perked up. 
“Oh, yeah,” She said with a giggle, suddenly more interested, “I like dem.” She nodded her head happily, squeezing at Kim’s leg for reassurance. 
“Do you want to go get it?” Kim asked her, kissing the top of her head, “We already ate, but I can warm the leftovers up if you want.” She added awkwardly, furrowing her eyebrows together before she crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Uh, sure,” Billy replied with a shrug of his shoulders as he dug through his duffel bag, “Here you go, kid.” He plopped it into Nora’s hands, earning a loud squeal from her as she examined it. 
“Oh cool times Barbie,” Tommy responded, trying to keep a calm expression, “How neat.” He chuckled, wondering how many Barbie’s she’d have before it was too much. 
“What do you say?” Kim asked gently, her lips curled into a soft smile as Nora pulled a bright grin onto her lips. She teetered back and forth before she answered. 
“Tank you,” She grinned in excitement, “Mama, open?” She held it up over her head, looking conflicted as she pulled at the plastic. Tommy stood first, wandering if this would be an appropriate moment to pull out a few beers. 
“Yeah, come to the kitchen with me.” Kim told her, holding a hand out as Nora waddled quickly to keep up. It was a pretty cute sight. Their nightgowns even seemed to match. 
“How are you feeling?” Tommy asked seriously, collapsing on the recliner as Billy followed suit. He stretched his legs out, suddenly looking exhausted. 
“Like shit,” Billy grumbled, “I hate this fucking town.” He replied bitterly, almost angrily as he linked his fingers over his abdomen. Tommy exhaled deeply. Sure he wanted to travel, but Hawkins wasn’t that bad. All of his friends and family were here. 
“Better than living in your car.” He said seriously, sure that it had to be an uncomfortable few weeks. Things must’ve been really bad for him to come crawling back. 
“Barely,” He sighed as he stretched his legs out once again, “So what do you do? I never saw you as a family guy.” Billy cocked an eyebrow curiously, leaving Tommy shrugging. He had been too young to have known what he really wanted. He still felt that way in all honesty. 
“I guess it was just a bullshit gift from fate. Right after the wedding.” He laughed as he thought about how nervous and scared Kim had been. He wasn’t much help through the pregnancy either. It had all freaked him out. He understood how people got cold feet. 
“You’re not happy?” Billy looked for clarity, his eyebrows furrowing together like he was sure he was hearing Tommy wrong. 
“I didn’t mean it like that,” He said quickly, trying to defend himself, “It’s just mundane sometimes. That’s all.” He shrugged his shoulders, not sure if he should mention that the love between him and Kim was clearly gone. Their passion had long since fizzled out. 
“Here,” Kim said slowly as she sat the bowl down on the table for Billy to reach. She sat down near the corner of the couch, smiling as Nora crawled onto her lap. She got comfortable as she held her Barbie to her chest, beginning to brush her hair out slowly, “I hope the drive wasn’t too bad?”
“Nothing terrible,” Billy replied as he glanced towards her, “I guess it is kind of nice to be back, sort of like home.” He mused softly before he turned away, eyes glancing towards him.
“Bullshit.” He laughed, nearly cackling at his terrible lie. There was no way Billy thought of this shitty town as home. He hated it here. 
“There really is nothing good about this place.” Billy replied after a brief pause, grinning as he bounced his knee up and down. Tommy shook his head, still marveled at how Billy could say such a thing.
“Come on,” Kim whispered as she adjusted Nora on her lap, “Say goodnight. Let’s go get ready for bed.” She picked her up quickly, ignoring the little protest Nora let out before she waved her fingers at them.
“Night night!” She squealed, giggling as Tommy leaned up and kissed her warm cheek. At least she wasn’t sticky.
Kim carried her off, promising of a new story tonight as Tommy settled back into his chair. It was the same routine. The same everything. He was bored.
“You’re lucky.” Billy said suddenly, taking him by surprise. He supposed in a way he was, but this hadn’t been the life he had wanted. He felt like he was stuck in a box most days.
“You are,” Tommy corrected, “You got to live and we’re just stuck in whatever this is.” He gestured about, keeping his voice lowered so Kim couldn’t hear. He didn’t want to deal with her crying about it next. Their fights were always like that.
“Hm,” Billy hummed softly, “You sound happy. Does she know you’re this joyful?” He mocked, fingers twitching repeatedly against his abdomen. He was clearly still coming off of something, noticeable by the way he kept locking his jaw and darting his eyes around.
“She doesn’t say anything.” He shrugged his shoulders, speaking the truth. Even when they fought she usually went quiet. She was just a shell sometimes, like she’d dug herself into her own hole that only she could be a part of.
“Marriage,” Billy scoffed, “What a wondrous thing.” 
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queers-gambit · 25 days
Careful What You Wish For
prompt: he's highly reactive, you're incredibly enduring. he's a righteous dick, you're criminally empathetic. he's temperamental, you're amenable. but you're done being his doormat. -> or in which Billy resorts to breaking up when you two fight, but when he comes to make up (like clockwork), you finally have a change of heart.
pairing: Billy Hargrove x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Stranger Things
word count: 5k+
warnings: it's not much so don't expect a lot! author has Daddy Issues™️ and you're gonna deal with it, cursing, drama for drama's sake, Billy Boy's trauma translates into a toxic relationship, feelings are hard, abrupt ending, angst, hurt not a lot of comfort; healthy parent relationship? wild.
and NO this is NOT influenced by Hoover's book / Blake's movie! i have NOT read the book nor seen the movie, so if you recognize similarities, it's 100% unintentional!
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To be reactive means to impulsively act upon circumstances instead of rationally considering situations that would asses a humane, clean, agreeable, "legal" response. To be reactive is exactly what it sounds like. It's reacting. It's not thinking, it's not being considerate or logical. It's being fueled by emotion, to be impulsive and rash. To be reactive was borderline selfish as the response is one-sided and results from only a single person's perspective.
Part of growing up is learning to handle your reactions; to absorb situations and consider the best possible option forward. Thing is, it's not a skill people could master in a day, week, month, year - it took a lot of time, focus, and constant, conscious dedication. People in high school were attempting to master this skill; people in college, their 20's - hell, there's even people in their 30's and 40's still trying to learn and perfect the ability to fucking handle their reactiveness.
So, in actuality, you couldn't fault Billy for being "this" way. It's not like he was doing it consciously, maliciously, or on purpose; he genuinely didn't know better and it's hard to unlearn lessons life taught you. Considering the environment he grew up in, you knew Billy stood absolutely no chance to learn and develop healthy coping mechanisms and forms of communication - but Christ, it was difficult to date him.
All romantic bullshit aside, Billy's attitude was increasingly concerning the further your relationship progressed. He required a lot of love and patience - of which, you had an abundance of and was happy to give. Yet that's the key word, abundance - NOT unlimited. He's sensitive, meaning easily irritated; damn near any and everything inconvenienced him. His mouth moved before his neurons could fire. He refused to compromise or admit defeat like Flat Earthers refuse scientific evidence. He would always choose throwing a fist over using his words. He embodied the cutting image of "bad boy", but he also lived it if his lack of manners and foul mouth was any indication. He was aloof, malcontent, egotistical, had the emotional intelligence of a fucking jellyfish, operated as an iron lock with a thrown-away key.
And Billy loves you. You knew, in his way, he loves you. But you also knew how hard it was for Billy to have any degree of emotion for any given reason. This meant more often than not, you worried his feelings for you were forced, or at the very least, ebbed and waned. Odd, isn't it? How his trauma causes a trauma response in you?
Billy was far from perfect, but you didn't need him perfect. You needed him to be loving, supportive, kind and caring, honest, empathetic... All things nobody would EVER think of when trying to describe Billy.
Yet you two worked. Polar opposites; two ends of the spectrum; a flowery romance novel and a doomed tragedy.
You used to think he was the ebony ink and you, the pure snow in the Yin and Yang symbol - or a taijitu. He was dark and brooding and abused and hateful - but with you, as that single dot of white, he felt balanced. You're bright, blinding, glittering, passionate - and with Billy, he added that speck of darkness (or realism) to your purity.
Sure, this could mean literally since you lost your virginity to him within a couple months of dating, but more so in the sense that Billy's pessimism was darkening your optimism; almost as if he was pouring water from your glass into his to force you to see your glass (read: reality) as half empty. It was as if he was corrupting you. Yet perhaps not in the sense we all might think - like he takes you to party all weekend, blow off school, engage in sketchy or concerning or dangerous activities, experiment with drugs and sexual positions that border on acrobatic. His corruption was more along the lines of draining you; where you were once bright and happy, so excited to love and be loved, to live life; you're now just tired and passive and accepting.
Billy wasn't easy to love. When you first started dating, it felt like a challenge - winning him over. You were determined to prove yourself ideal, capable, and willing to endure him and all his (and his family's) antics. Yet as time passed, you fell so deeply in love with him that you didn't even remember why you first kept coming back for more. He was intoxicating; he invades any space and commandeers not just attention, but leadership and control.
Billy was the flame. You, the moth. Yet eventually, fires will die. They will not burn forever. Whether from a lack of oxygen, wood, or something like the wind snuffs it, no flame ever endures forever. And now, the flame was dying and you were finding lesser reason to linger around dwindling warmth.
You see, there's only SO much a person can take. Being so reactive, fighting with Billy is fucking clockwork. It's eerily like a science the way you two will always fight when one of you has the realization, "Wow, things are SO peaceful and SO nice right now!" Naturally, because God (or karma, the universe, whoever) had a sense of humor, would choose that moment to cause issue.
Fights with Billy were usually sparked by something decently simple - like you being paired with Jason Carver for a tutoring session, or taking an extra 10 minutes in the shower after your sports practice, or telling him, "Sorry, I can't go out Friday, baby, I told the Wheeler's I'd babysit." This would cause Billy to spiral. Akin to a ripe, seasonal Kansas tornado.
Fights with Billy usually got personal, and since you knew and trusted one another so well, there was plenty of ammunition. Insults were hurled for an unGodly amount of time, but it was because Billy loved pulling loose threads to watch everything unravel.
Fights with Billy usually ended in a single, consistent manner: with him breaking up with you. Oh, it was infuriating! Billy had both fight and flight instincts - you know, from being so reactive - that he was all for throwing a punch, but when it came to real accountability or resolution, he'd flee; never caring about who he might hurt in the process. He'd engage his "fight" response, and then turn around and "flee", only to return later and resume fighting! Talk about fucking whiplash! Billy was like a wrecking ball, and if you were gonna fight, he was gonna make sure he was ready for it.
This fight was no different.
You can't even remember why it started, but it did and now, you sat on the front porch stairs of your family home, head bowed into your arms while silently weeping. Was it sadness? Was it despair? Acceptance? Frustration? Defeat? Was it anger that made you cry? Were these tears of humor? Disbelief? Exhaustion?
Perhaps all of the above at once.
"Look, I just think we need to take a break. From each other."
You held your breath, rolling your lips between your teeth and slowly looking up at the boy you loved and hated most in this world. Billy was standing at the bottom of the stairs, one arm propped on the freshly painted wooden bannister to hold his balance; watching you with mild remorse, mostly neutrality. You smirked mirthlessly, nodding, "Right, okay."
Billy scoffed, ash falling from the end of his lit cigarette, asking, "Really not gon' say nothin'? Don't wanna fight or argue 'bout this?"
"Why bother, Billy?" You snipped, wiping your tears. "You do this every time. Fuck's sake, it's like something gets a little hard or inconvenient and we break-up."
He scoffed, "Yeah?"
"Well, maybe this is the last time, sweetheart."
You just sighed, "Okay, Bee. I'm gonna go in, you kinda interrupted movie night to do this. So, now that you have, cool if I go in? Great, get home safe." You stood without waiting for his answer, turning for the front door and immediately seeking refuge inside. You locked the doorknob, then the deadbolt, and just for dramatic flare, latched the chain, too.
Using the sleeves of your shirt, you dried your face.
"Who was that, honey?" Your mother asked as you entered the dark living room, sighing as you dropped into your spot on the sofa; taking your little sister in arms as she settled on your chest once more.
"Just Billy."
"Oh, he didn't want to come in?"
"No, Mama, he had to go."
"Shame," she sighed, "I thought he would like this movie."
You only hummed, draping a thin blanket over you and your sister. "Pops. Hey, hey," you whispered, hand out, wiggling your foot into your father's thigh, "dad, hey. Daddy." Without looking, he handed over the bowl of popcorn mixed with Peanut M&M's and jumped when the sound boomed and the screen flashed with blinding action.
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't focus on the heavy Austrian accent of the time traveling Terminator. Your head repeated the argument with Billy; how it had now spanned over several days and he had the audacity to knock at your door tonight, interrupting the week-standing movie night he KNEW your family participated in, and proceeded to break-up with you - AGAIN!
Yet something felt so fucking different this time.
You weren't sad by this "break-up" (yet) because you knew he was just being reactive and sensitive, but something didn't sit right about tonight. Your parents both worked incredibly long hours at tedious, stressful jobs, but they were very firm that every Thursday night was movie night - and Billy knew this. He knew where you were every Thursday. He knew better than to interrupt, he knew this time together was sacred since your parents worked so frequently but also actually seemed to like family time.
So, he chose tonight as the best time to initiate this break? Your heart hammered as you began to convince yourself this was a malicious move; he knowingly came to your house to inflict emotional turmoil when you were with family. It was deliberate, it was a manipulative power move; knowing he had such a hold on you that even during your beloved family time of bonding, despite being in a fight, you would still receive him; still come back to him.
Angry tears coated your eyes as Sarah Connor fought for her life. Where Billy was always highly reactive, being the eldest daughter, you were resilient and enduring; able to handle anything thrown your way. You were rational, decently calm; able to think through a storm, being only motivated by the sight of the sun. Billy had a bad attitude, he was arrogant, his ego inflated by the small town girls all drooling over him, but it was his abuse and lack of coping ability that made him into a righteous dick. Perhaps that was why he was attracted to you, being so empathetic and understanding that it bordered on criminal - especially with the way it slowly drained you of life. Billy was temperamental, angry and hurt by the world; and you were amenable, agreeable - not a pushover, but similar to water in the sense that you could adapt and conform to any space, shape, or circumstance you're put in (willingly or not).
Something in your gut finally clicked.
You're done being his doormat. Loving Billy was dismantling you brick by brick; he thought because you were so accepting and understanding that he could act anyway he wanted, get away with it, and you'd always forgive him. You'd always take him back. He could rip your heart out of your chest, crush it into dust, and you'd still thank him when he sprinkles it in your hands - because at least he did that. At least he gave you a sprinkle. You were supposed to be grateful - never-minding that he was the one who continuously hurt you in the first place.
Your eyes drifted from the television to your mother and father sat together at the far end of the couch. 20 years married, and they still sat together like high school teens; his arm around her shoulders, kept close, sharing snacks, a throw blanket cocooning their legs. They were so gentle with one another; relying majorly on nonverbal communication, like when there's a jump scare, your father's thumb would sweep over the back of your mother's hand resting on his lap. It was a grounding technique you have long taken note of, but seeing it now just made you sad.
The desire to have a relationship like your parents was strong, but what was even stronger was simply setting a good example for your sister. You'd be devastated if you ever learned she dated a man like Billy; who put her through the emotional wringer for no direct or good reason. You thought you'd tell her it wasn't her job to fix anyone; it wasn't her responsibility or burden to help mold a boy into a man. Your heart would shatter if you learned she was like you - crying to sleep, throwing towels over all mirrors to avoid any reflection, walking on eggshells in an effort to keep the peace you weren't even charged with!
Watching her eyes glittering in the glow of the action movie, you knew what you had to do. If you didn't practice what you preached, you had no true leg to stand on; your words become contradictory, your concerns warped by perspective. You didn't want her to look at your parents, then at you and Billy, and think someone was wrong - or that love was somewhere in between your relationship examples. You wanted her to know love wasn't supposed to hurt, and if you needed her to understand that she deserved the best of the best, you needed to walk the walk that you talked.
Blinking back tears, you resigned yourself to forcing the feeling of contentment; hugging your sister closer, relishing the feeling of your father's warmth against the bottom of your feet where they laid. And as if he could read your mind, your father mutely kept his one arm around your mother, the other laying on your ankle; glancing over to catch your eye and offer a small, soft smile before focusing on the movie again.
You pecked your sister's forehead quickly, whispering, "You okay, Bug?"
"Not too scared?"
"No," she answered, completely entranced by the television.
"Uh-huh. Can you pause it?" She asked your father, who almost instantly reached for the remote to hit pause. Your sister jumped up and rushed from the living room before quickly doubling back to hang in the doorway, "I'll be back." Then she dipped behind the wall, only to pop back out a second later and punctuate, "With weapons!"
The living room was full of boisterous laughter as she scampered off to the bathroom.
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There was a gentle knock at your closed bedroom door, head lifting from the lowered crane it unconsciously drooped into while reading the novel on your lap. With a grimace, you rubbed your neck and called, "Come in!"
"Hey, honey," your father spoke softly, poking his head in, "got a second?"
"Yeah, sure, Daddy, c'min."
He offered a small smile and entered at full, shutting the door behind him and confirming what you sensed - this was sure to be a serious conversation. He sat gingerly at the foot of your bed, heaving a great sigh, asking, "Whatcha readin'?"
"Oh, uh, just," you showed him the cover of your book, "it's for school, I have to write a report on it."
"Is it interesting?"
"It has a good message," you allotted, making him snicker. "I'm trying to be nice!"
"Uh-huh," he nodded, sighing again. "Listen, honey, I just wanted to talk to you about... You know, Billy."
"We use condoms, Daddy, and I'm on birth control."
"While that's great and exactly what every father wants to hear," he whined, "that's not what I meant."
"Oh," you sat up, book marked and set aside, "you mean tonight?"
You shrugged, "It's not that big of a deal."
"You sure?"
"I got a handle on things, Daddy."
"I don't know if I can believe that, honey," he frowned, dimples on display, "because - you've - you're just..." He paused, shaking his head, "Your mother and I are worried about you. You're different since dating Billy and it's hard to ignore. I know it might not be comfortable to talk about, but you know you can always come to us, right?"
You nodded, "I know, Daddy."
"Good. 'Cause, he's 18, right?"
"I'm almost afraid to answer that, but yes...?"
Your father nodded, "Good, so I can legally kick his ass."
"Being friends with Hopper helps."
"Damn straight," he confirmed. "You sure everything's okay?"
"Yeah, we just broke up."
"Daddy, chill," you chuckled, "we do this every few weeks."
"Oh, Jesus - "
"But it's the last time!"
"Well, how can you be sure?"
"'Cause I deserve better."
The sigh your father released was out of relief, musing, "Goddamn right you do! Good girl!" He leaned in to peck your forehead quickly, patting your leg. "Well, I'll let you get back to reading..."
"Hang on," you halted him, feeling your heart lurch, "can I ask you something?"
"Anything, kid."
"Do you... not... like Billy?"
"Well, now that I know you two break up every few weeks, less so."
He nodded, "I thought he was an all right kid, and you never had an ill word to say about him. But he was always kinda troubled, something about him always made me a little suspicious. Is there reason I shouldn't like him...?"
You stared at your father for several long seconds, both with varying expressions as you tried to telepathically communicate. When you understood his meaning, you blanched, "Wait - woah - hey - what!? No! No, Daddy!" You groaned, "Jesus, no! Billy's - Billy's troubled, yes, but he's not abusive or aggressive - not with me! I swear!"
"I'm sorry, I just - I needed to be sure! There's no easy way to ask these things, you know?"
"I know," you nodded, "and I appreciate you checking, but I promise, I'm okay, Billy's not like that. He's abrasive, yes, but he's still respectful."
"Noted," your father breathed, "that's actually relieving. So, uh... Am I supposed to bring you ice cream? Or rent some romcoms? This is your first break-up and I'm not sure what to do."
Your eyes rolled lightly, "Not yet, but keep that energy for when the emotions really set in."
"I'll stock up after work tomorrow," he promised.
"You're... Home this weekend?"
"Your mother and I thought for the next couple months, we'll take a break from conferences," he grinned, "spend some time with our favorite girls. Maybe even take a family vacation this summer!"
You grinned, "You mean it?"
"Of course!"
You launched into his embrace with a laugh, both full of mirth and amusement. Instead of leaving, your father actually situated comfortably on your bed and listened to your read your book - reminding him of the days he read you bedtime stories. He eyed the essay prompt your teacher had passed out with his listening ears on, and when there was a quote or relevant detail he thought related to your thesis, he made sure to speak up.
It was the most at-peace you've felt in ages.
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"Bug! You have exactly 90 seconds to get down here!" You hollered into the house, walking out the front door while storing your novel in your book bag. Turning forward, you gasped when you nearly ran into Billy - standing before you, fresh as a fucking daisy. "Jesus Christ, Billy, you scared me," you scolded, keys jangling.
"Sorry," he muttered, sighing, hands going to his back pockets, "didn't think you'd be comin' out so quick."
"We gotta catch the bus," you told him, turning to holler again into the open door, "BUG! LET'S GO!"
"Why? You know I normally drive you two."
"Yeah, but we broke-up last night, Bee, didn't think you'd wanna play taxi driver still."
"It's not bein' a taxi - "
"You live on the other side of town," you scoffed, "my house is literally out of your way. So, don't feed me that line." You could see Max leaning on the passenger door from where Billy's Camaro was parked on the street, waving to her; watching her grin and wave back. "What're you doin' here?" You asked him pointedly.
"Look, I know we argued and I got a little mouthy, but I was just pissed off and reacted poorly. But I slept on it, and I'm sorry for what I said. Can we please just try to move on?"
You scoffed, "Billy, you do this so often, I can't keep up anymore. Your insecurity isn't your fault, you're not to be crucified for it, but I can't be your punching bag. You can't lose your cool and yell and get 'mouthy', break up with me, run away for me to deal with shit, and then come back the next day. So, I appreciate the offer, but Bug and I are gonna catch the bus 'cause... Because..."
"Because why, baby?" He asked, voice hazy and thick.
"Because you should really be careful what you wish for, Billy, you might just get it. I think we should honor this break-up."
"What?" Billy breathed in earnest confusion. "No, hold up - "
"Billy, I'm sorry, I am. You know I love you - "
"So you're breaking up with me, 'cause you love me?"
"You're the one who broke up with me, Billy," you reminded, "and yes, I do love you, but I have to love me, too. I can't do them simultaneously, it seems."
"Of course you can - "
"Loving you means disrespecting myself," you told him. "Every time I come back to you, I'm chipping away at who I am. You and I - we used to be so good for each other, Bee. Remember? But now? You're just on this warpath and I refuse to be a casualty. So, yes, I love you, I love you so much, but I don't think we should be together anymore. I need time alone, to breathe and figure out who I am outside of you - and you obviously need time to process and get your shit together. If we stay together, we're only gonna hurt each other. But apart, we can freely move and improve and curate change without risk of harm to the other."
You both just stared at one another, the sound of thundering footsteps heard from behind you. "Bee!" Your sister squealed when she rushed out the door.
"Hey, Bug!" He beamed, bending to scoop her in his arms - just like she wanted. "Woah, woah, woah - when did you get such cool shoes, kid?" He asked her, holding her ankle to show off her tie-dye canvas shoes.
"Daddy got them! Aren't they cool!?"
"So cool."
"Do you want a pair? We can match!"
Billy smirked, setting her on her feet, "Tell you what, Bug, if you can find a pair my size, I'll match with'cha, yeah?"
"I'll tell Daddy!" She gasped, turning to look up at you. "Can we ride with Billy to school?"
"Not to - "
"'Course, kid, c'mon," Billy cut you off, and it was like you never even opened your mouth with the way your sister bounded down the porch, over the yard, and towards Max.
"Billy," you grumbled.
"You really wanna break the kid's heart this early in the day?" He asked, sighing and offering his hand. "C'mon, just until the end of today - she'll have the weekend to process."
"You know we're not a married couple getting a divorce and Bug is our kid?" You grumbled, slapping your hand into his and allowing him to lead you towards his car; where his sister was settling yours in the backseat.
"Might as well be."
"You're dramatic."
He only hummed, opening your passenger door and waiting until you were inside safely before shutting the door. You greeted Max happily in the backseat, Billy getting in the driver's and pulling off safely - slowly - to start towards the elementary school. While the middle and high school conveniently shared a lot, the elementary school was just a couple streets over. Bug was excited to tell the car all about her upcoming "field day", where the entire school participated in these outside courses, doing various physical activities - it was all good, honest fun.
"What team were you on?" Bug asked Max. "I'm on the Blue Team!" She proudly pulled out the bottom of her shirt; showing off the color. "We won last year, too!"
"Woah! That's so cool, you gonna win again this year?" Max asked.
"Uh-huh! Did your team win?"
"We didn't have field day."
"What?" Bug asked, sounding heartbroken.
"They didn't go to school here, Bug," you told her from the passenger seat, "they lived in California. Remember?"
Bug frowned, "You didn't get to play?"
"We had other activities," Max assured, "we just didn't have a whole day of it - your school sounds so cool!"
"You should come!" Bug gasped. "Today! You and Bee should come! Then you could have field day, too!"
Your heart melted listening to Max tell her why she and Billy couldn't - but that she needed Bug to pay extra close, extra special attention to the games so they could all play together later in their very own field day. You didn't have the heart to halt the plans, to tell Bug why that wouldn't be happening.
You felt Billy's eyes on you periodically through the drive, sisters in the back discussing what California was like. Bug was fascinated by the beaches - having never been - and asked all kinds of questions, nearly exploding in excitement when she learned Billy knew how to surf. You knew it was a source of anxiety for him; you knew Billy associated surfing with his mother and that ever since she left, he couldn't ride the waves. He wouldn't. It hurt too bad to look back on shore and miss that bright smile, yellow blonde hair he inherited, loose, free-flowing dress, and floppy straw hat.
Yet talking to Bug, he seemed relatively at ease.
From the back, Max watched as you, who hadn't so much as looked at Billy since he got in the car, reached over for his hand to hold in silent support. He held on tightly.
"All right, Bug," you called when Billy pulled up to the elementary school, getting out to pull the seat forward and assist her out.
"Bye, Max!" She hugged the redhead, then lunged between the seats, "Bye, Billy!"
She clamored out of the car, Billy fixing the seat for you as you knelt on the sidewalk and helped fix her backpack. "You good?" You checked, smirking at her.
"Good. Listen, we'll take the bus home today, okay? Billy's got practice, so, remember - it's bus 104. Got it?"
"Bus 104."
"That's right, good girl. You get on bus 104, it'll take you to the high school and pick me up. All right?"
She took a deep breath, nodding, "I can do this."
"I know you can, Bug. All right, big hug!" You hummed as she wrapped her wee arms around your neck. "Oooooh! All right! That's good stuff!" She pulled back. "Have the best day, Bug. Love you."
"Love you," she messily pecked your cheek before rushing to join the procession of streaming kiddies. You stood straight and dusted off, sliding back into Billy's car, and once clear of the children, let his lead foot drop on the gas and speed into the school lot.
"Jesus," Max grumbled when the car swung into a parking space, "inna rush or something?"
"Just," Billy sighed deeply, shaking his head, "get out. You," he pointed at you, "stay put, we gotta talk." You remained, wishing Max a good day, watching her climb out of the car with her skateboard. As the redhead rode off for the middle school, Billy dropped back into his seat, slammed his door, and lit a cigarette with slightly trembling hands.
Silence echoed between you both, Billy handing over the cigarette mutely; students, peers, and faculty all milled around the Camaro to head into school. Smoke wafted from the rolled down windows. When time, the butt was tossed out and the silence remained.
"Bee," you whispered finally.
"I'm just..." He trailed, sighing, "Trying to savor this. Don't know when I'm gonna have you this close again."
He took your hand gently and stroked it with his thumb, emotion heavy in both your chests. "It's not like we're not gonna see each other again," you whispered.
"Not in the way I want."
"It's not like I want this, either."
"Then why're you doing this?"
You scoffed gently, "It's not me doing a damn thing, Billy, you've already done it all. I'm just holding you to your word because I know how fearful you are of commitment." You tossed his hand to his lap and grabbed your bag, reaching for the door handle, then pausing. "For the record," you ended softly, "I'm sorry, and I love you. I hope you find what you're looking for, Bee."
As you finally climbed from the sports car and into school, you felt like you were breathing air for the first time. Like you were feeling sunshine after a decade underground, like there were springs in your sneakers; vigor in your blood, optimism misting your mind into new possibilities. Yet, behind you, in a navy blue Camaro, Billy loosed two tears before tearing out of the parking lot in a fit of anger. Rage. Sadness. Desperation.
He wasn't seen at school the following week, but by the next weekend, rumors spread that he hooked up with both Allison Scott and Kimberly Jones at Donald Reefer's weekend party - so, you know, he seemed to be handling this break up well. It was what he wanted, after all.
And you? Let's just say, you were finally happy, healthy, feeling confident, rejuvenated, and ready to move forward and ONLY accept that which you KNOW you deserve.
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