catcultcafe · 2 months
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I got some of these meme templates from the restart heart vn blog
(click on the images to see the full memes)
Carter is the coffee mug i dont have a picture for them.
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iambilliejeanok · 3 years
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catcultcafe · 3 months
I was thinking of a sentence or theme to describe the li's outlook. Like something that's always playing in their sub-consicousness. (also doing this with different characters on the woo blog)
Natan -> I am a monster, maybe I will be accepted one-day.
Carter -> I need time.
Raine -> I will do everything for my friends.
Ace -> I will be loved for who I am personally.
Jean -> If I'm rich I wont be a burden to people.
Annabelle -> I am a good person.
Green -> I will do whatever I want.
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catcultcafe · 3 months
You have to choose your one favorite character. Who is it and why?
Of mine?
hmmmm. Probably Blue over all, out of the characters in cat cult cafe tho......
Jean or Ace maybe Anabelle depending on the day!
natan gets no love here.
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catcultcafe · 2 days
Costume and movie night?
What movies would each reccomend?
Mc is bored 😴
The movies would be different than the movies we have but I'll try my best to describe what they would like!!
Annabelle - She likes shows like the Big Bang Theory, Grey's anatomy, Friends, and Seinfeld. Sitcoms with mostly normal people vibes. So you would probably just binge something like that, while she overexplains every interaction and laughs a little too loud at every joke.
Ace - He would choose more action oriented movies so you'd think he was as cool as the protagonist. Alot of those shitty 80's movies like Gone in 60 seconds, with the Aryan self-insert mc who always wins and gets the conventionally attractive girl. And yes he is trying his best not to fall asleep from the terrible story and unconvincing acting.
Ray - He would like to see something that is technically good. Something with talented actors, great sets, good choreography and music. Aka he would like to watch musicals with you. Also bonus points if he hasn't seen it yet and you have and are enthusiastically explaining it to him in detail as you both watch.
Billie Jean - Nothing that is similar to his job, so unfortunatly no American psycho or anything with rich people. Also no blatant inaccuratecies or incorrect facts because they will bitch about it. And no murder or unwholesomeness because she only wants you to have good associations with them. Other than that she'll chill with whatever you like, if you force him to choose it will be something you liked from your childhood.
Raine - Anything really, Raine doesn't really like movies but Raine does like watching your reactions to movies. So if Raine had to choose Raine would choose something that was sure to freak you out, as that's the most reliable strong emotion Raine can almost 100% get.
Carter - Mystery movies. And yes he has the best snacks. Anything like Sherlock Holmes etc.
Natan - He'd watch anything with you, but if you were comfortable he'd love to watch horror movies so he can pretend to be scared and cuddle up next to you jk. That would be the plan but he would be too self concious to actually do it.
Green - Any movie that's great with weed. Expect to have some drugs and have the most trippy movie night of your life. (Comedy movies)
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catcultcafe · 4 days
who would get scared easily during spooky 👻 month, I made apple 🍎 donuts, who wants a piece
Raine - Not spookable really, its is too aware and alert of its surroundings. Plus its abilities to sense what's going on around itself, are generally superior. Raine might pretend to be scared, if you are close.
Annabelle - Medium spookability level. In fact, she probably will spook you! You'll just be doing something and all the sudden she'll pop up like "Hey girliepop!!! Whatcha doing?".
Green - It's hard to spook them but when you do, oh boy. Expect jumping back clumsily and falling into a shelf causing chaos. Also she will get you back. Will it be equal, no. Will they win, yes.
Carter - Too tired to spook. He'd just look at you and blink tiredly at you, maybe give you a loose hug as a reward for your attempt, cause he does appreciate it.
Billie Jean - Pretty spookable. Not by surprising him as much, as she always knows where you are. But take them to a haunted mansion or smth and he'll straight up jump in your arms on purpose.
Natan - VERY spookable, you will probably spook him on accident a lot. His reaction is like a mini jump/shiver, maybe a gasp or sharp inhale. You won't scare him with gore or horror movies, just pop up behind him and suprise him every once in a while.
Ace/Ray - Ray is more laid back and Ace is more on edge. Pranks are the only way to scare Ace, just run up to him like "omgosh, that person was so rude they pinned me against a wall and interrogated me about you, and asked a bunch of questions and now my wrists hurt :(" Instant fear, guilt and dread. It's kinda mean but that's the only way to really get to him.
They all want the apple donuts.
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catcultcafe · 8 days
What hobbies would the yans do with mc?
I tuft rugs and do mini planters in my free time, cool stuff
Natan - Yes, he would love to chill with you and make mini planters or tuft rugs. He just enjoys your company He's a loney fellow. He actually owns a online shop for jewelry (that he makes) that "contains" memories like the smell of someones cooking or the feel of a cats fur.
Ray - Maybe probably lovingly calls you boring for having boring hobbies. But if he did they would definitely do some with you. He used to like doing magic tricks, acrobatics and contortionism.
Raine - Raine is probably not going to make miniplanters or rugs with you, peacefully. Do to being a mostly autonomaton Raine is going to try to make things the most effeicent way possible. So instead of chilling and chatting while passively making things, Raine is building a mini factory. However, Raine does grow plants as a hobby.
Ace - No, he would probably think your joking, playing a prank on him or testing him to see if he's boring. His main goal is to impress you so if you really liked any hobby or thought it looked cool they would learn it and pretend to have done it "since forever.". He would rather be anything to you but boring.
Anabelle - Maybe, it would depend on her mood and if you were doing something else as well. I'm tilting toward no I feel like she would suggest something you both can enjoy. She likes watching shows and hanging with her friends and her job, so that's usually what she does with her time.
Billie Jean - YES. Billie would do anything with you. She's buying all the best supplies. He's taking a lot of time off work to do things with you anyway. They don't have any hobbies other than work. And stalking you.
Green - Their not tufting rugs with you or mini planters. If you asked her to do those with her, she'd laugh at you. Hoe life or no life. Par-tay or no-way.
Carter - Yeah he's pretty chill with it. He listens to alot of true crime he doesn't have much time outside of working off his debt.
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catcultcafe · 11 days
Since it's halloween 🎃season , what's each person's favorite season and would they try a new drink, a creamy pumpkin spice horchata.
Their favorite seasons/would they try a new drink:
Natan - Fall it's chilly enough to where he can bundle up his head, hands and arms and not overheat, but it's not so cold he wants to die. Also fall because he can lend you his hoodies and jackets and wear them after you. / tries the new drink if you want him to.
Anabelle - Spring. It's warm so she can hang out with her friends but spring break also happens so she can enforce the death penalty justice. / Yes.
Ray/Ace - He's torn when it's hotter more people are more willing to come to the shows and say hi. But when it's hot preforming is almost unbearable. He also travels alot so it could be (their equivalent) of December and he's in the desert so I'd say he's indifferent. / Not Ray, Ace would.
Green - Summer, more parties. More weed. More people. More fun. / YES.
Carter - Is inside to much to care. But appreciates colder months beacuse one time in the middle of a heatwave his deadbeat wonderful landlord wouldn't fix his ac. / No, if they needed it they would've craved it more than just it being caffine.
Billie Jean - Whatever season your more likely to hang out with them in. / Only if you give it to them or think she'd be cool if he drank it.
Raine - Fall, in summer they overheat and in winter they freeze and their wires shrink. Plus in the spring it rains and they get rusty. / Maybe.
ALSO i dont know what a horchata tastes like sry :(
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catcultcafe · 2 months
What's all the characters cafe orders? Coffee wise and what treat would they get too.
Natan - energy drink/black coffee he's too terrified to ask for a treat but ideally something small and light
Anabelle - latte with latte art and a strawberry cupcake
Ace - he likes to try the new anything
Ray - probably anything with mint in it or raspberry he would also like macha and boba
Jean - hot chocolate with a chocolate couissant
Carter - anything with tons of caffeine but his favorite is probably Expresso with like a mini quiche or omelet
Raine - black coffee with a slice of cookie cake and some icecream
Green - not to big on coffee or non alcoholic drinks but would raid all your treats might get something for Orange
I tried.
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catcultcafe · 2 months
At the Cafe, do they immediately know Mc favorite order? And how would they collect information on mc?
Carter - Does not remember off the top of their head but has a note on their phone with all your favorite things. Is a great listener and will let you ramble for hours so that's how he knows everything about you. He doeesn't stalk you until after you meet.
Jean - Does know even if you don't tell her. Spies on you with placed cameras and paying other people for info on you. Would before you meet.
Natan - After you first meet (if you can even call it that) he would stalk you if he had more free time. Would always ask you if you wanted smth before getting it for you.
Raine - Doesn't know and doesn't care if it was smth it didn't like they would make fun of you. Later would be embarrased if you pointed out that they remembered. After a long time might stalk you a little but would hide it and act like they don't know.
Green - Doesn't stalk you, their just not a very good yandere. Does care alot tho and would remember your order after you ordered in front of them.
Annabelle - Would borderline interview you on dates esspessially the first few, some how never runs out of questions. Stalks you after a few meetings and does remember and just pretends it was a guess.
Ace - Judges your order jokingly. Doesn't stalk you unless (spoilers)
Ray - They are the most likely to actually guess and somehow get it right. Just knows you and your vibe.
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catcultcafe · 2 months
If Mc was a pop star or like a "cosplayer of the revealing " type, how would they handle gross fans?
Ace and Ray - are very supportive and depending on how revealing Ace might want to do a public colab. Gross fans he's used to helping others with and has even had a few himself so he will give all his support to help you with them! If their violent or bother you in person well, they are getting arrested and detained for life.
Green - God help whoever is gross to you. Their pretty much as good as dead. Is overly supportive and would cosplay with you in somehow even more revealing outfits
Annabelle - She worries a worrying amount abt you anyway so with this she is going to be a mess. Constantly trying to get you to not for your safety. If he even sees a creep for a second they are getting the death penalty at her hands, in public. But dont worry she's allowed to they were a criminal after all :D
Jean - He loves everything you do so she is fine with it. However your gross fans always seem to dissappear and be killed in gruesome murders :/ (if for some reason he couldn't get a hitman on them she would sue them to high hell)
Natan - Unsupprisingly this man just secretly dismembers them. He is predictable.
Raine - Doesn't really care abt it. Until it falls in love with you romanticly then they become kinda uncomfortable with it. At first they would do nothing abt the creeps but later, they try to not kill too often in fear of getting caught but if it was extreme they would murder.
Carter - He gives emotional support. He's the least blood thirsty of all of them.
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catcultcafe · 2 months
What's all of the characters favorite school subjects? Which ones liked school the most and least? One last question, are any of them fourth wall aware or break the fourth wall at anytime?
Ray - (not counting Ace for this) His favorite subject is math, least favorite they really don't have one. 6/10
Green - Didn't go to school. Did learn to read and do basic maths but voluntarily dropped out around the start of middle school. If she stayed they would have liked history. She hated school, was incredibly bored. 0/10
Annabelle - Enjoyed school and the routine of it she also liked the social aspects of it. She liked all the subjects equally. 8/10
Jean - It was school. They liked learning things that were actually helpful, but she was very bored there other than you he didn't have any friends. 3/10
Natan - No school (spoilers)
Raine - Barely remembers school. Probably skipped out on school alot. 2/10
Carter - A+ honor roll student until burnout in 11th 12th excluding that liked school. 9/10
No none of THEM are 4th wall aware...
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catcultcafe · 2 months
I accidently made too many cakes and cookies, do any of your characters want any?
Everyone except Ace wants one. Ace is being a little shit and questioning your baking abilities.
Pancake has eaten it all.
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catcultcafe · 2 months
What if Mc is blind or has a service dog??Will they be paranoid about Karen's being mean to mc?
This is abit of a long answer so cut!
If Mc is blind it wouldn't really be seen even as a handicap in this world! Because of the range of species and magic many businesses are very accessible! And people aren't really judgemental because it could be so much weirder.
As for the service dog it would be definitely allowed pretty much everywhere except in places the dog would be directly in danger (ie. a place with animals that could eat the puppy)
Karen's unfortunately still exist tho and if anything are possibly more dangerous because depending on status and connections they could just straight up kill you or ruin your life! I don't exactly know who "they" is refering to but if your refering to the li, it depends
Annabelle - Not worried. She is the police lol, who are they gunna report you to her? She is more worried about people directly harming you. THAT she is worried about almost obsessively... Raine - She is demi so at first she doesn't care. If anything she is the karen. After she falls for you though expect a LOT more corpses. Ace/Ray - They would worry abit, they would worry more if they saw a karen karening(?) at you. Totally gunna instantly pull out the "do you know who I am?" card and undisguise himself to rally a crowd and help you out. Natan - never comes across his mind. Would kill them once they left your sight tho. Would not stand up to them in public, or even private really. Jean - Worries but sees it as a temporary problem he has enough money for both of you so once you get together you can quit :D and stay at her place all day! If she sees it sueing instantly with ALL their lawyers. Green - Green worries about nothing. Very chill. However if there is a karen you wont even have to say a word. Faster than light inbetween you and the karen yelling at them. She would do that for anyone though so dont feel toooo special. Carter - Carter knows what it feels like. He would simply wait until they left and comfort you. They would feel bad for not standng up for you but they don't have the energy or will for that.
I think that's everyone! thx i love asks!!
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catcultcafe · 2 months
Which character would you choose to be your best friend? Which would be your enemy as well?
I would choose Anabelle to be my friend! She would be a useful friend to have in this world ive created *wink *wink hint hint.
Plus Jean is already your friend you dont need to worry abt him :)
if i had to choose an enemy Raine or Carter
Carter is the type to just be silently angy at u and never do anything
Raine is very unstable and i am likely to get her on my bad side. However she is VERY dangerous....
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catcultcafe · 3 months
Cat Cult Cafe!!!
This is a romance horror visual novel game with ~8 li (platonic routes as well).
You're old pet cafe burnt down and after saving Waffle and Pancake fell unconscious and awoke in a strange, run-down rented apartment/cafe in the city far away and very different from what you're used to.
Fanart and asks Welcome!!! Your never bugging me or being too annoying or spammy. I love seeing stuff and answering stuff and doing fun stuff in general.
#Ace♠ also #Ray☀
#A date? with Blue!
Note: I will update this and make it fancy later I just want a tag storage for teh copy paste :/
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