#Bill Skarsgard x YN
peachy-princess777 · 5 days
Hi!! Could you do some angst that ends in fluff with Bill Skarsgård, please?🫣👉🏻👈🏻 And thank you💖
I hope this is good enough, darling,I truly don't believe I'm good at writing angst but believe me,I tried 😭
You stood in the kitchen, your eyes glazed over as you stared at the clock. Its hands ticked away the seconds with a mechanical indifference that matched your mood. The walls of the apartment felt like they were closing in on you, the air thick with the scent of leftover dinner and unspoken accusations. You had noticed Bill's peculiar behavior for weeks now, his late nights at work and his sudden need for "space." Your stomach churned as you replayed your last conversation in your head, his evasive answers and the way he avoided your gaze. You knew something was wrong, but you didn't know what, perhaps he was actually working later and not just making an excuse to go see another-.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. Bill's footsteps echoed down the hallway, and you could feel his presence before you saw him. He looked tired, his eyes weary, but when he caught sight of you, a forced smile spread across his face. "Hey, babe," he said, trying to sound cheerful. You didn't return the smile. Instead, you folded your arms across your chest, a silent challenge. "We need to talk," you said, your voice firm and unwavering.
Bill sighed heavily, dropping his keys on the counter. He ran a hand through his hair and nodded. "Okay," he agreed, following you into the living room. He sat down on the couch, his posture tense, as if bracing for impact. You took a seat opposite him, the coffee table acting as a barricade between you both. "What's been going on with you?" you asked, trying to keep the accusation out of your voice. "You've been so distant lately, and I can't help but think that there's something you're not telling me."
He took a deep breath and leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "Look, I'm sorry," he began, his eyes searching yours for understanding. "I've just had a lot on my plate with work, and I didn't want to burden you with it." The words hung in the air, and for a moment, you felt a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, your fears were unfounded. But the way he avoided your gaze made your heart sink. "What kind of work?" you pressed, your voice tight. "Something big," he said vaguely, "something that could change everything."
Your mind raced with possibilities, none of them good. "Are you seeing someone else?" you blurted out, the question cutting through the tension like a knife. Bill's eyes snapped to yours, and for a split second, you saw genuine shock in them. "What? No!" he said, a little too quickly. "Why would you even think that?"
But you had your reasons, and you listed them out, one by one. The late nights, the secretive phone calls, the way he'd been so distant and cold. You watched as his expression shifted from shock to guilt, and finally, to anger. "You think I'd do that to you?" he said, his voice rising. "After everything we've been through?"
The accusation hung in the air, heavy and palpable. You felt your cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and anger. "I don't know what to think," you admitted, your voice shaking. "But you're not giving me much to work with here."
Bill's eyes searched yours, a storm of emotions playing out in their depths. He took a deep breath, and for a moment, you thought he might confess. But instead, he leaned back into the couch, his arms folded across his chest. "I'm not cheating on you," he said, his voice low and steady. "But I have been keeping something from you."
The room grew quiet, the only sound the distant hum of the city outside the window. You felt your heart rate spike, the blood rushing in your ears. "What is it?" you asked, bracing yourself for the worst.
Bill took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving yours. "I've been planning something," he said, his voice measured. "A surprise. I wanted it to be perfect."
Your heart skipped a beat. "What kind of surprise?" you asked, the accusation in your voice fading slightly.
Bill stood up, his movements quick and decisive. He walked over to the bookshelf and pulled out a small, leather-bound notebook. "A road trip," he said, handing it to you. "To the beach. It's all planned out."
You took the notebook with trembling hands, flipping through the pages filled with handwritten notes and maps. "But why the secrecy?" you asked, trying to keep the anger from seeping into your voice.
Bill sat down next to you, his hand gently covering yours. "Because I wanted it to be perfect," he repeated, his eyes earnest. "I know I've been distant, but it's only because I wanted this to be a surprise."
You looked down at the notebook, the words and maps blurring before your eyes. A road trip to the beach had been something you'd talked about for ages, a chance to get away from the city and reconnect. The thought of him planning this, just for you, brought a lump to your throat. "Why now?" you managed to ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
Bill took a deep breath, his thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand. "Because I know we've had our rough patches," he said, his voice sincere. "But I want you to know that I love you more than anything, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Your heart skipped a beat, and you felt the tension in the room shift. Was this really happening?
You studied the notebook, the details meticulously planned out. Dates, destinations, even the playlists for the drive. It was all there, a tangible symbol of his love and effort. You looked up at him, searching for any sign of deceit, but all you saw was hope and nerves. "When do we leave?" you asked, your voice now slightly hopeful.
Bill's face lit up, the tension in his shoulders visibly easing. "As soon as you're ready," he said, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "I've got everything packed in the car. Just grab your bag, and we'll hit the road."
The surprise in his eyes was unmistakable as you set the notebook down and stood up, your arms wrapping around his neck. "Okay," you whispered, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. "Let's go."
Within minutes, you were both in the car, the city lights fading in the rearview mirror as you headed west towards the open road. Bill's hand found yours, his grip firm and reassuring. The tension between you melted away with each passing mile, replaced by a gentle anticipation of the adventure ahead.
The drive was long, but the time flew by as you shared laughs, stories, and old memories. The playlists he'd painstakingly curated served as the soundtrack to your journey, each song seemingly chosen to remind you of moments from your four years together. You felt a warmth spread through you, a gentle reminder of why you had fallen for him in the first place.
As the sun began to rise, painting the sky with a palette of pinks and oranges, Bill pulled the car off the highway and onto a narrow, winding road. The anticipation grew with every turn, the horizon hinting at something beautiful waiting for you. Finally, the road opened up to reveal a stretch of sandy beach, the waves of the ocean gently caressing the shore. It was more picturesque than any postcard.
You stepped out of the car, the cool morning breeze kissing your cheeks as you took in the breathtaking view. Bill walked around to your side and fell behind you, his eyes reflecting the excitement he felt. "This is it," he said, his voice filled with a mix of nerves and excitement. "The place where I want to start our forever."
You turned around to face him, your eyes wide with wonder and a hint of skepticism. But before you could respond, you saw him drop to one knee, a small velvet box in his hand. Your heart stopped, and for a moment, the world around you was nothing but a blur. The waves seemed to pause, the seagulls froze in mid-flight, and the world held its breath.
Bill looked up at you, his eyes filled with a love so intense it took your breath away. "Y/N," he began, his voice cracking with emotion. "You are the light of my life, the one who makes every moment brighter. I know I haven't been the best at showing it lately, but I promise you, I want to make it up to you. Will you marry me?"
You stared at the ring in the velvet box, the diamond glinting in the early morning light. Your mind raced, trying to piece together the last few weeks of his strange behavior. Could it all have been for this? You felt your eyes fill with tears as you took in the serene beauty of the beach, the gentle whispers of the waves, and the man before you, kneeling with hope in his eyes.
"Bill," you managed to say, your voice choking on emotion. "Is this...is this real?"
He nodded, his eyes never leaving yours. "More real than anything I've ever felt," he assured you, his voice shaking slightly. "Please, tell me you'll be my wife."
You felt a warmth spread through your body, the kind that starts in your chest and fills every corner of your being. The doubt and fear from the weeks before melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of love and belonging. You took a deep breath, letting the salty sea air fill your lungs as you made the biggest decision of your life.
"Yes," you whispered, and the word seemed to float on the breeze, carried away by the waves. Bill's face broke into a grin, his eyes shimmering with happiness. He stood up, took the ring from the box, and slid it onto your finger. It fit perfectly, as if it had been made just for you. You stared at it, the diamond sparkling under the new sun, feeling the weight of the promise it held.
He pulled you into a tight embrace, his arms around your waist, your hands clutching his shoulders. You could feel his heart beating in time with yours, the warmth of his body seeping into you. "Thank you," he murmured into your hair. "Thank you for saying yes." You pulled back, your eyes searching his, making sure this was real. You found no deceit, only pure, unbridled joy.
As you both stood there, the sun rising over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the beach, Bill produced a small picnic basket from the car. He'd packed your favorite breakfast, along with a bottle of champagne chilling in a silver ice bucket. The sight of the strawberries and croissants brought a smile to your face. It was clear he had thought of everything.
The proposal had been so unexpected, yet it felt so right. The beach had always been your place of solace, a place where you had shared so many memories together. Now, it was the backdrop to the next chapter of your lives. You watched as Bill carefully laid out the blanket, his movements methodical and precise, as if he had practiced this moment a hundred times.
He handed you a flute of champagne, and you clinked them together, the sound echoing across the deserted beach. The bubbles danced in the glass, mimicking the sensation in your chest. You took a sip, the cold liquid bubbling against your tongue, the sweet taste of victory and love. You sat down on the soft blanket, the sand cold against your bare legs as you picked up a strawberry, feeling the gentle weight of the ring on your finger.
The salty sea air kissed your skin as you took a bite, the sweetness of the fruit mixing with the saltiness of the ocean. Bill sat beside you, his eyes never leaving your face as he filled his own glass. He took a sip, and you could see the tension in his shoulders ease away, like the tide retreating from the shore. "To us," he said, raising his glass. "To forever."
You clinked glasses with him, the sound ringing out over the waves. You both sat in silence for a while, watching the sun climb higher into the sky, the colors deepening from pastel to a fiery gold. It was a moment of pure happiness, untainted by the shadows of doubt that had been lingering.
"It ends now," Bill said finally, his voice a gentle rumble beside you. "Whatever doubts you had, whatever fears, they're gone." He took your hand, the ring feeling surprisingly natural against your skin. "I promise to always be honest with you, to always make you feel loved, and to never, ever take you for granted."
You nodded, the tightness in your chest slowly easing as you sipped the champagne. The warmth of the sun grew stronger, and you felt its embrace, mirroring the warmth of Bill's words. You leaned into him, letting his love wash over you like the waves on the shore. "I believe you," you murmured, your voice still thick with emotion.
The rest of the morning was a blur of laughter, sweet kisses, and the sharing of plans for the future. You talked about the future aka the wedding, the house, the kids, and the endless adventures you would have together. Each conversation was filled with excitement and hope, the kind that made you feel like you could conquer the world.
Hehe👹 I might stop writing angst because of how shit at it I am💀🥲🤗🥵🤮🥸👽🔫
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angelkurenai · 7 years
Time to float - Bill Skarsgard x Reader
Title: Time to float
Pairing: Bill Skarsgard x Reader
Warnings: None
Prompts: If you're taking requests for Bill Skarsgård can you write one where the reader is a famous actress and also little Jackson Scott's big sister (the kid who plays Georgie) so she attends the premiere with him wearing a stunning dress as usual, she meets Bill who is awestruck bc hes a huge fan with a massive crush on her, the kids who played in the movie myb tease him a little bit, and she's flattered and thinks hes adorable idk i like this idea  ---  YN is Jackson older sister and Bill is her fan!so when he finds out he tries his best to get Jackson to introduce them,and when he does,Jackson can't help and teels big sis that Bill has a crush on her and he's just super adorkable to admit! later they all say that on an interview,and the kids love to make fun of them
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“Jackson please don't run! Be careful, sweetie, you're gonna-” you stopped yourself when you heard you little brother giggle and you realized what you'd just said “Oh gosh I am turning into mom!” you breathed out, eyes wide.
Your little brother ran back to you, wrapping his small arms around your legs and you looked down to be met with his adorable smile “Yes you are! But I am always going to love you the most! More than mom and dad, and more than anyone else in the world!” he said and you giggled.
“And you will always be the number one man in my heart, JR!” you leaned down to pick him up and kiss his cheek as he wrapped his arms around your neck with a big smile.
“Even before dad?” he asked and you grinned, nodding your head.
“But we're not gonna tell him that, because it's gonna break his heart.” you pouted, and he giggled.
“You bet it will!” your father piped in, saying with a serious nod and you laughed with Jackson as he kissed your cheek before going to help your mother.
“And... even more than him?” he said with what was supposed to be a smirk on his face and you chuckled, tickling his belly.
“You sly little tease!” you grinned as he squirmed in your arms “Alright, maybe I really do like him a little bit but-”
He rolled his eyes so dramatically at you and shook his head “A lot!”
“Ok a lot.” you chuckled “But you'll always be the most important man in my life too.” you booped his nose and he giggled “And now, you'll have to promise something to me Jacks-” you lowered your voice tone as if telling him a secret and leaned closer to him as he did the same “My crush on Bill Skarsgard is going to stay between us yes? He can't know about it, and nobody else for that matter. Can you promise you won't say anything to him or other people, or even worse reporters? For your favorite girl in the world?” you raised an eyebrow, looking at him as he nodded his head.
“Sure!” he nodded his head “But I- I really don't see the point of you not- not telling him. He- He likes-”
“Guys, come on!” your mother shouted, interrupting your little brother from his talk and you nodded your head.
“Coming!” you said loudly enough for her to hear as you set your brother down.
“Alright big guy-” you started, fixing his suit and yellow tie “This is your big day. Are you excited about it?”
“Yes, very!” he exclaimed, rocking back and forth on his heels.
“Good, you really should be. And proud too, because you put so much hard work and effort into this movie you need to enjoy it! Promise to me one last thing. That's you're gonna be happy and party tonight, alright?” you asked, extending your pinky and he grinned, doing the same.
“Pinky promise!” he said in excitement.
“That's my boy!” you smiled widely, fixing his hair as well “I'm sure youre going to steal some hearts tonight too!” you winked and he laughed shyly.
“But I'll always love you the most!” he exclaimed and you chuckled.
“I know it, and I'll always love you the most too! And remember Jacks, I am proud of you. Of everything you do, and of how much of a great kid and brother you are and I always want you to know that!”
“I do! And I am proud that I have the most awesome, beautiful and talented sister in the whole world!” he spread his arms “And everybody is going to be so excited to see you there as well!”
“Oh but you'll definitely steal the show anyway!” you pinched his cheek and although he hated it when other did that he only liked it when you did it. You had practically raised him yourself, with all the work your mother had and just because you were only then starting your career you had more time for your little brother. Fact that helped a lot in the two of you bonding very fast.
“Alright, let's go! Hurry they're waiting for you!” you said fast, smiling at him as he jumped slightly and all but ran towards the limo waiting for the four of you.
You giggled watching how excited he was about it. You had been worried he would miss out on things kids his age did, publicity and everything that came with it could be pretty hard for grown up people much less kids. You wanted him to beable to live his childhood and enjoy everything that came with it, being carefree above all, so of course you had some objections with it. Even if some would expect you to be the one to push him in that way because of how great your career had been all these years, you actually had not. However you couldn't object for long when you saw how talented he was and how much he really wanted it. He'd said he wanted to be like you and to make you proud with those adorable eyes of his, how could you say no to that?
“Look, look (Y/n)! There are so many people!” your brother exclaimed, holding with his small hands onto the glass that was slightly open so that he could peak through it “And they are all here for the movie!”
“It's your movie too, Jacks.” you giggled, every worry you had about it fading away when you saw how happy he was.
“Yes, it's my movie too!” he jumped up and down on his seat and you and your parents chuckled.
“Look at both of you, big movie stars!” your mother said with a fond smile “Who would have ever thought huh?”
“Well, (Y/n) was always a little bit of a drama queen. Especially when she was four or five.” your father said with a chuckle and you rolled your eyes.
“Gee thanks dad, one oscar and a golden globe later amongst many others and I am your drama queen. I'll remember it in my next speech, or maybe little Jackson when he gets his first award too!” you said with a playful roll of the eyes “I would like to thank my parents for the support they showed every since I was very young and my sister- the drama queen!” you threw your arms in the air “Yeah, sounds good. What do you think Jackson?” you asked and he giggled.
“Fun!” he exclaimed and you laughed “But I will thank you first anyway!” he shrugged before he was once more glued to the window.
“Alright, JR time to do this. Ya ready?” you asked with a grin and he nodded his head enthusiastically.
Once you all excited the limo it felt like the voices all were trying reach out to you and get in your head. No matter how many times you did this you probably would never get used to it. Out of a habit you smoothed down your red gown, although it was already perfectly hugging your every curve. You fixed your hair, once more out of habit, and took a deep breath in; finally putting a smile on your face and walking alongside your baby brother. You looked at him for a second, worried he could be overwhelmed but he was actually so excited, almost as if he was in a candy store. And you couldn't be happier and more proud for him than this.
As if the paps and fans weren't already excited, screaming and shouting for the actors, the moment they spotted you with your little brother they went into a frenzy. You chuckled, glancing down at Jackson to see him smiling widely as he posed next to you. You heard your name being shouted along with Jackson's and the both of you looked in various directions for the photographers. At some point you bent down to pick your brother up and he gave you a kiss on the cheek before looking back at the cameras.
“So how's your frist rodeo, big guy?” you asked him with a grin and he smiled widely.
“It's amazing!” he exclaimed, wiggling his feet as you held him and you pecked his cheek as well. It only made the fans and paps go crazy at the two of you. You could already see the tabloids the following day talking about cute family moments on the red carpet, as it had happened so many other times when your little brother wanted to join you in one of your movies.
“Oh oh!” he gasped “Bill!” he exclaimed and for a second you felt your blood run cold and the smile freeze on your lips. You had to keep your eyes from widening as you turned your head just slightly to see the handsome actor only a few feet away, taking photos on the red carpet for his own.
“Bill! Bill here!” your brother insisted when he didn't hear the first time and this time he heard him because the second he turned his head he only glanced at Jackson before his eyes locked with yours. You would have looked away but it was simply impossible the moment he stared right back at you. His lips had fallen apart, and his eyes slightly widened. He was, to say the least, stunned and awestruck.
“Here Bill, come take photos with us!” your little brother insisted and it took the older actor a second to grasp what he was saying before blinking and a smile formed on his lips and oh gosh you didn't know how you were so strong and your knees didn't give away that very second. The soft smile turned into a grin as he nodded his head and with only three long strides he was standing on the other side of Jackson's.
“Hey big guy!” he said with an adorable smile and you felt your heart leap to your throat, and it wasn't just because of the sam nickname you'd use on him.
“Hey Bill!” he grinned and you almost jumped in your place when you felt an arm around your waist, getting closer to Jackson and you.
“Stunning date you have here.” he said with a smirk, teasingly, and your brother giggled.
“She's my big sis! (Y/n), she's really beautiful, isn't she?” he grinned and Bill nodded his head with a soft smile, his eyes not leaving yours for a second and you doing the same. You knew there were photos being taken at the moment and they would be all over the internet pretty soon but your brain seemed to refuse to give a single care when Bill freaking Skarsgard was standing just a few inches away from you; staring down at you with such intensity it made shivers run down your spine.
“Oh she's gorgeous.” he said almost breathlessly and you looked down for a second, feeling your face heat up dangerously so.
“Thank you.” you planned to say in a low and polite voice but it only came out as a faint whisper. He gave you a small nod and adorable smile, and it was so obvious he wanted to say more but couldn't at the moment. He only chuckled, acting playful with your little brother as he too wrapped an arm around his neck. After that you left them take a few photos together. You watched with a fond smile as the two of them interacted, bill doing some silly faces to make him laugh and there for you to giggle.
“I'm sorry if I was a little weird or awkward previously.” a soft voice said behind you and you tore your eyes away from your brother having an interview to turn and face the same entrancing eyes that you were a little lost thinking about just five minutes ago “I tend to lose it around beautiful women and you are just... so much more than that too.” he breathed out with an adorable smile and before you could stop it a giggle left your lips.
“Thank you so much Bill, I'm- I'm sorry if I didnt get to say much before too. I was a little...” you trailed off, not finding the right word to explain it without embarrassing yourself so you just shrugged, looking down.
“Trust me I- I am the one trying to hold myself together at the moment.” he chuckled, placing a hand over his chest “It's such a great honor and pleasure to meet you from up close! I mean I- I have heard Jackson speak so high of you but I- I already know a lot about it even before meeting your brother.” he confessed and you looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“May I ask, how so?” you bit your lip and he chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets.
“I'm- I'm a great fan of your work, huge to be honest.” he confessed “I've- I've not missed a movie or- or episode of a show you've appeared in or interview or anything. I really really admire you.” he nodded his head and if you were blushing before at the intensity of his gaze, now you were sure your face was on fire.
“You?” you breathed out “Bill Skarsgard, you are a fan of my work? I- I can't believe this is possible.”
“Oh but it is, trust me! You are such an amazing actress, although-” he licked his lips, chuckling “I'll admit the way I described it I sounded like I am a stalker.”
“I'm sure you'd be the cutest one out there.” you chuckled before placing your hand over your mouth, eyes slightly wide “I shoouldn't have said that out loud.”
“No, no please!” he breathed out, a little too fast and it made you smirk “I'll confess to you something. Although being a here for a movie of mine is a dream coming true and I thought I'd never be happier about something I was so wrong. Meeting you is going to be the highlight of my week.”
“Week?” you whispered “Is that so?”
“Yeah, probably not week.” he got serious for a split second before a grin formed on his face “A month the very least!”
“I really don't know what to say to this but the fact that... I can absolutely understand you.” you chuckled as his eyebrow shot up.
“May- may I ask why?” he asked softly, leaning down slightly like a little child excited and eager to here the answer.
“I absolutely love your work as well. I've been a great fan of yours for pretty long to be honest!” you admitted with a shy shrug and if before when he had first seen you he looked stunned he now looked as if a ton of bricks had been dumpedon him.
“You... a fan of my work?” he breathed out, blinking and you smiled shyly.
“Why are you saying it like that? I should be the one to ask that.” you chuckled “In fact-” you bit your lip “Since we are confessing things today, I'll say I made Jackson promise he wouldn't blurt out how much I admire you before we came here. He sort of-” you shrugged “Can't break that pinky promise no matter what so yeah. But now I've just broken it in a way so I guess it's better if he doesn't find out.”
“Oh be sure I'm not going to think of saying that to him anytime soon. I'm a little- I'm struggling to form the right words here to begin with, I just-” he blinked “I don't know what to say. I honestly... am shocked. Pl- Pleasantly so, very verymuch.” he breathed out, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. And if this wasn't the cutest sight in the world you didn't know what was.
You parted your lips, ready to say something but you didn't get the chance to when another voice cut you off “Look guys it's (Y/n)! I told you she was gonna show up, you all owe me ten bucks each!” you recognized that voice as Jack's and you chuckled when you saw them all approach you in excitement.
“Hey guys! Wow it's such a pleasure to see you all here and finally meet you! Jackson's told me so much about all of you!” you exclaimed, hugging and greeting each and every one of them .Their excitement was hard to contain as they saw you and when you saw Bill interact with them you almost melted on the inside. This man was proving to you all the possible ways he could be adorable without even realizing it!
“So what are you two talking about?” Finn asked with a smirk you couldn't exactly pinpoint but maybe Bill did because he laughed nervously.
“Obviously his insane crush on her!” Jack shrugged as if it was nothing and your eyes widened, much like Bill's “Hey, how long did it take you to confess? Cause I had a bet with Jaeden about that as well!” he nudged Bill who barely seemed to be holding it right now. You knew all that he'd want to was to disappear, or Jack maybe too. Either way, it was all vast embarrassment.
“Confess exactly what?”
“Oh that he fanboys about you practically every time.” Jaeden shrugged as if it was nothing and Bill looked at him as if he was the traitor, expecting him at least to keep the secret a secret “We don't dare mention you and he pops up worse than Pennywise himself!”
“Well, at least Pennywise disappears or shuts up at some point.” Finn shrugged “But Bill about (Y/n)?”
“Hell no!” most of the boys said together and it was impossible to hold a giggle back as Bill looked down in total embarrassment, running a hand down his face and laughing awkwardly.
“The first time we got around the topic of your movies, because Jackson brought it up, Bill was there and gosh help us! This man knows everything about you!” Wyatt exclaimed “We were mind blown!”
“He didn't stop! Not for a second we just stood there and listened to him! And oh it was interesting but- let's all face it, he was acting like a school girl talking about her first love and it was all-” Chosen had started speaking but before he could really finish his sentence – not that there was much to reveal anymore – Bill spoke up.
“Alright, kids!” he clapped his hands “How about we go take some photos yeah? I'm sure you have lots of photos and interviews still left! And when they ask you why the new IT movie came out now, state the obvious! It's because we have you all as a cast!”
You just giggled, shaking your head “It's all fine.” you shook your head “I better go to Jackson and I'll see you all later. You too.” you whispered the last, leaning in to kiss his cheek, and earning a low 'Ooooh' from the kids that made you laugh as you were still close to him. You noticed how Jack nudged him playfully and you giggled more.
You looked into his eyes for a moment as you were only inches apart and patted his chest “In case you think there is more in me you'd want to know about.” you whispered, making him frown softly. His eyes followed your your line of sight and only then he noticed the small card in his pocket with nothing else but your number. Your personal number scribbledthere just for him.
“Alright, don't go all Pennywise on them while I'm gone.” you said louder this time, pulling away.
“I can't make any promises! Some of them are really asking for it!” he said with a big grin and you laughed, nodding your head when you realized the reason behind it was card in his pocket.
“Alright, see you later all!” you said, waving at them and after a final look you shared with Bill you looked at them and winking you mouthed a 'Thank you'.
“Time to float!” Bill exclaimed in a Pennywise voice as they all laughed and he chased after them, picking up Jack first as he squirmed and laughed hysterically.
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diianawonka · 7 years
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Requested by: @weallhaveadestiny
“Hello there! Hope you’re okay! Was wondering if you could do a reader x bill skarsgard where reader meets bill for the first time in stockholm, she doesn’t know he is an actor, and he wants to keep it that way. But, fans get involve. Rest is up to you if you feel inspired :) xx “  
Pairing: Bill Skarsgard x Reader      
A/N: Okay.. this is the first time I’ve write something with Bill, I‘m having a really bad crush on him and I can’t deal with him an his green eyes and everything. He’s such an amazing actor! I was in shock when I saw him as Pennywise.  Sorry for my horrible english, I swear I’m trying my best. :c
Title: Fika
You had spent the last twelve hours on a plane traveling to Stockholm on a trip that you had planned with your friends, they were dead tired and seemed that no one were interested in spending their first day out of their country exploring the big city, but you were an energetic girl, you used to be quiet and reserved in some things but your energy for everything was very impressive, you were that kind of people that just seeing them transmitted good vibes, so you decided to go out alone, you were not going to miss a single day of your trip.
You left the hotel where you and your three friends were staying and started to walk on the sidewalk with your hands inside your coat, you took some pictures of a big park, you loved to take pictures and publish them in your Instagram account, just for hobby. You also were a big fan of coffee, so you had made a promise to taste one from every place that you visited; on your way, you found a small cafe “Yummies coffee & bistro” you read in the entrance, you approached just when the first drops of rain had begun to fall; it was a rustic place, with some wooden little tables, each one adorned with a small desert plant in the center, there were plenty of Christmas lights everywhere that along with the light coming from the outside lit the place to perfection.
A guy with big green eyes who was sitting at one of the tables in the background watched you closely when you came in and gave you a small smile, you smiled back and chose a table by the window with a view to the outside and you sat to see the rain, you were sunk in your thoughts when the waitress’ voice took you out of your cave.
“Välkommen, fröken, kan jag erbjuda dig något att dricka? ”(literally I’ve translate this in google HAHA sorry) and in that moment you regretted not knowing Swedish, the young waitress left a menu on the table
“Sorry?” you said shyly in english
“Oh! Excuse me miss” she start speaking English” let me looking for another menu for you” she said taking back the menu that she had placed on the table before” May I offer you something to drink while I’m back?”
“I can wait, thank you” you said giving her a wide smile”
Several minutes had passed and it seemed that the waitress had completely forgotten about you; you decided to entertain yourself a few minutes checking your social networks on your cellphone, nothing new, just a few notifications from your family asking you how you were and some likes in the photo that you had uploaded just when you arrived in the city.
“Hello” you heard a manly voice next to you and turn yourself to see him. It was the green-eyed guy from before, he was too tall and was wearing a black coat
“Hi” you said gently, you didn’t know him, you had never seen him in your life before this day
“Are you waiting for someone?” he asked you doubting “I’ve seen you the last ten minutes and it seems like the waitress just forgot about you”
You laughed vigorously at his comment “No, I’m not expecting anyone, apparently she’s looking for a menu in English, I think she’s translating it herself” the man laughed
“I can help you order if you want, May I sit?”
You nodded “of course” He sat in the chair in front of you while looking at you
“You’re not from here… American?” he asked
“How did you know?”
“Your accent, your way of dressing, your essence” he laughed softly
“Are you telling me that I transmit Americanism?” you looked at him frowning
“Sort of…” you both laughed “I’m Bill by the way”
“I’m Y/N”
“Well YN, I don’t mean to bother you, I’m just trying to be a good citizen, let me call the waitress” He raised his hand and a different waitress appeared, she gave a menu to Bill and he started looking “anything special? “. He asked you
“mmmh” you said with your arms on the table “I would like to try… I don’t know, maybe something typical of the country?  What do you recommend?”
“Maybe a köttbullar?” you look surprised
“what is that?”
“Meatballs, actually, Swedish meatballs, they’re good, especially in this bistro”
“Okay, I’ll eat it” Bill ordered in Swedish and the waitress said that she was coming back with your food”
You both continued talking and laughing for a while “What brings you here, Y/N?”
“Well, my friends and I plan a trip every year, this time we decided to do something bigger and come here, we all agree to want to know Stockholm, I love the weather”
“Really?” he asked you frowning “but it’s rainy and I doubt that you can do much today”
“Well, that didn’t stop me to come here”
He laughed “Why did you come alone?  Where are your friends?
“We arrived just today and they were all dead tired to get to know the city, but I couldn’t stop thinking that I would be wasting my first day in Stockholm just because I didn’t sleep on the damn plane” You smiled at him.
“Cool” he said looking through the window “they will love the city, of course, if they decide to leave the hotel someday” you both laughed and the waitress arrived with your food
“Have you lived in here your whole life?” you asked him while giving a look at your food, it’s looks amazing and smell delicious
He kept thinking for a few minutes “something like that, I moved to America seven years ago, but right now I’m visiting my parents like every year”
“really? Why would you move to America? I mean… Stockholm is wonderful”
“Work” He said with a simple smile and you thought that he wasn't ugly at all... 
“What do you do?… I just want to be sure that you’re not trying to kidnap me or something” He let out a playful giggle. The waitress approaches to remove the empty dishes and a group of girls appear
“Shit…” He whispered
“Mr. Skarsgard” said one of the girl, was about seventeen years old, Bill turning to see them smiling “ Could you signed this for me, please? “
“Sure…” He said, taking a sharpie and signing a Pennywise poster, you really had no idea what was going on or why these girls came out of looking for Bill and asking him for autographs and pictures, they thanked him and then left  ”What were we in?” he asked, you smiled at him  “What’s going on?”
“What about those girls?”
“mmmh, dunno, fans I guess” you look at him without understanding, he snorts “I’m an actor, that’s why I moved to America”
“Yep” he sighed “I was going to ask you if you’ll have a Fika with me before these girls showed up, but now I don’t know if you’re going to accept it”
He smiled shyly “Sorry, I was trying to sound Swedish, that’s how we call at the coffee time”
“Oh… I would have said yes, even without knowing that you were an actor Bill, god, it must be tired to have to live with those girls behind you all the time, uh?” you crossed your arms
“Exhausting, annoying, but sometimes it’s fun, I mean, when you’re not trying to invite a girl who treats you like a normal human being, to go out”
You laugh putting your hand on your stomach “I’m full, I had planned to just have some coffee”
“Well, now we have one pending”….
requests are open! (x)
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jj-lynn21 · 5 years
The Calling ch 1
Notes/warnings: Bill Skarsgard, Robert, Pattinson, Sebastian Stan Tom Holland and x-reader. This is another story about being an extra. No warnings in this chapter.
ch 2, ch 3 ch 4
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An untitled movie was getting ready to film near you. You weren’t even sure who was in it, but rumor had it the movie Starred Bill Skarsgard, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan and Tom Holland. You couldn’t believe they would be able to afford to make a movie with all these men, so you didn’t buy into the hype.  
You kept track of the local casting call website just to maybe be an extra for a little extra cash. Lucky enough that you worked from home so if you got a part as an extra or something you could drop everything and be wherever they needed you to be at a moments notice. It was fun the last few times you did it. The pay was nice to. As you scrolled through the feed of productions you saw it. The movie everyone was talking about was casting extras.
When you read through the criteria it said they were looking for people that fit your description but nothing about what you would be doing. You knew that was common. If you were chosen, they would email you more information. All you had to do is send two to three pictures of yourself, preferably in clothing similar to the 1940-1960 style; and a short bio about yourself if you had any experience but you didn’t need to have any experience for the roles.  
You pulled your 50s dress you used to go as Sandy from grease at Halloween and leave your hair down with some curl to it for the first picture you take using your mini tripod for your cellphone. You take a head shot with that look also. Then throw together a rosy the riveter looking out fit complete with a little dirt from outside on your face. You email the pictures and a sort resume mentioning your other work and how you enjoyed it all so much. Next you play the waiting game. Its Tuesday morning and the deadline to hear back is between Friday and Saturday.
You go on with your normal week as per usually. Part of you holding your breath for some little acknowledgment from casting. Finally, Friday rolls around and you scour your email for that one special confirmation but there is nothing. Groceries, cleaning and a nice long shower to wash the day off of you. Reading a book always relaxes you before bed. You yawn after reading for several hours and decide to call it a night. Grabbing your phone for the nightly one more check if there is anything from friends or family in your email, you come across the confirmation from casting.
Congratulation (YN), you will be an extra Monday- Friday of next week for Unnamed Project filming here for the next four months. There will be lots of opportunities for local actor. For now, please sign the attached disclosure form and send it back to us promptly. We will send out another email with what you need to wear and/or bring.
You opened the attached disclosure:
1.       There will be no cellphone while shooting. They must be left in holding. If you are seen with a cellphone you will be dismissed. And we will not be hiring you again.
2.       No talking to the main actors. They are working. They are preparing. They are not there to sign autograph or pose for selfies even if you see them off set.
3.       Follow directions. a P.A. will help you with any questions. Michel from casting will also be in holding to answer any questions.
4.       You will be in holding until a P.A. comes to take you to set and tell you what you will be doing. Please ask questions if you are unsure what to do.
5.       And while onset always be quiet. Filming is happening even if you are not in the scene.
Congratulations again. We look forward to working with you.
Terry Wilson Casting
You sign the disclosure and send it back. You are so excited but can’t tell a soul. That’s the downside of working on a movie that won’t be out for months, you can’t say anything. The only thing you can say is that you are working on something. And you have had a great time.
Saturday before noon you get another email from casting. Please reply if you will be 100% available Monday-Friday. You reply you will be there. In this email is the address of where you will park. Then you follow the yellow signs to holding. You need to bring three outfits, which is the norm for an extra. No hair and make-up tent for you unless the make-up person freshens you up a few seconds before the director yells action which did happen once. 
It was so funny when she ran over to you and one of the other extras you were working with to shine and fluff your hair and put some powder on your face. She said how pretty you looked before running off again. It made you laugh really. That laughing face kept up through the fifteen takes of you walking in the background as the main actors said their lines in various ways. You thought it was fun but other extras were not amused at how long it took to film what seemed like a short scene that might not even make it into the movie.
You loved it all. Sitting in holding making friends with other extras. Some of them with hopes of being main actors someday. You loved going to sets even if they didn’t use you, but you got to watch things being filmed. The equipment was fascinating. There were always snacks on set and a big lunch. From burritos to crab legs your last shoot’s food was way more than you expected. This shoot was going to be awesome too. You just knew it.
You get together three outfits as you look at picture examples they sent you with your email. The two outfits from the photos you sent them would do. Plus, you packed a pencil skirt with a button up sweater that looked like one of the pictures. All muted colors. You decide you will wear the dress to set Monday morning for your six in the morning call time.
Your alarm goes off at 4 am. Normally this would feel like some kind of torture. You would hardly ever think of getting up this early. But not this morning. This morning you were excited to be getting up so early. So, many possibilities. You knew you had to hold back your excitement as much as possible. You read an article about getting caste in films and found out the more excited you seemed the less likely they would choose you to be in more than one scene for the day.
You did your make-up and hair. Put on the dress and flat shoes you chose. Made coffee of course. And was out the door in less than an hour which gave you plenty of time to get to holding. You showered the night before to save time. 
You found parking easily with the bright yellow signs that shined in the darkness. A shuttle picked you and about a dozen others up at parking to take you to holding in an unused build in downtown. Even though you knew the city well, you were not familiar with the rundown area.
Oh, awesome, you thought when you saw the breakfast truck on your way in the building. One everyone was settled in the room and the crew had their breakfast. Then you were told to go ahead out to the truck to grab what you wanted. Sausage, eggs, cheese and potatoes were offered in a bowl or burrito. The burrito you ordered was delicious. Juice, milk, water, pop and coffee were set up back in holding with a table of various snacks. A lot of people you worked with before were there, so you sat with them discussing absolutely nothing of importance. But you all laughed at each other’s jokes.
A lot of them had been doing this for years. One guy said he has been in extra for 20 years. How did you never hear of this sort of work before being available to you? Most of them worked in the surrounding states also. They were willing to drive up to five hours a day to work or stay the night at a hotel if needed. Still this is not work that 100% pays the bills. Averaging $10 an hour in your area. Plus, up to a $50 bump if you have a car they need. One guy claimed in another state they paid him $100 an hour. But that was only one movie he ever did which paid that amount.
After a few hours a P.A. walks in and looks around the room. He chats with the person from casting for a minute. Then he addresses the room. “The director needs a few of you to walk on the sidewalk and sit in a café. They have sent me to get who they chose.” He looks around the room again and then starts pointing. “You, you and…” You take a deep breath and let it out slowly and he chooses you. “And you. Come with me.”
You get up and smile. One of your acting buddies at the table said, “Have fun. Make the most of it.” And you plan to.
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jj-lynn21 · 5 years
The Island: various fandoms & x-readers ch 1
Warnings/notes 18+, smut, dash of angst, This is a spinoff of THE CHARITY CLICK TO READ IT FIRST.  X1=original x-reader Princess, X2=Sweetie, X3=Love/Mistress,  X4=Babe, X5=sexy boy, x6= shy girl, x7=Prince, x8=Cat,
 ch 2 ch 3 ch4
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Princess’ hands are tied to banister of the bed with soft silk ties. Your hips rise and fall as he tastes you fully. Moaning out softly as you feel his tongue flick on clit teasingly. You are so happy you decided to come to this island with all the others. Oh, fuck your body has never felt so much pleasure. You struggle a bit against the restraints wanting so bad to reach down to run your fingers through his hair. But he will have none of that right now as he sucks on your swollen clit getting you right to the edge of paradise.
Tom watches from across the room with his eyes wide watching the way you move and listening to how you sound. Bill’s head pops up from between your legs so he can take a breath, “How are you feeling, Princess?”
You work on catching your breath to speak, “So, good baby boy. Just a little more, please.”
He goes back down and has you cumming in just a few more strokes with his long thick tongue. Your wanting perfecting fulfilled. Bill reaches up to untie you and kisses you lovingly. As soon as one hand is untied it dives into his locks. At this point you are use to Tom watching and sometimes joining, so Bill can teach him some new techniques to drive a woman madd and successfully completely satisfy her.
Bill sits in front of you smiling as he rubs some lotion on your wrists. They satin ties weren’t tight enough to hurt but they did leave little red marks. Bill always makes sure you know you will be taken care of whatever the two of you decide to try together.
He looks to Tom, “And that is how you take care of a woman with just your mouth. The restraints were extra for us, so I wouldn’t try that with a girl until you talked it over, but the basic moves are the same.”
You take Bill’s hands in yours after he is done with the lotion. You want nothing more than to touch him after not being able to for a while. You look at bill while talking to Tom, “That was so intense with not being able to touch him Tom, but another important thing he does that you should always remember is to check in on your partner to making sure they are enjoying things as much as you want them to. Even if its something that is satisfying to you make sure they are ok. And after care, like Bill rubbing the lotion on my wrists, is very important. It could be just snuggling to make the person know they are safe and loved.”
Bill grins, “I always enjoy tasting every part of you, Princess. Tom, if you feel you learned enough this morning, we should join the others for breakfast. I think there has been a few waitresses with their eye on you. You should give at least one of them a chance.”
Tom said, “You’re a Master, Bill. I’m not sure I would trust someone working here. There is so many people that just want to take advantage of what I have and tell everyone any I do with them.”
You and Bill get dressed. Bill says, “I think everyone working here signs a confidentiality clause so nothing that happens goes off the island. You go for anyone that wants you bud.”
The three of you go to have breakfast on a terrace over-looking the beach. There are empty seats at Robert table, so you sit with him. Collin is making the waitress (X2), giggle something fierce at the next table.
Scarlett rolls her eyes, “You know Sweetie if you let him, he will make you giggle all night.”
Sweetie replies, “I can think of other things to do all night, but I like to laugh also.”
Everyone is served mimosas with the breakfast of their choice. Robert raises his nodding towards a waitress. She comes over leaning down her shirt loose enough he can see down it, “Can I help you Mr. Downey?”
“A virgin please,” He clears his throat looking at her name tag, “A virgin mimosa, please Cat. And you can call me Robert.”
X8 You(Cat) says, “I thought of that, Robert. That there is a virgin.” you smile and walks away.
A Shy looking young girl(X6) has her hands full at a table full of all Skarsgard’s except Bill. She walks away from the table blushing. Valter is blushing also. Alex chuckles, “All I asked her is if she thought you were cute or something baby brother. You two were eyeing each other enough I think something’s there if you are just brave enough to ask for it. When we were playing hide and seek you wanted to be a seeker. To be a seeker you have to get the girl you are interested in.”
Valter says, “But you embarrassed her. How is that going to help me?”
Stellan shakes his head, “I know you’re a smart boy. Your brother gave you a great excuse to go talk to her. Just apologize your brother is overly blunt.”
Gustaf finishes his mimosa, “If you are as shy as her, you’re never going to seal the deal V.”
Stellan says, “I didn’t even hear that.”
Alex snaps his fingers, “Prince(X7) another mimosa for me and My brother Gustaf.” He finishes his drink as the waiter runs over with two more drinks and takes the empties, “Here you go Sir.” He bows to Alex who smiles at him making Prince giddy. When Prince leaves Alex continues, “I never hesitate.”
Alex raises his drink to the next table where Ellen, Chris P., Chris E., Cody and Tom H. are sitting. They all raise their glasses back. Evan’s says, “I want to be that guy.”
Cody giggles, “I don’t think you could learn what he has.” Eyeing him up and down, “But your pretty sexy being you.” He blows him a flirty kiss.
Evens coughs, orange juice coming out of his nose, “Thanks”.
Everyone at the table laughs. Chris snaps his fingers a few times to get a waitress’s attention, “Hey Babe(X4) can you help me over here?”
You(x4) respond abruptly, “My name is (YN), not Baby Mr. Evan’s.”
Hiddleston laughs, “You’ve been schooled Chris.” 
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jj-lynn21 · 5 years
Ch 7: Assassination Nation Mark and X-reader
Warnings: angst, restraints, oral instruction
@sweet-teekorbs @anastasiaskarsgard​ @chogiwait-world 
Ch 1
ch 2
ch 3
ch 4
ch 5
ch 6
ch 8
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As you sit down on the couch you grab your charging cellphone.  You scroll through your social media that you haven’t had time to post on in weeks. You see a few new pictures from Tina’s account which looks like she is in Cabo again. She talked about loving it there with you before. From her posts it seems she had had enough of everything opting for a second gap year or a waitress job in Cabo, so she didn’t have to go to college at all. Sounded about right for what you knew of her.
A message dings on your phone, so you open it.  
Get the fuck to the frat house to explain yourself, whore
Attached to the message is a video file you play. Oh, fuck, it’s a video your first serious boyfriend took of himself teaching how to give the perfect blow job. The worst part was the two of you were doing a little roleplay in the moment and you called him Professor Skarsgard. You don’t even know how he got this video. He hadn’t even seen your pass word protected laptop and that is the only place it was stored.
You kept the videos as a reference with a few other videos of things he taught you under a folder marked LEARNING. You run to your room to check if your laptop had been tampered with. When you slid it from under the bed it seemed untouched. Maybe Mark got in touch with your ex and got it that way. But you parted ways with him on good terms so you didn’t think Bill would give Mark such a compromising video of you. It was from three years ago and Mark liked what you learned so you were just going to stand your ground with him when you got to the frat house.
You get to the frat house and knock. One of his fraternity brothers opens the door.
Your hands are ob your hips ready for a fight.  ‘I’m here to talk to Mark. Where is he?”
The guy chuckles, “I’m Christian, Aren’t you a bit under dressed?”
You smirk, “I repeat, where is he? Mark texted me to meet him here.”
Christian says, “He should be down shortly. I’m sure he heard you come in.”
He slink  over to grab a beer, “You want a drink (YN)?”
You say, “No.”
You really would never take a drink from a frat guy on his own territory.
Christian opens the refrigerator, “bottled water?”
You say, “Ugh.” And walk over to grab the bottled water yourself. “Happy?”
Christian shrugs, “Didn’t really matter to me. So, you two have a fight or something?”
You screw the cap off the water and take a big swig. “It is really none of your…” The room spins.
Christian says, “What was that w h o r e?”
The last word seems to stretch as your eyes roll to the back of your head. Everything becomes black. Your head is heavy as you start to come back around. You still just see darkness as your eyes open to a satin cloth tied around your eyes. Your mouth is bound by another satin piece of material. You start to move your limbs but all you feel is the restraining bracelets around them. Hearing the clinking of the chains as you struggle your equilibrium coms back enough for you to realize you are standing blindfolded, gagged hands and feet chained to the ceiling and floor. You also notice you don’t have your t-shirt or sweatpants on, but what feels like a slip dress. Panic rolls over you as you start to pull and tug.
When you hear what sounds like a door the muffled sounds of other girls fill your ears. You stay still and quiet as you listen for who it could be. You feel Mark’s hand slide around your neck. His thumb moving over your lips. If it wasn’t for the gag in your mouth you would bite his finger right off. You feel his breath near your ear.
Mark says, “This is why I told you to stay the fuck at your dorm.”
He takes your mask off. You look around seeing four other girls chained up including Tina. Your eyes are wide as you look to Mark.
Mark says, “I’m going to take your gag off. Just stay quiet.”
He unties the back and pulls it off you slowly.
Quietly but forcefully you say, “What the fuck is going on here? You texted me to come here because you saw the video.”
Mark says, “I don’t fucking text. If I wanted you here, I would have come to get you. I thought I made that clear. I’ve been trying to fucking protect you. I don’t know about no damn video. What the fuck have you been hiding from me?”
Christian clicks the button of remote control as he walks in the room to show the video of you and your ex on the far wall.
Christian says, “See if you still think she’s not a whore that fucks Professors after watching this. There are a lot of these files on her laptop.” 
Marks eyes widen as in the video your ex says, “Just call me Professor Skarsgard tonight. I know my number one student could use some oral lessons.”
In the video you say, “Yes, Professor. I’m willing to learn all you are willing to teach.”
On the video your ex says, “Good girl. Now get on those knees. Some guys will want to deep throat you right away so learn to breath through that cute little nose of yours.”
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angelkurenai · 7 years
Seal of approval - Bill Skarsgard x Reader
Title: Seal of approval
Pairing: Bill Skarsgard x Reader
Warnings: None
Imagine: YN is Stephen King youngest daughter,and also a very famous author on her own!Bill is a HUGE fan(*wink,wink) and one day she goes to set to see her dads work and Bill sees her for the first time,and he's just so adorkable that's painful,so dad King and the kids help him to talk to his crush .It could be him talking about it on an interview (they're dating now)
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- Flashback -
“Yeah, of course sweetheart. Just drop by on set, I'm sure it won't bother anybody.” the man paused for a moment hearing what the person was saying on the other line before smiling and nodding his head subtly without realizing they couldn't see him “Of course, I'm sure Andy wouldn't mind you sticking around. If anything he'd be very glad if you gave him a hand with directed when you're that good.”
He paused for another moment before continuing “Alright, yes. There are plenty of people here to greet you anyway and I'm sure once the kids find out you'll be here they are going to drop everything and be all over you in a matter of seconds. You will definitely not feel alone!”
And another small pause before he chuckled “Ok-” he glanced at Bill that was flipping through the pages of the script “Yeah yeah Pennywise will be just as happy, I know that.” he said, catching Bill's attention for a second “See you in a little while, sweetheart. Love you too.” he added in the end before hanging up.
“Everything ok?” he asked, trying to be as polite as possible because it wasn't really his business.
“Yeah just fine, sorting out some things is all.” Stephen shrugged “We'll be having visitors, that's all.”
“That's what Pennywise will be happy about?” Bill asked with a small smile and Stephen nodded his head with a chuckle.
“Oh trust me, you'll be more than happy. And without any spoilers, I'm just going to say we're talking about a great fan of yours and this story. But you'll see later, now onto work. You were saying?” he said with a smirk and focused back on the script he had in front of him as well.
“Oh alright yeah, uh about that scene...” and Bill continued to explain to the author how he wanted to go with it although part of his mind was still on the topic that had started with this mysterious phone call. He couldn't even tell who the person was in specific and part of him, great part of him that at the moment kept him from fully focusing on the scene, and it was a very giddy part of him that hoped it could be his daughter. You.
He wished, wanted it real bad, but at the same time feared it would be you because he didn't know how he'd react to all of it with how much of a fan of yours he was. He wanted to think he could act all cool and calm but at the same time his brain refused to think of any good scenarios. And then there was the part that thought it could be all his hopes getting high and in the end he'd be let down by it.
“Bill, hey Bill! Wait!” a voice called after the actor and once he heard it he turned around to face the group of kids running towards him.
“Hey guys, what's up?” he asked asked with a small smile, all of his attention leaving the script and going on them.
“Did you see her?! We've been trying to find her but only Sophia, Jackson and Wyatt have seen her so far. We asked Mr King but he had no idea.” Jack said with a small shrug and tight smile and Bill's frown deepened.
“See who? I was with him about an hour and a half ago but didn't see anybody.” he said, taking another sip of his coffee.
“Oh she came only half an hour ago but we had a scene and couldn't see her. We thought you might have.” Jaedenexplained.
“She? I'm sorry guys but I have no idea what you're talking about.” he shook his head.
“What? Did you not learn the news?” Jack was the first one to ask all excited.
“What news?” he asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Dude you live to much in the sewers you know that right?” Finn asked with a scoff and the boys snickered as Bill chuckled “You should get out a little, see the light of the sun and interact with people. You know, more normal ones that don't eat kids!”
“Careful now, you might float down there too Richie.” he said with narrowed eyes and a creepy smirk, his voice almost close to the one he used for Pennywise, and they all laughed.
“Oh my I really hope not, he's been one of my favorite characters ever since I was a kid.” another voice sounded behind Bill and he almost froze in his place as the gasps from the boys were heard.
“Holy freaking shit! I'm dreaming, someone pinch me. Someone pinch me!” Jack exclaimed, holding onto Finn's arm and shaking him violently.
“Ow!” he exclaimed and jumped when Finn gave him a hard pinch and glare “I wasn't talking seriously!” he huffed and Finn shrugged.
“You said it.” he mumbled.
Your giggle filled Bill's ears and he found it in himself to turn around and face the source of the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard. He almost felt like all air go knocked out of his lungs and he coul barely hold on his coffee and script much less have his legs support him. Yet they did and that was a great surprise.
“Well it certainly is a great pleasure to meet you all as well.” you said with a soft smile, eyes moving between the kids as you took all of it in.
“Great great great pleasure to meet you as well!” Jack said with a wide grin, moving forwards first and the rest of the boys followed suit, pushing Bill backwards so they could all face you, circling you like the great fans they too were of you. Shaking one after the other's hands very excitedly because their enthusiasm was purely contagious.
“Don't mind him, he was casted as Eddie for a reason.” Finn shook his head “But it's really great to meet you in person! We've all read at least one or two of your books and are great fans!” he extended a hand and you shook it with a soft smile.
“This really is so sweet and nice to hear! I'm so happy about it, my father has talked to me a lot about you and it feels like I know all of you! I've always wanted to visit you on set but I just got a little too busy.” you said with a sheepish shrug.
“It's better late than never.” Jaeden said with a smile and shrug “Besides we've all been asking him to invite you over on set for quite some time he must have gotten tired of us.”
“I definitely agree, but it's alright. I don't think any other kid can ever give all the trouble I've given to him as a child. Good thing for him is that I finally grew up and turned out to be more mature than he is at times!” you chuckled “Also, I've been dying to meet you all to be honest. I've seen some of your work and it is all so so amazing! I really need to give a congratulations to all of you for all the great work I've seen so far and above all-” no words left your lips as you looked at the older actor who only seemed like a deer caught on headlights.
“And you're Pennywise, right?” you breathed out and he almost jumped, feelings his throat close when your eyes locked with his and even more so when you smiled at him “Bill Skarsgard-” boy did he love the sound of his name coming out of your lips so so much “It's such a great pleasure to meet you in person, I've been a great fan of yours for so long!”
“Oh he-he- hello? I'm- wow- you are- really? I was- never thought- have never thought-” and as expected he didn't do all that well with forming the right words because everything in his mind was a mess.
“Don't mind him, he's not usually this awkward. Not when trying to kill us.” Jaeden said with a shrug and you chuckled.
“But to translate his words: Hello, it's great to meet you as well. I'm Bill but you obviously already know that and I am at a total loss because of that. Oh and because I am a huge fanboy of course!” Finn said in a different voice tone and shrugged and the boys giggled as Bill shot them a small glare.
“S-sorry about that.” he finally managed to say with a small smile and you just shook your head with a smile.
“It's absolutely fine, I know how it feels.” you shrugged.
“Oh no you don't! You seriously don't!” Jack didn't miss a second to pipe in and you grinned, raising an eyebrow as you still looked at Bill who seemed to be even more nervous than he was before.
“I really have to agree with him.” Jaeden said casually “We all are fans but Bill takes it to the next level.”
“It's because he's a huge fan, if you know what I mean.” Finn nudged you with a smirk and you grinned, your eyebrowsshot up.
“Wink wink.” Jack added and they all snickered.
“But it's kinda weird you know?” Finn said casually “You'll have to go to your dad and say 'Hey dad, I may or may not begoing out on a date tonight with that creepy clown from your book. No big deal, right?”' yeah not easy.” he shrugged with his hands in his pockets and you raised an eyebrow, glancing at Bill whose eyes were wide in pure shock.
“Date?” you smirked and they chuckled.
“Oh what he hasn't asked you out yet? Oops. Sorry.” Finn pretended it in a quite poor and fake way that he was actually sorry.
“Spoiler alert!” Jack exclaimed before they all laughed “You're welcome by the way!” he said to Bill, patting him as high as he could reach on the back of the older actor.
“We'll see you later, (Y/n), hopefully I guess. If Bill lets us have some time with you.” Jaeden said with a smile and the other boys laughed “We have a scene now and we should get going!” he glanced at one of the crew members motioning for them to follow him.
“Try not to stutter too much and remember to breath! You'll be just fine!” Jack tried to make him feel cool and relaxed but all the teasing was not making things easier.
“And if you need any more tips we are always here!” Finn gave him a thumbs up before the boys ran off.
“Well-” you chuckled after a small awkward pause followed “They really take teasing to a hole other level huh?”
“Yeah s-sorry about that, it- well, it usually doesn't happen and... I probably shouldn't have let out on how much I admire you and your work either.” he laughed nervously, looking down at his feet.
“And I guess I shouldn't have let my father know how really excited I was about you getting casted as Pennywise.” you mumbled, more shyly than him and he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow shocked but pleasantly stunned “I mean I definitely wanted to see his work come to life, that was always my favorite thing about his books being a movie, but this time it was more special. This... is different, it's-” you paused, biting your lip “Well, I told you you're not the only fan here.”
“That's- You mean-” he blinked, just when he thought he could talk properly he went back at it “I made it special?” he caught himself whispering in awe and with a soft chuckle you nodded your head.
Well he would certainly not be able to form a proper sentence after that.
- End of Flashback -
“It feels-” Bill chuckled, glancing at his hands “It feels like it was just yesterday, you know? When we auditioned, when I- I talked with Stephen King for the character, when we got the make up done for the first time, when filming with the kids began and when-” he smiled to himself at the memory “When (Y/n) first came on set, yeah above everything else that-that this movie, being part of this movie, has allowed me to experience I know meeting (Y/n) is- is- it's the best thing that I got to experience in my life. She was the best thing to happen to me, without any doubt.”
“As Stephen King's youngest daughter, one to take after her father in the writing career as well, and one to be a great fan of his work as she has admitted numerous times it wasn't that surprising to see her that often on the set of IT. However, your younger costars revealed that there were some pretty awkward moments unlike any other time?” the interviewer asked and Bill nodded his head.
“Well, maybe because her father's character was trying, and- and probably failing miserably too, to flirt with her.” Bill confessed with a chuckle “Sometimes I forgot I even had the make up on but she didn't seem to mind it that much. I- I know now, she has confessed it to me, that she- she found it uhm adorkable. She always uses that expression with me.” he said with a grin.
“Uh yes, I was going to comment on that next! The two of you are actually together now, am I right?” he asked and Bill grinned.
“Yes, yes we are. And we've never been better and happier!” he said softly and with complete honesty and adoration.
“The kids have said a few things here and there, mostly to tease you, but we only know so far that she was there to help you with the role more than her father himself. We haven't gotten to hear any parts on how your relationship started. Could you- could you tell us about it if you want to?”
“Well, uh yeah. We- we started spending more time ever since that first day and- and since I managed to be able to form a proper sentence around her with stuttering or forgetting how to breath.” he laughed, running a hand through his hair “But uhm yes, truth is she helped much more than I had realized I could- I could go with the character. To know him and-and to hear what someone that has known the story for so many years would- would want to see in him. And when we weren't talking about it, we'd- we'd usually do our thing which again was talking for hours to no end about everything that interested us.”
“With her father coming so often on set, I'm- I'm pretty sure he could have noticed something right? And that would be on heck of a situation to explain!”
Bill laughed, nodding his head “The funny this is- I think he noticed that I uh had a crush on her from day one when for (Y/n), well, it took her a couple weeks to be honest. But uh truth is if it wasn't for her father, and for the kids although I won't dare admit it to them cause they- they just live to tease the life out of me, I don't think her and I would be here today. I mean almost everybody knew I loved her work and- and admired her a lot but I think, or at least hope, I did a good job at hiding my- my feelings, I can now say.”
“So you really owe it to them then?”
“Absolutely! Each time I- I got so intimidated by my own thoughts and feelings that it didn't matter how many times we'd talked to each other. So, I-” he chuckled “I think her father had had enough at some point and just joined in with all the kids and gave me that final push to do something about it. And- and I think it was really important because it got me to, kind of, get over every worry and just get to know my now girlfriend and- and yeah after some time end up here.”
“So in other words you pretty much have her father's approval?”
“Oh yes, yes getting his seal of approval to the whole Pennywise issue was very important to me but-” he grinned “But getting his seal of approval to date his little girl and possibly be with her for the rest of our lives is- that's the greatest thing of all!”
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angelkurenai · 7 years
You're too much for me to handle!Alexander freaking viking vampire Skarsgard!Ok,so we know he's a sweetie and he said on interviews that he wants to have children (a big family), SO: YN and Bill met through his dad (aka Cupid) and he's head over heels in love with his now wife. They're the golden couple ,with adorable kids and his dream is to make a film with his wife.When he wins the Emmy for Big Little Lies(his character was horrible) he thanks his soulmate,awwww! what do you think?
I always am for everyone haha I don’t know how my parents deal with me, but I guess it’s probably cause I won’t show them this side of me ;) 
I really love the sound of this, and it’s interesting that I have a fic that I have named (to be able to tell it apart) in my pc “BillCupid” and it includes his father and Alex haha XD Oh also, is this supposed to be a Bill x Reader or an Alexander x Reader? Cause he was the one that won the emmy for Bil little lies but I guess I could make it Bill if you wanted me to, lemme know ;)
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