#Biblically Black Scholars of Ancient Egyptian Coptic Text Magick
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ I got NEW… 9th Dimensional Afterlife [DA = DAHOMEY] Technologies that BEE So Primitively Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] + Spiritually FUTURISTIC as I Clairvoyantly Articulate [CA] My Magical Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Raps from Inner Earth’s Triple 666 Black Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Underworld of Sentient Apparition [U.S.A. = ATLANTEAN] GHOSTS [GODS] who Already Energetically Transitioned [E.T.] from Our Biblically Black [Ancient] Earth ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ My Magical Afterlife [MA] History of Ancient [HA = HARRELL] Byzantine Egypt BEE So Mysteriously HIDDEN… ‘cause of My HIGHLY Secretive Egyptian Rosicrucian Ancestors [RA] from Our Magnificent Underworld [MU] Continent of A [CA] Universally Spiritual Atlantis [U.S.A. = LEMURIA]… now SPIRITUALLY HEAR ME [ME = U.S. MICHAEL HARRELL = TUT = JAH] SPEAK OUT LOUD… since ain’t nobody else on earth Esoterically Talkin’ [E.T.] like Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ I got Rusty Ankles [RA] & Ashy Kneecap Musick that Sound So NEW… Afro Soul Funk y’all have yet 2 Jimi Afterlife Hendrix [JAH] Experience… so sit y’all tried black civil [b.c.] rights asses down ‘cause ain’t NOBODY spiritually listenin’ 2 ALL dat’ played out jesus bullshit ‘cause of My NEW… Golden Black Afterlife Spirit & Sound [BASS] Gospels [Godspells] Audibly Heard ABOVE Compton California [CA]… ‘cause I BEE A Reincarnate GHETTO JESUS [Black Christ = El Cristo Negro] of Cosmic Atlantis [CA] ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ My Biblically Black [Ancient] Origins BEE So Prehistorically Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] as I Astronomically Advance My Nubian Orbital Intel [Oriental] Magick of Pre Historic Afro [HA = HARRELL] Asiatic Ancestors who Energetically Talk [E.T.] 2 Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] when I Meditatively Translate My HIGHLY Coptic Afro [CA] American Languages of SIRIUS Black Egyptian Tradition [B.E.T.] Magick from Lost Atlantis [L.A.] ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ I Spiritually Bless Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] & My Philosophically POLEMICAL Raps about My Own [MO’ = Personal] Egyptian Mama T [Queen Tiye] and Her Prehistorically FUTURISTIC Holy Roman Rosicrucian Empire of Mama Hathor’s [MH’s = Queen Hatshepsut’s] Biblical Virgin Mary Allegory [MA] Texts of HIGHLY Coptic Reincarnation Physics 2 Our Spiritually GOLDEN [DIVINE] Underworld Kingdom [U.K. = Interstellar Babylon] Wealth from Celestial Afterlife [CA] Atlantis ♀
#U.S. Michael Harrell#My Golden 18th French Egyptian Dynasty [FED] Treasuries that BEE So U.S. Shadow Government Wealthy#I BEE So 18th Afro French Egyptian Dynasty [FED] Powerful like Mama’s U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati Familia#U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati#My HIGHLY Developed Cerebral Christ Cortex of Ursa Minor’s Subatomic Cerebral Hemisphere Energy [HE = JAH] Intel of Byzantine Egypt#Magically Study My Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Family Magick of Black Byzantine Egypt Intel#My HIGHLY Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Mental of Byzantine Egypt#Unstoppable Sovereign [U.S.] Black Occult Illuminati of Byzantine Egypt#Supernatural Black Canonical Christ Authority Governments of Ancient Rome#A NEW Golden Black Oceanic Monarch that BEE So Canonically POWERFUL#My Mama’s PREHISTORIC… Afro Ecclesiastical Seminaries & Canonical Law Colleges of HIGHLY Evolved Black Christ [B.C. = Ezekiel] Scholars#My Egyptian Mama T [Queen Tiye] and Her Prehistorically FUTURISTIC Holy Roman Rosicrucian Empire of Mama Hathor’s [MH’s = Queen Hatshepsut’s#My Egyptian Mama T [Queen Tiye] and Her Prehistorically FUTURISTIC Holy Roman Rosicrucian Empire of Mama Hathor [MH = Queen Hatshepsut]#Mama Hathor’s [MH’s = Queen Hatshepsut’s] Biblical Virgin Mary Allegory [MA] Texts of HIGHLY Coptic Reincarnation Physics#Our Spiritually GOLDEN [DIVINE] Underworld Kingdom [U.K. = Interstellar Babylon] Wealth from Celestial Afterlife [CA] Atlantis#MU of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#I Spiritually Bless Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] & My Philosophically POLEMICAL Raps
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