#Bianca Bosch
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entertainment · 4 years ago
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Entertainment Spotlight: Bianca Bosch, The Kissing Booth 2
Bianca made her feature film debut in Netflix’s global hit franchise The Kissing Booth as the flirtatious and fun-loving Olivia, leader of The OMG’s, which she reprised in The Kissing Booth 2. She will next appear in the third installment of the franchise—The Kissing Booth 3, slated to debut in 2021. Born and raised on the eastern cape of South Africa, Bianca started ballet at just four years old and trained and competed in high-level contemporary dance until she was 19. A small role in a production of Evita solidified her passion for bringing characters to life, which she followed to The New York Film Academy and the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Bianca is passionate about giving back to her local communities in St. Frances Bay and Port Elizabeth, South Africa, and hopes to inspire women of all ages and from all walks of life to go after their dreams and heal those who need it, with strength, wisdom, and empathy.
What do you find exciting about portraying Olivia?
When people first meet me, they always sum me up as the bubbly, dramatic, ditzy blonde, and don’t anticipate my intellectual aptitude. They also soon realise that I’m super laid back, easy-going, and value a great sense of humour. Many people always say my exterior doesn’t match the interior. With portraying Olivia, I got to push those qualities that people assume I am at face value, as well as those mannerisms that come naturally to me, but are actually far from who I really am. It was so much fun living in that heightened, exaggerated bubble. 
Can you tell us anything about Olivia’s development between the first and third installments of The Kissing Booth? 
Being the “it girl” of the school, Olivia knows all the gossip going down and will not let any information slip past her because she is the ring leader, and has to have a first peek at any potential. As the story evolves, you see a softer, more supportive side to her, for example, when she cheers on Ollie and Miles as they have their first kiss at the kissing booth.
Which character from The Kissing Booth do you personally identify with most, and why?
I identify mostly with Elle. Navigating relationships can be hard and confusing, especially when the person you love lives far away. Having faith in your relationship and in yourself is important, but not always easy. I have been through those doubts and dilemmas. At the end of the day, communication and respect are vital to making a long-distance relationship work.
Alongside acting, you train in Vinyasa Yoga and Reiki, while also running a lighting/interior design business called MOODMAKERS. How do you cope with wearing so many hats? 
I’ve got to keep up with my lifestyle somehow! Obviously, with acting, you’re not always employed and shooting. You might constantly be auditioning, but it’s been said that you book 1 in 25 auditions—so in between, someone has to pay the bills! Why not incorporate jobs that are already a part of my daily routine and always will be?! Plus, I find that the busier I am, the more I actually get done. Educating and practicing Reiki and Vinyasa yoga are more hobbies than jobs for me; plus, they all coincide with wellbeing and creativity.
Do you have any advice for young women who would like to become entrepreneurs themselves? 
You have to think about your individual strengths and potentially use those to fill a gap in the market by providing a good or service. In my case, it was a product, in the form of a portable light. The opportunity in South Africa was the inconvenience of load shedding, which refers to rolling blackouts that occur due to the lack of electricity in our country. My father is an interior designer, so being surrounded by design my whole life sparked the idea to provide a stylish solution with portable, rechargeable lamps.
How do your experiences as a dancer influence your acting work? 
I feel very in tune with my body, and every character needs their own physicality. So it helps me to sink into and develop the character’s mannerisms. Not only is it great for keeping correct alignment while staying physical, but also it provides discipline through general practice.
You engage in charity work in your hometown, can you tell us a bit about that?
Well, recently, with COVID-19, volunteer work has changed with social distancing in place. I believe charity starts at home, and home for me is in Saint Francis Bay. So, we’ve shifted focus to the local townships’ impoverished areas. We coordinated and prepared meals once a week and delivered them to the local soup kitchen for as many residents as possible. After going there each week and seeing the living conditions, and how excited these families were for their meals, I felt guilty but also so appreciative to come home and live the life I do.
How do you practice being an ally, and what does your allyship mean to you? 
It means being a part of something bigger than yourself. My mission statement is to inspire young girls to go after their dreams, not only through my own actions and successes but also by mentoring them in person where possible. Being an ally also means being committed to educating myself on struggles that differ from my own experience and standing up for others in unjust situations.
How can mental and physical wellbeing and self-care help to sustain creative work? 
I think physicality, mental health, and self-care are as vital as working on your acting skills. This career path takes dedication and perseverance. Keeping grounded in the madness and focused on your goal is crucial. This industry is tough on your body, especially when you’re working long hours on set or doing back-to-back night shoots. It’s not the usual 9-5 job. Plus, you want to be looking and feeling your best for the camera. You need to promote wellbeing for concentration and maximum performance. Having irregular sleeping patterns due to shooting schedules throws off your circadian rhythm, which can have a huge effect on your adrenals, which ultimately affects your skin, moods, and weight. You want to feed your body with the best nutrients, so when the tough times come, your immune system holds up strong. I generally tend to stick to a gluten-free + dairy-free diet and pump my body with loads of greens! Lean proteins and healthy fats! It’s so hard to say no to sugars, so when desperate, I try to go towards the natural sugars (honey, xylitol, etc.), because if I don’t, it results in inflammation and feeling sluggish. Also, I recommend loads of water to promote glowing skin and avoid water retention! Although this might all be beneficial for aesthetic reasons, it’s also preserving your body long-term for your career! Mental health is highly important, as this industry is mentally taxing when it comes to confidence and self-love. I practice meditation every day to promote self-worth and to help me stay grounded.
Describe each of the following in one word: who you are, what you value the most, and what you’d be if you were a food item. 
Who you are - Firecracker 
What you value most - Family 
What you’d be if you were a food item - Peach  
Thanks for taking the time, Bianca! The Kissing Booth 2 is now streaming on Netflix.
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Bianca Bosch on The Kissing Booth 2 (2020)
as Olivia on The Kissing Booth 2
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beautifulfaaces · 4 years ago
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Bianca Bosch
January 26, 1996
South African-American actress
Olivia [The Kissing Booth 3: 2021]
Olivia [The Kissing Booth 2: 2020]
Olivia [The Kissing Booth: 2019]
blue eyes
playable: young adult
Icons: The Kissing Booth 2
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genevieveetguy · 4 years ago
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Don't wind up grinding coochies with my brother or I'll literally never talk to you again.
The Kissing Booth, Vince Marcello (2018)
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feartube2000 · 4 years ago
The Kissing Booth 2
The Kissing Booth 2
Sequel della prima commedia romantica, segue la liceale Elle, ormai al suo ultimo anno di liceo, che cerca di destreggiarsi con una relazione a distanza con il suo fidanzato, Noah, le richieste di accettazione alle università e una nuova amicizia con un affascinante compagno di classe che potrebbe cambiare tutto Titolo originale The Kissing Booth 2 Regia Vince…
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comprate--na--personalita · 2 years ago
Vima scriveva metodicamente segni sulla carta. Fuori il tempo era clemente, la finestra chiusa, la scrivania vicino al letto, i libri contro il muro: vite di santi, versi in latino, storia antica.
Vima ha cinque anni, le sue bambole sono assiepate sul bordo del cuscino, un quadro di Jeronimus Bosch il cristo con la croce, sta sopra il letto. Tutto è calmo, tranne il cane che abbaia, vicino a lei.
Vima non smette di segnare sul suo foglio forme e segni, metodicamente e con cura: una rosa orna il centro del disegno, simile alla rosa che sta sulla sua scrivania di legno leggero, posata in un piccolo vaso in vetro.
I genitori non pensano che una ragazza debba avere un tavolo più prezioso dei libri che legge, e Vima non pensa disegna. Il cane di fianco a lei di stazza piccola e a pelo lungo e biancastro, forse sporco, abbaia sempre più forte. Le si avvicina e latra ferocemente, come se volesse avvertire Vima, come se il fuoco divampasse in casa.
Vima continua a disegnare senza scomporsi, senza sentire, senza percepire il latrato scomposto.
Il cane è irritato si avvicina sempre più, con più foga.
Vima per disegnare meglio sul foglio, si aggiusta la sedia che si muove e colpisce inavvertitamente il muso del cane: il cane indietreggia guaisce ma torna subito ad abbaiare, sempre più irritato, sempre più aggressivo.
Vima sta per disegnare qualcosa di difficile, la sedia si torce di qualche centimetro, il cane aggira la sedia si avvicina sempre più. Sembra frustrato di non essere inteso. Finchè a un certo punto morde la caviglia di Vima.
Vima sente il dolore alla caviglia, il cane afferra forte, il sangue macchia la calzetta bianca di Vima. La penna cade, Vima fa una smorfia di dolore e di orrore, cerca di divincolarsi dalla morsa.
In quel momento esatto si spalanca la porta della camera e una figura femminile entra.
La mamma di Vima ferma e alta dice con voce calma. Vuoi dei biscotti col te, tesoro? Il cane non c'è più.
Il sole entra dalla finestra, una nuvola fa capolino tra gli olmi secolari del giardino, un libro sui mosaici bizantini fa bella vista su uno scaffale, il volto di Teodolinda irradia un calma ieratica e composta ed è serio e quieto come ogni cosa nella stanza.
Il calzino bianco è ordinato e al suo posto sulla caviglia. Niente sangue.
"Sto servendo in cucina", aggiunge mamma Iris.
Vima raccoglie la penna caduta, la posa di fianco al disegno, la lascia lì sulla scrivania bianca coperta da un vetro. Scende dalla sedia, e si avvia verso il corridoio.
Entra nella piccola cucina confortevole e dai toni verdi e siede davanti alla tazza di tè.Iris, la mamma, chiede con cortesia, hai fatto i compiti? Il suo tono è neutro.Vima risponde "sì", e immerge metodicamente i biscotti nella tazza.Iris aggiunge, "ricordati che dobbiamo andare a prendere Nonna alle 17:30 oggi , quindi fatti trovare pronta per cortesia".
Vima non risponde, fissa l'acqua del tè incuriosita dal suo colore.Hai visto il libro che papà ha comprato per te? 
"Quello sulla storia del ducato di Milano?", risponde Vima.
Sì, ci sono anche descritte e indicate le ville nobili della nostra zona, tra cui quella su cui ho preparato la mia tesi di Laurea. E' molto interessante,
"Sì, molto"
E' un bel regalo. Che cosa carina ha fatto papà per te.
Vima non risponde a parole, guarda e sorride come di un sorriso pieno, ma in qualche modo giustapposto, vero ma strano e diverso.
Immerge il suo biscotto di nuovo nella tazza aprendo la piccola bocca per non fare cadere il biscotto e lasciare intatto il colore chiaro del tè. I pensieri fuggono altrove.
Iris afferra una piccola borsa sciapa e priva di personalità ed esce dalla stanza.
(al tempo gli occhi di Vima mostravano una dolcezza profonda mista a una verità impossibile da leggere.)
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Vima tracciava metodicamente segni sulla carta.
Fuori il tempo era clemente, la finestra chiusa, la scrivania vicino al letto, i libri contro il muro: vite di santi, versi in latino, libri di storia antica.
Vima ha cinque anni, le sue bambole sono assiepate sul bordo del cuscino, un quadro di Jeronimus Bosch il cristo con la croce, sta sopra il letto. Tutto è calmo, tranne il cane che abbaia, vicino a lei.
Vima non smette di segnare sul suo foglio forme e segni, metodicamente e con cura: una rosa orna il centro del disegno, simile alla rosa che sta sulla sua scrivania, posata in un piccolo vaso di vetro.
I genitori non pensano che una ragazza debba avere un tavolo più prezioso dei libri che legge, e Vima non pensa disegna.
Il cane di fianco a lei di taglia piccola, e a pelo corto e biancastro, forse sporco, abbaia sempre più forte. Le si avvicina e latra ferocemente, come se volesse avvertire Vima di qualcosa, come se il fuoco divampasse in casa.
Vima continua a disegnare senza scomporsi, senza sentire, senza attendere al latrato.
Il cane è irritato si avvicina sempre più, e con più foga.
Vima per disegnare meglio sul foglio, aggiusta la sedia che muovendosi  colpisce inavvertitamente il muso del cane: il cane guaisce e indietreggia, ma torna subito ad abbaiare, sempre più irritato, sempre più aggressivo.
Vima sta per disegnare qualcosa di molto difficile, la sedia si torce di qualche centimetro, il cane aggira la sedia e si avvicina sempre più. Sembra frustrato di non essere inteso. Finchè a un certo punto morde la caviglia di Vima.
Vima sente il dolore alla caviglia, il cane afferra forte, il sangue macchia la calzetta bianca. La penna cade, Vima fa una smorfia  di dolore e di orrore, cerca di divincolarsi dalla morsa.
In quel momento esatto si spalanca la porta della camera e una figura femminile entra. La mamma di Vima ferma e alta dice con voce calma. Vuoi dei biscotti col tè, tesoro?
Il cane non c’è più.
Il sole entra dalla finestra, una nuvola fa capolino tra gli olmi secolari del giardino, un libro sui mosaici bizantini sta in bella vista su uno scaffale, il volto di Teodolinda irradia un calma ieratica e composta ed è serio e quieto come ogni cosa nella stanza,
il calzino bianco è ordinato e al suo posto sulla caviglia. Niente sangue.
“Sto servendo in cucina”, aggiunge mamma Iris.
Vima raccoglie la penna caduta, la posa di fianco al disegno, la lascia lì sulla scrivania bianca coperta da un vetro. Scende dalla sedia, e si avvia verso il corridoio.
Entra nella piccola cucina confortevole e dai toni verdi e siede davanti alla tazza di tè. Iris, la mamma, chiede con cortesia, hai fatto i compiti? Il suo tono è neutro. Vima risponde “sì", e immerge metodicamente i biscotti nella tazza.
Iris poi aggiunge, “ricordati che dobbiamo andare a prendere Nonna alle 17:30 oggi , quindi fatti trovare pronta per cortesia".
Vima non risponde, fissa l’acqua del tè incuriosita dal suo colore.
Hai visto il libro che papà ha comprato per te?
"Quello sulla storia del ducato di Milano?”, risponde Vima.
Sì, ci sono anche descritte le ville nobili della nostra zona, tra cui quella su cui ho fatto la mia tesi di Laurea. E' molto interessante,
“Sì, molto”
E' un bel regalo non è vero? Che cosa carina ha fatto papà per te.
Vima non risponde a parole, guarda e sorride come di un sorriso pieno, ma in qualche modo giustapposto, vero ma strano e diverso.
Immerge il suo biscotto di nuovo nella tazza aprendo la piccola bocca per non fare cadere il biscotto nella tazza che finirebbe per sporcare il colore chiaro del tè. I pensieri fuggono altrove.
Iris afferra una piccola borsa sciapa e priva di personalità ed esce dalla stanza.
(al tempo gli occhi di Vima mostravano una dolcezza profonda mista a una verità impossibile da leggere.)
Che cosa carina ha fatto papà per te, vero?
Vima non risponde, immerge il suo biscotto di nuovo nel tè e mangia aprendo la piccola bocca. Iris esce dalla stanza, Vima continua metodicamente a mangiare, le pupille verdi e azzurre e i pensieri che fuggono altrove.
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doubleattitude · 4 years ago
24/7 Dance Convention, Reno, NV: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Sidekick Solo
1st: Lauralee King-’Bigger Is Better’
2nd: Valentina Segrest-’All Is Found’
3rd: Nyla McCarthy-’Wind It Up’
4th: Nicole Soto-’Shake and Shimmy’
5th: Brecca Garcia-’Day-O’
5th: Kenlee Townsend-’Kill The Lights’
6th: Ayla Zink-’Stop’
7th: Wren Lavery-’Sweet, Sweet’
8th: Paisley Greendandl-’Worldwide Party’
9th: Marley Cliffe-’Dessert’
9th: Greta Jones-’Shake Rattle and Roll’
10th: Malia Tuaileva-’Stupid Cupid’
Mini Solo
1st: Roxie Onellion-’Drifting Down’
2nd: Isabella Kouznetsova-’Almost There’
2nd: Tiara Sherman-’And The Things Remain’
3rd: Harper Ducale-’Change Is Everything’
3rd: Winter Eberts-’Dreamlike’
3rd: Naiya Abalos-’Forces’
3rd: Cali Cassidy-’Weird People’
4th: Paizley Cogswell-’A Moment Apart’
4th: Fiona Wu-’Juliet’s Dream’
4th: Joah Moore-’Mad World’
4th: Regan Gerena-’My Boyfriend’s Back’
4th: Presley Nava-’Pure Imagination’
4th: Delilah Hewitt-’Shop Around’
5th: Peyton Nowacki-’Angels To Fly’
5th: Kylie Lawrence-’Breathe In’
5th: Tatum Brady-’Fall Creek’
5th: Everleigh Soutas-’Heartbeat’
5th: Olivia Armstrong-’Hit Me With A Hot Note’
5th: Kate Baker-’I’ll Stand By You’
5th: Aria Du-’Reddir’
5th: Elizabeth Hsu-Kwan-’Ruin’
6th: Diana Jouznetsova-’It’s In His Kiss’
6th: Hadlee Heriford-’Unbroken’
7th: Tabitha Nan-’Torn’
7th: June Newmarker-’What A Feeling’
8th: Zoey German-’On My Own’
8th: Elliana Anbardan-’Runway Walk’
8th: Joy Lin-’This Is Me’
9th: Rory Frye-’Amen’
9th: Aurora Brady-’Hit The Road Jack’
9th: Reagan Nordling-’Lemon of Pink’
10th: Khloe Kwon-’Black Pink!’
10th: Aubrey Tolentino-’Footwurkin’
10th: Holland Fraley-’Torn’
Junior Solo
1st: Gracyn French-’CoverGirl’
2nd: Laci Stoico-’Mibiso’
3rd: Makaia Roux-’Everything I Wanted’
4th: Mya Tuaileva-’Can’t Unhear’
4th: Kortlynn Rosenbaugh-’Unearthed’
5th: Hayden Olson-’Breathe’
5th: Lincoln Blakely-’What I Came to Do’
5th: Kendyl Fay-’You’ll Find A Way’
5th: Madison Ortega-’Island Song
6th: Campbell Clark-’I’ll Be Seeing You’
6th: Kylee Ngo-’Ex machina’
6th: Ciana Ciulla-’Sophrosyne’
6th: Madison Ronquillo-’White Ferrari’
6th: Rylee Young-’Lullaby’
7th: Bella Fernandez-’She Was Running’
7th: Kendall Jundt-’Awakening’
7th: Leighton Werner-’The Rose’
8th: Gigi Hipwell-’Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word’
8th: Abbi Francis-’Feel It Still’
8th: Sienna Brown-’Ballroom Blitz’
8th: Natalie Kulba-’Ascending’
8th: Stella Eberts-’Valley’
8th: Campbell Bas-’Silhouette’
9th: Anabel Alexander-’Plans We Made’
9th: Lena Chiem-’Grand Piano’
9th: Anya Inger-’Quiet Thoughts’
10th: Sunnie Pelant-’No Place Like Home’
Teen Solo
1st: Dyllan Blackburn-’Haunted’
2nd: Kaitlyn Tom-’Charity Bound’
2nd: Luke Barrett-’Eden’
2nd: Carley Thinfen-’Self Destruction’
2nd: Elle O’Donnell-’Slowly’
2nd: Imogene Elias-’Timer’
3rd: Zoe Ridge-’A Thousand Eyes’
3rd: Katy McIlwaine-’Heavy’
3rd: Cydney Heard-’I’m Going In’
3rd: Ava DeCristofaro-’Letting In’
3rd: Isabella Warfield-’Nicest Thing’
3rd: Jenna Koblin-’Ultralight Beam’
4th: Kaitlyn Ortega-’All Human Beings’
4th: Sami Sonder-’Fever’
4th: Brooklyn Sandlin-’Hollow’
4th: Siena Riga-’Naked’
4th: Mason Walker-’Touch’
5th: Ali McKeown-’All I Ask’
5th: Lilly McCollum-’Control’
5th: Raina Wu-’Looking In’
5th: Kamryn Webb-’Take Me Out’
6th: Mikaella Lopez-’Mind In Flight’
6th: Dayanara Vega-’Skin’
6th: Amanda J. Lai-’The Journey, Not The Destination’
6th: Zuzu Duchon-’Twelfth of Never’
6th: Riley Cooke-’Yellow’
6th: Aiden Boquiren-’You Will Be Found’
7th: Olivia Magni-’Moonlight Sonata’
7th: Sebastian Hsu-Kwan-’My Identity’
7th: Julissa Ortiz-’Never Knock’
7th: Felix Fulton-’Rome’
8th: Tiffany Robinson-’Human Touch’
8th: Milana Zamora-’Hypnosis’
8th: Ellyana Lor-’Rise of the Phoenix’
8th: Zoey Garcia-’Slappers’
8th: Claire Kaplan-’Suspended’
8th: Avery Reyes-’The Garden’
9th: Bella Machado-’Everybody Got Their Something’
9th: Aaliyah Wiley-’If I Ain’t Got You’
10th: Tyler Chiyuto-’Glitch’
10th: Deanna Zarkova-’Love Song’
10th: Gabbie Carrozza-’Unbroken’
Senior Solo
1st: Zach Burk-’2/21/21′
1st: Selena Hamilton-’Keep an Eye Out’
2nd: Kendall Pangburn-’Secret’
2nd: Anna Miller-’50 Ways’
2nd: Perris Amento-’Addicted to Love’
3rd: Charlotte Foldes-’Shock To Us All’
3rd: Priscilla Tom-’The Blues’
3rd: Milan Furtado-’Peace of Mind’
4th: Gianna Van Den Bosch-’Feel’
4th: Shane Higa-’Superpower’
4th: Camille Fehr-’Till Now’
5th: Kadynce Ross-’Findings’
5th: Kaylee Feierfeil-’Lasting Lover’
5th: Amanda Taylor-’What Is Happening To Me’
5th: Kacie De La Rose-’What’s Poppin’
6th: Lauren Wallingford-’Entanglement’
6th: Izzy Burton-’For All We Know’
6th: Kolton Cross-’Get Your Head In The Game?’
6th: Reese Taylor-’Pink’
6th: Madeline Underwood-’Power of Love’
7th: Mia Hurtz-’Don’t Worry About Me’
7th: John Mays-’Kash’
7th: Amara Tedford-’Stand By Me’
7th: Bianca Capanna-’Unchained Melody’
8th: Grace Glass-’All My Friends’
8th: Stella von Borck-’Hater’
9th: Christina Laude-’Black Ships’
9th: Hanna Clark-’Close To You’
9th: Galilee Nelson-’Everything I Wanted’
9th: Kaitlyn Hong-’I Try’
9th: Cassie Brown-’Ransom’
9th: Delaney Davis-’Shades of Cool’
10th: Noelani Kreider-’Fade’
10th: Alivia Elliot-’My Mistake’
10th: Makenna Bilodeaux-’Oops’
10th: Mallory Davis-’Put It On Me’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: HYPE Dance Studio-’American Boy’
2nd: Project 21-’I Am The Cute One’
3rd: Pave School of The Arts-’Blow’
3rd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Everybody Dance Now’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Unlimited Boise-’Me and My Shadow’
2nd: Yoko’s Dance and Performing Arts Academy-’Bring You Home’
3rd: Creative Edge Dance Studio-’Chapstick’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: DNA Dance Collective-’Tapout’
2nd: Pave School of The Arts-’Amen’
3rd: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Dive In The Water’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Layers’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Woman’
3rd: Core Connection Dance Company-’Take Over’
Sidekick Group
1st: Echo School of Dance-’It’s My Party’
2nd: Echo School of Dance-’Tonight Belongs To You’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Hard Knock Life’
Mini Group
1st: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
2nd: Pave School of The Arts-’Swine’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’We Go To Work’
3rd: Echo School of Dance-’We Comin’
Junior Group
1st: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
3rd: Project 21-’Wegue’
Teen Group
1st: Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
2nd: Project 21-’Bring On The Men’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Stand Up’
Senior Group
1st: Project 21-’We Can, We Will’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’SR HH”
3rd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Silence’
Sidekick Line
1st: HYPE Dance Studio-’ABC’
2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’We Got The Beat’
Mini Line
1st: Project 21-’Dive In The Pool’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Drip or Down’
2nd: Pave School of The Arts-’The List’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Candy Man’
Junior Line
1st: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Get Up Off That Thang’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Lost On You’
Teen Line
1st: Project 21-’Post That’
2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Can U Feel The Beat’
2nd: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Never Be Mine’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Nine One Six’
2nd: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’
3rd: California Dance Company-’Back Alley’
Senior Line
1st: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Next To You’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Did Something Bad’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Fergalicious’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Project 21-’Desoleil’
2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Pressure’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Sidekick Jazz
1st: Echo School of Dance-’Tonight Belongs To You’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’We Got The Beat’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Yankee Doodle Dandee’
Sidekick Hip-Hop
1st: Echo School of Dance-’It’s My Party’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’ABC’
Sidekick Tap
Elite Studio of Dance-’Hard Knock Life’
Mini Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Dive In The Pool’ 2nd: Pave School of The Arts-’Swine’ 3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Candy Man’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Drip or Down’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’We Go To Work’ 3rd: Echo School of Dance-’We Comin’
Mini Tap
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Mr. Postman’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’What You Want’ 3rd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Pennies from Heaven’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Pave School of The Arts-’The List’ 2nd: Echo School of Dance-’Warrior’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Wind Beneath My Wings’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Somewhere We Know’ 3rd: Core Connection Dance Company-’Somewhere Only We Know’
Mini Musical Theatre
Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
Junior Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Proud Mary’ 2nd: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’ 3rd: HYPE Dance Studio-’You Got The Look’
Junior Ballet
Denisa’s School of Dance-’Warrior’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Echo School of Dance-’Swagg Out’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Diamond Block’
Junior Tap
1st: HYPE Dance Studio-’Get Up Off That Thang’ 2nd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Don’t Want To Dance Alone’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Dear Future Husband’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’How Will I Know’ 3rd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’All I Know’
Junior Specialty
1st: Project 21-’Wegue’ 2nd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Night Fight’
Teen Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Bring On The Men’ 1st: Project 21-’Post That’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Diva’ 3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Show Me’
Teen Ballet
Elite Studio of Dance-’Counterpoise’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: HYPE Dance Studio-’Pressure’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Can U Feel The Beat’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Nine One Six’ 3rd: California Dance Company-’Back Alley’
Teen Tap
1st: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Sir Duke’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Just Fine’ 3rd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Beggin’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’ 1st: Project 21-’Desoleil’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Stand Up’ 3rd: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’ 3rd: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Never Be Mine’
Teen Lyrical
California Dance Company-’Amen’
Teen Musical Theatre
Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Shaking The Blues Away’
Teen Ballroom
Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Baila’
Senior Jazz
Elite Studio of Dance-’Lip Gloss’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’SR HH” 2nd: Core Connection Dance Company-’Bay Area’
Senior Tap
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Fergalicious’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Bad Guy’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’We Can, We Will’ 2nd: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Next To You’ 3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Did Something Bad’
Senior Jazz
Elite Studio of Dance-’Lip Gloss’
11 O’Clock:
Echo School of Dance-’It’s My Party’
HYPE Dance Studio-’ABC’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Hard Knock Life’
Project 21-’Dive In The Pool’
Pave School of The Arts-’The List’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Drip or Down’
Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’All I Know’
HYPE Dance Studio-’Get Up Off That Thang’
Project 21-’Proud Mary’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Lost On You’
Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Never Be Mine’
Echo School of Dance-’Da Girl Gang’
California Dance Company-’Back Alley’
HYPE Dance Studio-’Pressure’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Stand Up’
Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Next To You’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Did Something Bad’
HYPE Dance Studio-’Silence’
Echo School of Dance-’I Lost A Friend’
Core Connection Dance Company-’Heartless’
Project 21-’We Can, We Will’
Studio Showcase:
Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Untouchable’
Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
HYPE Dance Studio-’Pressure’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Stand Up’
Echo School of Dance-’I Lost A Friend’
Core Connection Dance Company-’Heartless’
30 notes · View notes
mysticalhearth · 4 years ago
The King and I - Brazil - 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Tuca Andrada (Rei), Cláudia Netto (Anna Leonowens), Luciana Bueno (Lady Thiang), Bianca Tadini (Tumptim) The King and I - North Shore Music Theatre - September-October, 2011 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kate Fisher (Anna Leonowens), Lorenzo Lamas (King of Siam), Lisa Yuen (Lady Thiang), Manna Nichols (Tuptim), Joshua Dela Cruz (Lun Tha), Ron Wisniski (Sir Edward Ramsey) NOTES: Proshot. Performed in the round, one camera on a tripod and sound patched in from the soundboard. The King and I - West End Revival - November 29, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Kelli O’Hara (Anna Leonowens), Ken Watanabe (King of Siam), Ruthie Ann Miles (Lady Thiang), Na-Young Jeon (Tuptim), Dean John-Wilson (Lun Tha), Edward Baker-Duly (Sir Edward Ramsey), Jon Chew (Prince Chulalongkorn), Edward Baker-Duly (Captain Orton), Billy Marlow (Louis Leonowens), Takao Osawa (Kralahome), William Michael Lee (Phra Alack) NOTES: Ruthie uses a walking stick throughout to aid her recovery from a previous car accident and loss of her two children. She gives an amazing performance. King Kong - Broadway - August 10, 2019 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy) NOTES: The full show, recorded from the rear orchestra on a phone. Most of the video is the August 10th recording but occasionally some promotional footage and the February 9th video are edited in to provide other views. The recording starts off with a lot of wandering, shakiness, and washout but gets better somewhat better as it goes on. Still not as good as an actual video filmed with a camera, but it exists. 1920x1080p, 4.29 GB. King Kong - Broadway - October, 2018 (Preview) (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy), Harley Jay (Barman), Rory Donovan (Captain Engelhorn/Chief of Police), Jon Hoche (Voice of Kong) NOTES: Full stage shot with clear audio direct from soundboard. Kinky Boots - Broadway - March 15, 2013 (Preview) (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Stark Sands (Charlie Price), Billy Porter (Lola), Annaleigh Ashford (Lauren), Celina Carvajal (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Jonah Halperin (s/b Young Charlie), Marquise Neal (Young Lola) NOTES: Fun show with a pertinent (but not obtrusive) message, Billy Porter is just amazing. This is somewhat more obstructed than other shows because the person in front was leaning forward and moving a lot, so there's a head in some of the scenes. Some shakiness and wandering in between, particularly at the beginning, but otherwise a good video with nice closeups. Complete show including curtain call. A- Kinky Boots - Broadway - July 17, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: David Cook (Charlie Price), Stephane Duret (s/b Lola), Carrie St Louis (Lauren), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Corey Mach (Harry), Eugene Barry-Hill (Simon Sr.), Stephen Berger (Mr. Price), Adinah Alexander (Milan Stage Manager), Cooper Lantz (Young Charlie), Jesús Del Orden (Young Lola) NOTES: Quite a few latecomers that walk in front but nothing too distracting; otherwise very well filmed HD video with clear picture and sound throughout; great video A Kinky Boots - Broadway - May-August, 2017 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Brendon Urie (Charlie Price), J Harrison Ghee (Lola), Taylor Louderman (Lauren) NOTES: Starts at Sex is in the Heel Kinky Boots - First National Tour - April 17, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Kaplan (Charlie Price), J Harrison Ghee (Lola), Tiffany Engen (Lauren), Charissa Hogeland (Nicola), Aaron Walpole (Don), Jim J Bullock (George), Josh Tolle (Harry), Shawna M Hamic (Trish), Horace V Rogers (Simon Sr.), Tom Souhrada (Mr. Price), Zach Adkins (Richard Bailey), Patty Lohr (Pat), Annie Edgerton (Milan Stage Manager), Aidan Passaro (Young Charlie), Jomil Elijah Robinson (Young Lola) Kinky Boots - Netherlands Tour - October 27, 2019 FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Jonathan Demoor (Charlie Price), Naidjim Severina (Lola), Vajèn van den Bosch (Lauren), Linda Verstraten (Nicola), Dennis Willekens (Don), Paul Donkers (George), Jeroen Phaff (Mr. Price) Kinky Boots - Pre-Broadway/Chicago - November 4, 2012 (Closing Night) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Stark Sands (Charlie Price), Billy Porter (Lola), Annaleigh Ashford (Lauren), Celina Carvajal (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George), Andy Kelso (Harry), Jennifer Perry (Trish), Tory Ross (Pat) NOTES: Another beautiful HD capture of the last performance in Chicago before Broadway, where it would go on to win the 2013 Tony. This performance has many changes from the other Chicago Dvd of the first performance. Includes the new song written towards the end of the Chicago run and many line changes. Also includes curtain speech by Stark! A+   Kinky Boots - UK Tour - December 26, 2018 (Matinee) (shoeroom's master) FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Joshua St Clair (u/s Charlie Price), Kayi Ushe (Lola), Paula Lane (Lauren), Helen Ternent (Nicola), Demitri Lampra (Don), Adam Price (George), Daniel Conway (u/s Harry), Niki Evans (Trish), Fred Smiley (Simon Sr.), Andy Watkins (Mr. Price), George Grayson (u/s Richard Bailey), Lizzie Bea (Pat), Mary Fox (Maggie), Shaun Dalton (Hooch), Alfie Parker (Mutt), Portia Harry (Gemma Louise), Scarlet Gabriel (Milan Stage Manager), John Dempsey (Referee), Connor Collins (Angel #1), Toyan Thomas-Brown (Angel #2), John Dempsey (Angel #3), Chileshé Mondelle (Angel #4), Joshua Lovell (Angel #5), Damon Gould (Angel #6) Kinky Boots - UK Tour - September, 2018 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Joel Harper-Jackson (Charlie Price), Callum Francis (Lola), Paula Lane (Lauren), Helen Ternent (Nicola), Demitri Lampra (Don), Adam Price (George), Joshua St Clair (Harry), Niki Evans (Trish), Fred Smiley (Simon Sr.), Andy Watkins (Mr. Price), Daniel Conway (Richard Bailey), Lizzie Bea (Pat), Scarlet Gabriel (Milan Stage Manager), Connor Collins (Angel #1), John Dempsey (Angel #2), Damon Gould (Angel #3), Joshua Lovell (Angel #4), Chileshé Mondelle (Angel #5), Toyan Thomas-Brown (Angel #6) Kinky Boots - West End - November 27, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Killian Donnelly (Charlie Price), Matt Henry (Lola), Natalie McQueen (Lauren), Cordelia Farnworth (Nicola), Sean Needham (Don), Antony Reed (George), Jordan Fox (Harry), Anna Stolli (Trish), Robert Grose (Simon Sr.), Graham Kent (Mr. Price), Jonathan Carlton (Richard Bailey), Rosie Glossop (Pat), Emma Odell (Milan Stage Manager), Charlie Underhill (Young Charlie), Temba Mliswa (Young Lola), Jak Allen-Anderson (Angel #1), Jed Berry (Angel #2), Louis Clarke-Clare (Angel #3), Daniel Downing (Angel #4), Jemal Felix (Angel #5), Jon Reynolds (Angel #6), Abbey Addams, Ben Jennings, Ben Larcombe, Christopher Parkinson, David Haydn, Fred Wilcox, Hannah Price, Jude Muir, Kayleb Rene-gray, Keith Higham, Momar Diagne, Olivia Winterflood, Rio Lewis, Robert Jones, Samson Wakayu, Suzie McAdam, Tom Scanlon NOTES: Pro-shot. Filmed live on stage at the Adelphi Theatre (London, England) and distributed commercially. Kiss Me, Kate - British Television Production - April 21, 1964 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patricia Morison (Lilli Vanessi / Katharine), Howard Keel (Fred Graham / Petruchio), Isabelle Lucas (Hattie), Millicent Martin (Lois Lane / Bianca), Irving Davies (Bill Calhoun / Lucentio), Eric Barker (Harrison Howell), Danny Green (Gangster / First Man), Bill Owen (Gangster / Second Man) NOTES: This version was rewritten and abbreviated to fit within its 95-minute time slot. A little on the dark side, in black and white with a slight blue tinge, has producer’s counter numbers hard-coded on the screen in the upper third. This version of the show was produced for the launch of a new station in the UK. After months of preparing the launch of the new television station—with it’s brand-new 625 line resolution (until then UK TV’s had a resolution of 405 lines)—the night turned out to be a disaster. 50 minutes before the launch, a fire broke out at a local power station, cutting power to most of London but not the television station. They started the evening’s news show which was to be followed by this broadcast, but it soon became clear that there was no audience, and after a few minutes, the schedule was abandoned. The production was instead shown the next day. The date that’s superimposed on the video is April 20, 1964—the originally scheduled night. It is unclear if this is a fi Kiss Me, Kate - Third Broadway Revival - March, 2019 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kelli O’Hara (Lilli Vanessi / Katharine), Will Chase (Fred Graham / Petruchio), Adrienne Walker (Hattie), James T Lane (Paul), Stephanie Styles (Lois Lane / Bianca), Corbin Bleu (Bill Calhoun / Lucentio), Mel Johnson Jr (Harry Trevor / Baptista), Terence Archie (Harrison Howell), John Pankow (Gangster / First Man), Lance Coadie Williams (Gangster / Second Man) Kruimeltje de musical - The Netherlands - 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Joes Brauers (Kruimeltje)
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! [Repelis4K] El stand de los besos 2 (2020) » — P E L I C U L A: CoMpleTa OnLine || _Espanol HD
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Título: The Kissing Booth 2 Título Alternativa: Mi primer beso 2 Audio: Español Subtítulos: Español Castellano, Latino y Inglés Lanzamiento: 2020-07-24 Duración: 132 minutos
SINOPSIS Título original The Kissing Booth 2 Año 2020 Duración 130 min. País Reino Unido Dirección Vince Marcello Guion Jay S Arnold, Vince Marcello Fotografía Anastas N. Michos Productora Distribuida por Netflix. Coproducción Reino Unido-Estados Unidos; Komixx Entertainment Género Romance | Comedia romántica. Adolescencia. Secuela Reparto Joey King, Molly Ringwald, Jacob Elordi, Maisie Richardson-Sellers, Joel Courtney, Carishma Basday, Joshua Daniel Eady, Meganne Young, Kai Luke Brummer, Frances Sholto-Douglas, Camilla Wolfson, Taylor Zakhar Perez, D. David Morin, Michelle Allen, Bianca Bosch, Bianca Amato, Nathan Lynn, Morné Visser, Chase Dallas, Judd Krok, Toni Jean Erasmus, Motsi Tekateka, Shana Mans, Carson White, Noa Milan, Matthew Dylan Roberts, Dylan Edy, Grant Ross Resumen Elle Evans, que debe tomar decisiones sobre la universidad, afronta su relación a distancia con Noah Flynn, que se marcha a Harvard, su cambiante relación con su mejor amiga Lee y lo que siente por un nuevo y carismático compañero de clase de nombre Marco (Taylor Zakhar Perez).
El stand de los besos 2 (Mi primer beso 2) Ver Película Completa Ver una pelicula de películas de acción, terror, aventuras, telenovelas mexicanas y turcas, drama, anime y muchas más, como las últimas noticias: Narcos: México, The Sinner 2 y La reina del flow. Incluso le diremos qué películas se exhiben en los cines de Perú, México, España, Estados Unidos, Colombia, Argentina, Chile y otros países del mundo. última versión! Por ejemplo? Cincuenta sombras de Grey, Estación zombie 2: Península, Mulan 2020, Scooby 2020! y, por supuesto, puedes ver El stand de los besos 2 (2020) y descargarlo gratis aquí.
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beautifulfaaces · 5 years ago
Female Americans Masterlist
Brooklynn Prince
Eden Grace Redfield
Ella Allan
Emmersyn Fiorentino
Mia Allan
Aamya Deva Keroles
Abby Donnelly
Addy Miller
Akira Akbar
Alexa Swinton
Alina Foley
Alison Fernandez
Alyssa Jirrels
Alyvia Alyn Lind
Amanda Troya
Amalia Yoo
Amiah Miller
Amirah Johnson
Anneliese Judge
Ariana Greenblatt
Ariana Neal
Ashley Boettcher
Aubrey K. Miller
Audrey Grace Marshall
Ava Allan
Ava Kolker
Avantika Vandanapu
Bebe Wood
Bella Podaras
Brenna D'Amico
Brighton Sharbino
Caitlin Carmichaele
Caroline Arapoglou
Cecilia Balagot
Chiara Aurelia
Chloe Coleman
Chloe Csengery
Chloe East
Corinne Massiah
Danielle Perkins
Darby Camp
Ella Rubin
Elle Graham
Ellery Sprayberry
Elsie Fisher
Emily Alyn Lind
Emma Fuhrmann
Emma Rayne Lyle
Emmie Hunter
Eva Hauge
Francesca Capaldi
Given Sharp
Gracie Whitton
Haley Tju
Halle Bailey
Harlan Drum
Iman Benson
Isabel May
Isabela Merced
Isabella Acres
Isabella Ferreira
Izabela Vidovic
Ivy George
Izabela Rose
Jadah Marie
Jade Pettyjohn
Jenna Ortega
Johnny Sequoyah
Jordan Kristine Seamón
Jordyn Ashley Olson
Jordyn Jones
Julia Butters
Kalani Hilliker
Katherine Reis
Kelly Anne Sweeney
Larsen Thompson
Laura Krystine
Lauren Lindsey Donzis
Lexi Underwood
Lidya Jewett
Lilla Crawford
Lily Newmark
Lola Tung
Lulu Wilson
Mackenzie Aladjem
Mackenzie Foy
Madeleine McGraw
Madison de la Garza
Madison Hu
Madison Reyes
Madison Wolfe
Maggie Elizabeth Jones
Makenzie Moss
Malina Weissman
Marsai Martin
Maya Delmont
McKenna Roberts
Megan Stott
Melissa Collazo
Mia Talerico
Minnie Mills
Miya Cech
Nadja Alaya
Natalie Alyn Lind
Navia Robinson
Odessa A‘Zion
Paulina Chávez
Peyton Elizabeth Lee
Rachel Ryals
Sadie Sink
Sadie Stanley
Sahar Luna
Savannah Lee May
Sky Katz
Sophia Lillis
Sophie Thatcher
Summer Fontana
Talia Ryder
Talitha Bateman
Taliyah Whitaker
Tess Romero
Abigail Breslin
Abigail Cowen
Addison Timlin
Aeriel Miranda
AJ Michalka
Ajiona Alexus
Alana Boden
Alana Haim
Alexa Demi
Alexandra Shipp
Alexandra Socha
Alexi Blue
Alexis Floyd
Alexis Ren
Alexxis Lemire
Ali Collier
Ali Lohan
Alisha Marie
Alison Thornton
Alissa Violet
Allie deBerry
Allie DiMeco
Allie Gonino
Allie Grant
Allie Lewis
Allison Scagliotti
Allisyn Ashley Arm
Ally Brooke
Ally Ioannides
Ally Maki
Amanda Leighton
Amanda Rea
Amber Coney
Amber Midthunder
Amy Bruckner
Ana Coto
Andrea Bowen
Andrea Ellsworth
Anjelica Bette Fellindanis
Anna Akana
Anna Grace Barlow
Annalisa Cochrane
AnnaSophia Robb
Anne Winters
Annie Thurman
Antonia Gentry
Antoinette Robertson
Anya Taylor-Joy
Ariana DeBose
Ariana Grande
Ariel Winter
Ariela Barer
Ashleigh Morghan
Ashley Argota
Ashley Nicole Williams
Ashley Park
Ashley Rickards
Asjha Cooper
Audrey Whitby
Autumn Wendel
Ava Capri
Bailee Madison
Barbie Ferreira
Beanie Feldstein
Brendan Jordan
Bella Hadid
Bianca Bosch
Bianca A. Santos
Brec Bassinger
Brianne Tju
Bridey Elliott
Bridgit Mendler
Brie Gabrielle
Britt Robertson
Brittany Beery
Brittany Faith Rosoff
Brittany O’Grady
Bryana Salaz
Bryden Jenkins
Cailin Russo
Caitlin Carver
Calli Taylor
Camila Banus
Camila Mendes
Camille Winbush
Camren Bicondova
Camryn Grimes
Carla Jeffery
Carlson Young
Carlie Casey
Carly Chaikin
Carly Schroeder
Carmela Zumbado
Caroline Sunshine
Caroline Lowe
Carson Meyer
Cassi Thomson
Cassidy Gifford
Catherine Missal
Chelsea Gilligan
Chelsea Rendon
Chelsea Talmadge
Chelsea Tavares
Ciara Bravo
Ciara Hanna
China Anne McClain
Chloe Bailey
Chloe Bennet
Chloe Bridges
Chloe Grace Moretz
Chloe Greenfield
Chloe Levine
Chloe Lukasiak
Chloe Nørgaard
Christian Serratos
Christina Kartchner
Cierra Ramirez
Claire Julien
Clara Mamet
Claudia Lee
Cleo Lazuli
Coco Jones
Courtney Kato
Cozi Zuehlsdorff
Damaris Lewis
Daniela Nieves
Danielle Bradbery
Danielle Campbell
Danika Yarosh
Darcy Rose Byrnes
Demi Lovato
Desiree Ross
Diamond White
Diana Hopper
Diana Silvers
Dora Madison
Dove Cameron
Elena Kampouris
Elizabeth Elias
Elizabeth Gillies
Elizabeth Lail
Elizabeth McLaughlin
Elizabeth Sawatzky
Ella Rae Peck
Elle Fanning
Ellen Tamaki
Ellona Santiago
Emily Arlook
Emily DiDonato
Emily Osment
Emiley Peachey
Emily Ratajkowski
Emily Robinson
Emily Rudd
Emma Dumont
Emma Hunton
Emma Kenney
Emma Meisel
Emma Prescott
Emma Roberts
Erin Moriarty
Erin Sanders
Evie Thompson
Francesca Reale
Francesca Scorsese
Gage Golightly
Genevieve Hannelius
Gideon Adlon
Ginny Gardner
Grace Victoria Cox
Greer Grammer
Hadley Robinson
Hailee Steinfeld
Haley Lu Richardson
Haley Pullos
Haley Ramm
Halston Sage
Hari Nef
Harmony Santana
Haskiri Velazquez
Hayley Erin
Hayley Orrantia
Helena Howard
Hunter King
Hunter Schafer
India Gants
Indya Marie
Jade Bender
Jasmine Mathews
Jasmine Tookes
Jaylen Barron
Jeanine Mason
Jenna Boyd
Jennifer Lawrence
Jess Gabor
Jessica Keenan Wynn
Jessica Lynn Skinner
Jo Ellen Pellman
Joey King
Jolie Vanier
Jordan Bobbitt
Julia Garner
Julia Schlaepfer
Juliette Angelo
Kaitlyn Dever
Kara Royster
Karen Fukuhara
Kat Conner Sterling
Katerina Tannenbaum
Katherine Langford
Kathryn Newton
Katie Sarife
Kay Panabaker
Keke Palmer
Kelli Berglund
Kelli Goss
Kelsey Asbille
Kendall Applegate
Khadijha Red Thunder
Kiersey Clemons
KiKi Layne
Kira Kosarin
Kylie Jefferson
Leah Lewis
Lana Condor
Laura Harrier
Laura Kariuki
Laura Marano
Lauren Esposito
Lauren Froderman
Lauren Jauregui
Lauren Potter
Lauren Tsai
Lee Rodriguez
Leila George
Lex Scott Davis
Lexi Ainsworth
Lexi DiBenedetto
Liana Liberato
Lili Reinhart
Liliana Mumy
Lily Mae Harrington
Lindsay Pearce
Lindsey Morgan
Liza Koshy
Logan Riley Hassel
Lola Kirke
Lorraine Nicholson
Lucy Loken
Mackenzie Lintz
Maddie Hasson
Madelaine Petsch
Madeline Brewer
Madeline Weinstein
Madelyn Cline
Madelyn Deutch
Madisen Beaty
Madison Bailey
Madison Beer
Madison Davenport
Madison Lintz
Madison Riley
Malese Jow
Marielle Scott
Maude Apatow
Maya Hawke
McKaley Miller
Medalion Rahimi
Meg DeLacy
Meghann Fahy
Meredith Mickelson
Mia Rose Frampton
Mia Xitlali
Michelle Veintimilla
Midori Francis
Miranda Cosgrove
Miranda May
Molly Brown
Molly Gordon
Moses Ingram
Natalia Dyer
Nathalia Ramos
Natasha Hall
Nicola Peltz
Nicole Zayna
Nina Mairi Serna
Nishi Munshi
Noelle Renée Bercy
Olivia Culpo
Olivia Howard Bagg
Olivia Nikkanen
Olivia Stuck
Paloma Elsesser
Paola Andino
Paris Berelc
Perry Mattfeld
Peyton List
Priscilla Quintana
Rachel G. Fox
Rachel Keller
Rachel Hilson
Rachel Matthews
Raini Rodriguez
Ramona Young
Reign Edwards
Reina Hardesty
Rhyon Nicole Brown
Riley Voelkel
Ronni Hawk
Ruby Jerins
Ruby Modine
Ryan Newman
Sabrina Carpenter
Sabrina Haskett
Salena Qureshi
Samantha Logan
Sami Gayle
Samia Finnerty
Sammi Hanratty
Sasha Pieterse
Sarah Margaret Qualley
Sarah Pidgeon
Sarai Jones
Selena Gomez
Seychelle Gabriel
Shailene Woodley
Shannon Purser
Shyrley Rodriguez
Sierra McCormick
Simona Brown
Sofia Black D'Elia
Sofia Carson
Sofia Deler
Sophia Taylor Ali
Sophie Reynolds
Stella Hudgens
Stefanie Scott
Stephanie Hsu
Stephanie Koenig
Stephanie Styles
Summer Madison
Sydney Sweeney
Tashi Rodriguez
Tavi Gevinson
Taylor Spreitler
Tessa Albertson
Vanessa Marano
Vanessa Merrell
Veronica Merell
Veronica St.Clair
Victoria Justice
Victoria Moroles
Victoria Pedretti
Willa Fitzgerald
Willa Holland
Zazie Beetz
Zendaya Coleman
Zoe Graham
Zoe Levin
Zoë Soul
Zoe Weizenbaum
Zoey Deutch
Zolee Griggs
Abbi Jacobson
Abbie Cobb
Abby Elliott
Abigail Spencer
Adriana DeGirolami
Adrianne Palicki
Adrienne Houghton
Afton Williamson
Aimee Spring Fortier
Aimee Teegarden
Aja Naomi King
Alanna Masterson
Aleksa Palladino
Alexa Davalos
Alexa Havins
Alexa PenaVega
Alessandra Torresani
Alexandra Barreto
Alexandra Breckenridge
Alexandra Chando
Alexandra Daddario
Alexandra Krosney
Alexandra Turshen
Alexis Dziena
Alexis Kendra
Alexis Knapp
Ali Cobrin
Ali Stroker
Ali Wong
Alia Shawkat
Alicia Keys
Alicia Sixtos
Alice Greczyn
Alice Lee
Aline Elasmar
Alisha Wainwright
Alison Brie
Alison MacInnis
Alison Sudol
Allison Holker
Allison Miller
Allison Paige
Allison Williams
Alix Elizabeth Gitter
Allegra Edwards
Allison Mack
Allison Tolman
Allyn Rachel
Amanda Fuller
Amanda Righetti
Amanda Setton
Amanda Seyfried
Amber Heard
Amber Lancaster
Amber Riley
Amber Rose
Amber Stevens West
Amber Tamblyn
Ambyr Childers
Amelia Rose Blaire
America Ferrera
Amy Newbold
Amy Okuda
Amy Seimetz
Ana Ayora
Analeigh Tipton
Andy Allo
Angelica Ross
Anna Camp
Anna Enger Ritch
Anna Kendrick
AnnaLynne McCord
Anne Hathaway
Annet Mahendru
Annie Ilonzeh
Annika Marks
Arden Cho
Arielle Kebbel
Ashleigh Murray
Ashley Bell
Ashley Benson
Ashley Olsen
Ashley Tisdale
Aubrey Plaza
Blake Lively
Brandi Glenn Cyrus
Breeda Wool
Breesha Webb
Breezy Eslin
Brenda Song
Briana Cuoco
Briana Evigan
Brianna Baker
Brianne Howey
Bridget Regan
Brie Larson
Brit Marling
Brit Morgan
Brittany Snow
Brittany Underwood
Brittney Alger
Brooke Newton
Brooklyn Sudano
Caitlin FitzGerald
Camilla Belle
Carrie MacLemore
Catherine Reitman
Cassidy Freeman
Celina Sinden
Charlyne Yi
Chelsey Crisp
Chloe Dykstra
Christiana Leucas
Christina Masterson
Christina Milian 
Chrissie Fit
Chyler Leigh
Cody Horn
Corbin Reid
Cosma Shiva Hagen
Cristin Milioti
Crystal Reed
Daffany McGaray Clark
Daniella Monet
Daniella Pineda
Daniella Rabbani
Danielle Brooks
Danielle Panabaker
Darla Baker
D’arcy Carden
Dascha Polanco
Diane Guerrero
Dianna Agron
DeWanda Wise
Dre Davis
Dreama Walker
Eliza Coupe
Elizabeth Ho
Elizabeth Olsen
Elizabeth Rice
Elle Evans
Elle King
Ellie Reed
Eloise Mumford
Emily Axford
Emily Blunt
Emily Bridges
Emily Meade
Emily Rios
Emily Rose
Emily Tremaine
Emily Tyra
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wilson
Emma Bell
Emma Greenwell
Emma Stone
Emmy Raver-Lampman
Emmy Rossum
Esther Povitsky
Eugenia Kuzmina
Evan Rachel Wood
Fortune Feimster
Francia Raisa
Gabrielle Walsh
Genevieve Angelson
Gia Crovatin
Gillian Jacobs
Gillian Zinser
Gina Rodriguez
Ginger Gonzaga
Grace Helbig
Haley Bennett
Haley Strode
Haylie Duff
Hayley Lovitt
Hallee Hirsh
Hanna Beth Merjos
Hanna R. Hall
Hannah Kasulka
Hayley Atwell
Heather Matarazzo
Heather McMahan
Hilarie Burton
Hilary Duff
Holland Roden
Holley Fain
Inbar Lavi
Isidora Goreshter
Isis King
Jade Tailor
Jae Suh Park
Jaimie Alexander
Jameela Jamil
Jaina Lee Ortiz
Jane Levy
Janel Parrish
Jasmine Cephas Jones
Jeanté Godlock
Jen Landon
Jen Lilley
Jenna Dewan
Jennifer Holland
Jess Weixler
Jessica Alba
Jessica Rothe
Jessica Stroup
Jessica Szohr
Jessica Williams
Jillian Murray
Johanna Braddy
Josie Loren
Joy Lauren
Joy Nash
Julia Ling
Julia Stiles
Julianne Hough
Julie Gonzalo
Julie Marie Berman
Justine Lupe
Kaley Cuoco
Kara Killmer
Kara Pacitto
Kara Wang
Karrueche Tran
Kat Dennings
Kat Graham
Kate Bosworth
Kate McKinnon
Kate Miner
Kate Mara
Katelyn Pacitto
Katelyn Tarver
Katharine McPhee
Katie Cassidy
Katie Leclerc
Katie Lowes
Katie O’Brien
Katie Stevens
Katie Walder
Katy Mixon
Kayla Ewell
Kelley Jakle
Kelli Giddish
Kelly Clarkson
Kerry Bishé
Kether Donohue
Kota Eberhardt
Kristen Bell
Kristen Connolly
Krysten Ritter
Kylie Bunbury
Laura Bell Bundy
Laura Dreyfuss
Laura Ramsey
Laura Spencer
Laura Wiggins
Lauren Bittner
Lauren Calaway
Lauren Cohan
Lauren London
Leah Pipes
Leighton Meester
Li Jun Li
Lindsay Lohan
Lindsey Kraft
Lindsey Shaw
Lisseth Chavez
Logan Browning
Lucy Hale
Lulu Brud
Lyndsy Fonseca
MacKenzie Mauzy
Maiara Walsh
Mallory Low
Mamrie Hart
Mandy Moore
Mapuana Makia
Marcella Lentz-Pope
Marina Squerciati
Marielle Jaffe
Marika Dominczyk
Marisa Quinn
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Mary Holland
Mary Kate Olsen
Meg Steedle
Meagan Tandy
Megan Ferguson
Meghan Markle
Mekia Cox
Melissa Baker
Melissa Barrera
Melissa Benoist
Melissa Fumero
Melissa Haro
Melissa Ordway
Melissa Santos
Michelle Trachtenberg
Michelle Williams
Mikaela Hoover
Mila Kunis
Mishel Prada
Molly Tarlov
Monica Raymund
Mozhan Marnò
Nafessa Williams
Nana Mensah
Nasim Pedrad
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Morales
Natalie Paul
Nicky Hilton
Nichole Bloom
Nicole LaLiberte
Nikki SooHoo
Nikki Tomlinson
Nina Dobrev
Nitya Vidyasagar
Noel Wells
Nora Zehetner
Noureen DeWulf
Odette Annable
Olga Fonda
Olivia Luccardi
Olivia Munn
Olivia Taylor Dudley
Paige Spara
Peyton List
Phoebe Strole
Piercey Dalton
Rachel Nichols
Rebecca Rittenhouse
Rebel Wilson
Richa Moorjani
Rooney Mara
Sally Pressman
Sarah Hagan
Sarah Hay
Sarah Jones
Sarah Yarkin
Shannon Woodward
Shauna Baker
Sheila Vand
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Regner
Sherry Cola
Smith Cho
Sophia Bush
Sorel Carradine
Stella Maeve
Stephanie Beatriz
Stephanie Hunt
Summer Bishil
Tara Holt
Taylor Schilling
Taylor Swift
Teri Reeves
Tessa Ferrer
Tessa Thompson
Thora Birch
Tiffany Boone
Tina Huang
Tiya Sircar
Tonya Glanz
Torrey DeVitto
Trace Lysette
Trieste Kelly Dunn
Troian Bellisario
Valorie Curry
Vanessa Bayer
Vanessa Hudgens
Vanessa Lee Evigan
Vanessa Ray
Vannessa Vasquez
Virginia Kull
Wanetah Walmsley
Whitney Rose Pynn
Zelda Williams
Zoe Jarman
Zoe Kazan
Zoë Kravitz
Zooey Deschanel
Zena Grey
Zosia Mamet
Aarti Mann
Adina Porter
Aimee Garcia
Aimee Graham
Aisha Tyler
Alanna Ubach
Alex Borstein
Ali Landry
Ali Larter
Alicia Silverstone
Alison Lohman
Alison Sweeney
Amanda Moore
Amanda Peet
Amanda Schull
Amber Benson
Amber Valletta
America Olivo
Amy Acker
Amy Adams
Amy Hargreaves
Amy Smart
Andrea Anders
Andrea Gabriel
Andrea Navedo
Angela Kinsey
Angie Harmon
Anna Faris
Arden Myrin
Artemis Pebdani
Ashley Cusato
Ashley Scott
Bellamy Young
Betsy Brandt
Bianca Lawson
Brandy Clark
Becki Newton
Brely Evans
Brigid Walsh
Brittany Daniel
Brittany Murphy
Brooke Elliott
Busy Philipps
Cara Buono
Charlize Theron
Chloë Sevigny
Christina Applegate
Camille Chen
Carla Gugino
Claire Danes
Cocoa Brown
Constance Zimmer
Dana Davis
Daniella Alonso
Danielle Nicolet
Darby Stanchfield
Demetria McKinney
Dorian Brown Pham
Eaddy Mays
Elisabeth Röhm
Elizabeth Banks
Elizabeth Mitchell
Emily Bergl
Emily Deschanel
Emma Caulfield
Erin Chambers
Eva Longoria
Eva Mendes
Felisha Terrell
Gina Philips
Ginifer King
Ginnifer Goodwin
Gloria Votsis
Heather Graham
Heather Headley
Heather Stephens
Hong Chau
Holly Marie Combs
Idara Victor
Ivana Milicevic
Jackie Sandler
Jada Pinkett Smith
Jama Williamson
Jaime King
January Jones
Jennifer Connelly
Jennifer Garner
Jennifer Love-Hewitt
Jennifer Morrison
Jenny McCarthy
Jessica Chastain
Jill Flint
Jill Wagner
JoAnna Garcia Swisher
Jodi O’Keefe
Joy Bryant
Julie Ann Emery
Julie Bowen
Julie Claire
Justina Machado
Kate Hudson
Kate Levering
Kate Orsini
Katie Holmes
Kelli Williams
Kellie Martin
Keri Russell
Kerry Washington
Kimberly Hebert Gregory
Kristen Wiig
Lana Parrilla
Laverne Cox
Laura Benanti
Laurel Holloman
Lauren Ambrose
Lauren German
Lauren Ridloff
Lesley Fera
Leslie Bibb
Leslie Stefanson
Linda Cardellini
Liv Tyler
Lola Glaudini
Mädchen Amick
Malin Akerman
Maria Menounos
Mariana Klaveno
Marielle Heller
Mary Elizabeth Ellis
Matilda Szydagis
Mavie Hörbiger
Megan Boone
Melissa George
Melissa Joan Hart
Melissa McCarthy
Melissa Ponzio
Merle Dandridge
Michaela Watkins
Mindy Kaling
Missi Pyle
Mizuo Peck
Monica Keena
Morena Baccarin
Nadine Ellis
Nia Long
Nicole Scherzinger
Niecy Nash
Norah Jones
Paula Garcés
Persia White
Poorna Jagannathan
Portia de Rossi
Rebecca Gayheart
Rebecca Wisocky
Reese Witherspoon
Renée Elise Goldsberry
Riki Lindhome
Rosario Dawson
Rya Kihlstedt
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Sarah Rafferty
Sasha Alexander
Selenis Leyva
Selma Blair
Senta Moses Mikan
Shannen Doherty
Shanola Hampton
Tammy Townsend
Tara Reid
Tiffani Thiessen
Tina Fey
Traci Dinwiddie
Uma Thurman
Vedette Lim
Virginia Williams
Winona Ryder
Yara Martinez
Zoe McLellan
Zoe Saldana
Alexandra Billings
Alexandra Paul
Ally Sheedy
Ally Walker
Amy Brenneman
Amy Landecker
Amy Pietz
Amy Ryan
Amy Yasbeck
Andrea Roth
Ashley Judd
Brenda Strong
Brooke Shields
Brooke Smith
Carrie Preston
Chandra Wilson
Cheryl Hines
Christa Miller
Connie Britton
Courteney Cox
Dedee Pfeiffer
Elisabeth Shue
Elizabeth Marvel
Elizabeth McGovern
Ellen Pompeo
Emily Procter
Felicity Huffman
Francie Swift
Jacqueline Obradors
Jane Lynch
Jasmine Guy
Jeanne Tripplehorn
Jennifer Lopez
Joan Cusack
Jorja Fox
Julia Roberts
Julianna Margulies
Julianne Moore
Julie Delpy
Kate Flannery
Kate Walsh
Kelly Rutherford
Kristin Chenoweth
Kyra Sedgwick
Laura Ceron
Laura Dern
Laura Leighton
Lauren Graham
Laurie Holden
Lea Thompson
Lisa Kudrow
Lori Loughlin
Lucy Liu
Marcia Cross
Marguerite MacIntyre
Maria Bello
Mary Page Keller
Maura Tierney
Melinda Clarke
Melora Hardin
Michael Michele
Mira Sorvino
Molly Ringwald
Nicole Kidman
Nicollette Sheridan
Paget Brewster
Parker Posey
Robin Weigert
Rosie Perez
Sarah Jessica Parker
Sherry Stringfield
Susan Blackwell
Susan Walters
Tamlyn Tomita
Teri Hatcher
Teri Polo
Valarie Pettiford
Vanessa Marquez
Vanessa Williams
Allison Janney
Amy Aquino
Amy Irving
Amy Morton
Andie MacDowell
Angela Bassett
Annette Bening
Annie Potts
BJ Harrison
CCH Pounder
Chloe Webb
Dana Delaney
Debi Morgan
Ellen Crawford
Harriet Sansom Harris
Holly Gagnier
Holly Hunter
Jackée Harry
Kate Burton
Khandi Alexander
Jodi Long
Laura Innes
Lorraine Bracco
Lynn Whitfield
Madeleine Stowe
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
Megan Mullally
Michael Hyatt
Michelle Pfeiffer
Patricia Bethune
Rene Russo
Renée Victor
Valerie Mahaffey
Alana Stewart
Barbara Hershey
Betty Buckley
Beth Grant
Blythe Danner
Caroline Lagerfelt
Diane Keaton
Dianne Wiest
Jennifer Rhodes
Kelly Bishop
Lainie Kazan
Mercedes Ruehl
Patti LuPone
Sally Field
Sigourney Weaver
Susan Sarandon
Carmen Dell’Orefice
Elizabeth Taylor
Betty White
Gene Tierney
Grace Kelly
Rebecca Schull
Unknown Age
Alana Bright
Alina Jenine Taber
Alison Jaye
Allison Shrum
Aly Mang
Alycia Pascual-Peña
Alyssa Cheatham
Amanda Jaros
Angela Lewis
Anna Maiche
Anna Rizzo
Avra Friedman
Caitlin Custer
Carly Hughes
Charity Cervantes
Cherinda Kincherlow
Clare Butler
December Ensminger
Devon Hales
Eden Epstein
Elizabeth Whitson
Ella Lentini
Emily Davenport
Fabianne Therese
Katie Wallace
Jackie Chung
Jennifer Ikeda
Jennifer Jalene
Jessica Heller
Jessica Vargas
Jojo Brown
Jordyn Chang
Lily Donoghue
Linette Beaumont
Lou Lou Safran
Mackenzie Marsh
Marcy Harriell
Margaret Odette
Markita Prescott
Megan Gray
Melissa Saint Amand
Neyla Cantu
Noree Victoria
Presciliana Esparolini
Rachel Rosenbloom
Renny Grames
Susie Abraham
Quincy Tyler Bernstine
Sarah Baker
Shalini Bathina
Shelby Surdam
Shi Ne Nielson
Toya Turner
Zainab Johnson
Zión Moreno
142 notes · View notes
femininehq · 5 years ago
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WELCOME TO NYC !!  we’re so excited to have you and your muses on board  ♥️  from here,  please follow the CHECKLIST for what to do next !  
&. * — a warm welcome to VIOLET CARSON, the TWENTY-EIGHT year old CIS FEMALE born in SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. as a local FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER residing in MANHATTAN, SHE is loved for their WARMTH, CONFIDENCE, CHARISMA. but behind their back, they’re described as PROUD, SENSITIVE, FOOLISH. still not impressed ? what if i told you they looked exactly like PHOEBE TONKIN ? that should do it. ( tee, 22, she/her, aest )
&. * — a warm welcome to MAEVE “EVIE” NIXON, the TWENTY-FOUR year old CIS FEMALE born in PORTLAND, OREGON. as a local COCKTAIL WAITRESS + ASPIRING ACTRESS residing in BROOKLYN, SHE is loved for their CHARM, DETERMINATION, NERVE. but behind their back, they’re described as SHORT-TEMPERED, UNCOMPROMISING, HEDONISTIC. still not impressed ? what if i told you they looked exactly like HALSTON SAGE ? that should do it. ( tee, 22, she/her, aest )
&. *   —  a warm welcome to  KHAIRI VAN DOREN,   the  TWENTY-TWO  year old  GENDER QUEER  born in  QUEENS, NEW YORK.   as a local  BARISTA  residing in  QUEENS,  THEY  are loved for their OUTGOINGNESS, LOYALTY, OPTIMISM.  but behind their back,  they’re described as  NAIVE, WISHFUL, CHILDISH.   still not impressed ?  what if i told you they looked exactly like  VAJEN VAN DEN BOSCH  ?   that should do it.   (  dante, 25, they/them, est  )
&. *   —  a warm welcome to  OAKLYNN OUNG ,   the  FORTY  year old   CIS WOMAN   born in   PIEDMONT, CALIFORNIA .   as a local   ADOLESCENT ATTORNEY   residing in   BROOKLYN ,   SHE   is loved for their  TEMPERANCE,  TENDERNESS,  TOLERANCE .  but behind their back,  they’re described as   SCORNFUL,  SCRAMBLED,  SHRILL .   still not impressed ?  what if i told you they looked exactly like   LEE BO-YOUNG   ?   that should do it.   (  soyeon, she/her, utc-5  )
&. * — a warm welcome to ROSALIE SANDOVAL, the TWENTY-THREE year old CIS WOMAN born in LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. as a local PERSONAL ASSISTANT residing in MANHATTAN, SHE is loved for their CONFIDENCE, RATIONALITY, AMBITION . but behind their back, they’re described as NEEDY, MATERIALISTIC, ARROGANT. still not impressed ? what if i told you they looked exactly like CAMILA MENDES ? that should do it. ( bianca, 22, she/her, aest )
&. * — a warm welcome to TONI MEHTA, the TWENTY FIVE year old FEMALE born in SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND. as a local PHOTOGRAPHER residing in QUEENS, SHE is loved for their CREATIVITY, OPTIMISM, FREE-SPIRIT.   but behind their back, they’re described as BOISTEROUS, IMPULSIVE, UNCONTROLLABLE. still not impressed ? what if i told you they looked exactly like NAOMI SCOTT ? that should do it. ( jade, 22, gmt/bst, she/her )
&. *   —  a warm welcome to  AILISH IVERSON,   the  TWENTY EIGHT  year old  CIS WOMAN  born in  PORTLAND, OREGON.   as a local  MEDICAL RESIDENT  residing in  BROOKLYN,  SHE is loved for their DEPENDABILITY, AMBITION, COMPASSION.  but behind their back,  they’re described as  COMPETITIVE, STRONG-WILLED, LOQUACIOUS.   still not impressed ?  what if i told you they looked exactly like  CLAIRE HOLT  ?   that should do it.   (  creature, she/her, cst  )
&. * — a warm welcome to EMY RICKEHART, the TWENTY EIGHT year old FEMALE born in PARIS, FRANCE. as a local SOCIALITE residing in MANHATTAN, She is loved for her FUNLOVING, CAREFREE, ENERGETIC. but behind their back, they’re described as MANIPULATIVE, DEMEANING, IMPULSIVE. still not impressed ? what if i told you they looked exactly like ANA DE ARMAS? that should do it. ( Beks, 24, she/her, EST)
&. *   —  a warm welcome to  HESTER ‘STERLING’ YAZDANI,   the  TWENTY SIX  year old  CIS FEMALE  born  in  QUEENS.   as a local  PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVER  residing in  QUEENS,  SHE  is loved for their  PROTECTIVENESS,  GENEROSITY,  FUN-LOVING OUTLOOK.  but behind their back,  they’re described as  TEMPERAMENTAL,  GUARDED,  CLUMSY.   still not impressed ?  what if i told you they looked exactly like MEDALION RAHIMI ?   that should do it.   (  medusa, 24, she/her, pst  )
&. *   —  a warm welcome to   ROSE DUBOIS ,   the  THIRTY   year old   WOMXN   born in   PARIS, FRANCE .   as a local   AERIALIST  residing in   BROOKLYN ,   SHE/THEY   is loved for their  GENEROSITY,  CHARM,  SENSE OF HUMOR .  but behind their back,  they’re described as   SHORT TEMPERED,  SELECTIVE,  STUBBORN .   still not impressed ?  what if i told you they looked exactly like   JODIE COMER   ?   that should do it.   (  hazel, 24, they/them, est  )
&. * — a warm welcome to BOWIE REYES, the THIRTY year old CIS FEMALE born in KAUAI, HAWAII. as a local SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER residing in BROOKLYN, SHE is loved for their BOLDNESS, OPTIMISM, SPONTANEITY. but behind their back, they’re described as STRONG-WILLED, FLAMBOYANT, IMPULSIVE. still not impressed ? what if i told you they looked exactly like SHAY MITCHELL ? that should do it. ( aubrey, 25, she/her, pst )
&. * — a warm welcome to  SAGE OWENS , the  TWENTY FIVE  year old  FEMALE  born in  QUINCY, MASSACHUSETTS . as a local  HOUSE PAINTER  residing in  BROOKLYN,  SHE  is loved for their  CREATIVITY, HUMOR, CHILL VIBES . but behind their back, they’re described as  CARELESS, IRRESPONSIBLE, CHILDISH . still not impressed ? what if i told you they looked exactly like  FLORENCE PUGH  ? that should do it. ( cass, 22, she/her, est )
&. * — a warm welcome to  VICTORIA CARLSSON , the  TWENTY NINE  year old  FEMALE  born in  SWEDEN . as a local  PHOTOGRAPHER  residing in  BROOKLYN , SHE  is loved for their  CHARISMA, POSITIVITY, SIMPLICITY . but behind their back, they’re described as  STUBBORN, EMOTIONAL, OVER-THINKER . still not impressed ? what if i told you they looked exactly like  ALICIA VIKANDER  ? that should do it. ( jezz, 25, they/them, cst )
3 notes · View notes
[streamCloud] "Padre no hay más que uno 2" STREAM DEUTSCH (MOVIE4K) 2019 ONLINE
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Padre no hay más que uno 2 | Film 2020 | ganzer film.de
Padre no hay más que uno 2 filmstarts: Veröffentlicht: Jul 29, 2020 Laufzeit: 1:47:31 Protokoll Genre: Komödie, Familie Sterne: Santiago Segura, Toni Acosta, Martina D’Antiochia, Calma Segura, Luna Fulgencio, Carlos G. Morollón Crew: Santiago Segura (Director), Santiago Segura (Producer), Santiago Segura (Writer), Roque Baños (Original Music Composer), Mercedes Gamero (Producer), Fran Amaro (Editor)
INHALTSANGABE & DETAILS Padre no hay más que uno 2 (2020) - Komödie Filme 1:47:31 Protokoll. Padre no hay más que uno 2: La llegada de la suegra.
Originaltitel: Padre no hay más que uno 2 Verleiher: Netflix
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Handlung: The film starts with Elle narrating her time with Noah before he leaves for Harvard. Her senior year starts with her classmates gossiping how she and Noah will eventually break up, making her fear as Noah has befriended an attractive girl named Chloe as she checks his Instagram. Elle and Lee are planning the kissing booth again for the Charity Fair, while Lee is trying to convince Elle to have Marco Peña, the attractive new transfer student to be one of the kissers. Elle beats Marco on the dancing game forcing him to participate in the booth. Noah suggests Elle apply to Harvard, which clashes with her plans to study at Berkeley University with Lee (where their moms met and became friends). Elle does it without telling Lee.
Elle visits Noah in Boston, meeting his new friends and Chloe, making her more insecure. She finds an earring below Noah’s bed making her angry and confronting Noah, who assures her nothing has happened between him and Chloe and asking her to trust him. Elle talks with her father about college tuition and learns money is a problem, and is willing to participate with Lee on a dance competition with a cash reward for the first place. Lee has an accident on one of their practice sessions (later revealed to be fake) and proposes Marco to become her dance partner, which she isn’t too happy to accept but eventually does. As Marco and Elle start passing time together they grow closer, and an attraction between them initiates. Unbeknownst to Elle, Lee’s relationship with Rachel is having problems, as Elle is going everywhere with them and not letting them have their time as a couple. After leaving Rachel waiting at the movies she asks Lee to talk with Elle, promising he will but never does. The Halloween Dance arrives, and Lee forgets to tell Rachel that they changed costumes (Rachel was a marshmallow while Lee and Elle were going to be crackers making a smore) upsetting her even more. Elle shares a dance with Marco, almost kissing him but stops when listening to the OMG girls gossiping about her.
The day of the competition Lee finds on his car trunk Elle’s applications to Harvard, angering him. Elle and Marco excel at their performance and she kisses him at the end of their dance, not knowing Noah was on the crowd causing him to walk away. Elle wants to go after him in the moment her and Marco are announced the winners. Thanksgiving dinner happens at the Flynn’s residence, where Noah arrives with Chloe, upsetting Elle who is confronted by Lee for not telling him about her application to Harvard and Rachel being upset with her as well. During the dinner, Rachel discovers Lee never spoke with Elle and breaks up with him leaving. Elle tries to convince Rachel to reconcile with Lee but is unsuccessful. She also gives back the earring to Chloe, who confirms it belongs to her. She reveals that one night she slept in Noah’s room when he was out and left it there.
The day of the carnival arrives, and both Lee and Rachel reconcile after being blindfolded and kissing each other at the kissing booth. Elle is also blindfolded and is approached by Marco, who wants to talk with her about their feelings. Elle admits to Marco there is an attraction between them, but tells him she loves Noah and goes looking for him at the airport. Chloe tells her that he went to look for her, Elle finds him in the shelter park where they kiss and confess their feelings for each other.
At Graduation, Lee shares with Elle that he was accepted at Berkeley and asks if she received a response which she answers she was waitlisted at both Berkeley and Harvard. When Elle opens both envelopes in her room it turns out she was accepted in both universities, which will force her to make a decision: go to Harvard with Noah or Berkeley with Lee.
Werfen: Joey King as Elle Evans Joel Courtney as Lee Flynn Jacob Elordi as Noah Flynn Maisie Richardson-Sellers as Chloe Winthrop Taylor Perez as Marco Peña Molly Ringwald as Mrs. Flynn Meganne Young as Rachel Morné Visser as Mr. Flynn Bianca Bosch as Olivia Carson White as Brad Tyler Chaney as Stunts
Padre no hay más que uno 2: Directed by Vince Marcello Produced by Ed Glauser Andrew Cole-Bulgin Vince Marcello Michele Weisler Written by Vince Marcello Jay Arnold Based on Padre no hay más que uno 2: Going the Distance by Beth Reekles Starring Joey King Joel Courtney Jacob Elordi Maisie Richardson-Sellers Taylor Perez Molly Ringwald Music by Patrick Kirst Cinematography Anastas N. Michos Edited by Paul Millspaugh Production companies Komixx Entertainment Distributed by Netflix Release date July 24, 2020 Running time 131 minutes Country United States Language English
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Definition and Definition of Film / Movie
While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as supporting characters with few roles in the film. This is different from the main actors who have bigger and more roles. Being an actor and an actress must be demanded to have good acting talent, which is in accordance with the theme of the film he is starring in. In certain scenes, the actor’s role can be replaced by a stuntman or a stuntman. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors doing scenes that are difficult and extreme, which are usually found in action action films. Films can also be used to convey certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a human being visualized in film. The film itself is mostly a fiction, although some are based on fact true stories or based on a true story. There are also documentaries with original and real pictures, or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, ranging from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others. That’s a little information about the definition of film or movie. The information was quoted from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful.
❍❍❍ TV FILM ❍❍❍
The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 2020 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “”Mr Television”” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets. The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season.
❍❍❍ formats and genres ❍❍❍
See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed] A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 1980s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intendevd five-season run.[citvatio””&n needed] In 2007, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2007, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “”I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television.
❍❍❍ Thanks for everything and have fun watching❍❍❍
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Ver Película — “El stand de los besos 2″ Online en Español HD
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El stand de los besos 2 (Mi primer beso 2 en españa) Película Netflix original 2020 sacudió el cine español y latinoamericano.
SINOPSIS Título original The Kissing Booth 2 Año 2020 Duración 130 min. País Reino Unido Reino Unido Dirección Vince Marcello Guion Jay S Arnold, Vince Marcello Fotografía Anastas N. Michos Productora Distribuida por Netflix. Coproducción Reino Unido-Estados Unidos; Komixx Entertainment Género Romance | Comedia romántica. Adolescencia. Secuela
Reparto Joey King, Molly Ringwald, Jacob Elordi, Maisie Richardson-Sellers, Joel Courtney, Carishma Basday, Joshua Daniel Eady, Meganne Young, Kai Luke Brummer, Frances Sholto-Douglas, Camilla Wolfson, Taylor Zakhar Perez, D. David Morin, Michelle Allen, Bianca Bosch, Bianca Amato, Nathan Lynn, Morné Visser, Chase Dallas, Judd Krok, Toni Jean Erasmus, Motsi Tekateka, Shana Mans, Carson White, Noa Milan, Matthew Dylan Roberts, Dylan Edy, Grant Ross
Resumen Elle Evans, que debe tomar decisiones sobre la universidad, afronta su relación a distancia con Noah Flynn, que se marcha a Harvard, su cambiante relación con su mejor amiga Lee y lo que siente por un nuevo y carismático compañero de clase de nombre Marco (Taylor Zakhar Perez).
El stand de los besos (The kissing both) 2018 Pelicula
‘The Kissing Booth’: Netflix’s Teen Comedy Sensation Is Sexist and Outdated — Review
Netflix might be trying to corner the market on big-budget spectacles from some of Hollywood’s hottest names — from the $90 million “Bright” to its multi-picture deal with Adam Sandler and Martin Scorsese’s much-hyped “The Irishman” — but the streaming giant has quietly planted its stake in a less ambitious place: romantic comedies. So far this year, Netflix has released six original films that are classified as rom-coms, with at least three more on the way before the year closes out. And it’s on to something here: 2017’s “A Christmas Prince” was such a smash hit for the outfit that it has already prepped a holiday sequel.
Netflix’s newest hit-in-the-making, “The Kissing Booth,” is kicking up similar attention. Unfortunately, the high school-set rom-com is a sexist and regressive look at relationships that highlights the worst impulses of the genre. Netflix isn’t new to the sub-genre of teen rom-coms, and it has already succeeded with other picks. Later this month, Craig Johnson’s delightful “Alex Strangelove” will arrive on the streaming service, and last month saw the introduction of Olivia Milch’s “Dude,” a female-driven comedy in the vein of other raunchy features like “Bridesmaids” and “Mean Girls.”
Films like that are indicative of the outfit locking down yet another piece of Hollywood magic and serving its viewers something they want to see, even if the traditional studio system isn’t giving it to them, but “The Kissing Booth” is a strange blight on that run. The film combines classic narrative tropes of the genre — think a low-budget mishmash of “Pretty in Pink,” “Never Been Kissed,” “Mean Girls,” and “10 Things I Hate About You” — but is also hobbled by a gross understanding of gender dynamics and what makes a healthy relationship.
And that’s to say nothing of its approach to depicting sexual harassment, frequent slut-shaming of its leading lady, and attempting to romanticize a “bad boy” love interest who mainly seems interested in getting in physical fights and then loudly mouthing off about his possessive tendencies. Cute, huh?
The movie, written and directed by Vince Marello (best known for his film versions of stories from the “American Girl” doll franchise), is an adaption of the Beth Reekles novel of the same name, and starts off with a relatively sweet premise. Elle (Joey King) and Lee (Joel Courtney) have been best friends since birth, “raised like twins” by their mothers, who also happen to be life-long best friends. (One of the moms is even played by Molly Ringwald, to give the film further rom-com bonafides.) They’ve been obsessed with Dance Dance Revolution since they were tiny, and while their private high school appears to be a clique-y kind of place, they’ve grown into popular-ish kids who are grounded by their bond.
The first act of “The Kissing Booth” plays out in predictable fashion, as Elle wrestles with her growing feelings for Noah as he alluringly teases her, engaging in the kind of push-pull will-they-won’t-they dynamic that’s always been a hallmark of the genre. And yet, even in its earliest moments, “The Kissing Booth” is preoccupied with sexist rhetoric and a willingness to apologize for Noah’s alarming behavior.
Elle (who, it must be noted, is just charming, thanks to King’s bubbly performance) has a lot going for her, including a plucky personality that manages to find all kinds of solutions for weird problems. Early in the film, Elle tears her last pair of school-issued pants, and unable to rustle up any other options, is forced to head off to school wearing a two-year-old skirt (too small, but at least part of the dress code). The moment she hits campus, she’s assaulted by catcalls from nearly all of her fellow male students (a real “boys will be boys” moment that imagines that all teenage boys are simply unable to do anything beyond scream epithets at pretty girl they’ve known for years, if she’s wearing a short piece of clothing).
It gets worse, as Elle is groped by another student, leading Noah to physically assault him (predictable). Elle lands in the principal’s office — an awkward enough twist, given she’s the actual victim here — and things only get worse from there. Both Lee (again, her best friend and typically a sweet guy) and the school’s principal tell Elle that she was “asking for it” by wearing the skirt. It’s a laughably regressive moment, such obviously outdated thinking, but “The Kissing Booth” just keeps plugging along.
The parking lot-set fisticuffs helps pave the way for Elle and Noah’s tentative romance, with Noah first brushing off his behavior as springing from a place of familial affection for Elle, while she wonders if it’s a sign that he has deeper feelings for her. Despite this run-of-the-mill and wholly relatable high school romance (who has never felt like Elle?), “The Kissing Booth” remains enamored of Noah’s defining characteristics: he’s got a seriously violent streak who gets turned on by jealousy and demonstrates some weirdo possessiveness that never abates.
This is not an exaggeration. Noah’s affection for getting into fights — often very brutal ones — becomes a large part of the film. Elle even lays down a rule that he can’t fight anymore if he wants them to be together (His response: “You know, you’re cute when you’re bossy”), and later gets him to admit that his family has struggled to deal with it, even sending him to counseling with no lasting impact. It’s “kinda just how I’m wired,” he muses, and that’s all there is. Later, Lee briefly worries that Noah has hit Elle, a jarring moment in a film marketed as a fluffy rom-com for teens. And Elle constantly acquiesces to him, even when it feels dangerous.
El stand de los besos 2 Pelicula completa Netflix
Una escena de El stand de los besos 2 Netflix: El stand de los besos 2, una confusa comedia adolescente
El stand de los besos 2 (Estados Unidos, 2020). Dirección: Vince Marcello. Guion: Vince Marcello, Jay S. Arnold, basado en las novelas de Beth Reekles. Elenco: Joey King, Jacob Elordi, Joel Courtney, Taylor Zakhar Perez. Duración: 130 minutos. Disponible en: Netflix. Nuestra opinión: mala
La experiencia de ver El stand de los besos 2 es desconcertante. Se trata de una secuela del film estrenado en Netflix en 2018 que resultó ser un enorme éxito, según los datos de la plataforma. Basadas en las novelas escritas por Beth Reekles a través de la aplicación colaborativa Wattpad, ambas películas tienen como protagonista a Elle (Joey King), una estudiante de secundario que vive en un mundo de fantasía digno de una historia animada de Disney. La escuela a la que asiste, sus compañeros, sus actividades y sus amigos tienen el espesor dramático de una hoja de papel y sus intenciones, matices o pasiones entrarían en una carilla de esa misma hoja.
Inverosímil y sin un atisbo de realismo o actualidad, la trama parece estar dirigida al público adolescente o preadolescente pero, y ahí es dónde comienza el desconcierto. Difícilmente le interesen los constantes montajes que resumen los mejores momentos de los personajes a un grupo etario que baila en TikTok y se comunica a través de Instagram, ni tampoco los artificiales diálogos que abundan en el film. O tal vez sí. Pero con una puesta en escena más cercana a ciertos telefilms apuntados al público infantil y una historia que se ocupa de tratar a los cuerpos de sus personajes como objetos para admirar y a sus cerebros como un accesorio resulta complicado identificar al espectador ideal de El stand de los besos 2.
Es posible que sus realizadores hayan tenido la misma dificultad. Puestos a adaptar la historia escrita por una joven mujer de 16 años, los dos guionistas adultos reinterpretaron la fantasía adolescente en sus propios términos y terminaron con una película de dos largas horas y diez minutos que nunca se preocupa por hacer de su protagonista un personaje mínimamente interesante, que exista más allá de su relación con los hombres de su vida, a los que en esta vuelta se suma Marco (Taylor Zakhar Perez), el chico nuevo de la escuela. Construido, aparentemente, utilizando la información provista por una encuesta, el muchacho tiene un poco de Noah Centineo (A todos los chicos de los que me enamoré), una pizca de el propio Elordi y algo de los protagonistas de Elite y su exótico atractivo latino filtrado por el algoritmo de Netflix.
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The Kissing Booth 2 filmstarts: 24. Juli 2020 bei Netflix / 2 Std. 10 Min. / Romanze, Komödie Von Vince Marcello Mit Joey King, Jacob Elordi, Joel Courtney Produktionsländer Großbritannien, USA
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INHALTSANGABE & DETAILS Elle (Joey King) hatte nach den Ereignissen von Teil eins den Sommer ihres Lebens mit ihrem Freund Noah (Jakob Elordi). Doch dieser geht nun aufs College, während Elle noch ein Jahr auf der High School durchhalten muss. In dieser Zeit muss sie sich so einigen Herausforderungen stellen — unter anderem gilt es, eine Zusage für die Traum-Uni zu erhalten. Als viel schwieriger stellt sich jedoch das Aufrechterhalten der Fernbeziehung heraus: Während Elle ihren neuen, süßen und charismatischen Klassenkameraden Marco (Taylor Zakhar Perez) näherkommt, macht ihrem Freund Noah ein perfekt scheinendes College-Girl Chloe (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) schöne Augen. Elle und Noah müssen für sich herausfinden, wie sehr sie dem anderen vertrauen und was sie wirklich wollen — bzw. wen…
Originaltitel: The Kissing Booth 2 Verleiher: Netflix
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The Kissing Booth 2: The Kissing Booth 2 is a 2020 American teen romantic comedy film directed by Vince Marcello, from a screenplay by Marcello and Jay Arnold. The film is a direct sequel to the 2018 film The Kissing Booth. Based on the novel The Kissing Booth 2: Going the Distance by Beth Reekles, the film stars Joey King, Joel Courtney and Jacob Elordi with a guest appearance by South African upcoming actor Zac Kruger.
The film was released on July 24, 2020, by Netflix. It received negative reviews from critics, although critics called it an improvement over its predecessor.
Handlung: The film starts with Elle narrating her time with Noah before he leaves for Harvard. Her senior year starts with her classmates gossiping how she and Noah will eventually break up, making her fear as Noah has befriended an attractive girl named Chloe as she checks his Instagram. Elle and Lee are planning the kissing booth again for the Charity Fair, while Lee is trying to convince Elle to have Marco Peña, the attractive new transfer student to be one of the kissers. Elle beats Marco on the dancing game forcing him to participate in the booth. Noah suggests Elle apply to Harvard, which clashes with her plans to study at Berkeley University with Lee (where their moms met and became friends). Elle does it without telling Lee.
Elle visits Noah in Boston, meeting his new friends and Chloe, making her more insecure. She finds an earring below Noah’s bed making her angry and confronting Noah, who assures her nothing has happened between him and Chloe and asking her to trust him. Elle talks with her father about college tuition and learns money is a problem, and is willing to participate with Lee on a dance competition with a cash reward for the first place. Lee has an accident on one of their practice sessions (later revealed to be fake) and proposes Marco to become her dance partner, which she isn’t too happy to accept but eventually does. As Marco and Elle start passing time together they grow closer, and an attraction between them initiates.
Unbeknownst to Elle, Lee’s relationship with Rachel is having problems, as Elle is going everywhere with them and not letting them have their time as a couple. After leaving Rachel waiting at the movies she asks Lee to talk with Elle, promising he will but never does. The Halloween Dance arrives, and Lee forgets to tell Rachel that they changed costumes (Rachel was a marshmallow while Lee and Elle were going to be crackers making a smore) upsetting her even more. Elle shares a dance with Marco, almost kissing him but stops when listening to the OMG girls gossiping about her.
The day of the competition Lee finds on his car trunk Elle’s applications to Harvard, angering him. Elle and Marco excel at their performance and she kisses him at the end of their dance, not knowing Noah was on the crowd causing him to walk away. Elle wants to go after him in the moment her and Marco are announced the winners. Thanksgiving dinner happens at the Flynn’s residence, where Noah arrives with Chloe, upsetting Elle who is confronted by Lee for not telling him about her application to Harvard and Rachel being upset with her as well. During the dinner, Rachel discovers Lee never spoke with Elle and breaks up with him leaving. Elle tries to convince Rachel to reconcile with Lee but is unsuccessful. She also gives back the earring to Chloe, who confirms it belongs to her. She reveals that one night she slept in Noah’s room when he was out and left it there.
The day of the carnival arrives, and both Lee and Rachel reconcile after being blindfolded and kissing each other at the kissing booth. Elle is also blindfolded and is approached by Marco, who wants to talk with her about their feelings. Elle admits to Marco there is an attraction between them, but tells him she loves Noah and goes looking for him at the airport. Chloe tells her that he went to look for her, Elle finds him in the shelter park where they kiss and confess their feelings for each other.
At Graduation, Lee shares with Elle that he was accepted at Berkeley and asks if she received a response which she answers she was waitlisted at both Berkeley and Harvard. When Elle opens both envelopes in her room it turns out she was accepted in both universities, which will force her to make a decision: go to Harvard with Noah or Berkeley with Lee.
Werfen: Joey King as Elle Evans Joel Courtney as Lee Flynn Jacob Elordi as Noah Flynn Maisie Richardson-Sellers as Chloe Winthrop Taylor Perez as Marco Peña Molly Ringwald as Mrs. Flynn Meganne Young as Rachel Morné Visser as Mr. Flynn Bianca Bosch as Olivia Carson White as Brad Tyler Chaney as Stunts
The Kissing Booth 2: Directed by Vince Marcello Produced by Ed Glauser Andrew Cole-Bulgin Vince Marcello Michele Weisler Written by Vince Marcello Jay Arnold Based on The Kissing Booth 2: Going the Distance by Beth Reekles Starring Joey King Joel Courtney Jacob Elordi Maisie Richardson-Sellers Taylor Perez Molly Ringwald Music by Patrick Kirst Cinematography Anastas N. Michos Edited by Paul Millspaugh Production companies Komixx Entertainment Distributed by Netflix Release date July 24, 2020 Running time 131 minutes Country United States Language English
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Film is a work of art in the form of a series of live images that are rotated to produce an illusion of moving images that are presented as a form of entertainment. The illusion of a series of images produces continuous motion in the form of video. The film is often referred to as a movie or moving picture. Film is a modern and popular art form created for business and entertainment purposes. Film making has now become a popular industry throughout the world, where feature films are always awaited by cinemas. Films are made in two main ways. The first is through shooting and recording techniques through film cameras. This method is done by photographing images or objects. The second uses traditional animation techniques. This method is done through computer graphic animation or CGI techniques. Both can also be combined with other techniques and visual effects. Filming usually takes a relatively long time. It also requires a job desk each, starting from the director, producer, editor, wardrobe, visual effects and others. Definition and Definition of Film / Movie While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as supporting characters with few roles in the film. This is different from the main actors who have bigger and more roles. Being an actor and an actress must be demanded to have good acting talent, which is in accordance with the theme of the film he is starring in. In certain scenes, the actor’s role can be replaced by a stuntman or a stuntman. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors doing scenes that are difficult and extreme, which are usually found in action action films. Films can also be used to convey certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a human being visualized in film. The film itself is mostly a fiction, although some are based on fact true stories or based on a true story. There are also documentaries with original and real pictures, or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, ranging from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others. That’s a little information about the definition of film or movie. The information was quoted from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful. ❍❍❍ TV FILM ❍❍❍ The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “”Mr Television”” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets. The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season. ❍❍❍ formats and genres ❍❍❍ See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed] A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 1980s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intendevd five-season run.[citvatio””&n needed] In 2007, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2007, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “”I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television. ❍❍❍ Thanks for everything and have fun watching❍❍❍ Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings! Thanks for watching The Video Today. I hope you enjoy the videos that I share. Give a thumbs up, like, or share if you enjoy what we’ve shared so that we more excited. Sprinkle cheerful smile so that the world back in a variety of colors.
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** **Mi primer beso 2** **
** Compañías de producción: ** ———————– ————————————-
Lanzamiento: Jul 24, 2020
Duración: 130 minutos
Género: Comedia, Romance
Estrellas: Joey King, Jacob Elordi, Joel Courtney
Sinopsis Mi Primer Beso 2 (2020) - Comedia Películas 130 minutos. Kyss meg igjen, Delidolu 2. Continúan las aventuras amorosas de Elle (Joey King), Noah (Jacob Elordi) y Lee (Joel Courtney). Secuela de Mi primer beso (2018) que vuelve a dirigir Vince Marcello, quien se encarga de nuevo del guión del filme junto a Jay S Arnold. Protagonizan la película los actores del reparto original: Joey King (Slender Man), Jacob Elordi (Euphoria), Joel Courtney (Dear Eleanor), y Morné Visser (Mandela: Del mito al hombre), además de incorporaciones a la saga como la de Maisie Richardson-Sellers (Star Wars: Episodio VII - El despertar de la Fuerza).
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Título original The Kissing Booth 2 Año 2020 Duración 130 min. País Reino Unido Reino Unido Dirección Vince Marcello Guion Jay S Arnold, Vince Marcello Fotografía Anastas N. Michos Reparto Joey King, Molly Ringwald, Jacob Elordi, Maisie Richardson-Sellers, Joel Courtney, Carishma Basday, Joshua Daniel Eady, Meganne Young, Kai Luke Brummer, Frances Sholto-Douglas, Camilla Wolfson, Taylor Zakhar Perez, D. David Morin, Michelle Allen, Bianca Bosch, Bianca Amato, Nathan Lynn, Morné Visser, Chase Dallas, Judd Krok, Toni Jean Erasmus, Motsi Tekateka, Shana Mans, Carson White, Noa Milan, Matthew Dylan Roberts, Dylan Edy, Grant Ross Productora Distribuida por Netflix. Coproducción Reino Unido-Estados Unidos; Komixx Entertainment Género Romance | Comedia romántica. Adolescencia. Secuela
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