#BeyondStorytellingPoems LastWordsPoetry
authorjames18 · 4 years
To All My Followers:
Can you subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch my videos. I would like your feedback and support. It means a lot. Thank You.  Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiRJRb4Fqut2iM-5pEjdgJQ/videos?view_as=subscriber
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authorjames18 · 6 years
Book Sales Update
I published my first poetry book, If I Told You My Inspired Poems, in 2013. In following years I have published two additional poetry books, Beyond Storytelling, Poems and Last Words Poetry. To date, I have sold or have given out 177 books. If you would like to support me by purchasing your copies of my books you can find them on Amazon and Amazon Kindle. Thank You for the support.  http://hdcampbell3.wixsite.com/hdcampbell/author-james-jackson
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authorjames18 · 2 years
Please check out my poetry books on Amazon, Amazon Kindle and at Barnes & Noble, they are If I Told You My Inspired Poems, Beyond Storytelling, Poems & Last Words Poetry. Thank You. 
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authorjames18 · 6 years
Women are our beloved.
They are also our adored.
Kept cherished by the men they love.
Cherished like a precious dove.
Women are the sustainers of the earth.
To our magnificent children they give birth.
From the men that love you.
We give the world to you.
   Written By: James Jackson
January 11, 2018
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authorjames18 · 6 years
My Choice
It’s my choice to choose who I want.
Not for you to choose for me.
I chose to date women.
Not men.
Not transgender.
Or anyone else!
I have respected your choice.
Don’t try and silence my voice.
It is my choice to find love in women,
It is yours to find it in men.
Love who you love,
Let me love who I love.
My choice is for me,
Your choice is for you.
  Written By: James Jackson (ME)
January 11, 2018
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authorjames18 · 7 years
Tumblr media
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authorjames18 · 6 years
Birthday Announcement.
Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Evening to everyone. I am sending this message today to ask for your support. On October 27, this Saturday, I will be turning 29.  To all of my followers, If you like poetry and would like to support me for my BIG 29th, will you check out my three poetry books If I Told You My Inspired Poems, Beyond Storytelling, Poems and Last Words Poetry on sale on Amazon Kindle for $0.99. You support is greatly appreciated. If you have the Kindle app on your phone you can purchase these books from there as well. Thank You for your support.
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