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newsbetulhub · 6 days ago
छह किसानों को मिलेगा फसल बीमा का बकाया – उपभोक्ता आयोग का फैसला
Betul Agriculture News: बैतूल उपभोक्ता आयोग ने फसल बीमा राशि को लेकर महत्वपूर्ण फैसला सुनाया है। केनरा बैंक और सेंट्रल बैंक ऑफ इंडिया को छह किसानों को ₹2.50 लाख की बकाया राशि देने का आदेश दिया गया है। किन किसानों को मिलेगी राशि? यह राशि टेमझीर-अ, चंद्रसूद और बिसनुर गांव के किसानों को दी जाएगी। श्रवण चौधरी – ₹49,912 सुरज पिंजारे – ₹32,333 राजू पंवार – ₹45,224 मंतिराम – ₹35,725 केशराव घोटे…
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atifadhilah · 6 months ago
Kita, tak perlu harus selalu merasa sama dengan oranglain. Pemasukan kita berbeda, begitu pun pengeluaran dan tanggungan kita. Bahkan, jika input kita sama pun, belum tentu jumlah yang kita consume atau gunakan akan selalu sama. Ada yang diberi kelebihan, tapi juga lebih banyak pengeluaran.
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kalau ada yang bilang, "kamu irit banget sih?", I'd known so well what my priority is. Apakah berhemat dan menunda kesenangan sesaat adalah sebuah kesalahan? Apakah artinya aku juga tidak pernah sama sekali bersenang-senang atau jajan sedikit pun? tentu tidak juga.
Apakah kita harus selalu mengikuti standar kesenangan oranglain? apakah kita tahu betul bagaimana kondisi 'dapur' oranglain yang sebenarnya? hidup sendiri tentu berbeda dengan berdua, bertiga dan seterusnya.
yang terpenting, apakah pokok-pokok dan pos-pos utama sudah terjaga dengan baik? apakah punya hutang? apakah ada dana darurat? apakah ada tabungan pendidikan? apakah pos sedekah dan investasi belajar agama untuk akhirat sudah tertunaikan? baru kebutuhan sekunder dan tersier lainnya.
Memang, ada orang-orang yang Allaah beri kelapangan lebih karunia dalam bentuk rezeki dan mereka bisa memanfaatkannya dengan baik, tapi apakah hisab mereka juga tidak lebih banyak? bagaimana dengan karunia yang tidak kalah jauh banyaknya yang telah Allaah berikan pada kita? apakah itu semua telah kita manfaatkan dengan baik untuk sebanyak-banyaknya manfaat untuk oranglainnya pula?
Semoga Allaah senantiasa jaga kita.
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asrisgratitudejournal · 1 year ago
Hola, ku kemarin menjanjikan ini di instastory sih. Gaada yang akan nagih juga tapi pengen nulis aja. Tulisan di bawah ini ditulis dari Jumat sore dan kemudian dilanjutkan lagi Senin sore ini jadi mohon maaf kalau super-fragmented dan amburadul. Let’s go! 
Kita mulai dari histori kenapa bisa beli dan baca ini: 
Waktu itu sempat ada Amazon sale 50%? Lupa pas Oktober apa ya kalau gak salah. Tiba-tiba aja ini buku hardcover yang harga aslinya 16pon jadi cuma 8.5 (barusan ngecek amazon ternyata sampe sekarang masih 8.5). 
Terus juga ada the hype when it was first out. Kayanya hampir semua toko buku di Ox pasang ini di etalasenya. Dan ya emang menarik mata juga sih karena warnanya kuning nge-jreng kan... Books are the biggest things in Oxford, there are 2 bookshops that are my fave in Oxford: Blackwell’s dan Waterstones perempatan. Most of the time tapi beli buku masih online sih sejauh ini selama di Oxford, mahal abisan. MAHAL BANGET YA BUKU TUH. Si dua toko buku ini akhirnya jadi tempat “window shopping” aja. Ada juga toko yang aku suka kunjungi: The Bookstop, Last Bookshop, sama the posh Daunt Books di Summertown. 
Si RF Kuang sebetulnya ku sudah dengar dari tahun lalu karena flatmate-ku dikasih hadiah ulangtahun Babel yang betul-betul baru keluar (her bf pre-ordered the book and so on the release day she received the fresh-from-the-oven copy). Waktu itu tapi persepsiku adalah bahwa Kuang adalah historical fiction writer, not some contemporary chick-lit writer? *(Yang mana I would consider Yellowface as “almost” chick-lit). 
Mulai baca karena habis nyelesein The Sixth Extinction-nya Elizabeth Kolbert, terus mau lanjut baca si Dinosaurs Rediscovered tapi baru 2 pages aja udah capek mata (fontnya kecil-kecil banget). Yaudah memutuskan untuk baca fiksi lagi. Udah lama banget ga baca fiksi btw. Bahkan udah lupa fiksi terakhir yang kubaca apa… Hank Green kah? Buset itu tahun kapan. 
First impression sampe tengah 
Mayan ringan (ga terlalu banyak berpikir keras karena bahasanya juga bahasa sehari-hari) tapi tetap seru karena belajar banyak tentang publishing. Buat normies yang ada di end of the consumer line seperti aku ini, ku cuma tahu buku dipajang di etalase aja lalu kubaca. Gatau gimana prosesnya dari author bikin pengonsepan cerita, nulis, pitching ke publisher, going through rounds of editorial works, sampe release day dan promosi. Well, sebenarnya sejak PhD dan nulis manuscript paper ini sedikit banyak sudah mengetahui hulu-nya sih. Tapi tetap aja di tengah-tengahnya itu adalah hal yang baru ku ketahui dan jadi seru aja bacanya kayak “ooo gitu toh ternyata, rempong juga ya mayan”. No wonder penulis-penulis selalu nyebut banyak bener orang di acknowledgement pagesnya, ternyata karena ini. Bagian release date dan promosi (reading and signing tour) kurleb juga lumayan familiar karena 3 tahun terakhir ku sangat terekspos dengan kehidupan idol dan comeback-nya (yang intinya adalah kegiatan promosi). 
Awal-awal juga masih seru karena adaptasi ke setting, terus mulai tahu karakter, siapa itu Athena, siapa itu June, dst. 
Mulai annoying sebetulnya di halaman ke-3/4(?) pas kebanyakan teksnya adalah internal dialogue dari June (dan I really needed to brace myself from this point on because this will be the dominant mode of the rest of the book). 
Kayanya yang bikin annoying mostly adalah… karena susah banget relate to whatever June is thinking??? I mean, aku sendiri personally talk A LOT in my mind. Kalau setiap hari ada script yang printing my-thoughts-of-the-day, bisa ada 10 pages A4 font 12 single spacing sepertinya. Jadi fair. Fair banget kalau kita sebagai reader perlu tahu what is going on inside her head. Tapi ya karena si June ini konsepnya sakit aja, sebagai orang yang (relatively lebih) sehat, jadi agak sulit mau relate sama yang dia pikirin. Tapi gak juga?? Ku baca semua ceritanya John Green masih baik-baik aja? Apa karena se-despicable itu ya si June? 
Mungkin juga ya emang Kuang bikin character June se-aneh itu untuk comedic effect to make a point to her satire… 
OH IYA, ku belum bilang di atas ya, intinya premise buku ini adalah June, a white woman, stealing her Chinese-American’s friend’s manuscript and then published the ms as her own. Terus the whole book is a first pov of June. Which is super meta karena Kuang (the author) is a Chinese-American, yang mana jadinya dia di buku ini “speak” as a white woman. Ku tahu di Indonesia kita belum yang peduli banget sama ras dsb, walaupun recently on twitter (reminder: twitter is not real life), kita banyak disuguhi diskursus ras/nationality: ya Rohingya lah, Papua, Israeli occupation (yes I call it occupation not a war)… Tapi kalau mau didekatkan ke case Indonesian, premise buku ini hampir mirip kalo seandainya aku (VERY privileged, although woman, javanese Muslim) wrote a story in the pov of say… Chinese-Indonesian man whose parents got killed in the ‘98 riot. Tahu apa saya. Pas ‘98 literally baru 5 tahun... Tapi inget dikit sih sampe sekarang entah dari verbal cerita orang apa nonton tv gitu kalau GORO dekat rumah dibakar dan dijarah. Imejin... buat orang yang nggak kena efek langsung aja ku sangat trauma, apalagi keluarga cindo... 
Anyways, tapi iya... Kalau ku nulis buku seperti itu ya probably gaakan ada  yang peduli juga sih kecuali warga di literature community, dan mungkin for some people, they would thank me because I could tell their stories (and with my privilege too I could censor myself less). Tapi akan ada juga orang-orang yang ngerasa storinya dirampas dong: “lah mangnya siapa dia, bisa-bisanya bikin cerita soktau tentang perjuangan kita di sini” in a way I would also be angry if a white man tries to write a story in my voice. 
Tengah sampe belakang 
Tengah sampai belakang sebetulnya better sih. Ku juga bacanya mulai enak dan ngebut, karena udah mulai adaptasi sama gaya ngomongnya si June kali ye. Jujur tapi di akhir ku merasa TAKUT BANGET?? Kaya lagi baca/nonton filem horor setan gitu. Mana aku bacanya malem-malem lagi kan. Ku nyicil spare 1 jam dari jam 10-11 sebelum tidur tiap hari buat ngebaca ini. Beneran ada part di mana I feel very uncomfortable rasanya pengen skip aja tapi gatau juga harus mulai lagi dari mana kan, si bagian June ngeliat “hantu” Athena ini sampe mana gitu. Tapi yaudah akhirnya aku persevere dan lewat juga bagian horornya. 
Endingnya meh banget sih. Mungkin emang itu tujuan dari Kuang, dan betulan ngasih efek satire-nya, tapi kayak pas baca tuh aku yang “wtf ????” after all those tortures on the horror scenes, this is how it ends??? Super anti-climax aja sih. But probably that’s the point, the whole point of the book talking about vicious cycle and systemic toxic culture. 
Final verdict-nya adalah: this is an entertaining book. Kalau mau baca yang casual dan ringan dan ga banyak mikir, go read this. This book would be the right book to take with you on plane, bisa dibaca di boarding room, di pesawat, di rumah. Tapi yaudah that’s how far it can go. Ga yang thought-provoking atau gimana, you cannot even have a proper discussion about it karena hampir semuanya udah di-spell out sama Kuang (thank you I guess?). The black and white is painted all over the characters. Well, Athena is a bit of a grey(?), but also very difficult to say because the whole time we were ONLY inside of June’s mind anyway. 
Terus beres baca ini aku yang “oh this is exactly why I stopped reading fiction. They make the characters so despicable and unrelatable that it is almost impossible to meet people like this in real life”. Itulah mengapa sekarang ku mulai kembali ke buku-buku science-pop non-fiksi ku... Lebih pusing tapi at least everything is neutral, or at least in between, not that black and white... 
HHHHH. Udah deh itu dulu aja bacot-an Yellowface-nya. I gave it rating 4/5 di Insta kemarin, and I still stand with it. It is good, but that’s how far it can be being good. 
Office desk & Radcam 8&11/12/2023 
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adroitextrusion · 2 months ago
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Blown Film Plant Accessories in Madhya Pradesh
Adroit Extrusion is a trusted Manufacturer and Supplier of Blown Film Plant Accessories in Madhya Pradesh.
Our Manufacturer Unit is located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Adroit Extrusion Provide Various Types of Blown Film Plant Accessories like Vertical Granule Mixer with Dryer, Extrusion Process Control, Gusset Board Assembly, Trim Recycling Machine, Hopper Loader, Plastic Granule and Powder Mixer, Plastic Recycling Machine, Bubble Slit Assembly.
Our extensive range of accessories is designed to enhance the efficiency, quality, and performance of blown film plants.
Our Blown film plant accessories are essential components that support the production of blown films, such as air rings, die heads, take-off units, and cooling rings.
We provide robust, high-performance solutions that cater to the specific needs of the flexible packaging industry, ensuring smoother operations and superior product output.
Why Choose Adroit Extrusion for Blown Film Plant Accessories?
Advanced Technology: We use the latest technological advancements in our manufacturing processes to ensure that all our accessories meet international standards of quality and efficiency.
Customization: We understand that every plant has unique requirements. Our accessories are customizable to match the specific needs of your blown film production process, ensuring seamless integration.
Cost-Effective Solutions: Adroit Extrusion provides high-quality accessories at competitive prices, making sure you get the best value for your investment.
Customer Support: We offer comprehensive customer support and maintenance services to ensure that your accessories function smoothly, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.
Q1: What industries use Blown Film Plant Accessories? A1: Blown film plant accessories are used primarily in the flexible packaging industry, including sectors like food packaging, pharmaceutical packaging, agriculture, and consumer goods.
Q2: Do you offer installation services for Blown Film Plant Accessories? A2: Yes, Adroit Extrusion offers professional installation services for all our blown film plant accessories.
Q3: Are your accessories compatible with all blown film plants? A3: Yes, our accessories are designed to be compatible with a wide range of blown film plants. We also offer customization options to ensure seamless integration with your specific setup.
Adroit Extrusion is a Supplier of Blown Film Plant Accessories in Madhya Pradesh including locations Indore, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Ujjain, Sagar, Dewas, Satna, Ratlam, Rewa, Katni, Singrauli, Burhanpur, Khandwa, Bhind, Chhindwara, Guna, Shivpuri, Vidisha, Chhatarpur, Damoh, Mandsaur, Khargone, Neemuch, Pithampur, Narmadapuram, Itarsi, Sehore, Morena, Betul, Seoni, Datia, Nagda, Dindori.
Contact us today to learn more about our products and services!
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successtechno · 3 months ago
Fiber Laser Metal Cutting Machine in Madhya Pradesh
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Success Technologies is a Manufacturer, and Supplier of Fiber Laser Metal Cutting Machine in Madhya Pradesh, India. Our Manufacturing Unit is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Success Technologies is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Fiber Laser Metal Cutting Machines, designed to provide precision, speed, and efficiency for metal cutting applications. Our machines are built with cutting-edge technology to deliver the highest-quality results for a wide range of industries, including automotive, aerospace, metalworking, and fabrication. Whether you are working with mild steel, stainless steel, aluminum, or other metals, our Fiber Laser Cutting Machines offer exceptional performance and reliability for all your cutting needs. Types of Fiber Laser Metal Cutting Machine: Digital Knife Cutting Machine CNC Engraving Machine CNC Key Making Machine Fiber Laser Metal Cutting Machine Features: Exceptional Precision: Achieves intricate and complex cuts with minimal tolerances. Fast Cutting Speeds: Enhances productivity and efficiency for large-scale operations. High-Quality Beam: Provides smooth edges and fine details with a smaller focal point. Energy-Efficient: Consumes less energy compared to traditional CO2 lasers, reducing operating costs. Durable & Reliable: Constructed with high-quality components for long-term durability and consistent performance. What is the difference between fiber laser cutting and CO2 laser cutting? Fiber laser cutting is more energy-efficient, offers better precision, and requires less maintenance compared to CO2 lasers. Fiber lasers are also faster and more cost-effective for cutting thin metals. Can fiber laser machines cut all types of metals? Yes, fiber laser cutting machines are highly versatile and can cut a wide range of metals, including stainless steel, mild steel, aluminum, copper, brass, and titanium. How thick of a metal sheet can a fiber laser cutting machine cut? Depending on the power of the fiber laser machine, it can cut materials from 0.5 mm to up to 25 mm or more, with thicker materials requiring higher power. Success Technologies is a Manufacturer, and Supplier of Fiber Laser Metal Cutting Machine in Madhya Pradesh, India Including Agar, Malwa, Alirajpur, Anuppur, Ashoknagar, Balaghat, Barwan, Betul, Bhind, Bhopal, Burhanpur, Chhatarpur, Chhindwara, Damoh, Datia, Dewas, Dhar, Dindori, East Nimar, Guna, Gwalior, Harda, Hoshangabad, Indore, Jabalpur, Jhabua, Katni, Mandla, Mandsaur, Morena, Narsinghpur, Neemuch, Niwari, Panna, Raisen, Rajgarh, Ratlam, Rewa, Satna, Sehore, Seoni, Shahdol, Shajapur, Sheopur, Shivpuri, Sidhi, Singrauli, Ujjain, Umaria, Vidisha, West Nimar. For more information and inquiries, feel free to contact us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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axialairco · 3 months ago
Industrial Man Cooler Fan in Madhya Pradesh
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Axialair Corporation is a leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Industrial Man Cooler Fan in Madhya Pradesh, India. We are Based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. The industrial man cooler fans are heavy-duty, large-scale fans designed specifically for cooling large industrial spaces and ensuring airflow to personnel working in confined or heat-prone areas. Manufacturers equip these fans with powerful motors and durable blades to circulate air efficiently, creating a cooler and more breathable environment. You can install man cooler fans on the floor or mount them on walls and ceilings. They operate quietly and withstand harsh industrial conditions. These fans are also energy-efficient and low-maintenance, making them a cost-effective solution for industries like manufacturing, mining, agriculture, and construction. Features of Industrial Man Cooler Fans: High Airflow Capacity: Capable of moving large volumes of air, ensuring that the work environment is adequately ventilated. Energy Efficient: Modern man cooler fans are designed to be energy efficient, which helps reduce operational costs. Durability: Built to last, with high-quality materials resistant to dust, dirt, and moisture. Easy Maintenance: Simple to clean and maintain, which helps in prolonging the life of the fan. Low Noise Operation: Operates at low noise levels, creating a comfortable working environment. Adjustable Speeds: Allows flexibility in airflow depending on the requirements of the space. What are the different types of industrial man cooler fans? There are primarily two types: Floor-mounted fans: Ideal for large open areas, providing flexibility in airflow. Wall or ceiling-mounted fans: Suitable for spaces with limited floor area or to target specific cooling zones. Are industrial man cooler fans energy efficient? Yes, industrial man cooler fans consume less power compared to traditional air conditioning systems. Many modern models come with energy-saving features such as adjustable speeds and low-power consumption motors. Axialair Corporation is Industrial Man Cooler Fan in Madhya Pradesh, India Including Agar, Malwa, Alirajpur, Anuppur, Ashoknagar, Balaghat, Barwan, Betul, Bhind, Bhopal, Burhanpur, Chhatarpur, Chhindwara, Damoh, Datia, Dewas, Dhar, Dindori, East Nimar, Guna, Gwalior, Harda, Hoshangabad, Indore, Jabalpur, Jhabua, Katni, Mandla, Mandsaur, Morena, Narsinghpur, Neemuch, Niwari, Panna, Raisen, Rajgarh, Ratlam, Rewa, Satna, Sehore, Seoni, Shahdol, Shajapur, Sheopur, Shivpuri, Sidhi, Singrauli, Ujjain, Umaria, Vidisha, West Nimar. Contact us today for inquiries or to place an order! View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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gorankpro · 9 months ago
Mantul88: Revolutionizing Indonesia's Digital Landscape
Indonesia, a nation celebrated for its rich cultural tapestry and breathtaking natural beauty, is also experiencing a digital renaissance. One platform, in particular, is making waves across the archipelago: Mantul88. This article explores Mantul88, its role in Indonesia's burgeoning digital economy, and its potential to shape the future of online engagement in the country.
Introducing Mantul88
Mantul88 is an emerging digital platform that has quickly captured the attention of Indonesians. The term "Mantul" is a colloquial Indonesian slang derived from "mantap betul," meaning "really great" or "awesome." The number "88" is often associated with good luck and prosperity in various Asian cultures. Together, "Mantul88" suggests a platform designed to offer exceptional experiences and good fortune to its users.
The platform serves as a versatile online hub, providing a range of services including e-commerce, digital marketing, entertainment, and social networking. This multifaceted approach positions Mantul88 as a comprehensive destination for Indonesians engaging with the digital world.
The Digital Boom in Indonesia
Indonesia's digital economy is on an upward trajectory, driven by a youthful and tech-savvy population. With over 270 million people, Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous country, and a significant portion of this population is highly engaged online. According to recent data, Indonesia had approximately 204 million internet users in 2023, and this number is expected to continue growing.
Platforms like Mantul88 have thrived in this environment, capitalizing on the widespread adoption of smartphones and the internet. By offering a variety of services that cater to diverse interests, Mantul88 has become an integral part of the digital landscape in Indonesia.
Core Features of Mantul88
E-Commerce: Mantul88 boasts a vibrant e-commerce marketplace where users can buy and sell a wide range of products, from electronics and fashion to household goods. The platform's intuitive interface and secure payment options have made it a preferred choice among Indonesian consumers.
Digital Marketing: For businesses seeking to expand their reach, Mantul88 provides powerful digital marketing tools. These tools enable businesses to create targeted advertising campaigns, manage social media presence, and analyze market trends. This has been particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking to compete in the digital marketplace.
Entertainment: Recognizing the importance of entertainment, Mantul88 offers access to a variety of content, including movies, music, and games. The platform also supports content creators, giving them a space to showcase their work and engage with a wider audience.
Social Networking: Mantul88 incorporates social networking features, allowing users to connect with friends, share updates, and join interest-based communities. This enhances user engagement and fosters a sense of community on the platform.
Impact on the Indonesian Economy
Mantul88's comprehensive platform has had a substantial impact on the Indonesian economy. By facilitating online commerce, it has contributed to the growth of e-commerce, boosting the country's GDP and creating new job opportunities. The platform's digital marketing tools have empowered businesses, particularly SMEs, to leverage the internet to reach new customers and drive sales.
Additionally, Mantul88's entertainment and social networking services have supported the creative industry, providing Indonesian artists and creators with a platform to monetize their talents and gain recognition both locally and internationally.
Challenges and Opportunities
Despite its success, Mantul88 faces several challenges. The rapid pace of technological change necessitates constant innovation to stay relevant. Cybersecurity is another critical concern, as the rise of digital platforms has been accompanied by an increase in cyber threats.
Furthermore, the digital divide remains a significant issue in Indonesia. While there is a large number of internet users, many still lack access to reliable internet services, particularly in rural areas. Bridging this gap is crucial for platforms like Mantul88 to achieve their full potential and ensure inclusive growth.
However, these challenges also present opportunities. By investing in technology and infrastructure, Mantul88 can enhance its offerings and provide better services to its users. Collaborating with government and private sector partners to improve internet access can help the platform reach a broader audience.
The Future of Mantul88
The future looks bright for Mantul88 as it continues to adapt and evolve in response to changing market dynamics. With the ongoing digital transformation in Indonesia, there is vast potential for growth. Mantul88's commitment to innovation and user satisfaction positions it well to capitalize on emerging trends.
One area of potential growth is the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain. These technologies could enhance the platform's capabilities, offering users more personalized and secure experiences.
Additionally, Mantul88 could explore partnerships with international companies to bring global expertise and resources to the platform. Such collaborations could help Mantul88 scale its operations and provide users with access to a wider range of products and services.
Mantul88 is a significant development in Indonesia's digital landscape. By offering a diverse range of services, it has become an integral part of the daily lives of many Indonesians. Its impact on the economy, particularly in the realms of e-commerce, digital marketing, and entertainment, underscores the transformative power of digital platforms.
As Mantul88 continues to grow and innovate, it has the potential to further elevate Indonesia's digital economy and solidify its place as a leading platform in Southeast Asia. For users and businesses alike, Mantul88 is more than just a digital platform; it is a gateway to a world of opportunities.
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tajelectronics · 1 year ago
Taj Electronics Blog
Mr. Naushad Khan owns the Taj electronics business in Amla district Betul. Taj Electronics is a well-established store in Amla that prides itself on offering high-quality goods at competitive prices.Taj Electronics is primarily renowned for its customer-focused qualities. The tagline "TAJ HAI, VISHWAS HAI" is overused by Taj Electronics, and they have lived up to it ever since the store debuted. When a customer walks into Taj Electronics, they all have complete faith that this is the place where they can get the best goods at the best price.
#Store Location: Taj Electronics is situated in the heart of India. The geographic location of Amla in India is the country's center. Address: Main  Market Amla dist.Betul (M.P)
#Products we offer Not only is Taj Electronics renowned for its services, but it also sells goods. Taj Electronics offers both limited-edition futuristic gadgets and regularly sold items.
Several typical or general items are:
Taj Electronics offers an extensive range of cellphones. We have a variety of phones in our shop, ranging from premium touch screens to keypad phones. There are offered all company mobiles, including iPhones, OnePlus, Vivo, and Oppo. We offer mobile phones in price ranges of Rs 700–Rs 1,50,000.
• Television: All companies provide a variety of TVs, ranging from the newest L.E.Ds to the older models.
•There are refrigerators with single doors, double doors, capacities ranging from 50 to 300 liters, various colors, various brands, deep freezers, and cold drink makers available.
•Computers: all of the parts, including the hard drive, speakers, keyboard, mouse, and monitor are available.
#Online presence Taj Electronics has great success in the virtual marketplace. An essential part of the product's online sales process is our website. Customers freely purchase products from our website since they have a great deal of faith in us. Another triumph for us is that our software, "Taj Electronics online," is also listed on the Play Store.
#Why do consumers have such high faith in Taj Electronics? Taj Electronics has gained the trust of its clients for a long time by offering the highest-quality products. When a customer receives the desired product, they don't compromise on quality, and they begin to trust the store. Day by day, they gained trust by being true to their qualities and values.
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kirtik11 · 1 year ago
Stationery store in Betul
This is the most common category that stationary would come under. This would include items such as paper, pens, pencils, notebooks, etc. that are used on a daily basis in the office.
Stationery is generally considered an expense in business accounting. This is because stationery items (such as paper, pens, pencils, staples, and Joshio S. Profile are generally used up or consumed within a short period and do not retain value beyond their use
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asrisgratitudejournal · 7 months ago
Anyeong haseyo yorobun,,,
Aku tu kan lagi belajar Bahasa korea otodidak yah jadi lagi seneng banget mengintegrasikan perkorea-an di kehidupan sehari-hari… Ku lagi belajar Bahasa perancis juga di Duolingo karena modul Bahasa korea-nya udah habis – sempet ngabisin modul bahasa arab juga tapi emang sangat western-oriented banget si duolingo ini unfortunately; dia masih catered to US consumers dan bagi orang US, belajar Bahasa korea & Bahasa arab ga penting-penting amat sepertinya jadinya modulnya dikit dibandingkan modul spanish, germans, dan French. Kalau Bahasa perancis sih sebetulnya sebelum berangkat S2 dibayarin sama TOTAL buat course di IFI Purnawarman ambil kelas intensive tiap hari selama sebulan apa ya, jadi udah sempet ujian A1-1. Nanti balik Indo ambil les beneran lagi deh di IFI, sekalian mau punya DELF juga…
Oh iya sekalian mau cerita, jadi di Duolingo tuh suka ada artikel gitu kan tiap minggu, terus 2 minggu lalu apa ya, ada artikel:  “…salah satu cara untuk mengintegrasikan Bahasa di kehidupan sehari-hari adalah dengan mengganti settingan Bahasa di handphone…” jadi kukerjainlah tu. Ku-set Bahasa hpku jadi hangugo (Bahasa korea). EH sampai di suatu saat aku harus add mention di story TERUS GAKTAU pilih yang mana, gak tahu istilah Bahasa koreanya apa, akhirnya malah jadi archiving story dan harus upload storynya ulang…. HADEEHH. Dari peristiwa itu jadi trauma dan langsung balikin settingan hp ke Bahasa inggris deh… Mana ternyata pas sharing group invite di whatsapp, group infonya ke-post pake hangugo juga lagi… aneh banget…
Buset bahas Bahasa aja udah jadi 2 paragraf sendiri… tadi teh mau cerita apa ya buka page word ini…
Sharing status dan situasi saat ini aja sih…
Kondisi: baik tapi menuju gila LOLz. Lagi mengejar deadline submission thesis September DAN INI UDAH TENGAH AGUSTUS tapi masih banyak banget yang harus dikerjain jadi rasanya ku ingin menangis setiap saat tp gapapa selama ada Allah semua akan baik-baik saja.
Dari kemarin tapi karena ngerasa overwhelmed banget jadinya Asri balik ke pattern avoidant-nya dan SAMA SEKALI nggak nyentuh kerjaan dari hari… Rabu minggu lalu??? Sempat buka dikit-dikit tapi betulan yang PTSD banget buka file word tuh (sekarang sudah ada 4 version of words yang harus dibaca karena itu adalah feedback dari co-authors HHHH).
Tapi terlepas dari kerjaan, aspek kehidupan lain-ku tetap OK sih InsyaAllah. Kemarin weekend Sabtu di rumah aja tapi sempat jalan-jalan sore ke Port Meadow… Sorenya nyiramin taneman as usual… Terus Minggu sempat main badminton dan juga nonton Olympic Men’s Keirin di TV-nya Iffley (tentu saja gold medalnya adalah THE Netherlands), dilanjut dengan ngopi di Missing Beans Cowley (perdana seumur hidup Asri main ke sini) dengan Oliv Marcel dan Nanda. Entah kenapa topik yang dibahas adalah: “menjadi GURU BESAR di Indonesia dan strateginya”. Tau sih kenapa: karena sebalik dari PhD, aku akan menjadi dosen, Marcel pun kepikiran seperti itu, dan Oliv masih bingung tapi ingin menjadi academia/stay di riset dan ada tuntutan dari orang tua buat balik ke Indo (selain karena dia LPDP juga tapi LPDP mah bisa diakalin gampang). Kesimpulan dari pembahasan kami nggak terlalu jelas tapi yang kusadari banget setelah percakapan itu adalah: KU betul-betul belum siap dan gak tahu harus ngapain dalam 5-10 tahun ke depan begitu balik ke Indonesia sebagai dosen. Pastinya pengen jadi prof dong, tapi betul-betul se-clueless itu dan gaada strategi apapun yang kepikiran saat ini. Tapi ku gak terlalu khawatir sih karena dari dulu hidupnya Asri juga emang gitu: ga usah pusing mikirin kejauhan, kerjain yang deket-deket dulu aja, tiap ada opportunity di-grab, do what I can do, pelan-pelan, ga usah ngoyo, gaada yang dikejar Non. Betul-betul mantra seorang Asri banget. Dan 30 tahun hidup kaya gitu aman-aman aja jadi kayanya it should be fine(?).
Terus beres ngopi ke city, grab lunch (sushi di toko poke bowl di covered market) terus ke waterstones beli buku! Baru sadar dah lama banget gak ke toko buku dan gak baca buku (padahal di rumah banyak banget buku yang belom kebaca)… Pas lagi lihat-lihat di best-sellers, ku megang “what you’re looking for is in the library”-nya Michiko Aoyama, ku udah lama banget tertarik sama ni buku satu, selain karena covernya yang lucu (ada kocheng), sering banget juga dipajang di etalase… Group buku ini tuh satu vibe “welcome to the hyunam-dong bookshop”-nya hwang bo-reum (kepengen baca juga kapan-kapan deh), dan dari namanya kayanya mungkin masih se-vibe sama midnight library(?) dan series before the coffee gets cold-nya Toshikazu Kawaguchi. Dilemanya baca buku translate-an asia timur gini tuh kadang suka takut zong gitu translatornya. Kaya si the coffee gets cold tuh aku cuma baca buku yang kedua, karena dapet lungsuran orang sih, terus bacanya mayan bosen dan agak pusing… mungkin kalau ku bisa Bahasa jepang dan baca versi aslinya akan lebih dapet maksud ceritanya… itulah mengapa ku obsessed banget pengen belajar Bahasa karena ku yakin banyak banget meaning yang hilang pas baca translate-an tuh. Paling syok pas lagi ngobrolin buku I wanna eat topokki yang menurutku mayan ok versi Bahasa inggrisnya terus tapi kata arif Bahasa indonesianya jelek banget, susah bacanya, jadi males lanjuting. Pas kulihat versi Bahasa indonesianya, bener aja, kaku betul dan jadi gak nyaman bacanya karena sesi konselingnya jadi kayak anak sd sama ibu gurunya. Anyways…
Pas lagi buka-buka halaman buku what you’re looking for ini tiba-tiba disamperin mbak-mbak waterstones kaget banget… ternyata dia nyaranin: “kalau kamu suka itu, aku rekomen ini nih ada buku baru yang vibe-nya mirip-mirip”. Dia sambil ngasih buku DallerGut Dream Department Store by Miye Lee terus jelasin sinopsisnya gitu. Nggak terlalu denger jelas tapi kayanya berhubungan dengan bisa beli mimpi gitu apa ya. Tapi sorry banget jujur pas lihat covernya ku sangat put-off karena super… alay… menurutku loh ya. Dan tanpa ngejelekkin cover artist-nya juga, tapi betulan yang nggak banget aja kombinasi warnanya buatku…
Berujung akhirnya ku beli what you’re looking for dan ku udah baca 3 chapter sekarang (dari 5 chapter), tebakanku sih tar malam atau besok malam selesai. 1 chapternya enak dibaca dan mayan seru dan Bahasa inggrisnya mudah dipahami, nggak sekaku before the coffee gets cold menurutku… Isinya juga ringan banget betulan slice-of-life dan kita bisa relate banget sama masalahnya: ke-mundane-an hidup, having big dream, relationship sama kolega. Jadi walaupun aku belum selesai baca, aku sangat rekomendasikan! Udah ada blom ya versi Bahasa indonesianya. Ku di Indonesia udah jarang banget lagi beli buku gitu di Gramed…
Terus iya! Sama karena ku sekarang lagi di library juga di Exeter (tujuannya sih mau bekerja tapi belum bekerja-bekerja), tapi apa sejak di Oxford yah, aku jadi SUKAAAA BANGET sama library. Menurutku library tuh tempat ter-safe, ter-tenang, ter-friendly dari semua tempat lain. Apalagi Oxford pas lagi summer gini YAALLAH RAMENYA minta ampun. Hampir yakin 90% orang yang ku-papasan with di city center tadi adalah orang luar oxford… Cuacanya tapi emang enak banget sih (walaupun udah borderline terlalu panas buatku), di 30C-an gitu hari ini? Ku jadi mulai cari-cari library OK di Jakarta buat dikunjungi... Tapi kayanya budaya kita masih budaya coffee shop banget yah. Padahal kalau ke library kan enak gak perlu keluar uang samsek buat beli kopi (bakal perlu beli kopi juga sih pas taking a break ke toko di luar library, tapi minimal bukan jadi KEWAJIBAN buat beli sesuatu untuk bisa buka laptop di suatu tempat). Terus kadang ya emang bukan butuh tempat nongkrongnya banget sih, lebih ke pengen dikelilingi buku aja gitu, terus nemuin buku yang menarik buat dibaca. Kalau ke coffeeshop kan gakbisa dapet experience itu yah. Ku juga baru sadar bahwa ku belum pernah samsek ke perpusat UI??? Aneh emang. Tapi in my defense kan di UI punya desk dan office yah jadi gaada alesan juga buat cari tempat kerja lain pas lagi ke UI.
Yaudah tapi iya inti post ini adalah paragraph terakhir sih: aku suka banget library dan pengen tinggal di tempat yang banyak librarynya (ya oxford dong non). Sama jadi kepikiran pengen jadi librarian pas weekend gitu misalnya atau part-time atau bahkan punya library sendiri,,, wow banyak mau ya si Noni.
Sekian, ku mau bekerja dulu semoga by jam 7 udah selesai kerjaan amin.
16.41 13/08/2024
Exeter library
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naailahana · 2 years ago
22 Notes from 2022
Yang datang dan pergi. Akan selalu ada orang-orang baru yang datang ke kehidupanmu, datang kembali (for good), atau yang betul-betul pergi. That's fine. People come and go. In the end of the day, yang akan bertahan akan tetap bertahan, dan yang akan pergi memang tetap akan pergi. No one owns anyone; learn to loosen your grip.
Jalan hidup kita terbentuk dari pilihan-pilihan yang kita buat. You'll have to choose. Everytime. Pilih hal-hal yang akan membuatmu berkembang.
Mistakes will always be made, failures are inevitable. Kecewa adalah hal yang biasa. Kita mungkin akan salah dalam banyak hal. It's ok, let it be. Jangan lupa belajar dari kesalahan untuk memperbaiki langkah-langkah mendatang.
Tidak semua yang kita khawatirkan betul-betul terjadi. Dalam banyak kesempatan, mereka hanya pemikiran-pemikiran tidak berdasar yang tidak terjadi, ya kan? Jadi gas aja. If you want to do something, try some new things, just do it. Jangan kebanyakan mikir.
Don't underestimate, and appreciate yourself. Ternyata kita mampu melakukan banyak hal. Berapa banyak hal yang sebelumnya tidak terpikir olehmu bahwa kamu benar-benar bisa, ternyata pada akhirnya bisa terlewati juga. You did great.
When you're lost, pause and reflect. Kadang memang kita akan sedikit keluar jalur, meleset sedikit atau bahkan terjatuh. Berhenti sejenak, refleksi, dan evaluasi. There's always a way to come back to the right path.
Luangkan waktu. Luangkan waktu untuk hal-hal yang menurutmu berharga dan membuatmu berharga. Ada banyak hal yang tidak akan terjadi begitu saja, kecuali kamu meluangkan waktu. Make times for yourself, make times for your loved ones. No one has forever.
You always have your home. Define your own home. Your family, your dear friends. Bisa apa saja, bisa siapa saja. Kamu tidak sendiri, dan bisa kembali ke rumahmu kapan saja.
One at a time. Tidak semuanya harus dilakukan saat ini, dan tidak semuanya harus selesai sekarang. Prioritize. Mulai dari yang kamu bisa, perlahan selesaikan satu per satu. Keep going, and you'll get there.
Take some rests. Tidak ada yang menyuruhmu untuk cepat-cepat sampai, tidak ada yang sedang berkompetisi. So take your time. Do your best, but don't forget to rest.
Do communicate. Tidak semua hal bisa langsung dimengerti hanya dengan ekspresi. If you want someone to know, let them know.
Atur ekspektasi. Akan banyak kesempatan dimana ekspektasimu terhadap sesuatu tidak terjadi. Maka aturlah ekspektasi, terutama terhadap orang lain. This might not keep you from being hurt, but it will make you less disappointed.
Don't be too sensitive over something that is not important or doesn't care about you. Your emotions are valid to be felt, but don't let them make you be drowned.
It's ok to be alone. Being alone doesn't always mean you're lonely. Sometimes, it's even necessary. It gives you time to think, reflect, and find out what you want & who you truly are. Speak to yourself.
You know nothing. Bisa jadi lebih banyak luka di hati seseorang dibanding di tubuhnya, atau lebih banyak tangis di hatinya daripada di matanya. So, be kind. It's not our place to judge.
Be firm and set values. Be kind to others, but don't let them control you. Know your boundaries, know your values. Hold on to it.
Pray a lot. Bukan hanya untuk dirimu, tapi juga orang-orang di sekitarmu. Even for people who hurt you. It helps you healed.
Akan ada banyak hal yang tidak kamu pahami. It's fine, memang tidak semua hal bisa dipahami. Sometimes we just have to let it happens and see what He wants us to learn.
Make less time for something insignificant. Terlalu banyak hal signifikan lain yang lebih berharga untuk waktu dan tenagamu. Don't let insignificant things consume you.
Have something to rely on. It's so hard if you don't, truly. Remember you're never alone, we will always have Allah swt beside us to rely on.
Be grateful. Akan selalu ada hal yang bisa disyukuri, even in the hardest times. Bersyukur akan membuat hatimu lebih lapang.
Take care of yourself. Your body, your mind, your soul. Jaga makan, olahraga, dan pola tidur adalah Healthy Lifestyle 101 yang sudah lama kamu tau tapi lebih sering kamu abaikan. Try to commit on them one by one. Read some books, and don't forget to read the Quran. It softens you.
Here it is, welcome to a new year that no one guarantees it will be easier, but hopefully it will be a healthier and more peaceful year.
Bogor || 01/01/2023 09.49
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sederhana------indah · 5 years ago
[ Repeat, Replay, And Get Over It Again. ]
People says that life is short, but it's the longest thing we'll ever experience.
Long enough for us to love, to care, to hurt, to cry, to decline in despair, to reach out, to hope, to find something. Long enough for us to question everything, and to discover answer to almost anything.
We exist to learn our lessons. We make mistake and we move on with life. We lost things, lost people and we gain experience. We understand that life is about balance and we come to accept that it's okay to not be perfect.
Some of us are beautiful. Some are smart. Some never had enough and some have almost everything. Some of us fall apart. Some get mislead, others consume by mess in their head. But we do not stop from moving forward, right?
Despite everything, we are all alive. We all have the capacity to do such amazing things. Maybe we are broken but we all have the ability to make our own joy out of every little thing in this world. So smile! This world is not a cold, dead place.
Live life to its fullest. It's rare and beautiful for us to even exist. Be grateful. Strive ahead. Never give up on hope, on du'a, and on God. Make every breath worth the effort. Live life to its fullest.
On the other side of sorrow, heartbreak, and frustration, there is still hope, happiness, and love. Life is, you make decision and you move forward. Kalau pilihan tu betul bersyukurlah. Kalau pilihan tu salah bertabahlah. Sebab pada akhirnya, Tuhan selalu tahu apa yang terbaik buat kita, walau kita tak nampak hikmahnya. Maka bersabarlah. Semua benda ada masanya yang tersendiri.
Always, in all ways ; patience and believe in Allah perfect timings.
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syqnlyn · 5 years ago
2-week old mom
And just like that, I have given birth to my babygirl and she is now already 2 weeks. AlhamduLillah, it was a natural delivery. Everything else was completely unexpected but I just had to go with the flow, because honestly there wasn’t much that I could do or had control of the situation. 
My blood pressure shot up to 160 few days before I was induced. That’s why I was admitted, initially for observation. But as there was a high level of protein in my urine and the high blood pressure, being warded was inevitable. On one hand, I was worried about the condition of my baby. But on the other, I was relieved because I was so stressed and occupied with work that I think I neglected my physical and mental health.. which I felt resulted in the high blood pressure. Faiz and I were saying for baby to faster come out, because honestly both of us were tired and needed the time off (little did we know that we were in for more sleepless nights postpartum LOL). But I’ll save my labour story for another day.
I broke down yesterday, when my thoughts overwhelmed me. Over the weekend, I was at Tampines and Faiz’s family came over to visit. As expected, there were so many comments about how small baby was. Most annoying comment from the most annoying relative was ‘ni mesti maknye tk makan betul. kan da ckp suruh mkn ni mkn tu.’ All I could do was just smile. Little did she know, it made me feel like the already terrible mom that I am. Made me feel like I wasn’t worthy of caring for her, of being her mother. Because of me, she was born below average weight.
On top of that, my decision to stay Hougang while pantang is making me feel beyond terrible. Making me feel like I’m such a burden to people around me, especially Faiz. Cos he has to go back and forth Tampines and Hougang after work.. I cannot even begin to explain how terrible I feel, how selfish and self-centred. Sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t even have a preference, an opinion. It saves troubling other people. I’m such a burden.
I broke down. All those thoughts consumed me. And when baby cries and I’m not able to tell what she’s telling me, whether she’s hungry or needs a diaper change, or is having a tummy ache. I sometimes wonder if I do have a mother’s instinct, when will it kick in. Breastfeeding is another thing. Oh how I wish I could just run away and return to Adelaide, return to studying, return to being alone where I’m not a burden to anyone but myself.
But this is my reality now. And I have to suck it up.
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itisjustfei · 2 years ago
Day 7: favorite movie
Sebenernya ini udah dipikirin dari hari2 yang lalu, tapi tetep ga kepikirn, nge blank aja gitu. Gue pikirin terus malah ga ketulis2 ujungnya.
Well, I'm a casual consumer, kaya ya gue nonton, tp bukan sampe ke tahap enthusiast, yang tahu filmography dari tahun ke tahun.
Film favorit gue kayaknya Deadpool yang pertama deh, soalnya gue ga inget juga berapa kali gue rewatch tu film, sampe emang hapal beberapa dialog dalemnya, funny thing is, I don't remember watching it in the first place, tau2 dia dah jadi bagian dari keseharian gue, one of my comfort movies.
IDK like the joke we're feel fresh everytime I watch it, bring me laugh, an easy one.
Second place might be La La Land, there's plenty of movies that could bring me tears, but this??? Anjing betul. Ini movie yang ga mau gue rewatch karena every scene would only bring pain because my knowledge of the end.
It still sting you know remembering what could happen mana DILIATIN. aaaah kesel banget gue ama ini film hueeeeeeeeeee.
Apa lagi ya, ini gue beneran nge blank, gpp deh, nanti gue edit lagi kalo keinget yang lain. see you!
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