bethylmethbrick · 3 years
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BETHYL FanFiction THE LIE Daryl Dixon and Beth Greene au
New Chapter: Words aren't needed as he lightly nestles his face in the curve of her neck, basking in the sweet scent of her. BETHYL
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theweirdo69 · 4 years
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Come read my smutty Bethyl story!!
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thank you @neversleepingever and @leighj11 for the kind words. Jenn and I are so proud to be there for our fellow writers and shine a light on the amazing talent we have in this fandom!
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rednecksaints · 5 years
💞NEW💞. the final word. in the final sentence. ac: wolvela sc (edited) cc: mine #dixonsgrp
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darkmystress00 · 7 years
Crayons and Kindergarten
Prompt: parents meeting when they take their kids to class au
Words: 1377
Pairing: Bethyl
Beth smoothed out the front of her blouse nervously. It was Sammy’s first day of kindergarten and to say Beth wasn’t a wash of crazy emotions would be the worst sort of lie. She was fit to be tied for a good number of reasons, none of them logical. With a quiet huff she got out of the car and moved to the back, unbuckling her daughter and lifting her from her car seat.
“Sammy, put on your backpack while Mama ties your shoes.” She mumbled as she knelt down to double knot both little sneakers.
“Yes, Mama.” Sammy chirped as she pulled the little jean backpack trimmed in white lacy from the spot next to her seat. Sammy wrinkled her nose at the frilly bag, but knew better than to argue with her mama, especially when it was obvious her mama was feeling a certain sort of way. Sammy had no idea why her mama seemed so nervous, it wasn’t like she was the one who had a new teacher and needed to learn all her ABCs.
Beth straightened and smiled down at Sammy before taking her hand and walking her across the little school parking lot. She tilted her head up, chin out in determination. She could just about feel everyone’s eyes on her, but she chose to ignore them. When she’d come home from college she’d been the talk of the town: freshly twenty-two, unmarried, and pregnant. She’d had a steady college boyfriend (not that anyone who gossiped knew that) and they’d even talked about coming back and getting hitched. When Beth had wound up pregnant all those dreams had come crashing down on her. The boy had said he just simply wasn’t ready to be a daddy and had up and disappeared on her. She’d hidden away at her parent’s farm trying desperately not to hear the not so whispered rumors that started in the church yard and followed her around town. After Sammy had been born the gossip mill had moved along from the unwed farmer’s daughter to something else, but Beth hadn’t been listening. She just focused on raising her beautiful sweet baby girl as best she could.
Now it was the first day of school, and she could feel that rumor mill getting ready to start up all over again. Beth was dreading it, but knew she’d bare it and come out stronger because of it. The part that burned her up the most was hearing all the sympathetic mumbles of ‘Poor child, no daddy at home. Such a shame.’ It positively made Beth bristle when she’d catch the tail end of that statement. She was doing just fine by her baby girl without a man in her life to complicate things. Besides, Sammy did have her grandpa.
Hershel had taken some knocks in his life: son and wife passing too early, farming accident that injured his leg and caused him to have to hire outside help, permanent limp, and a stressful harvest season that he had to sit on the sidelines for. Yes, Hershel had had his fair share of hard knocks, but when Beth had arrived back at the farmhouse with the declaration of him becoming a grandfather, now that just simply wasn’t one of them.
Beth entered that kindergarten classroom and ignored how the conversation seemed to stopped when she entered. She followed Sammy to her little chair, with her name on the tag, and the little pencil box that had crayons and a pencil inside. Beth crouched down, helping Sammy take her little backpack off before hanging it on the back of her chair. Sammy looked at the little boy sitting next to her and wrinkled her nose. “Mama, Ms. West put me next to a boy. I don’t wanna sit next to a boy. They’re gross.” She whined.
“Samantha Abigail Greene you mind your manners and be nice.” Beth huffed, putting her hands on her slim hips. “For all you know he don’t wanna sit next to you none either. Now apologize.” Sammy pouted. “Go on now.”
“I’m sorry.” Sammy grumbled looking back to the boy. He gave her a shrug.
“S’okay.” He grinned at her. “I had Ms. West for preschool last year. Ms. West calls me her special helper. She told me she knows I can sit next to anyone and be their friend, even the naughty ones in class.” Beth stifled a snicker as Sammy gave a horrified gasp.
“I am not naughty!” She whined. “Mama, tell him I’m not naughty!” Beth just looked at her daughter for a moment before she opened her mouth to reply. She was stopped short when a man walked up beside her and spoke first.
“Dev, you knock that off right now, y’hear?” Daryl grumbled. “Ain’t no way to make friends in class, ‘specially not on the first day.” Beth jerked around to look at the rough and tumble man now standing beside her.
“Aw, I was just bein’ honest. You always say if a man ain’t honest, he ain’t nothin’ at all.” Daryl felt his ears start to burn red. His eyes flitted from his nephew to the blond standing beside him.
When Merle had showed up, panicked on his doorstep five years ago, Daryl had no idea what he was in for. Merle had blabbered on about how Cheryl (who the hell was Cheryl?) had gotten knocked up and had dumped the baby on him, but he had no idea what he was doing, and he knew he was gonna fuck up this kid, and he knew he couldn’t do anything right, and would Daryl please just watch the kid for a little while until he could get his shit together?
The kid was screaming and carrying on and Daryl did the only thing he could think of: he’d picked the kid up and started bouncing him until he was quiet. Merle took that as an agreement and shouted out his thanks as he all but sprinted down the hallway. Daryl was left alone with his nephew in the dark faster than you could count to three, and it had been the two of them ever since. He’d been trying his best to raise the kid right, but he had a streak in him that belonged solely to his daddy, and there was no taming that mouth no matter what Daryl tried.
That was how he found himself wishing the floor would swallow him whole in the middle of Devon’s kindergarten class while a pretty blond eyed him curiously. “I also say if you ain’t got nothin’ nice to say, you keep that mouth closed.” He grumbled as he watched Devon frown.
“But she started it!” He whined. Daryl was fixing to remind him it was disrespectful to argue back but was stopped by the pretty blond.
“He’s right.” She said, a small smile on her lips. “Sammy can be a handful and isn’t always careful with her words. He was just standin’ up for himself.”
“Mama!” Sammy shrieked from her seat. Beth smiled down at her daughter before ruffling her hair.
“Maybe you’ll think twice about what you say to others huh?” Sammy pouted before turning to the boy next to her.
“I’m Sammy.” She said grudgingly. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Devon,” He paused and looked at her, “do you like frogs?” Sammy’s eyes lit up and she smiled before nodding her head vigorously. Beth shook her head. From enemies to friends just that fast. She turned and looked at the man standing next to her.
“I’m Beth. Beth Greene.” She smiled at him, tucking some hair behind her ear.
“Daryl. Daryl Dixon.” He stuck his hand out to shake hers.
“I have a feeling, Mr. Dixon-“
“Just Daryl.” He cut her off. “Mr. Dixon was my dad.”
“Well, Daryl, I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.” She motioned to the two kids talking a mile a minute at their table. He felt his heart thump a bit faster in his chest.
“Think so?”
“Oh I know so.” He nodded as he looked at her.
“Well, in that case, wanna get a cup of a coffee?” Beth grinned that hundred-Watt grin.
“I think I’d like that very much…”
If you’d like to join or leave my taglist please let me know!
 @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @fangirl1802 @blueicevalkyrie @deathtonormalcy56  @walkerfairytales
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dixongreenealways · 7 years
Can someone please do a fanfiction bethyl with inspiration Beauty and the Beast ??
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years
Hi there! I'm not new to the Bethyl fandom, but I am however new to writing fanfiction. I just wrote my first installation to what may or may not be an ongoing story and I was wondering if you'd read it and let me know what you think? Or if you could put more eyes on it for constructive criticism? Much love! It's the only post so far and can be found at writingisartfanfics. tumblr. com xoxo
Hi Nonny! I’m happy to add you to my list, but I should tell you that my “to be read list” is about 800 books/fics long. So I may not get to yours very soon, and I rarely read much fan fic. 
However I’m happy to post this and hope people will reblog it for those who do read a lot of fanfic. I know people are always looking for new authors and new stories. Good for you for starting such a great, new creative endeavor, Nonny. I’m sure your fic will be fantastic!
Xoxo! 💖
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'I want you to need me' ❤️ My new Bethylfanfiction will start this Sunday on Fanfiction.net and AO3. Updates will come every Sunday, like my last fanfiction. Sammury: Be serious, we are all waiting for that one moment, when Daryl and Beth kiss for the first time, explore each other bodies and finally have their first time together. But what, if this all already happens in the very first chapter? Don't worry, this fanfiction won't only be about this one topic (expect the first few chapters). It tells the journy of their growing relationship, their feelings, different situations and mouch love. It all plays during the prison time, not the exactly chronology and not everything like in the series, but many things will happen. So, I hope you guys will like my new story 😊
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bethylmethbrick · 8 years
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BETHYL APPRECIATION WEEK Day Four: Underrated Moment - Oh So Close
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If anyone was wondering where ColtandKatana’s fics went, they removed them from the fanfic sites and posted to their own blog. I have gone in and updated all the links on my site so you will be able to find them again.
Thanks for letting me know and allowing me to link to your blog, ColtandKatana!!
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rednecksaints · 7 years
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Never part 16: The entire town looked at her differently now. Daryl could see it in their subtle glances and judgmental stares. She wasn’t the innocent babysitter to them anymore. She was the warrior that saved the town. And to his surprise, they weren’t thankful. They were just scared. As they probably should be. . . Edit by @sparklepoodles
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darkmystress00 · 6 years
In Living Color - Ch 13
A/N: Trigger warning…character death. Not directly mentioned, but alluded to. This was tough to write, but I hope you enjoy anyway!
Pairing: Bethyl
Catch up: Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch 10 | Ch 11 | Ch 12 | Ch 13
or read on AO3 or FFN
Beth couldn’t hold it in anymore. The sobs that wracked her body felt like they shook the very walls of the prison. All the anguish and pain had Beth gasping for air and feel like she was drowning. The keening sound that hit her ears was foreign and took a minute to register within her overwhelmed mind as her own desperate wails.
“Beth…” She heard someone rumble somewhere far off, and felt arms go around her. Her brain flashed with images of Lori, desperate and in pain, explaining how to save the baby, and the blood. All of the blood. “Beth.” It was becoming like a chant falling on her deaf ears, trying to draw her out of the place in her mind that she was trapped. She felt herself swaying as she was pressed against something solid, or rather someone. Her eyes clenched shut as her free hand came up to clutch at the cloth before her face. She didn’t know who was holding her, but she sobbed into them, taking their comfort to try to soothe her devastated heart. The baby screeched in her arms, muffled as it pressed into her chest for comfort of its own. She heard movement around her, but couldn’t bring herself to pay attention.
Daryl stared down at the blonde head pressed against his chest. He’d seen Beth walk around the corner and collapse to her knees, covered in blood and in so much visible anguish, and it had felt like his heart had jumped to his throat and choked him. He didn’t know what he was doing until he found himself crouched beside her, calling her name, and wrapping his arm around her. He’d wanted to get her out of the hallway and to her cell, but the devastation in her cries had gutted him and all he could do was press her to him to try to comfort her.
His eyes darted to the group that seemed frozen in the hallway. He could see Rick standing in front of everyone, face pale and almost slack while he wobbled forward slightly. “We need…” Rick croaked out, his eyes staring at Beth, taking in all the blood, knowing what it meant. He cleared his throat. “We need to take care of the body.” He brokenly whispered. Hershel stepped forward.
“I’ll handle it, Rick.” The older man said softly, a hand coming up to rest on Rick’s shoulder.
“No.” Rick’s voice was pained, but determined. “I’ll go…” He took an unsteady step forward.
“Rick I don’t think-” Hershel began
“I-I need,” Rick’s eyes turned to Hershel, “to say goodbye.” It was a long, hard minute before Hershel released Rick’s shoulder with an understanding nod. Rick tucked his chin down, unable to meet eyes with anyone else as he walked around Beth and Daryl, still on the floor, and made his way towards the isolation rooms.
“Beth,” Daryl rumbled again, just above her ear. He felt her head shake from side to side, “Beth we gotta give the baby to someone else so it can get cleaned and you can calm down.” She was trembling in his arms, but finally her sobs had turned to hiccups. His eyes darted up to Maggie and saw her step forward while Carol moved behind her.
“I’ll take her,” Maggie said softly as she knelt down to disentangle Beth from Daryl’s arms.
“I’ll get the baby cleaned up. I remember finding some extra blankets that we can use for swaddling until everything has calmed down a bit.” Carol’s voice was soft next to Maggie’s.
For the first time since she laid eyes on the group and couldn’t hold back the pain, Beth’s eyes opened and took in her surroundings. She saw Maggie next to her, and Carol just beside her. Her watery eyes drifted up and looked to the chest she was still clutching with her blood soaked hand, and then up to Daryl’s face. She felt a mild surprise at noting the concern hidden in his face. She noticed the smear of dirt, mixed with sweat, noting the hard task they’d just returned from, and couldn’t help the feeling that welled up inside her. The moment her hand moved to wipe the mark from his forehead she froze, her eyes landing unseeingly on the deep red that coated her hand. Finally her eyes dropped to the crying bundle in her hands. She could see the little baby, pink from screaming and red from the blood on the cloth that surrounded it. Her shaking hand released Daryl before gently stroking the baby’s forehead. She frowned at the smear it created and moved to try to wipe it away before Maggie caught her wrist gently. “Beth, give it to Carol so she can clean it up.”
“No.” She whispered brokenly before her red eyes landed on Maggie. “I-I got-ta take care of her. I can do it, Maggie. I swear...I can.” She hiccuped uselessly.
“We know Doodlebug.” Hershel’s voice floated softly to her from just behind Maggie. “And you will, but right now, you need to get cleaned up, just like the baby.” Beth’s eyes looked up to Hershel and then down at her hands again, widening like she was only just comprehending what the dilemma was. “Carol will just go clean the baby and get it wrapped up. By then you’ll be clean and ready too.” Beth nodded before gently extending her hands to Carol. She watched numbly as Carol scooped up the baby and moved away. Beth felt Daryl moving beside her and before she knew it she was standing with him, his arm still around her like he was afraid she’d collapse again. Maggie reached out to take her but froze as the loud sound of the gunshot echoed through the corridor. Beth’s eyes stared down the corridor blankly. She felt like she was trying to put puzzle pieces together but for some reason they just wouldn’t quite fit and the picture just wasn’t quite right. She went limply when Maggie guided her down the corridor towards the showers.
Daryl watched, brow furrowed as Beth disappeared. His eyes went to Hershel who was standing beside him. He didn’t know what to say to the man, and Hershel just shook his head. “Sometimes, son, there ain’t any words to make it better.” Daryl gave another nod. “She’ll pull through. She’s stronger’n she looks.” His eyes stared at the doorway Beth and Maggie had disappeared. “She don’t get treated like it much, but she is. She’ll be a little bit battered, and broken, but who ain’t in this world?”
“She wasn’t.” Daryl rumbled, inexplicably saddened at the thought. Hershel gave an agreeing nod. Daryl stood there another moment watching the corridor like he was expecting someone to come back out. He looked down at his shirt and grimaced at the blood staining it. He shot one more look down the hallway before he moved forward.
“Son?” Hershel called.
“Rick’s gonna need help with...the body. Can’t expect him to do it by himself.” He called over his shoulder before adding softly. “At least, he shouldn’t have to with all of us here to help him.” Hershel nodded.
“We’ll start digging.” Hershel said and turned to Glenn. As the two disappeared outside to begin their work Daryl paused in the hallway outside the showers. Maggie emerged quietly and connected eyes with him.
“How she doin’?” Maggie gave a shrug.
“Gonna get a change of clothes and hope that’ll help a little.” He gave a nod and watched as Maggie walked away. He turned to leave but froze as a sound hit his ears. He could hear her again; Beth sobbing her heart out. He couldn’t explain why it hurt him as much as it did to hear it, but it did. He needed to get away. He needed to go help Rick.
Beth sat under the spray of the shower, fully clothed and let the water carry away the grime coating her. Her eyes were closed but she could feel Maggie watching her. Her mind was still foggy and jumbled, and she liked it that way at the moment. “Beth,” Maggie paused until Beth looked at her from her perch under the spray. “I’m going to go get you some fresh clothes and give you some time. Please,” she begged softly, “get clean, and when you’re ready come out. We’re all here for you.” Beth’s head tilted in a jerky nod and she closed her eyes to enjoy the spray. She heard the door shut and slit her eyes to take note of the empty room. She looked down at her hands sitting limply in her lap as the water mixed with the blood and dripped away. Her mind flashed back to the isolation cell.
“Beth, you’re going to have to take that knife and cut along the scar on my stomach.”
“No Lori...no!”
“If you don’t we’ll both die! Save my baby!”
Beth covered her face as she cried. She cried long and hard as she remembered her friend. She’d been given one job and she’d failed it. She’d failed Rick, and her friend, and now her friend was never going to watch her baby grow up. That baby would never know her mama. Beth had known loss, but nothing like this. Nothing like this.
And so she cried.
“We gotta make an emergency run.” Daryl’s voice filled the hall where the group usually ate their meals. There was a somber and sad tension that filled everyone, rightfully so, but Daryl knew they didn’t have time to wallow. “Little Ass-kicker needs formula or she won’t make it.” Horrified eyes turned to him.
“Daryl, you can’t call her that.” Carol chided softly.
“That’s what she is. She strong, and she tough, and when she’s old enough she’s gonna kick ass, so that’s her nickname s’far as I’m concerned.” Carol rolled her eyes but looked down at the baby swaddled in her arms. “We need to find formula. We need to form an emergency run party. Who’s comin’ with me?”
“I’ll go.” Daryl whipped around and met eyes with Beth as she stood in the doorway. “I should go.” She added a bit more determined. She was fresh-faced and clean, but Daryl could still tell her eyes were a bit raw from crying. “It’s my fault Lori…” She paused to steady herself. “I couldn’t save Lori, I need to save the baby.” Carol stood and locked eyes with Beth.
“There is no ‘fault.’” She said quickly. “Lori had Carl by c-section. It was a slim chance she would be able to deliver naturally without complications. That isn’t your fault. She came early. That ain’t your fault either.” She came closer to Beth and held the baby out to her. “This baby needs you. She needs you here and with her.” Beth’s eyes flew up to Carol. “We found some powdered milk in the kitchen. We can use that to get by until the scouting party gets back in a few hours, but we need you here.” Beth’s eyes welled up as she looked defeated.
“Doodlebug,” Hershel called softly, “this ain’t a matter of you bein’ too weak to go.” Her eyes snapped over to him. “We’ll let you go if that’s what you really need to do. But that baby needs a mama bear to protect her right now, and with how fiercely you fought to bring her into this world, I couldn’t imagine Lori trustin’ anyone else to take care of her.” He touched her shoulder gently. “We all got jobs to do, Doodlebug. Is your job runnin’ or protectin’ that baby?” Her eyes searched his face, and she could see it. He wasn’t saying it because she was weak. He wasn’t saying it because he thought she amounted to little more than nothing. She looked to Carol who was still holding the little bundle out to her. And finally she looked down to the little bundle. The little pink child who had come into this world bathed in red. The little pink child who didn’t have a mom. The little pink child who needed her. She reached out and cradled the baby to her with a gentle nod. Her eyes landed on Daryl who cracked the barest of smiles in response.
“Who is comin’ with me?” Daryl turned back to the group.
“I’ll go.” Glenn raised his hand.
“And I’ll come.” Carol offered. She looked around. “We’ll hit up some of the abandoned grocery stores and see if there is anything. Even expired, formula would be better than powdered milk.”
“Agreed.” Daryl offered. “Alright, get your things together. We head out in ten.”
Daryl stared down the sight of his crossbow as they ensured they were clear. They didn’t find much but they found some containers of formula in an abandoned walmart not far from the prison. Having cleared the shelves of what was there Daryl found himself in the garden section. The plants around were either long since dead (those located inside) or extremely overgrown (those with access to the elements outside) but that wasn’t what Daryl was looking for. He rounded a corner and saw the old cardboard stands tipped over and packets scattered everywhere. He scooped up all the packets he could reach and shoved them into the pack on his back. He knew some of them would be flowers, but some of them would be edible seeds to help start that garden Beth had mentioned. They needed to get on their feet sooner rather than later, and this would help.
Something crunched behind him and Daryl swung around, drawing his crossbow up to stare down the sight at a stranger. Her hands were up and she froze just staring at him. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Like you could.” He retorted coming to a stand while never letting his weapon or guard fall.
“I’m not going to debate with you. I need a place to hide.” Daryl narrowed his eyes at her. “My name is Michonne.” She paused and looked at him, not dropping her hands.
“Whatchu hidin’ from Michonne?”
“You heard of the Governor?”
Taglist: @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @fangirl1802 @blueicevalkyrie @deathtonormalcy56 @walkerfairytales @redrosalie1
If you would like to be added to my taglist please let me know in a message. I would be glad to add you!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years
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Love this! 💖 #fanfavefriday Repost from @bethyl_normily_twd using @RepostRegramApp - Pic from: @blissedoutxo💕💕💕#daryl #daryldixon #beth #bethgreene #bethylfanfiction #bethyl #normily #bethanddaryl #love #couple #twd #thewalkingdead #amc #fox #teamdelusional #normanreedus
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Hey guys! I just want to let you know, that today I can't upload chapter 38 from my #bethylfanfiction 'there will always be more' because I'm in hospital right now. I hope I can bring it online with Wednesday this week. Have a nice Sunday and I 💛 you all!
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