#Best train rides in india
goldenchariotirctc · 1 year
Travelers may experience a remarkable fusion of luxury, history, and culture on the Golden Chariot Indian Railway tourist train as it takes them through the many landscapes of South India. One of the most popular travel experiences in the nation is now the spectacular train run by the Indian Railways and the Karnataka State Tourism Development Corporation. 
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tourismirctc · 2 years
IRCTC Tourism has introduced the most budget friendly Vaishno Devi packages on special 'Swadesh Darshan Tourist Train'. Apart from Vaishno Devi, this tour will also cover Haridwar, Rishikesh and Amritsar. These destinations not only hold religious significance but also offer sightseeing options at famous tourist places in India.
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rideboomindia · 2 months
RideBoom Revolutionizes Transportation with Innovative Solutions and Unmatched Convenience
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RideBoom India is expanding its innovative ridesharing services to 20 more cities across India. Providing affordable, eco-friendly transportation options to the masses.
RideBoom, the leading transportation service provider, is proud to announce its commitment to revolutionizing the transportation industry with innovative solutions and unmatched convenience for riders and drivers alike.
Unmatched Convenience
RideBoom is dedicated to providing unmatched convenience compared to other transportation services. With the RideBoom app, users can easily book a car, taxi, or delivery service right from their mobile devices. The app connects users with nearby drivers or couriers, allowing them to get to their destination or receive their deliveries quickly and efficiently.
Innovative Solutions
RideBoom is constantly innovating to provide the best possible experience for its users. The company has recently expanded its Bike Taxi Service to additional cities, offering an eco-friendly and efficient mode of transportation for short-distance travel. RideBoom is also exploring the integration of electric vehicles into its fleet, demonstrating its commitment to sustainability and the EV revolution.
Commitment to Safety and Reliability
At the core of RideBoom's mission is a dedication to providing safe and reliable transportation services. The company has implemented stringent safety measures and training protocols to ensure that its drivers and couriers deliver a secure and comfortable experience for all users.
Transforming the Ride-Hailing Industry
RideBoom's innovative approach and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction have positioned the company as a leader in the transportation industry. By continuously introducing new features and adapting to changing market conditions, RideBoom is redefining the way people and goods move, ultimately transforming the ride-hailing landscape.
"RideBoom is committed to revolutionizing the transportation industry and providing our users with the best possible experience," said the RideBoom founder. "We are excited to continue innovating and expanding our services to meet the evolving needs of our customers."
For more information about RideBoom India and its services, please visit https://rideboom.com/india/
About RideBoom India
RideBoom India is the leading ridesharing platform in the country, providing affordable, convenient, and eco-friendly transportation solutions to commuters across India. Founded in 2020, the company has experienced rapid growth and now operates in many cities, connecting passengers with a network of verified drivers. RideBoom India is committed to revolutionizing the way people commute and contributing to a more sustainable future.
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saintmsry · 5 months
"Won't you tell me the thoughts that surround you?"
Jack Whitman x Fem Reader.
Summary: You go on an impromptu trip to India via train despite your family's detests and meet a man that catches your eye.  
Warnings: 18+ mdni. Bathroom quickie, vaginal sex, pantie stealing, thigh kissing, soft Mdom,(very soft mdom) aftercare, (of course!!!) the lack of protection (wrap it up!!) 
word count: 1,998
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As I try to get settled on the train, named the Darjeeling limited, on its way to india i look around your surroundings. I look around to see people talking, mouthwatering desserts, and beautiful skies. The sun is hitting the windows perfectly, I can feel it radiating on to the nape of my neck.  
Before I left, I tried my best to explain to my family why exactly I was leaving to explore India. They didn't understand why i needed to go, and to go alone, without a determined time frame of when i was coming home if ever. I have gotten so many speeches on why your impromptu trip was ‘immature’ it was of me and how i ‘know better.' I took all the flying insults and proclivities and put them in my back pocket to think about later when I was alone and finally had the time to think coherent thoughts.  
The trip was so impromptu that I didn't have the time to save up for anything but the train ride. Snacks are piled high in a small purse, so I don't go hungry. The little crinkles of the bags of chips and gas station pastries put a bullseye on me for judgmental stares and eyerolls.  
I look around and look back into the eyes that are staring down at me. I memorized their eye colors and how their necks wrinkled when they turned them around to look at me. I had nicknames for them based on the clothes they were wearing and how subtle they were when they wanted to stare at strangers.  
A band of what I assume were brothers caught my eye. The way they looked at each other and the pitch they used when berating each other gave it away. The leader of the group, whom I presume is the oldest, looked to be pretty roughed up. His head was wrapped in a bandage with a few band-aids littering his bruised face. The aura of the oldest was very self-assured. I noticed when he talked, he was missing a tooth. I felt bad for the man, but from what I can tell, he could give less of a shit that he was injured because what elaborate plan, he is conjuring up is much more important than a few cuts and bruises.  
The middle brother, who was adorned in sunglasses, sat there listening to his brother not wanting to entertain his antics. Although he and his brother are the same height, he sat up taller and had an attitude that made him seem much taller than his older brother. The taller one looked at his other brother, who was much shorter and much more disinterested in what the oldest was planning, from time to time with annoyance.  
Midway through analyzing these men's body language and trying to picture what burdens were holding them down, I took full notice of the youngest brother. He looked over at me and gave me a sly smirk. His eyes sparkled in the sunlight. A cigarette hung from his soft lips. He had a mustache that was perfectly groomed, that told me everything I needed to know.  
I could tell he was the type to care deeply about things. The man seemed like the sensitive type. I can imagine him rereading books and vinyl records littering the ground of his room. I wondered how his hands would feel brushing through my hair and the kind of poetry he found romantic. I wanted to know what music he listened to when he was sad, or what music he listened to and saw a future of slow dancing in kitchens. I got one glance out of him, and I already needed to know him in a deep and intimate way.  
Just like the man wrapped in bandages, I had an elaborate plan. I got up from my seat, flattened my skirt, and walked right past him to the restroom. I needed him to see me up close, to see how my hips sway, and hear the soft taps of my shoes. Before I opened the door, I turned to him and gave him his smirk back. All I did there was fluff my hair and fix my dark red lipstick. I made sure my vest was clean of crumbs along with the corners of my mouth, then I washed my hands so people don't think I'm nasty for not. I walked out to find him gone. My body melted a little bit. Did he find my attempt at flirting too much? Did I run him off? Was that smirk not for me? 
I walk back to my seat with a frog in my throat. I tried to hold it all back, until I saw him in the seat next to mine. I perked up, maybe a bit too much. I straightened my posture and sat back in my seat, flatting my skirt under me.  
I gave him a soft “hi.” maybe too soft of one, it embarrassed me how quietly i said it so looked down at my lap until he spoke up. 
“Do you like Kafka? I saw it poking out of our bag” 
My head pokes up, “yeah—I do, i actually adore his writing. Do—do you like Kafka?” 
He lights a cigarette, inhales, and blows smoke away from me. “Yes. why are you here?” 
“I wish I knew. I did it to do it. Why are you here?” 
“My brother dragged me here—Something about family bonding.” 
“I could have guessed.” 
He told me his name was Jack Whitman. We sat there talking for the whole night. He told me about his parents and this girl he dated back in Paris. I told him about how my family reacted before I left and about the analyses I made on the train. I read him my writings and read me his. I learned we both like Peter Sarstedt and philosophical conversations. It hit nighttime too quickly and I said my goodnights before I settled into my bunk.  
I tossed and turned as I stayed up with the thoughts of only jack. I finally thought of getting up and going to find him. I slid the door open to see him outside of my door. 
“Meet me in the restroom.” I stood there frozen in a mix of disbelief and excitement as he walked away to our meeting spot. I did a quick run to my bag by the mirror to get one good spritz of my favorite perfume and to fluff my hair. 
I nervously made my way to the door; I didn't even get to knock on it before he pulled me and enveloped me in a deep kiss. It was passionate, but he made sure not to be too rough or too sloppy. He tasted like cigarettes and coffee, which only fueled my arousal. He held me close with one arm around my waist and the other on my upper back. My hands happily explored his hair. I played with the soft hair that fell on his face, I pushed it back for him for more skin for me to touch. Jack's hands, eager to feel more of me, plays with the hem of the shirt I wore to bed. His palms lay flat on my hips, guiding them to collide with his.  
As my arousal peaks, my grip on his hair tightens. The harder I grab, the harder he grinds into me. We exchange little gasps of pleasure into one another's mouths. The feeling of him against me makes my knees weak. I tuck my head into the curve of his neck as he attacks the curve of mine. I try my best to stay quiet and not to wake the other passengers on the train. Jack notices my knees are becoming weaker and weaker, to which he grabs my hips and lifts me to sit on the sink counter.  
His mouth explores me further. I begin to lift my shirt over my head but only for him to push my hands away and lift it for me. His hands roam my hips and brushes over my hardened nipples. I arch my back into him to quietly encourage his exploration. He stifles a laugh at my eagerness to being touched. His head dips down to kiss my inner thighs. Jack holds me delicately. In between my heavy breathing, i let out a little moans. They grow louder as every second passes and my arousal builds up. 
He looks up at me with blown out pupils and wet lips. “I love hearing you, but your gonna have to be quiet for me, darling.” his fingers hook around the waist of my shorts. “We would want anyone to hear what where doing, now would we?” 
Jack takes off my shorts and pockets my panties. I smirk at this. I find it incredibly hot that he wants a souvenir to remember this moment. I look down at his cock as he slides into me. He guides my head up. “Look at me as I fuck you.” 
When he bottomed out in me, he made sure i had time to adjust to his size. He mouthed out “ready?” and I nodded out yes. He starts out slowly. Our bodies collided making a soft slapping sound. Jacks hand slides from my hip, up my torso, to my neck, and gripping my cheeks. He held my face in place to make sure I was looking at him as he speeds up his pace. My mouth hangs open and my eyes tighten shut. 
“You look so beautiful, now keep your eyes open for me, pretty girl.” His hand moves from my face to push the hair from my eyes. He softly caresses my cheek and lays a soft kiss on my temple before placing his hand on the mirror behind me for balance. I grind my hips into his. I can feel that white hot sensation building up deliciously in my stomach. 
“Jack---don't stop. I'm so fucking close.” 
He dips his fingers in my mouth for me to suck. When he took them out, he used my spit on his fingers to rub my clit to push me to orgasm. I could tell he actually knew how women worked. The bundle in my stomach snapped as I came. It was just the feeling of him rubbing my clit that made me cum, it was the fact he used my own spit that set me off.  
As I was coming down, I realized we had cum together. I found it entirely endearing that my orgasm set off his. I think we are eternally bonded because of that.  
He put his pants back on and when he came back, I laid my head on his chest, breathing in his scent. Jack brushes down my hair with fingers and kisses the crown of my head. He stayed there drawing hearts with his fingers on my back. Even though this was just a quickie, he made sure I had some sort of aftercare. He didn't speak a peep about getting dressed and leaving the restroom until I did. 
“We should probably go back.” i said looking up at him. 
“We don't have to if you aren't ready yet.” 
I smile at his consideration. “I'll be fine. ----I promises.” 
He smiled and mouthed okay before helping me down and getting me dressed, keeping my panties. When he opened the door, he made sure to look around to make sure no one was there. We walked out of the room in hurry and giggling. When he dropped me off by my door, I gave him a kiss goodnight and wished him sweet dreams. I closed the door and smiled to myself. The sleep I got that night was the best sleep I have ever had. 
As for jack, his brothers knew what he did just by the dumb smile he had when he came back.
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the-stray-storyteller · 9 months
you asked for a shitty poem istg this is the only poem ive ever written HEY COME BACK *grabs you and pulls you back* NOW YOU HAVE TO TELL ME ABOUT ALL YOUR NEW STUFF AND SHARE SOME OF YOURS >:(
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also literally you don't have to feel pressured to answer this take your time like honestly you don't even have to reply I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR NEW WIP SACRIFICE!1?1?11??1
*offers you tea*
I sent you an ask a few days ago but my tumblr is acting funny so I don't think you got it. Anyways.....
The poem omigod. It's wow! Is it the complexities of human emotion that we hide with beauty. Or is it about romanticizing the dangerous and falling in love with it. The juxtaposition. The rhythm. The contrast. Holy fucking wow. ITS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. ITS SO GOOD. *frothing mouth*
Also you new pfp is so cooot. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Okay now to answer your questions. New stuff, nothing much there. I have been writing Rebel and Havenpoint (I should really post the next chapter) really slowly. Writing more chem notes than stories.
Rebel is a part of a series. I still haven't decided if it is going to be a duology or a trilogy. But there will be another book if I have the energy and will to write it.
And I have been concentrating on making two comic strips for my college scholarship. I finished the first one, one more to go.
Long rant below. Like really fucking long. Not joking.
Sacrifice is a placeholder name for my WIP. I haven't decided what its actual name will be. I am really hoping I don't abandon this WIP.
Like I did with Masque, Woven Worlds, Orphic Academy, Timekeepers, Card Thief, Games of the Astute, Mortal Bound, The Playground, After the afterlife (dumb name), Stolen by Silence, etc.
So Sacrifice is an Indian Dark Academia novel.
25 of the best magic users from all over India will be invited to attend a prestigious and mythical academy after they finish 12th grade. So they take this mysterious train ride to another fucking realm where the school is (nobody knows its exact location cause they all faint in the train). Also the academy's architecture will be based off on Indian architecture throughout the ages, so I am currently researching on that when I get time.
The students have a year to conduct a study in the academy. They will have access to all sorts of ancient scriptures and previous alumni's studies. At the end of the year the Dean will see what they worked on. If the dean is impressed by you project they will tell you the secret of life and death magic. The Dean is never impressed. If they fail to impress the Dean they go home with absolutely nothing and they would forget the place.
However, the people who went back home with nothing went mad after a while and killed themselves. Their minds are not able to process the magical place they had just been to. Being at the academy also manages to mess with the minds of a person. It drives them a bit crazy. Some people have suicided there or have killed somebody else. The students don't know this.
Spoilers after this point.
So a group of six students join together and decide to help each other with their projects so they can get the secret. One of the group finds out about the whole madness thing and tells the others about it.
Now each of the six students has a hamartia (tragic flaw). From jealousy to manipulative. This is actually a small experiment from my side because the main characters are not good people, so I am gonna try and make them likable. Its going to be so hard.
Anyways desperate and power hungry the group decides to find the secret themselves and steal the academy's resources and escape before the end of the year.
The others fearful of dying/going mad start to push the limits of their magic. They experiment with things that they are not supposed to experiment with. 
With every experiment their hamartia takes over. They start going mad. They become a fucking cult. They start to sacrifice the other students to ancient gods (in true ancient fashion) and become more powerful. Once all the students are gone they start killing each other and the last one left ends up destroying the academy along with themself trying to become the most powerful being.
*sobbing* I talk too much.
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booktaxionline · 9 months
Chandigarh to Shimla Taxi Services: How to Travel in Comfort and Style
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Shimla, the queen of hills, is a charming tourist destination in India. It is famous for its scenic beauty, colonial charm, and pleasant climate. Shimla is a perfect place to relax, rejuvenate, and explore the Himalayan culture and heritage.
But how do you reach Shimla from Chandigarh, the city beautiful? Chandigarh is the nearest major city and airport to Shimla, and the distance between them is about 112 km. The road journey from Chandigarh to Shimla takes around 3 to 4 hours, depending on the traffic and weather conditions. There are various modes of transport available from Chandigarh to Shimla, such as buses, trains, and flights. However, the most convenient and comfortable option is to book a Chandigarh to Shimla taxi service.
A Chandigarh to Shimla taxi service will give you the flexibility to travel at your own pace, stop at your desired locations, and enjoy the scenic views along the way. Moreover, you can also avoid the hassle of finding a parking space, carrying your luggage, or sharing your seat with strangers.
But why should you choose OneNess Taxi for your Chandigarh to Shimla journey? What are the benefits of booking a taxi service with OneNess Taxi? Here are some of the reasons why OneNess Taxi is the best choice for your Chandigarh to Shimla trip:
Safe and Experienced Drivers
Your safety is our top priority. Our drivers are not only experienced but also well-trained to drive safely and smoothly on the busy roads between Chandigarh and Shimla. With their knowledge of the routes and driving skills, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey.
Punctuality Matters
We value your time, and our commitment to punctuality sets us apart. When you book Chandigarh to Shimla Taxi with OneNess, you can be sure that your ride will arrive on time. We understand that a seamless journey begins with punctuality.
Comfortable and Clean Vehicles
Our fleet consists of a variety of vehicles to cater to your specific needs. Whether you're traveling solo, with family, or in a group, we have the perfect vehicle for you. Our cars are not only comfortable but also meticulously cleaned and sanitized, ensuring a safe and hygienic environment for your journey.Affordable Pricing
Worried about the cost of your journey? With OneNess Taxi, you can enjoy the best of both worlds – quality service at affordable prices. We offer transparent pricing with no hidden charges, making your Chandigarh to Shimla trip not only comfortable but also budget-friendly.
Customer Service
The customer service of OneNess Taxi is another factor that can make or break your experience. You should look for a taxi service that has a friendly, courteous, and professional staff, who can assist you with any queries or issues. You should also look for a taxi service that has a 24/7 helpline, and a responsive and helpful customer support team. You should also share your feedback and ratings after your trip, and appreciate the good service or report any problems.
OneNess Taxi takes pride in offering top-notch Chandigarh to Shimla taxi services that prioritize your comfort, safety, and convenience. With experienced drivers, well-maintained vehicles, and affordable pricing, we ensure that your journey becomes as memorable as your destination.
So, why worry about the hassles of public transportation or the stress of driving on unfamiliar roads? Choose OneNess Taxi for a seamless and enjoyable journey from Chandigarh to Shimla. Book your ride today and embark on a road trip filled with scenic beauty and unforgettable moments!
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thebestcarrentals · 1 year
Cruising from Vijayawada to Hyderabad: Your Ultimate Guide to SVR Cabs
Are you planning a journey from Vijayawada to Hyderabad and wondering about the best mode of transportation? Look no further! SVR Cabs is your go-to solution for a comfortable and convenient ride between these two vibrant South Indian cities. In this blog, we'll explore the various reasons why SVR Cabs is the ideal choice for your trip, along with some tips and insights to make your journey even more enjoyable.
The Comfort of SVR Cabs
Traveling by cab is undoubtedly one of the most comfortable and stress-free ways to get from Vijayawada to Hyderabad. SVR Cabs offers a range of vehicles, from budget-friendly options to luxurious ones, ensuring that you can pick the cab that suits your preferences and budget. Say goodbye to the hassle of navigating public transportation or the stress of driving yourself; with SVR Cabs, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.
Experienced and Professional Drivers
Your safety is a top priority with SVR Cabs. All their drivers are experienced and professionally trained, ensuring that you have a safe and enjoyable journey. You can trust them to know the best routes, ensuring that you reach your destination in the most efficient and timely manner.
Punctuality Guaranteed
When you book a cab with SVR Cabs, you can say goodbye to waiting for hours for your ride to arrive. SVR Cabs prides itself on punctuality, so you can rest assured that your cab will be waiting for you as scheduled, ready to start your journey.
Flexible Booking Options
SVR Cabs offers flexible booking options to suit your needs. Whether you need a one-way trip or a round trip, SVR Cabs has you covered. You can also book a cab for the entire day to explore Hyderabad at your own pace, and they offer outstation packages that provide the best value for your long-distance travel needs.
Enjoy the Scenic Route
The journey from Vijayawada to Hyderabad offers some breathtaking scenic views of the Telangana and Andhra Pradesh landscapes. By choosing SVR Cabs, you have the freedom to stop along the way to take in these picturesque sights, capturing memories and making your journey an experience in itself.
Affordable Fares
SVR Cabs understands the importance of budget-friendly travel. They offer competitive and affordable fares that won't break the bank, making them an excellent choice for both solo travelers and families.
Hyderabad: The City of Pearls
As you arrive in Hyderabad, you'll be greeted by a city that boasts a rich historical heritage, delicious cuisine, and a vibrant culture. From exploring the historic Charminar and the Golconda Fort to indulging in the world-famous Hyderabadi Biryani, there's something for every traveler in this charming city.
Booking Your SVR Cab
Booking your SVR Cab is a breeze. You can make a reservation through their website, or simply give them a call. They offer 24/7 customer support, so you can book a cab at any time that suits you. Their user-friendly interface and a range of payment options make the booking process simple and convenient.
SVR Cabs is your perfect travel companion for the journey from Vijayawada to Hyderabad. Their commitment to comfort, punctuality, and customer satisfaction ensures that you have a memorable and enjoyable trip. So, why wait? Book your SVR Cab today and embark on an exciting journey through the heart of South India. Hyderabad's vibrant culture and rich history await your arrival, and SVR Cabs is here to get you there comfortably and safely. Happy travels!
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inazumaeveryday · 2 years
Day 12
At home
Kidou: Good morning, mar.
Today’s the match between Raimon and Mikage Sennou. Let’s go see the results of Raimon’s special training at the Inabikari training center.
As for the winner… This time, I can honestly say I have no idea how this match will turn out.
Option 1
mar: I’m rooting for Raimon!
Kidou: So you want Raimon to win, huh…?
Option 2
mar: I’m rooting for Mikage Sennou!
Kidou: Right. We do need them to crush Raimon, after all.
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Kidou: Heh… I’m personally very curious to see which philosophy will come out on top—Mikage’s data or Raimon’s stupidity.
The commander’s already got his eye on Mikage… And they’re also likely to end up as our opponent in the finals.
It wouldn’t hurt to watch the match.
Kidou: I forgot to set my alarm last night…
Thankfully I woke up in time, but I’ll have to be more careful from now on.
Kidou: We’re having salad this morning. …Woah, there’s over forty items in there.
Let’s see…
Kidou’s room
Kidou: mar, is that bed hair…?
Go check in the mirror, just to be sure.
In the car
Kidou: The match is at 11:30, so we’ll leave school in the morning.
Morning practice
Doumen: The commander sure doesn’t show up to practice a lot, does he~
Narukami: But we can take it easy and practice whatever we want when he’s not there, so it’s kind of nice~
Sakiyama: Right? He’s always watching us so closely when he’s there… I can’t help but feel nervous the whole time.
Kidou: What’s this? You think practice is too easy with me? You should have told me sooner. I’d be happy to work you to death if that’s what you want.
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Sakiyama: N-no, it’s perfectly fine!
At school
Class (social studies)
Kidou: The best people in their fields often have a certain philosophy of life.
I’ve been impressed quite a few times by things pro soccer players said.
Henmi: Kidou-san, you’re going to Mikage Sennou to collect info today, right?
Kidou: Yeah, I’m going to watch the match.
Henmi: You know, I haven’t really done much of that myself! I’ve been thinking I should start scouting out other schools like you do~ (glance)
Kidou: Really? Then how about checking out Biyuutei, for a start?
Henmi: Ah, um… Biyuutei, huh? Alright…
Class (science)
Kidou: I wonder if my wanting to kick the ball when I see it is something like a Pavlovian response?
…I’m not a dog, though.
In the car
Kidou: I’m looking forward to seeing if Mikage’s data can beat Raimon’s idiocy.
Now then… I should spend the rest of the ride studying.
Mikage Sennou
Kidou: That move by Mikage Sennou… Sugimori isn’t the only amazing one here.
Those players who executed his command immediately are just as excellent.
They’re undoubtedly skilled… but Raimon’s movements have also drastically improved since last time.
So this is what they gained from training at the Inabikari center, eh?
mar: (Hm? Yuuto-kun’s staring pretty hard at something over there…)
Option 1
mar: Are you interested in Raimon’s reserve players?
Kidou: …No, that’s not it. I was just thinking about something.
Option 2
mar: Are you interested in Raimon’s managers?
Kidou: …No. I was just thinking about something.
In the car
Kidou: It was a good match.
Mikage were better than Raimon in terms of both power and speed, but… of course they never expected the goalkeeper to shoot, with how much they rely on data.
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Kidou: It was completely unexpected for me too, haha. He really is the biggest idiot I’ve ever seen.
Oh, right. I brought sandwiches for lunch. Here’s yours.
Back to school
Class (Japanese)
Kidou: “One pitch, one soul” is a saying meaning to devote your entire being to something… but it originated from baseball.
If we had something like that in soccer, I wonder what it would be? …”One kick, one soul”, maybe?
Kidou: I’ll go pick up the reports for the classes we missed later.
Don’t forget yours too, mar.
Class (math)
Kidou: There was no zero until that concept was developed in India…
A world without zeros… I just can’t imagine it.
Doumen: Kidou-san, welcome baaack! I heard it was Raimon’s win~
Kidou: Yeah. They proved stupidity wins over data.
Doumen: H-huh? What about stupidity?
Class (music)
Kidou: mar, are you familiar with the Triumphal March?
Hold on, I’ll play it for you on the violin. I’m sure you’ll recognize it once you hear it.
Club activities
Kidou: With Raimon’s victory against Mikage Sennou, our possible opponents in the finals have been narrowed down to three schools: Raimon, Shuuyou Meito or Occult.
Henmi: Tch! Raimon again?
Narukami: Did the guys from Mikage all get a stomach ache before the match or something~?
Jimon: No, they couldn’t have gotten this far on pure luck. It’s about time we give them some credit.
Gojou: Kukuku… You say that, but our opponent in the finals will surely be Occult, no…?
Kidou: No, we can’t say for sure.
I’ve been reading the data we got from Domon, and Raimon’s growth rate is astounding.
They keep coming up with new special moves, too. They’ve become a force to be reckoned with.
Henmi: Huh? No way. Kidou-san, are you scared of them?
Kidou: I’m just stating facts.
Sakuma: Got it, Kidou. You’re warning us to not let our guards down like Mikage Sennou because it’s just Raimon, right?
Genda: But we’re still going to win no matter who advances to the finals!
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Sakuma: We’re the invincible Teikoku Gakuen, after all.
Kidou: Yeah, you guys are exactly right. We’ll crush anyone who stands in our way…!
In the car
Kidou: I do feel like walking home, occasionally…
I hear that walking stimulates the brain, so it’s easier to come up with new ideas.
At home
Kidou: …I got the class report.
Here, I’ll send it to you too.
In the bath
Kidou: Sigh… Raimon’s victory…
Maybe that’s what I was hoping for…
Kidou: In Japan, you should always clean your plate, but it’s considered good manners to leave a little bit of food in some other countries.
That differences between different parts of the world when it comes to good manners is fascinating.
Kingcraft lessons
Kyougoku: If there is one mistake that leaders most commonly make…
That would be assuming that their instructions will be followed unconditionally.
Kidou: So a leader should stay humble, and never let their position get to their head… Right?
Kyougoku: Precisely. Forgetting that will lead them to ruin.
You will be just fine so long as you remember that, Yuuto-san.
Kidou: I’ll keep it in mind.
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Kidou: So the injury’s pretty serious, huh… I had a feeling it might be bad.
Hm-mh… Okay, got it.
Let me know if anything else happens. With the Inabikari training center too.
Kidou: Oh, mar. What’s wrong? Can’t sleep?
mar: (Did someone get hurt…?)
Option 1
mar: What’s going on? You said something about a serious injury…
Kidou: Don’t worry. It’s not anyone from Teikoku.
Option 2
mar: Was that Domon?
Kidou: Yeah, he was reporting to me like usual.
Kidou: Gouenji hurt his leg during the match against Mikage Sennou today.
It was when that forward from Mikage blocked his shot, remember?
Well, if Gouenji’s absence is all it takes for Raimon to self-destruct, then they weren’t worth our attention anyway.
Tomorrow’s our match against Biyuutei. We’ll advance to the finals if we win.
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Kidou: I have no intention of going easy on them, no matter what kind of team they are.
I’ll watch the recording of their previous match now.
Kidou: Hmm. I should have a talk about how to prevent injuries with the rest of the team.
I’ve got just the book on taping…
Kidou: Alright, time to sleep.
Goodnight, mar.
At night…
Kidou: …………
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taxi-yatri-india · 2 years
Get Around the Spiritual City of Varanasi in Style with a Taxi Service
Renting a taxi or cab becomes more critical if you go to many different places. A reliable taxi service is a must if you want to travel comfortably. There are more cab companies in the modern world than ever, making it easier for people to get where they need to go. If you want to visit the holy city of Varanasi in India, you can book a taxi in Varanasi to take you there, and once you're there, you can choose a cab driven by a local to show you all the best sights. Your trip to this place will be fun.
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Book TaxiYatri Services and Obtain a Car with Drivers
To help you do this, we offer cheap taxi services that won't break the bank. During your time in Varanasi, you can have a great time, but when it's time to go home, you'll need to choose a reliable Varanasi airport cab. Some of the best out-of-town taxi services in Varanasi are where you can hire a personal driver and choose a high-end car. If you need help, one of our professional drivers will help, and you'll enjoy the ride. You can avoid spending money on things you don't need, and we'll get you where you need to go quickly and without making you feel bad.
A Trip That Can Be Customized to Your Needs
You will only have this on some of your trips. You won't have time to look around the market or sit in that cute cafe because your tour company and travel service provider won't let you. If you take a good car rental in Varanasi, you'll have a lot of time to see the sights.
TaxiYatri in Varanasi can set you up with any car you want, no matter your budget or comfort level. We also help tourists with things like making hotel reservations and renting cars, among other things. All our employees have had a lot of training and know how to drive well.
Because we know how important your trip is to you, we have a range of cars to meet your needs. Use our cab in Varanasi to get around town in comfort and safety.
We also offer the most affordable and reliable taxi service to and from Varanasi for the Char Dham Yatra. Call us right now at 9818022687 to find out more about our char Dham yatra packages.
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monalisonali · 2 years
Buy the best Electric bikes in India | Firefox Bikes
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Firefox Bikes introduced a range of bicycles for kids, designed for children between the ages of 3 to 9. The bike is painted with non toxic paints, comes in various sizes, making it easy for parents to choose the best fit for their child. The bike also has safety features such as training wheels, safety crash pads, reflectors, front and rear brakes and a chain guard, ensuring that children can ride safely without worrying about accidents or injuries. The bike is also available in bright colors and fun designs, appealing to children and encouraging them to ride more often. Buy here: https://www.firefoxbikes.com/bicycles/kids_cycle/
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kalyantoursudaipur · 2 years
Book Tempo Traveller in Udaipur for Sightseeing Tour — Kalyan Tours
Kalyan Tours is a leading tempo travel provider in Udaipur. We offer comfort and luxury on rent in tempo traveller in Udaipur. Tempo traveller is a great way to explore the city at your own pace. We have huge fleet of tempo travellers including, Mercedes C180, Toyota Innova and Toyota Qualis. We also have a wide range of luxury vehicles for rent like Ford Mustang, Fiat 500, Proton Persona and Nissan Qashqai to name a few.
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Tempo travel is the most convenient way to travel in Udaipur. After booking your trip you can easily access our website and book a taxi car via your mobile, office or any other device. We are happy to inform you that we have many taxi service in Udaipur. We offer the best car rental service with an excellent customer experience. You can book a cab at any time, anywhere and at an affordable rate.
Our fleet of vehicles includes luxury cars, sedans and MPVs. Our drivers are well trained and experienced professionals who know how to get you from one place to another safely. They will make sure that you have a smooth journey wherever you go.
One can also avail their services for airport transfers as well as car rental throughout India . They are experts at providing services for all types of travelers so no need to worry about anything else but having fun on road with them! You can contact them for airport transfers in Udaipur. They have huge fleet of cars and buses which will surely help you out in any situation that arises during your trip.
If you need a ride on rent then contact us today. We are experts at providing services for all types of travelers so no need to worry about anything else but having fun on road with them! Our drivers are well trained and experienced professionals who know how to get you from one place to another safely.
We provide services for all types of travelers, from families to groups. If you are looking for a ride on rent, then Kalyan Tours is the best place for you. We have a wide range of vehicles that can fit your needs and budget. We have a huge fleet of Tempo Traveller cars that include luxury vehicles like Mercedes C180, Toyota Innova and Toyota Qualis as well as sedans like Ford Mustang, Fiat 500, Proton Persona and Nissan Qashqai which are available at competitive prices. Our drivers are trained professionals who know how to get you from one place to another safely while keeping an eye on traffic rules in their respective cities so no worries about being late anywhere!
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goldenchariotirctc · 1 year
The Indian Railways Luxury Train, the Golden Chariot by Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation, is one of the best luxury Indian trains. It is a premium train service that takes passengers on an unforgettable journey through some of India's most beautiful and culturally rich destinations. The Golden Chariot offers a luxurious experience that combines modern amenities with traditional Indian hospitality.
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sanjana1211 · 2 years
17 December, 2023
Tuesday 11:00 am
Hello everyone.... I am Amisha, welcome to my new blog " Trip to MUSSOORRIE " .
The day was little rainy. 🌦 My family members decided to visit the kempty waterfall situated in Mussoorie in Uttrakhand ( India).
One of my siblings one who asked me to join in boating. I am very excited 🤗 and replied " Yes " .
All we got ready and search those things which was needed for boating. We carried water bottles, boating jacket etc.
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Mussoorie is the most visited hill station in Uttrakhand. The weather of Mussoorie attracts tourists not only from India but all around the world. The mystic air and serene coolness of the place make it the loveliest hill station of Uttrakhand . It is also famous for destination wedding.
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There are several ways to reach Mussoorie. It is only 30 km from Dehradun. Being the capital of Uttrakhand, Dehradun is well connected by trains, airways and roads. I went to Mussoorie with my family.
There is no direct bus or train to reach Mussoorie. Hiring one private cab from Haridwar, Uttrakhand for Rs 5,000.
Mussoorie is a small hill station so it takes only 2 days to cover the major sights of the place. I suggest 2-3 days are enough to roam around Mussoorie. You could spend more time to do some adventurous activities which can take your whole day.
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Places to visit in Mussoorie :
I will guide you with the five best place to visit in two days. There are many more good places but I consider the best if you are visiting only for 2 days. These places would definitely take your heart away with their stupendous views.
Kempty waterfall and Ropeway
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It is a perfect picnic spot for enjoying a gala time. It has milky streams of water falling from 41ft . There are a lot of stairs which lead to the actual spot where the water collects.
The water is extremely cold and can give you chills. Besides it a number of shops are available to provide you swimming clothes, floaters and can safely keep your valuables at lockers for a nominal charge. Nearby to it, there is a ropeway to explore the panorma view of Dehradun- Mussoorie trail and enjoy the elevated lush green Mountains, valleys and terrains. It costs Rs 80/person for such a beautiful ride.
As the name suggest, clouds End is the geographical end of Mussoorie hill station. It is at a distance of 6 km from Mussoorie Mall Road and you can reach there by a local taxi available. It is a peaceful small trek with the breathtaking views of Aglar River Valley. During monsoon, it is often covered with clouds and fog. You can actually feel the picturesque clouds End.
Some famous place in Mussoorie
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rideboomindia · 1 year
RideBoom drivers are providing the best service to their passengers in a taxi or for quick bike rides.
As there is no more restriction on travel in India the on-demand rideshare business is again starting to grow and those who provide better service to the customers will able to grab the market share.
How RideBoom drivers gain the trust of the customers: 1.   By providing the exceptional customer service
Customers who feel safe, especially female passengers while traveling with an
Driver and taken care of will feel a closer bond with RideBoom. Most of the
RideBoom drivers know and are well-trained to provide the best customer service.
2.   Customersloyalty (https://rideboom.com/india/rb-coins/) program
RideBoom (https://rideboom.com/india/how-it-works/) got a unique loyalty program for both the customers and the drivers
Customers who download the app for the first time will get the bonus ride credits called RB coins plus when they share their referral code with family and friends the sender and receiver on the app download will get extra free ride credits not only this but the user will get cashback ride credits at the end of each ride as well.
3.   Respond to all customers' emails and reviews
RideBoom customer service team works 24/7 to respond to the customers' reviews and remarks which they can give and enter at the end of each ride with rideboom taxi or bike rides. If they leave a complaint or a bad review the customer support team calls the customer and drivers to resolve the issue within 24 hours.
4.   Follow up after each ride ends or cancel
The RideBoom (https://rideboom.com/india/) team always does the follow-up call at the end of each ride to grab the customers' feedback or experience they have with the ride. They do call the customer if they cancel the ride to know the reason behind the cancellation to make sure that they don't cancel because the driver insists or request to cancel.
It's great to know that a bootstrap company can make their customers happier than compared to the big giants who are just busy in the price war and never take care of the customers or the drivers.
To know more about RideBoom please download the app or visit the website and lets RideBoom.
Download the RideBoom app
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glorie-z0ne · 2 years
#Best place Traveling In Jaipur
Jaipur, often known as the Pink City, is a significant stop on the Golden Triangle, a popular tourist route linking New Delhi, Agra, and Rajasthan. The name Jaipur is a reference to the famed Hawa Mahal and other pink structures that can be found in the city's ancient district.
Jaipur is a city of expansive palaces, elaborate buildings, and panoramic vistas of verdant hills and serene lakes. It was India's first planned city and has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site for providing a superb example of local city planning. And especially for first-time visitors to India, its streets seem a little more manageable than the crowded mazes of New Delhi and Mumbai.
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel movies were filmed in this city, which served as inspiration for Paul McCartney's song "Riding into Jaipur." It is a location where one can take in the performing arts, indulge in magnificent meals in royal banquet halls, and think back on a time when Maharajas reigned. At day, ride elephants and discover Mughal architecture, and by night, luxuriate in some of the world's most luxurious hotels.
Jaipur is also a shopping haven, with everything from exquisite jewellery and delicate handmade works of art to a wide range of fabrics.
The city is accessible by air, train, bus, or private vehicle from New Delhi. The trip takes less than four hours if you take a high-speed rail[....]
Check this page foe more interesting blogs & posts https://gloriezone.com/2022/12/01/traveling-in-jaipur/
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Best Time to go
Although Jaipur is pleasant all year round, the best months to visit the Pink City are from October to February. Visitors can anticipate the warmest temperatures during this time because the days are clear and breezy. Visit between March and July to avoid the oppressive heat while touring expansive castles built before air conditioning. In Jaipur, the mercury can get above 100 degrees Fahrenheit during these months.
Check this page foe more interesting blogs & posts :https://gloriezone.com/2022/12/01/traveling-in-jaipur/
Things to Know
The 10th most populous city in India is Jaipur, which is also the largest city in Rajasthan. It is referred to as the Pink City because of the sophisticated use of the colour pink throughout the city. A tourism route connecting New Delhi, the Taj Mahal, and Rajasthan includes Jaipur as one of its points. Even though Jaipur is only 167 miles from New Delhi, it feels like another world. Jaipur, the first planned city in India, was established in 1727. The city is constructed on a street grid rather than a convoluted maze of roadways, making it simpler to travel than Delhi or Mumbai. Explore pre-colonial Indian palaces, delve into Indian history, and unwind in world-class hotels accommodations in Jaipur.
Check this page foe more interesting blogs & posts :https://gloriezone.com/ 
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srishtipreneur · 2 years
Top 5 Mumbai Visiting Sites
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The Gateway of India, the best place to visit in Mumbai, was built by George Willet in 1924 to commemorate King George V and Queen Mary's visit to Mumbai. Visit this location early in the morning or late in the evening to enjoy the cool breeze of the sea with your family away from the crowds. The Gateway of India, located next to the iconic Taj Mahal Palace and facing the vast Arabian Sea, captivates you in every way. Take the ferry ride offered here to get a spectacular view of this monument from the sea, and you can also visit other major attractions nearby.
What's more, the best part? You don't have to spend any money to appreciate the beauty of this iconic location.
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Consider taking your family to one of Mumbai's most popular religious shrines, which is built right in the middle of the Arabian Sea. Yes, we're talking about Haji Ali Dargah, which houses Sayed Peer Haji Ali Shah Bukhari's tomb. This magnificent structure is made of white marbles and represents the Indo-Islamic architectural style. The main attraction of this location is a walk through the causeway that connects the Dargah to the Lala Rajput Rai Marg. Feel the spirituality of this place with your loved ones while admiring the deep blue waters! Fab ranks fourth among all the best places to visit in Mumbai.
Dargah Road is the address. Time: 05:30 a.m.
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Take a tour of this UNESCO World Heritage Site in Mumbai and be amazed by the massive rock-cut caves that date back hundreds of years. It contains five caves dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva as well as two caves depicting Buddhist architecture. To get to this location, take a one-hour ferry ride from the Gateway of India. The ferry ride is undoubtedly one of the best things to do in Mumbai because it allows you to take in the city's scenic beauty. Those lacking the spirit of a trekker can board the toy train, which will take them on a tour of the caves right from the entrance. The MTDC-run restaurant and canteen can satisfy your hunger.
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Siddhivinayak Temple, one of Mumbai's most popular temples, is dedicated to Lord Ganesh. Devotees from all over India, including celebrities from Bollywood and sports, flock to the temple to seek Siddhivinayak Ganapati's blessings. The auspicious Lord Ganesha idol is carved out of a single black stone, with the trunk bent to the right, making it unique. You can take your family to this temple for an enriching spiritual experience.
Location: Prabhadevi, Khed Galli Every day from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Fee for participation: N/A
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Looking for a relaxing vacation that won't break the bank? The answer to your prayers is this public beach along the Queen's Necklace. This beach, one of the best Mumbai tourist attractions, is famous for its grand Ganesh Visarjan celebrations, where thousands of people flock to witness Lord Ganesha's immersion. This beach is also well-known for its 10-day Ram Leela performance, at the conclusion of which Ravan's effigy is set ablaze. Girgaon Chowpatty is also a great place to admire the Nariman Point skyline in all its glory.
Queen's Necklace and Marine Drive Timings: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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