annvilleuniversity · 2 months
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annvilleuniversity · 3 months
I'm going to need caps fans to remember that this was Shepard's headshot when he played for university of minnesota
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annvilleuniversity · 3 months
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Connor McMichael is determined to hug every single member of the Bears.
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annvilleuniversity · 3 months
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So do you think the Bears’ goaltending was good this year orrrrr
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annvilleuniversity · 3 months
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I know you’ve heard about Harrison Butker by now, and his embarrassment of a commencement speech at Benedictine College. You’ve probably seen the NFL kicker roasted six ways from Sunday for his misogyny, hypocrisy, and regressive nonsense. People have already written about his stupidity, everyone has memed his nonsense, and conservatives have applauded him for advocating for a return to the 1950s. That is exactly what he was doing, unashamedly. Butker delivered countless awful lines, saying, “Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values in media, all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder.” Which is an ugly mix of law and order rhetoric and sexism, a mix that makes no logical sense but scratches a certain itch in the mind of his conservative audience.
I just want to briefly add to the criticism of this Super Bowl winner, who will probably run for office before too long. Specifically, I want to highlight the inane variety of patriarchal bullshit running through his speech, and his apparent approach to the world. Butker and men like him are trying to sell us a load of hot garbage, and get men to be the worst version of themselves. They’re trying to make us see ourselves as victims, and encouraging us to use that false belief as fuel to go out and hurt other people. We can and should reject that directive.
We should reject it for countless reasons, but I think the place to start is to look at this guy telling us we’ve been oppressed by society and so we should stand up and be real men and tell women to be homemakers. He makes four million dollars a year to kick a ball, he’s won the Super Bowl, and he’s still a miserable person pretending to be a victim. All that wealth, all the success, and he’s going to speak at a college to tell young women, “I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.”
As they’re graduating college to go out into the world, he’s telling them to stay home and be mothers. He’s theoretically reached the American dream, and he’s spending his time telling college girls to be “homemakers.”
Oh and in the days since his speech it’s come out that his mom is an accomplished physicist. But nevertheless.
(continue reading)
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annvilleuniversity · 3 months
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Imagine surviving 4-8 yrs of university just for a football player to tell you that you should have been a mother during your graduation
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annvilleuniversity · 3 months
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annvilleuniversity · 3 months
Oh, please. Let’s get real. You think your so-called "God-centered Pride" trumps the celebration of LGBTQ+ Pride? Newsflash: Pride Month is about fighting against centuries of oppression and celebrating the right to exist authentically. True divine love means embracing all of God's creations, not just the ones who fit into your narrow view. So while you're busy patting yourself on the back for your "holier-than-thou" attitude, remember that real pride comes from love, acceptance, and respect for everyone – not just those who look and think like you. Get off your high horse and join the 21st century.
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annvilleuniversity · 3 months
So let me get this straight. You took Harrison’s speech out of context and you’re mad that a Catholic man went to a traditional catholic school and gave a speech about his traditional values and you’re shocked by that? I don’t know what type of speech you were expecting. What he was trying to say is that it’s okay to be a homemaker and a wife because no a days you have feminist shitting on women for wanting to be a sahm/sahw.
He said nothing wrong and was expressing HIS beliefs. Stop being sensitive because not everything is “misogynistic” or “sexist”
- from a woman😘✌🏾
Oh i’ve been WAITING for this one.
I’m a catholic woman, who was raised by a catholic mother, who was also raised by a catholic mother. Never once in my life have any of the women OR men in my family suggested my life would only begin once I found a husband. I don’t consider myself a feminist, not because i believe it’s a bad thing, only because i’m not educated enough on the perspective. However I will never turn my head the other way to a man standing up in front of group of female graduates and insisting they are most excited about becoming mothers. Not to mention calling the idea of women in the workforce a “diabolical lie” that has been forced upon us while also bringing his homophobia into the mix which had NO business finding its way into a graduation speech? Once again, I don’t care what your beliefs are, it will NEVER be okay to wish to go back to a time when women “had more babies than thoughts”.
Respectfully please find your way off of my blog.
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annvilleuniversity · 3 months
I did Buy His JERSEY !!! #PROUD
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annvilleuniversity · 3 months
This is who Taylor Swift has chosen to align herself with.
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annvilleuniversity · 3 months
#1 rule when you're in a hole...
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Stop digging!!
I'm going to be a lot less of a Chiefs fan this year.
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annvilleuniversity · 3 months
Descent of Harrison Butker Harrison Butker, smug handsome, heterosexual arrogant NFL kicker. Demands VERY traditional gender roles.
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Styled hair, fancy business suits and shiny black dress shoes.
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Harrison Butker must resign from his high-flying sports career, say goodbye NFL, take off and throw away his expensive Italian shoes and stay barefoot in the kitchen.
“Make me a sandwich, Harrison and stay in your lane, and get a buzz cut. Maybe even get you pregnant. your fancy suits won’ fit anymore. Leave your wife, renounce your conservative beliefs, ideals and values and heterosexual life.”
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“That’s right. Leave behind your expensive dress shoes and socks. No more arrogance. No more commands and demands". "Your name is no longer Harrison Keller Butker. He no longer exists. You are now Harriswhore Butlikker” buzz cut time
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annvilleuniversity · 3 months
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annvilleuniversity · 3 months
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Harrison Butker will offend everyone, then play victim and continue to spread hate, misogyny, and homophobia. #FundieAsshole101
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annvilleuniversity · 4 months
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annvilleuniversity · 4 months
Check out my sister’s band Cup Check’s new music video!
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