#Best surgical laparoscopy Hospital in Kerala
laproscopicsuregon · 5 months
Laparoscopic Surgeon in Thrissur, Kerala
Dr. Arun Nair, a famous laparoscopic surgeon and gastroenterologist in Thrissur, Kerala, has more than 13 years of experience and is an expert in this procedure. Dr. Arun Nair has performed hundreds of laparoscopy surgeries in Thrissur, Kerala, with exceptional precision and excellent results. Being one of the best gastrointestinal and laparoscopic surgeon in Thrissur, Kerala, Dr. Arun Nair is renowned in laparoscopic surgical treatments. Dr. Arun Nair is known for giving all of his patients the best evidence-based treatment possible. His primary objective is to give the best possible treatment in a trustworthy and ethical manner. Dr. Arun S Nair having a notable track record of presentations and paper submissions in Laparoscopy surgery at esteemed medical conferences like AMASI, IHPBA, and AMASICON. His knowledge and experience make him one of the best laparoscopic surgeon in Thrissur and all over Kerala.
To learn more about laparoscopic surgery, scroll down.
What is laparoscopic surgery?
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Laparoscopic surgery, commonly known as minimally invasive surgery or keyhole surgery, is a modern surgical method that involves carrying out procedures through small holes or incisions by utilizing specialized equipment and a camera. Laparoscopic surgery, compared to traditional open surgery, uses tiny cuts (often between 0.5 and 1.5 cm in size) through which a thin, flexible tube known as a laparoscope is placed.
The laparoscopic surgeon may observe the inside organs and tissues on a display in real-time thanks to the laparoscope’s light source and camera at its tip. To enter, the surgical tools required to operate, cut, stitch, and carry out other essential procedures, are created.
Why is Laparoscopic Surgery done?
Dr. Arun Nair, a skilled laparoscopic surgeon in Thrissur, Kerala, consistently informs his patients about the benefits of laparoscopic surgery so they may make an informed decision. The Laparoscopic surgeon can carry out less-invasive, accurate, and safe surgeries thanks to laparoscopy.
Here are some of the benefits of laparoscopic surgery:
Lower Trauma
Quicker Recover
Less blood loss
fewer scars
lower risk of infection
shorter stays in the hospital.
Types of Laparoscopic Surgery:
Dr. Arun Nair is an exceptionally competent laparoscopic surgeon in Thrissur, Kerala. He specializes in the following laparoscopic surgeries:
Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery – The colon and rectum are both involved in laparoscopic colorectal surgery operations. Laparoscopic procedures can be used to treat diseases such as colorectal cancer, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), and rectal prolapse. Colectomy (partially or completely removing the colon), rectal resection, and sphincter-saving treatments are examples of surgeries that fall under this category.
Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery – Different forms of hernias, including inguinal (groin), umbilical (belly button), and ventral (abdominal wall) hernias, are treated by laparoscopic hernia surgery. To strengthen the weak spot and stop the hernia from protruding, a laparoscopic surgeon inserts a wire frame.
HPB Surgery – Laparoscopic operations involving the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and bile ducts fall under this category. It includes procedures like laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic hepatectomy, and laparoscopic pancreatectomy, which remove either all or part of the pancreas. Treatments for problems including liver tumors, pancreatic tumors, and bile duct blockages involve these operations.
Reflux Surgery – To treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) that doesn’t react well to medication, laparoscopic reflux surgery is used. The most typical operation to stop acid reflux is called a laparoscopic fundoplication, which involves wrapping the top of the stomach over the lower esophagus.
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dr-mohamed-ismail · 8 months
Breast Cancer Laparoscopy: A Minimally Invasive Approach to the Treatment
Breast cancer remains a common concern for women worldwide, and timely diagnosis and effective treatment are crucial for managing the condition. While traditional open surgery has long been the normal approach, advancements in technology have opened doors for minimally invasive options like breast cancer laparoscopy.
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Here we explain this innovative technique, explaining its principles, applications, and potential advantages.
What is Breast Cancer Laparoscopy?
Imagine surgery conducted through tiny cuts instead of a large cut. That's the essence of laparoscopy or also known as keyhole surgery. In breast cancer laparoscopy, a specialized surgeon utilizes a slender instrument called a Laparoscope. With a camera and light source, the laparoscope is inserted through a small cut near the belly button, which shows a magnified view of the internal breast tissue on a monitor. Using additional cuts for surgical instruments, the surgeon can then perform various procedures with minimal damage to surrounding tissue.
When is Breast Cancer Laparoscopy Used?
A laparoscope is a multipurpose tool for tackling different stages and types of breast cancer. It's commonly used for:
Lumpectomy: Removing the cancerous tumor while protecting surrounding healthy breast tissue.
Sentinel lymph node biopsy: Examining specific lymph nodes for cancer spread.
Mastectomy: Removing the entire breast in certain cases.
Diagnostic procedures: Biopsies or visual assessments to confirm cancer presence or size.
Who Can Benefit from a Breast Cancer Laparoscopy?
The suitability of laparoscopy depends on individual factors like tumor size, location, and overall health. Consulting a qualified breast cancer surgeon like Dr. Mohamed Ismail, known for his expertise at the Moulana Hospital, one of the best breast cancer surgery centres in Kerala, is crucial to determining if this approach aligns with your specific needs and medical history.
While advancements in minimally invasive surgery like laparoscopy are changing breast cancer treatment, it's crucial to remember that this technique might not be suitable for every case. Open communication with your healthcare team, including renowned specialists like Dr. Ismail, is important to explore all available options and make informed decisions for your well-being.
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myblogsinn · 2 years
Dr. Senadhipan: Kerala's Leading Keyhole Surgeon
In this article, we will learn about Dr. Senadhipan, Kerala's leading keyhole surgeon. He is renowned for his expertise in minimally invasive, laparoscopic, and robotic surgical solutions. He is an expert in the field of robotic and laparoscopic surgery and is a true pioneer in the field. With over 20 years of experience and hundreds of successful operations, Dr. Senadhipan is an inspiration to aspiring and established surgeons alike.
The keyhole surgery approach is gaining popularity due to its minimally invasive nature, fewer complications and faster healing times. Dr. Senadhipan is committed to providing the best possible patient care and always puts the patient’s needs first. He is passionate about providing the highest quality of care, with the aim of always leaving his patients with improved health and quality of life.
How often is laparoscopy used?
Many illnesses that arise within the pelvis or abdomen can be diagnosed via laparoscopy. Moreover, it can be utilized to perform surgical techniques, such as the removal of an ailing or damaged organ or a tissue for further investigation (biopsy). Most frequently, laparoscopy is employed in:
Gynecology is the study and practice of diseases of the female reproductive system.
The study and care of digestive system disorders is known as gastroenterology.
Studying and treating illnesses involving the urinary system is known as urology.
How is a Laparoscopy Performed?
Laparoscopy is performed while you are completely asleep, so there will be no discomfort. One or more tiny abdominal incisions are made by the surgeon during laparoscopy. They enable the surgeon to enter the laparoscope, tiny surgical instruments, and a tube for inflating the abdomen with gas. As a result, the surgeon can operate and scan the area more easily. Following the treatment, the gas in your abdomen is released, the incisions are stitched together, and a dressing is put on. Even though you might have to spend the night in the hospital after your laparoscopy, you can usually return home the following day.
Serious problems from laparoscopy are uncommon because it is a routine treatment.
Minor difficulties
According to estimates, 1 to 2 cases of each 100 involving laparoscopy will have minor problems. They consist of:
Little amounts of blood and bruises close to the wound.
Feeling ill and throwing up.
Get an early appointment with one of Trivandrum's Best Laparoscopic Surgeons in Kerala. Expert consultants dedicated to the specialism of cancer surgeries.
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lifelinehospital · 2 years
During keyhole surgery or laparoscopic surgery, a video camera and other thin equipment are inserted into the body through small holes/incisions. The camera, or end vision system, visualises the entire abdomen, allowing the clinician to perform surgery while watching a monitor or television screen. It's also crucial that you find the best keyhole surgery centre in Kerala. If you're seeking for the best keyhole surgery centre in Kerala, head to Lifeline Hospital, a centre of excellence for the most advanced keyhole surgery in Kerala. Visit our site for more.
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What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a painful condition in which the endometrium (tissue that lines the inside of the uterus) grows outside the uterus. It usually involves ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the tissue lining the pelvis. Endometriosis is a reproductive system disorder that affects mainly the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, and the tissues lining the pelvis. It can also be found on the intestines, urinary bladder, appendix as well as other distal organs like the lungs.
The hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle affect the misplaced endometrial tissue which means the tissue will grow, thicken, and break down. After some time, the tissue that has broken down has nowhere to go and becomes trapped in the pelvis.
Endometriosis is a very common debilitating disease. The exact prevalence is difficult to estimate as many cases go underdiagnosed and it requires invasive testing for diagnosis. About 25 to 50% of women suffering from infertility have endometriosis, and 30 to 50% of women with endometriosis are infertile.
The incidence of endometriosis in coastal Karnataka and Kerala is increasing because of better awareness of endometriosis symptoms in the public, early suspicion of the disease, and better imaging modalities.
Endometriosis affects all age groups, right from puberty to perimenopause, but usually, it is found in the reproductive age group.
What causes endometriosis?
The exact endometriosis causes are not known.
Possible causes could be:
1. Retrograde menstrual flow - some of the tissue shed during the period flows through the Fallopian tube into other areas of the pelvis.
2. Genetic factors - Endometriosis clusters in the families. Multiple genes and environmental factors play a role. Sisters have a 5 percent greater risk of getting the disease.
3. A faulty immune system that fails to destroy the outside growing endometrial tissue.
4. Estrogen hormone appears to promote endometriosis.
Risk factors for developing endometriosis:
1. Never giving birth
2. Starting a period at an early age and going through menopause at an older age.
3. Shorter menstrual cycles (less than 27 days)
4. Heavy menstrual periods that last for more than 7 days.
5. Low BMI
Signs & Symptoms of endometriosis
Painful cramps during menstruation
Pain during intercourse(deep dyspareunia)
Pain with ovulation
Chronic pelvic pain
Urinary symptoms, such as frequent urination or blood-stained  urine, especially around the time of menses
Bowel symptoms, such as pain and bleeding  during defecation, constipation, or diarrhea, especially around the time of menses
Lower back pain or leg pain, especially around the time of your periods
The symptoms of endometriosis can impact the patient’s general physical, mental, and social well-being.
How does endometriosis affect fertility?
Endometriosis can affect fertility in several ways. Most obviously, as the disease progresses, the fallopian tubes get distorted and adhere to the ovary and uterus, and the passage of sperm and eggs through the pelvis will be increasingly impaired. You will notice the change in the pelvic environment due to the endometriosis-related inflammation. These inflammatory substances and cells weaken the function of both eggs and sperm (fertilization, embryo development, and implantation). There is also increasing evidence that with endometriosis the quality and quantity of eggs in women is affected.
Endometriosis associated pregnancy complications
Endometriosis always does not regress in pregnancy. Data shows a three-fold increase in the incidence of ectopic or tubal pregnancy and a two-fold increase in miscarriages. It can cause preterm births, placenta previa, small for date babies, postpartum hemorrhage, and ovarian cyst torsion.
Diagnosis of Endometriosis
There is no simple test to diagnose endometriosis. It can be diagnosed only by performing a laparoscopy and a biopsy of the tissue.
There are other tests, which the gynecologist may perform which include ultrasound, MRI scans, and gynecological examinations but none of these can definitively confirm endometriosis.
Treatment of Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a chronic disease characterized by pelvic pain and associated with infertility. The treatment of endometriosis requires a life-long personalized management plan with the aim of maximizing medical treatment and avoiding repeated surgical procedures.
Choosing a treatment comes down to the individual woman’s wishes, depending on her symptoms, her age, and her fertility wishes. She should discuss these with her physician so that they, together, can determine which long-term, holistic, treatment plan is best for her individual needs. For some women, this can be a combination of more than one treatment.
If the pain seems to be the main concern we have several options like over-the-counter pain killers NSAIDs, etc, or hormonal tablets which can be beneficial. Even oral contraceptive pills for a continuous duration are considered effective to reduce the pain as well as putting a hold on the progression of the disease. Hormonal Injection, progestogens, and androgens are other alternatives to reduce the symptoms and can be used in severe forms of the disease. As a last resort, there are options to remove the endometriosis implants, ovarian cysts, or the uterus by surgery.
In early-stage disease and young patients, it is always better to opt for laparoscopy and try and correct the anatomy (position) of the pelvic organs to their actual position to prevent and treat infertility. As the chances per cycle are less, it is advised to have other treatment of using medication to produce more eggs. Performing an IUI(Intra Uterine Insemination) is a better option in certain cases to improve the pregnancy rates per cycle. If this doesn’t work, then there are other methods such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) to help improve your chances of having a baby.
Feel free to reach endometriosis treatment specialists and ask any questions you have regarding the treatment methods. consult the best gynecological hospital near you for endometriosis treatment in Bangalore.
Can Endometriosis Be Prevented?
There is no way to prevent endometriosis, one can only lower the chances of getting it.
1. Lower the estrogen levels by taking birth control pills when indicated.
2. Regular exercise
3. A healthy nutritious diet which is rich in essential vitamins, mineral, and phytonutrients. Eat a diet that has more omega 3 fats like fish, walnut and flax and plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains which increases the dietary fiber,
4. Avoid alcohol and cut down on caffeine and aerated drinks and intake of red meat and trans fat foods. Cut down the intake of processed food. Try a gluten-free and a low FODMAP diet.
5. Reduce exposure to polychlorinated biphenyl and dioxin.
Early intervention is the only prevention. Noah built his ark before it could rain.
Social Impact
Women with endometriosis are more likely to report an altered body image, describe reduced desire, arousal and pain. From a woman’s perspective, endometriosis is a disease surrounded by taboos, myths, delayed diagnosis, hit-and-miss treatments, and a lack of awareness, overlaid on a wide variety of symptoms that embody a stubborn, frustrating, and, for many, painfully chronic condition. It affects these women and girls during the prime of their lives. These individuals’ physical, mental, and social well-being is impacted by the disease, potentially affecting their ability to finish an education, maintain a career, with a consequent effect on their relationships, social activities, and in some cases fertility.
Endometriosis is a disease that is rooted in a very real, highly complex hereditary, and truly multi-factorial disease. Women with endometriosis may struggle with the emotional distress brought on by the unrelenting symptoms of pain and infertility and a multidisciplinary approach with psychological support is essential for these women.
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advancecare-blog1 · 5 years
Stand strong against breast cancer and Overcome through courage and strength from best breast cancer treatment in Indore.
Together We Will Conquer Cancer!
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Breast anatomy
Breast cancer is cancer that forms in the cells of the breasts. After skin cancer, breast cancer treatment in Indore is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in India. Breast cancer can occur in both men and women, but it's far more common in women.
Substantial support for breast cancer surgery in Indore for awareness and research funding has helped create advances in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Breast cancer survival rates have increased, and the number of deaths associated with this disease is steadily declining, largely due to factors such as earlier detection, a new personalized approach to treatment and a better understanding of the disease.
                                                   What are the signs of breast cancer?
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The earlier Breast cancer specialist in Indore is diagnosed, the better the chance of successful treatment. So it's important to check your breasts regularly.
There are many different signs and symptoms of breast cancer surgery in Indore. Common breast cancer signs and symptoms include:
A lump or swelling in the breast,     upper chest or armpit. You might feel the lump, but not see it.
Changes     in the size or shape of     the breast
A     change in skin     texture i.e.     puckering or dimpling of the skin
A     change in the color of the breast -     the breast may look red or inflamed
Rash,     crusting or     changes to the nipple
Any     unusual discharge from either nipple
Pain in your breasts is not normally a sign of breast cancer, but it can be if it is associated with other symptoms. While most pain is not a symptom, it’s important to look out for any pain that is unusual and persists over a period of time. So breast oncoplastic surgery at Indore is availably Noticing an unusual change like these doesn’t necessarily mean you will get breast cancer, but it’s important to get checked out if you are worried.
·           Angiosarcoma
·           Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
·           Inflammatory breast cancer
·           Invasive lobular carcinoma
·           Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
·           Male breast cancer
·           Paget's disease of the breast
·            Recurrent breast cancer
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer may include:
·         A breast lump or thickening that feels different from the surrounding tissue
·         Change in the size, shape or appearance of a breast
·         Changes to the skin over the breast, such as dimpling
·         A newly inverted nipple
·         Peeling, scaling, crusting or flaking of the pigmented area of skin surrounding the nipple (areola) or breast skin
·         Redness or pitting of the skin over your breast, like the skin of an orange
About Dr. Sanjog Jaiswal
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                                    Dr.Sanjog Jaiswal is a Breast cancer specialist in Indore. He pursued his MBBS from prestigious Seth G.S medical college and KEM hospital, Mumbai in 2005. He chose a surgical specialty, completing a Masters in general Surgery from renowned Govt Medical College Miraj in 2010. He got a golden opportunity to work as an assistant professor at the department of general surgery, KEM Hospital (Mumbai) for a year achieving vast experience in general surgery. He was selected for the superspeciality course, DNB in Surgical oncology under the mentorship of Renewed DR.Sultan Pradhan at prestigious Prince Aly Khan Hospital, Mumbai.
He has various national presentations& attended many scientific national conferences. He has done six months of fellowship in advanced laparoscopy at Medicity Hospital, Kollam (Kerala) and was awarded FMAS BY AMASI in 2015. He was also felicitated with FAIS by an association of Surgeons of India in 2017. He has currently associated with Esteemed Choithram Hospital and Research center Indore, as Chief Consultant Surgical Oncologist.
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anupsingh11-blog · 5 years
What Is MESA | MESA Centres In Salem | ElaWoman
What is MESA?
MESA (Micro-Epididymal Sperm Aspiration) is an open surgical sperm retrieval technique to treat male infertility problems along with Azoospermia (total absence of sperm in ejaculation) and reproductive tract blockage. Reproductive tract can be blocked due to various genital surgical procedures inclusive of vasectomy.
Under this procedure, operating microscopy is used and sperm retrieval is done without delay from the epididymis (reproductive tube connecting the testicles to the sperm carrying vessels) organ in the male genitalia.
MESA is generally used to assist pregnancy for the childless couples through Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) such as IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) and every now and then IUI also. It involves a surgical procedure to cut open the scrotum and retrieve the sperm. This MESA process causes ache for a few days.
When to assume MESA?
This approach is used while the father has problems in sperm production due to numerous reasons such as:
Azoospermia : When zero sperm is observed inside the ejaculated semen in a Semen Analysis Test or Sperm Culture Report then MESA can be cautioned. Azoospermia is of two types -
Obstructive Azoospermia (no sperm in the semen due to contamination/accident/surgical operation in testicles, prostate or the reproductive tract)
Non-obstructive Azoospermia (no sperm within the semen due to ordinary sperm production primarily related to hormonal issues or genetic)
However, MESA isn't cautioned in Non-Obstructive Azoospermia (NOA) as it is difficult to find sperm inside the epididymis while sperm production is impaired because of genetic elements in NOA.
Oligospermia: MESA is suggested whilst the male has Oligospermia (low sperm attention inside the semen)
MESA is beneficial whilst the male has previous genital surgeries inclusive of Vasectomy (male sterilization surgical operation for permanent contraception) and Inguinal Hernia Repair (surgical operation to restore a hernia within the groin)
Men diagnosed with Cystic fibrosis (a genetic disorder affecting lungs), which ends up in infertility issues by way of affecting the development of vas deferens-tube carrying the sperms to the testicles.
MESA is needed whilst the male has a hassle with blockage of seminal tissues or vas deferens due to cysts.
What are MESA Risks & Benefits?
MESA system entails masses of blessings in addition to risks. Below we've got mentioned how much MESA may be beneficial for you. Also, the danger factors of MESA are discussed therefore.
MESA Benefits
MESA is useful because it permits you to retrieve a big amount of sperm, which may be cryopreserved or frozen to use in destiny IVF cycles as nicely.
MESA advantages to the ones couples who do not want donor sperm and want their biological baby.
Less invasive and desires microsurgery.
MESA is the exceptional manner to retrieve sperm if TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration) fails or when sperm retrieval isn't feasible via TESA.
MESA Risks
Mild ache lasting three to 14 days is common after MESA.
Risk of Haematoma (swelling with clotted blood within the scrotal tissue) is thereafter MESA.
Swelling of the testicles with discoloration of the scrotal skin is also observed in a few patients after MESA.
Risk of contamination inside the incision web site (swelling, redness, rash, itching) persists as much as a week after MESA surgical operation.
One have to keep away from the sexual hobby and highly spiced food after MESA as these can complicate a affected person’s pelvic and bowel vicinity respectively.
Manipal Hospital
Manipal Hospital is one in all India’s most important multi-speciality healthcare vendors catering to both Indian and worldwide patients. We are part of the Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG) – a leader inside the regions of education and healthcare. With more than 5000 operational beds, our commitment to the overall properly-being of an individual is at the middle of everything we do. Through our network of hospitals and experienced group of clinical experts, we offer excellent and low-priced healthcare to every body and it is one of the best MESA Centres in Salem.
Manipal Hospital Dwarka, is a multi high-quality speciality tertiary care healthcare facility, turning in world-class healthcare, at an choicest price. Manipal Hospital Dwarka is ready to set new benchmarks in medical care. Preventive, diagnostic and healing offerings are the core of our eminent specialists who carry a long time of information, making Manipal Hospital Dwarka, the fine location for treatment for scientific troubles across all age organizations.
Akshaya Fertility Centre
Akshaya Fertility Centre is an IVF Hospital located in Ramakrishna, Salem. The middle offers its healthcare services inclusive of Infertility assessment, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Assisted Laser Hatching (LAH), Blastocyst Transfer, Sperm and Embryo Freezing, Preimplantation genetic analysis (PGD), and Endometriosis treatment. Akshaya Fertility Center is nicely geared up with extremely contemporary facilities and state of the art equipments combined with generation. Dr. Vani Pujari who's an Obstetrician and Gynecologist practices at this Center and it is one of the best MESA Centres in Salem.
Akshaya Fertility Centre is also the managing director of Akshaya Fertility Center. Dr. Vani has a practising experience of extra than  a long time in the area of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Vani Pujari is likewise a member of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) and The Federation of Obstetric & Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI).
ARMC IVF Fertility Center
ARMC IVF Fertility Center become founded in June 2009 by way of organising its first ever day care fertility centre at Kozhikode, Kerala, India. IVF-ICSI has been part of the services furnished by this centre considering its concept. As Managing director of ARMC IVF group of Fertility centers, Dr.K.U.Kunjumoideen leads the group of docs, scientists, nurses and management team of workers that are committed to ensuring that every one couples are given the very first-rate risk of achieving a pregnancy and it is one of the best MESA Centres in Salem.
In ARMC IVF Fertility Center take your safety, privateness and the exceptional of our provider very significantly. All of our scientific procedures and all the statistics you receive meet with the most traumatic criteria of protection, privateness and nice. On our internet site we submit our up to date outcomes, which have been audited by using an independent frame. These figures are up to now constantly above the average for our discipline. We inspire you to examine our results and make contact with us with any doubts that you could have approximately those figures.
Krishna Fertility and Laparoscopy Hospital
The Krishna Fertility and Laparoscopy Hospital is positioned in Heart of Salem in Brindavan street near new bus stand. It is properly geared up with all the brand new gadget, absolutely geared up Operation theatre, Laminar go with the flow fertility lab, High definition digicam, Harmonic scalpel and labour room. We are completely devoted into Infertility control and Laparoscopic surgical operation.
Beginning from infertility treatment to being concerned of your loved newborn all facilities are available. We also have offerings of paediatricians, physicians and different professional. This Hospital is devoted closer to imparting exceptional carrier to you at maximum inexpensive costs. Krishna Fertility and Laparoscopy Hospital is an IVF Center positioned in Fairlands, Salem. The sanatorium offers a huge range of medical offerings related to infertility department include General clinical consultation, Infertility evaluation, Blastocyst switch, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Laparoscopy surgical treatment, Hysteroscopy surgical operation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Frozen embryo transfer, Testicular Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (TESA) and Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA) strategies.
Dr. N. Maya
Dr. N. Maya is a Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Fairlands, Salem and has an experience of 12 years in these fields. Dr. N. Maya practices at Krishna Speciality Hospital in Fairlands, Salem. She completed MBBS from Coimbatore Medical College in 1996,DGO from Thanjavur Medical College in 2004 and Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine from KJK Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram in 2014.
Dr. N. Maya (krishna Fertility & Laparoscopy Center) in Fairlands has mounted the medical institution and has received a faithful shoppers over the past few years and is also often visited with the aid of several celebrities, aspiring models and other honourable customers and international sufferers as well. They additionally plan on expanding their commercial enterprise further and imparting services to numerous greater sufferers due to its success over the past few years.
For more information, Call Us :  +91-8929020600
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IVF Cost in Chennai | Elawoman
IVF Cost in Chennai
The IVF Cost in Chennai  varies from Rs. 96,200 to Rs. 2,13,000. Best infertility doctors in Chennai are Dr. Rajalakshmi R and Dr. Niveditha V.C are some of the best IVF doctors in Chennai. The infertility doctors are specialized in IVF procedures which yield success for the patients.
IVF Doctors in Chennai
Below are the Top IVF Doctors in Chennai with options to e book your first appointment FREE. Check Reviews, IVF Cost, IVF Success rates, costs, Address, Contact Number for all treatments they offer. Find info to low-cost test tube baby prices.
1. Dr. Dakshayani D
Dr.Dakshayani D is an infertility specialist presently that specialize in IVF, IUI, Pre Genetic screening and High-hazard pregnancies. Dr. Dakshayani D has finished MBBS from Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) from 1988 and DGO from Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland in 1996 and Diploma in Reproductive Medicine from International School of Medicine, Germany in 2003. Presently, Dr. Dakshayani D is practising at Apollo Fertility, Anna Nagar department, Chennai. For greater information, go to elawoman.Com
Dr. Dakshayani D is a Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist in Anna Nagar, Chennai and has an experience of two decades in these fields. Dr. Dakshayani D leading the scientific group as a Senior Consultant at Apollo Fertility in Anna Nagar, proper from the inception of the middle.
She completed MBBS from KIMS, Bangalore in 1988 and Diploma in Reproductive Medicine (Germany) from International School of Medicine, Kiel, Germany in 2003. She has achieved researches in the subject of reproductive endocrinology and medical embryology and posted research papers in various international Journals.
Her special interest in the subject of reproductive treatment are:
• Subfertility & Infertility treatment.
• Advanced treatment alternatives (PGS/PGD & ERA).
• Counselling for infertile parents.
• Management of high chance antenatal cases / preterm pregnancies.
• Management of DUB/Fibroid uterus / Ovarian cyst with ultra-modern approach like laparoscopic & hysteroscopic strategies, Thermal ablation & Uterine embolization.
• Conducting normal Cancer clinics / Antenatal clinics / Menopause clinics for Hospital.
Dr. Dakshayani D is a Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist in Anna Nagar, Chennai and has an revel in of twenty years in these fields. Dr. Dakshayani D main the clinical team as a Senior Consultant at Apollo Fertility in Anna Nagar, right from the inception of the middle.
She completed MBBS from KIMS, Bangalore, DGO from Trinity, Dublin in 1996 and Diploma in Reproductive Medicine (Germany) from International School of Medicine, Kiel, Germany in 2003. She has completed researches inside the area of reproductive endocrinology and clinical embryology and posted studies papers in diverse international Journals.
My favored a part of being a medical doctor is the possibility to without delay improve the health and wellbeing of my sufferers and to develop professional and personal relationships with them.
Dr. Dakshayani D is a relied on General Physician in MRC Nagar, Chennai. She has been a hit General Physician for the remaining 31 years. She is a MBBS, DGO, Diploma in Reproductive Medicine (Germany . You can seek advice from Dr. Dakshayani D at Apollo Cosmetic Clinics, MRC Nagar in MRC Nagar, Chennai.
Location:-  Anna Nagar, Chennai
Timing:-    Mon, Wed 12:00 Pm - 5:00 Pm
Rating :-  4.1 / 5
2. Dr. Radhika Meka
Dr. Radhika Meka is an infertility expert who completed her MBBS from Annamalai University in 1999 and DGO from MAHE University in 2007. Later, she completed MRCOG from Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, London within the year 2007. Dr. Radhika makes a speciality of IVF, ICSI, Oocyte, Sperm and Embryo donor packages in addition to Surrogacy. Dr. Radhika Meka is presently practising at Apollo Fertility, Anna Nagar and Parampara Fertility and Gynaec Centre. You can visit Elawoman.Com for further information.
Dr. Radhika Meka is a Gynecologist, Infertility Specialist and Obstetrician in Kilpauk, Chennai and has an enjoy of 15 years in these fields. Dr. Radhika Meka proceeding at Parampara Fertility & Gynaec Centre in Kilpauk, Chennai. She completed MBBS from Annamalai University in 1999 and MRCOG(UK) from Royal College (U.K) in 2007.
She is a proud member of Indian Medical Association (IMA). Some of the offerings supplied through the medical doctor are: In vitro fertilization (IVF),ART Consultant,Donor (Oocyte & Sperm) Program,Laparoscopic Surgery (Obs & Gyn) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and many others.
Location:-  Anna Nagar, Chennai
Timing:-    Mon, Wed 11:30 Pm - 8:00 Pm
Rating :-  4.0 / 5
3. Dr. Hemalatha Pugalendhi
Dr Hemalatha Pugalendhi is an infertility specialist who has finished MBBS from Thanjavur Medical College in 1986 and MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Kasturba Medical College in 1991. Then, she pursued DGES from Kiel School of Gynaecological Endoscopy and Reproductive Medicine, Germany inside the yr 2007. She makes a speciality of IUI, IVF, Endoscopy surgery and Reproductive Medicine. Dr. Hemalatha is currently practising at Apollo Fertility, Anna Nagar branch in Chennai. Visit Elawoman.Com for more information.
Dr. Hemalatha Pugalendhi is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Laparoscopic surgeon and Infertility Specialist at Apollo Fertility, Anna Nagar and Mu Va Hospital and Speciality Center, Chennai. She has finished degree in of superior endoscopic surgery in gynaecology at Kiel faculty gynaecological endoscopy and reproductive treatment, Germany in 2007. Also she has finished FOGSI direction on advanced infertility at Ruby Hall Clinic IVF and Endoscopy Centre, Pune and also at Edappal Hospital beneath Dr. Gopinathan, Kerala in 2014.
Services:-  IVF,IUI, Gynecology
Location:-  Anna Nagar, Chennai
Timing:-    Mon, SAT 5:00 Pm - 7:00 Pm
Rating :-  3.9 / 5
4. Dr. Mala Raj
Dr. Mala Raj is an infertility expert, obstetrician and gynecologist focusing on IVF, IUI, Reproductive Medicine and Gynecology Laparoscopy techniques. Dr. Mala Raj has finished her MBBS from Kilpauk Medical College in 1992, DGO from Sri Ramachandra Medical College in 1996. Then, she pursued Advanced Gynecology Laparoscopy Surgery and Diploma in Reproductive Medicine from Kiel University in Germany in 2001 and 2014 respectively. You can go to Elawoman.Com for extra information
Dr. Mala Raj is a renowned Obstetrician & Gynecologist, A Specialist in Laparoscopic Surgery and infertility, graduated from Kilpauk Medical College within the year 1992 and purchased post graduate diploma from Sri Ramachandra Medical College inside the yr 1997. Dr. Mala Raj evolved a keen interest in Endoscopic surgical procedure and did her Diploma in Endoscopic Surgery from the University of Kiel (Germany) in the yr 2004.
Her unique capabilities are Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (elimination of uterus laparoscopically) & Laparoscopic Myomectomy (removal of fibroid laparoscopically) and so far has done more than 5000 instances. She is the recipient of Dr. Siuli Rudra Sinha award for the exceptional paper in Gynaec Endoscopy on the All India Obstetric & Gynaecological Congress held at Cochin inside the year 2006.
She is a teaching faculty for the Ethicon Institute, where she teaches publish graduates & gynecologist the nuances of Laparoscopic surgery.
Apart from giving comfort to girls with issues, she has made households via making them proud dad and mom. When ladies fail to conceive naturally, she has helped them experience the pleasure of motherhood by “Test Tube Babies” and there are numerous taking part in the pleasures of motherhood.
Services:-  IVF,IUI, Gyne Laparoscopy,
Location:-  Anna Nagar, Chennai
Timing:-    MON - FRI 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Rating :-  3.7 / 5
For more information, Call Us :  +91 – 7899912611
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ashafertility-blog · 5 years
Dr. Astha Chakravarty is a dynamic & experienced fertility specialist who has the capability to individualize treatment according to patient needs & affordability.
✔   She is a graduate & postgraduate from the prestigious Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. She has pursued two years post- doctoral fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (FNB) from the Institute of Reproductive Medicine, Kolkata under the able guidance of Dr. B.N. Chakravarty who is a pioneer in infertility treatment.
✔   During her post graduation, she developed a keen interest in the field of infertility.
✔   After completing her M.S. she has pursued a fellowship in advanced infertility and endoscopy from Ruby Hall IVF & Endoscopy Centre, Pune, India. She then received a rigorous training in operative Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy, and Vaginal Surgeries from Centre For Advanced Gynecological Endoscopy (Sunrise Institute of Medical Sciences), Cochin, Kerala, India.
✔   She is a member of Faridabad Obstetric and Gynae Society (FOGS) and also a member of Indian Fertility Society.
✔   Dr. Astha Chakravarty feels privileged to have had this opportunity to help subfertile couples in their journey to parenthood.
✔   She puts her heart and soul in treating every single patient of hers who visits her center in Faridabad, the best ivf clinic in Delhi-NCR region.
✔   She is associated with MILANN - THE FERTILITY CENTER in Delhi.
✔   P-551 Congenital Malformations in babies conceived following Letrozole or Clomiphene for infertility. 28th ESHRE Turkey 1st-4th July 2012.
✔   P-491 Role of estrogen as LPS in normal and expected poor responders in Long agonist IVF/ ICSI cycles. ASRM 20th-24th October 2012.
✔   Free Paper Presentation on Role of Endocervical brush in improving the Quality of the specimen obtained from Endocervical Curettage at 30th Annual Conference of AOGD (8th -9th Nov 2008) organized by department of Obstetrics& Gynecology, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.
✔   Free Paper Presentation on Comparison of Endocervical Brush & Curette at 52nd AICOG, Jaipur (5th 8th Jan 2009).
✔   The role of endocervical brush in improving the quality of specimen obtained from endocervical curettage under the able guidance of Dr. Raksha Arora, Department of OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY at Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India.
✔   Role of estrogen as luteal phase support (LPS) in favorable and unfavorable patients in long agonist in vitro fertilization (IVF)/ Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles, under the guidance of Dr. B.N. Chakravarty during the National Board Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (FNB), Kolkata 2011-2013.
✔   Congenital Malformations among Babies Born Following Letrozole or Clomiphene for Infertility Treatment SunitaSharma, SanghamitraGhosh, Soma Singh, AsthaChakravarty, Ashalatha Ganesh, ShwetaRajani, B. N. Chakravarty PLOSONE Oct 2014.
✔   Large Fibroid arising from Mullerian Remnant Mimicking as Ovarian Neoplasm in a Woman with MRKH SyndromeBy: Soma Singh, BaidyanathChakravarty, ManjuChakravarty, AsthaChakravarty International Journal of Infertility and Fetal MedicineVol : 3, Issue : 1 (2012).
✔   SertoliLeydig cell tumor - A rare ovarian neoplasm - Case report & review of literature; PoonamSachdeva, RakshaArora, ChandanDubey, AsthaSukhija, MridulaDaga, Deepak Kumar Singh. Journal of Gynecological Endocrinology, 24(4), 230-234, April 2008.
✔   SertoliLeydig cell tumor - A rare ovarian neoplasm PoonamSachdeva, RakshaArora, ChandanDubey, AsthaSukhija, MridulaDaga,SangeetaBhasin, Obstetrics & Gynecology Today August 2008 Vol. xiii No.8, 336-339.
✔   Chapter on "Manual Removal of placenta - RakshaArora, AsthaSukhija in the book Diagnostic Procedures & Minor Surgical Interventions in Obstetrics & Gynecology- Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers,1/e/2007.
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elajyoti-blog · 5 years
Armc IVF Cost | IVF Centres in Kannur | Elaowoman
Armc IVF Cost
Armc IVF Cost is an eminent IVF and Infertility Hospital in Prabhat Junction, IVF Centres in Kannur. The emergency clinic began its first part of in the year 2009. The inside undertakings to give childcare office to the comfort of the patients. The administrations accessible at the infertility focus incorporate General interview, Infertility appraisal, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Eggs and Sperms Donor Program, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Blastocyst Culture and Transfer, High-chance pregnancy care, Gynecology Laparoscopy, and Hysteroscopy methodology. The inside kept IVF ICSI technique as one of the need results to get the ideal treatment results for the patients. The medical clinic likewise offers benefits in Laser Assisted Hatching (LAH), Level 3 Fetal Anomaly Scanning Facilities, Intracytoplasmic Morphologically chosen Sperm Injection (IMSI) methods. The emergency clinic is outfitted with a well-prepared group of restorative and paramedical staff including medical caretakers, researchers, and organization staff. The branch is going by Dr. K.U.Kunjumoideen who is the Managing Director of ARMC IVF gathering of Fertility focuses.
In-vitro-Fertilization (IVF) is a typical infertility treatment. During the method, a fertility specialist takes the eggs from the ovaries using a little needle and prepares them with sperm in a specific lab. After fertilization occurs, the eggs form into embryos. Three to five days after the fact, the expert re-embeds the embryos once more into the uterus.
Watch this video to realize what occurs at each progression of the IVF treatment cycle. By looking inside a standout amongst the most developed, cutting edge IVF labs, figure out how a fertility clinic within the ARC arrange, RMA of New York, performs IVF and other progressed regenerative innovations (ART) using the most noteworthy guidelines of restorative perfection.
You can likewise build up a superior understanding of basic research center procedures utilized during an IVF cycle:
Egg Retrieval: A minor surgery in which a specialist obtains eggs from the follicles of the ovaries.
Contributor l Insemination: A gynecologist places sperm straightforwardly inside the vagina at the cervix or inside the uterus (called Intrauterine Insemination or IUI). Benefactor insemination was recently called Artificial Insemination.
Embryo Development: When the sperm effectively treats the egg, an embryo structures and begins to develop. At the point when the embryo is 2 to 3 days old it at the 'cleavage organize'; at 5 to 6 days old, it is known as a 'blastocyst'.
Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): A single sperm is injected into an egg to trigger fertilization. This is finished with uncommon gear in the embryology research facility.
Helped Hatching: A laser or synthetic arrangement is utilized on the embryo to increase the odds it will embed in the lining of the uterus (endometrium).
Embryo Transfer: Fertilized eggs (embryos) are set again into the lady's uterus or fallopian tube through the cervix.
Embryo Cryopreservation: An embryo is frozen at cold temperatures. The saved embryos can be utilized for sometime later.
What are the dangers related with in vitro fertilization?
Similarly as with most medicinal methodology, there are potential dangers. Progressively extreme indications, commonly from OHSS, include the following:
Sickness or vomiting
Diminished urinary recurrence
Shortness of breath
Extreme stomach pains and bloating
Ten-pound weight gain within three to five days
In the event that you experience any of these indications above, contact your specialist immediately.
Some reactions of fertility prescriptions may include:
Emotional episodes
Abdominal pain
Hot flashes
Abdominal bloating
Uncommon: Ovarian hyper-incitement disorder (OHSS)
Dr. Shyjus Nair
Dr. Shyjus Nair is an IVF Specialist and a standout amongst the best Gynecologists in IVF Centres in Kannur, Kerela. He has been filling in as an infertility pro for over 10 years. He is said to be a standout amongst the most favored IVF Doctors due to his sympathetic and compassionate methodology towards his patients. Dr. Shyjus has practical experience in Infertility evaluation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), and Normal and Cesarean Delivery, Pregnancy care, Obstetrics care and other Gynecology issues treatment.
Fathima Hospital
Fathima Hospital is a settled Gynecology and Maternity Center situated in South Bazar, Kannur. The emergency clinic and its staff is gone for furnishing the maternity administrations to patients with most extreme empathy, care, and solace. The emergency clinic is well-outfitted with best in class advances which guarantees that the expecting couples have a happy encounter of pregnancy. The administrations offered at Fathima Hospital incorporate Gynecology meeting, Maternal Fetal Medicine, High-hazard pregnancy care, Antenatal in-tolerant consideration, Surgical methods, and Neonatology. The exceedingly experienced medicinal staff at Fathima Hospital offers support with the pregnant lady all through pregnancy term and even after labor. The restorative and paramedical staff at the clinic has a patient-accommodating methodology and the staff is additionally committed to convey greatness in patient consideration. The emergency clinic likewise benefits Diagnostic Imaging division which is furnished with current and updated advancements with 3D and 4D ultrasound imaging. With the assistance of 3D and 4D ultrasound observing, the advancement of baby can be watched and recorded. Dr. Anita Asokan, who has a broad encounter of more than one every decade, is serving her practices at the clinic
Ncare IVF Centre in Parappanangadi
Ncare IVF Centre in Parappanangadi is an entrenched IVF and Infertility Center arranged in Parappanangadi, Kerala. It has been serving its offices to its patients since 2011. This fertility medical clinic offers its administrations and offices with undeniable fertility care and assisted reproduction techniques. It gives a wide scope of administrations in the bureau of obstetrics and gynecology, for example, General therapeutic discussion, Infertility appraisal, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Ovulation Induction (OI), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Sperm Freezing, and Laser Assisted Hatching (LAH) systems. Ncare IVF focus additionally offers other fertility administrations, for example, Tertiary Level Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) just as 3D and 4D Ultrasound. The medicinal lab of the middle is well-outfitted with complete hormonal measure strategies.
Dr. Rajina E.P
Dr. Rajina E.P is an exceedingly experienced IVF Specialist and Gynecologist in Parappanangadi, Malappuram. She finished her MBBS and DGO from Calicut Medical College in 1994 and 1998, individually. She further did DRM from a similar college and had some expertise in infertility treatments. She currently represents considerable authority in IVF, IUI, Polycystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOD) treatment, Obstetrics Care, Normal conveyance methodology, and Menopausal consideration and the executives. Dr. Rajina E.P was granted Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Award for commitments in the field of prescription. She has additionally gotten an honor from Sanofi Pharmaceutical Company for directing Hysteroscopy workshop at NCare. She has make gigantic progress in the therapeutic business and is generally known for her aptitude in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She is at present rehearsing at Ncare IVF Center as an infertility master.
If you have any double about IVF Centres in Bangalore. You can contact us  
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lifelinehospital · 3 years
Are you searching for the best hospital for hernia surgery in Kerala? Well, no more worries and queries! Here Lifeline Hospital is the perfect choice for you. We are committed to deliver the best and safe surgeries by using advanced medical equipments and technologies. Visit our site to know more details.
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anupsingh11-blog · 5 years
Best IVF Hospital In Hyderabad | ElaWoman
What Is IVF treatment?
Many couples who find it hard to get pregnant flip to In Vitro Fertilization as a way to conceive a toddler. Commonly shortened to IVF, the basics of this 30-year-antique fertility treatment contain retrieving a girl’s eggs from her ovaries and pairing them with a sperm sample. According to the American Pregnancy Association, these two additives are then combined in a laboratory, and the resulting embryos are planted in a woman’s uterus. If IVF is successful, the embryos will embed themselves into the uterus and increase; inside some weeks, the couple may be nicely on their way to becoming parents.
While the naked-bones description of IVF appears pretty simple, there’s a reason why this fertility treatment is thought for its charge tag: the system consists of more than one steps that require a couple of physician’s visits, fertility medicines, surgical approaches, and laboratory paintings.
Step 1: Boosting Egg Production
A reproductive professional will determine if you are a candidate for IVF, and the great route of movement transferring ahead. During this time, you will be prescribed fertility medicinal drugs that assist stimulate egg manufacturing and increase hormone stages. You’ll additionally undergo various exams to determine how your body reaction.
Step 2: Egg and Sperm Retrieval
After a medical doctor determines the high-quality time for collecting eggs out of your ovaries based totally to your hormone levels, you’ll undergo minor surgical treatment. Sperm can also be accrued, whether or not from an associate or a donor.
Step 3: Insemination
Laboratory specialists will integrate the sperm and eggs — what’s called “insemination.” This system allows the eggs to be fertilized, in which they can grow into embryos.
Step 4: Embryo Transfer
Several days after the eggs are retrieved and fertilized, embryos are then planted inside the uterus, wherein they will (or won't) implant. If the embryos implant and broaden, the IVF cycle is considered an achievement, and shortly after, a being pregnant check have to provide a superb result.
Who Is An IVF Candidate?
Many couples who warfare with conceiving obviously look to IVF. While only a physician or fertility professional can determine if IVF is the high-quality direction of action for infertility, a few sufferers may be more suitable than others. IVF is generally applied for individuals or couples who:
Have broken, blocked, or removed fallopian tubes
Have abnormal ovulation
Have endometriosis, uterine fibroid, or other uterine and ovarian conditions
Genetic issues that a couple is making an attempt to prevent
Have had cancer, a preceding reproductive sterilization, ovarian failure, or other health situation that makes it difficult to get pregnant
Unexplained infertility issues
Knowing what goes into the IVF process is simply as important as expertise how to pay for it. Before you get slowed down by means of the information, recognize that in a few instances, reasonably-priced IVF treatment are feasible. For a few individuals, loose IVF treatment are a possibility way to sure companies. And, reducing IVF prices with egg donation or frozen embryos is likewise an opportunity.
Narmada Fertility Center
Narmada Fertility Center in Mahendra Hills, Hyderabad is a top player in the category Infertility Clinics inside the Hyderabad. This famous establishment acts as a one-forestall destination servicing customers each nearby and from different parts of Hyderabad. Over the course of its journey, this commercial enterprise has installed a firm foothold in its industry. The notion that patron pleasure is as crucial as their products and services, have helped this status quo garner a widespread base of customers, which continues to grow by way of the day. Narmada Fertility Center is a Multi-specialty and IVF Hospital located in East Marredpally, Hyderabad. It is one of the finest Laparoscopy and Test Tube Baby Centers in Hyderabad which gives services like Sperm & Freezing of Sperms/Embryos/Oocytes, Urogynaecology, Prenatal Screening & Diagnosis Services, Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgery, Antenatal Care and Pregnancy Delivery, Contraception and Family Planning Advice, Infertility Assessment & Treatment, DNA Fragmentation Test,Hysteroscopic Surgery, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), and Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA). Dr. Narmada H is the proprietor and the director of Narmada Fertility Center and it is one of the best IVF Hospital In Hyderabad.
Hegde Hospital
The Hegde Hospital branch at Madhapur is one of the best and high rated  committed Fertility Center in Madhapur, focusing on state-of-the-art processes beneath the supervision of first-class Gynaecologist in Madhapur for assisted conception. Lead with the aid of a team of relatively skilled professionals underneath the guidance of Dr.Vandana Hegde, the high-quality gynecologist in Hyderabad, the medical institution has been capable of reap consequences which have a long way surpassed expectancies. Our Andrology & Embryology lab is constructed keeping in thoughts the global standards & adheres to strict first-class manipulate measures. Hegde Hospital maintain 24hrs energy returned up via a high powered generator dedicated to service this unit & thereby we guarantee absolutely the safety of all embryos. Till date, our pregnancy effects have been constantly on par with worldwide standards and it is one of the best IVF Hospital In Hyderabad.
KIMS Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences
KIMS Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences is one in every of the most important corporate Hospitals institution in South India with over 2000 beds unfold throughout 6 places inside the states of Telangana (Secunderabad & Kondapur) We perform and manage all our hospitals, which KIMS Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences consider, presents us with greater control over our centers, and facilitates us in our endeavour to deliver high first-rate and affordable healthcare services. Through our combined portfolio of well-installed, matured centers and newly mounted facilities, we provide treatment for acute and chronic illnesses throughout secondary, tertiary and quaternary healthcare sectors and it is one of the best IVF Hospital In Hyderabad.
Dr Padmaja Fertility Centre
Dr Padmaja Fertility Centre is considered to be one of the nice Gynecology and IVF Clinics in Hyderabad. The centre is located at Street No 7, Beside Aadeeshwar/TVS Showroom, Landmark: Opp NMDC Main Gate, Hyderabad, that's a smooth and peaceful region. The offerings provided through the hospital are In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Surrogacy, Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), Semen Freezing, Freezing of Sperms/Embryos/Oocytes, Endometrial Receptivity Array, Advanced Laparoscopy Surgery, PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome/Disease (PCOS) Treatment, Donor Egg Program and Semen Banking.  Dr Padmaja Fertility Centre has obtained numerous certifications from many famend businesses. It is a today's vacation spot for childless couples who want to conceive. The middle has a fully ready operation theatre for acting all obstetrics and gynecology operations.
Lakshmi Hospital for Women Children and Multispeciality
Lakshmi Hospital for Women Children and Multispeciality is one of the maximum trusted hospital treatment establishments in and around Cochin in Kerala. With over three decades of carrier par excellence, Lakshmi Hospital for Women Children and Multispeciality has grown from unmarried centre medical institution to multiple centre, multi specialty referral class of health facility. This recognition and acceptance changed into now not won in an afternoon. Years of perseverance and dedication of all concerned has borne fruit. Lakshmi Hospital for Women Children is a unit of Laxmi Hospitals which is dedicated to girls and children.
It predominant unit is placed in Plot No three/21, RTC Colony, Manjeera PipeLine Road, Madinaguda, My Home Jewel Back Gate, Hyderabad. It gives 24-hours Paediatrics Emergency & Trauma Care Services along with Gynecology and infertility treatment. Other treatment alternatives like Allergic Disorder Treatments, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Spirometry-lung Function Testing-lung Function Testing, Nebulization, Immunization, Counseling Sessions, Antenatal Care and Pregnancy Delivery, Postnatal (Post shipping) Care, Infertility Assessment & Treatment, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Cancer Detection Screening, and Allergic Disorder Treatment is also supplied on the hospital.
For more information, Call Us :  +91-8929020600
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Dr. Manjusha | Elawoman
Best IVF Doctors in Lucknow
Below are the Best IVF Doctors in Lucknow with options to book your first appointment FREE. Check Reviews, IVF Cost, IVF Success rates, Fees, Address, Contact Number for all treatments they offer. Find details to affordable test tube baby costs.
1. Dr. Manjusha
Dr. Manjusha is an acclaimed Obstetrician & Gynaecologist based Gomti Nagar, Lucknow. She is highly recommended by hospitals in the state as she has gathered 2 decades of experience in this field and has helped a countless number of women and couples having infertility issues. She has vast specialization in Gynecological Problems, Normal Vaginal Delivery, Pregnancy Consultation, Obstetrics Problems, and Menopause Care. Dr. Manjusha was brilliant in her academics as well. She attained her MBBS degree from Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi in 1991 and went on to complete his MD from the University of Delhi in 1996. She passed his MD with first-class results and went on to train in the best hospitals in the city. 
She also a proud Member of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, London and the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India). She has the skills and the knowledge to identify, diagnose and treat a wide of reproductive health problems. She excels in providing skilled care to women in accordance with the latest technological advancements, coupled with compassion and humanity. Her 'woman-centered Approach' enables her to provide the most optimum medical, minimally invasive or open surgical procedure, best suited to the needs of individual women.
2. Dr. Pratibha Sachan
Dr. Pratibha Sachan is a Gynecologist who hails from the metropolis of Lucknow. She has completed her MBBS from GSVM Kanpur and later did her DGO from the identical college wherein she secured the primary role. She is an expert in Male and Female Infertility having more than a decade of experience in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
She has been bringing a smile to individuals who are stricken by infertility, PCOS or high-risk being pregnant. She is a seasoned with regards to Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD), Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy, Excessive Bleeding and Women wellbeing. She owns and runs C N S Multi-Speciality Hospital in Indira Nagar, Lucknow and is the pinnacle of the Obstetrics and Gynecology department. You can get her touch details on www.Elawoman.Com.
Dr. Pratibha Sachan, Gynecologist changed into born and taken up in Lucknow, after finishing her research from GSVM Kanpur and crowned in her DGO.
She has a huge revel in in Obstetrics and Gynecology in diverse famend hospitals. As her place of hobby being female & male infertility, she has undergone various schooling packages for the same.
Dr. Pratibha Sachan is passionate for innovations and experimenting along with her new thoughts and as a result lots of labor is being carried out by means of her and her team within the place of infertility to carry smile on the faces of childless parents.
She is correctly going for walks "Centre for Neuro Sciences and Trauma"(CNS) and doing all Obstetric & Gynecological surgical procedures together with laparoscopic procedures. The health facility is thought for state-of-the-art strategies and committed nursing team of workers.
Taking a breakthrough in the area of healthcare, Dr.Pratibha has set up the "Well Women Clinic" and"Adolescent Clinic"a hospital which capabilities on each first Sunday of the month, for tracking the fitness of women thru exceptional ranges of life.
3. Dr. Saraswati Patel
Dr. Saraswati Patel is an IVF specialist who specializes in lараrоsсору and hуstеrоsсору and gуnесоlоgісаl fасіlіtіеs rаngіng from аntеnаtаl care, normal and cesarean deliveries, hіgh rіsk рrеgnаnсу, antenatal care and infertility trеаtmеnts. Dr. Saraswati pursued MBBS and MS in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Dr. Saraswati Patel has an impressive ехреrіеnсе, and has worked at one of the bеst mеdіcаl establishments of India and has served 1000 раrеnts coming from each strаtа of sосіеtу. She is currently practising her experience at Sarthak Test Tube Baby Center, Kanchan Market, Lucknow.
Saraswati Clinic is an Internal Medicine Clinic in Karol Bagh, Delhi. The health facility is visited through pediatrician like Dr. Dinesh Laroia and Dr. Anil Vardani. The timings of Saraswati Clinic are: Mon, Wed, Fri: 17:30-19:30 and Tue, Thu, Sat: 17:30-21:00. Some of the offerings furnished via the Clinic are: Consultation and Pediatrics and so on. Click on map to find directions to reach Saraswati Clinic.
4. Dr. Sipra Bagchi
Dr. Sipra Bagchi is a Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist at Dr. Bagchi's Gynecology & Infertility Center in Lucknow. She is specialized in Infertility Evaluation / Treatment, IUI, IVF, Endoscopy Surgery, High-Risk Pregnancy Care and Gynae Problems. She is an endoscopic physician too, particularly do fertility enhancing endoscopic surgical procedures. She has completed MBBS & MD (OBS & GYN) both from the distinguished King George's Medical College lucknow.She is trained and skilled in all styles of infertility treatment which include IUI and IVF.
She changed into trained in IVF at Sir Ganga Ram Hosp. New Delhi and FOGSI known centre Vapi Gujarat. Dr.Sipra Bagchi took schooling in laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries beneath the grasp of this field Dr. P. G. Paul from Cochin ,Kerala. Dr. Sipra Bagchi believes in moral exercise and owns a completely pleasant persona. Though committed to her paintings ,she is pleasant in nature and listens to her patients’ issues very patiently.
Dr Sipra Bagchi is a particularly certified gynaecologist, a professional surgeon, green obstetrician and moreover experienced infertility specialist . She is an endoscopic health practitioner too, particularly do fertility improving endoscopic surgeries. She has carried out MBBS & MD (OBS & GYN) each from the prestigious King George's Medical College lucknow.She is educated and experienced in all varieties of infertility treatment together with IUI and IVF. She become skilled in IVF at Sir Ganga Ram Hosp. New Delhi and FOGSI regarded centre Vapi Gujarat.
Dr.Sipra Bagchi took schooling in laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries under the master of this area Dr. P. G. Paul from Cochin ,Kerala.
She believes in moral exercise and owns a totally pleasant personality. Though committed to her work ,she is friendly in nature and listens to her patients’ problems very patiently.
5. Dr. Niharika
Dr. Niharika is an Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist hailing from Lucknow. She is having an enjoy of more than half of a decade inside the area of fertility and Gynecology. She has finished her graduation in MBBS and is also a Masters in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She is understood for treating complex infertility cases and has a great IVF and IUI success charge. She is presently working towards physician at Sarthak Test Tube Baby Center that is a Surrogacy and IVF center positioned at Kanchan Market, Lucknow. You can get her contact information on www.Elawoman.Com.
Dr. Neharika  become running because the Director Clinical/Dental health practitioner with Alchemist Hospitals(dental) specialising in neuromuscular dentistry(diagnosis), She headed the dental campaign for Medanta Medicity Gurgaon being in fee as a Consultant Dental surgeon.
She additionally ran a Charitable dental health facility in Gurgaon along with her group of medical doctors concentrated on the neighboring rural regions and handled 15-20 dental sufferers a day on a median.
Dr. Neharika , who ably balances her dual pastimes of dentistry and being the quickest ladies on motorcycle  has already completed 2000 kilometers at the Buddh International Circuit having first made a pilgrimage to the tune as this cycling fanatic.
Readers will understand that Professional Biking isn't an easy sport. It demands a lot of fitness which is very difficult to preserve. Also there may be a steady chance of principal accidents inside the racing sports activities. One wishes to have a number of guts and determination so that you can do properly in this sport.
Dr. Niharika , presently Professor and Head, Department of Medicine at K.J. Somaiya Medical College, Mumbai, graduated from the T. N. Medical College and Nair Hospital in Mumbai in 1984 and finished her submit commencement in General Medicine from the equal institute in 1989 below Mumbai University.
She turned into then attached to Hinduja Hospital at Mumbai for 365 days where she in addition specialized in Rheumatology below the able steering of one of the maximum reputable and senior physicians of Mumbai Dr. V.R. Joshi. From 1990 to 1996 she worked as Assistant Professor in Medicine with unique interest in Rheumatology on the Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College Hospital at Sion, accompanied by means of a quick stint on the prestigious Hospital for Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Arthritis and Trauma(HOSMAT) at Bangalore as a representative in Rheumatology.
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anupsingh11-blog · 5 years
How Does IVF Work And Cost Of IVF In Chennai | ElaWoman
In vitro fertilization (IVF) enables with fertilization, embryo development, and implantation, so you can get pregnant.
How does IVF work?
IVF stands for in vitro fertilization. It’s one of the greater well known varieties of assisted reproductive era (ART).  IVF works by using the usage of a aggregate of drug treatments and surgical strategies to assist sperm fertilize an egg, and assist the fertilized egg implant on your uterus.
First, you are taking medication that makes numerous of your eggs mature and ready for fertilization. Then the health practitioner takes the eggs from your body and mixes them with sperm in a lab, to help the sperm fertilize the eggs. Then they positioned 1 or more fertilized eggs (embryos) without delay into your uterus. Pregnancy happens if any of the embryos implant in the lining of your uterus.
IVF has many steps, and it takes numerous months to complete the entire procedure. It on occasion works on the first attempt, however many human beings want greater than 1 spherical of IVF to get pregnant. IVF truly will increase your probabilities of being pregnant if you’re having fertility issues, however there’s no assure — all of us’s body is special and IVF received paintings for anyone.
What’s the IVF process?
The first step in IVF is taking fertility medicinal drugs for several months to help your ovaries produce several eggs which can be mature and equipped for fertilization. This is known as ovulation induction. You can also get normal ultrasounds or blood tests to measure your hormone degrees and keep music of your egg production.
Once your ovaries have produced sufficient mature eggs, your physician gets rid of the eggs out of your body (this is called egg retrieval). Egg retrieval is a minor surgical treatment that’s achieved at your health practitioner’s office or at a fertility sanatorium.
You’ll get medicine that will help you be relaxed and comfortable throughout the method. Using an ultrasound to peer interior your body, the medical doctor places a thin, hole tube thru your vagina and into the ovary and follicles that preserve your eggs. The needle is hooked up to a suction tool that lightly pulls the eggs out of every follicle.
In a lab, your eggs are mixed with sperm cells from your associate or a donor — that is referred to as insemination. The eggs and sperm are saved collectively in a unique container, and fertilization happens. For sperm that have decrease motility (don’t swim as well), they'll be injected without delay into the eggs to sell fertilization. As the cells inside the fertilized eggs divide and become embryos, those who work at the lab display the progress.
About 3-5 days after the egg retrieval, 1 or greater embryos are placed into your uterus (that is known as embryo transfer).  The physician slides a skinny tube via your cervix into your uterus, and inserts the embryo without delay into your uterus via the tube.
Pregnancy occurs if any of the embryos connect to the liner of your uterus.  Embryo transfer is executed at your physician’s workplace or at a fertility clinic, and it’s generally now not painful.
Plan on resting for the rest of the day after your embryo switch. You can go again for your regular sports tomorrow. You may also take capsules or get daily pictures of a hormone called progesterone for the first eight-10 weeks after the embryo transfer. The hormones make it less difficult for the embryo to live to tell the tale for your uterus.
What are the facet effects of IVF?
Like all medicinal drugs and medical methods, IVF has some dangers and viable facet results. These include:
breast tenderness
temper swings
bruising from shots
hypersensitive reaction to drug treatments
Your health practitioner can speak with you approximately any questions or issues you have approximately IVF dangers and aspect effects.
IVF also can be difficult emotionally, both for the character having the processes and for his or her companion and/or own family. Many human beings doing IVF remedies battle with depression and anxiety throughout the technique.
Talking with folks who’ve been via fertility struggles and IVF can be sincerely beneficial in case you’re feeling beaten or discouraged. Online and in-man or woman groups also are suitable places to meet folks that recognize what you’re going through and might offer recommendation and support. Counselors and therapists can also be resources of consolation.
You can find more facts on guide agencies and dealing with the pressure of fertility treatments at RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association. Your doctor, fertility specialist, or local Planned Parenthood health facility will also be able to offer you different sources and hints on finding therapists or assist companies to your place.
Cost of IVF in Chennai
The Cost of IVF in Chennai varies from Rs. 96,200 to Rs. 2,13,000. Best infertility doctors in Chennai are Dr. Rajalakshmi R and Dr. Niveditha V.C are some of the nice IVF docs in Chennai. The infertility docs are specialised in IVF procedures which yield fulfillment for the sufferers. Our specialist will help you to resolve your hassle-associated Cost of IVF in Chennai at Elawoman.Com.
Dr. Mala Raj
Dr. Mala Raj is an infertility professional, obstetrician and gynecologist focusing on IVF, IUI, Reproductive Medicine and Gynecology Laparoscopy approaches. Dr. Mala Raj has completed her MBBS from Kilpauk Medical College in 1992, DGO from Sri Ramachandra Medical College in 1996. Then, she pursued Advanced Gynecology Laparoscopy Surgery and Diploma in Reproductive Medicine from Kiel University in Germany in 2001 and 2014 respectively.
Services: Gyne Laparoscopy, Tubal Sterilization, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
Basic IVF Package: Starts from Rs. 1,20,000
Location: Firm Hospitals, Anna Nagar, Chennai
Rating: 3.7 / 5
2.Dr. Dakshayani D
Dr. Dakshayani D is a confided All in all Doctor in MRC Nagar, Chennai. She is an MBBS. You can counsel Dr. Dakshayani D at Apollo Restorative Clinics, MRC Nagar in MRC Nagar, Chennai. Dr. Dakshayani D is a Gynecologist and Infertility Master in Anna Nagar, Chennai and has an ordeal of 20 years in these fields. Dr. Dakshayani D riding the medical institution as a Senior Specialist at Apollo Fertility in Anna Nagar, perfect from the beginning of the middle. She finished MBBS from KIMS, Bangalore in 1988, DGO from Trinity, Dublin in 1996 and Certificate in Contraceptive Medication (Germany) from Worldwide Institute of Pharmaceutical, Kiel, Germany in 2003. She has executed appears into the sphere of contraceptive endocrinology and medical embryology and disbursed research papers in special typical Diaries. Her unusual enthusiasm for the sphere of reproductive pharmaceutical are
Dr. Dakshayani D in Chennai has made a particularly uncommon call within the city. As according to many, the expert orders as one of the 'go-to' fashionable docs inside the quarter. The fortress this professional has in the medicinal subject has no longer simply attracted sufferers from in and around the region but from over the metropolis too. The clinic is located in Raja Annamalai Puram and may be determined efficaciously as it is correct Mrc Nagar.
Services: Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization
Basic IVF Package: Starts from Rs. 1,60,000
Location: Apollo Fertility Hospital, Anna Nagar, Chennai
Rating: 4.1 / 5
3.Dr. Premalatha
Dr. Premalatha is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Laparoscopic doctor and Infertility Expert at Apollo Fertility, Anna Nagar and Mu Va Doctor's facility and Claim to repute Center, Chennai. She has carried out confirmation in of advanced endoscopic medical system in gynecology at Kiel school gynecological endoscopy and regenerative remedy, Germany in 2007. Likewise, she has finished FOGSI course on advanced infertility at Ruby Corridor Clinic IVF and Endoscopy Center, Pune and additionally at Edappal Healing middle below Dr. Gopinathan, Kerala in 2014.
Dr. Premalatha (Apollo Fertility Center) in Chennai treats the one of a kind illnesses of the patients through helping them enjoy extraordinary remedies and strategies. , Anomalous Pap Smears - Pre-Invasive Cervical/Vaginal Infection and Vulvar Conditions. The professional is likewise recorded below Gynecologist and Obstetrician Specialists, Infertility Specialists. Moreover, the sufferers likewise visit the clinic for Contraception Exhortation, HPV Tests, and Biopsy Tests and so
Services: Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
Basic IVF Package: Starts from Rs. 1,60,000
Location: MU. VA. Hospital situated in Shenoy Nagar, Chennai and Apollo Fertility in Anna Nagar, Chennai
Rating: 3.9 / 5
4.Dr. Radhika Meka
Counted amongst the maximum reputed Gynecologists within the town, Dr. Radhika Meka earned her MBBS from Annamalai University in 1999. Later, she went on to finish her DGO diploma from MAHE University in 2004, accompanied by using a Diploma in MRCOG from Royal College, U.K. In 2007. Dr. Radhika Meka holds 13 years of enjoy and specializes in Embryo Donor Program, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In Vitro Fertilization (Test Tube Baby).
Services: Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Embryo Donation Program
Basic IVF Package: Starts from Rs. 1,50,000
Location: Parampara Fertility and Gynaec Centre, Anna Nagar West, Chennai
Rating: 4.0 / 5
Dr. Hemalatha Pugalendhi
Dr. Hemalatha Pugalendhi is a famous Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist in Anna Nagar, Chennai. She has expertise in Gyne Laparoscopy, In-Vitro Fertilization(IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection(ICSI), Normal Vaginal Delivery(NVD), Caesarean Section(C Section), Hysterectomy (Abdominal/Vaginal), ART, Dysmenorrhea Treatment and plenty of extra. She has performed exquisite educational qualification. Dr. Hemalatha Pugalendhi completed her MBBS from Thanjavur Medical College in 1986 and went on to do MD in Obstetrics & Gynaecology from Kasturba Medical College in 1993.
After being qualified as a licensed infertility expert she labored as a Consultant at Muva Hospital and Speciality Center. Due to her determination, knowledge and regular achievement in her remedies, she additionally earned memberships of Indian Medical Association (IMA), Indian Association of Gynaecological Endoscopist (IAGE) and American Society of Reproductive Medicine. She has completed FOGSI path on advanced infertility from Ruby Hall Clinic IVF and Endoscopy Centre, Pune. With her instructional competence, she has managed to supply huge results even for complex cases of infertility.
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IVF Treatment Cost in Chennai | Elawoman
IVF Treatment Cost in Chennai
The IVF Treatment Cost in Chennai varies from Rs. 96,200 to Rs. 2,13,000. Best infertility doctors in Chennai are Dr. Rajalakshmi R and Dr. Niveditha V.C are some of the best IVF Doctors in Chennai. The infertility doctors are specialized in IVF procedures which yield success for the patients.
IVF Doctors in Chennai
Below are the Top IVF Doctors in Chennai with options to e book your first appointment FREE. Check Reviews, IVF Cost, IVF Success rates, costs, Address, Contact Number for all treatments they offer. Find info to low-cost test tube baby prices.
1. Dr. Dakshayani D
Dr.Dakshayani D is an infertility specialist presently that specialize in IVF, IUI, Pre Genetic screening and High-hazard pregnancies. Dr. Dakshayani D has finished MBBS from Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) from 1988 and DGO from Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland in 1996 and Diploma in Reproductive Medicine from International School of Medicine, Germany in 2003. Presently, Dr. Dakshayani D is practising at Apollo Fertility, Anna Nagar department, Chennai. For greater information, go to elawoman.Com
Dr. Dakshayani D is a Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist in Anna Nagar, Chennai and has an experience of two decades in these fields. Dr. Dakshayani D leading the scientific group as a Senior Consultant at Apollo Fertility in Anna Nagar, proper from the inception of the middle.
She completed MBBS from KIMS, Bangalore in 1988 and Diploma in Reproductive Medicine (Germany) from International School of Medicine, Kiel, Germany in 2003. She has achieved researches in the subject of reproductive endocrinology and medical embryology and posted research papers in various international Journals.
Her special interest in the subject of reproductive treatment are:
• Subfertility & Infertility treatment.
• Advanced treatment alternatives (PGS/PGD & ERA).
• Counselling for infertile parents.
• Management of high chance antenatal cases / preterm pregnancies.
• Management of DUB/Fibroid uterus / Ovarian cyst with ultra-modern approach like laparoscopic & hysteroscopic strategies, Thermal ablation & Uterine embolization.
• Conducting normal Cancer clinics / Antenatal clinics / Menopause clinics for Hospital.
Dr. Dakshayani D is a Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist in Anna Nagar, Chennai and has an revel in of twenty years in these fields. Dr. Dakshayani D main the clinical team as a Senior Consultant at Apollo Fertility in Anna Nagar, right from the inception of the middle.
She completed MBBS from KIMS, Bangalore, DGO from Trinity, Dublin in 1996 and Diploma in Reproductive Medicine (Germany) from International School of Medicine, Kiel, Germany in 2003. She has completed researches inside the area of reproductive endocrinology and clinical embryology and posted studies papers in diverse international Journals.
My favored a part of being a medical doctor is the possibility to without delay improve the health and wellbeing of my sufferers and to develop professional and personal relationships with them.
Dr. Dakshayani D is a relied on General Physician in MRC Nagar, Chennai. She has been a hit General Physician for the remaining 31 years. She is a MBBS, DGO, Diploma in Reproductive Medicine (Germany . You can seek advice from Dr. Dakshayani D at Apollo Cosmetic Clinics, MRC Nagar in MRC Nagar, Chennai. If you want to know more about IVF Treatment Cost in Chennai then contact us at elwoman.com.
2. Dr. Radhika Meka
Dr. Radhika Meka is an infertility expert who completed her MBBS from Annamalai University in 1999 and DGO from MAHE University in 2007. Later, she completed MRCOG from Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, London within the year 2007. Dr. Radhika makes a speciality of IVF, ICSI, Oocyte, Sperm and Embryo donor packages in addition to Surrogacy. Dr. Radhika Meka is presently practising at Apollo Fertility, Anna Nagar and Parampara Fertility and Gynaec Centre. You can visit Elawoman.Com for further information.
Dr. Radhika Meka is a Gynecologist, Infertility Specialist and Obstetrician in Kilpauk, Chennai and has an enjoy of 15 years in these fields. Dr. Radhika Meka proceeding at Parampara Fertility & Gynaec Centre in Kilpauk, Chennai. She completed MBBS from Annamalai University in 1999 and MRCOG(UK) from Royal College (U.K) in 2007.
She is a proud member of Indian Medical Association (IMA). Some of the offerings supplied through the medical doctor are: In vitro fertilization (IVF),ART Consultant,Donor (Oocyte & Sperm) Program,Laparoscopic Surgery (Obs & Gyn) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and many others.
3. Dr. Hemalatha Pugalendhi
Dr Hemalatha Pugalendhi is an infertility specialist who has finished MBBS from Thanjavur Medical College in 1986 and MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Kasturba Medical College in 1991. Then, she pursued DGES from Kiel School of Gynaecological Endoscopy and Reproductive Medicine, Germany inside the yr 2007. She makes a speciality of IUI, IVF, Endoscopy surgery and Reproductive Medicine. Dr. Hemalatha is currently practising at Apollo Fertility, Anna Nagar branch in Chennai. Visit Elawoman.Com for more information.
Dr. Hemalatha Pugalendhi is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Laparoscopic surgeon and Infertility Specialist at Apollo Fertility, Anna Nagar and Mu Va Hospital and Speciality Center, Chennai. She has finished degree in of superior endoscopic surgery in gynaecology at Kiel faculty gynaecological endoscopy and reproductive treatment, Germany in 2007. Also she has finished FOGSI direction on advanced infertility at Ruby Hall Clinic IVF and Endoscopy Centre, Pune and also at Edappal Hospital beneath Dr. Gopinathan, Kerala in 2014.
4. Dr. Mala Raj
Dr. Mala Raj is an infertility expert, obstetrician and gynecologist focusing on IVF, IUI, Reproductive Medicine and Gynecology Laparoscopy techniques. Dr. Mala Raj has finished her MBBS from Kilpauk Medical College in 1992, DGO from Sri Ramachandra Medical College in 1996. Then, she pursued Advanced Gynecology Laparoscopy Surgery and Diploma in Reproductive Medicine from Kiel University in Germany in 2001 and 2014 respectively. You can go to Elawoman.Com for extra information
Dr. Mala Raj is a renowned Obstetrician & Gynecologist, A Specialist in Laparoscopic Surgery and infertility, graduated from Kilpauk Medical College within the year 1992 and purchased post graduate diploma from Sri Ramachandra Medical College inside the yr 1997. Dr. Mala Raj evolved a keen interest in Endoscopic surgical procedure and did her Diploma in Endoscopic Surgery from the University of Kiel (Germany) in the yr 2004.
Her unique capabilities are Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (elimination of uterus laparoscopically) & Laparoscopic Myomectomy (removal of fibroid laparoscopically) and so far has done more than 5000 instances. She is the recipient of Dr. Siuli Rudra Sinha award for the exceptional paper in Gynaec Endoscopy on the All India Obstetric & Gynaecological Congress held at Cochin inside the year 2006.
She is a teaching faculty for the Ethicon Institute, where she teaches publish graduates & gynecologist the nuances of Laparoscopic surgery.
Apart from giving comfort to girls with issues, she has made households via making them proud dad and mom. When ladies fail to conceive naturally, she has helped them experience the pleasure of motherhood by “Test Tube Babies” and there are numerous taking part in the pleasures of motherhood.
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