#Best divorce attorney in Atlanta
440mxs-wife · 7 months
The Country Doctor, Chapter 1: A Fresh Start
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Pairing: Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy x F!Reader (eventual). Other Characters are the usual suspects: Jim Kirk, Nyota Uhura. Spock, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov (to be introduced in later chapters.) OMC's Travis Myers and Miles Cooper.
Word Count: 4530
Warnings: Divorce, break-up, ruthless businessmen, mentions of infidelity, but mostly fluffy (for now)
Summary: Fresh off of his divorce, Dr. McCoy receives word that he has inherited a 5,000-acre farm and home in Logan, Montana. Finally, he has an opportunity for a clean slate and to start his own clinic out west and leave his ex-wife behind. Along the way, he'll meet a cast of unique characters, each with a place in his new small-town life. But there could be trouble ahead in the form of a powerful CEO hell-bent on acquiring Leonard's property by any means necessary.
A/N: This idea was posted by @hailbop1701, with a specific list of plot points/dialog to be included. I won't put the list here, because it'll give away too much. Not sure how many parts there'll be, but I hope you like where I take the story.
A/N 2: If you’ve been tagged here, it’s because you’ve interacted one or more times on a McCoy story of mine, or we’re moots. Whether you like or reblog, I am eternally grateful for your support. If anyone else would like to be tagged on any future Karl Urban character postings, or would rather leave the Crazy Train, please let me know. Thank you, and enjoy the show!
"Court is adjourned."
That was the declaration eight weeks ago, when Dr. Leonard H. McCoy sat at a table with his attorney in the Fulton County Courthouse in Atlanta, Georgia. The Honorable Judge Michael Simmons had just pounded his gavel on the bench to signify an end to the McCoy v. McCoy divorce proceedings. Unfortunately, his now-ex-wife, Jocelyn, had the better attorney, which resulted in a somewhat less-than-equitable division of their assets.
At least Leonard was able to keep his vintage pickup truck and the 4-bedroom, 2 bath, ranch-style home he had lived in with Jocelyn. She basically got everything else in the settlement, though, including most of the furniture. She didn't technically need the furniture, since she was moving in with her new boyfriend. However, he had a rental property that needed furnishings, so that's where they went.
Two weeks after the divorce was finalized, Leonard received correspondence from a law firm in Montana, with a request for his presence. The letter did not specify the reason for the request, and when he called the law office, no one was authorized to divulge any information. He didn't want to find himself on the wrong side of the law and besides, he was more than a little curious. Luckily, the law firm had a satellite office in Atlanta, so that's where he attended the meeting.
An hour or so after the meeting ended, a slightly dazed Leonard walked out of the attorney's office with a file folder and a property deed in his hand. The meeting was for the reading of the will for his distant uncle, Walter McCoy. Around 5,000 acres of land in Montana along with an old craftsman-style farmhouse were bequeathed to him to do with as he pleased. There were also various outbuildings on the property, such as a machine shed, a barn with a hay loft, and horse stables.
He had options. There was an Eastern conglomerate, NorthStar Corp, that was willing to pay a more than fair price to buy it from him, lock, stock, and barrel. With what they were offering, Leonard wouldn't have to worry about money for the foreseeable future, if ever. Or, he could make the break from Georgia and his ex-wife with her boy-toy to make a go of it in Logan, Montana. Although Leonard wanted to stay near his mother, Eleanora, he had to consider that this was his chance to start over somewhere else.
When he told his best friend, James T. Kirk, about his inheritance, Jim could hardly contain his excitement. He considered it to be the start to a great adventure and was more than willing to accompany Leonard.
Jim had no family ties to speak of, preferring to live a sort of nomadic existence. He even offered to take turns driving the moving truck the 1,900 or so miles to Montana. "Good music, good snacks, and good company are all we need to get us to our destination, Bones," Kirk told him with a wide grin.
The more Leonard thought about it, the more he warmed up to the idea of starting somewhere new. A place where he wouldn't have to worry about running into someone who knew about the divorce and wouldn't hesitate to share an opinion about it. So, with Jim's help, he cleared his house out of any remaining items, put them in storage, then contacted a realtor to list it for sale.
After only a few showings, a deal was quickly closed, with a $30,000.00 profit in his bank account to show for it. Leonard and Jim loaded up his remaining possessions into the moving van, hooked up a car trailer with Leonard's pickup truck on it, and headed west to Montana. The pair made a few stops along the way, renting a hotel room to rest for the night before hitting the road again the next morning.
The more miles Leonard put behind him, the more comfortable and free he felt with his decision. He wasn't too keen on leaving his mother behind, but she assured him that she would be fine, even encouraged him to take this leap. He made a note to send her a plane ticket so she could visit once he got settled.
Nearly four days and more than 1,900 miles later, Leonard turned into the gravel driveway that led to his new home. It was a charcoal gray with white trim craftsman-style farmhouse with a tall, red brick chimney on one side. The wooden wrap-around porch was accented with white, tapered columns, set on top of the slotted railing framing the area. He appreciated the large windows, which would bring in a good amount of natural light, as well as soft breezes on lazy summer days.
"Well? Is it everything you expected?" Jim asked.
"I didn't exactly know what to expect, Jim. I don't even remember either of my parents ever mentioning an 'Uncle Walter McCoy'. He isn't someone I knew well enough for him to leave me something like this, but I'll do my best to make the most of it. From what I've seen so far, though, at least the outside looks fine," Leonard replied.
"That's the spirit, Bones! Let's go have a look at the grounds, then inside the house. After that, we can start unloading your stuff," Jim grinned as he scrambled out of the truck.
Leonard stepped down from the driver's seat and closed the door. "Sure, Jim. Why not," he muttered to himself. He fished the house keys out of his pocket on his way up the porch steps. The front door was made of solid oak with a dark finish and leaded glass panels arranged in a geometric design. He inserted the key into the lock and tilted his head back. "Here goes nothin', I guess," he murmured, pushing the door open.
At just after 2:00pm, you stopped by the post office to retrieve your mail that had piled up over the last couple of days. Before you left, you strolled up to the counter to chat with your best friend, Nyota Uhura. Her shift was almost over, so she suggested the two of you meet for coffee and a snack at the Java Station Café on Main Street.
While you waited for her at the café, you thought about how you met her and what brought you back to Logan, Montana. Your now-ex-boyfriend, Travis Myers, had convinced you to move with him from Logan to Bozeman. He'd landed a lucrative position as in-house counsel for a large and powerful corporation. You found work at a tech company doing data entry work for a medical office. Not too terribly taxing nor was it what you wanted for a career, but it paid well.
Around the six-month mark of living together in the big city, Travis started coming home later and later in the evening. Missed date nights and other outings were becoming more frequent, with him coming to bed late and leaving before you woke up. Whenever you tried to talk to him about it, he always chalked it up to working late on a big case or project, so you let it go.
The last straw was when the two of you were supposed to meet a few of your friends for dinner. Since he was late picking you up from home, you asked one of them to drive you to the restaurant. From the lobby, you called Travis and told him to meet you there.
Just before you said your goodbyes, you heard, "Come back to bed, baby, I'm cold" in a woman's voice. You were furious, demanding to know who the woman was and how long he had been seeing her. After first denying everything, he ultimately confessed it was his assistant and it had been going on for about six weeks. You felt your world collapsing around you at his admission. Dinner was forgotten while your friends drove you back to the apartment to pack up your belongings.
You couch-surfed for about a month before finding an apartment back in Logan, where you had previously lived with your parents. Because Travis paid for most of the expenses such as rent and utilities, you were able to save up quite a nest egg to cover your new living situation. However, you weren't sure how much longer your savings would hold out, so you decided to look for a job to make ends meet.
The bell above the door tinkled, and Nyota rushed over to your table. After a brief hug, you both sat down and waited for your server to appear and take your order. Uhura was practically vibrating with energy, which meant she had something exciting to share. A few minutes later, with your order submitted, she spilled her secret.
"You'll never guess what happened today!" she exclaimed. "Two men came in today to file a change of address card."
You snorted. "That sounds like something that happens every day around here, Nyota, not that interesting. You're nearly jumping out of your skin about this. What is so compelling about them that has you barely able to sit still long enough to tell me?"
Uhura made a face at you to show her displeasure. "If you can keep from insulting me, I'll tell you," she pouted. You held up your hands in surrender as her cue to continue. "They moved here from Georgia, and one of them has the most tantalizing Southern accent. They were both tall, one blond hair with striking blue eyes, and the other dark hair and hazel eyes. He seemed a little grumpy at first, but Blue Eyes was the more charming of the two," she explained.
"Did you get a look at their new address, the one here?" you asked.
"The one with dark hair listed his name as Dr. Leonard H. McCoy, and his address matched the one for Walter McCoy's place," she replied.
Now she had your attention. Every so often, you drove by the farm, wishing you lived there instead of your small, one-bedroom apartment. You had thoughts about what it would be like to buy the place one day so you could fix it up and return it to some of its old glory. You'd heard through the grapevine that the owner passed away a few months back. It was also mentioned that ownership would pass to his only other living relative.
"I've always thought about that place, what it looks like inside, how I would spruce it up. Wait a minute, did you say Doctor McCoy?" you squeaked.
"And her brain has finally caught up with her mouth," Uhura joked. "I was wondering when you'd catch on to that tidbit of information. That house has a separate office space, ideal for treating patients. Word travels fast in this town, and once folks get to know there's a doctor in town again, Dr. McCoy is bound to need help. You know, with paperwork or coordinating treatment of his patients. Know anyone with those kind of skills?" she grinned.
In addition to your data entry job, you had acquired some basic medical training. The town had a couple of paramedics within the Volunteer Fire Department for the more serious cases. For now, it was enough, but it would be nice for the vacancy to be filled, especially by a handsome doctor. "Hmm. Maybe I should head out that way, introduce myself, see if he needs any help." Beg him for a job, you silently added.
"That's the spirit! If you're done with your coffee, we should drive out there and check things out. You in?" she held out her hand for you to shake.
After draining the last of your cappuccino, you nodded and shook her hand. "I'm all in," you declared.
Leonard and Jim wandered the property, taking in the condition and contents of the outbuildings. Many of the machines and tools were left behind. They noted which items were and were not still functional, to determine what could be easily returned to service or sold for parts. The good news was, the buildings themselves were structurally sound, although at least in need of a new outer coat of paint.
As for the house itself, Leonard was pleased to find a side entrance that led to an office, set apart from the main house. It was perfect for starting his clinic, with a small area that could function as a waiting room, and enough space for a reception desk. He made a note to check in town for a secondhand store to pick up a desk, some chairs and other furnishings.
Jim joked and told him that all he needed now was a pretty receptionist who could also perform nursing duties. Leonard glared at him in response, reminding him that after the way divorce went, he wasn't at all interested in dating. "Just doctorin'," he affirmed. "Maybe fishin', if the winds are just right," he added with a smirk.
A tour of the home's interior revealed hardwood flooring in the bedrooms and living room, while ceramic tiles covered the floor in the eat-in kitchen. There was a separate dining room space between the kitchen and living room. The centerpiece of the living room was a fireplace made with gray bricks and had a dark wooden mantle above it.
Before his arrival, Leonard contacted the utilities and asked for them to be turned on and transferred into his name. That gave Leonard and Jim a chance to determine what worked and what needed repaired. For the most part, the electrical system was in good working order, except for a few outlets that may need replaced or updated.
The water situation was another story. At first, when Jim turned on the high-arching faucet in the kitchen, the white farmhouse sink reflected a light brownish tint to the water. The pedestal sink and clawfoot tub in the main bathroom, plus the sinks in the half-baths were the same shade of brown. However, the more they let the water run, the clearer it became, which helped ease their minds a bit.
Leonard walked back out to the porch to make a mental list of what he'd need to bring the old house back to life and working order. The hardwood floors were in good condition, though they could use a bit of polish applied to them. There were a few non-working electrical outlets that would need an electrician's expertise to chase down the problem. In the bedrooms, there were spots where the wallpaper was peeling away from the wall. Not exactly a fan of wallpaper, Leonard decided it would be better to tear it all down and paint instead.
Overall, the pluses outweighed the minuses, such as the updated appliances in the kitchen and quartz countertops. Leonard could definitely see himself cooking up a Sunday dinner of his mother's chicken and dumplings with a peach cobbler. As an avid reader, he also loved the built-in bookshelves to showcase his personal library of classics. And the side-door entrance to the office space provided a break between his professional life and his personal life.
Jim joined him out on the porch and gazed out over the mature trees that dotted the property. "So now that you've taken the grand tour, what do you think, Bones?"
Leonard thought for a moment before answering. "Think I'm gonna like it here. Let's start unloading the truck," he directed. "Good thing we hit those consignment shops on the way here, or you wouldn't have a bed to sleep in," he jested.
Jim was about to unlatch the door on the moving truck when he noticed a car turning into the driveway. "Welcoming Committee?" he wondered. Leonard shook his head and rolled his eyes while he walked over to stand next to Jim. They both watched as the car rolled to a stop near the front of the truck.
The drive to the McCoy place only took about twenty minutes, which you spent silently reviewing your qualifications. Uhura could tell you were worried about making a good impression, which she was sure you would. She told you not to worry about it, that you were the best candidate for the job, if Dr. McCoy was hiring. "What if he's not hiring, though?" you asked.
"Then we'll have to convince him that he'll need your help, being the only doc in town. There really is no way around it, he will require an assistant," she reasoned. Her response sounded logical, so you accepted it and kept driving out to meet your prospective employer.
Soon your car was pulling into the driveway, where a large moving truck was parked. Upon seeing the two men standing to one side, you had to admit that Uhura was right. They were both strikingly handsome men. The dark-aired man carried a stern look on his face and his arms were crossed over his chest. The blond seemed a little more easygoing, self-assured, bordering on cocky, as if he knew what a good-looking man he was.
As you exited your vehicle, the men had started walking in your direction. "You ladies lost or somethin'?" the dark-haired man drawled. Ohhhh, that accent was enough to make you weak in the knees, you thought. You held on to your open door for balance.
"Yeah, can we help you?" the blond man wondered with a smirk.
When your brain finally rebooted, you responded, "Actually, we were hoping to be of assistance to you, since you're new in town." At this, you introduced the two of you and learned that the blond was James T. Kirk, or "Jim" he offered with a waggle of his eyebrows. His grumpy companion with the dark hair was the Dr. Leonard H. McCoy who now owned the property.
"I think we can manage fine with just the two of us. Good day, la--" Leonard was interrupted by Jim, who pulled him aside.
"Wait a minute, Bones, let's not be too hasty. I mean, these are a couple of gorgeous women who showed up out of nowhere to see us," Jim pointed out. "It wouldn't hurt to hear what they had to say, now would it?"
Leonard pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in exasperation. He was here to be a physician, to take care of people who need help, not dip a toe in the dating pool. When he looked up, he noticed that Jim had left his side and was talking to Uhura, while you had stepped up in his place.
"Excuse me, Dr. McCoy? I understand that my friend and I just turned up unannounced on your doorstep, and you don't know anything about us. But this is a pretty small town, and I should tell you, it won't take long for people to learn that we have a new physician to replace old Doc Thomas. Therefore, I'm offering you my services. I have some basic medical training, and I used to do data entry for a medical company back in Bozeman," you explained.
"Bozeman? Why on earth would you ever leave there to live here? Not to say that what I've seen so far of Logan isn't simply charming," Leonard added with more than a hint of sarcasm.
"I'll be glad to share that little tidbit of information once we've gotten used to working together," you shot back. "By hiring me, you'll have a well-organized appointment calendar, along with accurate patient files. You'll also have someone who knows how to take and record vitals, which leaves you free to do the doctorin'. So, do we have a deal?" you asked, your hand outstretched.
Leonard took a moment to consider your offer, bold though it was. He had to concede that in a town of this size, word would get around about a new physician and spread like wildfire. He'd probably end up with a huge influx of patients. Even if it was only at first, he might become easily overwhelmed. Patient care was of the utmost importance to him, and if you could make things easier for him, who was he to reject such a proposition?
His lack of response translated to you as a decline of your offer of assistance. As you started to withdraw your hand, he quickly grabbed it and clasped it between his own. "Whoa, hold on there just a minute. All right, you have a deal, but we'll do this as a trial run. A three-month probationary period, take it or leave it," he bartered, fighting the urge to smile.
"Thank you, Dr. McCoy! Three months? That'll be more than enough time for you to decide you can't live without me! In-in the office, I mean," you clarified.
Leonard couldn't help but smile at your blunder. "All right, now that we have that settled, I hope you'll excuse me and Casanova over there with your friend. We have a lot to unload, and I'd like to sleep in my own bed tonight rather than the couch," he stated.
"We can help, if that's okay with you? With four sets of hands, we can be done in no time. Besides, I've always been kind of curious about what the inside of your house looks like," you admitted.
You are one interesting woman, Leonard thought to himself. "Okay, let's get started then. Once we get everything out of the truck, I'll take you on the nickel tour," he winked. He whistled to get Jim's and Uhura's attention, then opened up the back of the truck.
"There, I think that's the last of it," Leonard declared after he removed the final box from the moving truck and placed it on the lawn. He jumped up to grab the leather strap, then pulled down the rolling door until it was flush with the deck. He latched and locked the door, picked up the box, and brought it into his new home.
 Jim and Uhura had taken your car into town to pick up something for dinner, which left you alone with Leonard. During the unloading, you didn't get much of a chance to stop and look around. But now that most of the heavy lifting was done, you seized the opportunity to take in your surroundings.
You were so caught up in admiring the home's features that you didn't hear Dr. McCoy slide up next to you. "If you have your nickel, I'm ready to start the tour," he grinned. You dug in your pocket, which luckily contained the right coin for the price of your ticket. "Ready when you are, Dr. McCoy," you replied, handing over the 5 cents.
Video Conference Call -- Bozeman, Montana
Travis checked his watch to see that he had another ten minutes before his conference call was scheduled to start. He opened the blue file folder in front of him, which was sent from his employer regarding a property they wanted to acquire in Logan, Montana. He sat back in his chair as he thought about how you'd moved there after breaking up with him. Before he could stroll any further down Memory Lane, his alarm beeped to let him know it was time to start the call.
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," Travis greeted. He could see the CEO, Miles Cooper, at the head of the table, surrounded by other members of NorthStar Corp's Board of Executives.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Myers. I see you have the file in front of you, so let's begin. We understand that the principal owner of the McCoy property has passed away. As such, we want to move forward and make the new owner an offer to purchase the parcel of land and whatever's on it. The house, barn, stables--everything, down to the last shingle," Mr. Cooper explained.
"My source tells me that the new owner drove all the way from Atlanta, Georgia to check out the property. He is also a doctor, and the town has been without one since the last one died. In my opinion, this could present a problem. He may decide to stay and 'hang out his shingle', as it were," Travis pointed out.
Mr. Cooper leaned back in his chair and rested his steepled index fingers on his chin as he contemplated his next move. As he considered this new development, conversation buzzed around him among the other executives. According to one of the scientific reports he received, there were plenty of reasons for encouraging the good doctor to sell.
The report mentioned the discovery of several veins of copper and silver running beneath the surface. The financial gains from mining those resources would more than cover the initial investment paid to acquire the property. Whether the new owner was aware of these precious metals was unknown, but Cooper needed to act fast before the doctor learned of their existence.
With a wave of his hand, silence returned to the board room as Mr. Cooper had made a decision. "Mr. Myers, I suggest you do your best to convince Dr. McCoy to sell the property to us. I will have a new purchase offer drawn up that's more than fair, and you should strongly encourage him to accept it."
Travis carefully considered Mr. Cooper's words that carried the barest hint of a threat behind them. "Sir, I will present your offer; however, we should be prepared for him to turn it down and decide to become the town's doctor."
"You worry about getting a signature on that purchase agreement, Myers, and I will worry about whether or not a contingency plan will be needed. Before the previous owner's death, this was a working farm, right? Lots of tools, machinery? Farming is considered to be one of the most dangerous professions, you know. Accidents can and do happen. It would be unfortunate if an accident should befall the good Dr. McCoy," Mr. Cooper replied darkly.
There was no mistake in Mr. Cooper's intent this time. "Absolutely, sir. I will find a way to present your offer that will make it difficult if not impossible to decline it."
Mr. Cooper's eyes brightened and a smile graced his face. "Excellent, Myers, I knew I could count on you. I'll send that new offer over to you as soon as I have it and we'll go from there," he stated. "I appreciate your cooperation, Myers, I certainly won't forget it."
"And thank you, Sir. I welcome this opportunity, and I will not let you down," Travis concluded.
"Let us hope not, Myers. I'd hate for you to experience any....negative fallout, should you be unable to close this deal," Mr. Cooper remarked ominously before disconnecting the call.
Travis relaxed in his chair and began to formulate a plan in his mind. A sly grin crept across his face as he thought of the perfect way to get an inside look into the doctor's life.
Of course, it involved a trip to Logan and should he happen to run into you, so much the better. For him, anyway. Though there was a near 100% chance that you would want nothing to do with him. If that was the case, his plan may be a bust before it even gets started.
Especially after the way things ended between you discovering his infidelity. For that reason alone, it was likely your walls of protection against him and his crap were nearly guaranteed to be sky-high. But it was a chance he was willing to take, because he did not want to disappoint his client. Something told him that with a failure of this magnitude, Mr. Cooper was capable of making his life a living hell.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
Dirty Dog Diaries
T.J. Holmes Files For Divorce From Wife Marilee Fiebig
Happily Ever After? T.J. Holmes Files For Divorce From Wife Marilee Fiebig As He Spends Holidays With ‘GMA3’ Co-Host Amy Robach
Posted on 12 hours ago - ByRebecah Jacobs
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Welp, that didn’t take long!
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Source: Leigh Vogel / Getty
Almost a month after Good Morning America anchors T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach made headlines for getting cozy throughout New York City, Holmes has filed for divorce from his wife, Marilee Fiebig.
According to reports from US Weekly, Holmes, 45, filed for divorce from his wife in New York City Wednesday, Dec. 28. Just two days earlier, he was spotted at the Atlanta International Airport with Robach, getting ready to jet off for the holidays with his arm around his girlfriend in photos obtained by Daily Mail.
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Robach and Holmes’s relationship was first revealed last month, after Daily Mail posted photos of the Good Morning America hosts getting awfully close to one another outside of work. Both TV personalities have been married to other people since 2010, but Yahooreports Robach and Holmes had both separated from their respective spouses–actor Andrew Shue and attorney Marilee Fiebig–over the summer.
Now, Holmes’ divorce from Fiebig is officially moving forward.
Just one day after their supposed affair made headlines, Holmes and Robach went on to host GMA3 together. While neither of them addressed the brewing scandal, directly, they both made jokes about how tough of a week it had been–only to get pulled off the air the following week.
ABC News President Kim Godwin told employees Dec. 5 during an editorial call that while Holmes and Robach’s consensual relationship “is not a violation of company policy,” the network had to work through what’s best for the company. ABC launched an internal review and, for now, Holmes and Robach remain sidelined.
T.J. Holmes got a divorce from his first wife, Amy Ferson, in 2007, with whom he shares daughter a Brianna, 28, and son Jaiden. Holmes married Fiebig in 2010, welcoming daughter Sabine in January 2013.
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Source: Cindy Ord/BET / Getty
Amy Robach was married to Tim McIntosh from 1996 to 2009, going on to marry Andrew Shue in 2010. Shue has deleted all of Robach’s pictures from social media.
Categories: Dirty Dog Diaries
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lawyersdatascraping · 2 months
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amazonagencys · 1 year
Discover What An Expert Has To Say About The Amazon Advertising Agency
Advertising is a must while managing a business. However, advertising is certainly not so simple, thus one must work with an advertising firm to take care of the task. Nowadays, there are many advertising companies dispersed everywhere. It's incredibly challenging to single only one advertising firm and provide them with control of your campaign. All things considered, an advertising campaign is a significant investment for just about any firm, thus caution is preferred in this area. Now, every agency will assert that it is more advanced than the others. Choosing the most effective option is impossible. Instead, one must look into their requirements and pick an organisation that meets those needs. Advertising's goal is to aid an organization or a brandname without offending anyone's feelings. The issue increases when working with a well-known brand.
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It's an especially delicate topic since even the best possible advertising companies have failed. It could be difficult to promote the organization through the arts while also respecting everyone's feelings. Before deciding on an advertisement strategy, the greatest advertising firm will always examine the viewpoint of the overall audience. It will produce advertising that reflects the typical public's viewpoint. It'll produce effective advertising for the item by attempting to view it from the perspective of the overall population. An advertising agency's job is to promote items, services, and standing of its clients in the general public eye. This really is essentially what all advertising companies do, or are expected to complete, irrespective of size. The benefits of an advertising agency show whether their efforts are effective, and many people connect making use of their commercials and feel compelled to purchase the nice or service due to the advantages or the happiness it will provide. Advertising agency manage the branding and advertising of goods and services as well as producing advertisements.
Any sort of customer can hire an advertising firm. NGOs, government agencies, goods, services, etc. An ad can be made for the air, television, outdoor banners, and the internet. It may be a door-to-door marketing campaign. It depends on the advertising firm, the brand, the budget, and other factors. The client and the advertising agency develop an advertisement and a way of promotion while taking most of the considerations into account. Advertising agencies have flourished and been moderately successful. In reality, without these advertising agencies, it is almost hard for companies to thrive today. It is obvious that with the passage of time, the appearance of these advertising companies has undergone significant modifications. Even probably the most conservative nations allow commercials, although individuals with a conservative bent. Nowadays, there are lots of different kinds of agencies due to the development of technology and the overwhelming presence of the web atlanta divorce attorneys home. The planet of advertising nowadays is entirely infinite, from large corporate advertising companies to independent contractors. Thankfully, many norms have now been abandoned and originality is no longer constrained. Today's advertisements have much more room and flexibility to express themselves. As a result, it is possible to assert that through the years, the face of advertising has undergone significant changes.
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A Little Bit About Workspace Furniture Manufacturer

Classrooms are the next home for the students as they spent many hours there. They learn and it builds a foundation of what remains for the remainder of their life. Getting the very best classroom furniture is extremely required for the students. Learning starts with comfort, so getting the most effective classroom furniture is essential. Here in this information, we shall go through the strategies for buying classroom furniture. The first and foremost tip on selecting the furniture for seating lecture hall is flexibility. The furniture must be flexible enough to fit into any spaces. It can be adaptable to any teaching styles and classroom alignment. This helps students with proper rejuvenation and getting the most effective learning experience. The 2nd tip in buying classroom furniture is quality. Quality is the beds base of every product. The best quality furniture was created bearing in mind of health. Proper sitting posture is essential so getting quality arm tilt chairs and high quality furniture is the top priority. The next tip on buying lecture hall seats is doing research. Are you searching for leadcom seating? View the earlier mentioned site.
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A bit of research is necessary when you are searching for both quality and durability of the furniture. Buy lecture auditorium seats with strength, robustness and durability. You could ask for the test furniture from manufacturers. Also, stick to the guarantees given by the manufacturer when buying lecture hall seats. The next tip on buying the most effective lecture room seating is the after service provided by the manufacturer. You must always check the warranties and guarantee supplied by the manufacturers. A great supplier will appear after the installation, delivery and problem solving of the damaged items. The following tip on selecting the classroom furniture for seating lecture hall is shopping around. Owners should look at various suppliers and what offers they give. Traditional purchase may not have that reach but the current internet provides you with the ability to getting the most effective lecture room seating. So it's always advisable to consider the very best shops around you. Another tip on buying lecture hall seats is looking for the details.
Lecture auditorium seating sale provides the furniture of different shapes and sizes. One selection of chairs may be of 6 different shapes and size so it will undoubtedly be good to go through the details very closely. If at all possible require samples to investigate the intricate details around it. Diligence and facts are the two features you should search for atlanta divorce attorneys supplier. The past tip on buying the classroom furniture knows the total contact details. You ought to have the supplier number and contact details to help make the delivery process smooth. One number is not at all times enough. The seating lecture hall may need this furniture urgently and delivering late may end in unnecessary hassles. So staying with the aforementioned tips can help you in buying the most effective furniture for your seating lecture halls. The best seating arrangement ensures smooth knowledge flows. Students feel comfortable and haven't any health issues. The lecture could be prolonged and thus compromising with the ergonomics has gone out of scope. Buy the most effective furniture and create the most effective flexible learning environment.
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Marriage Rental - Make A Wedding Affordable Along with Memorable
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tent rentals Staten Island
Wedding is often a highly memorable along with immensely important occasion inside the life of every our? Hence everyone hurt him to make the necessary arrangements in the best possible mode. It is obvious a wedding rental corporation plays a crucial role in making such arrangements. Now, you must remember certain tips. The more money you have got, the easier it will be that you can recruit an expert provider. Wedding rental organisations have rates designed for everything. If each and every thing is picked up individually, the prices tend to be high. However , an ok reduction is given to the customers if perhaps an entire deal is normally purchased by all of them.
tent rentals Staten Island
A packaged work consists of a lot of important things including cutlery, family table arrangements, crockery, client sitting arrangements, tavern counters and other great things. All these issues may not be required atlanta divorce attorneys wedding. For instance, quite a few people do not like setting up a good bar. The dinner table serving option can be more suitable for a wedding.
In my opinion, if you are seeking economical wedding apartment options, you need to prefer packaged deals. Which can be think that you don't need a product offered in the price, you can get it changed. However , this option is simply not offered by every business. Some firms provide fixed deals of which cannot be altered in different manner.
Being affordable does not mean that a person's wedding would are lacking anything. In addition to that, investing a large amount of money doesn't necessarily mean that everything could be up to the mark. Everything depends upon the standard and connection with the rental agency. You should have a healthy funding if you want an experienced supplier.
Before determining regardless if a company is easy on the pocket or not, you'll want to find the wedding leasing companies which have a good reputation. One of many ways is to search online. Searching suitable event operations companies near you. One another method is to be aware of the advertisements in the thing paper. Event organization companies promote their particular services on a large scale. Apart from creating an online business technology, the daily news mode is used with an effective manner also. Hence finding marriage rental companies isn't a problem.
These companies say everything in their adverts so everything is fairly clear. If you think that your rates and obtainable services suit anyone, contact one of the associates and set session. You should remember that a whole lot cannot be attained before you meet the one cherished rental company workers and provide a information of what you want.
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bouncelaunch096 · 1 year
Get together Rental Tips together with Trends
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Graceland Bounce
Renting gathering equipment is a typical practice these days. In addition to the fact that it is the far more convenient approach, rental businesses are mushrooming atlanta divorce attorneys corner. Consequently, users get to pick from a number of offers and offers that fit their particular budget.
Graceland Bounce
You may be visiting the idea of renting event equipment for the up coming big event that you are preparing. If this is a person's first time to do so, below are a few insights that you might discover useful. Aside from points and guidelines, you shall also speak about party rental fashion briefly, so that you are going to have a good understanding of the proceedings in the industry today.
What exactly party rental distributors have to offer?
When planning an event, you must fully grasp the importance of buying party rental store very early on inside the preparation phase. Service provider to look for one is no less than two months prior to the night out of the event. Whether it's a wedding party, next the best time to achieve this is three months leading to a wedding day. There are many particulars to set and one can find products and standards that need to be acquired and purchased. Even if party rental clothes usually have everything that a celebration needs, events just like weddings and built parties require far more preparation time.
All kinds of things can be rented. Actually you can rent out any scenario that you think about from city-based party rental organizations. It is important to work directly with the party leasing supplier that you have elected to work with. You must moreover be aware of the scope of their services plus the range of products they've already at hand. Some objects such as cotton chocolate and popcorn designing patterns from historical may not be a staple item, but they will source these necessities in order to provide the items which you have listed lower.
The importance of looking at the fine print
Upon getting chosen a party accommodation firm, read the arrangement very carefully and explain any vague highlights. It is best to ensure that all of rental items tend to be itemized. The price per each must be finalized and additionally written down, such as any service fees. Delivery dates in addition to pick up dates need to be established along with allowances given making sure that any inadvertent wait would not lead to catastrophic consequences.
Party local rental trends
Today, letting from multiple organizations may sound appealing, but experts agree with the fact that in the end, this could only lead to misunderstanding. For instance, figuring out of which item or appliances belongs to recognise the business in the aftermath for the event could be especially stressful and difficult. Many rental organisations come fully furnished, and some specialize in specific events. It is therefore safer to hire a party apartment supplier that caters toward specific functions since their extent of products and services include things like all the needs within the event.
These days, functions are often themed. This particular trend has motivated the party leasing industry such that quite a few now offer get together needs that are theme-specific. If the party that you're most likely organizing has a concept, then you are much better off hiring an event supplier that presently offers a full discount package specific to the topic that you have in mind.
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lawyersdatascraping · 3 months
Empower Your Legal Marketing with Lawyers Data Scraping by LawyersDataLab.com
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In the highly competitive legal industry, having access to comprehensive and accurate data is a key factor for success. Whether you are a law firm looking to expand your client base or a marketing firm targeting legal professionals, the ability to gather and analyze relevant data can significantly enhance your strategies and outcomes. Lawyersdatalab.com offers specialized Lawyers Data Scraping services, providing detailed and actionable data to support your marketing efforts and business growth.
The legal sector is vast and diverse, with numerous law firms and individual practitioners specializing in various areas of law. To effectively reach and engage this audience, it is crucial to have precise information about potential clients and partners. LawyersDataLab.com excels in extracting valuable data from various sources, enabling you to build targeted marketing campaigns and develop informed business strategies. Our Lawyers Data Scraping services ensure that you have access to the most relevant and up-to-date information, empowering you to make data-driven decisions.
List of Data Fields
Our Lawyers Data Scraping service extracts a wide range of data fields, ensuring a comprehensive and detailed dataset tailored to your needs:
- Lawyer Full Name
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Law Firm Name
- Street
-  City
-  State
 - ZIP Code
- Practice Areas/Specializations
- Years of Experience
- Education and Qualifications
- Bar Association Memberships
- Professional Affiliations
- Social Media Profiles (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.)
- Website URL
- Client Reviews and Ratings
- Awards and Recognitions
This extensive dataset allows you to segment your audience effectively and tailor your marketing messages to resonate with specific groups of legal professionals.
Benefits of Lawyers Data Scraping
1. Targeted Marketing Campaigns
With detailed and accurate data, you can create highly targeted marketing campaigns that address the specific needs and interests of your audience. Whether you are promoting legal services, hosting events, or sharing industry insights, our data ensures that your message reaches the right professionals.
2. Enhanced Networking Opportunities
Accurate contact information allows you to connect with key legal professionals and law firms. This facilitates the building of professional relationships, exploration of partnership opportunities, and expansion of your network, ultimately leading to new business prospects and collaborations.
3. Improved Client Acquisition
For law firms, having access to a database of potential clients categorized by their legal needs and demographics can significantly improve client acquisition efforts. Tailored outreach campaigns based on this data can attract new clients more effectively and efficiently.
4. Competitive Analysis
Understanding your competitors is crucial for staying ahead in the legal market. Our data scraping services provide insights into the activities, specializations, and client feedback of other law firms, helping you identify market gaps and strategize accordingly.
5. Resource Efficiency
Our automated data scraping services save you time and resources, allowing you to focus on core business activities. This efficiency leads to reduced costs and increased productivity.
Best Lawyers Data Scraping Services
Medical Malpractice Attorneys Email List
General Practice Attorneys Email Database
Bankruptcy Attorney Database
Immigration Lawyers Mailing List
Database of Property Law Lawyers
Database of Workers Compensation Attorneys
Personal Injury Lawyers Database
Tax Attorney Mailing List
Email List of Government Lawyers 
Divorce Lawyers Database
Best Lawyers Data Scraping Services in USA
Kansas City, Tulsa, Dallas, Boston, Seattle, Columbus, Fresno, Las Vegas, Virginia Beach, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Charlotte, Colorado, Louisville, Portland, Baltimore, Detroit, Albuquerque, San Antonio, Long Beach, Denver, Indianapolis, Arlington, Raleigh, San Jose, San Francisco, Oklahoma City, Fort Worth, Los Angeles, Chicago, Memphis, Miami, New Orleans, Washington D.C., Austin, New York, Omaha, El Paso, Springs, Orlando, Honolulu, Wichita, Houston, San Diego, Phoenix, Sacramento, Nashville, Bakersfield, Tucson, Philadelphia, Milwaukee and Mesa.
In the legal industry, having access to comprehensive and accurate data is a game-changer. Lawyers Data Scraping by LawyersDataLab.com offers a powerful tool for law firms and marketing agencies to enhance their outreach, improve client acquisition, and make informed business decisions. By leveraging our advanced data scraping technology, you can unlock valuable insights and drive your marketing efforts to new heights. Contact LawyersDataLab.com today to learn more about how our Lawyers Data Scraping services can benefit your business.
Website: Lawyersdatalab.com
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schollelawdecatur · 2 years
Decatur Georgia Personal Injury Lawyer
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Many potential clients contact Scholle Law after an accident and wonder exactly what happens next. For most, this is their first interaction with the civil justice system, and they have no idea how long their case will take, what will be required of them or even what they stand to gain from pursuing a legal claim. We want to help potential clients and others with questions, understand the typical process of a Georgia civil injury claim.
If you think you have a personal injury case, the first step is to seek out the guidance of a skilled personal injury attorney. It's essential that you work with someone who has specialized knowledge and experience in this area of law. After all, you wouldn't go to a dentist for a heart problem, so why consult an attorney who primarily handles divorce cases when it comes to a car accident? While it can be helpful to get recommendations from friends or family, make sure the lawyer you choose has a track record of success in personal injury cases. That way, you can be confident you're getting the best advice and representation possible.
Decatur Georgia Personal Injury Lawyer
"If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, the team at Scholle Law Car & Truck Accident Attorneys is here to help. With offices in Gwinnett County, Midtown, and the Perimeter, we serve clients throughout Metro Atlanta and Georgia. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for a free, confidential consultation on your case. You can contact us online or give us a call at (678) 882-1047 locally or toll-free at 866-797-0140. Let us fight for the compensation and justice you deserve."
Scholle Law Car & Truck Accident Attorneys
160 Clairmont Avenue Suite 200 Decatur GA 30030
(678) 496-7470
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thesiemonlaw1 · 2 years
Child Custody Lawyer Near Me
If you are having problems negotiating child custody, you might want to speak with a child custody lawyer near you. The Siemon Law Firm a custody attorney can help you develop a parenting plan that works for you and your children. This will allow you to avoid the stress and emotional distress associated with a legal dispute.
While a The Siemon Law Firm lawyer can give you a good idea of what you should expect, you should also do your homework. For example, you should look for an attorney who has handled cases like yours in the past. You can also look into customer testimonials. You can also get price quotes from different attorneys. If you are unable to afford a family law attorney, you might consider looking into legal aid options. You can contact the local legal aid office.
The Siemon Law Firm a family law attorney has the knowledge and expertise to guide you through the complex legal process. They can help you understand the law, provide a comprehensive analysis of your case, and negotiate a favorable outcome.
A good Atlanta child support lawyer will work with both parents to ensure that their rights are protected and their children's best interests are met. Choosing a The Siemon Law Firm lawyer can make the process much easier for everyone. Your lawyer can also assist you with getting as much information as possible about the court's rules and regulations. You should not attempt to handle your own custody matter, especially if you are not familiar with the law.
A child custody lawyer can also advise you on how to modify the terms of your current arrangement if it is no longer working for you or your former spouse. For example, you may need to relocate to another state, or you may have changed jobs. You should seek to establish a time sharing schedule that reflects your new living situation. If the non-custodial parent is not following the plan, you can ask the court to enforce the agreement.
There are many aspects of a divorce that can affect your child's future, including parental rights, the division of assets, and the amount of child support you will pay. These are all important issues to know about. It's not surprising that divorcing couples worry about their children.
The Siemon Law Firm a lawyer can also assist you in negotiating a fair child support payment. This can involve determining how many days your former spouse will have visitation with your child. If you and your former spouse agree to a change in the number of days, you may not need to hire a lawyer. If your ex is not adhering to your agreed upon visitation schedule, you can request that the judge enforce the order.
Having a family law attorney in your corner can save you a lot of time and money. If you are facing a complex custody issue, you may need to engage an expert, such as a child psychologist or family therapist. These professionals will cost you an additional fee. In addition, you will need to have an attorney for a deposition if you need to hire an expert.
Contact Us:
The Siemon Law Firm Address: 3400 Peachtree Road NE Suite 555, Atlanta, GA 30326 Phone no: 770-888-5078 Email: [email protected]
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frankjerry311 · 2 years
Health Guidlines For Holiday And Business Travel
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It is for you to put off traversing to a spa for a massage when you're busy in function and home a lifetime. Everything else just seems more important inside the heat of the time. Yet, once you slow down enough time to have that massage, you will understand its value and why you have include it in your schedule. Here are 5 great instances when you should let go of a few hours to go to your spa for a massage.
Raise money for your journey by selling unwanted possessions on the online market place or inside a garage sales event. The money generated from these activities can go directly on a journey 'treat' like a massage, meal or pleasure trip.
Of course, half finding out of planning for a getaway making use of your spouse or partner is choosing the romantic destiny. Luxurious, long uses the beach or an abandoned retreat involving mountains? Lot so a number of different romantic destinations for new parents. It is just a question of locating the right fit for a. Do a little research into the different new parent friendly resorts. Depends upon how far along into the pregnancy you are, health-care professional . want acquire a place with a clinic native. just in the situation.
Invest within your spiritual 출장안마 reality. I was talking to complainant last week who gets up at 4:30 AM everyday spend 45 minutes with his daily devotion/ writing component journal/and prayer time before hitting the fitness center at 5:30 AM. He is doing this at least 5 days a work week. I thought to myself, "talk about fortifying your armor for day time - this is actually the best technique to start." Once the mind, body, and spirit, are all nourished and balance and harmony are working in place, you'll be ready to battle each day, regardless of how big the challenge.
Australia gave us Forster's Beer and Crocodile Dundee, but they didn't stop here. After dominating the leisure and entertainment worlds, they tackled travel. Qantas is the national airline of Australia and rivals every airline on the planet in the service you will from the flight attendants and aviators. But the food they serve, extending its love to coach customers, is cuisine. They are rated in the top airports known to man in arriving and departing on available free time.
The Aussie's have made air travel a pleasure again.
However, the actual first 48 hours at 3600m altitude in Lhasa you can do not to help eat. Overnight you force yourself to drink and nibble, since cannot sleep anyway, whereas in the morning you return the food almost un-tampered with. At altitudes above 4000m you recognise very clearly how the body is not quite to ensure. For each movement possess to convince yourself. However, it cannot make sense, to plan and have enough money for the trip and then to the particular days in Lhasa between the sheets. So, we "persuaded" ourselves to want the next outing. Atlanta divorce attorneys hotel and each drugstore, a genuine effort . oxygen from your handy pressure bottle with two hoses for the nose. This bottle helps a lot against the consistent headaches. However, it will be good for your few seconds. After that, headache is . A good business concept.
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mapmillion121 · 4 years
Divorce Lawyers in Atlanta Ga | Best Divorce Attorney in Atlanta | Family Court Lawyers in Atlanta,GA
Looking for a divorce lawyer in Atlanta? Naggiar & Sarif Family Law handles a broad range of divorce and family law practice areas. Schedule a meeting today!
Please visit-https://nsfamilylawfirm.com/practice-areas/
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lawyersdatascraping · 5 months
Securities Attorneys Email Database
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Securities Attorneys Email Database
In today's digital age, having access to accurate and up-to-date contact information is crucial for any successful marketing campaign. For securities attorneys, this is especially important as they navigate the complex world of securities law and regulations. That's where the Securities Attorneys Email Database by LawyersDataLab.com comes in.
The Securities Attorneys Email Database is a comprehensive and reliable source of contact information for securities attorneys across the country. It provides access to an extensive network of professionals who specialize in securities law and can provide valuable insights and guidance to law firms, lawyers, and legal marketing companies.
List of Data fields
The Securities Attorneys Email Database provides a wide range of data fields that can help you refine your marketing efforts and connect with the right audience.
- Full Name: The names of securities attorneys are listed to help you personalize your communication.
- Email Address: The database includes verified email addresses, ensuring that your messages reach the intended recipients.
- Law Firm: Information about the law firms that securities attorneys are affiliated with can help you target specific firms or establish partnerships.
- Location: The database provides location data, allowing you to focus your marketing efforts geographically.
- Practice Area: Securities law encompasses various practice areas, and the database categorizes attorneys based on their areas of expertise.
By utilizing these data fields, you can tailor your marketing campaigns to specific segments of securities attorneys and increase the effectiveness of your outreach.
Benefits of Using Securities Attorneys Email Database
Using the Securities Attorneys Email Database offers a wide range of benefits for law firm marketing, lawyers marketing, and legal marketing companies. Here are a few key advantages:
- Targeted Reach: With the database, you can easily reach a highly targeted audience of securities attorneys who are actively practicing in the field. This ensures that your marketing efforts are directed towards the right professionals and increases the chances of generating leads and conversions.
- Time and Cost Efficiency: Instead of manually searching for contact information or relying on outdated directories, the database provides instant access to a wealth of accurate and verified email addresses. This saves valuable time and resources that can be better utilized for other marketing strategies.
- Increased Response Rates: By directly reaching out to securities attorneys through email, you can significantly increase the chances of getting a response. Email marketing allows for personalized and tailored messaging, making it more likely to resonate with recipients and prompt them to take action.
- Competitive Advantage: Utilizing the database gives you a competitive edge in the legal market. By having access to a comprehensive list of securities attorneys, you can stay ahead of the competition by targeting the right professionals and establishing valuable connections.
US Lawyers Mailing Lists by State
Medical Malpractice Attorneys Email List
Bankruptcy Attorney Database
Database of Workers Compensation Attorneys
General Practice Attorneys Email Database
Immigration Lawyers Mailing List
Divorce Lawyers Database
Email List of Government Lawyers 
Personal Injury Lawyers Database
Database of Property Law Lawyers
Tax Attorney Mailing List
Best Securities Attorneys Email Database USA
San Antonio, Long Beach, Oklahoma City, Los Angeles, Baltimore, San Francisco, Virginia Beach, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Detroit, San Diego, Phoenix, Nashville, Omaha, Bakersfield, Tulsa, Arlington, Miami, Houston, Springs, Orlando, Honolulu, Wichita, New Orleans, Portland, Sacramento, Raleigh, San Jose, Tucson, Philadelphia, Albuquerque,  Colorado, Louisville, Fresno, Las Vegas, Denver, Indianapolis, Fort Worth, Washington D.C., El Paso, Austin, New York, Memphis, Dallas, Boston, Seattle, Chicago, Columbus, Charlotte, Milwaukee and Mesa.
To conclude, the Securities Attorneys Email Database offered by LawyersDataLab.com stands as a potent tool for law firm marketing, lawyers' marketing, and legal marketing companies. It offers numerous benefits, including targeted reach, time and cost efficiency, increased response rates, and a competitive advantage in the legal market. By utilizing the database and its comprehensive data fields, you can refine your marketing efforts and connect with the right audience of securities attorneys. Discover the power of the Securities Attorneys Email Database today and take your marketing campaigns to new heights.
Website: Lawyersdatalab.com 
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winterscaptain · 4 years
intellectual guesswork.
Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader
a/n: another ajf update that requires absolutely no context to enjoy! i love you all so much. send some extra love to your favorite writers this week :)
one quick thing - if you’re on my taglist, please consider dropping a reply or a reblog! i love to see what you all think, and it encourages me to keep going :) it’s also getting a bit long, and i want to make sure my mutuals and people who engage are seeing everything - tumblr sometimes has a hard time with a lot of mentions. 
words: 1.6k warnings: none!
summary: “ignorance of the law excuses no man - from practicing it.” - addison mizner. au!may 2008
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | taglist | what do you want to see next? edited: january 12th, 2021
You all settle into one row. Aaron’s on the end beside you, looking very sharp in a crisp black suit, his favorite Rolex, and a settled kind of confidence you’ve only seen in him a few times. It’s like he’s in his natural habitat. 
Aaron’s record as a federal prosecutor speaks for itself, of course, but you’ve never seen him in action. As often as they can, the bureau’s leadership sends him in as an expert witness. This time, the case happens to be one of yours. The judge hasn’t required a sequestration for Aaron, so you get the treat of sitting together in the courtroom. 
He’s scoffed and mumbled snide remarks under his breath all morning. You’re just itching to see him get up on the stand and give this joker an education. 
Emily leans over, whispering in your ear. “I promise you’ve never seen anything like this before. Hotch is going to rip this clown to shreds.” 
You stifle a laugh and look over at Aaron. He heard her. Leaning toward you, he murmurs, “All my JD does is collect dust. When I use it, I’d like to enjoy it.” 
“Your Honor, the prosecution would like to call our expert witness, Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner, to the stand.” 
He takes a breath and rises, buttoning his suit jacket and crossing the courtroom. His presence commands respect and everyone in the courtroom seems to shrink before him. 
The prosecution’s questions go over smoothly, and the defense attorney stands with an unreasonable amount of confidence. 
Emily leans over. “He thinks he can get Hotch with at least one of these questions, and he might. But just watch.” 
You nod, taking everything in. 
“So you’ve stated that it was your profile of the killer that led you and the police to my clients door that night.” 
“Behavioral analysis was a factor in our investigation, yes.” 
Without hesitation, the attorney follows up. “And was behavioral analysis also a factor in the Olympic Park bombings case in Atlanta?” 
“Yes, it was.” Aaron’s eyes and tone never waver, no hint of arrogance or cheek. 
“And was that suspect you identified,” the attorney asks, far too aggressively, “Richard Jewell, ever convicted of the bombings?”
The prosecution objects, and you watch Aaron. Every part of him observes the proceedings with an outwardly detached interest, but his eyes are alive - strategizing and anticipating. It’s like you can see the wheels turning as the lawyers bicker. 
 The judge ends the squabble. “I’ll allow it.”
Aaron, now with permission, answers simply, “No, he was not convicted.”
“Because he was innocent. Your profile led you to the wrong man.” 
Oh, give me a break. It takes everything in you not to scoff and you can feel Emily’s eye roll.
“Jewell was not the perpetrator, but if you look at the real Olympic Park Bomber, Eric Rudolph, you’ll see that our profile was dead-on.” 
Dead-on indeed, Aaron. 
“Well, how about we look at the Baton Rouge Killer? Your unit said that he was white and living in the city. He was Black and from the suburbs.”
Aaron’s eyes narrow and you feel Spencer shift beside you. Emily shakes her head. “Don’t worry,” she whispers. “He always recovers, never in the way you’d expect.” 
“How do you know?”
Emily’s face pulls into a little smile. “I’ve read the transcripts. Hotch is terribly clever.” 
“You said that Dennis Rader, the B.T.K. Killer,” the attorney continues, “was divorced and impotent. He turned out to be married with two kids.” 
JJ huffs, and you hear her whisper to Spencer, “Can we quit with the sermon?” 
His lips turn up. “Just wait.”
Dave leans over and stares them down over Derek. Stop talking. 
All of you look down at your hands like chastised children, but your gaze floats back to Aaron right away. 
The prosecution objects again, this time on the grounds of preaching. The judge forces a question, and the attorney turns back on Aaron.
“Having been wrong on those cases, isn’t it possible that you were wrong about Brian Matloff?” 
“No.” Your chest squeezes. He’s completely firm in his denial. 
How does he do that?
“Fact is,” the attorney continues like Aaron didn’t speak at all, “behavioral analysis is really just intellectual guesswork. You probably couldn’t tell me the color of my socks with any greater accuracy than a carnival psychic.” 
Her outburst is unnecessary. Aaron has a plan. His eyes track to you as if to check in. Are you paying attention? 
If you weren’t watching before, you’re certainly watching now. Always. 
“Charcoal grey.” His flat assertion makes you gasp and you immediately cover your mouth with your hand to stifle the sound. 
The attorney turns around. “Well, look at that,” he exposes his socks to the court, and they are, in fact, charcoal grey. “He got one right.”
Aaron’s not finished. “You match them to the color of your suit to appear taller. You also wear lifts and you’ve had the soles of your shoes replaced. One might think you’re frugal, but in fact, you’re having financial difficulties.” 
You do your best to school your expression and remove your hand from your mouth. Checking down the row, you see six smirks watching the witness box. 
“You wear a fake Rolex…”
And you’d know. 
“...because you pawned the real one to pay your debts. My guess would be to a bookie.” 
Is he smiling?
“I took this case pro bono.” There’s tension in Mr. Charcoal Grey’s voice. You can hear it behind the false confidence and it pulls a smile from you. “I am one of the most successful criminal attorneys in the state.”
Hotch continues, completely bypassing him. “Your vice is horses.” There’s definitely a little smile on his face now. “Your Blackberry’s been buzzing on the table every twenty minutes, which happens to be the average time between posts from Colonial Downs. You’re getting race results.” Your smile gets wider, and Emily grabs your hand. 
“Just watch.”
“And every time you do, it affects your mood in court, and you’re not having a very good day.” There’s something that looks almost like concern on Aaron’s face, but you know it’s nothing if not facetious. He’s ripping this poor man to shreds without changing a single thing about his presentation.
I love - 
Don’t finish that thought. 
Why not?
Remember how he’s freshly divorced?
I know, but have you seen him?
“That’s because you pick horses the same way you practice law -” 
You lean forward and Emily follows, her thumbnail between her teeth. 
The final blow. 
“- by always taking the long shot.” 
If this was any other setting, you’re sure the entire team would be on their feet, shouting and jeering. But alas, you’re in court, so you settle for a wide smile and a suppressed laugh. Amused brown eyes meet yours from across the room and you shake your head just the tiniest bit. I can’t believe you.
His lips twitch. 
“Well, you spin a very good yarn, Agent, but as usual, you’ve proven nothing.” He’s just trying to recover something, anything left of his dignity. He fails, miserably. 
“If I’m not mistaken,” Aaron says, his eyebrows raised just a little, “the results from the fifth race should be coming through any minute.”
Just then, his Blackberry buzzes on the defense table. “Why don’t you tell us if your luck has changed?”
You raise your hands to your face to cool the rising heat in your cheeks. 
“Your honor, this is - “
The judge takes matters into his own hands. “What do you want me to do? Either show us your Blackberry or cut him loose, counselor.”
Hotch and the defense attorney share a loaded look. It’s a battle of wills. 
Aaron wins. 
“Nothing further.”
When you all leave the courthouse, you practically latch onto Aaron’s arm, completely floored. 
“How did you do that?”
He laughs and Derek jumps up beside him, shaking his shoulders. “Come on, Hotch. That was incredible.” 
“Why have a law degree if you aren’t going to use it?”
He offers you a ride home later that evening and you take him up on it. You’re both still in the car, idling in front of your house. 
“That really was impressive today,” you admit, your eyes on your hands.
You can feel his soft smile rather than see it. “Thanks. I know it didn’t quite go the way we wanted as far as the case itself, but there’s more to come.” 
“It’s never as bad as it looks in the first couple of days.” 
“Exactly.” He sighs. “Thanks again for being there today. It’s…” his lips twist as he thinks, “nice to have the team around.” 
You reach out, squeezing his forearm before immediately letting him go. “Of course. We’ll always be there for you. Plus, there’s nothing better than watching you tear blowhard lawyers to shreds in a court of law.” 
“I’m not sure that’s exactly how it went.” 
“You’re kidding!” You laugh. “That’s just what happened. The man left without half his soul! You absolutely tore it from his body.”
The pair of you quiet, and you move to get out of the car. He stops you with a hand over yours as you unclip your seatbelt. “Really. Thanks for being there today.” 
“I can’t emphasize this enough - it was my pleasure.” 
Enough of a pleasure as it was, his smile in the dark of the car is the best part of your day.  
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A Divorced Parent’s Guide to Summer Vacation Planning
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With only a few months left in the school year, many children are already dreaming about lazy, carefree days during summer break. Who can blame them? Many of the best memories of childhood are created during summer: making new friends at summer camp, going on road trips to Disney World or national parks, sleeping late in the mornings and staying up late at night. Summer is a kid paradise.
But, what’s a kid to do when they have to deal with visitation schedules, stepparents, or other day to day realities of a divorced parent’s existence? How can you help keep your child’s summer dreams alive while still meeting all your court-ordered obligations?
The answer is to plan ahead. Here are some tips from Family Matters Law Group that will help you as you begin to plan for summer vacation 2019.
Don’t Wing It — Plan Ahead!
You already know what your parenting schedule is going to look like. So, plan around it. The time for that big house cleaning project or volunteer activity is when your children are with the other parent. When they are with you, the center of attention needs to be on the children!
Remember that if you are already aware of a scheduling conflict or the need to make adjustments to a summer visitation schedule, it is not enough for both parents to agree. You need to talk to your family attorney and make sure that you don’t need to run changes through the court first. Violating a court order is not the way to start a fun summer vacation!
Divorced or not, every parent knows it’s impossible to be with your children every minute of the summer. Smart parents plan ahead. If you know you have to work while your children are visiting, it’s time to research local camp options or summer enrichment activities that can occupy some time while you’re away.
There are many local options for enrichment that play on children’s interests — Harry Potter camps, robotics camps, athletic day camps. Children do better when school returns in the fall if they have engaged in enrichment activities during the summer, versus just laying around and watching TV nonstop.
Take Care of Your Kids (And Yourself)
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Summer doesn’t have to be all go,go,go. You remember what it was like to be a kid. So, use that as a guide for how to create a good summer. There should be some downtime, days for your child to sleep late, or just hang out. The key here is moderation — don’t let the entire summer be like that.
Children of divorce often worry about being able to spend time with their friends during summer vacation. A very nice way to take care of your children’s needs (and win some big cool points as well) is to include your children’s friends in your summer planning.
Also, create some time for yourself as well. Summer can be fun for adults, too. Take note of the times on the visitation schedule when you have some time for yourself. Plan a trip, curl up with that book you’ve been meaning to read, or head to the spa. By recharging your batteries, you’ll be much better equipped to handle the energy level of your children during their summer break.
Have A Great Summer
Remember to take a deep breath and relax. You don’t have to spend a lot or have everything perfect to create a fantastic summer break. We all have nice memories of eating ice cream cones, having backyard barbecues, or simply riding bicycles with our best friends. Summer memories are often made up of the small things. Don’t sweat it — plan ahead, leave room for downtime, take care of yourself, and make it about the children. You’ve got this!
Family Matters Law Group hopes you have a great summer vacation. If you have questions about summer schedules, or need help with a divorce or custody case, and you are in the metro Atlanta area (especially Henry, Clayton, or Fayette counties), contact us today. We’re ready to help.
The post A Divorced Parent’s Guide to Summer Vacation Planning appeared first on Family Matters Law Group.
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