#Best daddy Kharjo
fallrimxreader · 2 years
I'm so happy I found your blog😭 I've been looking everywhere for some Skyrim content that's reader based but you might just make me okay fallout 4 hehe
If you still take requests for Skyrim I'd like to see Kharjo with a s/o that would like to adopt because they feel so much pain for the little kids that are left in the streets. Maybe Kharjo and his love have been married for a while but they were with the Caravans and didn't have time to think about more than marriage? That's all up to you!
I personally have a mod that allows you to adopt a lot of kids because I feel so terrible everytime I see them😭 I hope you are having a great day or night! Thank you for letting us read your beautiful works on this blog, it's so fun!
{Thank you for this ask, it makes me so happy!! First of all Kharjo is my favourite companion of all time, I always get him to follow me. I love him and wish I could marry him in the game. I will happily write for him any time. And second thank you for enjoying my writing, that means a lot to me! <3 }
(Y/N) and Kharjo had been married for close to a year. Travelling with the caravans for the entire time. They had wanted to start their own lives when they got married, but at the time of the wedding the caravans were in a tough spot. Together they decided to stay and help. They only expected to help for another few weeks but time quickly flew by. The work was busy, so they had little time to think of anything but the safety of the caravans. Any time they did get alone was spent focusing on each other, thoughts were rarely spent on the future.
Each time the caravans stopped at a city, (Y/N) would take a walk through it. Sometimes to restock on items they couldn’t get themselves or from other caravans. This particular day they had stopped at Dawnstar. (Y/N) was walking past the mines when a boy ran past them carrying a pot of food, almost bumping into them.
“Sorry.” He spoke.
“That’s okay kid. Why are you in such a hurry?”
“I’m running food and supplies to the miners. Don’t pay much, but they let me sleep by the fire in the inn most nights.”
“Where are your parents?”
“Dead.” He muttered sadly. (Y/N) felt a deep ache in their heart, they felt sorry for the boy and just wanted to take him to safety. No child should have to work like this. “Sorry I’ve got to run.”
He left, leaving (Y/N) to stare after them and worry about his safety. Later that night (Y/N) and Kharjo cuddled on their bedroll. It was an easy day, no threats to the caravan. And they had just hired another Kahjit mercenary to work with them.
“Yes, my moon?”
“Have you thought about our future? What we might do other than work with the caravans?” (Y/N) asked, their head laid on his chest. Kharjo was silent for a moment, pondering.
“Being honest, I have not. The caravans have mostly been on my mind. Other than you of course love.” Kharjo gently rubbed (Y/N)’s arm.
“Well, I have been thinking. I’d like to have a home with you. Somewhere permanent to stay, and hopefully that would mean we could have children.”
“I would like that very much.” Kharjo hummed happily in reply. “You are the one I want to spend my life with and having a family with you would make me very happy.”
(Y/N) sat up and faced Kharjo, it was dark but after living outside for so long their night vision had gotten better. Kharjo sat up also and the pair looked at each other.
“Something else I was thinking about. Today I met a boy, and his parents are dead. I was thinking we could adopt him. What do you think about that?”
“Adopting? I think that is a wonderful idea. Those children need a home, and I would be happy to give them one.”
“That’s great!” (Y/N) tackled Kharjo into a hug. Then pulled back, sudden guilt swaying over them. “What about the caravans?”
“They have been good to us. But we have also been with them long enough. Besides, I only joined because they paid me. There was no obligation to stay.”
(Y/N) laughed. They went back to cuddling and soon fell asleep, happily dreaming of their future. In the morning the pair packed their things. The caravans were stronger and since they recently hired new mercenaries Kharjo and (Y/N) were not very necessary. So, they bid farewell and ventured into the lands of Skyrim in search of a new home.
“Before I met you I did a bit of mercenary work for a lot of people, some were even jarls. I was offered a home in most cities, though I know that you don’t want to enter any of the cities. Aside from that I was offered a home that will be absolutely perfect for us!”
“And where would that be?”
“Just outside of Falkreath. Let me show you.”
They travelled to Falkreath, then past the town. There they found an empty plot of land that over looked the lake. For a while the two stood in silence, holding hands, admiring the view.
“I like it. We should live here.” Kharjo stated.
“Yeah?” Kharjo nodded, making (Y/N) smile with glee. “I still have all the money I saved from my early mercenary days, so it will be enough for the land and some lumbar. If you’d be happy to split some costs with me, we would be able to make the place however we want.”
“Of course I would pay with you, we are doing this together.”
They talked to the Jarl of Falkreath, who was more than happy to give the land to (Y/N). After purchasing the land, and some lumbar the two got to work. For weeks the two worked hard, chopping, nailing, and hammering their little house together. It was hard work, but they were determined to see it through. Often the pair would take breaks by the river, listening to the peaceful sound of water rushing by.
“Kharjo, I met another child in Whiterun. They also lost their parents. Maybe we could adopt them too?”
“Of course.” He answered without hesitation.
“My mother gave me many brothers and sisters. I am used to a large family.”
“Ok, so how many children would you be willing to have?” (Y/N) asked. Kharjo thought for a second.
“All of them.”
“What?” (Y/N) gasped.
“Look at that house. Do we need all that space just for us? I don’t think so. There are many children around Skyrim, that need a warm house, a bed and a family. And I think we can be that family.”
“Oh Kharjo.” Tears swelled in (Y/N)’s eyes, their future was coming together and it made them so happy.
Finally, the house was finished. They had many bedrooms, most with two beds and one with four. Plenty of room for any child that wanted to stay.
(Y/N) woke to an empty bed, confused they began to walk around the house. They found Kharjo in the bedroom on the lower floor.
“What’s going on?” (Y/N) asked. Kharjo turned, he was holding a number of dolls in his arms. Looking to the beds, (Y/N) could see he had placed a doll on each of the beds.
“I just, want them to have something when the get here.” Kharjo smiled. Once again (Y/N) felt tears coming to their eyes. They ran forward and hugged Kharjo tightly.
“You are going to be such a good father!” (Y/N) sang. “You know what, why delay this any longer. I’m going to head out right now and start adopting those children.”
“I will come with you, then together we can guide them home.”
Their first stop was Dawnstar. Kharjo waited by the carriage while (Y/N) looked for the boy. They found them inside the inn by the fire.
“Hey again.”
“Oh hi” He greeted.
“What’s your name?”
“Alesan, I was wondering. Would you like to come home with me?” The boy sat up quickly.
“You, you want to adopt me?”
“Yes, if you’d like.”
“Really? You mean it? Wow, thanks! I promise, I won’t be any trouble at all.” (Y/N) laughed and guided the boy outside to meet Kharjo.
“This will be you father, Kharjo.”
“Hello Sir.” Kharjo smiled and knelt down.
“Hello, it is very nice to meet you.”
All three took the carriage to Whiterun. Alesan and Kharjo waited outside while (Y/N) entered. They walked to the main center where they found a young girl sitting on the bench.
“Hello again Lucia.”
“Hi ma’am.”
“I have good news Lucia. I have a house now, which means if you’d like you can come and stay with me.”
“Yea! Thanks! I promise, I’ll be the best daughter ever!” Lucia jumped up, giving (Y/N) a big hug. They left the city meeting Kharjo and Alesan outside. Lucia quickly ran to Kharjo and gave him a big hug.
“Thank you, thank you.” She yelled against his armor. Kharjo smiled, lifting Lucia and spinning her around. The four hopped on board and were taken to Falkreath. They travelled North of the city to their new home.
Upon entering the house, the children ran around, admiring every detail. Lucia ran to one of the beds and picked up a doll.
“Is this for me?” She asked.
“Of course, it is.” (Y/N) answered.
“I love it!” Lucia hugged the doll tightly.
"And I have something for you." Kharjo said, handing a wooden sword to Alesan.
"This is amazing, thank you!"
A couple of days later a courier knocked on the door. Kharjo answered and took the letter. He grinned upon opening it. He went back into the kitchen where his partner and two children were making sweet rolls together.
“My moon.” He spoke. (Y/N) hummed in reply. Kharjo showed them the letter. It was from the orphanage in Riften, asking if they would like to adopt. (Y/N) laughed, surprising the children.
“Hey, who wants some more siblings?”
“I do!” The children yelled in unison.
“I’m so happy you have come to adopt. These children are just great and will be so thankful for a home. So, which one would you like?” The woman from the orphanage asked.
“All of them.” (Y/N) answered with a straight face.
“I’m sorry?” The woman stuttered; certain they had misheard.
“I am here to adopt all of them.”
Four children squealed happily, as they were led outside the orphanage. (Y/N) walking behind them a large smile on their face. They all left Riften, getting on the carriage waiting outside and headed to Flakreath.
Kharjo and his son and daughter were playing hide and seek. Kharjo was the one counting. He had gotten to five, when he heard a distant sound of laughing children. He uncovered his eyes and turned, seeing his partner walking towards him with four children in tow. He laughed joyfully and opened his arms.
“More children to make this family even more perfect.” The children ran at Kharjo tackling him into a group hug. “Would you like to join our game of hide and seek?” He asked. The children agreed and quickly ran to find somewhere to hide.
(Y/N) walked up to Kharjo, giving him a hug. They shared a sweet kiss then smiled at each other.
“My life just became complete.” He whispered.
“For now, until I find some more children. Then it will be even more perfect.” (Y/N) giggled. Kharjo laughed as well. (Y/N) then ran off to hide, and Kharjo started counting from ten again. This was the best life he could have ever wished for.
One-night Kharjo was woken by a small hand shaking him. It was his daughter Runa. She hugged her doll tightly as she looked at him.
“I had a nightmare.” She admitted. “You’re not going to give me back to the orphanage, right?”
“Oh, sweet daughter.” Kharjo cooed. He sat up and took Runa in his arms. He then picked her up and brought her into the bed with him. (Y/N) slept undisturbed. He looked at his daughter who had fear on her face. He then gently took his moon amulet from around his neck and placed it around Runa’s.
“Here. My mother gave this to me when I was just a cub. It was so I would think of home, and whenever I looked at it I would know my mother loved me. Now I want you to have it. Any time you look at it, you can remember that this is your home now and that we will always love you.”
Runa hugged Kharjo tightly.
“You’re the best dad I could have ever asked for.” She then settled into the bed and fell asleep happily beside Kharjo. He laid down between his partner and his daughter. Drifting to sleep in pure happiness.
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